Riddell | seele: plenty stuff doesn't work, I think just casual comments on what you'd like to see fixed is fine for now, I know a good number of things that need worked on before any more formal testing is needed | 00:08 |
seele | Riddell: ok | 00:09 |
Riddell | just interested if it works at all for now :) | 00:10 |
ScottK | nhandler: You only need the .install file for the ones with the transitional package. | 00:14 |
nhandler | I know | 00:15 |
ScottK | nhandler: OK usr/share/kde4/* should be fine, but I'd test build and check the .deb to make sure. | 00:15 |
Sput | seele, ScottK: anything really important on your must-have list for Quassel, now would be the time to give it to us if it should go in before the freeze | 00:16 |
nhandler | scottk: I'm testing these all in my PPA before uploading. Hopefully, this batch will turn out ok. However, it might take a little longer than I originally thought. The PPAs take some time | 00:16 |
Sput | as we plan to release 0.4.0 on Tuesday more or less | 00:17 |
ScottK | Sput: I think whatever seele wants is the most important. My main concern is getting the debug working. | 00:17 |
Sput | yeah, that's why I pinged you both :) | 00:17 |
Riddell | I'd really like to see it use the unix username by default, having lots of people joining IRC all called quassel123 is going to get confusing | 00:18 |
Sput | Riddell: already done | 00:18 |
Riddell | yay! | 00:19 |
Sput | for all platforms even :) | 00:19 |
Sput | realname too | 00:20 |
quassel183 | hello everybody | 00:22 |
quassel183 | :) | 00:22 |
Sput | Riddell: obviously not a git version from a couple hours ago :D | 00:23 |
seele | Sput: afaik you've fixed all the stuff on my shortlist so i'm happy :) | 00:23 |
EgS | Sput: why not? maybe it's just his old identity | 00:23 |
Sput | seele: very good to hear, cool :) | 00:24 |
Sput | seele: btw, thanks for the honorable mention on your blog :) | 00:24 |
quassel183 | Hi everybody, kubuntu devs, I want to let you know that openSUSE openoffice 3.0.1 build has patches that make it use kde4 open/save dialog. OOO 3.0.1 in jaunty still uses kde3 dialogs. I just want you to know so you can apply their same patches | 00:26 |
quassel183 | if you already know sorry :) | 00:26 |
quassel183 | http://lizards.opensuse.org/2009/02/10/openoffice_org-3_0_1_0openoffice_org-3_0_1_2/ | 00:26 |
Riddell | quassel183: that is interesting | 00:27 |
quassel183 | :) | 00:27 |
Riddell | our OO guy did try those patches recently without luck, maybe they've been fixed | 00:27 |
quassel183 | probably, since they've just been moved to a stable repository. | 00:28 |
nhandler | lintian overrides for quilt-build-dep-but-no-series-file can be removed now, correct? | 00:43 |
Riddell | nhandler: yes | 00:44 |
nhandler | And what about the cmake-find-plasma patches? | 00:45 |
Riddell | nhandler: I don't know | 00:51 |
nhandler | I'll go and look. I thought I saw a package or two that removed it, but I'm not positive | 00:52 |
Riddell | he's wrong, it's still KDE 3 | 00:57 |
lex79 | vorian: thanks for the review | 01:08 |
vorian | lex79: na, thanks for all the plasmoids! | 01:08 |
lex79 | can you archive these? | 01:09 |
lex79 | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasmoid-fortunoid | 01:09 |
vorian | did they get uploaded? | 01:09 |
vorian | ah, sure | 01:09 |
lex79 | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasmoid-logout | 01:09 |
lex79 | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasmoid-nextwallpaper | 01:09 |
lex79 | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasmoid-simplemonitor | 01:09 |
ScottK | lex79: You're going to rename those, right? | 01:09 |
lex79 | yes | 01:09 |
ScottK | OK | 01:09 |
vorian | ScottK: he already did, there are 7 plasmoids awaiting a second review | 01:10 |
ScottK | OK. | 01:10 |
ScottK | Got it now. | 01:10 |
vorian | lex79: all archived, thanks again :) | 01:12 |
lex79 | you are welcome :) | 01:12 |
vorian | nhandler: how's the widget transition going? | 01:13 |
jjesse_ | evening | 01:19 |
vorian | hi jjesse_ | 01:20 |
jjesse_ | stupid disconnect w/ VPN connection | 01:20 |
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse | ||
lex79 | kpackagekit is broken? | 01:21 |
lex79 | Refresh doesn't work and find button is off when search a package | 01:23 |
jjesse | lex79: in jaunty are you having problems? | 01:30 |
jjesse | with kpackagekit? i reported a bug on the refresh package problem | 01:30 |
lex79 | jjesse: yes | 01:30 |
jjesse | bug 327765 | 01:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 327765 in kpackagekit "Refresh package list stays at "unkown state"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/327765 | 01:31 |
* rgreening is migrating 80GB data from failed lappy to my new one... | 01:31 | |
lex79 | jjesse: when click "Refresh" button, I have this message: Authentication failed | 01:33 |
lex79 | when I put a name package in "Search package name", find button is off | 01:33 |
vorian | choqok 0.4 just uploaded | 01:35 |
jjesse | lex79 are you runninkg kdesudo before kpackagekit? | 01:36 |
lex79 | jjesse: no | 01:37 |
shtylman | will packagekit be the default in jaunty? | 01:42 |
jjesse | lex79 thats problly why you get the error message | 01:42 |
jjesse | shtylman yes | 01:42 |
jjesse | lex79: kpackagekit is not asking for the sudo password so you can't referesh the package listing | 01:42 |
jjesse | that's another bug i reported, can't find it right now | 01:42 |
lex79 | ok | 01:43 |
jjesse | hrm can't find that bug reporting it now ;) | 01:44 |
jjesse | found it bug 327760 | 01:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 327760 in kpackagekit "Upon launching kpackagekit not accessed for sudo password" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/327760 | 01:45 |
jjesse | linking to bug 319459 | 01:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 319459 in kpackagekit "kpackagekit reports an autentication error before you type password in policykit-kde dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/319459 | 01:45 |
rgreening | kpackagekit doesn't use sudo it uses policykit. | 01:52 |
rgreening | jjesse: ^\ | 01:52 |
ScottK | enter rgreening: kpackagekitman to the rescue. | 01:52 |
rgreening | kpackagekit will talk to policykit, and if the action requires admin rights, it will decide if/when to ask for auth. | 01:53 |
rgreening | jjesse: so, are you able to go to the updates and refresh? | 01:53 |
rgreening | jjesse: is this a recent problem? was it working already? | 01:56 |
jjesse | rgreening sorry wife called | 01:58 |
jjesse | rgreening: when i click on refresh packages i think it is called i get an error | 01:58 |
jjesse | not asked for my sudo password | 01:58 |
jjesse | this was last night with all updates | 01:59 |
jjesse | on jaunty | 01:59 |
rgreening | yes. I get that on a fresh install. Let me see what is missing. | 01:59 |
rgreening | jjesse: it could be a dep issue. I have it working correctly on my old system... | 02:00 |
JontheEchidna | rgreening: is packagekit itself installed? | 02:00 |
JontheEchidna | bug 327787 | 02:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 327787 in kpackagekit "Kpackagekit should depend on packagekit to be useful" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/327787 | 02:01 |
jjesse | rgreening: let me fire up my vm | 02:01 |
jjesse | so i can further test | 02:01 |
jjesse | best/quickest way to check if packagekit is isntaleld corrertly? | 02:03 |
JontheEchidna | apt-cache policy packagekit | 02:04 |
jjesse | it shows installed | 02:05 |
JontheEchidna | guess that's not it then | 02:05 |
jjesse | wait hold on | 02:05 |
jjesse | read it wrong | 02:05 |
JontheEchidna | :) | 02:05 |
jjesse | installed (none) means not installed correct | 02:05 |
jjesse | read it wrong | 02:05 |
JontheEchidna | correct | 02:05 |
JontheEchidna | I was puzzled there for a second :P | 02:05 |
jjesse | i like to puzzle you | 02:05 |
JontheEchidna | then yes, that's bug 327787 | 02:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 327787 in kpackagekit "Kpackagekit should depend on packagekit to be useful" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/327787 | 02:06 |
JontheEchidna | lol | 02:06 |
jjesse | lex79 that's probablly your problem as well | 02:06 |
rgreening | apt-cache policy packagekit shows mine as not installed | 02:08 |
rgreening | who wrote those deps :) | 02:08 |
rgreening | and dont say dep-ends... | 02:09 |
JontheEchidna | who revu'd those deps and let them slip ;-P | 02:09 |
rgreening | lol | 02:09 |
JontheEchidna | maybe libpackagekit-qt11 should depend on packagekit? | 02:09 |
JontheEchidna | nah, kpackagekit should dep on it itself | 02:10 |
rgreening | something should | 02:10 |
lex79 | jjesse: yes, this is my problem | 02:10 |
jjesse-jaunty | yay at least now we know how to solve it | 02:10 |
rgreening | check with Tonio_ to see why... iirc, there was a dep at one point and it was changed... which is prob the point it broke | 02:11 |
jjesse-jaunty | blame either rgreening or JontheEchidna | 02:11 |
rgreening | not me. I never made the packge. I submitted a patch for something, but never packaged. | 02:11 |
rgreening | :P | 02:11 |
seele | jjesse-jaunty: youre in DC? | 02:11 |
jjesse | seele: yes i am, i'm in tonight and fly back tomorrow | 02:14 |
jjesse | presenting at a tech conference | 02:14 |
seele | oh, which one? | 02:15 |
jjesse | its the federal tech workers conference sponsored by carahsoft | 02:15 |
seele | cool | 02:15 |
* seele lives in rockville :P | 02:15 | |
jjesse | no idea where that it is in relation ship to where i am currently staying | 02:16 |
seele | for you non-locals, that's about a 20 minute metro ride | 02:16 |
seele | what hotel are you at? marriot in cleveland park? | 02:16 |
jjesse | jw marriot | 02:16 |
jjesse | on pennsylavnia ave | 02:16 |
jjesse | i think | 02:17 |
seele | in the middle of town? everything is probably closed after 5 | 02:17 |
rgreening | I think Lancelot should be the default menu plasmoid | 02:17 |
rgreening | Looks so much better | 02:18 |
jjesse | i think the polic just blocked off pennsylavina avenue | 02:18 |
jjesse | wonder if the president is traveling? | 02:18 |
seele | maybe, or someone else | 02:18 |
jjesse | a big motorcade with lots of black suvs just went buy | 02:19 |
* jjesse is gawking | 02:19 | |
jjesse | everyone can tell i'm not a local :) | 02:19 |
seele | lol | 02:24 |
seele | i'll feel bad if it was a decoy and you really didn't get to see anyone important go by :) | 02:24 |
vorian | jjesse: you are near the red square? :o | 02:24 |
jjesse | yes :) | 02:25 |
vorian | be safe, comrade | 02:25 |
rgreening | lol | 02:26 |
seele | hey.. DC is very blue right now | 02:27 |
seele | hell, even VIRGINIA is a blue state now | 02:27 |
vorian | blue is the new Яed | 02:28 |
vorian | hehe | 02:28 |
* vorian stops now™ | 02:29 | |
vorian | wow, it's _very_ windy here | 02:35 |
nhandler | vorian: We had a fair amount of wind today in the windy city | 02:36 |
vorian | i keep hearing trees fall down :o | 02:36 |
vorian | It's the Nothing! | 02:36 |
* vorian calls falcore | 02:37 | |
jjesse | seele just hearing about this thunderstorms coming through the area, any idea what county i'm in? | 03:02 |
seele | jjesse: washington dc? lol | 03:02 |
seele | there are no counties in dc | 03:02 |
jjesse | doh | 03:02 |
jjesse | sorry that was pretty stupid | 03:02 |
seele | hehe | 03:02 |
seele | you have montgomery county and prince george's county in maryland to the north | 03:03 |
jjesse | i'm soo used to trying to figure out what county i'm in when there are warnings and storms near by | 03:03 |
JontheEchidna | fairfax county to the south | 03:03 |
seele | i forget what the southern most county that is virginia, but you have fairfax county to the west | 03:03 |
seele | and southish i suppose | 03:03 |
JontheEchidna | then prince william's county right below fairfax | 03:03 |
jjesse | JontheEchidna you from the area/ | 03:03 |
JontheEchidna | I only lived there 13 years of my life | 03:04 |
seele | there you go | 03:04 |
jjesse | i think i was 12 the last time i was in DC | 03:05 |
jjesse | this hotel is very very nice | 03:05 |
seele | sounds like it just started to rain | 03:11 |
jjesse | none of the digital tv stations are coming in now | 03:13 |
ScottK | Oddly enough it just started raining here. | 03:14 |
* ScottK is about an hour drive north of you west of Baltimore. | 03:14 | |
JontheEchidna | Baltimore traffic is.... fun | 03:20 |
ScottK | JontheEchidna: I didn't realize you used to live around here. | 03:21 |
JontheEchidna | hmm, it seems konversation-kde4 doesn't have a blinking tray icon yet | 04:00 |
JontheEchidna | But yeah, we moved from Northern VA to New Hampshire about 5 years ago | 04:01 |
ScottK | Nice escape. | 04:02 |
* ScottK always wanted Live Free or Die on his license plates. | 04:03 | |
quassel118 | New quassel snapshot seems to set real name correctly, but not use username for nick creation. | 04:08 |
ScottK | Sput: ^^^ | 04:09 |
shtylman | will adept be phased out completely, in favor of packagekit? | 04:38 |
ScottK | That's the plan. | 04:39 |
shtylman | gotcha | 04:40 |
ScottK | Adept upstream has ceased development of it. | 04:40 |
shtylman | project lost support? | 04:40 |
ScottK | Upstream was one guy and he got tired of it. | 04:42 |
shtylman | unrelated to previous: if I want to make changes to the ubiquity installer from the kubuntu todolist (spoke to riddell about this earlier) should I pull a branch from the launchpad code? or just install the source package and use that code? | 04:43 |
ScottK | I'd do both. | 04:56 |
ScottK | I generally work in a copy away from the vcs tree and then use diff and patch to update my local copy. | 04:57 |
ScottK | But that's me. | 04:57 |
shtylman | that makes sense, but what should I start with as a base? the currently packaged one? and bring in any changes I want later? I am thinking that using the currently packaged one is the best bet as it is the closest thing to "stable" I will get | 04:59 |
ScottK | The current packaged one is the 'official' source. | 05:02 |
ScottK | If there are changes in bzr that haven't been included, consider including them. | 05:02 |
shtylman | k, will do...time to experiment, thanks | 05:03 |
ScottK | Riddell: I just uploaded a new quassel snapshot thatsput asked me to have you check with Qt 4.5 as they made some changes that may help. | 05:20 |
ScottK | seele: Also just uploaded to my PPA so you can check it out (after it builds). | 05:22 |
rgreening | JontheEchidna: o/ | 06:01 |
ScottK | rgreening: I just uploaded a new quassel version that has some fixes that may help with Qt 4.5 compatibility. Sput asked me to ask y'all to test and report back. | 06:13 |
rgreening | ScottK: ok. | 06:13 |
rgreening | ScottK: do you have 64 bit arch? | 06:13 |
ScottK | Here, no. | 06:14 |
ScottK | i386 all the way baby. | 06:14 |
rgreening | Cause my new lappy is 64 bit | 06:14 |
rgreening | ScottK: and ia32libs is not installed by default and IMO it prob should be | 06:14 |
ScottK | Get another CD then. It's huge. | 06:15 |
rgreening | oh | 06:15 |
ScottK | It's a copy of an array of 32 bit libs. | 06:15 |
rgreening | maybe it could be a recommendation after first boot via update-notifier-kde | 06:15 |
ScottK | I think people who need it and don't know enough to install it should run 32 bit. | 06:16 |
rgreening | cause you get a mysterious error message that means nothing when running a 32 bit app | 06:16 |
ScottK | A less mysterious error message then. | 06:16 |
rgreening | I plan NWN and its a 32 bit binary | 06:16 |
rgreening | play even | 06:16 |
rgreening | it reported: 12: ./nwmain: not found | 06:17 |
rgreening | which leads the user in a useless direction | 06:17 |
rgreening | ScottK: any further word on kde 4.2 and qt4.5 | 06:18 |
ScottK | It sounds like they are going to work through the issues in KDE trunk and then has some kind of patch set for 4.2 with 4.5 | 06:19 |
ScottK | No promises yet. | 06:19 |
rgreening | ScottK: I love the URL preview in Quassel. I was totally suprised and impressed when it came up | 06:19 |
ScottK | Yeah. | 06:20 |
ScottK | Argh. Latest update broke my notifications. | 06:20 |
rgreening | heh. I have that issue on my old system, but not the newly installed one... | 06:20 |
rgreening | ScottK: I took the plunge and setup my system with EXT4 (but made a /boot with ext3 just in case) | 06:22 |
ScottK | Sure, I get a notification for that one right AFTER i file the bug. | 06:22 |
rgreening | lol | 06:23 |
rgreening | I have so much data to migrate... | 06:23 |
rgreening | ScottK: What do you think about making lancelot the default menu rather than the ickoff one. lancelot is sooooo much better | 06:24 |
rgreening | ickoff.. lol funy typo | 06:24 |
rgreening | cause it is icky | 06:24 |
ScottK | Dunno. I haven't used it. | 06:24 |
rgreening | try it. | 06:25 |
ScottK | I think it's late in the game to make a change like that as we need to get some consensus around the idea. | 06:25 |
ScottK | I'm using the classic kickoff menus here on my laptop. | 06:25 |
rgreening | Any idea why in "About Me" I get chfn permission denied? | 06:25 |
ScottK | Nope. | 06:28 |
rgreening | ScottK: hey, they added an option to choose the file manager in default applications... dolphin, konq and other (like krusader). cool | 06:37 |
ScottK | In Quassel? | 06:38 |
rgreening | no, in system settings under default applications | 06:38 |
rgreening | its new.. never rememebered seeing that before. | 06:38 |
ScottK | Ah. | 06:39 |
ScottK | Sorry, I was in the middle of filing a stack of Quassel bugs. | 06:39 |
rgreening | heh | 06:39 |
ScottK | I don't recall that. That's great. I'll be picking Konqueror. | 06:41 |
ScottK | I just changed the quassel font down to 8 point. Now I feel like I can see a reasonable about of stuff. | 06:46 |
Sime | JontheEchidna: the marble bindings are in kdeedu, and you need to read the doc file in marble/docs/bindings/python/ . | 06:47 |
ScottK | Good night all. | 07:11 |
rgreening | nn | 07:11 |
Riddell | Tonio_: so no stickers for you? | 10:08 |
jussi01 | Riddell: have you sent stickers already? or when do they come? | 10:09 |
Riddell | they don't come from me | 10:10 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: bah.... there not expensive, so if I want some, I can buy some :) | 10:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that'll be a little support for kubuntu ;) | 10:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I think you can only send one item per person right ? | 10:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: then, well I'll order one with one of the kubuntu shirts :) | 10:12 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I have plenty of talks to give for kubuntu in france the next 5 month, I want one of the new shirts ;) they're nice :) | 10:12 |
davmor2 | ScottK: you about? | 10:17 |
ScottK | davmor2: I am now. | 10:47 |
davmor2 | Did you get the lpia install in place? | 10:52 |
ScottK | We got the image. It was rgreening who was going to try to install it. | 10:57 |
ScottK | I don't know if he's done anything with it yet or not. | 10:58 |
Riddell | shtylman: did you find out what you were asking? | 11:24 |
Riddell | hmm, kpackagekit doesn't actually depend on packagekit | 11:32 |
ScottK | Apparently not. | 11:32 |
nhandler | scottk: The renamed plasmoids have all been accepted and are out of NEW. Can I go ahead with filing the removal request? | 13:08 |
ScottK | I'd say so, or maybe Riddell just wants to take care of doing it. Be careful not to remove any of the transitional packages. | 13:09 |
nhandler | scottk: I'll make a note in the bug report about the transitional packages. | 13:14 |
ghostcube | hi people | 13:14 |
ScottK | nhandler: The trick for those is ask for removal of source only, not the binary. | 13:14 |
nhandler | scottk: Just out of curiosity, what would currently happen if I were to install plasmoid-foo (where foo is a plasmoid that now has a transitional package). Would it install the transitional package and thus install plasma-widget-foo? Or would I get the old plasmoid-foo? | 13:16 |
ScottK | It would install the transitional package. | 13:17 |
nhandler | Yeah, I just thoght of that. Since it has a higher version | 13:17 |
ScottK | So the old source package no longer provides a binary, it's a source only removal. | 13:17 |
nhandler | What about for the plasmoids that weren't in Intrepid? The new plasma-widget-* package does not have a newer version of the plasmoid-* binary. Wouldn't that cause the old binary to still be used? | 13:20 |
ScottK | Yes. Those should be source and binary removal. | 13:27 |
nhandler | scottk: Do you still think I should file one big bug report? Or should I file two in order to make it more clear which are source only and which are source and binary | 13:28 |
ScottK | The standart process is one bug report per package. Dunno if Riddell wants to make a special case of this. | 13:29 |
ScottK | standart/standard | 13:29 |
ScottK | Perhaps wait a bit and give him a chance to speak up. | 13:29 |
Sput | do we have any reports from people running ScottK's latest quassel package with Qt 4.5? | 13:36 |
nhandler | Here is a list of what type of removal is needed for each plasmoid-* package: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117261/ | 13:40 |
Riddell | rgreening: where's the thing in kpackagekit to do a command line install? | 13:43 |
=== rdieter_away is now known as rdieter | ||
* Riddell eyes up rgreening | 13:57 | |
JontheEchidna | Riddell: kpackagekit /var/cache/apt/archives/quassel_0.4.0~git090211-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | 13:58 |
Riddell | JontheEchidna: ok that works, do you know how to get it to install from an apt package name? | 14:08 |
nhandler | Riddell: What are your feelings about the removal of the plasmoid-* packages? Should I file a report or do you want to just take care of it? Also, can I do one or two big reports or do I need one report for each package? | 14:09 |
Riddell | nhandler: you can just give me a list if you like | 14:09 |
nhandler | Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117261/ | 14:09 |
rgreening | Riddell: kpackagekit only accepts package where package = something.deb | 14:10 |
Riddell | rgreening: oh I thought you said it could take a package name too | 14:10 |
Riddell | !kde commit 925128 | 14:12 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:12 |
rgreening | sry, by package name I meant deb package name | 14:12 |
Riddell | hmm, how do I get that to work? | 14:12 |
Riddell | rgreening: so it's not a replacement for install-package yet | 14:12 |
Riddell | !commit 925128 | 14:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about commit 925128 | 14:13 |
jpds | ubottu: kde commit 925128 | 14:13 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:13 |
Riddell | !revision 925128 | 14:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about revision 925128 | 14:13 |
Riddell | !kde revision 925128 | 14:13 |
ubottu | http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=925128&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 925128 | Account for Steve Stalcup (stalcup) created. | 14:13 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:13 |
Riddell | ah hah! | 14:13 |
* Riddell cheers for vorian | 14:13 | |
jpds | Well done vorian. :) | 14:14 |
nhandler | Congrats vorian | 14:14 |
Riddell | I wonder what plans he has for that account | 14:15 |
rgreening | hehe. awesome | 14:16 |
Riddell | rgreening: your software sources patch seem to duplicate the list of sources that kpackagekit already shows, should they be removed? | 14:17 |
Riddell | rgreening: also it doesn't do an apt-get update after changing as far as I can tell | 14:17 |
Riddell | nhandler: all done | 14:23 |
jussi01 | do we have koffice 2 beta 6 packages somewhere? | 14:24 |
Riddell | in jaunty | 14:24 |
Riddell | dunno if Tonio_ did them for intrepid or not | 14:24 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I didn't :) | 14:24 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: and I don't think that should be until we have a final/stable release... | 14:25 |
JontheEchidna | we should backport them to the PPA where we've been keeping the other betas/alphas, the older alphas cause conflicts with KDE 4.2 | 14:25 |
JontheEchidna | I could backport the beta6 packages and put then in kubuntu-experimental | 14:26 |
jussi01 | ok, thats fine, so many things are jaunty only now, may as well install | 14:26 |
jussi01 | no showstopper bugs in jaunty currently? ie, x works? :D | 14:26 |
JontheEchidna | I think it should with the latest updates | 14:27 |
jussi01 | ok. :) | 14:27 |
JontheEchidna | there was a bug a few days ago that hung KDE and Gnome when desktop effects were in use | 14:27 |
JontheEchidna | but that was fixed iirc | 14:27 |
jussi01 | right then. Ill see you all on the other side :D | 14:28 |
nhandler | Riddell: Thanks a lot! | 14:28 |
=== nhandler changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: ISO testing needed for 8.04.2 http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | e-mail Riddell for STICKERS | Feature Freeze Feb 19 - How are we doing? -> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | ||
Riddell | JontheEchidna: go for it | 14:31 |
JontheEchidna | oooh, no more qt3/kde3support in konvi-kde4 | 14:34 |
JontheEchidna | or less anyways | 14:35 |
davmor2 | Riddell: Still getting incomplete language support on today's iso (it's probably known but just pointing it out) :) | 14:36 |
davmor2 | out of curiosity should the hardware drivers startup when nvidia etc is detected, as it does on ubuntu and xubuntu if so then it isn't | 14:41 |
nhandler | Should we request additional space for our kubuntu- PPAs? A few of them are over 1GB | 14:44 |
rgreening | Riddell: yeah, I never added the bit to refresh. I can. | 14:45 |
Riddell | nhandler: some of them have extra space, but do check if there's any nearing their limit | 14:45 |
rgreening | Riddell: and I wasn't sure if it was ok to hide/remove the origin bits in kpackagekit. I can write a patch for that. | 14:46 |
Riddell | rgreening: I think it's just confusing to have both, just hide the one from kpackagekit | 14:47 |
rgreening | Riddell: sure thing boss :) | 14:47 |
rgreening | I'll write up a patch shortly. | 14:48 |
rgreening | still recovering my failed lappy here Riddell, so not quite setup yet to build stuff | 14:48 |
rgreening | again.... | 14:48 |
nhandler | Riddell: k-n, k-e, and kubuntu-members-kde4 are over 1GB | 14:50 |
Riddell | nhandler: but what's their limits set at? | 14:51 |
nhandler | Riddell: I don't know how to check if the limit got increased. | 14:51 |
Riddell | nhandler: hmm, it doesn't say | 14:54 |
Riddell | oh well, I expect it'll tell us if there's a problem | 14:54 |
Riddell | start of a restricted packages installer http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/restricted-install.png http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/restricted-install1.png | 14:54 |
Riddell | seele: ^^ | 14:54 |
quassel250 | this is jussi01 from jaunty :) | 14:55 |
Riddell | hi jussi01 from jaunty | 14:55 |
nhandler | Riddell: Based on Matthew's email, it sounds like *all* PPAs will have a 1GB limit unless additional space is requested. Once the limit is reached, packages will be rejected (I am hoping not silently) | 14:55 |
quassel250 | I wonder if this speed is because Ive not installed the nvidia drivers yet - its lightning fast, like I would have expected | 14:55 |
Riddell | nhandler: some of them were given additional space | 14:56 |
=== quassel250 is now known as jussio1 | ||
rgreening | Riddell: I wonder how hard it would be to instead integrate software-properties-kde into kpackagekit? the quick and easy is to hide the current bits in settings... | 15:03 |
jussio1 | hrm, is this a bug or me just being stupid? when I try to set my dual head up with nvidia settings... | 15:04 |
jussio1 | Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-1: 1680x1050 @1680x1050 +1920+0, DFP-0: 1920x1200 @1920x1200 +0+0' (Mode 3600x1200, id: 51) on X screen 0. | 15:04 |
rgreening | Riddell: And I don't think kpackagekit and software-properties rad from the same place for setting the update interval, which is problematic. I'll have to review the kpackagekit code to be sure | 15:05 |
rgreening | s/rad/read/ | 15:05 |
=== bdefreese is now known as bddebian | ||
Riddell | rgreening: they can't really be integrated, they're separate programming languages apart from anything else | 15:07 |
rgreening | integrated was a bad choice... I meant the functionality implemented in kpackagekit | 15:08 |
a|wen | jussio1: your "virtual mode" is probably to small to fit 1680+1920 ... you need to set that when xserver starts, eg. in xorg.conf | 15:08 |
rgreening | Riddell: looks like kpackagekit has a KConfig it reads from. So I will need to patch that to look at the software properties settings | 15:09 |
rgreening | or similar | 15:09 |
rgreening | bbiab | 15:09 |
jussio1 | a|wen: ahh, that makes sense, can you tell me where to put it? (and why cant nvidia-settings set it?) | 15:09 |
Riddell | rgreening: kpackagekit itself won't care about the settings, apt does that | 15:10 |
a|wen | jussio1: it is an xrandr/xserver thing, and it cannot be set run-time ... dunno why it doesn't change xorg.conf though | 15:10 |
a|wen | jussio1: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/117298/ | 15:10 |
jussio1 | a|wen: weird, perhaps I should file a bug about it, seems most unintuitie | 15:11 |
a|wen | jussio1: that is my xorg.conf (you probably want the numbers larger ;) ) | 15:11 |
jussio1 | a|wen: thanks, Ill pop that in, with my super numbers ;) | 15:11 |
a|wen | jussio1: have you tried using the kde4 display-thingy, i don't know if that handles it correctly? | 15:12 |
jussio1 | a|wen: no, Ill give it a shot first | 15:12 |
jussio1 | a|wen: heh, it only lists the active screen | 15:13 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
a|wen | jussio1: what if you enable it to the left? | 15:13 |
jussio1 | a|wen: it only lists the 1 screen | 15:14 |
neversfelde | should't choqok have the MOTUs in maintainer field and apachelogger in XSBC-Original-Maintainer? | 15:15 |
Riddell | yes | 15:15 |
a|wen | jussio1: then that is even worse, he | 15:16 |
neversfelde | Riddell: mhh ok :). How can I change this? Report a Bug and attach a diff.gz from a corrected version? | 15:16 |
jussio1 | a|wen: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20090212-171622-snapshot1.png | 15:16 |
a|wen | jussio1: does xrandr list the disabled outputs? | 15:17 |
jussio1 | a|wen: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/117301/ | 15:19 |
jussio1 | a|wen: brb | 15:20 |
Riddell | neversfelde: yes can do | 15:23 |
neversfelde | ok, thanks | 15:23 |
Quintasan | Where I should submit update to a package? REVU? | 15:24 |
nhandler | Quintasan: Launchpad. REVU is for new packages | 15:24 |
Quintasan | ok, thanks | 15:25 |
Riddell | well revu can work too | 15:25 |
Riddell | so long as it doesn't get forgotten | 15:25 |
nhandler | Riddell: Very true. But I would prefer not to have package updates just sitting there waiting to be uploaded. This becomes confusing to MOTUs trying to review packages. | 15:26 |
jussi01 | a|wen: curous, it decided to ask if it can remove the meta mode (nvidia settings) and I said yes, now it works... | 15:26 |
Riddell | nhandler: fair enough | 15:27 |
a|wen | jussi01: okay, as long as it works, he ... i've never had nvidia, so i only no the xrandr way of things :) | 15:28 |
jussi01 | a|wen: heh, yeah... | 15:29 |
jussi01 | a|wen: still annoys me that kde cant handle 3 screens | 15:29 |
a|wen | jussi01: yeah ... but at least it handles two now ;) | 15:29 |
jussi01 | a|wen: true... but I kinda feel things are going to waste with a 22" sitting here doing nothing | 15:30 |
a|wen | jussi01: what would happen, if you ended up defining three screens? | 15:32 |
jussi01 | a|wen: ? MetaMode 1 of Screen 0 has more than two active display devices. | 15:33 |
a|wen | jussi01: is it not possible to set it up using xrandr directly? | 15:33 |
jussi01 | a|wen: no, its a kwin/plasma limitation afaik | 15:34 |
a|wen | jussi01: oh, then there isn't much to do | 15:34 |
jussi01 | a|wen: yeah, except find someone who wants to add separate x screen support to kde ;) | 15:35 |
a|wen | jussi01: hehe :) | 15:36 |
ScottK | nhandler: I think putting an updated package on REVU is fine as long as the uploader leaves a comment telling people it doesn't need reviewing. | 15:45 |
rgreening | Riddell: from what I see in the code, the in the setings section, kpackagekit settings is set/read from kconfig and not involving apt. i think the kpackagekit daemon that runs uses that to schedule things. the software-properties-kde does something else. so the settings conflict. | 15:45 |
rgreening | Has anyone else got issues with focus follows mouse not works in jaunty? ScottK, JontheEchidna, Riddell? | 15:46 |
* ScottK doesn't have Jauty. | 15:46 | |
ScottK | Jaunty even | 15:46 |
rgreening | nm. I know i set the focus follows mouse, and somehow it got reset back to default point to click. | 15:48 |
rgreening | Riddell: Im at a loss now with kpackagekit. | 15:49 |
jussi01 | I must say, jaunty is a big step up from intrepid, at least on my first impression, for one thing, its *fast* :D | 15:52 |
Riddell | rgreening: well if you run software-properties-kde without --no-update it'll do an apt-get update afterwards | 15:54 |
Riddell | then you just need to tell kpackagekit somehow that it needs to reload its list of packages | 15:54 |
rgreening | Riddell: ok, and then I can hide the KpackageKit settings at the top and the origin list at the bottom? I would also need to sync the settings at the top to what software-properties-kde uses | 15:56 |
rgreening | Riddell: now it is getting rather hackish... hrmmm... | 15:57 |
rgreening | I wish I had realized they weren't using a common config | 15:57 |
Riddell | rgreening: I just checked, if you run software-properties-kde and remove or add a source the packages will appear/disappear from kapckagekit's search magically | 15:59 |
Riddell | so there's no need to do anything except run software-properties-kde and don't use the --no-update option | 15:59 |
Riddell | hide the "Origin of Packages" panel | 16:00 |
Riddell | and that's it | 16:00 |
rgreening | Riddell: but the issue I have is in setting the "check for updates" at top of kpackagekit settings | 16:00 |
rgreening | that does not match whats in software properties kde | 16:00 |
Riddell | rgreening: the depends if we're using kpackagekit's update notifier or update-notifier-kde. I assume we're using kpackagekit's one so we should just hide those bits from software-properties-kde | 16:01 |
rgreening | if you set auto install security in one the other doesnt change | 16:01 |
rgreening | Riddell: ok. so patch s-p-k | 16:02 |
Riddell | yep | 16:02 |
rgreening | ok, two patches coming up. | 16:02 |
rgreening | ty | 16:02 |
rgreening | does anything else current use/call software-properties-kde? besides adept and update-notifier-kde? | 16:03 |
rgreening | Riddell: ^ | 16:03 |
Riddell | rgreening: no | 16:03 |
Riddell | rgreening: well the settings are just Apt settings | 16:03 |
rgreening | ok, Riddell. I'll patch then. | 16:04 |
Riddell | rgreening: on another topic I'm adding a restricted packages install notifier to update-notifier-kde which offers to install flashplugin-nonfree, so if you can't get konqueror's nice wizard to work we can just use the instead | 16:04 |
rgreening | Riddell: sute thing. I have a working patch. Its a simplified one. JontheEchidnaand I were working on the plugin wizard one which is more complex. so we definately have something. | 16:05 |
rgreening | s/sute/sure | 16:05 |
rgreening | Tonio_: we'll need to update the bzr for kpackagekit tonio. | 16:06 |
rgreening | Riddell: Ok, I have a patch for kpackagekit. I need ot get my build env up and running to test it though | 16:22 |
rgreening | Tonio_: ping | 16:28 |
Tonio_ | rgreening: hum, oki | 16:29 |
Tonio_ | rgreening: can you send all via email please ? I'll update bzr toonight... no time right now for this | 16:29 |
rgreening | Tonio_: for the edit sources patch, I have ot update it | 16:30 |
rgreening | I'll open a bug and ping you with it later | 16:30 |
Tonio_ | ok, well nob pb, I'll wait then :) | 16:30 |
rgreening | Tonio_: will you be around for a while? | 16:30 |
freeflying | anyone tried nerinst with kubuntu jaunty? | 16:30 |
Tonio_ | rgreening: probably not, unfortunatelly | 16:30 |
Tonio_ | rgreening: but there is no super emergency there I guess | 16:31 |
rgreening | Ok, how long (estimate) | 16:31 |
Tonio_ | rgreening: I'll be fully available tomorrow (contrib day at work) | 16:31 |
Tonio_ | rgreening: maybe 30 minutes, and I have something to finish here, so let's do that later, if you don't mind ;) | 16:31 |
Tonio_ | rgreening: I really can't do much.... :( | 16:31 |
rgreening | Tonio_: np. I just want ot make sure it doesn't get lost/forgotten | 16:32 |
shtylman | RIddell: I have been trying to migrate the ubiquity over to a KDE app, and it complains about running kde libraries with suid privilages. Is there a common fix for this or is this a hurdle that I need to overcome? | 16:45 |
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve | ||
rgreening | Riddell: ok, I have my build env restored. testbuild ing the kpackagekit changes | 16:57 |
Riddell | shtylman: I've not seen that before | 17:05 |
Riddell | shtylman: does it output on the command line or in a dialogue? | 17:05 |
shtylman | in the system log debug | 17:05 |
shtylman | Riddell: I started migrating and enabling the KApplication stuff, and it fails with that line in the debug I guess because the libraries are loaded as a super user or something | 17:06 |
Riddell | we run KDE apps as root all the time | 17:06 |
Riddell | shtylman: can you paste the error? | 17:06 |
shtylman | Riddell: before ubiquity drops privileges...thats my best guess...I am still trying things to see if anything fixes it | 17:07 |
shtylman | Riddell: "The KDE libraries are not designed to run with suid privileges" | 17:07 |
shtylman | thats all I get out of the debug log | 17:07 |
Riddell | shtylman: hrm, dunno, put your changes into a branch and push to launchpad, I'll take a look | 17:09 |
shtylman | Riddell: ok, I will do that once I try out a few more things | 17:10 |
shtylman | RIddell: ok, I am gonna push the branch...any preference in name? ( I am new to bazaar so this might take a moment) | 17:16 |
Riddell | shtylman: kde-port or something | 17:22 |
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: ISO testing needed for 8.04.2 http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze Feb 19 - How are we doing? -> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | ||
rgreening | Riddell: ok, the patch works. it successfully reloads the sources and the origin stuff is hidden. I need to clean up the ui for the missing elements though. Then I need to write a patch for software-properties-kde to hide the updates section. | 17:36 |
ScottK | Riddell: Actually we don't need any more ISO testing either. | 17:37 |
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Development | Feature Freeze Feb 19 - How are we doing? -> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | ||
* Riddell upload update-notifier-kde with the package updates notifier turned off and restricted packages prompt turned on | 17:41 | |
shtylman | Riddell: I put up my branch of ubiquity. It is called ubiquity and the only change should be to the kde_ui.py file. My username is also shtylman and the branch is called ubiquity | 17:44 |
rgreening | \o/ Riddell | 17:47 |
rgreening | JontheEchidna: ping | 17:47 |
rgreening | JontheEchidna: you get the patch working? | 17:47 |
seele | Riddell: gee, wouldnt it be neat if you could go straight to the installation ui from the notification instead of trying to find it in system settings? *g* | 17:54 |
ScottK | seele: Come on, absolutely everyone knows that if you can do that the notification is more distracting and so it's a poor user interface approach. | 18:00 |
JontheEchidna | rgreening: not yet. I sorta stopped a few days ago | 18:03 |
JontheEchidna | I can give you what I've got if you'd like a go at it | 18:03 |
rgreening | JontheEchidna: sure, send it along | 18:03 |
JontheEchidna | the main problem is that the logic for populating the license box and downloading the actual plugin, etc, isn't getting called due to the way the KAssistantDialog code is currently being used | 18:04 |
JontheEchidna | since it's still somewhat based on how a KWizard implementation would be | 18:04 |
rgreening | JontheEchidna: hmm. ok. So maybe in the interest of getting something into kde, I should just upload the other patch. if I get time, I can look into this one | 18:09 |
Lure | Riddell: can you check with mir team about lensfun/opencv MIR? I did not get any response from asac... | 18:19 |
rgreening | Riddell: On my fresh install, PrtSc button not activating Ksnapshot. I have to run it manually | 18:19 |
rgreening | Riddell, seele: how does this change look for KpackageKit wrt Edit Sources (I've hidden the duplicitous Origin box and moved the button to the top). Now users should be less confused. | 18:23 |
rgreening | http://imagebin.ca/view/X3OEWzC4.html | 18:23 |
rgreening | Riddell, seele ^ | 18:23 |
Riddell | rgreening: all good with me | 18:26 |
Riddell | Lure: guess we just need to keep poking | 18:26 |
rgreening | ok, I'll open a bug to request update with the new patch | 18:26 |
Riddell | seele: you click the icon same as currently | 18:26 |
a|wen | rgreening: hmm, shouldn't one of the "Software Management" names to the left be different? | 18:33 |
rgreening | a|wen: yes. that wasn't the purpose of the screenshot and is a different patch I am also working on :) | 18:34 |
a|wen | rgreening: cool enough :) | 18:34 |
rgreening | a|wen: ;P | 18:34 |
seele | Riddell: what icon? i dont see something that would open the config dialog | 18:36 |
seele | Riddell: just a close button | 18:36 |
Lure | Riddell: any other name to poke? | 18:37 |
Riddell | Lure: pitti or anyone else in ~ubuntu-mir | 18:37 |
Riddell | seele: in the sys tray | 18:37 |
Riddell | Sime: marble python bindings not working http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/117376/ | 18:38 |
seele | Riddell: in your printer app, is Sides: the option for duplex? | 18:38 |
seele | Riddell: ah, all i saw was a screenshot of the notification | 18:38 |
Riddell | seele: yes I think Sides is Duplex | 18:39 |
seele | hmm.. not printing | 18:42 |
seele | damnit.. stupid lab | 18:42 |
Riddell | shtylman: well I can recreate the problem, as I say not sure what's causing it since we run plenty apps as root | 18:43 |
UnixOne | jaunty + ati r350 -> 3d accelleration possible now or not? | 18:47 |
seele | rgreening: can the edit software sources button be aligned to the left instead of right? it looks like it belongs to those two drop down options when it is an independent option | 18:49 |
rgreening | seele: sure | 18:50 |
rgreening | let me redo the patch... | 18:51 |
rgreening | seele: I could also add a spacer between and move the button further down keeping it right aligned... | 18:52 |
rgreening | up to you... | 18:52 |
rgreening | seele: ?? I want to close the bug I just opened... if you could confirm whic option to go with. | 18:55 |
seele | try the spacer and send me a screenshot | 18:56 |
rgreening | seele: okies :) | 18:56 |
rgreening | seele: http://imagebin.ca/view/i_vhqPBv.html | 19:05 |
seele | rgreening: the space looks fine, shipit | 19:06 |
rgreening | k :) | 19:06 |
* seele heads back home before traffic | 19:06 | |
jcastro | is knetworkmanager an official KDE project? third party project, or kubuntu specific? | 19:13 |
Sime | Riddell: that's using 4.2.0 I assume? | 19:15 |
Riddell | Sime: yes | 19:15 |
Riddell | jcastro: knetworkmanager is a KDE extragear project mostly done by Novell | 19:15 |
jcastro | Riddell: ok, I would like to target it for doing more bug linkages | 19:18 |
jcastro | Riddell: we ship it by default in kubuntu? | 19:18 |
Riddell | jcastro: we do but upstream is dead and it's hopefully about to disappear in jaunty to be replaced by plasma-widget-network-manager | 19:18 |
jcastro | ah ok. | 19:19 |
jcastro | that's the shiny one you showed right? | 19:19 |
Riddell | yes | 19:19 |
jcastro | ok, I'll use that one instead. | 19:19 |
* Riddell updates amarok for libgpod 0.7 | 19:20 | |
Riddell | although I'm not sure the ipod support even works at all | 19:21 |
rgreening | Riddell: can you review/accpt/upload bug 328677 | 19:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 328677 in kpackagekit "Update: update edit sources patch to reduce user confusion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/328677 | 19:23 |
rgreening | Riddell: I'll submit another bug shortly for software-properties-kde fix | 19:25 |
JontheEchidna | Riddell: works for me(tm) | 19:25 |
JontheEchidna | (iPod support) | 19:26 |
rgreening | Riddell: one annoying thing about launching software-properties-kde is that it is not centered on the parent window. Is this a bug in software-properties-kde not referencing the parent widget/window? | 19:28 |
Riddell | rgreening: that should be the responsibility of the --attach <WinID> bit, that it doesn't work is left as an exercise to the patcher :) | 19:40 |
Riddell | JontheEchidna: my ipod has started appearing in the Collection panel, do you know how to add podcasts to it? | 19:40 |
rgreening | Riddell: I though as much, and I can't understand why its not behaving.... unless software-properties-kde is not reading it correctly. | 19:50 |
rgreening | Riddell: try this: sudo adept and then goto sources tab and edit sources. BAM. doesn't work their either | 19:53 |
rgreening | rickspencer3: hey | 19:53 |
Riddell | rgreening: quite possibly I never programmed it correctly | 19:53 |
rgreening | lol | 19:53 |
rickspencer3 | hi | 19:55 |
rgreening | Riddell: is there a way in kde I can get the window id? | 19:56 |
rgreening | how it rickspencer3today | 19:56 |
rickspencer3 | rgreening: honestly, I'm suffering from jetlag today :( | 19:57 |
rgreening | heh. take a break | 19:58 |
Riddell | rgreening: QWidget::effectiveWinId() surely, same as used currently | 20:01 |
rgreening | Riddell: sry, I meant is there a way from within the kwin env I can check, not from within a programs code. | 20:02 |
Riddell | hrm, probably, don't know how though | 20:03 |
Riddell | http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKWindowSystem.html#5f06ffab37bd705735f9d326f2969f52 is the other side of the equation | 20:03 |
rgreening | cause I want to be sure the winid is matching correclty | 20:03 |
Riddell | Nightrose: so I can copy files to my ipod in Amarok if I can find them in the collection, but I can't add them from the playlist and I can't add podcasts | 20:05 |
Riddell | Nightrose: do you know why automatically retrieve cover art isn't on by default? | 20:09 |
Nightrose | Riddell: cover art is not on by default as the results are not good enough and because of the tinfoil heads | 20:10 |
Riddell | oh right, privacy violation | 20:10 |
Nightrose | wrt ipod: i have no idea - sorry | 20:10 |
Riddell | markey: do you know the state of ipod support in amarok 2.0, and do my experiences match is? | 20:12 |
Riddell | it | 20:12 |
ScottK-laptop | Riddell: I think there are also libgpod issues. Do you know if we have 0.7? | 20:16 |
Riddell | ScottK-laptop: yes I just recompiled it against 0.7, but it works where I can find the UI to do it, I just can't find a UI to copy over podcasts or from the playlist | 20:17 |
ScottK-laptop | I see. | 20:17 |
Riddell | so I might be missing something, or it might just not exist yet | 20:17 |
Nightrose | Riddell: your best bed wrt to podcast and ipod are stecchino and xevix | 20:18 |
Nightrose | *bet | 20:18 |
rgreening | Riddell: will oyu have time to look at the kpackagekit update I posted? bug 328677 if not maybe JontheEchidna or ScottK-desktop would be able too... | 20:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 328677 in kpackagekit "Update: update edit sources patch to reduce user confusion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/328677 | 20:18 |
JontheEchidna | rgreening: it got moved to main so I can't | 20:24 |
JontheEchidna | Riddell: the iPod gets added as a collection | 20:24 |
JontheEchidna | then you can right-click songs or albums in your local connection and copy them over | 20:25 |
seele | Riddell: is there a wiki page for the design of system-config-printer-kde? | 20:49 |
Riddell | JontheEchidna: right, but I can't add something from a podcast | 20:53 |
Riddell | seele: nope | 20:53 |
Riddell | seele: we're just working from the system-config-printer(gnome) design and your wireframe designs and just getting it working | 20:54 |
jpds | Erm, anyone know what to do with bug #328722? Assign to kdm package? bug #310875 suggests it was removed and merged into kdm. | 20:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 328722 in kcontrol-kdmtheme "[Jaunty] Unable to add a theme in System Settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/328722 | 20:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 310875 in kdmtheme "Please remove kdmtheme source and binary from Jaunty" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/310875 | 20:56 |
ScottK | Or is in invalid? | 20:59 |
jpds | ScottK: He seems it have it install on Jaunty though. | 21:00 |
jpds | to have it* | 21:00 |
ScottK | Removing it from the archive doesn't remove it from his system. | 21:00 |
ScottK | I guess check and see if KDM actually provides that. | 21:01 |
smarter | if the upgrade didn't went wrong, it should | 21:01 |
smarter | *go | 21:01 |
jpds | I know, but is it the new kdm functionality? | 21:01 |
smarter | bug #328722 has nothing to do with kdm and should be assigned to systemsettings(I think) | 21:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 328722 in kcontrol-kdmtheme "[Jaunty] Unable to add a theme in System Settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/328722 | 21:04 |
smarter | I can confirm it btw, the gethotnewstuff of appearance->icons doesn't work | 21:04 |
smarter | jpds: ^ | 21:05 |
smarter | (hi, btw :)) | 21:05 |
jpds | smarter: Hey there. | 21:06 |
jussi01 | is there a qt 4.5 package for jaunty floating about? | 21:13 |
jussi01 | and if so, is there a way to get konqui+webkit+flash? | 21:13 |
Sime | Riddell: I've got a patch here for marble Python on 4.2.0. | 21:15 |
ScottK | Sime: How big is it? | 21:16 |
Sime | ScottK: two lines really. | 21:16 |
ScottK | Would you pastebin it please? | 21:17 |
Sime | http://paste.ubuntu.com/117443/ | 21:17 |
ScottK | Riddell: KDE4 on powerpc is all queued up. The central packages are built, so just waiting on the leaves. | 21:17 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 21:17 |
Sime | it should work. I've got a check out here, but I svn upped to the right rev number (I hope) | 21:18 |
ScottK | What does that do for us? | 21:18 |
Sime | it should fix 4.2.0. | 21:18 |
Sime | its a patch on kdeedu from 4.2.0 | 21:19 |
ScottK | OK, I haven't been following, what's broken. | 21:19 |
jussi01 | Tonio_: ping | 21:27 |
shtylman | RIddell: I will try to poke at it some more...and see if I can't figure it out..at least now I know its not just me | 21:42 |
Tscheesy | ScottK: about the arm.. i'd have to build a /-fs outsite the freerunner and would try the OM-Kernel.. not a quick approach for me | 21:45 |
shtylman | Riddell: well I feel dumb...instead of launching ubiquity use ubiquity-wrapper which just launches app using kdesu and that seems to work... | 21:47 |
shtylman | ok...I lied...still investigating | 21:58 |
ScottK | Tscheesy: I'm not that familiar with arm, so all I can say is it'd be cool if someone tested and did a writeup on how to do it. | 22:16 |
Tscheesy | ScottK: shouldn't it be possible to do a remote install with this daily-iso? | 22:19 |
ScottK | I have no idea. | 22:19 |
Tscheesy | k.. i'have a long weekend.. | 22:20 |
ScottK | This is the first time in Kubuntu we've had a complete arm package set, so you'll be breaking new ground. | 22:23 |
Tscheesy | ScottK: there's some ubuntu-docs on arm.. | 22:25 |
ScottK | Excellent. | 22:25 |
ScottK | Riddell: Kernel on ia64 finally built. I can't binary New a kernel through the web U/I, but I can start working on getting KDE built if you do .... | 22:29 |
shtylman | Riddell: i have created a small python application (based on the webkit tutorial) to show the problem and why it is happening | 22:35 |
shtylman | RIddell: it has to do with running the program as root and then doing a os.setegid back to the user, that produces that error | 22:36 |
Riddell | shtylman: hrm fooey. good detective work though | 22:49 |
shtylman | Riddell: I am researching the os python call as well as the kde apps stuff to see if a simple worksaround or fix will be possible without much change to the main ubiquity code | 22:50 |
Riddell | shtylman: don't spend too much time on it, if we have to keep using QApplication that's not the end of the world, just means we keep forcing the style and no convenice KIcon calls etc | 22:55 |
vorian | ScottK or Riddell, can I please get a sponsor for http://machine-crusade.net/soprano/ | 23:04 |
Riddell | vorian: sure | 23:04 |
vorian | thanks Riddell :) | 23:04 |
JontheEchidna | vorian: lol, I was about to do that | 23:05 |
vorian | oh, sorry | 23:05 |
JontheEchidna | oh it's no problem | 23:05 |
JontheEchidna | I just thought it was funny | 23:05 |
vorian | I saw the redland bug | 23:05 |
JontheEchidna | yeah, me too | 23:05 |
JontheEchidna | too bad we can't use sesame | 23:06 |
vorian | we will prolly need to rebuild -runtime for good measure | 23:06 |
Riddell | vorian: freedom fail | 23:06 |
Riddell | vorian: ./backends/sesame2/SopranoSesame2Wrapper.class still included | 23:06 |
vorian | Riddell: grr | 23:06 |
vorian | ok, two shakes | 23:06 |
Riddell | vorian: also version it to 2.2.1.dfsg.1 | 23:07 |
vorian | Riddell: corrected http://machine-crusade.net/soprano/ | 23:10 |
Riddell | vorian: uploaded | 23:14 |
vorian | thanks Riddell | 23:14 |
shtylman | Riddell: ok...I think I have overcome the problem...instead dropping permissions in the base gui classes I set the gid to the sudo user but leave the userid unchanged, this does complain about ownership about the kde-user file but otherwise starts...which is progress I suppose | 23:18 |
shtylman | Riddell: I still need to make sure that the root user has control so that files can be installed and whatnot, but my initial assesment leads me to believe that kde doesn't like running with a different effective user versus the real user and thus it complains | 23:20 |
neversfelde | vorian: debdiff edded to bug 328582 | 23:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 328582 in choqok "Maintainer entries in debian/control (0.4-0ubuntu2) should be updated" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/328582 | 23:22 |
neversfelde | s/edded/added | 23:22 |
ScottK | would someone do Sime's marble/kdeedu fix? I looked for laserjock and he's not around. | 23:23 |
ScottK | See the scrollback. | 23:23 |
vorian | thanks neversfelde | 23:23 |
Riddell | ScottK: just looking at it now | 23:23 |
Riddell | shtylman: this file is what complains http://websvn.kde.org:80/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/kernel/kapplication.cpp?revision=899594&view=markup | 23:23 |
neversfelde | vorian: so I should provide diff.gz and a debdiff when adding a bug report like that? | 23:24 |
ScottK | Riddell: Excellent. | 23:24 |
vorian | neversfelde: when it's the same version, only a debdiff is needed | 23:24 |
neversfelde | vorian: ah ok, thank you | 23:24 |
vorian | neversfelde: on upgrades, you need to provide at least a diff.gz | 23:24 |
vorian | 23:24 | |
neversfelde | k | 23:24 |
shtylman | Riddell: yep..that is exactly what is happening...ideas on where the fix should go? | 23:25 |
shtylman | Riddell: I don't see why we have to change the gui user back from root, can't we just leave it running as root? or was there a techincal reason? | 23:26 |
Riddell | shtylman: I'm pretty sure there is a good reason, evand or cjwatson will know why | 23:28 |
Riddell | Sime, ScottK: yay http://www.kubuntu.org/~jr/tmp/marble-python.png | 23:28 |
ScottK | Riddell: 404 | 23:29 |
ScottK | Back later.... | 23:29 |
Riddell | http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/marble-python.png | 23:30 |
=== doc___ is now known as doc- | ||
shtylman | fancy | 23:34 |
shtylman | Riddell: the comment for the drop_privileges = "... so we can run the frontend as a regular user and thus talk to ally applications running as a regular user" my fix was to set the effective id bac kto root before the Kapplciation call and then possibly back to 1000 | 23:37 |
shtylman | Riddell: beyond that...really nothing else I see, is the KApplication call all that was needed to make the ubiquity frontend be a kde app? or did you have more changes in mind? | 23:37 |
ScottK | Riddell: Snazzy. | 23:40 |
Riddell | shtylman: next stage would be to use KIcon in place of loading icons by full path | 23:42 |
shtylman | ok | 23:44 |
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