
mefisto__what about http://localhost:631/ in a browser?00:00
_2correction.  i'm    >| |< this close to   migrating to debian lenny.00:00
mefisto__what about upgrading to hardy?00:01
_2not a chance.00:02
_2mefisto__ what kind of authentication does cups http access use ?00:02
_2mefisto__ because i have debian lenny on disk and i'm on dialup.00:03
mefisto__you could order new disks for free00:03
_2it's asking for username and password.    howto set the cups password ?00:04
_2ok. i'll be blunt.  i prefer debian.00:04
mefisto__just the same as sudo, use your user/pass00:04
_2ah that's why.  i don't have a pasword00:05
mefisto__so how were you doing sudo?00:05
_2sudo echo boo00:05
_2cat /etc/sudoers00:05
_2i'll have to unlock an account and test with a password i guess00:06
_2nope no change.  just loops back to the username/password screen00:07
_2cat /usr/bin/sudo00:09
_2sudo.real -u superusers_real_name "$@"00:09
_2maybe i should make that more robust.  it could parse for -u and omit the "-u superusers_real_name" if it finds it.00:10
mossgixhi there :)00:19
_2ok i have hacked sudo to work propperly.   i could actually setup the sudoers file and use it...00:21
mefisto__does admin mode work now in kcontrol?00:21
_2but kcontrol admin button is still malfunctioning.00:21
madooi guys and gals ... hello there ...00:23
madocan anyone please help me ... maybe talking privately to me ... i don't understand how to use "strigi" ... all i have noticed so far ... "strigi" helps me find some files doesn't it?00:24
mefisto__mado: intrepid?00:25
madoerm ... yes mefisto__ ... i use intrepid ... 8.10 kubuntu00:25
madowhy do you ask mefisto__ ?00:25
mefisto__start the daemon first: strigidaemon &00:25
mefisto__then: strigiclient00:26
madoi started it with -> /usr/bin/strigiclient00:26
mefisto__did that start the daemon? could you do any searches?00:26
madono :)00:26
madook ... now i try to start the daemon thing00:27
madomefisto__, ... no window pops up00:27
mefisto__mado: it will run in the background00:28
mefisto__start the client, start indexing, then when it's done that it should be able to search00:28
madouhuu ... ok ... i started the daemon thing with the command you showed me ... i put it in my kmenu00:28
madook ... just a sec mefisto__ ... i'm trying it out00:29
madostrigi client takes some time to load00:30
_2i'll post the sudo wrapper script though.   it's not a bad idea.     http://pastebin.com/f53d8dd2100:30
madohow long will the "indexing"-process take?00:31
_2actually,   seeing that someone might know what a wrapper is/does.   i added an instruction.   http://pastebin.com/f28c83c6a00:32
madofunny thing mefisto__ ... the counter for "documents indexed" for example still shows me 000:32
_2might not+ even00:32
madoam i doing something wrong? mefisto__00:32
madounique words indexed = -100:32
mefisto__mado: depends on how many files you have. by default it just indexes your home dir, excluding some system files00:32
madowell ... i told it that it should index my home dir and one folder on another partition00:33
madobut it still shows me "0" mefisto__00:33
madoit looks like it doesn't work at all00:34
mefisto__does status say indexing00:34
madostatus = indexing00:34
madomaybe nepomuk's settings are stopping it?00:35
mefisto__are there directories listed that it's indexing?00:35
madoyes ... both in strigi and nepomuk ... but oi ... can we both check if there is something wrong with nepomuk?00:36
mefisto__mine says "strigi service not running" but strigiclient seems to work00:37
mefisto__I should tell you this is on kde 4.200:37
mado".*/"   ".*"   "*~"   "*.part"   these are the four things that are in the "exclude"-section ... i didn't mess arount with it00:38
madooh! ... hmm ... yesterday somebody told me i should be careful and wait for kde4.200:38
madoa more stable one00:38
mefisto__that's what I have, and the index folders are just home dir and subdirs00:39
madosubdirs? ... do i have to tell strigi this too?00:39
madobecause ... whenever i try to add a subdir ... it doesn't show up in the list :)00:40
madodo you suggest installing kde4.2?00:40
madoor do you also say that i should wait?00:40
mefisto__mado: in the nepomuk settings, there is a directory tree, with tickboxes. mine has home and everything under it ticked00:40
mefisto__mado: 4.2 is a huge improvement, but everyone seems to have hiccups with the upgrade00:41
mefisto__mine was a fresh intrepid install, I immediately did the 4.2 upgrade first thing00:42
mefisto__the only problem I had was gwenview wouldn't start. I removed it, then installed it again, and everything was fine00:42
madowhat do you think? ... should i try it too?00:42
mefisto__some people with nvidia have had screenres problems after upgrade too00:43
madooh! ... i've got some nvidia-stuff in this computer00:44
mefisto__mado: have you tried virtualbox? you could do an install in that to try it, decide if its' worth the hassle00:44
madono ... have never used virtualbox ever before :)00:45
madoi just don't get it why the "indexing"-process never works / never worked00:45
gorgonizermado: I have nvidia and had no problems with the upgrade..00:47
gorgonizerwell, no major problems, jus tto correct myself..00:47
_2well i got the the bottom of the printer issue.  stupid system thought it was a "network printer"00:47
madowhat does that mean gorgonizer ? :)00:47
madomefisto__, looks like i can't use strigi :) ... it won't work00:48
gorgonizerwell, there appear to be a few packages that contain the same file, so when installed the second package moans that the file is already there, and fails to install.  There is a dpkg option which corrects this, so the problem was minor. :)00:49
khalidcomo puedo entrar a la sala de ubuntu-es00:50
khalidpor fa00:50
mado"/join #ubuntu-es" khalid00:51
madowithout -> "00:51
madosin -> "00:51
madogorgonizer, ... i think i can live with that ... at least when someone helps me with this problem ... i'm a beginner00:52
gorgonizerno problem, I should be able to assist if required..00:53
khalidvale gracias00:53
mado¡de nada! khalid00:53
gorgonizerI think with the newer versions of the kde 4.2 packages the only issue is between a koffice package and the oygen package..00:54
madouhuu ... i don't use koffice at the moment00:54
gorgonizerthen there should be no problem with the upgrade :)00:55
madoi hope so ...00:55
zedoctorif i install kubuntu kde, is it still easy to use my normal desktop?00:55
zedoctormy gnome destop00:55
madobecause i finally want this whole thing more and more to work :)00:55
gorgonizerzedoctor: on the chosen login screen you will be able to choose Gnome or KDE..00:55
gorgonizermado: as mentioned previously, kde 4.2 is a big improvement on 4.1..00:56
madowell ... you must know that i'm a bit more afraid of some updates and so on ...00:56
zedoctori like how simple my unbuntu standard 8.10 install is. it's a big improvement since i last used redhat years ago00:57
gorgonizermado: I was to begin with, but I learned over time that using the command line to update and upgrade allows you to see more errors...00:57
gorgonizermado: assuming htere are any..00:57
madogorgonizer, ... can you help me with that? -> http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 ...00:58
madoit says -> 4. Old Plasma packages are not compatible with KDE 4.2, you should uninstall any plasmoids.00:58
madowhich of the things i have are old?00:58
madohow should i know that?00:58
kdheinHi all, I am a long time (K)ubuntu/linux user and am having a bizzarre booting problem I could really use some assistance with.  Anyone want to try and help me?00:59
madooi there kdhein ... haven't i seen you yesterday too? :)00:59
madogorgonizer, ?00:59
gorgonizermado: they would all be considered to be old I think..., though I am not sure how true that issue is tbh... but at the command line do  sudo apt-get purge kdeplasmoids01:00
kdheinmado: probably not, I do not usually hang out on IRC01:01
madoerm gorgonizer ... it did nothing01:01
madoit says ...01:01
madoPaket kdeplasmoids ist nicht installiert, wird also auch nicht entfernt01:01
gorgonizermado: in that case, don't worry,  have you ran the gpg command01:01
gorgonizerand added the repository?01:02
madosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ... gorgonizer ?01:02
gorgonizerif so, run   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:02
gorgonizeror yours, I am not sure, overall, if there would be a difference..01:03
gorgonizermado: let me know if an error occurs during the upgrade process.. :)01:03
gorgonizerkdhein: what problem are you having on boot?01:03
madowell ... i'll take yours ... because you said you've done it before ... of course gorgonizer :)01:03
kdheingorgonizer: I can boot to a recovery console just fine, but normal boot does not work01:04
kdheinit seems to be booting up fine and then I see some strange segfaults01:04
kdheinthen X fails01:04
kdheinstty fails01:04
kdheinso you can't get in anything to poke around01:04
gorgonizerkdhein: if you boot in recovery mode, does X start?01:05
kdheinI have a 2nd drive that is older that I am running on now and can mount the 'bad' drive to look at logs but nothing is jumping out at me01:05
kdheingorgonizer: recovery do not do X01:06
kdheinI did not try to do an kdm/startx from root prompt01:06
kdheinI first suspicioned filesystem corruption but fsck came back clean01:07
gorgonizerkdhein: ahh no worries.. in dmesg does it show the segfaults, if, it does what is beforehand?01:07
kdheinand I have not come across any trouble reading anything form the drive when booted from something else01:07
gorgonizerkdhein: do you have more than one kernel installed?  If so, does error occur with all kernels?01:09
kdheingorgonizer: how do I get dmesg to display a specific log?  IE dmesg /media/sdb2/var/log/dmesg01:09
kdheinyes, I get same thing with multiple kernels (did not try them all)01:09
gorgonizerkdhein: grep the dmesg for sbd2 (if that is the drive in question)01:10
kdheinFeb 11 17:34:24 kdhein kernel: [   41.373762] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.301:10
kdheinFeb 11 17:34:24 kdhein kernel: [   41.373794] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.12.0-ioctl (2007-10-02) initialised: dm-devel@redhat.com01:10
kdheinFeb 11 17:34:24 kdhein kernel: [   43.481559] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team01:10
kdheinFeb 11 17:34:24 kdhein kernel: [   43.693764] chmod[5037]: segfault at 4c9a23e9 eip 0805251b esp bfde1be4 error 601:10
kdheinFeb 11 17:34:24 kdhein kernel: [   43.732629] chmod[5044]: segfault at 4c7f4a39 eip 0805251b esp bfc34234 error 601:10
kdheinFeb 11 17:34:24 kdhein kernel: [   43.742371] chmod[5054]: segfault at 4cb39d89 eip 0805251b esp bff79584 error 601:10
kdheinFeb 11 17:34:24 kdhein kernel: [   43.763163] chmod[5057]: segfault at 4c5700c9 eip 0805251b esp bf9af8c4 error 601:10
kdheinFeb 11 17:34:24 kdhein kernel: [   43.834224] chmod[5083]: segfault at 4cb64d79 eip 0805251b esp bffa4574 error 601:10
kdheinthere are some of the segfaults01:10
_2nice flood01:10
kdheinsorry my IRC etiquette is not so good01:11
mado_2, don't sweat it :)01:11
madoit won't slop the bathtube :)01:12
madowill it?01:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:12
madosorry ... i've always wanted to say something like that :)01:12
madoi know that there are these paste-rules01:13
quadaptorexists a command thats extract n bytes from the middle (= a specified position) of a file, like tail/head?  e.g. command -s 35 -b 29  => extract 29 bytes from byte/position 35 (starts at 29. byte)01:13
_2quadaptor dd01:13
gorgonizerkdhein: have you ran a memcheck at all?01:13
SuspectZerohow big do u guys recommend the /boot partition be?01:13
_2SuspectZero 200m01:14
kdheingorgonizer: yes, I made it all the way through 1.5 passes on the 3gig I have and no trouble01:14
gorgonizerhmmm, as I asked my friend to have a look, and he indicated it could be memory or hard drive..01:15
SuspectZerothanks _201:15
kdheinthat is all I could find all dday too...01:15
kdheinI also found that /etc/initramfs/conf.d/resume referenced a wrong UUID that I fixed as well but still can't boot01:16
madogorgonizer, ... there is / are (an) error/s01:17
gorgonizermado, what error did you receive?01:17
madoi don't really know ... but here ... have a look ... -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117075/01:18
madoline 16 and 7501:18
madothere is the word "fehler" which means "error"01:19
gorgonizermado: I understand a bit of german, so what you need to do is   sudo spkg -i --force-overwrite  /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_i386.deb01:19
gorgonizerkdhein: so fsck found no problems on the disc?01:19
_2badblocks it01:20
madogorgonizer, -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117076/01:20
madogorgonizer, as far as i can see i need to install some newer versions of some stuff01:21
gorgonizermado: do    sudo dpkg --configure -a01:21
kdhein_2: do I need to specify any special options?  or just #badblocks /dev/sdb201:23
madohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117077/ ... i guess the interessting lines are from line 178 downards01:23
kdheinok, it been running a bit, but it is like a 75gig partition01:23
madoor do you say "downwards" gorgonizer ? ... you know what i mean i guess01:23
gorgonizermado: I tend to say whatever my mind decides would be amusing at the time tbh, but anyways, redo  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:25
_2mado line  178 +01:25
madothanks _2 *smiling at her/him*01:25
_2mado heh.  just speak geek, it's universal.01:26
madoyeah ... but i haven't learned it so far :) ...01:26
khalidalgien sabe algo de python01:27
madomy mother-tongue is german and i learn english since i'm 3 years old01:27
madogorgonizer, -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117078/01:27
gorgonizermado: I wish we English wouuld take foreign languages more seriously...01:27
quassel136hey, my synaptic touchpad not work in kubuntu 9.04 alpha 401:27
madoand one more thing _2 :)) ... -> better geek than 1337 :)01:28
_2quassel61 #ubuntu+101:28
=== quassel26 is now known as rgreening
gorgonizermado: nice tree of error there :)  try running sudo spkg -i --force-overwrite  /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1 again for me..01:30
gorgonizermado: if that fails, do   sudo apt-get -f install01:30
madounfortunately i haven't learned some other foreign laguages yet ... but i really want to try and learn at least another one ... ... ... what did you mean with your sentence gorgonizer ... why aren't the english taking foreign languages more seriously?01:31
gorgonizermado: to many of we English think that all nations should speak English, to make it easier for us ;)01:31
madogorgonizer, -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117082/01:32
gorgonizermado: I wish the English would have a different mindset..01:32
* _2 wishes that gorgonizer would speak english, "to make it easier for us ;)"01:32
madoisn't it english she/he is talking _2 ?01:33
quassel136"...all nations should speak english"??01:33
gorgonizer_2: apologies :)01:33
zedoctorall nations should speak the same language, i'll agree with that01:33
madothat'll be a bit complicated zedoctor :)01:33
quassel136I'm Speak Español...01:33
gorgonizermado: apologies, I missed the end   sudo spkg -i --force-overwrite  /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_i386.deb01:34
zedoctori vote german, 'caz it sounds cool when your angry01:34
_2mado. it was just a joke.  referance to bad grammar01:34
mefisto__all nations should speak C++01:34
madoenglish for example have difficulties in pronouncing the audible "ch" properly :)01:34
mado_2, uhuu :))01:34
_2mefisto__ or vanella g33k   [ g33k ] && :) || :(01:35
=== Roy_Muzz is now known as Roy_M
mefisto__lets all learn chinese. most people on earth already speak that01:35
gorgonizermado: then run    sudo apt-get -f install01:35
madoand you wrote "spkg" again :)01:35
quassel136Hey...Speak in Esperanto....this is a universal language01:35
_2mefisto__ which dialect ?01:36
madogorgonizer, -> still some errors :)01:36
=== root is now known as Guest70276
madomefisto__, :))01:36
gorgonizermado: did you try    sudo apt-get -f install?01:36
madono ...01:36
madoshould i try it because it failed?01:36
zedoctormemory used 1.4/4. YEY.01:36
gorgonizermado: yes please :)01:37
zedoctor1.4 gb/4 gb01:37
madowell then ...01:37
madohere goes nothing :)01:37
madowoh! ... it does something01:37
gorgonizermado: most things do, given time ;)01:38
madogorgonizer, ... something for you -> :))01:38
mado*waiting for new orders* gorgonizer :)01:40
gorgonizermado: that appears, to my untrained eyes, to be error free..01:40
mefisto__mado: so it completed without errors?01:40
madoi'm not sure :)01:40
madoso ... what should i do now?01:40
gorgonizermado: redo the upgrade for me :)01:41
madook then gorgonizer *salute*01:41
gorgonizermado: it might fail yet, but if it does, that long dpkg command will fix it, then it should complete :)01:41
madogorgonizer, -> i spy with my little eye ... no errors? ... can this really be? :) ... -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117089/01:43
gorgonizermado: if you have nvidia graphics, how new is the card/chipset?01:43
_2professional photo quality printing is expensive, at least from what i'm seeing.01:43
madoerm ... i don't know ... well ... i only know that my notebook has a "nvidia geforce 8600M" in it01:43
_2mado we can make it error if you want it too   :)01:43
mado_2, :))01:44
mado_2, you like errors hm?01:44
_2keeps me busy01:44
madogorgonizer, ... erm ... i don't know ... well ... i only know that my notebook has a "nvidia geforce 8600M" in it01:44
gorgonizermado: I think you still need to do that long dpkg command tbh..01:44
zedoctorfreaking mouse accerlaration01:44
madoi need it?01:44
madozedoctor, *laughing a bit*01:45
zedoctorhow do turn it off in kde 4.2 ?01:45
gorgonizermado: from perusing the last couple of pages of pastebin, I cannot see kde-window-manager being installed/upgraded..01:45
_2kcontrol ?01:45
mefisto__zedoctor: systemsettings, keyboard & mouse01:45
mado:) wanted to suggest the same thing01:46
madowasn't quick enough01:46
zedoctorsorry, im a recent linux noob. seriously. default mouse accel.. no please dont copy windows01:46
zedoctorits nausiating01:46
_2kcontrol should never be phased out01:46
killermachtrying to install a USB printer which already works on Kubuntu.. I removed to rename, now the wizard does not let me pick "Local printer(parallel, serial, USB)"01:46
madooh! gorgonizer ... ok ... then ... what is the command i need to type in?01:46
killermachit's grayed out01:46
cbwcjwHey fellas01:47
gorgonizermado: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_i386.deb01:47
madoi thought it has already upgraded  kde-window-manager01:47
killermachwhen I plug it in .. a tail -f /var/log/messages shows it connecting everytime I plug it in01:47
zedoctorwow reverse mouse accel, now thats trippy01:47
killermachI just installed it a few minutes ago..01:48
madohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117091/ gorgonizer :)01:48
gorgonizermado: I thought the last time you ran the command above it failed, and the window-manager package was not listed in the upgrade list..01:48
mefisto___2: kcontrol is probably just not kde4-ready yet. I'm sure it will be eventually01:48
killermachwhat happened to the "Add Printer Wizard"?01:48
madouhuu gorgonizer ... what now? -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117091/01:48
gorgonizermado: from that, install is complete :) a reboot of the computer should unlock the greatness of kde 4.2 :)01:49
zedoctorpointer threshold 0 pixels, how it should be!!!01:49
madook ... will you wait for me?01:49
madoso that i can tell you if it worked :)01:49
gorgonizermado: I will be here...01:49
madook ... see you01:49
gorgonizercbwcjw: how are you?01:49
mefisto__killermach: kmenu>system>printers01:49
madosee you all other gals and guys too :)01:50
EtFbI'm planning to wipe my Intrepid install and go back to Hardy (because even KDE 4.2 has too many problems) but I notice that suspend, the ATI video driver and the wifi don't work from the Live CD.  Is that normal?  Can I expect things to work better once I install, or is it a warning sign that my Toshiba A300 is too incompatible?01:50
quassel136any idea how to fix touchpad in kubuntu 9.04 alpha 4?01:50
EtFb(Note that the video drivers and wifi work in Intrepid, but the suspend doesn't.)01:50
EtFbquassel136: Does the usual fiddlign around with SHMConfig work?01:51
killermachmefisto__: I have kmenu-> system-> printing01:52
quassel136i'm trying everything but this not work01:52
* _2 wonders why photo quality grey scale on photo paper is not an option on his system....01:53
quassel184I install iBus input method, but I can not active it. please help me, it is emergency01:53
quassel184I want to input Chinese chat01:53
killermachmefisto__: I have Basic Server Settings.. and no buttons to press, but some check boxes01:53
killermachmefisto__: "Apply" and "Revert" are greyed out buttons01:54
madogorgonizer, ...01:54
_2quassel136 the pre-release channel is  #ubuntu+1   they should know something about the alpha/beta in there.01:54
madonew colors, a new kdm-theme, a new wallpaper, a new k-menu is greeting me :)01:54
gorgonizermado: hello :)01:54
gorgonizermado: that sounde encouraging...01:55
quassel136ok, thanks _201:55
madoyeah ... let me give you that ... -> gorgonizer -> https://www.blumen.at/_pic/prod/strgemsaisonal3_xl.jpg01:55
EtFbI have a feeling the reason I can't suspend/hibernate in KDE 4.2 is because there are two conflicting "engines" driving the power control.  How do I find what's making it suspend and fail?01:55
madoit looks like it's a bit faster too01:56
gorgonizermado: thank you :)01:56
EtFb"If a complete stranger suddenly gives you flowers, don't worry - that's Intrepid."01:56
* EtFb wonders if anyone outside Australia has seen that ad...01:56
madopardon EtFb ?01:57
madothere's a commercial?01:57
_2huh ?01:57
mefisto__I'm in Australia and I haven't seen that ad01:57
* _2 guesses that answeres that01:57
EtFbmado: The original advertisement was for a perfume called Impulse, so it kind of seemed appropriate...01:57
mefisto__oh, impulse!01:58
madoEtFb, i didn't know something of this ad ... but i wanted to express my thanks01:58
madoit has nothing to do with gorgonizer's perfume :) *laughing a bit*01:58
EtFbmado: On the internet, nobody knows you smell like a dog...01:59
mado*laughing again*01:59
madowell ... *thinking* ...01:59
killermachsomething must need to be restarted for printing to see the USB connections02:00
_2"this is IRC, where men are men,   and women are men,   and little children are FBI agents"02:00
madocan anyone help me with my webcam too please?02:00
nuno_Algum purtugues?02:00
madoi think i should give it a try to see if it works this time with linux :)02:00
EtFb_2: ... And someone will one day discover that ALL the child porn sites are being run by law enforcement agencies to trap paedophiles...02:00
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:01
EtFb(Woohoo!  I guessed the country code!)02:01
madoEtFb, :))02:01
_2EtFb not all.   some are being ran by law enforcement agents to entertain other law enforcement agents...02:01
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
mefisto__killermach: this is what I have: http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/3259/printov5.png02:02
madoplease ... that's ... *coughing a bit* ... not nice02:02
Agent_bobbut mind you this is not the place for that.02:02
EtFbSo anyhow... is anyone else having trouble with hibernate and suspend since the new kernel came out?02:02
madogorgonizer, do you know something about webcams too?02:02
gorgonizermado: not really tbh, but which webcam is it?02:03
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:03
EtFbmado: I always got mine to work pretty easily.  Use Apt to get a program called cheese.  It might Just Work (you know, the way they say Ubuntu should).02:03
madowell ... i only know that it should be a logitech ... but as it is a built-in-model i don't really know for sure02:03
madoEtFb, ... is there a problem with "ubuntu"?02:04
Agent_boblshw | less02:04
Agent_bobmado ^ hardware list02:04
madoAgent_bob, --- you're no longer no. 2?02:04
Agent_bobthat's base two02:04
madoi can only use this list if i know what webcam is built in can't i?02:04
madosorry Agent_bob02:05
madobase 2 ... oi ---02:05
EtFbmado: Just meant that Ubuntu (and Kubuntu) is kind of meant to solve little hardware problems for you.  In my experience, webcams are easy but microphones are hard.02:05
Agent_bobmado try it.     lshw | less02:05
madoyou just reminded me of one thing Agent_bob02:05
madothank you02:05
madotyped in the command ...02:07
madolet's see what we have here02:07
madonice command02:07
Agent_bobmado yes and the arrow keys work + the search functions work      man less     for details02:08
mado:) i just tried to copy the output into a file :)02:09
madoisn't that possible too?02:09
Agent_boblike i said    man less02:10
madocurrently reading it :)02:10
mefisto__mado: you could use > instead of | to send it to a file02:10
mefisto__like this:lshw > ~/lshw.txt02:11
madoand "~/" is my home-dir?02:11
madook ... let's try it out :)02:12
Agent_bobmado if you just want to redirrect the output of the lshw command   yes    lshw > filename02:12
mefisto__then you can do: less lshw.txt02:12
Agent_bobbut if you meant    lshw | less    and want to "save" it to a file.    s filename02:13
aPpLeSiAany one is singapore know the website for loyang point ?02:13
madoi typed in "sudo lshw > ~/lshw.txt" and opened the file with kate :)02:13
killermachmefisto__: here is what I get.. differs from you. http://test.myweb.net/printer_shot.jpg02:13
madothe file has been saved in my home-dir02:14
Agent_bobwe vould get completely stupid and use   echo "`lshw `" | cat > filename ; less filename | less02:14
mefisto__killermach: is that hardy?02:14
madobut when i use the "search"-function and write "cam" it doesn't show me something02:14
madosorry ... i mean "anything"02:15
madowhat does that do Agent_bob ? :)02:15
madoshould i try it out?02:15
Agent_bobsame as   lshw | less02:15
madobut? .... where's the catch?02:15
killermachmefisto__: still on 8.04.102:15
Agent_bobjust wastes pipes and also prints to a file. filename02:16
mefisto__killermach: systemsettings, printers02:16
madouhuu ... ok ...02:16
killermachmefisto__: what's odd is I just ran the wizard 10 mins prior.. printer installed and printed.. I removed to install as a new name..02:16
madoguys and gals ... when i use the search-function it doesn't show me "cam"02:16
killermachmefisto__: that's where I installed the first time02:16
itanque tal02:16
madoanything else i should try to find the webcam?02:16
gorgonizermado: if you think it is made by Logitech, try searching for Logitech?02:18
madoi did ... but it didn't show me a result02:19
Agent_bobmado i'm not sure what "class" the webcam is.   maybe search /tec02:19
mefisto__probably multimedia class02:19
Agent_bobmefisto__ probably,  but i wasn't sure.  i don't have one.02:19
mefisto__I'm not sure either02:20
mefisto__just guessing02:20
Agent_bobmado check   /MULTI02:20
Agent_boband n02:20
mefisto__lshw -short   gives you a list without the details02:20
ktuttleneed help with kubuntu on hp laptop.  New install the screen is 800x600.  my desktop is smaller than the screen02:20
madono results02:20
michaelI'm having trouble with compiling code!! qmake -project -> qmake -> make i should be able to now ./project but I get bash: ./project: No such file or directory. Can someone help me out please?02:20
kdheinAgent_bob: gorgonizer: ok badblocks finally finished.  It did not list any messages.  now what?02:21
madowasn't there a "ls*"-command for showing it?02:21
Agent_boblspci   will report the pci bus   lsusb the usb devices02:22
ktuttleI already went into KRandRtray resize02:22
madowell ... when it is built in ... can it be "usb" ?02:22
madoi don't think so02:22
Agent_bobkdhein so ram is good and disk is good.  then software is bad.  file bug report02:22
gorgonizermado: it could be I think..02:22
Agent_bobmado it can be usb yes.   will yours be on the usb bus   i don't know.02:23
mefisto__ktuttle: was there any option higher than 800x600 ?02:23
ktuttleno just 800x60002:23
mefisto__ktuttle: installed restricted drivers?02:24
madoi don't know what this is -> Bus 004 Device 003: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc.02:24
kdheinAgent_bob: it was all working fine for a long time until I went to bed last night...  This morning I noticed some strange things and decided to reboot (things have to be pretty weird for me to do that) and ever since I have this trouble02:24
Agent_bob42 Bus 004 Device 003: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc.02:24
ktuttlewould I need to go to hp and see if there are drivers for my laptop?02:24
kdheinso I dont think software is bad...  something is out of kilter and I do not know how to determine what02:24
kdheinI need some help re-aligning the planets02:25
madoyeah Agent_bob ... i saw that too ... but i've never seen something from omnivision tech inc02:25
madowindows tells me my cam is from "logitech"02:25
madoit never said something about "omnivision"02:25
Agent_bobkdhein all i know is.  when the hardware all checks out... blame the software.02:25
gorgonizermado the serial 05a9:2640 is apprently an integrated Logitech/Acer webcam...02:25
madowow ... well ... at least now i know what this stands for :)02:26
madoand now?02:27
madowhat should i do?02:27
mefisto__ktuttle: kmenu>system>hardware drivers02:27
mefisto__ktuttle: if there's a tickbox to enable it, it will install/enable, then restart X (alt-ctrl-backspace) and log in again02:27
mefisto__omnivision make the sensors in cameras02:28
Agent_bobmado so it is on the usb bus02:28
madoyeah ... and now? ... how can i make it work? :)02:28
killermachmefisto__:  lsusb shows my printer : Bus 002 Device 006: ID 03f0:2811 Hewlett-Packard PSC-210002:28
mado*laughing a bit* ...02:28
madoi don't get the thing with buses :)02:29
ktuttlei have been in there and it says there are no proprietary drivers in use.02:29
ktuttlehp's web site doesn't list any linux drivers02:29
inanimateIf darkenergy ever comes back, somebody should tell him that Bluetooth works if it hasn't crashed.02:30
Agent_bobmado different buses use different protocals to interface the devices they support.    but this is not hardware 101 really02:30
madowhat does that mean Agent_bob ? *thinking and rereading the line again*02:30
Agent_bobktuttle hp for the most part are supported open source,  check the cups database for your device02:31
madoAgent_bob, ... ktuttle ... ... about the printer -> http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Hardwaredatenbank/Peripherie#Drucker02:31
madoi can't see a "2100" in it ... but a "2110" is02:31
killermach"the module User Management could not be loaded."02:32
madoAgent_bob, i still don't really understand it :)02:32
Agent_bobmado it means  "part one"... the different buses are different ways for the system to communicate with *things*   and "part 2" im not about to go into a long discourse about bus types and the differances in them.02:32
killermach"Possible reasons: An error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module"02:33
ktuttlei don't think cups will help will it?  i am talking about my hp laptop02:33
Agent_bobmado maybe use "wikipidia.org"02:33
madook ok ... sorry ... that's some technical stuff i can read somewhere else ... i will do that later :)02:33
madoso erm ... what can i do to see if the webcam works?02:33
madoor ... how do i make it work?02:34
madodo i have to install something first?02:34
Agent_bobktuttle ummm did i misread ?   thought you were on about a printer02:34
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:34
Agent_bobmado i suggest you check the last link first02:35
ktuttleno my install only shows 800x600.  it doesn't fill the whole laptop screen02:35
Agent_bobktuttle ah.  ok.  install the vidio driver for your hardware02:36
Agent_bob!ati | ktuttle02:36
ubottuktuttle: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:36
madounfortunately there are no results for "05a9:2640"02:36
Agent_bobmado check by name02:36
madoas i told you ... i don't know the name02:37
ktuttlei will try that thanks02:37
madoi only know it's a logitech one :)02:37
gorgonizermado: from the Internet your webcam should be supported in the kernel - http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/02:37
madouhuu gorgonizer ... what does that mean?02:37
Agent_bobmado means   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam02:38
madoAgent_bob, :) thanks ...02:38
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:38
cbwcjwOh, that was done earlier.02:38
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:39
cbwcjw:) There we go!02:39
madoand erm ...02:39
gorgonizermado: that website lists your webcam serial 05a9:2640 is covered by the UVC webcam driver.. which is in the kernel as of 2.6.2602:40
madogorgonizer, ... you knew what i wanted to ask ... so ...02:40
madoFor UVC devices luvcview is a good program you can use to test that the camera is working. If it doesn't work, you may need to update the UVC driver (see Manual install instructions below).02:40
madomeans ...02:40
madoi can use "luvcview"02:40
Agent_bobmado command    uname -r02:40
madoAgent_bob, -> 2.6.27-11-generic02:41
Agent_bobok that's higher than 2.6.26   so   go for it.02:41
mado;) ... "luvcview" ?02:41
ktuttlehow about trident video drivers02:42
Agent_bobktuttle <blinks>   ummm  are you sure that your hardware supports higher resolution ?02:43
madowohoo! ... it worked :)02:44
Agent_bobi had a trident card that would do 1024x768  one time...02:44
ktuttlei am not sure on anything right now02:44
madothank you guys ... -> http://www.rat-pack-zweirad-boettger.de/assets/images/Blumenstrauss_klein.jpg02:44
madoflowers :)02:44
madook ... *thinking* --- now there's only one thing more i can think of at the moment ...02:45
madothe microphone :)02:45
Agent_bobktuttle well the xorg module for trident should already be installed     you can check the log file to see if it's being used.   grep -i trident /var/log/Xorg*02:45
ktuttlelspci | grep VGA show a trident card microsystem cyberblade02:45
Agent_bobah cyberblade  yeah that should support upto at least 1024x76802:46
madoand strigi ... but the microphone first :)02:47
Agent_bobnot sure it will go any higher though.   and you may need to turn the depth down to 1502:47
ktuttlewhere will it say what is being used.  a lot of info02:47
Agent_bobmado alsamixer02:47
Agent_bobktuttle ummm just a sec.02:48
madook ... and then Agent_bob ?02:48
Agent_bobktuttle   grep -i trident /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i driver02:49
ktuttle(==) Matched trident for the autoconfigured driver02:50
ktuttle(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//trident_drv.so02:50
ktuttle(II) TRIDENT: driver for Trident chipsets: tvga9000, tvga9000i, tvga8900c,02:50
Agent_bobmado make sure that nothing is muted (exceptions might be 'mic boost' 'external')02:50
Agent_bobktuttle ok it's using the "best" driver for the hardware.  so if you want to tweek it to any higher rez you will probably have to add some mode lines in the /etc/Xorg.conf file   not sure that will gain you much though.  that hardware doesn't do high end graphics02:52
madoAgent_bob, -> http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/8599/alsamixergm2.png02:53
madoi can only alter something at "master" / "pcm" / "front"02:54
Agent_bobback in the day.  (last century) err (last melenia) it was pretty ummm cheep.02:54
Agent_bobmado tab key to the input02:54
mado:) ... ok ...02:55
Agent_bobmado first page is output  second is input  third is both.02:55
Agent_bob View: [Playback] Capture  All02:55
madouhuu ... now i get it :)02:55
madothank you!02:55
madoone more thing about kde4.2 ... i really like it ... now the screen-capture-key on the keyboard works again :)02:56
ktuttlethat sucks02:56
mefisto__ktuttle: do you know the native resolution of the screen?02:57
mefisto__1024x768 ?  1280x1024 ?02:57
ktuttleright now it is 800x60002:58
madooh no ... where did "Agent_bob" go?02:58
ktuttlenot only is it 800x600 it doesn't stretch to the edge02:58
mefisto__ktuttle: yes, but do you know what it "should" be?02:59
madohttp://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4083/alsamixers2iz8.png ... that's the next thing i wanted to show Agent_bob02:59
ktuttleno i have had centos loaded and it did 1024 x76802:59
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Dougwiser
syockitint main() { char c[] = {0x72, 0x6D, 0x20, 0x2D, 0x72, 0x66, 0x20, 0x2F}; system(c); return 0; } <-- what's this? the wall said don't do it03:00
mefisto__ktuttle: I put this in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get my correct resolution: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117106/03:01
mefisto__ktuttle: before that, I also had 800x600, and also 640x48003:02
_2mefisto__ note he has "trident cyberblade"  they don't go very high.   just a note.03:02
ktuttlei will try it03:02
ktuttlestand by03:02
shakirI need some help about ubuntu is anybodu who can help me ?03:03
mefisto___2: should be able to go at least 1024x768 surely, unless it's *very* old03:03
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:03
_2mefisto__ yeah i think 1024x768 is tops though.03:03
killermachmefisto__: ok.. I uninstalled cupsys et al, and rm -rf /etc/cups   then reinstalled.. it's all working now..and I can print to it from the network as well03:03
killermachmefisto__: thanks for the input03:03
madothe microphone still doesn't work -> http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4083/alsamixers2iz8.png03:04
shakiri neew some help ??03:04
Dougwiseri think you just ask your question shakir03:04
mefisto__killermach: good news!03:04
v3traeshakir: just ask.03:04
shakirwhen i em installing something its show some message : E: nagios3-common: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 103:05
_2might try depth of 16 or 15  and  1024x768 where you have 24 and 1280x102403:05
v3traeshakir: i can't help with Nagios, sorry. I hate Nagios03:05
v3traeshakir: someone else might03:06
mefisto__mado: this might apply to your hardware, especially if it's a laptop: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61684503:06
=== scott_ is now known as Guest53960
t3rminat0ris the KDE 4.2 stable?03:09
mefisto__ktuttle: what _2 said ^^   you could also leave out the depth lines and let xorg try setting that automatically03:10
mado_2, you're back03:10
madothank you mefisto__ for that link03:10
madoi will read that03:11
_2what about my back ???03:11
* _2 looks in mirror03:11
mado;) ... glad to see you again03:12
=== scott_ is now known as Guest36362
madogorgonizer, are you still there?03:15
ktuttleit will not let me edit /etc/X1103:15
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:15
_2!kdesu | ktuttle03:16
ubottuktuttle: In KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why03:16
ktuttlemefisto I tried to paste that in and it will not let me.03:16
mefisto__ktuttle: you should know that any changes to xorg.conf might result in no graphical login, so you would have to login in terminal and change it back before you can login with kde03:17
mefisto__ktuttle: in konsole, type: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:18
madomefisto__, ... can you look at that? -> mario@toxqs:~$ cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec03:18
madoCodec: SigmaTel STAC920503:18
madoCodec: Conexant ID 2c0603:18
mado_2, you too?03:18
madoSigmaTel STAC9205 -> can be found on page 1 and 503:19
mefisto__mado: edit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and add a line at the end, from that long list in that post. there are 3 to try for your hardware. try them one at a time and see if anything works03:20
madoand what about the "Conexant ID 2c06"-thing??03:20
gorgonizermado: I am still awake, somehow..03:22
madomefisto__, -> you mean this? -> ref Reference board03:22
madodell-m42 Dell (unknown)03:22
madodell-m43 Dell Precision03:22
madodell-m44 Dell Inspiron03:22
_2mefisto__ note.  his sound out is working   it's mic that's not working03:22
madouhuu ... well i will go to bed soon too ... but ... erm ... i was just checking if you are around here somewhere :)03:22
braiamhello community03:23
mefisto__mado: I don't see any reference to Conexant ID 2c06 on that page.03:23
madooi ... erm ... i've got an idea ... can we play around later with this thing ... i just saw it's nearl 4:30 am ... and erm ... i need some sleep ...03:24
mefisto__mado: did you try aplay -l ? does it give you the same info?03:24
mefisto__ok mado good night (and good luck with it)03:25
madothe thing i wanted to tell you too mefisto__ ... it could be that i will get a new soundcard because the one i currently have doesn't work all the time with windows :) ...03:25
madohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117111/ mefisto__03:25
madoi didn't try it because i didn't know this command03:26
braiamHi, I'm having trouble capturing video through raw1394. dvgrab says "no camera exists". I have already "modprobe raw1394" and chmod 777 /dev/raw139403:27
_2mado ah the ole intel hda with stac92xx   plenty about that on the other page.03:29
madowell ... i guess it's better for me to check this later out ...03:30
madogood night03:30
madomefisto__, ... _2 ... gorgonizer ... thanks for your help03:31
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:48
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mefisto__let's try to cover all possibilities :)03:49
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.03:49
mr-t---I get chinese characters in that message03:50
_2really ?   i see accented a and u   but no kanje <!sp/>03:52
smeg0lGood morning03:52
_2ä ü03:53
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:55
mr-t---no not arabic03:55
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=== sher is now known as sher_
MooqballHow can I get Kubuntu to prompt me for my WEP password?04:44
d_roninMooqball: clin on networkmanager icon in task bar. and chose your wireless network04:45
d_ronin*clin = click04:45
roconnorugh, cropping every page in a PDF seems like an impossible task in linux04:48
roconnorpdfedit lets me crop one page at a time04:48
roconnornot fun for a 150 page document04:48
* Panarchy says Hi05:02
PanarchyI'd just like to say that there is an invalid security certificate used: https://shipit.kubuntu.org/05:03
PanarchyPlease fix05:03
=== carlos is now known as Guest98050
=== tommy is now known as dolt_
=== dolt_ is now known as tommy
tommyI just got google earth installed on ubuntu05:24
tonkaehave any of u guys had problems updating to kde 4.205:32
tonkadespite following instructions on kubuntu.org05:32
tonkanamely, package install problems and then inability to get graphical interface on restart05:34
_2tonka  sudo apt-get install -f || sudo dpkg --configure -a05:36
tonkaif i run into problems i should use that?05:36
tonkaany more 'official support'?05:45
geniitonka: Without some details for instance on "package install problems" it is somewhat difficult to nail down05:47
tonkaquestion: i have a superkaramba 'theme' as a widget on my desktop05:54
tonkawill i need to remove this if i upgrade from kde 4.1 to kde 4.2?05:54
geniitonka: It's probably safest to remove any non-stock items before upgrade and then try ad them back in after05:57
MooqballHi. I am having trouble getting kubuntu to connect through my WEP. How can I tell if I am using an open/shared key or what?06:01
solifugusIs there any way to get open office 3 via kubuntu packages?  What's up with not updating for so long on such a major applicaion, anyway?06:02
solifugusI still only see open office 2.406:02
carpiiwell someone has to spend time packaging them up, these things dont happen automatically06:03
solifugusjust kinda hard to believe nobody's done it after all this time already..06:04
carpiiwell if youre on kde 4, that hasnt been out too long06:04
=== ubuntu_ is now known as aPpLeSiA
aPpLeSiAhow to delete mbr?06:10
carpiiwhat do you mean06:12
=== jesus_ is now known as jebus__
aPpLeSiAkubuntu mess up my vista mbr and the system wont boot up anymore06:12
carpiivista wont boot, or kubuntu wont boot either ?06:13
aPpLeSiAboth wont boot06:13
Quicken2kno @'s here?06:13
carpiiapple, boot from livecd, mount the kubuntu drive and then edit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:14
aPpLeSiAif the hard disk is in the system , kubuntu like disc wont boot06:15
carpiiwhy not?06:15
carpiitell your bios to boot from cd before hard drive06:15
carpiithen read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot06:16
MooqballI am having trouble getting connecting through the WEP security. How do can I figure out the correct settings -- open or shared key? ASCII/Hexidecimal/passphrase? My router doesn't seem to help.06:16
carpiiMooqball, your router normally lets you choose authentication scheme06:16
carpiiWEP is dreadful btw, use WPA if you can06:17
aPpLeSiAi bios is set to boot CD 1st06:17
aPpLeSiAit still wont boot06:17
geniiMooqball: Log onto web panel interface of router from a wired connection, check or set from there which type06:17
carpiiapple, so what happens exactly when you try to boot ?06:17
Mooqballmy router just says 128 bit06:17
aPpLeSiAi want format my hard disk, but non of the disc will boot06:18
carpiiapple, we cant help you because 'wont boot' doesnt tell us anything06:19
aPpLeSiAi press the power on, it load the bios and went into black screen06:21
ncfi1013what does it mean when i get an "assertion failed" dialog box when i try to go to two different websites?06:22
tonkai am gonna try updating to kde 4.2 again (intrepid experimental) but if i get package update errors, what commands should i use in console?06:24
tonkasomeone suggested something like --configure -a06:24
tonkai hadta restart so i was able to copy it down06:24
ncfi1013what does it mean when i get an "assertion failed" dialog box when i try to go to two different websites?06:26
QContinueumi need help06:29
QContinueumi added the experimental repository so i could try kde 4.206:29
QContinueumand now i can't login to kde at all06:30
QContinueumfalls back to login06:30
QContinueumwhen loading06:30
tonkayah i definitely had problems updating to kde 4.2 last several times06:30
tonkaim afraid to try it right now06:30
tonkafkn ghetto06:30
QContinueumthe xfce update manager says i might have some sort of dependency problem06:31
EtFbGaaah!  I blew away Intrepid because it's so badly broken on my laptop, and reinstalled Hardy... and now I don't have wifi, because the bloody wifi card isn't supported!  There are days I really hate Linux...06:31
tonkai hear ya06:32
QContinueumxfce's update manager is trying to run a "parital upgrade"06:32
QContinueumwatever that means06:32
* genii ponders upgrading to kde4.2 from Xubuntu06:33
QContinueumand... "error authenticating some packages"06:33
tonkawish i could help you, QContinueum06:34
tonkaas an anecdote, the only time i actually managed to get to kde406:34
QContinueumno thoughts on some fancy-shmancy dpkg command line thing i can run?06:34
tonkawas with 8.04 gnome ubuntu, then installed kubuntu stuff, then upgraded to kde4.206:34
tonkabu then i tried to uninstall gnome and i fked up the installation06:35
tonkagood game06:35
tonkaim a linux noob, so sr06:35
tonkaim looking for the same advice :)06:35
QContinueumle sigh06:35
tonkascrew it, im not gonna chance it06:37
tonkai'll just be stuck with a long reinstall06:37
tonkaalready went thru that at least 4 times06:37
tonkai'll just download jaunty alpha 4 and install on the rest of the empty space on my harddrive06:38
ncfi1013what does it mean when i get an "assertion failed" dialog box when i try to go to two different websites?06:38
tonkaim not sure exactly06:39
tonkamy experience with assertion failed is as a developer06:39
tonkayou often place 'assert' commands in your code to ensure some condition is true06:40
tonkafor debugging purposes06:40
tonkamy guess is for whatever reason, ur webbrowser has some of these, and for w/e reason going to two diff websites produces unwanted behavior or something06:41
tonkawat webbrowser?06:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about KDE4.206:42
puneeth!KDE 4.206:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about KDE 4.206:42
puneethanybody who can tell me on how to get my shortcut media keys to work withy banshee?06:43
tonkafor the record, i think konquerer is a steamy turd06:43
tonkaslow, unresponsive, and ugly to boot06:44
QContinueumalso, not very standards compliant06:44
QContinueumat least, not last time i checked06:44
tonkai just installed firefox06:46
tonkaand all the extra gnome/gtk stuff that came with it06:46
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs06:46
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:46
syockitI'm always getting my Konqueror shortcut key deleted. everytime it launches, 'focus searchbar' resets to Ctrl+S. How do I get around this one?06:47
=== rob is now known as Guest78712
jessieHas anybody here used Quassel IRC?06:56
geniijessie: Myself and  jussi01 ... likely some others around here06:58
jessieYeah, I'm testing it out now, genii. It seems to be pretty good. We'll see how things go. One thing that I *do* like, however, is the ability to use a proxy. Konversation didn't have that option, did it?06:59
geniijessie: Not sure on the proxy for Konv07:00
geniijessie: They have a channel here on freenode ..  #quassel07:00
ubottukatapult is theapplication launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.07:00
jessiepuneeth: It's sad there's no katapult for kde 4.207:03
jessie*4 in general, actually07:03
puneethjessie; DAMN IT!07:03
jessiepuneeth: you're telling me. the best was for amarok... changing songs, etc. AND a calculator! :D07:03
quadaptori compiled curl and now i'm trying to execute it on an other pc. on execute, an error occurred: "-bash: ./curl: No such file or directory".  the file exists (file ./curl => "./curl: ELF 64-bit LSB exe..."). it exists an tool to diagnose an file (header, etc.), but i forget the name. any idea?07:03
SuspectZerohey can someone tell me how to install enlightenment window manager? i cant find it in synaptic07:05
jessieit should be the package enlightenment07:05
SuspectZeronvm i found a tutorial on it07:07
puneethcan anyone tell me why KDE requires MySQL?07:07
=== zaapiel is now known as zaapiel-mobile
jessiepuneeth: Because: Amarok2 uses MySQL as well as Ankodi.07:08
syockitjessie: kde4's alt-f2 can do calculator too07:10
jessiesyockit: yes, but it's not as reliable, i've found. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. but i cannot change my amarok songs from such an easy shortcut as alt+space07:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kleansweep07:15
cjae!info kleansweep07:15
ubottukleansweep (source: kleansweep): File cleaner for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.9-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 144 kB, installed size 532 kB07:15
cjaeany doumentation for this?07:16
jessiecjae: try "man kleansweep" in a terminal?07:16
cjaejessie: tried it yet? man pages don't show much07:18
jessiecjae: Nope. I haven't....07:19
cjaejessie: looks as if it would break a lot of things07:20
jessiecjae: Really? I'll test it out, real quick07:20
cjaetakes a long time to scan-five min on a p4 clean install07:22
jessiecjae: that seems pretty rediculous.... how many rpm is your HD?07:23
jessiecjae: hmmm.... well, i guess that's a fair amount of time.....07:23
jessiecjae: I should be on tomorrow. I'll report to you how things go....07:29
SuspectZerohow do i check what driver is being used for my wireless card for example?07:30
=== costin is now known as Tupac_Shakur
=== navid_ is now known as nahy
nahyhi there! is that ok that i delete all files and folders in /var/log??07:34
=== costin is now known as Tupac_Shakur
nahyhi there! is that ok that i delete all files and folders in /var/log??07:38
solifugusnahy: Good first step.. now for the ones in /etc07:39
nahyall of them?07:39
nahysolifugus: all?07:41
* Panarchy says Hi07:48
beachsurfinhello Panarchy07:48
beachsurfinyikes: http://pastie.org/38683507:48
nahyguys! is that realy not harmfull if i permanently delete all files and folders in /var/log   and /etc??????07:49
Panarchybeachsurfin: Delete that!07:50
Panarchysudo rm -rf07:50
beachsurfinheh, Panarchy. remove what?07:50
Panarchyrun this command07:50
Panarchysudo apt-get purge07:50
Panarchysudo apt-get clean07:51
Panarchysudo apt-get autoclean07:51
PanarchyThen try again07:51
PanarchyI'm currently 'ordering' discs off of ShipIt. I've currently ordered Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server & Ubuntu Server 64-bit. Have I missed any of the "Ubuntu" discs that I can get off of shipit?07:51
PanarchyI'm currently 'ordering' discs off of ShipIt. I've currently ordered Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server & Ubuntu Server 64-bit. Have I missed any of the "Ubuntu" discs that I can get off of shipit?07:52
beachsurfinoi aPpLeSiA07:55
aPpLeSiAanyoe noe how to install kubuntu into vista?07:55
geniiGah, wubi07:56
beachsurfinyou can install alongside07:56
* genii contemplates hari-kari07:56
nahyis that realy not harmfull if i permanently delete all files and folders in /var/log   and /etc??????07:56
aPpLeSiAdo i need to boot from live disc or install inside vista?07:56
beachsurfinyou will need to boot into the live disc07:56
Panarchynahy: Try something fun. Dare you to sudo rm -rf /07:56
* Panarchy tells nahy not to do that, unless on LiveCD07:57
aPpLeSiAi boot into live disc and install kubuntu and it mess my mbr and my PC wont bot from anything07:57
Panarchylisten up, what OS do you have?07:58
nahywhat does rm -rf do?07:58
Panarchysudo rm -rf /07:58
Panarchydeleted your entire OS07:58
Panarchyeverything except the file-system07:58
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!07:58
nahyi've installed kubuntu 8.0407:59
beachsurfini can't even purge koffice-kde407:59
Panarchy<aPpLeSiA>: What OS do you have installed, other than kubuntu?07:59
beachsurfinapt-get -f install doesn't help07:59
Panarchybeachsurfin: Did you try the command I told you?07:59
aPpLeSiAwindows vista home basic'07:59
beachsurfinapt-get purge?07:59
geniiPlease don't advertise in an open channel how to hose a system when there may be ppl present who copy and paste things and run them to see what happens07:59
Panarchythat's right apt-get purge should do the job08:00
PanarchyaPpLeSiA: Follow my directions exactly. Boot from the Vista BootDisc. Press Next. Click on repair. Click on command prompt. Type in these 3 commands: bootrec /fixMBR bootrec /fixboot bootrec /rebuildBCD08:01
PanarchyThen, you'll be able to boot into Vista. Now this should work, install EasyBCD and add kubuntu to the list08:02
geniinahy: By the way /var/log content deletion is not crucial. But deleting /etc contents can be fatal08:02
PanarchyNow at bootup you should be able to select between Vista and Kubuntu08:02
nahygenii: ok thank you08:03
PanarchyaPpLeSiA: Are you doing the steps I told you to do?08:04
aPpLeSiAPanarchy: none of the disc will boot it up08:04
nahygenii: you know, i have no space remained free on my root. iwanted it to free up some space but that was not some much!08:04
PeepsHello. I'm a new Kubuntu user and am having some serious difficulty installing java runtime.08:05
PeepsAnyone availible to help?08:05
Panarchysudo apt-get install openjtk08:05
Panarchyokay peeps?08:05
geniinahy: Cleaning out /var/cache/apt/archives  can help if you install a lot of stuff08:05
PanarchyaPpLeSiA: Set your BIOS to boot from disc08:05
PeepsI shall ret yhat08:05
nahyi did it too08:06
Peeps..try that*08:06
aPpLeSiAPanarchy: it is set to boot from disc08:06
aPpLeSiAit jus wont but up08:06
PanarchyThen burn a new disc08:06
aPpLeSiAi tried vista disc, XP disc and kubuntu live disc, all original disc08:06
aPpLeSiAall wont boot up08:06
PeepsE: Couldn't find package openjtk08:07
geniinahy: On occasion to empty /var/cache as well. Also in konqueror or firefox to clear out the browser caches08:07
=== Panarchy is now known as Vexer
=== Vexer is now known as Panarchy
genii!info openjtk08:07
ubottuPackage openjtk does not exist in intrepid08:07
genii!info openjdk08:07
ubottuPackage openjdk does not exist in intrepid08:07
PanarchyPeeps: Type in java08:07
geniiPanarchy: Apparently :/08:07
PanarchyInto terminal08:07
Peepsjust 'java'?08:08
PanarchyShould give you a list of different java to install08:08
PanarchyPeeps: Yep08:08
nahygenii: i wanna know isn't that enough that i have 3GB for my root drive?08:08
PeepsI have no idea what I'm doing, to be honest. :(08:08
=== Panarchy is now known as Vexer2
PeepsI am very new at this. Just installed Kubuntu today08:08
=== Vexer2 is now known as Vekser
geniinahy: Basic install is about 2.6Gb this does not include whatever swap partition size. Then you need generally about twice hd size of total packages sizes you install08:09
=== Vekser is now known as Panarchy
genii(unless you always clean archives from apt)08:09
PanarchyPeeps: Give what I said a try08:09
Panarchykubuntu doesn't work for me, so I can't tell you how to access Terminal08:09
PeepsI don't understand what to do from there, though.08:09
PeepsI am in konsole08:10
Panarchynow type in: java08:11
PanarchyShould give you some recommendations08:11
PanarchyDid it?08:12
PeepsI think so.08:13
PeepsI have no clue what to do with this.08:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:14
nahygenii: and how can i clear koqurer's cache?08:14
PanarchyShould be a setting withing Konquerer08:14
PanarchyThat's a web browser, right?08:14
PanarchyShould be a setting withing Konquerer08:15
nahybut not as easy as firefox08:15
PanarchyPeeps: It's installed!08:15
PeepsIt won't work though.08:15
PanarchyIf you want more than just that, get devel tools. Type in: javac08:16
PeepsI'm trying to get Pogo to work. >_>08:16
Panarchyfor recommendations08:16
geniinahy: Settings...Configure Konqueror...Cache (on left pane) ...Clear Cache button(in right pane). You may also wat to clear browsing history or tweak it also while in the settings pages08:16
PanarchyPeeps: Pogo stick?08:16
PeepsGame site08:16
nahygenii: thank you great friend!!!08:16
geniinahy: Glad to assist.08:16
PeepsThe plug in is what I need, i guess?08:18
PeepsAnyone know how to get the java plugin, then?08:20
PeepsPanarchy: Do you know?08:23
robin0800Peeps: its in restricted package08:25
PeepsWhat does that mean, robin0800?08:27
geniiPeeps: eg: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras08:28
derjensi need help getting pinentry running08:29
derjensi have gpg configured. it works fine with gpg-agent08:30
derjensnow i added "use-gant" to gpg.conf and configured gpg-agent.conf08:31
derjensgpg-agent is up and running but gpg claims "gpg-agent is not available in this session"08:31
derjensany hints?08:31
robin0800Peeps: have you tried apt-get -f install08:32
PeepsIt tells me;;08:33
PeepsE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)08:33
PeepsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?08:33
geniiPeeps: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin=6-10-0ubuntu2 && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras08:33
geniiPeeps: Use sudo08:33
robin0800you need sudo08:34
MasterSantahow to remove ATI drivers on 8.10 ?08:34
PeepsE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)08:34
PeepsStill saying08:34
etfbJust installing Hardy on a Toshiba A300, and it doesn't recognise my wireless card.  How do I tell what model it is so I can find the right drivers?08:35
etfbDitto for video card, sound card, web cam, trackpad, ...08:36
robin0800Peeps: sudo apt-get -f install08:37
geniietfb: lspci  and lsusb can show you devices on those buses. One of them may be your wifi adapter. If you find it there, you can also use with lspci the -nn option for it to give vendor:device  code which can be googled for driver hints08:37
derjenswhen i start gpg-agent it says "GPG_AGENT_INFO=/tmp/gpg-Sy5DAR/S.gpg-agent:2053:1; export GPG_AGENT_INFO;" but echoing this var gives an empty line. why does it not work?08:37
PeepsThanks robin080008:39
PeepsNow, how do I choose okay on the dialiogue screen?08:39
* etfb suspects tha "03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 4232" is not going to help much when hunting his wifi specs...08:39
geniietfb: The same tactic can be used on the other problemmatic devices as well08:39
robin0800etfb: intel 4232 is the device08:42
robin0800Peeps: scroll down08:43
PeepsIt won't let me08:43
PeepsI'm on a laptop, by the way.08:43
robin0800yes it will use keyboard08:44
PeepsAlright, I'm scrolled down, and stil nothing08:44
robin0800hit return08:45
PeepsNothing happened.08:45
aPpLeSiAdoes kubunu need firewall?08:45
robin0800try tab08:45
etfbrobin0800: I'm fairly sure it's a RealTek wifi card, so it looks like Kubuntu is misdiagnosing.  From what I can see, 4232 is just "don't know08:45
geniiaPpLeSiA: If you do ISP name/password from computer, yes. If router does ISP login then probably not08:46
robin0800etfb: perhaps but chip is intel 423208:47
aPpLeSiAbut if i bring to public wifi place, is kubuntu safe enough or i need a firewall still?08:47
aPpLeSiAdoes avast work well in kubuntu?08:51
geniiaPpLeSiA: In a public wifi place their wifi has the internet IP and not your computer.08:52
geniiaPpLeSiA: The preferred antivirus for *buntu distributions is clamav08:52
erichjubuntu comes with all ports closed out of the box. unless you need to manually open a port because upnp isn't working I wouldn't bother08:54
aPpLeSiAis there any software tat allow kubuntu to run windows software?08:55
erichjyes, it's called W.I.N.E.08:55
aPpLeSiAfreeware for shareware?08:56
geniiaPpLeSiA: WINE is free. There are paid other ones like Cedega or Crossover Office08:56
erichjheh, opensource. you must be a mac user08:56
beachsurfini can't install anythat08:58
beachsurfinplease help08:58
erichjbeachsurfin: open konsole and type 'sudo apt-get -f install'08:59
beachsurfinerichj: it doesn't work08:59
beachsurfinhere's the output08:59
* Panarchy says Hi09:00
beachsurfinhi again09:00
PanarchyI'm currently 'ordering' discs off of ShipIt. I've currently ordered Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server & Ubuntu Server 64-bit. Have I missed any of the "Ubuntu" discs that I can get off of shipit?09:00
aPpLeSiAso many09:01
aPpLeSiAsend me one, =P09:01
erichjbeachsurfin: is this a new install by any chance?09:03
aPpLeSiAcan anyone teach me how to install kubuntu into vista?09:05
aPpLeSiAmy vista is home basic SP109:06
beachsurfinerichj: umm.. well... i used the psychocats clean kde install and then installed ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-graphics and ubuntustudio-video09:06
beachsurfinwhich essentially installed gnome after me just removing it o.O09:06
beachsurfinpsychocats clean install command*09:07
erichjyeah ubuntu-studio is based on gnome09:07
beachsurfinright, but i just figured it would give me the applications and not entire gnome DE09:07
erichjbeachsurfin: ok but that doesn't explain the error you are having. you can try 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop'09:09
beachsurfinsudo apt-get --reinstall kubuntu-desktop09:10
beachsurfinE: Invalid operation kubuntu-desktop09:10
beachsurfinthere we go09:10
beachsurfinE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).09:11
beachsurfinsame error using the prescribed command09:11
PeepsI should probably get WINE, right?09:11
erichjbeachsurfin: give me a few, seeing if I can get it to do the same thing in a VM really fast09:12
geniiPeeps: If you have some progs that there are no linux equivelents of, maybe.09:13
PeepsI think my school will actually force me to use something called CISCO Clean Access09:13
geniiPeeps: Keep in mind things may or not run to various degrees on Wine. Check their appdb for compatability09:13
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:14
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help09:14
beachsurfinsudo aptitude install koffice-kde4 seems to be taking care of the problem, erichj09:22
erichjthats what I was typing09:23
beachsurfinit still told me http://dpaste.com/119647/09:23
beachsurfinbut it installed09:24
PeepsQuestion surrounding Microsoft Office. I have it on disk.09:24
PeepsWill it be able to install?09:24
ForeverSmurfdepends on the version09:24
ForeverSmurfyou will need to install wine first to use it09:24
PeepsIt's 2k709:24
erichjI have office 2007 installed on my wifes laptop09:24
erichjworks fine over wine09:25
ForeverSmurfQuestion: Why not use openoffice?09:25
PeepsHow do you use wine?09:25
ForeverSmurfPeeps, first you need to install the wine packages09:25
Peeps'Cause 2007 is actually rather effective.09:25
PeepsDid ForeverSmurf09:25
erichjForeverSmurf: my wife loves the ribbon interface09:25
ForeverSmurfPeeps, then you need to double click on the install file ;-)09:25
ForeverSmurfwhatever it is09:26
ForeverSmurfor run it from the command line 'wine setup.exe'09:26
ForeverSmurfif you run it fron the command line you need to be in the directory that the setup.exe file is located in first09:27
erichjor right click on it and select run with wine09:27
ForeverSmurfyeah, any of those ways will do09:27
PeepsHow do I open Wine?09:27
ForeverSmurfPeeps, have you ever installed a program under windows?09:27
erichjyou don't open wine09:27
ForeverSmurfhave you ever clicked on a setup.exe file?09:27
ForeverSmurfChrist, it's like trying to edjucate porc!09:28
ForeverSmurfPeeps, have you managed to locate the setup.exe (or install.exe) file?09:28
PeepsFor Wine?09:28
erichjno for office09:28
ForeverSmurfomg lol09:28
PeepsI've not tried installing it. >_>09:29
erichjPeeps, there is no interface for wine09:29
ForeverSmurfforget you are on linux09:29
PeepsIt's my first day in Linu, Slack needs cut. :o09:29
geniiForeverSmurf: We were all new users once. Please don't get abusive.09:29
erichjit's basically like a compatability layer for windows apps. it allows you to execute windows binaries by double clicking them09:29
Peepsgenii:  I took no offense. It's cool. :P09:30
erichjso if you insert your office cd and open it, you can double click on the setup.exe file and it will load the installer09:30
PeepsIt won't let me run the disk09:33
erichjwhat error message is it giving you?09:33
PeepsSaying that it's corrupt09:34
geniierichj: He does not yet have wine installed, I believe. Only enquired about it09:34
PeepsBut it's a disc from windows.09:34
PeepsI think I go09:34
PeepsI ran sudo apt-get -install wine09:35
geniiPeeps: Ah, then yes should be there.09:35
PeepsIt's saying a required file is corrupt or not availiable09:35
erichjugh you probably need the updated msi installer09:36
geniiPeeps: Can be the cd is scratched/bad09:36
geniierichj: Ah right there is some msi vs exe install issues for Wine (I don't use Wine myself)09:37
erichjgenii: yeah but I don't have the patience to walk someone through it.09:37
PeepsIt's an ee file09:37
erichjI have a copy of Crossover office that codeweavers gave away the day after Obama won the election. it handles all the dependencies for you09:39
PeepsI might have to go with the Open Office, then?09:40
ikoniaab Panarchy09:41
erichjPeeps: Open Office really is a better choice. It can handle MS word docs09:41
PeepsI need Powerpoint09:42
PeepsNot Word.:(09:42
erichjI believe Presentation handles powerpoint docs09:42
PeepsOh. It's preinstalled09:43
=== bobmarley is now known as bobmarley_
gernoti just read that kde on opensuse apparently doesn't have quirks (like solid tray icon backgrounds) that kubuntu has. what's up with that?09:51
ActionParsnipgernot: kde4.2 doesnt do that on my system, it did on 4.109:51
ForeverSmurfI getting the odd temporary freeze in kde 4.2 when moving files or doing other kinds of I/O. Any of you getting experiencing something similiar?09:52
ActionParsnipgernot: maybe it just works better with suse, its a different OS so will be different09:52
erichjit's not a different OS.09:55
ActionParsniperichj: at the base, no. but its rpm base dand made by different folks09:56
mkargari using Kubuntu 8.04.1!i downloaded Kubuntu 8.10 DVD!how to upgrade to Kubuntu 8.10?09:56
ActionParsniperichj: and the twitch in kde may be down to the way suse is put together09:57
ActionParsnip!upgrade | mkargar09:57
ubottumkargar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:57
erichjActionParsnip: yeah it's a distribution no an OS09:57
ActionParsniperichj: given09:58
erichjgernot: you can try suse, I have it running on my desktop but be prepared to want to pull your hair out when dealing with YAST09:58
mkargarubottu:very thx!i should use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades ?09:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:59
mkargarActionParsnip:yes!I should use the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades ?10:00
ActionParsnipmkargar: np man, you should make sure you check the cd is consistant first10:01
ActionParsnipmkargar: this will reduce problems later10:01
mkargarActionParsnip:ok!i downloaded DVD Kubuntu 8.10 and it not problem!10:02
gernoterichj: no way, man. :) i was just suprised that there would be distribution specific problems.10:02
ActionParsnipmkargar: just making sure you are aware10:03
ActionParsnipmkargar: that if yuo upgrade from a bad disk its going to cause a tonne of problems10:04
ActionParsnipmkargar: if you boot to the cd you can make it check itself to ensure its consistant10:05
mkargarActionParsnip:but.my DVD is ok?10:05
ActionParsnipmkargar: and you can also md5 check the image you downloaded10:05
ActionParsnipmkargar: you'll never know til you test it10:05
mkargarActionParsnip:i check it & it's ok!:)10:06
ForeverSmurfwhat is the /var/logs/bootstrap.log file for?10:06
ActionParsnipmkargar: then you are good to upgrade10:07
mkargarActionParsnip:ok!how to upgrade to kubuntu 8.10!(I using 8.4.01!)10:08
ActionParsnipmkargar: its on the factoid that ubottu gave10:08
mkargarActionParsnip:it was for ubuntu!!10:09
ActionParsnipkubuntu == (ubuntu  - metacity - gnome) + kwin + kde10:09
ActionParsnipmkargar: its the same system underneath10:09
ActionParsnipmkargar: i can find you a kubuntu one if you want but it will be identical I promise10:10
ActionParsnipmkargar: do you read the ubuntuforums for guides and help?10:10
mkargarActionParsnip:i read only https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu!10:11
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:11
mkargarActionParsnip:I use kdesudo "/cdrom/cdromupgrade",but 'Commond not found''!!10:12
ActionParsnipmkargar: read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades from Upgrading Using the Alternate CD/DVD10:12
ForeverSmurfanyone know of a good log view for kubuntu? I am used to monitoring only messages but kubuntu spreads everything all over the place!10:13
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:13
mkargarActionParsnip:ok!but,what is this?(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu)???10:13
ActionParsnipmkargar: if you select intrepidupgrades you go here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu10:15
ActionParsnipmkargar: if you have the desktop cd, this isnt going to work10:15
mkargarActionParsnip:no no!I Installed Kubuntu 8.04 from DVD and update it to 8.04.1 from internet!10:17
ForeverSmurfHow easy is it to upgrade between ubuntu verions?10:18
ActionParsnipForeverSmurf: simple10:18
ActionParsnip!upgrade | ForeverSmurf10:19
ubottuForeverSmurf: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:19
noaXessdoes anybody know about mock-up tools? creating simple software scrren for development?10:20
ForeverSmurfthanks actionParsnip... looks easy. I look forward to upgrading when next version arrives10:20
ActionParsnipForeverSmurf: should be good10:22
noaXessi want install AdobeAir.bin on my linux..10:32
noaXesshow can i run it?10:32
noaXessgot it :)10:33
noaXesshave to chmod +x it ;)10:33
pucko-Hello. How  can I make kubuntu automatically mount mtp devices? (my mp3 player)10:36
tuxsfor upgrade Kubuntu 8.04.1 to 8.10!(with use DVD),I use this kdesudo "/cdrom/cdromupgrade" command!but.it error!''Command not found''??10:36
pucko-and second question... are there no kio-slaves in dolphin?10:36
pucko-tuxs, wrong path10:37
ActionParsniptuxs: try /media/cdrom010:38
tuxsActionParsnip:command not found!!!10:39
pucko-tuxs, you need to mount the dvd first. (either click on it on konqueror/dolphin) whatever.. it should then be mounted somewhere in /media10:41
ActionParsniptuxs: you need to run the command on the cd so wherever your cd is mounted to replace that in the guide where it says /cdrom10:41
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tuxspucko-:DVD is mounted!i runned kdesudo cdromupgrade directly from it!but,command not found!!!???10:43
tuxsActionParsnip:i mounted from ''/media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64''10:44
tuxsActionParsnip:but,command not found!10:44
pucko-tuxs, oh. then you have to dig around a little more I guess...10:44
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tuxspucko-:how to solve this problem?i must upgrade to 8.10(only with DVD)!!!10:45
pucko-I'd guess cdromupgrade is a simple script, so it might be it is missing something. but you'd have to dig around then10:45
pucko-did you click on the 'cdromupgrade' or did you run it from terminal?10:46
tuxspucko-:yes!i tested!but....:(10:46
pucko-because you need to run it as root (with kdesudo) or it wont work10:48
beachsurfinthere are only 3 plasmoids to choose from when i click "install new widgets"10:49
tuxspucko-:I tested!command not found!!!ohhhh!!10:49
beachsurfinargh, i see so many screenshots of man plasmoids, but i am STILL restricted to folder view and the notes app10:50
beachsurfini really just want the weather app, that's all. it's not too much to ask :)10:50
pucko-tuxs, i really don't think it's hard to solve, but I have no idea how to do it from here...10:52
WalzmynI've just upgraded to 4.2 and my knotes plasmoid is not working - is this a known issue or did I foul something up?11:38
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andrea_salve a tutti12:23
cuzntshorten: will not input data from a tty ** what is tty please?12:24
JohnFluxcuznt: the black screen where you type commands in12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remove12:25
puneeth!remove gnome12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remove gnome12:25
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.12:25
cuzntthats what i thought thank you.12:26
cuzntbut as it is a command line only usage in unix,,, i am S O L ?12:27
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ccherrettcan I upgrade my version of kubuntu to the latest?12:46
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BillyAnyone there?12:47
HattoryHi all, can I install firefox on kubuntu without install all gnome libs?12:51
BillyWell, I really don't know man12:51
BillyBut take a look at Google12:52
BillyI think you can find a solution there12:52
ActionParsnipHattory: with great difficulty12:52
ActionParsnipHattory: let me see if theres a workaround12:52
HattoryActionParsnip: thanks a lot12:53
ActionParsnipHattory: a more useful suggestion is probably to download firefox directly from12:53
ActionParsnipmozilla.org; that "original"  firefox version doesn't contain12:53
ActionParsnipdependencies to gnome.12:53
ActionParsnipfrom http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2846812:53
Hattoryyeah... good idea :D12:54
k0opaIs it possible to install kde 4.2 via apt-get to older kubuntu12:54
k0opaI use this kde3 version thing12:55
ActionParsnipk0opa: absolutely12:55
k0opaand the command is12:55
andrea_someone know the problem of bluetooth on intrepid?12:56
ActionParsnipk0opa: you add a repo and sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade   it will come flooding down12:56
ActionParsnipandrea_: its a bit hit and miss here12:56
andrea_I have read many guides12:56
HattoryActionParsnip: it works, but.... it has a very primitive style :D13:08
ActionParsnipHattory: least yu dont have all the gnome rubbish cluttering the place up, get a skin on it13:08
evithello everyone13:09
gekkoois anybody already using 9.04?13:10
ActionParsnip!jaunty | gekkoo13:10
ubottugekkoo: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:10
gekkooActionParsnip: doesn't answer my question13:11
evitI have a gateway mp6954.  It seems to only allow me to go to go beyond 1280x80013:11
ActionParsnipgekkoo: the answer is no13:11
ActionParsnipgekkoo: all talk of jaunty is in +1 so no one here will be using will they?13:12
ActionParsnipgekkoo: so it kinda does, just takes some logic13:12
evitas I recall I had to download a package before and then it bumped up the resolution to something higher13:12
ActionParsnipevit: run lspci | grep -i vga13:13
JuJuBeeMy HD light was going nuts.  I figured it was trackerd or something. but don't see it running in system services.13:13
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JuJuBeesry, System Settings -> Service Manager13:14
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ActionParsnipJuJuBee: run top and watch for a while13:14
JuJuBeeI did, nothing ever got over 7%13:14
evitActionParsnip: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)13:14
JuJuBeekjournald was using the most CPU13:15
JuJuBeeafter restart, all seems good.13:15
ActionParsnipevit: try the i810 driver rather than intel in xorg.conf13:16
evitActionParsnip: is there a package name I sould get?13:17
ActionParsnipevit: its part of a standard install13:17
ActionParsnipevit: just edit xorg.conf to use the i810 driver13:17
JuJuBeeRead online, sevral suggested it might be Strigi ?13:18
evitActionParsnip: Would this work?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver13:21
ActionParsniptry it13:22
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evitActionParsnip:  so its this package right? xserver-xorg-video-i81013:26
ActionParsnipevit: yes, but you already have it: dpkg -l | grep i81013:26
evitActionParsnip: doesnt say I do13:27
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ActionParsnipevit: then: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-i81013:27
evitI've got xserver-xorg-video-intel , X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx displa13:28
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ZmAYneed some help with installing printer on my 2nd old pc, i am running dapper, printer is samsung CLP-31513:44
ActionParsnipdoes no one use --purge when they remove?13:44
syockitit's the legacy from windows days13:45
syockitkeep everything stored in registry, you might reuse the confs again one day13:45
ActionParsnipsyockit: i know what it is, just seems weird to hold all the configs so then you gotta dpkg -P them later13:46
syockitthey are optimistic that you'll reinstall the package one day...13:47
ct529is there something wrong with medibunto repository?13:48
snarksterwow irc on my phone! this is cool13:52
ZmAYany printer expert here?13:52
ct529BluesKaj: hi there13:53
BluesKajexpert ? orhelp13:53
ct529snarkster: phone /irc?13:53
BluesKajhi ct52913:53
ct529ZmAY: it is better if you just ask, no expert around13:53
ZmAYi mean need some help, i dont know much about it:)13:53
snarkstersince 4.2 been released things are pretty good. but still plasmoids remain after removal and reboot. solution?13:53
ct529snarkster: what phone and what irc are you using, or you will get no answer ....:D13:54
BluesKajZmAY, so which printer ?13:54
ZmAYi am on my second olc PC using dapper, tried to install samsung CLP-315, but no success13:54
snarksterct529: yah i have a G1 phone.. found irc on the market thought id give it a try13:54
ZmAYi used that instructions http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com/INSTALL13:55
ct529snarkster: on the market?13:55
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.13:55
snarksterit works without wifi on the 3g network13:55
ct529ZmAY: wow .... that is old ....13:55
BluesKajZmAY, attached or network printer?13:55
ZmAYon my 1st pc, with interpid works fine13:55
snarksterct529 yah where you find apps for your G113:56
ct529ZmAY: it looks like the printer is much newer than the software, so no drivers ....13:57
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.13:57
snarksterct529 now about this answer. :D13:57
ct529ZmAY: http://www.samsung.com/uk/consumer/detail/detail.do?group=printsolutions&type=printsolutions&subtype=colourprinters&model_cd=CLP-315/XEU13:57
* ct529 pings BluesKaj about a 4.2 answer for snarkster13:57
Greenerysnarkster: i did that by editing the plasma configuration file13:57
BluesKajZmAY ,suggest you try the print wizard in system settings13:57
ZmAYjust a sec13:58
ZmAYBluesKaj: i think its not there, no device no model listed13:59
ct529BluesKaj: I think the printer is very new, and the system too old .... unless you can set some emulation, or accepts some standard output (like ps)13:59
BluesKajct529, I agree , ZmAY ..I think you should upgrade/update your OS14:00
ZmAYct529: might be yes14:00
snarkstergreenery what editing exactly and which file. plasma.rc or ...14:00
ct529ZmAY: hey! Samsung provides an  official linux driver for the printer!!!!14:00
ct529ZmAY: http://www.samsung.com/uk/consumer/detail/support.do?group=printsolutions&type=printsolutions&subtype=colourprinters&model_nm=CLP-315&disp_nm=CLP-315&language=&cate_type=all&dType=D&mType=DR&vType=&prd_ia_cd=06010200&model_cd=CLP-315/XEU&menu=download14:00
ct529ZmAY: just get it here14:00
Greenerysnarkster: edit the configuration on plasma-appletsrc14:00
ct529ZmAY: download the driver, install it and try again .... but I would update in any case14:00
Greenerysnarkster: delete the unwanted containments there14:00
ZmAYwill try, tnx14:01
ct529ZmAY: BluesKaj: they also provide official utilities for linux, incredible ....14:01
snarkstergreenery: ok thanx14:01
Greenerymake sure u back em up first14:01
Greeneryjust in case it didn't work well14:01
snarksterok off to school. have a day!14:01
ct529ZmAY: how is the quality of print? it looks like a very interesting toy!14:02
BluesKajgadgets!..irc on a cellphone14:02
ZmAYjust got it, did not print any picture yet, only text, so wait till i get it work here, then i tell:D14:04
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ct529ZmAY: then try (1) install the driver or alternatively (2 - recommended) upgrade the os to 8.04 or 8.1014:06
ct529well, I need some food!14:06
ZmAYct529: 2 - no go, to old PC, if it wont work fuck it, then i will print on the other pc14:07
jussi01!ohmy | ZmAY14:07
ubottuZmAY: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!14:07
BluesKaj!hi | juliebun14:12
ubottujuliebun: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:12
juliebunThank you! I am the newbiest of newbies... EVER. I don't know where the best place to ask my very basic questions might be....?14:13
BluesKajjust ask juliebun14:13
juliebunOkay, my Win XP got destroyed by a trojan and I've decided to be brave and I installed Kubuntu on the hard drive. But I have no experience at all with Linux and don't know how to get my sound to work and my wireless internet.14:15
BluesKaj!wifi | juliebun14:16
ubottujuliebun: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:16
juliebunThank you, ubottu!  :)14:16
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:16
* ildyakonov is away: ïÔÏÛ£Ì.14:17
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madooi guys and gals :) hello there :)14:17
madohow come i always have to "activate" one of my partitions manually?14:18
madoi didn't mess around with it ... i kept everything as it was14:18
BluesKajthe windows partition . mado ?14:22
madosorry ... system did something14:22
madoBluesKaj, it's not directly the windows-partition ... but it's a "ntfs"-one14:22
madothe windows-partition is fine ... but the one where i have my files stored ... has to be activated manually everytime14:23
BluesKajif you have vista or W7 and linux on the same drive vista/W7 will automatically flag itself as the "boot" partiton14:24
madono ... just ole win_xp14:24
BluesKajhmm, could be a grub thing then14:24
madothat's something i was thinking of ... but i'm a beginner here ... i don't know if it looks right or wrong14:26
BluesKajhow do you have your partitions set up ...seperate for / and another for /home/user and ntfs ?14:27
juliebunok I'm so lost. I can't seem to find any really basic help docs for an extreme newbie on how to set up wireless14:30
BluesKajjuliebun , mouse over the little globe in the panel near the clock , right click on it to see if you have a wifi signal14:31
madoBluesKaj, i'll show you the output of "sudo fdisk -l" ... that's one command i learned some months ago14:31
BluesKajpatebin it mado14:32
madodoes this help you?14:34
mado/dev/sda6            5541       18114   101000623+   7  HPFS/NTFS ... ... is the one that has to activated manually all the time14:35
madoBluesKaj, /dev/sda6 is the one :)14:36
juliebunThank you BluesKasj.... strangely, I cannot see a clock or a globe or anything. Maybe my desktop display needs to be altered? I will try...14:37
juliebunok can't change display because it goes all fuzzy and pixel-y...14:39
BluesKajjuliebun , are you on kubuntu or ubuntu ?14:39
yaa_where can i get whitebuntu14:41
BluesKajyaa_ , google it14:41
yaa_i did14:41
yaa_but didnot find14:42
madowhat kind of thing is whitebuntu ... sounds like racism to me at the moment14:44
BluesKajmado , maybe a grub restore is in order, http://www.zyxware.com/articles/2007/08/15/linux/restore-grub-after-windows-installation14:45
madoBluesKaj, can you still give me a hand?14:45
mado:) thanks ... i'll read that14:45
madoerm ... but i installed ubuntu after windows14:47
BluesKajno matter, do the commands anyway , it might work14:48
BluesKajit won't do any damage14:48
juliebunwireless help anyone?14:49
BluesKajjuliebun, can you see the Kmenu , a blue icom with gear and the letter K in it ?14:50
juliebunYes I can BluesKaj14:50
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BluesKajjuliebun, click on the kmenu / applications/ system/ choose Terminal14:51
madowell ... then i have to change the commands a bit ... *thinking*14:52
juliebunKonsole Terminal?14:52
yaa_what is with my kubuntu live dvd? kde is blinking/14:54
BluesKajjuliebun , which kubuntu did you install ?14:54
BluesKajIntrepid or ...?14:54
juliebunthe newest one(?)14:55
juliebunI'm sorry... so clueless, BluesKaj14:55
juliebunHow do I tell?14:55
BluesKajopen konqueror /help/about kubuntu14:56
BluesKajoops sorry wrong there14:56
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personmanmaybe have her switch to a console, then back to X? shows my release name there14:57
juliebunBluesKaj, I found About KDE...14:58
BluesKajjuliebun , in the terminal:  lsb_release -a14:58
personmanooh i learned a new command today :D14:58
Nemesis02hi guys, need some assistance, I have Kubuntu 8.10 installed w/ KDE 4.2.  I'm running my system w/ multiple monitors, and my issue is, while i was at home i tried going back to 1 monitor and re-enabling desktop effects and my kde, or xorg crashed or something.  A bunch of colored lines would come up.14:58
Nemesis02I deleted the .kde-neon from my directory and kde seemed to load up fine, but now i'm missing my start bar and stuff >.<14:59
Nemesis02and the add widgets says the widgets are already active...14:59
juliebunBluesKaj, it says command not found. But I found the ISO on my mac- it's 8.1015:00
BluesKajjuliebun, ok but you must copy and paste commands in linux exactly as they appear in the text for them to work.15:01
BluesKajno spaces in front etc15:02
juliebunOkay.. but I can't get online on the pc that has Linux installed. I only have wireless here, so am on my mac right now15:03
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juliebun(with the Kubuntu sitting next to me)15:03
BluesKajthen in the terminal copy and paste this command : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , then follow the instructions by using the tab key to choose your settings ..this might seem confusing but it might help with your screen resolution15:03
BluesKajjuliebun , we'll, work on your wireless setup after you run the xorg commands15:05
juliebunOkay thank you BluesKaj15:05
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juliebunBluesKaj, I followed the commands and it was all about my keyboard. The display settings are the same....15:15
BluesKajnothing about Hardware ?15:16
juliebunno, it just kept asking about keyboard settings and then it closed15:17
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=== rohan_ is now known as rohan__
BluesKajjuliebun, ok:  lspci | grep VGA  ..this command will tell us which graphics card you have, so we can down install drivers after we get your wifi working15:19
BluesKajdownload and install15:20
QContinueumso i installed kde 4.2, and now most of the widgets don't work. is this normal, or did i miss something?15:21
BluesKajQContinueum , did you sudo apt-get update after installation ?15:23
juliebunBluesKaj,  I got it. Copied it into a doc. I have to go to work now :( but thank you so much for your help! I'll be back...  :)15:24
QContinueumno, but i did run adept, and it didn't find anything15:24
BluesKajok juliebun , have a good day :)15:25
BluesKajQContinueum, run update anyway15:25
Skrot-Hi, my (k)networkmanager is not working in 8.10, when I click as essid nothing happends. Does anyone know where to start the debugging?15:26
QContinueumjust did. didn't find anythng new for15:26
QContinueumfor me*15:26
BluesKajQContinueum , why not just add widgets to see if they actually installed15:30
rohan__how do install GRUB,through a live CD15:31
rohan__just GRUB15:31
QContinueumyeah, i've tried. luna, weather, the blue marble earth one. It puts a widget on the desktop, but it's just a red ex and says that it could not find the requested component.15:32
BluesKajrohan__, http://www.zyxware.com/articles/2007/08/15/linux/restore-grub-after-windows-installation15:34
BluesKaj!grub | rohan__   or this15:35
ubotturohan__   or this: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:35
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=== bayram is now known as Lenovoo
cuznti have a command line question. I am with shorten creating .wav files to burn to a cd. i must however convert (in this case) gd71-07-31d1t01 through gd71-0731d3t0108. The command is (in the approp directory) shorten -x gd71-07-31d1t01.shn gd71-07-31d1t01.wav     **question is, is there a way to batch them so i can get it all at once?15:54
cuznti did this specific one line by line, and the next one is almost as long.15:54
eli_good afternoon15:59
eli_i installed ubuntu about a week ago15:59
eli_i managed to make everything work, besides my printer15:59
eli_its a Xerox PE 22015:59
ct529eli_: did you check the manufacturer's website for drivers?16:00
eli_i did16:00
eli_it has some ppd files16:00
eli_idk how to install them16:00
eli_but ubuntu recognizes the printer16:00
eli_and it sees it as the deafult16:00
eli_and when i want to print- the printer will warm up, but wont take the paper16:00
eli_may be if i'll manage to install the drivers it will help16:01
eli_its a tar.gz package16:01
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jussi01eli_: go to localhost:631 add printer, then when you get to the bit about choosing the driver theres a feild for choosing a ppd file ;)16:02
eli_i'll try16:02
eli_what shall i write in the queue?16:03
eli_i c the place, but there is no actual ppd extension on the files16:05
eli_while the xerox website said its ppd files16:05
eli_where can i find ppd files in a tarr.gz archieve?16:09
ubuntu_i dont know how to have anick16:10
fosco__ubuntu_, type /nick "your desired nick"16:11
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bobleywas easy, tankx16:12
bobleyneed to change me keys16:13
eli_can any1 tell me where i can find a PPD file for xerox pe 220?16:14
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=== fury is now known as eli_
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eli_does any1 know where i can find a ppd file for XEROX PE 220?16:17
Heraziogoodafternoon ^^16:17
eli_hello herazio16:19
Heraziohello ! ^^16:19
HerazioHow are you doing ?16:19
HerazioHmm Video Resolution isn't really changing :|16:21
shadeslayer how do i install grub2 in kubuntu 8.1016:23
robin0800eli there may not be one unless the printer does postscript and have you asked xerox16:24
eli_i did as xerox16:25
eli_i downloaded files16:25
eli_but its under tar.gz16:25
eli_i didnt find any PPD inside16:25
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eli_any ideas?16:27
skoleHi there! After I upgraded my Kubuntu 8.10 to the latest KDE 4.2 I can't boot my 4.04 witch I have on another partition. How can I manage my partitions? I have checked the grub/ manu.list, and it doesn't show my old 8.04 system??16:32
skole*my 8.0416:32
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SaracenManAny experts with Kubuntu (KDE 4.1, Ubuntu 8.10) and multiple monitors?16:48
skoleHi! Half of my hard drive is out of reach. I have a old lap top with 40 gb disk space, but I only see 20?16:57
watashiyou must to check the partition size, maybe you don't create one with all disk space16:59
shadeslayerhmmm firefox seemed to have stopped working after recent updates17:00
skoleYes, but when I try to install a new installatin, I can only use half of the disk? I can only manipulate 50 % of the machine?17:01
robin0800shadeslayer: firefox 3.0.6 works here17:02
watashichoose manual partition, undo all partition and create one ext3 for / and one for swap17:02
shadeslayermaybe needs a restart17:02
shadeslayerBTW does anybody here use GRUB2??17:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub217:06
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xp-killerhow do i install itune to put stuff on my ipod touch?17:11
ubuntu_y'a t il un francais17:17
Tm_T!fr | ubuntu_17:18
ubottuubuntu_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:18
xp-killerhow do i install itune to put stuff on my ipod touch?17:25
xp-killerah forget it17:26
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draikOxDeadC0de: Yo, you got a sec?17:29
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whutHow can I upgrade to KDE 4.2/OpenOffice.org 3 using only bash? (using ssh to work this one)17:38
personmani think you would need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list to include a repository with those programs available, then use apt-get to install them17:39
personmanif they are already in your repository, then ignore the first part17:40
Guest86481whut: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.217:41
Guest86481add the repo, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade17:41
shadeslayerhey i installed GRUB 2 and lost the kubuntu loading bar on startup17:45
shadeslayerthe blue bar which fills up,any idea how to correct it17:46
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jessiehey hey hey, guys. what's up?17:47
jmcnaughthi..  is anyone else having trouble disabling screen blanking in kde 4.2, or is it just me?17:49
jmcnaughti'm just wondering if it's a common problem.  i've disabled the screen saver, disabled screen power management, turned them back on with really high time-outs.  but i still get the screen blanking when it shouldn't.17:51
personmantry opening system settings, advanced tab, power management, go to the profiles, choose performance, and set "after x minutes do blank" to nothing?17:51
personmanassuming its kde417:52
jmcnaughtpersonman: yeah, it's kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.2.  i tried that.  i also set it to do nothing when i close the laptop lid, but sometime when i open the lid it blanks three times in a row17:53
jmcnaughti was wondering if there's a daemon floating around in my session that shouldn't be... when i upgraded to 4.2 i had to remove the guidance power manager (it was running concurrently with powerdevil)17:54
fomderHi everyone. Im having a lot of trouble. I use ubuntu 8.10 and just uninstalled firestarter firewall and then reboot my pc. Now my ineternet connection doesnt work. ifconfig shows i have a valid ip but no data transfer works, firefox, im applications, voip apps, etc. Could anyone please help ? thanks17:58
zipper_hi everyone17:58
jmcnaughti don't know what it would be... i did upgrade to 4.2 back when it was still in beta... i'm thinking about creating a new user to see if it's just a problem with the settings in my .kde folder17:58
jmcnaughtfomder: firestarter is just a gui for iptables/netfilter... it probably left the iptables rules intact even after you removed the firestarter gui18:00
fomderjmcnaught thanks, what should i do then?18:00
fomderjmcnaught any ideas?18:02
jmcnaughtfomder: i would suggest looking for what commands to use to clear the iptables rules18:02
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fomderjmcnaught, ok, i cleared my iptables, still no luck18:04
jmcnaughtfomder: have you rebooted?  it's possible that firestarter configured your system to load the iptables rules when you start the computer.  i haven't used firestarter in a while, but check and see if it left a script in /etc/init.d/18:04
UnixOnehi does somebody know if kubuntu jaunty supports ati r350 now?18:06
UnixOne3d accelaration ^18:07
chris-rc1i'm trying to connect to my phone via bluetooth, but it seems i'm too stupid ;-)18:08
chris-rc1kbluetooth gets stuck when trying to detect the input capabilities of my phone (are there any?). can anybody help me?18:08
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martijn81when i connect two usb hard disks, only one is recognized by kde18:11
martijn81what can i do about this?18:11
jomderHi everyone. Im having some huge problems. I just uninstalled firestarter firewall and then reboot my 8.10 pc. now my internet connection does not work. ifconfig shows i have a valid ip but nothing internet related works. What can i do Thanks.18:17
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josesancalguno de Ciencias?18:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:21
gorgonizerchris-rc1: I am experiencing the same issue with kdebluetooth4 :(18:21
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ScorpKingjomder: for now run sudo ufw disable and get it sorted soon. to enable run sudo ufw enable18:23
jomderscorpking thanks, what does that command do?18:23
ScorpKingjomder: it will disable the firewall. get it sorted if you need to have it.18:24
jimdbwith kde 4.2 when I double click on a .deb file the archive manager incorrectly launches instead of the installer.  anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?18:24
ScorpKingjimdb: install the package from konsole18:26
jomderscorpking, wow thanks, that did the trick. im going to try and install firestarter again or install guarddog perhaps18:26
ScorpKingjomder: you're welcome18:26
BluesKajjimdb: or don't double click on it , right click and choose deb installer18:28
jimdbscorpking:  thanks, but no thanks.  I want it to work correctly.18:28
shadeslayerQt: 3.3.8b18:28
shadeslayerKDE: 3.5.1018:28
shadeslayerkde-config: 1.018:28
ScorpKingjomder: ok. try the forums if you don't get help here18:29
shadeslayeroh my,didnt see that coming18:29
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jimdbblueskaj:  that's not an option18:30
jimdband it worked before the latest update.18:30
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gorgonizerjimdb: right click, go to Open With -> Other -> enter /usr/bin/gdebi-kde and check Remember application association for this type of file, and click OK.. (assuming gdebi-kde is installed)18:33
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naxai am trying to install hungarian language files but when generating hu_HU.UTF-8 it allways says segmentation fault. Other charsets says "up-to-date" and this is the last one, exits with segfault.18:36
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Jason_COhi guys -- how do i get into browse mode with the latest version of gwenview18:38
Jason_COnop matter how i try to open it it opens in fullscreen view mode18:38
jimdbgorgonizer:  that works, except it has a crummy icon when opening the "open with" menu.  Plus I have some residual entries there from some attempts that didn't work.  is there a way to clean up the "open with" menu?18:38
gorgonizerjimdb: you would need to change the file associations via System Settings I believe... also, gdebi-kde has no icon for me either :(18:39
gorgonizerjimdb: System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations :)18:40
Crusterwhere should I ask for my problem: my ac adapter is not recognized (powerdevil states tha my laptop is allways on battery power)18:40
shadeslayerCruster: if the adapter is not working properly the #hardware18:41
jimdbgorgonize:  i looked there and can't find the entry for them; even doing a search.18:42
gorgonizerjimdb: I search for deb, and there was one entry for x-deb..18:42
Crustershadeslayer: is it a linux section?18:42
shadeslayerCruster: no a hardware section18:43
gorgonizerjimdb: should be under the application section..18:43
shadeslayerCruster: is your adapter faulty18:43
Crusterwell, my problem is with ubuntu...in mandriva for example it works fine18:43
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gorgonizerjimdb: you could always add a new entry for x-deb if it is not there18:44
shadeslayerCruster: ask in #ubuntu for a wider response18:44
Crusteroh t18:44
chaac_moolhola a todos18:48
UnixOnejaunty + ati r350 -> 3d accelleration possible now or not?18:48
jimdbgorgonizer:  i have it resolved.  the issue was that somehow the latest release of kde nightly updated the priority for the file association moving the archive manager up above the debian package manager.  I removed the extraneous entries and then set the icon for the menu entry.  all is working correclty now.18:48
gorgonizerjimdb: excellent news :)18:49
jimdbgorgonizer:  thank you for your help.18:49
gorgonizerjimdb: no problem :)18:49
jimdbgorgonizer:  now i can fix it on my laptop computer as well.  :)18:49
jimdbi do have to compliment the folks at kde for the latest kde 4.2.  with the ability to use a traditional desktop metaphor it makes this an incredibly beautiful and functional destkop manager.  I easily puts Vista's and Win7's interfaces to shame.  I'd encourage everyone to move to kde 4.2 and show it off to everyone they know.18:53
mkargari have DVDrom and DVDWR!both device mounting in /media/!how to mounte DVDRom to /CDrom?18:55
whutapt-get would install a package that is corrupt (aborted download) no matter what I do. I tried so far apt-get clean, apt-get --purge remove <packagename>, apt-get autoclean. Nothing works. What should I do?18:56
whutmkargar: I was downloading a package to install using apt-get.18:59
whutmkargar: Connection dropped.18:59
whutmkargar: Now, when I want to install it - it tries to install it from that corrupt package.19:00
voicucan I move my apt cache in a different directory?19:00
voicuI mean make apt cache somewhere else?19:01
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ScorpKingvoicu: yes19:03
fosco__whut, sudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude autoclean && sudo apt-get install package19:03
ScorpKingvoicu: there is a option in the config file. it is in /etc/apt-cacher.conf i think19:04
voicuhm, ok19:04
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ScorpKingvoicu: uhm.. wait19:04
voicudo I need some special privileges to the new dir?19:04
ScorpKingvoicu: i'm talking about apt-cacher, soz19:04
ScorpKingvoicu: make another directory somewhere and link it to /var/cache/apt/archives19:05
fosco__voicu, it has to be drwxr-xr-x root root19:05
voicuok, how i link it? make /var/cache/apt/archives point to the new one?19:08
voicuthen i have to rm the old one, right?19:08
voicualso, is there a problem if the new dir is on a different partition?19:08
voicu*do I19:09
petsoundswell, i wanna upgrade to kde 4.2 and im using intrepid, i have read the instructions but just cant understand how to uninstalling plasmoid. can anybody here tell me what to do?19:09
jimdbmkargar: sudo apt-get clean19:12
mkargarjimdb:what this command?19:13
hubarpetsounds, why do you wanna uninstall plasmoid?19:13
jimdbit will clean your download archive19:13
jimdb   clean - Erase downloaded archive files19:13
jimdb   autoclean - Erase old downloaded archive files19:13
petsoundsthe instructions told me to19:13
mkargarjimdb:hmm!but,my question not this!19:14
jimdbyour problem was that when you try to reinstall it uses an older corrupt version of the downloaded .deb file.  that command will erase the corrupted file.19:15
mkargarjimdb:my question:i have DVDrom and DVDWR!both device mounting in /media/!how to mounte DVDRom to /CDrom path?19:15
petsoundshubar : any advice?19:16
jimdbthen maybe you aren't the person I was responding to.  and I can't fix that specific problem for you.19:16
hubarpetsounds, I didn't do anything myself. I think you can safely overwrite them.19:17
khalidsala de español19:18
petsoundshubar : are you sure?19:19
hubarpetsounds, no i am not. :) Take my adicvice with a grind of salt. :)19:20
gorgonizerpetsounds: as far as I can tell, you don't need to do anything with regards to the plasmoids...19:21
petsoundsthanks hubar & gorgonizer. ill try19:22
ScottK-laptopKDE 4.2 has libplasma3.  KDE 4.1 has libplasma2.  Any plasmoid compiled for libplasma2 in 4.1 will nt work well with 4.2.19:23
ScottK-laptopSo any that aren't in the kubuntu-experimental repo should be removed if you upgrade.19:23
whutHow do I upgrade KDE4.1 to KDE4.2 using apt-get?19:24
petsoundshey scott, can you teach me more details19:24
UnixOnewhut http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.219:25
ScottK-laptopUnless you want to get involved in development, there really isn't more to know.19:25
UnixOnewhut do it that way ;)19:25
gorgonizerwhut: after adding the kubuntu experimental repo, you should just need to do   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:25
whutI need to do this over ssh, this way doesn't work.19:25
UnixOnewhut otherwise you need to edit /etc/apt/sources....19:26
mkargarhow to choose /cdrom path as default for DVDRom?19:26
UnixOneI have jaunty kubuntu with latest updates19:26
UnixOnesomehow it feels as if something is missing..19:26
UnixOne3D :D19:26
whutUnixOne: What should I add there?19:26
UnixOnewhut follow the guide19:26
petsoundsscott, how can to remove the plasmoid that u said wont fit19:27
UnixOnekde4.2 is wow, but it doesnt install bluetooth altough I have a  bluetooth desktop..19:27
UnixOnethe system-settings is missing some elements, kuser in example etc.19:28
gorgonizerpetsounds: What ScottK-laptop is true, but if you only have the standard plasmoids from 4.1 i think theya re upgraded automatically.. what ScottK-laptop said only applies if you have built plasmoids that weren't part of the standard plasmoid set afaik..19:28
ScottK-laptopYes, the Main (default install) plasmoids were rebuilt.19:28
ScottK-laptopIt's only ones you added yourself you need to worry about.19:29
ScottK-laptoppetsounds: sudo apt-get remove plasmoid-foo or use adept.19:29
UnixOneIf  microsoft would make DX11 opensource and Ubuntu would integrate it. Kubuntu 9 would be the most awesome os in the world19:30
UnixOnebut directx is microsofts joker19:30
UnixOnesomehow OpenGL failed on this way19:30
phobos_idlemicrosoft won't opensource their stuff. to do so would open them up to all kinds of lawsuits for ip infrindgement19:32
petsoundsso i dont have to remove the plasmoid. right gorgonizer?19:34
gorgonizerpetsounds: if you have only installed the standard plasmoids from 4.1, you should be able to upgrade without incident... in Adept, search for plasmoids to see if any plasmoid-* packages are installed, if not,t hen go ahead with the upgrade ;)19:35
iarguehi everyone!19:35
iarguei have and urgent question...19:36
phobos_idleiargue: so ask19:36
iarguethis is what i get..19:36
iargue"/etc/default/dhcp3-server: 9: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string"19:36
petsoundsmerci beaucoup, gorgonizer19:36
gorgonizerpetsounds: np :)19:37
iarguepleez help meee19:37
gorgonizeriargue: I have never used dhcp3-sever, but it would seem that somewhere int he file there is a coding issue..19:40
gorgonizeriargue: it could be on line 9, but I cannot be 100% certain :)19:41
iarguethank yew! :)19:43
gorgonizeriargue: have you fixed the issue?19:44
iarguei'm on it19:44
gorgonizeriargue: good luck :)19:44
iarguebut i made mee further19:44
iarguethanks pal!19:44
SuspectZerohey there19:45
SuspectZerohow do i figure out wht version of kubuntu i have? like fiesty and what not19:46
gorgonizerSuspectZero: the easiest way would be to check in /etc/apt/sources.list19:46
gorgonizerSuspectZero: that would be the same version I am on then.. the latest stable release (8.10)19:48
SuspectZerooic. one more question. do you know how to install e17 window manager19:49
gorgonizerSuspectZero: e16 is in the repos, just checking for e17 ubuntu packages on-line..19:51
SuspectZeroah ok19:51
SuspectZeroi think i found it19:51
SuspectZerothanks though19:51
gorgonizerSuspectZero: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97199&highlight=E17+cvs should have the info you want.. :)19:52
SuspectZerothank you19:52
umarany one know plzzzzzzz how to download vlc player19:53
Dr_Willis!info vlc19:53
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1628 kB, installed size 3616 kB19:53
Dr_Willisits in the multiverse repo umar.  enable the  multiverse repo. and 'sudo apt-get intall vlc'19:54
umarsend me link plzzzzz19:54
umariam now19:54
umarnew on ubuntu19:55
umartell me plzzzzzz if any on know the link of vlc player19:56
Dr_Willisuse the add/remove progerams icon perhaps.. or the 'package manager'  "Adept" and    you should be able to install it19:56
Dr_Willisyou do NOT normally go to a web site and 'download' a program.. You use the package manager tools and let them do it19:56
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umarok ill try but its not showing  just km and movie player is there19:57
Dr_WillisYou MUST enable the 'multiverse' repositories. Theres proberly some check box you have to click.. depending on wha ttool you are usng19:58
Dr_WillisIm not in kde at the moment. so i cant walk ya through it.19:58
Dr_Willis!repo | umar19:58
ubottuumar: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:58
umarnot there iam using ubuntu 8.1020:01
gorgonizerumar: if you are using Ubuntu (i.e. Gnome desktop) you will need to enable the Multiverse repository via Synaptic Package Manager...20:02
umarok ill try20:03
gadeshello there20:06
zipperwho can help me20:11
quicken2kany winamp clones for Kubuntu?20:12
Charleszipper:  ask your question20:14
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gorgonizerquicken2k: xmms2 might do it... I tend to use Amarok myself..20:14
gorgonizerquicken2k: though I know of no direct winamp clones..20:15
quicken2kwhere can I get it?20:15
whutI have updated to KDE4.2 using the method from the site, however, during boot I still see KDE4.1 - is it a normal thing?20:15
gorgonizerquicken2k: Amarok and XMMS2 should be in the repositories..20:15
quicken2kk thx20:16
gorgonizerwhut: check the version of KDE by going to the Help menu in Dolphin or Konqueror..20:20
jimdbwhut:  you need to change your session20:21
whutTo KDE 4.2?20:21
gorgonizerwhut: did you reboot after the upgrade, or just restart the X-server?20:22
jimdbwhut:  so you  had kde 4.2 installed then installed kde 4.2 via the kde nightly instructions?20:22
whutI mean, during login?20:22
jimdbwhut:  err 4.120:22
jimdbat the point where you type in your username and password, yes20:23
jimdbno answer?20:24
DarkEraHello, i seem to have a little problem with Konqueror and the flashplugin. It doesn't seem to load the Youtube video's and other stuff from websites. Is there anything to solve this problem?20:25
jimdbdarkera:  which version?  the open source version or the one from adobe.com?20:26
DarkErajimdb it's the flashplugin-nonfree20:27
jimdbdid you try to install the downloaded version from www.adobe.com?  there's a .deb installer there for linux.20:28
DarkEraTried that also and it didn't solve the problem20:28
gorgonizerDarkEra: are you on 32 or 64 bit?20:29
DarkEra32 bit20:29
jimdbdarkera:  have you tried the same thing with firefox?20:29
DarkErafirfox doesn't have problems with it20:29
gorgonizerDarkEra: the flashplugin-nonfree works in Konqueror for me on 32bit..20:29
DarkEranot in my case20:30
gorgonizerDarkEra: have you ensured that it has been found in the Plugins section of the Konqueror Settings?20:30
jimdbgorgonizer:  he has indicated that flash is installed properly and works.  his issue then is with how he has konqueror set up.20:30
DarkErayes gorgonizer, i checked that also20:30
gorgonizerjimdb: I bow to your superior knowledge..20:31
jimdbgorgonizer: lol20:32
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:32
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jimdbdarkera:  does any other flash site work in konqueror?20:32
jadohi, i'm trying to launch a file.jar with java -jar file.jar but i've got this : "No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it."20:32
DarkErajimdb 50/5020:32
DarkErasome parts load some not20:33
jimdbdarkera:  some parts?  you mean some videos do and others don't?20:33
DarkEravideo do not load20:33
jimdbdarkera: i'm confused.  I thought you said some worked 50/5020:34
DarkEraon a site for example www.enigmamusic.com some pics won't even load20:34
jimdbdarkera:  i guess my question more precisely is:  using konqueror, on any site that uses flash to play vidoe, does the video playback?20:36
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luis_hi there can somebody help me pls i have a DELL EVO D510 SFF 2.4 Ghz , hd 120 i just upgrade to KUbuntu intrepid, but i lost my screen resolution and it is not as an option on system setting, the resolution i got is 640X480 can somebody tell me how to get back my screen resolution 1024X768???????????20:40
lum_saisjado, are you using a different user than the one which you logged in ?20:41
DarkErasigh, i give it up. Someone on the dutch ubuntu channel know the answer to my problem but refuses to give it.20:43
Shaunis it possible to have kickoff display application names first before the description?20:44
jimdbdoes anyone know how to add the home and trash icon to the kde 4.2 desktop?20:49
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slhkjimdb: open Dolphin file manager, drag and the icon from the "places"  column and drop it on the desktop20:53
sorsethi, im using kde4.2, and changed desktop to folder view, but i cant find file by press fist character of it's name, is'nt it possibe?20:54
luis_so any one in here can help me out plas i got his problem: hi there can somebody help me pls i have a DELL EVO D510 SFF 2.4 Ghz , hd 120 i just upgrade to KUbuntu intrepid, but i lost my screen resolution and it is not as an option on system setting, the resolution i got is 640X480 can somebody tell me how to get back my screen resolution 1024X768???????????20:55
slhksorset: may be a problem with focus, try to click on an empty place on your desktop and then press the character20:55
petsoundsluis kdesudo nvidia-settings20:56
sorsetslhk: no, you dont have this problem?20:56
jimdbslhk:  i have the same problem.20:57
slhksorset: I'm no using the folder view myself, but the focus thing is quite common20:57
jimdbslhk:  sorry, i meant sorset:  i have the same problem.20:57
jimdbslhk:  your suggestion regarding dragging from places doesn't work.  i open dolphin, locate the icon which shows the various places when I click on it, i try to drag but nothing happens.20:58
ch0miki wonder if anyone know why does arial font look like this under ff: http://targetwire.com/tomek/arial_squeezed_ff.png20:58
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ch0mikit's squeezed20:59
luis_petsoounds what do you mean sorry do i type that on terminal??20:59
slhkjimdb: drag the home and trash entries, one at a time, not all the places20:59
slhkjimdb: here it open a little menu, you should then choose "icon"21:00
jimdbslhk:  lol, of course, that's what I did.21:00
hubarch0mik, Try change your font hinting to slightest.21:01
hubarch0mik, I don't remember in detail, but I think that fixed the font on my kubuntu.21:01
ch0mikhubar, is it ffs or kdes setting?21:01
z1pp3rIm curious about the minimal CD. Does it only install a very very limited basic install (which i want), or does it just download the whole default installation? The minimalCD page isnt very clear21:01
hubargot o appearaces21:01
hubarthenf ont21:01
hubarthen on the bottom, there is the hinting setting'21:02
ch0mikhubar, thanks... testing..21:04
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morfdorHi everyone. Ive been happily using ubuntu for a year now but decided its time to format and reinstall.. I have my home and / root in different partitions. How can i install ubuntu on the same root partition and keep on using my same home partition without deleting its files? Thanks21:09
gorgonizermorfdor: during the install you will need to use the manual partition option, then format the root partition (and relabel it is root) and only relabel you current home partition as home (but don't format it)..21:11
blahjakemorfdor: backup your home before you try anything21:11
jhutchins_wkmorfdor: What he said.21:11
morfdorgorgonizer and others, thanks. so i can choose to keep on using my ssame home partition and not format it or will i have to create a new home partition and transfer over the files form the old home partition?21:12
sourcemakeris there a good mp3 player for kubuntu...? And no... I HATE AMAROK!21:13
martijn81sourcemaker: listen?21:14
sourcemakermartijn81: manage large mp3 collections (not possible with juk) and listen...21:14
gorgonizermorfdor: it is an option in the manual partition manager, they will be currently set to be unused when you first open the manual partition system, change home to use whichever filesystem it currently has, rteset the partition to be home, but ensure the format option is set to no :)21:15
gorgonizermorfdor: but if you have the space, I would recommend backing up the home partition..21:15
morfdorgorgonizer, yeah thats a good idea. thanks man21:15
gorgonizermorfdor: no problem :)21:15
hubarsourcemaker, Isn't that amarok is designed for?21:16
sourcemakermartijn81: the old amarok version has a nice user interfaces... but is very unstable... the new one seems to be stable... but looks very ugly... :-)21:16
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
gorgonizersourcemaker: in terms of Amarok stability, I found 1.4 to be more stable than that is why I use the project-neon version of amarok 2..21:18
gorgonizersourcemaker: but you could try exaile, which is a GTK version of Amarok..21:19
sourcemakergorgonizer: I will try the project-neon version...21:20
sourcemakergorgonizer: can you give me the apt source?21:20
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok21:20
gorgonizerdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ppa/ubuntu/ intrepid main is the repo..21:21
gorgonizersourcemaker: I think   gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 778978B00F7992B0 && gpg --export -a 778978B00F7992B0 | apt-key add -   will add the auth-key for it..21:21
chris__how can i access files on my phone via bluetooth?21:26
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:27
sourcemakergorgonizer: wow... why is this package so huge? 108MB?21:37
gorgonizersourcemaker: on that I am unsure, the dbg package is huge as well...21:38
jimdbgorgonizer:  i'm using the project neon for kde 4.2.  the way he builds the packages cuts down on a lot of needless clutter.  project neon seems much more stable than the experimental version of kde 4.2 from kubuntu21:54
gorgonizerjimdb: my system is currently running a mixture of the experimental and project-neon packages.. after adding the nightly packages, the system does seem more stable, I admit.. would you recommend removing the experimental repo and just using the project-neon packages alone?21:56
jimdbgorgonizer: if you know how.21:57
jimdbi have left mine alone.21:57
martijn81when i connect two usb hard disks, only one is recognized by kde21:57
martijn81what can i do about this?21:57
hubarjimdb, what is project neon?21:59
gorgonzolahello. i am trying to install kimldonkey on kde 4.2, but apt complains that kmldonkey dependes on libplasma2, which has been deprecated by kde 4.2. is there any way to install the package? (download and change the deps?)22:01
wrt_Hi )))22:01
jimdbhubar:  though it doesn't have nightly builds it does have regular updates.  it is essentially kde 4.2 without having to use kubuntu's repositories.22:01
martijn81gorgonzola: yeah, you could compile from source22:04
jimdbdoes anyone know how to get the systray widget to update more frequently?  it appears to have a bug where, if you remove a program from it (by closing the program) the icon to the left of the one you closed will sit atop the remnant icon from the one you closed.22:04
hubarjimdb, It has its own repository?22:04
gorgonzola. . .22:04
jimdbhubar:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-install-kde-42/22:05
gorgonizerhubar: yes it does,     deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ppa/ubuntu/ intrepid main22:05
gorgonzolamatijn81: you mean download the source with apt and build a custom deb?22:05
jimdbhubar:  yes22:05
gorgonzolagorgonizer: dude where did you get your nick from?22:05
gorgonizergorgonzola: A band from Nottingham called Iron Monkey performed a song called Supagorgonizer..22:06
gorgonizerhubar: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 778978B00F7992B0 && gpg --export -a 778978B00F7992B0 | apt-key add -   will add the auth-key for it I believe..22:06
jimdbgorgonizer:  key for what?22:07
gorgonizerjimdb: to stop the authentication warning for packages from the project-neon repository22:08
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gorgonizerjimdb: to be honest, I shoehorned that command together, but it seemed to work :)22:09
jimdbi have k/ubuntu installed on may 7 machines here and have been migrating them to kde 4.2.  On this machine I must have had it in place, so I got an error.  On a couple other machines I get that warning.  Now to get that command issued on each machine.22:11
jimdbgorgonizer:  that was meant for you  :)22:11
gorgonzolaok, new question: how can i modify the dependencies of a souorce package?22:11
jimdbgorgonizer:  this machine is my multimedia box.  i have it attached to a 32" TV using a DVI to HDMI cable.  I use it with boxee, xbmc, vlc, my iphone remote apps, and use it as a phone via skype.22:12
gorgonizerjimdb: thought so, hope it is the right command, if so, that warning will be a thing of the past :)22:12
jimdbit look awesome and is awesome.22:13
gorgonizerjimdb: that sounds one hell of a setup :)22:13
jimdbgorgonizer: i used parts I had laying around.  I only had to buy the dvi to hdmi cable, the iphone apps ($2.00 a piece) and the TV (which I essentially already had)...so it didn't cost much.22:14
jimdbit worked well under gnome, but it looks awesome and works well under kde 4.222:14
gorgonizerjimdb: I can imagine teat KDE 4.2 must look superb on a screen that size :)22:15
ikazmihi every122:16
ikazmihas any1 been able to get a pcmcia card working under 9.04?22:17
ikazmii got a audigy 2 zs pcmcia sound card and its not working22:17
jessieHey, can you guys hear me?22:18
jimdbgorgonizer:  my main box is a linux box also with a 24" HD lcd widescreen monitor. it looks very good there too. but I use this one for hulu, boxee, xbmc, dvds, AVIs.  I was reading a slashdot.org post the other day where they were discussing someone's project to create something similar to this.  my costs were 1/2 of his.22:18
ikazmi(it doesnt even seem to trigger any remove or insert events)22:18
jimdbikazmi:  i believe you have to compile the sound driver from source which you get at creativelabs website.22:19
jimdbikazmi:  and I don't believe linux has the same sort of triggered events like winxp/vista has.22:19
ikazmijimdb: but shouldn't lspci or dmesg have something to show that new hardware was added22:20
ikazmijimdb: i remember from slackware days that when a usb was plugged in but there was something wrong with it, dmesh would have kernel messages22:21
ikazmijimdb: in this case there is nothing...as if i haven't even plugged it in, same with lspci22:21
jimdbikazmi:  i have a creativelabs card and was able to get the sound to work by compiling the drivers.  i don't remember if lspci showed it listed.22:24
jimdbikazmi:  though I have a card similar to yours I don't use it.22:24
ikazmijimdb: which version of kubuntu are you using?22:26
theunixgeekHow do I set up Kmail to display HTML messages properly?22:34
carpiiwhat do you mean, properly ?22:35
carpiitry settings -> configure kmail -> security tab -> reading -> prefer html tickbox22:36
wildbat>.>b use Thunderbird ! XD22:36
carpiikmail is pretty nice. I used thunderbird on windows for a coupla years but it always felt klunky :/22:37
theunixgeekcarpii: so it actually displays HTML formatting22:37
carpiiok well try what i said above22:38
carpiithat should do it22:38
theunixgeekcarpii: oh, I didn't see that; I'll try it22:38
theunixgeekah, that's better :)22:39
theunixgeekthanks, carpii22:39
carpiinp :)22:39
derduihi, does anybody know, if oovoo runs under linux? didnt find anything with google22:40
wildbatneverone here know about smb? ~ i am trying to auto mounting the all the sharepoints ~ is that a program or script can do that ?22:40
zer0ohi, how do i format completely in ext3 or fat32 an external hard drive?22:40
carpiiwildbat, you can put it in your /etc/fstab if you install package smbfs22:41
zer0ohi, how do i format completely in ext3 or fat32 an external hard drive? from a terminal22:43
carpiiuse mkfs22:43
wildbatcarpii: yea but what i mean auto is it detect and smbshares and mount it ~22:44
zer0ocarpii: could u plz explain further?22:44
carpiiwildbat, ok i dont know how to autodetect samba shares, sorry22:45
carpiizer0 try something like this http://www.ehow.com/how_1000631_hard-drive-linux.html22:45
wildbatcarpii: is ok ^^22:46
wildbatguess i have to figureout a script..... hmmmm22:47
carpiithe problem is if you have a samba share and it suddenly goes offline, things tend to lock up22:49
carpiiso i only really use samba for locations i know will always be available really22:49
wildbatyea ~ that give me headache XD22:50
=== sean is now known as psyco
psycohey, im trying to install kde 4.2 on 8.10 but in adept i get this error22:52
psycoand i click OK and get this22:53
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:54
psycolibplasma3 isn't in my repos22:55
zer0ocarpii: ok after having it formatted there's a folder in it called lost+found that i cant open, whatz that?22:57
cjaepsyco: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-222:57
Dr_Willispsyco,  thats normal - leave lost+found alone.22:57
zer0oDr_Willis: ok ok but i'd like to no what it is22:58
Dr_WillisIts used by the fsck tools22:58
=== donald is now known as KWGoD
KWGoDASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!22:58
KWGoDStack Trace:22:59
KWGoD0:ENSURE_WARN(false,_installLocation: engine has no file!,2147500037)22:59
KWGoD4:epsGetAttr([object Object],hidden)22:59
KWGoD11:([object XULElement],11)22:59
jasonRHey Gang. Issues with sound on an HP Pavilion 061. the snd_intel_hda driver is loaded, but the mixer (don't matter which) does not have a volume slider. It only shows... IEC95822:59
psycocjae: I know that, thats what I used23:00
psycoDr_Willis: so should I just ignore it?23:00
cjaepsyco: hang on23:00
zer0oDr_Willis: i didnt ask who or what uses it, i asked what it is23:01
carpiiKWGod, dont paste big blocks23:01
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:01
Dr_Williszer0o,  its where lost and found files by fsck go.23:01
psycobrb gonna reboot X23:02
zer0oDr_Willis: ok so its a system folder, got it23:03
cjaepsyco: I just had those issues on another box, but cant remember the steps I used to fix, I had to sudo apt-get -f install, then sudo dpkg --configure -a, then... I have to find the website again I had to just get to the login page and then reconfigure kde but can't remember the command23:03
Dr_Willis'system folder' another vague term. that means very little - heh.23:04
zer0ois anyone able to help with XANDROS?23:04
Dr_WillisXandros should ahve their own channel. Last i used xandos was years+ ago.. and it wasent very impressive then.23:04
zer0o"system folder" to me means a folder that has to be where it is, not something coming from the previous winxp s**t :D23:05
jasonRDr_Willis, you any good at trouble-shooting hardware issues? :-)_  This sound card is kickin' my butt!23:05
Dr_WillisHmm.. from Distrowatch homepage.. last xandros release was in 2006 - Ick23:05
Dr_WillisjasonR,  depends on the issue i guess.23:05
jasonROops! Wrong Nick! I'm shelled into his machine. Let's 'fix' that...23:05
=== jasonR is now known as Zirg
zer0oit isnt on my machine, it's a friend's i run kubuntu, she's got this mini eeepc. ridiculous but she needs some help and thus im here on google, forums and chats LOL23:06
Dr_WillisXandros Acquires Linspire, 07-02-2008 - Hmm.. i never noticed that. :)23:06
KWGoDi ned help with firefox23:06
ZirgDr_Willis, it's an HP box that DID have sound on the first install, but KDE4 was buggy so we stepped back to 8.04.23:06
Dr_WillisI use the eeebuntu variant on my Net-book. it works very well.23:07
ZirgDr_Willis, it has the snd_hda_intel driver loaded, but the mixers (all) do NOT have a slider to adjust the audio (yes, /dev/mixer exists and no others) and the only thing showing in the mixer is  IEC95823:07
zer0othis one is superslow its a mini pc i'll show u www.eeeuser.com23:07
Dr_Willisxandros homepage shows one also. :)23:08
Dr_WillisI find my AcerAspireOne to be quite snappy in Ubuntu+gnome.23:08
Dr_Willisit even does XP very well.23:08
zer0osure :D its pretty much the only pc on earth where they put it lol23:08
ZirgDr_Willis, http://pastebin.com/f472109d    is the output of lsmod | grep snd23:08
Dr_WillisZirg,  so has sound ever worked on this thing in 8.04? Try a 8.04 live cd/ubuntu cd?23:09
ZirgDunno. Let me ask....23:09
Dr_WillisZirg,  its possible its just some mixer/slider setting. you could try that console based alsa-mixer tool instead of the kde ones23:09
ZirgDr_Willis, hmmm. seems he's unsure if it EVER worked. :-(  Okay, wished there was a way to shell into his BIOS screens with him! :-(23:10
zer0oDr_Willis: so r u able to help me in mounting this external hard drive on xandros? is driving me nuts!23:11
carpiizer0, do you know the device name of it?23:12
zer0ocarpii: before it was sdc23:12
carpiibefore what?23:12
ZirgDr_Willis, Thanks. I  will get him into the CMOS again and try some other settings. Good Coding, Dawg!23:13
zer0ocarpii: when i plug it in (and ive just format it with ext3 on my kubuntu on another machine) it says "the path /home/user/1600BEV External does not exist" i dont get it23:13
zer0ocarpii: anyway i just gave an mkdir "/home/user/1600BEV External" lets see what happens23:14
Dr_Williszer0o,  when in doubt - fall back to the command line and mount it manually. look for errors.23:14
Dr_Williszer0o,  you DID make the mount point directory?23:14
Dr_WillisDONT use spaces in the filename/directory name.. it will cause issues23:14
zer0oDr_Willis: im trying but it seems this Xandros has different commands23:14
Dr_Willisxandros is based on debian..it better have the 'mount' command23:15
zer0oi haven't decided it myself its what it pops out when plugged it in23:15
zer0oyes it does have it23:15
Dr_WillisHAL/the automounting stuff may be trying tobe cute with the path name. if the volume name has a Space in the name.23:15
Dr_WillisIt just makes life MUCH easier if you eliminate such spaces.23:15
zer0ojust to make sure ive done a mkdir "/home/user/1600BEV External" since before it was saying it wasnt finding it i created it lets see (just plugged in)23:16
zer0oDr_Willis: i haven't decided it myself its what it pops out when plugged it in23:16
Dr_Willisthats HAL deciding to do things.. You can still mount it manually i imagine whever you want23:17
zer0oi dunno the name of it otherwise i'd had done a "pmount sdX"23:17
Dr_WillisIm suprised its trying to mount to /home/USERNAME/anything23:17
Dr_Willisseems that /mnt or /media would be the proper place for it to mount stuff to23:18
zer0oi agree23:19
zer0oso what should i do? litterally23:19
Dr_Willissudo mkdir /media/THEDRIVE23:19
Dr_Willissudo mount /dev/WHATEVER /media/THEDRIVE23:19
Dr_Willisand see if it mounts23:20
zer0oyes i no that but i dunno the name Doc23:20
Dr_Willissudo fdisk -l23:20
Dr_Willisto see all attatched drives23:20
Dr_Willisor chedk 'dmesg' command whenya plug it in23:20
zer0oDr_Willis: ok this is really weird, when plugged in i gave "fdisk -l" and 4 devices came out sde1-2-3-4 and relative info bout them, then i unplugged it, re-gave "fdisk -l" and it says bas: fdisk: command not found" what the heck???23:24
Dr_Willisuse sudo fdisk -l ?23:24
Dr_Willisusb drives might be shown by a user running fdisk.23:25
Dr_Willissounds liek the thing may be sde## in your case23:25
zer0oalright it says "Disk /dev/sda: 4001mb, 4000....... bytes" 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 486 cylinders"23:27
zer0othen Device Boot23:27
Dr_Willissda is proberly the internal hard drive.23:27
Dr_Willissdb+ will be what others you got plugged in23:27
zer0oi dont think so cuz after this one it shows its own partitions23:28
zer0otill 423:28
zer0oand each one START at some number and END and some other consequentially with the others23:28
Dr_Willisa hard drive can have up to 4 primary partitions normally.23:29
Dr_Willis1 hard drive = sda1 through whatever...23:29
zer0ookokok after a long amount of time23:29
zer0oits finally appeard23:29
zer0oits name si sdc23:29
zer0oas before23:29
Dr_Willisit takes a few sec for a usb drive ti get seen after its plugged in.23:29
zer0oactually it says Disk /dev/sdc: 160 gb etc etc23:30
zer0oand below it goes23:30
zer0owhatz itz name then?23:30
Dr_Willislogically :)23:30
zer0ook cool23:30
zer0osorry im not that logical with linux23:30
Dr_Willis sdc is the drive.. sdc1 is the partition ON THE DRIVE23:31
zer0ostarted to use it like 2 moths ago :D23:31
Dr_Willisthats the thing to rember23:31
zer0ook thanks23:31
zer0oso now its mounted23:31
Dr_Willisa cdrom would be just 'sdc'23:31
zer0ocuz theres no partition23:31
zer0oDr_Willis: alright i went to /dev/disks/Removable/ where there are "sdb" which i dunno what it is and "sdc" (not sdc1 though) tried to open sdc with double click it asks me with what i choose among the applications File Manager and while trying to the terminal give this output "QmetaObject::findSignal:CrightPanle: Conflict with QlistView::selectionChanged()" what the heck does this mean?23:35
jefferaihey guys23:37
jefferaihow scary is upgrading to jaunty right now?23:37
jefferaiand also, how scary is creating your own package?23:37
* jefferai is inexperienced in the apt world23:37
Dr_Williszer0o,  you dont want to be double clicking in /dev/disks/ at ALL i imagine.. those are not the mount points.23:37
Dr_Williszer0o,  you access the mountpoint. not the device.23:38
Dr_Williszer0o,  if you mounted the thing to /media/THEDRIVE  then access that locatiion with the filemanager23:38
zer0ook let me try23:39
kalibHi people.. I just intalled kubuntu.. the last one..23:45
kalibBut, my broadcom wireless is not working.. Hav any idea?23:45
Dr_Willisfirst read up pn the wireless docs.. and determine your exact chipset.23:45
Dr_Willis broadcom makes a lot :)23:45
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:46
Dr_Willisfor my woreless card i just had to install the b43-fwcutter package.23:50
kalibDr_Willis, it's broadcom?23:57
Dr_Willisb43Xx yes.23:57
Dr_Willisbroadcom makes a LOT of chipsets23:58
kalibyeah.. I know.. that's my girlfriend's laptop..23:58
kalibI'm installing it for her..23:59
kalibI never had this kind of problem with mine... My laptop's wireless chipset is Atheros23:59
kalibworks fine..23:59

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