
setuidWhen did Linux start requiring a GUI and a logged-in user to start networking? Did I miss a meeting on this?00:26
setuidI need wireless to start up when the machine boots, regardless of whether or not a GUI is installed, running or a user is logged in. How can I do that?00:26
Amaranthsetuid: NetworkManager is doing it, not "the computer"00:26
setuidThis "used to" work, but has since been removed over the last 2 releases of Ubuntu00:26
AmaranthI think the answer is "use the new gdm where NetworkManager will run and get you connected"00:27
setuidAmaranth, Ok, so how do I neuter NetworkManager, and get networking back the way it was before?00:27
AmaranthStill requires a GUI but...00:27
Amaranthsetuid: edit /etc/network/interfaces to setup your network00:27
setuidAmaranth, gdm no longer works in Intrepid or Jaunty, I'm stuck booting to CLI, and using startx.00:27
maxbNetworkManager does not require a logged in user00:27
setuidIf I try to start gdm, it just tries to reload X a bunch of times, and defaults to some very basic level of capability (320x480 or something)00:28
maxbLog in, edit the connection, and set it to be a system-wide one00:28
setuidOk, let me try that00:28
setuidThis all used to work cleanly with wpa_supplicant00:28
maxbsetuid: You're free to abandon NM and use wpa_supplicant if you wnat00:29
setuidI also noticed that Intrepid runs my T61p a *LOT* hotter than Hardy did, which causes the physical hardware to hard-lock a dozen times a day.00:29
setuidIf I pull the Intrepid drive out, put in Hardy (same exact package list installed), it never overheats00:29
setuidit's pretty maddening when I've got dozens of apps loaded, to have the laptop just hard-lock on me00:30
setuidSo I have to OC the fan, which makes the system LOUD... just to keep it from overheating under Intrepid00:30
maxbInteresting, can't say I kept an eye on the temperature hardy vs. intrepid00:30
maxbThis is a channel for Jaunty, btw :-)00:31
setuidI know00:31
setuidI was trying Jaunty to see if it was any better than Intrepid00:31
Amaranthhehe, the apply button in Edit Connections doesn't work00:31
setuidAside from no sound, wireless, video or WWAN support... it isn't.00:31
Amaranthso if I tick "Make available to all users" it won't do it because I can't apply the changes00:31
maxbYeah - I find I have to mess with another setting (e.g. Connect automatically) before it will be willing to save the change00:32
maxbsetuid: Well, I'm sorry you're suffering so, but my Z61p likes Jaunty just fine00:32
setuidI've had trouble in Intrepid and Jaunty with the sierra driver... never comes out of suspend. Hardy's version works fine, however.00:32
maxbWhat's a sierra?00:32
setuidseems like we've de-evolved though, from Hardy (rock-solid, everything worked out of the box), to Intrepid (trouble with video and wireless) to Jaunty (almost nothing works right)00:33
setuidsierra is my onboard WWAN card.. not wifi, but the wirleess broadband card.00:33
maxbsetuid: You're moaning a little too aggressively to generate sympathy00:33
Amaranthmaxb: Nope, the problem is it wants to use PolicyKit for the all users setting but seems to be failing00:33
setuidIf I suspend (Intrepid or Jaunty), and resume... wifi comes back, but sierra does not. Requires a power off, power on (not just a reboot)00:33
maxbAmaranth: different bug, I guess00:34
Amaranthmaxb: Doesn't matter what else I change, once I change that setting I can't apply00:34
maxbToday's updates have caused all my compiz window decorations (title bars, etc.) to turn into a featureless light grey, anyone else seeing this?00:51
crdlbyes, everyone is setting that00:56
Amaranthmaxb: downgrade metacity01:17
gourgior just use emerald :D01:20
Amaranthgourgi: Yeah, say that again in 6 months :P01:23
Amaranth(emerald is going away)01:24
gourgiAmaranth in six months i'll say "or just use jasper" :-P01:24
RAOFAmaranth: Is that emerald not being ported to compiz++, or you writing a shiny new lecacyless decorator? :P01:24
AmaranthRAOF: emerald is not being ported01:24
Amaranthand jasper is kind of dead too (and probably not the way to go)01:24
gourgiAmaranth that's not what i 've heard about jasper ;)  http://smspillaz.wordpress.com/2009/02/06/woah-what/01:25
crdlbheh -_-01:26
Amaranthgourgi: that really means nothing01:26
Amaranthgourgi: that's "hopefully this happens"01:27
gourgiso it is something01:27
Amaranthgourgi: You should really ignore that01:27
crdlbyou could make a blog and it would have just as much importance01:27
syockitno, it ain't gonna kill you01:28
syockitbut merging compiz++ is pure destruction!01:29
AmaranthThe jasper code base might be a good place to pull stuff from when doing a different decorator01:29
maxbAmaranth: metacity is fine for me... compiz isn't01:30
gourgii thought sam was talking as part of the compiz developers not just expressing his own points01:30
gourgianyway Amaranth will talk about it in six months :)01:31
Amaranthgourgi: The point is no one is working on jasper so whatever he says is kind of...yeah01:31
gourgiit was the first thing i asked myself when i heard the news about the future of compiz " what about emerald?" i hope someone will give emerald/jasper some love too ...01:33
unixdawgwhats happening to compiz ?01:34
gourgiunixdawg Planet Compiz Fusion01:34
gourgi there are several posts there01:34
maxbCompiz/Metacity titlebar malfunction is at Bug 32786102:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327861 in compiz "compiz no longer decorates the window (solid grey titlebars)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32786102:13
kazagistarwow, the bleeding edge is FUN!02:15
kazagistaris it normal for alphas to grow slowly more broken as time goes on?02:16
maxbNo, it's normal for alpha to grow differently broken as time goes on :-)02:17
crdlbI would say that's perfectly reasonable, as new upstream versions are not always introduced at the beginning of the development cycle02:17
syockitkazagistar: i guess so. it's always like normal breakage on a1,2, then more breakage on a3,4, then superbreakage on a5!!02:17
kazagistarI can't log in through normal boot (only rescue works) the window decorator stopped drawing, and just now, Gnome-do decided to quit after every command I give it (kinda defeating the point) :D02:18
syockitthen suddenly everything becomes fine again on beta02:18
kazagistarthe great thing is, it is all perfectly useable02:18
syockitkazagistar: your kernel/xorg update, maybe?02:18
kazagistarbut, I just use rescue, and then hit continue boot, and it load fine02:19
kazagistarplus, when I ctl-alt-f1, the screen stays blank02:19
kazagistarit is something with display... it all works, I just cannot see it if I use default boot02:20
kazagistardoes that sound like xorg? if so, I will report it, but I thought tty was separate from xorg02:21
kazagistarit seems kernel related to me02:21
syockitkazagistar: ahh, I remember there's something with putty not running at startup... a rare case, that was02:22
kazagistarum... the thing is, it still works... I can log out, and execute commands02:22
DPicso adobe released flash for 64-bit linux, but is that what's included in jaunty or does it still just use the 32-bit version?02:23
kazagistari dunno, but it looks from bugtracker like it does?02:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 310031 in flashplugin-nonfree "[jaunty] Ubuntu should install 64bit flash when installing flashplugin-nonfree on 64bit systems" [Undecided,Invalid]02:25
DPicwhen i installed flash it said it also needed nspluginwrapper02:27
DPicis there a way i can tell which version of flash i have?02:27
legodudeugh, jaunty really hates my desktop02:27
legodudenow KDE will load, with no plasma, desktop, anything02:27
DPiclol really? it's been working great for me02:27
DPicoh i'm using gnome02:28
legodudetotal fail02:28
DPicyeah i tried KDE and it failed on me so i decided to give up for a couple weeks02:28
kazagistarI guess mine works02:28
kazagistarI can still close windows, I just have to guess where the buttons are, because it isn't rendering decorations02:29
legodudetotally broken02:29
legodudecan't even log out of it02:30
macothat thing where you get a black screen before gdm comes up. i thought that was supposed to be limited to nvidia users? i'm getting it on intel02:30
kazagistarI am too02:30
kazagistardoes it also happen if you enter tty?02:31
macoi cant get to the tty once it does that02:31
legodudewon't detect my other monitor either :(02:31
macoit kills VT switching02:31
kazagistarah, mine doesn't02:31
legodudeyeah, my VT does not work02:31
macoeh well vt switching has never worked consistently for me02:32
kazagistarI can't SEE the terminal, but I can still log in and execute commands02:32
macofor the last 2 weeks it was doing great!02:32
kazagistarer, that is, in normal login02:32
macothe last day's updates sent me back to "my TTYs are blank" mode02:32
legodudeI almost wonder if this machine needs to be reinstalled02:32
legodudethat it got sick somewhere along the way02:32
kazagistarit just needs a quick beta fix :P02:33
legodudeI don't understand though02:33
legodudeit is bog standard02:33
legodudeI am not doing anythign funky on it02:33
legodudeall latest updates02:33
legodudeand KDE is unusable02:33
legodudeKDM login screen is in middle of two monitors now02:35
kazagistarthat sounds like a pretty easily fixable bug02:35
legodudesure, but that is the least of all of the problems02:36
legodudeI log in, get a bunch of messages about various programs including plasma have crashed02:36
legodudethen a black screen with a cursor02:36
legodudeI think I'm just going to turn it off until the beta02:39
kazagistaryou could hack at you kdeinit file and force it to start xterm or something02:40
legodudewell, it came up with konsole02:41
legodudebut was unusable02:41
legodudedidn't actually show the terminal02:41
unixdawgok I have had 4 lockups today02:42
legodudeI mean, I understand this is life on the bleeding edge02:42
legodudebut I don't know how these packages can be pushed out if they simply don't work02:42
unixdawgbut the blade is cutting to deep02:42
kazagistar...but the edge is decapitating you02:42
PiciWe get bleeding edge packages.  Then we file bugs.  Then we get the bugs fixed.02:42
legodudelike the recent xserver bug02:42
unixdawgbut how can you file a bug when your whole system locks up and there is nothing in the log to explain why02:43
kazagistarand no common thread?02:44
DPicubuntu should have a repo of extra themes and stuff02:47
DPicjust sayin'02:47
DPickazagistar, you could write it by hand and mail it in!02:50
|ns|nR8someone tell me why ubuntu needs to send packets to
legodudeisn't that non-routed?02:52
d1bisn't that the multicast ?02:53
d1bi suppose it is avahi02:53
|ns|nR8yeah its multicast02:53
|ns|nR8i notice windows does it aswell02:53
d1b|ns|nR8: where ? haven't seen windows do it much02:54
d1bunless you have installed bonjour ...02:54
legodudeah, multicast02:54
|ns|nR8it sends to a multicast address when your network connection first goes up02:54
legodudeknew it was some magic02:54
|ns|nR8not sure if its the exact same adress02:54
|ns|nR8i was running a packet sniffer over ppp on windows02:55
|ns|nR8soon as dialup connects it sends to all routers multicast or something02:55
|ns|nR8googling has lots of people with the same question02:56
|ns|nR8but no one has a real answer02:56
|ns|nR8hmm i think i found some answers02:59
|ns|nR8now i just wonna know how to turn it off03:01
macod1b: bonjour is only on mac03:16
macoso yeah, itd be avahi on linux03:17
macoi thought multicast was all terribly broken on ipv4 though03:17
d1bmaco: no you can use bonjour on windows03:20
d1bsee apple03:20
macoyes, apple makes bonjour, but i thought that client was only for osx03:21
d1bit exists03:21
cwilludrat, suspend is broken again03:22
syockitmaco: you must have forgotten all the ruckus apple caused the windows iTunes update some months ago03:23
macosyockit: no, i knew about that. i didnt think they sent bonjour with it though03:23
syockitmaco: yup they did. evil apple ;)03:24
macoer, at least, assuming you mean the "if you install quicktime, we force you to get itunes, and if you install that, we force you to get safari"03:24
syockitmaco: no, it was the apple updater03:24
macoright if you install any updates, they force that crap on your03:25
macocant update quicktime without getting itunes, period03:25
syockitmaco: there was an update for the updater, and the updater tries to install bonjour when updating itunes03:25
macosafari might be optional...03:25
syockiteverything was optional, but nowadays optional seems to mean default03:25
kazagistarobnoxious browser-pushing defaults differ from wise paternalistic defaults03:31
kazagistarlike, if it only installed Safari by default if IE was the only detected browser, that would be just fine by me :)03:32
d1bsyockit: neat i like bonjour03:35
syockitwhat does it do anyway03:35
macosyockit: service auto-discovery03:36
macoit can tell you "hey, this LAN includes a printer and a set of speakrs!"03:36
macoand autoconfig the wireless printer and let you automagically play your music through the house speakers03:37
syockithmm? how is that supposed to work with windows03:38
syockitit seems os-centric03:38
syockitoic, all the apps who knows it will use it03:38
macoyeah im not sure how auto-config it can get on a system like windows03:39
macobut you can tell windows media player "hey, go play through the LAN speakers instead of the onboard ones"03:39
syockit"A full installation of Bonjour for Windows will include a plug-in for Internet Explorer, a printer wizard and the network communication services."03:39
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andrew__i upgraded to 9.04 and now i have no minimize/maximize/close buttons on my gnome windows04:40
andrew__any ideas04:40
andrew__its just one grey bar04:40
andrew__not even the orange human color04:40
andrew__everything eelse seems ok04:40
RAOFThat's the new metacity messing with Compiz.04:41
SwedeMikeI have the same problem with a fresh 9.04, so it seems to be a common problem04:42
macoRAOF: why are *both* running?04:43
RAOFThey're not; this is (IIUC) a change in libmetacity; gtk-window-decorator uses libmetacity to draw metacity themes, and doesn't like the change.04:44
crdlbby metacity, he means libmetacity-private04:44
crdlbRAOF: hey, you're smart; why is gwd creating a new colormap in create_pixmap? :D04:48
RAOFcrdlb: Because it'd like a colourmap with an alpha channel?04:49
RAOFSCORE!  What a guess.  I've never even read any of the gwd code :)04:50
crdlbI mean, isn't it perfectly adequate to use that function?04:50
crdlbthat's what's upsetting metacity (creating a new one with gdk_colormap_new)04:51
tarheelcoxncould someone please point me to the most appropriate channel to ask questions about using PPA?04:52
macotarheelcoxn: #launchpad04:52
tarheelcoxnmaco: thank you04:52
Amaranthcrdlb: Is that new?04:53
crdlbthe gdk_colormap_new has been there forever04:55
RAOFgdk_screen_get_rgba_colormap is newish, I believe.04:56
RAOFgwd probably predates it.04:57
crdlband gwd already uses that function in a couple of places04:58
* RAOF has got nothing04:58
crdlbwell, it definitely works when I change it to set the colormap of the pixmap to that of the style window (which has already been made rgba via that function)04:59
tarheelcoxnperhaps somebody here knows offhand since #launchpad seems to be dead... <https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Copying packages> points to <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive/+copy-packages>05:31
tarheelcoxnbut the latter is not a valid page05:31
DanaG(EE) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Device has changed - disabling.06:08
DanaGMakes me have to SAK Xorg.06:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 267495 in hal-info "Dell Precision M90 hotkeys not working" [Undecided,Incomplete]06:13
DanaGSame happens for me.06:13
DanaGCompletely different laptop.06:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 325560 in hal-info "Backlight keys FDI addition for HP 6730b" [Undecided,Fix released]06:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 284319 in linux "mute, brightness buttons on new HP 6930p laptop" [Undecided,New]06:22
FFForeverwhat is a good ffpeg movie player?06:22
FFForeverDanaG, can i turn the lights off on the media panel on hp notebooks06:23
DanaGI don't think you can.06:26
FFForeverany idea about an ffmpeg/ffplayer that is better then ffplayer?06:26
FFForever(with a seeker?)06:26
DanaGI use mplayer, myself.06:30
DanaGI don't know anything about ffmpeg.06:30
RAOFmplayer uses ffmpeg.06:30
RAOFI tend to use Totem, myself :)06:30
DanaGOdd..... the HAL fdi file for the HP laptop maps e008 to "presentation" -- which is an invalid key name.06:34
DanaGrunning strings on the hald-addon-input gives no such string.06:35
FFForevermplayer won't play this mkv =P06:36
DanaGugh, this "flat volumes" misfeature is really stupid.06:39
DanaGIf only one app is playing audio, then the indicated volume of the stream matches the indicated volume of the device....06:40
DanaG... and if you move the stream, it arbitrarily changes to match the other device.06:40
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cwillubtw, anyone with decoration issues, if you don't already have a workaround, "compiz-decorator --replace --theme blah"07:37
cwillu--metacity-theme blah, rather07:38
crdlbwhat happens if you do that, exactly?07:41
crdlb(I don't want to rebreak my gwd to test)07:41
cwillucrdlb, you know the default compiz window theme?  It'll just fallback to that07:43
cwilluprobably a more direct way of achieving that, and it's not even close to a fix, but I don't feel like patching gwd myself, so it'll do until the fix finds its way in :p07:44
crdlbcwillu: ah, I see07:49
crdlbthere's also a gconf key07:49
cwillucrdlb, bug #327793 if you haven't seen that already07:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327793 in metacity "Window decorations in title bar missing with compiz enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32779307:51
* cwillu pokes crdlb and his patch with a stick in the general direction of the comment field :p07:52
crdlbit didn't occur to me that using a bogus theme name would actually disable metacity theme rendering07:52
crdlbcwillu: upstream :>07:53
* cwillu pokes crdlb with a stick in the general direction of the 'link to upstream bug' field07:53
* cwillu huggles his poking-stick07:54
* crdlb nurses his bruises07:54
digger3I've got greyish border surrounding my windows when enabling compiz. Maximize buttons etc are responsive though. intel X4500, any tips on where to look for a fix?07:56
* cwillu hits rewind for a moment, and hits play07:58
cwillu"""btw, anyone with decoration issues, if you don't already have a workaround, "compiz-decorator --replace --theme blah""""07:58
cwillu"""--metacity-theme blah, rather"""07:58
* cwillu hits stop07:58
cwilludigger3, in a terminal, run:  compiz-decorator --replace --metacity-theme blah07:58
cwilludigger3, as a workaround07:59
cwilludigger3, https://launchpad.net/bugs/32779307:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 327793 in metacity "Window decorations in title bar missing with compiz enabled" [Undecided,New]07:59
crdlbwhat if he has a theme installed called 'blah'!?07:59
cwillucrdlb, then he's silly, and we can't believe a word he says08:00
* cwillu pokes crdlb with a stick08:00
digger3cwillu: thanks, I was looking using the wrong search terms :)08:01
digger3cwillu: hmmm, your suggestion only works when I specify some non-existing theme. If I try to load clearlooks (for example) the problem remains.08:07
crdlbyes, that's the point08:07
crdlbthe metacity theme rendering support is broken, so, by specifying a non-existent theme, the default "cairo" theme is used08:08
digger3crdlb: ah, ok, I tried to fullin the blah part, but it was meant litteraly :) nm then08:08
digger3I did not understand the underlying cause08:08
zniavrei heard about this project>http://www.clutter-project.org/08:15
zniavreis it yet inclued in metacity ?08:15
cwilludigger3, had I meant 'blah' as a meta variable, I'd have said <blah> :p08:15
zniavreincluded *08:15
crdlbzniavre: no08:17
nurettintsclient locking screen how can i resolve this ?08:22
DanaGWhat a hideous hack: I got fglrx to work by downgrading X server yet again... and then switching to the XFCE session manager.08:57
DanaG... and then running everything Gnome under it.  =P08:57
cwillucrdlb, has anyone ever asked you why you're named after a carriage return database with an extra 'l'?09:08
DanaGcarriage return database?  means nothing to me.  Seems like two completely unrelated things smacked together.09:09
crdlbyes, you did just now09:09
DanaGYay, I have-eth my Compiz back.09:10
cwilluhonestly, that's how I've always read your nick as far back as I can remember09:10
DanaGQuite very hackishly.09:10
cwilluonly noticed the 'l' just now09:10
crdlbnot using a monspace font? :)09:10
cwillumonospace fonts, how ugly09:11
* cwillu likes his typography09:11
crdlbbut that breaks figlet and cowsay!09:12
DanaGAnd sl.09:12
DanaG!info sl09:12
ubottusl (source: sl): Correct you if you type `sl' by mistake. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-15 (jaunty), package size 24 kB, installed size 192 kB09:12
cwillusilly trains09:13
DanaGwhile (sl -e); do sl -le; done09:13
cwilluyour shell?09:13
cwillunot that bash script?09:14
DanaGNot sure I get the question.09:14
cwillu#!/bin/bash\nwhile (sl -e); do sl -le; done09:14
crdlbI don't think too many people use a proportional font in a terminal09:15
DanaGNah, I just ran that line manually.09:15
crdlblol at the bugs section of the manpage09:16
DanaGI wonder if that's true.09:20
virtuelvdid decorations in compiz just break10:41
virtuelv(As in, they are there, but are always grey on grey for me)10:41
cwilluvirtuelv, https://launchpad.net/bugs/32779310:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 327793 in compiz "Window decorations in title bar missing with compiz enabled" [Medium,Fix released]10:41
cwilluworkaround:  compiz-decorator --replace --metacity-theme blah10:42
cwillu(literally, blah, doesn't matter what you put there as long as it _isn't_ a valid theme)10:42
virtuelvI guess I can live with that fix for now10:44
virtuelvwhat seems positive after this morning's update, is that intel+xorg+compiz no longer equals "slow"10:45
mnemovirtuelv: that bug only happens after vt-switch, suspend/resume or after xorg has been running for a long time usually10:46
mnemoi dont think it's fixed10:46
mnemovirtuelv: the third patch proposed for it seems to improve the situtation though, but that patch hasnt been commit to ubuntu yet --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/32081310:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 320813 in linux "[drm] compiz animations cause temporary freezes with vblank" [High,Fix committed]10:47
virtuelvdunno what's different today then, but compiz has been OK for me so far today, which is quite unlike what I've experiencing any other day when coming in to work10:47
cwilluvirtuelv, there's another bug with 945's+gem, if that's what you're seeing, there's a few workarounds.  There may even be a fix :p10:47
virtuelv product: Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller10:48
mnemois the release after jaunty going to be a long term support release??12:09
SwedeMikeno, it's only the .04 releases that are LTS12:10
mnemobut jaunty isnt LTS right?12:11
* Assid waits patiently to use up his net connection12:11
Assidcmon man.. im itching to use my network12:11
SwedeMikecorret, 9.04 isn't LTS12:13
SwedeMike6.06 and 8.04 is LTS, so I guess 10.04 will be LTS again12:13
mnemo"we can commit that the next LTS release of Ubuntu will be 10.04 LTS, in April 2010."12:15
Assidin all honesty. i ust want a new release so i can stretch my bandwith12:17
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ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:34
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eXlinI have problems to do anything with jaunty-desktop-amd64.iso disk (burned in tao mode). I cant do anything (install, livecd, check cd...) without that i goes to BusyBox. i hava alpha4. my hardware is Athlon 64 3000+, 2Gb, 200G maxtor ata, nvidia 6600 256Mt....14:41
eXlinany suggestions why it wont work? i tryed safe graphics mode. i checked few files and they all matched to md5 checks14:42
charlie-tcaeXlin: I would ask that in #ubuntu+1, maybe. They deal with jaunty14:47
eXlineh, istn this ubuntu+1?14:48
Assidcharlie-tca:  stopdrinking!!!14:48
charlie-tcaMe just waking up. Sorry for the bad information14:52
eXlinSo any suggestion what could cause that installation problem in jaunty-amd64?15:04
ikoniaeXlin: burn it with a supported application ?15:06
ikoniarun the verification check on the cd ?15:07
ikoniacheck the md5's on the image before you burn ?15:07
eXlinbut i mean, it boots from that disk, gives start navigation and i checked few random files after burn and their md5 was correct. and .iso image has correct md515:08
eXlinit gives graphical loading window of ubuntu but falls to BusyBox15:09
ikoniado the checks I suggested first15:09
ikoniajust because it boots does not mean it's fine15:09
eXlincan run verification check on the cd because it goes to BusyBox also15:10
eXlinand i have done md5 check to image on my hd15:11
eXlinburned it to cd-rw. didnt validate burned data but it rarely fails15:11
charlie-tcaIs that running the "Install Ubuntu" directly or through the desktop after running the liveCD?15:12
ikoniaeXlin: if that goes to busy box the cd has a problem15:12
ikoniaeXlin: that's %100 run in memory15:12
eXlinhmm... well i am doing usb-installation image atm so maybe that will help on that15:13
eXlinok, well i reboot now. thx so far ;)15:13
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackelope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule15:26
thehookany news about the nvidia driver?15:38
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ikoniain what respect15:40
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cypherdelichello, can somebody please prove me wrong that gnome-calculator can't calculate 2,54*1680 or even 2,54 *3 ???16:41
cwillucypherdelic, as in 2.54?16:42
cwilluworks for me16:42
charlie-tca4267.2 here16:42
cypherdelicwait i get a ridicolus products when multiplying inch16:42
charlie-tcaMine doesn't have inch16:43
cypherdelic2,54*3=762 ; yes inch (2,54cm) ; 2,54*1680=4267216:44
cwillucypherdelic, gnome calc doesn't have unit conversions that I know of16:44
cypherdelicI use the unit as i input *2,54 ;)16:44
cwillucypherdelic, your locale may not be set right, in which case you'd need 2.5416:44
charlie-tcaBut perhaps it is because it calculates in tenths, and inches are usually measured in eighths or sixteenths16:44
cypherdeliccwillu: I clicked onKommatar16:44
cwillucypherdelic, no idea, works fine for me though16:45
cypherdelici just want to calc 2,54*3 ok and i dont get the correct procuct16:45
cwillu762 or 7.62?16:45
bluesmokecypherdelic: try 2.54*316:45
cypherdelicmy result is 762 :(16:45
bluesmokejust like that16:46
cypherdelicwhen i just calc 2,5 *3 it is correct :(16:46
cwillucypherdelic, is the ',' actually showing up when you type it?16:46
cypherdelici dont type it i clicked it in the gui, yes it is shown :/16:46
cypherdelicits just the result is wrong16:46
cypherdelicwhen floating point goes finer than x,x16:47
cypherdelici just upgraded to jaunty16:47
cypherdelicshould ill file a bug report or should i wait, has anyone got a solution or similar problem?16:48
cwillunone of us see the problem :(16:48
cwilluya, file the bug16:49
cwillu(hell, file the bug first, worst case, somebody answers immediately, and google records it for the next person)16:49
cypherdelicyou want to see it, i can make a screenshot of how i input it graphically and clicked on =16:49
cypherdelicshowing the result16:49
cwillufile the bug16:49
cwilluinclude the screenshots :)16:50
cypherdelicill try it via console and look for any output16:50
cwilluhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcalctool/+bug/324451 is the closest I can find, but it's dropping a zero, not dropping a decimal point16:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 324451 in gcalctool "gcalctool returns wrong answer, drops '0'" [Low,Incomplete]16:52
cypherdelicno console-output even with -D -E, and no correct result with -a 9; still 2,54 * 1680 = 42672 :(16:56
cwillucypherdelic, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcalctool/+bug/31830016:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 318300 in gcalctool "no commas in gcalctool " [Medium,Fix committed]16:56
cwilluallow me to express my appreciation for allowing me the opportunity to do your launchpad search for you :p16:56
cypherdelicyou're such a nice dude :D16:57
* cwillu pokes cypherdelic with a pointy stick16:57
cypherdelicmine version is to old i guess16:58
* cwillu cheers, his window decorations are back!17:00
cypherdelicdamn 5.25.91 is not available in jaunty yet due fix was released yesterday17:02
cwilluthe fix was released upstream.  Give it some time :p17:03
cwilluthey're not going to apply the fix directly here, and then back it out in two days when the upstream package is synced17:03
cypherdeliccan somebody calc something for me?17:04
cypherdelicjust a joke17:04
cwillucypherdelic, 4217:07
cwillucypherdelic, could just use a python prompt though17:07
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cwillu(python, and then regular math)17:07
asdfsAnyone else getting this when trying to check the calendar in intrepid? evolution: /build/buildd/libical-0.43/src/libical/icalerror.c:106: icalerror_set_errno: Assertion `0' failed.17:24
ethana2anybody here have gconf-editor installed on Jaunty that could tell me if it can edit <schema>s?17:27
fosco__ethana2, don't understand17:29
cypherdelicHas anybody experienced choppy audio especially the login-sound?17:29
* charlie-tca forgets to turn the speakers on17:30
asdfscypherdelic: indeed17:32
cypherdelicat least pidgin sound is not choppy, hmm totem played videos laggy.17:34
christophsturmhey, what desktop search engine does kubuntu jaunty use?17:34
cypherdelicvlc is crapped :D17:34
macochristophsturm: er...strigi?17:35
macoi think?17:35
christophsturmok, just wanted to check that it doesnt use tracker instead of strigi before I try to find out why search doesnt work17:36
macono, tracker's a gnome thing, pretty sure17:38
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ethana2fosco_: usually when one opens gconf-editor, they can edit all kinds of variables17:47
ethana2but there are these <schema> values that you just can't do anything with17:47
Turlhi there17:48
Turlcan you help me with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/328156 ?17:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 328156 in ubuntu "There is a big delay between logging in in GDM and getting the desktop fully loaded" [Undecided,New]17:49
Turlthis is a regression from intrepid17:49
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askandIs anyone here able to start evolution and click on the calendar?18:06
marijusaskand: me yes...18:07
Turlanyone experiencing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/328156 ?18:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 328156 in ubuntu "There is a big delay between logging in in GDM and getting the desktop fully loaded" [Undecided,New]18:08
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BipolarI'm just curious... has anyone else had an issue with the KDE desktop not comming up after a login? The splashscreen disapears and I'm left with a mouse cursor, and nothing else.18:51
BipolarIt's been like this for a few days. I keep hoping the next set up updates will magicly fix it. :P18:52
macoBipolar: turn off compositing18:56
macocompiz and kwin-with-compositing are doing that18:56
Bipolarmaco: ahh... ok. just uninstall the package?18:56
macolemme find the setting...18:58
Bipolarmaco: thank you :)18:58
macoin ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc18:58
macoin the [Compositing] section18:58
macoset Enabled=false18:58
macoi *think* you should be able to login then18:59
Bipolarawesome. thanks!18:59
BipolarI'll give it a shot as soon as the updates are done.18:59
macoBipolar: i havent actually tried it, but its the most logical setting in the most logical config file :P18:59
Bipolarheh.. ok.18:59
Bipolarmaco: interesting.... I added the section and the setting, and kde came up. then I reenabled it, and it still works.19:13
macoBipolar: oh yeah it just hangs the login. its fine after that19:14
macoBipolar: disable it before you log out again :P19:14
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Bipolarnono, I mean I enabled it, then logged in again.19:16
Bipolarthere are still issues though.19:16
Bipolarsomehow half my desktop is black. :P19:16
Bipolaroh well. I'll disable it again :)19:17
Bipolaryeah. odd19:20
BipolarWow... look at all the work thats been done on the networkmanager. holy crap.19:24
AondoBipolar  what stuff?19:25
BipolarAondo: all the settings for connections. Setting MAC addresss for wired connection. Too much to list.19:27
BipolarThe layout is much simpler too19:28
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gwhipneed help! upgraded about 2 hours ago and no nvidia driver now20:09
rainmanp7Anyone using Alpha4 ?20:22
charlie-tcaIf you are running Jaunty and updating, you went past it, but the answer is sure.20:32
charlie-tcarainmanp7: this channel is users running jaunty20:34
rainmanp7What level ius jaunty at right now because I got lost by a huge update20:34
charlie-tcabetween alpha4 and 520:35
charlie-tcathe updates the last couple of days have been difficult20:35
rainmanp7I love jaunty and want to help lol but scared of the Alphas lol20:35
rainmanp7I mean there still massive >?20:35
charlie-tcawill be for a while... It is still alpha20:36
rainmanp7they need to put a option in there to switch sound devices from usb to onboard etc..20:36
rainmanp7You think they might shoot for btrfs ?20:37
charlie-tcaThat should be in your bios, shouldn't it?20:37
rainmanp7I will be willing to sacrifice a hard drive to it :)20:37
charlie-tcaI don't know btrfs20:37
rainmanp7No the operating system knows there are 2 sound devices it depedns on the operating system of wich to play from20:38
bacaci|workI'm starting an instance on EC2 and I noticed the jaunty release20:38
bacaci|workHow stable is it?20:39
rainmanp7Btrfs Is a file system the fedora is including into there Alpha 11 thing I'm hoping that the jaunty will have it (please)20:39
rainmanp7Alphas are crazy :)20:39
charlie-tca!topic | bacaci|work20:40
ubottubacaci|work: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:40
charlie-tcarainmanp7: I haven't seen anything about it20:41
Picibacaci|work: I wouldn't reccomend it to anyone that isn't very capabale fixing their own problems :)20:41
bacaci|workI know a little bit20:41
bacaci|workhowever dont have the time20:41
bacaci|work8 weeks for this project20:42
bacaci|workso i'm going to stick with intrepid20:42
PiciGood idea20:42
rainmanp7Pici I completely agree :)20:43
rainmanp7on the whole thing if you try it you better be able to handle things breaking and fix it ya self20:43
rainmanp7177 people and growing20:52
duncan-nzCan someone check something ridiculously easy for me? There's something funny happening with the calculator.21:03
duncan-nzcan you tell me what 87.50+87.50 is in your standard gnome calculator?21:08
duncan-nzrainmanp7, what's your locale?21:09
duncan-nzI'm getting 1750!21:09
duncan-nzdanbhfive_jaunty, what's your locale?21:10
danbhfive_jauntyi dunno, US?21:10
TecumsehI have a strange annoying error on kubuntu jaunty latest alpha. I finally got my display running at a proper resolution with the driver supplied through the hardware drivers panel (nvidia v180). Now the widgets on my screen seem to be restricted to the area of 1024x768 on the upper left side of the screen. My current resolution however is 1280x1024. Anyone noticing simular behaviour?21:10
virtuelvanyone seen some applications' entries in the window list on all workspaces, even if the app is only visible on one?21:10
virtuelvstarted happening after my last update21:10
virtuelvin particular with xchat21:11
duncan-nzdanbhfive_jaunty, thanks21:11
duncan-nzvirtuelv, sorry, not happening here.21:12
virtuelvodd, it's just xchat21:13
Z_Godis there a way to get debug symbols of ia32-libs?21:15
Tecumsehdoes anyone have a clue for me about the plasma glitches that I have?21:31
anderskIs it known that ssh-agent (seahorse-agent?  gnome-keyring-agent?) stopped working recently in Jaunty?21:55
anderskI get "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." errors when trying to use an SSH key.21:55
maxbandersk: I got that in intrepid too. I ditched the imitations and went back to good old reliable ssh-agent22:12
TecumsehI have a strange annoying error on kubuntu jaunty latest alpha. I finally got my display running at a proper resolution with the driver supplied through the hardware drivers panel (nvidia v180). Now the widgets on my screen seem to be restricted to the area of 1024x768 on the upper left side of the screen. My current resolution however is 1280x1024. Anyone noticing simular behaviour?22:55
Commie_Caryare the ATI property drivers work with juanty23:07
cwilluCommie_Cary, not yet that I know23:09
Commie_Carycwillu, isnt jaunty xorg 7?23:11
Commie_CaryX.Org 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, or 7.423:11
Commie_Carysccording to ATI23:11
* cwillu checks the release notes23:11
cwillu"""A new XServer, version 1.6, is included in Alpha 4. The binary proprietary fglrx driver is not yet supported for this server and will exhibit various serious issues if run against it. Users of this driver are encouraged to wait or to switch to the open source -ati driver in the meantime. #308410"""23:12
cwilluit could be working since alpha4 was released though23:13
cwilluI just haven't heard anything23:13
RAOFNo; there's not yet a working fglrx driver.23:14
Commie_CaryX.Org 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, or 7.4 <---- from the ati website23:14
Commie_Carycwillu, according to ATI they support 1:7.4 isnt that what jaunty uses23:17
cwilluCommie_Cary, this isn't complicated :p  If you have new information, then you have new information, but as far as I know, the packaged driver isn't working yet.  If ati released something today, don't be surprised if you have to wait half a day until it's been updated23:22
Commie_Carylet me use ndiswrapper and see23:23
cwilluI'm looking at the changelog of xorg-driver-fglrx, last update was on the 9th23:23
Commie_Carycwillu, it allows you to "install" a OS onto a disk, your hardrive, etc23:26
RAOFYou're thinking of something that isn't ndiswrapper :)23:27
Commie_Carycwillu, according to ati its working so ill try it23:27
Commie_Caryoh not ndiswrapper23:27
Commie_Carywhy am I thinking that23:27
Commie_Carywhats it called23:27
Commie_Carycwillu, unetbootin23:28
lamalex_3hey, is anyone having a broken ssh latest updates?23:43
lamalex_3buffer_get_ret: trying to get more bytes 4 than in buffer 0 buffer_get_int: buffer error23:44
lamalex_3^^ that's the error I keep getting23:44

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