
rzrhi, about multitouch , where do this go ? http://www.newlc.com/en/multitouch-feature-any-screen#comment-5024008:37
persiarzr, You'd probably want to test that with a custom app against the driver.  If it works, you would probably put it in a library with some convenience calls for applications.08:49
rzrpersia: why ? to ship the lib appart ?08:51
persiaNo, rather so that you didn't need to duplicate the multitouch handling code in each application.08:52
rzrand what about the pattent from apple ?08:54
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rZrpersia: we'll talk about it later i have to go08:55
persiaAs I understand patent law (poorly), a patent means you can't distribute a product that infringes without approval.  It specifically permits you to fiddle with it yourself at home (that's the point of patents).08:56
Stralyticanyone here interested in a bug in netbook-launcher?09:00
persiaStralytic, best to file it in LP.09:01
Stralyticyep, done09:02
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tunkIs this a good place to ask about UNR?17:49
rZri guess yes17:49
rZrbtw do you know is there is a livecd of unr (not installer) ?17:50
tunkI'm having real problems installing ubuntu on my aspire one netbook. I've tried making usb key installers from iso images using unetbootin, but they result in boot errors on the aspire. the .img file for UNR succeeds until it gets to "will mount root from /dev/sdb". Have you encountered this at all?17:50
tunki dont have a cd drive though..17:50
rZrmake sure you dont have the sd slot enabled ?17:50
tunki removed cards from it, but previously there was a card in there. i have booted without any sd card though. Is that what you mean?17:51
tunkthe keydrives data indicator is flashing away17:52
tunkor do you mean disabling the slot in the bios somehow?17:53
rZrin the bios yes17:55
tunki cant see an option to disable the sd slot explicitly17:56
tunki could put the card in and then try again18:01
tunkit found the usb stick fine, and then says it'll mount root from it18:02
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