
i-pinki get erorr01:37
i-pinkcannot login to database01:37
i-pinksomeone can help me?01:38
rhpot1991!mysql | i-pink01:39
Zinni-pink: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common01:39
i-pinkZinn , thank you01:41
i-pinkZinn , but i am not computer engineering, want i need to do?01:42
styelzdid it work before, or never work01:45
i-pinki install the media center now01:46
styelztry again01:47
i-pinktry what?01:48
i-pinkok i make what the Zinn say01:51
styelzyah try that01:51
styelzdoes it have an IP ?01:51
i-pinkand now i dont get the error01:51
styelznice one01:51
i-pinkbut u get this01:51
i-pink2009-02-12 03:50:19.288 Fatal Error: Audio not configured, you need to run 'mythfrontend', not 'mythtv'.01:52
i-pinkwhat to do?01:52
styelzdid you run mythtv ?01:52
styelzdo what it says01:53
styelz'mythfrontend', not 'mythtv'.01:53
i-pinki get small window with this text01:53
i-pinkYou must be a member of the "mythtv" group before starting any mythtv applications.01:53
i-pinkWould you like to automatically be added to the group?01:53
i-pink(Note: sudo access required)01:53
styelzclick yes01:54
styelzthen press CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE   and press enter at login prompt01:54
i-pinki have only OK or Cancel01:54
styelzto restart01:54
styelzpress OK01:54
i-pinki get anther window01:55
i-pinkFor the changes to take effect, your current login session will have to be restarted.  Save all work and then press OK to restart your session.01:55
styelzclick ok01:55
styelzhow old are you ?01:55
i-pinkbut is make log out01:55
styelzyes, you need to logout01:56
i-pinki am normal woman01:56
styelzand login again01:56
i-pinkbut is close the chat01:56
styelzyou need to do it01:56
styelzwhen you are ready01:56
styelzuntil you do that, you wont be in the mythtv group01:57
i-pinkok BRB i make this01:57
i-pinkhii i am after the fast reboot02:00
i-pinkwhat to do now?02:00
i-pink<styelz>: are you here?02:01
styelzwhat do you want to do02:01
i-pinkopen the madia center02:01
styelzdidnt it start automatic02:01
styelzdo you see it on other screens02:02
styelztry ctrl-alt left and right arrows02:02
i-pinki am install it on ubunu 8.04 (on my netbook)02:03
i-pinkon i dint see it02:03
styelznot mythbuntu02:03
i-pinkno, is only the media center02:03
styelzstart mythftv from the application menu02:03
styelzunder Video or Media i think02:04
i-pinkMythTV Frontend??02:05
styelzyou probably need to configure the backend still.. if you have TV cards02:06
i-pinki get gray windiw02:06
i-pinkit's make fat line in the center of the window02:07
styelzyep, wait02:07
styelzit should grow02:07
i-pinkand it's think about something02:07
styelzthen ask for language02:07
styelznot sure though. what you got setup02:08
i-pinki have a netbook02:08
i-pinkintel 95002:08
styelzwhat speed02:08
i-pinkand 1.6 GH ATOM CPU02:09
i-pink2 GB RAM02:09
styelzis your hard disk grinding away now?02:09
styelzworking hard02:10
styelzwhats mythtv doing?02:10
i-pinkis look like icon from stone02:10
styelzsounds slow02:11
styelzmove the cursor up and down02:11
i-pinkno is work very fast but the icon look like something old02:12
i-pinkok i anderstend02:13
i-pinkthe icon is very ugly02:13
i-pinkhow i can get EPG or GPP ?02:14
styelznot sure whats goin gon there02:14
i-pinkstyelz, how i get info about the tv channels?02:17
styelzyou need to configure your tv card if you have one, you can use on air guide02:18
i-pinki dont have a tv card02:18
i-pinkbut i want the info02:18
styelzsetup that in the backend02:19
styelzi guess you need to add fake channels02:19
styelzlook under admin menu02:19
styelzmyhtv backend02:19
i-pinkhow i make a fake channel?02:20
styelzhave a read of the doco02:20
styelzjust have a go02:20
styelzmaybe someone else can help02:21
i-pinki want something like tv from the internet02:21
styelztv guide02:22
i-pinktv guide!02:22
styelzim not sure02:23
styelzbut run the mthtv backend02:23
styelztry add a channel manually02:23
i-pinkhow i run it?02:23
styelzunder admin menu i think02:24
styelznot sure what to do, id need to have it in front of me. and i dont02:24
i-pinkwher is the admin menu?02:24
styelzin the panel in ubuntu02:24
i-pinkok i see big problem02:26
i-pinki try to see video from the HDD but is not find nothing02:27
MostrHi gang. I'm coming here off of Fedora, and like the polished look and ease of mythbuntu. I've been having some troubles getting my box to work, and wondered if anyone has some advice on getting LVM working at install time so that I can stripe my drives together to make my media partition02:40
mobile_all the time the madia center is open automatic when i am start the computer, how i am disable that?03:06
=== mthaddon_ is now known as mthaddon
dahoodHello, I am having a problem getting the DHCP server for diskless clients installed.12:58
dahoodI select in the control centre but it doesn't seem to be installed, there is no tick int he box and there is no dhcpd.conf file in /etc/ltsp as in the docs12:58
dahoodActually, there us no /etc/ltsp directory12:59
i-pinki have aproblem13:14
i-pinki cnot see stram video13:14
i-pinksomeone can help me with this?13:15
dahoodcreating the /etc/ltsp directory manually fixed the dhcpd server install.  I'll try and boot the client and see how I go13:24
i-pinki want to see this stram13:25
i-pinkin totem is work very good, but in the media center is not work13:26
i-pinksomeone can help me???13:34
canni-pink: if its only one stream, you could make a custom menu item with XML and use it to execute totem with the stream you want. its not a sexy solution but it works =)14:07
i-pinkbut if i try to play it with the Mplyer is not work14:08
i-pinkmaby is codec problem?14:08
cannmight be yeah.14:09
i-pinkhoe i install the codec?14:09
darthanubismedibuntu, look into it14:24
i-pinki think is work now!!!14:28
MythbuntuGuest77hello, i am having many problems with mythbuntu 8.10 and am not sure where to start..17:07
ZinnPlease don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.17:08
MythbuntuGuest77i am on my third install on this box.. this time installing up to the mythtv setup, back out to ubuntu and installing available updates.17:09
MythbuntuGuest771 - sound problems 2 - cd/dvd drive problems 3 - remote problems17:10
MythbuntuGuest77lets start with cd/dvd... if i try to play a cd i hear the first second or two of the track then the player "locks up"17:12
MythbuntuGuest77if i skip to the next track.. same thing. try a different disc, same thing.17:13
JEDIDIAH__Howabout you extract data from the disks without trying to play them at the same time. isolate output driver issues from what's going on with the dvd drive.17:56
JEDIDIAH__isolate the problems from each other.17:58
MythbuntuGuest77forgot to mention i am a complete linux newbie.. if i try to access the cd drive in explorer it says access denied18:01
JEDIDIAH__...time to jump into the deep end.18:01
JEDIDIAH__mebbe you should start with regular ubuntu and build on top of that. your main user should have access to all hardware.18:02
JEDIDIAH__very little of a mythtv system is actually mythtv itself.18:03
MythbuntuGuest77i have a copy of ubuntu and kbuntu 8.10 on cd already.. you say start with ubuntu install only.18:04
JEDIDIAH__you need to sort out hardware support issues that really don't have anything to do with myth.18:05
MythbuntuGuest77ok... installing now...ubuntu 8.1018:05
JEDIDIAH__if you can't access the DVD in an ubuntu system something is horribly messed up.18:05
MythbuntuGuest77i read about creating a symbolic link to/from dev/cdrom-path dev/dvd but that didn't work.. said incorrect file / path18:08
JEDIDIAH__none of that should be necessary in ubuntu18:09
MythbuntuGuest77quick question... in BIOS should plug and play OS installed be yes or no.. i know it is enable for windows but wasn't sure for ubuntu.18:11
JEDIDIAH__It's not something I generally bother with. If you are having problems, you can certainly try it.18:16
JEDIDIAH__setting it to no shouldn't be a problem.18:16
JEDIDIAH__an oddball sound chip is a far more likely problem.18:17
MythbuntuGuest77ok as for this install, i choose guided use entire disk..? for the partition18:17
JEDIDIAH__if you are going to wipe the disk anyways, there's no need at this point to bother with manual partitioning.18:18
MythbuntuGuest77confused... there are three options.. guided - resize and use free space guided - use entire disc and manual18:19
JEDIDIAH__it's really easier with the newer Linuxes to make things harder than they need to be.18:20
JEDIDIAH__use whatever option is automatic and uses the whole disk.18:20
JEDIDIAH__...from the looks of the wiki, that's the "erase entire disk" option.18:22
MythbuntuGuest77bare with me... 51%18:37
sirhc_35JEDIDIAH__ -- switched chat client from java to X-chat (previously MythbuntuGuest77)18:45
sirhc_35247 updates available.... installing updates.... 247 @ 244.1MB19:08
sirhc_35ok audio cd working perfectly... trying dvd now19:53
sirhc_35cannot open dvd... original encrypted or copy19:58
JEDIDIAH__got a data dvd?19:59
JEDIDIAH__whatabout that sound problem?19:59
JEDIDIAH__the dvd stuff is easily google'able20:00
JEDIDIAH__...the wonders of the DMCA20:00
sirhc_35ummm... not sure... i'll check --- sound seems to be fine however i am using a SBLive card now instead of the on board..20:00
JEDIDIAH__it always helps to know which card is supposed to be in use.20:01
sirhc_35the sb card will be better for me on MythTv anyway if i can get the 5.1 to work correctly.20:01
sirhc_35are you hinting at the whole libdvdread3 libdvdnav4 and install-css ? oh and something about gstreamer ugly?20:03
sirhc_35where is the nvidia x server on ubuntu? it was in the menus of mythbuntu.20:06
sirhc_35is there a linux / ubuntu version of "hardware manager" where you can see all devices and their properties?20:08
JEDIDIAH__yup... I was alluding to the install-css bit.20:09
sirhc_35you still need css even on a "back-up" dvd?20:10
JEDIDIAH__There is a hardware driver manager under the System menu.20:10
JEDIDIAH__...depends on how you made the backup.20:10
JEDIDIAH__a proper data DVD you should be able to navigate with the file mangler20:11
sirhc_35duh.. found it. mythbuntu only has the applications menu. not use to the places and system drops yet...20:12
JEDIDIAH__with ubuntu, potentially any ubuntu user could be helpful.20:14
JEDIDIAH__with something "specialized"... I dunno...20:14
sirhc_35the only data dvd i have on hand is a game disk for a windows game... when inserted the light on the drive continuously blinks and file manager won't open the cd/dvd drive icon.20:35
sirhc_35activated the nvidia driver.. restarted.. changed resolution to 1024x768... when i try to "save to X config file" i get an error.. "unable to create new X config backup"20:42
sirhc_35file `etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup`20:43
BoogeI just installed mythtv, I have a directtv box and an hvr-1600. when i set a recording, mythtv can't change the channel. it will record at the right time, but it stays on one channel. is there something i missed setting it up?20:45
sirhc_35ok got the save config file thing sorted... now is there a way to access my TV card in ubuntu to see that it is working properly?21:10
sirhc_35can't seem to get any audio from my tv card.. either through the line in of soud card or straight from the output on the capture card.. any ideas?23:37

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