
LaserJockcjwatson: filed00:01
TheMusoHrm. Even more weird, it seems that the cd images I get from rsync are different to the ones I get via http, or at least thats what the MD5sums suggest.00:05
cjwatsoncdimage@antimony:~/cdimage/www/full/daily/current$ md5sum -c MD5SUMS00:06
cjwatsonjaunty-alternate-amd64.iso: OK00:06
cjwatsonjaunty-alternate-i386.iso: OK00:06
cjwatsonI've fixed LaserJock's DVD tasksel preseeding thing00:06
TheMusocjwatson: Hrm ok, I'll sync again and th en compare once more.00:07
TheMusoWell, there is certainly an inconsistancy somewhere, as I have pulled the MD5sums file via rsync after syncing images from rsync, and an md5sum check still fails.00:10
TheMusoNo matter, I'll do a netboot install.00:12
cjwatsonI did just do a sync to mirrors, but it shouldn't have affected image contents or MD5SUMS file contents00:13
TheMusohm ok.00:13
cjwatsonare we talking about the same images? the above is for the Ubuntu alternate CDs00:13
TheMusoYes I am talking about those as well.00:13
cjwatsonit might clear up tomorrow once they're auto-built properly ... I hope00:14
wasabiodd. getting a lot of kernel dumps since latest kernel in intrepid-updates. That's suprising.00:21
StevenKTheMuso: Looks like sparc for linux-ports wants makedumpfile too00:26
TheMusoStevenK: Yes, because I forgot to turn it off for sparc.00:26
StevenKTheMuso: Ah!00:27
StevenKTheMuso: The hppa failure looks damn strange, too00:27
TheMusoStevenK: But easily fixable I am pretty sure, not worrying about it now though.00:27
ScottKTheMuso: mesa built on powerpc and so did qt4-x11, so it's some real progress.00:55
ScottKI'm going to see how far I can get on getting all of KDE built.00:55
TheMusoScottK: Ok, I should have other arches for ports sorted out after work today.00:56
StevenKTheMuso: The ia64 failure looked simple-ish, too00:56
TheMusoStevenK: Yeah it is.00:56
TheMusoStevenK: I'll be able to get it to build at least.00:56
TheMusoLooks like libdrm was also given back00:57
TheMusoOr was mesa the only issue?00:58
ScottKmesa was the issue.  It couldn't build because libdrm-dev was uninstallable.00:58
ScottKSo due to that it's mesa -> qt4-x11 -> soprano -> and then I can start to build KDE.00:59
TheMusoInteresting actually since there is no linux-libc-dev listed for libdrm-dev for ports arches, I am surprised it worked.00:59
ScottKIt built.  I've got no way to test if it works or not ....01:00
TheMusoRight, once I get ports sorted, I'll check for myself,.01:00
ScottKSo soprano went from estimated build start in 7 hours to currently building started 4 minutes ago in less than 10 minutes ...01:03
keesanyone know of the dash-equivalent to bash's -o pipefail?01:09
ion_kees: sh -c '(cat /foo || kill $$) | cat; echo bar' ;-)01:20
ion_Not equivalent to pipefail, more like set -e + pipefail01:21
keesion_: hrm...01:25
keesion_:    find /fail | cpio --quiet -o | gzip >/dev/null      I want that to fail...01:27
ion_Is (find /fail || kill $$) | cpio | gzip enough?01:28
keesI'm gonna just cheat and use pipefail.  :)01:30
cjwatsonthere really isn't a good portable version of pipefail01:33
cjwatsonthe best you can do is to echo return codes out on some spare file descriptor, and catch them at the top level01:33
cjwatsonif [ "$( ((find /fail || echo $? >&3) | cpio --quiet -o | gzip >/dev/null) 3>&1 )" ]; then kill myself horribly; fi01:35
cjwatsonor words to that effect01:35
cjwatsonbut it always ends up being horribly gross and you want to hang yourself with a dangling file descriptor01:35
cjwatsonI do it occasionally when I have no other choice and usually have to fight redirections for a while before it actually works01:36
IntuitiveNippleWhich package to file this bug against? Start-up drops to shell when fsck runs because two crypto-volumes haven't been unlocked by cryptdisks-early. They aren't unlocked since the custom script that unlocks them via a key-file is in /usr/local/sbin/, and /usr/local/ is on a separate mount :)01:42
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maxbIs there any page like SyncRequestProcess but for merges? Or are merges just like any other change following SponsorshipProcess?02:03
nhandlermaxb: There is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging02:18
ScottKmaxb: On merges.ubuntu.com there's a pointer to the grab-merge.sh script, but once you make the debdiff it's just like any other.02:46
keescjwatson: yikes, that's sick.  any chance we can just use pipefail and bash for mkinitramfs?03:47
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lifelesscjwatson: how much to stop you pasting shell fragments like that ? :)03:50
keeslifeless: ieeee  http://cfaj.freeshell.org/shell/cus-faq-2.html03:57
lifeless4 years without updates03:58
keesno mention of pipefail.  I want to pluck out my eyes after reading the POSIX solution03:59
lifelessyay single letter variable names04:00
calcjcastro: hmm will look into the dialogs when i get home, there hasn't been any commits regarding KDE 4 dialogs recently04:03
calcjcastro: its possible the user just read the release notes and assumed the kde support it talks about is for kde4, heh04:03
ScottKcalc: There was someone in #kubuntu-devel a few hours ago claimin OOo KDE4 patches, but Riddell looked and they were KDE3.04:05
ScottKDunno if it's the same someone.04:05
calcScottK: yea that is what i was talking about, jcastro sent me the log and i looked and i didn't see anything to indicate there were kde4 patches04:06
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calcwell i'm about to head to the airport, headed home from Hamburg today :)04:09
LaserJockcalc: did you eat a hamburger there?!04:10
calcMcD :)04:12
calci ate snitzel most of the time though04:12
LaserJockcalc: you went all that way for McDs?04:13
LaserJockthat's about as bad as highvoltage and I at UDS-Paris04:13
calcits very cold outside and McD was the closest restaurant i saw04:13
StevenKLaserJock: What did you and highvoltage do at UDS Paris?04:13
LaserJockwe had Subway across from Notre Dame and a street full of cafes04:13
calcwell very cold for me anyway, ~ -5 - -10 and snowing most days04:14
LaserJockbut it was the weirdest Subway I've ever been too, no cheese!04:14
LaserJockhow do you make a sandwich in Paris of all places without cheese04:15
LaserJockso for UDS Sevilla we did Burger King04:15
StevenKI ate at Subway in Prague, since it was right by the metro station04:15
LaserJockI was so starved in Paris, first time outside the US04:16
LaserJockall the French food was pretty weird for my American senses04:16
ajmitchLaserJock: you poor fellow04:16
LaserJockI really started to think that their kitchen had no ovens/burners04:17
LaserJockbut the 16 euro ride into Paris proved much more succesful04:18
StevenKLaserJock: The food was cold or uncooked?04:18
LaserJockuncooked mostly04:18
LaserJockraw, thin sliced beef04:18
LaserJockwith a little lettece and a rock hard roll04:18
jlduggerhaute cuisine indeed!04:19
LaserJockI was an interesting experience04:19
stgraberLaserJock: sounds expensive :) though usually really good04:20
LaserJockjbailey tried 3 times to get a vegan meal at the dinner on the last day04:20
LaserJockI think there was bacon in the salad or potatoes04:21
LaserJockmust have been the potatoes04:21
LaserJockbecause then there was a honey-mustard dressing for the salad04:21
LaserJockit was a lot of fun anyway04:22
stgraberyou really didn't take the less expensive meal you can find :)04:22
LaserJockbut I was coming down with monster ubuflu by that time04:22
calcso far i didn't get sick this trip, still have 14hr of plane air to survive today though04:23
stgrabercalc: usually I get sick a day or two after :) worked for all UDSes so far.04:23
LaserJockone of the times I was sick and people were trying to teach me Mao04:23
LaserJockbaaaaad combo04:23
StevenKI bet they weren't, I bet you were playing04:24
jlduggeryou dont teach mao04:24
ScottKSure you do.  It'd just done in an unorthodox manner.04:25
LaserJockwell, by the end they were so fed up with me there was some definate coaching04:25
LaserJockI just couldn't think at all04:25
jlduggerScottK: if they're learning, you're doing it wrong04:25
ScottKI didn't say what was being taught.04:26
jlduggerim pretty sure you did04:26
LaserJockheh, the first line on the History of Mao on wikipedia says "(This Game is Cruel and Unusual)"04:29
LaserJockman, it sure felt it at the time04:29
ScottKFirst time I didn't find it cruel and unusual.  I thought it was interesting.04:31
ScottKThat probably says more about me than the game though.04:31
LaserJockyeah, I've just got no patience for games usually04:33
StevenKYou two need to have Phase 10 inflicted on you04:35
* calc bbia 18hr probably04:35
AmaranthLaserJock: Once time playing with vuntz he made us name a module in GNOME he maintained (in a certain order) every time we changed the suit05:01
AmaranthTook like 20 minutes to figure that one out05:02
lifelessScottK: it may say more about who introduced you05:05
lifelessScottK: it can be very collaborative and fun, or plain evil05:05
LaserJocklifeless: you might have been involved in my torture05:07
LaserJockI remember colin and soren being there05:08
lifelessLaserJock: I try very hard to play an entertaining game not a cruel one ;)05:08
LaserJockoh, I'm sure it was entertaining ... :-)05:08
AmaranthI was playing with plain evil guys05:14
AmaranthI think they were all GNOME devs05:14
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dholbachgood morning07:13
pittiGood morning07:17
dokohurray for the new autoconf \o/07:24
StevenKdoko: That is so the first time I've seen someone proclaiming "hurray for autoconf"07:31
dokojust sarcastic about the gcc build failures07:32
StevenKHaha. Okay, sarcasm makes it better. :-)07:32
ion_Such a phrase is inevitably either sarcasm or evidence of a psychosis.07:33
StevenKIt's *doko*, so it's both07:33
Koonpitti: Archive question : I have three new packages to import from debian to universe, one is in sync and the other two require a small diff. What's the best way to proceed ? Ask you for the sync and upload the merges myself ?07:38
Koonhm. in fact it's just two packages. The last one is just a merge of an existing one.07:39
persiaKoon, The typical answer to such questions is: request the syncs and upload the merges (once build-dependencies are published).07:42
Koonpersia: thx.07:43
dholbachdoko: are you going to work on python today? might be worth checking out bug 32470807:43
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/324708/+text)07:44
dholbachbug 32470807:44
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/324708/+text)07:44
dokodholbach: not python2.507:47
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savvasis the mount type ntfs using ntfs-3g driver?08:12
oskar-hi, who is the right one to address with a question regarding NM and wpa_supplicant?08:43
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cjwatsonkees: I think it'd be fine to use bash for mkinitramfs as long as you don't try to use it for the initramfs itself :-)09:06
cjwatsonsavvas: ntfs-3g> yes09:06
cjwatsonoskar-: asac09:06
savvasthanks :)09:06
primes2hpitti: Hi, BTW did you have a look at the patch for this bug #172353 ?09:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 172353 in human-icon-theme "Human theme has non-translatable emblem names." [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17235309:20
oskar-asac, is there a way provided to tell NM which configuration options to pass to wpa_supplicant (for example "fast_reauth=0")?09:24
asacoskar-: not that i know.09:37
ogracjwatson, wrt compcache, i saw some users in ubuntu-users@ for which the compcache initrmfs hook seems to persist in the installed system, can we make ubiquitey care that it goes away after install ?09:43
cjwatsonogra: if it fails to go away, then I think something has already gone wrong in ubiquity - i.e. casper has failed to be removed09:44
* ogra glares at hs fingers ... need some type training again :P09:44
cjwatsonogra: in other words, ubiquity is already trying to make sure of this09:44
ograhmm, intresting09:45
cjwatsonit's possible for the installer to crash before removing casper, though, and for the user to think "oh well, I'll try rebooting anyway"09:45
cjwatsonogra: the hook itself should still be there, of course, since it's in initramfs-tools, just not its configuration09:45
ograwell, the hook wont create the script if COMPCACHE_SIZE isnt set09:47
ograwhich isnt the case by default ... the user definately has a conf.d file left behind09:47
* ogra looks up the mail09:48
directhexwhich virtualization system do the ubuntu buildds use?09:49
Mithrandirdirecthex: xen, I believe.09:49
StevenKThe distro buildds are bare-metal, the PPAs are Xen09:49
StevenKdirecthex: Are Mono assemblies arch independant?09:50
cjwatsonogra: unless the initramfs is created in /target before removing packages, I guess09:50
cjwatsonwhich is possible ...09:50
ograoh, really ?09:51
cjwatsonblast. Yes, it is.09:51
* ogra wasnt aware ubiquity installs the kernel separately 09:51
directhexStevenK, in most cases, yes. there are exceptions when badly marshalling arch-specific libraries using arch-specific type lengths09:51
cjwatsonerr, it doesn't09:52
ograbut still, that file comes from casper09:52
cjwatsonbut it does need to regenerate the initramfs09:52
cjwatsonand remember that ubiquity (1) copies the live filesystem, then (2) removes the bits that are unnecessary09:52
cjwatsonunfortunately, it generates the initramfs between (1) and (2)09:53
ogra/usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/compcache is only in casper ... and i would assume an initramfs generation only hapens after casper was removed09:53
ogra *happens09:53
cjwatsonsadly that is not currently the case09:53
cjwatsonis there a bug filed about this?09:53
cjwatsonthat's actually kind of bad09:53
ograi asked him several times, but he only pointed at the upgarde bug over and over, i'll file it09:53
ograwhat should it be, ubiquity or casper ?09:54
directhexStevenK, a bunch of mono packages include C libs as well as mono assemblies, so those are usually arch:any09:54
cjwatsonogra: ubiquity, please09:54
cjwatsonit isn't casper's fault at all09:54
cjwatsonogra: please mark it importance high09:54
StevenKdirecthex: Right, there's a package in the binary NEW queue which includes a Mono .dll and it's arch:all09:57
StevenKdirecthex: Wasn't sure if it was grounds for rejection or not09:57
cjwatsoncan anyone think of a "human-friendly" way to say "Building initramfs..."?09:58
directhexStevenK, arch:all is correct more often than not09:58
directhexStevenK, what's the package?09:58
cjwatsonthat step can easily take 30 seconds, so I think it's worth describing separately; however following ogra's bug it can't just be subsumed into the description of the steps on either side of it09:59
cjwatson(it used to be part of "Configuring hardware..."09:59
ogracjwatson, bug 328437 for you09:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328437 in ubiquity "casper compcache configuration is not removed in some cases" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32843709:59
cjwatsonperhaps "Preparing startup files..."10:01
cjwatsonogra: s/can happen/unconditionally happens/ :-P10:01
pitticjwatson: that's for d-i? (I assume in ubiquity we just copy it from the live system?)10:01
cjwatsonpitti: wrong on both counts :)10:01
directhexhm, tomboy-blogposter10:01
ogracjwatson, updated :)10:02
pitticjwatson: I thought rebuilding was only necessary once we start supporting raid/lvm/cryptroot in ubiquity.. but oh well :)10:03
cjwatsonthere is an argument that casper should rebuild the initramfs when it's removed10:03
cjwatsonpitti: well, rebuilding is necessary for exactly the reason ogra quotes - the live CD initramfs contains casper, and we don't want that on the installed system10:04
StevenKdirecthex: Right, tomboy-blogposter10:04
cjwatsonogra: the good news is that this will go away with the first kernel upgrade10:05
ograwill it ? i wonder how the file can persist at all ... the conf.d file is as i said owned by casper ... its shouldnt be there after casper removal10:06
ograi suspect we have two different bugs here10:06
ogranow that i think about it10:06
cjwatsonthe conf.d file is *copied* into the initramfs10:07
ograoh, right !10:07
cjwatsonok, admittedly that user reported that /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/compcache was still there10:07
cjwatsonso I suppose that is technically a separate problem, and I wouldn't mind seeing his installer syslog10:08
directhexStevenK, something like that is very highly likely to be arch:all. i can verify if you like10:08
cjwatsonbut I'm a lot more interested in the bug that seems to affect everyone :)10:08
ograindeed, well i asked him to comment on the bug in -users10:09
ogralets hope he does :)10:09
cjwatsonno, can you ask him to file a separate bug if he has problems not described by the one you filed10:09
cjwatsonotherwise we'll just get a multiple-problems bug which won't help anyway10:09
directhexStevenK, just checked. no modulerefs so nowhere for arch-specific issues to appear10:10
StevenKdirecthex: Okay, I'll accept it.10:56
cjwatsonnhandler: regarding the Replaces vs. Conflicts+Replaces point from the other day, I just read the relevant section of the policy manual and it is in fact quite clear about this10:59
cjwatsonFor Replaces alone, it says:10:59
cjwatson            Furthermore, this usage of <tt>Replaces</tt> only takes10:59
cjwatson            effect when both packages are at least partially on the10:59
cjwatson            system at once, so that it can only happen if they do not10:59
cjwatson            conflict or if the conflict has been overridden.10:59
cjwatsonand for Conflicts+Replaces, it says:10:59
cjwatson            Secondly, <tt>Replaces</tt> allows the packaging system to10:59
cjwatson            resolve which package should be removed when there is a10:59
cjwatson            conflict - see <ref id="conflicts">.  This usage only10:59
cjwatson            takes effect when the two packages <em>do</em> conflict,10:59
cjwatson            so that the two usages of this field do not interfere with10:59
cjwatson            each other.10:59
ScottKIf there's a buildd admin around, I'd appreciate it if you would rescore kdepimlibs to start sooner.  I've got a large pile of further rebuilds that are dependent on that being done.11:10
ScottKSorry, on power pc.11:10
pittiScottK: nudged11:11
ScottKpitti: Thanks.11:12
tjaaltonmvo: typo in /etc/update-motd.d/daily/10_releae_upgrade :)11:40
mvotjaalton: let me have a look11:51
tjaaltonmvo: the filename should have an 's'11:52
mvotjaalton: thanks, fixed12:00
tjaaltonmvo: thanks :)12:02
petskimvo, asac: I was just reading the apturl RFC. I was wondering if PPA's could also be added in the policy. Within launchpad, you quite often see "could you please add my PPA to see if this resolves the issue", it would be super to simplify adding PPA's to the apt sources.12:06
asacpetski: its not ment to be constrained to any particular archive. if your PPA fulfills the requirements it can be whitelisted too12:06
asac(now that we have signed PPAs)12:07
asacpetski: actually iirc PPAs are even explicitly mentioned somewhere, arent they?12:07
mvopetski: now that ppas got singnatures we can support ppas as well12:07
asacpetski: seems they are not mentioned in the current version, but there is nothing in it that would exclude PPAs12:09
petskiwell, I use my PPA only for bug-fixing, and some bugfixes might not work as expected. I don't think my PPA will pass the 'quality'-test.12:09
mvoevand: I think I killed my syslinux boot record on my freshly created usb stick, is there a easy way to get it back without having to run the usb-creator again ?12:10
evanddd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=446 count=1 conv=sync12:12
petskiTalking about PPA's ... mvo, already had some time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~petski/update-manager/ppa-support/+merge/3390 ? :)12:12
evandmvo: ^12:12
mvopetski: oh, right, I did briefly and commented somewhere too I think12:12
evandmight also want to run syslinux /dev/sdb1 - but the former command will dump a bootloader to your MBR12:13
mvoevand: thanks! I try it out now12:13
petskimvo, I haven't received it, I'm afraid12:13
mvopetski: strange, I wonder where my comment got to12:13
petskimaybe you added it on staging.l.c ?12:14
mvopetski: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~petski/update-manager/ppa-support/ <- I put it into the whiteboard - looks like I clicked onthe wrong LP link or something12:14
petskiah :)12:14
petskiThanks for your comment. Anything I can do?12:15
mvopetski: not question :) I wonder if we should just add it nevertheless12:16
mvopetski: lets jump to #launchpad and ask how they feel about the added load12:16
petskimvo: the "patch" contains a bugfix as well. IMHO that should be added whatever the launchpad guys say12:17
Adri2000petski: has this feature been discussed somewhere already? I don't think it's a good idea to integrate ppa like official archive in update-manager. people will think ppa are like official packages and will trust them like official packages...12:19
petskiAdri2000, please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~petski/update-manager/ppa-support/+merge/339012:19
mvopetski: I have a look again. the problem with the merge was that it is based against the intrpid branch afaics and the jaunty branch changed a bit12:19
Adri2000petski: I did already12:20
petskimvo: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/jaunty gives 40412:20
mvopetski: sorry for that, please try https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main12:21
mvopetski: I will see if I can get LP to have a alias so that at least "ubuntu" works12:21
Adri2000petski: but a comment from Scott and an answer from you is not enough. has it been discussed on a mailing-list for example?12:21
petskiAdri2000, scott shares your thought, my suggestion was to prefix that changelog with something like '[This package originates from a Personal Package Archive]'12:21
cjwatsonI don't see why update-manager is controversial. If the user has already added the archive to sources.list, and has already added the key or acknowledged the warning (we can assume this, otherwise the package won't be eligible for installation), then update-manager should not obstruct matters by refusing to display the changelog12:23
cjwatsonthe user has already said that that PPA is OK as far as they're concerned12:24
Adri2000petski: average user won't consider such a statement as a warning that the package may break their system or steal their private data12:24
IntuitiveNipplefooey! Evolution 2.25.90 has just duplicated every email in all the folders (more than 10,000), a result, I think, of the import into sqlite db from the mail folders12:24
cjwatsonAdri2000: that warning belongs earlier, not in update-manager12:24
cjwatsonupdate-manager is not the place where you add the PPA12:25
Adri2000cjwatson: if update-manager behaves the same way for official trusted packages and ppa packages it will confuse people12:25
cjwatsonAdri2000: this makes no sense. If I have added a PPA to my sources.list then that's because I want to install packages from it12:25
mvoAdri2000: adding changelog information sounds not too bad to me, a different heading for ppa updates should be used I guess12:25
cjwatsononce somebody has already acknowledged that the archive is untrusted, which I repeat is something that happens earlier when you're adding the PPA in the first place, it doesn't make sense to continue to complain about it12:26
cjwatsonnote that if you've added the archive to sources.list, and the key to apt-key, then apt itself will behave the same way for both12:26
DktrKranzmmh... is http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ running for main only? I cÃ12:27
pittiDktrKranz: no, it should cover everything12:27
mvolool: I *think* I might have a backtrace now for the xine-list ugprade trigger crash12:27
DktrKranzpitti: I'll have a deeper look, but it seems it doesn't keep track of universe12:28
Adri2000cjwatson, mvo: I think the average user will think that ppa is somewhat trusted as it is integrated in update-manager, whereas actually ppas are not trusted more than any other thid party repository which is not integrated in update-manager12:28
Adri2000when I say integrated in update-manager, I mean update-manager will put a special heading "Personal Package Archive", will fetch changelog, etc.12:29
cjwatsonAdri2000: they won't see it in update-manager *at all* unless they have already added the PPA to sources.list and added the key to apt-key, which involves acknowledging warnings about it being untrusted12:29
cjwatsonAdri2000: how many times do you want to warn them?!12:29
cjwatsonintegration in update-manager isn't a matter of trust, it's a matter of convenience due to the fact that we know how the archive is laid out, that's all12:30
Adri2000I just want ppas to be treated like any third party repository. them being hosted on launchpad doesn't change anything12:30
cjwatsontrust is handled separately, and I think it's very important to separate that12:30
cjwatsonI see no reason why we wouldn't fetch changelogs for other third party repositories if we knew how12:30
mvoAdri2000: I understand your concerns, but I think cjwatson is right here, if we warn them too often peple will just blindly click away the warnings without bothering (and then miss one warning that actually was important)12:30
cjwatsonit's an inconvenience of the archive layout that this requires special knowledge12:31
Adri2000because people will say "ah, update-manager knows repository X, so ubuntu people should know it, it should be safe to use"12:31
geseradding more warnings won't help. either they know what they are doing or not (following just a howto which tells them what commands to run and where to click)12:31
* mvo wonders if we should have a "X-Changelog-URI" in the packages file so that it could be supported for other archives as well12:31
cjwatsonyou're talking as if update-manager is the first place people will see PPAs12:31
cjwatsonit isn't12:31
petskimvo: I like the idea12:32
cjwatsonif they see it in update-manager, they have already taken the decision to use that PPA12:32
Adri2000actually I was speaking of warning in case we really want update-manager to show ppa packages in the special section. I'd very much prefer them to stay in the third party repo section12:32
cjwatsonbeing concerned about its presentation in update-manager seems precisely backwards to me12:32
cjwatsonsoftware-properties and the like is where people take decisions about whether an archive is safe to use12:33
Adri2000mvo: if that X-Changelog-URI is implemented, so any third party repository could use it, then I wouldn't be against update-manager fetch changelogs from there, being for ppa repo or any other third party repo12:33
cody-somervilleMy NetworkManager keeps crashing but apport keeps failing to report it because when it tries to open Firefox a popup comes up and says firefox is already running, blah blah blah12:34
cody-somervilleThere appears to be some sort of bug in nm_connection_clear_secrets()12:35
cody-somervilleasac, ^^12:35
Adri2000I'm under the impression that people generally trust more ppa packages than other third party packages because they are hosted on launchpad. that kind of features will just confirm that idea to them12:38
cjwatsonit doesn't matter by that point12:39
cjwatsonthey've already signed on the dotted line12:39
Adri2000well, I'd be interested to see if I'm the only one thinking that way12:44
kirklandmdz: do you have a work around for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/328445 yet?12:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 328445 in openssh "[Jaunty/amd64] Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." [High,Confirmed]12:48
kirklandmdz: i'm uploading a new key to launchpad every time i reboot12:48
mvolool: I have a theory about the xine-list-1.1 crash, it might be something with nvidia not setting the libGL links corretly during a upgrade (or something equally crazy). the crash seems to be happening inside libgl12:48
loolmvo: In a meeting, coming back to you soon12:49
asaccody-somerville: is that with vpn?12:49
cody-somervilleasac, aye12:49
kirklandmdz: and simply unable to use people.ubuntu.com and chinstrap, etc.12:49
asaccody-somerville:  i think i saw that too ... can you get a backtrace manually from the .crash file or run nm in gdb?12:50
cody-somervilleasac, Where are the .crash files kept?12:50
cody-somervillefound them12:50
asaccody-somerville: /var/crash ... you need to use apport-unpack first and then use gdb on the Core12:50
asacwith dbgsym installed and so on...12:51
asaccody-somerville: not sure about the firefox already running thing. is there a ffox already running? does it open if you try to open it manually?12:51
cody-somervilleasac, Yes it is and yes it does12:52
asaccody-somerville: sounds a bit like an apport bug then12:53
asaccody-somerville: when it says that can you look what command line you see in ps?12:54
asac(e.g. before closing that dialog)12:54
loolmvo: So, backtrace?  :)12:56
cody-somervilleasac, I've marked two bugs as duplicate of bug #31855412:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318554 in network-manager "NetworkManager (service) SIGSEGV in nm_connection_clear_secrets() when VPN connection fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31855412:56
loolmvo: Oh libGL, ugly12:56
loolSounds like absolute fun12:57
asaccody-somerville: thanks for the cleanup ;)12:57
mvolool: yeah :) I wait for the retracer before I make further conclusions, need to debug some compiz stuff12:57
loolmvo: compiz uses GL, it's all clear to me now: compiz broke intrepid12:58
loolI knew it12:58
mvolool: haha12:58
mvolool: the crash happend for me in a text console, no X running ;)12:59
asaccody-somerville: ok the dupes had bt12:59
mvolool: don't be a seb128 and try to push all the blame to compiz, we all know its a gtk bug in the end anyway :P12:59
cody-somervilleasac, I attached my stacktrace too12:59
* mvo hugs seb12812:59
* seb128 hugs mvo13:00
loolmvo: I bet that compiz was installed and had been run at least once before on these computers; that kind of voids your Gtk+2.0 warranty I'm afraid13:00
asaccody-somerville: what type of vpn do you use?13:01
cody-somervilleasac, OpenVPN13:01
cody-somervilleasac, Also, you wouldn't know how to get flash working again in Jaunty do you? The package is installed but Firefox doesn't recognize it.13:06
davmor2cody-somerville: voodoo13:07
asaccody-somerville: what does it recognize in about:plugins13:11
cody-somervilleQuickTime,Windows Media Player Plug-in 10, DivX® Web Player, Default Plugin, Demo Print Plugin for unix/linux, and Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_12-b0413:12
asacok check whether the xulrunner-addons-flashplugin alternative is correct13:13
cody-somervillesudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-addons-flashplugin13:15
cody-somervilleNo alternatives for xulrunner-addons-flashplugin.13:15
* cody-somerville can never remember how to correctly use update-alternatives13:15
cody-somervilleasac, There is no xulrunner-addons-flashplugin alternative13:19
cody-somervilleseb128, Is there something wrong with rhythmbox's shuffle? I seem to always get the same ol' songs out of the 710 songs I have.13:22
broonie 2113:22
cody-somervilleasac, Maybe I want to install adobe-flashplugin instead of what Firefox tried to get me to install?13:23
cody-somervilleasac, that worked13:24
seb128cody-somerville: not that I know13:24
cody-somervilleseb128, Its a rather serious bug. Its affecting my sanity. I can only listen to so much ABBA in one day ;]13:26
seb128cody-somerville: there is a gconf key to change the shuffle algorhythm try another one?13:26
cody-somervilleoh, neat13:26
cody-somervilleseb128, I'll do that. Thanks.13:26
cody-somervilleseb128, Whats the key's name?13:27
seb128cody-somerville: there is not so many rhythmbox key is it? let me have a look for you13:29
seb128that's /apps/rhythmbox/something13:29
cody-somervilleIs it maybe /apps/rhythmbox/state/play_order ?13:30
cody-somervilleoh no wonder!13:30
cody-somervilleNo wonder I get so much ABBA! Its ancient!13:30
seb128the default is linear13:30
cody-somervilleseb128, Thank you so much. You're a life saver.13:32
seb128you're welcome13:33
seb128you did change the key or used a software which changed it btw13:33
seb128because that value is not the stock one13:33
emgentcalc: ping13:33
ScottKTheMuso: I see I need to add sparc to my list of ports with working kernels.13:33
cody-somervilleseb128, Weird. I've never opened gconf-editor before13:33
seb128you perhaps used some tweakit tool which did it13:34
emgentcalc: when you come back please take a look and vote http://marketing.openoffice.org/ooocon2009/cfl/orvieto.html :)13:34
cody-somervilleseb128, no13:37
seb128dunno why it changed then13:37
cody-somervilleseb128, IF you enable shuffle and repeat, it goes to "random-by-age-and-rating"13:37
cody-somervilleseb128, a rather unintended consequence ;]13:40
asaccody-somerville: you sure you had flashplugin-nonfree installed?13:43
mdzkirkland: no, I don't13:43
mdzkirkland: well, apart from disabling the agent13:44
cody-somervilleasac, Yes. It got removed when I installed adobe-flashplugin13:44
mdzenv -u SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh ...13:44
mdzkirkland: could you add a link to the new bug to that old bug which was similar but said to be unrelated?13:45
mdzI've lost track of it13:45
cody-somervilleasac, https://pastebin.canonical.com/13783/13:45
kirklandmdz: i already did13:45
seb128kirkland, mdz: what was the question?13:45
mdzseb128: workaround13:45
mdzkirkland: great, thanks13:45
kirklandmdz: the old bug was https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/20178613:46
seb128mdz: what is the issue?13:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 201786 in openssh "ssh Agent admitted failure to sign using the key on big endian machines" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:46
seb128kirkland: I doubt it's it13:46
mdzseb128: bug 32844513:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328445 in openssh "[Jaunty/amd64] Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32844513:46
kirklandseb128: the new bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/32844513:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 328445 in openssh "[Jaunty/amd64] Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." [High,Confirmed]13:46
seb128gnome bug #57106013:46
ubottuGnome bug 571060 in keyring files "gnome-keyring-daemon makes ssh fail with DSA keys" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57106013:46
mdzseb128: I filed a new bug as you said it was unrelated to that old one13:46
seb128gnome bug #57142213:46
ubottuGnome bug 571422 in keyring files "ssh agent stopped working after 2.25.90 upgrade" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57142213:46
seb128mdz: right13:46
seb128one issue is due to dsa keys, the other one not sure13:47
kirklandi'm using rsa13:47
seb128so that's the second one13:47
seb128mdz: bug #32812713:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328127 in gnome-keyring "gnome-keyring-daemon returns Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32812713:48
kirklandmdz: aha, mdeslaur's workaround works for me13:50
kirklandunset SSH_AUTH_SOCK13:50
mdzkirkland: <mdz> env -u SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh ...13:51
seb128kirkland: set it to /tmp/ssh-... and run ssh-add13:51
seb128so you have an agent again13:51
kirklandmdz: sorry missed that one13:52
mdzkirkland: it doesn't get the agent working again, so it's only a partial workaround13:52
mdzsounds like seb128 may have a better one13:52
kirklandseb128: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.13:58
seb128kirkland: do you have a socket in /tmp/ssh-.......13:59
seb128and did you set SSH_AUTH_SOCK to this one?13:59
kirklandseb128: export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-ilNHaf4279/agent.427914:00
kirklandseb128: ssh-add14:00
kirklandCould not open a connection to your authentication agent.14:00
seb128ok, I don't know then, that's working on my box14:00
maxbI think the x11 startup scripts decline to start a ssh-agent if one is already running (e.g. gnome-keyring's one) ?14:02
maxbWorkaround: gconftool -s /apps/gnome-keyring/daemon-components/ssh -t bool false14:02
cody-somervilleseb128, Also, I dunno if you say my bug report, but gedit in jaunty double frees right now when you quit14:08
seb128cody-somerville: I did, there is nothing really useful in the log and it doesn't do it for me either14:09
cody-somervilleseb128, maybe its a plugin?14:09
seb128could be14:09
seb128try disabling those and see if it still crash14:10
DktrKranzpitti, I checked some NBS results. i.e. http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libgconf2.0-cil, it lists only a couple of main packages but there are several packages in universe still b-d on old libgconf2.0-cil. This happens with several other packages listed.14:32
emberDktrKranz i will update tomboy as it was blocked due to gnome-desktop-sharp214:37
Laneyember: did you forward the patch?14:39
emberLaney to slomo?14:41
DktrKranzember: cool. If you're interested in that, there are several packages which need love (bug #314516)14:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314516 in tomboy "gnome-sharp2 transition" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31451614:41
emberLaney sure.14:42
Keybukpitti: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/bootchart-parallel-readahead/jaunty-20090212-sync-readahead.png14:44
Keybukyour machine is not a happy one14:45
seb128cody-somerville: do you use the seahorse gedit plugin? see bug #32725214:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327252 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-plugins make gedit do a double free on exit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32725214:52
cody-somervilleseb128, yup14:54
seb128cody-somerville: bug dupped then14:54
seb128you're welcome14:54
dokoubuntu-archive: please accept mpfr in NEW15:00
=== bdefreese is now known as bddebian
primes2hpitti: Hi, BTW did you have a look at the patch for this bug #172353 ?15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 172353 in human-icon-theme "Human theme has non-translatable emblem names." [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17235315:07
primes2hpitti: I mean, at the debdiif.15:10
pittiKeybuk: any idea how to make it more happy?15:35
seb128in which way it's unhappy?15:35
pittiprimes2h: high on my list15:35
primes2hpitti: Thank you :-)15:36
Keybukwell, your disk IO is high all the way through the boot15:36
Keybukone CPU is spent almost entirely in I/O wait15:37
KeybukI know this sounds like a bad thing, but have you run memtest and badblocks on that?15:37
seb128Keybuk: that's because it uses a real disk and not a fast sdcard or whatever you are using? ;-)15:38
Keybukseb128: pitti's laptop and mine are near-identical15:38
seb128Keybuk: my bootchart are IO high almost during the whole boot too15:38
Keybukand my bootchart doesn't look like that15:38
pittiKeybuk: what does sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda show for you?15:38
pittiKeybuk: this is a clean jaunty install from three days ago..15:39
seb128Keybuk: do you have a chart from your laptop online somewhere?15:39
pittiplus some extra packages, of course, but nothing particular that affects booting15:39
seb128Keybuk: I'm just curious to see the difference15:39
Keybukno, I've actually not put bootchart on here yet15:39
Keybukthe disk failed during the sprint!15:39
Keybukpitti: 1600 MB in 2.00s seconds = 800.53 MB/sec15:40
Keybuk50 MB in 3.12 seconds = 16.03 MB/sec15:40
Keybukpitti: what's odd is that there's no process to account for all that I/O15:41
pittiKeybuk: I have 660 MB/s cached and 25 MB/s uncached, so that shouldn't be so much different15:41
pitti(even looks faster than your's..)15:41
Keybukyou have an entire CPU in I/O wait, that should show up like a sore thumb!15:41
pittiKeybuk: how long does it take from grub->gdm and gdm->desktop on your d430?15:43
davmor2guys strange question.  If I were to hit ctrl-l in nautilus and type in an sftp://user@machine after it's asked for the password should it goto /home/user on the machine or just / ?15:43
Keybukdavmor2: yes15:43
davmor2Keybuk: yes to what sorry?15:44
pittiKeybuk: it goes to / for me, too15:44
davmor2it should go to /home/user15:44
Keybukdavmor2: yes, it should go to /home/user or /15:44
KeybukI think the current trend is /15:44
seb128davmor2: it should not go to your user directory15:44
Keybukpitti: 15-17s or so I think15:45
pittiKeybuk: !15:45
Keybukpitti: just doing an upgrade to see if it's something recent that's broke it15:45
davmor2Keybuk: seb128: Okay thanks it's just in others it goes to /home/user and I thought I'd better check15:46
pittiKeybuk: that's grub->gdm?15:46
Keybukpitti: right15:46
Keybukdavmor2: sftp urls are a bit wishy-washy, I think the current trend is that sftp://user@machine/ means /15:46
davmor2thanks guys15:46
seb128Keybuk: my current desktop is weird, http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/jaunty-20090212-7.png15:47
seb128Keybuk: do you have any idea why it's sitting there for 10 seconds before booting?15:48
Keybukcorrupt swap partition?15:48
Keybukcat /proc/swaps15:48
seb128I think it's just display the Loading information ... line during that time15:48
Keybukno, it's in "resume"15:49
seb128 cat /proc/swaps15:49
seb128no swap15:49
Keybukyour swap has been corrupted by a bad hibernate15:49
Keybukthat probably explains all that I/O too - your computer is paging like mad15:49
seb128how do I fix that now?15:49
Keybukgrep swap /etc/fstab15:49
seb128UUID=10539512-374f-4517-8998-e550a1ebc4b3 none            swap    sw              0       015:49
pittiKeybuk: indeed it currently takes about 15 seconds until usplash even starts15:50
Keybukmkswap -U 10539512-374f-4517-8998-e550a1ebc4b3 /dev/sdXY15:50
pittiKeybuk: there's a possiblity that the new kernel did something different, or that it's ext4 specific15:50
Keybukpitti: ext4 is kinda interesting, I've had several problems with it15:50
majeruhello, are there any serious reasons why desktop x86 kernel lacks PAE support?15:54
Keybukmajeru: it breaks old computers15:54
Keybukthose with valves in them15:54
majeruKeybuk: what kind of computers?15:55
Keybukmajeru: 486s, etc.15:55
MacSlowWhat's needed after "bzr revert -r n" to really touch and alter the files?15:55
majerubut there could be an extra kernel package compiled with PAE, i guess15:56
KeybukI tend to believe the opposite; our default distribution should be built for i686 with PAE, etc.15:57
majerui agree15:57
Keybukand if we really need support for older machines, we could have a different architecture or something15:57
Keybukothers disagree with me ;)15:57
majeruanyway, ubuntu is damn slow on 486 boxes15:57
majeruso we should move on15:57
Keybukubuntu is slow on 686 boxes because we support 486 boxes15:58
cjwatsonmajeru: there *is* such an extra kernel package with PAE: -server15:59
majeruIMHO, ubuntu should target currently-produced hardware15:59
cjwatsonand PAE has problems on more than just 486s AFAIK15:59
cjwatsonbut I can't remember where the bug about that is right now16:00
majerucjwatson: but the server one is incompatible with some drivers16:00
Keybukcjwatson: every other major distribution uses PAE without problem16:00
Keybukthey use -march=686 too16:00
Keybuk(note: very annoyed about this :p)16:00
cjwatsonyou seem to have an astonishing familiarity with every other major distribution's complete list of bugs ;-)16:00
cjwatsonI get bug reports about systems that fail server installations due to PAE16:01
cjwatsonthey aren't 486s either16:01
Keybukcjwatson: they just don't consider old hardware not being supported a bug16:01
* Keybuk files a bug that the kernel doesn't boot on an IBM XT16:02
Keybukcan we fix that?16:02
cjwatsondon't be ridiculous16:02
Keybukwe have honest, true, benchmark comparisons with other Linux distributions that show that Ubuntu is generally slower16:02
cjwatsonbug 151942, bug 22786916:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 151942 in virtualbox "PANIC: CPU too old for this kernel" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15194216:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227869 in base-installer "Server installer should not use -server kernel for non-PAE CPU's" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22786916:02
Ngaren't there some VIA CPUs that don't work with full 686 build stuff? istr the C3 in my mini-ITX box is such a thing16:02
majeruwell, computers older than pentium3 can barely run Ubuntu with GUI16:02
Keybukand this can generally be attributed to the fact we don't use -march=68616:02
Keybukmodprobe being the higher profile case recently16:03
Ngit's almost a 686, but not quite, or something16:03
cjwatsonridiculous hyperbole doesn't remotely help your case, though16:03
Keybukmy case has already been thrown out16:03
Keybukridiculous hyperbole is all I have left16:03
majeruplease calm down the flames16:04
cjwatsonif the kernel could switch at run-time between PAE and non-PAE using alternatives, I'd be all for us supporting PAE by default16:04
majeruso there are CPUs that don't support PAE16:04
Keybukit cannot switch at runtime16:04
majeruwhat if the bootloader choses the best ?16:05
cjwatsonmajeru: unfortunately we don't have space on the Ubuntu CDs for more than one kernel16:05
cjwatsonhence my comment about alternatives16:05
majeruwhen installing the system16:05
cjwatsonNg: yes, VIA C3 systems are mentioned in at least one of the bugs I quoted above16:06
cjwatsonthey are (AFAIK) currently-manufactured hardware on which PAE breaks16:06
Ngcarry a non-PAE kernel on the installer, have some magic that bumps you up to a better kernel if your hardware supports it? horrible hackery \o/16:06
Keybukcjwatson: and there's currently manufactured hardware that requires PAE to operate as intended16:06
KeybukNg: nobody has ever come up with a way to do that16:07
cjwatsonNg: needs either (a) two kernels on the CD (b) alternatives (see above)16:07
Ngcjwatson: sorry, bu "bumps you", I meant "downloads it post-install". doesn't help with the case of requiring PAE, so it's not a useful suggestion other than improving post-install performance, I guess16:07
majerui wonder how hard would it be to make the kernel support both and be able to choose at runtime16:08
cjwatsonI have never heard of hardware that actually requires it to function - only for performance16:08
cjwatsonwell, and high memory16:08
Keybukcjwatson: it's required to access all memory16:08
majerui'm interested about the memory side of it16:08
cjwatsonbut we do install a PAE kernel by default on server installations16:08
cjwatsonwhich I suspect are the majority of cases requiring high memory at the moment16:09
majerunowadays desktops tend to get closer to the 4gig limit16:09
Keybuknot true, desktops increasingly come with more memory16:09
cjwatson"majority" "at the moment"16:09
Keybukyou can't even boot Windows XP on non-PAE machines16:09
cjwatsonoh and "suspect"16:09
Keybukthus my belief that if we really must support older hardware, it should be done in a different CD - and our desktop CD should support current hardware16:09
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
cjwatsonStevenK: I figured out the UMPC syslinux/gfxboot bug16:10
majeruKeybuk: amd64 does that, most of the current cpus are 64bit :p16:10
Keybukmajeru: but most users still avoid the 64bit CD because of issues with things like flash16:11
cjwatsonStevenK: turns out it's because your cdimage code uses the build system's syslinux, which is hardy; I fixed this syslinux bug in intrepid ...16:11
majeruKeybuk: yes16:11
majeruKeybuk: but why not make it like sparc64 did it16:11
majeru64bit kernel and 32bit userland16:11
cjwatsonStevenK: install a *current* syslinux on it and it works perfectly16:12
majeruand make 64bit apps only for the apps that really need large integers16:12
cjwatsonmajeru: last I checked, several of the 32->64bit thunks didn't actually work properly16:12
cjwatsonmajeru: in fairly important areas - USB or printing or something like that16:12
majerui agree16:12
cjwatsonyou asked why; if you agree, why did you ask? :-)16:13
majerubut as the hardware is evolving in this direction, they will also evolve16:13
seb128Keybuk: ok, that fixed the 5 seconds resume call, but still not the 5 first seconds where it's doing nothing16:19
Keybukseb128: got an updated chart?16:19
seb128Keybuk: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/jaunty-20090212-8.png16:20
Keybukseb128: got a copy of /var/log/dmesg as well?16:23
Keybukand kern.log16:23
seb128Keybuk: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/dmesg http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/kern.log16:24
Keybukhmm, your missing 5s are somewhere between kernel init and initramfs16:25
Keybukif you do break=top, how long does it take (stopwatch) after grub to get there?16:25
seb128let me try16:26
seb128Keybuk: 5 seconds16:34
Keybukok, so it's somewhere in the kernel :-/16:35
Keybukif you boot without quiet, does anything show up in the waiting time?16:35
Keybuk(I doubt it, since there's nothing in dmesg)16:35
seb128ok, not a big issue anyway, I get that only on my desktop box16:37
cjwatsonStevenK: getting the right syslinux content in place is a bit non-trivial. Could you take care of that please?16:43
cjwatsonslangasek: re grub2, looks like we need to get at least grub-common promoted to main anyway; the XFS handling in grub-install now depends on it (currently undeclared)16:47
slangaseksounds reasonable16:48
cjwatsonI think I might just file a bug though16:48
Keybukbryce, tjaalton: how much do you know about xkbcomp?16:58
wasabiHmm. Latest console-setup package is... locking up during configure.17:00
wasabiFrom SSH anyways.17:00
bryceKeybuk: not deeply, just that it's useful for getting certain kbd debug info upstream always wants17:00
wasabiThe console stuff is one aspect of this system I seem to have never figured out much about.17:00
bryceKeybuk: but I can find out more if there's an issue in it17:00
Keybukbryce: so our X server always runs xkbcomp on startup to compile its keymap-of-the-day17:03
Keybukinstead of us just precompiling them in the package17:04
bdmurrayjdstrand: I added the ufw package bug guidelines thanks!17:04
wasabisetupcon --force is stopping.17:04
jdstrandbdmurray: np :)17:05
bryceKeybuk: sounds... inefficient.  can we change that?17:05
Keybukbryce: I have a patch to change it17:05
Keybukbut I can't figure out the xkbcomp invocations I need to precompile them ;P17:05
bryceKeybuk: looking at the man page there is a -xkm flag - did you already test that?17:07
Keybukoh, no, I'm just being silly17:08
Keybukthe patch actually still invokes xkbcomp, it just doesn't delete the output after so it can reuse it next time17:08
Keybukthe reason my keyboard map is "wrong" is that I've never set it, lol17:08
Keybukfunction keys, etc. work which implies X isn't lobotomised17:09
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
cjwatsonwasabi: a sh -x trace of what setupcon is doing would help17:20
ScottKbdmurray: Thanks for taking care of ubuntu-qa-tools bugmail.17:22
wasabi+ /bin/echo -n -e \033%G17:22
wasabithat's the last line17:22
wasabinot sure where that's heading to17:23
wasabineed to understand the script first. :)17:23
bdmurrayScottK: no problem, I didn't realize LP behaved that way17:23
tritiumkirkland: does ecryptfs meet FIPS 140-2?17:23
Keybukpitti: hmm, after the latest update to jaunty I see the continuous IO too17:24
wasabi/bin/echo -n -e '\033%G' >$console    that's probably it17:24
Keybukalso my keyboard has gone uppity ;)17:24
ScottKbdmurray: Every week it seems to find a new way to send me stuff I don't care about ...17:24
cjwatsonwasabi: it's supposed to go to the console, indeed17:24
cjwatsonwasabi: do you *have* a working console on this system?17:24
kirklandtritium: ecryptfs has not been certified against anything17:24
wasabiAs in true console or pseudo?17:24
wasabimachine seems to be normal to me. :017:25
tritiumkirkland: ok, does it rely on anything such as openssl that hsa been?17:25
cjwatsonwasabi: as in a device that won't block when you write to it :P17:25
cjwatsonwasabi: it's writing to one of /dev/tty[1-6]17:25
wasabiAhh. Those should be fine.17:25
cjwatsonwasabi: maybe an strace17:25
wasabiLooks like tty5 blocks17:25
kirklandtritium: for the filesystem and filename encryption, it uses the encryption algorithms in the linux kernel17:25
wasabisysadmin tty5     -                27Aug08 169days  0.42s  0.01s /bin/login --17:26
wasabiJust sitting at a login prompt.17:26
kirklandtritium: i don't think those have been certified (matter of cost, and changing too much over time)17:26
kirklandtritium: but they are well vetted17:26
tritiumkirkland: hmm, ok.  Thank you.  I do appreciate the quick reply.17:26
kirklandtritium: there is an openssl key module, however17:26
wasabion another machine both 1 and 4 block.17:26
cjwatsonmaybe we should only do the UTF-8 setup at boot. not sure17:27
tritiumkirkland: :)17:27
cjwatsonor at least not when running the thing from postinst17:27
kirklandtritium: i've never used it17:28
wasabiI am ignorant about what could block up a tty17:28
wasabiBut I find it odd that 3 servers have various ones blocked up here.17:28
tritiumkirkland: nor have I.  I'll do some more research.  I'm working on a proposal that would use jaunty with ecrypfs, but one of my external requirements is that it meet FIPS 140-2.17:29
kirklandtritium: nice ;-)  good luck with that17:29
tritiumkirkland: thanks!17:30
kirklandtritium: the few things in Linux that have been FIPS-certified were mostly done by RH + IBM17:30
kirklandtritium: and it's always a year+ after release17:30
tjaaltonKeybuk, bryce: that has been discussed upstream, but AIUI it's not trivial to fix17:31
* kirkland has worked on EAL certifications of RHEL/SLES in lives past ;-) (blah)17:31
tritiumkirkland: ah, ok17:31
Keybuktjaalton: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/xkbcomp.patch17:31
tjaaltonKeybuk: oh, quite fresh too :)17:32
awsoonnwhere would I look to add functionality to the Fn keys on my laptop?17:35
tjaaltonKeybuk: doesn't seem to be applied upstream17:36
awsoonnI suppose I should be more specific: the touchpad enable/disable button.17:36
Keybuktjaalton: Intel in only applying patches in their own packages shocker ;)17:36
tjaaltonKeybuk: bah :)17:36
* Keybuk found it in the Moblin packages17:36
tjaaltonKeybuk: so it speeds up starting X clients?17:39
Keybukit speeds up starting the X server17:40
tjaaltonit takes less than two seconds here17:40
KeybukI envy you, it takes over 5s here without the patch17:40
tjaaltonbut hot-starting gnome takes a long time, with practically no disk activity17:41
awsoonntjaalton: what patch are you guys talking about /me is interested17:41
pochuawsoonn: 18:31 <    Keybuk> tjaalton: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/xkbcomp.patch17:41
awsoonnpochu: thanks17:41
bryceawsoonn: regarding your earlier question, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys17:43
slangasekawsoonn: FWIW, touchpad enable/disable is a known bug on acpi-support, which I'm going to work on next week17:45
=== asac_ is now known as asac
LaserJockasac: I'm a bit confused by the apturl RFC17:54
LaserJockasac: do you have any example packages/repos ?17:54
LaserJockIf a 3rd-party repo can't be in Ubuntu due to licensing, I would think it would fail the LP requirements for FLOSS projects as well17:55
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ScottKLaserJock: I had the same thought.17:58
awsoonnslangasek: feel free to e-mail me for testing/assistance. So you wold around the touchpad area much? I might have a -semi-related question for you. :)17:58
ScottKLaserJock: Alternatively, if there is a contractual arrangement between Canonical and the third party to allow it, then I don't see why Partner wouldn't serve just as well.17:59
cjwatsonLaserJock: I fixed the way DVDs preseed tasksel, I think - just after you left last night17:59
slangasekawsoonn: I'm working on hotkey-related issues; I don't do a lot with touchpads specifically, that's more tjaalton's domain I think18:01
* awsoonn is learning a lot today18:01
tjaaltonslangasek: I'll toss that ball to wgrant, I don't even have a touchpad :)18:02
slangasekoh. :)18:02
awsoonnironicly enough, the touchpad I'm trying to fix belongs to someone named grant18:03
LaserJockcjwatson: oh yeah, so when will a DVD show up I can test? are they dailies?18:05
cjwatsonLaserJock: twice-weekly or something like that18:06
LaserJockcjwatson: ok, cool, thanks for that18:06
cjwatsonLaserJock: 17 12 * * 2,6   buildlive ubuntu-dvd; for-project ubuntu cron.dvd18:06
cjwatsonso Tue/Sat18:07
LaserJockgreat, I try it out next week18:07
mr_pouitsuperm1: the patch is missing from your branch (at least it was when I quickly looked this afternoon).18:15
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
slytherincan anyone please give back xorg-server on powerpc?18:25
pittislytherin: poked18:25
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
superm1mr_pouit, oh did i forget a bzr add :S?  i'll poke it in a little bit18:26
ebroderAny backporters around that could take a look at bug #323546?18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323546 in hardy-backports "xen-meta only depends on Xen 3.2 packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32354618:28
tjaaltonslytherin: why? it doesn't build until the ports are running 2.6.2818:29
jdongebroder: looking18:30
slytherintjaalton: ports now have 2.6.28 kernel.18:30
tjaaltonslytherin: so libdrm needs to be fixed next18:31
LaserJockcan I assume that a package that cannot reinstall after a failed install is a bug?18:31
asacLaserJock: i dont think launchpad prevents that. most likely they need to get explicitly permission, which should be ok.18:31
jdongebroder: seems a bit hacky... this doesn't stop (likely nonfunctional) mixes of 3.2/3.3 alt deps, right?18:32
slytherintjaalton: the failure I saw in build log was because of libgl1-mesa-dev installation problem. This problem should not exist now so I thought it was good idea to give bacl xorg-server18:32
LaserJockasac: well, I think you have to pay for non-FLOSS LP projects18:32
LaserJockor something like that18:32
LaserJockso I'm just wondering how common of a use case this is18:32
tjaaltonslytherin: mesa doesn't build either, that's why18:33
ebroderjdong: Correct. I can try to come up with a packaging that splits things off into, e.g., ubuntu-xen-server-3.2 and ubuntu-xen-server-3.3 and then has ubuntu-xen-server depend on ubuntu-xen-server-3.2|ubuntu-xen-server-3.3, but I'm not sure how that looks when you upgrade into Intrepid18:33
jdongebroder: how often is it that one would want both 3.2 and 3.3 installed on the same system?18:34
tjaaltonslytherin: they both need the drm headers from linux-libc-dev (>2.6.28-foo)18:34
ebroderjdong: You can't mix and match. For that matter, you can't really mix. A few of those packages conflict with their differently-versioned counterparts18:34
slytherintjaalton: It has built, at least on powerpc. https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/mesa/+builds18:35
LaserJockasac: when you consider Multiverse + Partner, I'm not sure what the use of these "trusted 3rd party" repos are? especially considering how much process your proposal is adding18:35
jdongebroder: ok, then would it be reasonable to simply offer xen-meta that depends on pure 3.3 in backports, and if one chooses to upgrade (in fact, dist-upgrade) to the backports version they will be forced onto -3.3?18:35
asacLaserJock: partner is not enabled by default18:35
slytherintjaalton: http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux-ports/linux-libc-dev_2.6.28-1.4_powerpc.deb18:35
asacit has a good placement in the software sources dialog afaik18:35
LaserJockasac: neither is a 3rd-party apt-url repo, right?18:36
ebroderjdong: That's plausible. Having -backports turned on does already break Xen 3.2 if you're not careful (see bug #297077)18:36
tjaaltonslytherin: ok, nice18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297077 in xen-3.3 "libxen3 in hardy-backports breaks Xen 3.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29707718:36
asacLaserJock: no, but you can enable it through apturl ;)18:37
asacLaserJock: if it got whitelisted18:37
jdongebroder: yay accurate abinum bumping :). I think pure-3.3 in backports is the best approach for this; would  you like to put on a debdiff for this?18:37
LaserJockasac: but it could just as well make Partner more prominent in Software Sources18:38
ebroderjdong: Sure, I can do that. I've got to go AFK for a bit, but I'll put it up later. Thanks for the help18:38
LaserJocklike with -proposed and -backports or something18:38
jdongebroder: yeah I shoudl go back to listening to 6.004 lecture too; ping me after you attach it :)18:38
keesLaserJock: okay, so, what's the state of moodle?  I wanted to start digging into all the recent updates so we can get them into the stable releases.18:39
LaserJockkees: well, I've apparently joined the Debian maintanence team18:40
LaserJockkees: I'm working on the merge18:40
LaserJockI filed a MIR for smarty18:40
asacLaserJock: prominently hidden in some config dialog is still different from putting a link on your website.18:40
LaserJockasac: but why would Partner be on a website somewhere when it's already in sources.list18:40
keesLaserJock: cool, yeah, the jaunty packaging will be improved by getting more of the embedded stuff out.18:40
LaserJockkees: yui was split out as well in Debian, *but* it deps on wwwconfig-common18:41
keesLaserJock: I guess I will start collecting all the CVE patches from the latest releases18:41
LaserJockkees: I could perhaps see if I can strip out the wwwconfig-common stuff (it wasn't there in Intrepid)18:41
LaserJockor I could keep yui embedded for Jaunty and deal with it again for Jaunty+118:42
keesLaserJock: probably a good idea to check with the server team about wwwconfig-common.  it's been discussed several times before.18:42
asacLaserJock: its not in sources.list by default18:42
LaserJockasac: partner is18:42
keesdbconfig-common got into main, I can't imagine it'd take much for wwwconfig-common too18:42
LaserJockjust not enabled by default18:42
asacyes. so its not ;)18:42
LaserJockbut it *is* there, unlike other 3rd party repos18:43
LaserJockso the system already has access to it, unlike something that's not there at all18:43
asacLaserJock: commented in source.list is the same as prominently hidden in a preference dialog ;)18:43
LaserJockwell, then deal with it18:43
LaserJockthat's not my point18:43
asacLaserJock: yes. of course we could have treated partner different for apturl, but wanted to come up with something in general18:44
LaserJockI'm simply saying, what's the use case for these whitelists as in your RFC when Multiverse and Partner exists18:44
LaserJockdo we have examples repos?18:44
cody-somervilleLaserJock, the bzr repo?18:45
LaserJockI wouldn't think that'd make it18:45
kwahhi, everyone18:45
kwahis there a way to find out how many memory linux graphics driver uses?18:46
LaserJockit's commonly uninstallable and I don't think I'd want it whitelisted18:46
asacLaserJock: well. there could be valid use for free software too.18:46
LaserJockasac: like?18:46
asacLaserJock: the idea was to make it hard to get whitelisted and learn from the experiences18:46
kwahI mean for various buffers and related staff18:47
asacwhat we dont want is that we get hundreds of applications that we cant review18:47
LaserJockbut if they can get whitelisted, why can't the be in the regular repos?18:47
LaserJockI just don't see a very good use case that wouldn't be covered by existing Ubuntu repos18:47
LaserJockI could totally be wrong, I'm just not seeing it right now18:48
asacLaserJock: we will see. initial discussion we things like wine in mind18:48
LaserJockwine itself?18:48
asacLaserJock: if it turns out that all this is not required, but we should just whitelist partner, then thats good too. its just that we need feedback18:48
asacand want to learn ... before doing that.18:49
LaserJockI don't know why you'd whitelist partner18:49
LaserJockin the sense that, the repo information is already on the users machine, and where would they click on to enable it?18:49
asacLaserJock: whitelisting is about providing a way to enable repos through apturl.18:50
asacLaserJock: there are different kind of users18:50
asacwe have ubuntu hardcores, but also "normal" users that might even not know how to use synaptic18:50
LaserJockok, so this is for people who can find the clicky link somewhere on canonical.com but can't use Software Sources?18:50
asaci think you question the use of apturl at all18:50
LaserJockno, not at all18:50
LaserJockI love apturl18:50
asacwhy would you want to place a link that installs a package if you alreawdy have the repo on your machine ;)18:51
asacthats the question i get.18:51
LaserJockyou do have it there18:51
LaserJockso if Partner is important, let's make it easier to get at in Add/Remove and/or Software Sources18:51
LaserJockI just don't imagine that the use case for enabling Partner via apturl is very large18:52
LaserJockas the person needs to find the webpage in the first place18:52
asacLaserJock: well. so you say that installing packages through apturl has its use18:53
asacLaserJock: but then you say that its ok that you need to add instructions next to the link for partner18:54
asacsaying: "take care: this link is broken until you go to software sources and check this"18:54
LaserJockno, I'm saying you shouldn't need to do that18:54
asacLaserJock: that means that we enable partner by default18:55
LaserJockif Canonical is using apturl then they can whitelist it if they want, i don't care18:55
asacor index the packages, which is equivalent imo18:55
asacLaserJock: right. but is it bad to have a process to get whitelisted?18:55
LaserJockit could be18:56
LaserJockit's adding a whole new category of stuff people have to look at18:56
LaserJockyou're proposing new teams, new applications that have to be reviewed, etc.18:56
LaserJockso I'd want to make sure that we don't:18:57
LaserJock1) add process for processes sake18:57
LaserJock2) add a process for 1 use case (Partner)18:57
LaserJockso my question was, how often are we going to be whitelisting? what use cases? are there example packages/repos?18:58
slangasekwell, "partner" are Canonical's partners; surely we want an open, symmetric process that lets other service providers participate on the same footing?18:58
ScottK-laptopasac: I think it's a problem to write a process that can only ever apply to Canonical.18:58
ScottK-laptopslangasek: But the proposed process doesn't do that.18:58
LaserJockslangasek: right, but would imagine the TB could do that18:58
slangasekhmm, doesn't it?18:58
slangasekI haven't read the draft; that was just my impression from the UDS session18:59
ScottK-laptopslangasek: Nope.  The only projects that could benifit can't be hosted on LP without paying for it and they have to be on LP.18:59
ScottK-laptopIt's a catch 22.18:59
ScottK-laptopThe only projects that could use the current process can either go in Multiverse or Partner.18:59
ScottK-laptopI don't think it's reasonable for Ubuntu to write a policy based on the assumption that Launchpad's terms of service can be ignored.19:00
mvois anyone else bitten by the compiz problem that alt-f2,f1 does no longer work after the recent upgrade? if so, I would like to ask for " gconftool --get /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins" (via /msg) please19:01
ScottK-laptopI think a reasonable goal of this process would be to change what third party commercial providers can be whitelisted from an exclusively Canonical decision to an Ubuntu one.19:01
ScottK-laptopThis doesn't to that.19:01
LaserJockwell, I guess it could19:02
LaserJockbut it's sort of oddly done19:02
asacScottK-laptop: how is that?19:02
ScottK-laptopThe only people who could benifit from it would need Canonical's special permission to be on Launchpad.19:02
asacScottK-laptop: i have to admit that the launchpad point is quite a valid one19:03
LaserJockyeah, but Canonical's unlikely to interfer I'd think19:03
asacScottK-laptop: otoh, i dont think that canonical would decide whether to allow a launchpad project depending on wehether they want that 3rd party repo19:03
LaserJockbut I don't know why the TB wouldn't make the decision on a case-by-case basis19:03
LaserJockhow often are we going to get these that we need a whole team/process for thit?19:03
asacespecially since you need to get the project before you can submit your application with details19:03
ScottK-laptopSo it moves the control point to a different part of Canonical, but that's it.19:04
ScottK-laptopasac: That's my only issue really.19:04
asacright. but the control point is before we even know whats going on.19:04
asacbut then, i also dont know about any official terms for non-free projects and launchpad19:04
ScottK-laptopasac: True, but it doesn't change the fact that the proposed process can only benifit projects with some kind of special permission to use LP.19:04
asacnobody raised that point during discussion ;)19:05
ScottK-laptopThe public terms say FOSS only.19:05
ScottK-laptopObviously there are exceptions since Launchpad is hosted on Launchpad.19:05
mvohm, that sounds like a valid point19:05
* mvo scratches his head19:05
asacScottK-laptop: well, maybe a project that gets permission should automatically get a launchpad permission or something19:05
asacso we dont make it a prerequisites. but in the end i would think its not a real problem19:05
ScottK-laptopThen Canonical would have to publish revised TOS for LP I think.19:05
asacScottK-laptop: where is the public term?19:06
asacScottK-laptop: from what i see it just says that its free if your are foss19:06
asacnothing else19:06
* ScottK-laptop digs19:06
asacbut i might look at the wrong page19:06
LaserJockright, so if you're not FLOSS you have to talk to Canonical and pay for it19:07
LaserJockwhich is fine, but in the end you're always going through Canonical anyway19:08
mvothe requirement for launchpad was really just so that we can ensure that there is one central place where we can find bugreports19:09
ScottK-laptopOn the project registration page, it says, "Launchpad.net is free to use for software projects that share their source code and comply with these  licensing policies.   Contact us if your project uses a proprietary license."19:09
LaserJockmvo: what if it's a private LP project?19:09
mvothe "it needs to go through canonical" is something we tried to avoid19:09
mvoLaserJock: I don't think that would work out, in order to be a third party repo it would have to have a public bugtracker19:10
ScottK-laptopRight, I'm not saying there was any ill intent, I just think this got missed in the previous discussion.19:10
ScottK-laptopThe licensing policies are https://help.launchpad.net/Legal/ProjectLicensing19:10
mvoI see little point otherwise, how could we ensure the quality otherwise19:10
LaserJockof course19:10
mvoits a good point, maybe as asac pointed out, some sort of exception or something19:10
LaserJockbut I belive that a lot of the people using LP for proprietary stuff are private19:10
LaserJockso ...19:11
asacLaserJock: right. but what we want - and why we said launchpad - is that users on ubuntu can file their issues public so that we can review the state of apackage and so on19:11
mvosorry, I don't really get it, if its private on LP it can not qualify as a trusted third party repository19:11
asacand having those bugs spread around the net would make it really hard to make a review on 3rd party stuff from within ubuntu19:12
LaserJockbut your use case for the whitelisting is precicesly the people who hav private LP projects19:12
asacLaserJock: no.19:12
asacLaserJock: where did we say private?19:12
LaserJockthe primary users of private LP projects are proprietary19:12
asacprivate usually even menas that you need password to access repo19:13
LaserJockthe primary usage of this whitelisting is proprietary19:13
asacLaserJock: but its wrong to make deduce from that that proprietary projects cannot have a public bug tracker19:13
LaserJockI agree19:13
LaserJockbut it's a consideration19:13
ScottK-laptopasac: I would suggest abstracting the characteristics of LP that caused you to say it has to be on LP and change it to must be hosted in an infrastructure that provides ...19:13
ScottK-laptopIf LP is an easy was for people to meet that requirement, that's fine, but I don't think that it can require LP be used.19:14
LaserJockI dont' think you can just assume it's easy for them to have a public bug tracker on LP19:14
asacLaserJock: this process was not designed with "easiness" for the 3rd party folks in mind19:14
ScottK-laptopAlso in a proprietary bug tracker there is no way to know that if there is a public bug tracker it is the only one or even the primary one.19:14
asacLaserJock: we firmly believe that the right approach is to distribute in archive.19:14
LaserJockbut further, if the point of the proposal is to make a neutral place for 3rd parties to creat Partner-like repos I would think that the TB would be the right place19:15
asacScottK-laptop: we tried to address that in the document too19:15
asacScottK-laptop: we require that the repo folks that place a link should also post a link to bugtracker there19:15
ScottK-laptopasac: I think if you focus on the hosting requirements and don't require LP, it's basically OK.19:16
LaserJockI just can't imagine that there will be a lot of people who are going to meet the requirements, so I'd rather see it be case-by-case approval by the TB19:16
mvoI guess we should change it so that it encourages LP (becuase it makes our life easer) but does not require it stricly19:16
LaserJockhow big do you imagine ~ubuntu-tpr will be?19:24
ScottK-laptopThe process should also define how that group is selected (don't recall if it does).19:24
superm1mr_pouit, repushed19:25
rohanhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting --> the script provided here for stress testing suspend/resume is meant to be run on which distribution?19:38
rohanor is it distro agnostic?19:38
asacLaserJock: i wouldnt expect too many volunteers for the review work.19:39
Keybukthought for the day19:46
sorenStevenK: Hey. I've fixed the missing copyright stuff in the eucalpytus package, so if that was the only issue you had with the package, it would be lovely if you could accept it (instead of getting one of the other AA's to start from scratch reviewing it).19:46
KeybukWHY is facebook mirroring my git repository?19:46
sorenKeybuk: I noticed almost the same thing yesterday.19:46
soren(for a kvm repo)19:46
sorenPerhaps they're mirroring all of kernel.org. Yikes.19:47
LaserJockasac: I dont' know, I'd probably volunteer :-)19:47
Keybukit does look like they mirror kernel.org19:48
Keybukpitti: what's most baffling about this never-ending-I/O is that it's *not* usplash19:54
Keybukwhich is what I traditionally blame for everything19:54
pittiKeybuk: no, I started a boot without splash and quiet19:54
pittithere wasn't one event which took 10 seconds, just several which took quite a while19:54
pitti[    0.943156] pnp 00:03: io resource (0x1010-0x102f) overlaps 0000:00:1f.0 BAR 7 (0x1000-0x107f), disabling19:55
pitti[    1.774255] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 2290571778 ns)19:55
Keybukit just seems like the entire system is on lithium19:55
pitti[    1.832291] checking if image is initramfs... it is19:55
pitti[    2.923320] Freeing initrd memory: 7756k freed19:55
pitti^ initramfs uncomression, I guess19:55
pitti[    2.945129] pci 0000:00:02.0: Boot video device19:55
pitti[    4.477063] pcieport-driver 0000:00:1c.0: setting latency timer to 6419:55
pittino idea about that one19:55
pittiand so one19:55
pittiit's just sluggish :/ (and so far it isn't ext4 related at all, I think)19:55
pittiKeybuk: at least I don't remember earlier releases booting significantly faster, so it isn't a recent regression19:57
pittithe initial 15 second lag until usplash is, though19:57
* pitti chuckles at apw's rejected apport upload19:57
apwpitti, heh where did i upload it to that you'd have seen it?19:58
apwi almost always forget to update the UNRELEASED to jaunty19:58
pittiapw: it gets sent to Maintainer: and the uploader19:58
pittiapw: and you apparently forgot to push your branch :)19:58
apwoh thats silly given i sent it to a PPA19:59
pittiapw: also, I made another commit this afternoon19:59
apwyeah not pushed it with the last change yet19:59
pittiapw: ppa> please don't commit the unreleased->jaunty change then19:59
pittijust do it, upload to ppa, and revert19:59
apwi guess you'll merge it anyhow19:59
apwright not commited19:59
pittiapw: ah, right, or push it to a branch, and I'll review it19:59
pittiapw: I might want to do some extra test suite checks for that, and so on20:00
apwi am trying to test it before pushing it to you for merge20:00
apwbut the new keys seem to be stopping me installing it20:00
apwpitti, when i do a change in bzr is it correct to use dch on its own to change the changelog?20:01
pittiapw: no, not really; you should always commit the changelog together with the actual change20:02
apwyeah i am doing that20:02
apwdoing a dch then a debcommit20:02
pittiapw: if you already committed the change, then either uncommit, or commit it afterwards (more ugly, but works)20:02
pittiapw: right, debcommit is ♥ :)20:02
apw_but_ is the dch bit right?20:02
pittiapw: thanks for workign on it20:02
pittiapw: yes, dch is fine, I'm using that all the time20:02
apwits a good way to learn the other stuff as i go20:03
apwhow bzr and deb packaging work together etc20:03
apwand i want to fix apport as its making my life hard as it is20:03
pittiapw: dch for changes, and dch -r/debcommit -r for an upload20:03
Lurepitti, asac: any way to get lensfun & opencv packages get through MIR review before FF? Kubuntu would love to have these in main in jaunty...20:03
apwand it knows things and should do it right20:03
apwpitti, cool.  i want to end up a core-dev so i'll need to know20:03
apwpitti, anyhow, i'll ping you when the branch is up, and you can tell me all the things i've done wrong20:05
pittiapw: heh; thanks20:06
Keybukpitti: I don't think it's bootchart itself doing the IO :p20:07
asacLure: i will get them now20:08
Lureasac: great! thanks in advance!20:08
pittiKeybuk: no, all the times I mentioned in the mail were done with a stopwatch, without bootchart20:08
pittiKeybuk: anyhow, if it just affects my laptop, but in general is very fast nowadays, then I won't complain :)20:08
Keybukplus bootchart=1hz still shows the I/O - albeit very imprecisely :p20:08
Keybukit seems to affect mine too ;)20:09
pittiKeybuk: I already checked the acoustic setting in the bios, it's set to "performance"20:09
pitti(FSVO "performance"...)20:09
pitti[X] slow and silent [X] even slower and just a whisper20:10
apwpitti, does your other fix change the url to which we send things?20:15
pittiapw: no20:15
pittiapw: if you push to your own branch, it doesn't affect commits to the ubuntu one20:16
apwwell its trying to send to file:://ubuntu/+source ...20:16
apwright so what i am saying is the current apport with just my changes is sending to the wrong URL it appears20:16
apwand i think i saw someone on one of my bugs reporting the same thing20:17
Keybukpitti: what's dellWirelessCtl?20:17
apwpitti, i get the separation of branches.  what i am talking about is the submit side of apport has broken and i don't think i broke it20:18
pittiKeybuk: something from libsmbios-bin, but I don't know -- /me eyes at superm120:18
apwyeah your changes are all docstrings and stuff20:19
pittiwow, that package has a lot of stuff20:19
pittiapw: don't worry, I can easily merge that20:20
pittiKeybuk: tons of programs, but not /usr/sbin/makeItBootFast :(20:20
apwyeah should merge fine.  but why is submit going to a mad place20:20
apwpitti, the hostname has gone missing in the push part here20:21
apwits going to file:///ubuntu/.... instead of to launchpad20:21
apwwaht defines that20:21
pittiapw: push lp:~apw/apport/suspend-gui or so?20:21
apwno no not bzr20:21
apwi am generating a bug, and it all works until it says "send report" then it fires up20:22
pittiapw: that has recently been fixed in glib; are you running current jaunty?20:22
apwfirefox with the wrong url, its a local file url not an http url20:22
pittior restarted your session in the last week?20:22
apwits newish20:22
apwi'll go update20:22
pittibug 31426320:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314263 in glib2.0 "regression - URIs opened with firefox %u load as local files (file:///...)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31426320:22
* pitti pokes ubottu20:22
tobiwhich package contains the debugging symbols for: xserver-xorg-video-nv?20:23
pittiapw: suspend/resume testing to the max, eh? :-)20:23
apwyeah gotta test ones changes before actually asking you to merge them20:23
pittitobi: xserver-xorg-video-nv-dbgsym, if you have ddebs.u.c. enabled20:23
apwwe had a case of someone not doing that recently and its not cool20:23
pittiapw: I meant, never restarting your session :)20:23
apwhehe. actually a just logged in20:24
apwbut tere are some 22MB of jaunty updates20:24
apwwhich i should put on before i say "its still borked'20:24
superm1pitti, for jaunty all of that stuff is now in smbios-utils instead of libsmbios-bin.  most of it has been rewritten in C with python bindings20:24
tobipitti, not until now. thank you!20:26
pittisuperm1: oh, I still have libsmbios-bin installed20:27
superm1pitti, yeah smbios-utils is marked as a replaces for libsmbios-bin20:27
pittiat least dellWirelessCtl is already an ELF file, not python20:27
pittisuperm1: should I flip the Recommends: in hal then? it still says libsmbios-bin20:28
superm1pitti, yeah i was going to do that after smbios-utils cleared NEW.  I guess it has by now, so go ahead20:28
pittisuperm1: shoudln't it also Conflicts:libsmbios-bin then, to make sure it gets uninstalled?20:28
pittisuperm1: oh, you mean that the new smbios-utils is Python now, and the old one was C?20:29
superm1pitti, well I was quite on edge about whether to mark it as conflicts, because there are still a few legacy binaries in it that are not part of the new libsmbios that someone "could" use if they wanted, but that weren't necessarily going to be supported going forward20:30
pittisuperm1: ah, I see20:30
superm1pitti, no, libsmbios itself was C++ as well as all it's binaries.  now libsmbios is C based, and smbios-utils are all python20:30
pittithat'll make Keybuk happy, more python in the boot processs :)20:30
superm1pitti, if you think setting a conflicts: too is worthwhile, I can make that change too, just a little wary about it.20:31
Keybukpitti: Python is going to be banned from the boot process ;)20:31
pittisuperm1: as long as having both installed wont wreak havoc...20:31
pittisuperm1: we just have to assume that everyone has libsmbios-bin installed, and an upgrade will then have both20:32
apware we expecting any more fixes for pulse audio?  or what i have on my machines 'it'20:33
Keybukapw: I blame the kernel ;)20:34
apwheh ... but i know if i disable pulse it will be better20:34
apwi have not see 1 system which has good sound right now, they all break up20:35
apwand i've had the oppotunity to see a large number in the last two weeks20:35
apwand with FF a week away i am getting twitchy20:35
Keybukit's probably an I/O problem ;)20:36
superm1pitti, well at least if someone wants to, they can write C apps that link to libsmbios_c instead of the python though.20:36
superm1pitti, yeah having both installed will be okay.  I'll think more about if conflicts is appropriate though.20:36
Keybukapw: seriously, I/O performance in 2.6.28 is absolutely terrible right now20:37
Keybukmy boot is 12s longer after a kernel upgrade20:37
apwgreat... any clues?20:38
Keybukstat shows that there's a lot of IO going on, but not attributed to any particular process20:38
Keybukone entire core is maxed out at I/O wait20:38
Keybukwhich tends to imply it's a kernel thread20:38
apwpitti, my system is fully up to date now and still sending to the file:///ubuntu thing20:39
cody-somervillepitti, mine did that too but often times I get "Firefox is already running but not responding..."20:41
cody-somervillepitti, I mentioned the problem to asac this morning20:41
pittiapw: eww; you restarted your session after the update?20:41
apwi updated and rebooted20:41
apwthen i triped the susped20:41
apwand rebooted again20:42
apwand i have the supposedly fixed glib220:42
apwi'll test again20:42
pittiapw: there were two patches20:42
pittiapw: one hack, which reportedly worked, but got rejected upstream20:42
apwboth to glib2?20:42
pittiand one "good" solution, where I didn't see feedback on20:43
apwi got the version in the last comment in the bug20:43
apwand i'd say its balls from my testing20:43
apwwill feeback there and then frig it in the next one20:43
apwto get my testnig done20:43
pittiapw: you could try to download https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/2.19.5-0ubuntu3 and build/install it locally20:45
pittithat's with the previous patch20:45
pittiif that works, we need to discuss the current patch upstream again20:45
apwdeffo does not work here20:46
apwballs, why is there alway someone elses bug in your way20:46
apwcrap i can't frig it either as changing the url loses the post20:47
apwpitti, is there an incantation to get that source there and expand it automatically20:47
pittiapw: you click on that link and can get dsc/diff.gz/orig.tar.gz from there20:48
apwnothing simpler than 3 downloads and a manual resostructc?20:48
pittiapw: anyway, didn't you just change the UI? the submission part shouldn't have changed at all surely?20:48
apwno, but it would be nice to test it all the way through20:49
pittiapw: s/resostructc?/dpkg-source -x and debuild -b/20:49
apwi am a pedant20:49
pittiapw: sure, but just replace file:///ubuntu/ with https://launchpad/20:49
pittiin the browser20:49
pittithen it should be all good20:49
apwno cause that loses the POST info20:49
apwso you get a fesh virgin bug20:49
pittiapport doesn't use POST20:50
apwso how does the rest of the info get in to the bug20:50
apwoh magic occurs20:50
* apw takes it back20:50
pittiit first uploads the blob to lp, gets the ticket for it, and then uses /+filebug?DEADBEEF_ticketnumber20:50
pittiapw: yeah, ♪ it's a kind of magic ♫ ♬20:51
apwthough it looses the title setting20:51
apwand the tags20:51
apwjust the title, the tags are there20:51
apwwhen did you add the arch to the tags?20:51
apwpitti, ok it looks good.  i'll request my branch is merged20:52
pittiapw: arch> committed last week, per request of bdmurray20:53
apwyeah its good20:53
pittiapw: hm, the title should have been a GET argument; I might misremember, though20:54
apwpitti, ok officially requested merge: https://code.launchpad.net/~apw/apport/suspend-resume-pt3/+merge/358420:55
pittiapw: thanks; will look at it ASAP20:56
bardyrapw, btw those vanilla kernels builds are great :) thanks for that20:59
apwbardyr, they are getting a little out of date, as we are mid trying to convert them to central builds20:59
apwso expect something more automatic soon20:59
jcastrodirecthex: do you have anyone looking at monodevelop? I have a volunteer but I need to send him someplace. :)20:59
directhexjcastro, upstream were releasing beta 1 todayish, meebey should be taking a look imminently21:01
apwbardyr, what you using them for?  help me justify the effort to maintain them if i know21:01
jcastrodirecthex: yeah mhutch told me has them ready. Where shall I send this new person, do you guys have a channel?21:01
bardyrapw, trying out some kernel hacking and 2.6.29 kernel (which is great )21:01
directhexjcastro, all work tends to happen in oftc #debian-mono21:02
directhexjcastro, in fact we seem to be accumulating non-debbuntu people now. we have a gentoo mono packager in residence, and a couple of upstream people21:02
jcastrodirecthex: perfect, I'll send him along your way21:02
pittiapw: oh, so this doesn't actually change the UI presentation, which still says "critical kernel problem encountered blabla"21:07
apwno not yet.  this is just to stop it being a pain for us to handle the bugs21:08
apwsteve just sent me the bones of that bit, which is next21:08
apwi will try and integrate and push that tommorrow21:08
pittiapw: so, current changes look fine; I'll merge/commit/upload21:09
apwi just spent half a day going through them and had to update the titles on them all21:09
apwwhich was stupid as apport knows21:09
apwpitti, thanks21:10
pittiapw: [done]21:13
apwpitti, top man21:13
pittiapw: you should pull lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/apport/ubuntu/ into your branch, to get the conflicts resolved, etc.21:13
pitti(if you plan to continue to use this branch)21:14
apwwill make a new one for the new topic21:14
ScottKpitti: Would you please rescore qt4-x11 on sparc and if it's not too hard, could you at least rescore kde* on powerpc ahead of the Universe packages (if that's a lot of work, it'll get done eventually).21:16
pittiScottK: kde* expands to what?21:19
pittiScottK: qt4-x11 bumped21:19
ScottKpitti: About 18 of the 24 source packages that make up KDE core.21:20
pittiScottK: ah, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/jaunty_outdate.txt FTW :)21:20
ScottKpitti: Yeah.  I was about to hand you https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/DependencyGraph?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=kde-dep-graph.png21:21
ScottKIt's all but one of the leaf packages.21:21
kirklandslangasek: kees said you had some udev/cryptsetup issues?21:21
kirklandslangasek: i was having some trouble last night setting up encrypted swap, using the same steps i've been using for years21:22
kirklandslangasek: what problem were you seeing, and has it been cleaned up yet?21:23
apwpitti, just downgrading glib2.0 to the version you suggested has fixed apport.  writing it up in the bug and moving it back to BROKEN21:23
pittiapw: thanks21:23
ebroderHey jdong: I've updated my xen-meta debdiff (LP bug #323546)22:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323546 in hardy-backports "xen-meta only depends on Xen 3.2 packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32354622:01
jdongebroder: thanks much; I'll review and upload22:01
ebroderAwesome. Thanks22:01
jdongsure thing22:02
jdongebroder: ok it's sitting in the queue.22:09
slangasekkirkland: there's a udev bug, it's in the errata for alpha-422:23
kirklandslangasek: i'm experiencing https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/31660722:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 316607 in cryptsetup "Encrypted SWAP partition not created/mounted" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:23
kirklandslangasek: there's a patch attached to that one, i'm looking at it now22:23
slangasekkirkland: ah, I haven't seen that one.22:25
slangasekkirkland: mine was "initramfs missing the cryptsetup hooks"22:26
kirklandslangasek: gotcha, that's different22:28
kirklandslangasek: mine, too, however, appears to actually be a udev problem22:28
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ograbryce, is the xrandr systray thingie your work ?22:36
ogra(i mean the little applet you can enable in the screen settings)22:37
arthur-doko: bootstrap finished on mips64, now running the testsuite22:48
bryceogra: it's from RedHat22:49
TheMusocjwatson: I still have reason to believe that the cd images obtained via rsync are older than the ones on http. I just built an i386 alternate image from jigdo, and it has the md5sum 736f5d628fc5a1894baaf1585baebb9422:49
bryceogra: I only put a few patches in it but don't maintain it regularly or anything22:50
ograbryce, ah ... would it be possible to package the sytray applet eparately ?22:50
TheMusocjwatson: in addition, the CD images I get via rsync still have the -6-generic kernel for d-i.22:50
bryceogra: that'd be a seb128 question22:50
ograbryce, the systray only would implement https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mid-screen-rotation immediately :)22:50
bryceogra: well it has kind of involved dependencies with gnome-desktop and gnome-settings-daemon, so don't think it'd be a trivial packaging task22:51
ograah, sad22:52
bryceogra: fwiw, tseliot has been working on the side on another randr tool, that has a cleaner set of dependencies22:52
ograwell, the spec is obsoleted for jaunty anyway, i just thought it would be a cheap way to get it implemented anyway22:52
TheMusocjwatson: no, its my screw up, thought the isos were in a particular dir on my machine, but they are somewhere else. Don't mind me.22:52
bryceogra: it's not in the archive yet, and probably needs more work before it's ready for prime time, but it'd probably be a simpler path, if you want to avoid the overhead of all the gnome-* dependencies22:53
ograi'll talk to him22:54
seb128_got disconnected22:55
seb128_I was saying that I didn't try recently and I don't want to do it now because previous time I tried xrandr rotation xorg screwed, that was in hardy or intrepid though, but we got no bug about it22:55
bryceyeah I'd save my work before testing rotation22:56
brycebut I think a lot of the issues have improved.  Used to crash/freeze more often than not this time last year.22:57
ograworks for me, just trashes my panel setup every time22:57
ograit gets the applets out of order22:57
bryceyeah, panel does that for screen resizes too22:57
brycemy laptop's icons are always messed up22:57
cjwatsonTheMuso: ... ok, glad you sorted it out before I saw and got confused :-)22:58
StevenKcjwatson: Ahhhhh! That makes perfect sense.22:59
StevenKTheMuso: So, it appears you can have a maximum of 3 arches build from linux-ports23:00
TheMusoStevenK: no, not quite, I'll have all of them built next time around, which will be tonight.23:01
StevenKFamous last words23:01
StevenKTheMuso: Should I rescue i386 and ia64 -1.5 from NEW?23:01
cjwatsongar, and I was so close to declaring my partman-auto-lvm project complete23:02
cjwatsonoh well, three known bugs23:02
TheMusoStevenK: No, because I'll be rebasing against mainline jaunty's new upload, which will likely bring about an ABI bump.23:02
TheMusoAs for now, onto dmraid matters...23:03
StevenKcjwatson: Hmmm. ./usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin shows itself as the "isolinux Loader", whereas I can't see anything similar in /usr/lib/syslinux for syslinux itself23:04
StevenKcjwatson: And /usr/bin/syslinux is a linked binary, which means I need to worry about arch and libc6 compatibility23:05
cjwatsonStevenK: /usr/bin/syslinux writes /usr/lib/syslinux/ldlinux.sys, approximately, but it does it with some funky FAT-patching stuff that looks decidedly non-trivial to do in shell23:09
cjwatsonStevenK: your concern is pretty much the same as mine23:09
cjwatsonStevenK: see mtools/syslinux.c in the syslinux source if you want to have a look at what it's doing23:09
cjwatsonmaybe it could be reimplemented in perl - not sure23:10
StevenKcjwatson: Oh, so you don't actually run isolinux at all on the host23:11
cjwatsonright, mkisofs knows how to stick it in the right place in the ISO image23:12
cjwatsonanyway, bedtime23:12
klasikahlhowdy. it appears yesterday there were some changes made in jaunty that have changed the way gnome authenticates ssh-agent.  i suspect maybe a change in ssh-agent.  either way, i am also getting buffer_get_int errors when trying to ssh to servers using pub/priv key auth.23:27
klasikahlthought i should pop in and let someone know since it appears pub/priv key auth is completely broken now in jaunty23:27
klasikahlcjwatson: ping23:39

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