
asac[reed]: on linux?00:39
[reed]yes, afaik00:39
asaclast time i looked it was just "empty code" :)00:39
asacbut thats a few month a go at least00:39
asac[reed]:  #ifdef NS_OSSO00:42
asacso on osso aka nokia systems00:42
asacand TestGtkEmbed.cpp also sends memory-pressure00:43
asacalso when memory is flushed00:44
asacwhich seems to happen on OOM conditions00:44
asac[reed]: right. now i found what i mean: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/xpcom/base/nsMemoryImpl.cpp#19300:45
asac  *result = PR_FALSE;00:45
[reed]so, add the code :)00:46
asacyeah. i have that on my radar for quite a while00:46
asacits a bit tricky00:46
asacnobody could tell me what to actually use to determine low mem ;)00:46
asaci think i will check osso00:47
* asac apt-get source libosso-dev00:47
asacdoesnt exist here00:50
asacbut why is OSSO not using osso lib functions ;)00:50
asacinstead opening high watermark directly00:50
[reed]asac: http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/e5df3dc7-6dfc-4cd6-aaf2-46650209021001:39
[reed]any ideas?01:39
[reed]I get that on opening pdf files01:39
asac[reed]: nppdf ... which plugin is that?01:43
asacor reader01:43
[reed]it's not even installed anymore!01:45
[reed]and it's disabled in add-ons manager01:45
[reed]I hate plugins01:45
asac[reed]: use mozplugger ;)01:48
asac[reed]: http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/diff/2f937bb5d31c/modules/plugin/base/src/nsNPAPIPlugin.cpp01:51
asaclook at 189501:51
asacseems like a gross hack01:51
asacmaybe remove the whole block for testing ;)01:51
asace.g. 1895-1902 -> kill01:52
[reed]http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/diff/2f937bb5d31c/modules/plugin/base/src/nsNPAPIPlugin.cpp#l1895 is a }01:53
asacwelll for me its // adobe nppdf calls XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(display,01:53
asac94 is }01:53
asac[reed]: maybe try whether its a regression because of http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/ce7f3949567502:07
asac[reed]: can you backout that and see? thanks02:08
asacbut i doubt it ;)02:09
asacpreviously: #define GDK_ROOT_PARENT()             (gdk_get_default_root_window ())02:09
asacnow #define GDK_ROOT_WINDOW()             (gdk_x11_get_default_root_xwindow ())02:09
asacbut difference is: "the current screen." vs. " the default screen."02:10
asac[reed]: is it a null-deref?02:11
asac[reed]: in case backour thelps try to just replace the ROOT_WINDOW with gdk_get_default_root_window ()02:12
[reed]well, I just removed the plugin02:12
[reed]and swapped back to evince ;)02:12
asacyeah. but would be beneficial to track this regression ;)02:12
asacat lesat if its really because of the changesetg02:12
[reed]apt-get install adoberead-edu02:12
asacnot in archive here02:13
[reed]it's in the canonical repo02:14
asachmm ... intrepid?02:16
asacdoesnt exist in my partner repo ;)02:19
asac[reed]: current adobe reader from adobe website works for me02:40
asacin daily 3.202:40
asaca bit outdated02:41
gnomefreakasac: dpkg -L sun*12:25
gnomefreakPackage `sun*' is not installed.12:25
gnomefreakUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,12:25
gnomefreakand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.12:25
gnomefreakoh wait a minute12:25
sianisasac: please review my patch for #30500412:25
asacbug 30500412:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305004 in ubufox "Untranslated fallback string" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30500412:26
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62120012:26
gnomefreaki was hoping you could use wildcard with -L12:27
asacgnomefreak: thats not the java plugin12:27
asacat least i dont see a plugin .so i n there12:27
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62120212:28
gnomefreaki dont see .so either12:29
asacsianis: what email for credits?12:31
sianisasac: huh?12:32
asacok found it12:32
asacusing your gmail thing12:32
asacsianis: committed. thanks12:33
sianisasac: great, thank you12:33
gnomefreakwhat package provides bzr bd in hardy? its telling me bd is unknown command12:55
gnomefreaki have bzr and bzr-builddeb installed12:56
gnomefreakinstalled: bzr bzr-builddeb bzrtools fakeroot patchutils python-central python-debian python-support12:57
gnomefreakUnable to load plugin 'builddeb' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins'   is the error i get13:05
gnomefreak!info seamonkey hardy13:17
ubottuseamonkey (source: seamonkey): The Seamonkey Internet Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.12+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 23 kB, installed size 88 kB13:17
gnomefreakah it is i see13:17
asacgnomefreak: install bzr-builddeb13:18
asacbzr bd should work then13:19
gnomefreakyour right but it doesnt i use dpkg-buildpackage instead13:21
asacfta: [Build #864529] i386 build of pri13:22
asacELEASE (ubuntu-mozilla-daily PPA)13:22
gnomefreaki have to fix intrepid branch and hardy is working atm but i nominated for intrepid adn hardy. can you ok them please bug 30965513:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309655 in seamonkey "Seamonkey 1.1.14 security upgrade" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30965513:23
gnomefreakasac: ^\13:23
* gnomefreak smoke13:24
asacgnomefreak: approved13:31
dioclesCould someone approve my Debian BTS message to the mailing list, please? :)14:05
asacgnomefreak: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22485478/crashFirefox.html does that crash for you?14:05
gnomefreakhold on let me save shit. what version?14:06
gnomefreakasac: doesnt crash with 3.214:07
gnomefreakasac: doesnt crash in 3.0 nor 3.1 as well as 3.214:13
gnomefreakok be back i need to finish some work i started14:14
dorganhow do i add a context menu item to the message pane?14:58
asacmconnor: whats the plan for new-tab in 3.1. is http://www.azarask.in/blog/post/firefox-31-new-tab-spec still the plan?14:59
asacdorgan: extension?14:59
dorganyes i am aware of that I am not sure of what file/item i am overlaying15:00
asacdorgan: heh ;)15:01
asaci would have to look at source too15:01
dorganin  thunderbird i want to add a menu item to the context menu when you right click on an email15:01
asacdorgan: i gues its <popup id="mailContext"15:02
asacdorgan: thats in mail/base/content/mailWindowOverlay.xul15:02
asacor folderPaneContext15:03
dorganhow do you find these so quick?15:05
asacdorgan: i look in the source and know what to look for ;)15:06
asacdorgan: you can also use dom inspector15:07
asacbut i didnt do that here15:07
dorgan dom inspector doesnt seem to work15:07
dorganor maybe it does and i dont know how to use itr15:07
asacdolske: personally i would suggest that you develop against tbird 3 ... its in the ~ubuntu-mozilla-daily team PPA and the dom inspector works fine15:08
asacits uncertain when it will come out, but tbird 2 is really getting old ;)15:08
dorgani am assuming your talking to me?15:08
dorganif so i am deving against Tb315:08
dorgan :)15:08
asacdorgan: yeah :)15:12
asacdorgan: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/15:12
asacthats the ppa15:12
asacwhere we provide dailies for development branches15:13
dorganahhh now my extension is finally done15:22
dorgannot bad for my first extension15:22
dorganbasically what it does is allow our order processing department to take an email/attachments and fill out a form with information about the customer then it puts those files in a queue folder with some text files that contain the information about the customer...I am now building a PHP script to put that information into a DB for searching as well as put the attachments into an art library for archiving/web viewing15:23
asacdorgan: heh. sounds streamlined ;)15:26
dorganyeah hopefully it will get rid of having to print out emails/attachments and scan them into the document management software we currently use15:30
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakyou brokw tb315:43
gnomefreakyep its broke its all blank no address in left pane and nothing in top or bottom pane15:44
gnomefreak3.0~b2~hg20090210r1916+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 is the broken version. someone else care to test it to make sure its not me15:46
* gnomefreak thinks bot should test packages before pushing but i doubt that is possible15:48
saivannasac : Do you have any thunderbird 3.0b2 build somewhere in a PPA? I have the thunderbird-3.0.head bzr branch but I need the sources and the cdbs-config_list file15:58
asacsaivann: we have ~ubuntu-mozilla-daily ppa now15:59
asacjust add that and track thunderbird-3.0 as it proceeds15:59
james_wadditions made to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyUpstreamBuildsPOCSpec that might interest you15:59
* asac looks16:00
* asac searches for a diff16:00
saivannasac : Thanks, that's what I needed16:00
gnomefreakasac: fta2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/26378196@N05/3271492111/16:01
gnomefreakdont install that version in umd of tb316:02
gnomefreaksee above link16:02
fta2I'll have a look later today16:04
fta2gnomefreak, please don't use the daily ppa if you want tested packages, daily means untested by nature16:05
asaci run the latest ... works for me16:06
gnomefreakeverything in umd works fine except tb316:06
asacFAQ: gr::RangeSegment crashes -> remove pango-graphite16:08
gnomefreaki was looking at that earlier and was gonna install it16:08
gnomefreakoh well an excuse to check email another day :)16:19
fta2asac, it doesn't for me either16:22
fta2Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) [nsIXPCComponents_Utils.import]"  nsresult: "0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://messenger/content/msgMail3PaneWindow.js :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 4"  data: no]16:22
fta2too bad i broke compare when i moved the mozclient files into the debian dir16:22
asacfta2: error without consequences?16:22
asacfta2: we still have time to fix after feature freeze ;)16:23
asacto fix compare for instance ;)16:23
asacFF is on 19th16:23
asacearly enough ;)16:23
fta2no, it's broekn in tb316:23
asacMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3pre) Gecko/20090210 Shredder/3.0b2pre16:24
asacthat works16:24
asacso probably today?16:24
fta2i also moved tb3 to embedded tarball, it's just a matter of depth16:24
asacthats good16:24
fta2it's not usable (tb3 ~umd)16:24
fta2the panes are empty16:24
asacyes, but the build above works fine here for me ,)16:24
asacdoing bugmail with it16:24
asacor do you mean 3.1?16:25
asaci guess we should file a bug ;)16:25
asaclet me verify ... getting todays dailies now16:26
asacfta2: when do you run dailies? 4am?16:26
asacwonder if i should upgrade every morning or every lunch ;)16:26
fta2yep, 4am16:27
asacso every morning16:27
* asac crosses fingers that he can still process bugs16:27
gnomefreak!info firefox intrepid16:28
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB16:28
gnomefreak!info firefox hardy16:28
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB16:29
asacfta2: so resource://app/modules/activity/activityModules.js is missing?16:29
gnomefreak!info firefox gutsy16:29
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 9046 kB, installed size 26124 kB16:29
asaci assume resource://gre/modules/folderUtils.jsm is there16:29
gnomefreak!info firefox-3.0 gutsy16:30
ubottufirefox-3.0 (source: firefox-3.0): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla (Development Version). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~alpha8+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1130 kB, installed size 3832 kB16:30
asacyeah /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0b2pre/modules/folderUtils.jsm16:30
asacso yeah :) ... no its broken for me too ;)16:33
* asac downgraded16:37
asacfta2: so: $(INSTALL) $(IFLAGS1) $^ $(FINAL_TARGET)/modules/activity16:38
asacand also   nsActivity.js \ nsActivityManager.js \ nsActivityManagerUI.js \16:39
asacas new components as it seems16:39
asaci will look into it16:40
asacjust amazing that tbird orig is 53M16:41
fta2should be trivial16:41
fta2asac, ^^ probably the stupid fix_unix_installer.patch16:44
fta2they should maintain that16:44
fta2not us16:44
asacfta2: yeah. that patch is painful ;)16:45
asacat least without compare16:45
fta2build-tree/mozilla/mozilla/dist/bin, hmm16:56
fta2that may confuse compare16:58
fta2asac, DEB_SRCDIR vs DEB_TAR_SRCDIR16:58
fta2DEB_SRCDIR is wrong16:59
* asac installs sauerbraten and wonders whats coming out of it17:02
fta2disk full17:23
[reed]fta: is that filed?17:36
asac_hmm whats that ;)?17:43
gnomefreaki guess 1.1.14 will have to wait i ran out of room :(17:43
gnomefreakok gone for a while i need to get shit here done.17:44
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asaccwong1: hey ;) how are things going?18:55
* asac back from reboot18:55
ftadtchen, p-a 0.9.15 seems to be controlling the mixer channels, it sets some to 0, and others to a low value each time i play or pause rhythmbox, making the others apps crazy19:52
ftadtchen, rhythmbox just froze on unpause, apparently lost with the status of the sound device19:54
asacsound is definitly the next NM ;)20:21
ftait seems worse to me20:23
asaccurrent state: nothing works ;)20:24
ftaalmost nothing, yes20:25
asacfor me current experience is fun ;)20:25
asacmy window borders are all white ;)20:25
asacwithout any elements20:25
asacthey are there, but not rendered ;)20:25
asacfta: yes i already started to do that20:27
asacgot distracted20:27
ftawell, i fixed the double mozilla dir20:28
asacits a bit strange as bin/modules/* doesnt copy recursively20:28
asacfta: i had that fixed too ... but feel free to push ;)20:28
asacwell ... i hacked compare.mk ;)20:28
asacto also test for mozilla/mozilla/dist/bin20:29
ftamozilla/mozilla is never supposed to exist20:30
ftaoops, i forgot that it was the messy comm-central build, so yes, moz/moz is expected. too bad20:34
asacthought you fixed it ;)20:35
asacif we need to add that to compare.mk we should do it ... cant harm to do another upload before ff20:36
ftawell, i changed $tar_something to fix what i thought was causing the double dir20:37
ftai'm puzzled now20:37
ftaasac, what is gloda?20:50
asacfta: not sure ;)20:50
asacbut seems we need to ship it20:50
asacGloda (global database) is is an indexer and database, the backend to20:51
asacmajor improvements to come in search capability, data aggregation and20:51
asacvisualization, and productivity. Gloda works in the background, and is a20:51
asaclayer on top of (not a replacement for) the existing folder-centric20:51
asacmessage storage mechanism.20:51
asacso its the safe-browsing equivalent for tbird20:51
asacinstead of scratching your disk for security reasons you get rumbling for search ;)20:52
asacprobably better comparison is places... but was kiddin anyway20:52
asacok relogin20:53
mconnorasac: nothing Aza posts is ever usually an absolute plan, and that stuff missed 3.120:59
asacmconnor: ok thanks for the info. is that even still something you look into for future?21:00
ftai really hate to have to maintain installer/unix/packages-static because they don't care about unix and/or make install21:01
[reed]fta: reopen the bug21:02
asacfta: hey ;) ... dont maildev folks have a plan for something else?21:02
[reed]it was fontfix'd no?21:02
asac[reed]: i think they wontfixed it ;)21:02
[reed]yes, reopen it, explain that it's really hurting the distros, and cc dmose directly21:02
asacfta: do you you have the bug id?21:03
mconnorso what's going on?21:03
mconnorexplain this a little better, I thought Fx's build config needed packages-static, why doesn't thunderbird's?21:03
asaci think its thunderbird 3 build system pain. with xul 1.9 firefox and xul moved its make install target to use packages-static21:04
asacright ... so thunderbird 3 does it different, we opened bug and they said they didnt want that21:04
asacbut that was quite early ... i think a1 or something21:04
ftamozilla bug 42039121:05
asaci cannot remember all the details and since tbird 3 was still far far ahead i didnt really ran after it.21:05
ftait's assigned21:05
ubottuMozilla bug 420391 in Build Config "unix/packages-static for thunderbird (trunk)" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42039121:05
ftabut they are re-doing exactly the same thing that i did initially21:06
asacso its static vs. shared where ffox/tbird disagree/follow different path21:09
ftabut the patch is still adding packages-static, which is what we need21:10
[reed]nom it for blocking and explain why this is hurting Ubuntu21:12
asacsorry i am too tired to understand why he suddenly agreed21:12
asac[reed]: maybe i misread that but seems that he complained and now submitted the same patch ... just improved.21:12
asacfta: ^^ is that correct?21:12
asacseems so ... good21:13
ftawhere is the improvement? it may be just more up-to-date21:13
asacfta: removed-files21:13
asacnot sure if that is needed, but seems like it is21:13
mconnorit is21:13
mconnorotherwise you can have stuff lying around that causes problems21:14
ftaso i will grab the patch and use that instead, i don't mind, i'm just sick of blindly maintaining this on my side21:14
asacfta: if its still up to date ;)21:14
ftawe'll see21:15
ftacompare is fixed now21:15
asaci think this should land ... once it does we can make hard compare and will notice any missing updates on daily builds21:15
asacwhich is quite nice21:15
ftathat was the initial idea of compare, but even ff and xul keep forgetting stuff for a long while21:16
asacfta: yes, then we should fail hard on that and help maintaining those files21:17
asacits definitly better than what we had before where we had to add install: targets every other day ;)21:18
ftatricky with the xpt that seems to be bundled at install time21:18
asacfta: doesnt the removed-files file take care for cleanness?21:18
ftamaybe, but compare 1st try dist/bin (unclean) vs debian/tmp (clean)21:19
asacfta: we can filter for known false positives21:21
ftapossible, but still not ideal21:22
ftahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/117018/ eh?? components/ and bin/components/ ?21:23
ftaeither that file completely changes, or the patch is seriously broken21:30
ftait adds the #ifdef unix inside a huge #ifdef xp with almost everything in it21:31
ftai don't get why all the xpt are in an xp block21:32
ftamake[2]: Entering directory `/src/bzr/build-area/thunderbird-3.0-3.0~b2~hg20090210r1916+nobinonly/build-tree/mozilla/mail/installer'21:38
ftaMakefile:72: *** you need a "--enable-static --disable-shared" build to package a build.  Stop.21:38
ftamake[2]: Leaving directory `/src/bzr/build-area/thunderbird-3.0-3.0~b2~hg20090210r1916+nobinonly/build-tree/mozilla/mail/installer'21:38
ftamake[1]: *** [install] Error 221:38
ftadropping that, it's bullshit21:40
ftaasac, now, it wants me to remove all the .so in components21:48
ftaasac, seems seriously broken to me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117029/21:57
ftaasac, no libxul ?21:57
ftamy patch was better, it took care of tons of optional features from configure, the last patch in the bug totally missed that22:11
ftaasac, help22:37
ftaasac, it no longer starts, no error, no nothing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117040/22:39
asacfta: cant we use your patch + remove-files?22:47
ftaprobably but i wanted to use their patch22:51
ftabut it's non-sense22:52
ftathey dropped all .so, but look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117041/22:52
ftadtchen, help, my dell laptop is emitting continuous strident sounds when it used to emit a short system beep before. it's too easy to trigger, it makes me jump out of my chair23:00
asacheh ... so minefield now gives me annoying sounds when a alert pops up ;)23:01
ftame too23:02
ftadh_shlibdeps: command returned error code 51223:02
ftamake: *** [binary-predeb-IMPL/thunderbird-3.0] Error 123:02
asacbad binaries ;)?23:03
ftano idea, retrying..23:05
ftadamn, i had libmozjs0d installed in that chroot, it was used during the build, i removed it, now everything is messed up now.23:12
ftai need to rebuild23:12
asacit used libmozjs0d? scary23:17
ftayep, shlib even added it to Depends23:18
fta thunderbird-3.0 depends on libmozjs0d (>=; however:23:18
fta  Package libmozjs0d is not installed.23:18
ftascary it is23:18
asacfta: but seems you had libmozjs-dev installed23:18
asacanyway ... -> xulrunner 1.9 _has_ to die23:19
fta1.8 ?23:19
ftaI had libmozjs-dev for some reasons, but i don't remember why23:20
asac1.8 ;)23:21
ftawhat's left using it?23:23
asactoo many things23:25
asaci have the feeling it got more in this cycle23:26
asacthe whole eclipse stack23:27
asaci would hope that that would go away by fixing eclipse23:28
asac(all three)23:28
asac  mobile-basic-flash23:28
asacnot sure why that hasnt moved forward23:28
asacmozjs is more interesting23:28
asaclibjavascript-perl -> fta ?23:28
asaccan you look if we can do something about that?23:28
asacmaybe taking the js glue hack from google gadgets?23:28
asacgxine -> bah23:29
asacwhy is that again?23:29
asacedbrowse -> build system seems spartanic23:29
asaccouchdb -> likewise .... glue hack has to come23:30
asacnot sure what bfilter does23:31
asacseems they ship their own copy of libjs ... ouch23:31
asacfta: thats it i would hope23:32
asacmaybe something rdepends on python-xpcom ;)23:32
asaci think our xul should really ship some magic libmozjs-dev23:33
asacmaybe i should put an empty package in before FF ;)23:34
asacand respin all those that currently rdepend23:34
asacand let them fail until motu fix it ;)23:34
asaci think people would consider that inpolite though ;)23:35
ftalol, why not, could be fun23:35
ftathough a bit late23:36
asacfta: well ... if its now empty its not a missing feature but a bug ;) .... see the difference?23:38
megabitdragonis this the right place for questions about mozillateam launchpad ppa?23:39

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