
pwnguinis there a list of ftbfs for arm?00:51
pwnguinthe wiki has one last updated in like november00:52
prpplaguedavidm: ping01:14
prpplagueMirell: greetings02:08
=== pwnguin_ is now known as jldugger
ograjldugger, http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/08:17
amitkogra: just finished reading the massive scrollback from yesterdays apex debugging. Impressive work!08:26
amitkogra: So it seems it isn't a kernel problem?08:27
* amitk starts to read up on apex a bit08:27
ograamitk, well, upstream answered my last mail on debian arm ... where i said "hello, my kernel panics if i choose more than 5M for the ramdisk size" ... with "yes, you can use up to 8M for the ramdisk"08:32
ograits not all solved yet, but i have a workaround for now08:32
ograwhih i intend to upload so we get working daily builds as soon as there is a kernel ... but its something we surely need to revisit08:33
amitkogra: re: as soon as there is a kernel?08:34
ograthe kernel corruption thing itself is solved ...08:34
ograamitk, our endiness is wrong08:34
amitkogra: ah right, i'll get that fixed08:34
amitkanything else you need in the ixp4xx image for this upload besides endianness?08:34
ograand if i use the kernel not swappped with devio it stops after unpacking (not sure thats related to endianess mistmatches with apex, kernel and initramfs but i suspected so08:35
ograonly the NIC firmware ... doing a netinstall without NIC is quite tricky ;)08:36
amitkand that will be required for d-i too08:36
ograright, but d-i builds udebs from linux-firmware08:37
ograjust a matter of adding the right udeb to the netinstall image08:37
ograi might have kernel changes afterwards though, i couldnt test our kernel at all yet08:37
ogra(i.e. i dont know how it bevhaves in an installed system ...)08:39
ogralool got it to boot directly from redboot during the sprint (which is why i suspect the non booting to just be an endianess issue in d-i) but we werent able to change the cmdline in redboot as everything at that stage is readonly08:40
ograamitk, did you get your serianl port to work ?08:41
amitkogra: removing the solder blobs is being a problem, i've got to go and get a desoldering braid08:43
ograyeah, though davidm managed to just blow it out of the holes, i had to use a pump08:44
amitkblowing it sounds dangerous, though he has a ton more experience than I do08:44
alesanI have this board with an ARM, 128MB of memory, USB, ethernet, serial, VGA, audio, PS/2; I wrote all the drivers. Can I run Ubuntu on it?17:58
ograsee the last link in the topic18:07
alesanI think my board is not a ready target18:08
alesanit will require the proper drivers for example18:09
alesaneven an headless image would require my ethernet drivers18:10
alesanor - maybe I'm mistaken and this rootfs does not contain the kernel18:10
ograright, its only the userspace18:12
ograif yu have a kernel, use that, if you can push your drivers upstream to kernel.org we can fully support your board in jaunty+118:13
alesanyeah :) that would be nice18:45
alesanjust as an information, when is likely to be the "freeze" for j+1 ?18:45
ograhard to predict, the j+1 schedule will only be finalized at the next developer summit ... which is in may18:48
ograjaunty releases in april ... feature freeze for jaunty is next week18:49
ografeature freeze is usually the point where stuff like that needs to be in ... given that j+1 will happen in october it might be around august18:50
alesanyeah but it is hard by that time my drivers will be in an official kernel release18:58
alesanit's a lot of stuff in many subsystems18:59
ograwell, if you can get them into .29 or .30 we'll get them for free from upstream19:00
ograthen supporting your HW is a non issue, just a matter of enabling the .config19:00
alesanlisten as a side question19:01
alesanopenoffice is actually running on ARM?19:02
ograon some HW, yes19:02
ograi doubt you will get it running properly on 128M though19:02
alesando you have an idea of the requirements?19:02
ograit will *run* but not be fun19:02
alesanor an hardware that is known to run it? just as comparison with what I have here on this board19:03
ograif you want to support ubuntu-desktop including firefox and openoffice your HW should have above 256M and above 500MHz19:03
alesanyeah :) it's a pity, I remember when I was able to run office97 on a 16MB PC :( nowadays 128MB are too little19:03
ograi doubt there is any HW public yet19:03
alesanah ok19:03
ograsomething like that will likely run ubuntu-desktop incl. openoffic fine19:05
alesanby the way, what about Koffice, it used to be lighter than OOo19:09
* ogra hasnt tried any QT based stuff on arm yet19:09
ograi know xubuntu and gcoffice work fine though19:09
ograeven on the beagleboard i have if i add some swap and a USB disk19:09
ogra(so that IO times are not to huge)19:10
alesangcoffice = ?? I only found a german cheese office with that name :)19:11
ograabiword and gnumeric19:11
ograthe actual so called "gnome office"19:12
alesanthe moment you create this rootfs... what format is that? it is likely the way to mount it is with a USB key right?19:46
ograalesan, its a tgz that you csn untar on any kind of partition (given it has the right size)21:59
ograif you use the --notarball option it will create a qemu image instead21:59
ograso you can play with it in qemu-system-arm21:59

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