
postalchris1Anybody free to look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=cvc3 ?01:13
ScottKpostalchris1: You've got a typo in debian/copyright.  There's an incorrect GPL reference at the end.01:20
maxbpostalchris1: I haven't managed to do a full re-review, but I still disagree with the weird version clause that I comment on01:21
maxbI don't think it accomplishes what it claims to01:21
postalchris1maxb: That's is possible01:21
postalchris1maxb: I failed to Google the source of the, because "(<< ${binary:Version}.1~)" looks like it has search operators in it, and I don't know how to escape them.01:23
ScottKpostalchris1: Are you in contact with upstream for this package?01:24
postalchris1ScottK: Good catch. Looking up the proper boilerplate now...01:24
postalchris1ScottK: Upstream is my academic advisor. So yes.01:24
ScottKpostalchris1: The license is technically Free by our terms, but I would not recommend this go in the Ubuntu archive with the current license.  Others may have a different view.01:25
ScottKThe requirement to get permission to modify or rename is technically acceptable, but very difficult to deal with.01:25
ScottKConsider what happens if someone discovers a security issue and he is on vacation?01:26
maxbThe packaging of a CVS snapshot from a CVS repository that is not publically accessible also is.... remarkable01:26
ScottKpostalchris1: I would ask you to encourage him to use a less restrictive license.01:26
ScottKThat's another interesting issue.01:27
ScottKIt's not a legal problem though.01:27
postalchris1ScottK: We're working on relicensing, but who knows when it will go through...01:28
ScottKWith the current license I don't think the package is maintainable.01:28
postalchris1maxb: You know what? I'm dumb. We publish daily snapshots at http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~barrett/cvc3-latest/01:29
ScottKcorrection:  With the current license and name it's not maintainable.01:29
ScottKpostalchris1: Basically if you're Firefox you can, just barely, get away with must have permission to modify without renaming as it's technically DFSG Free, but it's sufficiently onerous that I don't think we want to deal with it.01:33
postalchris1ScottK: That makes sense. It's unfortunate. We have the intention to relicense *and* the firm assurance of all parties involved that Clause 3 wouldn't be invoked in the case of routine maintenance.01:36
ScottKpostalchris1: Could they publish some kind of addendum or exception and add it to the source tree?01:38
postalchris1ScottK: Not sure what you mean.01:38
ScottKIf there was something in the upstream source that said 'normal maintenance is ok', perhaps we could call that good enough.01:39
postalchris1ScottK: I'm sure I could swing that. Seems pretty weak, legally, though.01:40
ScottKpostalchris1: My thought is if that 'firm assurance' could be reduced to writing in the tarball, then maybe it's good enough.01:41
ScottKThe thing is it's DFSG Free and legal for the archive as it is, just very uncomfortable.01:41
ScottKSo I'm trying to reduce that uncomfort.01:41
postalchris1ScottK: Cool. I'll look into it.01:44
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dholbachgood morning07:13
iulianMorning dholbach.07:17
dholbachhi iulian07:18
quadrisprohi guys07:39
didrocksgood morning o/07:49
dholbachhey di07:49
dholbachdidrocks :)07:49
didrocksHi dholbach :)07:49
gesergood morning08:49
mok0morning geser08:52
pochuwould a kde3->kde4 port be considered bugfix or new feature (in terms of FF)?09:17
pochupackage is minirok09:17
geserI'd consider it as both: bugfix and new feature (but I'm not from ~motu-release so you can ignore me :)09:28
dolanorI have a question about encoding09:53
dolanorI've got a tar.gz with every file in it in iso-8859-15 encoding ... With french accent éèàâ, etc09:54
dolanordoes it cause a problem ? May I "patch" the source to get everything in utf8 with iconv ?09:55
liwit shouldn't cause a problem, but you could still talk upstream into converting to utf809:55
dolanorbecause i have added some manpages totally in utf8... the fact that some files are in utf8 and others in iso-8859-15 doesn't cause any problem too ?09:56
liwas long as your editor can deal with it, it should be fine09:57
dolanorliw: btw, is there a utility to give encoding of a text file ?10:38
gesertry file10:39
liwdolanor, not fully reliably; moreutils has isutf8 to see if it is syntactically valid utf8, file makes some guesses, but on the whole, you have to look at the file in various encodings and decide which is most likely10:43
mok0I just had to clean up a major mess caused by schroot's use of logical lvm volumes.  Anyone else has experiences with that?10:45
quadrisprohi mok0, I've followed your suggestions -> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/mandvd10:55
quadrisproI've uploaded the package now10:57
mok0quadrispro: good11:09
mok0quadrispro: I need to test-drive my sbuilder after messing with the lvm's, might as well use mandvd as an example11:11
quadrisprook ;)11:12
mok0yay it works11:12
quadrisproyeah :)11:13
Laneymok0: If you want jeuclid in Ubuntu you better upload it yourself - it might not get into Debian in time. (I think it was you that wanted it)11:16
mok0Laney: we still have a week :-P11:16
LaneyI dunno, it's cutting it fine11:16
mok0Too close for comfort, huh?11:16
Laneybut it might start moving after lenny releases11:16
Laneyup to you11:17
ScottKmok0: I've got the package that's #2 in the Debian New queue among the packages not obviously on long term hold and it's been there for at least a couple of weeks.  With a release is two days, I seriously doubt New is going to be on ftp-masters TODO before our FF.11:21
mok0ScottK, you're probably right11:21
mok0I'll take a look at jeuclid then. Laney, have you tried building it?11:21
ScottKWorst case is there's an additional sync, which is not a big deal.11:22
Laneymok0: No, I'm not interested in it. I just thought you were so I let you know11:22
mok0ScottK, can we ask the archive admins to sync from the NEW queue?11:22
Laneyno, it's opaque11:22
ScottKNo.  New isn't publically accessible.11:22
LaneyYou can't get at the files11:22
ScottKTheir theory is they don't know if it's distributable until after it's reviewed.11:23
ScottKSo they want to make sure it isn't being distributed.11:23
mok0uhm, I seem to remember it was in a ppa somewhere11:23
LaneyIt's maintained by debian science team, so they probably have it in svn11:24
ScottKGenerally one can fish the packaging out of a VCS somewhere or worst case mail the maintainer and construct and equivalent package.11:24
ScottKmok0 probably even knows where that one is.11:24
mok0So, I should probably send it to revu11:24
mok0Yes I think so11:24
ScottKIf you upload it in your name it's not strictly required.11:25
ScottKLast I checked anyway ....11:25
Laneymok0: Do your own review, and take the DD uploading as the other one11:25
slytherinKoon: did you pickup libjcip-annotations-java directly frmo new queue?11:25
Laneyunless you want to seek further input11:25
mok0Laney: It's java right?11:26
mok0I don't know much about java11:26
directhexLaney, RAOF went into hiding without sorting sublib :(11:27
Laneywait until tomorrow (hopefully)11:27
Laneyor else sebner should be around11:28
quadrispromok0: if you would see the buildlog -> http://home.alessiotreglia.com/jaunty/result/mandvd_2.5-4-0ubuntu1/mandvd_2.5-4-0ubuntu1.buildlog11:30
mok0quadrispro: thx11:30
mok0quadrispro: you should document in debian/changelog that you have authored a manpage11:32
mok0I know there's some confusion about this so I write it here11:32
quadrispromok0: ah ok, I'm workin on it now11:33
mok0Also .desktop file11:33
mok0Anything that is user visible in the package, that you add, should be documented in debian/changelog11:33
quadrisproso, manpage and .desktop files...11:34
mok0quadrispro: :-) yes11:34
mok0I am rehashing it in the channel in the hope that the misunderstanding can go away11:35
mok0It'a policy §4.411:36
quadrispromok0: upstream provides a .desktop file, but it needs to be fixed. What solution could be better? Add a new .desktop or fix that shipped with the original tarball?11:36
mok0quadrispro: err, well, since there's no patch system used in the package, it's perhaps a bit much just to fix a .desktop entry11:37
mok0quadrispro: When the new source package format comes into use, there's an implicit patch system, that will help a lot11:38
quadrispromok0: yeah, I think it's not good introduce a patch system only for a .desktop file, then I will fix mandvd.desktop11:39
mok0quadrispro: ok, perhaps send the corrected file upstream11:40
quadrisproof course11:40
mok0ScottK, I'll make you a sweet deal: if you review some of my advocated packages in revu, I'll review/upload the plasma_widget ones B-)11:41
* ScottK looks11:42
mok0ScottK, there are two libraries that have dependents stuck in the pipeline11:43
ScottKmok0: OK, but it may be Saturday before I have time.11:43
mok0ScottK, NP11:43
mok0Has anyone looked at my mock-up revu site?11:44
quadrispromok0: new package uploaded to REVU11:46
mok0quadrispro: super11:46
quadrispromok0: don't hate me :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/nfoview11:53
* mok0 is confused... is it REVU day :-P11:53
ScottKShould start in about 6 minutes, right?11:54
quadrispromok0: that package is very simple, and I think it's ready really11:56
* mok0 is looking11:56
mok0Hm, never heard of nfo format before now11:57
mok0quadrispro: tsk tsk not lintian clean11:58
* quadrispro nooooo11:59
quadrisproit's true :(11:59
quadrisproworking on it11:59
mok0don't upload yet there might be more12:00
quadrispromok0: all the fans of emule/bittorent services know well .NFO files :)12:00
quadrispromok0: ok12:00
mok0Ah, perhaps my son knows about it12:01
quadrispromaybe :)12:01
quadrispromok0: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.nfo12:01
mok0quadrispro: I'm gonna use that for my next personal homepage :-)12:02
mok0quadrispro: the "retro" look12:03
quadrisproyeah, it's very "cool" :D12:03
* mok0 wonders why the .desktop "Encoding" statement is deprecated...12:06
mok0Seems rather sensible /me thinks12:06
mok0quadrispro: for you next package, use this:  http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat12:07
quadrisproah good12:08
mok0quadrispro:  Take a look at http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/g/git-cola/current/copyright for an example.12:08
quadrispromok0: I could try to apply now that format12:11
quadrispro* template12:12
mok0quadrispro: just curious, why didn't you choose a cdbs rules file?12:12
mok0quadrispro: great12:12
quadrispromok0: mmm I don't know why, I prefer to use setup.py...12:12
mok0quadrispro: so does cdbs12:13
quadrisproin fact12:13
quadrisprook, i'll use cdbs and apply that template :)12:13
mok0quadrispro: http://pastebin.com/f64a2d3ca12:14
mok0quadrispro: ... and you don't need to tussle with reviewers about debian/rules :-)12:15
quadrisprolol :)12:15
mok0quadrispro: your rules file was fine though, no problems12:16
quadrispromok0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117226/12:21
mok0quadrispro: yes, but remember the format is like debian/control. You need " ." to specify a line-break12:22
mok0quadrispro: (at lines 13 and 18)12:22
mok0quadrispro: that makes it RFC822 format, and it can be read by the standard tools12:23
quadrisproah ok12:23
mok0quadrispro: so, perhaps someone will write a nice "copyright-viewer"12:23
quadrispromok0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117228/12:24
mok0quadrispro: TBH, I am unsure if it is correct12:25
mok0quadrispro: AFAIC, the text will only be wrapped correctly if it starts in column 212:25
quadrisproyou're right12:26
mok0quadrispro: ... and if it is indented 2 spaces or more, it will not be wrapped12:26
mok0I am?12:26
quadrisproI'm doing a lot things at the same time12:26
mok0OK, I am going to lunch, see you later12:27
quadrispro;) bye12:27
Koonslytherin: I had to merge it to fix a default-jdk/gcj mismatch. It's published now. libjboss-cache2-java can now build too.12:28
quadrispromok0: I've uploaded nfoview to REVU, I didn't change copyright/rules because a lot of lintian warnings12:39
quadrisprosee you later, I'm going to lunch12:39
slytherinKoon: I had seen that problem. I was planning to log bug in Debian.12:45
Koonslytherin: I'll push it back there. Though I'm not sure they are affected by it12:45
slytherinKoon: They are not. But the problem in my opinion is that when you specify default-jdk as build dep you should use default-java as java_home12:46
Koonslytherin: definitely.12:46
Koonnote that for libhibernate3-java I'll fix it the other way around. Doesn't build with openJDK so it requires gcj ;)12:47
Koonslytherin: bug 328391 if you want to follow that story12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328391 in libhibernate3-java "Please merge libhibernate3-java 3.3.1.GA+dak1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32839112:47
slytherinKoon: right.12:47
Kooni'll push that one as soon as libjboss-cache2-java clears binary NEW12:48
slytherinKoon: meanwhile if you are not too busy, can you please file movetouniverse bugs for remaining jboss/hibernate related packages?12:49
Koonslytherin: will do if I can enjoy some free time. Unfortunately it's been 10 days that I rush, not sure I can do that before FF12:50
slytherinKoon: Ok. If you don't do it by weekend I will take care of it.12:51
geserslytherin, Koon: for moving libhibernate3-java to universe see also my last comment in bug 25231812:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252318 in ehcache "Please move to multiverse" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25231812:56
geser(yes, the bug should be retitled)12:56
slytheringeser: and also we should add 'also affects' for oscache, libhibernate3-java12:56
Koongeser: interesting. I missed that. Thx !12:57
dolanorI've reuploaded new version of hexdiff, a tool to visualize the hexadecimal differences between 2 files (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=hexdiff). If it could get some REVU before the 19th :p13:06
mok0quadrispro: lazy huh? ;-)13:18
mok0quadrispro: I don't like the way you are fixing the .desktop entry13:22
quadrispromok0: I've uploaded new version (using cdbs)13:27
mok0quadrispro: you need to put some dependencies in control, did you do that?13:28
quadrisproit needs python-gtk2 and python-glade213:29
mok0dh_desktop -pnfoview13:29
mok0quadrispro: huh?13:29
mok0you need to depend on cdbs and python13:29
quadrispromok0: eh, the package build-depends on cdbs and python...13:30
quadrispromok0: dh_desktop is necessary, otherwise it doesn't update the MIME cache13:30
mok0quadrispro: right, so you can add a rule binary-install/nfoview:: that calls it13:31
mok0quadrispro: http://pastebin.com/f7e14efad13:32
quadrisprodputting to revu13:32
mok0quadrispro: and in copyright, after the GPL license text, add the following:13:32
mok0X-Comment: On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU13:33
mok0 General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-313:33
mok02 lines13:33
quadrisprothere's "On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General\nPublic License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.13:33
quadrisproisn't it right?13:33
mok0yes. there is?13:33
quadrispromok0: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/nfoview-0902121433/nfoview-1.2.1/debian/rules13:34
quadrisproand http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/nfoview-0902121433/nfoview-1.2.1/debian/copyright13:34
mok0quadrispro: I was talking about the other copyright file you made13:34
quadrisproah ok ok13:35
quadrispromok0: but I've tried to make the copyright file according with that new template, but lintian gaves me a lot of warnings :(13:35
mok0quadrispro:  ^13:35
quadrisprogave *13:35
mok0quadrispro: I just tried building with the above file, it gives no warnings13:36
quadrisprooh ok :) thanks13:36
mok0quadrispro: I was wondering about your message before lunch13:36
mok0quadrispro: so I tried it13:36
sorenquadrispro: The call to dh_desktop is there automatically if you include the gnome cdbs class.13:37
quadrisproah good13:37
mok0soren: yeah but we're not building a gnome app, so why add the builddepens?13:37
sorenAh, sorry, I thought it was a gnome-ish thing. What's it for, then?13:38
mok0soren: just a python program13:38
mok0soren: with a python-gtk2 gui13:39
sorenmok0: the gnome class is in cdbs itself.13:39
mok0soren: ah, ok13:39
mok0soren: I stand corrected and humble13:39
quadrisproI've started to build with calling gnome class13:42
quadrispromok0: uploading to REVU again13:42
quadrispromok0: done13:43
quadrisprosoren: thanks!13:43
mok0quadrispro: is it there already?13:43
quadrisproeh, no13:44
quadrispromok0: REVU's showing it13:45
mok0quadrispro: k13:45
mok0quadrispro: FAILED [dpkg-buildpackage died]13:49
mok0quadrispro: can't explain that, but the gnome think pulls in some autoconf checks that I think you don't want13:50
mok0quadrispro: let me go back to your penultimate upload13:51
mok0quadrispro: your upload from 12 Feb 2009 14:39 builds perfectly13:53
quadrispromok0: ok, is it necessary anohter upload?13:54
mok0quadrispro: unfortunately, yes13:54
mok0quadrispro: you should not have listened to soren ;-)13:54
quadrispropreparing another upload.... uff! :)13:55
sorenmok0: build log?13:55
quadrisprosoren: http://home.alessiotreglia.com/jaunty/result/nfoview_1.2.1-0ubuntu1/nfoview_1.2.1-0ubuntu1.buildlog13:55
mok0soren: I can pastebin some of it13:55
soren...from the failed build.13:55
quadrisproah sorry :D13:56
mok0soren http://pastebin.com/f729544d13:57
mok0soren: it wants to do some autotools fun13:57
sorenwhere's the configure script?13:57
mok0soren: there isn't any13:57
mok0soren: It probably assumes there is one because it thinks its a gnome project13:58
mok0soren: in any case, the extra binary-install:: rule works perfectly :-)13:59
mok0In fact the dh_desktop thing is the subject of a flamewar on a bug in BTS14:00
mok0ubottu, can you please give me a BTS link?14:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:01
mok0ubottu: oh, I forgot14:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oh, I forgot14:02
quadrispromok0: uploaded14:02
mok0quadrispro: +114:05
quadrisprothank you mok014:05
dolanorI've reuploaded new version of hexdiff, a tool to visualize the hexadecimal differences between 2 files (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=hexdiff). If it could get some REVU before the 19th :p14:05
mok0quadrispro: now go fix some bugs14:05
quadrisproyes :D14:06
mok0No more new package from you  ;-)14:06
quadrisprook ok. I will work hard only on bugufixes :)14:07
mok0dolanor: I'll give it to you straight: there is no COPYING file giving us the permission to distribute the source tree. Without it, we can't distribute :-(14:08
mok0dolanor: :'( rather14:08
mok0dolanor: can you contact upstream?14:10
dolanormok0: i'm in direct contact with him ^^14:15
mok0dolanor: cool14:15
dolanormok0: I'll do the patch myself and give it to him14:15
mok0dolanor: errrr, ok, but you can't patch a license file into Ubunut14:16
dolanormok0: He hasn't time to reupload the new version, but when I'll harrass him to upload the new version on his site, I think he can take time for this :)14:16
mok0dolanor: good14:16
dolanorno no, I take the orig.tar.gz, increment the version, add a COPYING, and base my ubuntu package on it :)14:17
dolanorand mail the new tar.gz to upstream14:17
dolanorI always ask him first14:17
mok0dolanor: sounds reasonable :-)14:17
dolanorso a COPYING file is missing in the root oif the archive ?14:18
dolanoris there any COPYING sample for a really simple source package ? :)14:18
mok0dolanor: if you look in the file fileinfo.c, there's a URL to the license text14:28
mok0 http://sam.zoy.org/projects/COPYING.WTFPL14:29
mok0dolanor: ... so you need to change debian/copyright accordingly14:29
mok0I guess WTFPL is DFSG compliant14:30
mok0Hi RainCT, how did your exam go?14:50
dolanormok0: do I put COPYING into the debian/doc ?14:52
mok0dolanor: no, it will be installed automatically when dh_installdocs is called14:52
mok0dolanor: as long as it's called COPYING14:53
dolanormok0: and, for the debian/copyright, Do i have to put that the packaging is under GPL ?14:57
pmjdebruijnprobably yes14:57
mok0dolanor: it's up to you14:57
mok0dolanor: either that or the same license as the software14:58
dolanormok0: So I must precise it in the copyright : upstream is wtfpl and packaging is gpl ?15:00
dolanorwith copy of each license in it15:00
mok0dolanor: yes, if you use the new copyright format, you just need a section for Files: debian/* with your license details15:01
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bddebianHeya gang15:06
dolanormok0: didn't find the new copyright format, do you have any links ?15:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about copyright15:10
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
dolanorthank you, modifying the stuff :) I didn't see your remarks on revu :o15:14
mok0dolanor: ah :-)15:14
mok0dolanor: I always put them there even when doing IRC reviews15:15
slytherinslomo: is there any plan to sync/merge libdvdread/libdvdnav from Debian experimental?15:15
mok0dolanor: you don't have fixes for all of my comments15:18
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
slytherindoes anyone know what speeds up the boot time, is it building most of the things as modules or building everything 'build-in'?15:22
mok0slytherin: I don't think it makes a lot of difference15:22
mok0slytherin: most of the boot time is starting services15:23
mok0slytherin: ... and the fact they are started serially15:23
slytherinmok0: I have built a custom kernel. And now I plan to tweak it to remove unnecessary parts.15:24
mok0slytherin: I've tried that several times. Never could get it to work right :-P15:24
mok0slytherin: now I just use ubuntus generic kernel15:25
slytherinmok0: what problems did you face?15:27
mok0slytherin: ah, can't remember, it was several years ago15:27
mok0slytherin: kernel panic was one of them15:27
superm1jdong, siretart wgrant_ can one of you merge  lp:~andreas-wenning/vlc/ubuntu into ~motumedia/vlc/ubuntu?  I was going to upload andreas merge (builds fine and solves the bug), but then i realized i cant merge into ~motumedia (What's that team for, shouldn't ubuntu-dev own it?)15:29
geserslytherin: last time I did my own kernels (all needed modules built-in), I had to either still use an initramfs (because of the UUIDs) or use the /dev/sdXY in the grub menu15:34
slytheringeser: I have just started to play with it, so can't really say I understand all the things involved. Anyway, will do the experimenting at home now.15:35
superm1dtchen, too about vlc^15:38
geserslytherin: I used to build my own kernels in the past. The only real benefit was a smaller kernel deb. And you need keep track of kernel updates yourself.15:38
dolanormok0: I'm not sure about which keys to press to get a minus instead of hyphen ...15:40
mok0dolanor: just press - on your keyboard, but prefix it with backslash in the file, like so: \-v15:40
mok0dolanor: it's because in nroff, - means hyphen and \- means minus15:41
mok0dolanor: when typeset on the screen, you can't tell the difference, but when rendered for a printing device, you can15:42
dolanormok0: ok, thanks :)15:43
henrik-hw0does feature-freeze apply to packages in the advocation queue?15:47
ScottKIt has to be uploaded to Ubuntu by Feature Freeze.15:47
mok0Where can I find the script that does the merging on DaD?16:04
dolanormok0: the Copyright review seems very cool :) I hope it will facilitate the revuing :)16:06
iulianmok0: http://dad.dunnewind.net/grab-merge.sh?16:07
mok0iulian: errhm not that, the script that generates what grab-merge fetches16:07
Laneymok0: launchpad.net/dad16:07
mok0Laney: hah, but of course! Thanks!16:07
* mok0 kicks self16:08
Laneylooks like a massive bash script16:08
* Laney dies /o\16:08
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chrismurfWould a MOTU mind reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pyproj?  It's a python wrapper for PROJ.4 (a map projections library).  I've already corrected some initial problems found by fabrice_sp__.16:20
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siretartsuperm1: you're right, that branch should probably be in ~ubuntu-dev. feel free to push the merge there!17:01
mok0chrismurf: pyproj reviewed...17:03
chrismurfmok0, thank you17:03
mok0chrismurf: you're welcome :-)17:03
chrismurfthe debian/watch I basically copied17:04
chrismurfIs there actual documentation on that someplace?17:04
chrismurfa manpage or anything?17:04
mok0chrismurf: intersting...17:04
chrismurfgoogle is frustratingly useless17:04
mok0man uscan17:04
chrismurfah - thank you17:04
mok0chrismurf: oh, yes, google for watch :-)17:04
chrismurfah!  wonderful17:04
mok0chrismurf: the man page has bad practice in the examples, though17:05
chrismurflol - fantastic17:05
mok0chrismurf: it mentions (.*) which can give problems17:05
mok0chrismurf: it's better to do what you are doing17:05
mok0chrismurf: then you make sure it is fetching a revision number like 1.2.317:06
chrismurfmakes sense17:07
mok0chrismurf: anyway I'll keep an eye on pyproj and +1 it17:08
chrismurfthanks - making those changes now17:08
chrismurfone more random question -- how do I setup gpg/debuild to use the correct signing key by default?  I have to specify -k* each time17:10
chrismurfmok0, you suggest replacing pyversions with XS-Python-Version, but python-distutils says that XS-Python-Version is deprecated and suggests doing the opposite?17:11
mok0chrismurf: you have a url for that?17:12
chrismurfwell, it throws a warning on compile17:12
chrismurfand reading : http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy17:12
chrismurf"For that you should create debian/pyversions" under Using python-support17:12
chrismurfmight be something they've gone back and forth on17:13
mok0I can't see that in the debianpython document?17:14
mok0The addition of the XS-Python-Version/XB-Python-Version fields is required.17:15
chrismurf#3 under "Using python-support"17:15
mok0The addition of the XS-Python-Version/XB-Python-Version fields is appreciated.17:15
DktrKranzchrismurf: to avoid -k, edit /etc/devscripts.conf,  DEBSIGN_KEYID17:15
chrismurfDktrKranz, thanks17:15
chrismurfmok0, interesting17:15
chrismurfand confusing17:16
mok0chrismurf: appreciated != deprecated17:16
chrismurfin the top section, under "Using python-support"17:16
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chrismurfnot the notes for packaging with private modules17:16
chrismurfI see where you're pulling from further down too though17:17
chrismurfwhich is confusing17:17
DktrKranzchrismurf: you're welcome17:17
chrismurfbut then when I compile, python-distutils issues the following: http://pastebin.ca/133495517:17
* mok0 looks17:18
mok0pysupport... hm17:18
mok0chrismurf: pysupport is deprecated :-)17:19
chrismurfhaha - I thought pysupport >> pycentral, n'est pas?17:19
jcfpchrismurf: iirc, python-support uses debian/pyversions, and if that's missing falls back to XS-...; that other python helper uses only the XS-Python-Version thing.17:19
chrismurfjcfp, thanks - good to know17:19
mok0jcfp: yes that's right17:19
chrismurfis pycentral a better way to go for the future/17:19
mok0chrismurf: I've heard people say so17:20
chrismurffair enough - I'll bear that in mind next time17:20
chrismurffor now -- include both and ignore the warning?  Include just one?17:20
mok0chrismurf: but both work and are supported17:21
mok0chrismurf: hm, it seems what you've done is legal for pysupport...17:21
chrismurffair enough - thanks for the education though17:22
mok0chrismurf: I like it better when you can see stuff like that in debian/control, instead of having to browser any number of files to get that info17:22
dolanormok0: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/hexdiff17:23
chrismurfmok0 That makes sense; should I just do both?  Having the info in two places doesn't seem great either17:23
dolanorI think it may be good17:23
mok0chrismurf: no it will get out of sync17:23
dolanorMy lintian is oldish ... I'm developing from my server on 8/0417:23
mok0dolanor: don't worry, my lintian is brand new :-)17:24
chrismurfmok0, alright- I'll probably leave it as is then, and chock that up as a -1 for pysupport17:24
mok0chrismurf: alright17:24
mok0dolanor: "changed the watch file to work" :-)17:25
RainCT(lintian on REVU is also the latest version)17:25
mok0RainCT: yes, but unfortunately it only checks the source package17:25
ScottKdolanor: Newer lintian (along with other updated tools) can be found in hardy-backports if you haven't checked.17:26
dolanorScottK: ok, but I think i'll use the base.tar.gz from pbuilder and chroot into it. I don't wanna backports version on my public server ;)17:28
chrismurfmok0, updated17:28
dolanormok0: yes, because, right now, only a hexdiff.tar.gz exists. but upstream will upload my new version with hexdiff-x.y.z.tar.gz17:29
ScottKdolanor: Just selectively update from -backports, don't accept everything.17:29
mok0Hm, I wonder if there's a policy against foul language in licenses....17:33
mok0dolanor: wrt to the new copyright format, it is exactly the same as for debian/control. The long passage of the licenses should be indented 1 space, and with ' .' representing empty lines17:34
dolanorScottK: I have to use pin in apt, no ? Or do you have a command-line to safe-upgrade without using backports?17:34
mok0dolanor: just download the lintian .deb and install it17:35
ScottKThat'll work.17:35
ScottKMore generally, I add the repo to sources.list, apt-get update. apt-get upgrade (but say no when asked to confirm) and then pick the list of packages I want, apt-get install the list, then then comment it out in sources.list.17:36
ScottKFor just lintian, grab the .deb as mok0 says.17:36
mok0ScottK, that kind of defeats the whole purpose of apt, don't you think?17:37
ScottKmok0: Hopefully we have a change for Jaunty that'll make it safe to leave enabled.17:38
mok0Hm, I haven't met any problems with backports yet17:38
ScottKI haven't in some time.17:39
ScottKI find on servers it's quite safe as I'm generally the only one approving serverish backports and I'm careful.17:39
ScottKWe went through a period where some archive admins felt they could just backport at will without going through the backports team and some stuff did get broken.17:40
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dolanormok0: updated :)17:50
mok0dolanor: ah, but I have more comments :-)17:50
dolanordamn, missed them ^^17:51
dolanorI 'll look at it17:51
mok0dolanor: still working on them17:51
dolanormok0: ok, then i'll come back home :)17:51
mok0dolanor: ok comments are there, take a look17:55
geniiHi. Trying to compile arora (webkit/qt based web browser. debian/control states maintainer is ubuntu-motu. Getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117356/17:55
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slomoslytherin: no idea17:56
slytheringenii: how are you compiling the package?18:00
geniislytherin: The git pull provides a builddeb.sh file, contents of which are this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117359/18:02
ScottKgenii: That just means you tried to sign the package.  If you need to sign the package use -k to tell it what key to use, if not, use -us -uc so stuff doesn't get signed.18:02
ScottKgenii: Then you aren't trying to compile something that we are the maintainer of.18:03
ScottKNothing maintained by this group is on github.18:03
geniiScottK: dpkg-buildpackage -D -b -uc -us         seems to be the flags18:04
geniiSorry, slytherin ^18:04
geniiScottK: Interesting. I wonder why the control file lists here as maintainers.18:04
ScottKThat's what you would want, but really you should ask someone on github for help if that's where it's coming from.18:05
ScottKgenii: Probably someone took an Ubuntu package, put it on github, and modified it.18:05
ScottKWe can't control that, but it's really nothing to do with us.18:05
geniiScottK: Do you know if there is a freenode github channel? I'll go bother them there if so :)18:08
ScottKNo idea.  Sorry.18:08
geniiOK, thanks18:08
ScottKgenii: Why not try with the actual Ubuntu package?18:08
slytherindoes anyone have any idea what is this file urlclassifier3.sqlite in firefox profile?18:08
ScottKslytherin: I'd suggest #ubuntu-mozillateam.18:09
geniiScottK: There seems no package for it yet that I can find18:09
ScottKgenii: What package?18:09
geniiScottK: arora ...it's a qt based web browser. http://arora-browser.org/ is the homepage if more info is needed18:10
ScottKRight, you said that.18:11
ScottKgenii: Exists in Intrepid and Jaunty: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/arora18:12
ScottKgenii: If you are interested in getting it on Hardy, we have a backports process.18:12
ScottK!backports > genii18:12
ubottugenii, please see my private message18:12
geniiScottK: Ah, OK, explains why this 8.04 box can't find it :) . I'll try build from 8.10 sources or so18:13
geniiScottK: Thanks again.18:14
surfazAnybody could look this?18:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 328321 in amule "amule_2.2.3-1ubuntu1 that fixes (LP: #214100) and (LP: #89672) bugs" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:17
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Vest84Hello guys. would a MOTU be so kind as to review my project? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gnome-quod m? please...18:46
* mok0 looks18:49
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Vest84o-o-o... thanks in forward18:50
dolanormok0: I think i've corrected every things you've commented. To correct the lintian, I preferred correcting in the upstream version and create a new upstream version ;)19:15
mok0dolanor: ah ok, well I guess you are upstreams proxy19:16
mok0dolanor: will take a look later19:16
mok0Q: What is the best thing about reviewing?19:19
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mok0A: You get to type "less rules" a lot of times :-P19:24
tgm4883Come one, come all, step right up and Revu http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/mythnettv19:24
mok0tgm4883: what is it?19:24
tgm4883it's a program for mythtv that downloads online shows from places like revision 3 and puts them in your recording list19:25
mok0tgm4883: you in contact with anyone from Ubuntu Studio?19:25
tgm4883should I be?19:26
tgm4883This is more of a mythbuntu type app19:26
mok0tgm4883: or mythbuntu... they might be interested in an app like that19:26
tgm4883ah yea, i'm a mythbuntu dev.19:26
mok0tgm4883: I can review the packaging19:26
tgm4883superm1 was suppose to revu this a few days ago, but we overwork him ;)19:27
mok0tgm4883: ah ok19:27
tgm4883i've corrected all the lintian warnings, you may want to take a look at the debian/watch file as I wasn't entirely sure how to handle that but believe it to be ok19:28
mok0tgm4883: ok wil ldo19:28
superm1tgm4883, yeah yeah.  okay how about now i've finally got all the other stuff in order for mythbuntu-default-settings, xfce, mplayer, mythtv, transcode, libmjpegtools, the seeds and ubiquity i think i will finally have time to look at that revu19:29
tgm4883yay :)19:29
superm1tgm4883, yesterday was a long night trying to track down the fixes for all that other stuff....19:29
mok0superm1: wait a sec I am revuing it atm19:29
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superm1mok0, okay, i love being revu'er #2 anyway, so much easier :)19:30
tgm4883superm1, well if you think tracking down bugs is more important than revuing this I suppose that is ok19:30
mok0superm1: heh, well there are lots of other packages you can amuse yourself with :-)19:30
tgm4883I also have mythnettv-gui which is the gui frontend for that app, if you guys want to revu the packaging for that too19:31
tgm4883but no rush, there is always tomarrow too ;)19:31
Vest84mok0: thank you for your review... I'm going to work on it :)19:34
mok0Vest84: cool19:34
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mok0tgm4883: you have a bunch of myth* packages sitting in the "needs-work" section...20:17
tgm4883ah yes, hopefully I will be tackling those shortly20:18
tgm4883its all the mythstream ones right?20:18
mok0tgm4883: yep20:18
directhexRAOF hasn't crawled out of bed yet has he? seems not20:18
mok0ScottK, how is it possible to get mail when a package is uploaded to the archive20:23
ScottKmok0: About what?20:24
mok0When a new package enters the archive20:24
ScottKYou mean any package?20:24
mok0Yes, a package from revu20:24
ScottKYou could probably scrape that from -changes.20:25
mok0ScottK, I want to explore your idea of automatically archiving packages20:25
ScottKYou'd need to just look for ones that claimed they were New.20:25
mok0ScottK, ok, I just need to get the info stream somewhere20:25
ScottKSubcribe to either jaunty-changes or the ubuntu-nl RSS feed.20:27
mok0ScottK, ah there's a feed, I was hoping that20:27
jreinhardtHi. I packaged a tex package, and lintian tells me:21:23
jreinhardtE: pgfplots source: missing-build-dependency-for-dh_-command dh_installtex=tex-common21:23
jreinhardtBut tex common is in the Depends list:21:23
jreinhardtDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, pgf (>=2.00), tex-common21:23
jreinhardtAnd the package is building fine in pbuilder.21:23
jreinhardtWhat shall I do?21:23
directhexbuilt-depends != depends21:24
directhexdh_ commands are run at build time, i.e. build-depends21:24
jreinhardtthank you21:28
chrismurfmok0, you there?21:37
superm1ScottK, can you take a look at something on the sponsorship queue?  i was helping clean up some of the arts transition and there is a kde bit in there i don't want to upload without someone in that pod agreeing: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21903091/basket_1.0.2-5ubuntu1.debdiff21:39
superm1(bug 320915)21:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320915 in libsdl "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32091521:39
ScottKsuperm1: Since it's awen's debdiff, you can be confident in the KDE stuff.21:40
ScottKIt looks correct to me too.21:40
superm1ScottK, okay i'll sponsor after i verify it builds then21:40
ScottKGreat.  Thanks.21:40
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DktrKranzRAOF, do you plan to upgrade gnome-do{,-plugins} for gnome-sharp2 transition (bug #314516)?22:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314516 in tomboy "gnome-sharp2 transition" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31451622:49
RAOFDktrKranz: Yes, but I was planning to fix that by uploading 0.822:50
RAOFWhich is pretty much ready.  I should probably claim that bug.22:50
DktrKranzRAOF, really a good news! I look forward to see new 0.8 :)22:50
chrismurfI asked a question on debian-mentors about packaging, and they're now trying to convince me to work with the DPMT to start with because then the package will get "pulled in" to ubuntu anyway.  I have no interest in politics or flames, but can somebody explain to a complete packaging newbie why that's a reasonable or bad idea?23:05
chrismurfI'm just trying to get a first package accepted, and growing confused23:05
Laneywhy did you ask on debian-mentors if you don't want it in Debian?23:07
chrismurfbecause debian-mentors is advertised as a place to ask questions about packaging23:07
chrismurfthis (to my knowledge) is not23:07
Laneyit is23:07
chrismurfI was attempting to stay on-topic23:07
chrismurfrather than bombard with questions about dh_install23:07
RAOFTo be fair to debian-mentors, we'd like you to contribute to Debian, too :)23:08
chrismurfI'd love to23:08
Laneyand to answer your question, we automatically get all new packages in sid at the beginning of every release cycle23:08
chrismurfI'd love to contribute to both23:08
Laneyso getting it into Debian helps more people23:08
chrismurfbut for now, I'm having a hard enough time contributing to one ;-)23:08
Laneyand you're likely to get more specialist help in their python team23:08
chrismurf(nothing against MOTU/Ubuntu, just learning packaging)23:08
Laneycontributing to Debian is contributing to Ubuntu23:08
directhexcontributing to debian is contributing to freedom and world peace!23:09
Laneyalso that <323:09
RAOFYou might find #ubuntu-motu a bit more welcoming than debian-mentors; feel free to ask packaging questions here.23:09
chrismurfokay - mok0 suggested I split out some data from http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pyproj into a new package23:09
pochuchrismurf: you can ask Python packaging questions in #debian-python on OFTC23:10
Laneychrismurf: tbh, if you want it in Debian then you'd be best getting reviews for them23:10
directhexchrismurf, one source package can produce many, even hundreds, of binary packages23:10
chrismurfIt's about 150kB of data once compressed, which doesn't seem like a big deal, but regardless I can't figure out how to do it while using python-support23:10
chrismurfyeah - the guy in debian-mentors is suggesting I go there23:10
pochubut I don't think asking on debian-mentors is okay if you're not targetting Debian23:10
chrismurfso maybe targetting debian-python is the way to go?23:10
chrismurfthey've been friendly so far :-)23:11
pochuthat would be like asking MOTUs to review something on REVU that is for a private repository or some downstream23:11
pochuchrismurf: that's good, yes23:11
pochuchrismurf: I maintain several packages there that are in Ubuntu too23:11
pochuseveral people here do23:11
* Laney cuddles Debian23:11
directhexi do!23:11
pochudirecthex: liar!23:11
chrismurfso - there's not really any reason to contribute a python module direct to ubuntu then?  Isn't it always better to just go to debian and let it get sucked down?23:12
pochudirecthex: (liar as in you don't in DPMT ;))23:12
chrismurfI realize that sounds flameish- I'm just confused23:12
directhexpochu, it's troo! i'm not officially a DD or DM or core-dev or MOTU, i'm merely a shadowy puppeteer23:12
pochudirecthex: but you don't maintain Python modules... do you? :)23:13
directhexpochu, and i don't touch python nonsense. well, ironpython...23:13
directhexooh, i should package ironclad23:13
RAOFchrismurf: You can do both; maintaining a package in Ubuntu and Debian simultaneously works fine, and sometimes you'll need Ubuntu-specific patches.23:13
directhexwhich in theory allows ironpython to use cpython libraries23:13
pochuchrismurf: it's your choice, but maintaining it in Debian is a reasonable option23:13
* pochu heads to bed, 'night everyone23:14
* chrismurf is so confused23:16
chrismurfgnight pochu23:17
RAOFchrismurf: You can choose either, or both.  Maintianing it only in Debian is fine, and will benefit Ubuntu.  Maintaning it in Ubuntu is also OK, but it would be better to push to Debian as well.  Maintaining it primarily for Ubuntu, but pushing it up to Debian, is what I do for much of my stuff.23:19
chrismurfokay - that makes sense.  What's the timelag?  Should I pursue both in order to try and make jaunty?23:20
chrismurfor will that just make for headaches later?23:20
RAOFJaunty's feature-freeze in in a couple of days; it makes sense to push for that first.23:20
directhexjaunty you'll need to hurry hurry23:20
RAOFOnce it's in Jaunty, you can push to Debian.23:21
RAOFThen for jaunty+1 you can just sync from the Debian package, and maintain it primarily there.  You get free Ubuntu updates until Debian Import Freeze, after which you file manual sync bugs.23:22
mrooneyWhere can I examine the Jaunty upload queue?23:38
StevenKIn Launchpad23:38
mrooneyStevenK: thanks!23:58
mrooneythere is so much to learn, apparently my package has been automatically split up into an i86 translations tar.gz as well?23:59

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