
VK7HSEivoks: No as it wouldn't find the raid serveraid card!00:17
* twb is extremely Not A Fan of hardware raid.00:38
twbIt's like an RDBMS: sometimes you gotta use it, but no matter what it's gonna hurt.00:39
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steeljimcan someone help assist in setting up a windows share drive01:40
steeljimjust installed 8.10 and samba01:41
steeljimdid fdisk -l command and the drive is /dev/sda501:41
twbTry #samba?01:41
twbThat is, if nobody responds here.01:41
twb(I don't know about Samba.)01:41
steeljimhowever it looks as if drives are duplicated01:42
steeljimI have sda1 ,2,5,6,7,801:42
steeljimwhat are your first steps in sharing a drive?01:48
ScottKThis channel is typically very quiet outside of the US/European business day.01:49
steeljimscott you any good with 8.10 setups?01:53
ScottKNot with Samba and Windows shares, no.01:58
twbIf it's anything like NFS, you'll need to add an export stanza [foo] to /etc/samba/smb.conf and mention at least the path being exported, and the hosts to which it is exported.02:19
twbSamba is made excitingly annoying by needing a login account on the server for every machine that wants to mount the share, IIRC.02:19
twbI don't know if that's handled automagically; I imagine it is *if* you're using the default files/compat auth method (as opposed to, say, LDAP).02:19
cameronhi've been doing some testing of various apps.. is there any way to clean up /etc of config files for things which are no longer installed?02:42
ScottKcameronh: Purge them when you remove them and don't just remove them is the way.02:46
cameronhScottK: noted :) given that i've already made the mistake, do i have to reinstall the apps i didn't want to purge them?02:47
hadsYou can aptitude purge them02:47
hadsWithout reinstall02:47
ScottKOK.  I don't generally use aptitude.02:47
hadsSomething along the lines of aptitude purge `dpkg -l | egrep -v "^ii" | cut -f 3 -d ' '`02:48
hadsBut don't just run that without checking :)02:48
ScottKcameronh: Whatever you do, don't manually delete them.  That's telling dpkg you don't want those files even if the package is installed again later.02:48
cameronhhmm okay02:49
cameronhluckily it's just a test vm anyway, so i'll probably re-create it before finalising it (replacing my home network's server with ubuntu-server)02:51
cameronhis etckeeper worth using? Looks like it tracks /etc changes with git02:51
ScottKI haven't used it.  Some people really like it.02:55
ScottKIt does have options for using different VCS.02:56
uzairhi all. anyone successfully seup open vpn before?03:25
twb13:49 <cameronh> ScottK: noted :) given that i've already made the mistake, do i have to reinstall the apps i didn't want to purge them?03:39
twbNo: sudo aptitude purge ~c03:39
twb~c matches packages that are configured, but not installed (i.e. only their config files remain, i.e. they were removed, but not purged).03:39
twb(Patterns are one thing that makes aptitude a useful addition to apt-get.)03:40
* ScottK has had aptitude decide removing half his system was the 'best' answer one to many times.03:48
hadstwb: Nice, that's useful to know :)03:53
twbScottK: that is why you don't use -y without caution :-)03:53
twbScottK: cf. "aptitude why"03:53
twbA pattern I often use is ~i!~M, which matches packages that were explicitly installed.03:54
twbi.e. it hides packages that are needed for something else.03:54
ScottKI do use aptitude why and sometimes try it to see what it suggests, but don't generally let it actually touch the state of my system.03:54
agampherhey guys, quick question, if i wanted to burn a cd over ssh, whats the best way to go about it?04:32
agampherlike, throw all the stuff in a folder, create an iso then burn it04:32
sloopyhow do i install the madwifi drivers in 8.10? same way as 8.04?04:57
sloopyhmmm slow night05:03
VK7HSEsteeljim: still here ???05:19
roy_hobbsHey I just install 8.04.2 and selected LAMP during the install.  I have a blank /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file05:33
hadsls -l /etc/apache2/05:35
roy_hobbswithout the l: apache2.conf  conf.d  envvars  httpd.conf  mods-available  mods-enabled  ports.conf  sites-available  sites-enabled05:36
hadsYeah I know what's in there.05:36
hadsI meant for you :)05:36
roy_hobbsWell, another problem.  Shouldn't I be able to use https by default as well?05:38
twbhads: is that available as an A4 PDF?05:46
twbI assume it's a debiandoc or docbook source somewhere, but I'm too lazy to build it myself :-)05:46
pschulz01Greetings.. Anyone here know how kernel headers are configured?06:32
pschulz01I was able to compile an application on my laptop whoch found headers in /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/build (just a bunch of links)06:33
pschulz01The other server that I'm trying to install the app. on doesn't have these links.06:33
pschulz01I must have done something to set this up (in the past) but I don;t know what that was.06:34
geniipschulz01: linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:37
hadslinux-headers-generic should pull it in too06:39
pschulz01genii: Did that..06:42
pschulz01genii: no dice.06:42
pschulz01So.. I have two systems.. one which have links in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build and the other doesn't.06:43
pschulz01both systems have the kernel-headers- package installed.06:44
ScottKYou may want linux-source06:44
pschulz01the first is '-generic' the second is '-server'06:44
sloopyheh  i just switched to this channel, i wa just installing the kernel headers too... have to compile madwifi :'(06:45
pschulz01sloopy: Quick question then.. do you have links in your /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build directory?06:47
sloopyi will look when subversion is done installing06:47
sloopythat is a link to the /usr/src/linux-headers-{installed kernel ver}06:49
sloopyand yes in that dirs are alot of links and dirs06:49
pschulz01Ok.. ta06:49
sloopywhats the package name that installs all the tools to be able to build a kernel?06:53
pschulz01and apt-get build-dep06:54
pschulz01For some reason I have to reinstall the header package and not the links are there.06:55
sloopyheh compiling madwifi on a 800Mhz machine will probly take a bit of time...06:58
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pschulz01genii: sloopy: thanks06:59
sloopyhmm how do you become a ubuntu member? its good to be part of a family ;')07:00
Mal3kowhat's the quickest and efficient way to reinstall server os through remote ssh?07:01
hadsYou don't07:02
sloopynow to see if the madwifi drivers i just compiled work on my router...07:03
sloopycool its working as a client, now need to config as ap07:07
ScottKMal3ko: You also probably don't have to.07:07
Mal3koScottK: do you have any idea what your talking about?07:08
ScottKMal3ko: I don't know why you think you need to reinstall.  You may actually have to, but a lot of times people reinstall for reasons that don't actually need it.07:08
ScottKMal3ko: Why do you think you need to reinstall?07:08
ScottKActually, I need to be up in three hours, so I think I'm off to bed.07:10
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uvirtbotNew bug: #328436 in openldap (main) "SASL/GSSAPI ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s Can't contact LDAP Server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32843610:06
dayo2can you help me with this?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/117206/10:40
mok0I just had to clean up a major mess caused by schroot's use of logical lvm volumes10:43
mok0Anyone else has experiences with that?10:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #328445 in openssh (main) "[Jaunty/amd64] Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32844510:51
dayo2I'm trying to keep users from accessing home dirs outside their group, but i still need them to be able to access everyone's public_html/  how do i do that?11:32
tjaaltonsoren: hey, you've merged multipath-tools in the past. Why did you drop dmsetup_env from it? Looks like it caused bug 32015612:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 320156 in multipath-tools "Device nodes for partitions on multipathed device are not created" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32015612:13
sorentjaalton: Let me see...12:25
tjaaltonsoren: it's a mess12:26
tjaaltonapparently our devmapper used to have a patch which was the same as others had, but now it's synced with debian12:26
Rafaelhi, i would like to use command line from my windows computer to my ubuntu server, i was recomended to use "Putty"do i have to install it on ubuntu also and how do i do this?12:27
tjaaltonso DM_TABLE_STATE is exported as '1' if online, not 'LIVE' as it should be12:27
tjaaltonbut that's not enough to make it work12:27
dnperforsRafael: no, you don't have to install putty on ubuntu12:27
dnperforsRafael: but you need to have OpenSSH installed12:28
dnperfors(sudo aptitude install openssh-server)12:28
Rafaelhow do i know if openssh is installed?12:28
tjaaltonsoren: I'd say we follow debian on this, and include the "temporary hacks" to multipath-tools until dmsetup is fixed12:29
tjaaltonsoren: I've got a blade that fails to boot because of this, so I can merge m-t...-1412:29
sorentjaalton: It's been too long since I looked at this... Our dmsetup used to do this just fine.12:31
tjaaltonsoren: ok, so I'll make m-t work with the current dmsetup, thanks :)12:31
sorenI really hate that I don't have any hardware to test this on. I'm working in the dark here.12:32
dnperforsRafael: not sure wheter this will work, but you can try: dpkg --get-selections | grep openssh12:34
sorentjaalton: What makes you say our devmapper is synced with debian?12:36
Rafaeldnperfors: do i have to do any configuration or just install it, then use putty?12:36
sorentjaalton: I mean... any more than it used to be?12:37
tjaaltonsoren: because the merge entry doesn't say about any changes to the export patch12:37
tjaaltonand the debian bugreports suggest that it was more like what suse has12:37
tjaaltonbut I'll try it out and see if it manages to boot this time12:38
Rafaelok i was abler to connect with Putty, question, when you open Putty are you suppose each time to use it are your suppor to "Run" it as if is a new install program?12:44
nijabakirkland: I did take a look at the resize issue: I can't find a way to fix this12:45
kirklandnijaba: okay, i'm not that worried about it12:46
nijabakirkland: do you know a snack expert?12:46
nijabakirkland: cjwatson maybe?12:46
kirklandnijaba: i don't even know what snack is :-)12:47
nijabakirkland: snack is what you use in python as a newt interface12:47
kirklandnijaba: cool.  but still, no.12:50
dnperforsRafael: you don't need to configure anything, it will just work..12:56
dnperforsyou can use that checkbox to disable that dialog12:57
Rafaelevery time i open it i have to run like installing it fresh on my window box12:57
cjwatsonsnack? not me12:58
cjwatsonI know what it is but that's all12:58
cjwatsonRafael: that has nothing to do with how your Ubuntu box is set up; you can download PuTTY to your Windows desktop and run it from there rather than having to run it from the web page or whatever, if that's what you're asking12:59
cjwatsonRafael: if you can connect, then things are set up fine from the Ubuntu side13:01
Rafaelevery  time i clkick on icon on desktop of windows it open : if i want to run as if was new software installed13:01
dnperforsthere should be a checkbox in that window, which you can use to disable that question13:03
Mal3kocan you suggest me some ways to reinstall ubuntu on ded server through remote ssh?13:10
ScottKCan you connect to it via ssh?13:12
sorenMal3ko: Why do you want to reinstall it?13:12
Mal3kotrying different distros..but my main os ubuntu13:12
Mal3koand my server provider staffs is too slow..13:13
sorenWhat's it running now?13:14
Mal3koubuntu server. its on the main partition13:14
sorenThen why do you want to reinstall?13:14
sorenYou want to install Ubuntu, but you're already running it?13:14
sorenPeople from "other" backgrounds tend to resort to reinstalling as a means for fixing things that can be trivially fixed by other means, and I'm trying to save you the hassle of going through a pointless reinstall to achieve something that might just be a few simple commands away.13:16
Mal3kothe main os stays there..i wont touch that..13:16
ScottKsoren: You'll find the beginnings of a very similar conversation about 6 hours ago.13:16
Mal3konow i need to install the newest ubuntu svr on the second [artition13:16
sorenScottK: Same participants?13:16
sorenScottK: Lovely.13:17
sorenMal3ko: For testing newer versions, might I recommend a virtual machine instead?13:17
sorenIt's much less delicate.13:17
Mal3koi thought so too but i'd like to test the os under real environment13:19
Mal3koso vm is not an option..13:20
sorenWhat exactly are you trying to test?13:21
sorenOr: Why isn't a vm an option?13:21
Mal3kojaunty jackalope13:22
Mal3kosoren, the server only have 2gb ram..13:23
sorenJust assign all (well, 1.9 perhaps) to the VM.13:25
sorenYou weren't going to be running both of them side by side anyway, so I'm presuming shutting down everything else on the machine is kosher.13:26
tjaaltonsoren: do you remember why the multipath/kpartx udev rules were moved to 95?13:38
sorentjaalton: Keybuk said that stuff that loaded modules belonged >90.13:38
tjaaltonsoren: ok.. I'll mention that in the changelog13:39
tjaaltonalthough the modules are built-in now13:39
tjaaltonand I'll test if commenting out the modprobe's makes it quicker.. it seems to halt for one minute per modprobe now :)13:39
tjaaltonin jaunty13:39
sorenThe multipath modules are built in?13:40
sorenThat's crazy.13:40
sorenI'm just not a fan of building all this stuff into the kernel.13:40
sorenI like the kernels small, and I like that I can patch small things in the kernel and try them out without having to rebuild *everything*.13:41
sorenI can do that with modules, but not with built-in stuff.13:41
tjaaltonyou can discuss it with rtg :)13:41
soren...and that makes me cry.13:41
tjaaltonor on the kernel-list perhaps13:41
tjaaltonbtw, the local-top script already modprobes stuff13:44
tjaaltonso AIUI it's unnecessary to modprobe in kpartx.udev?13:45
sorentjaalton: IIRC, we put it there to make sure it worked immediately.13:47
sorenI.e. not just after a reboot.13:47
tjaaltonbut the preinst modprobes already?13:47
sorenYou're going to end up making me actually look at code, aren't you? :)13:48
tjaaltonhehe, no13:48
tjaaltonpreinst does modprobe13:48
sorentoo late13:48
tjaaltonbut is it enough?13:48
tjaaltonoops! :)13:48
sorena) The initramfs stuff only comes into play if you have multipath-tools-boot installed13:50
sorenb) The purpose of the modprobe is documented just above it :) It's to get rid of the init script.13:52
soren...but we apparantly have the init script now. I wonder what purpose that serves.13:53
sorenI'm guessing: none.13:53
tjaaltonthe -boot.init is removed from the package13:54
sorenAh, that makes sense.13:54
tjaaltonanyway, I'll leave those as-is13:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #328525 in openldap (main) "package libldap-2.4-2 2.4.11-0ubuntu6.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libldap-2.4-2 is already installed and configured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32852514:00
juliuxi have some trouble with postfix+mysql+cyrus+sieve14:01
juliuxif i enable vacation module in sieve there are no mails sent out14:01
juliuxis there any tools that need to be installed extra?14:01
tjaaltonsoren: rock on, the merged version booted up fine :)14:29
kirklandnijaba: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+queue?start=014:40
kirklandnijaba: phoronix on the end of the queue ;-)14:40
sorentjaalton: Fantastic.14:42
sorentjaalton: What did you change, exactly?14:42
tjaaltonsoren: I didn't remove the dmsetup_env stuff, it's needed for kpartx rules to work14:44
tjaaltonwith the current dmsetup14:45
kinnazreconfigure ocfs2 with following command with their default values14:59
kinnazsudo dpkg-reconfigure o2cb14:59
kinnazsudo /etc/init.d/o2cb restart14:59
kinnazsudo /etc/init.d/ocfs2 restart14:59
kinnazbut dpkg-reconfigure tells me that there is no package called like that14:59
sorentjaalton: Why?15:00
kinnazaswell there isnt anything called o2cb in init.d ... using ubuntu 8.0415:00
tjaaltonsoren: because dmsetup doesn't export the needed variables15:00
tjaaltonso part of the kpartx rules are skipped15:01
sorenWhich ones are they?15:01
sorenAh, the TABLE_STATE?15:01
kinnazanyone has expirience with ocfs2 on ubuntu ?15:02
sorenkinnaz: Where did you read about those commands?15:04
sorenThere is not, and has never been, an o2cb package in Ubuntu.15:05
sorennor debian15:06
kinnazsome debian manual i think15:06
kinnazsoren, can you point me towards smt ubuntu related ?15:06
kinnazand again same commands15:10
kinnazhough I did run to some problems while installing this system on hardy. For example with the dpkg-reconfigure o2cb I had to use ocfs2-tools instead15:12
kinnazthats the answer :)15:12
Mal3koanyone familiar with ufw here?15:53
Mal3kohow do i specify port range?15:53
Mal3kowithout inclucing ip address15:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #328571 in openssh (main) "ssh not working after upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32857116:10
tonyyarussoMal3ko: I don't actually know, but see if port1-port2 or port1:port2 works.16:19
methodswhy does bzr install x11 ?16:20
profanephobiai need for my workstations (with no hdds) to boot from an image on the network, can someone point me towards a tutorial to get me started please?16:28
profanephobiais that directed towards me?16:30
geniiprofanephobia: I think they meant LTSP (linus thin server project)16:31
profanephobiagenii, ok ill look it up thanks16:31
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LeoWeii have this LAMP server, but how do i point my domain www.abc.com to mu lamp server?16:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #238677 in apr (universe) "bump to apr 1.3.0" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23867718:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #317564 in subversion (main) "upgrade to Subversion 1.5.5 for jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31756418:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #317565 in ejabberd (universe) "upgrade to ejabberd 2.0.3 for Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31756518:24
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uvirtbotNew bug: #328711 in php5 (main) "updates killed apache" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32871120:05
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r00tintheb0xHello all.20:26
r00tintheb0xShould I use an entry in /etc/inittab to make sure a process is running at all times or use cron and a script?20:26
ScottKr00tintheb0x: Which release are you using?20:28
r00tintheb0xEh... well... its CentOS actually.20:29
r00tintheb0xBut, I'm installing all new servers we put up w/Ubuntu.20:29
r00tintheb0xIts our CentOS 5.2 MX server.20:29
ScottKr00tintheb0x: Then Ubuntu advice would be totally wrong.20:29
r00tintheb0xamavisd keeps dying for some reason.20:29
ScottKUbuntu has not had /etc/inittab since Dapper.20:30
r00tintheb0xScottK would /etc/inittab not be the same for CentOS and Ubuntu?20:30
r00tintheb0xOh okay.20:30
r00tintheb0xAh, I see that.20:30
r00tintheb0xMy bacula server has no /etc/inittab20:30
ScottKIn Ubuntu you'd use an upstart job I guess instead.20:31
ScottKCron and a script works too.20:31
r00tintheb0xRight, yeah... i just read about upstart in the forum.20:31
ScottKEven better fix why amavisd is dieing.20:31
r00tintheb0xScottK, you have any experience w/Ubuntu and Oracle ODBC?20:31
ScottKNope.  Sorry20:32
r00tintheb0xAnyone have any experience w/Oracle ODBC?20:35
mustangghello the chan. I'm looking simply to confirm the reason(s) why the alt-iso installer seems to be aware of my machines previous hostname. It was suggested to me that if my box is on dhcp with an already reserved IP that perhaps the installer makes an assumption and populates based on that.   Anyone..?20:51
maw_have you tested that assumption?20:55
UndertakerX2how can i find a list of open ports on my server?21:06
mustanggpardon for re-asking but: Trying to confirm where the installer find hostname info during network setup of a fresh install. Someone suggested to me that if the machine is on dhcp with an already reserved IP that maybe the installer make some assumptions and populates the name. Anyone?21:08
jpdsUndertakerX2: netstat -a21:09
jpdsUndertakerX2: On second thought, that's not quite it... I usually nmap the host myself.21:11
UndertakerX2jd: thanks21:15
mustanggperhaps someone might know where I can found out that info? Short of reading source code that is.. heh ..21:24
andolkirkland: Satisfied with my new explanation to bug #296952, or do you want more details?21:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 296952 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mysqlhotcopy failed on table with hyphen in name" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29695221:40
kirklandandol: i'll check21:44
o0ocan anyone tell me why IBM serveraid is not supported in ubuntu server?21:57
o0obut is in debian21:58
roy_hobbsI've got two network interfaces that are listed UNCLAIMED from lshw.  I'm not sure if these would be installed automatically with jockey if i had a gui.  Is there a way to figure this out?  Also, I'm not sure if the drivers are available online... but I do have a OS installation which might have them on there somewhere.  how might i find them?22:00
roy_hobbsThe box is originally this IDS appliance from juniper.net.  I have a installation CD that's some distro of linux or another.  If I knew where to get the drivers off of it, I might be able to put them on my ubuntu-server which I managed to install onto the appliance22:04
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o0ois there anyway to the get debian serveraid drivers to work with ubuntu?22:31

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