
TheMusoslangasek: Do you still get lots of CPU usage with pulseaudio under jaunty when playing music, or is this in intrepid where youe xperience CPu load?00:02
slangasekTheMuso: jaunty00:02
TheMusoslangasek: Right. What hda codec do you have?00:03
Amaranthis 12% for pulseaudio on a 2Ghz C2D when playing music in banshee "lots of CPU usage"?00:04
TheMusoAmaranth: Depending on pulse version, probably.00:04
slangasekAs far as I'm concerned, showing up in top is 'lots of CPU usage'00:04
AmaranthI've got 0.9.14 now and it's only using 4-6% so I dunno00:05
TheMusoAmaranth: Again, what hda codec do you have, if you have hda at all00:05
AmaranthThen again I'm watching a flash video, not playing music in banshee00:05
slangasekTheMuso: remind me how to find the codec?00:05
Amaranth00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)00:07
AmaranthSubsystem: Apple Computer Inc. Device 00a100:07
Amaranthunless there is something else you're looking for?00:07
TheMusoslangasek: CHecking with aplay -l, or /proc/asound/card#/codec# I think it is00:07
slangasekah, *a*sound, right00:08
TheMusoso for me its /proc/asound/card0/codec#200:08
slangasekTheMuso: Codec: Analog Devices AD198100:08
Amaranth$ cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#000:08
AmaranthCodec: Realtek ALC889A00:08
* Amaranth cries00:08
AmaranthI already know I'm boned00:08
TheMusoAmaranth: Ok for you the high CPU is understandable, since glitch free doesn't work well if at all for realtek hda codecs, according to upstream.00:08
TheMusoslangasek: I need to check the driver broken list to see if analog devices codecs are known to not work with glitch free.00:09
TheMusoslangasek, Amaranth, one thing you could try when you have a chance is to edit /etc/pulse/default.pa and add "tsched=0" at the end of the line that loads module-hal-detect.00:14
TheMusoThis turns off glitch free.00:14
Amaranthgah, between pulseaudio and banshee 25% of one of my cores is gone00:14
TheMusoslangasek: Your codec is not on the broken list, but this doesn't mean anything unfortunately.00:14
slangasekTheMuso: er, I thought it was asserted last week that upstream's list of devices that didn't work with glitch-free was adequately comprehensive?00:15
AmaranthE: module-alsa-sink.c: ALSA woke us up to write new data to the device, but there was actually nothing to write! Most likely this is an ALSA driver bug. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers. We were woken up with POLLOUT set -- however a subsequent snd_pcm_avail_update() returned 0.00:16
AmaranthI get that about 5 times a second from pulseaudio00:16
TheMusoslangasek: It may have been, but I can't remember whether it was myself or someone else who said it, and if I said otherwise then, I certainly change it now, based on whats on the upstream wiki.00:16
slangasekTheMuso: so if we don't know what devices are broken, that makes it hard to implement an appropriate blacklist for jaunty?00:17
Amaranthnow pulseaudio is down to 2-4% CPU though00:17
TheMusoslangasek: Indeed it does.00:17
TheMusoAmaranth: After adding that flag?00:17
TheMusoI need to put my realtek codecs through a thorough test with pulseaudio from jaunty and my PPA to see where my cards stand.00:18
AmaranthI seem to always get broken hardware00:18
slangasekwell, pulse is only at 4% on my system before making this change - but as I said, this is comparable to what the media player itself takes, and the media player has to do real work00:18
Amaranthalso don't most laptops use realtek codecs?00:18
RAOFFor what it's worth, pulseaudio 0.9.15 _still_ underruns at the barest hint of CPU usage on my hda-intel.00:19
Amaranthslangasek: what media player is that? obviously not one using gstreamer00:19
TheMusoAmaranth: Unfortunately realtek codecs are some of the most common, however I *BELIEVE* its an alsa driver issue.00:19
slangasekAmaranth: er, it is one using gstreamer00:19
slangasekperhaps I have a faster processor than you?00:19
Amaranthslangasek: You got a 2.8Ghz Core i7 or something?00:19
TheMusohrm even the login sound has glitches in it for my notebook.00:20
* TheMuso turns off glitch-free00:20
RAOFYeah; banshee and pulseaudio trade places at ~2% CPU regularly on this system.00:20
AmaranthI find it amusing that glitch-free _causes_ glitches00:20
AmaranthAlso, banshee and rhythmbox both used 10% CPU on my slower computer as well00:20
AmaranthIt seems as my CPU speed increases their use of the CPU does as well00:20
slangasekclearly something was lost in translation, and it was meant to be called "free glitches"00:20
TheMusoOk, turning that off helped the login sound, now time to test with rhythmbox and mp3s.00:21
AmaranthRAOF: What processor?00:21
RAOFcore 2 7400 or some such.00:21
TheMusoI'm seriously considering offering Lennart SSH access to a box to help debug this issue on a realtek device.00:21
RAOFAmaranth: 720000:22
AmaranthRAOF: How about in real terms? 2.4Ghz? 2.2Ghz? :P00:22
RAOF2.0 GHz.00:22
AmaranthCache matters but not for this00:22
Amaranthgrr, that's what I have00:23
AmaranthWhy is my pulseaudio and banshee using 5x as much CPU?00:24
AmaranthI've got the T7300 (2.0Ghz)00:25
RAOFWith 4MB cache :P00:26
TheMusoRAOF: Have you tried turning off glitch free?00:27
RAOFJust have.00:27
AmaranthIs pulseaudio really not supposed to show up in top using CPU?00:28
RAOFAdding tsched=0 seems to bump CPU usage up another couple of percent, but on the plus side it hasn't crackled like mad, either.00:28
slangasekAmaranth: who are you asking?  *I* consider it unacceptable for a software sound mixer to take up that much processor time...00:29
AmaranthI meant typically, not ideally00:29
AmaranthI know at one point rhythmbox was using 10% CPU and using pulseaudio made rhythmbox use less but combined with pulseaudio it was still 10%00:30
AmaranthBut now with banshee it's using more CPU having pulseaudio then not00:30
TheMusoHere I have rhythmbox using 5% and pulse using 3% this is with glitch free. No crackling in sound, but not sure about logs. WIll check that in a sec.00:31
TheMusoAmaranth: I get the same message re no data to write although pulse was woken up, however I don't get any glitches in audio. However any sound played via canberra with glitch free turned on has glitches in it.00:34
Amaranthyep, definitely sounds like he meant "free glitches"00:34
RAOFTheMuso: Are you also using pluse 0.9.15 in your PPA?  Do you also find the 'flat volume' thing, or whatever it is that causes app volume changes to influence sink volume (and it seems, often mute it for no discernable reason) somewhat unintuitive?00:38
TheMusoRAOF: no still using 0.9.14 here atm, although will upgrade shortly.00:39
LaserJockis postgresql00:47
LaserJocklighter than mysql00:47
TheMusoWow, pulseaudi 0.9.15~test1 turns on my notebook's digital out.00:49
TheMusoAnd uses that as the default sink.00:49
RAOFThis sounds unlikel to be what you want.00:50
* TheMuso clears home dir pulse files00:50
TheMusoAnd things work again00:50
TheMusoWhat really scares me with pulse is the fact that home dir files can cause pulse to break when one upgrades from one version to another.00:50
RAOFMmm.  Turning off glitch-free seems to (a) make it stop glitching, and (b) make pulseaudio increadibly chatty about ALSA waking it up.00:52
* TheMuso does that here to see what happens.00:53
RAOFIt appears to be generating that message at a rate of ~100Hz, given what the ratelimit warning is suggesting.00:53
TheMusoWell except for canberra, I don't get glitches with audio from rhythmbox. Time to try some wav files with aplay etc.00:54
TheMusoaplay works ok00:57
TheMusoRAOF: How you finding the new volume stuff in pulse? I am finding with rhythmbox it constantly changes volume when I change tracks.01:21
RAOFTheMuso: I find that it seems to mute for no discernable reason.01:21
RAOFUsing Banshee it doesn't do anything strange on track change, but when I switch apps strange things happen, which usually results in the sound being muted.01:22
RAOFAlso it seems to override the volume-control-applet, which isn't my idea of a good time.01:22
RAOFOh, and that it'll be muted on startup without fail.01:23
TheMusoRAOF: Right, I may not have things set up correctly with configs etc however.01:24
TheMusoPulseaudio IMO is getting more complex, but introducing more problems. I am seriously starting to question whether its worth keeping it around, at least for jaunty+1 and beyond.01:24
RAOFYou seem to turn off module-positional-sounds, or whatever, which apparently is broken, so that's right.01:24
RAOFPulseaudio _desperately_ needs an actual user-visible use-case.01:25
TheMusoRAOF: I agree, switching streams between devices is not common enough for users to want it yet.01:25
RAOFI disagree.  It's just a policy-daemon & UI away from being awesome.01:26
TheMusoI don't use pulse, because it introduces too much latency for speech.01:26
RAOFI want to switch streams ALL the time; when I plug in my USB speakers, headset, unplug to move around, ...01:26
TheMusoRAOF: But there are so many stability/glitch issues with the underlying infrastructure, that some users would think dealing with alsa's annoyances is better than glitchy sound and fancy stream switching.01:26
RAOFI suppose.  But I'd like plugging in USB audio devices to work _properly_, and that's just not going to happen with ALSA, is it?01:28
RAOFBut if pulse isn't actually getting _better_ at doing just the sound bit, then... :(01:28
RAOFI guess you can only live on "it'll get better, really" for so long.01:29
TheMusoRAOF: No, I agree, the plugging in devices etc is neat.01:29
TheMusoAnyway, I've offered Lennart ssh access for testing realtek glitch free issues so we will see what comes out of that.01:30
* TheMuso is seeing lots of debian changelogs with git hashes in them, and IMO it looks ugly.01:32
* RAOF thinks git could do with growing real revnos01:33
TheMusoI don't mind git hashes, but not parts of them in debian changelogs.01:33
maxbBut revnos are somewhat incompatible with git's love of rewriting history01:41
ion_One should never rewrite history that has already been pushed.01:42
jdongis THAT what Git does?01:43
jdongI've been wondering why shortlog dates on git.kernel.org seem to jump back and forth; and I blamed it on my lack of sleep01:44
ion_Sure, if you add --force everywhere. :-P01:44
ion_As good an idea as using --force with any other program with an equivalent parameter.01:45
* jdong will award one McDonald's chocolate chip cookie for the first person to invent the GUIID (The Globally Unique [strictly] Increasing Identifier)01:45
jdongyou guys laugh now, but in 50 years I will be one cookie poorer :)01:45
superm1lool, ping.  it looks like your debian maintainer of gnome-python-desktop.  bug 223671 needs to get fixed now, but i would like to make sure that it's fixed in a way that you as debian maintainer can agree upon01:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223671 in ubiquity "wnck and rsvg should be provided in seperate packages not requiring gnome" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22367101:46
ion_Simple. Just setup an official server with a simple protocol to request a new number. :-P01:46
* jdong quickly trademarks Ubuntu LIVE (TM) Number (sm)01:47
* bryce reserves GUIID 4201:49
bryceheya TeTeT01:52
TeTeThi bryce01:53
ion_jdong: nc heh.fi 5688802:01
jdongion_: lol can I have that code so I can run another one?02:02
* jdong looks up and sees a fellow Linerva resident02:13
=== mthaddon_ is now known as mthaddon
mdomschsuperm1, ping03:23
superm1mdomsch, contentless pong03:35
mdomschxps m1330 headphone volume sucks03:36
mdomschsolution known?03:36
superm1mdomsch, not until IDT's equalizer support enters ALSA03:37
superm1a lot of codecs are intentionally set lower than they can actually drive03:37
mdomschyeah, but I can't even hear the audio with noise-canceling headphones on03:38
superm1i wasn't aware the 1330 was part of them, but it's not a surprise.  if you drive it any higher, you'll hit some resonant frequencies03:38
superm1on the chasis03:38
superm1oh wait you said headphone volume. no this i wasnt aware of03:38
superm1make sure you are turning up "front" all the way?03:39
superm1as well as PCM and master and what not03:39
mdomschmplayer -af volume=2003:39
mdomschis the only thing that helps03:39
mdomschall lines maxed03:39
superm1perhaps your headphone jack is being detected as a line out rather than a HP03:40
superm1i've been seeing that on another platform. do both headphone jacks do this?03:40
mdomschthere are 3 jacks - only one (the one labeled microphone) outputs any audio at all03:40
mdomschregardless of the 'line in as output' setting03:41
mdomschso I think I"m getting "line out" levels instead of headphone levels03:41
superm1what kernel is this?03:41
mdomschfedora 10 2.6.27.x03:41
mdomsch(my ubuntu load is horked, not your problem...)03:41
superm1can you double check with a git snapshot of alsa?  if the problem persists, i can try to help out more tomorrow03:42
mdomschI can't tonight, but no worry or rush - I just thought you might know already03:42
mdomschI'm OoO rest of the week03:42
mdomschrain! :-)03:42
mdomschsuperm1, have a good week03:43
superm1yikes yeah!, time to get off the patio.  well let me know if it persists with a snapshot when you get a chance and we'll go from there03:43
mdomschand hail!03:44
hyperairjpds: hmm intersting. i never knew there was such a thing as memoserv04:47
hyperairjpds: it's fine =p i was just curious where you got it from.04:48
superm1slangasek, can you re-enable the daily cron job on mythbuntu disks?  the alpha4 disks are not going to happen, but would like to be able to see that a few of the fixes for the problems at what would have been a4 are getting fixed still05:44
dholbachgood morning05:46
stgrabermorning ? already ? I should really go to bed then :)05:47
LaserJockit seems like dholbach's mornings keep getting earlier and earlier05:48
stgraberyeah, it's not even 7am in europe :)05:49
dholbachLaserJock: no no - I was up earlier yesterday :)05:49
=== a|wen- is now known as a|wen
LaserJockanybody here happen to know SQL?06:56
MithrandirLaserJock: just ask your question, lots of people here probably know SQL06:57
LaserJockI've got a postinst that's failing like: Failed to execute SQL: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON moodle.* TO www-data@localhost IDENTIFIED BY07:00
LaserJockit seems to not like having a "-" i.e. www-data07:01
LaserJockis that a common problem?07:01
Mithrandiryou need to quote it, I suspect.07:02
Mithrandirand you should create your own db user and use that instead of a shared one.07:02
LaserJockyeah, well, i didn't pick that07:03
LaserJockbut the quoting I could maybe fix07:03
pittiGood morning07:17
directhexno it isn't. my new pc STILL isn't working07:18
pittidirecthex: I have tried pitti/debian/patches/nosleep.patch for a while, but after some time the system became really unstable, so I reverted it07:20
* StevenK waves to pitti 07:20
* pitti hugs StevenK07:20
loolsuperm1: Until now we have been reluctant on the Debian side to split up modules as we don't have a mean to map modules to packages in our packaging arsenal07:53
loolsuperm1: I don't really know how you could find a way to avoid splitting, or it would be complex just to please Debian07:54
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
atari2600ahey, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask, but asking the developer channel seems right08:34
atari2600ahow come libdvdcss isn't included in restricted?  I'm sure many people prefer VLC over mplayer08:34
atari2600a(or whatever totem is based off of)08:35
liwit is not legal to distribute them in some parts of the world that are considered important to Ubuntu, unfortunately08:36
atari2600athat sounds....quite reasonable actually08:36
atari2600awell luckily videolan maintains a /deb directory08:36
liwI think the legal restrictions are incredibly unreasonable :)08:36
atari2600awell thank you, /parting now08:36
=== apw`` is now known as apw
pittiKeybuk: hello09:10
pittiKeybuk: got a minute to discuss some questions about readahead and bootspeed?09:11
pittiseb128: got my current bootcharts at http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/, BTW09:22
seb128hey pitti09:22
pittiseb128: I recreated /etc/readahead/boot to include the full desktop09:22
pittiand that dropped gdm->desktop from 35 to 18 seconds09:23
pittiwith only adding about 1.5 to the grub->gdm time09:23
seb128that's good09:24
seb128is that on your laptop?09:24
pittiseb128: yes09:24
pittiseb128: I'm running vesa and metacity now, though09:24
seb12818 seconds on a slow disk is good09:24
pitti(-intel is broken ATM)09:24
pittiseb128: it's not quite the 8 seconds I get on a hot cache (second login), but much better09:25
seb128gdm is taking a lot of time09:25
pittiseb128: be aware that this is not autologin09:25
seb128gdmgreeter to gnome-session is over 15 seconds on your chart09:25
pittiso there's a period of low cpu and I/O when I log in09:25
pittiso the two are neatly separated09:25
seb128ok, I guess the 3 seconds blue gdm bar is you typing your password09:26
pittithe 6 seconds between aplay and the gdm fork is the entering password time09:26
seb128that makes sense09:27
pittihm, or that09:27
seb128there is not a lot of easy desktop targets now looking at the chart09:27
pittiI deliberately waited a couple of seconds to let everything else settle09:27
pittiseb128: you are looking on the -gnome or -default one?09:28
seb128the gnome one is cheating ;-)09:28
pittiwell, "optimizing" :)09:28
pittibut yes, desktop startup is pretty tight now09:28
seb128well not something users will get09:29
pittiI wish we wouldn't need this seahorse thing09:29
pittiseb128: that's something I want to discuss with Keybuk (extend the readahead lists)09:29
seb128pitti: did you notice seahorse-daemon is not started now?09:29
pittiand we should get rid of this cpp and cc109:29
seb128pitti: you don't want the agent either?09:29
pittiseb128: right, daemon doesn't start09:29
pittiseb128: well, of course I'd like to keep the functionality09:30
pittijust unqualified wishful thinking :)09:30
seb128we need dbus activation on signals09:30
pittiit should get d-bus activated or so09:30
pittiwell, neither gpg nor ssh support d-bus, they just check an env variable, don't they?09:30
seb128SSH is gnome-keyring09:31
seb128I'm wondering if we need a gpg agent by default09:31
seb128or if that should be conditional on a gconf key too or something09:31
pittiI was just going to ask09:31
pittiseb128: at least we could convert it to an xdg autostart instead of an Xsession.d/ script09:32
pittithen it can start later, and in parallel09:32
pittiah, no09:32
seb128there is no xsession script for this one09:33
pittiit needs to set that silly env var for all processes09:33
seb128there is also a gdmprefetch taking 1.6 seconds in your chart that we should comment09:34
seb128I think Keybuk said that was useless09:34
pittimartin    3975  0.0  0.6  19716  6536 ?        Ss   10:16   0:00 /usr/bin/seahorse-agent --execute x-session-manager09:35
pittihm, but that looks like an Xsession.d script...09:36
seb128do we install that by default?09:39
seb128or is that something you added?09:39
seb128it's a recommends so it's installed09:40
pittioh, what's that apport thing doing there...09:41
seb128I've not it installed on this box ;-)09:41
pittiah, it indeed caught a crash09:41
seb128I noticed apport on my charts too09:41
pittiit's tiny on the -gnome chart (no crash there)09:41
seb128but that's around the time where the desktop is loaded so that's not an issue09:41
pittiit's from update-notifier, I guess09:41
seb128we can probably delay evolution-alarm-notify too09:42
pittiseb128: seahorse Recommends: seahorse-plugins09:42
seb128I'm going to use this sleep workaround too I think ;-)09:42
pittigood idea09:42
pittiand isn't seahorse-plugins what provides the gpg agent?09:42
seb128that's it indeed09:43
pittiseb128: e-a-n isn't taking much resources, though09:43
mvopitti: 18s? that is pretty impressive :)09:44
seb128it creates activity for aorund 3 seconds on your chart09:44
pittiseb128: oh, right, was looking at the readahead'ed one09:44
sorenDo I need to put something on my kernel command line to activate bootchart?09:45
pittimvo: gdm to session, not grub to session :)09:45
seb128and trigger the e-d-s start I think which takes some 9-10 seconds09:45
pittisoren: no, just install it09:45
pittisoren: I removed /etc/rc2.d/S99stop-bootchart, so that I can run it until after GNOME started09:45
mvooh, misread :) still a good improvement09:45
pittiseb128: is e-d-s really triggered by e-a-n, or rather by the panel?09:45
liwhmm, gdm does not seem to allow one to configure automatic login to a specific user, but with the screen locked immediately09:45
jpdssoren: Just restart and there should be a png in /var/log/bootchart/ .09:45
pittiseb128: or does the panel only start e-d-s once you try to open the calendar?09:45
sorenjpds, pitti: that's what I thought, but it didn't happen. Odd.09:46
pittisoren: hang on09:46
pittisoren: for me, it crashed with an exception09:46
pittiI had to do a "sudo ln -s headless xawt" to make it find a library09:46
pitti./usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/headless/libmawt.so is shipped by the package09:47
pittibut bootchart looks in ./usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so09:47
pittiit probably needs a rebuild, or so09:47
sorenpitti: I've got /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/xawt/libmawt.so09:48
pittisoren: well, kill the rc2.d symlink and start /etc/init.d/stop-bootchart by hand after login, then you should see09:48
seb128pitti: I need to check, I'm not sure09:48
sorenpitti: It's supposed to collect data in /var/run/bootchart, correct?09:48
seb128pitti: the clock applet should try to use it only when you click on it to display the calendar09:49
pittiseb128: I'll test it; I disable e-a-n and see when e-d-s gets started09:49
seb128soren: not run, log09:49
pittisoren: yes, but moves them to /var/log/bootchart.tgz or os09:49
sorenOh. I thought it collected data in /var/run and then turned that into a png in /var/log09:50
seb128soren: right09:50
seb128soren: I though you were asking where to look for the charts09:50
sorenseb128: I was at first :)09:51
soren..but since that failed.. :)09:51
pittiseb128: confirmed, that works09:51
pittiseb128: move e-d-s autostart .desktop -> ps ux|grep evo is empty09:51
seb128pitti: ;-)09:51
pittiseb128: so if we delay that by, say, 30 seconds, then it should be all good09:52
seb128pitti: btw no need to move the rc script, you can use "bootchart=nostop" as a boot option09:52
pittiseb128: nostop> nice, didn't know that09:52
seb128I learned that from Keybuk some days ago ;-)09:52
seb128pitti: right09:52
pittiseb128: want me to upload, or do you want to?09:53
seb128pitti: you can do it if you want09:53
* soren reboots to figure out why bootchart isn't doing its thing.09:54
pittidoing then, and then I'll see how much it helped09:54
* mrooney waves to pitti and seb, and goes to sleep :)09:58
seb128'night mrooney09:58
shankhsI think there is a bug in bzr which prevents it from passing through proxy... How can I download the source code of bazaar then?10:00
pittibye mrooney10:01
pittiseb128: hm, buys some 2 seconds10:01
seb128pitti: that's good to take ;-)10:01
sorenWell, I've figured out why bootchart doesn't run on my box... I don't get, though, why it only happens for me.10:07
seb128why doesn't it work for you?10:08
pittiseb128: uploaded10:08
sorenThe bootchart init script in initrams runs with set -e. At some point, it tries to copy /lib/ld-linux.so.* into a jail.10:08
* seb128 hugs pitti10:08
* pitti hugs back seb12810:08
sorenI don't have /lib/ld-linux.so.* in my initrams, so the script bails out at that point, which is before it gets around to starting bootchart.10:08
sorenNow, why this doesn't happen for you guys is beyond me.10:09
sorenDo you have /lib/ld-linux.so.* in your initramfs?10:09
sorenAnd if you do, do you have any idea how it got there?10:10
seb128soren: there is an init script so it doesn't need to be ran in initramfs no?10:10
pitti$ zcat /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-7-generic |cpio -t|grep ld-linux.so10:10
pitti^ i38610:10
sorenOh, both of you are on i386?10:11
* pitti puts a no-change rebuild of bootchart into his ppa, to see whether it fixes the library path problem10:11
sorenseb128: The init script (outside initramfs) bails out if some of the right directories are tere.10:11
pittimaybe that'll magically fix things for you as well :)10:11
soren...which they are, becuase the init script in the initramfs creates those before failing here.10:12
sorenpitti: I doubt it.10:12
* soren patches bootchart..10:13
cjwatsoncertainly the amd64 dynamic linker has a different name10:14
sorenI don't see how it could work at all on amd64.10:15
sorenAh, it doesn't :)10:15
cjwatsonthough I'm not seeing the bug you refer to here10:15
sorenbut 32778.10:15
sorenbut 327778.10:15
sorencjwatson: No? Do you have /lib/ld-linux.so.* for some other reason in your initramfs?10:15
sorenbug 32777810:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327778 in bootchart "bootchart not working on AMD64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32777810:16
cjwatsonoh, I'm out of date10:16
sorenWow, spelling is hard. :)10:16
* soren fixes it.10:16
cjwatsonsoren: I meant in the source code. I run i386. But never mind, I just needed to upgrade10:16
pittiyay, -intel magically fixed itself again10:16
pittiwith today's dist-upgrade10:16
pittix and compiz are happy again10:16
pittibryce, tjaalton: ^10:17
sorencjwatson: Ah, ok.10:17
pitti(I noticed the usplash reversion, and maybe that indeed was it for me as well)10:17
pittiI'm 100% sure I tested it without usplash, too, though; well, *shrug*10:17
* soren reboots to check his fix10:17
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tjaaltonpitti: magic, and no updated X packages :)10:22
pittitjaalton: well, the breakage was equally magic, after all :)10:37
ograpitti, without any hacks like .drirc etc ?10:47
* soren just pushed a new bootchart10:50
sorenpitti: If you'd be so kind to check that I didn't break i386, that would be lovely.10:51
pittiogra: no11:12
pittisoren: sure11:12
pittisoren: I didn't check my PPA yet, whether the i386 rebuild works now; I'll just check your version then11:13
* pitti just had to rescue a .tex from his wife11:13
pittiemacs thought it should write the file encoded in iso-2022-jp2 *grumpf*11:13
tjaaltondholbach: looks like gnome-reset is unmaintained upstream, and broken in jaunty. maybe it should be removed frome the archive?12:02
tjaaltonno new upstream releases in three years12:02
pittiKeybuk: WDYT about extending the default bootchart lists to cover the entire GNOME startup as well? it dramatically improves the gdm->session ready time (35 -> 18 s), while only increasing grub->gdm by 1.5 s12:08
sorenpitti: Bootchart improves gdm->session ready time?12:11
pittierm, s/bootchart/readahead/12:13
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sorenpitti: It depends on how much RAM you have, doesn't it? If readahead naïvely goes through the list trying loading stuff into ram, you might be discarding some of the earlier boot things once you start filling your cache with GNOME. I haven't looked at the readahead implementation, though. It might do something clever to avoid this.12:25
pittisoren: right, if you have less RAM that you need to keep the boot and gnome in ram, you'd get taht12:26
pittisoren: but for that reason readahead has two stages (boot and desktop)12:26
sorenAh, I see.12:26
sorenStill, whatever we put in the readahead list should fit in amount of RAM we put as recommended for a desktop install.12:28
* pitti nods12:31
* directhex steals all pitti's "#" characters & hides them12:33
pittidirecthex: oh, I see :)12:34
pittidirecthex: better *use* them :)12:34
directhexpitti, well i have a bunch spare now...12:34
directhexpitti, i get confused by debian vs ubuntu bug closing format, so go for a nice happy medium of "works in neither"12:35
pittidirecthex: but # is required in both...12:35
directhexi just suck then12:35
asacdoko: do all sun-java plugin filenames have the same name?12:36
asaci mean the .so12:36
asacanyone uses ppp manually here (e.g. pppoe or wvdial)?12:37
pittigeser, evand: nice race on attacking the sponsoring queue :)12:37
jpdspitti: Thanks for the gdata upload. I'll test the plugins later on.12:38
Lureasac: Riddell said that I should check with you about some MIRs pending for Jaunty. Are you the right person or should I contact somebody else?12:39
Lureasac: bug 324523 and bug 32585812:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324523 in opencv "Main inclusion request for OpenCV" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32452312:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325858 in lensfun "Main inclusion request for lensfun" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32585812:40
RainCTasac: why do you ask?12:41
directhexpitti, with ndoc done, there are now officially only two Mono apps (libs are another topic) in Ubuntu built against the 1.0 runtime. one is blocked on a mono sync, the other is blocked on a lib stuck in debian NEW (though we could 0ubuntu1 the lib if need be)12:41
asacRainCT: in ~network-manager team ppa there is a new ppp package ;)12:41
pittidirecthex: want me to look into the mono sync?12:42
asacRainCT: just would like a confirm from a "manual" user that it doesnt break too much12:42
asacbefore upload12:42
pittidirecthex: s/look into/just do it if it is okay/12:42
directhexpitti, that'd be lovely12:42
pittidirecthex: bug #?12:42
directhexpitti, bug 32379012:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323790 in mono "Please sync mono 2.0.1-4 (main) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32379012:43
RainCTasac: Sorry, I'm not using it anymore, was just curious :)12:44
RainCT(I used wvdial before Hardy, when it was necessary to manually configure 3G devices like a modem.. Now nm configures them automatically, and I've switched to WiMAX anyway)12:45
pittidirecthex: done12:46
directhexwoo! i'll wait for it to filter through, and give muine a little test in a pbuilder12:47
directhexnow to give a MOTU a back rub until they let me stick sublib straight into the archive12:48
pitticjwatson: you are already doing the gparted sponsoring?12:49
slangaseksuperm1: yep, mythbuntu reenabled12:50
RainCTkirkland: Hey. I'm wondering what the MOTD tab in screen-profiles is supposed to be for :P12:50
cjwatsonpitti: yes, please see the latest comments in the bug, I want to hear back from Debian on the .orig.tar.gz before proceeding12:51
kirklandRainCT: if you install screen-by-default-at-login, you'll miss the MOTD on login12:51
directhexLaney, muine was your work, do you want to give it the requestsync poke once it's tested on jaunty? or shall i12:51
pitticjwatson: ah, ok12:51
kirklandRainCT: it's easy to disable, F9->manage-default-windows->uncheck MOTD12:51
tjaaltonhmm, libmjpegtools0c2a was removed from the archive?12:52
RainCTkirkland: and wouldn't it make more sense to show it above the bash prompt, and not have it always there?12:52
kirklandRainCT: perhaps...  how do you suggest doing that?12:52
RainCT(well, I'm still on Intrepid, from what I've heard perhaps in Jaunty the MOTD is more interesting :))12:52
kirklandRainCT: i couldn't figure out how12:52
kirklandRainCT: MOTD is slightly more dynamic, which is why that's a watch in the tab12:53
RainCTkirkland: uhm.. just printing the MOTD and then launching bash doesn't work?12:53
kirklandRainCT: how do you know you want to run bash?12:54
RainCTkirkland: or whatever shell it is.. aren't they all the same?12:54
RainCTkirkland: well, nvm about this :)12:54
kirklandRainCT: i'm open to ideas12:55
RainCTkirkland: Another thing, the menu doesn't work fine here (it can't handle resizing, etc)12:55
kirklandRainCT: i'm not wild about dedicating a tab to it12:55
Laneydirecthex: I don't mind. I'll be home at 5.30 or so to do it but do it sooner if you can13:02
LaneyI have reached not-caring-about-my-uploads-page nirvana13:02
directhexthere's an uploads page?13:03
pittispeaking about ext4, I should update the usplash fsck integration...13:03
Laneyyeah, go to your launchpad profile13:03
RainCTdirecthex: launchpad.net/people/+me/+packages13:03
Laney"related software"13:03
LaneyRainCT: URL NERD13:03
directhexDisplaying first 30 packages out of 32 total13:04
directhexthat's a lot!13:04
directhexwhy on *earth* did i fix a bug in the "gourmet" package?13:04
directhexa *python* app!13:05
RainCTdirecthex: look at sebner's page.. "Displaying first 30 packages out of 302 total" \o/13:05
RainCT(but most of those are syncs.. bah :P)13:05
LaneyLook at sysinfo 0.7-1ubuntu{1,2,3,4} ;)13:06
* RainCT thinks that "sponsored packages" should also be displayed :P13:07
directhexRainCT, #launchpad wi'yersen then!13:08
kirklandRainCT: hmm, i'm not succeeding13:10
kirklandRainCT: i'm tring to add something like this to ~/.screenrc-windows13:10
kirklandscreen -t shell 3 cat /etc/motd && $SHELL13:10
cjwatsonpitti: ext4/usplash/fsck> good catch, I missed that13:11
pitticjwatson: just noticed, apparently it was the first time I got fsck at boot on my new ext4 system13:12
highvoltageyou and your fancy shiney ext4 filesystems13:12
pittiI like losing data :)13:12
johanisn't the packages from ddeb.ubuntu.com supposed to be sync:ed with the ones from archives.ubuntu.com?13:12
pittijohan: in theory yes, in practice it's a constant source of trouble13:12
kirklandRainCT: okay, i found a workaround13:13
johanpitti: I'm discovering that, seems xulrunner is causing trouble today13:13
kirklandRainCT: if you file a bug, i'll upload a fix :-)13:13
johanpitti: and only for i386/intrepid13:13
* pitti -> brb, testing fsck in usplash13:14
RainCTkirkland: for the MOTD or the menu?13:15
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geserpitti: how usable is ext4 already? I've heard a talk from Theodore Ts'o at FOSDEM about ext4.13:16
allquixoticbryce: I hit something where suspend causes the computer to come back to GDM login at resume. This could be the "crash on resume" others have seen, but are we sure it isn't some sort of intentional log-off, or crash for other reasons?13:16
allquixoticgeser: ext4's on disk format was considered final as of 2.6.28 (which is Jaunty's kernel) and it seems ready for ordinary desktop use... all of my current partitions are ext4 and they are fine13:18
allquixoticgeser: It's not like ext3 is somehow _more_ reliable because it's older; I've had completely hosed ext3 partitions only because of power failure. Weak. I thought journalling was supposed to take care of that. It didn't.13:19
dholbachtjaalton: sounds like a good idea13:19
ScottKallquixotic: A related question is how broad is the user space tool support for ext4?13:20
dholbachtjaalton: do you want to request it? if not I'll do it later on13:20
* dholbach needs to take the dog out13:20
allquixoticScottK: gparted seems not to be aware of ext4 yet, but Jaunty's installer is, and e2fsprogs (e2fsck, tune2fs, etc) are fully ext4-aware13:20
ScottKI recall someone mentioning there's a new gparted available.13:21
ScottKJust needs to be merged/packaged/or something.13:21
dholbachit's in the sponsoring list13:21
pittigeser: works fine for me, and fsck is pleasantly fast :)13:21
allquixoticProduction server sysadmins are going to be cautious regardless of how stable we say it is, only because ext4 has yet to stand the test of time as a production filesystem. So we could say it's rock solid and swear by it, but some people are going to stick with ext3 or even older cruft just because it's well understood, whereas ext4 has new things that aren't as well understood.13:23
allquixoticBut for desktop users, I'm going to promote ext4 whenever users ask me, in Jaunty.13:23
geserpitti: they made it 6-8 times faster according to the talk13:23
* ScottK knows of admins that still use ext2 because it's got an established track record.13:23
tjaaltondholbach: ok13:23
geserpitti: so using ext4 is as dangerous as using jaunty?13:23
cjwatsonyes, I know about gparted, just trying to make sure we're duly synced up with Debian first13:26
allquixoticcjwatson: have you filed a bug about UXA yet?13:26
cjwatsonlargely because I upgraded usplash and it now appears to work13:26
cjwatsonI'm giving it a day or two's burn before changing my comment on UxaTestingg13:26
kirklandRainCT: just a bug explaining your reasoning that we don't need to dedicate an entire window to the MOTD13:27
cjwatsonBTW, on ext4, if you boot today's alternate installer with partman/default_filesystem=ext4 then it should autopartition with ext4 rather than ext313:27
RainCTkirkland: Okay. Have you seen this message, though:13:28
RainCT>> kirkland: Another thing, the menu doesn't work fine here (it can't handle resizing, etc)13:28
kirklandRainCT: oh, missed that one13:28
cjwatsonactually desktop too, I think13:29
kirklandRainCT: hmm, yeah, open a 2nd bug for that one13:29
kirklandRainCT: perhaps nijaba will know how to fix that13:29
tjaaltoncjwatson: I've used ext4 since day one, and installing 12 desktops with it as we speak :)13:29
kirklandRainCT: b/c I don't ;-)13:29
cjwatsontjaalton: sure, just saying that now autopartitioning support for it is available; previously you had to use manual partitioning to get it13:30
cjwatsonor upgrade in-place from ext313:30
tjaaltoncjwatson: yep13:30
cjwatsonshould I add an 'ext4' preseeding alias for partman/default_filesystem=ext4?13:30
cjwatsonanaconda had that parameter in some Fedora release, I believe13:31
cjwatsonhmm, actually that's a little tricky13:37
RainCTkirkland: alright, filed bug #32806613:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328066 in screen-profiles "Why is there a tab for MOTD?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32806613:38
EagleScreencjwatson: I think you proposed usb-creator to depends on gksu13:39
kirklandRainCT: thanks13:39
cjwatsonEagleScreen: given its code at the time when I proposed that, it should. It would be better for it to find an appropriate root-privilege-acquisition tool.13:40
cjwatsonEagleScreen: my bug was that it used gksu unconditionally without a dependency13:40
EagleScreenwhat about using su-to-root and add depends on menu?13:40
cjwatsonI don't care13:41
cjwatsonif only it weren't in the menu package, which is completely useless for everything else in Ubuntu since we use .desktop files, and quite possibly harmful ...13:41
cjwatsonand in universe for pretty much that reason13:42
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kirklandRainCT: okay, can you test this for me?  see if it works better for you?13:42
RainCTkirkland: sure13:43
nijabakirkland: RainCT: sorry, trying to catch up, what would I know how to fix?13:43
RainCT(also filed bug #328067, with a screenshot)13:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328067 in screen-profiles "screen-profile's menu isn't displayed correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32806713:43
RainCTnijaba: look at that bug please :)13:44
kirklandnijaba: the screen-profiles configuration menu doesn't handle window resizes13:44
EagleScreencjwatson: I have seen .desktop files which use su-to-root and they seems to work propertly13:44
kirklandnijaba: hit f9 to open it, then resize gnome-terminal13:44
cjwatsonEagleScreen: the menu package isn't installed by default, and we don't want it to be13:44
kirklandRainCT: okay, grab this shell script: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/116828/13:44
kirklandRainCT: save it as /tmp/foo.sh, chmod it 75513:45
kirklandRainCT: edit your ~/.screenrc-windows file13:45
EagleScreenwhy you dont want it? if can know it..13:45
kirklandRainCT: replace the watch command with just /tmp/foo.sh13:45
kirklandRainCT: and launch screen13:45
nijabaRainCT: is this right after resizing the window?  If so, I believe it is a newt problem, and I have no clue how to fix it13:45
RainCTnijaba: yep13:46
cjwatsonEagleScreen: because the menu package causes you to get the additional "Debian" menu13:46
cjwatsonhmm, or at least used to13:46
cjwatsonmaybe it doesn't any more13:46
nijabaRainCT: an it is not specific to terminator, it will do the same everywhere.13:46
EagleScreenoh!, but i havent the Debian menu in KDE 4.2 and i have menu installed, is it happening only in Gnome?13:47
cjwatson"used to"13:47
cjwatsondoesn't seem to happen in GNOME nowadays13:47
cjwatsonit really would be preferable to have su-to-root in a separate package though13:47
RainCTnijaba: yep, I've just updated the bug's description..13:47
cjwatsonmenu has historically had "interesting" effects13:47
RainCTkirkland: works fine13:49
kirklandRainCT: cool, i'll upload the fix13:49
cjwatsonEagleScreen: anyway, I wasn't saying usb-creator must use gksu, just that at the time it was broken without it, so I don't want to spend lots of time on this discussion13:49
kirklandRainCT: note that you'll need to remove (or prune) ~/.screenrc-windows13:49
EagleScreenI think applications like usb-creator shuldn't depend on gksu becouse it cause installation of unecessary Gnome packages in KDE13:49
RainCTkirkland: Okay. By the way, what's the key combination to end screen?13:49
kirklandRainCT: F6 will detach, but leave your stuff still running13:50
cjwatsonEagleScreen: sure13:50
kirklandRainCT: F8 will show you all key bindings13:50
cjwatsonEagleScreen: (note that ubiquity manages this without su-to-root, albeit with more hacks)13:50
kirklandRainCT: if you want to exit and kill all programs/windows, you want "pow_detach  D"13:51
EagleScreenmay be i will report a bug, I understand that you probably have more important things to do13:51
kirklandRainCT: so ctrl-a-D13:51
cjwatson  * Apply patch from Colin Watson to su-to-root. Closes: #10387913:51
cjwatsongosh, I have no memory of that13:51
cjwatsonEagleScreen: please do, usb-creator isn't my program13:51
EagleScreenokay, thanks, see you later13:51
cjwatsonah, I don't remember that patch because it was miscredited to me and I never noticed ;-)13:52
RainCTkirkland: that just detaches it13:52
jpdsRainCT: exit, or Ctrl-D13:53
apwbryce, did the 'switching away to VT looks like the computer is on acid' bug fixes get uploaded?  got a bug reference?13:54
RainCTjpds: that only closes the terminal, there's still the menu (and right now the MOTD).. talking about screen with screen-profiles13:54
RainCTkirkland: anyway, thanks for fixing that :)13:55
Keybukpitti: you mean readahead, not bootchart, don't you?13:58
sorenKeybuk: He did.14:00
soren12:13:42 < ~pitti> erm, s/bootchart/readahead/14:00
Keybukpitti: I thought that gdm had its own readahead list14:00
Keybukwhich it ran internally?14:00
pittiKeybuk: yes, readahead14:03
pittiKeybuk: it does, but it doesn't seem to be very effective14:03
pittigeser: there's still a data corruption bug open, although this might have been fixed with 2.6.28-714:04
pittigeser: for now, I only use it on /, not /home, so that errors become visible, but aren't disastrous14:04
Keybukpitti: the problem with doing it in a single phase is that you're then reading a *lot* of data into the page cache14:05
Keybukusually more than the available memory14:05
pittiKeybuk: right, soren pointed that out already14:05
Keybukisn't it simply that the gdm lists are out of date?14:05
pittiKeybuk: but I wondered whether it should/could be put into /etc/readahead/desktop instead of boot?14:05
Keybukthat file is only used if /usr is on a separate filesystem14:05
Keybukand contains things from the mainline boot14:06
Keybuk(it's poorly named)14:06
pittiKeybuk: another question I had is why the readline init script blocks instead of putting it into the background and give it a sleep 3 headstart?14:06
Keybukbecause that is faster14:07
Keybukyou don't have SSD14:07
Keybukwith spinning disks, you're attempting to minimise seek time14:07
Keybukrunning it in the background would mean the disk was attempting to do the readahead14:07
Keybukwhile also attempting to do writes, etc. required by other things during boot14:07
Keybukso you're defeating your own attempt14:08
Keybukwith SSD, you're simply attempting to eliminate I/O wait14:08
KeybukSSD you tend to order the list differently too14:08
Keybukrotary you order by on-disk position14:08
KeybukSSD you order by required time in the boot14:08
RoyKhi. where does ubuntu get the weather data shown in the status line?14:13
maxbWhat datasource does people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/madison.cgi use? It appears to be out of date.14:13
cjwatsonit's a mirror synced every six hours14:14
cjwatsonhow out of date?14:14
maxbonly 3 hours, so never mind then14:14
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PecisDarbspitti: can I talk to you about https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/295158? :)14:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 295158 in jockey "Jockey doesn't find Si3054 Modem (winmodem trough ALSA)" [Medium,Triaged]14:58
superm1lool, okay well that question was mostly posed as a naming convention that you could agree on.  surely the split has to happen for that bug to be solved.  i'm guessing python-wnck and python-rsvg etc.  i'll make them dependencies of python-gnome2-desktop then too so in ubuntu packages should still be able to depend on python-gnome2-desktop if they so pleased in ubuntu until this type of change could float into debian15:10
seb128superm1: what is the bug you are speaking about?15:14
seb128superm1: you want to do yet another gnome-python binary split?15:14
superm1seb128, that was the idea, but i'm talking to evand about this right now, so perhaps we'll be able to avoid it15:15
superm1evand indicated he'll rework it to use png instead so ubiquity doesn't need rsvg, so that bug is a moot point for this purpose then15:15
EagleScreenhello, a few time ago I was "talking" here about the problem of some packages that depends on gksu, causing them to install unnecessary Gnome packages in KDE, it is necessary an alternative autentication method to avoid this problem15:17
pochusuperm1: if you plan to split gnome-python-desktop, the work has already been done in the Debian svn repo15:18
pochusuperm1: cf http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/gnome-python-desktop/debian/control.in?rev=18217&view=markup15:19
superm1pochu, well i'd like to avoid having to do it at the ubuntu level before debian, and it's looking to be a lower priority now because ubiquity won't need it soon and be breaking xubuntu and mythbuntu anymore15:19
RiddellEagleScreen: this seems to be something that concerns you :)15:20
RiddellEagleScreen: you could work out what's wrong with su-to-root that people don't like and fix that15:20
EagleScreenI have three ideas: 1) is to use su-to-root, but it is in universe, and is not a good idea packages in main to depend on packages in universe. 2) is make a .desktop file for KDE and another one for Gnome as synaptic does. 3) is to launch the program from an script that check if gksu or kdesudo is installed and run one of them. For 2) or 3) the package could depends on gksu | kdesudo. What do you think about these alternatives?15:22
RiddellEagleScreen: I guess i'd first find out why su-to-root is in universe15:23
loolsuperm1: I'm fine with your proposed changes15:23
EagleScreenyes Riddell, i am going to investigate it, any report in Launchpad?15:24
RiddellEagleScreen: no idea I'm afraid15:24
superm1pochu, has that change not been uploaded in debian because of the lenny freeze?15:27
superm1pochu, even though this behavior is getting changed in ubiquity, perhaps it's still worthwhile to pull that change as it looks beneficial anyhow15:28
ChipzzEagleScreen: as suggested, 1) could be solved by getting it promoted to main ;)15:28
EagleScreenyes Chipzz, but people say that menu package in which is su-to-root, has some kind of problem15:30
EagleScreenC. Watson propose to split menu and su-to-root, may be it is a good idea15:31
Chipzzthat's what I was going to say next :)15:34
Chipzzalthough I know neither package15:34
pochusuperm1: it's targetting experimental for now, but it's probably waiting Lenny, I guess15:37
pochusuperm1: I'm not totally sure as I didn't do the change15:37
directhexyay, experimental15:38
leszekhi, why is the python-gnome2-desktop package in intrepid creating its own libtool thats used for compiling, when obviously rebuilding the package with this libtool is not working ?15:38
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seb128leszek: what do you mean creating its own libtool?15:44
pittiPecisDarbs: hi15:44
PecisDarbspitti: hi15:45
pittiPecisDarbs: the bug for jockey is still open, for detecting it15:46
leszekseb128, I mean that it won't use the one installed15:47
pittiPecisDarbs: however, it needs to be fixed in sl-modem as well15:47
seb128leszek: why should it use it?15:47
PecisDarbspitti: I wanted to do that small change in Jokey and slmodemd init.d script before Jaunty release it's that possible. I can try to write a patch for that init.d, but I don't know where I have to fix it in Jockey15:47
leszekseb128, because I get a compile error with this "internal" libtool15:47
PecisDarbspitti: yes, so I wanted to know if I will write a small patch will someone put it there? :)15:47
pittiPecisDarbs: if you can get sl-modem fixed, I can transition the same fix to jockey15:47
leszekseb128, so I cannot rebuild the package15:47
seb128leszek: it built fine on the buildds and on my box, check your installation15:47
pittiPecisDarbs: yes, I'm happy to review and sponsor it15:47
PecisDarbspitti: cool, then I will jump on it tonight, thanks :)15:48
leszekseb128, ok will check that15:48
pittiPecisDarbs: if you have a patch, please subscribe me to the sl-modem bug15:48
pittiPecisDarbs: cool, good luck!15:48
Keybukdebugging with sudo perl -e 'open FOO, ">/dev/sda"'15:50
Keybukwhat could possibly go wrong?15:50
EagleScreenI can see that su-to-root is just a bash script inside menu package, so it should be extracted easily15:57
cjwatsonEagleScreen: talk to the Debian maintainer16:00
cjwatsonthis would be better done in a common fashion16:00
leszekhmm... I still get a lot of ../libtool: line 824: X--mode=compile: command not found16:04
leszek errors and whole of ther libtool errors, what the hell is going on ?16:04
* tedg wants a bot that anytime someone mentions "sudo perl" it kicks them from the channel :)16:05
leszekseb128, hmm... still get libtool command not found errors, like : ../libtool: line 824: X--mode=compile: command not found16:05
seb128leszek: run autoreconf, you are running autotools incorrectly16:05
james_wleszek: you need to autoreconf the source to remove those16:06
leszekah ok16:07
seb128leszek: why do you rebuild the package btw?16:08
leszekI patched libwnck for vertical panel, but need to patch python-gnome2-desktop to have this functionality in python also16:09
seb128what is different in the vertical case?16:10
leszekthe wnck.Tasklist is not growing horizontaly but verticaly or should grow this way16:11
leszekits a libwnck bug known also from the gnome-panel ;)16:11
leszekseb128, here is the patch that I found for libwnck : http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=12411216:13
leszekwould be nice to have this patch somehow build in :P16:14
seb128what is the bug number?16:15
seb128that change seems to not be correct16:15
leszekGNOME Bug 86382.16:16
ubottuGnome bug 86382 in window list "Fix window list on vertical panels (with possible rotation)" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8638216:16
bryceapw, yep #32578116:26
apwbug #32578116:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325781 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[jaunty] [i855] screen corruption when switching resolution / clone mode does not work" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32578116:26
apwbryce, ta, seems that the new ones have appeared in my updates list since this morning, which is when i saw it16:29
apwwill download and test those16:29
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop$ du -hcs /var/log/bootchart16:29
ograwe should probably start considering adding /var/log/bootchart to logrotate16:29
ograi totally forgot i had it installed ...16:29
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apwwhat time are the iso's made UTC ?16:32
cjwatsonapw: depends which ones you mean16:34
cjwatsonthere is a crontab with various times for various images16:34
cjwatsonapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116916/16:34
LaserJockanybody know offhand how I could figure out for somebody what they need to download to get working nvidia drivers?16:46
LaserJockseems like a "you need to get the following .debs" would be helpful16:47
bryceasac: http://wiki.x.org/wiki/RadeonProgram16:50
loolmvo: Hmm I've lost all my keybindings over the compiz upgrades (not sure which); it seems this is now handled by a new plugin which isn't enabled and didn't have my config anyway16:52
mvolool: could you plesae check if you have the gnomecompat plugin enabled?16:53
loolmvo: I do not16:53
mvolool: hrm, thanks!16:53
mvolool: I check why its not, it should be :)16:53
tseliotLaserJock: nvidia-glx-VERSION and its dependencies and the linux-headers should be enough16:53
loolmvo: Enabling it didn't get the keybindings back either16:53
LaserJocktseliot: ok, cool16:54
loolmvo: BTW over time it seemed to me compiz switched from .ini to gconf and back, I'm not sure what it is using now16:54
asacbryce: nice. though my R580 isnt in that table at atll16:54
loolAt some point, I was tired of it and wrote a python script to write my settings via the python bindings, but even these broke16:54
mvolool: urghs, can we talk/debug it in a bit? I need to run for some errands16:55
loolmvo: Hmm sure16:57
loolThe backend switches were a while ago, and I saw these in Debian as well16:57
mvolool: I added a patch that should prevent it, could you please check if you got the latest libcompizconfig apckage too?16:58
bryceasac, sauerbraten works pretty good on my card; 120 fps17:00
cjwatsondholbach: so, um, given that TeamReports is still apparently preparing the January report, should I just create a February page as well?17:00
dholbachcjwatson: oh, I can do it well, sorry17:01
asacbryce: ok finally i will check that too now ;)17:01
LaserJocktseliot: do you happen to know if dkms is installed by default on Intrepid?17:01
asacbryce: but for you compiz works too ... so.17:01
cjwatsondon't mind doing it, just wasn't sure whether it was supposed to go into January until it's finalised or something17:01
loolmvo: I have 0.7.8-0ubuntu3 which seems the latest17:02
tseliotLaserJock: I'm not sure. superm1 should know it though17:02
dholbachcjwatson: done: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/February200917:03
ograis my screen supposed to have a black wallpaper after login with the lastest upgrades or is that a bug17:03
ogra(i mean after gdm and before nautilus draws the desktop)17:03
ograpitti, hmm, sad i hoped my X would behave better when you said yours works ... but i still have hangs switching virtual desktops in compiz17:04
cjwatsondholbach: do I just delete the "Team Name" blocks upon adding something?17:06
cjwatsonactually, never mind, not relevant since I'm adding a TB meeting note17:06
dholbachyeah, sounds good17:06
Keybukquest udev% ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep sdc117:11
Keybuklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-02-11 17:10 CD55-342D -> ../../sdc117:11
Keybukquest udev% sudo mke2fs /dev/sdc1 > /dev/null17:11
Keybukmke2fs 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)17:11
Keybukquest udev% ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep sdc117:11
Keybuklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-02-11 17:12 96aa3c56-00dc-4dfa-96e1-91ebe5689e33 -> ../../sdc117:11
keesmvo, bdmurray: is there a general wiki landing page to help people with all the various package management errors they can hit?17:11
jdongKeybuk: am I interpreting that as by-uuid dynamically updates?17:11
Keybukjdong: yes17:11
superm1LaserJock, it's only installed if you have a driver that needs it such as nvidia or fglrx17:16
LaserJocksuperm1: heh, ok17:16
LaserJockthis poor friend of mine has no internet and lives 1000 miles away17:16
superm1oh that makes life more difficult doesn't it.17:16
superm1LaserJock, they're on ubuntu DVD media too17:17
LaserJocksuperm1: well, I tried to find a DVD briefly but I couldn't find one for Intrepid17:18
LaserJockand he can't download a DVD .iso obviously17:18
LaserJockI sent him an openSUSE DVD to see if maybe he can get *something* going17:18
LaserJockpoor guy has been trying to get linux working for a couple months now17:19
superm1well how are you going to get him a set of debs in the first place then?17:19
LaserJock.debs he can download from my brother17:19
LaserJockbut my brother tried to download an Ubuntu DVD but it was too much17:19
cjwatsonLaserJock: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/release/17:19
LaserJockcjwatson: darn it, I shoulda looked there. I was looking on releases.ubuntu.com17:20
highvoltageLaserJock: where I live bandwidth is very expensive, so I download the ubuntu archives and distribute it on DVD. perhaps you could do the same and send it to them to distribute17:21
LaserJockI just had a couple minutes to look for it so I could hand it off to some people17:21
LaserJockhighvoltage: you do just Main?17:22
LaserJockit's just amazing how difficult this can be for people even in the US :-)17:22
LaserJockI've gotten so used to great bandwith17:22
jdongis there an effective/intuitive way of downloading a package and all its dependencies suitable for burning on a CD?17:22
LaserJockwell, aptoncd might work17:23
jdongI had a script that starts with like a pbuilder environment and grabs the packageset that it tries to download17:23
LaserJockbut part of my problem is just getting the guy up-and-running so he can learn how to use Linux at all17:23
highvoltageLaserJock: I do main universe multiverse and restricted for i386. it's about 22GB for intrepid17:24
Turlhi there, can you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/328156 ?17:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 328156 in ubuntu "There is a big delay between logging in in GDM and getting the desktop fully loaded" [Undecided,New]17:25
highvoltageLaserJock: heh well, over here all of us think that everyone in the US has at least uncapped 20mbit connections17:25
LaserJockI think I'll just mail him the DVD17:26
LaserJockit only takes me ~ 45 min to download17:26
cjwatsonjdong: I'm pretty sure there's a document on this in the apt-doc package17:28
calc_highvoltage: heh, US has crap broadband, Korea is where its at ;-)17:36
calc_i'm hoping to get 10/1.5 on friday upgraded from my previous max of 3.0/0.517:36
LaserJockcalc_: US can have crap connectivity period, my parents have a nice speedy 28.8k dialup ;-)17:37
calc_highvoltage: aiui in korea and japan you can get gigabit to your home fairly cheap17:37
highvoltagecalc_: wow17:37
calc_highvoltage: persia has gigabit aiui17:37
calc_what does a blue (@) mean in the new screen theme?17:39
Turlanyone please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/32815617:39
tedgcalc_: run!!!!17:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 328156 in ubuntu "There is a big delay between logging in in GDM and getting the desktop fully loaded" [Undecided,New]17:39
calc_tedg: heh17:39
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keesjames_w: in BzrBuildPackage, you have --builder defaulting to "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us".  shouldn't this be "debuild -uc -us" given Ubuntu's compiler flag default settings that doko built into debuild?17:40
LaserJockcalc: if it starts blinking faster and faster cut the red wire17:40
* calc finally gets to go back home in the morning, back to nice 25C weather, no more snow and ice on the ground, heh17:40
james_wkees: yes, it probably should, I've been meaning to change it, but never quite got around to it17:41
dokokees: these are built into dpkg-buildpackage17:41
james_wkees: I think I'll just make it "debuild"17:41
keesdoko: oh, you moved them into dpkg-buildpackage?17:41
keesdoko: when did that happen?17:41
dokokees: hmm, I never moved them ...17:41
* kees scratches his head. memory fail. :P17:42
calckees: thats what happens when you get old ;-)17:42
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jdongcjwatson: thanks! (apt-doc pointer)17:48
keesjames_w: is there a work-flow documented anywhere for the steps to take to do the bzr-style work?  i.e.  "bzr bd -w" *repeat* "debcommit" "debcommit -r" "bzr bd" *upload* etc?17:55
james_wthat pretty much sums it up :-)17:56
keesI'm not clear on what goes into the change between the debcommit and the debcommit -r (without manually doint a bzr ci --unchanged -m 'releasing...')17:56
james_w(-w is un-needed now btw)17:56
james_wit's the default17:56
keesah! heh, okay17:56
james_wthat's where I'm doing the documentation currently17:57
cjwatsonkees: people who know about it generally put DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC=changelog in ~/.devscripts, after which your last change before releasing is dch -r (which changes UNRELEASED to jaunty at the top of debian/changelog, and updates the timestamp)17:58
keesokay, cool.  back-links from BzrBuildPackage would be nice.  :)17:58
cjwatsonmuch friendlier to revision control17:58
keescjwatson: ah! that's the missing piece for me.17:58
* LaserJock wishes we could put cjwatson's brain on paper :-)17:59
Keybukcjwatson: the comments on bug #85014 may amuse ;)18:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 85014 in upstart "Fail to enter rc1.d by putting 1 in bootparam in edgy" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8501418:01
keescjwatson, james_w: is there a tool that does the s/UNRELEASED/jaunty/ on the change log, or is that bit manual?18:01
james_wdch -r18:02
cjwatsonKeybuk: what a mess18:05
cjwatsonespecially from somebody using the royal we18:05
keesjames_w: okay, perfect, so process is:   *setup* (*hack* ("bzr bd", test)*repeat* debcommit)*repeat* "dch -r" "debcommit -r" *upload*18:06
Keybukcjwatson: it's not as if I even closed the bug won't fix ;)18:06
keesseems almost like "debcommit -r" should run "dch -r"18:06
cjwatsonI'd find it surprising if debcommit changed the working tree18:06
jpdsKeybuk: Looking at his related bugs... I'd say he likes to write essays for responses.18:08
cjwatsonwhat's that stuff about jigdo being broken? I assume that it's somebody trying to jigdo a point release or something18:09
cjwatson(which has never worked)18:09
keescjwatson: oh... you didn't update vte bzr :)18:09
cjwatsonkees: I did, I asked somebody to pull for me since I'm not in ubuntu-desktop18:10
cjwatsonkees: lp:~kamion/vte/udeb-fixes I think18:10
keescjwatson: oh! yeah, I'm going to be in the same boat, it seems.18:10
keesjames_w: exported directories from 'bzr bd' are world-writable.18:20
james_wkees: ouch18:21
james_wkees: which directory exactly?18:21
keesall of them, it seems18:21
kees$ ls -lda vte-0.19.418:21
keesdrwxrwxrwx 11 kees kees 4096 2009-02-11 10:17 vte-0.19.4/18:21
kees$ ls -lda vte-0.19.4/src18:21
keesdrwxrwxrwx 2 kees kees 4096 2008-12-15 12:45 vte-0.19.4/src/18:21
keesi wonder if this is a tarball glitch18:21
kees$ tar zvtf vte_0.19.4.orig.tar.gz18:22
keesdrwxrwxrwx 500/500           0 2008-12-15 12:45 vte-0.19.4/18:22
keesoh, so it is.  how intensely strange.18:22
james_wthe python tarfile module is a little lacking in places, and I know there is some issues with UMASK handling where it differs from tar, perhaps this is another area where it falls short18:23
keestar man says:18:23
kees       --no-same-permissions18:23
kees              apply umask to extracted files (the default for non-root users)18:23
keesso it seems that tar explicitly applies umask when unpacking18:23
keesah, debian bug 47049418:25
ubottuDebian bug 470494 in bzr-builddeb "bzr-builddeb: Permissions of unpacked files don't respect umask" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47049418:25
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keesjames_w: until tarfile is fixed, would you consider switching to subprocess.call(['tar',...  ?18:37
james_wkees: yes, I would consider it18:37
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james_wI need to do it to fix bug 303931 as well18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303931 in bzr-builddeb "Doesn't handle tar extensions" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30393118:41
keescjwatson: did you just ping seb128, or is there a more formal process to request pulls for a branch?18:50
kees(better yet, anyone from the desktop team able to pull cjwatson and my branches for vte?)18:51
cjwatsonkees: I think I pung mvo18:51
keesjames_w: this works for external tar usage (and likely solves your other bug too):  lp:~kees/bzr-builddeb/external-tar18:53
keestedg: around?  can you merge two branches of vte for me and cjwatson?18:54
tedgkees: Me?18:54
keestedg: yawp18:55
keestedg: you're in the ubuntu-desktop group18:55
tedgHeh, yeah, but considering I'm not on that team I'd feel a little odd about editing their branches.18:55
tedgbryce: ^18:55
keestedg: you're the only one in the timezone.  :)  and bryce isn't on the member list for some reason.18:56
cjwatsonFWIW I already uploaded my branch to the archive with consent from other folks involved18:56
tedgkees: Heh, okay.18:56
cjwatsonso pulling it would just reflect reality18:57
keesI didn't really have consent exactly, but I just did a patch update to match the current upstream tracker.18:57
tedgkees: cjwatson: what are the branches?18:57
keestedg: lp:~kamion/vte/udeb-fixes and lp:~kees/vte/bolding-update18:58
cjwatsoninto lp:~ubuntu-desktop/vte/ubuntu18:58
cjwatsonyou should just be able to pull the former; don't know if you'd need to merge or pull the latter18:58
james_wthanks kees18:59
keesjames_w: np18:59
tedgkees: You just had to go and use a tag didn't you... now upgrading the branch format to support tags...  :)19:07
keestedg: d'oh, sorry, it's part of the process I was trying to follow.  :P19:09
tedgkees: No problem.  No stack dumps on bazaar this time, so I'm a happy bazaar user today :)19:11
tedgkees: cjwatson: pushed.19:11
* kees hugs tedg19:12
bgamariHas anyone put together Python 2.6 packages for Intrepid yet?19:15
bgamariAccording to bug #278230, it was supposed to be released in a PPA after release?19:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278230 in python-defaults "Python 2.6 for Intrepid" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27823019:16
btQuarkany idea if the synaptics-usb kernel driver is to be supported any time soon?19:30
btQuarki've created a ticket on some of the ubuntu trackers (brainstorm imho) but did not get any responses19:30
btQuarkactually the drivers seems to work well, but is in conflict with the hid-drivers19:30
btQuarkand needed to use the synaptics x driver with any synaptics device connected via usb19:31
btQuarkprovided by jan-steinhoff.de19:31
btQuarkit would be most lovely it that would work :D19:31
RoyKhi. where does ubuntu get the weather data shown in the status line?19:42
ograit asks the little frog builtin to your CPU19:45
bryceogra: you're saying your CPU croaked?20:06
ograyeah, but mine already has T.O.A.D 2.0 builtin :)20:06
ograwaay advanced :)20:07
ScottKBased on calc's feedback on weather, I thought it was anywhere it doesn't matter because you don't know where you live anyway.20:07
ograScottK, well, actually it polls airport data ... prob is if you dont live near an airpirt you have no weather ...20:10
jpdsRoyK: It uses libgweather.20:20
mvokees: what branch do you want me to merge? happy to do that20:27
RoyKjpds: any idea what weather source that uses?20:28
ograRoyK, airport data20:30
jpdsRoyK: According the source, various sources, but you might have better luck looking around: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/libgweather/trunk/20:31
ogratry: firefox file:///usr/share/libgweather/Locations.xml20:32
ograthat gives you a list of all known locations mapped to the airport20:33
RoyKwhy on earth would people write XML files in one line?20:34
ograRoyK, because it saves whitespace ... (i agree its silly, but it might save a byte or so and usually xml is interpreted)20:36
ograthats why i pointed you to firefox ;)20:37
RoyKI didn't see that - just opened it with vi20:38
RoyKstill doesn't say anything about the source used20:39
RoyKhm. that svn repo doesn't work20:42
ograRoyK, it uses the NWS servers20:43
RoyKogra: ok20:46
RoyKogra: are their data available freely_20:46
ograi know many IRC bots using it20:47
RoyKmet.no, the Norwegian counterpart just opened all their data recently - with lots of details down to weather reports for small towns with 500 people and so on20:48
RoyKworldwide as well20:48
RoyKa few companies have been a little pissed off by them for that :)20:48
RoyKsee yr.no for the main site20:49
ograi guess you could patch gweathr to use other servers20:49
LaserJockI just leave the lab once in a while and look outside :-)20:53
ograLaserJock, pfft, thats cheating ... thats like taking to your wife across the table while you could IM her20:58
LaserJockogra: yeah, I suppose it is20:59
LaserJockI need to figure out a nice avahi Valentines Day gift20:59
LaserJockmaybe just ssh in to her laptop and change the background to a vase of roses?21:00
LaserJockmuch cheaper :-)21:00
mathiazIf a package (mysql-server-5.1) declares a conflict with another one (mysql-server-5.0) but *no* replaces what should apt-get install mysql-server-5.1 do on a system with mysql-server-5.0 installed?21:39
mathiazapt-get shows that mysql-server-5.0 will be removed and mysql-server-5.1 installed.21:42
mathiazisn't a conflict supposed to prevent that?21:42
cpufreaka conflict means they can't both be installed at the same time.21:43
mathiazshouldn't apt-get refuse to install mysql-server-5.1 rather than remove mysql-server-5.0 and installing mysql-server-5.1?21:48
LaserJockmathiaz: hmm, is it perhaps guessing since you've explicitly said you wanted to install mysql-server-5.1 that mysql-server-5.0 is "lower priority"?21:51
LaserJockso "I want to install" is higher priority than "already installed"21:52
mathiazLaserJock: hm. may be. What I want to achieve is that if mysql-server-5.0 is installed you cannot install mysql-server-5.1 (which would be an upgrade from mysql point of view)21:53
mathiazLaserJock: if there isn't any replaces then the install fails because /usr/bin/mysqld is both in -5.0 and 5.121:54
LaserJockmathiaz: well, I think the Conflicts system just says "you can't have both"21:55
mathiazAccording to the debian policy (http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html - 7.4 Conflicting binary packages - Conflicts): if the package being installed is marked as replacing [...] then dpkg will automatically remove the package which is causing the conflict, otherwise it will halt the installation of the new package with an error21:57
mathiazin this use case mysql-server-5.1 does *not* replace mysql-server-5.021:57
mathiazit only conflicts with mysql-server-5.021:57
LaserJockso is there a problem with people installing -5.1?21:59
Laneythat talks about dpkg22:00
Laneyapt must be being more clever than that22:00
mathiazLaserJock: a fresh install of 5.1 works22:00
mathiazLaserJock: however if you have 5.0 installed you'd better not install 5.122:00
LaserJockmathiaz: why not?22:01
mathiazLaserJock: even though 5.0 and 5.1 are considered two different src packages they share data22:01
LaserJockbut Conflicts makes sure you don't have both22:01
mathiazLaserJock: so installing 5.1 tries to setup a brand new install22:01
mathiazLaserJock: while there is already one running for 5.022:02
mathiazLaserJock: there isn't any proper upgrade logic in 5.1 to handle an upgrade from 5.022:02
mathiazLaserJock: and I don't plan to get this done in jaunty22:02
LaserJockthat sounds kind of like a different kind of problem though22:02
mathiazLaserJock: so I want to make sure that people can't install 5.1 if they have 5.0 already there22:03
LaserJockdoes Replaces work?22:03
LaserJockwill that remove 5.0 first?22:03
mathiazLaserJock: yes - even *without* Replaces 5.0 is removed22:04
mathiazLaserJock: yes - even *without* Replaces, 5.0 is removed22:04
kirkland`any idea why a fresh install of Jaunty desktop would leave me with really huge, strange looking fonts?22:13
maxbdpi issue - System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts > Details... > override DPI to 96 and see if it looks sane again22:14
beunopitti, FWIW, some update today fixed the black-screen-on-startup issue for me22:17
cjwatsontedg: vte> thanks22:18
cjwatsonbgamari: "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/doko/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main" - no extensions yet, though, so it may not be very useful in many cases. It's planned to go into Jaunty over the next few days though22:20
cjwatsonmathiaz: there is no way, period, for a package to say that it may not be removed in favour of another package22:20
bgamaricjwatson, alright, I just installed jaunty22:20
cjwatsonmathiaz: Conflicts says that they can't be installed simultaneously, and Conflicts+Replaces says "can't be installed simultaneously, also this one is better than that other one so use it if you can't decide"22:20
bgamaricjwatson, It will still be a few days though?22:21
cjwatsonbgamari: yes22:21
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cjwatsonmathiaz: if this is a problem, maybe having upgrade logic in 5.1 *needs* to be on your (plural) list for jaunty ...22:21
bgamaricjwatson, alright, thanks22:21
cjwatsonmathiaz: or else fail in 5.1's preinst, but that will cause confusion for users22:21
mathiazcjwatson: ok - I'll see how complicated the upgrade logic would be. The backup plan is to fail in preinst22:22
cjwatsonBTW, the reason that Conflicts+Replaces has a special meaning distinct from Replaces is not entirely obvious (or at least wasn't to me) but is quite simple22:22
cjwatsonthe reason is that Replaces talks about what happens when two packages are installed simultaneously but share files22:23
cjwatsonbut Conflicts ensures that the two packages cannot both have their files unpacked22:23
cjwatsonso when Conflicts is used, Conflicts+Replaces is free for another bit of information22:23
cjwatsonthere are a lot of places in the archive where people use Conflicts+Replaces but meant to use just Replaces; this is partly because until a couple of years ago dpkg didn't handle Replaces on its own quite right, so people used Conflicts+Replaces to force the issue22:24
LaserJockhmm, I'm really getting to think cjwatson > Policy :-)22:25
Keybukcjwatson: random of the day22:27
Keybukdo we have to include Canonical's own copyright in debian/copyright for upstream packages we patch? :)22:27
nhandlercjwatson: You really should add that to some FAQ on the wiki (if it exists). That is a pretty common question that many people have. It would be great to be able to point them to a wiki page instead of trying to explain it each time22:32
cjwatsonLaserJock: Policy says this, it's just a bit vague about it22:32
cjwatsonnhandler: actually, I'd rather expand it in the policy manual22:32
cjwatsonit's silly to have a document, and then a clarification document22:32
nhandlercjwatson: That would work too ;)22:32
cjwatsonKeybuk: depends how significant and original our changes are, I suppose22:33
cjwatsonI thought we had some kind of document about this, but can't find it22:35
Keybukcjwatson: well, our copyright line is in the upstream .c file22:48
cjwatsonKeybuk: technically speaking it probably ought to be acknowledged in debian/copyright; this should all be a bit more rational with the new copyright format, I think23:16
Keybukthere's a new copyright format?23:18
Keybuklet me guess, rfc822 files?23:19
cjwatsonwhat else?23:19
ion_laserjock: :-D23:20
cjwatsonusual caveats about design-by-wiki-committee, but the guts of the proposal are pretty good23:20
Keybukthat is a massive document23:21
cjwatsonit is, but most of it is devoted to enumerating machine-readable names for individual licences23:22
cjwatsonit's got a bit out of hand in the last few months and needs to be taken off the wiki and trimmed down by a maintainer23:22
cjwatsonlooks like there's consensus among the active editors that that needs to happen, so it should happen post-lenny23:23
cjwatson... i.e. next week23:23
cjwatsonKeybuk: /usr/share/doc/base-passwd/copyright is my interpretation of what the results would actually look like, although it's written to a somewhat older version23:24
cjwatsonoh, the proposal also has lots of inline comments, further increasing massiveness23:25
Keybukdoesn't that just make the whole thing overly complicated?23:26
Keybukpreviously I just amalgamated all the various copyright lines into one bloce23:26
Keybuknow every time every single file has a slightly different copyright line, you need to list it separately?23:27
cjwatsonFiles: *23:27
cjwatsonI think you could perfectly well get away with smoothing over trivial differences23:28
Keybukis that allowed?23:28
Keybukin your example, you list different files in different blocks just because they have different copyright, but the same licence23:28
cjwatsononly because they had completely different heritage23:30
cjwatsonthe copyright dates on the .c file and the man pages are probably not identical, for instance23:30
cjwatsonI think stating the union is fine23:30
directhexcjwatson, copyrightformat needs a sensible way to document +dfsging source23:31
cjwatsonif it were very fiddly I'm pretty sure I would just list all the copyright holders in Files: src/* or whatever23:31
cjwatsonsame as upstream probably does in AUTHORS23:31
cjwatsondirecthex: why isn't that in debian/README.source, which documents other unusual source handling practices?23:32
cjwatsondirecthex: although if you search for "orig" in the proposal you'll find a comment about this23:32
directhexcjwatson, it is. it just seems opportune to have a machine-readable list of +dfsg changes, if you're having a machine-readable list of other things23:33
cjwatsonanyway, given a vaguely sane editor and marginally less wikibikesheddery I think it should be OK23:33
directhexwe've been using it for a while in pkg-monofoo, but it's definitely changed at least once between when we started using it & now23:35
cjwatsonI certainly don't think it's ready yet, although I've started using it with a nominated revision in some of my packages for practice23:35
cjwatsonamong other things, GPLv3 taught us that we need some kind of automated way to track this stuff23:36
directhexif nothing else, something approximating the copyright format is *MUCH* nicer for *HUMAN* readability than a wooly "well, it's a bit o' this and some o' this"23:36
RAOFI also like the structure; I find it makes it easier for me to do the initial copyright search and to update stuff.23:36
directhexand a dash o' that23:37
directhexRAOF, updating copyright seems to never ever happen23:37
cjwatsonrarely, at least. I do try to remember on new upstream versions23:37
cjwatsonbut particularly when it's just a year update, people forget23:37
* RAOF checks his copyright on new upstreams fairly conciensiously.23:37
directhexi've been bitten by people not updating their copyright when trying to re-use some of their content23:38
RAOFRight.  Hello, tomboy keybinding code!23:38
cjwatsoncopyright is important to acknowledge, but we're unlikely to be breaking any laws by leaving a holder out of debian/copyright (it'll be documented in the files themselves anyway)23:38
cjwatsonwhereas licences are actually important to track23:38
cjwatsonand also change rather more rarely and with more fanfare, so are a bit easier to pay attention to23:39
directhexcjwatson, from where i'm sat i don't care as long as ftpmaster lets it through the gate23:39
cjwatsonas an Ubuntu ftpmaster, I care :)23:39
directhexas an ubuntu ftpmaster, you have a waiting list of less than a month. copyright needs to be pristine first try in debian because if it ain't, then it's to the back of the queue23:41
LaserJockdoes anybody know if the text installer on the DVD runs tasksel at all?23:43
directhexand the back of the queue sucks23:43
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
cjwatsondirecthex: I think it's worth recognising that the Debian FTP team has other things to do with lenny coming on23:49
cjwatsonand TBH, every time you've mentioned mono in the last month it seems to have gone with a complaint about Debian NEW23:49
cjwatsonI understand your frustration but ...23:49
cjwatsonLaserJock: yes23:49
directhexcjwatson, i'm a mono packager, what else am i likely to mention?23:50
cjwatsonit just gets a bit old23:50
LaserJockcjwatson: as in, does it offer the user task selections?23:50
cjwatsonLaserJock: should od23:50
LaserJockcjwatson: hmm, ok, I'll give it a go again, I got impatient23:50
cjwatsontasksel should offer task selection provided that more than one task is available on the DVD, and it isn't preseeded23:50
cjwatsonmind you, I guess it might be preseeded23:51
LaserJockah, ok23:51
cjwatsonyeah, I suppose it is23:51
cjwatsondoes this need to be changed?23:51
LaserJockbecause it was acting just like the regular Ubuntu Alt CD23:51
LaserJockwell, I was trying to think of ways people could get Edubuntu all in one go23:51
LaserJockand since the DVD is the only place were all the needed packages exist, it'd be nice23:52
cjwatsonit does make some sense to remove that23:52
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LaserJockalso, I used the 8.10 DVD and I didn't see a LTSP install option23:52
LaserJockwhen I hit F4 that is23:52
cjwatsonthat's odd, it looks like it's there23:54
cjwatsonfile a bug about that one23:54
cjwatsonI suspect that gfxboot-theme-ubuntu is a bit confused about what it's booting23:55
TheMusocjwatson: whats with ports images in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current?23:55
LaserJockcjwatson: I get Normal, Safe graphics mode, Use driver update CD, OEM install from the F4 menu23:55
cjwatsonTheMuso: I screwed up23:56
TheMusoOk np, just checking to see if it was known.23:56
cjwatsonI was doing an image rebuild and accidentally did so from a shell in which I had been doing some script debugging and had some variables exported23:56
LaserJockcjwatson: what should I file a bug against?23:56
cjwatsonTheMuso: I'll fix it up now, thanks for the reminder23:57
cjwatsonLaserJock: gfxboot-theme-ubuntu23:57

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