
ubottupptp is not good according to Bruce Schneier http://schneier.com/pptp.html  here the words insecurity are useful00:22
PiciThats not helpful at all00:22
Piciubottu: forget pptp00:24
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici00:24
geniiMight be a nice url for pptp factoid: http://tipotheday.com/2008/04/29/connect-to-windows-vpn-server-pptp-with-ubuntu-hardy-heron/06:01
ikoniaelk are you there ?08:33
* genii sips and looks out for genus cervus08:35
geniiWeird. All this animosity against ubottu for some reason in #u08:50
geniiTm_T: Ah, just some users telling him to shutup, doing stuff like !get pos !get laid     etc etc09:10
ikoniapanarchy is now becoming an issue in all ubuntu channels09:42
ikoniahis inability to parctipate or understand requests is getting very old09:42
ikoniacan someone please remove him from #offtopic - he's been warned 10 times about spamming channels with the same questions and he's just done #kubuntu #xubuntu and #offtopic09:43
ikoniahe's had enough warnings09:43
* Panarchy says Hi09:47
PanarchyIs this where I go to report content problems with the ubottu bot?09:47
elkyyou do that on launchpad09:47
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:48
* genii slides jussi01 a strong coffee09:48
* jussi01 gulps it down09:48
ikoniaPanarchy: while you are here - is there something I'm not making clear to you about spamming multiple channels ?09:48
ikoniaPanarchy: I have asked you 10 times to not spam the same queston in multiple channels, yet you've just done #kubuntu #ubuntu-offtopic #xubuntu ?09:49
ikoniaI've asked you - 10 - 15 times at least to stop09:49
ikoniaPanarchy: this is the sort of behaviour that will stop you getting your ban lifted and gain you futher bans 09:49
ikoniaPanarchy: is there some part of asking you to  stop doing it I'm not making clear? 09:49
elkyPanarchy, you were warned that further misbehaviour would mean banning from #ubuntu-offtopic. can you give me any good reason why i shouldn't?09:49
ikoniaPanarchy: you need to respond to this question as it's clear something is going wrong  ?09:52
ikoniathis is going no where - again09:55
ikoniasame old thing10:01
ikoniaPanarchy: Please respond 10:01
Myrttiidle for 15mins...10:02
ikoniathis is standard issue10:02
ikoniabecause he's being told to do something10:02
ikoniaplease also remove from #ubuntu-offtopic10:02
ikoniathis behaviour patern is getting very old with him10:03
jussi01he is silent. no reason to remove.10:03
ikoniajussi01: he's been asked 10 - 15 times at least to stop spamming multiple channels with the same question10:03
jussi01ikonia: has he spammed -ot?10:03
ikoniahe did #kubuntu #xubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic with the same question at the same time10:03
ikoniawith the same question yes10:03
ikoniahe's been asked MANY times to stop doing this10:04
jussi01I am not going to remove him when I didnt see it. if we are removing people there needs to a timely correlation with what they have done wrong.10:04
ikoniaI'm disagreeing on this10:04
ikoniaif someone is asked to stop doing something and persistantly keep doing it - it needs to be stopped10:04
ikoniajust because no-one was around at the time to catch him10:05
jussi01ikonia: if he has done it before, hell do it again. well get him next time. 10:05
ikonialook at his ban list10:05
ikoniaallowing him to continue is just justifying his behaviour10:05
ikoniaI've just spoke to him about it in this channel - again and he just ignores it10:05
ikoniaignores it10:06
jussi01Well Miia has just gone and forwarded him here anyway.10:06
ikoniaso I notice, 10:06
ikoniathank you10:06
MyrttiI can take it off if you want to argue more10:07
ikoniano no, I'm happy, not agruing, I'll go with what's decided, I'm just making my point clear10:08
ikoniaif you want to remove it - thats your call, I' won't argue it, I just want to be clear why I'm saying enough 10:08
ikonia"enough" I mean 10:08
elkytake the forward off. he'll treat it as a game10:09
MyrttiI DESPERATELY want Kraft's Mac and Cheese.10:10
Myrttilike, NOW,.10:10
* elky offers Myrtti some mustardy cheesy potato and sweet potato instead10:10
Myrttihuh?!?! http://qgil.jaiku.com/presence/5349745810:18
elkythe irony, it hurts10:20
elkyso, a paperless office?10:26
* Myrtti goes to make breakfast10:32
Myrttihe seems to be out there like a snow man10:42
* Panarchy says Hi10:42
ikoniahello again10:42
PanarchyI was very preoccupied with something I was doing. Came back online and found that I was banned. Seems that ikonia banned me.10:43
ikoniathank you for rejoining - I'd rather discuss it here than in a pm 10:43
ikoniaPanarchy: did you not cross-post the same question in #ubuntu-offtopic #xubuntu and #kubuntu ?10:43
PanarchyNot sure10:44
PanarchyHave been 'offline' for a long time now10:44
ikoniano you've not10:44
PanarchyCame back, and found that I was banned from #kubuntu10:44
ikoniathis was about an hour or two ago10:44
Panarchywell away10:44
ikoniait was 35 minutes after you did it10:44
elkyit was less than an hour ago10:44
PanarchyForgot to use the /away command10:44
PanarchyYou are no longer marked as being awa10:44
ikoniathe /away command is not important to the reason10:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about think10:45
ikoniaPanarchy: how many times have I asked you to a.) read/understand the topic b.) not cross-post the same question in multiple channels 10:45
ikoniahow many times this week alone ?10:45
PanarchyWell my cross-posting involved all Ubuntu based distribution10:46
elkyPanarchy, you really are not in a position to debate anything here. You have proven that you cannot follow rules, and that you are perpetual waste of our time-based resources.10:46
Panarchyikonia asked me to debate it here10:46
ikoniaI didn't ask you to debate anything10:47
elkyno, he didnt ask you to debate10:47
ikoniaI asked you to come here to discuss the ban rather than in a pm 10:47
Panarchy<ikonia> if you wish to discuss it join #ubuntu-ops10:47
ikoniaPanarchy: your cross-posting did not invovle all ubuntu based distributions10:47
elkyhe asked you to listen and respond, not argue a case.10:47
Panarchyikonia: how didn't it?10:47
ikoniaPanarchy: you asked if there was any CD's you'd missed off the shipit site - thats not even an ubuntu distribution topic - thats just an offtopic question10:48
ikoniaPanarchy: how would #xubuntu know about any other shipt distros other than #xubuntu, same for #kubuntu etc etc10:48
ikoniaPanarchy: you asked in offtopic, that was a solid place to ask 10:49
ikonia#ubuntu-offtopic - sorry to be clear10:49
elkyexcept your continued misbehaviour in there before then is the reason you're banned from there.10:50
PanarchyOkay, well now I know10:50
ikoniaPanarchy: great, so I suggest we move on and go about our IRC day 10:50
ikoniaPanarchy: thanks for dropping in to dicuss this, much better than in pm 10:50
PanarchyBetter be off to bed now, early start tomorrow. Perhaps we can talk this over another day?10:50
ikonianot much more to discuss, you understand the reason, so that's great10:50
* Panarchy leaves to have Linux dreams10:51
elkyat least he didn't spam this time10:51
ikoniaI've asked him times to stop doing that too10:51
ikoniahe doesn't listen10:51
elkydo the ops of the other chan he 'graces' feel the same way about him as we do?10:52
ikoniaI know hentaiXP in ##windows is fed up of him10:53
elkychristel, can we have a few days respite? :P10:53
ikoniatalk to hentaix, I know I'm fed up of him10:53
elkyhis main objective seems to be to annoy as many people as he can in the shortest space of time10:54
elkyhe sucks at efficiency though10:55
bazhangmission accomplished10:55
ikoniaI think he's just blind to what's going on - he's too busy trying to be "l33t" eg: threaten to take channels down, build linux distros, etc etc10:55
elkybazhang, nah. i could annoy way more way quicker10:55
elkyhas he threatened other channels?10:55
Myrttielky: canIhavealollipop?10:55
Myrttielky: plzok?10:55
Myrttielky: lollipopok?10:56
elkyMyrtti, you're too cute to be annoying10:56
* elky gives Myrtti a lollipop10:56
Myrttilollipop lollipoplollipop10:56
Myrttilollipop lollipoplollipop10:56
Myrttilollipop lollipoplollipop10:56
Myrttilollipop lollipoplollipop10:56
* ikonia is now annoyed - well done10:57
Myrttiall it needs is a professional touch10:57
Myrttiisn't firestarter unsupported these days?11:00
ikoniano idea11:01
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:01
Myrtti!info firestarter11:01
ubottufirestarter (source: firestarter): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-6ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 407 kB, installed size 1988 kB11:01
elkydidnt iptables get replaced with UFW11:02
ikoniaiptables is the bak of ufw isn't it11:02
elkyi thought it was a new thing altogether, but then, i'm out of touch with the tech decision side of things11:03
ikoniaI just use iptables, 11:03
ikoniaI'm pretty sure ufw is jus a front end11:03
ikoniait is11:03
ikoniaman page says so :)11:04
elkyi cant imagine that replacing iptables would go down all that well11:05
ikoniaiptables is mega11:06
elkywell, it is the brainchild of Rusty11:06
elkyyou should hide in mjg's suitcase in late jan and come over for an LCA11:07
elkyyou get to rub shoulders with awesome peeps like Rusty and Tridge11:08
elkyanyway, bathtime11:10
ikoniawould be interesting11:11
ikoniaI'd enjoy a Aus trip11:11
elkystart saving :)11:12
elkyalthough, next LCA is ironically in NZ11:12
ikoniaNZ is on my list of places to see/visit11:12
* Myrtti is feeling too friendly today11:19
ikoniaMyrtti: I feel time wasting is on the cards a lot today11:19
Myrttiatleast sophie is now getting some help, she's been ignored in #ubuntu a lot...11:21
ikoniaI didn't see her in #ubuntu to be honest11:22
ikoniaMyrtti: got a meeting can you finish off helping her install ?11:22
Myrttisure I can try11:25
* Myrtti yawns11:25
* Myrtti blinks11:26
topylii want to go to new zealand, just to be able to say i've been to the other side of the world11:26
topylican't go much further from here :)11:26
ikoniatopyli: yes, I'd like to see a totally different side of the planet11:33
topylii bet everything is like in Opposite Land. who knows, they might even drive on the left side of the road or something crazy like that11:34
Myrttior eat marmite11:34
* ikonia returns11:35
popey\o/ marmite hilight11:35
ikoniapopey: have you really got that on hilight ?11:35
Myrttipopey: we love you11:35
Myrttiikonia: he has11:35
ikoniayou weirdo 11:35
ikoniamarmite is wrong11:35
popey11:35:44    9 fosdem11:35
popey11:35:44   10 marmite11:35
popey11:35:44   11 kwak11:35
topylipopey monitors all of freenode, to ensure nobody disses marmite11:36
ikoniapopey: you're wrong....urghhh11:36
MyrttiI wish my hilights would work11:37
ikoniaMyrtti:  in irssi ?11:37
ikoniaMyrtti: what's up with them, how did you set them ?11:37
jussi01they dont eat vegemite in new zealand...11:37
Myrttithey're all wonky11:37
ikoniajussi01: isn't vegemite - marmite (same product) ?11:38
ikoniaooh, what's different ?11:38
jussi01definately not11:38
popeyvegemite is smoother11:38
popeyless harsh tasting11:38
popeyvegemite is marmite for girls basically :)11:38
jussi01they taste different, hard to explain11:38
ikoniapopey:  less chunky disgusitng taste then11:38
jussi01popey: nono... careful11:38
Myrttioh yeah, I should go and check if there's vegemite at W&S11:39
ikoniajussi01: also I need some more of your unusual finnish drink11:39
jussi01ikonia: you liked it last time?11:39
ikoniayes, loved it11:39
ikoniaboth of them11:39
Myrttijussi01: are you teaching them to become Finnish alcoholics?11:39
Myrttijussi01: tut-tut11:39
jussi01the cloudberry stuff or the salmiakki?11:39
jussi01Myrtti: bwahhahahah11:39
ikoniathe cloudberry desert stuff was nice, almost done with that, the salmiakki was finished last night11:39
jussi01Myrtti: just upping the finnish GNP11:40
Myrttijussi01: oh, right11:40
Myrttijussi01: carry on then11:40
MyrttiI'm upping the UK one11:40
Myrttiso I guess this evens things out11:40
* Myrtti whistles innocently11:41
topyliaren't we international now11:41
ikoniatopyli: what non-uk produce can you offer me ?11:41
Myrttireindeer meat.11:42
ikoniano thanks11:42
Myrttinot even as jerky?11:42
jussi01ikonia: I can source lots of things from Australia, jsut tell me what you want...11:42
Myrttihow shocking11:42
elkymarmite is so much better than vegemite11:42
ikoniajussi01: non-uk varity11:42
topylisun-dried reindeer jerky from lapland11:42
jussi01ikonia: the reindeer meat is _sooo_ good11:42
ikoniaI had an assuie ginger beer drink the other day that was fantastic11:42
ikoniajussi01: can't do it11:42
ikoniajussi01: break my heart11:42
elkyikonia, bundaberg?11:42
jussi01ikonia: the bunderberg stuff?11:42
jussi01elky: :D11:42
ikoniaelky: brown tin ?11:42
elkyit comes in glass bottles over here11:43
ikoniaI think it was bunderberg, but can't be sure11:43
elkydunno if it comes in cans at all11:43
ikoniaoh, maybe not then11:43
jussi01ikonia: http://www.bundaberg-brew.com.au/11:43
elkyit might for export11:43
ikoniathe guy who gave it me got it from an Aussie shop in London11:44
ikoniayes it's that one11:45
ikoniait had a kangaroo on the label11:45
* jussi01 whacks ikonia with a pm bat11:48
elkybundaberg is good for three things. sugar, ginger beer, and rum.11:49
ikoniathe gingerbeer was noce11:49
elkyyeah, it is11:49
* jussi01 thwacks ikonia again :D11:50
jussi01+1 on bunderberg ginger beer :)11:50
elkythe rum is good too, in small quantities11:51
elkyi find it too sweet myself11:51
elkythen, i'm a whisky girl, not a rum girl11:51
ikoniadidn't know they did run until 30 seconds ago 11:51
ikoniarum = mojito11:51
elkyikonia, it's a dark rum11:52
Myrttimmmmm mojitos11:52
ikoniaMyrtti: yeah get with it11:53
elkyyou should be able to get the rum over there... it's owned by a british mob these days11:54
ikoniaelky: that means nothing11:55
elkyoh, and dont get the bright idea to mix the two bundaberg beverages. it's quite a sickly blend11:55
ikoniaI'll keep that in mind11:55
elkyeven with dry ginger ale it's bad. some people seem to like it though11:56
ikoniayou did well with web stuff yesterday, who is my goto guy for "graphics"12:16
ikoniaas in good with image manipulation/editing12:16
* Myrtti ducks and covers12:17
elkydepends how quick you want stuff12:17
ikonianot urgent12:19
ikoniajust want help with some minor graphics stuff12:19
ikoniatrying to learn / do as much myself but I've readed a block on some stuff12:20
jussi01mma could probably help, or kwwii12:20
elkydrop me a mail and i'll see what time i can find over the weekend while i avoid the intarwebs going 'wah, my valentine hates me, i'll go cut myself now'12:20
ikoniaha ha poor elky - I'll send you some chocies12:20
jussi01elky: at least you have a valentine...12:20
ikoniajussi01: good to know12:20
ikoniajussi01: I'll send you some too12:20
elkyjussi01, no, i dont.12:21
ikoniachoccies all round12:22
elkybut irc and esp -offtopic will turn into a haze of emos mourning how their crush doesnt even know they exist12:22
Myrttican I be an emo too?12:23
Myrttiwe decided we're postponing Valentines with one month and two days12:23
jussi01valentines day on saturday, hrmmm... might just go and sit in my house and do nothing, dont beleive in stupid comercial holidays :P12:23
ikoniaMyrtti: do you want choccies too then ?12:23
* ikonia begins a big on line order12:24
Myrttiikonia: I suppose I'll be getting them :-)12:24
MyrttiI still think Cadbury's Dairy Milk is the worst excuse for milk chocolate I've seen so far12:25
* jussi01 slaps Myrtti12:25
Myrttiit's horrible12:25
Myrttiif I have to have milk chocolate, it's either Marabou or if that can't be found, Fazer12:26
Myrttiand yes I know that's not the reason you slapped me, jussi01 12:26
jussi01glad you work it out12:27
elkythere is an idiot in my loco offtopic channel arguing that writing an OS in C does not make sense, and we should be porting linux to be written in Python.12:27
Myrttielky: great fun ;-)12:27
jussi01elky: I parted there cause I kept getting hilighted...12:28
elkyjussi01, oh? by who?12:28
elkyaside from me12:28
ikoniahis fan club12:28
ikoniathe "juicers" I like to call them12:28
jussi01elky: noone in particular, just swear words12:28
jussi01ikonia: !!12:29
jussi01and every kid in Australia has heard that particular swear word multiple times cince bnirth ;)12:30
elkyah. yes. the whole me not being there to bitchslap their manners into them anymore12:30
jussi01cripes my typos are bad today12:30
elkythe channel is primarily there so they can talk about sport and cars etc, without flooding the logs with irrelevent crap12:31
Myrttino knitting or cooking or babies? j/k12:31
jussi01and they have some serious verbal diorehea...:P12:32
elkythey just abuse the relaxed nature of it. there was a decision to not lynch for swearing, and some take it too far quite easily12:32
elkyjussi01, the one starting with simple?12:32
jussi01elky: and the rest of them...12:32
Myrtti♥ Radiohead12:34
elkyjussi01, he's trying to argue that C is *more* abstracted than Python12:35
ikoniaelky: you've got mail12:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alias13:08
Myrttihold on, brain thinking13:09
PiciWe're sorry, all of our operators are currently busy. Please continue to hold.13:09
MyrttiPici: help me out here13:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panels13:10
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/13:10
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:10
PiciWhat are we looking to do?13:10
Myrttimore aliases for that xubuntu factoid13:10
Myrtti!panel, !xfce4-panel13:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:10
MyrttiI've forgotten my ubottufu13:11
Myrttithough with jaunty that factoid should become obsolete13:11
Myrttiisn't it !alias xfce4-panel panels or something?13:12
MyrttiI can't think13:12
MyrttiHAELP HAELP13:12
Pici!xfce4-panel is <reply> Did you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/13:12
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici13:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panels13:12
ubottupanels-#xubuntu has no aliases - added by Amaranth on 2009-02-06 22:43:2113:12
Pici!no panels-#xubuntu is <alias> xfce4-panel13:13
ubottuI'll remember that Pici13:13
PiciYou can't <alias> to a channel specific factoid iirc.13:13
Pici!panels is <alias> resetpanels13:13
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici13:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panel-#xubuntu13:13
Myrtti!panel-#xubuntu is <reply> foo13:14
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti13:14
Pici!no panel-#xubuntu is <alias> xfce4-panel13:14
ubottuI'll remember that Pici13:14
Piciie. !panel is <alias> panels-#xubuntu   wouldnt work13:14
ikoniacan you just overwrite alias13:15
ikoniaor do you have to remove and re-alias13:16
PiciYou have to use '!no foo is bar'13:16
ikoniaPici: nice catch13:18
Myrtti!xfce4-panel-#xubuntu ~= s/xfce4-panels/xfce4-panel/13:19
ubottuI know nothing about xfce4-panel-#xubuntu yet, Myrtti13:19
Myrtti!xfce4-panel ~= s/xfce4-panels/xfce4-panel/13:19
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti13:19
Picinalioth: Do you run two floodbots? I can never remember... if so, could you start a second one?13:20
Myrttijussi01: Duncan says it's ok if I give you my Marmite :-)13:22
jussi01super :D13:23
ikoniacan you not get it in finland13:24
ikoniano way13:25
ikoniaI'll ship you some over then13:25
jussi01marmite coming all ways :D 13:25
MyrttiI'm going to check if I can find Vegemite anyway13:26
MyrttiI suspect it would be nice if there'd be Marmite in my cupboard for him :-)13:26
ikoniaI'll send a UK food parcel 13:27
ikoniaI don't think fish 'n chips would keep though 13:27
Myrttiyngh, pork pies :-/13:28
Myrttibut hey, he's got his own deep frier now13:28
jussi01ikonia: pity you cant get it here for valentines day :D13:29
ikoniayou want a fish supper for valentines day......wrong wrong wrong13:29
ikoniaI'll do a little UK food parcel13:29
ikoniaI'll have a ponder13:29
Myrttijussi01: I can ask Duncan to check for Valentine's Marmite13:29
Myrttihe found it in September, had champagne or something in it13:29
* jussi01 is touched that everyone is thinking of him :)13:30
PiciI'm not thinking of you13:30
Myrttijussi01: with a PINK jar13:31
Myrttior atleast the lid was pink, I'm told13:32
Myrttiand the jar heartshaped or something13:32
ikoniacowkillgoat_: how can we help ?13:51
cowkillgoat_yes, i just wish to know how much longer i am banned from ubuntu offtopic13:51
ikoniacowkillgoat_: why where you banned ?13:51
ikoniacowkillgoat_: and how banned you13:51
cowkillgoat_dont remember13:52
Myrtti@bansearch cowkillgoat13:52
ubottuMatch: *!*@59.183* by tonyyarusso in #ubuntu-offtopic on Feb 09 2009 12:43:54 (ID: 9870)13:52
cowkillgoat_the ban was a long time ago13:52
ikoniacowkillgoat_: 4 days13:52
ikoniawell 313:52
cowkillgoat_folks there think i'm a troll13:52
cowkillgoat_3 days13:52
ikonianot really a long time ago 13:53
cowkillgoat_a few days is a long time ago in irclife13:53
Myrttihah :-D13:53
ikoniahow many bans are there.......13:54
ikoniathere are tons13:54
ikoniacowkillgoat_: oooh your the guy with many nick names13:54
cowkillgoat_i just used a different name each time13:54
ikoniayeah, so I see13:55
cowkillgoat_but i wasent really trolling, just asking the same question many times and defending mac os x sometiems13:55
ikoniayou keep getting banned a lot13:55
ikoniacowkillgoat_: you had the nick "nickchangertroll" 13:57
ikoniait's clear you know what you are doing and what your intention is13:57
cowkillgoat_yes, i call myself a troll quite often13:57
cowkillgoat_are you trying to say i came on ubuntu off topic with the intention to troll13:58
ikoniaoh yes, and I warned you the day before you where banned this time13:58
ikoniaso lets see13:58
ikonia1.) I warn you 13:58
ikonia2.) the next day you come in with the nick "nickchangertroll"13:58
ikonia3.) you get banned13:58
ikonia4.) you come straight back in with a new nick13:58
ikoniadoesn't look a good state of events does it13:59
cowkillgoat_i shall not have troll in my nick ever again, is that better?13:59
cowkillgoat_the word "troll"13:59
ikonia no13:59
ikonialook at the sequence of events I just listed - does that look good to you13:59
ikonia5.) you get banned again for ban dodging14:00
ikoniacowkillgoat_: you think that looks like acceptable behaviour ?14:00
cowkillgoat_"ban dodging" i dont even know how to do that(thats a lie) but i did not ban dodge on ubuntu offtopic or any other channel on freenode14:01
ikoniacowkillgoat_: you got banned from #ubuntu-offtopic and straight away re-joined with a new nick name and ip14:01
ikoniaand looking at the ban history - not for the first time14:01
ikoniathat is called "ban dodging"14:02
cowkillgoat_i might have rejoined with a new nick but, new ip = false14:02
ikonia59.183.57.130 14:03
ikonianot false14:03
ikoniadon't lie14:03
cowkillgoat_i swear i did not change my ip14:03
ikoniaI think this conversation is going no-where as it's clear you know what your doing and then you lie about it14:03
ikonialets just move along and you can either come back when you feel you know how to behave and not mess around with people - or find somewhere else to be a pain/troll/whatever you want to call yourself ?14:03
cowkillgoat_i am not lieing, maybe something to do with my isp, but i did not change my ip 14:04
ikoniawow - that is a really good co-incidence his ip changed straight after his ban14:04
ikoniahow lucky is that, I need to get on that ISP14:04
ikoniacowkillgoat_: please leave the channel if you have nothing else to add14:05
cowkillgoat_yes i will but could you please repeat your last sentence before i left14:05
ikoniawow - that is a really good co-incidence his ip changed straight after his ban14:05
ikoniahow lucky is that, I need to get on that ISP14:06
ikoniahow is that14:06
ikoniaor "lets just move along and you can either come back when you feel you know how to behave and not mess around with people - or find somewhere else to be a pain/troll/whatever you want to call yourself ?14:06
ikoniais that the one you where looking for ?14:06
ikoniacowkillgoat_: if thats it - could you please leave the channel now14:07
cowkillgoat_ikonia: wow - that is a really good co-incidence his ip changed straight after his ban; i do not know how that happened :(14:07
ikoniacowkillgoat_: you still managed to change your nickname - which you did know how that happened, so same principal14:07
* gnomefreak wonders how many people think yofel__'s quit message is true15:08
jdongcare to repeat it for those who are curious? :)15:09
Myrttithe irc quit message viru15:09
gnomefreakyep that one15:11
FlannelWe're still down a floodbot15:15
ikoniaPici: +o15:30
Piciikonia: thank ye15:31
ikoniaeasy to miss15:31
ikoniaMyrtti: going mad ?15:34
ikoniajust adding a forward15:35
ikoniadidn't see that15:35
ikoniamaybe I'm going mad15:35
jussi01ikonia: what do you mean? you are mad :D15:40
ikoniathen all is normal15:40
Myrttijussi01: what do you mean? WE ARE MAD :D15:41
naliothPici: i believe we're having network difficulties with the floodbots15:44
naliothPici: if i start another, we'll possibly have 4 later15:44
Picinalioth: We can do without for now then.15:49
MyrttiI HATE LAG15:50
* jussi01 is now on jaunty! :D15:50
naliothPici: backup started, lmk if 4 show up16:00
Picinalioth: righto16:01
ubottuIn ubottu, annie said: wat is bot?16:33
Myrttiubottu: tell annie about bot16:33
Piciubottu: tell myrtti about bot16:34
ubottumyrtti, please see my private message16:34
Picihm. It always tells me' pici wants you to know about bot'16:34
Myrttigee, thanks Pici16:34
Piciubottu: tell me about bot16:34
ubottuPici, please see my private message16:34
PiciMyrtti: nevermind me. 16:35
* genii hands out large coffee mugs, then fills them16:35
* nickrud bought a broken espresso machine, and wanted to give a cup all round ;(16:52
Myrttiubottu: tell likemindead about away18:14
Myrttianyone awake at -ot?18:28
Myrttisome backup would be appreciated18:29
nickrudwatching, for what it's worth18:30
Myrttithank you18:36
nickrudif there was ever a leading question, that was it :)18:37
* Mez hugs Myrtti 18:53
Mezyou seemed like you needed one18:57
Myrttioh, didn't realize :-D18:57
Mezsorry if I caused offence19:03
Myrttigraah. Where does all this lag come from?19:08
Mezits a government conspiracy19:24
* Myrtti yawns20:38
* mneptok beeps Myrtti's nose23:04

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