
skyjumperjust went from intrepid to jaunty, trying to figure out why networkmanager isn't bringing up (or managing) any interfaces02:27
diginuxskyjumper: yeah, it didnt for me either02:28
diginuxskyjumper: thought my ethernet works, its not listedi networkmanager like it used to02:28
skyjumperdid you have to bring it up manually?02:28
IntuitiveNippleHave you tried creating a new user profile and seeing if NM then shows the interfaces?02:28
skyjumperit's a systemwide interface02:29
diginuxskyjumper: nope, it worked on boot, i just have it /etc/network/interfaces02:30
KuaeraHello; I was wondering if anyone could give me any information pertaining to enabling GLX or desktop window transparency with the ati driver.03:57
cwilluKuaera, afaik ati's proprietary driver isn't working with the new xorg (it might have just been released, in which case it may still be a day or two until it's packaged up04:00
Kuaeracwillu: I see...what of fglrx? As far as I've tested in the past, X won't even start with it04:01
cwilluKuaera, that _is_ fglrx04:01
Kuaeracwillu: So what's the difference between the 'ati'/'radeon' driver and 'fglrx'?04:02
cwilluati/radeon is the open source driver, although it doesn't have acceleration support for newer cards04:02
cwilluradeonhd is the open driver that will eventually support those cards, but I don't think it's usable for acceleration yet04:02
KuaeraAh...this is a fairly archaic card in a laptop, and has had support in the past, so I think it may just be an Xorg compatibility problem04:03
RAOFKuaera: Archaic ati cards should Just Work™04:09
crdlbI heard that04:10
KuaeraRAOF: 9600 Mobility qualify as "archaic" enough?04:10
RAOFIf yours isn't, then a pastebin of your Xorg.0.log and xorg.conf is the minimum amount of info to ride the debug train.04:10
RAOFKuaera: Definitely.04:10
KuaeraRAOF: Unfortunately, I haven't the time right now to fully debug, but I'll look into that a bit later - it may very well just be a configuration issue.04:11
RAOFProbably is; first port of call would be moving /etc/X11/xorg.conf out of the way; it's likely to be unnecessary.04:12
=== maco_ is now known as maco
KuaeraRAOF_: Ping?05:31
Kuaera\o/ Alright. I renamed my xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup and restarted X05:32
KuaeraNo real changes, but I do have a pastebin'd Xorg.0.log for you05:32
KuaeraWhat bothers me are lines 146-150, to an extent [glxgears segfaults, no OpenGL acceleration], and the fact that, even though the "Composite" extension is listed, I can't seem to get desktop window transparency [related to OpenGL support?]05:35
KuaeraAlso, line 33 - the BIOS memory location is unknown05:37
KuaeraRAOF_: I don't mean to inundate you with all this, though >_<05:37
* RAOF_ is just browsing the log05:38
KuaeraDo you need any more information?05:38
RAOF_Hm... there doesn't seem much to go on.05:40
RAOF_So, window transparency requires a composite manager running; compiz is one, which will be denied to you by the lack of direct rendering I suspect.05:42
RAOF_Metacity is another; you just need to fiddle around in gconf-editor (/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager)05:43
KuaeraI'm mostly concerned with KDE transparency, actually. The panels are not translucent, and translucent shadows or glows in styles are just rendered as black05:44
RAOF_I don't know why your virtual size is set to 2048x1200; do you have two monitors plugged in?05:44
KuaeraI do not.05:44
KuaeraThere is an optional TV-out and secondary monitor out for this laptop, but I do not use them.05:44
RAOF_Oh, whoops.  I missed the obvious.05:45
RAOF_dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libglx.so: undefined symbol: miInitVisualsProc05:45
RAOF_I suspect you've had fglrx installed at some point?05:45
KuaeraLines 146-150, as I pointed out?05:45
RAOF_Has it been uninstalled?05:46
KuaeraRecently, it's been installed and uninstalled [once I found it unworking]05:46
KuaeraDoes it modify libglx.so?05:46
RAOF_It replaces the 3d stack.05:47
KuaeraI see. So that's no good.05:47
RAOF_It's removed now?05:47
KuaeraI just checked now, and I had missed one of the related packages, so05:48
KuaeraI guess that's my problem.05:48
RAOF_Probably :)05:48
KuaeraThank you for your help, RAOF_. I've asked the question before and brought attention to those specific lines, but I got canned responses :(05:48
KuaeraLet me restart X and see how everything operates, and thanks again. :)05:49
KuaeraAll's well, it seems.05:54
KuaeraI still don't have translucency in plasma, but, meh. At least OpenGL works.05:58
RAOF_You'd need to hit the desktop-effects control panel to turn that on.05:58
KuaeraActually, I need to be running KWin instead of Openbox... Sad day.05:59
RAOF_You could install xcompmgr.06:01
RAOF_That's a stand-alone composite manager.06:01
KuaeraRAOF_: Thanks a ton... I'm glad I've been able to maintain this balance between desktop features and weight06:07
mak_HI any one out there For Ubuntu-9.04 Jaunty   support07:10
mak_Hi Anyone out here to help  my cause ?07:11
mak_Hi all07:12
mak_I had problem with my Newely Upgraded Ubuntu-9.04 Jaunty package release07:12
mak_some conflicts woth the /etc/route07:13
mak_Any one to solve my issue07:16
mak_Hew,,, are you there07:22
Hewmak_: Yes, what's up?07:23
syockitask once and wait07:23
syockitHew: < mak_> some conflicts woth the /etc/route07:23
Hewmak_: I hope you're not just pinging everyone that enters the channel.07:23
mak_<Hew>,,,I had problem with running openvpn script ,,,and I Got warning message like07:23
mak_WARNING: potential route subnet conflict between local LAN [] and remote VPN []07:24
mak_And i am loosing my Internet connection,,,07:24
Hewmak_: Is this even a Jaunty specific issue? Perhaps you would be better off asking in #ubuntu07:24
mak_i thought it's an jaunty specific issue,,,,07:25
Hewmak_: Ok then.07:25
mak_when will be the full Beta release of jaunty will take place07:25
mak_<Hew>,,,i Thought i could have remained in Ubuntu-8.10,,,, it's the Best07:26
Hewmak_: If you want stability you should use Intrepid. Jaunty is for testing. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule07:27
Hewmak_: There is no need to address me specifically, just ask questions to the channel.07:28
mak_okay okay07:28
BUGabundogood morning everyone10:19
BUGabundowhat's new?10:19
BUGabundoother then the 180MiBs of updates10:20
Oli``Hmm all my SSH keys require me to type in my key's passphrase today =\ odd10:44
macoOli``: is seahose-agent or gpg-agent running?10:45
macoi have to enter mine with gpg-agent but not seahorse-agent10:46
Oli``seahorse-agent is running10:46
arve__surely, you jest, jaunty11:00
arve__I'm wondering: is there a bug about Jaunty now trying to insist on using the terminally broken MTP for connecting audio devices?11:00
arve__my device has no override on it, and I really don't want to have to resort to managing it from some audio app11:01
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virtuelvrsync is a much better, and more flexible tool than some proprietary MS stuff11:08
virtuelvand if I try to remove mtp-tools, rhythmbox goes11:09
virtuelvFiled as: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/32846511:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 328465 in ubuntu "MTP support prevents mass-storage capable media players from mounting" [Undecided,New]11:36
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ndazzahi, i seem to remember there was some kind of installation report users could fill in for pre-release versions but i can't seem to find it... does anyone know where it is?12:32
IntuitiveNipplendazza: System > Administration > System Testing ?12:38
ndazzaIntuitiveNipple: on kubuntu?12:38
IntuitiveNippleha... you want #kubuntu+1 <grin>12:39
ndazzaoh, i thought that's what i joined :p12:39
IntuitiveNippleThere was/is a wiki page for Hardware testing I seem to recall12:39
ndazzaah thanks, i'll search the wiki too12:40
ndazzaheheh #kubuntu+1 redirects here12:42
dnsdoes anyone know how to eject a disk from a slot loading drive?12:48
dnsoh eject12:49
skyjumperamarok broken in jaunty for anyone else?13:09
skyjumperit streamed shoutcast for about 30 seconds, segfaulted, and won't open at all13:10
ndazzai'm on a live CD... i'll install and test13:11
bardyrHey, has anybody been able to compile ndiswrapper against kernel 2.6.29-rc4?13:26
ikoniabardyr: is that the current kernel in jaunty13:28
skyjumperbardyr: are you trying to use flash on amd64?13:29
skyjumperthere's a beta 64bit plugin available now13:29
virtuelvre https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/32846513:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 328465 in ubuntu "MTP support prevents mass-storage capable media players from mounting" [Undecided,New]13:32
virtuelvis there a proper workaround?13:33
miikmy screenshot stop working14:35
unixdawghaving issues with updates14:35
miikwhen i press screenshot nothing happen14:35
unixdawgand aptitude install -f is nto fixing it14:35
unixdawgit says there are 13 new pkgs14:36
unixdawgbtu they wont install14:36
BUGabundounixdawg: maybe they haven't been built yet14:37
unixdawgadept keeps crashing now14:37
BUGabundonever force unless you know what you are doing14:37
BUGabundomiik: suffering from the same14:37
BUGabundothe key seems to use sysrek instead14:37
unixdawgwell adept is now borked14:41
unixdawgthis pisses me off14:41
miikanyone report screenshot bug?14:42
unixdawgI got up it said there where 99 updates14:44
unixdawgthey all installed then I rebooted it said there where 13 more new updates but they wont install14:44
unixdawgand adept has stopped working it locks up at reading package list 99%14:45
unixdawgand stops responding14:45
miiktry apt-get14:46
unixdawgI have it says 5 updates are being held back14:47
unixdawgbut does not say why14:47
miiki think 24 hours, they wont be hold14:47
unixdawgThe following packages have been kept back:14:48
unixdawg  audacity gnome-keyring plasmoid-quickaccess python-gnome2-desktop system-config-printer-kde14:48
unixdawg0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded14:48
miikmaybe some depence that it needs are not updated14:48
miikf-spot is kept back for me14:48
miikusually solves withi n24 hours14:48
unixdawgthe only other issue is random lockups14:49
unixdawgin X14:50
unixdawgbut this is beta so I guess its to be expecter14:50
miikits not even beta yet, its alpha14:50
miiki have no random lockups14:50
unixdawgit might be a kde issue14:51
unixdawgbut 3 times yesterday and twice this am14:51
unixdawgjust locks up14:51
BUGabundomiik: I think I have. look on LP14:51
miikused kde 3 days ago, no lockups14:51
unixdawgI have tested the mem and hardware they all come back clean14:51
miikBUGabundo, where?14:52
miikbug id?14:52
unixdawgwel now off to install a server14:54
unixdawgcheck back ltr14:54
BUGabundomiik: look for it! I don't know either14:58
BUGabundoI have 300+ bugs opened14:59
BUGabundodon't you ?14:59
BUGabundofrom once in a while I "try" to check a few of them to see if they have been fixed15:00
BUGabundobut it takes A LOT of time15:00
BUGabundoand usually I just get with even more bugs15:00
miikwell you can search and sort them15:00
miiklike ORDER BY status FIXED15:00
gnomefreakemail wioll tell you ;)15:00
miikmaybe with advanced search15:00
BUGabundothose don't coung15:01
gnomefreakdamn ill be back :(15:03
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skyjumperwhy might "Style" might be missing in KDE's system settings?15:29
skyjumperusing jaunty with minimal kde15:30
ikoniaskyjumper: not as part of the minimal install ?15:34
skyjumpernot on my system15:35
BUGabundomiik: ping15:36
BUGabundomiik: do you have some free time?15:36
BUGabundocould I ask you a favor?15:37
unixdawgwhere is koffice215:39
unixdawgI need/want it15:39
BUGabundounixdawg: was it ported to kde4 ?15:44
unixdawgnot sure15:44
mahfiazhello, I have a T61 which touchpad isn't working on clean jaunty install, it produces events to /dev/input/mouse2, but no movement on screen17:18
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ali1234my sound is completely screwed with the last updates :(19:23
mahfiaz1killall pulseaudio19:24
ali1234mahfiaz1: doesn't help19:26
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ali1234with pulse or alsa i just hear a horrible clicking sound when trying to play any sound19:27
Tecumsehhi there, I have a problem to keep my resolution settings. I can set the correct resolution in the nvidia x server settings dialog (through kdesudo nvidia-settings) but when I try to save this configuration to the xorg.conf it fails.19:27
mahfiazTecumseh, run it using "sudo nvidia-config"19:28
mahfiazali1234, search, if there is alsa bug present about your card19:28
ali1234running gui apps with sudo is a bad idea, it screws up your X permissions19:29
Tecumsehnvidia-config is not installed here19:29
ali1234Tecumseh: try saving the xorg.conf to an alternate file in home directory and copying it manually after backing up the orignal19:30
ali1234but it probably wont work - nvidia-settings seems to generate none working configs19:30
mahfiazali1234, I don't think there is a better way19:30
mahfiazit was nvidia-settings19:30
ali1234mahfiaz: better way? use gksudo or kdesudo19:31
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:31
mahfiazali1234, thanks, I wasn't aware of that19:31
Tecumsehali1234: luckily I was19:32
custombrushi have 1920x1200 and a nvidia 7600 card19:32
TecumsehI have been trying to get my display settings correct since I installed jaunty yesterday. Took me 4 hours yesterday without progress19:32
Tecumsehsame problems as I had with intrepid and hardy, seems there still is no good way to configure the display correctly :(19:33
ali1234Tecumseh: it used to work but the new xorg way is to run without much of a conf at all, and autodetect everything19:34
ali1234unfortunately it seems nvidia-settings did not keep up19:34
ali1234of course it depends what you are trying to do19:34
ali1234the gnome built-in display settings is getting quite good now too19:34
ali1234never tried kde19:35
Tecumsehalso kde is  not keeping up with it either. The nvidia-settings dialog detects a much larger resolution range that it supports then the system-settings do19:35
ali1234ah yes19:35
ali1234well what i found was a good approach was to generate a config using nvidia-settings and then use that and the default one to write my own from scratch, with whatever custom modelines i needed19:36
Tecumsehtried that already, but on boot it gets replaced by a blank file19:36
ali1234that's odd... shouldn't happen should it?19:36
Tecumsehonly thing that remained was the zapmode with the hotkey to restart X with ctrl alt backspace19:37
ali1234hmm... updates perhaps?19:37
ali1234that's annoying if they are gonna nuke xorg.conf every time19:37
Tecumsehyep, very much19:37
ali1234i'm generating PAL RGB signal on the VGA port right into my TV's SCART socket19:38
ali1234i get a STB quality picture instead of blurry composite - but it NEEDS a custom config19:38
Turlwhere's the volume applet in jaunty?20:16
macoTurl: notification area20:16
macoit starts when pulseaudio start20:16
TurlI want to control the volume from the notification area, but no applet :/20:16
Turlthere's no gnome-volume-control-applet either (it should be there as I have gnome-applets installed)20:17
fosco_mine it's there20:18
Turlany way to 'rebuild' the config on the sessions panel? I want to reset it, because I think I messed it up20:19
zniavreTurl:  gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel20:21
Turlwon't that reset my gnome panel?20:22
zniavremmm yes sorry if i misunderstound20:22
Turlzniavre: I want to reset the config you see on system->preferences->sessions20:22
zniavrethis i do not knw sorry20:23
Turlmv ~/.config/autostart backup20:28
Turlthat was it :p20:28
Turlwell, cya all!20:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 201202 in network-manager "WiFi roaming causes NetworkManager to lose routing" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:32
ali1234ah i see what happened. the sound was muted, so i was only hearing the crackling, instead of the crackling and the audio20:34
nikolamhi. how do i know what jaunty version i am using? (to report bugs) lsb_release seems not to work by default on xubuntu20:38
mahfiazapt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade to make sure you run the latest20:39
nikolamAlso will ext4 be supported by default in jaunty final? :)20:39
nikolammahfiaz, jes, but i want to report bug. Do I do that under just jaunty or some of alpha versions?20:40
nikolamI would like to know command that , like displays current version20:40
ali1234the important thing is the version of the package you a reporting a bug on20:41
nikolamoh, ok.20:41
nikolamI have another question, wider one..20:41
nikolamhow you manage co use ubuntu for everyday tasks with stable release20:42
nikolamand to test it at the same time newer, development version?20:42
mahfiazI do all tasks on devel version20:43
ali1234i have several computers20:43
nikolamI mostly use Hardy as desktop but I installed jaunty and updated, just for testing. I do that just few weeks/months before release etc20:43
mahfiazI just have to make sure I don't upgrade when some critical work is to be done20:43
nikolammahfiaz, but testing version sometomes breaks etc20:43
nikolammahfiaz, scary a bit for me20:44
nikolamali1234, ah yes, i do dual boot on another partition20:44
nikolammahfiaz, do you think, newer packages could be fine tested if ported to stable version?20:45
nikolamI was making packages for my stable version for some time now.20:45
mahfiazyes they could20:45
nikolammahfiaz, but will that ,like, bug report, be valid to testing package version since it is running on stable release?20:46
mahfiazit is not very common when some package needs upgraded libraries, and usually you cannot compile it then without upgraded libs20:46
mahfiazI cannot say it is for *ALL* reports, but for most of them yes20:47
nikolamproviding libraries are updated, but if program works with older libraries, older libraries are used20:47
nikolamYes, i most of the time needed to update libraries20:47
mahfiazit depens on what program you are debugging :)20:48
nikolamProblem is that I am just still thinking in Win*Doze way20:48
nikolamI just Love LTS. :)20:48
mahfiazthat's why pre-LTS versions need thorough testing and many bleeding-edge users :)20:49
nikolamI have been doing everythink I can to stay on that and jus add newer packages etc20:49
mahfiazif you need stability, but newer programs then this is the way to go20:50
nikolammahfiaz, soo, stable releases could be thinked of, like, "testing" releases for next LTS, right? :)20:50
nikolamlike 6.10, 7.04, 7.10 were for 8.04LTS20:50
nikolammahfiaz, would you think it would be good think to port most of new packages to -backports of LTS, or that will not be good for development then?20:52
nikolamI would mostly be VERY happy that way as LTS user on my notebook and on installs where I need newer packages but several year worth of install20:53
nikolamSo I am thinking will you advise porting many and newest packages to -backports20:54
andreasalve a tutti20:54
nikolamIt would speed up testing, wouldn`t it?20:54
=== andrea is now known as Guest18209
nikolamhi Guest18209 :)20:55
mahfiazI think it is matter of somebody willing to do this, I personally don't care about LTS versions, as all versions have to be stable enough, but I am not the right person to answer20:55
Guest18209excuse me, there is someone who speak italian?20:55
mahfiazand most of developers whom I know are on unstable anyway20:55
Guest18209ok I try in english20:56
Guest18209i've got an alice voip gate 2 plus wi fi20:56
Guest18209and ubuntu 8.0420:56
nikolami see. I am just thinking.. will porting packages to -backports will benefit development of newer packages etc20:56
nikolamGuest18209, this is development channel. Use #ubuntu for user support for stable versions :)20:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:58
Guest18209I'v tried to connect the modem with ethernet, but i don't understand the settings20:58
Guest18209someone can help me?20:58
mahfiaznikolam, I think this may be case only for some special applications like inkscape or gimp20:58
nikolamGuest18209, consult your Loco Italian community #ubuntu-it , #ubuntu20:59
hggdhGuest18209, this channel is for Ubuntu 9.04, not Ubuntu 8.04. Please try #ubuntu20:59
nikolammahfiaz, yes, right, mostly those applications that LTS or stable users would like and will need to upgrade to20:59
nikolamThe same way like, getdeb.net is working to say so. Just those packages that people are interested in.21:00
nikolammahfiaz, Where Should I post about this idea to get developer`s opinions about this?21:01
nikolamI think that way we could have 1) Very Happy stable/lts release folks 2) wide testing of newer packages21:02
nikolamIf someones package from backports does not work right, he can always use stable one.21:03
nikolamThat way ordinary stable release users could be benefited from IF they are willing to use unsupported -backports21:04
ali1234nikolam: you can use PPAs to release your backports if you want: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA21:05
DanaGNew fix in gnome-session:21:08
DanaG    - Fix possible crash when pressing Fn-F721:08
DanaGFn-F7?  Fn-F7 on what?21:08
DanaG"Fn-F7" is not very specific.21:09
ali1234Fn-F7 = disable touchpad here21:09
DanaGIt's nothing at all for my laptop.21:09
DanaGExactly why they need to say "on touchpad-disable" or "on video-switch" or whatever the heck it is.21:09
DanaGFn-f7 can mean completely different things on different laptops.21:09
ali1234looks like LCD brightness change21:10
ubottuGnome bug 568713 in plugins "g-s-d xrandr plugin crashes in handle_fn_f7 because of wrong error handling" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]21:15
ali1234gnome actually has a function called "handle_fn_f7"21:15
nikolamali1234, just to make shure, after that, those packages in ppa will not bu available automatically inside stable_release-backports, or they will?21:15
ali1234nikolam: they won't afaik21:16
macofn+f7 for me is "Turn off the backlight"21:17
macomy brightness are f5 and f621:17
ali1234yep always different... god knows why they named a function that way. presumably it has the potential to crash regardless of what the actual function of the key is21:18
nikolamali1234, but after making them and putting in ppa, someone could be contacted to put some of them in -backports?21:20
ali1234no idea21:20
fujimitsujust got updates; compiz is working21:26
fujimitsui like fade effect on destop background change21:29
fujimitsubut that was happening even before visual effects were enabled anyway21:30
fujimitsuthe only thing i have seen crashing was npviewer in the last 3 days21:33
fujimitsuonce or twice21:34
fujimitsuthis is coming out to be very stable21:34
fujimitsuthere is a minor sound issue on startup; some crackling noice while on the splash screen and during the welcome sound.. other wise no problems21:39
fujimitsuall this on a mt3422 laptop21:40
fujimitsu64bit system version21:40
fujimitsuthen again, i only use this particular puter for websurfing and other minor stuff21:42
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alessiosarebbe ubuntu+1???22:17
thompafirefox is not keeping bookmarks22:43
ian1anyone know a fix for terrible opengl performance (60 FPS in glxgears) in jaunty with "Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)" ... glxinfo: "OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM GEM 20090114 x86/MMX/SSE2" (using DRI: yes)22:44
thompaBookmarks Toolbar anyway. strange that some stayed from before22:45
ian1tried some xorg.conf changes: Option "AccelMethod" "xaa" (didn't startup), and now:  Option "AccelMethod" "exa", Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" (starts but still slow)22:45
thompaturning off compiz22:45
thompaian1: turn off compiz22:47
thompathat solved for me a couple problems, but I just got another update22:47
RAOFian1: Is that _generally_ bad opengl performance, or just poor glxgears numbers?22:47
ian1thompa: compiz is off22:48
thompa01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce 7300 GS] (rev a1)22:48
thompa fast enough gears here22:48
thompaenable it then and then back off22:49
BUGabundois compiz fusion working for you guys?22:49
BUGabundomine has trouble changing from metacity to compiz22:49
RAOFian1: IE: do you have bad performance in an actual OpenGL app?  Because glxgears isn't a reliable indication of opengl performance.22:49
thompaworking on intel here great in a vaio with 3G22:49
thompayesterday it was not, the nvidia card i got works great now though22:50
ian1RAOF: seems like generally bad performance.  glxgears used to give much higher performance in 8.04 (I don't remember exactly, but at least in the hundreds)22:50
RAOFian1: Intel is in a bit of flux; you might have better luck with AccelMethod "uxa".22:50
thompaian1: try eliminating some things i guess. what command did you run22:51
thompatry something else22:51
ian1thompa: somethings?22:51
thompaian1: when was your last update. I would just wait22:51
thompaian1: something to check frame rate if thats what you want22:52
ian1thompa: I just updated 8.04 -> 8.10 then to jaunty hoping to fix these video problems22:53
thompaian1: http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/releases/repo/pts.debian/files/phoronix-test-suite_1.6.0_all.deb22:53
thompaian1: what intel processor is it?22:54
RAOFBa baw.  Upgrading to Jaunty isn't a good way to fix anything :)22:54
RAOFIt's a 965.22:55
ian1I thought that maybe the new kernel with GEM would help22:55
RAOFNo.  What that'll do is make performance (at least for some people) horrible.22:56
RAOFTurning on UXA might un-horrible the performance, though.22:56
ian1I'll try it22:56
thompaian1: whats the brand laptop?22:56
ian1just Option "AccelMethod" "uxa" in the device section?22:56
ian1lenovo T6122:57
RAOFian1: Yup.  As mentioned above ;)22:57
RAOFian1: Note that UXA might break suspend/resume, or cause rendering artefacts, or just not work.22:57
thompaian1: how does compiz work?22:57
ian1compiz runs at 60 fps according to Compiz Benchmark23:01
RAOFThat's likely to be vsync.23:02
ian1could that be limiting glxgears also (outside of compiz) ?23:02
RAOFhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting <= might be useful for you.23:03
ian1oh I'm not in uxa yet btw23:03
RAOFYeah, I know.  You haven't disconnected yet :)23:03
BUGabundoian1: my NVidia 8400 runs at 350 FPS on single monitor23:03
RAOFAnd is vastly more powerful.  And won't be syncing to the monitor's vblank, either.23:06
ian1RAOF: hm accidently hit Fn-F12 instead of Ctrl-F12 (to disable compiz FPS monitor) and it seems that hibernate now works... ;)23:09
BUGabundoyeah, finally the X bug has been fixed23:09
RAOFian1: But not with UXA (possibly) :)23:09
BUGabundoand now Resume WORKS23:09
nikolamhi. does anyone know how many previous kernels are left in /boot after kernel upgrades?23:10
RAOFWith the binary nvidia driver, resume has worked for me for a long time.23:10
ian1RAOF: is UXA newer than XAA and EXA?23:10
nikolamsince after every update older kernels are left behind in /boot23:11
BUGabundonikolam: ALL23:11
RAOFIt's the new gpu-memory-manager based acceleration arch for Intel.23:11
BUGabundoRAOF: it was broken until last Monday23:11
BUGabundobug on xorg-xserver-nv23:11
nikolamBUGabundo, why is that. My /boot is like 100 or 200Megs. It used to get full and i need to remove them manually to free disk space for /boot. That can brake updates.. hmm23:12
RAOFnv resumes from suspend?23:12
ian1RAOF: ok restarting with uxa brb23:12
BUGabundonikolam: there is an option some where (apt ??) that lets you choose how many to keep23:13
nikolamBUGabundo, maybe we should make it choose default number of previous kernels, not tu fill all /boot space to people23:14
nikolamThink it would be wise etc?23:14
BUGabundonikolam: file a (wish)bug on LP23:14
BUGabundoand let us know it, so we can subs to it23:15
nikolamI Have one lts install where i fixed it by installing linux-image that depends always on newest kernel23:15
nikolamThanks BUGabundo23:15
BUGabundonikolam: by the way UM won't upgrade if it detects low disk23:16
BUGabundoif it fails to check the /boot partition space it's a bug23:16
BUGabundofile that too23:16
nikolamBUGabundo, maybe now it won`t in some previous stable releases it update and then fails etc.23:16
ian1RAOF: UXA gives 550+ FPS in glxgears23:16
RAOFAnd is generally snappier?23:17
BUGabundoits new to UM23:17
nikolammaybe i should just wait for /boot to get full and report what happens then23:17
* RAOF notes that glxgears _remains_ not a benchmark :)23:17
* BUGabundo RAOF coments are making me wanna test my system again23:18
BUGabundo$ glxgears23:18
BUGabundo1714 frames in 5.0 seconds = 342.768 FPS23:18
BUGabundo709 frames in 5.0 seconds = 141.693 FPS23:18
BUGabundo711 frames in 5.0 seconds = 142.141 FPS23:18
BUGabundoon FULL SCREEN23:18
ian1RAOF: feels snappier.  and in compiz switching desktops is now smooth23:20
ian1I'll try a suspend/resume23:21
* ian2 hugs RAOF and ubuntu and UXA and probably carl worth23:22
macoon full screen i get 116fps23:26
maconormal size glxgears is 42023:27
macoBUGabundo: what is "UM"?23:27
BUGabundoyou should know girl23:27
BUGabundoUpdate Manager23:27
BUGabundoyeah we have WAY too many abreviations23:28
macoBUGabundo: i thought you were saying UXA was new to UM...couldnt figure out what video card driver that was23:28
BUGabundoother thread23:28
ian2RAOF: thanks23:34

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