
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
loolpersia: ?12:01
MootBotMeeting started at 06:02. The chair is persia.12:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]12:02
persiaSo, welcome to the Mobile Team meeting12:02
persiaAgenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009021212:03
* ogra meeps12:03
loolStevenK: Around?12:03
StevenKI might be12:03
davidmI'm here12:04
persiaFirst up: action items from the last meeting12:04
davidmthanks persa12:04
persia[topic] persia to get initial results from mobile-setup-wizard (co)12:04
MootBotNew Topic:  persia to get initial results from mobile-setup-wizard (co)12:04
persiaWell, it runs, but we probably have to tune some things.  I need to file some bugs about this, and update the spec.12:04
persia[action] persia to file bugs to fix mobile-setup-wizard issues12:05
MootBotACTION received:  persia to file bugs to fix mobile-setup-wizard issues12:05
ograno NCommander ?12:05
persiaNCommander seems missing, so we'll carry those over12:05
persia[topic] persia to request conclusions from application research delegates for mobile-applications (co)12:05
MootBotNew Topic:  persia to request conclusions from application research delegates for mobile-applications (co)12:05
persiaSo, I poked you each individually, and I've not seen any updates.  Given that we're a week before FF, I'm convinced nobody is testing anything.12:06
persiaDid anyone test their apps?12:06
loolI wasn't poked, but I didn't have any update12:06
loolI didn't take anytime to test anything indeed12:06
* ogra was more busy researching the d-i breakages on nslu2 which has higher prio for me atm12:07
ograso i didnt do any research either12:07
persiaSo, shall we defer the mobile applications review until jaunty+1 ?12:07
ograwell, at least to post FF12:08
persia[topic] davidm to target mid-screen-rotation for A512:08
MootBotNew Topic:  davidm to target mid-screen-rotation for A512:08
ograFF is somewhat threatening12:08
ograthat was marked obsolete12:08
persiaWhat replaces it?12:08
davidmYes, it's priority is very very low12:08
ograthough i think we could nearly go with what is in gnome atm12:08
looldavidm: You have updated a bunch of specs, how did you decide to obsolete some?12:08
ograthe new gnome rotation applet is pretty neat and would work with small modifications in MID12:09
davidmBased on the hardware platform is changing next cycle and it makes no sense to address a platform that will disapear12:09
davidmogra, if you have time great but it's priority is low low12:10
ograwell, MID is a desktop flavour12:10
ogranot really related to HW on the top level12:10
persiaMID ought be hardware independent, really.12:10
ograbut i agree we should not care to much this round12:10
loolI think davidm might be hinting that we're targetting netbooks before MIDs this cycle12:10
davidmYes, netbooks critical to address, MID much less so.12:11
looldavidm: perhaps you should update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap to not list the specs you obsoleted?12:11
persiaOr superceded.12:12
davidmAnd with acceleromitors coming out very cheap next cycle an on-screen applet is even lower in priority12:12
davidmlool, will do12:12
persia[action] davidm to update roadmap to reflect specs targeted for jaunty12:12
MootBotACTION received:  davidm to update roadmap to reflect specs targeted for jaunty12:12
persiaOK.  Moving on...12:12
persia[topic] davidm to explore eee PC WiFi with pgraner this week12:13
MootBotNew Topic:  davidm to explore eee PC WiFi with pgraner this week12:13
davidmI've done so,  the eee PC that I have and it seems most eeePC's have is ATH5K12:13
davidmit's beeing looked at12:13
ograright, only the really new ones have the realtek12:13
looldavidm: It should wokr OOB in jaunty12:13
davidmMy eee PC works but loses it's mind every once in a while12:14
persiaNext up is Roadmap.  I'll preview and skip those that are obsolete or superseded12:14
looldavidm: And it should work with the backports-module package in intrepid, or with the proprietary module in plain intrepid (except it wont suspend/resume properly)12:14
davidmlool, agreed, it's a top priority for kernel team12:14
looldavidm: I mean, I'm saying this should be the case TTBOMK12:14
loolSee lp #27569212:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275692 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.27 "ath_pci must be reloaded after resume" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27569212:15
ograyes, we tested it in intrepid on the Q1 ... but there might be other chipsets in the eee12:15
loolI tested the hotkeys under UNR myself during FOSDEM, and all were working except the sleep one12:15
loologra: I tested on an eeepc12:15
ograi thik slangasek is on that12:15
ograoh, you had an eee in intrepid ?12:15
ograi didnt know that12:16
loolYes, at FOSDEM12:16
loolI don't have one, just grabbed the one on the Ubuntu stand12:16
loolAnyway, topic closed12:16
ograi was thinking during develpment12:16
persiaSo, moving on...12:16
persia[topic] ogra: offline-installer12:16
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra: offline-installer12:16
ograstarted hacking on a script, but not much progress due to d-i oddities with the slug12:16
ograi hope to have something uploadable on the weekend12:17
persia[topic] StevenK: unr-handling-jaunty12:17
MootBotNew Topic:  StevenK: unr-handling-jaunty12:17
ograthough i dont know how important the spec still is12:17
ograwe have no kernels that could be used at all12:17
persiaIt's still "Approved"12:17
ograand the slug wont run a desktop session12:17
ogradavidm, ^^^?12:18
StevenKIs it Good Progress or something else?12:18
persiaErr.  untopic, since this seems to require discussion.12:18
persia[topic] ogra: offline-installer12:18
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra: offline-installer12:18
ograi'm not sure what to build here without having any arm kernels12:18
ograwhoops, sotty i mixed the spec with selection-of-arm-images12:19
ogra*sorry even12:19
persiaOK.  Then for offline-installer ?12:20
ograi started looking at vm-builder and beyond that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch seems to be widely used already12:20
ograjerone started sending fixes and to make changes to the wikipages12:21
persiaAre you planning to get a new package in pre-FF to handle this, or does it not need that?12:21
ogratopic done ... will come to the kernel stuff later :)12:21
ograi would like to have a package, but worst case the script will do as i would rather like to base a packaged thing on vm-builder and i'm not done with that yet12:22
persia[topic] StevenK: unr-handling-jaunty12:22
MootBotNew Topic:  StevenK: unr-handling-jaunty12:22
ograi'm also not sure how much time the slug will still take12:22
ograwhich constraints my time pre FF massively as it has to be ready for A512:22
StevenKRight, so what the Status of UNRJaunty?12:22
persia"Good Progress".12:23
StevenKIt's still that12:23
ograimplemented ?12:23
persiaNext up.12:23
ograits there, we have dailies ...12:23
StevenKThere is a whole bunch of patches in the spec too ...12:24
ograoh, right12:24
persia[topic] ogra: selection-of-arm-images12:24
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra: selection-of-arm-images12:24
ograwell, what i said above12:24
ogracant do much without desktop kernels12:24
ograand we currently dont support any arm arch that could run desktop12:24
persiaThat's all the specs on the roadmap that don't appear to have been obsoleted or superseded, so roadmap is complete.12:25
persia[topic] Any Other Business12:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business12:25
ograso i would like to set it to deferred ... until we have something we can do with it12:25
loolI appended a bug to the roadmap12:25
loolI didn't have time to look into it, would be nice to research it before tomorrow (release team meeting)12:25
loolI researched on babbage and evm, it needs to be researched on rimu (porter box)12:26
loolbug #29984712:26
persiaOh, sorry I missed that.12:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299847 in libipc-sharelite-perl "armel build failure (without ignoring testsuite results)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29984712:26
persia[topic] bug 29984712:26
MootBotNew Topic:  bug 29984712:26
loolWould someone have bandwidth to have a look?  whether the FTBFS can be reproduced on rimu and diagnose it a little?12:26
ogradoes it need to be pre FF ?12:27
loologra: You think you will be done with NSLU2 today and can have a look?12:27
loologra: It needs to be ASAP, preferably before tomorrow12:27
lool(release team)12:27
ograi wont be done with nslu2 today ... but i will have spare cycles waiting for kernels12:27
loolThis bug is currently RC, but if you diagnose it further, we might discover it's not RC12:28
loologra: Mind if I assign to you?12:28
ografine, go ahead12:28
looldone, thanks!12:28
loolDone with this tpoic12:28
persia[topic] Any Other Business12:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business12:28
loolpersia: I'd like to discuss where to track a couple of things in the ether12:28
loolOne is the MID install test case12:28
persia[topic] tracking things in the ether12:28
MootBotNew Topic:  tracking things in the ether12:28
loolI think you have been working on that, but we didn't track it here12:28
loolpersia: Would you like to track it as an action or in the roadmap or continue tracking it outside these meetings?12:29
persiatestcases will be on testcases.qa.ubuntu.com12:29
loolGood, do you want an action on this?  or a roadmap "Other item"?12:29
persiaaction sounds good, as I don't really want to draft a testing-mid spec.12:29
loolOk, please action yourself :)12:29
* lool hopes not to be quoted out of context12:30
persia[action] persia to post install testcases for MID and UNR12:30
MootBotACTION received:  persia to post install testcases for MID and UNR12:30
loolpersia: Same issue with the vfp libs12:30
persiaThat's just a spec missing from the roadmap: I'll add it.12:30
davmor2persia: Still no solid solution at the moment for that but we are working on it12:30
loolpersia: Thanks12:30
persiadavmor2, Understood.  Thanks for the timely update.12:30
loolStevenK: How would you like to track Poulsbo intrepid packaging updates?12:31
persia[action] persia to put vfp spec on the roadmap.12:31
MootBotACTION received:  persia to put vfp spec on the roadmap.12:31
loolStevenK: Should these be tracked with the spec?12:31
StevenKlool: Hmmm, we could track it.12:31
StevenKI'm still waiting for the kernel team12:31
loolStevenK: We had an UDS session and spec on it; should we add to the roadmap?12:31
StevenKAnd have been otherwise caught up with **********12:32
loolStevenK: Is there a bug for the addition of intrepid psb-drm to intrepid's kernel tree?12:32
StevenKlool: Nope, please file one :-P12:33
loolStevenK: Mind if I action you to do so?  You've been tracking intrepid poulsbo so far12:33
loolI prefer the same person to do it bottom up, otherwise we mix responsabilities12:33
StevenKlool: Fine12:33
persia[action] StevenK to file poulsbo packaging bugs12:34
loolIf I ever need to pick it up, I'll pick up the lot   :-P12:34
MootBotACTION received:  StevenK to file poulsbo packaging bugs12:34
loolpersia: Also action the roadmap addition please12:34
persia[action] persia to finish pouslbo-packaging spec draft and add to roadmap12:34
MootBotACTION received:  persia to finish pouslbo-packaging spec draft and add to roadmap12:34
loolPeople, are there any other items you're working on for jaunty/ubuntu which aren't tracked in the roadmap/these meetings?12:34
loole.g. NSLU2 d-i, or armel ftbfs, or image builds.... no idea12:35
loologra: Anything from you?12:35
loolpersia, StevenK: did I forget any?12:35
ogranslu2 mainly12:35
loologra: Should we track that as a bug?  As an "other item" on the roadmap?12:35
ograbut i'm waiting on all the bits and pieces to appear in the archive atm12:35
ogra"other item" is fine ...12:36
ogranot a bug12:36
loologra: I think we have a bug on the nslu2 not booting, right?12:36
ograi dont think so, but i can go digging after the meeting12:36
StevenKlool: I don't think so12:36
persia[action] ogra to add nslu2 enablement to the Roadmap12:36
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to add nslu2 enablement to the Roadmap12:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 322217 in debian-installer "ixp4xx image does not boot" [Undecided,New]12:36
ograah, gracias12:36
loologra: Mind updating this bug with an apex task and assign you to it?12:37
* ogra subscribes12:37
loolI think you had in your plans to fix apex soon anyway12:37
ograits uploaded since 2h12:37
ogranot the final fix but the workaround that will make it work with next d-i12:37
ograas soon as the kernel is there i'll know more12:38
loolI added the bug to the RM12:38
ograstatus high or critical ?12:38
loolpersia: I'll check for possible additions with NCommander12:38
ograerr importance12:38
looldavidm: Anything from you?12:38
loologra: High12:38
persia[action] lool to follow up with NCommander to further extend the roadmap12:39
MootBotACTION received:  lool to follow up with NCommander to further extend the roadmap12:39
loolpersia: Thanks; I'm done12:39
persia[topic] Any Other Business12:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business12:39
loolactually I didn't update my specs?12:39
davidmMOstly from me is meetings, there may be more ARM hardware soonish, will know by feature freezed12:39
loolA couple were deprecated, but here are my updates:12:39
loolmid-display-manager: No update12:40
loollpia-versus-i386: Some progress; plan is clear now; need to catch infinity to implement changes before jaunty+112:40
davidmI'm just back from sprinting12:40
loolrecovery-partition: No update12:40
loollpia-versus-i386 saw progress over the sprint thanks to Colin and Matthias12:40
persialool, All those were obsolete or superseded, from my quick look.  Did I miss something?12:40
loolpersia: I think lpia is still on track12:40
ogradavidm, is there any more HW among that that might add FF exceptions ?12:40
davidmNope, I can't see anyone else making it in, in time.12:40
ogra(if you only know by FF ... sounds worrying)12:40
persialool, Oh, sorry.  I usually consider Approved/Informational to be complete.12:41
loolpersia: Yeah well this one is weird12:41
loolpersia: suggestions to fix it welcome12:41
davidmThe problem is that OEM and others within the company need them to make it but ack that they must at least meet FF12:41
loolThe actions would now be on infinity's side12:41
persiaMaybe remove the informational flag?12:41
persiaGenerally "Informational" specs don't require implementation.12:42
loolpersia: Changed to needs infrastructure12:42
persiaRight.  Needs an assignee as well, if something is to be done.12:42
loolOh actually I have one more thing12:42
loolI had to check whether a bug was fixed on my jax10 for the kernel team12:42
loolBut I don't have it anymore12:42
davidmSomeone with a JAX10 will need to pick up this testing12:43
ograthe jax or the bug ?12:43
persiaWhat's the bug number?12:43
davidmogra, the JAX12:43
loolI'm afraid I need help from someone with a jax10; basically the goal is to check two things: a) whether jaunty kernels for i386 and lpia properly see 2 SSD drives of 2GB on the jax10 and b) whether UDMA 5 is selected on boot (just attach dmesg to the boot)12:43
loolBug 28066912:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280669 in linux "Doesn't detect second part of SSD drive on jax10" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28066912:44
persia[topic] bug #28066912:44
MootBotNew Topic:  bug #28066912:44
loolIf the UDMA5 isn't selected, you want to test the linux-lpia in apw's PPA (as noted in the bug)12:44
persiaWho volunteers to verify?12:44
davidmWho has jax10's right now?12:45
davidmI don't12:45
StevenKI do12:45
* ogra but is already drowning ... i'D really prefer to not do additional pre FF tasks12:45
loologra and ncommander as well I think12:45
loologra: it's less urgent12:46
loolI guess I can ask NCommander12:46
davidmStevenK, can you flash image and test?12:46
ograah, cool12:46
davidmOr NCommander12:46
loolpersia: Action me to tell ncommander to look into this12:46
davidmogra, you have a lot on your plate now12:46
persia[action] NCommander to test fix for 28069912:46
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to test fix for 28069912:46
loolAs he's not around and I don't want him to discover he's an assignee overnight :)12:46
persia[action] lool to remind NCommander of previous action12:46
MootBotACTION received:  lool to remind NCommander of previous action12:46
StevenKdavidm: My Jax is already running alpha-4, it saw it at least12:46
ogradavidm, and the nslu isnt really making it easier ... one install takes 8h !12:47
loolAny other business?12:47
davidmogra, ouch12:47
ogra(thats for a minimal commandline system)12:47
davidmlool, yes12:47
davidmWe need to finish spec definition several are still in drafting12:48
davidmreally need to finish that phase12:48
persia[topic] Finish specs definition12:48
MootBotNew Topic:  Finish specs definition12:48
looldavidm: Do you have a list of specs?12:48
loolI think we should subscribe ubuntu-mobile to all specs if that's not the case to have a good list of specs on bp.lp.net/~u-m12:48
ograwhich ones are still drafting ?12:48
* ogra is sure his paperwork is done 12:49
persiaI just got the list.  Actioning those that need drafting12:49
persia[action] persia to finish drafting arm-library-optimisation12:49
MootBotACTION received:  persia to finish drafting arm-library-optimisation12:49
davidmpoulsbo-packaging ARM Softboot Loader ARM library optimization  mobile spec cleanup12:49
ograarm-softboot-loader is deferred, no ?12:49
persia[action] persia to finish drafting poulsbo-packaging12:49
MootBotACTION received:  persia to finish drafting poulsbo-packaging12:49
persia[action] NCommander to finish drafting arm-softboot-loader12:50
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to finish drafting arm-softboot-loader12:50
loolmobile spec cleanup needs to be cleaned up: too many level of recursion12:50
ograit needs new research12:50
persiaogra, No, blocked.12:50
davidmogra, the spec should be finished as it might suddenly get undefered12:50
ograit isnt researched properly yet12:50
persiaThat's what Drafting (Needs Guidance) means :)12:50
ograthere are a ton of existing implementations that werent taken into account12:50
davidmpersia, yes you are correct it's blocked but might become unblocked12:50
loolpersia: We already have an action earlier on StevenK for poulsbo-packaging; who is it who will complete it: you or StevenK ?12:50
StevenKpersia said he would12:51
persialool, StevenK does it, and I write down what he's doing.12:51
loolErf ok, whatever works for you two :)12:51
persiaOK.  Anything else for this topic?12:52
persia[topic] Any Other Business12:52
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business12:52
loolI'm happy12:53
persiaSeems like we covered it all then.  Ending the meeting.12:53
* ogra is happy that lool is happy :)12:53
MootBotMeeting finished at 06:53.12:54
ograhaappyness for everyone !12:54
persiaAs a reminder, actions and minutes from the meeting will shortly appear on the agenda page: be sure to check to make sure you didn't miss anything.12:54
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slangasekogra: "on that" - I'm not doing anything with eeepc hotkeys besides ripping out redundant code from acpi-support; I thought I've seen some bug reports that there's an asus acpi kernel driver needed?15:51
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ograslangasek, well, all apart from sleep seems to work16:42
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* ogra grins at popey ... "desktop furniture" heh22:09
popeyogra: in britain street lights are called "street furniture" by the local council.. "desktop furniture" seemed appropriate22:12
ograheh, funny, i aways thought that only applies to houses and flats22:13
popeyyeah, odd22:13
popeyi had a car accident once and knocked over a lamppost, council billed me for "reconstruction of street furniture", I had to call them to ask what it was!22:13
ograenglish is a funny language ...22:14

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