
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:05
thomasdelbekeserver is down00:06
thomasdelbekeI was about to file a bug:00:06
PiciWhich server?00:06
Picicdimage.u.c works for me.00:07
thomasdelbekenot for me ...00:07
thomasdelbekeu mean like(?):00:08
thomasdelbekersync -zhhP cdimage.u.c ~/somewhere00:08
thomasdelbekeI used:00:09
thomasdelbekersync -zhhP rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily/current/jaunty-alternate-i386.iso ~/Desktop/rsync/jaunty-alternate-i386.iso00:10
thomasdelbekeCan you check (?):00:10
PiciTheres no cd images there.00:12
thomasdelbekeI know00:12
thomasdelbekethere use to be00:12
thomasdelbekehave thwey moved?00:13
thomasdelbekeused to be / they00:13
thomasdelbekesorry: slightly toasted00:13
PiciThey either failed to build or just didn't build.00:14
thomasdelbekehmmm ...00:14
PiciI wonder if #ubuntu-testing may know better00:14
thomasdelbekeI'm doing something wrong again?00:14
thomasdelbekeI'll check that ou then00:14
thomasdelbekeThanks a lot!00:15
thomasdelbekethanks 4 that00:19
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dholbachgood morning05:46
macodholbach: hiya05:52
dholbachhi maco05:53
macodholbach: what replaced xutils and x-dev?05:56
dholbachI think it's a bunch of individual small packages05:58
macoaw, crap05:58
dholbachtry asking in #ubuntu-x05:58
macoi dont know how to figure out *which* of those smaller packages this package build-depends on05:58
Ryan52yay for trial and error! :)06:02
macoRyan52: ?06:05
macoim dpkg -S'ing for the headers. #include "foo.h" means foo.h is part of that package, right?06:06
macoi only have to look for the ones in < >?06:06
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arathekorn_: ping10:19
thekorn_ara, hi10:20
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arathekorn: hey! your changes (and mine) are now in the packaging branch at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ubuntu-qa-tools/packaging10:20
arathekorn: a bug for sponsorship is now at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-qa-tools/+bug/32799210:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 327992 in ubuntu-qa-tools "Please upgrade to ubuntu-qa-tools 0.1.1" [Undecided,New]10:21
thekornara, brilliant, thanks10:21
* jpds takes a look.10:21
arathekorn: could you please get the latest from that branch, source package it and attach the diff.gz and debdiff to it, please?10:21
arathekorn: and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors when done :-)10:22
thekornara, yes, going to do it in a bit10:22
arathekorn: cool, thanks :)10:24
jpdsara: Have you taken any scripts from ubuntu-dev-tools that might conflict?10:27
arajpds: no, they are different set of tools10:27
jpdsara: OK; just checking.10:28
shankhshow to get the source code of bazaar ... bzr branch lp:amarok is giving me error( cannot pass through proxy) I think I should try to create a patch...10:30
jpdsshankhs: Try #bzr10:33
shankhsjpds: thanx10:33
thekornjpds, one question for you as a packaging hero: what is needed for the update of ubuntu-qa-tools? debdiff or diff.gz or both?10:49
jpdsthekorn: .diff.gz10:50
thekornjpds, ok, good, do you have any docs on how to get this .diff.gz10:51
thekornmaybe I'm blind, but getting a debdiff is described in so many places,10:52
jpdsthekorn: It's generated when you make the source package.10:52
jpds...but this may be a native package, so just pop the tarball up.10:52
thekornyes, no diff.gz after creating the sourcepackage,10:53
jpdsOK; native, debdiff old.dsc new.dsc10:54
thekornyup, that's what I just did10:54
thekornthanks jpds10:54
jpdsAttach the patch to LP, and I'll review and upload.10:55
thekornjpds, debdiff attached10:57
jpdsthekorn: All looks good to me, uploaded, thanks.11:04
thekornjpds, great, Thank you11:04
thekornwow, this was really fast!11:12
whiteplanehow to install -dbgsym for all the packages I have installed?12:34
whiteplane2) how to do that but just for all libs I have installed ?  any ready solution or a script is needed12:34
seb128whiteplane: you can use sudo apport-retrace on a crash file, it will install the required dbg packages before retracing12:48
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pedro_Ubuntu QA Meeting in ~5 minutes at #ubuntu-meeting, feel free to join!16:55
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thekornhi everybody,18:36
thekornsorry, I did not made it to todays meeting, good to see you talked about the hugday tool18:38
thekornand good to see that mrkanister and mangilimic or using it for *tomorrows* hugday :)18:39
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macoasac: hello?22:13
asacmaco: ?22:34
macoasac: does network manager by any chance handle WPA-PSK with TKIP differently from AES?22:34
macoi was just at a cafe and couldnt connect with nm-applet, knetworkmanager, or n-m-plasmoid. but i can connect at home. the only thing i'm thinking is that i use AES and i dont think those unaware of the recent TKIP thing have switched22:35
macoso im wondering if it's possible that i can use WPA-PSK at home but not out n about because of TKIP v. AES in jaunty22:35
asacmaco: PSK should be fully supported22:55
asacmaco: could be your driver22:55
asacmaco: which driver are you using?22:55
macoasac: iwlagn22:56
asacmaco: what kind of net is that?22:56
macoim using 802.11g with AES22:56
asaca g n?22:56
asacyes ... that works?22:56
asacand the not working one?22:56
macoi dont know for sure. i just know it's wpa-psk and that i had the right key22:57
macoi can try setting my router to b or n and see what happens22:57
macoafter class22:57
asaci think n networks cause issues22:58
asacat least they did for some driver/chipsets22:59
asacnot long ag22:59
macothats why i have it set to g-only right now22:59
macon was known to panic on intrepid. supposedly it's fixed.22:59
macobut i didnt have any panic issues, itd just say "configuring" on any of the nm guis for about a minute, then itd give up23:00
macoi thought maybe suspend was a problem, so i rebooted. i tried with all 3 guis for it, and i tried in both gnome-session and kde session23:00
IntuitiveNipplemaco: Did you check with channel the AP was on, and which regulatory domain the PC is operating in (default is US - channels 1-11).23:01
macoIntuitiveNipple: i'm in the US, and i've used the AP before, before they turned on WPA23:01
IntuitiveNipplemaco: I got caught by that self-same thing at home because I operate the AP on channel13 and the default domain was US... changed the option to EU and that solved it23:01
macomaybe a month ago...23:01
IntuitiveNippleMy AP operates WPA2 TKIP+AES and Hardy would connect okay but Jaunty failed with the same symptoms you described23:02
macoill have to go back and do an iwlist23:03
macosee what it says the channel and encryption are set to23:03
macobut first, i should go to class. back in like 15 minute23:03
IntuitiveNippleYeah... I was going to post a bug about it, it was really annoying me, then I noticed some kernel mailing-list traffic about cfg80211 and it clicked since the default is US.23:04
IntuitiveNippleI do think that NetworkManager should make use of it's knowledge of the user locale to reload the driver with the appropriate regulatory domain set23:04
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kwahhi all23:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 327237 in linux "Kernel 2.6.27-11 in 8.10 has no WiFi support" [Undecided,New]23:18
amja1this looks critical to me23:18
kwahQ: is there a possibility to use Apport behind proxy with authorization?23:18
anderskCan someone increase the importance of bug 303112?  If it is not fixed, the OpenAFS client, which many users on Intrepid, will not work at all on Jaunty.23:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303112 in openafs "Please upgrade to 1.4.8 for Jaunty kernel 2.6.28 support" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30311223:28
anderskI think that Medium importance is appropriate, given that this has a "severe impact on a non-core application".23:32
macoasac: ok i'm back. i just tried to connect to open wireless.  knetworkmanager wouldnt respond at all when i chose the network. i killed NM (since it interferes with iwconfig) and tried iwconfig, but it still wouldnt associate.  i restarted networking and then started NM and used the plasmoid, and *then* i could connect. this feels like a "poke til it works" situation23:36
asacmaco: yeah. sounds driverish23:38
asacmaco: to be sure use the gnome nm-applet23:38
asacas thats the only implementation i would trust to do things more or less right23:38
macoasac: it cant be used in kde23:47
macoasac: it doesnt show in the tray at all. and 2 weeks ago nm-applet wouldnt do wpa while knm would :P23:47
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