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didrockshi mvo :)07:50
mvohi didrocks07:50
didrockslut crevette09:04
crevettesalut didrocks09:05
didrockshi seb128 & huats10:23
huatshey seb12810:24
didrocksseb128: python-gnome and python-gnome-desktop are ready (bug #327938 and bug #327933)10:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327938 in gnome-python-desktop "Please, sponsor gnome-python-desktop 2.25.90 to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32793810:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327933 in gnome-python "Please, sponsor gnome-python 2.25.90 to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32793310:24
seb128lut didrocks huats10:34
seb128didrocks: ok thanks10:34
didrocksseb128: you're welcome :)10:35
gesercould someone please look (or even better sponsor) bug 317344 as this blocks the transition of tomboy and f-spot to the new gnome-sharp2 package names?11:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317344 in gnome-desktop-sharp2 "Update to gnome-desktop-sharp2 2.24 for Tomboy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31734411:16
huatspochu: do you remember why you enabled the test-suite on gnome-keyring in debian ?11:18
pochuhuats: because test suites are good11:24
huatspochu: sure but any other reason ?11:24
seb128you guys are speaking about gnome-keyring?11:25
huatsbecause in the latest release, it fails to build if you enable them (because it sets -Werrors)11:25
huatsseb128: yep11:25
pochuhuats: in what arches?11:25
seb128well, that's building the test tools to neither install or run those11:25
huatsseb128: I was asking pochu if there was any reason why he enable the test-suite11:25
pochuhuats: and since what release?11:26
seb128so what is the interest?11:26
seb128you don't run those during the build11:26
pochuseb128: isn't it a test suite?11:26
seb128and you don't install those11:26
seb128right, but you need to run make run if you want to run it11:26
seb128and you don't do it11:26
seb128and you don't ship the tools either11:26
seb128so I fail to see the interest11:26
pochuyou're right then11:26
tjaaltonseb128: I've got a request for gnome-menus; what about moving <DefaultMergeDirs/> to the end of {applications,settings}.menu, so that people can override the values by adding files in *-merged/11:27
pochuclearly what I wanted to do was to run the test suite... but I failed it seems ;)11:27
huatspochu: it was added (the set -Werrors) between the  the dans the 2.25.5 I think11:27
seb128tjaalton: who made that request?11:27
tjaaltonseb128: me :)11:27
pochuhuats: ah ok11:27
seb128tjaalton: I've an air of dejavu11:27
pochuhuats: so feel free to disable it... it seems my change was pointless :(11:27
huatspochu: and it fails on the architectures that are not present on ppa :) (otherwise we could test them more easily)11:28
huatspochu: already did :)11:28
seb128tjaalton: let me find the bug for you11:28
tjaaltonseb128: ok, so for instance now I can't have a file in merged/ which would remove all KDE entries from the menus (we have to install both desktops)11:28
seb128tjaalton: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55744311:28
ubottuGnome bug 557443 in layout "Move <DefaultMergeDirs/> to the bottom of the menu files" [Enhancement,Resolved: notabug]11:28
pochuhuats: btw, do you have your check-symbols script handy? I'd like to have a look at it :)11:29
huatssure :)11:29
huatsI will send it to you this afternoon ok ?11:29
seb128tjaalton: edit the .menu or ship a custom one if you want to do that11:29
tjaaltonseb128: that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid :)11:29
seb128tjaalton: read the bugs for details and talk to vuntz and try to convince him if you still disagree11:30
tjaaltonseb128: now I just include the file with the excludes, and it works just fine11:30
tjaaltonbut I had to add the include to the file11:30
tjaaltonMergeFile that is11:31
tjaaltonanyway, will read11:31
pochuhuats: sure, thanks!11:36
tjaaltonseb128: so the spec sucks :)11:36
andreasnmpt, ping12:08
asacseb128: bug 272010 -> please look at totem debdiff and tell me if you want me to push that or do something else on that package for you ;)12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272010 in totem "Some plugins lack proper ubufox integration (Was: confusing plugin selection dialog)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27201012:15
asacanyone here has sun java5/6 plugin installed and can give me a dpkg -L on that?12:21
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62119612:23
gnomefreakits -l not -L12:23
asacgnomefreak: but i need -L ;)12:24
gnomefreakbut dpkg doesnt like -L12:24
syldeb35asac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62119812:25
asacsyldeb35: hmm ... there is no .so ... where are the alternative links ending?12:26
asachow is that file called?12:26
didrocksI have to bind to evince in gnome-python-desktop update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116783/ but there is no evince-dev or some similar package and it builds successfully without it. Does this mean I have only to add it as a dependency of the binary package?12:28
geserdidrocks: did you checked the build log if it detects evince or not? I guess it checks for evince but as it doesn't find the needed headers it skips it.12:32
didrocksgeser: let me check (and I don't find any package with header for evince, appart from the two libraries that I added libevdocument-dev and libevview-dev)12:33
syldeb35asac : perhaps this one :dpkg -L sun-java6-bin -->http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62120312:38
syldeb35the alternative links end to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so12:38
asacyeah thanks12:39
asacsyldeb35: is that the same filename for sun-java5-bin?12:39
syldeb35not sur because sun-java5-plugin not installed but I have /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
seb128didrocks: there is libevdocument and libevview which are evince libraries12:43
syldeb35and /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
didrocksseb128: yes, (cf my last sentence :)). I will just try to check the build log first12:44
seb128asac: the debdiff looks alright please upload12:44
seb128didrocks: those are the libraries supposed to be used, they did make libraries for a reason12:45
didrocksseb128: so, gnome-python-desktop will not really depends on evince, but only on those two libraries12:45
asacseb128: done. thanks12:45
seb128they made those libs especially for that12:45
seb128asac: did you push the changes to bzr?12:45
didrocksseb128: oh right (do you follow a ML to keep up to date with those informations?)12:45
seb128didrocks: not really, I do read the changes description on the ftp list12:46
asacseb128: am i part of -desktop?12:46
seb128ie the NEWS for new tarballs12:46
seb128asac: dunno, if you are not we can fix that easily ;-)12:46
didrocksseb128: it's just written "New Evince bindings", not that those 2 lib gives these bindings, but yeah, it's implicite :)12:48
asacseb128: trying to push ;)12:48
asacseb128: i think i have no permissions. can you add me?12:48
seb128asac: sure, one sec12:48
seb128didrocks: that might have been detailled on a planet.gnome.org blog12:48
seb128didrocks: and the mention of the split was on the evince side, ie they wrote about new libs allowing embeders12:49
didrocksseb128: ok. What's strange is that I have no "no evince binding found" in the build log when I don't add them.12:49
didrockstoo late ;)12:50
asacnow seb is gone :)12:50
didrockshe will be back soon, as usually ^^12:50
asacyeah. me feels itchy to push the branch and move on ;)12:51
didrocksasac: :)12:51
didrocksseb128: ok. What's strange is that I have no "no evince binding found" in the build log when I don't add them.12:51
seb128asac: added12:51
* asac runs bzr push12:52
seb128didrocks: maybe the configure is not verbose, are the binding built and in the deb?12:52
asacok Pushed up revision 9.12:52
seb128asac: danke12:52
didrocksseb128: let me add the b-d first to compare the build log :)12:52
seb128asac: welcome to ubuntu-desktop too btw ;-)12:52
seb128doing an another bootchart, brb12:55
* asac feels thrilled12:55
asacand a warm feeling of new power ;)12:55
didrocksseb128: yes, it works. It activate a whole bunch of bindings now13:04
seb128see ;-)13:04
didrocksseb128: let me push the new branch version13:04
didrocks(and tag it again)13:04
seb128you are using tagging now?13:05
didrocksseb128: yes, since evince update :)13:05
didrocksI dunno if it's useful, but well13:05
Tm_Thi asac13:06
didrocksseb128: it's ok now13:14
seb128pitti: what command can be called to trigger suspend nowadays?13:24
sorenThat's what I use.13:43
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seb128mvo_: how busy are you today? ;-)14:21
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mvo_seb128: medium, why? need some sponsoring love?14:23
seb128mvo_: no, there is a new gnome-control-center version available, I'm looking at it but in case some your patches need to be updated ;-)14:23
mvo_seb128: hm, I see. if there is trouble please ping me, I will have a look14:24
seb128mvo_: ok thanks, the proxy thing doesn't apply I'm looking at it14:24
seb128did I already say how much I dislike glade changes? ;-)14:25
mvo_you did (and I agree)14:28
gesermvo_: if you have some time for sponsoring, could you please look and sponsor bug 317344?14:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317344 in gnome-desktop-sharp2 "Update to gnome-desktop-sharp2 2.24 for Tomboy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31734414:28
mvo_geser: sure, let me have a look14:29
seb128mvo_: ok that was an easy one you are off the hook for now ;-)14:29
* mvo_ makes a sign of relief :)14:30
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
seb128trying gsd update, brb14:30
crevettewow my karma doubled in the last 2 weeks14:33
crevetteI started low :)14:33
mvogeser: I have to admit that I don't know that much about c#, is ok that its still "libgnomedesktop2.20-cil" (even though this is now updated to 2.24?14:36
gesermvo: me neither, I hope that the Debian maintainers know what they do (slomo did the upload to experimental)14:38
mvogeser: aha, if he did it, then its probably allright :)14:38
crevetteshould I ping someone to have universe packaged sponsored? I did 2 bug reports for new versions with universe sponsors subscribed, but I don't news about them14:39
seb128tseliot: are you there?14:39
mvooho, someone else on the hook now ;)14:39
seb128crevette: no, there is just a lot of items, look on http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring/14:39
tseliotseb128: sure14:39
seb128mvo: see it's not only you ;-)14:39
seb128tseliot: you gave me patch updates for some of the g-c-c changes yesterday, did you actually change something to those?14:40
seb128tseliot: ie 109_screen_resolution_extra.patch applies correctly to 2.25.9014:40
tseliotseb128: yes, I did changes to them14:41
seb128same for 110_screen_resolution_package.patch14:41
tseliotseb128: I think I gave you the right patches, let me check them again14:41
seb128tseliot: could you summarize the changes so I know why I should use your versions and what to write in the changelog ;-)14:42
seb128the previous version of those still apply correctly14:43
seb128I'm not sure what you changed14:43
tseliotseb128: there were only some small conflicts. The real changes took place in the patches for gnome-desktop14:43
tseliotseb128: therefore if the old patches compile, simply leave them as they are14:44
seb128right the 80_aspect_in_dropdown.patch needed to be updated14:44
tseliotthat was relevant to what I do so I thought it would be useful to update it14:45
seb128indeed that was useful thanks for that one ;-)14:45
loolseb128: BTW I know now what really made me unhappy about bug-buddy and gnome-dbg15:24
loolseb128: Something on my system pulled bug-buddy at some point15:24
loolwhich pulled gnome-dbg15:24
loolgnome-dbg and bug-buddy have some circular dependency (one recommends one depends) and wont ever get out of your system15:24
loolDowngrading the recommends make this loop go away, which is good for my sanity15:25
seb128I use neither bug-buggy or gnome-dbg so I was not really bothered but I understand your issue ;-)15:25
loolI guess I could as well drop the bug-buddy depends from gnome-dbg15:26
crevettewhat is gnome-dbg ?15:27
loola meta package pulling all the *-dbg on Debian15:27
crevetteah okay, I thought it was kind of debug wrapper scripts that could appears when a crash happens, and offer you to debug it, like in windows :)15:28
seb128didrocks: is gnome-python-desktop ready to be reviewed?15:28
loolcrevette: Sure, and it would also hand you a patch?   :-)15:28
crevettelool, we could propose to run nemiver instead of bug-buddy :)15:29
crevetteonly for real mens15:29
crevettelool, I hope you bought the wonderful GNOME tee-shirt at FOSDEM?15:30
maxbI have Alt+F6 configured to "Run a terminal" as per default, and in compiz it works. In metacity, instead it causes a thick black border to highlight the active window - what is this hilight for, and why is it intercepting the configured keybinding?15:31
loolcrevette: I did15:32
crevettelool, \./15:32
crevetteare they nice? I choose them, I ordered the print, but I don't know what they look like :)15:32
waltersmaxb: see /apps/metacity/global_keybindings - by default that's switch_group which switches windows inside a "group" (application, sort of)15:33
maxbI guess I need to file a bug about the UI and actual behaviour disagreeing15:34
asacseb128: what do you think about bug 217551 ... nm just opens gtk_menu_popup with activate_time15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217551 in network-manager "Password prompt "freezes" system during presence of a drop-down menu [hardy]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21755115:34
loolcrevette: They are simple and nice15:34
loolI like the color a lot better than last year's15:34
crevettedon't you like the green ?15:35
seb128asac: needs debugging?15:35
crevettethe burgundy looked like cool on the paper15:35
crevetteso I chose that :)15:35
seb128asac: any reason you don't try to authentificate while the menu is open?15:35
maxbWhere are the keybindings that gnome-keybinding-properties edits stored?15:37
asacseb128: hmm ... dont think i understand what you mean. from what i understood the keyring dialog is triggered and then all input isnt processed anymore15:37
seb128asac: to me it seems that the keyring callback get called while the menu is open which creates a keyboard grabbing issue15:38
seb128asac: usually you open a menu, click on an item, that calls the keyring callback and the menu is closed before you get the dialog15:38
asacseb128: how does keyring grab keyboard?15:39
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asacgdk_keyboard_grab ;)15:40
seb128asac: yes15:41
seb128asac: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55478215:43
ubottuGnome bug 554782 in nm-applet "race condition or deadlock between nm-applet and gnome-keyring" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:43
seb128asac: that bug suggests it has been fixed in nm-applet svn some months ago, do you still get the issue on jaunty?15:43
asacseb128: keyring does no error handling for "grab_keyboard"15:45
seb128asac: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/network-manager-applet?view=revision&revision=1062 ?15:46
asacseb128: Not fixed in intrepid, not fixed in jaunty. C'mon guys, this is REALLY irritating bug.15:47
asacseb128: i think it fixed the issue partially15:47
asacif you reopen the menu before keyring pops up it might reproduce still15:48
seb128asac: I agree it's an irritating bug15:48
seb128I'm not sure what the right fix is though15:48
seb128keyboard grabbing should fail in this case no?15:48
seb128trying compiz update15:49
* seb128 looks to mvo15:51
seb128mvo: can I get a wm running? danke!15:51
seb128/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Plugin 'core' has ABI version '20090207', expected ABI version '20080828'.15:52
seb128/usr/bin/compiz.real (ccp) - Error: InitObject failed15:52
seb128/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'ccp'15:52
seb128mvo: you broke my jaunty ;-)15:52
maxbseb128: Have you got the recent compiz-fusion-plugins-{main,extra} updates? They seemed to take a while to reach the mirrors15:52
maxbThough clearly there aren't strict enough dependencies15:53
mvoseb128: did you upgrade everything? hrm hrm15:53
seb128maxb: that's alright, I know what is broken and why, I'm just teasing mvo because he didn't use breaks correctly ;-)15:53
mvobut yeah, some dependency strictness is missing15:53
seb128mvo: no, I did upgrade compiz-gnome15:54
* mvo sighs15:54
mvoseb128: ha! so you did it on purpose ;) ?15:54
seb128which triggered compiz-core and compiz-plugins to be upgraded15:54
seb128mvo: yes, just to show if you did use breaks correctly this time ;-)15:54
seb128show -> see15:54
* mvo hides under a rock15:55
maxbThe new compiz has also broken a few keyboard shortcuts (bug 328111)15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328111 in compiz "New compiz appears to have broken Alt+F1, F2, F6 shortcuts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32811115:57
mvooh, thanks maxb15:57
mvomaxb: could you please check if you have the "gnomecompat" plugin enable (it should be default)15:57
maxbSure!.. How? :-)15:57
seb128mvo: bug #327793 has some users which have issues15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327793 in compiz "Window decorations in title bar missing with compiz enabled" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32779315:59
seb128mvo: but that seems to be partial upgrades15:59
seb128restarting session again15:59
mvoseb128: the broken title bar should be fixed16:00
seb128mvo: ok, I get 6 workspaces on one line rather than 8 on 2 lines now16:01
seb128but compiz is running16:01
mvoseb128: hrm, bad16:03
seb128let me do an another session restart to make sure that's not transitionnal16:03
seb128mvo: hum and the gnome-panel taskbar lists all the dialog open, not only the ones on the current workspace as it should16:05
davmor2bryce: you around yet?16:14
didrocksseb128: thanks for the sponsoring (when you have some time, there is still gnome-python one)16:14
seb128didrocks: did you subscribe the sponsor team? it's not listed on16:15
didrocksseb128: yeah, apparently: bug #32793316:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327933 in gnome-python "Please, sponsor gnome-python 2.25.90 to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32793316:16
seb128it's in the not correctly parsed list, weird16:16
didrocksI will report a bug to dholbach :)16:16
mvoseb128: oh, lets talk about it after my meeting16:18
seb128mvo: it doesn't do it for everything, I'm trying to see what is going on exactly16:18
seb128mvo: are you running you shiny new compiz version? ;-)16:25
mvoseb128: no, don't tell me you run this unstable gnome ;) - kidding, yes I do on my workstation16:26
brycedavmor2: yep16:26
mvomaxb: please open "ccsm" (from e.g. a terminal) and check it should be in the top row16:27
seb128mvo: can you try to open evolution on any workspace and see if it's listed on all workspaces?16:27
seb128mvo: or gnome-screenshot16:27
seb128mvo: listed in the gnome-panel tasks, not in alt-tab16:28
mvoseb128: for me it seems to be only in the main one, maybe its viewport<->workspace ocnfusion again :( ?16:28
mvoand I run a very fresh profile, reseted it the other day16:28
mvo(the compiz profile)16:28
seb128I run a recent profile too16:29
seb128I selected normal in the capplet to restart compiz after the partial broken upgrade16:29
davmor2bryce: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/309482 I've added the nv stuff.  Is there an easy way to force vesa use though for the vesa info everytime it reboots it's using nv again16:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 309482 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "jaunty: Kubuntu OEM enduser setup fails with black screen (nv driver fails)" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:29
mvoseb128: lets debug after the meeting/tomorrow, I may need the dump of your profiel settings16:30
seb128mvo: ok, let me know when you want to debug this16:32
asacmvo: in the past i saw packages in /var/cache/apt/archives in apt-cache show PACKAGENAME ... thats not the case in jaunty anymore?16:36
bryceheya mvo16:39
brycemvo: btw we can drop the blacklisting of Intel Eaglelake from compiz now.16:40
brycemvo, (LP: #261080)16:40
bluesmokebug 26108016:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261080 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Intrepid: compiz fails on Intel McCreary [8086:2e02]" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26108016:41
mvobryce: done16:54
mvoasac: hm, what execalty did you see in the past? I have not changed anything here16:55
mvoasac: I will be away for some minutes, lets talk after16:55
asacmvo: i think i saw all versions in the cache ... now i see: version in archive + version installed16:56
asacbut no version that is in cache but not installed nor in archive16:56
mvoasac: I don't think this ever worked, might be conincidence (archive==version-in-cache)16:58
asacmvo: well. i am quite sure it worked. i used it frequently16:58
* asac confused16:59
asacof course i believe you ;)16:59
mvoasac: hm, I can review the bzr logs, but I have currently no idea16:59
asacyou are the man (TM)16:59
mvoasac: might be really strange side effect or something16:59
* mvo really runs now16:59
brycemvo: excellent, thanks!17:06
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=== asac_ is now known as asac
highvoltageanyone else have a problem in Jaunty where "Launching File Browser" just opens up in a loop in the window list and slows down the machine to a crawl?18:07
dobeyhighvoltage: i've seen that happen in intrepid before. could be an extension you have installed, causing problems18:24
highvoltagedobey: I think it started happening when I installed the netbook-launcher, but it happens even in a safe-mode gnome-session18:25
highvoltage(when the netbook-launcher isn't started)18:25
dobeyhighvoltage: when it happened to me, it was a python-based nautilus extension i was playing with, causing nautilus to "crash" and the session kept restarting it18:25
maxbmvo: ccsm showed the gnomecompat plugin not selected. ticking it restored Alt+F1 and Alt+F2, but not Alt+F6. However, there's a further problem with handling these as a compiz plugin - it means the settings in gnome-keybinding-properties are not respected18:30
* maxb goes to say the same in the bug18:30
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crevettewow a lot of -dbg pulled in the lastest update19:00
maxbYeah, I think that isn't sane19:04
maxbbug-buddy is the source of the Recommends that pulls it all, AFAIK19:04
pochuwell, you shouldn't need bug-buddy in Ubuntu ;)19:05
maxbBut I didn't install it manually19:06
maxbIt may be that update-manager needs to consider removing bug-buddy rather than pulling in all that lot19:06
bencdo I need to install or configure a firewall on ubuntu desktop?19:34
BugMaNbenc: read this -> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/keeping-safe/C/firewall.html19:36
bencthanks. is it recommended or unnecesary?19:37
BugMaNbenc: not necessary like in a windows environment19:38
bencBugMaN: I'm developing  web applications so I guess I should setup a firewall. thanks19:39
BugMaNbenc: ok in this case is better to install a firewall19:40
mvomaxb: thanks for this update, I check it out (tomorrow)20:26
asacsince today my window decorations are white :/20:29
asacmaybe uxa20:29
asaclet me test20:29
asachmm ... that wasnt the problem20:32
bryceasac: is this with the new 6.10.99 -ati?20:47
asacbryce: no thats on my thinkpad with i96520:48
asaci am currently upgrading in the hope that its gone :)20:48
bryceduh right, uxa == intel20:49
asacbryce: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/tmp/screen_white.png20:49
asacbut its not accellmethod20:50
bryceweird.  compiz maybe?20:50
brycecompiz (1:0.7.9+git20090211-0ubuntu1) was uploaded yesterday, that'd be my first guess20:52
bryceif you still have earlier compiz debs in your /var/cache/apt/archives/ maybe try reverting?20:53
asacbryce: ok. it was a temporary issue as it seems20:53
asaclast update made it go away \o/20:54
asachow colorful a desktop can be ... impressive ;)20:54
asacfor a moment i thought it was an experient from dx team ;)20:54
Amaranthasac, bryce: Downgrade metacity, not compiz22:34
Amaranthlibmetacity-private changed22:34
AmaranthThe fix should be in compiz git at this point, gotta check on that22:34
AmaranthProblem was we were creating an RGBA colormap the "old-fashioned" way since when that code was written the way libmetacity wants it done didn't exist22:35
asacAmaranth: for me its fixed already22:35
Amaranthah, mvo is quick :)22:35
Amaranthyay a git snapshot even22:38
Amaranththat means wall viewport changing should look a lot cooler22:38
brycesweetness.  dual head at 3840 x 1200, and compiz is working (and nice performance).22:51
maxbasac's grey titlebar issue should be fixed with latest compiz and metacity in the archive22:51
bryceon RV535/X165022:52
bryceI'm stunned, I've not had both dual-head and compiz like this before.  very nice22:52
* bryce wobbles windows across two monitors22:53
dobeybryce: i wonder how well it works at 4096x1152 :)22:53
brycehmm, only issue so far is when I first enabled compiz, it moved all my gnome-terminal windows to 0x022:55
bryceAmaranth: hey, have you played with the cube and dual-head displays?23:16
Amaranthbryce: not in a _long_ time23:16
brycebasically it seems to give me two cubes, one for each screen23:17
brycewith each screen being an adjacent face on the cube23:17
brycewhich... works... but doesn't feel right23:17
* bryce shrugs23:17
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow

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