
HuufartedJosh1, just ask the question, don't ask if you can ask it.00:00
yves_this may be a stupid noob-question: when i run something in terminal (e.g. espeak, i just open terminal and type espeak), how do I get back to normal terminal-mode?00:00
vigoavtarr: gksudo work?00:00
avtarri've edited /root/.bashrc /root/.profile /etc/environment /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/login.defs but no dice00:00
Huufartedyves, first you need to ctrl-C to kill the app00:00
yves_ok thx00:00
HuufartedOR you can type:  espeak &00:01
avtarrand /root/.bash_profile00:01
Huufartedwhich will execute the application and return you to the terminal00:01
Mavericksjosh1:what is your question00:01
warbler99yves: generally ctrl-c works as an escape00:01
mrwesavtarr, have you tried /etc/profile?00:01
wolterhi, i am unable to execute anything on my ntfs storage drive...00:01
spritleanyone upgraded to 9.04 yet?00:02
warbler99if you want to drop something into the background instead of exiting you can type ctrl-z followed by "bg"00:02
dan__Can anyone help me get my VNC working?00:02
Maverickswolter: permissions issue may be00:02
melwtech35anyway can someone help me configureeeeeee pg_hba.conf? i am getting errors?00:02
gmspencedan___ whats the problem?00:02
avtarrmrwes: yup00:02
avtarrexport PATH="$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin"00:02
avtarrwith that in it00:02
wolterMavericks, yeah.. the strange thing is that my user has 'create and delete' files, so nautilus said.00:02
josh1i was trying to get the Mac look alike task bar, and well.. that didnt work, i deleted my taskbar as the insturctions on a web site said to, i was able to get a taskbar back, but i cant minamize anything to it, i found out that i cant run AWN which had the mac taskbar i wanted, what can i do about both these issues?00:02
HuufartedI'm looking at adding a shutdown/reboot to my cron for a weekly reboot.  What's the safest reboot command to use for this?00:03
=== gmspence is now known as gregspence
dan__I'm running RealVNC on my windows machine, and attempting to connect from my ubuntu laptop, but nothing happens when I try to use any of the VNC clients i've got installed00:03
wolterMavericks, also, i chmod +x all the files.00:03
Piciavtarr: Have you relogged since you made that change?00:03
gregspencethe windows machine on the same network?00:03
Huufartedavtarr:  export PATH; PATH=<Your path>00:03
avtarrhere's the weird part00:03
avtarri just tried this...00:03
avtarrsudo echo $PATH00:03
avtarr- /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin00:03
Piciavtarr: why sudo?00:03
vigo@echo $path ,,yada yada yada00:05
Guest59739hello, can anyone please tell me how many source links they got in their software sources?00:05
mrwesavtarr, does the group have rites to that path?00:05
=== Guest59739 is now known as nifty
HuufartedAvtarr, are YOU trying to execute this program or is some root command executing it?00:05
FlannelGuest59739: You don't need any.00:05
niftyflannel why not?00:05
spritlecan 8.10 direct upgrade to 9.04 without reinstalling?00:05
dan__Ive got thee port opened, and i even got it to prompt me for a pssword once, but now it wont even do that anymmore00:05
Flannelspritle: Yes.  #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions.00:05
fearfulavtarr: That command "sudo gedit" will open it as a text file00:05
Flannelnifty: Because you don't need any source repos00:05
fearfulavtarr: It's a test00:06
avtarrHuufarted: i'm logged in as a normal user and typing "sudo facter"00:06
niftyflannel: how so? i got find anything in the software package manager00:06
gregspencedan___ u get my msg?00:06
avtarrHuufarted: facter is a script in that directory i mentioned00:06
niftyi cannot find anything that is00:06
Flannelnifty: source repositories vs binary repositories00:06
fearfulavtarr: Yea try and open it in text "sudo gedit facter" to see if it working like the file00:06
xooxI had packages from a wrong distro version in a directory that I had in my sources.list. I did an 'apt-get update' and then noticed I was going to install those packages on upgrade. I removed the line from sources.list, apt-get update; apt-get clean; but the packages are still listed for upgrade (I know they are being pulled from file on my machine through apt-cache policy). What gives?00:06
melwtech35anyway can someone help me configureeeeeee pg_hba.conf? i am getting errors?00:07
niftyflannel: ok so what do i need to find software such as amule, ssh, tightvnc and so forth?00:07
HuufartedAvtarr, what's the exact error it gives you?00:07
avtarrHuufarted: sudo: facter: command not found00:07
sathyrio1nifty: use command: sudo apt-get install amule ssh tightvnc00:07
avtarrbut when i log in as root by doing "sudo su -"00:08
avtarrthen it works00:08
niftyi have and it says it cannot find it00:08
HuufartedAvtarr, add it to your path00:08
Huufartednot to root's path00:08
Flannelnifty: Er... ssh is installed by default.  amule is in universe  and tightvnc is in multiverse.  Which both are enabled by default on recent versions of Ubuntu.  Whta version of Ubuntu are you using?00:08
=== sathyrio1 is now known as sathyrion
=== tgarneau is now known as misfitx7
avtarryea it's in my path as well00:08
niftyflannel: i downloaded the alternative 8.10 desktop version00:08
Lord_Nightmareif i apt-get install an already insalled package and it says "<package> set to manually installed." how do i UNSET that?00:08
avtarrthis is really weird, i've done this a million times before00:08
Huufarteddoes it show up when you 'echo $PATH' without sudo?00:09
Lord_Nightmareotherwise that messes up autoremove00:09
redvamp128xoox:  purge?00:09
Flannelnifty: Alright.  When you installed, did you have the computer connected to the internet?00:09
niftyflannel: yes00:09
Huufartedperhaps control characters in the script's name.  do this:  ls -b <full_path_for_facter>00:09
Flannelnifty: Alright, go ahead and pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list, I'll take a look at them00:09
niftykk one sec00:09
xooxredvamp128: What command?00:10
niftyflannel: http://pastebin.com/me6b386900:10
Mavericksjosh1:i was trying to get the Mac look alike task bar, and well.. that didnt work, i deleted my taskbar as the insturctions on a web site said to, i was able to get a taskbar back, but i cant minamize anything to it, i found out that i cant run AWN which had the mac taskbar i wanted, what can i do about both these issues?00:10
redvamp128xoox:  I don't know the usage-- but I need to check-- I just know that you have tried clean-- but have seen purge used before00:10
Mavericksjosh1: regarding this issue  - can you post the website the instructions?00:10
Pollywogwhat can be done when an app's dialog box is too big for the screen?00:10
niftyflannel: can i pm you?00:10
Flannelnifty: Ah.  Is this a fresh install?  (That all looks fine)00:10
Mavericksjosh1: there might be a missing link or a piece of information in it , or sometihng related to deletion00:10
niftyflannel: yes its a new install00:11
xooxredvamp128: Purge is used to remove configuration files when removing a package00:11
Flannelnifty: right.  Before you can install anything, you need to fetch the list of packages:  sudo apt-get update00:11
redvamp128spritle:  Ask that question in #ubuntu+1 you are more likely to find someone who either has 9 or has upgraded00:11
niftyflannel: i already installed the os can i still do this after installed?00:11
Flannelnifty: After that, you can install stuff.  Again, ssh is already installed.  And others likely have slightly different names.  apt-cache search [whatever]00:11
Flannelnifty: Yeah, you need to do this after you install.00:12
niftyflannel: ok thanks ill try it now00:12
peopeWhat is the rationale for not using the preemtive kernel patch in generic kernel?00:12
melwtech35anyway can someone help me configureeeeeee pg_hba.conf? i am getting errors?00:12
Flannelpeope: generic kernel does have PREEMPT enabled, server doesn't.00:12
peopeFlannel: strange.. what do we have linux-rt package for then?00:13
wolterhi, how do i realize which processes need a partition? I can't unmount because some processes are using it.. and its just a storage drive.00:13
josh1is there anythign i can do?00:13
Huufartedvsftpd question:  My vsftpd tells me only anonymous login.  How do I enable individual user logins like normal?00:13
Flannelpeope: That's the realtime kernel, that's different than PREEMPT00:14
redvamp128xoox:  I think I may find something that may or may not work -- sudo apt-get autoclean00:14
peopeFlannel: oh.. I see. Thank you :)00:14
BJ_Help plz00:14
BigglezorGood Evenin/mornin00:15
BigglezorHaving issues, mind if I ask a question? :)00:15
=== misfitx7 is now known as tgarneau
Pollywogjust ask the question00:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vsftpd00:17
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd00:17
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP00:17
Huufarted!info vsftpd00:17
ubottuvsftpd (source: vsftpd): The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.7-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 96 kB, installed size 400 kB00:17
Bigglezorright, well nab question, dual booting with xp 64bit, i've installed ubantu twice but it just boots straight into windows when i reset, no grub screen or anything00:17
xooxredvamp128: No that doesn't do anything to solve the problem00:18
ChlorateMy sound skips in intrepid when I have used multiple mp3 players? Any ideas?00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about EPA00:18
Jufisdoes anyone know a good mouse gesture application?00:18
FlannelHuufarted: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about PAE00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about PEA00:18
dogmagitronhello can anyone tell me how i can know when my pc was last turned on and what time? thanks00:18
Flannel!botabuse | sathyrion00:18
ubottusathyrion: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:18
HuufartedFlannel, thanks00:18
melwtech35never mind i did it myslf you slops00:18
Flannel!attitude | melwtech3500:19
ubottumelwtech35: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:19
PollywogI will have to remember that one00:19
Huufarted<--- slop00:19
nbeebohow many mb's would the log for this channel be?00:20
gregspencehi guys anyone able to help me with my vpn.  set up pptd - can connect remotely and access system shares however cannot send any other traffic over the connection - soon as I fire up browser states connection failed00:20
gregspenceany ideas?00:20
Pici!logs | nbeebo00:21
ubottunbeebo: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/00:21
niftyflannel: is iptables also installed by default?00:21
ubottupptp is not good according to Bruce Schneier http://schneier.com/pptp.html  here the words insecurity are useful00:21
Flannelnifty: should be.00:21
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD00:21
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gregspenceyeah but pptp is just a quick way to make sure no one can see what i'm doing over their connection00:22
martin101Hello all, I wonder if someone can answer a question regarding gnome-panel?00:22
Xamuskfor bigger home systems (like with 4GB RAM) should I use a swap partition or is it better to use a swap file to be able to redimension it better?00:22
dogmagitronhello can anyone tell me how i can know when my pc was last turned on and what time? thanks00:22
foolzdoes anyone know how I can check what version of Beryl / Compiz / whatever it is that I have, and whether it is compatible with my Ubuntu version (7.10)?  I just upgraded to 7.10 from 7.04 and my Beryl Window Manager is making the window borders disappear00:22
Pollywogdogmagitron: uptime?00:22
Myrttidogmagitron: 'uptime'00:22
Bodsdafoolz, compiz --version ?00:22
dogmagitronthanks Pollywog and Myrtti00:23
Smegzoryay!  I have a skype connection to my client after all.  How easy is it to record a skype call in Ubuntu?  On Windows there is a plugin for that but it is an exe.  If I am desperate I can install Skype on my virtual XP and do it that way.00:23
foolzbodsda, thanks... seemed to work... are Compiz and Beryl the same thing now? I have been letting my linux knowledge stagnate lately unfortunately :)00:23
^hashbang^Smegzor: if you get sound working through Virtualbox let me know00:23
Bigglezorright, well nab question, dual booting with xp 64bit, i've installed ubantu twice but it just boots straight into windows when i reset, no grub screen or anything??00:24
Bodsdafoolz, nope, never where never will be -- beryl is discontinued and the compiz extras team joined with the compiz guys to create compiz-fusion00:24
Smegzor^hashbang^: I've had sound in virtualbox for ages.  I'm about to install Skype there.  I'll letcha know if that works with sound.00:24
dogmagitronPollywog and Myrtti that only tells me how long my PC has been running. Do you know how it can tell me for example when my system was last turned on?00:24
Forzahey guys quick question... i have a 2.4ghz core 2 duo with 4gb of ram.... should i install x86 or x64 version of ubuntu??? what is your opinion?00:24
PollywogBigglezor: did you forget the MBR00:24
Pollywogdogmagitron: you might try the bootlog00:25
^hashbang^Smegzor: under ubuntu being the host? you have sound from your windows system? hmmmm00:25
Bigglezorwell I was readying a tut that said let it do its thing and the boot screen should come up00:25
foolzbodsda, ah, okay... I guess it might be easiest for me to just uninstall this Beryl version I have now, or whatever it is, and get the latest compiz-fusion thing then00:25
linuxman410Forza x64 i would00:25
^hashbang^Smegzor: I'll have to poke around somemore then =)00:25
Bigglezorso left it to use hd000:25
SmegzorI disabled pulse audio00:25
Pollywogyou have to enable the bootlog and I think the way to do it has changed recently00:25
^hashbang^Smegzor: ah, good idea00:25
^hashbang^Smegzor: thx00:25
Bigglezoryea, the install has changed from last time i used it00:26
Pollywogit was in /etc/default00:26
Bigglezori think00:26
Bigglezorbut as i say, am a nab00:26
Forzalinuxman410, is the performane increase noticable?00:26
Bodsdafoolz, yes! get rid of beryl now!00:26
dogmagitronthanks Pollywog00:26
josh1are there any codes i can use to fix my taskbar? i have one but when i minamize things, they disaper and do not go onto it00:26
Bigglezorit's set up by default to use the bootloader00:26
linuxman410Forza i think it is i am running the x64 version00:26
Picijosh1: you need to add the 'window list' applet to your panel.00:27
Forzayeah im running x64 on my main desktop, and its great but i have 8bg of ram00:27
Smegzor^hashbang^: with pulse audio enabled, ubuntu would lose sound while virtualbox had it, unless I was playing music when I launched virtualbox.  with pulse disabled, both can use sound without issue.00:27
PollywogBigglezor: I think you will have to install again but first read the documentation about how to finish the install00:27
Forzai was wondering if it was owrth it for the laptop with 4gb considering some of the troubles you run into with x6400:27
Pollywogit is a bit tricky sometimes to write the MBR correctly00:27
linuxman410Forza my desktop only has 2gb ram but i notice a difference00:27
Bigglezorre-installing is fine, takes no time, just the documentation i've foindf on the net if for an old ver00:28
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate00:28
^hashbang^Smegzor: lol, I didn't enable audio in VB lol00:28
PollywogI just installed intrepid and did not have to fiddle with the MBR but I did in some versions of Debian and *buntu00:28
Smegzorthen there is that :)00:28
dogmagitronhello can anyone tell me how i can know when firefox was last run?00:28
josh1thank you Pici that did the job00:29
Bigglezorwell tyvm, I shall have another bash and i'll be back on either os either way :)00:29
ChlorateWhen I run compiz and a video, the refresh rate seems wrong and the video flashes black? I'm on intrepid.00:29
Forzaok thanks for the advice i will go with the x64 flavor then00:29
Pollywogdogmagitron: no I think that is generally not possible00:29
Forzaanyone try ubuntu 9.1 yet?00:29
Forzais it worth the download in the alpha stage?00:29
dogmagitronthanks Pollywog I think I just found out here: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/get-last-accessed-file-time-in-ubuntu-linux/00:30
linuxman410Forza i tried 9.04 alpha 4 and loved it00:30
Pollywogdogmagitron: you can sometimes get a clue by looking at the browser cache00:30
dogmagitronPollywog my wife has been accessing my pc while i am asleep.........00:30
Forzaany noticable enhancements over 8.10?00:30
Pollywogor get software like that which is used to monitor kids access00:30
Pollywogdogmagitron: oic00:30
Pollywogwell she likes the Penguin00:31
dogmagitronPollywog lol00:31
bartek_welcome, anybody has experience with ir and lirc; i have hp pavilion dv5 with remote control - hp rc6; only one button is working for me out of the box00:31
dogmagitronI gave her a Penguin before going to sleep ;)00:31
^hashbang^Smegzor: you use shared folders on VB?00:31
Pollywogwell now you know what she wants for her birthday, a computer00:32
linuxman410Forza programs install easier and run better in my opinion00:32
craigbass1976I'm trying to boot off a livecd.  I see an x, then a mouse pointer, then it turds out.  Ctrl+Alt+anumber doesn't dump me into a command line.  Any advice?00:32
gajophey, is there no 64bit version of flash available at ubuntu repos? I thought it was released some time ago; and no I don't mean the nspluginwrapper crap that breaks after 10min of use, i mean the real thing00:32
Forzaok i will try it00:33
dogmagitronPollywog: lol ok, ill give her this one when I get a new one :)00:33
Pollywogdogmagitron: giver her an account on your machine00:33
craigbass1976Is there some "safer" mode I can boot into?00:34
jribcraigbass1976: what does that mean?00:34
BBishopwhoa .. where did /proc/acpi/wmi/WMID go in 8.10 ? :|00:34
Pollywogcraigbass1976: yes Ubuntu installs one00:34
Pollywogby default00:34
craigbass1976jrib, something that's more likely to work somewhat regardless of your graphics card00:35
craigbass1976all I need is a command line00:35
Pollywogcraigbass1976: you can get that by hitting esc key when the machine boots00:35
Pollywogthen select the image you want to boot and enter the 'e' key00:36
craigbass1976Pollywog, when it boots off the cd?00:36
Pollywoguse the text install00:36
* BBishop wants /proc/acpi/wmi/WMID in 8.10 !!!!!00:37
=== dan__ is now known as starphoenix
starphoenixcan anyone help me get a VNC working between ubuntu and windows?00:37
Pollywogon my disc that I got in Linux Format I had an option to use a text install but when I burn my own CD I used the alternate install CD image00:37
JufisStrokeIt alternative for ubuntu?00:38
* YankDownUnder thinks "Ubuntu's Evil Twin"00:38
Pollywogstarphoenix: did you install Xming or the VNC program on Windows?00:38
=== Huufarted2 is now known as Huufarted
PollywogI assume you want to VNC from Windows to Linux?00:38
craigbass1976starphoenix, vncviewer windows-ip-address00:39
BactaHi why can I only get libxml-2.0 from Synaptic?00:39
BactaI need libxml-2.600:39
HuufartedWhat's the safest 'shutdown' command to use to reboot an ubuntu machine?00:39
YankDownUnderBacta, Did you setup your sources to include beta/unreleased stuff?00:39
BactaDon't think so, how can I?00:39
craigbass1976Pollywog, how to I boot to cli only?  I' at a boot: prompt, and haven't yet found the answer in google.  I don't want to install, just grab some files00:39
Pollywogshutdown -r  000:39
starphoenixto windows from linux00:39
YankDownUnderBacta, Souces Mangler00:40
HuufartedBacta, I tried that last time and it froze at the boot progress bar00:40
KryzlerHuufarted, you need to do sudo reboot00:40
Huufartedthanks, Pollywog00:40
Huufartedaye, Kryzler, thanks.00:40
Pollywogcraigbass1976: there is an option to boot off the disk00:40
Pollywogon older versions you would enter:  boot: linux00:40
Pollywogor a variation of that00:40
BactaYankDownUnder: I'm in Software Sources, now where?00:41
craigbass1976Pollywog, disk won't boot; cooked drive00:41
BactaOk, what do I add?00:41
YankDownUnderBacta, Oopos - sorry - UPDATES...sorry mate00:41
Bactakk :)00:41
Pollywogcraigbass1976: not sure then00:41
HuufartedOfftopic for Pollywog:  You should consider being a Shellback instead of a Pollywog!00:41
BactaTick Unsupported?00:42
PollywogHuufarted: :)00:42
Pollywogcraigbass1976: you can get a rescue CD00:42
Pollywogthere are several types00:42
YankDownUnderBacta, Yeppers...then after ya happy with that, either do the "sudo apt-get update" from the cli or update through Synaptic00:42
Pollywoggoogle for Linux system rescue00:42
kebomix_hello , how to add registery key to wine ?00:42
YankDownUnderBacta, ...and the Pre-Release stuff...00:42
Droopsta915Is GTK POD the best program to use for my ipod?00:44
PollywogDroopsta915: probably not00:45
mib_9xpe6p4udroop - amarok maybe00:45
PollywogAmarok works and there are some others00:45
silenihey guys im having trouble installing spim in my ubuntu intrepid. My teacher said i could just do sudo apt-get install spim and it would work. But it is not working. I did research and its supposed to be in multiverse. I checked my sources.list and the multiverse repositories are uncommented. Any ideas on what i might be missing?00:45
Pollywoggtkpod is good though00:45
Droopsta915Is gtkpod ok to manage the songs on my ipod?00:45
ZambeziDroopsta915: If you have an old iPod, you can always flash it with Rockbox.00:45
PollywogDroopsta915: yes00:46
YankDownUndersileni, Have you manually edited the sources.list and uncommented those?00:46
YankDownUndersileni, Hmmm...methinks that that would be a good thing.00:46
Smegzor^hashbang^: yes i have a shared folder00:46
kebomix_how to add registry key to wine ? !00:46
josh1does any one know, any other way other than AWN to get a mac look alike taskbar?00:46
sileniYankDownUnder: hmm ok i go try it now00:46
YankDownUndersileni, And bring me back a cheeseburger! :)00:46
Droopsta915Pollywog: Thanks for the help. Zambezi, I'll try flashing it next time for now I just want to add a few songs00:47
YankDownUnderjosh1, http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-intrepid-into-mac-osx-leopard/2009/01/0800:47
rambo298anyone know why my forward/backward arrows in firefox would gray out permanently?00:47
Pollywogbtw to the person who wants to boot to a command line, the System Rescue CD is very good for that but you have to download an ISO and burn it00:47
YankDownUnderrambo298, There's no where to go?00:48
rambo298i go to gmail ... no gray back arrow00:48
rambo298i go somewhere else00:48
rambo298no gray back arrow00:48
YankDownUnderPollywog, If you edit the /etc/inittab and change the default to 1, does that not correct the issue?00:48
YankDownUnderrambo298, Not sure mate. Not sure...00:48
rambo298i did a recent auto-update then poof ... no more forward/backward ... tried reinstalling the firefox package ... same thing00:49
riddleboxhello I upgraded my system today that runs zoneminder, from the repos and now I cannot view my cameras?00:49
sileniYankDownUnder: i uncommented the multiverse-restricted entries, and it still cannot find spim00:49
FrozenFireDoes anyone know of software for Ubuntu to manage SSHFS hosts in a GUI? I'm getting a little tired of manually juggling hosts and connecting each time via the command-line. It'd be nice if I could save host details, and connect with a single click.00:50
Sigurd112anyone here?00:50
YankDownUnderrambo298, Er...what about just blowing out yer profile dir for ~/.mozilla and then trying again...??00:50
DaemonicSigurd112: nope.00:50
FrozenFireSigurd112: Not a single person00:50
YankDownUndersileni, Did you do an "apt-get update" -> ??00:50
andreiBonjour, je souhaite savoir si puppy linux fonctionne avec fluxbox ...00:50
sileniYankDownUnder: im currently looking at this. http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/electronics/spim if the package is available for dapper it should be available for intrepid00:50
sileniYankDownUnder: yes i did sudo aptitude update00:50
Furu2cm of the edge of my laptop's lcd is damaged. does anyone know a app. that lets me just shrink my desktop so that it doesnt use the 2cm edge of the screen?00:50
YankDownUndersileni, Yes...SHOULD...00:50
andreifluxbox work with puppy linux ?00:51
YankDownUndersileni, Matter of fact, if you already know where the .deb files are for SPIM, you should be able to just d/l them and install them manually if all else fails...00:51
galvanizeHi all00:51
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox00:51
sileniYankDownUnder: yes but it irks me , not being able to get this with apt-get00:51
sileniYankDownUnder: what am i doing wrong00:51
andreidont work !fluxbox00:51
kebomix_how to add registery key to wine ?00:51
daleharveyurm ok, my ubuntu (ibex) laptop that has been running fine for quite a few month today, suddently was unable to boot tonight00:51
sileniYankDownUnder: let me cat my sources.list , and can you please take a look?00:51
happyface_0kebomix_: run regedit00:52
YankDownUndersileni, I'd tend to reckon that the person responsible for packaging it did not upgrade themselves...00:52
Gneasileni: there's probably a very good reason why it's not in intrepid...probably because it isn't actively maintained anymore00:52
daleharveyon boot it enters the initramfs shell00:52
YankDownUndersileni, You'll have to pastebin it mate.00:52
Furuandrei  do u think i can use that program to solve my problem:P?00:52
^hashbang^kebomix: join #winehq00:52
andreii'm loling00:52
galvanizeI have changed my prompt, by ' set prompt='blahblah', and now I want to reset it to original. so I try set prompt again and it changes but when i close the terminal and restart it, it goes back to one i don't want? any help?00:52
rambo298YankDownUnder: where's the mozilla profile?00:52
sileniYankDownUnder: http://rafb.net/p/vCpAUp76.html00:53
daleharveywith a few errors, the main one looking like mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuuid ....... on /root failed00:53
Gneagalvanize: tcsh?00:53
YankDownUnderrambo298, In your home dir, most likely it's called ".mozilla"00:53
rambo298i see it but there're several dirs there ... appreg  extensions  firefox  mozver.dat  pluginreg.dat  plugins00:53
YankDownUndersileni, Looks good - did you do the "apt-get update" or whatever, to reload the database?00:54
^hashbang^galvanize: add export PS1=`\u@\h \w > ' to your ~/.bashrc00:54
rambo298in firefox? there's profiles.ini00:54
Gneagalvanize: oh, then you're doing it wrong on both fronts. bash doesn't use 'set', it exports the PS1 value. also, you'd need to place it in ~/.bashrc to have any permanent effect00:54
sileniYankDownUnder: yes, i did00:54
galvanizeok thanks everyone00:54
rj_hi all out ther00:54
YankDownUndersileni, I just checked the forums...00:55
YankDownUndersileni, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97104700:55
DartelHelp I don't have gnome panels anymore running everything by searchinh hard drive00:55
chris___hey im having trouble figuring out how to limit a user to sections of an svn repository rather than the whole repo?00:55
chris___any thoughts gents?00:55
YankDownUndersileni, It appears as though the package was removed on purpose, though you can still get the packages and manually install them...00:55
* YankDownUnder looks around for gents...finds none, goes back to wheezing00:55
craigbass1976Ok, I found a "safe graphics" mode, and am up and running.  When I mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb2 /mnt, I get the wrongfs type, blahblah.  Is the drive too far gone?  I can fdisk it00:55
HuufartedCan anybody answer for me what libdrm is?00:56
sileniYankDownUnder: thank you so much i appreciate you taking your time to help me00:56
delco83chris set the permission on group and put them in that group00:56
YankDownUnderHuufarted, A systems library for DRM00:56
YankDownUndersileni, No a worry mate.00:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chgrp00:56
Gneagalvanize: this should help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13217300:56
HuufartedYankDownUnder, DRM = Digital Rights Management?00:57
* YankDownUnder needs more coffee, or electroshock00:57
^hashbang^Huufarted: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/general/libdrm.html00:57
* riddlebox goes to get the cables and battery00:57
YankDownUnderHuufarted, I'd assume so, unless it means "Domestic Revisionary Motel"00:57
galvanizeis there a way to reset to the original .bashrc if i stupidly didn't make a backup?00:57
DartelHelp I don't have gnome panels anymore running everything by searchinh hard drive00:57
^hashbang^libdrm provides core library routines for the X Window System to directly interface with video hardware using the Linux kernel's Direct Rendering Modules00:57
HuufartedYankDownUnder, nope.  "Direct Rendering Module" which explains why it's needed for some graphics drivers.00:58
YankDownUndergalvanize, There should be a skeleton of that - so if you search on just "bashrc" you should be able to find it and replace the one you broke...00:58
Huufartedthanks for the link00:58
Huufartedand I'm outta here for now.  Off of work for the day.00:58
Gneasileni: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM00:58
YankDownUnderHuufarted, Awesome...now we both know what it's for! (And it's not for a cheeseburger, so I'm uninterested now) :)00:58
galvanizeyankdownunder, where do you mean search?00:58
YankDownUndergalvanize, Anywhere...hang on a tick...I'll find it...00:59
sileniGnea: why ?00:59
chris___delco83: without sounding retarded, how do I set permissions on a folder in a repo? its not like finding a regular folder00:59
Gneasileni: it seems they took scim and distributed its capabilities into 8.04 and 8.1000:59
sileniGnea, i was asking about spim not scim haha00:59
YankDownUndergalvanize, It's living under /etc/skeleton/.bashrc => make a copy of that over the one you toasted and you'll be right00:59
Nathan1995im normally only on ##networking on fn01:00
Gneasileni: ... *facepalm*01:00
* YankDownUnder thinks there's a bit of a diff between spim and scim...not much, just one letter, but enough...01:00
^hashbang^sileni: mips simulator?01:00
galvanizeyankdownunder, thanks so much for the help.01:00
YankDownUndergalvanize, Buy me a cheeseburger and we'll be even! :)01:00
sileni^hashbang^: yes, trying to get it to work in intrepid01:00
^hashbang^sileni: ok were you able to compile it?01:01
galvanizeanytime you're around my part of town get in touch :)01:01
sileni^hashbang^: nope reading through README01:01
YankDownUndergalvanize, Roger that, Houston01:01
RandomJohnAnny one know why my computer would keep freezing?01:01
^hashbang^sileni: ah ok I'll skip the readme and just try to complie it =)01:01
YankDownUnderRandomJohn, Cuz it's cold?01:01
Gneasileni: looks like 'spim' is being worked on :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/01:02
sileni^hashbang^: im trying to find the xspim version. i don't dare deal with the terminal version01:02
RandomJohnIt's not that cold.01:02
YankDownUnderRandomJohn, Mate, when that happens, first I'd check dust on fans/cpu/gpu and etc etc etc...that at least resolves an actual hardware issue. Then I'd test the mem...then I'd start on software01:02
daleharveycan anyone please give me a hand, my hard drive has seemingly dissapeared from my laptop and theres a bunch of stuff I could really ddo with not losing01:02
^hashbang^sileni: ah, ok I'm tryin to install the spim terminal version =)01:03
daleharveyit has been working perfectly up till tonight when it booted into initramfs01:03
RandomJohnThanks YankDownUnder :D01:03
sileni^hashbang^: hmm01:03
sileni^hashbang^: im going to install both01:03
^hashbang^sileni: resolving complie deps like installing bison right now01:03
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU01:03
^hashbang^sileni: and flex01:04
Gneathat's awesome, didn't know about revu01:04
YankDownUnderdaleharvey, I'll assume you've booted with the LiveCD and checked that the disk was still there and visible?01:04
^hashbang^sileni: ok spim installed fine01:04
sileni^hashbang^: do you know where i can find the xpim package01:05
Symmetriaman, I wish ubuntu had a proper network install cd01:05
^hashbang^sileni: I downloaded it all from http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~larus/spim.html01:05
mzzhi! I'm going to do something terribly rude and ask about a problem on a system I can't currently access: its nautilus icons (and desktop context menu) sometimes disappear. Does this sound familiar to anyone?01:06
daleharveyYankDownUnder: I dont have a live cd handy, ive been trying to search from the shell, the drive by-uuid is trying to boot seems there01:06
daleharveybut currently downloading a livecd01:06
YankDownUnderdaleharvey, I'll assume you've tried like "fdisk -l /dev/sda" and you actually see the drive and the partitions, yah?01:07
rambo298YankDownUnder: i punted ... i installed seamonkey and will use that ... txs01:07
^hashbang^sileni: darn, xspim won't install for somereason... says I don't have stubs-32.h (which is correct, i'm using 64bit01:07
YankDownUnderrambo298, Way cool...(as long as it ain't Internet Exploder)01:07
oemwhere is the controle bar for the power of sound ?01:08
rambo298YankDownUnder: ie doesn't even render my joomla web site correctly; it's not w3c compliant and it total crap01:08
daleharveyfdisk isnt a command in initramfs01:08
YankDownUnderPower of Sound? Is that a band?01:08
mzz^hashbang^: pastebin the last 20 lines or so of output?01:08
oemi can change it but no appear01:08
YankDownUnderrambo298, We knew it was total fecal matter when it first came out. Just put pearls on it is all they've done since...01:08
mzzoem: do you mean when pressing keyboard buttons for volume control?01:08
oemyes, the controle bar volume01:09
Sarthorrouting for multiple uplinks /providers, my question is here, HELP01:09
oemof volume01:09
daleharveyand no, you cant assume I have done much other than panic :P01:09
^hashbang^mzz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117074/01:09
rambo298YankDownUnder: ha my company just pushed out office 2007 ... what a total hairball ... pure doodoo01:09
oemy a des français ici ?01:09
mzz^hashbang^: notice "gcc -m32", it's trying to build a 32-bit binary.01:09
Sarthorrouting for multiple uplinks /providers, my question is here, HELP  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/routing-for-multiple-uplinks-providers-703789/01:09
mzz^hashbang^: pastebin config.log?01:09
daleharveyand tentative google searches, which havent given me back much01:09
YankDownUnderrambo298, They need to have some thought...2007 is, well, yuck.01:09
^hashbang^mzz: so I need to run make -m6401:10
mzz^hashbang^: no, not make. I think its configure may have misdetected something. Hang on.01:10
bartek_anybody has experience with ir and lirc; i have hp pavilion dv5 with remote control - hp rc6; only one button is working for me out of the box01:10
=== JayD is now known as Cara
oemi have ubuntu (gos3) but i can't see the controle bar for the volume01:10
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sileni^hashbang^: hmm that is wierd im running 64 bit and i got it to work01:10
mzz^hashbang^: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~larus/SPIM/spim.tar.gz is what you're trying to build, right?01:11
^hashbang^mzz: yea01:11
oemcan you suck my ass ?01:11
^hashbang^mzz: xspim01:11
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^hashbang^oem: please watch your language01:11
mzz^hashbang^: ugh, no autotools build system. This'll take a minute.01:11
oemta gueule batard01:11
AETE_KRAOUDhi all01:11
^hashbang^mzz: lol yea I had that same problem01:12
oemje nique ta mère01:12
^hashbang^!fr | oem01:12
ubottuoem: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr01:12
oemok merci01:12
mzz^hashbang^: he knows that, he's just cursing in french for some reason01:12
YankDownUnderI believe that the French speaking channel is not quite this one...I could be mistaken...01:12
^hashbang^mzz: lol I know01:12
^hashbang^mzz: =)01:12
oemje fais comment ?01:12
quadaptorexists a command thats extract n bytes from the middle (= a specified position) of a file, like tail/head?  e.g. command -s 35 -b 29  => extract 29 bytes from byte/position 35 (starts at 29. byte)01:12
^hashbang^mzz: the -m32 is in the Makefile01:13
xooxquadaptor: Maybe awk. Try #bash.01:13
mzz^hashbang^: meh, looks like the Makefile forces that. It's probably easier to fetch 32-bit libraries and headers to build against than to get this to build in 64-bit.01:13
AETE_KRAOUDi lost a partition of ext3 filesystem because a stupid click in  windows (dual boot) what to do to recover it?01:13
mzzquadaptor: iirc sed can do that01:13
* mzz looks it up01:14
^hashbang^mzz: compat libs here I come01:14
AETE_KRAOUDdo you want me to paste to paste bin the fdisk -lu ?01:14
^hashbang^mzz: tho, I don't need spim or xspim... lol01:14
carpeliam|pidgini'm not hearing any audio output when i use aplay etc, but other devices connected to my soundcard play just fine- something's wrong with my audio setup, but how do i debug it?01:14
^hashbang^mzz: sileni needed it01:15
xoox!sound | carpeliam|pidgin01:15
ubottucarpeliam|pidgin: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:15
^hashbang^mzz: but thank you for the help =)01:15
ari_stressgood morning all :)01:16
mzzquadaptor: hrm, this is trivial with sed if it involves lines instead of bytes...01:16
AETE_KRAOUDari_stress, : good morning01:16
mzzI apparently forgot how to do it with bytes01:16
xooxquadaptor: You can use head and tail with the --bytes option01:16
Furudoes anyone know a app, that would let me corp 90% of my lcd and let the edge stay black since its damaged and not readable? msg me please if you know one:)01:16
fj1:) hello01:16
mzzquadaptor: you can always just chain head and tail, of course01:17
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quadaptormzz: no, i must define bytes. :-/01:17
xooxquadaptor: --bytes01:17
AETE_KRAOUDhow can i recover a dissapeared partition in ubuntu ?01:17
* ^hashbang^ needs sleep... 01:17
^hashbang^wb Wizzup01:17
quadaptorbut tail/head returns first OR last bytes, thats right?01:17
fj1I have a broadcom card in my dell mini9 that I can't get intrepid to play nice with. I've been all over the forums, and I'm out of ideas. Can anyone suggest anything?01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep01:18
WizzupOh, did I 'zzz' in here already? hehe.01:18
AETE_KRAOUDquadaptor,  : yes01:18
quadaptoror using "head -b 10 | tail -b 5" ... or so :)01:18
mzzquadaptor: yes, but you can chain them01:18
mzzquadaptor: yes, that.01:18
quadaptormzz: okay, i'll try it... tomorrow. :-)01:19
quadaptorthx for help01:19
DartelHow do I turn gnome panels back on?01:19
AETE_KRAOUDguys any idea how to recover my lost partition in linux ?01:19
AETE_KRAOUDit was ext301:19
AETE_KRAOUDbut it is lost because of windows stupidity..01:20
letalisDartel: if you have a means to run a command in x running gnome-panel & would load them again01:20
Dartelwill try01:20
wizard23can someone help me with the sound diappearing after an upgrade in 8.1001:21
GneaAETE_KRAOUD: no idea, perhaps you could explain exactly what happened?01:21
letaliswizard23: do you have multiple sound devices?01:21
Raacbig botnet01:21
AETE_KRAOUDGnea,  :exactly ? ok01:21
GneaAETE_KRAOUD: yes, *exactly*.01:21
AETE_KRAOUDGnea,  :deal!01:22
AETE_KRAOUDso i had an ntfs partition01:22
pregierwizard23:  fwiw, the best sound howto I've seen for ubuntu yet is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 , though this won't help with hardware setup01:22
Kryzlerwizard23, you may need to reassign your sound device to the default sound device01:22
AETE_KRAOUDand i dual boot with windows and ubuntu01:22
=== Vascom is now known as Vasco
SkEmOwhere can i get games for intrepid?01:22
wizard23well i have one sound device t4201:22
AETE_KRAOUDso one day (yesterday ) i deleted the partition from windows with hust a click01:23
letaliswizard23: is it capable of being setup as a surround sound setup?01:23
GneaAETE_KRAOUD: hrm, try to fit as much as you can on one line - makes it easier for others to help too01:23
mzzSkEmO: a bunch are available the same way other software is (synaptic or whichever apt frontend you prefer)01:23
AETE_KRAOUDGnea, : ok i will do that this time :-)01:23
mib_9xpe6p4uwhat are you doing running your gui as root for in the first place? that was your first mistake01:23
GneaAETE_KRAOUD: please :)01:23
* mzz wonders who mib_9xpe6p4u is replying to01:24
wizard23want to see also error out put?01:24
CNLiberali need some MDADM help...is anyone available?01:24
letalispastbin it please01:24
=== hrvoje is now known as hrv
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:24
=== Vasco is now known as Vascom
Gnea!raid | CNLiberal01:25
ubottuCNLiberal: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:25
xooxI had packages from a wrong distro version in a directory that I had in my sources.list. I did an 'apt-get update' and then noticed I was going to install those packages on upgrade. I removed the line from sources.list, apt-get update; apt-get clean; but the packages are still listed for upgrade (I know they are being pulled from file on my machine through apt-cache policy). What gives? How do I remove references to these packages?01:25
SkEmOmzz:  but im not at my lappy with linux, im on windows01:25
mzzSkEmO: iirc synaptic has a way to spit out a list of files to download01:25
wolterwhat does the sm-disable option do?01:25
yoyonedSkEmO: getdeb.net01:25
CNLiberali'm aware of those resources, however, I'm still having issues with it01:25
CNLiberalspecifically...when I boot my machine, it shows all 6 drives in /proc/mdstat01:26
CNLiberalcat /proc/mdstat shows the array as clean01:26
CNLiberalbut a moment later /dev/sde1 drops out01:26
CNLiberalshould I fail that drive then try initiating the array?01:27
alanis this where i can go to get help with ubuntu setup/01:27
jrussHi I have been with ubuntu for a while but I am an IRC noob, so please go easy on me. I am having a bizarre system failure and I have run out of ideas of how to track it down.01:28
jrussI get a kernel panic at boot01:28
mzzalan: probably!01:28
mzoerhello newbie here01:28
alani am having trouble installing compiz, hoping for some assistance01:29
letalisjruss: what was the last major change you made before the panic01:29
GneaCNLiberal: not sure, never used it. if I were to start anywhere, it'd be with step #7 here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846101:29
_DELhow do i remove gnome desktop environment?01:29
mzoeranyone able to help me install my wireless adapter?01:29
jrusswell it doesn't happen consistently01:29
jrussit first happened a few months ago01:29
CNLiberalGnea...thanks i'll look01:29
jrussthe panic says that it failed to sync and it could not find init01:29
mzzalan: what are you trying to do exactly? If you have a regular ubuntu install you probably already have compiz, although it may not be running01:30
jrusshowever if my system sits off for a little while then things boot up fine01:30
alanno, not that simple unfortunately01:30
letalisjruss: maybe a hardware issue if your system does it intermittantly01:30
mzzjruss: that sounds like it's not picking up the root filesystem (or probably actually the drive that is on) for some reason01:30
jrussbut after running for any where from minutes to a few days it will hang hard01:30
CNLiberali'm gonna try marking the disk as bad01:30
Gneajruss: is your CPU or motherboard overheating?01:30
jrussand then when  I reboot I get the kernel panic01:30
ari_stress_DEL: you want to use text mode only?01:30
CNLiberali hope i don't break this thing01:30
alani uninstalled what i had, trying to install a newer version, because i wanted a different alt-tab app switcher01:31
pregierjruss:  have you tried any hardware diagnostics yet?01:31
jrussi used lm-sensor to check temps01:31
jrussMB and CPU were in the 35-40 range01:31
Gneajruss: what do they usually report back?01:31
jrussthere wasn't a heave load01:31
alanand now i cant get the new version working, and i never set up the original version myself, so i dont know what to do for that01:31
Gneajruss: celcius?01:31
mzzjruss: if it breaks intermittently and then stays broken until you leave the system off for a while that definitely sounds like either bad hardware or a loose cable to me01:31
pregierjruss:  smartctl -a /dev/sdX might be worth checking out01:31
jrussyes C01:31
_DELari_stress I have kde installed01:31
mzzjruss: what pregier said is an excellent idea01:32
mzoercan anyone help with a wireless installation question?01:32
mzzjruss: I'd also physically replug the relevant (hd) cables01:32
jrussI checked out smartctl on my disks and they all passed01:32
mzzmzoer: just ask the question (I probably can't answer but someone else might)01:32
jrussI unhooked all disk but the boot disk and I still get the kernel panic01:32
mzzjruss: I'd need a few more lines from the failing kernel to confirm it's not finding the hd01:32
jrussI also ran e2fsck on the boot drive with the -c option to check badblocks and it passed01:33
mzzjruss: (perhaps take a picture of the screen and upload that somewhere)01:33
ari_stress_DEL: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, but i'm not sure whether it will break your ubuntu or not01:33
jrussgive me a minute and I will get you the actual message when it fails01:33
mzzjruss: if it's just the filesystem that's bad I'd expect it to fail differently (no intermittent boot failure and no hard hang, "just" a forced remount readonly)01:33
jrussit is short01:33
AETE_KRAOUDI am dual booting windows and ubuntu  and i had two partitions ntfs and three ext3 and swap for linux . so before 3 days i used mkfs.ext3 and maked the ntfs to an ext3 partition and everything was fine.... but yesterday i booted on windows and i shaw that the ntfs D:/ ICON was still there ... sto i deleted because i thought it was not useful but as long as i booted linux the ext3 has been also vanished and i can't find anywhere . i01:34
AETE_KRAOUDtype fdisk -lu  and it becomes clear that windows has maked the new ext3 partition  .. just free space . The bad thing is tha had some data in there and i want to  know if there is a posibiliity to recover the partition somehow . Ithink that it must be possible because i hevent formated it i have just hit delete from windows but windows was showing an empty device so windows was just searching for the old ntfs partition and insteed01:34
mzoerWhen I boot Ubuntu, there are no lights on my Microsoft wireless aapter, how do I install it?01:34
AETE_KRAOUDit found nothing . So how to recover my ext3 deleted by the windows partition ?01:34
x_Ohey anyone try watching hulu.com videos on ubuntu lately?01:34
x_Oabc has blocked linux01:34
x_Oanyone know of a way to get it to work again?01:34
_DELari_stress, i guess we will find out.lol.01:34
x_Otried safari and firefox in wine with flash01:34
jribx_O: ask abc?01:34
x_Ono thats what im here01:34
x_Othey wont do anything01:34
_DELari_stress, tnx01:34
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: I've done (roughly) that and gotten my data back by repartitioning (using fdisk) to the *exact* same layout01:34
wolterhey kinja-sheep, whats up? its just me, bothering you again01:35
jribx_O: if they don't know they have customers who want linux support then they definitely won't do anything, yes01:35
AETE_KRAOUDmzz :yes ok but the right /dev/sda5 is substituted by the home partition01:35
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: so if you simply create another partition in the empty space (and make very sure you do not format it) you may be able to mount it again just fine01:35
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: the partition numbers don't matter01:36
jrussHere is the message when it fails to boot:01:36
jrussStarting up...01:36
jruss[   2.464672] Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try Passing init= option to kernel01:36
Jufisis there good drivers for logitech vx nano mouse to make the extra buttons work?01:36
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: (although you may have to fix up fstab to put the right partition in the right place, of course)01:36
x_Oyea one person is going to make a difference01:36
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: hmmm so you mean the command mkfs.ext3 ?01:36
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: no!01:36
x_Olooking for a workaround not a suggestion to email abc lol01:36
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: do *not* run anything with "mkfs" in it. You do not want to make a filesystem, you already have one01:36
alani had compiz 0.7.4, tried to get 0.7.8 - that is not in my package manager so i tried to download and compile source from compiz-fusion.org, but a script was missing from the archive01:36
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: you'd just run fdisk (or possibly something fancier, like gparted) to create a new partition, making sure it is *not* formatted (left uninitialized)01:37
AETE_KRAOUDmzz : yes ok so what do i have to type to make it live again ?01:37
alani tried following instructions on ubuntu.com, and it installed, but just freezes my computer immediately when i run01:37
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: I'm not sure if you can do this through gparted. If you can that'd probably be easiest.01:37
AETE_KRAOUDmzz : you mean i have to count which is the empty space?01:37
pregierjruss:  do you have any lines from before your panic?01:37
wolterkinja-sheep, you not there?01:37
jrussthere are no lines01:37
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: if there is no other free space and all space was used before using fdisk for this is probably pretty easy too (if you don't mind a text-based interface)01:37
wolteri need help with suspend, i can't wake it up after suspending.01:37
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: yes gparted is easy  but does not support ext3 only ext201:38
jrussthat is all the comes up after grub01:38
lacitaneed to know what wireless driver i m running? Any ideas?01:38
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j03lar50nhow come ifconfig doesn't tell me 'DNS Servers' and 'Search Domains'? i need to populate those fields to edit my Manual IPv4 settings of my Static Wired Connection01:38
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wolteri pressed both keys and mouse buttons.01:38
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: it doesn't matter. You do *not* need this utility to do anything with filesystems. *just* with raw partitions.01:38
CrazytomI'm using intrepid and trying a get a wordpress install going but it says it's can't load the mysql extention.  I'm on my 5th hour of this and slightly frustrated.  can someone give me a hand?  Thanks in advance01:38
mzoeranyone here ever install any new hardware that wasn't plug and play?01:38
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mzzAETE_KRAOUD: I'm not sure gparted lets you do this (create a partition without initializing (formatting) it)01:38
jrussI am fairly certain that some hardware is going bad I just don't know what hardware it could be or how to narrow it down01:38
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: me too :-)01:38
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: do you want to try doing this with fdisk?01:38
pregierjruss:  once you get it panicking, is it a sure thing?  if so, you can get hacky information about the root partition from grub01:38
AETE_KRAOUDmzz : yes01:38
AETE_KRAOUDmzz :can you give a small example ?01:39
jrusshow do I get more info01:39
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: ok. Do you happen to have a hard disk around with at least as much free space as the entire affected drive's size?01:39
mustangghey the chan.  I'm trying to find out from where does the installer (alt iso) get the hostname to populate the field for that part of the installation.01:39
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: yes an external hdd01:39
jrussit will always boot up if I let it sit off for a while01:39
jribx_O: the workaround is to install windows in a vm or whatever.  I'm serious about letting hulu.com know about linux support01:39
jrussthen after I use it for a while it will freeze, no keyboard, mouse, ssh01:40
AETE_KRAOUDmzz : the wd 320 GB :-) in ntfs .01:40
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: you could copy the entire raw hd image to that. That way you can't lose any data if you make a mistake using fdisk. That'll take a while though.01:40
jrussand it will kernel panic at boot01:40
pregierjruss:  if you can get to a grub prompt, try looking around your your partition with something like "cat (hd0,X)/<TAB><TAB>" to see if it can actually list files on that partition01:40
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: thanks nice idea01:40
AETE_KRAOUDmzz : i will keep the important data at least :-)01:40
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: (personally I wouldn't bother, but the data on this system isn't *that* valuable, so...)01:40
pregierjruss:  if you can't even list files then you've narrowed it down pretty close to your hard drive01:41
jrusspregier: I have it booted now because it has been off01:41
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: I meant boot from a livecd and dd the entire raw disk image over. That way you can re-attempt the recovery if it fails.01:41
jrusswhat should I look at at01:41
pregierjruss:  if it's working fine,  look closer at "smartctl -a /dev/sdX"01:41
lacitaneed to know what wireless driver i m running? Any ideas?01:41
mzzlacita: dmesg usually has that information01:41
jrussI have run e2fsck and badblocks on the boot and root partitions and everything passed01:41
mzzlacita: (that's a command to run, try "dmesg|less")01:41
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: dd is that a tool that i need ?01:41
lacitamzz: thanks01:42
pregierjruss:  that's your filesystem; mzz mentioned if it was the contents of the filesystem you'd get different errors01:42
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: i think tha writes raw data 0101010 on the drive?01:42
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: if you want to do this backup that's a tool you can use (although I've used simply "cat" or "cp" to do the same thing with no obvious ill effect)01:42
rapidsecretionsMy cd drive is no longer recognized at all and my block device scd0 is gone...How do I get it back?01:42
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: it can copy raw data to and from drives and files.01:42
bartek_i need help with remote control01:42
pregierjruss:  we're worried now about the hard drive itself cutting out intermittently, which wouldn't show in the filesystem contents01:42
AETE_KRAOUDmzz:  aha it is a raw cat so :-)01:42
Crazytomdoes anyone know about mysql in ubuntu?01:43
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: thankz!!!!!!!!01:43
lacitamzz: omg so much information!!!01:43
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: thanks a lot for the infos01:43
jrusswhat do you mean the hard drive cutting out?01:43
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jrusswhat other test can I run on it? It passed smartctl, fsck, and badblocks01:43
pregierjruss:  sometimes a hard drive will just stop responding; when this happens, there is no immediate corruption of the filesystem except for an unclean dismount01:44
ubuntuphr3kI've graced this channel with my presence.01:44
georgy_28Crazytom, : what is the problem ?01:44
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: I'd need your "fdisk -l /dev/sd_whatever_your_drive_is" output to tell you what to type into fdisk to (hopefully) recover the partition01:44
pregierjruss:  smartctl shows a lot of information beyond simple pass/fail01:44
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: ok one minute01:44
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: do you want to paste it to paste bin ?01:44
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: yes please01:44
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: ok01:45
Crazytomgeorgy_28, I get this error01:45
jrussif I run smartctl -t what would be the pertenent info?01:45
Crazytomgeorgy_28, Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.01:45
pregierjruss:  smartctl -t just initiates a test.  I said smartctl -a01:45
bernzCrazytom, mysql can be installed in ubuntu (command is probably 'sudo apt-get install mysql'), and then it can be used by web app frameworks and anything else you like, so yes :-)01:45
Crazytomgeorgy_28, and this one Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration01:45
georgy_28Crazytom, : try to install php5-mysql01:45
pregierjruss:  you want to look at the raw smart attributes table as well as any isolated failures logged01:46
CNLiberali think i have the drive added back, but jfs_fsck is having issues.  The array isn't started, so I'm gonna reboot01:46
Crazytomgeorgy_28, i've reinstalled it twice01:46
pregierjruss:  neither of these has anything to do with selftests, i.e. smartctl -t01:46
kindofabuzzhow would i change gnome-terminal to start up in ~/Desktop instead of just ~?01:46
mzzjruss: there's a passed/not passed summary near the top iirc, but looking at the individual values can be interesting too01:46
mustanggany possibilities for why a fresh install seems to know my previous hostname? I've thoroughly dd'd the drives which were involved.01:47
georgy_28Crazytom, : oh !!01:47
jrusswhat is the command to get the info I need for this drive?01:47
alananyone can help with getting compiz to run without freezing??01:47
mzzkindofabuzz: mmm, if gnome-terminal sets TERM to something recognizable (not just "xterm") you could do that in your bashrc01:47
computer_anyone have experience with festival?01:47
Crazytomgeorgy_28, was that a good oh?01:47
kindofabuzzmzz, so check .bashrc?01:47
pepperjackalan: id check your driver. if using nvidia install the nvidia-glx driver01:47
mzzkindofabuzz: not so much "check" as "add some code" :)01:48
_DELari_stress, do you know how to reinstall?01:48
atom^xCrazytom, have you installed mysql? and is it running?01:48
kindofabuzzmzz, k thanks, i'll experiment =)01:48
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mzzkindofabuzz: (something like "[[ $TERM = gnome-terminal ]] && cd ~/Desktop")01:48
alanpepperjack: pretty sure i installed that first thing after ubuntu01:48
pepperjackalan: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:49
georgy_28Crazytom, :http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress maybe this will help you :01:49
mzzoh hey, I have gnome-terminal01:49
Crazytomatom^x, it's been installed but i'm not totally sure it's running01:49
mzzkindofabuzz: drat, my gnome-terminal sets TERM=xterm. Yours may differ though (this isn't ubuntu)01:49
mzzkindofabuzz: ah, try with COLORTERM instead of TERM01:49
cxvxbroot, are you using irc as sudo?01:49
UncleGemcwhen I kill X it just restarts and prompts login how do I keep it dead?01:49
alanpepperjack: "mouse" "kbd" "nvidia" "nvidia"01:50
mzzUncleGemc: you need to stop gdm. That's probably close to "/etc/init.d/gdm stop", but not quite that01:50
Kryzlerubuntu uses bash by default yeah?01:50
* mzz waits for someone to correct him01:50
mzzKryzler: not for /bin/sh01:50
Picimzz: Thats actually correct.01:50
UncleGemcok, ty I will lok at it01:50
mzzyay, lucky guess01:50
bernzmzz, what about switching to a text session (ctrl-alt-f1)01:50
Dr_WillisKryzler,  bash is the default  USER shell.. sh (dash) is the default system shell01:50
mzzKryzler: is the default login shell though iirc01:51
atom^xCrazytom, search for lamp install guide...01:51
bernzmzz, (assuming the point is to get to a non-X shell of some sort)01:51
pepperjackalan: gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log  see if you see any errors around the time it freezes etc not sure01:51
mzzbernz: oh, good point.01:51
Crazytomthis one? htps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP01:51
cxvxbListen up: If you're using the mplayer that Ubuntu comes with, rather than compiling the latest version of mplayer, you are missing out on 3 years of development. the mplayer that comes with ubuntu is 3 YEARS old. There's a ton of more codecs and formats that are supported.01:51
mzzUncleGemc: if what you're actually trying to do is get a non-X shell just do what bernz said01:51
Droopsta915Whats a good application to extract .rar files?01:51
atom^xCrazytom, ubutto has a link I am sure.01:51
mzzUncleGemc: and it's probably cleaner to run the /etc/init.d/gdm stop from there than to do it from inside a running X session.01:51
bernzmzz, but your suggestion is more "effective"01:52
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:52
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:52
mzzbernz: well, it depends on what he's actually trying to do (get to a non-X terminal or stop X)01:52
UncleGemcwell, you see im on windows right now with xming and I don't really need x on the linux box running right?01:52
bernzUncleGemc, right, X is only for humans (to see what's going on)01:53
kindofabuzzmzz, it was easier than i thought, just ad cd /home/<user>/Desktop to the end of .bashrc01:53
mzzUncleGemc: probably not. May want to stop it from restarting when the system reboots if this system is (normally) only used remotely.01:53
Dr_WillisUncleGemc,   You dont need  x Running.. but you may want to keep X and the apps installed..01:53
mzzkindofabuzz: that'll always do it, not just for gnome-terminal.01:53
Dr_WillisI use xming all the time. :) its handy01:53
alanpepperjack: its been a few days since i last attempted to run compiz - i guess ill need to run it again, let it freeze, then check the .log?01:53
UncleGemcI want to keep it installed I just dont need it ran locally01:53
Crazytomatom^x, that's what I was following01:53
bernzkindofabuzz, there's also a ".profile" (i think a very ancient tradition, but i could be wrong about that), which most shells respect01:53
pepperjackalan: maybe id cp the log after that and check ubuntu forums for similar problems.01:53
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: here you are http://pastebin.com/m6e15c80d01:54
_DELdoes anyone know how to reinstall gnome?01:54
pregier... so i've been having a heck of a time switching inputs on my hauppauge pvr-250 under intrepid; v4l2-ctl is supposed to do this now instead of ivtvctl, but no luck here.  Has anyone else seen this?01:54
bernz(and into which you could put "last minute hacks" for login)01:54
redvamp128_DEL:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:54
AETE_KRAOUD_DEL, : yes install kde and then install gnome again :-)01:54
jrussI don't recall seeing any errors reported when I ran the smartctl test01:54
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: oh, great, you actually know the old layout01:54
jrussbut now the system has hung01:54
mustanggis there any good docs/faq on how to do a fresh install with raid0 (for LVM), during setup but before selecting to use LVM reconfigures things on its own..?01:54
jrussand I won't be able to run it again01:54
AETE_KRAOUD_DEL, : or do it from the coomand line :-)01:54
AETE_KRAOUDmzz : ofcourse :-)01:55
redvamp128AETE_KRAOUD:  why does he have to install KDE-- why not just XFCE-- Xubuntu01:55
alanpepperjack: thanks, i had no idea where to look, this is a starting point at least01:55
timbojimboyo.. any one with amarok?01:55
redvamp128AETE_KRAOUD:  Much smaller footprint than KDE01:55
mzzmustangg: this is not the best solution, but what you could do is just use any livecd to set up lvm/raid/etc the way you like it, then run the installer01:55
AETE_KRAOUDredvamp128,  : no KDE is actually better and faster01:55
Dante123hi all, installed gnomeppp and what I thought was the latest Conexant driver (deb file) on friends Dell Inspiron 1501 for modem (version has same kernel number as the Ubuntu 8.10 he is running).  However, there is no modem detected on the system.  Is there some command I have to run or something to get the modem detected?  Modprobe? or some config command?01:55
AETE_KRAOUDredspike,  : KDE rocks01:55
carpiii have a web server and want to mount my new 2nd drive to hold two different directories. Can I do this via mount, or should I just use symlinks from drive 1 to drive 2?01:55
mzzmustangg: iirc it'll let you use the lvm lvs that already exist01:55
_DELthanks AETE_KRAOUD, redvamp12801:56
redvamp128AETE_KRAOUD:  actually My KDE takes about 1min 42 seconds to load and takes up more room on the drive than my XFCE (which takes 46 seconds to load)01:56
_DELits installing from command01:56
timbojimboAETE_KRAOUD: I have heard alot about KDE but as of now i still like gnome better man01:56
kindofabuzzwoohoo Lenny this weekend! =)01:56
AETE_KRAOUDredvamp128, : i use KDE in my laptop01:56
redvamp128AETE_KRAOUD:  my gnome actually takes 52 seconds to load01:56
AETE_KRAOUDredvamp128,  : and it is faster than ecerything !!!!!!!101:56
timbojimboAETE_KRAOUD:  i have also used kde, don't really like it01:57
mustanggmzz: been trying that but am having difficulty making things stick. Dunno if it's fakeraid related or not at this poiint but...01:57
redvamp128AETE_KRAOUD:  though 36 seconds to load my LXDE01:57
Dr_WillisTiny Core Linux Takes about 15 seconds to BOOT to X :) so phhht. :P01:57
AETE_KRAOUDredvamp128, : The nautilus sucks01:57
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:57
georgy_28though 22 second to load E1701:57
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: ok, so there's just a gap at the start of the extended partition. If you tell fdisk to create a new logical partition and use all available space for it you should end up with the same layout (just possibly with the numbers switched). You can print and compare before writing, so this is quite safe.01:57
AETE_KRAOUDredvamp128, : nautilus makes 1 minute to show me the folder in  /usr/bin !!!!! what do you say abou that?01:57
Mal3koguys..how do i check what are services running?01:57
j03lar50nhow do i determine what to put in for my 'network' value when editing my /etc/network/interfaces file - trying to setup a static connection to a server01:57
Mal3kocmd line01:57
usserpfft my gentoo takes 15 sec01:57
atom^xCrazytom, what step were you at?01:57
timbojimboyo.. any one with amarok?01:58
bernzcarpii, you should mount the second drive onto your main file system01:58
mzzmustangg: I did a hardy install into a pv I set aside from a different distro earlier iirc and that worked just fine. No raid involved though.01:58
CNLiberalif anyone is curious...i fixed my array issue...01:58
usserj03lar50n, netmask you mean?01:58
CNLiberali've said it once, i've said it a 100 times...01:58
redvamp128AETE_KRAOUD:  though what beats that is Puppy Linux 23 seconds (PIII 933mhz with 256mb of memory and a Geforce4 MX4000)01:58
CNLiberalmdadm is the bee's knees01:58
CNLiberalthat cat's meow01:58
carpiibernz, its difficult because i want the new drive to hold /var/log but also to hold /var/html/userimages01:58
Dante123hi all, installed gnomeppp and what I thought was the latest Conexant driver (deb file) on friends Dell Inspiron 1501 for modem (version has same kernel number as the Ubuntu 8.10 he is running).  However, there is no modem detected on the system.  Is there some command I have to run or something to get the modem detected?  Modprobe? or some config command?01:58
AETE_KRAOUDmzz:ok nice but how i create a partition from scratch for example /dev/sda6 or sda7?01:58
CNLiberalthe /dev/sde1 disk was removed from the array already01:58
carpiibernz, and I dont really want to mount the whole of /var01:58
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: I can walk you through fdisk if you're having trouble, but it's pretty straightforward if you're comfortable with commandline apps in general.01:58
j03lar50nno, usser in my .../interfaces file there's a network value that i need to fill01:59
UncleGemcok i still dont know how to kill X though01:59
CNLiberali just started the array in degraded mode01:59
CNLiberalran jfs_fsck on it01:59
CNLiberalmounted it01:59
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: ok i just need an example so :-)01:59
CNLiberaland then readded the failed drive01:59
CNLiberaland it started an auto-repair01:59
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UncleGemcit's at the login screen but how do I kill it and keep it killed?01:59
j03lar50nmaybe i don't need it usser01:59
_DELis there a way for me to set a remote login for this computer to do work from another location? its not a server edition01:59
Dr_WillisUncleGemc,  stop the GDM or KDM service01:59
pepperjackUncleGemc: alt-crtl-f2 then login then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:59
usserj03lar50n, thats all you need for most setups http://pastebin.com/m14063e1c02:00
UncleGemcI tried02:00
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: anyway i will try it out Thanks again02:00
UncleGemcgdm stop didnt work :(02:00
bernzcarpii, okay, in that case, it's a hybrid: mount the drive in a general way, then use symlinks to point to subdirs on the mounted volume02:00
lacitamzz: I found this:02:00
Dr_WillisUncleGemc,  then you did it wrong02:00
lacita[   19.008347] Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods02:00
lacita[   19.008418] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 312581808 512-byte hardware sectors (160042 MB)02:00
Dr_Willissudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:00
lacita[   19.008431] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off02:00
lacita[   19.008434] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 0002:00
bernzcarpii, hopefully that makes sense :-02:00
Dr_Williswill stop it for the current session. Not permently02:00
lacita[   19.008452] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA02:00
j03lar50nusser, thank you soo much - i've been trying to 2days on here to get some attention. i really appreciate it02:00
lacita[   19.008500] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 312581808 512-byte hardware sectors (160042 MB)02:00
wikkedfinDoes the wifi under ubuntu 8.10 only connect to b and not g or n?02:00
AETE_KRAOUDUncleGemc, : try         /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:00
UncleGemcit just says that it is already running02:00
usserj03lar50n, no problem02:00
lacita[   19.008511] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off02:00
AETE_KRAOUDUncleGemc, : and then          /etc/init.d/gdm start02:00
lacita[   19.008513] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 0002:00
carpiiok bernz, thanks. will there be much of a performance penalty for this? particular for httpd logs where the file is constantly being written?02:01
lacita[   19.008529] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA02:01
j03lar50nusser, may i pm for 1 or 2 follow ups?02:01
lacita[   19.008533]  sda:<4>Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods02:01
lacita[   19.424348]  sda1 sda2 sda3 sda402:01
usserj03lar50n, that was for wired network though, wireless may need more options02:01
lacita[   19.437081] ieee1394: Host added: ID:BUS[0-00:1023]  GUID[00023f79af4001af]02:01
lacita[   19.451551] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk02:01
lacita[   19.456118] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 002:01
lacita[   19.456164] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 502:01
lacita[   19.459364] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray02:01
usserj03lar50n, sure02:01
lacitamzz: I meant I found this: iwl3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection driver for Linux, 1.2.002:01
carpiilacita, can you stop pasting please02:01
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: hang on, it won't let me create a new partition without free space, working around that...02:01
redvamp128!pastebin | lacita:02:01
AETE_KRAOUDwikkedfin, : it conncects depend on the card!!!02:01
ubottulacita:: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:01
bernzUncleGemc, try 'which gdm', and it'll tell you where the gdm program lives (or if it's missing!)02:01
wikkedfinwell my card is B/G/N02:02
UncleGemcits in there02:02
Imaginativeoneanyone familiar with the roku device?02:02
bernzUncleGemc, (it's not guaranteed to work, but it can help you see if it's easily reachable)02:02
lacitamzcarpiiz, redvamp128: that was an accident. I meant to paste one line. Sorry for the error.02:02
UncleGemcnow I have a black screen on my linux box02:02
wikkedfinand all the AP's are B or G but they connect B02:02
AETE_KRAOUDmzz :please watch out your partitions i just needed a trivial example02:02
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: sudo fdisk /dev/sd_your_drive, "n", "l", accept the defaults for first and last cylinder, "p", compare to your saved layout. The start and end offsets should match, although the order probably won't.02:02
wikkedfinI have an Ath9k02:02
UncleGemcbut no X or login prompt02:02
redvamp128lacita:  I was just informing you of that service- instead of us getting like 5 lines of text all at once.02:02
bernzcarpii, it's minimal... parsing through mount points is a pretty low-level thing and thus optimized as necessary (at least reasonably so)02:02
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: I just created a file full of zeroes and ran fdisk on that [had to tell it the numbers of cylinders for that "drive" but apart from that it accepted it :) ]02:02
carpiiok thanks bernz02:03
lacitamzz: I was hoping for something like "madwifi-ng" or "R8187", etc.02:03
mzzlacita: iwl3945 it is then02:03
bernzcarpii, no worries, good luck02:03
mzzlacita: (can probably confirm that by running "lsmod" and checking if the module is used)02:03
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: hehe Nice :-)02:03
UncleGemcfrom tty2 I ran gdm stop and it apparently did something but I still have login at tty702:03
UncleGemcx # tty702:03
lacitaredvamp128: I know about pastebin, I just dumped the wrong copy here02:03
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: so fdisc doesn't need me to provide any info except the numbers of cylinders ?02:04
mzzUncleGemc: log out there, you probably won't get the login screen back02:04
redvamp128_DEL:  any luck getting gnome back?02:04
mustangg_mzz: I keep thinking that fakeraid left garbage on my drives because a fresh install finds the previous hostname; but-02:04
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: you can just accept the defaults (there should only be one "hole", it'll use all of it by default)02:04
lacitamzz: looks right: iwlwifi_mac80211      218980  1 iwl394502:05
AETE_KRAOUDmzz :sounds pretty dtraight forwarding OK :-)02:05
lacitamzz: but I also see this: iwl3945                89844  002:05
mzzlacita: that's actually iwl3945 using a more basic module, but that still confirms iwl3945 is loaded :)02:05
=== jos-busy is now known as josspyker
UncleGemcmzz: nope it just started back up02:05
AETE_KRAOUDmzz : i am going to try it now02:05
mzzlacita: I don't know how normal the "0" there is (pretty normal if the interface is currently disabled)02:05
mzzUncleGemc: I don't know what's up with that, sorry02:06
AETE_KRAOUDmzz :sorry about my bad english and the mistakes :-) i do my best02:06
lacitamzz: enabled, but not active at the moment02:06
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: don't worry about it, I've seen *much* worse02:06
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: besides english is not my first language :-)02:06
UncleGemcno biggy02:06
AETE_KRAOUDmzz : i understand :-)02:06
Crayboffalright, question. what is the difference between the different kernels when starting up ubuntu? like "kernel 2.6.27-11-generic" and "kernel 2.6.27-9-generic"?02:06
mzzCrayboff: the lower ones are older02:06
mzzCrayboff: (for some reason old kernels don't seem to be uninstalled by default when you get upgrades)02:07
* mzz isn't sure what the best way to do some spring cleaning in that area is02:07
UncleGemcmzz: ill figure it out.02:07
usserCrayboff, the one with higher minor version is more recent, has security updates, patches etc02:07
kindofabuzzI installed python 3 from source, but i've decided to start with 2.5. Now when I start idle it loads using 3 instead of 2.5, how can i fix that? yes i know there is an idle 2.5 in the repos but i want the regular idle to point to 2.502:07
usserCrayboff, sorry02:07
pluma GParted is set to round to cylinders by default. Is this really necessary for Vista + Ubuntu 8.10? The manual only says this is necessary for "old OSes"02:07
RoyallMy built-in microphone's volume control (in Volume Control, HDA Intel Also mixer) always changed whenever I close the window. How can I stop it from automatically changing?02:07
ussermzz, the one with higher minor version is more recent, has security updates, patches etc02:07
bullgard4What is an 'Internet file' as used in 'man lsof'?02:07
mzzkindofabuzz: I'd expect idle to be a symlink to the actual idle you want to use02:07
Royaller, Alsa mixer*02:07
ussermzz, old kernels are not uninstalled because users might want to revert back if the updates dont work02:08
kindofabuzzmzz, yeah that's what i'm thinking to. any clues?02:08
rapidsecretionsMy cd drive is no longer recognized at all and my block device scd0 is gone...How do I get it back?02:08
mzzusser: that's a good point, but a way to keep only the most recent 3 or so kernels might be nice02:08
skydehello i need help installing ubuntu on a server wich dont have any cd-rom drive02:08
Royallrapidsecretions: look in the BIOS and see if the module bay is disabled, that's what happened to me02:08
mzzusser: (I know you can just uninstall the old ones manually, but if you don't do that you end up with dozens of kernels eventually, which is a bit inconvenient if /boot/ is on a separate partition)02:08
pepperjackskyde: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  for options02:08
ussermzz, yes i agree, i think newer versions of ubuntu will do just that, keeping the last recent working kernel when you upgrade02:08
=== squiddy is now known as Guest36298
Crayboffalright well the -11-generic is the default. whenever I turn on the computer, it says that there is a softreset failure and something about not being able to "enumerate" the USB or something like that. also when I turn off the computer, it says things like "HALT NOW" or something like that02:09
bullgard4rapidsecretions: 'is gone' is no exact description.02:09
mzzusser: relevant to me because my root partition is on lvm and /boot/ is a bit small in hindsight02:09
Crayboffwhy is that and how do i fix it?02:09
alchemist1I just installed Globalmenu and when I try to put it on the panel it tells me to enable the plugin in properties under the right click menu.  The panel properties are no help and the globalmenu properties is just a blank window.  This makes no sense to me.02:09
mzzCrayboff: so it does still boot? If yes can you pastebin the output of the command "dmesg"?02:10
RoyallCrayboff: heyyyy02:10
Crayboffmzz, it does and I will in a sec02:10
muzikjock58_this might be stupid question. but what does "-H" flag tell sudo to do in ubuntu?02:10
mzzalso, anyone here who has had nautilus sometimes stop drawing desktop icons?02:10
kosharihow can i mount a drive by label?02:11
mzzmuzikjock58_: set $HOME to /root, I think02:11
letalismuzikjock58: try man sudo at the cli02:11
mzzmuzikjock58_: (or rather the manpage thinks :P)02:11
* cosmo_ gives badfish69 :badfish69!n=logan@12-201-8-6.client.mchsi.com PRIVMSG #ubuntu :+!make, and - what can you make of them?02:11
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:11
lacitamzz: Oh, wait, an there's this too: cfg80211               15112  1 iwlwifi_mac8021102:11
lacitaIs this normal?02:11
Droopsta915I installed unrar-free, but it won't extract my .rar file?02:12
mzzlacita: almost certainly yes02:12
Crayboffmzz, umm it is so long that the terminal's memory doesn't retain all of the data, in that i can't scroll up all the way02:12
jribDroopsta915: install unrar02:12
mzzlacita: (some components are shared by a couple of network drivers, this is one of them)02:12
jrib!unrar > Droopsta91502:12
ubottuDroopsta915, please see my private message02:12
muzikjock58_thank you . i'll check it out.02:12
kindofabuzzmzz, figured it out, just edit /usr/local/bin/idle to point to /usr/bin/python2.502:12
muzikjock58_im having problems with seamonkey02:12
mzzCrayboff: "dmesg > ~/dmesg" and find the file in your homedir, or "dmesg|pastebinit" (you will probably have to install pastebinit)02:12
lacitamzz: could I replace my wireless driver with madwifi?02:13
mzzkindofabuzz: or toast that symlink (you probably have a second one in /usr/bin)02:13
mzzlacita: I have no idea, sorry02:13
Droopsta915jrib: Thanks, it worked02:13
mzzlacita: (I don't really have a laptop, so I know very little about wireless)02:13
lacitamzz, thanks anyway02:13
RoyallI've used "alsactl store" to save the levels, but all my mics (Mux, Capture, Digital) mute when I close the Alsa mixer window. Is there any way to stop this?02:13
soreaulacita: Which card?02:13
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: ok i typed n to the interactive fdisc02:13
muzikjock58_it crashes flash content in the browser. but works when i run from command line in root. when i ran seamonkey as sudo seamonkey, it said that it was probably better to run "sudo -H seamonkey" . i didnt know what the did.02:13
underworldI'mnew in this02:14
mzzmuzikjock58_: running seamonkey as root is not sane. Stop doing it :P02:14
lacitaunderworld: ask a question02:14
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: i chosed the inbetween values of cylindres (guided)02:14
mzzmuzikjock58_: try running it as yourself but using a fresh profile ("seamonkey -P -no-remote" should give you the profile manager)?02:14
AETE_KRAOUDmzz :shall i type w to write the partition ?02:14
redvamp128muzikjock58_:  which version of sea monkey and what version of Flash? (I think if it works like mozilla -- about:(no space)plugins02:14
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: not yet. Hit "p" and confirm the numbers match what you have logged.02:15
bullgard4muzikjock58_: 'man sudo' tells me that the switch -H sets the environment variable to the homedir of the target user.02:15
redvamp128muzikjock58_: about:plugins02:15
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: ok02:15
bullgard4muzikjock58_: 'man sudo' tells me that the switch -H sets the environment variable HOME to the homedir of the target user.02:15
Crayboffmzz: http://pastebin.com/f1f49bcb602:15
mzzmuzikjock58_: likely cause is something specific to your profile, like an extension, being involved02:15
AETE_KRAOUDmzz: they match :-)02:16
redvamp128muzikjock58_:  though you could try the normal run of the program from command line with the -profilemanger02:16
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: then you can probably write. I'd e2fsck the new partition to confirm things are sane though.02:16
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: (and remember this may still have the order of the partitions changed)02:16
JesperHansenmzz: didn't see you hanging out here02:16
mzzAETE_KRAOUD: (well, you can see in the printout)02:16
_DELredvamp128, It just finished installing02:16
=== josspyker is now known as jos-away
AETE_KRAOUDmzz:  hmmm NICE i will see anyway thanks again :-)02:17
mzzJesperHansen: heh, I usually don't, it's not like I use ubuntu. My mother has an ubuntu install, I was hoping someone could help out with that. So far no luck with that.02:17
redvamp128_DEL:  you could try typing gnome-session and it should take you there02:17
soreaumzz: lol, what's the problem?02:17
linxuz3rhow do i keep kde from not messing up my gnome settings ?02:17
JesperHansenmzz: whats the fuss about?02:17
mzzsoreau: nautilus sometimes decides not to draw desktop icons (or the desktop context menu). It usually works fine when I'm in the vicinity, making this a bit hard to debug.02:18
soreaumzz: Intermittent and you don't know the specifics?02:18
ashlessburnmzz update the apt first make sure u are running the most recent version02:18
Crayboffmzz: pastebin of dmesg - http://pastebin.com/f1f49bcb602:19
soreaumzz: Do you know if she's messing with gconf or if nautilus might be crashing?02:19
soreaumzz: (I suspect she is a humble user)02:19
JesperHansenmzz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=653305 is this you?02:19
mzzsoreau: I know nautilus is running just fine (I can open normal folder windows just fine), there's nothing alarming in ~/.xsession-errors, and toggling the pref for nautilus drawing the background off and back on fixed it once.02:19
_DELredvamp128, im waiting for virtual XP to finish updating then i am going to02:19
mzzashlessburn: this is an up-to-date hardy install. Guess I could upgrade her to intrepid, but I don't want to change the system too much if I can help it02:20
mzz(the "she is a humble user" guess is correct)02:20
wolteri need to be able to suspend my computer and wake it up!!02:20
wolterwhy is this not fixed yet??02:20
JesperHansenmzz: question to that: Is right click possible on the desktop?02:20
mzzsoreau: she wouldn't touch gconf directly. I didn't see anything obviously fatal in ~/.xsession-errors. I have that file stored somewhere, lemme pastebin it02:20
mzzJesperHansen: nope, that context menu is gone too02:20
mzzJesperHansen: (at least it was the one time this happened while I was around...)02:20
ashlessburnahh yes u could always change the repo and use debian servers but i guess there is no gaurntee02:21
MuffloN^Q: I have a Creative USB Headset, how do I get it working? (Fatality HS-1000)02:21
plaziaanyone had problems with frostwire I've installed it from an intrepid ibex deb package and I've installed the sun-java6-jre but for some reason I keep getting an error about not having a valid jre despite there being one installed.02:21
=== carpeliam|pidgin is now known as carpeliam|away
soreaumzz: You'd probably have to spend some quality time with it yourself to debug it.. I know when I mess with nautilus it's not a hard and fast rule that toggling the show_desktop bool in gconf immediately will always work, sometimes nautilus needs to be restarted and/or tinkered with in my experience02:21
jrib!multijava | plazia02:21
ubottuplazia: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives02:21
linxuz3rhow do i keep kde from not messing up my gnome settings ??????02:21
ashlessburnplazia 64 bit or 32?02:21
ashlessburnwhat ubottu said then02:21
soreaulinxuz3r: Don't use kde?02:21
soreaulinxuz3r: Which setting specifically02:22
linxuz3rsoreau: why?02:22
mzzsoreau: the one time it happened here some poking made the problem go away and not reappear until I'd left the vicinity of the system. It's a bit of a pain.02:22
linxuz3rsoreau: nautilus02:22
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork02:22
josh1does any one know any better task bar mac look alike, other than, AWN or Cario?02:22
plaziathanks ashlessburn and ubottu. I'm assuming ubottu is 3-laws safe?02:22
MuffloN^Q: I have a Creative USB Headset, how do I get it working? (Fatality HS-1000)02:22
shadowwulfquestion for 64bit 8.10 ubuntu ... i enabled the desktop cube and the roptate cube ... hardware drivers are running and i still get no cube .. any idea ?02:22
bullgard4What is an 'Internet file' as used in 'man lsof'?02:22
mzzplazia: it can probably be told to harm people :P02:22
linxuz3rwhen is the next release of ubuntu?02:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:23
pepperjacklinxuz3r: /join #ubuntu+102:23
Picilinxuz3r: April 200902:23
soreaumzz: That sounds like too much fun.. :p02:23
JesperHansenmzz: this seems related bug wise. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/128077 It says "Fix released", but no idea what fix02:23
linxuz3rim still 8.04 should i upgrade to 8.10?02:23
Pici!jaunty | linxuz3r02:23
ubottulinxuz3r: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.02:23
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.02:23
ashlessburnshadowwulf: turn off ur 3d desktop and try again02:23
zcat[1]problem; I installed splashy.. can't do anything with it so uninstalled it again and reinstalled usplash. Now I get no splash screen. How do I fix up usplash to I can have a splash screen again?02:23
pod773im using 8.10 right now02:23
plaziamzz, but that would override rule 1 :)02:23
pepperjacklinxuz3r: depends. i had no end of trouble with the legacy nvidia drivers so if you have an old nv card maybe not.02:23
bullgard4linxuz3r: No.02:23
shadowwulfashlessburn:  so turn it off and try enabling it >?02:23
mzzJesperHansen: I'm pretty sure that bug report is too old (this is an up-to-date heron install)02:24
zcat[1]or at least suggestions of where to start looking for the problem. no clues in dmesg that I can see02:24
ashlessburnno ur driver supported 3d desktop are u using compiz or beryl02:24
mzzplazia: exactly, so I think it's not three-laws safe02:24
soreaumzz: Why not dist-upgrade for kicks?02:24
* plazia backs away slowly :)02:24
shadowwulfashlessburn:  compiz02:24
carpiifdisk -l is no longer listing my /dev/hdb, and attempting to mount /dev/hdb1 is resulting in "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb"  what gives?02:25
mzzsoreau: I'd prefer to keep her on lts versions, change is bad in this case02:25
Crayboffanyone know why the window blinks when I play a graphic intensive game Chromium B.S.U.? this happens to some games but not others02:25
soreaushadowwulf: Ask in #compiz-fusion02:25
UncleGemcmzz: telinit 3 instead of 5 killed it ok02:25
mzzCrayboff: does it still happen with desktop effects off?02:25
JesperHansenmzz: even with proposed updates?02:25
* Symmetria celebrates as his new insanely sized server comes online02:25
_DELis there a way for me to set a remote login for this computer to do work from another location? its not a server edition02:25
mzzJesperHansen: I don't follow (remember I'm not usually an ubuntu user...)02:26
* Symmetria notes that intrepid + HP servers are not a good combination ;p02:26
diginux_DEL: yes, with ssh02:26
Titan8990carpii, what kind of drive is it?02:26
ashlessburn<shadowwulf> ok i had this issue in 64bit when u enable your cube its "fights" for the 3d im guessing nvidia so enable cube and cube roatating u might have to check to make sure your hot keys for rotating work...and u need 2 add 4 desktops not 202:26
soreaumzz: I'll take your word for it.. maybe write a script to toggle show_desktop and restart nautilus and put a shortcut to it in the menu02:26
_DELim not to familiar with ssh02:26
mzzsoreau: I've been considering that :)02:26
plaziaSorry jrib I forgot to thank you! that worked perfectly02:26
diginux_DEL: do you want a graphical remote interface, or simply a terminal?02:26
sweetgumwhats the command to create a .tar.gz file with a list of files (literally 4) ?02:26
carpiiTitan, im not sure. My web hosting provider just added it, but they mounted it as ext3 in /home2 which was working ok02:26
carpiiI just changed their entry in /etc/fstab and did "mount -a" and now its all gone pear shaped02:27
soreaumzz: I end up hacking the crap out of ubuntu every time I install it seems ;)02:27
JesperHansenmzz: in synaptic => repositories is "proposed updates" and such02:27
_DELpreferably graphical, so i can see what its doing, but i can do a terminal02:27
josh1any one know a better program other than  AWN and Caio to get mac look alike task bar? i have cairo buty its pretty shitty always lagging02:27
mzzsweetgum: I'd stuff the files in a directory and run "tar zcf blah.tar.gz thedirectory"02:27
dayosweetgum: tar cvzf filename.tar.gz filedir_to_be_tarred02:27
shadowwulfashlessburn:  i have 4 desktops ... and the hot keys should be working02:27
mzzJesperHansen: those are off iirc02:27
=== squiddy is now known as Guest3460
* mzz wanders off to find the usb stick that .xsession-errors was on02:27
diginux_DEL: id look at nxserver and nxclient then02:28
dayowhat's iirc02:28
Titan8990carpii, is it a network location?02:28
syockitdayo: If I remember correctly,02:28
_DELaight, tnx diginux02:28
Kryzlerif i remember correctly]02:28
carpiino Titan, its a physical local drive02:28
JesperHansenmzz: there might be a fix in proposed (and maybe not)02:28
sweetgumthank you guys02:28
wolterwho has a dell xps 1530 ?02:28
syockitdayo: afaik: as far as I know02:28
arghh2d2isn't wbar kinda like osx josh1 ?  i've only used a mac maybe twice so i dont know02:28
carpiii do wolter02:28
mzzJesperHansen: I'll have a look (I should be able to find the ChangeLog for whatever's in proposed)02:28
woltercarpii, thanks god. Are you having problems with suspend?02:29
dayosyockit: aaaah. thank u. i kept thinking it was something like irssi lol02:29
carpiihm, well i dont use ubuntu on it anymore :(02:29
mzzdayo: irssi, screen and ssh make a great team :)02:29
Titan8990carpii, pastebin your fstab02:29
carpiibut suspend problems are usually to do with a missing dell media partition i think02:29
diginuxmzz: agreed02:29
soreaumzz: They do if you can stand irssi :p02:29
dayomzz: yes they do! :-)02:29
Mal3koanyonw familiar with UFW? how do i specify port range?02:29
* Kryzler agrees with mmz02:29
mzzdayo: sorry, got you mixed up with someone else. That must've sounded pretty random02:29
diginuxmzz: add in bitlbee and you are good to go02:30
josh1argh2d2 what is wdar?02:30
dayomzz: i did, but i agree  lol02:30
ashlessburnone sec shadow02:30
dayosee u guys, later :-)02:30
mzzJesperHansen: http://rafb.net/p/VAwHjn87.html is her .xsession-errors, fwiw02:30
carpiiTitan, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117099/02:30
arghh2d2josh1: sorry, wbar, it's some kind of application launcher02:30
wolteroh carpii ... well, I am using ubuntu..02:30
arghh2d2wbar, with a B02:30
Kryzlerbye dayo02:30
wolterlinux should fix this immediately02:30
carpiiTitan, i changed it back to /home2, so afaik its the same as my webhost left it when it was mounted successfully02:30
woltercarpii, when you did use ubuntu, were you able to suspend/sleep?02:31
carpiiwolter, im not sure its a linux problem specifically02:31
josh1im a noob so i dont know what that is:P how would i get it? im looking for a new taskbar is all, i didnt like the one ubuntu came with02:31
_DELdiginux, will that allow me to do it from a linux os? google is bringing up windows for it02:31
mzzJesperHansen: that "unable to add monitor" thing is suspicious, but that was also added after I restarted nautilus (and it was drawing icons by then)02:31
carpiiwolter, yes, but i made sure i didnt nuke the dell partition02:31
diginux_DEL: its for windows and linux02:31
woltercarpii, hm...02:31
soreaujosh1: Like a dock?02:31
wolteri did nuked it haha02:31
diginux_DEL: google setting up nxserver in ubuntu02:31
wolterbut that shouldn't affect ubuntu at all.02:31
josh1i like the mac look and feel02:31
arghh2d2soreau: he says he wants ubuntu to look like osx02:31
soreaujosh1: Install AWN02:31
carpiiwolter, you have to be careful, because trying to use the media buttons when youve nuked the partition can render the machine unbootable :/02:32
aLeahhaLeYhi everyone I have a question...I recently uninstalled ubuntu off my computer but everytime I try to restart it and use Windows I get Error 22 how do I make my computer recognize my windows partition again?02:32
carpiiat least thats what ive read in ubuntu forums. it happened lots02:32
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy02:32
josh1ah, lol i have trouble doing that lol02:32
Crayboffmzz: umm i didn't anticipate that turning off the effects would get rid of my compiz settings. no the thing doesn't flash when my affects are off, but i like my effects too much to disable them02:32
mzzaLeahhaLeY: install a windows mbr. I don't know a convenient way to do that offhand.02:32
dhruvasagaraLeahhaLeY: you will need to restore your MBR02:32
woltercarpii, well, i can always turn off by pressing the power-off button for some seconds..02:32
aLeahhaLeYhow do I do that?02:32
josh1i have installed it, but when i try to run it from applications a grey screen comes up then goes a way leaving me with nothing02:32
shadowwulfashlessburn:  thanks for it02:32
dhruvasagaraLeahhaLeY: you can do that by booting from the Windows CD and going for Repair02:33
zcat[1]problem; I installed splashy.. caused me to have no spalsh at all and I can't figure out how to use it so uninstalled it again and reinstalled usplash. Now I get no splash screen. How do I fix up usplash to I can have a splash screen again?02:33
mzzCrayboff: likely cause is games using opengl not running properly while compiz is running. Getting this fixed properly may take a while depending on the driver you're using.02:33
soreauaLeahhaLeY: Either reinstall grub or use the window cd (there's plenty of howto's on the net|ask in #windows)02:33
ashlessburnnp mang02:33
dhruvasagaraLeahhaLeY: After you go for the repair option, you will get a command prompt, there you will find certain commands for restoring the MBR02:33
Crayboffmzz: did you get a chance to look at the pastebin?02:33
dhruvasagaraLeahhaLeY: just type help there and you will find the commands02:34
SafeI'm having some trouble. i can't boot into my ubuntu but i can access my usb stick.02:34
wolteranybody else with an xps m1530?02:34
Safecan i log into it somehow from the livecd?02:34
mzzCrayboff: missed it, reading now.02:34
aLeahhaLeYok...so a windows cd is required to do this then right?02:34
Crayboffah alright02:34
CNLiberalI'm back...i thought this was mdadm problem was fixed, but i think something is hosed02:34
soreauaLeahhaLeY: Not if you reinstall grub02:34
mzzaLeahhaLeY: iirc that is one possibility, but at least the sysresccd.org cd can also do this02:34
CNLiberali added the disk back into the array and it started to rebuild02:34
dhruvasagaraLeahhaLeY: yes, unless you backed up your MBR somewhere02:34
Titan8990carpii, I have only seen drives drop off of fdisk on a machine I had a pci raid controller in02:34
CNLiberalthe disks were active02:35
bullgard4What is an 'Internet file' as used in 'man lsof'?02:35
Titan8990carpii, reboot usually temporarly fixed it, have you tried a reboot?02:35
carpiihmm, theres no raid controller afaik. or if there is its definitely not raided02:35
aLeahhaLeYso if reinstall grub...and I guess ubuntu again...it will set up 2 paritions one for ubuntu and the other for windows?02:35
carpiiTitan, not yet. Im trying to avoid it because website is quite busy atm02:35
ascI just performed a fresh install of 8.04. I installed the ion3 window manager and tried to log into it in GDM but it crashed instantly. Does anybody know why?02:35
CNLiberalthen they stopped being active and cat /proc/mdstat kept increasing the amount of time it would take to rebuild02:35
alanhaving trouble with compiz, can anyone help me completely uninstall and reinstall latest stable version02:35
carpiiTitan, ill try that tonight though, thanks02:35
dhruvasagarGuys I have a weird problem!02:35
CNLiberaluntil finally, it stopped rebuilding all together02:35
mzzCrayboff: is any particular usb device not working?02:35
dhruvasagarI am here on Ubuntu 8.10 64bit version02:36
ashlessburnaleah tryrunning the ubuntu live cd gparted if u want to create part02:36
soreauaLeahhaLeY: if that's what you tell it to do, yes. Otherwise you will need a windows cd to reinstall it's mbr02:36
Titan8990carpii, yeah, my machine is question was production server too.....02:36
carpiiTitan, does the "1 3" in fstab look ok?  I thought it was odd that the 1 is same for hda too02:36
CNLiberalif anyone here is an MDADM guru, i'd really appreciate it02:36
aLeahhaLeYok thanks a lot everyone I'll give those ideas a shot.02:36
Crayboffmzz: i have not tried using a usb device in a while02:36
JesperHansenmzz: This seems like a better guess at what is wrong: ** ERROR:(nautilus-desktop-directory.c:162):directory_ready_callback: assertion failed: (g_list_find (merged_callback->non_ready_directories, directory) != NULL)02:36
CNLiberalis there any way I can test each drive for issues?02:36
dhruvasagarif Ubuntu goes to sleep, it doesn't wake up properly I get errors while waking up and it doesnt start02:36
ashlessburntitan u have a laptop?02:37
soreaudhruvasagar: Probably a video driver issue. Which one do you use?02:37
wolterdhruvasagar, yeah.. same here02:37
mzzCrayboff: at least one is attached, and it's complaining about that device02:37
Titan8990carpii, actually, the fstab man page only says to use 0 1 or 2 for the 2nd field02:37
Titan8990ashlessburn, im on a laptop now02:37
mzzJesperHansen: hmm, must've missed the -desktop-directory part of that message02:37
Crayboffmzz: are you saying that there is something in my USB port?02:37
* Kryzler <3 man 02:37
Crayboffmzz: cause there isn't02:37
mertherHi, my cpu is hyperthreading capable but 8.04 doesn't seem to have hyperthreading enabled.02:37
mzzCrayboff: unless I'm reading the wrong dmesg, yes.02:38
geekybroadhi folks... i installed recent version of kubuntu with a cdrom drive, installed the ubuntu desktop (and am now using that).  and the switched out the cdrom drive for a dvd-rw.  Menu:  Places -> computer only gives filesystem (my hard drive) and  LaCie (USB hard drive.)  /mnt is empty.  I can press the button on the drive, and it opens and blinks... I can insert a disc.  Just can't access it anywhere.  Dvd is only device connected w02:38
* mzz doublechecks02:38
mertheranyone know how to get that working?02:38
diginuxmerther: you have to do something special to enable it..02:38
ashlessburntitan8990, bar?02:38
Crayboffmzz: well umm I'm using a laptop and I don't see anything poking out of the sides02:38
diginuxmerther: if you google it, youll probably find it, i forget how to do it02:38
zcat[1]OK, looks like the only way to get my splash screen back is to reinstall the whole damn OS. Yay. that sucks.02:38
cfeddemerther: usualy a bios thing iirc02:38
MuffloN^Q: I have a Creative USB Headset, how do I get it working? (Fatality HS-1000)02:38
carpiiTitan, what are those fields called? Im looking at http://linux.die.net/man/8/mount but its really hard to see where theyre documented02:38
mertherthere's no setting in the bios that I could find.02:38
dhruvasagarsoreau: wolter not sure...NVIDIA is my graphics driver...is it the same as Video driver?02:38
Safewhy do i get "error loading system" when starting the computer? grub seems legit, havent changed a thing02:39
Titan8990carpii, i was looking at:  man fstab02:39
cfeddemerther: run top. hit '1' does it list more cpu?02:39
carpiititan, ahh that looks better. thanks02:39
mzzCrayboff: nvm, it's probably just a hub02:39
CNLiberalis there a way i can test each hard drive without over writing anything on that drive?02:39
durtbullgard4: it's not Internet file, it's network file, google the three examples given and you'll see what they are02:39
wolterdhruvasagar, yeah. do you use nvidia-glx-180 /02:39
dhruvasagarsoreau: so what can I do?02:39
CNLiberali wanna make suer they aren't dropping off the system02:39
soreaudhruvasagar: Either don't let the thing go to sleep or turn off visual effects. I found that screensavers make my nvidia machine crash02:39
Crayboffmzz: which means?02:39
mzzCrayboff: also a keyboard and mouse though.02:39
dhruvasagarwolter: I use 177.8202:40
dhruvasagarsoreau: hmm02:40
wolterbut yeah02:40
Safedo anyone know how to log into an existing ubuntu from the livecd?02:40
mzzCrayboff: and an integrated webcam, if I read this right02:40
wolterit seems like its a gfx driver problem02:40
wolterSafe, you can't login02:40
soreaudhruvasagar: You can upgrade to 180 if it's an option in Sys>Admin>HW Drivers02:40
=== Kryzler is now known as |Kryzler|
wolterSafe, you can browse files, but not login02:40
Safestupid grub messing up for no reason02:41
mzzCrayboff: there's a "softreset failed" for your primary hd, but that's *probably* not a serious problem02:41
soreauSafe: You can fix grub from the live cd02:41
zcat[1]I really don't want to reinstall because I've done a whole heap of updates and adding packages, surely there's a less drastic way to get the freaking splash screen back a\gain. anyone?02:41
Safeyeah i know, i see nothing wrong with it though02:41
Crayboffmzz: well it has the normal keyboard attached to it and the touchpad for a mouse. it does have an integrated webcam and a microphone which I can't get to work02:41
dhruvasagarsoreau: 177 is the highest version I see there...02:41
mzzSafe: you can chroot though02:41
sagredoafter updating to 8.10 expose crashes compiz-fusion, any ideas?02:41
soreauSafe: I thought you said it was messing up?02:41
sagredoafter updating to 8.10 expose crashes compiz-fusion, any ideas?02:41
Safesoreau: well it wont load my ubuntu, thats a bout it02:42
soreaudhruvasagar: Then disab;e power manager02:42
dhruvasagarGuys I have another problem, there is nothing in my Add/Remove applications menu...senaptic is fine, but nothing in Add/Remove02:42
Safesoreau: just says "error starting up system os" when booting up02:42
=== |Kryzler| is now known as ^|Kryzler|^
Tlchack5hey, i wanna put ubuntu on my dell computer, but i wanna be able to go back to Windows XP (wich is currently installed) if I have problems with converting to linux... how can i set it up were i can test try ubuntu but switch back to my old operating sytem if i dont like it?02:42
dhruvasagarsoreau: ok will do that02:42
ascI just performed a fresh install of 8.04. I installed the ion3 window manager and tried to log into it in GDM but it crashed instantly. It does work under gdmflexiserver --xnest, however. Can anybody help me?02:42
mertheralso cat /proc/cpuinfo only lists one cpu.  Is flagged that it can do hyperthreading though.02:42
soreauSafe: After the grub splash screen loads and you select ubuntu?02:42
mzzTlchack5: easiest way may be wubi02:42
Safei did uninstall xp but doesnt grub load from the hdd and not mbr?02:42
mzz!wuby | mzz02:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wuby02:42
Safesoreau: i cant even get to grub02:42
mzz!wubi | mzz02:42
ubottumzz, please see my private message02:42
pepperjackTlchack5: by default ubuntu allows you to retain windows and just dual boot. so you have a menu at boot that chooses ubuntu or windows02:42
wolterasc, did you try rebooting again?02:43
pepperjackTlchack5: just follow the installer prompts02:43
soreauSafe: Then install grub from the live cd02:43
mzz!wubi | Tlchack502:43
ubottuTlchack5: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.02:43
kitcheSafe: grub installs to mbr if you tell it which is ubuntu's default02:43
JesperHansenmzz: What is the nautilus version?02:43
Tlchack5pepperjack: thank you kind sir02:43
Safebut when i changed the boot order of the hdds in bios it mattered02:43
mzzJesperHansen: I can't check currently, I'm not at the affected system. Should be latest in hardy though, so that's, um02:43
ascwolter: Not since installing ion, but it didn't help last time I tried (yesterday).02:43
Safei mean, if i had one it loaded xp, if the other, grub02:43
soreauJesperHansen: It would be 1:2.22.2-0ubuntu4 for Hardy02:44
asc*last time I tried to do a fresh install and get ion working02:44
BurntHey everyone. I DLed and ran the Ubuntu Desktop through the CD I copied it on. I have a built in webcam with my computer. Is there a way to turn it on through the new OS?02:44
wolterasc, whats ion?02:44
mzzJesperHansen: 1: but I'll check if that's what she actually has later02:44
ascwolter: A window manager02:44
zcat[1]think i found it.. usplash-theme-ubuntu wasn't installed.. rebooting now to see if that works02:44
wolterasc, hm.. well, i can't help you no further02:44
soreau!webcam | Burnt02:44
ubottuBurnt: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:45
ascKk. Thanks.02:45
Safeohwell, how do i reinstall grub then?02:45
zcat[1]nope, still no splash screen02:45
soreau! grub | Safe02:45
ubottuSafe: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:45
dhruvasagarguys, which is the best place to download themes for ubuntu?02:46
soreaudhruvasagar: The internet02:46
soreau! themes02:46
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:46
mzzSafe: sounds like you may simply have to fix up grub.conf though if all you did was reorder drives (and grub still starts)02:46
carpiitry a car boot sale02:46
dhruvasagarsoreau: lol, well I meant a particular website...02:46
carpiitheres also kde-look.org02:46
soreaudhruvasagar: Read what ubottu said02:46
Jaan|Perfectsystem -> administration -> hardware testing : ubuntu 8.10. what is hardware testing and why did it ask 4 my email ID ?02:47
wolterkinja-sheep, are you there yet?02:47
wolterJaan|Perfect, its to test how your hardware works with ubuntu, and send feedback to the ubuntu developers02:47
dhruvasagarsoreau: I might have missed his message, I had got dc, I don't see any message from him about themes02:47
ashlessburngnome theme02:48
ashlessburnor kde?02:48
soreau! themes | dhruvasagar02:48
ubottudhruvasagar: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:48
soreaudhruvasagar: Can you read that now?02:48
Crayboffumm any explanation why my IP address changed without my permission? also, why does whatismyipaddress.com say I live in kansas?02:48
zcat[1]one tiny stupid mistake and nobody can tell me how to fix it up again?02:49
soreauzcat[1]: Why did you mess with it?02:49
kitcheCrayboff: maybe because your ISP is in kansas for the main hub not really a question for this channel really02:49
kitcheCrayboff: also IP addresses refresh if you do not have a static IP02:49
Jaan|Perfectwolter, i have installed 8.1 invmware, is there anyway to know about installed hardware and its drivers02:49
mzzCrayboff: more likely to be your isp being weird than ubuntu being weird02:49
dhruvasagarsoreau: yea02:49
dhruvasagarubottu: thanks!02:49
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:49
bullgard4mikegriffin: man 8 lsof: " -i [i]   This option selects the listing of files any of whose Internet address matches the address specified in i.  If no address is specified, this option selects the listing of all Internet and x.25  (HP-UX)  network files." How can you state: "It's not Internet file"? I do not understand.02:49
zcat[1]trying to get a custom splash screen.. right now I'd settle for any splash screen at all again.02:50
mzzubottu: botsnack02:50
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:50
MuffloN^Q: I have a Creative USB Headset, how do I get it working? (Fatality HS-1000)02:50
prince_jammyszcat[1]: is 'splash' specified in your /boot/grub/menu.lst ?02:50
Crayboffkitche: I have verizon fios and it hadn't changed for like 6 months02:50
Crayboffmzz: probably02:50
wolterJaan|Perfect, hm, you have to install the guest additions or something like that to get everything working.02:50
kitcheCrayboff: think 6 months is fios IP lease time then it refreshes02:50
soreauMuffloN^: You're probably better off googling the model you just posted with keyword ubuntu02:50
ubuntu_hi i made a usb start up disk and i am trying to install drivers for my video card i installed them then i go to restart my computer and during restart i get this error ( [Restricted drivers] Perhaps there is a stale stock file [failed] it also says cannot create link /etc/mtab/ any ideas why this is happaning02:51
hyperbuddhaktche just use dyndns02:51
MuffloN^soreau: That's the thing, there are about zero results02:51
mzzMuffloN^: (assuming just plugging it in and unmuting it doesn't do the trick)02:51
Jaan|Perfectwolter. how can i generate a list of my hardware and it's corresponding drivers information02:51
prince_jammyszcat[1]: you tried running the update-alternatives command after installing usplash-theme-ubuntu ?02:51
Droopsta915What codec can I use for m4a files?02:52
prince_jammyszcat[1]: the one mentioned in ubottu's factoid02:52
silenihey guys i think ubuntu just updated my firefox, and now when i open firefox its fully maximized and i don't see the buttons that allow me to minimize resize and such. Is there anyway to enable this again in firefox 3.002:52
mzzMuffloN^: also look at dmesg and/or lsusb to see what kind of device it actually is (you may find a chipset name/number there that gives better google results than the name on the box)02:52
zcat[1]just waiting for reboot.. will try that next02:52
MuffloN^lsusb: Bus 005 Device 003: ID 041e:0400 Creative Technology, Ltd02:52
ubuntu_hi i made a usb start up disk and i am trying to install drivers for my video card i installed them then i go to restart my computer and during restart i get this error ( [Restricted drivers] Perhaps there is a stale stock file [failed] it also says cannot create link /etc/mtab/ any ideas why this is happaning02:52
pepperjacksileni: f11?02:52
MuffloN^dmesg generic-usb 0003:041E:0400.0003: input: USB HID v1.11 Device [Creative Technology Creative USB Headset] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1/input302:52
* mzz glares at the wireless cardbus card with no "realtek" or "rt2500" visible externally02:52
silenipepperjack: oh my it worked!02:53
pepperjacksileni: heh :)02:53
silenipepperjack: t hank you so much!02:53
mzzMuffloN^: dmesg?02:53
ashlessburnzcat[1]  sudo apt-get autoremove splashy splashy-themes02:53
ashlessburnsudo apt-get install usplash02:53
pepperjacksileni: np02:53
MuffloN^mzz: I posted it02:53
ashlessburnboth commands02:53
wolterJaan|Perfect, get gnome-device-manager02:53
MuffloN^mzz:  generic-usb 0003:041E:0400.0003: input: USB HID v1.11 Device [Creative Technology Creative USB Headset] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1/input302:53
ubuntu_does anyone have anyidea why this is happaning or any suggestions02:53
fluitfrieshow do i enable all the buttons on my logitech mouse?02:53
wolterJaan|Perfect, but most of your hardware will be virtual02:53
JesperHansenmzz: well, nothing changed from to 2.24.1 in directory_ready_callback.. must be somewhere else things have been fixed.02:53
fluitfriesat least the mmb.02:53
mzzMuffloN^: sorry, missed it. That's all there is? The HID device isn't what you're after...02:54
zcat[1]ashlessburn: I already did apt-get remove --purge all of the packages splashy installed...02:54
MuffloN^mzz: Give me a second to confirm that's that all02:54
ashlessburnsudo apt-get install usplash   try this and then restart ...make sure ur grub is fine02:54
ashlessburn64bit or 3202:54
mzzMuffloN^: just pastebin 20 lines or so of dmesg around that line if in doubt, and/or more of lsusb02:54
* mzz is much better at weeding out noise than at figuring out useful context was omitted02:55
Crayboffif you want to access your router, you put "" into the url bar, right?02:55
pepperjackCrayboff: nope02:55
mzzCrayboff: is localhost, not your router02:55
zcat[1]reboot-alternatives --all may have fixed it.. rebooting02:55
Crayboffoops, well what do i put in then?02:55
Droopsta915pepperjack:I have the same prob sileni had, only it's doing it in open office word processor. Can u help? please02:55
Crayboffmy external IP address?02:55
MuffloN^mzz: yes, that was all02:55
pepperjackDroopsta915: soory im not too familiar with that app. if you only need to move it to access a button you can alt+leftclick on any window to drag it around02:56
mzzCrayboff: the address mentioned as default gateway in the output from "route" tends to work, afaik02:56
* mzz isn't great at networking though...02:56
mzzMuffloN^: not sure what's up with that then, sorry.02:56
soreauCrayboff: Your router ip. it depends on which router you have but this isn't #networking02:56
pepperjackDroopsta915: that will often end fullscreen as well02:56
=== QPrime is now known as QP-Away
Jaan|Perfectwolter, i will fire up vmware and install gnome device manager and see what happens02:56
MasterShrekanyone know of a torrent client that i can use that doesnt require a gui but has a web ui?02:56
mxparson_10:56 [ fluitfries      ] [ njoy            ] [ zcat[1]         ]02:57
mxparson_10:56 [ fosco__         ] [ nopoles         ] [ zigovr          ]02:57
mxparson_10:56 [ fosco__         ] [ nopoles         ] [ zigovr          ]02:57
mxparson_10:56 [ freq18hz        ] [ nuhnuhnuh       ] [ {devil}         ]02:57
MuffloN^mzz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117104/02:57
MuffloN^mzz: lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/117105/02:57
kindofabuzzCrayboff, probably
josh1hello ubuntu, i need some much needed help. im trying to get a mac taskbar look a like, i have AWN but it does seem to work on my computer, so then it was suggested i try Cairo, i have that on right now, but its gelitchy and would like to knwo if theres something else out there i can use?02:58
Crayboffya, kindofabuzz, it works02:58
prince_jammysjosh1: there's a kde one called kooldock02:59
mzzMuffloN^: sorry, no idea02:59
carpiiMasterShrek, try azureus.  You acn run it from cmdline and admin it via http02:59
josh1where would i find this how do it get it?02:59
kindofabuzzfor default router ips: http://www.answersthatwork.com/Download_Area/ATW_Library/Networking/Network__4-List_of_default_Router_Admin_Passwords_and_IP_addresses.pdf02:59
prince_jammysjosh1: you can install it with apt/synaptic02:59
usserjosh1, try wbar its very lightweight, fast and somewhat feature-limited, but fast02:59
usserjosh1, oh did i mention it was very fast02:59
Scunizijosh1: awn should work if your video drivers are providing glx.. do you have an nvidia card? did you install the restricted driver from system>admin>hardware drivers03:00
soreaujosh1: AWN requires a compositing window manager like compiz. which graphics hardware / drivers do you use?03:00
josh1my computer is about 5 years old and im using a built in video card otyher than that im not sure on graphics03:00
josh1usser where do i, how do i get that prgram03:01
usserjosh1, http://code.google.com/p/wbar/downloads/list03:01
Scunizijosh1: do a lspci | less to look at the list of hardware on the pci buss.. it should identify the card03:01
OwnerI just installed mysql.. .the default password isn't blank?03:02
OwnerWhat is it?03:02
OwnerI am so confused03:02
Ownerthere is no hint at to what it could be03:02
syockitOwner: try reconfiguring?03:02
Titan8990Owner, it asks you during installation....03:02
josh100:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)03:02
foolzwhere can I go to find themes for Gnome?03:02
syockitOwner: probably 'root'03:02
ScuniziOwner if it didn't ask to set a password on install then you have to set it. google.03:02
usserjosh1, get the deb file for etch, it should work just fine in ubuntu, also get wbarconf it simplifies configuration alot http://www.gtkfiles.org/app.php/wbarconf03:02
bullgard4What is an 'Internet file' as used in 'man lsof'?03:03
Titan8990Owner, yes, there is a command to set roots pw03:03
ariefdoes anyone know what is the command to connect in to wireless in kosole terminal???03:03
OwnerTitan8990, what is it!?03:03
kindofabuzzOwner, when you installed mysql it should've asked you then to set a password when installing03:03
Titan8990Owner, is the password null or you don't know the password?03:04
syockitkindofabuzz: it didn't when I did tasksel lamp-server03:04
OwnerI guess it prompted her for one but she mistyped it03:04
kindofabuzzit did prompt you, that's part of the install, it won't install until you set a pasword03:04
Ownertried to purge mysql-server and reinstall it03:04
Ownerdidnt prompt that time03:04
kindofabuzzit even asks you twice03:04
Titan8990Owner: that makes things more difficult... try:   sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql03:05
kindofabuzzwell you'll probably have to reinstall it, you can'tset a new pass unless you know the pass03:05
zhjaweHi,Does anyone know how to convert jpg file to PDF?多谢。03:05
kindofabuzzzhaozhou, install imagemagiic03:05
kindofabuzzzhaozhou, install Imagemagick then convert whatever.jpg whatever.pdf03:06
mzzzhjawe: what kindofabuzz said and use "convert blah.png blah.pdf" on the commandline, or open in any image editor and print to pdf03:07
mzzerr, jpg, not png03:07
_theradaranybody here use fluxbox with two monitors?03:07
* kindofabuzz gets back to learning python03:08
zhjaweThank you,are there some command tools?03:08
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
mzzzhjawe: "convert" is a commandline tool.03:08
secvulnadobe flash says that /usr/lib/mozilla is not a valid installation path. Is that not the right path?03:09
mzzsecvuln: are you trying to install flash by hand? Why not use the package (iirc it's called flashplugin-nonfree)?03:09
ussersecvuln, theres no need to use installer from adobe.com03:09
zhjawe mzz:Thanks your help,I will download and try it.03:09
mzz(does someone have a good "don't run installers as root, the package manager is your friend" rant I can link to? I'm considering writing one)03:10
secvulnAs it's for a program, I have to due it via shell.03:10
dusint_mattrHmmm.... Hi03:10
mzzsecvuln: I don't follow.03:10
ussersecvuln, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:10
soreaumzz: It should be a factoid..03:11
nickrudmzz, look around on help.ubuntu.com, if not add it :)03:11
soreau! root03:11
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:11
fishnanyone in here can help me get pidgin-encryption-3.0 compile ?03:11
mzzsoreau: was thinking of something slightly longer than that03:11
CNLiberalcan anyone tell me how to blink a certain drive?03:11
mzzsoreau: short web page03:11
ashlessburnsu     sudo -i   or setting permmisions ....if its opensuse then it toor03:11
soreaumzz: But the factoid would point to the link and hasty users never follow links - unless you just want to have a blog rant ;)03:12
shakirE: nagios3-common: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1  : does anybody knew what is this its show me when im installing something03:12
mzzshakir: the actual error is hopefully above that03:12
nickrudmzz, mention bin, rpm, etc, write a short factoid, do it well and the people with bot privs will probably add it.03:12
Joesephwith the latest update to Firefox, I can no longer enter in an address into the address bar, or the search bar and go to that page: it gives me an error.    Is this common?03:12
mzzsoreau: I think it might be useful for people migrating from windows03:12
fluitfriesis there a command to tell me the exact make and model of my video card?03:12
shakircan i fix that?03:12
mzzJoeseph: what's the error?03:13
nickrudfluitfries, lspci | grep -i vga03:13
mzzfluitfries: lspci usually has that info03:13
soreaumzz: If they read it, quite03:13
shakirmzz : can i fix that ?03:13
mzzsoreau: I'll just stop talking to them if they don't, or something03:13
mzzshakir: that depends on what the actual error is03:13
Joesephmzz: The error is "ASSERT: Search: _installLocation: enghine has no file!"  and then it gives me a stack Trace, which I don't think will be relevant.03:14
fishnor more or less anyone got pidgin running with encryption 3.0 script , it fails when i configure03:14
mzzshakir: this just means "post-installation script failed". It doesn't tell you why (and post-installation scripts can do a wide variety of things)03:14
vigneswwaaamy laptop is dropping internet constantly03:14
soreaumzz: "But when I run as regular user, it don't work"03:14
mzzJoeseph: got any extensions?03:14
mzzJoeseph: oh, and did you restart the browser completely after installing the upgrade?03:14
shakirmzz : ok thanks03:14
Logikosi've had ubuntu up and running very nicely now for a few months but i left for a couple days and came back and now when it boots it doesnt load GUI, it says BusyBox v1.1.3 Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ASH) and gives me a prompt of (initramfs) ... what happened and what do i have to do to fix it please???03:14
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, what card do you have?03:14
* mzz stops talking to soreau 03:14
secvulnany idea how to get ubuntu to support my sound card?03:14
Joesephmzz:     I exed it out and then opened it up again....   I have a few, yes...03:15
vigneswwaaaI am not sure03:15
nickrudshakir, sudo apt-get -f  install ; run that and put the complete error on http://paste.ubuntu.com03:15
mzzJoeseph: does it still fail with those off (or use the firefox safe mode)? Also consider pastebinning the stack trace03:15
vigneswwaaaI have an HP pavilion with ubuntu 8.1003:15
vigneswwaaais there a way to check my card03:15
Joesephmzz: ah.... the clever little "downloads" box was hiding on another desktop of mine.... ha..... it'll probably work now.03:16
Logikosi've had ubuntu up and running very nicely now for a few months but i left for a couple days and came back and now when it boots it doesnt load GUI, it says BusyBox v1.1.3 Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ASH) and gives me a prompt of (initramfs) ... what happened and what do i have to do to fix it please???03:16
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, lscpi | grep wireless03:16
mzzLogikos: might want to repeat slightly less often (not sure what'd cause this, possibly a bogus root= in grub.conf)03:16
LogicFannew user to ubuntu 8.10 (running 64bit) and I'm curious about the updates mechanism.  It seems that tons of stuff is added to the "recommended updates" section that has nothing to do with my computer.  e.g. X display drivers for hardware I don't have.  Is there a way to get more relevant updates?03:16
mzzLogicFan: I'd try to uninstall the drivers you don't use03:17
mzzLogicFan: not sure how easy that is for these drivers03:17
Logikosmzz: ... but how would it have goten there and how do i fix it... i'm prity new to linux03:17
shakirnickrud  i put the error03:17
nickrudshakir, give me the link, please03:17
mzzLogikos: no idea how that would've happened. I'd use a linux livecd or the grub menu to check what's in grub.conf makes any sense, and also check if anything interesting is logged before it drops you to a shell.03:18
LogicFanmzz, i'm curious why its offering them in the first place?  do i have some default installed package(s) that its looking at to determine what to recommend?03:18
Sarthorrouting for multiple uplinks /providers, my question is here, HELP  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/routing-for-multiple-uplinks-providers-703789/03:18
vigneswwaaalscpi | grep wireless do i type this in the terminal03:18
ammagendutcan i solve this?03:18
ammagendutType '--2009-02-12' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mmu.list03:18
mzzLogicFan: not familiar enough with ubuntu to know if this is accurate, but I'm pretty sure the installer doesn't do (much) hardware detection. It just installs most interesting drivers and auto-detects at boot.03:19
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, yes03:19
nickrudshakir,   gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/nagios3-common.postinst , put the contents on the pastebin please03:19
bullgard4What is an 'Internet file' as used in 'man lsof'?03:19
Logikosmzz: if you are refering to the menu where it says press escape and gives you like 3 seconds ... that has like 7 things in it ... its ubuntu, ubuntu recovery ... and then it repeats ... ubuntu ubuntu recovery or something ...03:19
LogicFanmzz, appreciate the response, thanks03:19
vigneswwaaai copy and paste that and it says command not m=found03:20
mzzLogicFan: advantage is you can safely swap hardware without having to install drivers before you do so03:20
soreauammagendut: I think /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ should be empty.. backup the mmu.list there then delete it and try again03:20
vigneswwaaacommand not found03:20
bernzvigneswwaaa, careful, it appears you have a typo there maybe .... 'lspci', not 'lscpi' (though i could be wrong)03:20
mzzLogicFan: disadvantage is you have a ridiculous amount of drivers installed (and updated)03:20
nickrudmzz, that's pretty much correct, about drivers.03:20
soreauvigneswwaaa: lspci not lscpi03:20
mzzLogikos: yes, that menu. Using a livecd may be easier if you're new to things though.03:20
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, sorry:   lspci | grep wireless03:20
shakirnickrud : http://paste.ubuntu.com/117110/03:21
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, typo....03:21
keeviewhen upgrading to intrepid from hardy, something went very wrong. . .https://keevie.privatepaste.com/3djs1WqBux it looks like this is a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ca-certificates-java/+bug/289091 how do i fix this?03:21
vigneswwaaawell this time when i type it it does nothing03:21
pepperjackvigneswwaaa: always a good sign03:22
vigneswwaaai got it03:22
MarkJonesCan any of you say what the general rule of thumb is for when/if to install a new release of ubuntu? Do most people wait a while after most releases till theres a bunch of updates available so they dont run into major issues? Or is it just a jump in and start breaking stuff kinda thing and dont wait for anything?03:22
Logikosmzz: ok, but things may be more complex, windows xp was on this computer first, and i installed ubuntu from within windows, so ubuntu was made the 2nd operating system, windows xp offers the first boot menu, which i reversed and changed so ubuntu boots first ... as a result this drive is an NTFS partition and the ubuntu disk is really just a file on this drive  i think?? will the live cd see that and i'll be able to mess with it or 03:22
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, alright, do:   lspci03:22
Logikosmzz: also, if i reboot to a live cd, i wont be able to be in here asking questions ... so i need to figure out everything i need to do, before i try it03:22
keeviesorry, broken link https://keevie.privatepaste.com/3djs1WqBux03:22
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, pastebin the results03:22
pepperjackMarkJones: depends on the machine. many people jump from one update to the next. as long as you are able to put up with downtime that should be fine03:23
mzzLogikos: why not? You should be able to get at the net from the livecd just fine. Doesn't it have an irc client?03:23
MarkJonesIm just wondering cause 8.04.2 seems realy reliable now to me and 8.10 still has reliability issues for me.03:23
ashlessburnmark what bit are u running'03:23
mzzLogikos: how did you do the "reversed" bit?03:23
MarkJonesI see.03:23
soreauMarkJones: Then keep using 8.04 since it's LTS03:23
mzzLogikos: I'm not really familiar with wubi, if that's what you used...03:23
vigneswwaaais it the netowrk controller03:23
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.03:23
MarkJonesRight thats what im on right now.03:23
marca311Hi there! which do you think is better? 8.04 or 8.1003:24
vigneswwaaacuz if it is then its03:24
nickrudshakir, ok, what we're gonna do is set up this package to just get it installed, then remove it immediately. Not sure why the file/dir wasn't created in /var/run03:24
vigneswwaaaIntel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)03:24
soreau! best | marca31103:24
ubottumarca311: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:24
jaxx2kdehey i had a quick question.. suppose i have a tarball lying on my desktop.. and i go and install the drivers after extracting it and all.. can i delete the folder?03:24
Aleahhaleyhey everyone I'm back again...my issue was that after I uninstalled ubuntu my computer keeps trying to load grub and it won't load my windows partition anymore.03:24
nickrudshakir,   gksu gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/nagios3-common.postinst03:24
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, that is it, you are using iw3945 drivers03:24
keeviejaxx2kde,  yes03:24
soreaumarca311: It depends on the machine you're using and ultimately your opinion. The other big factor is what you use it for03:24
mzzjaxx2kde: probably, but don't install stuff by hand, use proper packages03:24
vigneswwaaawhat does that mean03:24
AleahhaleyI got a windows cd though and went into the Repair section...but what do I do from there?03:24
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, which version of ubuntu are you using?03:25
Logikosmzz: i didnt use wubi ... no clue what it is, i burned the normal ubuntu cd, and put it in while i was in windows and to my surpize it had an instal option ... as for reversing i just ment in teh windows boot menu i reversed the order so that the default would be ubuntu rather than windows03:25
marca311thank you03:25
jaxx2kdekeevie, mzz thanks03:25
keeviemzz, ....what if you need newer versions, there is nothing wrong with building things from source03:25
mzzLogikos: I think that was wubi, but someone would have to confirm03:25
Logikosmzz: as for the live cd having an irc client ... i have no idea?03:25
soreauAleahhaley: Google it or ask in #windows | This isn't #windows03:25
ubuntu_how do i stop x1103:25
MarkJonesAs far as sticking with LTS releases goes, for the people who want reliable systems, do most wait for the first point release or not? Cause I remeber when I first tried 8.04 and it was ok, and now I came back and tried 8.04.2 and thats what I am on now and all seems great.03:25
mib_lkgyn7mzz: Any specifics? I am a little fimilar with wubi03:25
mzzkeevie: as long as you don't run "make install" or the equivalent as root, sure (use checkinstall or an equivalent)03:25
shakirnickrud : http://paste.ubuntu.com/117112/03:25
Aleahhaleyok thanks.03:25
pepperjackubuntu_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  just restart instead of stop to restart03:26
nickrudMarkJones, for people that rely on their servers it's pretty common03:26
Logikosmzz: well i downloaded the normal live cd when i did it, if becuase i loaded it in windows it used 'wubi' i have no idea ... but ubuntu is not running inside windows when i boot to it ... that is, windows doesnt run when i boot to ubuntu03:26
keeviewhen upgrading to intrepid from hardy, something went very wrong. . .https://keevie.privatepaste.com/3djs1WqBux it looks like this is a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ca-certificates-java/+bug/289091 how do i fix this?03:26
soreauubuntu_: Ctrl+Alt+F1 then login and run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'03:26
mzzmib_lkgyn7: Logikos here had it booting windows bootmanager thingy -> grub -> ubuntu, now it boots grub -> initramfs rescue shell.03:26
nickrudshakir, ok, on line 4 type    exit 0 , then save and close the file03:26
MarkJonesOk cool.So what is the next expected LTS release anyways? 9.10?03:26
mzzmib_lkgyn7: that's about all the info I have so far03:26
Titan8990vigneswwaaa, you should check out this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide03:27
nickrud!releases | MarkJones03:27
ubottuMarkJones: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:27
mib_lkgyn7mzz: The first setup is definitely wubi's way of doing things. But it can also be done by hand if required to do so03:27
uzairhi all, i was looking for some help regarding open vpn (vpn connections in general actually)03:27
vigneswwaaaok will do03:27
mzzmib_lkgyn7: this sounds like what the initramfs would do for a nonsensical root=, but I don't know what a sensible root= is for a wubi install03:27
shakirnickrud :  line 4 that si  after set -e ?03:28
Logikosmzz mib_lkgyn7:  it is still loading windows boot menu first, that is all the same, windows boot menu, ubuntu's menu option (if i hit escape) ... and then when it would normaly load ubuntu, it loads initramfs03:28
nickrud!wubi | mib_lkgyn7 (more likely to get reliable support on their forum. Most of the people on irc don't use wubi :)03:28
ubottumib_lkgyn7 (more likely to get reliable support on their forum. Most of the people on irc don't use wubi :): Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:28
nickrudshakir, exactlyt03:28
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:29
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: And you haven't made any drastic changes after the install? Meaning, the wubi install is still intact?03:29
shakirnickrud: i saved now?03:29
nickrudmib_lkgyn7, ah, sorry, misread/typed03:29
MarkJonesOk cool.Looks like Ill be sticking with LTS releases only, and always waiting for the first point release so I have a reliable system.Thank you guys!03:29
Logikosmzz, mib_lkgyn7: also when i loaded windows it said it recovered from severe error ... my gf had loaded windows, and when i came back windows aparently crashed (not sure why, she wont tell) and ubuntu (being the default in windows boot menu) tryed to load but went to initramfs instead03:29
nickrudshakir, yes. after you save, run   sudo apt-get -f install03:29
gammaHi, i got my GDM to start manual, and can't remember how to fix it back!!03:30
mib_lkgyn7nickrud: Doesn't matter. Mibbit doesn't even highlight messages with my nick :P03:30
Owner.j #flexd03:30
shakirnickrud : http://paste.ubuntu.com/117115/03:30
Titan8990gamma, sudo update-rc.d gdm03:30
Logikosmib_lkgyn7: no changes, it worked perfectly before i left for my trip, today my gf was trying to print something and i walked her though some things, had her boot to windows to print .. she left it in windows, says nothing strange happened, i come home and its in initramfs ...i reboot same thing, i go to windows and it says it recovered from a severe error03:31
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: Does it always say recovered from a serious error? Did you try doing a diskcheck?03:31
nickrudshakir, ok, so far so good. now, sudo apt-get purge nagios3-common nagios3  to remove it03:31
Titan8990gamma, or it might be: sudo update-rc.d add gdm03:31
mzzLogikos: I'm not sure what happened, but if this is wubi (which I think it is) I have pretty much no idea what the normal state of things is, so I can't really tell what changed from that state either03:31
Logikosmib_lkgyn7: since i got back, i've only booted into windows once ... so its only said it once, i wouldnt expect it to say it again but i havent tryed03:32
MarkJonesOnly problem I see is that ive been in Debian Etch until now and I have a LPR driver and cups wrapper for my printer.But not sure how to get that driver to work.It doesnt show up in the drivers list like in Debian.Anyone know what I need to do?03:32
keeviewhen upgrading to intrepid from hardy, something went very wrong. . .https://keevie.privatepaste.com/3djs1WqBux it looks like this is a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ca-certificates-java/+bug/289091 does anyone know how do i fix this?03:32
mib_lkgyn7mzz: Here is a drill down of what happens, a large file is created on the NTFS partition. The NTFS parition is mounted on /host, and then the file is loopback mounted on /03:32
shakirnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117117/03:32
peepsalotI tried setting resolv.conf, but it was apparently overwritten.  is there a way to set this so it won't be overwritten?03:32
mzzmib_lkgyn7: the initramfs does all that, right?03:33
MarkJonesRight now my printer is using a recomended driver instead.03:33
Logikosmzz, mib_lkgyn7 i have my ubuntu dvd ... i could try putting it in right now and see if it gives me a prompt or something ??03:33
mzzmib_lkgyn7: how is the initramfs told where everything is?03:33
nickrudMarkJones, make sure that you've installed the right packages; if so, file a bug03:33
mib_lkgyn7mzz: I am not exactly sure how it is internally handled. Wait, let me try to digg up some info03:33
mzzmib_lkgyn7: I can do that myself, probably :)03:33
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: A diskcheck from Windows wouldn't hurt a little bit03:33
nickrudshakir, ok, we're in a stable state with nagios3 uninistalled. You can try reinstalling it, but I think you might want to check that you have disk space left, etc.03:34
X4D_Hello, is there a channel around here to get help with networking, more specifically troubleshooting DNS problems03:34
Logikosmib_lkgyn7: k03:35
shakirnickrud: i have a 63.7 GB free disc space03:35
nickrudshakir, hm, you only tried installing nagios3-common in the first place?03:35
keeviewhen upgrading to intrepid from hardy, something went very wrong. . .https://keevie.privatepaste.com/3djs1WqBux it looks like this is a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ca-certificates-java/+bug/289091 does anyone know how do i fix this?03:36
secvulnanyone have any idea on how to get ubuntu to reconize my sound card?03:36
keevie!details secvuln03:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about details secvuln03:36
shakirnickrud: now what shoud i do ?03:37
keeviesecvuln, whats the matter? whats the sound card?03:37
northoxlinux is gay stuff03:37
nickrudshakir, if you're trying to get nagios3 , you should do   sudo apt-get install nagios3  , it will pull in any packages it needs, including -common. Now, I'm not promising it will work, that you won't be in the same spot you were ;)03:38
Logikosmib_lkgyn7: diskcheck complete, (i did not check the box to scan for and atempt to repair bad sectors ... that takes hours?) but the normal check passed fine03:38
secvulnkeeview, Don't really know, it's a laptop and I usually refrain from opening them, as there small and compact.03:38
marca311_northox: how come you are on the ubuntu forums?03:38
keeviesecvuln, what???03:38
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: Yeah, that should be fine. So, the thing is it goes into initramfs recovery... there are a few threads on ubuntuforums but nothing too substaincial03:39
Logikosmib_lkgyn7: in grub's menu there is a recovery option .... i chose to try to boot to windows before i tryed that, so i didnt try it ... what does that do, is it worth a try?03:39
secvulnkeeview, I don't really know03:39
billybigriggerw00t..just put my new server together and it posted first go!!!03:39
secvulnkeeview, I don't know what sound card is in here unfortunately.03:39
billybigriggerjust thought i'd share that with everyone, im pumped muhaha03:39
shakirnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117118/03:40
nickrudshakir, ok, that's a good install.03:40
Logikosmib_lkgyn7 most of my data, from in ubuntu, or windows, i stored to other partitions ... so if i lost this and had to start over it wouldnt kill me, however it would be very inconvient ...03:40
X4D_I need help... I was messing around with dyndns and registered my IP there... I was not able to make it work properly... now I can't access most websites, google yes, wikipedia no and many others are unreachable. Is there anyone who could point me in the right direction to solve this problem ?03:40
keeviesecvuln, find out! google the laptop or someting03:40
shakirnickrud : now we fix the error?03:40
bjb1959trying to get a tv card and usb camera to work but can't because they both try to use /dev/video0 any ideas?03:41
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: Yeah I get it. Although it is a really weird bug, let me see if google can kelp03:41
nickrudshakir, no error to fix now :)03:41
shakirnickrud: ok thank you very much03:41
Logikosmib_lkgyn7 good luck, i tryed google but didnt notice anything to useful ...03:41
nickrudshakir, if you compare http://paste.ubuntu.com/117109/ to the last paste, you can see the difference and similarity03:41
keeviewhen upgrading to intrepid from hardy, something went very wrong. . .https://keevie.privatepaste.com/3djs1WqBux it looks like this is a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ca-certificates-java/+bug/289091 does anyone know how do i fix this?03:41
n1ghtcrwlerI have a couple things I'd like some advice on, if I could03:42
nickrudkeevie, I tried going to your pastebin; it has a cert and I can't click it easily because of the leading period03:42
shakirnickrud:) yes i can see difference :)03:42
nickrudkeevie, the leading period in the link above03:42
keevieNickrud, sorry, ill paste it somewhere else03:42
ScuniziX4D_: most likely your dns servers in the router you replaced with those suggested by dyndns.. if you don't want the service chnage the dns servers.03:42
keevienickrud, http://pastebin.com/m2351ee2c03:43
n1ghtcrwlerI just installed intrepid onto my older Gateway laptop.  It created a partition (which I'd like to delete the Windows one, issue one), and I can't get the wireless receiver to turn on (issue two)03:44
MarsjaninI got a problem: somebody packed up a huge file with (as I suppose) WinZIP using (new in it?) multipart function. The files are named: .z01 .z02 .z03 and last .zip - I cannot open it under Ubuntu in no way. :( Even copying it with cat first > temp, cat second >> temp etc.03:44
Dracie_freaking fail - this is why nobody uses emerald https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emerald/+bug/20536403:44
n1ghtcrwleranybody know how to do either of those?  The wireless is the more pressing issue03:44
BaattiGreetings all, I was wondering if I could get some assistance with Direct Connecting my cell phone to my linux box via a usb cable03:45
X4D_Scunizi: thanks for the tip, but I have reset my router and my DNS are pointing to my ISP. I've also expierienced similar issues before with MTU settings but after adjusting them there is no change03:45
Logikosmib_lkgyn7 when i put the ubuntu dvd into windows now it gives 3 options, first is 'demo and full instal' which reads to reboot the system, boot to cd, and you can demo, instal ubuntu alongside windows, or as the only OS ... 2nd option (probably what i tryed last time to get the setup i now have which worked for a few months untill now) is 'install inside windows' which reads to instal and uninstal ubuntu like any other application,03:45
trwwwHello. I can ssh from ALICE to BOBO but not BOB to ALICE. How do I copy a directory on ALICE to BOB?03:45
BaattiWhen I connect the phone, Linux recognizes it as a Broadband connection. I'm looking to just mount the phone as a volume03:45
nickrudkeevie, I can help you remove the certificate package and the error; if you have one of the headless jre's installed that means it'll have to go as well. Or, we can fake out dpkg, make it think the cert package installed ok even though it didn't. That'll fix apt for you03:45
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: Yeah, that is wubi. It relies of some parts of Windows to run properly03:45
keevienickrud, great, i dont mind killing some certs, where to look?03:46
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: I would say, go for a full install if you really want Ubuntu as a full fledge OS03:46
Logikosmib_lkgyn7: i would much rather we figure out how to save my past instlation beings i cant go in there and back anything up (such as my email) .. but if i chose option 1, and instal it alongside windows ... how does that work? how is it different?03:46
keevienickrud, pm?03:46
mzztrwww: just use scp (scp /path/to/dir bob:/path/to/destination from a shell on alice)?03:46
nickrudkeevie, ok, put a copy of /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst  on http://paste.ubuntu.com03:46
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: It should create a proper partition, and then let you install it as a separate partition, rather than running it inside the windows partition03:47
mzztrwww: or sftp if you prefer, all obviously assuming you have a shell on alice)03:47
Logikosmib_lkgyn7: i'm working on geting so i dont depend on windows, but i still depend on it slightly ... and would like both OS's .... i COULD instal windows in a VM i understand after doing ubuntu first but that cuts resources right?03:47
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: Could you try a Chkdsk /r on the main boot parition03:47
houstondok so noob question here, I've downloaded an application  .bin to be exact, how do i install it?03:48
keevienickrud, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117119/03:48
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keeviehoustond, first do chmod +x app.bin, then do ./app.bin and follow instructions03:48
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Logikosmib_lkgyn7: trying03:48
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: As long as you are not running a game inside a VM, you should be fine03:48
tryggIs there some alternative to synaptic package manager?03:49
silenihmm the new firefox starts in fullscreen every single time, and i have to press f11 twice to get it to normal. Does anyone know where the config file for firefox is so i can make it start normal everytime03:49
theUgHi all. Is there a normal solution to keyring password problem when auto log-in?03:49
mzzlinuxnooooob: recommend you don't run random stuff you downloaded as root though (more often than not there are packages you can use instead)03:49
nickrudkeevie, ok, I'd suggest putting   exit 0   on line 4, just below set -e . then run sudo apt-get -f install . Once it completes,  sudo apt-get purge ca-certificates-java03:49
RussMLogikos, What do you use Windows for? That might determine whether Windows in a VM would be sufficient. It is for me.03:49
Logikosmib_lkgyn7 says 'chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by anouther process. ... i can scedual it to do it on a reboot?03:49
mzzsileni: that may be stored in localstore.rdf (under ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default)03:49
Titan8990sileni, if im not mistaken, that is a bug with compiz03:49
Marsjanintrygg: apt-get ?03:49
mib_lkgyn7Logikos: Yes please03:49
tryggyeah, i meant a gui ;)03:49
sileniTitan8990: hmm, is there a fix for this bug?03:50
tryggdont really know how to search03:50
theUgtrygg: Add/Remove programs?03:50
Titan8990sileni, unsure, only effects some people, I would search the forums because that is where I have seen it03:50
linuxnooooobum apparently i did something wrong keevie  says no such file or directory03:50
mzzRussM: for pretty much everything that isn't a game I think a vm is not just sufficient but superior :)03:50
LogikosRussM: ms excell (there are some things that open office just doesnt do right :\ ) ... and paint shop pro  are what i switch over to windows for ... i just havent figured gimp out yet .. and psp just doesnt run right in wine03:50
BaattiI'm trying to mount my cellphone as a volume, running Ubuntu 8.10....when I connect the phone (via usb), linux recognizes it as a Broadband Connection, but I can't view the volume. I can only configure a broadband connection. Anyone have ideas on how I can just mount the phone as a volume?03:50
keevielinuxnooooob, yeah, you have to replace app.bin with the actual filename. . .03:50
linuxnooooobum i did that :-) lolz03:50
Logikosmib_lkgyn7 k, i'll reboot and do that russ: i'll check your responce when i get back03:51
mzzlinuxnooooob: also have to be in the directory that file is (not sure if "cd /path/to/that/file" was included)03:51
Logikosmzz: your saying a VM is beter than windows OS by itself? ... what about ram?03:51
RussMLogikos, Unless you're crunching an extremely complicated spreadsheet, I'm pretty sure a VM could handle running Excel just fine.03:51
theUgAnyone knows about keyring password prompt problem?03:51
Logikosi have 1.5 GB of ram03:51
keevienickrud, okay, i did that, and it seemed to work. now i should probably change some stuff back? i doubt that script was completely useless03:51
MarsjaninAnybody knows how to unpack a multipart zip (z01, z02...zip), please?03:51
Logikosubuntu was useing just under .803:51
mzzLogikos: ah, yes, you need a bit of ram. Not as much as I initially thought though, because apparently the drivers for the virtual sound and graphics are smaller than the (windows) drivers for the actual hardware.03:52
LogikosRussM: what about psp ... will psp be able to take screen shots from apps loaded in ubuntu? or are the OS's seperate like with windows virtual pc ... clipboard doesnt transfer etc?03:53
RussMmzz, I'm with you. I'm very happy with VMs.03:53
mib_lkgyn7So, who was asking about multipartÉ03:53
mzzLogikos: clipboard should transfer. You can also share folders from the host to the guest.03:53
nickrudkeevie, you can try running the install again, you know how to back out of a failed install now. But I'd look over the bug report, see if it has a workaround, if you really need those certs03:53
mzzLogikos: so you can just use an ubuntu screenshot app and save the screenshot in a directory the guest sees.03:53
linuxnooooobso yeah i've made sure i had the right path and all, not sure what im doing wrong03:53
mib_lkgyn7Marsjanin: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-952119.html03:53
=== n1ghtcrwler is now known as n1ght-brb
mzzLogikos: (I haven't used the clipboard transfer for anything but text, I think)03:54
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Logikosmzz: well i have other partitions ... in /media on ubuntu ... the windows inside the VM would have access to those partitions as D:\ and E:\ etc right?03:54
keevienickrud, alright, thanks muchly. i doubt i would have found that on my own03:54
mzzlinuxnooooob: try to tab-complete the filename and dir to make sure you get them right03:54
nickrudkeevie, doing the purge undid anything that script would have done, so you're back to a state as if you'd never installed it (I think that's what you were really asking)03:54
mzzLogikos: if you want them to be.03:54
Titan8990Logikos, not without special configuration03:54
RussMLogikos, I don't know if you'll be able to cut/paste more than text... it may depend on the VM you pick, too.03:54
sileniTitan8990: ah yes, it has not been fixed yet. Thank you for letting me now. I'm probably going to revert back to older and stabler version of firefox03:54
BaattiI'm trying to mount my cellphone as a volume, running Ubuntu 8.10....when I connect the phone (via usb), linux recognizes it as a Broadband Connection, but I can't view the volume. I can only configure a broadband connection. Anyone have ideas on how I can just mount the phone as a volume?03:54
Titan8990Logikos, and it is considered dangerous, easier to host them via ftp or scp on the host machine03:54
RussMLogikos, psp?03:54
mzzLogikos: the vm doesn't look at the actual on-disk partitions. You can just share one or more actual host directories, which the guest sees as network filesystems.03:55
linuxnooooobtab-complete the file name? and dir to make sure i got them right?03:55
LogikosTitan8990: i'm more concerned about resource sharing ... for example, i plug my flash drive into the pc ... ubuntu will see it ... will windows see it inside the VM ?03:55
Titan8990sileni, good to hear you found what you were looking for03:55
piti__ikonia: thanks for your help yesterday03:55
mzzLogikos: afaik this is pretty safe as long as you're selective in what you share.03:55
Marsjaninmib_lkgyn7: I just did that in few steps, now I try run cat with all files as a parametest like there was.03:55
Drakenhi im running kbuntu and I cant figure out why I have no screen savers I have random and blank why is that?03:55
LogikosRussM: Paint Shop Pro ... i'm not a photo shop fan ... i like psp beter03:55
Titan8990Logikos, no, but it will with additional configuration, you can mount usb drives in your vm03:55
mzzLogikos: windows doesn't see your host usb devices (unless you explicitly configure this, which is only useful for devices you don't have host drivers for)03:56
mzzLogikos: the vm won't see the actual flash drive, but if you mount the flash drive below a directory that's shared with the guest it'll see its contents just fine03:56
RussMLogikos, Oh, sorry, I don't use it.03:56
sagredosince I updated to 8.10 expose crashes compizfusion03:56
sagredowhat gives!!!03:56
linuxnooooobso yeah totally lost03:57
=== n1ght-brb is now known as n1ghtcrwler
LogikosTitan8990: mzz: RussM: if i 'share' /media ... so long as i've opened it in ubuntu and therefore ubuntu auto mounts it under /media ... the windows will be able to access it as a network drive .. do i understand this correctly?03:57
mzzLogikos: yep.03:57
n1ghtcrwlerHow do I delete the Windows partition on my computer to run ubuntu exclusively?03:58
mzzLogikos: windows has no clue the stuff below /media/ is actually on different drives. It just sees all of /media as a regular network share.03:58
Jaan|Perfectis there any software wich collates details of my hardware devices and send report and let me know whether hardware is supported and drivers are available03:58
mzzLogikos: (I'm talking about VirtualBox, but this should be very similar in other vm software)03:58
Logikosas long as the directory names are unique enough to identify what i'm dealing with03:58
RussMLogikos, the actual mechanism for sharing files differs a bit between VMs, but yes, you can usually make any part of the host filesystem available to the guest.03:58
Logikoswhich i presume are the device lables03:58
Titan8990Logikos, they can be whatever you want them to be03:58
mzzLogikos: and you *can* probably give the vm access to the raw partition too, but that's usually less convenient (because you can't do the same from the host at the same time, they'd stomp on each other)03:59
Baattin1ghtcrwler, just boot your computer from the cd, and chose to install Ubuntu..when the partitioner asks you how you want to partition, chose GUIDED FULL03:59
Logikosalright, great ... is .5GB RAM alocation enough for XP + MS Office + Paint Shop Pro ?03:59
Logikosi know that it is 'enough to get buy'03:59
Logikosbut ...03:59
linuxnooooobstill cant install the damn thing04:00
mzzLogikos: I haven't used PSP enough to answer that. I'd expect it to be quite sufficient for office.04:00
RussMLogikos,  I wish I had PSP to try it.04:00
nickrudlinuxnooooob, what exactly are you trying to install anyway?04:00
Logikospsp has ALOT less overhead that adobe photoshop04:00
trwwwmzz: thanks!04:00
Logikosi'd estamate half04:00
keevietime to tell him to use apt :D04:00
n1ghtcrwlerBaatti: that's a bit of a problem.  For some reason, my cd drive won't acknowledge the ubuntu cd.  I had to extract it to the desktop and install it from there.  The install worked, but now I'm stuck with the partitions04:00
linuxnooooobPlaneshift.   game  its a .bin04:00
nickrudkeevie, that's where I hoped it would go :)04:00
linuxnooooobhave it downloaded to desktop04:00
RussMLogikos, I just went with Gimp - it's not as "pretty", perhaps, but it does what I want.04:00
Titan8990Logikos, 512mb might be pushing it for all those apps at the same time04:01
Logikoseventualy i pray i'll be free from my windows dependancy but ... i'm working on it lol04:01
nickrudlinuxnooooob, sudo ~/Desktop/<planeshiftfilename>04:01
Titan8990Logikos, I always found 1gb to be ideal for xp04:01
Titan8990Logikos, but yes, you will get by04:01
sileniephiphany is still as powerful as firefox is correct?04:01
Baattin1ghtcrwler, did you mount the .iso file on the disk as an image?04:01
LogikosRussM: i tryed Gimp several times ... it takes me to long to do the things i need to do ... several things i cant figure out how to make it do .. but i cant figure out how to make photoshop do it either and ppl love photoshop ... its just i hate graphic design but i have to do it some times ... and i dont want to invest the time into switching programs ?04:02
mzzLogikos: oh, yes, I was interpreting that as one office app or psp at a time04:02
n1ghtcrwlerBaatti: yep.  And all my roommates' computers recognize it for what it should be.  Just not mine (which I presume has something to do with the host of problems that encouraged me to drop Windows in the first place)04:02
mzzLogikos: keep in mind that you'll probably end up installing fewer drivers and background utilities on the vm04:02
LogikosTitan8990: i agree .. but i think ubuntu as the primary OS containing the VM needs more than .5 GB and i cant aford to upgrade my ram :\04:02
Baattin1ghtcrwler, hrm, I know a few people who've had similar problems. I unfortunately don't have the expertise to assist you further. Just keep asking around here and I'm sure someone who CAN help will04:03
mzzLogikos: also, you can usually play with the ram allocation a bit with just reboots of the vm, so you can find a sweet spot somewhere between .5G and 1G if necessary04:03
linuxnooooobusage: sudo -h | -K | -k | -L | -l | -V | -v04:03
linuxnooooobusage: sudo [-bEHPS] [-p prompt] [-u username|#uid] [VAR=value]04:03
linuxnooooob            {-i | -s | <command>}04:03
linuxnooooobusage: sudo -e [-S] [-p prompt] [-u username|#uid] file ...04:03
jaxx2kdeI am trying to install b43-fwcutter and I downloaded and extracted the tarball but when i cd to the directory and go "make" it gives me a "make: Nothing to be done for `all'." error04:03
Logikosthat nice guy who was trying to research how to solve my problem no longer seems to be here mib_something04:03
Titan8990Logikos, no, it will run fine, windows uses virtual memory similar to linux swap04:03
RussMLogikos, I understand. I love Gimp because it's powerful enough for me, available on Linux and Windows, and scriptable. But believe me, I know it's not easy to learn a new model.04:03
Ryan_Chaui had a quick question04:04
Ryan_Chaudoes anyone know if there is a chinese vrsion of ubuntu04:04
Titan8990!pastebin | linuxnooooob04:04
ubottulinuxnooooob: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:04
mzzjaxx2kde: that sounds like you missed a ./configure (so there's no Makefile yet)04:04
n1ghtcrwlerBaatti: that's fine.  But I have another problem, do you know how to get it to let me turn on my wireless receiver?  It's an old Gateway, and the only way to turn it on that I know of is Fn+F2.  The ubuntu doesn't appear to recognize the command.04:04
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Marsjaninmultipart ZIP problem: the zip -F archive.zip did the trick. Thanks.04:05
redvamp128jaxx2kde:  why not just install the deb - I found one for all distro's on packages Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- b43-fwcutter <http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=b43-fwcutter+&amp;searchon=names&amp;suite=all&amp;section=all>04:05
Baattin1ghtcrwler, that I'm not sure of either. I've never used a Gateway laptop...on my laptop I have a little switch button04:05
sagredowhat gives!!!04:06
sagredosince I updated to 8.10 expose crashes compizfusion04:06
learninganyone have scripts/software for 29/36 stuff?04:06
n1ghtcrwlerBaatti: heh, yeah, my old one had that.  Much easier.  Alright, thanks anyway!04:06
mzzlearning: for what?04:06
LogikosTitan8990:, mzz, RussM, anyone i missed: thanks for all the info and all the help ... i was really hopeing to recover my ubuntu partition but no one seems to have a clue how to do that ... thankfuly i didnt save much inside that actual partition .. i'll reboot for the chkdsk /r now04:06
linuxnooooobum still lost04:06
Baattin1ghtcrwler, SORRY i couldn't be more help. Good luck, and don't give up04:06
redvamp128jaxx2kde:  was that the correct program you wanted to install ? ? Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- b43-fwcutter <http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=b43-fwcutter+&amp;searchon=names&amp;suite=all&amp;section=all>04:06
Titan8990Logikos, you didn't ask about recovering a ubuntu partition?04:07
n1ghtcrwleralright.  Does anyone know how to delete the Windows partition after installing intrepid that doesn't involve the ubuntu boot disk?04:07
jaxx2kdemzz, redvamp128: i am trying to install the b43 drivers for my broadcom so that i can patch them in order to use aircrack04:08
Titan8990n1ghtcrwler, fdisk04:08
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, if you don't mind keeping the partition *SPACE*, you can just format it as ext3 or something04:08
RussMTitan8990, I think the question was way - way back.04:08
jaxx2kdeit says right now that i am running some "wl" driver04:08
redvamp128jaxx2kde:  Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware  fwcutter is a tool which can extract firmware from various source files. It's written for BCM43xx driver files.04:08
n1ghtcrwlerTitan8990: where's that?  rdw200169: I really would like to just dump it altogether04:09
learningi've half a mind to join a club and beat you with it04:09
jaxx2kdeyes.. i have a BCM431104:09
Ryan_Chaudoes anyone know if there is a chinese version of ubuntu?04:09
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, the best thing for you is gparted, it's a graphical partition manager04:09
BaattiRyan_Chau, can't you just chose chinese as your native language when installing?04:09
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, it's always... ALWAYS... dangerous to try what you are talking about, i.e. resizing your linux partition to fill the space that windows once filled04:10
rainbowinfinitycan anyone help me adjust the settings for folding@home?..it runs all the time and i'm afraid of killing my puter04:10
ashlessburnrainbow why are u adjusting setting04:10
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, especially if you want (or need) to keep the information on your linux side intact04:10
trwwwI have a question about the .screenrc file... namely, the screen statement syntax. At04:10
n1ghtcrwlerrdw200269: is that available on the Add/Remove Applications thing, or no?  And what's dangerous about it?04:10
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, you can also screw up the boot manager... among other things04:10
trwwwit gives the example:04:10
trwwwscreen -t NameOfScreen ScreenNumber ShellCommand04:11
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, just search for gparted in synaptic04:11
trwwwbut for ShellCommand, it dosent seem that I can put arbitrary commands in there.04:11
rainbowinfinityit seems to run constantly and I'm afraid it's going to kill my processor or something04:11
trwwwfor example, for:04:11
trwwwscreen -t prod1  4 cd /usr/prod04:11
trwwwcannot exec 'cd' no such file or directory04:11
trwwwdoes anyone know where I can find some documentation for ShellCommand?04:11
n1ghtcrwlerrdw200269: well, crap.  I really wanna free up that memory space, I don't have a whole lot to be splitting between the two, you know?  What's the likelyhood, do you think, of wrecking ubuntu in the process?04:12
ashlessburnumm unless u are running root or a specefic install u should be good im not quite understanding why u are tryign to modifiy thoguh04:12
mzztrwww: "cd" is a shell builtin (it has to be)04:12
usserrainbowinfinity, its supposed to run constantly, you basically donating your cpu time, your computer was designed to run constantly, it cant kill it by loading the processor with tasks04:12
* mzz wonders if there's special syntax to start a process in a different initial dir04:12
* mzz checks04:12
zcat[1]rainbowinfinity: that's how it works.. if you don't like having a program that uses 100% of your 'spare processing power' why did you install one?04:12
trwwwso I cant use shell builtins in SHellCommand04:12
linuxnooooobthank you nickrud your the man04:12
rainbowinfinitybut the fan runs constantly since I installed it, even while I'm working on it, and it never used to04:12
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, if you try resizing, the problems would be several-fold; consequentially, you can't run ubuntu of that partition while attempting a resize operation04:13
nickrudlinuxnooooob, yw04:13
RussMtrwww, even if you did use cd, the shell would then end.04:13
zcat[1]rainbowinfinity: es. exactly. That's what happens when you're constantly using 100% of available processing power04:13
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, so you would likely have to use the gparted livecd04:13
ZencydeHey, I'm having trouble the the GNOME clock applet. Whenever I try to set the system time, it starts up the Compiz benchmark. I've since disabled the benchmark and the application kills itself upon entering my password. Anyone care to help?04:13
RussMtrwww, Do you just want to have the screen session started, but be in a particular directory?04:13
XDS2010Small Question:  Can 'vmalloc=xxxM' be initiated at the boot command level  ?04:13
rainbowinfinityi want it to use all of my processor...when i'm not using it, i want to set it up so it works while i'm not working04:14
mzztrwww: look for the "chdir" command in the manual04:14
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, that, and with 2 separate partitions, you *could* do a very smart thing (for the future) and assign the /home directory to that space04:14
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, then, if you want to re-install ubuntu, you can keep your /home folder where all your personal configurations and files reside04:14
redvamp128Zencyde:  why not just turn compiz off then set clock- System- preferences then appearance -- then visual effects turn them off04:14
darksmurfI am running intrepid on a dell mini9. I have no swap space. I have been reading about how to use s2disk with a swap file that is activated right before hibernating and deactivated after resuming. I am able to execute 's2disk', hibernate and resume with no real problems. How can I make gnome's 'hibernate' option from the Shut down menu execute s2disk, or a custom script?04:14
n1ghtcrwlerrdw200169: which likely wouldn't work, as my computer is being very finnicky about what disks it reads.  Ah, well, I'll just delete as much of the Windows stuff as I can to free up space, leave the partition.  How do I make ubuntu the primary boot?04:14
mzztrwww: alternatively, use "sh -c 'insert shell here'" in the command04:15
mzztrwww: chdir is much more convenient for this particular case though04:15
trwww> (11:12:07 PM) mzz: trwww: "cd" is a shell builtin (it has to be)04:15
trwwwyeah it was suprising! I thought I knew linux pretty well, but when I did a 'which cd' it didnt find it04:15
ZencydeYou know, I don't think the issue is with Compiz. :(04:15
trwwwI figrured it was in memory and called something else on disk04:15
trwwwno biggie... but right now I /am/ trying to figure out how that relates to commands in the .screenrc file04:15
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, why do you say it wouldn't work?  how is ubuntu installed right now?  you did a normal install, right? i.e. not wubi?04:15
ZencydeAlso, I'd rather avoid having to deal with killing and starting new processes. :P Got any advice that doesn't require that?04:15
mzztrwww: processes run *by* your interactive shell can't change its environment or working directory.04:15
RussMtrwww, Environment things (like current work directory) are inherited by child processes.... but what happens in the child process doesn't affect the parent process.04:16
mzztrwww: if "cd" was not a builtin it'd run, change its own working directory, then exit.04:16
trwwwmzz: cool thx04:16
trwwwah... that I do understand04:16
RussMtrwww, So, if you started a child process (that is, cd) it would affect that child process, but then exit.04:16
mzztrwww: (or you'd have to use it like the "env" command: run it, change directory, then have it exec a new shell. That's pretty daft though)04:16
n1ghtcrwlerrdw200169: I downloaded the disc image, extracted it to the desktop, and ran it from there.  The (3) cd's I made of it, while all work fine when I checked them (without installing them) on my roommates' computers, mine wouldn't even acknowledge the disc had anything on it04:16
mzzRussM: sorry, missed your reply04:17
rainbowinfinityzcat[1].. i understand the point of f@h...i've been running it on my ps3 for over a year, but even when i ran it on windows, i had the option to let it work while i was not...all i want is that option04:17
mzzwould've kept my mouth shut otherwise :)04:17
trwwwno biggie... I understand now... its similar to changing an environment var in a script. When the script exits, the value is gone.04:17
darksmurfn1ghtcrwler, when I see that problem (and I have, many times) it usually ends up being a bad cdrom drive.04:17
RussMmzz, np, I was typing heads down too. ;)04:17
[PRO]LifixsI used to have an icon configured to toggle root access, but i forgot the command i used. Anyone have any idea what I could use?04:17
mzztrwww: same thing happens when you change the groups your user is in and don't log out and back in04:17
iShockWould you guys suggest Wubi or vmware for installing ubuntu if I'm unable to partition my HD?04:17
RussMtrwww, So, what's the end result you want? I'm sure there's a way to get there.04:18
rdw200169n1ghtcrwler, you don't even have ubuntu installed?04:18
ZencydeOkay, I just turned off Compiz. Same problem as before. It kills itself upon finishing my password.04:18
n1ghtcrwlerdarksmurf: except that it reads audio cd's (and the apps on some of them) just fine04:18
darksmurf[PRO]Lifixs, toggle it how? in a shell?04:18
Weewould anyone happen to know of an easy-to-use (easy-to-use, as in, my grandma should be able to use it) screenshot utility that offers the ability the ability to select/draw the focused to-be-shot recatange-area?04:18
n1ghtcrwlerrdw200169: yeah, I'm talking to you from the ubuntu partition that I installed that way.  The install worked fine by that method, I just have the partitions to deal with now04:18
rdw200169Wee, you should just hit the screenshot key!04:18
ZencydeWhat's the GNOME clock applet called, anyway? Maybe reinstalling or doing a dpkg configure would help?04:18
[PRO]LifixsLike on the desktop on the panel.04:18
darksmurfn1ghtcrwler, did that drive burn the disks? has that drive ever been able to read burned disks from the drive you used?04:18
rdw200169Wee, i.e. Print Screen04:19
rdw200169Wee, go ahead, try it!04:19
trwwwRussM: I'd like to do 'cd /usr/prod' as ShellCommand in the .screenrc entry 'screen -t NameOfScreen ScreenNumber ShellCommand'04:19
iShockWould you guys suggest Wubi or vmware for installing ubuntu if I'm unable to partition my HD?04:19
Jim_Raynoranyone knows how can i get podcast from itunes?04:19
Weerdw200169, yes.. but that doesn't allow me to draw a triangle for selection (I don't want to ss the whole screen)04:19
darksmurfn1ghtcrwler, just trying to give you ideas.04:19
RussMtrwww, But you want to end up at a bash prompt, right?04:19
rakudaveiShock: wubi, vmware will slow things down considerably04:19
iShockrakudave, how so04:20
trwwwyep... in the directory /usr/prod04:20
n1ghtcrwlerdarksmurf: no, I burned it from my roommate's computer because my Windows was having a stack of problems.  I assume one of these is involved in it's inability to read burned discs, which it used to do just fine04:20
rdw200169Wee, well, the old windows rules apply, try Alt + Print Screen04:20
redvamp128Zencyde:  I did find this how to set it command prompt04:20
rdw200169Wee, that gets the active window instead of the whole desktop04:20
Weerdw200169, that captures the focused window - I would prefer capturing a focused area as selected by designating a certain area myself with some sort of a selection tool04:20
redvamp128Zencyde:  Manage Time in Ubuntu Through Command Line « Code Ghar <http://codeghar.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/manage-time-in-ubuntu-through-command-line/>04:20
n1ghtcrwlerdarksmurf: but, that's not that big of a problem, I can live with the partitions if I have to, and ubuntu is working fine.  I just wanted to get rid of it if I could04:20
rakudaveiShock: it takes alot of comuting power to emulate a virtual pc plus the host system, so there won't be too much left for ubuntu itself04:20
rdw200169Wee, you're making this really difficult!... you can use f-spot for simple picture editing04:21
ammagenduthow to open the source list and replace the original source?04:21
=== carpeliam|away is now known as carpeliam|pidgin
darksmurfn1ghtcrwler, try installing from a USB drive? 8.10 has a neat little program that will create a liveusb stick. The same program can be installed from 8.04.04:21
Weerdw200169, ..actually, this is for my very irritated computer-illeterate mate, who insists on getting that functionality. sorry ;\04:21
rdw200169Wee, i don't even think windows can do that, but i don't know04:22
darksmurfn1ghtcrwler, it is under System:Administration04:22
ZencydeAck..shit. Disabling Compiz and reenabling it disabled all of my settings.04:22
[PRO]LifixsDarkSmurf - It was a button on the panel04:22
rainbowinfinityokay, so if no one can help me edit the settings for folding at home, can you help me uninstall it...i'll just run it on ps304:22
n1ghtcrwlerdarksmurf: I have not tried that yet, but I was looking into getting one so I could.  Right now, my only flash drive is filled up with homework stuff that I need to transfer over04:22
Weerdw200169, oh.. he SHOWED me the program on windows that could do it.. he simply hits the screenshot button.. and after a few seconds his mouse cursor turns into a selection tool.. he selects it, and it's on the clipboard..04:22
Titan8990Zencyde, yep, but supossidly there is a on-off button you can get for it that will not do that04:22
rakudaveammagendut: system--admin--sources or in a terminal "sudo gedit /etc/atp/sources.list"04:22
redvamp128Zencyde:  I did find a way to set it through prompt-- http://codeghar.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/manage-time-in-ubuntu-through-command-line/04:23
ZencydeChrist.. and I had it perfectly set up.04:23
Titan8990Zencyde, I always just used seperate users for compiz and no compiz04:23
ZencydeThis pisses me off.04:23
ZencydeI swear, I spent an hour setting it.04:23
Titan8990Zencyde, also, if you do:   metacity --replace04:23
darksmurf[PRO]Lifixs, hmm. try looking at gksu, gksudo ?04:23
ammagendutthanks rakudave04:23
Titan8990Zencyde, to turn off compiz instead of using the gnome GUI it may save your settings....04:23
ZencydeHaha, yeah. :( I just used what the person earlier said. I shouldn't have listened, though. I knew the problem wasn't with Compiz...04:23
redvamp128Zencyde:  I don't have that issue -- I use compiz-switch to turn compiz on and off and it saves settings always for me04:23
BaattiHow can I mount my cellphone (LG3500) as a volume, and not have Ubuntu auto-detect it as a Broadband connection?04:24
RussMtrwww, Make a quick script file up... call it "myscript", put ". ~/.bashrc; cd /usr/prod" in it. Then run "screen bash --init-file myscript"04:24
n1ghtcrwlerBut the other problem, the one I'm actually more concerned about, is this: My wireless receiver won't turn on.  This is a Gateway, and instead of having a nice switch I have to hit the function key+F2.  But the ubuntu doesn't appear to recognize this command04:24
redvamp128Zencyde:  I was only going by what you gave me about the benchmark starting-- when you goto set time04:24
rdw200169Wee, perhaps you should tell your very-irritated friend to do the same thing he did on windows to find the app, use google: https://launchpad.net/shutter04:24
darksmurfn1ghtcrwler, try installing aircraft manager04:24
ammagendutrakudave: my source list is empty, how can fullfill it?04:24
n1ghtcrwlerdarksmurf: alright, cool.  Is that in the Add/Remove Programs list, or should I look for it online?04:25
Titan8990ammagendut, ask for someones here....04:25
ammagenduti want to insert new source but i found error like this sudo wget http://blog.myfenris.net/files/myoss/ubuntu/mmu.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mmu.list04:25
RussMtrwww, screen will run the command "bash", bash will read myscript as its init-file, causing it to run the normal startup and then cd into the target directory, voila04:25
rakudaveammagendut: just add the line of a repository you want to add, such as "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main"04:25
Weerdw200169, I'll tell him to apt-get it, hopefully it's a good solution. thank you for the time :)04:25
darksmurfn1ghtcrwler, I would look in the synaptic package manager. It has a larger list than Add/Remove04:25
n1ghtcrwlerdarksmurf: alright, cool.  I'll check that out.04:26
ZencydeHaha, yeah. I guess I should have been more specific, first. Thanks for the advice on where to find those config files. I can just fuck with the NTP settings there.04:26
=== n1ghtcrwler is now known as n1ght-brb
trwwwRussM: hrm.... that would mean all shells in the screen instance start at /usr/prod. I may want another one that sits at /usr/stage.04:26
rdw200169Wee, it won't be in the repo's, he has to use the PPA's, check the link i gave you, all the instructions are there pertaining to its usage and installation04:26
RussMtrwww, You'd need a different "myscript" for each target directory.04:27
Jim_Raynori guess that nobody knows, then...04:27
Weerdw200169, pardon my ignorance, what's PPA?04:27
rdw200169Wee, personal repositories hosted on launchpad, you add the personal repo to apt, and then it will update correctly, etc...04:28
ZencydeCan I get the current time from anyone using NTP?04:29
RussMtrwww, to simplify, you could make a shell alias or a script file up that runs screen with the appropriate arguments.04:29
ashlessburnwhat is ur question04:29
Jim_Raynoranyone knows how can i get podcast from itunes?04:29
learningjim raynor? starcraft?04:29
cirkitI've installed mysql but it is missing from /usr/bin. I 'grep'd for the mysql bin file on the system and it could not be found. Any ideas how to retrieve the binary even after re-installing mysql through apt-get / source ?04:29
learningforget the meaning of the name..04:29
Titan8990learning, lol im sure04:29
Jim_Raynorerm... Ubuntu?04:29
RussMtrwww, I have some aliases for starting screen up with particular ssh commands, etc.04:29
Weerdw200169, alright, I'll see what I can do (I'll have to do it for him ;\) thanks for you help and time! good night04:29
ZencydeNo one here is using NTP? You're kidding...04:29
IntuitiveNipplecirkit: try "which mysql"04:30
mzzcirkit: wild guess: you installed the daemon but not the client04:30
rdw200169Wee, well, i tried it, and it works very well; easy too04:30
ashlessburn.04 or 8.10no duh ...but what type of ubuntu ...32 bit 64 bit....8/04:30
rainbowinfinitycan anyone help me uninstall folding@home04:30
mzzZencyde: does openntpd count?04:30
ZencydeClose enough, mzz. :)04:31
Jim_RaynorIntrepid x8604:31
ashlessburnthank you04:31
ashlessburnone sec04:31
Weerdw200169, fantastic, great to hear :) thanks again04:31
kertHi  i have a  problem with network , please  read  it here  http://pastebin.com/m3b8771ec   and give me suggestions  or  help...? I am using Ubuntu 8.1004:31
ashlessburni tunes is a apple based app right?04:31
mzzashlessburn: yes (like the majority of iBlah apps)04:31
ashlessburntheyhavnt came for supprt for the 2.6 kernel yet04:31
trwwwRussM: very clean. nice. RussM++04:31
linxuz3ranyone a kde user here?04:31
ZencydePst, mzz. Post your current time? :o Pretty please? :)04:32
Flannel!anyone | linxuz3r04:32
ubottulinxuz3r: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:32
IndyGunFreak/msg ubottu kde04:32
mzzThu Feb 12 04:32:13 UTC 200904:32
FlannelZencyde: This really isn't the place for that.04:32
sagredosince I updated to 8.10 expose crashes compizfusion04:32
ZencydeAwesome. Thanks. :)04:32
sagredowhat gives!!!04:32
mzzZencyde: that ^^^ was /exec -o date -u04:32
linxuz3r i am at kde4 how do i change the look of the taskbar04:32
ZencydeHaha, I just wanted to confirm that my NTP settings were working correctly. :)04:32
mzzZencyde: (I missed the question other than that you wanted someone with ntp installed...)04:33
ashlessburnjim u there?04:33
ZencydeAh, that's fine. All is well now. I guess it's time to idle and prepare for my physics test tomorrow...04:33
ashlessburnjim_raynor are u there04:34
ashlessburnpri me04:34
Jim_Raynorstill waiting04:34
mzztrwww, RussM: I'd prefer the bash equivalent to "python -i -c 'insert code here'", but I don't know if it has that04:34
ashlessburnmzz do me a favor send me a msg04:34
RORgasmguys what is kvm?04:34
Flannel!kvm | RORgasm04:34
ubottuRORgasm: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM04:34
RORgasmis it similar to virtual box or vmware server?04:35
RORgasmi've used both virtualbox and vmware server04:35
mzzRORgasm: yes, but iirc kvm just does linux on linux currently04:35
ashlessburntitan u as well my irc just took a dump04:35
mzzRORgasm: oh, also freebsd apparently04:35
RORgasmwait what?04:35
CoJaBo-AztecReverend Lovejoy04:35
mzzRORgasm: ignore me, I'm full of crap04:35
linxuz3r i am at kde4 how do i change the look of the taskbar????????????????????????????????04:35
mzzRORgasm: read the wikipedia page instead04:35
IntuitiveNippleRORgasm: Similar, but often faster. It is based on QEMU but for x86/x86_64 only, and runs as many instructions as possible on the processor itself without emulation04:35
bazgee3Everyone check out my new forum! Its full of great people and great things to do with your spare time. http://www.livemayhem.com04:36
RORgasmIntuitiveNipple, oh04:36
=== john is now known as Guest44198
IntuitiveNippleRORgasm: kvm is very good. I use it routinely for Linux and Windows04:36
RORgasmIntuitiveNipple, so i can run windows on KVM instead of virtualbox? it will porbably run better on KVM??04:36
mzzIntuitiveNipple: and you can windows as guest on a host without native virtualization support in the cpu?04:37
IntuitiveNippleRORgasm: XP runs pretty good in my experience04:37
rakudave!kde | linxuz3r04:37
ubottulinxuz3r: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde404:37
ludditehi - i am running off a usb install. 8.10. and on my gf's ASUS lappy. The Fn key is permanently on making typing hell. How do i remove this. [h5 - 5 a0 r4nn5ng 6ff a 4sb 5nsta33. and 6n 0y gf's ASS 3a--y] <- Thats when i type without hold5ng the Fn key on.04:37
CoJaBo-Aztec^ Anyone happen to know how to fix that by any chance? :/04:37
IntuitiveNipplemzz: No, KVM uses the hardware VT support in Intel/AMD CPUs04:37
mzzI *knew* there was a reason I wasn't using it04:37
ashlessburnasus what? for one being a asus eng i can help ypu04:37
RORgasmIntuitiveNipple, how much better do u think xp will run than on virtual box?04:37
marca311bazgee3: I don't believe you are allowed to advertise here04:37
IntuitiveNipplemzz: Without that it is just like running QEMU04:37
IntuitiveNippleRORgasm: Not having used virtualBox I couldn't say.04:38
ludditeASUS F5Z series04:38
rakudaveluddite: is NumLock enabled? (Fn+F11 or similar)04:38
mzzRORgasm: recommend you just try it (for your workload)04:38
ludditerakudave - OMFG - yes it was enabled04:39
IntuitiveNippleRORgasm: I know one thing, over the weekend I installed kvm-83 in an Ubuntu Jaunty live-CD session, and then ran the live-CD inside kvm too, and the virtual machine felt fast than the host!04:39
rakudaveluddite: :)04:39
ludditeits perfect now04:39
* luddite slaps self in face04:39
ludditenow i can log out of gnome and get back into fluxbox where i belong04:40
jojo1224what would be the command to burn an iso in ubuntu with burn (http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/burn)04:40
ashlessburnlol are u serious....o lord04:40
learningluddites.. you see the inwo ccg?04:41
jojo1224ashlessburn: are you talking to me or someone else?04:41
ashlessburnjojo what ur issue priv me04:41
* YankDownUnder wonders...04:41
learninghave yet to look at the expansion sets..04:43
learningthink ya could attempt to explain a few things?04:43
rakudave!ask | learning04:44
ubottulearning: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:44
gralcowhere do i get a x-fi sound card driver for sound capture04:44
learningthoughts on condor movie?04:44
Titan8990!soundblaster | gralco04:45
ubottugralco: soundblaster is If you need help with setting up your soundblaster card, then visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth04:45
learningolhp? noticed some of those guys knew more about inwo than anyone04:46
adantehi guys where does cron log to? i can't see anything in /var/log04:46
mcnellisMy computer doesn't detect either harddrive if I have two plugged in, ergo I can only plug one in at a time. Is there some thing in the BIOS that could preventing both on the same IDE controller?04:47
goodmamiis it possible to suspend without logging out?04:47
rakudaveadante: i think they are "mailed" to you, type "mail" in a terminal04:47
adanterakudave: ah i don't have mail installed :304:47
Titan8990adante, cron mails you or you can specify log04:48
mzz(or configure your favorite mail client to read that mail spool, after figuring out where it lives)04:48
U-b-u-n-t-uare tor related issues supported here?04:48
Titan8990adante, you can do:    croncommand > /var/log/logfile04:48
mzzU-b-u-n-t-u: only if they're also somehow ubuntu-related :)04:48
rakudaveadante: then i don't know ^^04:48
Titan8990adante, and some commands might already have logging functions built in, like rsync04:48
U-b-u-n-t-uok mzz  I had some issues with tor before and I am not sure why I am going to give it another go04:48
U-b-u-n-t-usee what happens04:48
adanteTitan8990: ok thanks - i don't need to restart/recycle/reload cron after editing crontab do i?04:49
Titan8990adante, no04:49
IntuitiveNipplemcnellis: Two drives on one IDE controller channel require one to be jumpered MASTER and the other SLAVE, or else for both to be set to CS (CABLE SELECT) with a suitable cable.04:49
learninganyone got somethin on jack?04:49
mcnellisYeah they're both set cable select .. I  think I'll just try putting them on different controllers04:50
mcnellisb/c when on the same controller at least, neither hdd is detected04:50
IntuitiveNipplemcnellis: The cable isn't correct then. Why not try setting their master/slave jumpers?04:50
=== john is now known as Guest90048
mzzlearning: jack as in jackaudio.org?04:52
learning29/36 shit04:52
mzzlearning: I have no idea what "29/36" is. Is it ubuntu-related?04:52
Huufarted2Is there a way to list the currently installed libs?04:52
learningrelatively... it is in everything04:53
=== Huufarted2 is now known as Huufarted
mzzeither I'm confused or you're in the wrong channel04:54
learninghttp://goodjack.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=talkinfo agent/politician/guardian/satanist/elect ppl speech04:54
ari_stresshi i notice that logrotate.conf is weekly. if i change it into monthly now, when will the next rotation? on march 1st, or march 12th?04:54
mzzand now I'm pretty sure it's the latter04:54
HuufartedAnybody know if libdrm is installed by defaullt in Intrepid?04:55
mzz99% sure that's a "yes"04:55
mzzthat's just the .so though, you'll probably need the corresponding -devel package to compile against it04:55
mzzHuufarted: ^^^04:55
* MoLoot giggles @ Huufarted's nick.04:56
ashlessburnit is a yes04:56
Huufartedmzz, sorry for the noob questions, but what do you mean need  the corresponding -devel?04:56
lockdonly to compile against libdrm, not to build say nVidia's kernel modules04:56
HuufartedThanks, MoLoot.  :)  It's just there to make people laugh04:56
trygghm, when trying to ./configure gnome do 0.8 it says i dont have glib 2 and gtk+ 2.0 ?04:57
tryggi cant even apt-get them04:57
mzzHuufarted: what are you actually trying to do?04:57
HuufartedInstall Intel's linux 945 chip graphics drivers.04:57
mzztrygg: you have them, but you probably don't have their corresponding -devel packages04:57
HuufartedBeen working with Ubuntu for only a few days.04:57
trygghm. how do i fix that?04:57
lstarnestrygg: did you install libglib2.0-dev and libgtk2.0-dev ?04:57
mzzah, -dev, not -devel. My bad.04:58
trygg"No package 'gtk+-2.0' found" for example04:58
trwwwmzz, RussM: 'screen -t prod1 1 bash --init-file /home/me/bin/myscript' works great.04:58
trwwwbut theres one more thing I cant figure out.04:58
trwwwI need to ssh to another server and do the same thing. I tried:04:58
trwwwscreen -t prod2 2 ssh prod2; bash --init-file /home/me/bin/myscript04:58
trwwwdoes ssh have an equivalent of bash's --init-file?04:58
tryggoh, i need those too. alright.04:58
Huufartedmzz, going off of intellinuxgraphics.org and trying to install them.  Following the instructs step by step isn't going too far for me yet.  haha04:58
mzztrwww: try without the ";"04:58
mzzHuufarted: I'd expect that driver to be packaged. Do you really need a newer version than what's packaged?04:59
mzztrwww: (ssh can take a command, which can be bash)04:59
Huufartedmzz, by packaged you mean part of the intrepid install?04:59
mzzHuufarted: yes04:59
RussMtrwww, You probably need a copy of "myscript" on the remote computer, though.05:00
trwwwmzz: logs me in to prod2 but hangs after it accepts the password05:00
Huufartedah, ok.  I figured they were generic ones.  I'll leave well enough alone, then.05:00
trwwwyeah I put it there05:00
mzzHuufarted: well, I really mean "in one of ubuntu's repositories", but in this case that package would be installed by default too.05:00
mzztrwww: iirc you also need a -t on the ssh command.05:00
U-b-u-n-t-uI installed tor from the synaptic package manager and installed the tor plugin from foxfire and it doesnt work and I dont see a readme file etc suggestions?05:00
* mzz checks05:00
Luke_did anyone else lose all sound with some recent package updates?05:00
Luke_i have no sound05:00
mzztrwww: yep, insert a -t somewhere between "ssh" and the hostname.05:01
poetcan anyone help me figure out why plug and play isn't working, but the devices are recognized if I plug them in before boot?05:01
lockdLuke_: sound.. got screwed up a bit for me05:01
poetalso, nothing pops up on lsusb05:01
Huufartedpoet, what kind of device?05:01
wehttambhow well would ubuntu run on a 24" imac?05:01
IntuitiveNipplepoet: Sounds like a udev issue05:01
lockdPidgin appears to have lost OSS support05:01
poetHuufarted: a range, usb mouse, usb key, external harddrive05:01
ashlessburnreally when that happen05:01
Luke_lockd: how did you fix it?05:01
carlosuna pregunta05:01
mzzpoet: what are you plugging them into?05:01
=== carlos is now known as Guest75025
mzzpoet: any chance it's a hub that for some reason got turned off?05:02
poetmzz: a usb port?05:02
lockdLuke_: I didn't lose sound completely05:02
Luke_lockd: mine is completely gone05:02
ashlessburni use pidgin for all apps its suppoerted fro my work and i havnt had any issues05:02
Guest75025puedo actualizar mi ubuntu 8.10 a una mas reciente?????????????????}05:02
Luke_anyone else lose all sound recently?05:02
poetactually I just discovered something.  if I try 'sudo lsusb' the device pops up?05:02
mzzpoet: I don't quite remember how to check for power state, but there's a way to disable usb devices, including hubs without any active devices connected to them. I wonder if that's breaking stuff (and manually powering the hubs back up would help)05:02
IntuitiveNipple!es | Guest7502505:03
ubottuGuest75025: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:03
mzzpoet: oh, then I was probably wrong05:03
lockdashlessburn: I mean for audio I had to set it to "Command: ossplay"05:03
tryggnow it worked, wonderful.05:03
poetmzz: let me see if it's reproducable05:03
linxuz3rhow do i disable the machine beeping in ubuntu gnome?05:03
tryggkind of a wierd question, but whats the flashiest audio player?05:03
IntuitiveNippleaplay :p05:04
tryggyeah, just want something to impress people with :D05:04
sloopyhow do i install the madwifi drivers in 8.10?05:04
Titan8990linxuz3r, if you are talking about the terminal you can disable it in it's settings05:04
trwwwthanks mzz and RussM. That is so cool. Really nice setup. thanks a million.05:04
lockdhmm guess it was a fluke, pidgin sounds works now05:04
tryggjust got a 8800gts so i've gotten compiz and stuff, pretty nice.05:04
scrollssloppy: http://madwifi.org/Downloads/0.Howto.Install.Madwifi.txt05:04
Titan8990linxuz3r, like edit -> prefrences05:04
learninganyone hook eliza into pidgin?05:05
ashlessburnhmm have u ran the update dkpg05:05
Luke_anyone know what the deal is with sound?05:05
sloopyscrolls, in 8.04 there was a way that didnt require compiling them...05:05
linxuz3rhow do i change the terminal sound?05:06
lockdLuke_: you could always try alternate sound daemons05:06
poetmzz: it is in fact reproducable.  Although sometimes after I plug in a device and type 'sudo lsusb', it hangs.  But for several types of usb devices, it makes ubuntu recognize them05:06
mzztrwww: yep, screen is nice, although I use it differently (I usually have exactly one screen session running per host and rarely nest them)05:06
ashlessburno u are correct lockd05:06
lockdLuke_: pulseaudio has caused a bunch of people issues05:06
ashlessburnread the entire thing lol05:07
mzzpoet: weird! anything interesting happening in dmesg right before or after the lsusb?05:07
scrollssloppy: sadly im new to ubuntu and linux in general so im not familiar with older versions. you can still make it work in 8.10 no?05:07
Luke_lockd: when did it start causing issues? it's been fine for me until just now05:07
IntuitiveNippletrygg: Have you looked at audacious?05:08
lockdLuke_: daemon crashed a lot for me when I used it05:08
poetmzz: I think, while lsusb is hanging it produces this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117127/05:08
Titan8990sloopy, have you checked the restricted driver manager?05:08
Luke_lockd: its still running05:08
mzzpoet: that's not a happy message at all05:08
sloopyscrolls, restricted manager installs the ath5k driver which i cant use05:08
sloopyTitan8990, see my last msg05:09
lockdLuke_: I would disable it and try something in ALSA to make sure that even works05:09
mzzpoet: I don't know enough about usb to really debug this (although I might end up learning more about it in the future to debug a problem of my own...)05:09
scrollssloppy, so youre SOL then?05:09
Luke_lockd: trying now05:09
* mzz glares at the buggy usb in the ancient laptop next to him05:09
poetmzz: that particular device I was trying to use was an external harddrive.  after lsusb stops hanging, the hard drive is recognized and dmesg has this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117128/05:09
tryggIntuitiveNipple: not really what im looking for. windows have a great player named helium05:09
scrollssloopy my bad05:09
sloopyscrolls, no i will just have to compile them... didnt want to but if i must...05:09
Titan8990sloopy, compiling the madwifi drivers are pretty easy....05:09
poetmzz: ok :-) thanks for trying though05:09
Luke_lockd: still no sound with alsa05:09
mzzpoet: all that "busy inodes on changed media" makes me suspect it's detected, automounted, then re-detected or something like that.05:10
trygghttp://www.helium-music-manager.com/ - nothing like that available?05:10
Titan8990sloopy, it may be in the repositories, but I was get the source05:10
sloopyTitan8990, yes it is, but if there is a place with precompiled modules, i dont need to recompile on new version...05:10
poetmzz: yeah something weird must be going on05:10
Titan8990!madwifi | sloopy05:10
ubottusloopy: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:10
lockdLuke_: you're running from the command line to make sure it's not blocking?05:11
sloopyTitan8990, i just hope the day the ath5k driver supporting ap mode will come soon :')05:11
mzztrygg: amarok seems to be popular, although I have no idea if it's sufficiently flashy (I don't really do kde-based apps)05:11
Titan8990sloopy, and injection patch05:11
lockdyou can always run Winamp in wine if you need pure flashiness05:11
Luke_lockd: running what from the command line to make sure whats not blocking?05:11
ashlessburntitan dont forget dome madwifi doesnt work wpa duppliant if that doesnt work using the ndigtk is the only option05:12
scrollsXMMS is a good one, its like winamp. runs fast and strong05:12
ashlessburnfor unex05:12
poetwhat's the most portable filesystem to put on an external harddrive?05:12
lockdLuke_: alsaplayer, or whatever05:12
tryggdamn. maybe have to wine helium then :)05:13
scrollsashlessburn: im using ubuntu 8.1005:13
Luke_lockd: i think it may be a gstreamer issue? but flash doesn't work either05:13
lockdhey, anyone know of an XMMS plugin or similar which lets you mess around with mixing from other apps?05:13
ashlessburnscrolls priv me05:13
lockdLuke_: check to see if alsaplayer works -without- pulseaudio running05:13
areayhow do i setup /etc/network/interfaces for eth0 with a static ip? it works fine with dhcp but static won't work...05:14
mzzpoet: still fat32 imho05:14
ammagenduthi there05:14
ammagenduthow can i fix this : Could not download all repository indexes05:15
Titan8990areay, you also have to edit /etc/resolv.conf05:15
mzzpoet: I'd consider ntfs for a larger drive05:15
poetmzz: how is that for large filesystems?05:15
sloopyTitan8990, heh that page needs some updating and some false info removed...05:15
areayTitan8990, I did, then restarted... you just put each nameserver on a new line, right?05:15
mzzpoet: (windows can obviously handle ntfs, recent-ish linux can handle it pretty well using ntfs-3g, iirc mac can use ntfs-3g too but I'm not sure)05:15
Titan8990areay, yes05:15
areayTitan8990, yeah it didn't work :( i've tried the ip of my router and opendns and i get nada... i can ping any external ip i want that's how i know it's the dns... after the restart my resolv.conf remained intact so nothing is messing with it...05:16
mzzpoet: linux, mac, a bunch of bsds and others, apparently. That driver hasn't let me down yet.05:16
Luke_lockd: no go with alsa and no pulseaudio05:16
poetmzz: yeah, that seems like the way to go05:17
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HuufartedI changed my password in Linux, now pam_keyring won't take my password (new or old).  Does this mean I'm going to have to recompile pam_keyring?05:17
Titan8990areay, pastebin your resolv.conf05:17
lockdLuke_: was there a kernel update?05:17
mzzpoet: it really boils down to it being easier to get all the others to handle ntfs than it is to get windows to handle something it doesn't handle natively05:17
Luke_not that i noticed in correlation with the sound loss05:18
poetmzz:  yeah, there are more people hacking to support ntfs on linux/bsd than there are people trying to support ext3 on windows :-p05:18
lockdLuke_: sometimes I could reboot and it would just work05:18
mzzpoet: you can actually do ext3 on windows by installing a driver-style thing, but I haven't tried that, I think.05:18
Luke_lockd: rebooted a ton already =/05:18
Luke_dude this sucks05:18
Luke_no sound wtf05:18
areayTitan8990, i think i know where i went wrong and it's really stupid... i'll be back in like 2mins if i need more help; if not thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)]05:18
Huufartedquestion:  how do I get pam_keyring to recognize a new Linux password once I change it?05:18
Titan8990areay, you dont have to reboot05:19
mzzpoet: but I wouldn't feel like installing that on other people's system every time I had to use the external drive there05:19
sloopymzz, i have used the ext2 IFS driver in windows extensively works well with no probs05:19
Titan8990areay, /etc/init.d/networking restart05:19
mzzsloopy: ah, thanks for the data point :)05:19
areayTitan8990, thanks bro05:19
ammagendutwhere is ubuntu hassle05:19
Titan8990areay, gl05:19
ammagenduti want to ask about source.list05:19
poetmzz: yeah, definitly not05:19
sloopymzz, np, i like it when something works in windows, gives me hope ;')05:19
Titan8990!ask | ammagendut05:19
ubottuammagendut: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:19
lockdLuke_: you could always try a different sound system, but the choices are real slim05:20
mzzLuke_: or you can try with no sound system (just dmix)05:20
happyface_0Is there a way to adjust the volume when I use loopback/monitor for a line-in device?05:20
lockdLuke_: what sound card do you have?05:20
HuufartedQuestion for everybody:  I changed my Linux login password.  pam_keyring now insists my password is wrong.  I have since changed my password back to the initial one, but how do I get pam_keyring to let me change my pw in the future?05:22
ammagenduthow i can fix this ? 'E:Type '--2009-02-12' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mmu.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.'05:22
Titan8990happyface_0, try:  alsamixer       from the terminal05:22
tryggwhat should i do if i want to download something and i get "repositories: deb http://whatever" ?05:23
rwwammagendut: copy your sources.list file to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give us a link to the pastebin page it creates05:23
tryggshall i input it somewhere or is it a command?05:23
happyface_0Titan8990: adjusting the volume of anything there doesn't affect the volume of the loopback05:23
tryggi get/it says05:23
rwwtrygg: System> Administration > Software Sources > Third-Party Software > Add, paste it in.05:23
Titan8990trygg, echo 'deb http://whatever NAME' >> /etc/apt/sources.list05:24
Titan8990happyface_0, wasn't aware05:24
Titan8990trygg, followed by:  sudo apt-get update05:24
Titan8990trygg, careful about what you add05:24
tryggalright, thanks05:24
meshuggahhi there05:25
j03lar50nusser ping05:25
Luke_lockd: i have an audigy value 205:25
areayTitan8990, no luck... here's my resolv.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117131/ ...and my interfaces: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117132/05:25
WIGGMPkAnyone have an issue with their screenlets not starting on the widget layer like the settings where configured for?05:26
Titan8990areay, did you add domain config and search config?05:26
areayTitan8990, nah... i copied it from the dhcp resolv.conf... i tried it without those though just in case and it still didn't work :(05:27
meshuggahhow is debian compared to ubuntu ?05:28
sloopymeshuggah, old?05:28
Titan8990areay, they don't need to be there05:29
Titan8990areay, have you tried removing the nameserver line from interfaces?05:29
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areayTitan8990, nope i'll try now if u want05:29
Titan8990areay, yes05:29
areayTitan8990, ok brb05:30
lockdLuke_: that's supposedly well supported with oss, unfortunately you'd have to build it from sources just to test05:31
tryggdo there exist an equivalent to autohotkey? so you can script your own hotkeys05:31
Digital7sound is not working after hardy->intrepid upgrade - can't seem to get it to work with anything off google so far05:31
Digital7any input welcome05:32
Titan8990!alsa | Digital705:32
ubottuDigital7: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:32
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areayTitan8990, no luck yet... there's a lot of stuff coming up when i restart the network if that's any help05:32
Jaan|Perfectis there any software/website, which collates my hardware information and retrieves me with info whether drivers are available05:33
Titan8990areay, pastebin it05:33
Titan8990Jaan|Perfect, you don't have to worry about that because they are kernel modules and updated with the update manager05:34
Titan8990Jaan|Perfect, including your restricted drivers05:34
areayTitan8990, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117138/05:34
Titan8990areay, lets see a:  ifconfig -a05:35
areayTitan8990, when i'm connected as static, yeah?05:35
Titan8990areay, the key in there was: failed to bring up eth005:35
ascCould somebody suggest a replacement network manager that can actually connect via fricking ethernet?05:35
areayTitan8990, yeah it doesn't say that with dhcp05:36
Titan8990areay, yes05:36
areayTitan8990, ok brb05:36
racecar56help i wanted to dual boot ubuntu and winxp but my evil xp killed my grub D= and i thought there was a link in the startup message05:36
Luke_lockd: i doubt that i need all new softare to fix this. some setting is wrong. my sound has worked for years with alsa and then wrapped with pulseaudio05:37
Digital7Titan8990: i've exhausted most of the usefulness from that wiki entry. any other suggestions?05:37
Titan8990!grub | racecar5605:37
ubotturacecar56: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:37
racecar56oh thanks05:37
Titan8990Digital7, did you reinstall the alsa drivers?05:37
areayTitan8990, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117139/05:37
Digital7Titan8990: to the best of my knowledge, yes..at least two packages relating to alsa05:37
Titan8990areay, try bring eth0 up with:  sudo ifconfig eth0 up05:38
Titan8990areay, and then: dig google.com05:38
Titan8990Digital7, was one of them kernel specific? using `uname -r`05:38
Digital7Titan8990: to be specific, i actually reinstalled alsa-base and alsa-utils, though i did not do alsa-drivers05:38
ammagendut_help me05:39
Digital7Titan8990: "sudo aptitude --purge reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` libasound2"05:39
areayTitan8990, ok brb05:39
Titan8990Digital7, that is it05:39
Digital7Titan8990: that command was not fruitful in this case05:39
Digital7Titan8990: or series of packages, rather05:39
Titan8990Digital7, is it detected in the volume manager?05:40
Digital7Titan8990: alsamixer actually sees PulseAudio as the 'card'05:41
ammagendut_i want to replace the modified source list to the original one05:41
Digital7Titan8990: i didn't take notice of what was detected prior to the upgarde05:41
Titan8990Digital7, ehh, I don't have any experience with pulseaudio05:41
Logikosmib_12n8ik8s: i dont know if you were the one helping me before or not with the initramfs issue but the chkdsk /r apears to have worked, so thanks05:41
areayTitan8990, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117140/ that dig thing worked, but i couldn't ping google.com05:41
lockdLuke_: I have no idea what said option is, I just know a lot have trouble with it05:41
Digital7Titan8990: if i'm not mistaken, it should say my audio card here instead?05:42
Digital7Titan8990: i don't recall a generic 'pulseaudio' being listed in alsamixer before, though i could be mistaken05:42
rwwammagendut_: Just delete everything in the file, then go to System > Administration > Software Sources and add back the repositories and updates you want.05:43
lockdDigital7: if pulseaudio is running it will05:43
J-_I've installed PulseAudio in Hardy, was wonder if it's still possible to use ALSA still like the default installation?05:43
ammagendut_the exact command is sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list right?05:44
rwwammagendut_: gksudo, not sudo. Apart from that, yes05:44
areayTitan8990, in firefox i'm just getting connection refused, if that's any help05:44
lockdJ-_: yeah. lots are having trouble with that now05:45
ammagendut_ok i got the list05:45
Titan8990areay, sudo apt-get remove --purge firestarter05:45
lockdJ-_: of course, the app in question has to support alsa. not sure if gstreamer has the right plugins05:45
racecar56hey Titan8990 thanks for your help i was wondering where that link was hiding at05:45
Digital7lockd: do you know the shell name for ubuntu's default volume app?05:45
racecar56in fact that's the whole point of me joining05:45
Titan8990areay, then post the output of:   sudo iptables -l05:46
lockdDigital7: gnome-volume-control05:46
areayTitan8990, do i need to reconnect to do that or will iptables be the same regardless?05:46
ammagendut_rww: E: Type '--2009-02-12' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mmu.list05:46
ammagendut_what is that05:46
ammagendut_how i can fix that05:46
rwwammagendut_: that means you put something incorrect on line 1 in the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mmu.list05:47
lockdDigital7: use pavucontrol if you actually want to get some use out of pulse05:47
ammagendut_i want to delete that source list05:47
carpiii want to run lighttpd but im having problems with permissions.   It seems lighty wants to run as www-data, so it can write to /var/log/lighttpd, but then it cant read my php scripts from /home/carpii/web -- how to fix this please?05:47
tryggif my mouse wont work, how can i make a mouse press with the keyboard?05:47
mzzlockd: are you sure? Rumour has it nautilus is involved in automounting too (rumour being the README or the like that comes with recent gnome-volume-manager)05:47
ammagendut_and put the right source list05:47
OverandI have a system with a bunch of SATA drives on an add-on controller - it won't boot from them, no matter what.  (HAve been through the bios a ton, upgraded it even, etc) - they have a raid 5 set on them.  I have another, IDE drive I can put in the system.  Can I just put grub onto the IDE drive, and have it boot the others, or does grub require the BIOS to see them too?05:48
lockdmzz: gnome-volume-control, not manager05:48
areayTitan8990, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117142/05:48
mzzoh, sorry.05:48
rwwammagendut_: sudo rm -r /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ , then go to System > Administration > Software Sources and add the repositories you want.05:48
mzzas usual it'd help if I actually read what people said in here05:48
Titan8990areay, alright, try again05:48
racecar56who here has ubuntu only (not dualbooting anything)05:48
areayTitan8990, ok brb05:48
ascI need to install the binary driver from the nvidia site in ubuntu 8.10. After I install and run GDM it starts in low graphics mode. The nv driver is blacklisted and the restricted modules packages are removed.05:48
lockdracecar56: here, though I'm using virtualbox for a few things05:49
tritiumracecar56: probably several.  Why?  Please don't take polls, ok?05:49
tritiumracecar56: do you have a specific question?05:49
mzzracecar56: why do you ask? Just curious?05:49
geniiOverand: Lilo and GRUB cannot boot from raid505:49
Titan8990genii, intersting, what can?05:50
Overandgenii: /boot is on a raid 1 set05:50
piti_GRUB gave me lots of problem yesterday ... with raid105:50
Overandgenii: this system worked fine when the drives and card were on another motherboard05:50
racecar56gtg now my xp is done installing on my pc and thanks u titan8990 for the link... i know what to do now... nooby windows for pwning my bootloader >:( ah at least its fixable05:50
ari_stressmy 8.10 uses dhcp, why it doesn't update the dns record?05:50
Overandthis is not a grub problem, this is a matter of the BIOS not even getting to grub05:50
piti_when I disconnect on drive it just refuse to boot from another one05:50
areayTitan8990, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117143/05:51
Titan8990genii, and is that all raid5 or just one type (eg - soft fake discrete)05:51
mzzracecar56: fwiw: dualboot with windows here, but recently switched to virtualbox for everything needing windows that isn't a game (which wasn't much to begin with)05:51
geniiOverand: raid1 shuld be ok if you built initramfs with raid support for your running kernel05:51
piti_which defeat the purpose of having raid1 -_-"05:51
ammagendut_rww: wow.. it fix now05:51
Overandgenii: this is a live, operational system, or *was* - on a previous motherboard.05:51
OverandIt's the same SATA card, etc etc.  So, the question I asked was accurate.05:51
Titan8990areay, you have to bring up eth0 first.... also, bring down all interfaces that are not eth0 or l005:51
geniiTitan8990: softraid only05:51
Titan8990genii, thanks for the info05:52
Logikosi do this all the time in windows, but not sure how to do it with ubuntu .. if i want to blow it away and start over, but i want to backup specific program settings in windows i just copy the application data directory items i want to keep before i blow it away ... it apears as though ubuntu uses /home/username for this ... then in theory if i copy over the .directory's i want such as .mozilla-thunderbird .mozilla .eclipse etc 05:52
ashlessburnraid 5 is the proper set up if u choose 0-1 u are asking for trouble05:52
ashlessburnwhat derver type are u running05:52
areayTitan8990, with sudo ifconfig eth0 up?05:52
mzzlockd: yes05:52
Titan8990areay, yes05:52
mzzLogikos: yes05:52
geniiOverand: The drives in the array are at same exact designations as in previous box ? sda=sda in new box, etc?05:52
areayTitan8990, aiight brb05:52
Overandgenii: yes, in theory, but GRUB isn't even booting05:53
OverandThe system is hanging, basically no-boot-device.  I'm going to put a *fifth* - IDE - drive in05:53
Overandwhich sucks, because that will probably totally throw off all the drive letters05:53
Overanddrive letters?  wow, DOS05:53
lockdwell there are still letters05:53
mzzLogikos: (regular users can only write in their homedir and a handful other places like /tmp, so the vast majority of interesting settings *has* to be where you think they are)05:53
Overandlockd: aye05:53
Overanddevice names, not 'drive letters'05:54
geniiOverand: Maybe you have a cd in one box and not in the other (or some other device on sata/ide which is not a hd)05:54
carpiii want to run lighttpd but im having problems with permissions.   It seems lighty wants to run as www-data, so it can write to /var/log/lighttpd, but then it cant read my php scripts from /home/carpii/web -- how to fix this please?05:54
Logikosmzz: thanks05:54
Overandgenii: you're not understanding the problem05:54
Overandgenii: the problem is not drive-order-issues05:54
Overandthe probelm is that GRUB will not even come up05:54
lockdDOS uses letters to refer to partitions anyway05:54
areayTitan8990, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117144/05:54
geniiOverand: If not reaching grub, then the drive with mbr is not being seen as primary to boot from05:54
OverandI'm not having trouble with grub, i'm having trouble with bios even trying to boot from the addin card PERIOD05:54
OverandI know.  Hence my question - if I put in an extra drive on the onbaord IDE controller05:54
OverandCan I get *grub* - configured on that drive - to load the OS from the other drives?05:55
geniiOverand: Yes05:55
carpiiTitan, my drive mounting problems all became apparent a whole ago. Drive was fried :/05:55
OverandOr does grub require BIOS access to the devices05:55
mzzOverand: probably. The bios has to be able to access the drive.05:55
Titan8990areay, try:   sudo ifconfig eth0 up && sudo ifconfig pan0 down05:55
lockdcarpii: similar thing happened here but not quite fried. shattered, completely05:56
areayTitan8990, ok brb05:56
OverandMaybe I'll just install the OS on the extra drive05:56
mzzOverand: however if you can install grub there you can almost certainly put all of /boot/ there. As long as grub can see your kernel and initramfs the os will boot.05:56
lockdcarpii: I don't think the 100 degree Celsius graphics card helped (but not sure if it did much to cause it)05:56
carpiihehe, im hoping my server doesnt have anything more than an old Cirrus Logic EGA05:57
Overandmzz: interesting idea, moving /boot to it05:57
hacker_kidhow can i find my kernel version?05:57
tryggwhat is the best dock program?05:57
carpiimore /proc/version05:57
geniihacker_kid: uname -r05:57
lockdtrygg: avant-window-navigator, if you have Compiz05:57
mzzOverand: that's what I'd do if the root filesystem is on anything unusual (a device the bios doesn't like or a raid/lvm/whatever grub can't handle)05:57
hacker_kidgenii, ty05:58
trygglockd: will try05:58
KyleKis there a virus scanner i can scan a windows drive from ubuntu?05:58
lockdis there an option for displaying running apps on the desktop in gnome-desktop?05:58
mzzKyleK: clamav possibly05:58
geniihacker_kid: np. carpii's method also works05:58
areayTitan8990, still no luck05:58
rwwKyleK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus . I'd go with ClamAV.05:58
Titan8990areay, I'm stumped, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with your config, if no one else here has a suggestion, i would recommend to forums05:59
linxuz3rcan you link themes in gnome so that the themes directory does not reside in your home folder?05:59
ashlessburnoverland maybe u should check your priv msgs05:59
areayTitan8990, yeah it's pretty weird... i guess i could configure my router to always assign this machine with that ip05:59
linxuz3ri dont wanna logout06:00
carpiilinxuz, have a look in /usr/share maybe they can go in a directory there too06:00
sloopyareay, what problem are you having?06:00
Gnealinxuz3r: sure06:01
lockdwhy is AVG even listed in the antivirus list since it's just a demo and apparently the full version doesn't work?06:01
rwwlockd: Because it can still detect viruses, which is better than nothing?06:01
mzzlockd: to warn you about the full version not working?: P06:01
guest03482hi folks...i would like to monitor a process (like httpd) and restart it automatically if it dies...which is better to use for this? an entry inittab or cron?  advantages of either?06:01
Helen_McCallI have an ati mobility radeon 9000. How do I get drivers for this in Hardy?06:02
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carpiiguest, you could look into monit, which willr estart services and also notify you06:02
Titan8990lockd, becuase it exists and us linux folk like to document things would be my guess06:02
lockdI guess, can still use remove if it tells you the file path06:02
guest03482carpii: thanks for suggestion06:02
areaysloopy i'm trying to get eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces to work with a static ip... it works with dhcp but not with static06:02
Gnea!ATI | Helen_McCall06:02
ubottuHelen_McCall: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:02
Titan8990lockd, people spend a lot of time getting things to work and then they like to share that knowledge...06:03
sloopyareay, have a pastebin of your /etc/interfaces ?06:03
mzzHelen_McCall: I don't know offhand how new that card is, but I recommend you don't blindly install the binary drivers. The open ones may work just fine.06:03
areaysloopy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117132/06:03
linxuz3rGnea: thanks it worked06:03
ashlessburnwell obiuosly overrand did not want with his pc lol06:04
Gnealinxuz3r: cheers :)06:04
areaysloopy, i tried it without dns-nameservers too06:04
Helen_McCallhow do i install open drivers?06:04
areaysloopy, i've also added the dns info to resolv.conf06:04
mzzHelen_McCall: you should already have those installed. What are you trying to do/fix?06:04
sloopy254 is your gateway/router?06:04
tritiumareay: dns-nameservers isn't a valid option.  nameserver info belongs in /etc/resolv.conf06:04
Helen_McCallThe open drivers do not run compiz?06:04
Titan8990!blacklist | Helen_McCall06:05
ubottuHelen_McCall: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »06:05
* mzz looks up what a mobility 9000 actually is06:05
Gnealockd: it's basically a here-it-is-now-figur-it-out-for-yourself kind of deal06:05
areaytritium, i've tried it without that too... and i put the info in /etc/resolv.conf06:05
Titan8990Helen_McCall, however, no need to uninstall them becuase the driver that is loaded is defined in /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:05
xMopxIs anyone familiar with Deadmini? The root password it claims is wrong ¬.¬06:05
tritiumareay: please pastebin your /etc/resolv.conf06:05
lockdHelen_McCall: they probably will, but might take a decade to render a frame06:06
GneaHelen_McCall: it depends on how your card is supported. that URL that I had ubottu give you should shed some light on the issue06:06
kebomixany body here took LPI certificate ?06:06
areaytritium: /etc/resolv.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117145/06:06
tritiumxMopx: please stay on topic (ubuntu support)06:06
mzzHelen_McCall: fglrx (the binary drivers you were linked to) actually don't support that card, I'm pretty sure06:06
xMopxAh, sorry.06:07
Gneamzz: have you checked that?06:07
mzzHelen_McCall: afaik compiz should run, but it may not perform acceptably and some plugins won't work.06:07
mzzGnea: yes?06:07
MooqballI am having trouble getting connecting through the WEP security. How do can I figure out the correct settings -- open or shared key? ASCII/Hexidecimal/passphrase? Usually winbloze just wants the key06:07
Overandmzz: this is actually a flash card that i'm using for /boot06:07
Logikosis there a way to make it so that a secondary hdd is always mounted on boot ... at present i have 2 seperate partitions from my root, and in ubuntu they will auto mount when i click places and click on them and thats great ... but i want to set it up so that they auto mount on boot because i plan to have a program in ubuntu access paths on those drives regularly06:07
Overandit's booting =]06:07
sloopyareay, this is to a console type router?06:07
Helen_McCallwhen i try to enable desktop effects, it just says it cant06:07
OverandIT BOOTED!!!06:07
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Helen_McCallunder the appearence menu06:07
Overandholy crap06:07
Gneamzz: no, it's a yes. or a no. question, not a yes? or a no? question06:08
OverandNow my 2.25 tb raid 5 array is on a P4 2.8 instead of a pentium 3 500, heh06:08
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GneaHelen_McCall: are you using fglrx at the moment?06:08
mzzGnea: I should've omitted the "I'm pretty sure", I guess06:08
areaysloopy, it's a thomson tg585v7... i got it with my broadband connection06:08
Titan8990Helen_McCall, what card?06:08
mzzGnea: from that binary drivers wiki page: "If you have an ATI Radeon 9500 or newer..."06:08
sloopyareay, when you use DHCP for config what ip does it give?06:09
Helen_McCallati radeon mobile 900006:09
rww!hi | cahaya-0306:09
ubottucahaya-03: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:09
Helen_McCallwhat is fglrx06:09
Gneamzz: well, you've introduced some rather disturbing doubt... we don't much appreciate that around here, you need to be sure or don't bother06:09
mzzGnea: that basically means "r300", the mobility 9000 seems to be r200-based, so it won't work.06:09
Titan8990Helen_McCall, they are the proprietary ati drivers06:09
Titan8990!ati | Helen_McCall06:09
ubottuHelen_McCall: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:09
Gneamzz: let's check ubuntuforums, eh?06:09
Helen_McCalli am not using any proprietary drivers06:09
mzzGnea: why? Read the wiki page.06:09
GneaHelen_McCall: it's the binary page06:09
remuHey there, I'm setting up my transmission-daemon after using torrentflux for the past year. I am editing settings.json using the information listed here http://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/EditConfigFiles06:09
Titan8990Helen_McCall, you have to to run compiz06:10
remuI was wondering if there is a place where the options are explained, the wiki only explains the options to the keys, but doesn't really explain what the key is.06:10
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sloopyareay, does the router have a 'valid' range of ip's ? i know some routers are config'd to only allow a specific range of ip's to be usable06:10
Helen_McCalli'll work on it tomorrow06:10
mzzGnea: I am positive fglrx won't run on pre-r300 cards anymore. I was not positive the mobility 9000 was pre-r300, but am now.06:10
Gneamzz: which wiki page? the one from ubottu?06:10
mzzGnea: yes06:10
rwwremu: There's a Transmission BT channel at #transmission. Consider asking there :)06:10
mzzGnea: I can doublecheck the fglrx release notes if you insist.06:10
* mzz does so06:11
remurww, I did, everyone seems to be asleep there, so I figured I'd ask in here in case someone here knew.06:11
remuI think they may be standard BT settings, but I'm not so sure.06:11
areaysloopy, if i use the network manager i can connect fine as i'm just trying to get around the nm bug which forces you to have dhcp at startup with the non-removable "auto eth0" connection06:11
rwwremu: ah, I see :)06:11
drashHelen_McCall: websearch for compiz-check, download & run it, it will try to help debugging your issue06:11
remurww, yeah, thanks anyways though!06:12
mzzGnea: yep, no 9000 mentioned in the relnotes linked from http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html (older fglrx will support that card, but won't work with current versions of the Xorg server)06:12
Gneamzz: I'm pretty sure that it's supported... http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/xorg-driver-fglrx06:12
sloopyareay, is there a specific reason you dont want dhcp?06:12
Gneamzz: the ATI site doesn't count, just like the nvidia.com driver isn't supported here.06:13
* mzz blinks06:13
Titan8990sloopy, dhcp is for nubs?06:13
mzzGnea: that doesn't make any sense, unless that's a pretty old version of the binary driver. I can look up at what point support for pre-r300 card was dropped but it'll take me a minute.06:13
GneaThis version of the ATI driver officially supports:   MOBILITY RADEON 9000, 9200, 9600, 9800, X70006:13
sloopyTitan8990, guess i have been a noob for 15 years then...06:13
areaysloopy, yeah i run apache, mysqld, mpd, mediatomb all for clients on my home network... i pretty much need a static ip06:14
ramui am getting error if i install any package in my system "Can't exec "locale": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Encoding.pm line 16."06:14
piti_lol...so fixed static ip for non noob?06:14
Gneamzz: why bother? the intrepid fglrx driver that's in the repositories supports it. therefore, ubuntu supports it. end of story.06:14
Titan8990sloopy, hehe, no, probably just don't play with servers :)06:14
sloopyTitan8990, all my machines have dhcp, certain ones are just config'd in dhcp to get specific ip each time tho06:14
Gneakaartz: like this:  /quit06:15
sloopyareay, config router to give specific ip to the mac address in your server06:15
mzzGnea: the wiki page says it does not support it. The relnotes from ati itself say it is not supported, and I can find you the documentation on ati's site confirming what version that change was in. Are you sure that package description is up to date?06:15
Titan8990sloopy, that works too, but I don't like the 8 seconds dhcp adds to my what is now a 20sec boot time :)06:15
mzzGnea: let me dig up ati's notes for that version of fglrx though.06:15
sloopyTitan8990, if it takes 8 secs then something is config'd wrong...06:15
Gneamzz: here's the person and timestamp of the latest entry in the changelog: -- Mario Limonciello <mario_limonciello@dell.com>  Wed, 22 Oct 2008 11:55:59 -050006:16
areaysloopy, i've tried looking around in the settings of the router, which are very limited, and haven't found anything yet... it's not looking too hopeful as far as the router's concerned...06:16
rwwramu: Do you have the "belocs-locales-bin" package installed?06:16
mzzGnea: are you sure the description is updated to stay in sync with what the driver supports?06:16
ramurww, i donot know06:16
=== darkweasel is now known as darkweasel|testi
Gneaoh look, a tech at DELL made it official. hrm, let's see here, which version of the ATI do you suppose ships with most dell laptops?06:17
Titan8990areay, have you checked to see if your router is on the dd-wrt compatibility list?06:17
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sloopyareay, yeah i am not overly knowledgeable with console routers beyond a linksys, i have always used a spare linux box for routing, at home and work...06:17
Gneamzz: and did we bother to ask helen which make/model of laptop she has? oops.06:17
mzzGnea: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/radeonprevious-linux.html has a note that 8.28.8 is "the last driver version to support ... ATI Mobility Radeon 9000"06:17
mzzGnea: she said she has a Mobility Radeon 9000, which is sufficient06:17
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areayTitan8990, i just checked; they don't even have a section for thomson :(06:18
linxuz3ri wanna buy a macbook06:18
rwwramu: Run "apt-cache policy belocs-locales-bin" and see if it says "Installed: (none)" or "Installed: version". That'll tell you whether it's installed.06:18
* mzz guesses he should go and file a bug about that description being stale06:18
Gneamzz: if she has a dell, then the chance that it's supported would be even greater.06:18
Gneamzz: file the bug when you have some proof.06:18
areaysloopy, i used to do that because i was using a 3g connection... that was troublesome to say the least06:18
* mzz gives up on this conversation06:18
Gneagood idea.06:19
ramurww, ok06:19
ramurww, not installed06:19
sloopyareay, 3g?06:19
rwwramu: there's your problem. Try "sudo apt-get install belocs-locales-bin" and see if it installs okay.06:19
mzzGnea: I maintained the packaging of this driver for a competing distro for a while. I cannot prove this because I don't have the affected hardware, but some of the users of that distro did, and I was around at the time support was dropped. I think I do know what I'm talking about here, unless ati silently re-added support.06:19
j03lar50nwhen installing Ubuntu Server - if i don't choose a desktop, i will only have a terminal?06:19
rwwramu: If not, we'll have to think of something cleverer.06:19
rwwj03lar50n: correct06:20
j03lar50nis Kubuntu most popular?06:20
rwwj03lar50n: GNOME/Ubuntu is more popular06:20
Gneamzz: I can appreciate that, but perhaps you can appreciate the fact that different distribution maintainers roll their diffs differently.06:20
mzzGnea: this is a binary blob. There is nothing to diff.06:20
ramurww, what to do06:20
j03lar50nI don't have that choice at in my setup06:21
rwwGnea, mzz: Would you mind taking this to PM or something?06:21
rwwramu:  Try "sudo apt-get install belocs-locales-bin" and see if it installs okay.06:21
areaysloopy, yeah a vodafone 3g card... i used to share it over eth0... but every dns lookup would take 10 seconds because it would look at eth0 first, but my internet connection was ppp0... i spent hours in here trying to solve the problem but i ended up getting dsl before i fixed the 3g06:21
Gneamzz: shall we?06:21
mzzGnea: well, that's actually an oversimplification, but there's no way to patch in mobility 9000 support if ati dropped it (you'd have to reverse-engineer the blob)06:21
mzzGnea: nah, I'm off.06:21
Gneamzz: okay.06:21
areaysloopy, networking is my nemesis06:21
areaysloopy, i hate it with a passion06:21
lstarnes /away sleep?06:22
sloopyareay, you probly had a gateway set on eth006:22
Gnea!away | lstarnes06:22
ubottulstarnes: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»06:22
areaysloopy, yeah... i always miss something06:22
mzzGnea: one last thing: where's that changelog you pasted from?06:22
sloopyareay, i feel your pain, but with wireless... i am very familiar with ip4 networking, but i always have issues with wireless06:22
rwwmzz: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/restricted/f/fglrx-installer/fglrx-installer_8.543-0ubuntu4/changelog06:22
Gneamzz: it's linked directly on the page: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/xorg-driver-fglrx06:22
mzzrww: thanks06:22
mzzGnea: duh, should've looked there. Sorry, really gone now.06:23
Gneamzz: np, I hope we can find out for sure later :)06:23
sloopyareay, every room in my house is wired with 100T wiring, just so i dont have to deal with wireless... but mrs is complaining she wants wireless...06:23
areaysloopy, i'd rather have the ethernet personally... wireless is too slow... 54mbit's a joke you're lucky to get 206:24
areaysloopy, 20*06:25
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Gneasloopy: I suggest netgear: http://www.netgear.com/Products/APsWirelessControllers/AccessPoints/WN802Tv2.aspx  very linux-friendly.06:25
Gneaareay: right, why hvae 54 when you can have 108? ;)06:25
sloopyareay, well she has wires any place she normally goes except back porch, so when she wants wireless speed isnt a big issue06:26
ncfi1013_what does it mean when i get an "assertion failed" dialog box when i try to go to two different websites?06:26
mak_ANy body want's the Wimax 802.16e Products out for sale06:27
sloopyGnea, why add more stuff, when i have a machine already doing file serving game serving and doing a couple other menial tasks...06:27
areaysloopy, yeah it's always good to have as a backup... i'm in a rented property so paying to get my home wired would be a bit of a waste... i just keep my computers and printers in my office and my ps3/laptop/phone all connect thru wireless...06:27
Gneasloopy: I'm not the one to ask :)06:27
nanotubeso, what's the best cross-platform open source video-chat app?06:27
areaysloopy, i dunno wtf i'm gonna do about this interfaces problem...06:27
Gnea!best | nanotube06:28
ubottunanotube: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:28
sloopyareay, run a main wire along the floor board cat6 goes under floor molding nicely06:28
nanotubeGnea: fine, what /good/ cross platform open source video chat apps are there?06:29
nanotubeGnea: ones you might personally recommend?06:29
Gneananotube: I think the only one that actually *works* would have to be gnomemeeting, but I understand that's been replaced with Ekiga... still no video chat with an IM client yet, though06:29
twaini need your help06:29
twainhow can i install opengl program to run on game?06:29
nanotubeGnea: hm, ekiga it is, then. :)06:29
Gneananotube: good luck :)06:30
nanotubeGnea: thanks :)06:30
twain3d need support for game from opengl06:30
mak_Is any Body works for Core Development on Wimax Products,,,like on Base Station Syncronization and all,,, in C++ and Linux ?06:30
Gneatwain: no sure I understand... let's try this again: you want opengl support for a 3d game you want to install?06:30
twainyes that right gnea06:30
Gneaand you have what video card?06:31
twainATI rad  960006:31
Gneatwain: ah, then you want the fglrx driver from the repository06:31
Gnea!ati | twain06:32
linxuz3rhow do you setup a printer in ubuntu06:32
ubottutwain: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:32
Gnea!printer | linxuz3r06:32
ubottulinxuz3r: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:32
trygghow did you search for something effectively?06:32
Gneaas opposed to ineffectively?06:32
rdw200169trygg, on your computer or on the internet?06:33
tryggheh, on the computer06:33
twainok thaanks  let me read info.. brb ok?06:34
Gneatrygg: locate something06:34
rdw200169trygg, on ubuntu, they use tracker for that06:34
Gneatrygg: like this:  locate lspci06:34
rdw200169Gnea, yeah, locate works too, but you have to download it, and it doesn't search *inside* files, like tracker does06:34
tryggsuper, thanks06:34
hacker_kidim trying to install python 2.6 on ubuntu 8.04 and getting "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" what could cause this06:34
Gneardw200169: that's what grep is for06:34
rdw200169trygg, you should have a little magnifying glass on your taskbar, that's tracker06:35
rwwhacker_kid: sudo apt-get install build-essential will fix it06:35
rdw200169Gnea, not helpful when it's a non-text file06:35
mzzthat was a much better response than the infodump I was typing :)06:35
Gneardw200169: strings06:35
hacker_kidrww, haha. i forgot this is a fresh install without the build-essential packages06:35
fermuchanybody have a problem?06:36
rdw200169Gnea, yeah, but maybe everyone doesn't want to learn how to 'locate * | grep' (etc...)06:37
testlinGreetings all. Is there any way to get the bash_history in realtime? If I type a command in my console, i need it to be written to .bash_history in realtime. Not after logging out. I found that the history is lost if the console is being closed or not properly loged out. I have put an append attribute to .bash_history, but if the history is being cleared, it wont be written to the file.06:37
Gneardw200169: many people do, so we try to keep available as many possible solutions06:37
mzzrdw200169: imho the main selling point of something like tracker is that it should be faster than grep unless you already have a good idea of what files to grep06:38
GneaI agree06:38
adantehow do i use runas? i try runas user group command and it segfaults?06:38
mzzdisadvantages are either system load to keep the database updated or a stale db06:38
adantealso tried runas user group 0022 command and it segfaults06:38
ncfi1013_what does it mean when i get an "assertion failed" dialog box when i try to go to two different websites?06:38
adanteis runas something that is actually used or should i just sudo nowadays?06:39
rdw200169not to mention that one is a terminal app, and the other is a gtk app06:39
* Gnea doesn't even have a runas command, nor sees it in the repo06:39
adanteGnea: hm strange, for me it's part of noshell package06:39
Gneaadante: ah ok, i see that06:39
mzzrdw200169: there are gui apps that do the same thing as or are a frontend for find/grep. Tracker might have commandline tools, not sure.06:40
Gneaadante: runas is kind of opposite of sudo06:40
twaini am back  little confused do i have do termind for driver?06:40
adanteGnea: so it's sudont?06:40
Gneaadante: sec...06:41
rdw200169mzz, sure, but is it not safe to assume that when someone asks a question in here, they're assuming they want their question answered *without* having to install any more software?06:41
Gneaadante: sudo is for running a command, from a regular user account, as root. runas is for running a command, from a root account, as a regular user.06:41
mzzrdw200169: true. I forgot if such a tool is installed by default or not.06:41
mzzGnea: sudo can be used for the latter too, right?06:42
rdw200169mzz, that's why i mentioned tracker, it's default, and even puts it's little magnifying glass on the gnome taskbar/menubar whatzit so you can easily 'search'06:42
mzz(sudo -u username)06:42
adanteGnea: hm but sudo -u06:42
adanteyeah what mzz said06:42
adanteanyway my question is not what do they do06:42
adantebut why is runas segfaulting06:42
adantewhen i issue it with what seems to be syntactically valid arguments06:43
Gneaadante: runas — program to run daemons as non priviledge users06:43
Gneaadante: it's not for running regular commands, it's for looped programs that stay running06:44
Gneaadante: so, yes, sudo -u would be the solution06:44
twaini did download driver fro linux from ati  hope it install self?06:44
adantehm, but the program i am running is a daemon that stays running06:44
Gneaadante: which one?06:45
adanteanyway nm i will just run with sudo -u user cmd  2>&1 > /dev/null & i guess06:45
adanteGnea: redmine06:45
tritiumtwain: ubunth has the ati drivers packaged already.  No need to down load from ati (in fact, can lead to more trouble)06:46
Gneatwain: shouldn't have to download from ati.com, but from the ubuntu repository - xorg-driver-fglrx is what you need06:46
twainok give me link where i can download gnea06:46
Gneatwain: no need, just type this in a terminal:  sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx06:47
mgmuscarilooks like i dropped in at the right moment - people discussing ati drivers06:47
Gneatwain: when you reconfigure your Xserver, just tell it to use FGLRX from the list06:48
twainok i never done terminal sorry i will do copy what y say k?06:48
mgmuscaridoes anybody here have any info that's newer than november on dri2 support?06:48
Gneamgmuscari: yes, it's become a rather popular subject this evening :)06:48
mgmuscarignea: i'm getting frustrated with flickering, as i imagine a lot of people are ;)06:48
Gneamgmuscari: hopefully you're monitor is set to 60HZ or higher06:49
bobbyyuI forgot about something, after I installed Ubuntu, I forgot if MP3 is originally suported. Can someone refresh my memory? I'm sorry!06:49
bobbyyuI mean on Rhythmbox06:49
Gneabobbyyu: of course06:50
trent1hi, i have been here a couple times and found that you guys are really helpful, and was wondering if you could help me with one more problem. i just bought a lightscribe capable dvd/cd burner and am looking for a label maker06:50
tritium!mp3 | bobbyyu06:50
ubottubobbyyu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:50
mgmuscarignea: indeed. i'm on a thinkpad w500. any opengl or windowed video flickers when i'm using compiz fusion. this seems to be a very, very common problem, since there aren't any ati drivers right now with dri2 support06:50
trent1i have the "basic" one i'm looking for one that can do greyscale pictures06:50
Gneamgmuscari: ouch... I'm not sure... perhaps ubuntuforums.org has some discussion06:50
mgmuscarignea: but i haven't heard anything since november regarding this support. it seems like people just stopped talking about it.06:50
mzzmgmuscari: I'm optimistic and assuming they stopped talking because they're coding06:51
mzzmgmuscari: I have absolutely no evidence for this though. I just like being optimistic :)06:51
twaintermial :wain@twain-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx06:52
twainReading package lists... Done06:52
twainBuilding dependency tree06:52
twainReading state information... Done06:52
twainxorg-driver-fglrx is already the newest version.06:52
twainThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:06:52
twain  libscrollkeeper006:52
mgmuscarimzz: i should hope so. i wish i knew more about linux drivers and ati's hardware so that i could contribute06:52
twainUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.06:52
twain0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:52
twaingnea  got it ?06:52
mgmuscarithis stupid dri2 issue is the only thing preventing this setup from being really sweet06:52
ashlessburngod i wish u were here that would make things easier06:52
Gneatwain: please use http://pastebin.com next time06:53
ashlessburnor sudo update......the prgram06:53
tritiumtwain: please don't paste06:53
mgmuscariashlessburn: i seem to remember seeing something the other day about a remote support tool for linux06:53
ashlessburntritium is being nice u can tell06:53
* Gnea wonders what happened to the floodbots06:53
rwwGnea: temporary hiccup, I think06:54
mzzmgmuscari: aww, now you had me go to cgit.freedesktop.org and find no commits on the relevant branches (I think) since november :(06:54
Gnearww: seems to be a lot of aftershocks lately...06:54
mgmuscarimzz: yeah that's why i've been miffed :(06:54
trent1nevermind found it in the forum. :) have a nice day06:54
trent1... or night06:54
twainok sorry  it my first time i am learning...  forgvian me06:54
ashlessburnwait till the 14th this forum will be packed06:54
tritiumtwain: no problem06:54
Gneaashlessburn: a couple days ago, the channel neared 1500 users06:55
Gneanot sure if it broke it or not06:55
twainso next what i do?06:55
twainabout driver06:55
Gneatwain: checking06:56
=== masACC is now known as maswan
Gneatwain: try System->Administration->Hardware Drivers07:00
twaingnea  i am on hardrive driver it say "ati.amd proprietary FGLRX graphics driver07:02
mattycozehey everyone; i've got a problem with qtoctave, it is installed but whenever i run the program i get this error Error: /home/mattycoze/.qtoctave/menus not found07:02
mzztwain: what was the actual problem again? How are you determining you do not have (enough) 3d acceleration?07:03
quadaptori compiled curl and now i'm trying to execute it on an other pc. on execute, an error occurred: "-bash: ./curl: No such file or directory".  the file exists (file ./curl => "./curl: ELF 64-bit LSB exe..."). it exists an tool to diagnose an file (header, etc.), but i forget the name. any idea?07:03
mzzquadaptor: "ldd ./curl" on the failing host07:04
mzzquadaptor: anything listed as "not found" in the output?07:04
quadaptorldd => -bash: ./curl: No such file or directory07:04
Gneatwain: okay, now click on the 'activate' button07:04
twainwhen i click chess game but  unable 3D beacuse no python openGL support and no Python GTKGLExt support"07:04
mzztwain: that could mean you don't have the relevant python packages installed.07:05
mzzCan someone think of a better test app than glxgears to confirm 3d works?07:05
twaindriver is activated now07:05
twainmzz then how can i solve w mt?07:05
mattycozeHELP: Have a problem with QTOctave front-end for some reason I get Error: qtoctave/menus not found07:06
* mzz arguably shouldn't be trying to help in here when he's not actually in ubuntu, it makes it hard to check basic stuff like this07:06
ascUnder a fresh install of 8.04, trying to start ion3 via GDM flashes a black screen then GDM restarts. Can anybody help with this?07:06
twainMZZ i need go download for python package?07:06
mzztwain: not manually, just make sure the package is installed and working07:06
Gneatwain: actually, mzz is right - try glxgears07:07
mattycozedo i need the GTK QT stuff installed?07:07
mzztwain: because I'm not actually in ubuntu right now I can't conveniently look up the relevant package name07:07
mzzasc: huh, and you don't get gdm's usual "the session lasted less than..." dialog?07:07
Gneatwain: once you activate, you need to make sure you're actually using the fglrx - it should ask you to restart07:07
rodolfohi! How can I tell Firefox to handle specific IRC URL and to open it with GNOME-xchat? (e.g. irc://irc.pretome.net:6667/<channelname>)?07:07
mzzasc: anything in ~/.xsession-errors afterwards?07:07
mzzasc: (you'll have to look there before starting a new (working) session or it'll overwrite it...)07:07
twaingnea  y mean glxgears in software install?07:07
ascmzz: No, and no. Does it clear .xsession-errors when you start a new session?07:08
mzztwain: no, try to run that07:08
mak_Hi every one ,,,i Have Problem with openvpn connection with my newely upgraded Ubuntu-9.04 Alpha Jaunty release,,, Any Help ?07:08
ascAh, okay. I will test this shortly.07:08
Flannelmak_: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support, thanks07:08
Gneatwain: open a terminal and type:  glxgears07:08
twainok gnea  brb07:08
mak_<FLannel>,,,where can i Find that Channel to chat ?07:09
Flannelmak_: #ubuntu+1 is for Jaunty, since it's still a development release07:09
twaini am back  it pop up graphix 3 gear moving...07:09
Flannelmak_: /join #ubuntu+107:09
mak_okay thankx for your support07:09
mzztwain: so opengl isn't completely broken. I bet this is actually a python problem, not an opengl one.07:09
Gneatwain: is it fast?07:09
mzztwain: does "python -c 'import OpenGL'" give you an ImportError exception or no output?07:10
mattycozeI Have a problem with QTOctave front-end for some reason I get this Error: /../qtoctave/menus not found does anyone know what the problem *could* be?07:10
twainit look fast gear but screen blackground little flash07:10
twainmzz i dont see any error show up to me??07:11
mak_<Flannel>,,,i Guess Nobody is their to chat with in #ubuntu+1 ?07:11
mgmuscarimzz: so you think it's looking bad for dri2, eh?07:11
mzztwain: no output is good. Sec.07:11
Gneamak_: please be patient07:11
drashtwain: chess game 3D related fix --> http://onlinefixation.blogspot.com/2009/02/enable-3d-in-chess-ubuntu-810-intrepid.html07:12
mzzmgmuscari: I'm sort of in the same boat as you, wondering if I could learn enough about drivers in a sane amount of time to help this along07:12
mak_<Gnea>,,,No it's an urgent issue with my   openvpn connection07:12
mzztwain: what about "python07:12
mgmuscarimzz: my thoughts exactly. too much going on with work right now to get into it though :'(07:12
mzztwain: what about "python -c 'import gtk.gtkgl'"?07:12
Gnea!patience > mak_07:12
ubottumak_, please see my private message07:12
twainhold pls..07:12
mgmuscarimzz: what graphics chipset are you running?07:12
mzzmgmuscari: 9600xt07:13
mgmuscarimzz: man, that's something that should be very well supported by now. i feel your pain07:13
Gneadrash: awesome :)07:13
ascWhoever was helping me: The .xsession-errors file contained "XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0" after 103 requests (93 known processed) with 1 events remaining."07:13
mak_Sorry for the Mis Behaviour,,,i apologise07:13
mgmuscarimzz: at first i thought it was just because i have a weird mobile card. firegl v570007:13
mzzmgmuscari: it works quite nicely as long as I don't try to do anything 3d-ish while compiz is compositing. google earth runs ok, compiz runs ok (including textured xv), just both at the same time breaks.07:14
vostibackleI have some kind of keyboard shortcut like command+V that keeps making my terminals explode and go off the screen so I can't resize them07:14
drashGnea: no problem, stumbled onto that page only yesterday (and not won one chess game since)07:14
Flannelmak_: #ubuntu+1 is the place to ask, not here.  This channel is for support of full fledged releases07:14
vostibacklewhat would cause that?07:14
mattycozebah has anyone got a frontend to work with Octave?07:14
mgmuscarimzz: xscreensaver doesn't like to work correctly with compiz07:14
mzzmgmuscari: yeah, same root issue probably, google earth was just the first 3d app I actually use that came to mind07:15
twainDrash!   it SOLVE!!!  thanks so much also Gnea and MZZ too!07:15
pogztimzcan some1 pls help me? my computer has a garbled display. i am using VIA Chrome9 GC IGP.07:15
mzzmust've missed (py)gtkglext then07:15
mak_<FLannel>,,,Is i made a mistake by upgrading ubuntu-8.10 to 9.04 Jaunty release package,,, Because it's still in Development Branch ?07:15
rwwmak_: Yes.07:16
* mzz blinks07:16
mgmuscarimzz: from what i understand, since compiz is opengl any time another process tries to write to the buffer they collide and cause the flickering; somehow lack of dri2 disables a back buffer somewhere along the way...07:16
mzzI thought that upgrade came with sufficiently scary warnings?07:16
mak_<rww>,,,Ohhh it sucks07:16
rwwmzz: apparently not07:16
twaini curious what kind OS linuix y like better?07:17
mzzrww: I'm pretty sure the *install* came with scary warnings, I don't think I've tried the dist-upgrade though...07:17
vostibackleand like if I hit alt+fn+F6 it types out ";3~" wtf?07:17
rwwmak_: You shouldn't be running Jaunty unless you don't mind huge amounts of breakage and having to fix it yourself. It's not supposed to be used by non-developers, and you're expected to mostly support yourself, hence #ubuntu+1 being somewhat barren.07:17
mgmuscariblah, i just noticed that my system is reporting 3GiB ram when i definitely have (or at least ordered) 4GiB in this thing07:17
geniimgmuscari: Likely 32bit kernel07:17
MoLoottwain, ubuntu :)07:18
rwwmgmuscari: If you're using a 32-bit version of Ubuntu, it can only address up to 3.something GB of RAM.07:18
d-bhi there i can't get some software from multiverse my sources.lst is07:18
d-bso for example paxtest isn't installable / found07:18
mgmuscarirww: that would do it. was thinking 2^32, but interesting. don't know enough details about the linux kernel07:18
scrolls2im thankful for WINE07:18
mak_<rww>,,,thankx for the information07:18
twainmoloot that what i use now.. 8.1o  but y know desktop become cube graphic where can i find that??07:18
nanotubeekiga fails to detect my webcam (says no device found), even though v4l-info shows that it's there, and the webcam works with cheese without any problem. any way to 'force' ekiga to recognize the cam?07:18
nanotubemy webcam is the ps2 eyetoy, btw.07:19
rwwd-b: did you run "sudo apt-get update" after editing your sources.list to add multiverse?07:19
d-brww: yes.07:19
d-bof course07:19
pogztimzi want to install ubuntu 8.04 on my computer. but i have a problem with display, its garbled. i am using VIA Chrom9 HC IGP on my display07:19
pogztimzcan soem1 pls help me?07:20
rwwd-b: you'd be surprised at how many people don't -_-07:20
mgmuscarihmmm, i see why it's addressing 3GiB main mem07:20
mgmuscarii've got 1GiB vram07:20
sloopysweet looks like my ap is working07:20
* mzz blinks07:20
mgmuscarii didn't think about the fact that addressable memory includes memory-mapped devices07:20
mzzmgmuscari: what display resolution are you running? :P07:20
mgmuscarimzz: 1920x120007:21
mzzeh, nvm07:21
vostibackleIs there some weird default in the ubuntu keyboard shortcuts for Super L to make a window really huge?07:21
mgmuscarimzz: native resolution of the TFT panel on this laptop07:21
rwwd-b: anyway. paxtest is in universe. Not sure why you aren't able to install it, though, since you seem to have a universe repository listed there07:21
d-bi found my problem its only released for i38607:21
vostibackleI think I cleared it by setting another thing to Super L and then clearing that, but I'm curious what the heck that's useful for07:21
mattycozedoes anyone have an idea where i might be able to find an old version of Octave (3.0.0)?07:22
constantine_Hi I accidentally deleted my panel at the bottom where the minimized windows *usually* go, how do I get those back?07:22
constantine_I got the panel itself back, also07:23
twainmzz  y know desktop wallpaper become cube with move other desktop side?07:23
baddogright click on the panel, and click 'Add to Panel...'07:23
baddogthen add 'Window List'07:23
mzztwain: that sentence didn't parse (also I'm about to drop off irc)07:23
constantine_baddog: thanks07:24
mgmuscaritwain: sounds like you're talking about compiz fusion?07:24
Flannelmak_: It's certainly not something we recommend people do on production machines, yes.07:24
twainok  what mean compiz fusion?  sorry my english bad..07:24
mgmuscariit's a window manager07:25
mgmuscariif you want to have the spinning cube and such you need to install it07:25
twainmgmuscari  yes that one!   where can i find install?07:25
mgmuscaritwain: are you using gnome or kde?07:25
twaini think i use kde on ubuntu07:26
mgmuscaritwain: also, what make is your graphics card?07:26
mgmuscaritwain: ati/nvidia?07:26
twainit  ATI  rad. 960007:26
nanotubeekiga fails to detect my webcam (says no device found), even though v4l-info shows that it's there, and the webcam works with cheese without any problem. any way to 'force' ekiga to recognize the cam (ps2 eyetoy, in case it matters)07:26
mgmuscaritwain: if you install compiz fusion, you will have flickering problems with 3d programs and video07:26
samurai_join #c07:27
mgmuscaritwain: i have been looking for a solution for this problem for a while and as of now there is no driver fix for it07:27
tryggtheres no trouble with mounting a hdd within your homefolder is there?07:27
chetnickhi, i am have vmware workstation on ubuntu. Very often i cannot use sound on my guest (windows) operating system, i get an error "device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy". How can i see what application on my host operating system is using /dev/dsp, and how can i disable application from using it? Any help would be appreciated.07:27
twainso i will need other better video card?  i have other ATI 9800?07:27
* baddog just uses fusion-icon to make it easy to turn compiz on and off07:27
mgmuscaritwain: ati drivers currently do not support a technology called dri2, which is required for compiz fusion to play nicely with other opengl applications07:28
mgmuscaribaddog: good idea, thanks for the tip... does it toggle between metacity e.g. and compiz?07:28
baddogand any other WM you care to use :D07:28
twainok then what kind video i need?07:28
mgmuscaribaddog: nice... where can i find it?07:28
mak_I had problem with running openvpn script ,,,and I Got warning message like  WARNING: potential route subnet conflict between local LAN [] and remote VPN []07:29
Gneatwain: nvidia is pretty nice07:29
mgmuscaritwain: you can try it out, it'll work with ati. you'll just see flickering with certain apps07:29
baddogapt-get install fusion-icon07:29
Gneatwain: geforce 8600 would do07:29
mgmuscaribaddog: thx :D07:29
homeskillwhat does 'LTS' mean?07:29
twainok  i have geforce 8200 coming07:29
mgmuscaritwain: to install compiz fusion for kde, run the following07:29
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.07:29
alaphi, I had written code for a lcd driver but don't know how to install it using modprobe. please can anyone help me about the procedure like what all the places where i have to copy driver.ko file and after that what i have to do?07:29
nanotubehomeskill: long term support07:29
mgmuscarihomeskill: long term support07:29
Gneatwain: oh that will do great07:29
piti_mak_: thaht's because in you config in your server push the route to to client07:29
piti_mak_: and you client already in the
twainyes gnea =)07:30
mak_<piti>,,, How can i do that ,,,,And when i run my openvpn script,,, I loose my internet connectivity07:30
mak_plz help me to reolve07:30
nanotubealap: stick your .ko into /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/extra/ (use appropriate kernel version), then run "sudo depmod -a", then you can "modprobe" it.07:30
piti_mak_: or in a more simple word-> server try to get the client to route 192.168.xxx.yyy while the client already know how to route 192.168.1.xxx07:30
tryggor do it have to be in /mnt/?07:31
piti_mak_: do you have access to openvpn server?07:31
mak_yes i have,,,07:31
twainappliction-acc- only i have kde group wizrd07:31
piti_mak_: and which server on server side you want your client to be able to see?07:31
chetnickno one?07:31
baddogtrygg, as far as I know, there's nothing that's making you mount in /mnt/07:31
alapnanotube: k i'll try that..07:31
baddogbut I'm not completely sure07:31
piti_mak_: all of 192.168.xxx.yyy are way too many07:32
mak_<piti_>,,,,we use to connect internet connection through openvpn keys,,,so that we can have access to private areas,,,07:32
twainhow long you been on linux? gnea07:32
rwwmak_: Did you switch back to Intrepid in the last 20 minutes, or are you flouting the "No Jaunty support here" line?07:33
piti_mak_: just one server?07:33
piti_mak_: then in your server config file there should be a line say something like07:33
geniinanotube: install packages:  libpt-plugins-v4l libpt-plugins-v4l2 libpt-plugins-avc libpt-plugins-dc            and try again07:33
mak_yes only one server07:33
piti_mak_: push route
piti_mak_: change that to
mak_<rww>,,,,i m here chatting related to network issue not the Jaunty (or) interpid issue07:34
cjaeeverytime I install something via apt-get it says Setting up cupswrapperhl2040 (2.0.1-2) ...07:34
mgmuscaritwain: what's up07:34
mgmuscaritwain: did you get my PM?07:35
piti_mak_: actually that wouldn't get rid of you message.. though07:35
piti_mak_: you will also need to put your client subnet to something different07:35
cjaethen I tries to restart cupsd then cp: cannot stat `/usr/share/cups/model/HL2040.ppd': No such file or directory07:35
mak_<piti_>,,,I had heimdal-clients ,,, instead of push....07:35
nanotubegenii: hm, so, there are libptplugins v1.10.10 (installed, in main), and libptplugins v 1.11.2 (not installed, in universe). should i go for v 1.11?07:35
mgmuscaribaddog: noob question... where the heck do i enable fusion-icon once i install it?07:35
baddogwell, it's under Applications->System07:36
piti_mak_: i mean in your server configuration file07:36
piti_mak_: not in your client config file07:36
mgmuscaribaddog: ah, thanks07:36
baddogwhere do you add a program to auto-start?07:36
mak_<piti_> ,,,oh wait a minute07:36
nanotubegenii: also, the -avc and the -dc plugins claim they are for firewire devices only, and the cam is usb... so would that really be necessary? (they are not currently installed)07:37
* baddog has completely forgotten07:37
geniinanotube: Probably07:37
geniinanotube: The -avc and -dc plugins shouldn't be essential if usb07:37
cjaethen #/usr/local/Brother/cupswrapper/cupswrapperHL2040-2.0.1: 64: cannot create /usr/share/cups/model/HL2040.ppd: Directory nonexistent07:38
surjeethow to install lamp07:38
piti_mak_: actually I don't quite understand what you are trying to do. Can you explain to me what you are trying to accomplish?07:38
mattycozedoes anyone know a good alternative to SPSS and or MATLAB?07:38
mak_<piti_>,,, CHeck my private message07:38
mak_to u07:38
jtajimattycoze: there's scilab and gnu octave07:38
surjeethi piti07:38
nanotubegenii: so, "probably" to installing the latest v1.11 plugins?07:38
pogztimzi want to install ubuntu 8.04 on my computer. but i have a problem with display, its garbled. i am using VIA Chrom9 HC IGP on my display07:39
pixelatedcoo my new router works...07:39
nanotubemattycoze: R07:39
pixelatedwith wireless :')07:39
geniinanotube: Yes, sorry 1.10 to 1.1107:39
surjeethow to install lamp07:39
nanotubemattycoze: also look at octave07:39
mattycozenanotube & jtaji do any of them come with a GUI07:39
piti_sudo apt-get install blah blah07:39
mattycozenanotube i did try octave; but none of the gui's worked for me :(07:39
jtajimattycoze: scilab does, not sure about octave07:39
nanotubemattycoze: there's a gui for r called rkward. don't know about octave.07:39
mattycozenanotube is rkward good in your opinion?07:39
nanotubemattycoze: i've heard that it's pretty good. never used it myself, i write my code with my keyboard, and that's the way i like it. :)07:40
=== homer is now known as Guest43730
geniicjae: Try: sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/model                and try again07:40
mattycozenanotube heh well i'm just starting off with advanced stats; multivariate analysis, MANOVA etc...07:40
surjeethow to install lamp07:40
=== ricky_ is now known as Guest34608
surjeetplease help me07:41
jtajisurjeet: sudo tasksel install lamp-server07:41
mattycozeSPSS makes it easy enough; but when I get used to everything I might start switching to command line functions etc.07:41
nanotubemattycoze: if you are "in it for the long haul", learn the code. if you are in it just for a class or something and don't really care, then you can get away with a gui. :)07:41
homeskilldoes postgres come with ubuntu 8.10?07:41
nanotubehomeskill: it must be in the repos somewhere...07:42
homeskilli cant remember if i installed it or if it came that way07:42
cjaegenii:  ill pastebin the whole thing for you07:42
pogztimzsurjeet: wat version of ubuntu server u want to install?07:43
mattycozenanotube; with the command line functions; how on earth would you generate graphs and stuff like that.07:43
nanotubehomeskill: you must have installed it. i don't think it's in by default.07:43
nanotubemattycoze: the plot() command comes in handy. :)07:43
surjeetok thanks prossesing is runing07:43
nanotubemattycoze: if you're gonna use R, there is /tons/ of documentation on r-project.org07:43
homeskillhow can i tell if i installed software or if ubuntu came with it preintalled?07:44
nanotubemattycoze: you can generate all kinds of fancy graphics. :)07:44
nanotubemattycoze: yes, really. :)07:44
surjeethow to install php07:45
jtajisurjeet: it will be installed when you installed lamp-server07:45
nanotubegenii: new versions didn't help any. still same problem.07:46
=== JC_Denton__ is now known as JC_Denton_
cjaegenii: http://pastebin.ca/133464607:46
geniinanotube: Maybe output of: ekiga -d 4     pastebinned may help narrow down the suspect list07:47
geniicjae: Reading07:47
Sifre You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems07:47
SifreE: Couldn't find package libapache-mod-php407:47
Sifrewhat is problem07:47
nanotubegenii: i even ran it with -d 6. didn't see anything useful. but well, let me pastebinit...07:47
alapnanotube: I did what you have asked me to but when ever i am looking for the path given to check if .ko is copied or not i am unable to find directory modules.07:47
surjeetphp is invild in lemp server ?07:48
tim_jenssenmoin - anybody here? I have kubuntu and now I need a newer version of dbus, then I become from aptitude - which is the best way? - compile a version and copy the pkg files /usr/lib/pkgconfig ?07:48
nanotubegenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117168/07:48
Sifreým how to install php?07:48
Sifrefor debian07:48
Sifrethere channel +b07:48
Sifreno join..07:48
Sifreall user.07:49
nanotubealap: please clarify what you are saying. what path are you looking for?07:49
geniicjae: The first command had no argument of what package to install... but anyhow, to try : sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/model/  && sudo dpkg --configure cupswrapperhl204007:50
geniinanotube: Reading07:50
surjeethow to install asp.net07:50
alapnanotube: /lib/modules/2.6.24-21-i386/extra/ this is the path where i copied my .ko file07:51
nanotubealap: ok, so?07:51
cjaegenii: thanks for letting me know you reading, it is nice, I thought the goofy printing was due to using a driver that may not be for the exact model of, which when I checked it wasn't thats why I installed the .deb from brother, the printer seems to be working though07:51
surjeetplease help me07:51
surjeethow to install asp.net07:51
geniinanotube: Bleh. No other ideas offhand07:52
alapbut when i looked for that path to check where exactly .ko file is copied i am unable to locate dir modules07:52
mgmuscarisurjeet: if you're going to be developing asp .net stuff you probably want to be in windows...07:53
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
nanotubegenii: well, thanks for looking, at any rate. :) in case this helps: the /sys/class/video4linux does have the symlink to the cam... v4l-info shows it's there... maybe a newer version of ekiga would help? how easy is it to get ekigav3 to install on intrepid (which comes with v2)?07:53
surjeetbut can we run on this or not07:53
nanotubealap: if you do "ls -al /lib/modules/2.6.24-21-i386/extra/" is your stuff there?07:54
cjaegenii: ok worked no error, did that folder somehow get deleted07:54
geniicjae: Good. So now: sudo dpkg --configure -a07:54
geniinanotube: Not sure, haven't tried it07:54
cjaegenii: yes I did that no error07:55
surjeetmy lamp server is taking more time07:55
geniicjae: The packaging system should be unstuck now07:55
cjaeyes it is07:55
cjaeall good07:55
surjeethi cjae07:56
nanotubegenii: ok, well, thanks for trying my friend. :) i'll save it for another day and go to sleep. :)07:57
surjeeti am install ing lamp-server but this is taking more time07:57
geniinanotube: Best luck and dream well07:57
mattycozenanotube do you use the R Command functions?07:57
cjaegenii: thanks07:57
alapnanotube: no. ls: cannot access usr/lib/modules/2.6.24-21-386/extra/: No such file or directory07:57
geniicjae: welcome07:57
SifreTurkis Server irc.evdekaldim.net Thanks07:58
nanotubealap: well, so your copy obviously failed... maybe you needed to create the "extras" directory first? maybe you needed to use "sudo"? i don't know what you did or what output was generated from your "cp" command...07:59
cjaegenii: now I have two printers in my printer list07:59
nanotubemattycoze: what do you mean ? all R commands are functions...08:00
surjeethow to install dreamviewer08:00
mgmuscaridreamviewer? dreamweaver?08:00
geniicjae: I guess you'll need to delete one if it bothers you08:01
mattycozed.w nanotube08:01
cjaenever touched anything and now is gone so thanks again genii08:01
nanotubemattycoze: d.w = ?08:02
mattycozedon't worry.08:02
nanotubemattycoze: heh ic. :)08:02
nanotubemattycoze: i suggest to start with reading "an introduction to R", the nice pdf available on r-project.org in the documentation section.08:02
* genii hands cjae a coffee, and has another one himself08:02
ActionParsnip1!cookie genii08:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cookie genii08:03
nanotubemattycoze: that will quickly give you an idea of what's up with R and gow things work.08:03
ActionParsnip1!cookie | genii08:03
ubottugenii: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:03
* genii munches08:03
* cjae stares at screen in bewilderment08:03
mattycozelol yer only 100 pages.08:03
nanotube!cake |genii08:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cake08:03
geniiActionParsnip1: Thanks, I needed a sugar rush  ;)08:03
ActionParsnip1genii: hehe well its early doors now08:03
=== zkinion is now known as thebleh
* cjae drinks tea cause coffee has rotted guts but appreciates offer08:04
nanotubemattycoze: well... it is what it is. :)08:05
=== locke__ is now known as |_ocke
nanotubemattycoze:  you do not expect the most powerful and flexible statistical computing language in the world to be documentable in a page, do you? :)08:06
ActionParsnip1nanotube: it could be ;)08:07
nanotubeActionParsnip1: heh i like your optimism :)08:07
req^what would be a nice way to sort of grep some information on login? I would like to see command output between two lines, not just the two lines that match grep "something"..08:07
ActionParsnip1nanotube: could be a single page with the word "avoid!" on it.....good manual08:07
=== Vekser is now known as Vexer
ActionParsnip1!hi | Tex-Twil08:09
ubottuTex-Twil: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:09
Tex-Twilplease how can I display the DNS cache in Linux ?08:09
nanotubeActionParsnip1: "mostly harmless" ? :)08:09
savvasis the mount type ntfs using ntfs-3g driver?08:13
ActionParsnip1Tex-Twil: according to this it doesnt have one unless you install one: http://www.debianadmin.com/local-dns-cache-for-faster-browsing-on-ubuntu-system.html08:14
* ActionParsnip1 makes a note to install this later08:14
Tex-Twilok I have a look08:14
Tex-Twilso other question, can I use a different port for DNS protocol ?08:15
Tex-TwilI want to have a new entry in /etc/resolv.conf08:15
ActionParsnip1i guess you could08:16
Tex-Twilwith the ip of my DNS server which has another port08:16
=== Vekser is now known as Vexer
Tex-Twilactually, the server is .. it is a ssh tunnel and I want the DNS erquest to be passed to the ssh tunnel08:16
ActionParsnip1just try: nameserver 2433308:17
ActionParsnip1Tex-Twil: see if it works, it might use a : instead of a spce08:17
=== iron_man_ftw is now known as away_man_ftl
Tex-Twilit doesn't seem to work ActionParsnip108:19
surjeethow to install lamp08:19
ActionParsnip1!lamp | surjeet08:19
ubottusurjeet: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:19
ActionParsnip1Tex-Twil: try man resolv.conf08:19
rww!away > away_man_ftl08:20
ubottuaway_man_ftl, please see my private message08:20
ActionParsnip1!away > ActionParsnip08:20
surjeethow to install php08:20
ActionParsnip1surjeet: its in the guide08:20
Mohammad[B]Hi All08:21
ActionParsnip1surjeet: here's the command: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server08:21
ActionParsnip1surjeet: the guide tells you all you need to know08:21
ActionParsnip1rww: ubottu didnt tell me anything08:21
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:21
ActionParsnip1!away > ActionParsnip08:21
rww!msgthebot > ActionParsnip108:22
ubottuActionParsnip1, please see my private message08:22
Mohammad[B]My Ubuntu don't back to hibernate time, and boot normally, and don't show the splash window and boot in text, and then going to gdm, how to i can resolve it ? :-s08:22
ActionParsnip1rww: yeah that works..maybe we can't make ubottu address ourselves08:22
rwwActionParsnip1: you forgot the 1 on the end of your name08:22
kebomixhello , any body here hold  LPI certificate ?08:22
ActionParsnip1rww: ahh, I'm logged in on my server, thanks08:23
Tex-TwilActionParsnip1, it looks like resolv.conf don't accept any port params08:23
savvaskebomix: not me, but are you interested in taking the exam for it?08:24
ActionParsnip1Tex-Twil: bah08:24
Tex-TwilI will just run my socks proxy on port 5308:24
balachmarHi, how do I get ubuntu working with a beamer?08:25
ActionParsnip1balachmar: install a PC in the boot :)08:25
ActionParsnip1balachmar: and put a monitor in your cup holder :)08:26
dmphotographyHey, forgive me, but proftpd channel is DEAD and has been for the past several hours, so I was hoping someone here that knows how to bind to IP can private chat with me.08:26
balachmarActionParsnip1: It was a real question08:26
ActionParsnip1balachmar: what's a beamer (when its not a car)08:26
balachmarThe mirror screens option in resultion does not work08:26
balachmarActionParsnip1: A projector?08:27
ActionParsnip1balachmar: oh i see08:27
linxuz3rlinux is really cool08:27
balachmarOr just I want to use the vga out port on my laptop, for another monitor or beamer(projector)08:27
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: how do you mean "bind to an ip"08:27
ActionParsnip1!dualhead | balachmar08:27
ubottubalachmar: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama08:27
linxuz3rActionParsnip1: do you have nvidia?08:28
dmphotographyWell, I was using the directive DefaultAddress and yet I'm still able to connect from other IPs other than the one it's suppose to be "bound" to.08:28
ActionParsnip1balachmar: you need to configure an extra display in xorg.conf (nvidia tool will help lots if you use nvidia)08:28
ActionParsnip1linxuz3r: its ALL I use in my systems08:28
dmphotographyMeaning I don't want it listing on any other IP other than the one I specify.08:28
linxuz3rActionParsnip1: so you might as well use twinview08:28
balachmarActionParship1: I have intel graphics. And why then does it actually recognise the second screen?08:28
ActionParsnip1linxuz3r: its for balachmar dude08:29
ActionParsnip1balachmar: you havent told your system its there yet08:29
linxuz3rwell now gnome seems to not launch properly08:30
balachmarActionParship1: But the system detects the extra monitor fine! Then it should be able to use it as well (at least from a user perspective)08:30
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: do you mean set a static ip?08:30
ActionParsnip1balachmar: so if you plug a standrd monitor to the system it runs ok?08:30
balachmarActionParship1: No, it detects the monitor in the resolution settings (even gets the brand right), however,  the second display doesn't not display anything08:31
dmphotographyNo, I'm using Hamachi to create my VPN and therefore I only want the FTP server to respond when someone is connected to hamachi using the Hamachi IP.  It shouldn't listen on port 21 for my regular IP but it does.08:31
linxuz3rwhy is my app all of a suddent wont launch properly08:31
linxuz3rit just show the window and some pictures on the window but wont launch fully08:32
syockitis there a method to make pam poll for 2 types of auth in parallel? I want the fingerprint reader to work while it's asking for my password08:32
linxuz3rlater guys08:33
dmphotographySince proftpd is probably the most popular FTP program used for an FTP server on Linux, I was hoping I could find someone who perhaps could help me.08:33
ActionParsnip1linxeh: run it from terminal, you will get outputs from the crashing app08:34
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: you may find vsftpd is, but popular doesnt make it the best, I prefer proftpd myself, redhat use vsftpd08:35
ActionParsnip1balachmar: i'd read some guides about how to setup an extra screen with the second monitor08:35
ActionParsnip1!dualhead | balachmar08:35
balachmaryeah yeah already got that one08:35
amaache:-) i need a Rapidshare account to download a medical docs help me please :-)08:35
shay26does someone know or can recommend on good rapidshare downloader for Ubuntu ?08:36
ikoniaamaache how is rapid share account an ubuntu proble ?08:36
Daemonicshay26: jdownloader08:36
amaacheUbuntu is Ok; i use jdownloader for downloading a medical docs but i havent a Rapidshare account and ask if you have :-) a RS account for me?08:38
ikoniaammache that is nothing to do with ubuntu, please don't ask here08:38
amaachewhere can i ask?08:39
=== ahmed_ is now known as shubbar
ikoniaamaache, not here08:39
dmphotographyWell I went with proftpd because for one it has the gui.08:39
Tex-TwilActionParsnip1, FYI : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6721193#post672119308:40
dmphotographyI couldn't for the life of me figure the configuration out without the gui.  I'm not a developer.08:40
dmphotographyI found the problem.08:40
dmphotographyI had to add the directive SocketBindTight on.08:40
shubbari have a wide screen and most games that run in full screen get choped and i cannot see the lower part08:41
ikoniashubbar games in wine ?08:41
innocivdo many of you use a VPS?08:41
shubbarikonia, no08:41
ikoniashubber which native linux games08:41
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: most conf files are in fairly straight english, or well documented both in man pages and online08:42
shubbarikonia, recently, "i have no tomatoes"08:42
ikoniashubbar, oh, not heard of that one08:42
shubbarsome have the option to turn off fullscreen, but its hard when i cannot see the menu option in the lower part08:43
ikoniacybertinus hi08:43
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: Yeah, but I have difficulties making sense of the directives sometimes or how they should be used.08:43
ActionParsnip1shubbar: use alt + drag. Alt lets you grab an app window in any place08:43
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: true, but its fun to learn08:43
Cybertinussry for the 2 times hello08:43
Cybertinusmy GPRS connection was lagging a bit ;)08:43
dmphotographyTwo of my most common problems is 1) There's simply too many directives.  2) I get confused when or where it should be applied at.08:44
anijI've been doing LFS for last couple of days in virtual box, using jhalfs08:44
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: plus if you can use that file effectively, you can configure the system remotely via ssh :D08:44
anijfor some reason it keeps asking me to be root # before making the system08:44
anijbut i am root when i execute make command08:44
anijany ideas08:44
shubbaractionparsnip1, drag you mean mouse drag, it doesn't work in fullscreen mode08:44
dmphotographyLOL, I don't even know what ssh is, so I don't see that happening anytime soon.08:45
ActionParsnip1shubbar: what is in fullscren mode? a web browser? a game?08:45
dmphotographyRemote desktop is my friend.08:45
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: too much bandwidth used when ssh will do08:45
anijI've been doing linux from scratch for last couple of days in virtual box, using jhalfs; for some reason it keeps asking me to be root # before making the system; but i am root when i execute the make command any ideas?08:46
shubbaractionparsnip1, a game08:46
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: you can connect to your server via ssh and log on as you and use the system like you were sat at it using terminal08:46
ActionParsnip1shubbar: what game?08:46
CybertinusHow can I mannually add a program to my menu? I've installed a program, but it doesn't show up :(. I don't know that much about Gnome, I'm more a KDE user ;)08:46
shubbarikonia, http://tomatoes.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html08:46
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: you can even install xming and run gui apps over a forwarded x server08:46
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: I'm still getting familiar with Linux and it's commands.08:47
shubbaractionparsnip1, many games, "i have no tomatoes" , xmoto i managed to turn off full screen08:47
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: I just converted my web server over to Linux and so far that hasn't been too tough considering I'm new to Linux.08:47
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: a lot of linux is abstracted now, older linux releases were quite harsh for new users (no automount etc)08:48
shubbaractionparsnip1, "fashion cents" not free but nice, i turn fullscreen off also08:48
iskandarHello everybody08:48
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:48
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: Speaking of which, how do I tell it to automount a NTFS drive upon startup?08:48
frogscottshut up ubottou08:48
iskandarI had a question about VoIP!08:49
dmphotographyubuntu of course.08:49
frogscottslap a bot today08:49
Daemonic!get pos08:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about get pos08:49
ActionParsnip1shubbar: http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=I%20Have%20No%20Tomatoes08:49
Daemonic!get laid08:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about get laid08:49
rww!ot | Daemonic08:49
ubottuDaemonic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:49
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: you'll need ntfs3g and edit /etc/fstab08:49
ActionParsnip1!ntfs3g | dmphotography08:49
ubottudmphotography: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:49
balachmarHi, me again. I have have something working using i810rotate, however the output is not right for the monitor08:50
respectingwhat's the equivalent of dreamwaver in linux?08:50
dmphotographyWell it does read and write to it now.08:50
respectingwhat's the equivalent of dreamwaver in linux?08:50
iskandarWhat kind of Program can I use for VoIP can anybody answer?08:50
balachmarAnd the monitor is complaining that the frequency is out of range...08:50
dmphotographySo I take it Ubuntu 8.10 either came with it or auto-updated it at some point.08:50
ActionParsnip1respecting: bluefish is ok I guess08:50
anijhas anyone done linux from scratch08:50
dmphotographyBut the fstab is the startup config file?08:50
ActionParsnip1respecting: you can just use a text editor too, thats all html is08:51
balachmarI really need to get this fixed. Because I will need to present stuff with this laptop which only has ubuntu on it08:51
rwwanij: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. For LFS discussion you could join #lfs on irc.linuxfromscratch.org08:51
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: fstab tells the system which partitions to mount and how to mount them08:51
anijlol, trying to build on ubuntu, kk08:52
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: read your current fstab to see what i mean08:52
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: Ok, I'm looking at this and where do I get all of the info such as UUID . . . etc. from?08:52
balachmarSo can someone please help me with dualhead on ubuntu?08:52
Daemonicmy ubuntu rubber band broke. I need help.08:52
dmphotographyIs there some where I can get this info if it's currently mounted?08:52
=== Blacki is now known as Blacki_
CybertinusHow can I mannually add a program to my menu? I've installed a program, but it doesn't show up :(. I don't know that much about Gnome, I'm more a KDE user ;)08:52
=== Blacki_ is now known as Blacki
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: with the ntfs drive you dont need to bother with that08:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about menu08:53
slabbehI have found 2 solutions for my wireless card. Should I try the ndiswrapper solution or the madwifi solution?08:53
Cybertinusdmphotography: start a terminal and run the mount command, then yoou see all the info about all the mounted partitions08:53
XerossHey, i'm using a usb install of kubuntu 8.10 and my ps/2 opitcal mouse ain't working08:53
Xerosshow can i get it to work08:53
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:53
ActionParsnip1Cybertinus: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-entries-in-gnome-menu.html08:54
ActionParsnip1Xeross: i'd read through dmesg | less to see what's going on, it may give some clues08:54
Cybertinusthnx ActionParsnip1, gonna check it out08:54
Xerosshow would i open a command prompt on the desktop without mouse ?08:55
ActionParsnip1Xeross: alt+f208:55
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: What about finding the info [Device][Mount Point] for a currently mounted volume?08:55
rwwXeross: Alt-F2, type gnome-terminal, hit enter08:55
Xerossgnome-terminal in kde ???08:55
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: sudo fdisk -l will show you the device08:55
ActionParsnip1Xeross: i assumed gnome as this is Ubuntu08:55
rwwXeross: Try konsole instead if you're using KDE08:55
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: Thank you very much.08:55
respectingi want a soft that make me for example in htm drag and drop a table to mypage.html did bluefish do that i'm currenlty downloading it .i miss a lot dreamwaver08:56
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: you manually create a folder to mount to, it can be ANYWHERE except in /proc08:56
CybertinusActionParsnip1: hmm, that isn't  going to work :(. I'm not running Ubuntu, but Easy Peasy. I thougt it was the same trick to add something, but apperently not :). Do you happen to know if Easy Peasy has its own IRC channel?08:56
Milkehwhat was the cmd to rename a directory?08:56
ActionParsnip1rww: i think alt+f2 works in kubuntu08:56
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: mv08:56
oskar-Milkeh, mv08:56
rwwMilkeh: mv08:56
ooberespecting, is english your second language08:56
rwwActionParsnip1: It does. I was saying to use konsole instead of gnome-terminal08:57
ActionParsnip1rww: cool08:57
respectingyes  but i'm very good at english but i write too fast08:57
Xerossweird last time i pressed alt+f2 nothing happened08:57
slabbehI have found 2 solutions for my wireless card. Should I try the ndiswrapper solution or the madwifi solution?08:57
Xerossbooting it now08:57
ooberespecting, try open office08:57
Milkehthank you08:57
Daemonicslabbeh: ndiswrapper blows. madwifi all the wya08:58
ActionParsnip1slabbeh: i'd shoot for madwifi as it'll be a native driver08:58
ActionParsnip1slabbeh: only use ndiswrapper as a last ditch08:58
oobeactually forget i said that i made a mistake respecting08:58
slabbehThanks guys, will give it a go now08:58
oskar-hi, does anyone know a way to tell network-manager to configure wpa_supplicant with "fast_reauth=0"?08:59
dmphotographyAlso speaking of WIFI, I have the R8767(or whatever it's called) chipset and I have a low signal strength.  What gives?09:00
ActionParsnip1oskar-: maybe its a module option when its probed09:00
Milkehhow do I restart the desktop or whatever it's called?09:01
nyaamilkeh ctrl + alt + backspace09:02
nyaasee you soon lol09:02
ActionParsnip1oskar-: edit wpa_supplicant.conf  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-404458.html09:02
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: bad driver09:03
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: Is there a way to see what a devices current mount point is?09:03
oskar-ActionParsnip1, yes, but if it is controlled via network-manager/dbus it does not read a configuration file09:03
dmphotographyThe drive apparently has 3 partitions on it.09:03
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: run mount with no params09:03
Xeross_alt+f2 good old cmd09:03
ActionParsnip1oskar-: it will if you edit the file09:03
Xeross_ok guys what was the command again09:03
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: Thanks again!09:04
rwwXeross: konsole09:04
Mohammad[B]My Ubuntu don't back to hibernate time, and boot normally, and don't show the splash window and boot in text, and then going to gdm, how to i can resolve it ? :-s09:04
ActionParsnip1oskar-: the conf file superceed network manager09:04
Xeross_no am in the shell now, the other command09:04
balachmarCan someone help me out with getting the external monitor to work on my laptop? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=411674 seems to hold information that is way too old. Since xorg.conf doesn't contain that much information anymore...09:05
ActionParsnip1Xeross_: dmesg | less09:05
oskar-ActionParsnip1, i was quite sure that i tried this. i will try again ;)09:05
MilkehI just changed my menu icons09:05
alaphi, can anyone tel me about using modprob as i am using it the command is modprob <driver name>, in same directory where my source code and object file is located but whenever i am looking for driver which i had installed using moprobe is not there in directory with same name.09:06
Milkehbut it just wrecked a lot of my other icons09:06
Milkehlike my banshee09:06
Milkehand I keep getting an error with my network Icon09:06
MilkehI replaced index.theme and scalable09:06
mzzalap: try insmod if you have the path to the file09:06
Xeross_what should i look for09:07
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: try alacarte09:07
ActionParsnip1Xeross_: any errors or warnings09:07
Xeross_any search command ?09:07
ActionParsnip1!info alacarte09:07
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.6-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 59 kB, installed size 1208 kB09:07
dmphotographyActionParsnip1: How do I go about finding a good driver for my WIFI card?09:08
Milkehactually, what's the command to merge folders?09:08
ActionParsnip1Xeross_: i'd suggest reading it, you can press ctrl+w but it may miss stuff09:08
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: lspci will get you started if its internal, or lsubs if its usb09:08
Xeross_its like 10-20 screens of code09:08
Xeross_hmm it seems my ram memory is full causing everything to lag badly09:08
Milkehdoes anybody know the command to merge 2 folers?09:09
ActionParsnip1Xeross_: yep, its your computer firing up, give it a read, the data will help09:09
Xeross_ActionParsnip1: I'll go get debian usb persistent version and install fluxbox09:10
juniechohi, is there a way to auto-run some commands every boot?09:11
Xeross_juniecho: rc.local ?09:11
hateballjuniecho: /etc/rc.local is one way09:11
Xeross_ok guys thx for the help cya09:11
ActionParsnip1gotta love fluxbox :)09:11
juniechoyes but i don't get it quiet well... is it run as root? i need to run some commands with admin rights09:11
ActionParsnip1juniecho: use sudo for command line apps, gksudo for gui apps09:12
Milkehhas anybody here ever replaced menu icons?09:12
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: only in kde and fluxbox09:12
phantomHi all.  I must buy a LCD Monitor with 22-24 and forgot wich the best manufacturers are. ( DELL LG SAMSUNG ????   is BenQ also on the list?09:12
MilkehActionParsnip1, well heres the problem09:13
ActionParsnip1!ot | phantom09:13
ubottuphantom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:13
phantomI care much about the collor09:13
juniechothe commands are: $ sudo su # rmmod forcedeth # modprobe forcedeth msi=0 msix=0 # /etc/init.d/networking restart............... but you know running 'su' is not good as a autorun command ...09:13
ActionParsnip1phantom: fyi, there is no BEST09:13
MilkehActionParsnip1, I replace the scalable folder, the 72x72 folder and the index.theme09:13
ActionParsnip1juniecho: don't use sudo su09:13
MilkehActionParsnip1, but now a lot of icons arn't there09:13
MilkehActionParsnip1, because there in the old scalable folder, how can I merge them together?09:14
juniechoso i need to 'rmmod forcedeth', 'modprobe forcedeth msi=0 msix=0', '/etc/init.d/networking restart' with admin right, can i just put those three in rc.local and just good to go?09:14
hateballjuniecho: stuff in rc.local gets run as root yes09:14
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: not sure man, not something ive done09:14
juniechohateball thanks a lot :) hehehe09:14
balachmarHow do I get a projector working on my laptop in ubuntu 8.10 (intel driver)09:14
surjeethow to install vlc player09:14
ActionParsnip1juniecho: sudo rmmod forcedeth sudo ....09:14
MilkehActionParsnip1, well do you know what could be going on here? The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources.  It cannot continue.09:14
ActionParsnip1surjeet: sudo apt-get install vlc09:14
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: i'd find a way to wipe all settings from nm and then try reconfigure it09:15
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: its not something i use as I simply edit the interfaces file and it goes09:15
surjeethi how to install lamp09:16
kuldipHow to upgrade / update multiple drupal website at a time ?09:16
ActionParsnip1surjeet: I told you09:16
ActionParsnip1surjeet: i even gave you the command09:16
MilkehActionParsnip1, I found a solution but I can't work out one thing09:17
balachmarActionParship1: He asked another question the second time LAMP instead of VLC09:17
MilkehActionParsnip1, I have 2 folders, one with a lock on it, and one without, how can I move all the contents from the one with the lock to the one without a lock?09:17
surjeeti have use this cammand but my local host is not working properly09:18
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: why does it have a lock?09:18
erUSUL!lamp | surjeet09:18
ubottusurjeet: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:18
geniisurjeet: sudo tasksel            then use up/down arrows to go to LAMP option, spacebar to select. Then tab to select <ok> at bottom. Then Enter key to begin09:18
ActionParsnip1surjeet: then read the factoid, maybe there is some additional config needed09:18
MilkehActionParsnip1, maybe because I took it from usr/share/icons/hicolor09:18
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: try sudo cp the files over from the locked folder, you will need to chown them once copied09:19
surjeetwhich type of config09:19
kuldipHow to upgrade / update multiple drupal website at a time ?09:19
balachmarkuldip: That is actually a drupal question not ubuntu09:20
MilkehActionParsnip1, sudo cp scalable scalable_ if I want files to go from scalable_ to scalable?09:20
ActionParsnip1surjeet: I dont know i dont use it, but most folks seem to get by with the factoid for installation09:20
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: that will overwrite the folder with the locked one09:21
surjeethow to install third party software09:21
MilkehActionParsnip1, so how am I going to merge them?09:21
ActionParsnip1surjeet: just like any other app09:21
=== dsmink is now known as Sminkie2
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: i think its cp -r /source/* /dest09:21
ActionParsnip1Milkeh: i'd check man cp09:22
surjeetsuch i want to insatll dreamwever09:22
MilkehActionParsnip1, I have no idea what that means09:22
ActionParsnip1surjeet: you need to buy dreamweaver then you may be able to run it through wine09:22
ActionParsnip1surjeet: dreamweaver is a windows application09:22
ActionParsnip1!appdb | surjeet09:22
ubottusurjeet: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:22
surjeetok i want instrall tial version09:23
ActionParsnip1surjeet: then run: sudo apt-get install wine09:23
jc2000can you help my?09:23
ActionParsnip1surjeet: then download the trial and launch the setup.exe (or whatever it is) with wine09:24
kjell!anyone | jc200009:24
ubottujc2000: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:24
jc2000im working on building a IRC bot09:24
jc2000a projcat for school09:24
surjeetbut i have install wine09:24
ActionParsnip1surjeet: wine is a best effort and there can be some instabilities but some apps run amazingly09:24
jc2000i need loges of 1 on 1 chet09:24
kjelljc2000: Please don't use enter as punctation and it will be easier to read.09:24
jc2000i don't care if its from icq or messnger09:25
ActionParsnip1surjeet: then open the setup file with wine and the system will install if it is able09:25
surjeeti have setup.exe but how install this or confg09:26
jc2000so will you give my logs09:26
ActionParsnip1surjeet: right click -> open with wine09:26
ActionParsnip1surjeet: or in terminal: wine /path/to/setup.exe09:27
jc2000i see i wont get help09:27
kjellOr just doubleclick the file. Works for me.09:27
jc2000so bye09:27
surjeetok i m trying09:27
ActionParsnip1no kidding09:28
kjellsurjeet: I see there is howto's on how to install DreamWeaver on appdb.winehq.org, go there and browse for applications -> search for Dreamweaver and select your version.09:30
nitenHey, anybody know where I can get info on debugging ext3 when fsck has failed?09:30
erUSULniten: probably the best place is to ask the developers... http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html#linux-fsdevel http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html#linux-ext4 directly09:33
Milkehdoes anybody know how I get that information on the side of my desktop?09:33
Milkehsuch as the clock, system info so on09:33
MilkehI see it on a lot of screenshots09:33
quibbler!conky | Milkeh09:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conky09:34
erUSULMilkeh: there are a few apps that can do that,,, screenlets; conky; gtkrmll; gdesklets etc you have to choose one of them09:34
surjeethi i m there on link09:34
Milkehhold on let me try to find a screenshot09:35
quibblerMilkeh: have a look at conky09:35
nyaa is ext4 going to only improve performance on ssd's or will it be for all drives?09:36
quibblerMilkeh: and look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20586509:36
MilkehI want this one: http://sudosys.be/files/images/diehard4_03.preview.jpg09:36
Milkehquibbler, do you know how to get the one I just shown you09:37
kri113thats conky09:37
quibblerMilkeh: and look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20586509:37
erUSULMilkeh: that's conky afaics09:38
erUSUL!info conky | Milkeh09:38
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 179 kB, installed size 556 kB09:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext409:38
mak_hiii all,,any one having any idea about netbios-ssn  (or) netbios-ds ?09:39
Milkehquibbler, can't I just install through synaptic?09:39
high0wlhey i'm having a bit of a problem09:40
high0wli have a sh*tty radeon 7000 agp card with composite tv-out09:40
high0wlif i have it hooked up to my tv on boot09:41
c0l2eis  there a mime/file type management for gnome? like the one with kde's File Types Settings ??09:41
high0wlthe tv picture comes in perfect but my monitor goes out of sync09:41
high0wlif it's not hooked up my monitor is fine09:41
quibblerMilkeh: yes you can install conky in synaptic, but then you have to learn to use it. try the link I gave you in ubuntuforums to help you configure it.09:41
ikoniahigh0wl: control your language - if you can't say it without staring it out - don't say it09:41
nyaaout of sync like the monitor's putting things in the wrong places, or like the refresh rate is not right?09:42
high0wlmy bad09:42
high0wllike the refresh rate is out.....looks somewhat crunched and garbled when its booting up09:42
high0wlonce X loads its starts tweaking out tho09:43
nyaawhat program do you use for dual screens?09:43
high0wli don't09:43
high0wli just want a clone09:43
high0wlwhich it does on its own09:43
kjellnyaa: nvidia-config09:43
high0wlworks fine in windows09:43
high0wlwell windows xp anyways09:43
kjellnyaa: Oh! Did you ask high0wl :D09:43
quibbler!enter | high0wl09:43
ubottuhigh0wl: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:43
nyaayes kjell09:44
nyaahigh0wl have you tried manually changing the refresh rate for the monitor?09:44
dmphotographyWhere can I find the definition for commands such as APPE, DELE, MKD, RMD, RNTO, STOR, XMKD, XRMD DIRS?09:44
ikoniadmphotography: man pages09:45
nyaadmphotography you can usually type man appe in a terminal to get the manual for appe09:45
Milkehquibbler, find the section titled Section "Module", and add, I can't find Module anywhere09:45
nyaaor man dele, man mkd etc09:45
dmphotographyThank you.09:45
n00b1hi all09:45
high0wlcan't change the refresh rate on the monitor itself - it doesnt even let me go into the monitors menu when its out-of-sync09:45
n00b1I'm trying to install my ATI video driver09:46
high0wlas far as messing with xorg.conf - i havent yet09:46
n00b1the manual says I have to sh ./ati-driver-installer-9-1-x86.x86_64.run09:46
n00b1but then I get a msg I'm not logged in as root09:46
ikonian00b1: have you tried the drivers in the "system->administration->hardware drivers" gui09:46
high0wl i've screwed around in xorg.conf tho plenty of times in the past and never managed to figure this problem out09:46
ikonian00b1: I strongly suggest you try them first09:46
nyaahigh0wl if ati is anything like nvidia they should have a control panel in system > administration09:46
n00b1I did try the default driver if that's what you mean09:46
ikonian00b1: no thats not what I mean09:47
dmphotographyIt keeps saying "No manual entry for ***.09:47
ikoniadmphotography: which command09:47
nyaahigh0wl if they do you should be able to mess with it from there a lot more safely than messing with xorg.conf would be09:47
dmphotographyAny of them.09:47
high0wlnyaa: nah nvidia is linux friendly.......ati - not so much09:47
nyaahigh0wl no matter what, if I mess with that sort of stuff I save a backup copy of my old xorg.conf09:47
oCean_dmphotography: they're ftp commands right, not 'just' unix commands09:47
dmphotographyI'm just trying to find the explination of them.09:48
oCean_dmphotography: quick search on google said: http://www.nsftools.com/tips/RawFTP.htm09:48
high0wlwindows xp works fine with my TV hooked up - windows 7 beta doesn't and every flavor of linux i've tried including an LFS system always gives me out-of-sync09:48
dmphotographyAhh!  Thanks again!09:48
n00b1it found one: ati/amd proprietary FGLRX graphics driver --- is that the driver I downloaded to my desktop or another one?09:49
zirodayhigh0wl: tried changing the resolution/refresh rate?09:50
zirodayhigh0wl: also what TV is it?09:50
ActionParsnip!ati | n00b109:51
ubottun00b1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:51
high0wllol yeah i changed my resolution to 1024x768 after i installed ubuntu but the funny thing i noticed is my refresh rate is 0 Hz according to system > preferences > screen resolution09:51
rwwn00b1: No, that's the driver in the Ubuntu repositories. You should use that one.09:51
high0wlcurrently the tv i'm using is a 37" hdtv09:51
n00b1thx ubottu09:51
zirodayhigh0wl: what graphics card/drivers are you using?09:52
n00b1rww, I tried one driver, think it's that one, but it screwed up (black screen upon boot) that's why I downloaded the official ATI one09:52
high0wlgraphics card: ATI Radeon 7000/VE      Driver - xorg-radeon09:52
Milkehwhat the09:52
Milkehwhere did my conky go?09:52
Milkehgrr why does it keep disapearing?09:53
zirodayhigh0wl: right, and screen resolutions shows 0 Hz09:53
zirodayMilkeh: run it in the terminal and find out09:53
high0wllol yeah09:53
ActionParsnipMilkeh: if you run it from terminal, ten close terminal, it will die09:53
rnkfucking xchat keep disappearing09:53
high0wlits definately not 0hz lol but it says it is09:53
ActionParsnipMilkeh: if you use show desktop, it will minimise too09:53
ActionParsnip!ohmy | rnk09:53
ubotturnk: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!09:53
MilkehActionParsnip, oh, is there anyway to prevent that?09:54
ActionParsnipMilkeh: which one!?09:54
quibblerMilkeh: use alt F2 and run conky from there09:54
Milkehquibbler, ok thank you09:54
zirodayhigh0wl: right, well you're going to need to mess around xorg.conf to get a modeline that works09:54
ActionParsnipMilkeh: the show desktop one i am unsure of, if you run it with alt+f2 it will be spawned by the desktop09:55
ActionParsniprnk: run it from the terminal, when it crashes you will get some output which may help09:55
MilkehActionParsnip, Ok thanks, and I'm sorry but I have one more question, very basic :)09:55
high0wlnah i dont think it really has much to do with xorg.conf09:55
ActionParsnipMilkeh: dont ask to ask, just ask09:55
high0wlmy monitor goes out of sync before X is up09:55
jimcooncatMilkeh: I believe you could add it to System -> Preferences -> Sessions so it will start up when you log in. I don't know conky though.09:55
zirodayhigh0wl: thats because your monitor is passing along/lying in its EDID09:56
MilkehActionParsnip, Well in my password I use the number pad but num lock is always on09:56
MilkehActionParsnip, how can I make my computer boot with it off?09:56
Akos_beginnerHi! Can I mount bin file somehow without converting it to iso?09:57
ActionParsnipMilkeh: i think thats a BIOS option09:57
MilkehActionParsnip, I'm not sure because it was always off on windows09:58
jimcooncatMilkeh: You'll need to try the BIOS option, and if that doesn't do it for you then install numlockx09:59
sophiaanyone can help me pls???09:59
nyaapeople won't know if they can help you or not until you ask a question, heh.10:00
ActionParsnip!ask | sophia10:00
ubottusophia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:00
ActionParsnipMilkeh: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-812182.html10:00
O__ohow to setup my own email server in ubuntu?10:00
MilkehActionParsnip, thank you again :)10:00
ActionParsnipnp bro10:01
iz_Hi everyone. I'm struggling to access ttyS0 in xubuntu, to no avail. It is active in BIOS, anyone know what might be the problem?10:01
jimcooncatO__o: The process of getting an email from one person to another over a network or the Internet involves many systems working together. See: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html10:02
sophiai am getting an error... (gtk/gtk.h :No such file), i installed all related packages10:02
patmanpatois it possible to not have the folder popup on screen when a usb drive is plugged in, under gnome?10:02
ActionParsnipsophia: install apt-file and use it to search for the file10:03
sophiaActionParsnip: i am getting an error... (gtk/gtk.h :No such file), i installed all related packages10:03
n00b1I activated the fglrx driver again, have to reboot, hope I won't have a black screen this time...10:03
oCean_O__o: There are many, many ways. Wiki pages on Postfix are nice place to start. Maybe you are looking for something like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix10:04
greyseal96I am trying to install sadms-2.0.12 on Ubuntu 8.10 but the installation fails because the reported version of samba is 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4.  Is there a way to get this to work?10:05
sophiaActionParsnip: i installed gtk related packages using  apt-file... i will paste Makefile and pls go through it once10:06
ActionParsnipsophia: the make file will mean nothing to me10:06
ActionParsnipsophia: if you dont have gtk.h it wont compile, you need apt-file to tell you which package you need to install to get the file10:06
ActionParsnipsophia: thats why i told you to install apt-file10:06
sophiaActionParsnip: ok10:07
macohang on10:07
macoi can tell you10:07
ActionParsnipapt-file search gtk.h10:07
macobecause i have a ton of gtk -dev packages, so im sure my dpkg knows by now10:07
macosophia: ^10:08
sophiamaco: ok let me check once10:09
iz_I'll try this once again, in case my question got lost the first time ;) : I'm struggling to access ttyS0 in xubuntu, to no avail. It is active in BIOS, anyone know what might be the problem?10:09
O__ooCean_, thx10:10
quibblerMilkeh: use alt F2 and run conky from there10:10
nyaawhat is ttys0?10:10
oCean_iz_: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto10:10
O__ooCean_, aptitude and apt-get are same thing right?10:11
iz_nyaa: The serial port (com port)10:11
oCean_O__o: syntax is slightly different, but they do the same yes10:11
=== indos256 is now known as caem
O__ooCean_, how to get domain name?10:12
sophiamaco: libgtk2.0-dev is allready installed :-(10:12
twocarlo_O__o:try whois.net10:15
oCean_O__o: configure /etc/hosts10:15
O__oso i can make myself any domain name?10:15
O__ofree or do i need to pay?10:16
ikoniaO__o: what do you want to do exactly10:16
macosophia: er...thats odd10:16
oCean_O__o:  If you want to connect throuhg internet, you have to choose and register a domain10:16
macounless it changed between your version and jaunty10:16
O__oif i dont register, then i simply use the ip address?10:17
O__olike user@xx.xx.xx.xx for email?10:17
macothink so, yeah10:17
macoO__o: could be hard though if you dont have a static IP10:17
ActionParsnipsophia: try: apt-cache search libgtk | grep dev10:18
macostatic IP probably costs more than registering a domain name does though10:18
O__ook, i do have static ip10:18
oCean_O__o: but nobody would know your ip address, right.10:18
O__omy friends know10:18
ActionParsnipO__o: i'd get a no-ip account which will resolve your routers wan ip to a name10:18
O__oi want to set an email server so that my friends know and i wont get spam mail that way i guess?10:18
ForeverSmurfHow easy is it to upgrade between ubuntu versions?10:18
=== k is now known as Guest84902
oCean_O__o: there is hardly any cost to register a domain.10:19
ActionParsnipForeverSmurf: don't ask in both channels, most of us are in both rooms10:19
O__owhats no-ip acc?10:19
sophiaActionParsnip: i am installing apt-file now...10:19
ActionParsnipO__o: www.no-ip.com10:19
O__ohow much to register a domain?10:19
ActionParsnipO__o: free10:19
ActionParsnipO__o: forever10:20
ActionParsnipO__o: it just makes your wan ip resolve to a name10:20
O__oi will check that out10:20
bryantAction, are you talking about DNS servers?10:21
ActionParsnipO__o: if your ip changes, install the DUC client to keep the IP in the records up to date. The account isnt active immediately as it takes a while to propogate through10:21
O__omy ip wont change10:21
ActionParsnipbryant: it will resolve his ip to a name so kinda yeah10:21
ActionParsnipO__o: ok then thats fine, I run it just in case10:21
dmphotographyHow do I go about formatting a partition on a harddrive from NTFS to one Linux likes.10:21
ForeverSmurfwhat architecture is ubuntu compiled/optimized against?10:22
outboarduse the partion editor10:22
ActionParsnipForeverSmurf: all10:22
dmphotographyoutboard: Where's that?10:22
O__oif i do change my ip, i just need to goto no-ip.com and change the setting there, right? ActionParsnip10:22
outboardbut linux sees and is able to use ntfs10:22
ActionParsnipO__o: yeah pretty much, the DUC can manage it for you though which is easier10:23
outboardsystem >administration10:23
dmphotographyoutboard: Yes, but I cannot set permissions or ownership on it for some reason.10:23
bryantdmphotography, if you want to create a ext3 partition, man mkfs.ext310:23
O__oDUC is a package?10:23
dmphotographyWhich format should I use for Linux?10:23
ActionParsnipdmphotography: i'd recommend: sudo apt-get install gparted; gksudo gparted10:23
outboardext3 i think10:23
ActionParsnipdmphotography: if its usb, ext2, for internal drives ext3 is advised10:23
dmphotographyThank you all.10:24
ActionParsnipdmphotography: if the usb is going to be used in windows machines, use ntfs10:24
jussi01!it | francesco_10:24
ubottufrancesco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:24
ActionParsnipdmphotography: formatti will destroy the data on the drive so backup anything you want to put on once its made ext310:25
dmphotographyOut of curiosity, how come I'm unable to set ownership and permissions on my ntfs drive?10:25
ActionParsnipdmphotography: its ntfs which is proprietary, linux file permissions etc cant be set10:25
nagyvcould someone tell me how the bash command export works? I have two scripts, the first should set many environment variables with export, then the second would like to use them. The first gives no error, but the second still doesn't have the variables set. Any ideas?10:26
geniidmphotography: Because it doesn't use the same kind of permissions system that *nix filesystems use10:26
twocarlo_ntfs sucks10:26
twocarlo_on linux10:26
ActionParsnipdmphotography: ntfs3g is a best effort as MS wont divulge how it works10:26
Hewtwocarlo_: Have you used ntfs-3g?10:26
dmphotographySo is there a happy in-between for windows/linux compatibility?10:26
outboardlinux permissions seem to be more secure10:26
nyaantfs's inner workings were figured out long ago10:26
ActionParsniptwocarlo_: ntfs or fat32, ntfs is more robust10:26
nyaayou give microsoft money, and then it works a bit.10:27
ActionParsnipdmphotography: see above10:27
ActionParsniptwocarlo_: wrong target, sorry10:27
geniidmphotography: ext2/3 and fs-driver for ext3 for the Win box10:27
prince_jammysnagyv: does the first script run the second script?10:27
ActionParsnipdmphotography: what genii said10:27
twocarlo_Hew:havent tried it yet10:27
nagyvprince_jammys: no, should it? can't these variables set globally by export?10:27
ActionParsnipdmphotography: but the systems you use must have the driver istalled to read it10:28
surjeethow to give the read write permision10:28
Hewtwocarlo_: Then how could you possibly know it sucks? Not a helpful comment to post in the support channel.10:28
dmphotographyBecause I want to make backups of my files and be able to read them on my windows machine.10:28
prince_jammysnagyv: changing the environment can only affect children of that process10:28
ActionParsnipdmphotography: which freaks out retarded admins who wont help you out because the software is from some site theyve never seen10:28
nagyvprince_jammys: thx, I'll try that way then10:28
prince_jammysnagyv: at that point, it might as well be all one script10:29
nagyvprince_jammys: yes, I realised it as well :)10:29
HewAnyone know a command that can search for a string in a directory of files?10:29
ikoniaHew: grep10:30
prince_jammysnagyv: though you can still export within the script, if the script runs programs that expect certain env variables to be set10:30
nagyvprince_jammys: and is it possible to call the "settings" script from the other scripts (plural now!) to set the environment variable for the main script?10:30
nagyvprince_jammys: exactly, that's what I would like10:30
surjeethow to give the read write permision any folder10:31
nagyvprince_jammys: isn't that what the export command is for?10:31
Hewikonia: Thanks, I didn't even think of using grep directly :P10:31
dmphotographysurjeet: chmod10:31
oCean_nagyv: use "source <filename_with_variable_definitions>" in any script to read the values exported in that script10:31
=== Nickname_ is now known as spass
ikoniaHew: easy to miss the obvious sometimes10:31
dmphotographysurjeet: example would be:  chmod username:usergroup 777 filename10:32
nagyvoCean_: cool, and can't I set global variables? like $HOME is?10:32
prince_jammysnagyv: say i want any program that uses the EDITOR variable to use 'vim'. i can export EDITOR=vim in my .bashrc, and any children of my bash shell will inherit that variable. so when i run crontab, for example (which uses EDITOR), it opens my crontab with vim10:32
dmphotographyI personally use chown more though so that way I don't have to change the permissions.10:32
surjeet such  as i want to create a folder inthis folder /home/user/10:33
OriWBCan someone help me with a shaky interent connection? (network stays connected, but I no longer have internet)10:33
outboardi had a second screen attached  and now have removed it. but now when i boot the prompt boxes for loging in are appearing to the side of the screen , nearly off the screen10:33
dmphotographysurjeet: try this:  chown surjeet:surjeet /home/user10:34
prince_jammysnagyv: so by 'global', you probably mean variables that are set in your .bashrc or .xsessionrc10:34
nagyvprince_jammys: but then what is the "export" command for? Can't I set ".bashrc level" variables later?10:34
ActionParsnipdmphotography: you may want to use chown -R ;)10:34
O__oActionParsnip, so do i add domain or add host?10:34
prince_jammysnagyv: if I didn't export EDITOR, crontab in the above example would not receive the value 'vim'10:34
twocarlo_it sucked because, before i dual boot winxp with ubuntu and as i try to access my files using ubuntu on ntfs partition i couldnt used my files anymore as i try to accessed it on windows:thats the moral lesson of it10:34
dmphotographyActionParsnip: yeah, if you want to have full permissions to all the subfolders in /user10:35
O__oActionParsnip, i just registered no-ip.com, what do i do next?10:35
dmphotographyIs there any sort of security risks by changing ownsership from root?10:35
nagyvprince_jammys: I think I understand it now, more or less :)10:35
surjeet such  as i want to create a folder inthis folder /home/user/10:35
prince_jammysnagyv: export makes it so that child processes of a certain process can inherit the value of a variable10:35
nagyvprince_jammys: thanks10:35
oCean_nagyv: you, as a user, cannot define a variable value for all other users (e.g. 'global') to use. Your own could be specified in .bashrc indeed. Exporting is just a way to let 'children' 'inherit' the values set in the parent shell10:35
BigPerMHey all, just curious what native programs i can use to convert Xvid to DVD ?10:35
prince_jammysnagyv: cool.10:35
jimcooncatwhat wifi router distribution most matches the ubuntu/debian methodology? I'm looking for something like openwrt or tomato with apt-get10:35
oCean_nagyv: prince_jammys... twice the explanation :)10:36
ActionParsnipO__o: i think its a domain10:36
outboardi had a second screen attached  and now have removed it. but now when i boot the prompt boxes for loging in are appearing to the side of the screen , nearly off the screen10:36
ActionParsnipO__o: sorry its host10:36
outboardhow do i access the settings for the login page ?10:37
outboardto move the proimpt boxes back to the center10:37
ActionParsnipO__o: check PM10:37
quibblerBigPerM: have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311936&highlight=tovid10:37
BigPerMThanx quibbler10:38
alexis_hi everybody10:38
sophiaActionParsnip: it shows (E: The cache directory is empty.)10:38
dmphotographyIs there any sort of security risks by changing ownsership from root?10:39
raviouswould anyone happen to have an 8.10 customized xorg.conf file that uses dual video cards, not a twinview setup?10:40
prince_jammysdmphotography: of what files?10:40
prince_jammysdmphotography: almost all files outside of your home directory are owned by root10:41
Boohbah_dmphotography: not any security risks, but changing the permissions of system files may cause them to be unusable10:41
prince_jammyswell, and other user's homedirs of course10:41
sophiaActionParsnip: apt-file search gtk.h gives   cache directory is empty10:41
BigPerMquibbler, Something newer has to have come out in the last 2 years?10:44
sifohelo.can u help how to use compiz in kde 410:45
prince_jammyssifo: you might have better luck in #kubuntu, or even #compiz-fusion10:46
dmphotographyHey, to be sure I don't screw up my current NTFS partition, I've got a question . . .10:46
quibblerBigPerM: that possible just search in the forums10:46
dmphotographyMy drive shows sdb1 = ntfs = boot10:47
dmphotographysdb2 = extended10:47
sifoare compiz fushion working in kde 4?10:47
sifoare compiz fushion working in kde 4?10:47
dmphotographyand sdb5 = ntfs10:47
dmphotographysdb5 shows as a sub-partition to sdb2 ?10:48
follyI had a 800x600 resolution.. then installed the nvidia driver and now i can't get anything more than 640x480! has anyone else had this prob?10:48
prince_jammysdmphotography: you have two ntfs partitions, correct?10:48
c_nickfolly are you a blonde :-)10:48
dmphotographyAnd sdb1 is the one I want to format.10:48
dalehok, since last night my ubuntu stopped booting, seemingly randomly10:48
follyha no10:48
prince_jammysdmphotography: that's fine. the second one is inside an extended partition10:48
c_nicktake a closer look10:49
dmphotographyOk.  It won't screw up the MBR?10:49
c_nickcause u sound like one10:49
dmphotographyI've done that before.10:49
dalehI put in a live cd, and it cant seem to mount my hard drive10:49
Tyrathcups is not handling printing correctly for y DeskJet 930C. On Mac OS its bad on Ubuntu its terrible. Help!10:49
prince_jammysdmphotography: i don't think so. sdb5 is a shared partition, right?10:49
follyc_nick: thanx.. you have been very helpful10:49
Tyrathbasically anytime I print something is left off10:49
prince_jammysdmphotography: meaning a partition you have for sharing data between ubuntu and windows10:49
dalehmouse:wrong fs type, bad option, bar superblock on /dev/sda1/10:49
sophiaActionParsnip: i am getting an error... (gtk/gtk.h :No such file), i installed all related packages10:50
sophiaAnyone can help? i am getting an error... (gtk/gtk.h :No such file), i installed all related packages10:50
c_nickfolly: did u try uninstalling and reinstalling the driver10:50
dmphotographyprince_jammys: well, it was a partition that was on my windows system prior to switching it over to Linux.10:50
prince_jammysdmphotography: are you on the live cd?10:50
c_nickfolly:  sometimes it runs on the second try.. i know it sounds weird but wht the heck if it gets it working !10:51
dmphotographyprince_jammys:No, this is an extra drive besides the primary drive.10:51
c_nickmaybe some unreported bug in ubuntu10:51
prince_jammysdmphotography: what mount command gave that error?10:51
dmphotographyprince_jammys: A physical second drive.10:51
dmphotographyprince_jammys: Error?10:51
dmphotographyprince_jammys: I had no error.10:51
sophiaany idea?10:52
prince_jammysdmphotography: oh, sorry, i mixed you up with daleh10:52
prince_jammysdmphotography: heh. since he was talking about something similar.10:52
follyya, I tried reinstalling10:52
dalehI got that error from right click / mount drive10:52
dmphotographyprince_jammys: LOL.10:52
sophiamacho: help meeeeeeeee10:52
prince_jammysdmphotography: anyway, what you described sounds ok10:52
follyand then I tried the various nvidia-glx-whatevas10:53
follyand nothing worked10:53
dmphotographyprince_jammys: Ok, I need to make a backup anyways.  I'm slacking on that.10:53
prince_jammysdmphotography: never a bad idea10:53
dmphotographyprince_jammys: Yeah.  What's the best way to back up selected folders/files for a web server?10:53
dmphotographyprince_jammys: I have some folders containing serveral GB of movie files I don't need to make regular backups of.10:54
dmphotographyprince_jammys: and something automated would be ideal.10:54
sophiaanyone can help me pls???10:54
dmphotographysophia: What do you need help with?10:55
sophiai am getting an error... (gtk/gtk.h :No such file), i installed all related packages10:55
enrico_hei. for a demonstration, i am trying to make an interpid installation to automatically login with the guest user. Having the guest user available at login instead (but without password) would be also ok. anybody has experience with that?10:55
dmphotographysophia: Where are you getting this error at?10:55
Roqdmphotography: regular backups with dump?10:55
error404notfoundI have installed eclipse and everytime I start it, I have to give all the compiler, intrepeters and workspace path again...10:55
Boohbah_sophia: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev10:56
dmphotographyRoq:  That would be nice, but I can backup the mySQL data directory and it's just as good.10:56
sophiaBoohbah_:even that is installed already...:-(10:57
Roqdmphotography: chattr -d on the directory, gives the no dump flag10:57
Roqand lsattr to check the current settings10:57
raviousHey guys, im having some problems getting my xorg.conf file setup right.. I've got dual video cards with a monitor on each one, would anyone happen to have a working config file i could look at thats setup similar?10:58
dmphotographyRoq: And what are those for?10:59
Roqattributes of your file or directory, check 'man chattr' for the different options10:59
twocarlo_is there a way both windows and linux can both share files safely without destroying files when it was accesed by linux, i tried using using ext2 to share files on windows on ubuntu10:59
dmphotographyI looked at that, but I'm not sure why I need that?10:59
daleharveyok, [ 1321.633032] EXT3-fs error (device sda1): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 1 not in group (block 560824320)!11:01
daleharvey[ 1321.635583] EXT3-fs: group descriptors corrupted!11:01
OriWB>Can someone help me with a shaky interent connection? (network stays connected, but I no longer have internet)11:01
daleharveyseems to be my problem11:02
enrico_i try to enable automatic login to guest users, into "login window prefernces", gut i get an error ( the "guest" user UID is loware then allowed MinimalUID )11:02
enrico_any workaround?11:02
daleharveyI dont really care about getting it up and running again, I woul just like to be able to backup some of the stuff from /home11:02
sophiadmphotography: After adding this line in Makefile( gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` ff_wrap.c -o ff_wrap.o) i m getting some error like :   (/usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h:32:21: error: gdk/gdk.h: No such file or directory)11:02
dmphotographysophia: I'm not sure about that, you will need to ask someone else on that one.11:05
dmphotographysophia: I'm fairly new to Linux myself.11:05
sophiadmphotography: No probs11:05
sophiadmphotography: Anyways thanx for replying11:06
etfbMy Google-fu must be lacking, but I can't see how to install the right sound drivers for my Toshiba A300 under Hardy.  Any hints?11:06
OriWBCan someone help me with a shaky interent connection? (network stays connected, but I no longer have internet)11:07
sophiacheck your ip11:07
Boohbah_OriWB: can you ping the IP addresses of your nameservers or your default gateway?11:08
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:09
OriWBBoohbah_: i think so... how do i check?11:09
xardiashi! I need to access the /dev/input/event* events, but none of them is generating any data (nothing is displayed while cat'ing them). Instead all the devices are recognized as a mouse (and can be used as a mouse)11:09
Boohbah_OriWB: with the 'ping' command...11:09
xardiascan anyone tell me how I can get the data to these devices?11:09
OriWBBoohbah_: i go tthis [-LRUbdfnqrvVaA] [-c count] [-i interval] [-w deadline]11:10
OriWB            [-p pattern] [-s packetsize] [-t ttl] [-I interface or address]11:10
OriWB            [-M mtu discovery hint] [-S sndbuf]11:10
OriWB            [ -T timestamp option ] [ -Q tos ] [hop1 ...] destination11:10
Myrtti!paste | OriWB11:11
ubottuOriWB: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:11
chamuscasgood morning to everyone11:12
OriWBBoobah_: So i dont know what came up means11:12
philux-dijonil y a quelqu'un ?11:13
OriWBBoobah_: someone else was helping me, but i had to leave in the middle. would it help if i showedyou where we stopped?11:13
philux-dijonbad  channel11:13
chamuscasfor changing i want to ask you a simple question. I trying to move a file to a folder using the console. I already checked man mv option but i wasn't able to understand. Can anyone explain me please how does mv option work?11:14
wirefirehi can anyone refer me to a guide on how to automount vfat/ntfs-3g usb pens when you insert them.  Basically I want it to automount but not necessarily just at bootup time11:14
ikoniawirefire: hal should automount them when you insert11:15
DStrevinasHello, is it true that symbolic link can be viewed with ls -F and end with @?11:16
wirefireikonia, hmmm it isn't it recognises it but doesnt automount it.  However i can manually mount it11:17
chamuscasDStrevinas, why don't you try for your self :) you'll be suprised i hope11:17
ikoniawirefire: odd11:17
OriWBCan someone help me turn my wireless internet connection to manual?11:18
DStrevinasI tried but I want to be sure I don't delete anything permanently!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:18
chamuscasyup so don't try11:19
DStrevinasok :)11:19
chamuscasor you will delete permanently11:19
chamuscasDStrevinas, but yes you can see the @ :p11:19
chamuscasbut all the other files are deleted11:19
DStrevinasso I can use unlink to safely delete the link?11:20
DStrevinaswithout deleteing the original?11:20
chamuscasDStrevinas, that i'm not sure =/11:20
OriWBCan someone help me turn my wireless internet connection to manual?11:20
Vaalthhey, i just installed ubuntu and it didnt detect my windows installation so its not in grub. could someone help me figure out what to put in my grub config?11:20
DStrevinaschamuscas: thanx!11:21
chamuscasDStrevinas, if you ahve ubuntu most of the folder don't desappear11:21
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:22
chamuscasDStrevinas, write "man ls" in the console and see what does the option -F do :)11:22
zooman ls11:22
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:22
daleharveyI really really need to rescue some data from this drive, can anyone help?11:22
lesshasteanyone here know how to use kexec?11:23
lesshastedoes this look right?11:24
lesshastesudo kexec -p /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic --initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic --append="root=UUID=7d9f52a6-3632-41cc-aa41-67534f3cdd23 ro"11:24
zooanyone here help creat a free shell account11:24
lesshastejoin #kernel11:25
zoo<< /nickname> >>11:27
zoo /nickname>11:27
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:28
OriWBHi everybody! I noticed that when i downloaded, my internet connection would often disconnect, can someone help me keep a stable connection while downloading?11:28
vegombreiwhat was that file that i need to delete from the mozilla folder when firefox begins to behave wierd and always opens in fullscreen ?11:30
vegombreiwhat was that file that i need to delete from the mozilla folder when firefox begins to behave wierd and always opens in fullscreen ?11:33
choohaTek503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request.11:34
slavikE90App is dead11:34
graihi; will the LiveCD let me install packages (that disappear when I turn off the computer)?11:34
ikoniagrai: sure11:34
slavikE90Grai ... Yes11:34
adantehow do you11:35
graiok, thanks :)11:35
adantecopy text from a gnome terminal11:35
adanteinto an emacs window?11:35
=== jaran is now known as karbo
slavikE90Adante middle mouse button11:35
adanteslavikE90: when i do that emacs says "Mark set" at the bottom and does nothing11:36
slavikE90Hmm ... No clue then11:36
* slavikE90 uses vim11:36
daleharveyM-x enable-cua :P11:36
torgrimhmm, is it just me or did the flashplugin break with the latest firefox update?11:36
torgrimyoutube stopped working ;)11:36
vegombreiwhat was that file that i need to delete from the mozilla folder when firefox begins to behave wierd and always opens in fullscreen ?11:37
daleharveynow can anyone help me rescue some data from [ 2995.802780] EXT3-fs error (device sda1): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 1 not in group (block 560824320)!11:37
daleharvey[ 2995.805296] EXT3-fs: group descriptors corrupted!11:37
CK-TECHhow to convert wmv file to 3gp using ffmpeg ?11:37
slavikE90Ck, manpage/11:37
slavikE90Ffmpeg will tell you what it can output if you ask it11:38
CK-TECHslavikE90, wat u mean manpage?11:38
slavikE90Man ffmpeg11:39
CK-TECHok thx, i will try11:39
OriWBcan someone help me keep a stable connection while downloading?11:40
syockitCK-TECH: sometimes the manpage can be difficult to grasp. there are many tutorials out there on the web, following them while reading the manpage is suggested11:40
OriWB...to the internet that is11:41
slavikE90Ori, ask your isp11:41
slavikE90Or man wget and look at -c11:41
OriWBslavikE90: sorry, i didnt understand11:42
OriWBslavikE90: how do i ask my isp? and what will that do?11:43
Dillizaryo i just need to put all the stuff from the live cd in the a memory stick and the usb will be a  live cd?11:45
syockitOriWB: wget -c allows for download resuming if a download was interrupted11:46
syockitOriWB: and really, stable connection or not depends on your internet provider11:46
adantehi folks, is there an easy way to load an env to a file and then load it up in another shell?11:47
OriWBsyockit: but when im downloading,my internet connection is lost, and i stopped downloading, and i'm still connected. I dont know what else to make of it11:47
jribadante: env > file   ...  source file?11:47
OriWBsyockit: its not the download stops, its that my internet connection is lost, even though the bars on the top right corner say its not11:48
_stijn_i hear crack when I play audio :s11:48
syockitOriWB: if you say internet connection is lost, how is it still connected? at that point, are you able to browse pages?11:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usb-boot11:48
adantejrib: if your env vars have values like \ | ( etc these are not interpreted literally11:48
OriWBsyockit: no11:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:48
OriWBsyockit: im still connected to the network, but i cant use the internet11:49
syockitOriWB: is this wireless?11:49
OriWBsyockit: yes11:49
Dillizarthanks ubottu :)11:49
OriWBsyockit: Im on a laptop11:49
syockitOriWB: it happens to be that your router lost connection to the internet. You are still connected to the router, but not the internet11:49
jribadante: try #bash or just surround everything in ''11:49
syockitOriWB: you need to do something about your router11:50
OriWBsyockit: i thought about that, but all the other computers around dont lose internet11:50
OriWBsyockit: just me11:50
syockitOriWB: hmm. I think the router's cutting you off from the internet for some reason11:51
syockitOriWB: dunno if it has anything to do with ubuntu11:51
Shortguy109anyone know why my sound ain't workin?11:51
OriWBsyockit: but it happens on both this router, and the one at home11:51
syockitOriWB: I did have that problem on vista though11:51
Shortguy109The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.11:52
Shortguy109You can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu.11:52
OriWBsyockit: does it sound the same?11:52
=== gnu is now known as Guest72026
_stijn_can someone help me with my sound :s11:52
_stijn_I hear cracks11:52
Shortguy109my sound just won't  work at all11:52
syockitOriWB: basically, I was still connected to the router, but I get no internet connection11:52
adantejrib: thanks!11:52
OriWBsyockit: ok... so that sounds like my problem11:52
syockitOriWB: the difference is, other lads also got no internet after that11:52
OriWBsyockit: hmm11:53
syockitOriWB: and it only happens when I have too many connections at one time (hint: bittorrent)11:53
OriWBsyockit: aha! then that must be it!11:53
Shortguy109can anyone here help me with ma sound problem???11:53
OriWBsyockit: that makes perfect sense... ok, so how do i stay on, and knock the other guys off?11:53
syockitOriWB: you on bittorrent? I think you're router has a built-in setting that disconnects you when you have too many connection11:53
OriWBsyockit: lol do you know where to change that?11:54
nyaashortguy109: in volume control do you have any options that are muted?11:54
Shortguy109it won't even let me in it11:54
syockitOriWB: hey, play fair! well, I'm not sure if that's possible. You can try the router settings11:54
Shortguy109No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.11:54
Shortguy109it says that when i try11:54
syockitOriWB: check your router manual about how to config it11:54
OriWBsyockit: ok, thanx alot11:54
AwaDoVhi there .. my partions doesn't open.. it say it can't be mounted .. how i can mount it ????11:55
Shortguy109anyone know why i have no volume??11:55
kibaris there anyway i can boast the sound up, macbook pro ubuntu 8.10.11:56
linkinx64freaking windows update11:56
AwaDoVcan any one help in this ?11:56
linkinx64it reboot my pc11:56
kibareven vat full volumn is still so quite11:56
linkinx64ups wrong channel lol11:56
Shortguy109anyone know why i have no volume??11:57
Shortguy109every time i go into volume control it says11:58
Shortguy109No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.11:58
syockitShortguy109: do you even have a working audio device?11:58
Shortguy109aye it worked on the last linux thing lol ya know when ya press esc when you boot up and choose which number or whatever11:58
AwaDoVhey guys ... how i can mount my hard disk partitions??11:58
vegombreiwhat was that file that i need to delete from the mozilla folder when firefox begins to behave wierd and always opens in fullscreen ?11:59
RAMDACHello Guys,12:00
vegombreii need help with firefox .. it always opens in fullscreen mode .. how do i stop it from doin that12:00
syockit hey guys ... how i can mount my hard disk partitions??12:00
syockitaww sheet happens again12:01
Shortguy109anyone know why i have no volume??12:01
Daemonichuh huh...you said mount12:01
cjaeok if anyone is has been following my troubles with google earth one here the last few days, I ve managed to get it back installed, but I need help with creating a symbolic link for /usr/lib/libcrypto.so libcrypto.so.0.9.812:01
oCean_Shortguy109: did you (just) fresh install? Are alsa packages installed and gstreamer-alsa etc?12:01
syockitDaemonic: the cursor automatically copypastes anything it drags12:01
=== McG is now known as McGuy
Shortguy109i'll check12:01
Daemonicsyockit: no way12:01
vegombreii need help with firefox .. it always opens in fullscreen mode .. how do i stop it from doin that12:02
Daemonicvegombrei: delete it.12:02
syockitcjae: did the guide tell you how to link?12:02
RAMDACWhen i use the Network Manager there is no internet connection so i compelled to edit /etc/network/interfaces to have my connection back12:02
vvk-how can I delete a keyboard shortcut in gnome terminal?12:02
cjae ln -s /usr/lib/libcrypto.so libcrypto.so.0.9.8 but I did this in the last install, so I believe I need to link it somewhere else see this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/googleearth-package/+bug/32701112:02
vegombreiDaemonic: sudo apt-get remove firefox ?12:03
syockitcjae: that command doesn't seem correct. usually it's the other way around12:03
venkat_parthaHow do I remove entries from Grub boot loader. I have about 6+ entries?12:03
Daemonicvegombrei: when it opens, resize it.12:03
cjaebecause GE is crashing exactly as it did the first time I installed it, and that command made it work12:03
syockitcjae: okay, I finally understood the problem12:04
Shortguy109oCean: i downloaded them alsa things now12:04
vegombreiDaemonic: i actually had this problem a while ago someone here helped me with it asked me to delete a certain file in the mozilla folder .. thing is i forgot what file12:04
RAMDACvegombrei:What about the stored passwords and cache files?12:04
syockitcjae: PM?12:04
oCean_Shortguy109: downloaded?12:04
Shortguy109i assumed u meant from synaptic? Lol soz im crap at this :P ma bro normally does all this12:04
vegombreiDaemonic: what happens it it automatically resets all setting to default12:04
vegombreiDaemonic: would you know what file that would be ?12:05
venkat_parthaHello, could any one help me in deleting entries in GRUB boot loader.12:05
Daemonicnope. I run windows 3.1. I've never used linux before in my entire life.12:05
oCean_Shortguy109: well, yes, installing through synaptic is ok, but that should all be installed by default. So what version are you on, what install did you do?12:05
Shortguy109meh the volume still won't work12:06
venkat_parthaI have more than 6 entries and I want only to keep the latest 2 updates12:06
Shortguy109i'll check12:06
RAMDACvenkat_partha: just open synaptic manager and remove the older kernels except the one you are operating12:06
oCean_sound! | Shortguy10912:06
oCean_!sound | Shortguy10912:06
ubottuShortguy109: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:06
venkat_parthaThanks RAMDAC.12:07
Daemonic!get a clue12:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about get a clue12:07
venkat_parthaLet me try.12:07
=== mohammed is now known as Guest46958
lesshastehow do change ubuntu so that it logs me in automatically at boot?12:07
RAMDACvenkat_partha:You're welcome12:07
Shortguy109I use Ubuntu 8.04 i think O_o idk lol i got it from about ubuntu12:07
mrjohnsenhi. what is the name of the irsii style msn client again?12:07
Guest46958hi all here12:08
Guest46958here is my 1st learning site12:08
kibarhey guys how can i find the right driver for my sound card. the ubuntu driver makes it sound so quite12:08
oCean_Shortguy109: in short, there is no 'one quick fix' for sound. See troubleshooting link I send and see forums for your specific configuration.12:08
Guest46958wanna alot of you to participate12:08
venkat_parthaI have an update in progress. That is what prompted me to think about remove older kernel versions. However, I would like to know where these entries are stored for Grub to pick them up.12:08
RAMDAClesshaste:System -> Adminstration -> Login Window ->security12:09
mib_0qa10atxtoo slow :p12:09
Guest46958u mean da site12:09
lesshasteRAMDAC, ah.. I am using xfce12:09
lesshasteRAMDAC, I'll try to find an equivalent12:10
jribGuest46958: Hi, please don't advertise your site here12:10
Guest46958soo sorry12:10
mrjohnsenhi. what is the name of the irsii style msn client again?12:10
RAMDAClesshaste: ok sry cuz i never used the xfce GUI12:10
Guest46958is this forbedden12:10
vvk-does anyone know how can I delete/disable a keyboard shortcut in gnome terminal settings?12:10
Shortguy109thanks Ocean brb i gotta reboot now12:10
jribvvk-: edit -> keyboard shortcuts12:11
jribGuest46958: yes12:11
=== ismail is now known as Guest14836
Guest46958any one know how can i add a module foe tvtime to tune the channels of my country ???12:11
vvk-jrib, but what key do I have to press to Disable a shortcut?12:11
jribvvk-: backspace iirc12:11
mib_0qa10atxvvk-: system -> prefs -> keyboard          for more fundamental stuff, you can mess in metacity's settings12:12
Guest46958i'm using ubuntu12:12
vvk-jrib, thanks. backspace it was.12:12
Guest46958my tvtuner is live veiw12:12
RAMDACvenkat_partha: type uname -r in the terminal and then remove all  kernel versions except the output12:12
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser12:12
jumbersI'm having a problem with running a Left 4 Dead dedicated game server. This problem is detailed in this forum thread: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=307684312:13
mrjohnsenhi. what is the name of the irsii style msn client again?12:13
syockitit is recommended to get one from deb.opera.com for latest opera packages12:13
RAMDACmrjohnsen: is it kopete?12:14
Shortguy109back lol12:14
Shortguy109thanks for the links btw oCean12:14
Shortguy109tryin 'em atm12:14
Guest46958helloo any one can help about using tvtime for egyptian tv ???????????????????12:14
mick02Folks, I've added some aliases into my .bash_aliases file but anytime I try to use them they don't work. Can anyone shed some light please?12:15
Pasteurizedhi all12:16
zardozhey iam pretty new to this. but i installed ubuntu latest desktop and then after i installed my gfx, and now i want to get the 3d desktop to work. but i cant seem to do it. i have compiz and i have enabled 3d desktop but still aint working.12:16
scunizizardoz: you mean you want the cube?12:16
Pasteurizedzardoz: do you have enable 4 vitual desktops ?12:16
scunizi!ccsm | zardoz12:17
ubottuzardoz: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion12:17
zardozthat package is installed aswell12:18
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Shortguy109how do ya know the name of your sound cards driver12:18
Guest4436Hi.  Would anyone be able to recommend a good DSL Router?  Mine conked off, and I'm looking for a replacement that plays well with Ubuntu.12:18
Guest4436Priced around $20-$40.12:18
darthanubisany router12:18
gieminiHi. Anyone has 8.10 with ATI graphics? Should I keep the drivers that Ubuntu installed or install new from ATi website?12:19
Shortguy109how do ya know the name of your sound cards driver12:19
mick02!bash aliases12:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bash aliases12:19
PasteurizedShortguy109: lspci command in a term should help12:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aliases12:19
ce_bengaldd_ce_CHN QYUT12:19
zardozgiemini, i have ati drivers and installed those from atis website. works fine12:19
darthanubisShortguy109, you google the card?12:19
jribzardoz: you need to enable the cube using ccsm12:19
zardozjrib, Yes i have done that aswell.12:20
Shortguy109hold on tryin that lspci thing12:20
Guest4436I specifically want a DSL Router (that is, a modem-router combination, not just a router)12:20
Shortguy109that came up a gianttt load of spam lol12:20
jribzardoz: did you select "custom" for visual effects in the Appearances program?12:20
yossariani'm using x64 intrepid and i have the latest adobe flash alpha installed. my problem is that it runs really slow. in fullscreen, it's unusable.12:20
Shortguy109well stuff anyway12:20
scunizizardoz: then when you go to System>Preferences>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings, in the desktop section put a tic on Desktop Cube and Rotate Cube, then under the general tab go to Desktop size and put in 4 1 1 for the desktops12:20
zardozi dont have that path12:21
Guest4436Any recommendations at all?12:21
raviouscould someone help me out with the new changed in the xorg.conf file? It used to be xorg read its settings from the xorg.conf file.. not its just an empty file.. and every time i try to mc anually edit the file.. its pulling settings from some other place other than what i put in the xorg.conf and wont work.. Is there any way to turn that (pardon the expression) shit off and have it go back to reading config information from the static xorg12:21
scunizizardoz: then you didn't install ccsm..12:21
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion12:22
jrib!who | zardoz12:22
ubottuzardoz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:22
alaphi, i am trying to install driver using modprobe but unable to do so getting error as FATAL: Error inserting serial_lcd (/lib/modules/2.6.24-23-386/extra/serial_lcd.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) so can anyone help me to get out of here.12:22
jribzardoz: who were you replying to?12:22
scunizijrib.. he was repling to me12:23
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jribscunizi: how can you be sure?  I asked him a question too...12:23
RAMDACfor those who where asking for firefox full screen problem12:23
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zardozscunizi, ihave ccsm ! but i get this compiz config setting manager not a advance desktop effects settings.12:24
Shortguy109well i found out what my sound card was Intel 82801H12:24
Shortguy109but what's the sound card driver? :S lol12:24
scunizizardoz: compiz config setting manager should set a menu item named Advanced desktop effects settings.. are you saying that the menu item on your machine is compiz config settings manager in System>Preferences??12:25
zardozscunizi, Yes12:25
scunizizardoz: ok.. different but go there and do as I mentioned12:26
raviousanyone with any information on the new xorg and its xorg.conf file?12:26
jrib!x | ravious12:26
ubotturavious: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:26
jribravious: erm, you probably want to start at: wiki.ubuntu.com/X12:27
scunizijrib: you up late tonight or up early? :) 4am here12:27
jribscunizi: 7:30am here :)12:27
scunizieast coaster12:28
Shortguy109how do i know what my sound card driver is12:28
DIFH-ice1oot1337 here (in 10 minutes) :)12:28
scuniziShortguy109: if it works don't worry. if it doesn't then "there are ways of making it talk"12:29
Boohbah_Shortguy109: find out what your chipset is with 'lspci -v' and then google12:29
ravious*sighs* all that is information on how to configure resolutions... I need to add additional devices, additional displays... and im not finding any information as to why an xorg.conf file still exists when it it pulls its own settings from some unknown (to me) location..12:29
jribravious: did you read the parent site I linked you to?12:29
mibanyoneknows what program i should use for messegner in ubuntu12:30
mibPidgin seems not supporting file send and call chat features12:30
kjellmib: MSN Messenger?12:30
mibplease advise12:30
Myrttimib: call chat?12:30
AscavasaionCan anyone here tell me how to connect to my mobile phone to notebook using Infrared so I cna use it as a modem?12:30
Shortguy109a whole load of stuff came up when i put in lspci -v lol12:30
scuniziravious: randr and xrandr are the setup and controlling packages for video display12:30
giannimib: what about skype amsn12:31
scunizimib: aMSN12:31
kjellmib: In generall file-sharing through the MSN-protocol on Linux is bad.12:31
raviousis there anyway to say ta hell with randr and have have xorg go back to reading a static xorg.conf?12:31
scuniziravious: sort of .. what kind of card to you have?12:31
mibusually what is the best messenger to use apart from pidgin12:31
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JuJuBeeWould kjournald running make my computer very slow?  HD light is pinned on.12:31
ravioustwo.. onboard via, pci nvidia..12:32
jribravious: adding additional displays has not changed by the way.  That's still done in xorg.conf.  The input devices have been handed off to HAL and you configure that with fdi files (if you want to turn this off, grep man xorg.conf for HAL)12:32
jeeeezhi, am shifting to ubuntu from windows, what partition format do you suggest i should use for having my music [mostly mp3] ?12:32
scuniziravious: in sli mode?12:32
raviousi dont think so.. its an older g4 card12:32
Shortguy109ah im still confused on gettin the name of ma sound card driver12:33
scuniziravious: if you've enabled one of the restriced nvidia drivers try installing nvidia-settings and that should help set resolution and enable dual monitor etc..12:33
ezerhodenShortguy109: does the sound work using the liveCD?12:33
Shortguy109i think so12:33
SoyoI can use samba to create a working network and see all the computers in smbtree. They can see and access my shared files. But what command do I use to connect to other computers from the command line?12:34
scuniziravious: after enabling the nvidia drivers it's a good idea to restart X12:34
raviouseverything works out of the box on the nvidia card.. tho.. i've never been able to have it configure duel video cards by default... i've always had to manually edit my conf to get it working on both cards12:34
ezerhodenother than using google, you could boot the liveCD and lspci -v will spit out all the hardware and what driver it is using12:34
raviousbut now when i edit the conf file with the settings that i've always used, i get errors and it starts in failsafe mode12:35
scuniziravious: works out of the box.. doesn't mean that you're using the restricted drivers.. check System>Admin>Hardware drivers and see what's there to enable12:35
jribravious: pastebin12:35
Shortguy109thanks very much! i'll try it now c ya12:35
error404notfoundwhen will eclipse 3.4 in ubuntu repositories?12:35
raviousyes.. i've got the nvidia drivers.. those all work before i try to add the second card into the mix..12:35
raviousits just nothing works after the edit ;)12:35
drik-cjoin #TSIGA12:35
SoyoI can use samba to create a working network and see all the computers in smbtree. They can see and access my shared files. But what command do I use to connect to other computers from the command line?12:36
scuniziravious: pastebin your xorg for jrib.. I can't remember how that file should be setup12:36
AscavasaionCan anyone here tell me how to connect to my mobile phone to notebook using Infrared?12:36
ActionParsnipSoyo: smbmount12:36
jribravious: /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log from a failed start12:36
scuniziravious: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:37
ActionParsnipSoyo: mount the remote shares like a disk and you can frely browse them, you can even add fstab entrys to make them mount at boot12:37
AscavasaionHOw do I activate the Infrared12:37
SoyoActionParsnip - thanks12:37
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: does lspci show it?12:38
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: it may come up as an IrDA device12:40
AscavasaionActionParsnip: No.12:40
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: or may say infared12:40
raviousXorg.conf Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d50de056312:40
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: try lsusb12:40
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: it may be attatched to the usb bus12:40
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Nothing their either... Only thing remotely possible is the Wireless ethernet. :(12:42
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: is it enabled in the bios?12:42
jason_Hi there12:42
=== mar_ is now known as Fatsas
AscavasaionActionParsnip: No idea...  I presumed it was... shall I reboot and check?12:42
g0thI bought a LaserJet 2055dn printer, what driver/ppd file do I have to take for this model?12:43
jason_Can someone please help me create a bootable install disk?12:43
jrib!printing | g0th12:43
ubottug0th: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:43
jason_I downloaded the iso file12:43
jribg0th: check there first12:43
g0thI did12:43
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: i would as a starting point12:43
g0thI didn't find the model there12:43
jribjason_: what OS are you on?12:43
ActionParsnipjason_: get it checked12:43
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Okay, let me do that then... be back in a bit.12:43
jason_i uncompressed the iso file then lost it12:44
jason_so now i need to know what files i need to put on the cd to boot from it12:44
ActionParsnipjason_: you dont uncompress the iso12:44
ActionParsnipyou keep the iso as is and burn the iso file12:44
jribjason_: you don't uncompress the iso.  You just use your favorite burning program to burn the image to a disk (ie you do not copy the iso file as a file on the disk)12:44
ActionParsnipjason_: you should also get the file checked using MD5SUMS so you know what you have downloaded is correct12:45
g0tha different question: how do I open mac .dmg files on ubuntu?12:45
Guest46958hay all any one can help on tvtime application ??????????????????????????????????12:45
jason_ya i figured that now12:45
jason_but dont have the iso anymore12:45
jason_just the uncompressed files12:45
ActionParsnipg0th: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34380812:46
ActionParsnipg0th: once you have made the iso file disregard the rest (its just showing off)12:46
jason_so.. can anyone tell me what files i need on the cd to make it bootable?12:47
ActionParsnipg0th: http://www.arsgeek.com/2007/01/23/ubuntu-quicktip-converting-max-dmg-images-into-iso-images/12:47
g0thActionParsnip: thanks a lot that should do it12:47
g0thmy hopes is to find a .ppd file on the macosx driver12:48
* scunizi gives a tip to terminal junkies.. check repo's for surfraw :)12:48
JuJuBeeMy HD light is going nuts.  Nothing more than .7% CPU in top.  df -h shows /var using 100%.  du-sh /* shows /var using 856M out of 2G.  What is up with that?12:48
ccherretthow do you check what version of ubuntu you have installed?12:48
hyperbuddhadoes anyone know of a good vpn tutorial12:48
ActionParsnipg0th: i'm searching too12:48
fosco_ccherrett: lsb_release -a12:49
scuniziJuJuBee: could be "trackerd" indexing12:49
zardozhmm how can i make the top and bottom transparent insted of image.. (ccsm)12:49
ccherrettfosco_: thank you12:49
JuJuBeescunizi: trackerd not running.12:49
JuJuBeeBut what's up with the 100% full if only using 856M or 2G ?12:50
JuJuBee/var that is.12:50
ActionParsnipg0th: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html12:50
scuniziJuJuBee: what are you using to look at processes?  system monitor?12:50
JuJuBeeand ps aux12:51
ActionParsnipg0th: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/laserjet/hp_laserjet_p2055dn.html12:51
ActionParsnipg0th: seems supported12:51
scuniziJuJuBee: sorry I don't have an answer12:51
JuJuBeeMy laptop was on all night, why would it still be e indexing...12:52
mikeshollenhow do i install a custom usplash screen again?12:53
zaggynlJuJuBee: lsof or glsof12:53
zaggynlwill show currently open files12:53
scuniziJuJuBee: there was a bug in tracker that did that. on my laptop I had to disable it.12:53
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Okay, it was disabled in the BIOS.  I enabled it, but lspci and lsusb still show nothing that looks like it is an Infrared.12:53
scuniziJuJuBee: for some reason one of the updates in the last month fixed it.12:54
ndlovuI have .sis files randomly appearing on my desktop. any idea where they might be coming from?12:54
scuniziat least for me12:54
Reemani am sorry for bad engilsh... i installed lxde and have one problem - clock in bottom panel is white on light background12:55
ndlovuis there a bluetooth log file somewhere?12:55
innocivhow do i restart iptables without rebooting? I just saved rules and they aren't taking effect.  I wish i could just service iptables start/stop/restart12:55
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: can you pastebin both outputs please, use a single link too ;)12:55
Reemanhow can i change color of clock?12:55
=== oem is now known as kqpqck
ndlovuinnociv, sudo /etc/init.d/iptables restart  ?12:56
scuniziinnociv: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart or networking restart I think12:56
JuJuBeeThis is toooooo painful.  I need to restart or something...12:56
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scuniziJuJuBee: turn indexing off then resart12:57
innocivno such file or directory for that, I could set up an init.d but it seems so inconvient tome..12:57
JuJuBeescunizi: where do I turn it off?12:57
Reemanis there someone who can help me?12:57
innocivwell networking restart did SOMETHING.  Looks like way more than restarting iptables12:57
ActionParsnipinnociv: all ubuntu based systems have /etc/init.d12:57
mikeshollencan anyone tell me how to get the interface for installing usplash?12:58
bryantHas anyone else seen that the time will read 1234567890 on Friday the 13th for UNIX systems? (I know UNIX is not LINUX, but it will still do it on *NIX like distros)12:58
scuniziSystem>preferences>Search and Indexing.. turning it off there won't turn it off until reboot if you have the bug12:58
innocivaction, yeah.. i use it for other things. didn't have one for iptables after apt-get'ing it.12:58
ActionParsnip!usplash | mikeshollen12:58
ubottumikeshollen: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork12:58
ccherrettfosco_: how can I check what version a package is from the cli?12:58
giemini_zardos: these from ati website work better?12:59
WizzupQuick question. I'm going to format some drivers, including one containing my GRUB. This will screw my MBR. If I install Ubuntu again straight after, will it detect my windows, still? (Windows won't be formatted)12:59
fosco_ccherrett: aptitude show package12:59
scuniziWizzup: yes12:59
WizzupAlright. Thanks.12:59
bryantHas anyone else seen that the time will read 1234567890 on Friday the 13th for UNIX systems? (I know UNIX is not LINUX, but it will still do it on *NIX like distros)12:59
giemini_zardos: i have ati x1600 and in 8.04 it was much faster than in 8.1012:59
bryantWizzup, just download the super GRUB cd (google it). It will fix your MBRs13:00
scunizibryant: yes.. something like date -r @123456789013:00
mikeshollenisn't there a gui though for usplash13:00
mikeshollenthat's how i did it the first time13:00
mikesholleni didn't use terminal13:00
ActionParsnipinnociv: iptables -F  to stop and /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall  to start13:00
ActionParsnipinnociv: yu will need sudo13:01
Myrthhi, how do i've installed ubuntu on sdb, how do i add it to boot.ini on sda?13:01
innocivis there a way to make it where i can just do service iptables restart? :\13:01
bryantscunizi, its perl -e 'print scalar localtime(1234567890),"\n";'13:01
ccherrettfosco_: I am trying to find what version of libc I have but cannot find the package with apptitude. do you know how?13:02
[MauroSanjo][BraHey guys, does anybody experienced sound problems in Ubuntu 8.04 when firefox open flash widgets with sound like youtube? When this happens I can't play anything anymore unless i close firefox...13:02
ActionParsnipMyrth: you choose the partition/disk to install to in the installer, just make sure there is unpartitioned space on it and the installer will see it and offer to use it13:02
scuniziMyrth: on install you can tell it where to install it.  boot.ini is a windows file. ubuntu will replace the MBR with grub giving you a menu to choose either windows or ubuntu13:02
Adrian`unix time :)13:02
Myrthwell, it didn't install grub on sdda13:02
ActionParsnipMyrth: doesnt matter where it is as long as it is accessible and knows where grub.conf is13:03
scuniziAdrian`: you like that ? :)13:03
ActionParsnip!grub | Myrth13:03
ubottuMyrth: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:03
Myrthit boots to grub when i choose in bios to start from 2nd HD, but then it's unable to start because sda<->sdb switched now13:03
scuniziMyrth: follow the above link and reinstall grub.. it just got put in the wrong place..13:03
ActionParsnipMyrth: then install grub to the other disk then you should be ok, btw, grub uses disk/partition numbers, not names13:04
UmeaboyMessages that I see in dmesg that developers for Ubuntu should have, how do I send that info to them?13:04
UmeaboyI'd like some smaller errors to be fixed.13:04
digittroglodytecan someone help me with Nvidia-Settings not detecting my LCD display ?13:04
Ascavasaion_ActionParsnip: Sure... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117234/13:05
ActionParsnipUmeaboy: dmesg > ~/dmesgoutput.txt13:05
ccherrettfosco_: got it thanks13:05
Myrthso only grub and fiddle with boot record? no way just to update boot.ini?13:05
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digitaltroglodytI did an upgrade and X has got screwed13:05
allquixoticCan anyone speculate as to why my Ubuntu 8.10 server would say "Connection Refused" when I try to SSH into it from one _particular_ computer? It accepts SSH from two other computers (on different networks) but not the one I'm using now.13:05
ActionParsnipAscavasaion_: nice, what make / model is the lappy?13:06
UmeaboyActionParship: Should I write that in Terminal?13:06
ActionParsnipUmeaboy: yes, it will output the dmesg output to a text file which you can email13:06
Ascavasaion_ActionParsnip: IBM Thinkpad T4213:07
ActionParsnipUmeaboy: try tab completing ;)13:07
ActionParsnipAscavasaion_: try: sudo modprobe irda13:08
Wizzupbryant: Ok, thanks. I'm generally not really afraid of not being able to fix it, I was just curious if the Ubu install did it13:08
ActionParsnipAscavasaion_: http://aaltonen.us/2005/03/02/ubuntu-linux-on-the-ibm-thinkpad-t42/13:09
=== Ascavasaion_ is now known as Ascavasaion
Soyo"smbmount: mounting for a praticulr DFS root not implmented yet." Says the same thing whether I try to share the root or a praticular share...13:09
majeruhello, are there any serious reason against building the default desktop x86 kernel with PAE support?13:09
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: pretty much sets up your entire laptop :D13:09
ActionParsnipmajeru: alows more than 4Gb RAM13:10
mikeshollenaha i found the answer, you can DL startup manager from synaptic for usphash13:10
AscavasaionActionParsnip: :)  Let me have a looksie.13:10
majeruActionParsnip: yes, and what's wrong with that?13:10
jriballquixotic: are you using fail2ban or denyhosts?  Checked /etc/hosts.deny?13:10
UmeaboyActionParsnip: Where do I email it?13:10
majeruthe current kernel allows only up to 3gigs13:10
ActionParsnipUmeaboy: no idea13:11
allquixoticjrib: Not using either of those to my knowledge. They aren't installed.13:11
ActionParsnipmajeru: nothing at all, thats a good thing if you have a 32bit cpu but want more ram13:11
jriballquixotic: if the computer is on the same network, are you using its local ip?13:11
syntax\W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2BA7BC59D745C5EB <-- i get this if i try to update? any solutions13:12
UmeaboyAnbyone else have an idea?13:12
Soyo"smbmount: mounting for a praticulr DFS root not implmented yet." Says the same thing whether I try to share the root or a praticular share...13:12
allquixoticjrib: The 8.10 server is on the public Internet with a static IP (no NAT whatsoever). I'm connecting to it using its DNS resolution, which is consistent across the boxen I'm trying to connect to it with13:12
allquixoticjrib: I can SSH into other boxes from my laptop, just not this particular server13:12
jriballquixotic: oh.  I though you meant that you could ssh to this particular server from machines other than your laptop.  Is this true?13:13
allquixoticjrib: Yes, I can SSH to this particular server from machines other than my laptop. Correct13:13
toaderHi, what is the tool that can convert PDF to HTML in Linux?13:14
allquixoticjrib: The outbound SSH port isn't blocked on my laptop because my laptop can SSH to other servers than this one, too. So it's an anomaly.13:14
toadersorry, i forget the name13:14
ActionParsnip!info pdf2html13:14
ubottuPackage pdf2html does not exist in intrepid13:14
ActionParsniptoader: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-convert-pdf-files-to-html-files.html13:15
xdanx77Hello.I need to rebuild the gcc-4.3.2 package .If i do it the "debian way" i get the error : mv -f pxxx stamps/01-unpack-stamp .the ordner stamp doesn't exist in the top build tree.Does someone please give me a hint how to solve this ?13:15
jribxdanx77: pastebin what you are doing13:15
kdogwhat is the best bluetooth applet?13:15
kdogbest bluetooth applet for gnome?13:16
kdogor bluez?13:16
kdogor what?13:16
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:16
xdanx77jrib :  dpkg-buildpackage -d13:16
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: set CFLAGS to default value: -g -O213:16
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: set CPPFLAGS to default value:13:16
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: set LDFLAGS to default value: -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions13:16
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: set FFLAGS to default value: -g -O213:16
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: set CXXFLAGS to default value: -g -O213:16
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: source package gcc-4.313:16
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: source version 4.3.2-1ubuntu1113:16
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Matthias Klose <doko@ubuntu.com>13:17
ActionParsnipxdanx77: use pastebin13:17
xdanx77dpkg-buildpackage: host architecture i38613:17
xdanx77 debian/rules clean13:17
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup13:17
xdanx77rm -rf stamps13:17
xdanx77rm -rf   p  d13:17
xdanx77/usr/bin/make -f debian/rules2 clean13:17
xdanx77make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/gcc/gcc-4.3-4.3.2.orig/gcc-4.3.2'13:17
xdanx77rm -f pxxx status13:17
xdanx77rm -f *-summary *-protocol testsuite-comparision summary-diff13:17
xdanx77if [ -f /usr/src/gcc/gcc-4.3-4.3.2.orig/gcc-4.3.2/src/gcc/p/config-lang.in.debian ]; then \13:17
xdanx77  mv -f /usr/src/gcc/gcc-4.3-4.3.2.orig/gcc-4.3.2/src/gcc/p/config-lang.in.debian /usr/src/gcc/gcc-4.3-4.3.2.orig/gcc-4.3.2/src/gcc/p/config-lang.in; \13:17
xdanx77else true; fi13:17
xdanx77rm -f /usr/src/gcc/gcc-4.3-4.3.2.orig/gcc-4.3.2/src/gcc/po/*.gmo13:17
xdanx77rm -f debian/lib{gcc,gcj,objc,stdc++}{-v3,[0-9]}*.{{pre,post}{inst,rm},shlibs}13:17
xdanx77fs=`echo debian/*-BV* debian/*GCJ* debian/*CXX* debian/*LC* debian/*MF* | sort -u`; \13:17
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:17
xdanx77for f in $fs; do \13:17
xdanx77  [ -f $f ] || continue; \13:17
ActionParsnipsyntax\: can you re-ask, somebody flooded the room13:18
raviousAnyone with any exp in configuring xorg for duel graphic cards now that xrandr is used rather than the xorg.conf file?13:18
syntax\W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2BA7BC59D745C5EB <-- i get this if i try to update? any solutions13:18
ActionParsnip!dualhead | ravious13:18
ubotturavious: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama13:18
ikoniaravious: you can still use the xorg.conf file13:18
ikoniaravious: why ?13:18
scuniziwill mutt only send outgoing mail on a basic system if I install sendmail?  currently it acts like it's sending mail but it never gets anywhere.13:19
Picixdanx77: Please tell jrib your pastebin url again, you were muted.13:19
ActionParsnipsyntax\: gimme a sec13:19
xdanx77jrib : http://pastebin.com/d168c036513:19
syntax\im lookin at it on ubuntuforums  :D tried googling when nobody answered hehe im trying the solution that blackgr suggested @ ActionParsnip13:20
syntax\ActionParsnip: i get that error when trying to update. im using intrepid btw13:21
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Okay, I checked that site out and it does not seem to say much about using the Infrared.  I did run a sudo irdadump and it scrolled some info but nothing that really helps me to know whether it is trying to connect to my mobile phone or not.13:22
raviousi dont have a duel head, i have two cards.. I've totally reconstructed my xorg.conf file.. from my original settings "Pre-xrandr" and they give me errors.. (EE) Screen ) deleted because of no matching config section, (EE) Device(s) detected, but none match those in config file..   I've got an nvidia pci, and an onboard via card.. by default.. ubuntu detects, installs drivers and works fine with the nvidia card.. just everything breaks when 13:22
syntax\and do you also know a workaround on using a static ip? i was able to make it work, (static ip) but network applet says networking disabled. everytime i open FF its on offline mode.13:22
the_solipsistCan anyone recommend a good DSL Router?  (Basically a combination of an ADSL modem + Wi-Fi router).  One that I can install OpenWRT or Tomato on...13:22
Picithe_solipsist: Try asking in ##hardware or ##networking, as this is not Ubuntu support related13:23
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: we just need to get the infared working first13:23
Soyosmbmount: Mounting a DFS root for a praticular server not implemented yet... It says this whenever I try to mount any share. Any ideas?13:23
the_solipsist@Pici Thanks!13:23
Travis-42I have a large (150gb) tar file from backing up my system.  Is there any fast way to view the contents of the file?  I tried opening it with archive manager, and it's been over 5 minutes already.13:23
ActionParsnipsyntax\: you need the ppa.launchpad key, someone gave a command earlier to get it but i cant remember it13:24
xdanx77Travis-42 : tar -xt file13:24
syntax\ActionParsnip: aw ok. what about the network problem im encountering?13:24
xdanx77Travis-42 : for large tar files i would use schilli tar,not the gnu tar cause it's much faster and it's able to store acl's13:25
Travis-42ok thanks xdanx7713:25
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ActionParsnipsyntax\: cd ~/;gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv d745c5eb; sudo gpg --export --armor d745c5eb | sudo apt-key add -13:25
ActionParsnipsyntax\: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=662208113:26
Soyosmbmount: Mounting a DFS root for a praticular server not implemented yet... It says this whenever I try to mount any share. Any ideas?13:26
ActionParsnipSoyo: http://www.linux-noob.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=140413:27
syntax\ActionParsnip: i used the script blackgr suggested on the forums it worked. now my problem is on networking13:27
SorcererbobCan someone please recommend a way to manage an (openLDAP probably) LDAP server? gui would be nice. web based would be nicer.13:27
AscavasaionActionParsnip: I know :\13:27
syntax\has anyone tried to use a static ip on intrepid?13:27
ActionParsnipsyntax\: i use it13:28
g0thActionParsnip: hmm, is that included in the latest ubuntu version?13:28
ActionParsnipg0th: not sure if its default but its in repos13:28
syntax\well i have both interfaces and resolve conf configured13:28
ActionParsnipg0th: if your printer needs a newer version than the repos have yu will need a 3rd party repo or compile13:28
syntax\NetworkManager Applet 0.7.0 says networking is disabled tho13:28
syntax\to think im connected in here right now13:29
syntax\any work around13:29
ActionParsnipsyntax\: ignore it, if you are connected then yu are connected. If some gui app wants to be confused then let it\13:29
g0thActionparsnip: ubuntu seems to have 2.8.7 version13:29
syntax\but FF, opens on offline mode everytime :(13:29
g0thlatest ist 2.8.1013:29
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: if you run lsmod and make sure you have all the same modules as are listed in the link I gave then you should be ok13:30
ActionParsnipsyntax\: i'll get you the fix13:30
ActionParsnipfirefox is retarded13:30
syntax\YAY your so nice :D13:30
UmeaboySo's Epiphany to.13:30
Myrthare there any other benefits of using ubuntu x64, besides utilizing more than 4GB RAM?13:30
g0thActionParsnip: I use cups, iirc if it is supported in hplip there should be a ppd file I can use, so instead of manually installing a newer version of hplip I could just download it and only extract the ppd file right?13:30
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Hmmm... I see.13:30
ActionParsnipsyntax\: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+question/3192513:31
ActionParsnipg0th: im unsure as I dont have a printer but the hplip says its fully suppoprted13:31
ActionParsnipg0th: sudo apt-get install hplip13:32
mikearthurcan someone describe how I can remove networkmanager on ubuntu and just make all my interfaces use DHCP on startup using the standard Debian way?13:32
tavihwy he tell me that?13:32
ActionParsnipsyntax\: that will make firefox not detect offlineness and just be online regardless13:32
g0thActionParsnip: is there a newer version available somewhere?13:32
cdavisHow come I can't find smssend for intrepid with apt-get install smssend?13:32
ActionParsnip!info hplip13:32
ubottuhplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.7-0ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 232 kB, installed size 696 kB13:32
g0thI mean ubuntu packages or repository for a newer version13:32
ActionParsnipg0th: 2.8.7 is in repos13:33
g0thI need at least 2.8.1013:33
g0thlatest is 2.8.1213:33
g0th2.8.7 vs. 2.8.12 is a pretty big difference ^^13:33
syntax\ActionParsnip: mine is already set to true13:36
ActionParsnipg0th: see if you can enable "proposed" repository13:36
g0thI did13:36
g0thI think13:36
g0thit also has 2.8.713:36
ActionParsniptavi: i used to et that. fixed it with sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop13:36
ActionParsnipg0th: http://texasdrifter.blogspot.com/2008/11/ubuntu-8-and-hp-deskjet-f4280.html13:37
ActionParsniptavi: it will redownload and reinstall the system and install anything missing, its a bit of a heavy handed way (and will take a while) but should fix you up13:39
tavinow ay13:39
tavino way13:39
mikearthurcan someone describe how I can remove networkmanager on ubuntu and just make all my interfaces use DHCP on startup using the standard Debian way?13:40
ActionParsniptavi: its all i can suggest personally, maybe someone else can help, or try again later in the day13:40
ActionParsniptavi: your configs will stand, just that the apps will be reinstalled13:41
syntax\ActionParsnip: anyways sir, i uninstalled network manager instead13:41
syntax\to avoid the confusion13:41
Zackhow to installig ati x1200 on ubuntu 8.10? have a direct url 4 me?13:41
mneHi guys, how can I enable copy&paste with the middle mouse button. It seems to be disabled13:41
ActionParsnipsyntax\: good call. I think its garbage13:41
tavitoo radical solution13:42
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Can you at least tlel me how to communicate with the IRDA?13:42
syntax\sudo aptitude remove network-manager network-manager-gnome <-- followed this and did sudo aptitude remove network-manager network-manager-gnome13:42
akscihow can my machine get infected with acidkor.... ne1 faced this one?13:42
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: i've never used it. I thought it was kinda defunct now with bluetooth being so prollific13:44
ZmAYhello, need some help with installing printer on my 2nd old pc, i am running dapper, printer is samsung CLP-31513:45
xnoxHello =D My pulseaudio stopped working =( I have no sinks/sources available. All PA related apps give error "can't connect to server"13:47
erUSULxnox: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart ??13:50
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Okay.13:50
g0thActionParsnip: it works now. Thanks a lot13:51
ZmAYany printer experrt here13:51
SmileDayHello World!!13:52
Guest46958any help for TV time13:52
mneHow can I enable copy&paste with the middle mouse button in gnome ? It seems to be disabled13:52
aksciwhat can be the command to suspend the machine after a particular time like we do for shutdown,.13:52
daleharveycan anyone please help me with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106773413:53
xnoxerUSUL: I can now at least open volume control. But there still is no sound =(13:53
daleharveylosing a few days worth of work If I cant get this fixed13:53
erUSULxnox: :|13:53
xnoxerUSUL: How do I revert pulseaudio package to like default config files?13:53
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Just wnated to see if I could do it... but seems it is beyond me.13:53
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erUSULxnox: did you edited its conf files?13:53
xnoxerUSUL: maybe......... =)))))13:54
xnoxerUSUL: yeah I did13:54
erUSULxnox: maybe purging the packages and installing again13:54
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
aksciwhat is the command to suspend after a particular time!!13:56
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: i'd have a go if you get free time, i'm sure its achievable13:58
quibblermy system login sound has stopped working...for the rest, sound is fine..amarok vlc mail notification etc work great13:58
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: try: sudo findchip -v13:59
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-253388.html13:59
dadhi!! looking for a working xorg.conf with nvidia nForce 610/GF705014:00
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: try: ls /dev/ir*14:00
ActionParsnipdad: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177; gksudo nvidia-settings14:02
ozgurhi, i'm a newbie in ubuntu14:02
AscavasaionActionParsnip: nothing14:02
ozgurI couldn't write a text with newlines as a body in nofity-send command14:03
wikkedfinozgur, so i am ;)14:03
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: maybe its just a generic case but theres no IR sender/reciever14:03
ozgurI tried bu it couldn't work14:03
runpain2I need to check a hard drive it has windows xp loaded on it but i cant scan disk it with my bootup disk says its a network dive and when i scandisk /all it only does the cd rom or floppy drive what can i use from unbuntu to scandisk to check and see what are my bad scetors to see if my hard drive is bad i use seaptate hard drive for windows and ubuntu14:03
fioccobiancoposso chiedere una cosa/14:03
ozgur/usr/bin/notify-send -u normal "New mail\n" "You have new messages in your inbox" -t 300014:03
ozgurI couldn't write a text with newlines as a body in nofity-send command, what I tried is: "/usr/bin/notify-send -u normal "New mail\n" "You have new messages in your inbox" -t 3000" but it couldn't work14:04
AscavasaionActionParsnip: I think I am too dumb for this.14:04
fioccobiancomay l ask you something?14:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scandisk14:04
ozgurI couldn't write a text with newlines as a body in nofity-send command, what I tried is: "/usr/bin/notify-send -u normal "New mail\n" "You have new messages in your inbox\n\n" -t 3000" but it couldn't work14:04
runpain2actcually need to check if hard drive is bad14:05
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: just keep at it. as far as the guides have said I dont think it has infared. But i could be wrong. Have a swing at it if you get time. IBM supprt linux very well14:05
=== eric is now known as Guest52203
ActionParsnip!fsck | runpain214:05
ubotturunpain2: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot14:05
AscavasaionActionParsnip: check http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-55318  There is says (and shows a picture) of the infrared port.14:06
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: doesnt mean theres an IR sender behind it14:06
ozgurI couldn't write a text with newlines as a body in nofity-send command, what I tried is: "/usr/bin/notify-send -u normal "New mail\n" "You have new messages in your inbox\n\n" -t 3000" but it couldn't work, how can i enable interpretation of backslash escapes in notify-send command14:06
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: dos the system have windows on it too?14:06
runpain2Will that also do a scan like the dos does for windows14:07
jackiemcgheeis there console app that will display a clock similar to the way ncmpc does? Sadly, any search of Google with clock, linux and console brings up a myriad of unhelpful info.14:07
quibblerfioccobianco: just tell your problem and someone will probably help14:07
ActionParsniprunpain2: it will check the system for errors, if you drop to recovery mode root console, you can umount partitions and check them with and options you want14:07
bjaywelcoem, i have separate screen (tv and noetbook monitor); does anybody know how to send application from one screen to another?14:08
jribozgur: use an actual newline?14:08
AscavasaionActionParsnip: No.14:08
runpain2I still dont uderstand14:08
ozguri want to enable the interpretation of newlines in notify-send command14:08
jribozgur: yes, use an actual newline by pressing ctrl-v enter for example14:08
dadActionParsnip: here is my xorg:  http://pastebin.com/f7144c0c914:08
ozgur what I tried is: "/usr/bin/notify-send -u normal "New mail\n" "You have new messages in your inbox\n\n"14:08
jribor just press enter14:09
runpain2a surface scan is what i want14:09
ozgurbut it didn't work14:09
jribozgur: did you try either of my two suggestions just now?14:09
runpain2sudo shutdown -F -r now will that do it14:09
ActionParsnipdad: http://pastebin.com/f41d5823514:09
dadwhen I run sudo nvidia-settings, it says "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."14:09
fiftyonehello all, i was wondering if someone could help me with my interent. I go to alot of internet cafes with my laptop and until now I have always just pluged in the ethernet cabel and was online instantly. Today I am at a new cafe and for some reason my net is not working, I cannot connect. This is the second cafe I tried.14:09
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ActionParsniprunpain2: not sure but if you drop to the console you can run fsck with any options you choose14:10
fiftyonealso, usually the ethernet cabel lights up when i connect it but now nothing... No lights no nothing.14:10
ActionParsnipdad: ok so did you just run sudo nvidia-xconfig ??14:10
ActionParsnipdad: I think you are close14:11
jackiemcgheefiftyone: the two places you have tried, has your laptop worked there before? Or are these new places?14:11
ActionParsnipdad: if you just ran sudo nvidia-xconfig you will need to restart your xserver14:11
ActionParsnipdad: then rerun gksudo nvidia-settings14:11
fiftyonejackiemcghee,  these are new places I have never been with this laptop before.14:12
dadI did: same error message14:12
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications14:13
ActionParsnipdad: strange, whats the message again please14:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:13
dadYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.14:14
bjayin which channel i can ask about separate screen?14:14
tomkirbycan anyone help me: programs keep segfaulting randomly on my system14:14
ActionParsnipdad: ok try: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx-177; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-173; sudo nvidia-xconfig14:15
fiftyonejackiemcghee, i have noticed that their internet is pretty bad here, really slow. However, I should still be able to connect with my laptop. Never had a problem before just pluged it in and it worked.14:15
ActionParsnipdad: removes the 177 driver + deps and installs the 173 driver14:15
tomkirbyi've checked that all my memory is ok with memtest86, and i've done an extensive check of my harddisk with smartctl14:15
hyakuheiHi All, the Netbeans package wants to use a number of packages like libgcj - I have no intention of using these, is there a way I can just pull down the netbeans stuff without the deps and install it through apt so that I still get updates ?14:15
ActionParsniptomkirby: does it happen to all users?14:16
tomkirbyActionParsnip: haven't checked yet14:16
tomkirbyactionparsnip: i don't really know how to check that as it's pretty random14:16
ActionParsniptomkirby: make a new user and log on as it and run the system for a while14:16
ActionParsniptomkirby: use all your normal apps as the new user14:16
dadwhile purging, it says the the /usr/lib/tls folder was not empty and so has not been deleted14:17
ActionParsnipdad: not a problem14:17
quibblermy system login sound has stopped working...for the rest, sound is fine..amarok vlc mail notification etc work great14:17
tomkirbyactionparsnip: it happened to avahi-daemon - is this process usually owned by the user or the system?14:17
DarkKnightcan anyone tell me where i can get the flash 10 for 64bit...i searched the adobe site...but didnt find it14:18
ActionParsniptomkirby: http://pastebin.com/m1cf19b4314:18
=== Ady_ is now known as rambo33
ActionParsnipDarkKnight: its the TAR.GZ file you want14:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbeans14:19
ActionParsnipdad: ok so now is nvidia-settings running ok?14:19
fiftyonejackiemcghee, ping :)14:19
Lord_MuffloN^Can anyone tell me why in gods name one of my NTFS drives won't show up in Windows anymore after adding it to /etc/fstab in Linux?14:21
tomkirbyactionparsnip: i'll leave my machine running the test user for a few hours while i'm out and then see what the logs say when i get back!14:21
DarkKnightActionParsnip; http://paste.ubuntu.com/117271/14:22
ActionParsniptomkirby: if its ok then its your profile which i'd suggest you troubleshoot from the test user, rename config folders in the home folder til you get a stable system14:22
daleharveydoes screen keep history14:22
fiftyonehi, i was wondering if someone could help me with an networking problem. I go to alot of net cafes with my laptop and until now I have always just plugged the cabel in and was online. However, today I have been to two cafes and my internet is not working at all. I am not even getting a light from the ethernet connection port it usually lights up...14:23
fiftyonethese are new cafes i have never been to with my laptop before14:23
heatmzzrWhy does my ubuntu only recognize 3gb of the 4gb ram i have?14:23
deanyheatmzzr, you need to modify kernel to see 4gb or use server kernel14:23
DarkKnightActionParsnip; what should i do now??14:23
deanyheatmzzr, pretty silly really as 4gb is more common these days..14:24
ActionParsnipDarkKnight: let me get the link14:24
hateballdeany, heatmzzr: 64-bit is a viable option14:24
Impulsivehey all, anyone want to try and help me solve my apache/ubuntu problem?14:24
deanyim guessing he doesnt have 64bit cpu..14:25
dadActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/f5900aecf14:25
deanyor he`d have used it.. just an assumption14:25
dadstill in low-resolution... sniff14:25
heatmzzrhateball: 64bit14:25
hateballdeany: 4GB and a 32-bit cpu seems strange tho :)14:25
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:25
ActionParsnipDarkKnight: try: sudo apt-get instal flashplayer-nonfree14:25
hateballheatmzzr: I'd have installed the 64-bit version instead. Works a charm14:25
hateballheatmzzr: Even Flash and the Java plugin are 64-bit these days so14:26
dadhere is the xorg log: http://pastebin.com/f181ec9c714:26
deany64bit version works with 32bit cpu system/14:26
ActionParsnipdad: does gksudo nvidia-settings run ok now?14:26
ActionParsnipdeany: no, but 32bit can work on 64bit14:26
cdavisWhat program can I try to send SMS messages to Verizon cell phones? I am hoping to do something so that they Verizon SMS can still be considered "IN" txting.14:26
ActionParsnipDarkKnight: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-10.0.d21.1.linux-x86_64.so.tar.gz14:27
dadhello xaos11!!14:27
xaos11any progress?14:27
fiftyone hi, i was wondering if someone could help me with an networking problem. I go to alot of net cafes with my laptop and until now I have always just plugged the cabel in and was online. However, today I have been to two cafes and my internet is not working at all. I am not even getting a light from the ethernet connection port it usually lights up... these are new cafes i have never been to with my laptop before14:27
dadI removed the 9400GT, and I am struggling to have the onboard nForce610 working... but it looks the same...14:27
Roqfiftyone: what happens if you ifdown/ifup ?14:27
ActionParsnipdad: try adding the resolution lines like in my xorg.conf14:27
deanynever knew that.. hmmm..14:28
ActionParsnipdad: http://pastebin.com/f78b3a09e14:28
fiftyoneRoq, I am not sure what you mean.14:28
mandrigcdavis: I read somewhere that sms is treated like email, and you should be able to send an email to thephonenumber@carrier.com14:28
Roqfiftyone: interface down interface up14:29
xaos11ActionParsnip: i thought that 8.10 doesn't use xorg.conf? or does it?14:29
mandrigcdavis: google email to sms, I'm sure you'll find something14:29
DarkKnightActionParsnip; thank you very much...i am downloading it...can you tell me how to install14:29
cdavismandrig: I can but the problem is Verizon doesn't consider that Verizon to Verizon texting and charge per message14:29
perlsyntaxWhat is a good gui for python?14:29
dadActionParsnip: you mean the line with "metamode..."?14:29
perlsyntaxthat in the package manger for unbuntu14:29
fiftyoneRoq, no idea i didnt try that. Like I said i usually just go plug it in and it works. but twice today it has not worked.14:29
ActionParsnipdad: yeah14:29
ActionParsnipDarkKnight: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins14:30
ActionParsnipDarkKnight: then extract the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins14:30
mandrigcdavis: Oh, I don't know how to get around that... Besides, trying to get around that is likely violating the ToS14:30
ActionParsnip!info pygtk14:30
ubottuPackage pygtk does not exist in intrepid14:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pygtk14:30
perlsyntaxhow do i install it14:30
xaos11perlsyntax: i don't know exactly what you mean about gui to python, but i have needed it before14:31
xaos11perlsyntax: do you need it to compile a package?14:31
perlsyntaxyou mean tar zxvf file name and then cd and then sudo make?14:32
fiftyone hi, i was wondering if someone could help me with an networking problem. I go to alot of net cafes with my laptop and until now I have always just plugged the cabel in and was online. However, today I have been to two cafes and my internet is not working at all. I am not even getting a light from the ethernet connection port it usually lights up... these are new cafes i have never been to with my laptop before14:33
xaos11perlsyntax: if that's what you need it for, look for a package in synaptic called libpython-gtk, or just do a search for python gtk14:33
heatmzzrhateball: can i install 64 bit ubuntu without completely distroying other data?14:33
xaos11perlsyntax: and you might need to install the one with "-dev" at the end14:33
xaos11perlsyntax: what you trying to install?14:33
hateballheatmzzr: Well if you put /home on it's partition you can keep that. / will get overwritten tho14:33
xaos11fiftyone: you have the usb adapter?14:34
fiftyonexaos11, what do you mean usb adapter?14:34
hateballheatmzzr: if you specifically tell the installer to keep /home, that is... not doing a guided install14:34
quibblercould someone shed some light on this: my system login sound has stopped working...for the rest, sound is fine..amarok vlc mail notification etc work great14:34
heatmzzrhateball: best to just wipe it out and restart anyway right, fresh everything?14:34
dadActionParsnip: added the metamode option, restarted the X server... and now what? Nvidia-settings says the same message, and still stuck with 800x60014:35
xaos11fiftyone: i thought you were here yesterday taling about a usb wifi. maybe it was someone else. what type of connection do you use to get online?14:35
hateballheatmzzr: if it's a brand new install, yeah. Takes like 20 minutes anyhow :)14:35
ActionParsnipquibbler: what if you set it to something else?14:35
hateballheatmzzr: I suggest making a separate /home partition when/if you do so tho14:35
fiftyonexaos11, no not me. I am connecting threw a wired connection. Unplug from the pc plug it into the lappy. It usually works without a hitch but today its not working at all. No idea what the problem is.14:36
ActionParsnipheatmzzr: hateball: +1 for home partition14:36
heatmzzrhateball: not that, just all the extra stuff. Ive been considering getting rid of winblows all together as I no longer use it so maybe a good time to do it all over... damn though, i got alot on these drives\14:36
Roqfiftyone: how is your eth interface configured? dhcp?14:36
ActionParsnipfiftyone: try: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart    when you attach it14:36
ociugii have problem with my totem, it played with sounds but no images.14:37
hateballheatmzzr: backup whatever data you need to an external source if possible, wipe the legacy OS and start anew :)14:37
SunnyDPociugu: you dont like VLC ?14:37
ActionParsnip!plugins | ociugi14:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plugins14:37
quibblerActionParsnip: i did but that had no result..i find it strange because sound tests are all fine ...sound in other programs and devices are fine..just no system sound any more and no files play there either14:38
ociugi<SunnyDP>: i install other video player but the same problem14:38
SunnyDPfresh ubuntu install: 8.10 ?14:38
ActionParsnipociugi: have you installed the medibunti codecs?14:38
heatmzzrhateball; yep, thats what ill do... just gonna wait til tonight? so is the ext4 version out and stable yet?14:38
ociugi<SunnyDP>: yes14:38
LeoWeii setting up no ip in my machine but i dont know what is the name of the network device connected to my computer.. The Vm still using NAT as the host interface is not functioning14:38
fiftyoneActionParsnip, nothing didnt work14:39
ociugi<ActionParsnip>: nut yet14:39
LeoWeianyone can tell me what the network??14:39
silv3r_m001hi there14:39
SunnyDPsounds to me like a CODEC problem like ActionParsnip said14:39
ActionParsnipfiftyone: do you get an ip address (run ifconfig)14:39
hateballheatmzzr: ext4 is stable, but the 8.10 kernel doesnt have it. So you'd have to go for 9.04 alpha if you want it14:39
ociugi<ActionParsnip>: *not yet14:39
fiftyoneActionParsnip,  I have Conection : lo14:39
ActionParsnipociugi: go get em14:39
silv3r_m001it sometimes happens that my hard disk suddenly starts working very vigorously and the computer becomes very slow almost hanged14:39
ociugiActionParsnip>: ok i will try14:39
silv3r_m001why does that happen14:39
mylarryHi! How can I add a new repository to apt-get?14:39
ActionParsnipfiftyone: then the nic is either not detected or down14:39
heatmzzrhateball; 20 second bootup sounds nice. may wait then until it is stable14:39
deanywhat is the ext4 when you format with mkfs.ext4 then (8.10)14:40
quibblerActionParsnip: i'm going to logout and in brb14:40
fiftyoneActionParsnip,  ipconfig = command not found14:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about no-ip14:40
SunnyDPipconfig is windows :D14:40
ActionParsnipfiftyone: try: sudo ifconfig eth0 up14:40
silv3r_m001ActionParsnip: can u help me on my issue ?14:41
Pirate_Hunterhi can someone advise me on a good typing tutor?14:41
SunnyDPPirate : me too please :D14:41
LeoWeii setting up no ip in my machine but i dont know what is the name of the network device connected to my computer.. The Vm still using NAT as the host interface is not functioning14:41
ikoniaLeoWei: eth014:41
fiftyoneActionParsnip, nothing14:41
ActionParsnipfiftyone: ifconfig, no ipconfig, ipconfig is windows14:41
scientesahh xkill seg faults14:42
fiftyoneActionParsnip, yea i know my bad lol , ifconfig gives me a large list14:42
ActionParsnipfiftyone: it wont say anything after up, try ifconfig now14:42
oCean_silv3r_m001: using 'top' you could see what process is taking up how much cpu. Install "iotop" and use that to see what process is using most io14:42
ociugi<ActionParsnip>: i cant find  medibunti in synaptic14:42
ActionParsnipociugi: its not that simple14:43
silv3r_m001oCean_: hmm14:43
SunnyDPociugu:follow tye tutorial i sent14:43
perlsyntax_for pygtk is it python -gtk2-dev ?14:43
LeoWeiikonia: i use NAT for this vm, does it still eth0?14:43
ociugiSunnyDP: ok14:43
perlsyntax_if i am right14:43
fiftyonei got Eth0 lo and ra0 connections listed here after ifconfig14:43
SunnyDPyes it does14:43
ActionParsnipociugi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu14:43
oCean_silv3r_m001: How often does it happen14:43
fiftyoneActionParsnip,  lots of information14:43
quibblerActionParsnip: same no system sounds14:43
ActionParsnipfiftyone: do you have an ip that fits your networks settings14:44
perlsyntax_does anyone use pygtk?14:44
silv3r_m001oCean_: many a times... and like when I leave the computer idle for about 30 mins or so then it suddenly starts14:44
heatmzzrhateball; how can I tell if I can use 64bit version?14:44
perlsyntax_i want to make sure i got the right package.14:44
fiftyoneActionParsnip,  I am not sure man, basically, I have until now just plugged in and was online instantly, howver, today two different internet cafes and i havent been able to connect to eather.14:44
xaos11perlsyntax_ what are you trying to do again? compile something?14:45
Jack_Sparrowheatmzzr If you have over 4 gigs of ram and a cpu that can handle 64 bit.. but 32 is still recommended14:45
xaos11I run 64 bit14:45
ActionParsnipfiftyone: well if your network uses 192.168.0.x like many do and you have that ip in your ifconfi output then you are recieving dhcp14:45
hateballWhy would you recommend 32-bit when 64-bit works just fine without nasty PAE hacks?14:45
xaos11used to have problems with flash etc but now its fine14:45
perlsyntax_someone told me in here to use libpython-gtk.But i found a package cll pygtk-2-dev14:45
oCean_heatmzzr: use 'sudo lshw -C cpu' to see what cpu you have14:45
fiftyoneActionParsnip,  I see. Is there some kinda application I can use to search for active connections?14:46
Jack_Sparrowhateball We have always recommended 32 over 64 .. for flash and other minor issues that new users seemed to have trouble with like chroot etc14:46
LeoWeiikonia: i use NAT for this vm, does it still eth0? I am using vbox14:46
DarkKnightJack_Sparrow; i am tired of this 64 bit thing...got many flash problems....how can i make it 32 bit...do i have to reinstall....i suppose that's a big task14:46
ActionParsnipfiftyone: ifconfig will show you, if a device fails dhcp you will see a 164.254.x.x ip14:46
silv3r_m001oCean_: could it be due to somekind of scheduled indexing of files14:47
DarkKnightJack_Sparrow; is there nothing simpler14:47
hateballJack_Sparrow: Flash and Java are not an issue anymore14:47
Jack_SparrowDarkKnight You cant downgrade.. reinstall is recommended14:47
silv3r_m001oCean_: when it happens the computer almost hangs14:47
heatmzzrwidth says 64bit.... is that what i was looking for?14:47
Jack_Sparrowhateball I do know that, but there are still issues with people on 64 bit14:47
DarkKnightJack_sparrow; and i dont want to lose data as well14:47
hateballJack_Sparrow: Such as?14:47
oCean_silv3r_m001: sure, if anything like that is scheduled, like "updatedb", but that should not run that often. See the /etc/cron.daily, cron.hourly et cetera.14:48
Jack_Sparrowhateball ask in another channel.. this is support.. not 32 v 64 discussion14:48
heatmzzrhateball: width says 64bit.... is that what i was looking for?14:48
DStrevinasfiftyone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/. Paste the results of your ipconfig command14:48
Jack_SparrowDarkKnight backup /home for a start14:48
silv3r_m001oCean_: coz when it happens even running top in konsole wud be difficult14:48
freegoohey guy, qemu but it seems to be running slow. is there another program i could use, or any prefromace tips you ncoulnd give me14:48
xaos11perlsyntax: that one might work, you might as well install them both, it cant hurt to have both packages14:48
fiftyonelet me try because im not online on that machine14:48
silv3r_m001oCean_: so I just have to press the restart button14:48
fiftyonei sec14:48
oCean_silv3r_m001: install iotop. Let it run, and see what pops up14:48
ActionParsnipfreegoo: virtualbox or vmware14:49
cedrichurstcould anyone explain how this could be happening: http://cedric-screencasts.s3.amazonaws.com/UbuntuNoSuchFileError.mov14:49
DarkKnightJack_Sparrow; how can i do that without transferring to some other system14:49
dadActionParsnip: still the "unable to load Nvidia module when rebooting, I have to go in low-resolution mode...14:49
cedrichurstsorry for the mov link, btw... it was the only output my screencast tool would support14:49
silv3r_m001oCean_: E: Couldn't find package iotop14:49
dadthe log says: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)14:49
Jack_SparrowDarkKnight there are lots of ways to backup your system.14:49
DarkKnightJack_Sparrow; can you tell me how??14:50
oCean_!info iotop14:50
ubottuiotop (source: iotop): simple top-like I/O monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-2 (intrepid), package size 12 kB, installed size 140 kB14:50
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:50
ActionParsnipdad: you may need nvidia-glx-173-kernel-source14:50
hateballheatmzzr: yeah14:50
heatmzzroCean_:  *-logicalcpu:014:50
heatmzzr          description: Logical CPU14:50
heatmzzr          physical id: 1.114:50
heatmzzr          width: 64 bits14:50
heatmzzr          capabilities: logical14:50
heatmzzr     *-logicalcpu:114:50
heatmzzr          description: Logical CPU14:50
heatmzzr          physical id: 1.214:50
heatmzzr          width: 64 bits14:50
heatmzzr          capabilities: logical14:50
heatmzzris that what i was looking for14:50
ActionParsnipdad: apt-cache search nvidia-glx-177 | grep source14:50
oCean_heatmzzr: do not paste here14:50
hateball!pastebin | heatmzzr14:50
ubottuheatmzzr: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:50
ActionParsnipheatmzzr: uuse pastebin14:50
mustangg1hey the chan.. Q: Is there a similar linux util in ubuntu as the MS dxdiag, where it can test various basic settings for audio/video, etc..?14:51
dad173, not 177!!14:51
hateballheatmzzr: It's up to you really. Use 64-bit which works perfectly fine for me and many others, or hold on to old technology and mess about with PAE kernels...14:51
dadActionParsnip: nvidia-173-kernel-source was already installed14:52
ActionParsnipdad: well we pulled 177 and installed 17314:52
ActionParsnipok thats cool, when it installed did it compile the nvidia kernel?14:52
dadbut the problem was the same with 17714:52
heatmzzrhateball: I just wanted to be sure i could run 64bit. Which by the looks of things here I can... thanks man14:52
dadI don't know14:52
dadI haven't pais attention14:53
fiftyoneActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/117287/ thank you BTW :)14:53
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hateballheatmzzr: also, the live-cd will tell you right away if it doesnt like your cpu :)14:54
calamarilol.. if by "tell" you mean.. it just wont work, then yes14:54
cedrichurstso i feel like i'm missing something pretty basic, but it's driving me crazy14:54
cedrichursti'm trying to launch a file called "install"14:54
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cedrichursti ls and the is in the pwd14:55
jiffe92when doing an apt-get, if it says size mismatch on the deb, where is it pulling that size from?14:55
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cedrichursti do ./install and i get a "no such file or directory" message14:55
jiffe92this is from our local repository and I just repackaged that package with some additional files14:55
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cedrichurstnot "invalid permissions", but "no such file or directory"14:55
jiffe92suppose I could just change the version14:55
ActionParsnipfiftyone: ok try this: sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces_old14:55
Jack_Sparrowheatmzzr Problems installing from Livecd... At start or install screen, press F6 and remove splash and quiet,  if that does not work do it again but now also add noapic acpi=off before the -- on the command line14:55
ActionParsnipfiftyone: and reboot14:55
cedrichurstbut the file is clearly there14:55
pavel_$this->_output->setPlaceholder('linkbar', $tpl);14:55
cedrichurstwhat could be causing this?14:55
heatmzzrhateball: it will like it fine, gonna try 64bit and see how it goes.. I think april is scheduled release date of stable ext414:56
Likeatento a.k.a CQ14:56
Likebuenos dias14:56
n8tusercedrichurst-> which file is there?14:56
hateballheatmzzr: you can always convert to ext4 later on anyhow14:56
heatmzzrbesides fresh install I will be completely done with WINBLOWS14:56
Jack_Sparrow!es > Like14:56
ubottuLike, please see my private message14:56
ActionParsnipfiftyone: that will blank you network config which you can re-establish next boot14:57
cedrichurstn8tuser: take a look at this screen capture... http://cedric-screencasts.s3.amazonaws.com/UbuntuNoSuchFileError.mov14:57
oCean_cedrichurst: see the first line of the "install" The interpreter (e.g. !#/bin/bash) might be wrong14:57
ActionParsnipfiftyone: the file is only renamed so we can roll back14:57
heatmzzryeah, will install 64bit this evening.. cant now.. laptop I use for work14:57
fiftyoneActionParsnip,  ok cool thanks alot man.14:57
cedrichurstoCean_: it's a binary file14:57
ShadoweaverHello everyone, I have a question.  Does xubuntu need a c++ compiler to run programs c++ programing or does vi handle it?14:57
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:58
calamariyou dont need a compiler to run programs, you need a compiler to COMPILE programs shadoweaver14:58
oCean_cedrichurst: ok. the mov was cool though :)14:58
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n8tusercedrichurst-> but the file it may need is not on the current dir?14:59
ShadoweaverOk, I am a bit confused.  I am new to xubuntu and trying to learn how to program in c++.  What is ment by compiling the program?14:59
dadthat's hopeless.;;; I GIVE UP....14:59
Jack_SparrowShadoweaver Please see the link from Ubottu above on compiling15:00
Jack_Sparrowdad is this a 6600 nvidia?15:00
cedrichurstoCean_: yeah, that's possible15:00
n8tusercedrichurst-> it uses its own jre? so that maybe the case15:00
dadnope, a nForce610/GF705015:00
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ActionParsnipShadoweaver: source code is plain text that coders write to make a program work. They use common libraries and functions to work. If you want to compile you will make a binary (or program) which your system can run to make the program work15:00
datakidhey, I set focus=strict under metacity in gconf-editor on unbuntu intrepid...do I need to restart gnome for it to take effect?15:00
cedrichurstn8tuser: yeah, it does use its own jre15:00
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Jack_Sparrowdad sorry, have not seen or dealt with one of those15:01
cedrichurstis there a way to determine which file it's looking for15:01
xahuar /msg NickServ identify noporolo15:01
dadand what about a GF9400GT?15:01
ActionParsnipShadoweaver: as a basic user you cacn probably install pre-compiled packages (the stuff you apt-get) and achieve the same end15:01
Jack_Sparrowxahuar go change your password NOW15:01
oCean_cedrichurst: do a "file ./install" Does that return something like "executable" ?15:01
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: d'oh ;015:01
xaos11I liek 64 bit15:02
dadThis computer had a GF9400GT in PCI Xpress, with a ECS motherboard and a nForce610/GF7050 on-board chipset15:02
Likei be nedd that15:02
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip not like most of us have not made that same mistake15:02
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datakidJack_Sparrow, i did it this morning, doh15:02
oCean_cedrichurst: use "strace -f ./install 2>/tmp/debug.txt" to trace the execution. Output of strace is in /tmp/debug.txt. Search that file for the missing file(name)15:03
Jack_SparrowLike /join #ubuntu-es           or /join #ubuntu-pt               or /join #ubuntu-br15:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:03
cedrichurstelf 32-bit lsb executable, intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped15:03
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: true15:03
LikeJack_Sparrow,  how make mf :)15:04
ShadoweaverJack_Sparrow:  Thanks for the info.  That helps.  But do I really need to compile a program that I am writing in order to run it?15:05
Jack_SparrowShadoweaver Yes15:05
Jack_SparrowShadoweaver unless bash script or something.. but yes15:05
sriramomani have to run <timidity `locate tempest`> but certain directories returned by locate command create errors if spaces exist in their names. where am i supposed to insert the quotes?15:05
Chousukethere's a C interpreter too15:05
Chousukebut usually you wouldn't use such a thing.15:05
adubzi want to have a drive mount everytime ubuntu loads instead of having to issue the mount command15:06
adubzcan someone help me with this15:06
jribadubz: filesystem?15:06
oCean_adubz: add the drive/partition to /etc/fstab file15:06
Jack_SparrowShadoweaver You may want to spend some time in CC++ channel or one of the many others15:06
ShadoweaverI am sure that my tutorial I found on it will explain any further ANNOYING question I may have.  If I have any questions that are not covered in my tutorial can you help?15:06
jribadubz: I mean *what* filesystem?15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xsensors15:07
Shadoweavercc++ channel?15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sensors-x15:07
Jack_Sparrowjrib morning..  can you talk with Like.. he is from Uraguay and seems to be having language issues15:07
adubzits a slave hard drive i added15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x-sensors15:07
cedrichurstoCean_: http://rifers.org/paste/show/877315:07
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:07
adubzmy master comes up and this one comes up as scsi device annd i cant click on it when OS loads15:07
zleapadubz try fdisk -l to get the correct partition15:07
oCean_adubz: see next link for wiki page on fstab https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab15:07
jribJack_Sparrow: unfortunately I was just about to walk out the door15:07
zleapa normal hdd should mount surely15:08
Dillizarwhy x-sensors are not working for me15:08
Jack_Sparrowjrib np15:08
cedrichurstoCean_: should i just install coreutils, then?15:08
adubzi know the correct name b/c i can mount its /dev/sdb115:08
Ascavasaionwhat port (/dev/something) does  an infrared port use?15:08
cedrichursti thought that came with ubuntu out the box15:08
Shadoweavernot right now of course.  I guess I could always come back here.15:08
adubznot sure of the parameters i add in but ill ssee what i can do with fstab15:08
oCean_cedrichurst: that's a start15:08
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ShadoweaverThanks ubottu15:08
n8tusercedrichurst-> perhaps read up on how to install that..15:08
Jack_SparrowShadoweaver ubottu is a bot that we trigger to present factoids to users in channel15:09
cedrichurstwill do15:09
oCean_cedrichurst: indeed. coreutils, and try again15:09
adubz/dev/sdb1       /media/tb       auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0     <--- does that look good that is the line  i added to fstab15:09
jribadubz: depends on the answer to my question, but now I must go...15:10
cedrichurstsudo apt-get install coreutils -> "coreutils is already the newest version"15:10
cedrichurstis there an internationalized version of coreutils i need to install15:10
Likehow make a file into the c++ chanel15:11
cedrichurstthe langpack15:11
xaos11yay firefox finally in the repository15:11
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oCean_adubz: the third field (where you specify 'auto') should represent a filesystemtype. like ext3, ntfs ...15:11
ShadoweaverJack_Sparrow:  Sorry annoying question,  what is a "bot"?15:12
Dillizari have problems with my totem! An error occurred Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument15:12
quibblermy system sounds in hardy are no longer working.....however sound in general is fine...could anyone shed some light  as to why?15:12
xaos11Shadoweaver: it's a program that submits automated replies15:12
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:12
oCean_adubz: and your line should end "0 0", not only "0" - each line contains 6 fields.15:13
Jack_SparrowShadoweaver silly software program pretending it is a human...  :)   scripted user perhaps..15:13
adubzk im giong to reboot15:13
ShadoweaverOh.  Ok.  I get it!  Thanks.15:13
adubzill come back and let you guys now how it worked15:13
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oCean_adubz: not necessary15:13
adubzoCean what do you mean15:13
oCean_adubz: type "mount -a"15:13
adubzhow can i test then15:13
Jack_SparrowoCean_ Still nice to know when something worked..15:14
oCean_adubz: that's what happens each boot sequence15:14
Likeupgrade grub dont work15:14
Jack_Sparrowadubz yes.. run mount -a15:14
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:14
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:14
Liketotem have the codec15:14
Jack_SparrowLike we need full and complete questions and your language barrier seems to be a problem here15:15
H8_MachineI have a problem- on my kernel in 8.10, after installing nvidia-glx-180 from repos, glx module won't load at start, because xserver is using xorg.conf.failsafe all the time15:15
H8_Machineany solution?15:15
Likewll im reading the licences today15:15
adubzmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,15:15
Likesorry mf Jack_Sparrow15:15
Jack_SparrowH8_Machine Where did you get that kernel.  running jaunty perhaps?15:15
Dillizarlike use google translator pls :) its the best15:15
oCean_adubz: what did you specify for filesystem in /etc/fstab? You had 'auto'. I told you to change15:16
H8_MachineJack_Sparrow: i compiled it myself15:16
adubz/dev/sdb1       /media/1.5tb       vfat    default 0 015:16
oCean_adubz: is the directory /media/1.5tb existing?15:16
adubzi had to create it15:17
adubzin order to attempt mount -a15:17
AscavasaionWhoever invented Infrared... hope you dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!15:17
CyLHow do I restore windows MBR after installing ubuntu?15:17
MuffloN^How do I unhide a NTFS partition in Linux?15:17
oCean_adubz: and "fdisk -l /dev/sdb" tells you that there is 1 partition /dev/sdb1 with vfat?15:17
MuffloN^lilo is my boot manager15:17
Boohbah_CyL: if you restore the windows MBR you won't be able to boot ubuntu. are you sure you want to do that?15:17
Jack_SparrowCyL restoring mbr will kill ubuntu grub..15:18
Jack_SparrowCyL are you just trying to get windows included in your grub menu?15:18
oCean_Ascavasaion: that's not nice15:18
adubz/dev/sdb1               1      182401  1465136001    7  HPFS/NTFS15:18
CyLBoohbah_, Jack_Sparrow: I can still run from the live cd and install grub on ubuntuś partition15:18
Jack_SparrowMuffloN^ What release of ubuntu are you using15:18
AscavasaionoCean_: Ja well... too bad for him.15:19
Shadoweaver!c++ tutorial15:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about c++ tutorial15:19
oCean_adubz: use ntfs-3g for filesystem type in your /etc/fstab15:19
Jack_SparrowCyL install grub on the mbr of the bootable sda drive15:19
Dillizari have installed flash player 10! but when i open my firefox its showing that i have 9! how can i fix this15:19
=== dusko is now known as FraDolcino2
CyLJack_Sparrow: nope, I'd really like to restore windows MBR... I must use windows in work, I installed ubuntu to give it a try, but every time I start my computer i gets on ubuntu15:19
Jack_SparrowMuffloN^ and why lilo?  we use grub by default15:19
adubzmount -a ran fine15:20
MuffloN^Jack_Sparrow: Because it's easier to manager with Linux Live15:20
adubzlet me see if drive is accessible15:20
oCean_adubz: ok!15:20
Jack_SparrowCyL are you in ubuntu now.. or on livecd15:20
SunnyDPDzillar: in a terminal window type: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:20
CyLJack_Sparrow: besides this, I think it is easier to include ubuntu in windows boot menu15:20
CyLJack_Sparrow: ubuntu15:20
DillizarSunnyDP, k but i think it will not do any thing15:20
Jack_SparrowCyL then you need help from the windows people on editing their boot.ini15:21
CyLJack_Sparrow: that would be allright for me to do15:21
Jack_SparrowCyL and it is not easier15:21
adubznice it appears all is working now15:21
tuna-fishHi. How can I change the language that an user starts with when more than one language is installed?15:21
MuffloN^Well, Jack_Sparrow: Got any ideas?15:21
oCean_adubz: that's how we like it :)15:21
DillizarSunnyDP, flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.15:22
adubzyep thanks man15:22
Jack_SparrowMuffloN^ Nope15:22
CyLJack_Sparrow: isn't kind of a virtual package that restores windows MBR?15:22
SunnyDPDizilar: now type: sudo apt-get upgrade15:22
SunnyDPand then15:22
SunnyDPDizilar: now type: sudo apt-get update15:22
SunnyDPand after that try the flashplugin afgain15:23
Jack_SparrowCyL we used to have ms0sys or something, but I think it was pulled.. just use a windows boot disk and get help from the windows channel15:23
LeoWeihat the command to restart any app?15:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restart15:23
jeeves_Mosshow do I set up BlueProx?  I can't get it to lock my system with my phone15:23
oCean_MuffloN^: unhide ?15:23
MuffloN^Yes, it gets set as hidden it seems15:23
SunnyDPLeoWei the kill command ?15:23
CyLJack_Sparrow: I don't have a wind boot disk, since I'm on a laptop without floppy...15:23
Odd-rationaleLeoWei: send it the SIGUP signal?15:23
LeoWeikill command? i just awnt to restart my no-ip application15:24
Jack_SparrowCyL windows cd will  work15:24
CyLJack_Sparrow: I'm almost sure that there such a package, as I recall doing this trough a package in the past15:24
oCean_MuffloN^: When, where... ? "sudo fdisk -l" does not show your partitions?15:24
SunnyDPLeoWei: close and restart15:24
MuffloN^oCean_: Oh it shows it, and it can be seen and used in Linux15:24
MuffloN^Too bad booting Windows 7 and trying to use it there, is a no go15:25
cedrichurstoCean_ & n8tuser: so i verified that i have coreutils installed, and i have the /usr/share/locale-langpacks/en langpack installed15:25
MuffloN^/dev/sda2            5737       13288    60653564   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS15:25
cedrichurstbut how do i get the en_US-UTF8 langpack15:25
oCean_MuffloN^: ow ok. And that is Linux' fault?15:25
MuffloN^oCean_: Actually, yes, it's lilo's fault15:25
MuffloN^or well, partly my fault as well15:26
oCean_MuffloN^: :)15:26
MuffloN^But it's still partly lilo's as well, I'm not alone! :P15:26
SunnyDPwhat's a Mufflon ? :D15:26
n8tusercedrichurst-> what does the site say about the need to use coreutils?15:26
MuffloN^A mufflon is a sheep15:26
cedrichurstn8tuser: which site?15:27
DarkKnighti have gzip installed but i am still unable to access a gzip file...15:27
Symmetriaquestion, if I need to rebuild my kernel from scratch, how do I extract my current kernel config so I dont have to go through and reconfigure the new kernel from step 115:27
n8tusercedrichurst-> whereever you downloaded that program you're attempting to install15:27
SymmetriaI've done it before I just cant remeber how15:27
oCean_cedrichurst: sorry, no clue to that langpack..15:27
cedrichurstn8tuser: oh, it doesn't15:27
cedrichurstit's officially only supported on rhel & suse15:27
DarkKnighti have gzip installed but i am still unable to access a gzip file...can anyone help15:28
n8tusercedrichurst-> then why are you asking it here in ubuntu?15:28
IcyPolecathiya, can anyone help with an ATI dual head config problem - running Intrepid 32bit15:28
LeoWeithere is no software running and cannot close and restart SunnyDP15:28
PiciDarkKnight: How are you trying to access it?15:28
cedrichurstn8tuser: bc ubuntu is the distribution i'm using currently, and i'm trying to avoid installing rhel or suse15:28
oCean_MuffloN^: well, were are the lilo addicts when you need'em. What could lilo've done to that partition?15:29
DarkKnightPici; i just clicked on the folder and tried opening it and it says archive type not supported15:29
n8tusercedrichurst -> i suggest you read up from their web site and find out whats needed to run it on diff distros15:29
c0rrupt0rI am having audio problems with ubuntu intrepid. I don't believe I am a member of the audio group. I have executed the command "groups" in terminal and here is what i get: c0rrupt0r adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare ..What shall I do or how to become a member of the audio Group15:29
MuffloN^oCean_: Flag it as hidden15:29
MuffloN^There is a fdisk command for this15:29
MuffloN^To change the partition type15:30
PiciDarkKnight: Perhaps its not really gzipped. Ubuntu has support for gzipped files out of the box.15:30
cedrichurstn8tuser: ok, thanks15:30
mandragora22hi can anyone help me saving my system?15:30
cedrichursti think i have a lead on the langpack thing15:30
PiciDarkKnight: If you want to try from a terminal. You can do: gunzip file.gz15:30
=== cedrichurst is now known as cedrichurst_away
n8tuserMuffloN^ -> on the fdisk menu   choose m  for help15:30
DarkKnightPici; actually i backed up my home directory... and i just wanted to see it15:31
mundoes anyone know of any way to test the bandwidth using the console, or any bandwidth testing sites that works with lynx?15:31
Pici!ru | ^FANTASY^15:32
ubottu^FANTASY^: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:32
ikoniamun: ntop ?15:32
^FANTASY^О.о Пасиба15:32
roger_padactorhello, i installed ubuntu over abuntu but it added it as another operating system how do i get rid of the old one so its not there anymore?15:33
rohan__how do install GRUB,through a live CD,just GRUB15:33
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:33
ikonia!grub > rohan__15:33
ubotturohan__, please see my private message15:33
munikonia: but does it allow me to test both my download and upload bandwidths?15:33
ikoniamun: that's just he card through put15:33
munikonia: yeah that's what i thought15:34
c0rrupt0rI am having audio problems with ubuntu intrepid. I don't believe I am a member of the audio group. I have executed the command "groups" in terminal and here is what i get: c0rrupt0r adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare ..What shall I do or how to become a member of the audio Group15:34
ikoniamun: there are many websites like broadbandspeedtest.net15:34
EnissayWhat is transmission-remote for transmission client?15:34
AscavasaionHow do I check if my notebook has bluetooth?  I did a lspci and lsusb but nothing looks positive there15:34
rohan__will that reinstall just GRUB???15:34
dnyhi! does anyone uses netbeans 6.5 on a multi screen system? is it possible to detach the whole editor? i mean i can detach single documents and position them on the other screen, but new documents are opened again within the ide...15:34
munikonia: yeah but most of the sites use flash15:34
ikoniamun: granted15:35
mariamhi folks15:35
CyLJack_Sparrow: just in case, I guess I found a solution using a package called mbr, wich is still matained15:35
CyLI'm going to reboot now, to test it, thanks for your help15:36
c0rrupt0rcan anyone help me please thank you15:37
c0rrupt0rI am having audio problems with ubuntu intrepid. I don't believe I am a member of the audio group. I have executed the command "groups" in terminal and here is what i get: c0rrupt0r adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare ..What shall I do or how to become a member of the audio Group15:37
dhruvasagarhey guys, is there some way to filter out messages only from a particular user in a channel in IRC ?15:37
bryantHow can you tell if Ubuntu is using a proprietary driver?15:37
ikoniadhruvasagar: depends on your client15:37
ikoniabryant: for what device ?15:37
ikoniabryant: system->administration->hardware driver gui15:37
dhruvasagarikonia: I am using chatzilla, which one are you using?15:38
ikoniadhruvasagar: irssi15:38
dhruvasagarikonia: so can we filter?15:38
ikoniadhruvasagar: check your client documents15:38
ikoniadhruvasagar: I'm sure you can15:38
dhruvasagarikonia: you mean logs?15:38
gotgnuwhat is the name of the new automatix installer15:38
mariami have a weir issue, i have an nvidia graphic card and i'm using nvidia-glx-new package in kubuntu hardy, when the computer boots the x server does'nt start and a if i try to execute startx by hand it says that don't found the nvidia gpu or the kernel driver or the files of the driver, then if i execute sudo modprobe -r nvidia the X server starts with no problem, ç15:38
ikoniadropbear: no real time15:38
gotgnualtomatix or something15:39
ikoniagotgnu: doesn't exist any more15:39
mariam¿how can i fix that?15:39
ikoniagotgnu: automatix is dead and gone15:39
bryantFor my video card15:39
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wikkedfinyou dont need automatix15:39
ikoniabryant: check the gui I suggested15:39
wikkedfineverything you need you can do without15:39
gotgnuthere is a new one I just can't think of the name15:40
ikoniagotgnu: then its not supported here15:40
ikoniagotgnu: and as mentioned - you don't need it, its a dead concept15:40
c0rrupt0rI am having audio problems with ubuntu intrepid. I don't believe I am a member of the audio group. I have executed the command "groups" in terminal and here is what i get: c0rrupt0r adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare ..What shall I do or how to become a member of the audio Group15:41
wikkedfinwikkedfin@ubuntu:~$ groups15:41
wikkedfinwikkedfin adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare15:41
wikkedfinmy sound works fine15:42
Chousukec0rrupt0r: adduser c0rrupt0r audio15:42
anniecan any 1 help me15:42
anniei m new in ubuntu15:42
Chousukec0rrupt0r: then log out and log back in15:42
gotgnuok I got it sorry it was ubuntu tweek15:43
roger_padactorhello, installed new unbuntu over the old one, went thru the install process and made a partition. i thought it would format the drive and reinstall everything, but it didn't it added it as another operating system and now i can mount my old ubuntu. how do i get rid of this?15:43
anniematador :15:43
anniematador: will u help me15:43
c0rrupt0rChousuke: Thank you15:43
ikoniaannie: ask a question15:44
ricky_clarksonI have a wonky X configuration for some reason, and would like to stop X.15:44
ricky_clarkson /etc/init.d/gdm stop says [ OK ], but does nothing.15:44
annieikonia :15:44
ricky_clarksonWhat should I do?15:44
anniehi sir15:44
ricky_clarksonI am ssh'd into the machine running these commands.15:44
annieHow can i install data 1x driver15:44
david__i'm looking for help with my ubuntu 8.10 system15:44
david__i have problems with the atheros pci wireless card15:45
david__i've tried everything on all the forums and I still can't get it to work15:45
ali1234if i deleted a system file, how can i restore it with apt/synaptic?15:45
bjayricky_clarkson: sudo /etc....15:46
ali1234david__: what card?15:46
oCean_Ascavasaion: See next link on bluetooth setup: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup.15:46
david__thanks - atheros AR242X15:46
ricky_clarksonbjay: Yes, I did that.15:47
david__right now I'm using a wired connection to get online15:47
orifice_workI've imaged a drive onto a larger drive15:47
ricky_clarksonbjay: Bah.  I believed I had.  An error would be nice.15:47
ali1234david__: did you try installing linux-backports-modules-intrepid?15:48
orifice_workI've imaged a drive to a larger drive but grub won't start even if I install it manually after (w/ grub -> root (hd0,0) -> setup(hd0).  The process seems to proceed fine though.  Is there a step I'm missing15:48
annieikonia: r u der15:48
jacobiany experts here on connecting a linksys router to a verizon westell dsl moden while running Ubuntu 8.04?15:48
david__i did try installing the backports module15:48
david__that didn't work15:48
anniecan any one help me to connect my BSNL data 1x mobile dial up modem15:48
david__should i do it again15:48
ali1234david__: did it actually use the module ath5k?15:48
anniecan any one help me to connect my BSNL data 1x mobile dial up modem15:49
david__that i don't know15:49
david__how can I tell if it saw it?15:49
ricky_clarksonWhen I start X, it appears corrupt.  Is there something I should run?15:49
ikoniaannie: yes, ask a question15:49
ali1234david__: check dmesg15:49
ricky_clarksonsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg # doesn't fix it.15:49
david__I'll do that now15:49
anniecan any one help me to connect my BSNL data 1x mobile dial up modem15:49
dhruvasagarannie: what problems are you facing?15:50
ikoniaannie: I don't even know what that kit is, let me google it, I suspect it's a win modem15:50
annieikonia:  how can i install driver15:50
ali1234david__: there are two different drivers for atheros cards, ath_pci aka madwifi hal which is the old driver, and ath5k/ath9k which is the new driver.15:50
dhruvasagarikonia: BSNL is a ISP15:50
ShadoweaverI am trying to learn how to use a program language.  C++ seems a bit out of my league.  What language should a beginner to unix start?15:51
anniedhruvasagar: how can i install driver15:51
anniei have data 1x Huaie mobile modem15:51
david__sorry about the caps15:51
david__I did the dmesg and I see where I tried to use ndiswrapper15:51
ali1234david__: the old driver isn't really updated much, but the new driver is still not really ready. so you have to try both, and with the new driver you may have to try multiple different versions of it before you find one that works15:51
david__so what is the procedure i need to follow?15:51
ikoniadhruvasagar: ahh thank you15:51
dhruvasagarannie: how do you connect to your modem?15:52
ali1234david__: it depends exactly which card you have15:52
dhruvasagarannie: usb/com ?15:52
annieHuwawei modem15:52
freegooguy what virtual machine software should i run? qume, vmware, xen?? are any faster thwan otherws???15:52
david__i understand that but are there specific steps I need to follow once I load the backports package15:52
anniei have only windows driver15:52
annieikonia: i have only windows driver15:52
ali1234david__: the backports package didnt work for me15:52
ali1234david__: for others it does15:53
ikoniaannie: the windows driver is not usable, I'm just trying to find info on the modem15:53
ShadoweaverIs bash an easy language to learn?  If so where does one start?15:53
david__i understand15:53
dhruvasagarannie: drivers are for a modem, ubuntu should be able to support it out of the box in my opinion15:53
dhruvasagarannie: have you tried to connect to the modem?15:53
ikoniaShadoweaver: not really an ubuntu question15:53
AiotHey everyone!15:53
Myrthanyone can recommend mysql gui for ubuntu?15:53
ikoniaShadoweaver: have a look around the web15:53
ali1234david__: you can also try compiling the latest ath5k/ath9k drivers from source which gets you a newer one, that did work for me15:53
ikoniaMyrth: mysql-admin15:53
david__i have tried wpa_supplicant, wicd,  ndiswrapper, and every other thing I could find15:54
dhruvasagarMyrth you can install MySQL admin package15:54
ali1234david__: however there's no point messing around with that unless you know for sure which driver you are currently testing :)15:54
Myrthis that the best available?15:54
=== marius is now known as Guest98514
Guest98514hello ppl, does anyone know any free sms gateway?15:54
david__that makes sense15:54
dhruvasagarMyrth: check out synaptic, it is available indeed15:54
jiffe92why am I seeing this when that version of the package doesn't even exist on the repository?  'Get:7 http://repository.jiffe.com hardy/main pamldap 1.8.2-2ubuntu2 [99.5kB]'15:54
annieikonia: the modem name is Huawei EC32515:55
ShadoweaverOk.  Your right.  Sorry.  But I do have a hard drive that I would like to mount to xubuntu but, I don't know how.  Can anyone help with this?15:55
AiotI'm having a problem getting the Nvidia drivers working on a Dell xps m1340 with a Nvidia 9500m card.  If I install any of the restricted drivers and reboot I get a black screen that says "No Screens" and I cant start X.  Any help would be awsome15:55
jiffe92I did an apt-get update, but this didn't seem to fix it15:55
Guest98514or such a gateway that I can install on ubuntu?15:55
anniedhruvasagar: Yes i had tried15:55
david__should I disable the support for atheros 5XXX in my hardware drivers section?15:55
ali1234david__: probably15:55
ali1234david__: is that from ndiswrapper?15:56
dhruvasagarAiot: you should try and installing the drivers from synaptic instead of the hardware section....15:56
david__i think so15:56
AiotI have tried it both ways15:56
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
AiotI have reinstalled Ubuntu 8.10 7 times now15:56
Aiothave also tried to use the beta 180.29 driver15:56
dhruvasagarAiot: what version Nvidia drivers did you install?15:56
anniedhruvasagar: i dont know the driver is detected or not15:57
AiotI have tried the 177, 172 and the 180.2915:57
Aioterr 17315:57
david__okay - i've deactivated the support for the atheros card in the hardware drivers section15:57
Aiotno matter which ones I try, once I reboot I cant startx15:58
ali1234david__: is the backports module still installed?15:58
dhruvasagarannie: hmmm I am not very much aware about it sorry, try here you should get help15:58
annieikonia: did u found any thing15:58
ikoniaannie: nope, not yet15:58
Aiotwould the no screens error be a xorg.config issue?15:59
dhruvasagarannie: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto16:00
AiotI have tried to let nvidia config the file and also the defualt from the restricted drivers16:00
anniedhruvasagar: i m very very new to linux16:00
ali1234david__: you need to first disable the old driver: put a line "blacklist ath_pci" into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local16:00
ali1234david__: then install the backports module and reboot16:00
ali1234david__: after reboot do "sudo modprobe ath5k" and check dmesg16:00
ali1234david__: you might need to use ath9k instead16:01
dhruvasagarannie: its alright, you'll make it :)16:01
ali1234david__: if it still doesn't work try the daily snapshot16:01
anniedhruvasagar: can i get the manual of ubuntu as i have just migrated from windows16:01
fr00dDo I have to be worried about this suspicious file found by chkrookit? /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-xen/volatile/.mounted16:02
dhruvasagarannie: you should just search in google....16:02
Piciannie: https://help.ubuntu.com/16:02
anniedhruvasagar: i had but i ddnt got the manual16:02
ricky_clarksonWhen I do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, I don't get asked any graphics questions, only keyboard ones.16:02
AiotAnyone a Video card expert ;-)16:02
dhruvasagarannie: you should try System->Help & Support16:03
anniePici: can i get manual der16:03
anniedhruvasagar: i cantunderstand that help16:03
dhruvasagarannie: why is that?16:03
ShadoweaverHey, maybe someone could explain why my copy of xubuntu runs like a herd of turtles stampeding through penut butter and the the response time is a force to be reckond with?16:04
AiotAre there any Ubuntu shops you can send them your laptop and pay to have it installed and working with all the drivers?16:04
david__sorry - my son called16:04
anniedhurvasagar: coz one of my frd had done all these16:04
david__thanks alil23416:04
anniedhurvasagar: so i m able to talk16:05
fr00dapt-file search and dpkg -S didn't find the file /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-xen/volatile/.mounted whose file is that?16:05
david__I'm going to follow your instructions now16:05
anniedhurvasagar: even i dont know to install16:05
anniedhurvasagar: i nill in linux.16:05
ali1234david__: good luck16:06
Aiotlol @ shadoweaver16:06
dhruvasagarannie: that's not a problem16:06
david__blacklist ath_pci was already in the file16:06
Piciannie: Like I said. https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/index.html is a good place to start.16:06
dhruvasagarannie: you will get to know things16:06
ShadoweaverAny suggestions?16:06
anniedhurvasagar: where is control panel16:06
david__I'm install the backports module now16:06
WizzupWhy not install it yourself, this channel is here for support and help. I am sure you will manage to install it16:06
Wizzupannie: What exactly do you want to change. Also, what Desktop envoriment are you on. Do you have Gnome or KDE?16:07
jiffe92I have a program I want to make a package of, it is a commercial program that has an install process, I'll need to be able to track what files are created, anyone know a good way to do this?16:07
AiotI have it installed however I CAN NOT GET the nvidia driver installed.  I actually just got done doing all the updates on a fresh install of 8.10 (8th time reinstalling).  Every time I try to enable the nvidia drivers and reboot I get welcomed with a Black screen letting me know it cant startx16:08
jiffe92the machine I am installing it on is not an active machine so determining any new files would probably be good enough16:08
AwaDoVhow i can make the taskbar bigger16:08
WizzupAiot: System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers16:08
SunnyDPright click on it16:09
david__i reinstalled the backports for intrepid16:09
dhruvasagarannie: Sytem menu has most of the administrative16:09
WizzupOh right. Aiot, ehm. So the actual config does not work?16:09
SunnyDPand go to properties16:09
david__now I'm going to reboot and rejoin this chat - thanks16:09
=== [nrx2] is now known as [nrx]
AiotWizzup: if I activate one of those drivers (even the reccomended ones) and reboot I cant startx16:09
SunnyDPchange pixel size :D16:09
SunnyDPright ???16:09
BolinHow do i recieve files via bluetooth from another bluetooth device?16:09
WizzupAiot: I see... Ehm. Did you try sudo nvidia-xconfig before logging out?16:09
MyrttiBolin: if you're in Ubuntu, install gnome-bluetooth and use the gnome-obex-server to receive16:10
BTuser93why i can not go to unbuntu-fr??16:10
ShadoweaverDoes anyone else have problems with xubuntu locking up on them?16:10
AiotWizzup: no, but I did run it once I couldnt startx16:10
macmanwhats the best website to find my up and down speed of my dsl ?16:10
PiciBTuser93: type: /join #ubuntu-fr16:10
BolinMyrtti: Will try that .. thanks16:10
[nrx]hi all. After a recent update, none of my multimedia works. I get the usual startup sound when Ubuntu launches however, if i want to view a video file or listen to music (local or streamed) ubuntu hangs (I can't change windows, launch or close but mouse works). Can anyone suggest a resolution?16:10
profanephobiawhats it called when i want to workstations to boot from a image on a ubuntu server, and can it be done without the use of hdds?16:10
anniedhurvasagar: there is no option for driver installation16:10
Aiotit reconfig'd my xorg file however it still couldnt startx16:11
BTuser93no it s not ok16:11
MyrttiBTuser93: do you get some error message?16:11
tryggi can mount a hdd anywhere, including within my home folder right?16:11
WizzupAiot: And what did it output?16:11
BTuser93no i dont thing16:11
Aiotwizzup: the xorg file?16:11
WizzupNo, nvidia-xconfig16:11
WizzupDid it say it was succesful?16:11
abcim running ubuntu on a netbook with a 9" screen. sometimes windows are too large all i can't see the whole window. i have to scroll up and down to see the full window.. any fix for that for the window to resize automatically?16:12
BolinMyrtti: I installed it but how do i start it?16:12
Aiotwizzup: let me activate the driver and sudo run the config.  I'll tell you extactly.  Worst case I just reinstall for  a9th time16:12
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WizzupAiot: I am sure you can disable the drivers without reinstalling16:12
MyrttiBolin: you should get an entry to your applications menu with "Bluetooth File Sharing"16:13
BolinThere it is.. didnt see it first:)16:13
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AiotWizzup:  Well I'm not that good with linux to know what to do without a gui16:13
Myrtti!away > jos-away16:14
ubottujos-away, please see my private message16:14
hacker_kidwhen i create a user with users and groups a home folder isnt created for them16:14
AiotWizzup:  so I just reinstall.  Prolly faster to spend 15 mins reinstalling then poke around tryin to startx without the driver again16:14
WizzupAiot: There is probably an easy way. I'd tell you to google how to deactivate them, but meh.16:14
orifice_workUnder what conditions would grub not be detected on boot after a #grub -> root (hd0,0) -> setup (hd0)  command ?16:14
AiotWizzup: alright, going to activate and sudo nvidia-xconfig16:15
Aiot1 sec16:15
WizzupAiot: Let's pray16:15
Jack_Sparroworifice_work if sda1 did not contain ubuntu with a /boot folder16:15
WizzupAiot: You might also want to nvidia-settings before logging out16:15
Wizzupsee if it states that you have to enable it16:16
AiotWizzup:  lucky number 8 eh?16:16
WizzupAiot: :p16:16
AwaDoVmy screen resolution is 1024-784 or something like that ... and no thing better although the card on windows support many resolution better ?16:16
ShadoweaverCan anyone tell me where to find help with my system.  The bot it not much help.16:17
AwaDoVhow i can fix ?16:17
WizzupAwaDoV: Did you install the drivers for your video card?16:17
orifice_workJack_Sparrow: would grub stage1 at least start though and print a message about not being able to find stage 2 or 1.5 ?16:17
Jack_Sparroworifice_work what os is on sda116:17
AiotWizzup: k activated and ran nvidia-xconfig.  Output some warnings about "No layout specified constructing implicit layout section using screen defualt screen" and "Unable to find corepointer in X configuration, attempting to add new corepointer section"16:18
orifice_workit's fedora16:18
IcyPolecathi again, now seriously need help with ATI dual head config - I've aticonfiged, tried to use the Catalyst control centre and am still stuck with 2 monitors, seperate X sessions (or looks like) and a res of 1024 x 768 on both... HELP PLEASE!!!16:18
orifice_workit has the same boot structure as ubuntu though16:18
WizzupAiot: Just a sec16:18
ShadoweaverI went to the help and support and got this bot thing.  It answered some of my questions but did not resolve the ultimate problem.  Can anyone help?16:18
orifice_workgrub in /boot/grub16:19
rootrotHi how do i use wget to copy a entire directory from a website16:19
AiotWizzup: it says it created a new x configuration file16:19
WizzupAiot: That should be good then16:19
AwaDoVhey sunnyDP16:19
AiotWizzup: k here goes a reboot16:19
WizzupJust log out16:19
xenolhey. i got problems with running dust cold theme in other distro than ubuntu. i got murrine-svn and themes installed but it's not working16:19
zippytech2whats the trick to setting a static ip on 8.0416:19
AiotWizzup: k loging out16:19
ShadoweaverWhere does one find a human help and support from the help and support team?16:20
Jack_SparrowShadoweaver There is a fee for that service.. canonical16:21
PiciShadoweaver: This is the official Ubuntu support channel.  If you have a question, just ask it (all on one line).16:21
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:21
ShadoweaverI am brand new to this xubuntu thing and it runs slower than windows2000.  What gives!16:22
AiotWizzup: Same issue as the other 7 tries16:22
AiotWizzup: asking me to login via cousel no gui16:22
FersureiTunes stopped16:23
Aiotwizzup:  I try to log in and it says "Fatal Error: No Screens found"16:23
WizzupAiot: Hmmmmm16:23
ShadoweaverI was told this copy of xubuntu I have would make my computer run better.  I am having more troubles with it than I know how to deal with.16:23
WizzupAiot: Check the xorg.conf16:23
PiciShadoweaver: If you would elaborate what sort of issues you are having we may be able to help you.16:23
Jack_SparrowShadoweaver Please ask direct questions.  all on one line.  relating to your problem or issue16:23
calamarioften when something linux runs really slow, i find its because you dont have all the correct drivers installed16:23
WizzupDoes it have a section screen?16:23
AiotWizzup: I get a xinit: Connection refused (errno 111) and xinit no such process (errno 3)16:23
WizzupAiot: vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:24
mariai have a network problem with my newly installed 8.0416:25
ShadoweaverWell, it loads things at a snails pace.  Every now and then it will lock up.  And when I run ANY program, the keyboard response seems delayed.  Help!16:25
AiotWizzup:  yes it has a screen section16:25
WizzupWhat does it say16:25
Wizzupehm, paste at pastebin.com16:25
mariaseems that everytime I restart my PC I have to manually reenter the securtiy WPA to get my internet connection to work16:25
mariaany ideas where the problem lies16:26
profanephobiai need for my workstations (with no hdds) to boot from an image on the network, can someone point me towards a tutorial to get me started please?16:26
anniehow can iknow dat my hardware is detected or not?16:26
AiotWizzup:  1 sec work calls16:26
mariai tried manual IP and dhcp16:26
Wizzupok Aiot16:26
mariaeither way i always have to reenter the WPA16:26
anniehow can iknow dat my hardware is detected or not?16:26
Wizzupmaria: Ah. So wireless problems16:26
anniecan any one helpme?16:27
mariaWizzup.  Im a windows user and just jumped ship to Ubuntu16:27
WizzupHm, are you sure there's no reconnect option?16:27
anniecan any one help me16:27
mariaWizzup.  Im not Linux savvy but i do know networks16:27
anniemaria: same here16:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about translation16:27
mariaWizzup...reconnect is not the problem...the other users in the house have connection to the external IP16:28
fiftyonehowdy all, where is the best place to get games for linux?16:28
mariaWizzup...only the Ubuntu machine, i have to manually reenter the WPA16:29
Wizzupmaria: I understand that,16:29
WizzupI'll google a bit16:29
fiftyonenever been a gamer but i do like a good game now and again16:30
Wizzupmaria: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=769829&page=116:30
ShadoweaverWhen I was running windows 2000, my computer worked fine.  But, my father told me if I used xubuntu 8.10 it would run 10 times faster.  Why does it run slow?16:30
WizzupThe answer probably lies there16:30
WizzupShadoweaver: Did you set up all drivers, what are comp specs, what tasks are running. What is running slow?16:31
jStefanI found a bad translation, there is already a suggestion in place in launchpad, but it's been there since 2006-10-11, are there any additional steps needed?16:31
J-Un17shadoweaver: what are your computer specs?16:31
Wizzupmaria: Also, mind that Ubuntu 8.10 has a new Network Manager. It is quite user friendly. You might want to try that if all else fails. (Not that 8.10 is bad)16:32
fiftyoneguess we dont have alot of gamers here16:32
IcyPolecatplease - can anyone assist?16:32
sathyrionI'm a small-time gamer16:32
J-Un17has anyone tried that reactor os?16:33
ShadoweaverWizzup, j-Un17:  Well, I have Celeron 533mhz processer with 156mb ram.16:33
mariaWizzyup...reading you links now16:33
ikoniaJ-Un17: is that anything to do with ubuntu ?16:33
WizzupShadoweaver: I think that is below the minial specs Ubuntu specified16:33
ShadoweaverJust about every program, including the xfce menu take forever to load.16:33
mariawizzyup...not sure, where is the option to continously try and connect?16:33
geniiShadoweaver: You need more ram16:33
sathyrionI run steam source, wow, bf2, gw, left4dead etc..16:33
WizzupYou might want to try Damn Small Linux instead16:33
anniehow caniknow my usb hard ware is detectedor not16:34
Wizzupmaria: I don't know, I am on 8.10, which has a new network manager16:34
jStefanShadoweaver: you would benefit from more memory16:34
tonyyarussoShadoweaver: it'ss also possible that you didn't specify enough swap space when you installed.16:34
ShadoweaverThen why was I told to use this version rather than others16:34
AiotWizzup:  post bin now16:34
Shadoweaverwhat is swap space tonyyarusso16:34
tonyyarussoannie: dmesg will tell you if it sees it being connected at all.16:34
J-Un17shadoweaver: with those specs, i don't think anyything would run incredibly fast16:34
WizzupAiot: Ok. I hope I can help, I'm not too great with xorg.conf16:34
tonyyarussoShadoweaver: Space on the hard drive that is set up to act as a (slower) extension of RAM, also known as virtual memory.16:34
ShadoweaverI hate windows 2000 but, it seems that it worked better.16:34
AiotWizzup : http://pastebin.com/m5e5c4f0116:34
mariawizzyup...im going to update to 8.1016:35
sathyriondsl would run ok16:35
Wizzupok maria16:35
Wizzupgood luck16:35
ShadoweaverOh, kinda like cache?16:35
AiotWizzup:  I couldnt copy and paste becuase its on a laptop with no gui and I dont know how to do it any other way16:35
fiftyonegames, linux, anyone?16:35
tonyyarussoShadoweaver: No, the Windows equivalent is the pagefile.16:35
WizzupAiot: That looks alright. Is that all, though?16:35
sathyrionfiftyone, Yes, What u asking about?16:35
jStefanI found a bad translation, there is already a suggestion in place in launchpad, but it's been there since 2006-10-11, are there any additional steps needed?16:35
ShadoweaverOh "pagefile" ok.  How do I go about doing that?16:35
J-Un17i would buy a new comp, like a 200 dollar one, or upgrade the mem on it. if you tried to install xp i think it would probubly flip out too\16:35
MyrttijStefan: you could try to get it included upstream16:36
AiotWizzup for the scren section16:36
fiftyonesathyrion,  I am looking for some good linux games, where is the best place to get games for linxu?16:36
WizzupAiot: It looks alright to me. You might want to alternatively google for your card specs + ubuntu X problems16:36
ShadoweaverDo you think that will fix my problems16:36
mneHi, how can I have the OS X exposee effect on gnome using compiz ? There is an expo plugin in compiz, but instead if the OS X expose effect which shows all windows on a desktop (by aligning all windows next to each other so that no window is ontop of another window), the plugin does a different effect16:36
tonyyarusso!games | fiftyone16:36
ubottufiftyone: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php16:36
jStefanMyrtti, how would i do that? i was thinking more if a bug should be reported and where?16:36
WizzupSee if other people had the same problem and have solved it some how16:36
innocivwhat does ubuntu have like mpstat?16:36
mib_s1zwxghoHello friends I had a problem while configuring network settings in Ibex! Can you guys help me out?16:36
IcyPolecathi again, now seriously need help with ATI dual head config - I've aticonfiged, tried to use the Catalyst control centre and am still stuck with 2 monitors, seperate X sessions (or looks like) and a res of 1024 x 768 on both... nothing I do seems to affect this and I'm going quietly crazy here. PS if #ubuntu isn't the place to get answers can someone suggest a more appropriate channel?16:36
jiffe92I have a program I want to make a package of, it is a commercial program that has an install process, I'll need to be able to track what files are created, anyone know a good way to do this?16:37
sathyrionLinux native games can be found in Add/remove in your Programs menu. Shoothers, puzzles and strategy. Or you can run wine/cedega to get windows titles running16:37
mib_s1zwxghoHello friends I had a problem while configuring network settings in Ibex! Can you guys help me out?16:37
MyrttijStefan: that's exactly what I mean - launchpad is usually used mainly for ubuntu bugs, but sometimes those bugs aren't transported to the original project.16:37
tonyyarussojiffe92: Odds are that you aren't legally allowed to do so.16:37
Shadoweavergenii I know I need more ram it is just that I currently can't afford to buy it right now.16:37
AiotWizzup:  I have several times.  I guess its back to windows.  I hate to go back AGAIN.  Over the past several years I have tried to use linux but I always have Video card issues and I dont know enough to fix them.  I had it all working for a few months however got this new laptop and now .... meh16:37
sathyrionAiot, What GFX Card?16:38
WizzupAiot: What is your GFX card name?16:38
AiotNvidia 9500m16:38
anniehow caniknow my usb hard ware is detectedor not16:38
Aiotits a Dell XPS m134016:38
jStefanMyrtti, i think i've identified what i should do, thanks16:38
geniiShadoweaver: Well, at least the box is operational for now, even if extremely slow16:39
sathyrionAiot, Simple to install it. Type in consol: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new16:39
IcyPolecatannie: pull up a terminal, plug in the hardware and issue the dmesg command.16:39
ShadoweaverHowever, how does one set up the virtual memory?16:39
Wizzupannie: Your question is very vague16:39
ShadoweaverTrue.  But it is aggrivating16:39
mib_s1zwxghoHello friends I had a problem while configuring network settings in Ibex! Can you guys help me out?16:39
AiotSathyrion:  No matter what nvidia driver I install, once I reboot I cant start x16:39
sathyrionAiot, What is the error in you log?16:40
Shadoweaver!virtual memory16:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about virtual memory16:40
Shadoweavergrr.  stupid bot16:40
shadeslayermib_s1zwxgho: go on16:40
WizzupAiot: I beleive there is a version 18016:40
AiotWizzup:  I have tried 180.2916:41
sathyrionAiot, From ubuntu repos?16:41
WizzupAiot: Darn16:41
tonyyarusso!swap | Shadoweaver16:41
ubottuShadoweaver: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:41
Aiotno didnt see 180 in the ubuntu repo16:41
[gloom]hi there16:41
sathyrionAiot, There is one there16:41
ChrisRipleygot a nvidia quadro fx 1300. Anyone know how to make it run dual screens?16:42
mib_s1zwxghoI am required to manually enter the IP address, dns servers etc so as to connect to internet. When I do so by editing the eth0 properties and save it returns back to aoutomatic DHCP sttings16:42
J-Un17shadoweaver: good luck bro16:42
mib_s1zwxghoPlease help16:42
WizzupAiot: What do the X logs say?16:42
sathyrionAiot, nvidia-180-modaliases16:42
Wizzup/var/log/Xorg.0.log or something16:42
ShadoweaverHopefully J-Un17 it will help to some extent.16:42
AiotSathyrion:  doing sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 now16:42
shadeslayerJ-Un17: i wont help,rather i cant,i have kubuntu16:42
sathyrionAiot, use: sudo apt-get install nvidia-180-modaliases16:42
AiotSathyrion:  k will do16:43
shadeslayermib_s1zwxgho: enable DHCP then16:43
ShadoweaverHowever, I don't remember having the option of setting up SWAP when I installed xubuntu 2 days ago.16:43
shadeslayeron your router16:43
J-Un17shadowweaver: yeah, it's one of those things where you need to fix the hardware before fixing the software, but the swap should help out a lil.16:43
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AiotSathyrion:  says it cant find package nvidia-glx-180-modaliases16:44
J-Un17shadoweaver: when you installed it, remember where it asked about your partitions?16:44
tonyyarussoShadoweaver: If you used to automatic "do everything for me" option you would never have seen it.16:44
sathyrionAiot, only nvidia-180-modaliases16:44
[gloom]I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 from the cd iso (kernel 2.6.27-7). All went fine, LAN worked flawless (RTL8101E/RTL8102E). I just ran the update manager, and it installed among other updates, the new kernel (2.6.27-11) and now I got the interface eth0, but it does not detect when the cable is plugged/unplugged. Any idea about what can be doing this??? Thx16:44
tonyyarusso!lowmem | also check this out Shadoweaver16:44
ubottualso check this out Shadoweaver: For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.16:44
ShadoweaverI know.  I am still learning16:44
AiotSathyrion:  k, its done.  should I startx or reboot?16:45
sathyrionAiot, reboot16:45
J-Un17shadoweaver: DO A MANUAL PARTITION THING, ANd in there you should be able to create the swap then the partition for /16:45
WizzupAiot: reboot is always easier16:45
J-Un17caps lock cruise16:45
SidGBFGuys... anyone knows where can I find information about Free Software Licenses in a short way? I have no idea where to look for it16:45
tonyyarussoSidGBF: can you be more specific?16:45
J-Un17sidgbf: wikipedia :)16:45
WizzupSidGBF: www.gnu.org16:45
skeebo_Hi guys, I have an external drive with a FAT32 FS running on my ubuntu 8.10 desktop. I was wondering if there is a tool for ubuntu I can use to defrag my external drive?16:45
shadeslayerJ-Un17: manual partition thing lol16:46
SunnyDPof course16:46
skeebo_Or would it be ok to mount my external drive to my windows xp vm and defrag it there?16:46
SunnyDPjuts like any other drive !!!116:46
ShadoweaverOh, I do remember seeing that.  Do you think it would help to mount my other 10 gig hard drive and set it up for just swap?16:46
J-Un17shadeslayer: i'm technical like that :P16:46
SidGBFtonyyarusso: I wanted a small paragraph describing it, so I have an idea about wich one I want16:46
cdavisI got a document scanner working with Intrepid, can someone suggest a good Document Manage application?16:46
AiotSathyrion:  Same thing:  cant startx16:46
cdavisI want to save nearly everything I receive in paper format16:46
AiotSathyrion:  do I need to remove the 177 driver?16:46
tonyyarussoSidGBF: In terms of comparing different licenses, your best options are wikipedia and the OSI site.16:46
sathyrionAiot, What does the error log say16:46
mariaWizzyup....downloading updates now.  Realized that my connection is 1mbit.  How do i tell Ubuntu to use a faster connection...it is a 56mbit card16:47
LeoWeii have lamp server but how do i point my domain to my lampserver? my ip is dynamic and i dont have static ip from my isp.16:47
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:47
J-Un17shadowweaver: you should only need to use about 3  gigs on the swap, nothin too much. but if you want to go extreme if might work16:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ip16:47
Wizzupmaria: Are you sure the wireless router isn't just 1mbit?16:47
maria!wlan driver16:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan driver16:47
mariaWizzup....let me look16:47
lithixiumleonel, I you using a service like dyndns16:48
ShadoweaverJ-Un17:  Do I find info on how to mount that hard drive and set it up as SWAP on the help page?16:48
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:48
leonellithixium: no  I don't16:49
lithixiumLeoWei, Are you using a service like dyndns16:49
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LeoWeilithixium: but dyndns gives sub domain16:49
AiotSathyrion:  I see Nvidia dlloader driver 180.11 amd tjem Primary device is: (EE) No Devices Detected16:49
lithixiumleonel, sorry, wrong username :P16:49
LeoWeilithixium:  then the domain point to that subdomain16:49
LeoWeilithixium:  that will be troublesome16:49
AiotSathyrion:  Datak server error:  No Screens Found16:49
J-Un17shadoweaver: if it is a usb, i think as long as it's plugged in when you try to re-install it it should come up, it did with mine, almost destroyed my pron :)16:49
leonellithixium: i know  no problemo16:49
tryggtrying to use a custom command in nautilus, how do i specify the file selected as a wildcard?16:49
treenesteranyone know how to share a bluetooth broadband connection over network?16:50
ShadoweaverNo it is internal.  I have not mounted it yet.  Don't know how to yet16:50
sathyrionAiot, Try to reconfigure your xserver16:50
lithixiumLeoWei, hmm16:50
J-Un17shadoweaver: and it does not show up when you try to install it?16:50
AiotSathyrion:  how?16:50
SidGBFthanks folks16:50
mariawizzup....its the easybox a801...im almost positive it can do more than 1mbit16:51
mariabut ill look it up to be sure16:51
Wizzupmaria: I more or less meant your actual connection with the provider16:51
IcyPolecatwell thanks everyone - have finally managed to get full res by using the open source driver and xrandr. Not ideal but at least I'm not going crosseyed trying to read giant terminal output.16:51
WizzupNot the modem. I was a bit vague I recon16:51
lithixiumLeoWei, without a static IP, I'm not sure what else you can do16:51
mariayeah...thats 16mbit16:51
ShadoweaverI thought that when I installed it 2 days ago, I partitioned it.  Guess not.16:51
Tboltcan anyone help with a sound card issue... i have 8.10 on a Dell xps400 and i can't seem to get the (Sigmatel Stac92xx) sound card's "line in" or "mic" ports to work16:51
sathyrionAiot, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:51
mariaWizzup...the other PC as a strong 16mbit connection from the ISP16:51
Wizzupmaria: Using wifi?16:51
ShadoweaverBut I did find a website that might help.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive16:51
J-Un17shadoweaver: if you are going to do that, back up all your stuff off of that hard drive then try to re-install it with the manual partition16:52
mariawizzup...hes cabled16:52
WizzupWifi is generally quite slow, at least slower than cable16:52
J-Un17shadoweaver: it should show up16:52
Tapouti hit ctl+-   and it zoomed out, made my font 1/2, how do I increase it?  ctl++ does nothing16:52
J-Un17shadoweaver: good luck again16:52
LeoWeilithixium:  then if i use the no-ip i still need to use the subdomain to point to my ip is it?16:52
Tapoutthere we go16:52
J-Un17time for class, i hate network design/troubleshooting16:52
ShadoweaverI have nothing on it.  It is still, practically a clean install16:52
mariaWizzup...the upload bandwidth is 1mbit, same as download.  I am suspecting something to do with a driver setting here16:52
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wardtTbolt, tried all the sound systems via System>Prefs>Select Multim...?16:53
WizzupPossibly... I haven't experienced problem with it alot16:53
mariawizzup...what terminal commands can i use to "look" at my Wifi NIC16:53
AiotSathyrion:  ran though config.  just did default options.  Rebooting now16:53
Wizzupmaria: I don't know that, sorry. Just a normal ubuntu user my self. :)16:53
macmanhttp://i.dslr.net/imc/0/5/2/7/66662380.png <-- how do you read this ?16:53
WizzupAnd I have to go for now... Good luck16:53
amikropWhere "Removable Drives And Media" has gone?16:53
lithixiumLeoWei, I would guess so, are you using the free no-ip service?16:54
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AiotSathyrion:  ame ussye16:54
AiotSathyrion:  same issue16:54
lithixiumThis sounds like something the paid for extra service might accomodate16:54
AiotSathyrion:  when I try to startx it says "Primary device is not PCI (EE) no Devices Detected16:55
ShadoweaverI can't find my other hard drive.  Do I need to mount it manually and set up partitions or is there a way to mount it without reinstalling?16:55
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: I'd confirm that you don't already have swap first (or that the amount you have is insufficient)16:55
ShadoweaverI don't think so.16:55
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: you ok starting a terminal window?16:56
ShadoweaverHold one16:56
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IcyPolecatShadoweaver: ok - pull one up and run the following command - free16:56
amikropWhere "Removable Drives And Media" has gone?16:56
EvilDennisRI'm trying to install sun-java5-bin and sun-java5-jre with a non-interactive frontend, however it fails to say "YES" to the license agreement and backs out of the installed. I tried aptitude -R -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install with no luck -- Any ideas how to get this installed noninteractivly ?16:56
amikropI can't find it and I need it.16:56
SlimeyPeteamikrop: it's still in the Places menu. Well, it should be, anyway.16:57
ShadoweaverOk its up.  So type "free" then return?16:57
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: yup - you're looking for a line that looks something like: Swap:      3903784          0    390378416:57
LeoWeilithixium:  yes..then there is this one thing where i use it to redirect to my ip but it did access my router not my lamp server16:57
amikropSlimeyPete: Actually, it always was in System->Preferences but now it's absent.16:57
amikropNow = Intrepid16:58
ShadoweaverIcyPolecat:  Ok it states 361420  total  163460  used and 197160 free16:58
ShadoweaverThat is on the swap16:58
amikropWhere "Removable Drives And Media" has gone?16:58
ShadoweaverNo shared or otherwise16:59
AiotSathyrion:  when I try to run sudo nvidia-xconfig it says "Validation error"  data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a driver line16:59
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: well in that case you already have swap and you're using less than half of it so not sure adding more is going to help massively16:59
lithixiumLeoWei, you should be able to set your router up to forward the traffic onto your server16:59
LeoWeihow to set it to point to my LAMP server in vbox?16:59
* DarthPidgin pokes amikrop and say's: "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=713724"17:00
ShadoweaverIcyPolecat:  What if I was to mount my other hard drive and set up some more swap.  Would that Help?17:00
LeoWeivirtual box lithixium17:00
lithixiumIs that from Virgin?17:00
lithixiumOh, I see17:00
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:00
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: what's the mem: (RAM) report from the same command?17:00
amikropDarthPidgin: ok, thanks17:00
lithixiumShort Answer: Don't Know17:00
DarthPidginGoogle is your buddy17:00
LeoWeinow that i access xxx.xxx.com it will go to my router17:01
LeoWeithen i need to set my router to point to my LAMP server in vbox17:01
Shadoweaver123804 total, 121116 used,  32460 is free17:01
LeoWeibut in vbox itself i was using NAT as host interface is not orking17:01
LeoWeiany threads or ideas on this?17:01
hattenhello, i wanna move a bunch of files in a bunch of different folders to another folder, renaming the files with their original folders names. Is that possible to do in a quick way with the terminal?17:02
tonyyarussohatten: you can probably  do it with 'rename'.17:03
hattengive me the full command17:03
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: yeah as I thought - tbh, adding swap is not going to speed anything up as you'll be thrashing the disk most of the time. I've got to go with the previous recomendation and say you need more RAM - 256MB minimum to get a usable Xubuntu system17:03
tonyyarussohatten: a little bit of regex and scripting foo will be required.17:03
tonyyarussohatten: I can give you the pointer, but I'm not going to do the work for you and spoonfeed it to you.17:03
ShadoweaverI was afraid of that.  So, until I get more RAM, I will be pulling my hair out.  Oh well.17:04
hattenits like 10 pictures in about 100 folders that i wanna view in the order the folders are in17:04
ShadoweaverI guess I can live with that.17:04
atharhhey everyone. I can listen to an mms stream by doing "mplayer url". How do I also simultaneously record it? Thanks.17:04
linduxedis there a way to easily broadcast the music youre listening to in rhythmbox?17:04
ShadoweaverBut I will have to do that.17:04
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: I think sometimes people forget that even Xubuntu has a lower threshold below which it's not usable... Shadoweaver there are a couple of things you could try but they'll mean a re-install.17:05
GneaShadoweaver: or just manage your memory differently17:05
wintermu1ehow do I change the ip address in butuntu server (without the graphical tool)17:05
hattenbut the pictures have similar names so if i simply moved the files they wouldn't get in order17:05
GneaIcyPolecat: why a reinstall?17:05
tryggis it possible to bypass a gpg error when you've added a 3rd party software source?17:05
ShadoweaverOh..  Thats ok.  I have nothing on here to loose.17:05
IcyPolecatGnea: well with that little memory the swap is going to be very active to dropping to ext2 would be a good idea. also he can bump the swap up a bit in the process17:06
IcyPolecat*so dropping to etx2...17:06
ShadoweaverHey can we chat on a private, i guess it is called channels.17:06
DarthPidginatharh, with mencoder. open the terminal and type "man mencoder". mencoder and mplayer pretty much take the same options...17:06
lithixiumtrygg, Yse17:06
lithixiumtrygg, Just ignore the error17:07
trygglithixium: i trust the source so its not a problem, how do i do it? :)17:07
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: would rather keep it on channel if you don't mind ... if only cos I'm not sure how to get direct channels in irssi :-)17:07
hattenis there a picture viewer that i can view a few pictures in about 100 folders without moving them, and watching them in the order.17:07
lithixiumtrygg, from the command line, or the gui?17:07
GneaShadoweaver: better to keep it here, in case someone else has a good/better idea17:07
Shadoweaveroh.  O.k.17:07
trygglithixium: from a terminal. oh, i noticed it updated anyway17:08
lithixiumtrygg, Yeah, it'll complain, but it won't stop you updating/installing from the source17:08
GneaShadoweaver: you should read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18919217:08
atharhDarthPidgin: Thanks17:08
ShadoweaverWhat is it that you have in mind17:08
ShadoweaverOk gnea17:08
trygglithixium: perfect, thanks :)17:08
wisnutanyone know if I can get the ubuntu-desktop-8.04.1 iso somewhere?  I can find 8.04.0, and 8.04.2, but not 8.04.1. . . . .17:09
ShadoweaverI am going to read this.  BRB Gnea and IcyPolecat17:11
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: certainly the tips re filesystem and services17:11
lithixiumwisnut, Why would you need it? A disto upgrade will get you to the latest 8.04 version anyway17:11
DarthPidginwisnut, can I ask why you want that specific version?17:11
=== Greyhound is now known as Greyhound-
tonyyarussowisnut: why would you want to?17:11
DarthPidginGreat minds think alike...17:11
nx9005hi i have hp compaq nx9005 notebook. i installed ubuntu 8.10 server edition but i can't use keyboard and mouse help me please17:11
wisnutgood question17:11
jester7ok, here's a strange one.  I have an 8.04 server that becomes inaccessible over the network after a random amount of time.  you can't ping, ssh, http.  all i have to do to get it accessible again is ping out FROM the server itself.  any idea what's happening?17:12
ShadoweaverAlright.  BRB17:12
silv3r_m001hi thre17:12
lithixiumWiseguy, Is there an answer?17:12
lithixiumwisnut, Is there any answer?17:12
DarthPidginI'm curious too17:12
silv3r_m001I installed tomcat from synaptic ... and now how to use it ....localhost:8080 doesnt work17:12
lithixiumWiseguy, sorry, not you17:12
=== Greyhound is now known as Greyhound-
Myrttiwisnut: why do you want specifically 8.04.1 ?17:12
wisnuthad students install a vm using 8.04.1, and do some labs that I tested with 8.04.2, which worked flawlessly.  Students' vm's kept getting a bunch of errors (perl/cpan related) that we couldn't come up with a consistent fix for, so I wanted to test out their images with a fresh 8.04.1 install. . . .17:13
AiotAlright All, Thanks for trying to help.  I guess its back to windows till I can get some driver support for this laptop17:13
ShadoweaverHey does this information also include xubuntu or are they pretty much the same?17:13
lithixiumnx9005, So you can't login?17:13
wisnutjust hoping to reproduce the problem and repair17:13
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: a lot of it is below the window manager so it will be the same17:13
GneaShadoweaver: yeah, it's pretty much all-encompassing17:14
DarthPidginwisnut, isn't it easier to downgrade the perl/cpan stuff17:14
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: I'd avoid prelink as it will just put extra load on your system. The EXT3 tips will be useful as will the services / daemons17:14
DarthPidgin+ questionmark17:14
ShadoweaverUhh, okay.17:15
tonyyarussowisnut: You might still be able to find VMware or VirtualBox images somewhere if you can't find an original ISO.17:15
wisnutDarthPidgin: ran some cpan updates, which worked on about 30% of the computers, the other ones got just a ton of continual errors, and I'm not good enough to troubleshoot the perl stuff well, so just hoping to reproduce and figure it out17:16
GneaShadoweaver: but you should experiment and see what works best for your situation17:16
lithixiumwisnut, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/release/ seems to have 8.04.117:16
wisnuttonyyarusso: good idea - i'll look for some, but have a general lack of trust in getting someone else's vm's17:16
tonyyarussowisnut: Eh, I don't know that I'd use them for a production server or something, but just to test student work there's no issue.17:17
wisnutlithixium: Awesome!  I just couldn't find it. . . .thanks!!!!!17:17
DarthPidginwisnut, http://isohunt.com/torrents/?ihq=ubuntu+8.04.117:17
GneaShadoweaver: another thing to consider is memory tuning: http://www.broadbandreports.com/forum/r21772995-Perfect-linux-memory-management-accuracy~start=2017:17
ShadoweaverAlright.  Well, what I am going to do is this;  I will reinstall xubuntu and load it on my other hardrive, play around with the different install settings and see what works best.17:18
wisnuttonyyarusso: yeah, but what updates did they run before packaging the vm. . . .we started from a scratch install, which is what I'd like to reproduce17:18
ShadoweaverThat way I still have one working (to some degree) OS.17:18
ShadoweaverWhat do you think?17:18
=== altnickkeke is now known as innociv
wisnutThanks DarthPidgin!17:18
DarthPidginIsohunt is your buddy17:18
GneaShadoweaver: sounds like fun :)17:18
wisnutI have a new bookmark now!17:18
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: sounds good - will fill the time whilst you're waiting for the mailman to deliver your ram chip :-)17:18
ShadoweaverThank you guys so much.  I will let you what happens.  May I add the two of you to my friends list?17:19
=== Eber_ is now known as Eber
Jason_COcan someone please tell me what in the hell console-kit-daemon is and much more importantly why it is CONTINUOUSLY eating up 50 to 75% of my processor.  im runnin kubuntu 8.10 with the kde 4.2 betas installed and up to date17:19
Gnea!language | Jason_CO17:19
ubottuJason_CO: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:20
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Jason_COoops - sorry Gnea17:20
GneaJason_CO: there is never a need for that sort of tone in here.17:20
Jason_COGnea:  as i said -- im sorry --17:20
mheathDoes anyone know what the "Broadcom STA Wireless Driver" restricted driver is for? The Hardware Drivers app offers it for my system, but the wireless works out of the box with free drivers.17:21
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: if you have such a thing feel free but this a screened session so 90% of the time I'm not actually looking at it!17:21
GneaJason_CO: what does this command return:  which console-kit-daemon17:21
whutWhat repository should I add so that adobe-flashprayer package would be contained within it?17:21
Stefchoi need some help :S17:21
Stefchoi run ircd and then he stops auto.. :(17:21
Jason_COgnea comes back as /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon17:21
thropehi i've got a usb drive that doesn't automount - im trying to setup a regular mount point, but it doesnt seem to have a uuid and i can't find the sysfs serial to make a udev rule so I'm a bit stuck - can I create a uuid without damaging the partition (fat32)? any other suggestions?17:21
ShadoweaverOh.  I thought it was like yahoo where you could add people of intrest to a list to keep in contact.17:22
lithixiumwhuffor, flashprayer? :D it's in the standard Ubuntu repos (multiverse I think)17:22
GneaJason_CO: okay, now what does this command give you:  dpkg -S /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon17:22
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lithixiumwhut,  flashprayer? :D it's in the standard Ubuntu repos (multiverse I think)17:22
lithixiumwhuffor, sorry, I really need to stop doing this!17:22
ShadoweaverSorry, I am still new to this stuff.17:22
DarthPidginthrope, did you look in the /dev/disk-by-uuid directory?17:22
whutlithixium: Ah, sory, it's just called flashplayer-nonfree17:22
thropeDarthPidgin: yes - there isn't a listing there for this partition17:22
GneaShadoweaver: heh, no, this is IRC, which was around years before the concept of IM was born :) you can add us to your /notify list, however17:22
fiftyonehi im trying to register my nic on irc anyone know how to do it?17:23
DarthPidginyou can create a uuid as far as i know17:23
thropeDarthPidgin: and vol_id says unknown volume type17:23
Shadoweaveroh.  Kinda like the BBS?17:23
tonyyarusso!register | fiftyone17:23
ubottufiftyone: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode17:23
Scunizithrope: you can "find" uuid's with sudo blkid.. sd fo rthe usb drive, since it has the possibility of mounting off different usb ports that might change the uuid. i don't know17:23
DarthPidginsounds like a wrong formatted disk17:23
GneaShadoweaver: much more advanced than any bbs chat that existed, but yeah, it evolved around the same time period17:23
Jason_COGnea: consolekit: /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon17:23
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: IRC - a second to get started ... a lifetime to master :)17:23
thropeDarthPidgin: it mounts fine manually17:23
ShadoweaverSounds like fun!  =)17:24
DarthPidginthat doesn't say anything about the state of a disk ;)17:24
thropeScunizi: ah blkid worked17:24
GneaJason_CO: now, please don't paste it here, because we don't do the whole flooding thing ;)  apt-cache show consolekit17:24
refdefHey guys. I just uninstalled firestarter from ubuntu 8.10 and rebooted and now my internet connection doesnt work. I get a valid ip and everything but there is no data transfer. Could anyone pleqse help? Thanks17:24
thropeDarthPidgin: i guess not... :) but i can read and write stuff (just quick test) - guess there could be problems though17:24
Stefchodamn i know it no one will help me :/17:25
DarthPidginu can use uuidgen to create a new uuid17:25
Jason_COGnea: ok - -did it -- what do you need to see?17:25
ShadoweaverBefore I get started on the poking and prodding of the install, what should I be careful of?17:25
GneaJason_CO: it's not what i need to see, it's what you need to read - it tells you what that daemon is all about :)17:25
thropeScunizi: but since it doesn't show up in dev/disk/by-uuid it doesnt mount with uuid in fstab17:26
DarthPidginthrope, if that doesn't work you can think about automounting with a label17:26
Jason_COGnea: im far more concerned about why its burning up 50% - 75% of my processor speed17:26
ScuniziStefcho: you can repeat your question every few minutes or so.. you've got people waking up and joining from around the world while others are tired and going to bed..17:27
thropeDarthPidgin: ah that would do - how do I label an fat32 partition?17:27
Stefchook Thanky17:27
GneaJason_CO: well, take a look at what it's designed to do. now, take a look at your process list in realtime with the top command17:27
Stefchoi run ircd and between 10 minutes he stops auto can anyone help me ?17:27
Scunizithrope: usb is handled differently .. not directly in fstab.. unless you're dealing with a vm in virtualbox17:27
refdefAny help?17:28
refdefPlease i just uninstalled firestarter and rebooted and now my internet connection does not work anymore17:28
whutI have a FAT32 flash card with a damaged disk map, what can I restore/fix it with?17:28
DarthPidginthrope, there is an mtools package for that17:28
Stefchoi run ircd and between 10 minutes he stops auto can anyone help me ?17:28
Gneawhut: testdisk17:28
ShadoweaverGnea: is there anything that I need to be careful with while playing with the different setting in the installation?17:28
thropeScunizi: not in this case - it doesnt auto mount or anything, so i just thought id put in fstab17:28
Stefchoi run ircd and between 10 minutes he stops auto can anyone help me ?17:28
ScuniziStefcho: what you wrote doesn't make any sense.. however if you need ircd assistance that's not directly ubuntu related.. might try in ##linux17:28
bpatterson_I'm running nfs-user-server in Ubuntu 8.10 (i386) and trying to mount a share on an ubuntu 8.04 (x64) server.   I get an access denied error.  Relevant files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117353/17:29
Jason_COGnea: my computer has only one user -- me17:29
StefchoScunizi its from ubuntu17:29
DarthPidginthrope, I warn you, the mtools package is probably the worst thing the ubuntu community ever faced... But it will work... eventually.17:29
Scunizithrope: have you tried a different usb port.. perhaps one without a hub on it if that's what it's plugged into now.17:29
Stefchocuz when i look at the System log17:29
Stefchothere is error from the ubuntu17:29
erUSUL!info tstdisk | whut17:29
ubottuPackage tstdisk does not exist in intrepid17:29
erUSUL!info testdisk | whut17:29
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 1196 kB, installed size 3768 kB17:29
rwHi, I'm installing an ubuntu command line install and during installation it asks for the ubuntu intrepid cd. I can't open the cd rom drive to put it in there. What going on?17:30
SAnDY_COOl_its wa too complicated da17:30
GneaJason_CO: but perhaps there's a rogue process that's causing problems17:30
platypus_i'm having an issue in ubuntu i haven't come across before, dual monitors using the proprietary nvidia driver, one monitor will dim randomly and then return to normal17:30
Jason_COGnea: ok -   thanks i'll start digging17:30
ScuniziStefcho: still .. to get help on a package and how it works or configuration you're at the mercey of finding someone that has done it before.. you might have a better chance at this time period to try ##linux17:30
StefchoScunizi ok dude thank u :)17:31
ShadoweaverDid you see my last17:31
GneaShadoweaver: basically take your time and try not to get discouraged if you lock your system up once or twice17:32
platypus_not sure if thats a question for the nvidia folks or something going on with acpid17:32
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: not really - obviously make sure you're working on the right disk if you're partitioning other than that make sure you patience, and a clock - tweaking can seriously eat into your day17:32
GneaShadoweaver: but that's just a worst-case thing, I doubt that you'll have that problem :)17:32
ShadoweaverHow do I know which hard drive to use so I don't mess up this one?17:33
refdefPlease! I uninstalled firestarter and rebooted my pc and now my internet connection doesnt work. Cqn anyone hel p please? Hanks17:33
Gneaplatypus_: odd, sounds like the monitor is on the fritz17:33
platypus_Gnea, I suspected the same17:33
platypus_however ive tried a few monitors17:33
platypus_and it happens to all of them17:33
platypus_and, it happens to the left or right one17:33
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: well one will have the root ext3 patitions and swap already laid out. the other will have whatever was on it before. FAT or NTFS17:33
platypus_not just one17:33
rraj_bei am here17:33
platypus_if it was just one side i would have thought similar but its not17:34
rraj_beu can post ur doubts SAnDY_COOl17:34
ShadoweaverI deleted the partitions on the other drive17:34
=== SAnDY_COOl_ is now known as SAnDY_COOl
Scuniziplatypus_: which driver are you using?17:34
ShadoweaverHow do I find the Hard Drive names?17:34
platypus_the nvidia linux driver for quadro cards17:34
platypus_let me get the specific revision17:34
Scuniziplatypus_: which version number17:34
ShadoweaverThat way I don't have to guess.17:34
GneaShadoweaver: they aren't 'named', but mapped in /etc/fstab17:34
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:34
wikkedfinDoes ubuntu have any app to make say birthday cards?17:34
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: ok so that's the empty one! Will be identified by either hdd# or sda# where # is the disk number and provided you don't physically disconnect them thos number shouldn't change17:34
Stefchoi run ircd and between 10 minutes he stops auto can anyone help me ?17:35
=== Ozreichter is now known as Kryzler
ShadoweaverYea, I got that.  When in installation mode, How will I tell the difference?17:35
ShadoweaverIf you told me before I am sorry.17:36
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: if you go for custom partition the disks will be refferred to by their ID17:36
platypus_Scunizi, - NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.2217:36
whutHow can I upgrade to KDE 4.2/OpenOffice.org 3 using only bash? (using ssh to work this one)17:36
Scuniziplatypus_: you installed that one yourself .. right?17:36
ShadoweaverOh.  I get thanks.17:36
LaGeekwhut ask #kubuntu17:37
ShadoweaverWhen in terminal, what command do you I use to see the ID for the one I am on now?17:37
Scuniziplatypus_: you might download the latest which I think is 180.29.. when you install it it will automatically uninstall the other.. remember you have to do it from a TTY without gdm running.17:37
platypus_is this a known issue with that release?17:37
platypus_there's nothing in the change log17:38
platypus_and it was released in late january17:38
Scuniziplatypus_: not really sure.. but I know there were major strides on my machine between x.11 and x.22 .. I'm installing .29 today17:38
platypus_it was just released yesterday17:38
jester7ok, here's a strange one.  I have an 8.04 server that becomes inaccessible over the network after a random amount of time.  you can't ping, ssh, http.  all i have to do to get it accessible again is ping out FROM the server itself.  any idea what's happening?17:38
lithixiumwhut, do you have the right repos enabled?17:39
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: erm ... hang on17:39
LeoWeihow to sudo remove?17:39
jester7sathyrion: is that to me?17:39
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: you can try df - should give you the disk name at the top17:40
jester7sathyrion: no, its not wifi.17:40
Shadoweaverlet me try it.  Hold on.17:40
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: something like /dev/hdd117:40
cambazzhello. in the ubuntu server edition, how do I pick which services start and which services does not17:40
jester7another odd thing is i'm running vmware server on it, and the Windows2000 VM does not become inaccessible...17:40
whutlithixium: I tried to enable medibuntu, but it failed with E: Couldn't find package medibuntu-keyring17:41
Shadoweaversda1 got it!  Thanks.  I'll be back.  Will you be here in about a hour or two?17:41
Dopppanyone has a happy hacking keyboard?17:41
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: might be - just shout - if not I'm sure others will be happy to help if you ask nicely :)17:41
lithixiumDoppp, Are they still available?17:42
ShadoweaverCool.  Thank you so much for your help with my silly questions.17:42
Dopppi think so17:42
lithixiumwhut, Did you follow the wiki instructions?17:42
IcyPolecatShadoweaver: np17:42
whutlithixium: Yes, help.ubuntu.com17:42
xTheGoat121xGreetings everyone... I've got an extremely odd problem.  My laptop has no internet, and when I go to check the wireless settings, I instead get a white web page in FF that says "It works!"17:42
SAnDY_COOlhi eveyone17:42
lithixiumwhut, For intrepid: execute: "sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list"17:42
SAnDY_COOli donno much abt ubuntu17:43
lithixiumwhut, then: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update"17:43
bpatterson_I'm running nfs-user-server in Ubuntu 8.10 (i386) and trying to mount a share on an ubuntu 8.04 (x64) server.   I get an access denied error.  Relevant files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117353/17:43
whutlithixium: Thanks, I forgot to include output . =(17:44
whutlithixium: OO3 should be there?17:44
cambazzI found how to remove a service, but is there something like rc-status? a command that shows all loaded services/daemons?17:44
lithixiumwhut, no, neither OOo 3 or KDE 4 are there17:44
lithixiumwhut, hold on, I'll find the repos17:44
duskoHello guys, I have just installed unbuntu 8.10,  and have Never used it before. I have downloaded a program called hellanzb and "installed it" but I can`t find it. I am used to vista and exe files... :) can some one help???17:45
zipperOn a fresh install i'm having trouble installing the ATI restricted drivers. The download never gets further than 0%, no errors given. The restricted drivers for b43 installed without problems tho. Any ideas?17:46
Myrthis there a way to make gnome terminal automatically copy mouse selection?17:46
innocivhow do i view how much disk space is used by folder, but not subfolders?17:46
lithixiumwhut, OOo3 repo instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98718117:46
=== maco_ is now known as maco
whutlithixium: Thanks a lot, as for KDE4.2, I've been already advised at #kubuntu17:47
zipperinnociv: there is an app called baeboa or something like that. Try google for "linux disk usage analyser"17:47
lithixiumwhut, OK, Cool17:47
innocivzipper, that works via console?17:47
nomikewhere do I set the global proxy settings if I have no X ?17:47
duskoHello guys, I have just installed unbuntu 8.10,  and have Never used it before. I have downloaded a program called hellanzb and "installed it" but I can`t find it. I am used to vista and exe files... :) can some one help??? PLEASE!!!17:48
zipperinnociv: There is a gui, but i *think* there is a console version as well. Not sure, never used it myself17:48
skeeboDoes anyone know if it is safe to defrag my FAT32 external drive on my Windows XP VM? I want to make sure before I do it. Any help is much appreciated, thanks.17:48
platypus_Scunizi, I updated the driver, we'll see if that works17:48
platypus_thanks for the heads up on the new revision17:48
platypus_looks like there's quite a bit of bug fixes in the changelog though none that apply to my specific problem17:49
duskoI have did`t in vista, no problem17:49
zipperinnociv: if you haven't tried already, there might be an argument to 'du' to show only folders without subfolders17:49
innocivahh yeah du that's it17:49
skeeboor is there an appropriate channel to ask my question besides here?17:49
Picidusko: That is a command line interface application. Just run hellanzb from a terminal.17:49
platypus_skeebo, what's the question17:49
skeebo Does anyone know if it is safe to defrag my FAT32 external drive on my Windows XP VM? I want to make sure before I do it. Any help is much appreciated, thanks.17:50
platypus_what do you want to defrag it for?17:50
zipperOn a fresh install i'm having trouble installing the ATI restricted drivers. The download never gets further than 0%, no errors given. The restricted drivers for b43 installed without problems tho. Any ideas?17:50
hbitHello guys, I compiled an application and now there's a new version wich I want to upgrade to. Should I uninstall the old version first? if so how? is there a way to just upgrade the new code?17:50
platypus_zipper, are you behind a proxy?17:50
skeebobecause its a FAT32 FS on my external drive, and I'm constantly adding and moving large files17:51
zipperplatypus_: no17:51
platypus_sorry skeebo i think it'd be ok but im not a windows guy so i hesitate to give bad advice17:51
c0p3rn1cdoes anyone know a great tool to create business diagrams ?17:51
platypus_zipper, have you tried adding different mirrors to your apt sources17:51
duskooki, I`am new :) I don`t know what to write :)17:51
zcat[1]c0p3rn1c, dia ?17:51
platypus_zipper, are you using a gui package manager or the cli17:52
zcat[1]!info dia17:52
ubottudia (source: dia): Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-7ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 189 kB, installed size 548 kB17:52
skeeboplatypus_: dont like windows myself, just have it running on a virtual machine and was hoping its safe to defrag external drives mounted to it is all17:52
skeeboty though17:52
zipperplatypus_: the restricted (multiverse,universe?) repos should be enabled17:52
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platypus_zipper, perhaps the repo you're using is having an issue17:52
zipperplatypus_: i'm using the hardware driver gui thingie. Couldn't figure out which package its trying to fetch17:53
zipperif you know, i might get a proper error message from the cli17:53
Scuniziplatypus_: I just installed the latest driver and it's much snappyier than the .22 driver17:54
platypus_zipper, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Instructions%20for%20Ubuntu%208.04%20(Hardy)%20with%20ATi%208.443.1-1%20and%20above%20binary%20drivers17:54
platypus_try that17:54
platypus_its a manual way outside the repo17:54
platypus_it might help you narrow down your problem17:54
platypus_Scunizi, it seems to draw windows much better, you are correct17:55
bpatterson_I'm running nfs-user-server in Ubuntu 8.10 (i386) and trying to mount a share on an ubuntu 8.04 (x64) server.   I get an access denied error.  Relevant files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117353/17:55
platypus_there is not as much of a lag when dragging windows either17:55
zcat[1]Just a quick question about deb packages (I know, I should probably research this but it's only a quick question) .. they contain 'pre-install/post-install' scripts, right? And they're run as root. If someone were to make a 'malicious' package and convince another user to install it, is there anything in the package management that prevents these scripts from doing 'malicious' actions?17:55
alesanhi where can I ask about the Ubuntu for ARM?17:55
uni4dfxwhy doesn't this command execute if i put it in /etc/rc.local:     echo -en "\xf0\x00\x20\x21\x61\x00\x00\x00\x7f\x00\xf7" > /dev/snd/midiC0D117:56
Scuniziplatypus_: that's what I notice,  for me almost doubled the screen writes.. performance now is close to what I expect on a mid level dual core w/ 4 gigs of ram17:56
mgolischzcat[1]: dont think so17:56
platypus_Scunizi, i'm just on this default issued craptacular work workstation and it's noticeably better, i hate this video card too17:56
mgolischzcat[1]: basicaly those are just shellscripts17:56
Scunizizcat[1]: nope.. because you authorized it with sudo17:57
zipperplatypus_: i went to that guide already, and it doesnt really explain which package the hardware driver tool is trying to get. I'd prefer to use the repos for this as i dont need great performance or bleeding edge functionality17:57
fomderHi everyone. Im having a lot of trouble. I use ubuntu 8.10 and just uninstalled firestarter firewall and then reboot my pc. Now my ineternet connection doesnt work. ifconfig shows i have a valid ip but no data transfer works, firefox, im applications, voip apps, etc. Could anyone please help ? thanks17:57
Scuniziplatypus_: which card do you have?17:57
platypus_zipper, well unfortunately the gui isnt showing you what is going wrong17:57
platypus_Scunizi, some nvidia quadro fx series with the proprietary dongle that has two monitor outs17:58
mgolischfomder: does iptables --list output anything interesting?17:58
whutI was installing a package using sudo apt-get install <name>, but the downloading was interrupted. Now, every time I try to do sudo apt-get install <name>, it uses that faulty .deb package. How can I force apt-get to re-download the package?17:59
platypus_zipper, what kind of card do you get17:59
platypus_get = have17:59
uni4dfxanyone know why echo commands won't execute from rc.local ?17:59
JoelDrapperHey, Can someone help me with a wireless problem?17:59
Scuniziplatypus_: ah.. I have a board with the nvidia 8200 chipset and onboard video.. with 177 driver I could have beat screen writes with a 7 year old celeron, 180.11 got better and .22 better still.. .29 well you see the difference.  well worth installing.17:59
fomdermgolische, ill paste it somewhere, thanks17:59
zipperplatypus_: radeon 200M, laptop card18:00
mgolischwhut: delete it from the package download cache.. should be /var/cache/apt/something18:00
JoelDrapperI'm very new to ubuntu, I've installed the hardware drivers, but it keeps asking me for a password, and then not accepting it.18:00
mgolischJoelDrapper: what password?18:00
JoelDrapperfor the wireless network18:00
JoelDrapperEven after I disabled the wep password on the network18:01
mgolischJoelDrapper: probably you entered it wrong or selected the wrong encryption/key type18:01
fomdermgolisch http://pastebin.com/d355bdbb518:01
absynthwhut: try #apt-get -f install     this should fix brocken packages and stuff18:01
platypus_zipper, what ati card do you have18:01
DarthPidginJoelDrapper,  you can add yourt username to the sudoers list when you log in as root18:01
mgolischfomder: try sudo iptables -F and see if iptables --list looks different after that18:01
mgolischfomder: id it does try if your internets works then18:02
zipperplatypus_: a radeon 200M, a laptop card18:02
whutabsynth: Thanks.18:02
JoelDrapperWhy would it still ask for a password even if there wasn't one?18:03
JoelDrapperAnd the light won't turn on at the front of my computer.18:03
mgolischJoelDrapper: it probably didnt detect that change yet18:03
tARrAScHHello, Is there any good reason that the latest verson of OO.org isn't in the repos? I can understand we waited for 3.0.1. But what's the delay now? Is it a good idea to upgrade manually?18:03
JoelDrapperI've restarted, and tried this several times18:03
PMEDUBNeed Ndiswrapper help. can anyone help me find the windows driver for my card?  I am going crazy ;(18:03
mgolischPMEDUB: look at their wiki18:03
fomdermgolisch, cleared ip tables, still no luck though18:04
lithixiumtARrAScH, I doubt there are any *good* reasons18:04
fomderis a reboot necessary mgolisch18:04
uni4dfxright, i'll just go spam the forum then18:04
mgolischJoelDrapper: see if networkmanager saved a profile for that network and delete it18:04
mgolischfomder: what doesnt work?18:04
platypus_zipper_, apparently there is a big following on the net for support for the 200m18:05
mgolischfomder: check if its name resolution or realy the connections beeing blocked18:05
JoelDrapperI went into the wireless troubleshooting guide in the help files, and when I do this command, sudo lshw -C network, it doesn't show any status of the wireless driver.18:05
tARrAScHlithixium: Ok, it's both upparts and downparts. But do you think the repos will be updated soon anyway?18:05
mibanyone can suggest me a good messenger which i could use for chatting+viewing webcam + sending file on ubuntu18:05
platypus_as the only people who have gotten it to work are using non supported drivers for that card18:05
fomdermgolisch my internet.. Sorry i didnt understand what i should do /check next?18:05
zipper_platypus_: sorry bout that, got disconnected. Wierd, b43 was pretty stable under arch. Its a radeon 200m.18:05
JoelDrappermgolisch: I'll try that18:05
DarthPidginmib, pidgin!18:05
mibi used pidgin but it can only support chatting at the moment18:06
zipper_platypus_: cool, thats good to know. I'll try another repo first, might be as simple as the repo being offline (as you said earlier)18:06
JoelDrapperI can't find the network manager now18:06
JoelDrapperis there a way to run it again?18:06
lithixiumtARrAScH, It'll probably go into backports eventually, but I would say it's low priority18:06
i0n_696Has anyone messed with the Asus Netbooks?18:06
DarthPidginmib, cam sorry didn't read well. Euh... don't really dare to say it here... skype18:06
mgolischfomder: try ping google.com, does it resolve to an ip address? if not try telnet 80 and see if that connects18:06
lithixiumespecially when there's a PPA available with the packages in18:06
platypus_zipper_, you might read this too18:07
unanxbtThe volume in ubuntu 8.10 is too low, is this bug or something else18:07
tARrAScHlithixium: ok thanks, I'll do it manually then. Thank you :)18:07
dayo2i am so over these f#cking sound issues, maaaaan18:07
mibbecause im trying to find a messenger which can support features supported in windows18:07
alexxandrosanyone can provide me with a program to convert m4a to mp3??????????????/18:07
JoelDrappermgolisch: The network manager has closed for some reason. How do I run it again?18:07
DarthPidgini0n_696, yes asus18:07
spych3rhow do i upgrade to kde 4.2 from kde 4.1 in ubuntu?18:07
JesperHaHello, how do I find out which packages I have upgrades today? The system froze up while upgrading some packages and now the network manager wont show up because of missing default settings.18:07
lithixiumspych3r, Add the KDE repo and dist-upgrade18:08
dayo2i play some music on rhythmbox and once i stop. i lose all sound, and rhythmbox crashes >.<18:08
* JoelDrapper restarting18:08
DarthPidginmib, you can try Skype18:08
OriWB_absynth: hey, could you help me finish with the internet connection?18:08
zipper_platypus_: thanks, i'll have a look18:08
mibSkype is only for Skype ..not supported if i wanted to talk to person who use MSN/Yahooo18:08
alexxandrosanyone can help me?18:08
DarthPidginmib, no you're right18:09
unanxbtThe volume in ubuntu 8.10 is too low, is this bug or something else?18:09
* JoelDrapper is back!18:09
DarthPidginmib, gaim?18:09
JesperHaunanxbt, fiddle with the mixers18:10
DarthPidginmib, i mean the older versions18:10
JoelDrapperWhy would the wireless light on the front of my laptop not go on?18:10
mibwhich version ?18:10
kinleyalexcandros: faad -o - input.m4a | lame - output.mp318:10
zipper_platypus_: hmm. I dont believe the problem is with hardware support as i had it running in 8.04 with the driver in the repo, and in arch linux with the binary blob from ati.com18:10
platypus_these posts are older so perhaps it has been fixed18:11
alexxandroswhat do u mean?? sry..18:11
platypus_this was back with FC4/5 era18:11
zipper_dunno if thats a long time agro, never tried fedora =)18:11
DarthPidginI don't know. It's a long time ago since iI used it, and I don't know what was supported18:11
platypus_yeah it is awhile ago :P18:11
platypus_off for now, good luck zipper_18:12
mibso you mean it supported all i mentioned18:12
kinleyalexxandros: for more than one file : use in terminal: for file in *.m4a; do faad -o - "$file" | lame -V2 - "$(basename "$file" .m4a).mp3"; rm "$file"; done18:12
unanxbtJesperHa, mixers are at their top!18:13
DarthPidginmib, I don't remember the cam18:13
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mgolischfomder: still there?18:13
JesperHaunanxbt, ok18:14
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kinleyalexxandros: if you want to keep yout mp4 files use : alexxandros: for more than one file : use in terminal: for file in *.m4a; do faad -o - "$file" | lame -V2 - "$(basename "$file" .m4a).mp3";  done18:14
DarthPidginmib, you can try a couple of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XMPP_client_software. that's as far as I can help18:16
jomderHi everyone. Im having some huge problems. I just uninstalled firestarter firewall and then reboot my 8.10 pc. now my internet connection does not work. ifconfig shows i have a valid ip but nothing internet related works. What can i do Thanks.18:17
Myrttijomder: firestarter is a frontend to iptables18:17
sathyrionjomder, remove firestarter :)18:17
Myrttijomder: check what rules firestarter left behind18:17
jomdermyrtii how can i do that ? im pretty sure i deleted my iptables...18:18
Myrttijomder: you mean you deleted your iptables rules?18:18
jomdermyrtti i believe i did so manual, yes18:18
DarthPidginjomder, remove firestarter install guarddog :)18:18
Myrttijomder: check what output you get when you do "sudo iptables -L"18:19
Anonymous1I have a GTX 260 on ubuntu 8.10 with a westinghouse monitor, and the monitor's colours are horrendous, accompanied by a crackling noise. This only occurs with the proprietary driver. Anyone know what to do?18:19
jomdermyrtii thanks, ill post in on pastebin18:19
mibone more quesion..how can i mount my hard disk space to a drive permanently18:20
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sathyrionmib, add it in fstab18:20
mibi remember i did mount before but when i restart my pc, the mount disapeared18:20
jomdermyrtii could you take a look please ? http://pastebin.com/d3439922818:20
absynthmib: edit /etc/fstab18:20
Anonymous1Does anyone know a possible solution?18:20
j03lar50nhow do i enable compositing or Desktop Effects? trying to install a plugin for GNOME Do18:20
sap2hi, if i want to securely wipe/format a disk after booting from CD (live session) what's the best tool? wipe?18:20
dayo2how to i completely purge pulseaudio from my 8.04?18:20
Anonymous1sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio18:20
Anonymous1or sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio18:21
dayo2Anonymous1: and i'll still have sound,right?18:21
Anonymous1If you change your settings to alsa18:21
jomdermyrttii could you take a look please ? http://pastebin.com/d34399228 i think i spelled your nick wrong last time18:21
ghaithhey, i'm looking for a multiwan routing solution with some control over the information, like i have one connection that should only be used for a specific application, while the other connection is used for browsing and as backup, should be implemented i think, but i'm not sure where to look/looking for a fast advice18:21
Anonymous1Wall of text.18:21
Myrttijomder: the page loads really slowly18:21
mibhow should i add the particular drive?18:21
arvind_khadridayo2: you wont be able to do it... i guess... as pulseaudio is linked with ubuntu-desktop18:22
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Anonymous1ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage18:22
Anonymous1Won't remove everything18:22
dayo2arvind_khadri, Anonymous1: so pulseaudio would still be there?18:22
=== alan is now known as ailean
Anonymous1removing pulseaudio will remove ubuntu-desktop although18:23
jusselGood evening guys.18:23
jusselI got a Question again,18:23
Anonymous1But it's just a metapackage for installing the complete gnome suite18:23
jusselI was here yesterday / 2 days ago about my sound. It works now, but only through my Laptop boxes, not through a headphone.18:23
aileanhi, i can't get my software sources to appear in synaptic. can someone help?18:24
diginuxailean: have you checked to see if the headphone jack is muted? by default i think it is18:25
Anonymous1just open your volume control and check off all options in preferences18:25
Anonymous1One should enable headphone volume18:25
diginuxailean: if you open a terminal, type alsamixer, then scroll left and right with the arrow keys, look for the output labeled headphone, if it has MM at the bottom of it, that means its muted, to unmute press m18:26
tom___Are there any torrent files for the sources of the ISOs? (Without these seeders are infringing on the GPL).18:26
Anonymous1And then there's alsamixer18:26
jusselUbuntu version: 8.04 Desktop // Soundcard: Realtek ALC660-VD18:26
aileandiginux, wrong guy18:26
anthistehey guys i could really do with some help on wubi ^_^18:26
diginuxtom___: how do you figure?18:26
danbhfive!ot | tom___18:26
ubottutom___: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:26
tom___danbhfive: Ah, sorry.18:26
tom___danbhfive: Well, it sort of is support.18:27
Anonymous1I have a GTX 260 on ubuntu 8.10 with a westinghouse monitor, and the monitor's colours are horrendous, accompanied by a crackling noise. This only occurs with the proprietary driver. Anyone know what to do?18:27
lore20how to use a bluetooth headphone with intrepid?18:27
tom___diginux: Distributed binaries without distributing the source is infringing GPL right?18:27
diginuxtom___: as long as the source is available it is ok18:27
tom___diginux: And, say, 8.04-amd64-desktop.iso contains binaries.18:27
jusselMy soundcard isn't working as I want to. I do have sound out my Laptop boxes, but not through my Headphone. Enabled everything on the mixer... Ubuntu version: 8.04 Desktop // Soundcard: Realtek ALC660-VD     -- Anyone knows the solution?18:27
anthistewow how many idlers are there (O.o)18:27
aileanhi, i can't get my software sources to appear in synaptic. can someone help?18:28
Anonymous1Did you try looking through volume preferences?18:28
tom___diginux: I think they have to be equally accessible, meaning there has to be a source torrent. I'm guessing Cononical lawyers have considered this though.18:28
mibhow could i check the path of the drive tht i want to mount ?18:28
Anonymous1ailean: try a different server in Administration/Software Sources18:28
danbhfivetom___: come on, no it isn't.  If you want the source, just get it with apt-source.  If you want to speculate about legal issues, you should take it to offtopic18:28
Anonymous1I use rafal18:28
aileanAnonymous1, it won't load18:28
aileanAnonymous1, thatś what i want to do18:29
anthistebleh any1 here got a moment18:29
Anonymous1And you can't?18:29
diginuxtom___: all canonical has to do is have a written offer that they will make the source code available on a cd for a fee that covers the distribution costs18:29
Anonymous1Try running gksudo software-sources in terminal18:29
arvind_khadri!ask | anthiste18:29
ubottuanthiste: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:29
Anonymous1I think that's the command, at work right now18:29
jusselAnonymous1: Yep, I did.18:29
mibhow can i check the partition that i wanted to mount ?18:30
anthistethanks :) do you know how to get wubi going with vista18:30
wisnutlithixium: thx again - got my 8.04.1 with matching md5's - have a fantastic day!18:30
Anonymous1Hm, what's the output jussel18:30
arvind_khadri!wubi | anthiste18:30
ubottuanthiste: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:30
tom___diginux: I don't think that's true. And even if it is, then it still infringes on the privacy. People may not want to give their address.18:30
lithixiumwisnut, no probs, happy bug hunting :D18:30
jusselAnonymous1: Just a normal one, like a headphone one. Don't know the exact name18:30
ge0rge007i have problems with  the ati driver after i have installed i got an erro about that file:amdpcsdb.default18:30
ge0rge007could anyone help me?18:30
Anonymous1hm, interestign18:31
aileanAnonymous1, it failed without a message18:31
arvind_khadrimib sudo fdisk -l lists all the drives18:31
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anthistewith vista my wubi installed properly but on first boot it shows the progress bar then dumps me in busybox18:31
diginuxtom___: you talking about gplv2 or v3?18:31
=== Anonymous1 is now known as Spellweaver
tazhello .....anyone know how to setup with crossloop  with wine for ubuntu ??18:31
SpellweaverTry updating your alsa driver18:32
jusselSpellweaved, got any idea about the sound-problem? =)18:32
=== jussel is now known as Jussel
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
intmedany good download manager, it should itegrate with Firefox 318:32
tom___diginux: GPLv2, let's say.18:32
SpellweaverDo you have experience compiling?18:32
diginuxtom___: then you are right18:32
arvind_khadri!appdb > taz18:32
mibanyne could help me how to check the partition that i want to mount?18:32
ubottutaz, please see my private message18:32
diginuxtom___: http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-faq.html#BitTorrent18:32
neoblackdragonsalve a tutti? ho un problemino posso?18:33
dayo2Spellweaver: i've disabled pulseaudio, rather than installing. one things i've noticed, and reproduced partially just now, was this: after using rhythmbox, when i come back out of Suspend, rbox crashes18:33
JusselNot really, I'm pretty new to Ubuntu18:33
arvind_khadrimib... what do you want to do?18:33
JusselSince Spellweaver left, here my question again.18:33
JusselMy soundcard isn't working as I want to. I do have sound out my Laptop boxes, but not through my Headphone. Enabled everything on the mixer... Ubuntu version: 8.04 Desktop // Soundcard: Realtek ALC660-VD     -- Anyone knows the solution?18:33
dayo2Spellweaver: as a matter of fact *all* sound is gone. force-quitting rbox and restarting doesn't help.18:33
wikkedfinDoes any know if Ubuntu comes with an App to make Greeting Cards?18:33
lore20neoblackdragon: ==> #ubuntu-it18:34
mibarvind, i have an extra partition to be mounted as a drive .previously i did edit the fstab but upon restarting my pc, i couldnt access to that drive.18:34
JusselAnyone? =l18:34
mibnow i cant recall how to check the exact path of the partition that i wanted to mount to18:34
dayo2Spellweaver: but now after disabling pulse and setting to alsa, coming back from Suspend still finds a crashed rbox, but restarting rbox helps, and other sounds are still available.18:34
dayo2wikkedfin: gimp18:34
whutapt-get install keeps using the package that was only partially downloaded. =(18:34
arvind_khadriwhut: sudo apt-get install -f18:35
arvind_khadri!appdb | taz18:35
ubottutaz: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:35
mustanggI was (still :) ) wondering if anyone could tell me from where does the installer grab the hostname for the network configuration stage of install.18:35
jiffe92I have a program I want to make a package of, it is a commercial program that has an install process, I'll need to be able to track what files are created, anyone know a good way to do this?18:35
JusselMy soundcard isn't working as I want to. I do have sound out my Laptop boxes, but not through my Headphone. Enabled everything on the mixer... Ubuntu version: 8.04 Desktop // Soundcard: Realtek ALC660-VD     -- Anyone knows the solution?18:36
diginuxJussel: did the headphones work before?18:36
jiffe92this isn't a package for distribution, just ease of installation18:36
ge0rge007is there any way to solve the problem with amdpcsdb.default?18:36
lithixiumwhut, do an apt-get clean then dist-upgrade18:36
arvind_khadri!pm | taz18:36
ubottutaz: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:36
tom___diginux: Ah okay, thanks. :)18:36
arvind_khadri!pm | mib18:36
ubottumib: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:36
JusselDiginux: Not on Ubuntu, but they do on my iPod touch18:36
lithixiumwhut, apt-get -f dist-upgrade18:36
naxai am trying to install hungarian language files but when generating hu_HU.UTF-8 it allways says segmentation fault. Other charsets says "up-to-date" and this is the last one, exits with segfault. this is also the case with locale-gen18:37
oCean_mib: what partition, what filesystem, what's the entry in fstab?18:37
diginuxJussel: i meant, has the headphone jack worked on your laptop before?18:37
Jusseldiginux: Yup, they do work on Windows 7 / Vista / XP etc.18:37
diginuxJussel: what kind of soundcard is it again?18:38
neoblackdragonci sono italiani?18:38
Jusseldiginux: Ubuntu version: 8.04 Desktop // Soundcard: Realtek ALC660-VD18:38
Pici!it | neoblackdragon18:38
ubottuneoblackdragon: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:38
fabiosi io18:38
oCean_mustangg: at what point you see that the installer has found a hostname? In the who-are-you screen?18:38
mibOcean, i created an extra partition and previousl entry in fstab is /dev/sda2    /media/storage    ext3    users,exec,rw,umask=000 0 018:38
aituxhi all18:39
lore20fabio: neoblackdragon: fatela finita di fare figure di ***** in sto canale e andate su #ubuntu-it o #ubuntu-it-chat18:39
diginuxJussel: so in alsa do you have a thing labeled headphones? if so, is it a volume bar, or just a little square box and says under Item: Headphone Jack Sense18:39
whutapt-get -f doesn't help.18:39
whutapt-get clean doesn't help.18:39
^hashbang^what's a good pgp key manager for ubuntu?18:39
fabiojiffe92: dpkg-deb or a loki installer18:39
whutapt-get purge <package> doesn't help. =(18:39
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts18:39
oCean_mib: well the entry seems correct. Is the /media/storage directory an existing dir ?18:39
tazubottu....  i did look at http://appdb.winehq.org   then check with crossloop.... please can u help me with step to step ??/18:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:40
Jusseldiginux: All I got is the normal mixer-thing, next of my time, etc.18:40
arvind_khadriwhut: sudp dpkg --purge <package name >18:40
absynthwhut: then apt-get remove apt-get :D18:40
mibOcean_: the /media/storage dir exist but its empty18:40
gadeshello everybody18:40
oCean_mib: ok. Type "mount -a" see if you get errors18:40
Mba7ethhow can i find my default gateway using terminal ?18:40
gadesHow to be a official ubuntu developer?18:40
diginuxJussel: what kind of laptop?18:40
oCean_Mba7eth: "route -n"18:40
intmedvideo flickers while playing18:41
intmedwhy ?18:41
arvind_khadri!motu > gades18:41
ubottugades, please see my private message18:41
Jusseldiginux: Asus X53S - Just got it for 2 Months18:41
oCean_Mba7eth: line starting with ""  -> 2nd field is default gw18:41
mibOcean: it says error of wrong fstype....18:41
defoliantвсем приветы18:41
^hashbang^!ru | defoliant18:42
ubottudefoliant: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:42
diginuxJussel: try this edit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and add this line to end of the file: options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo18:42
Jusselhi hashbang^18:42
defoliantok )18:42
Mba7eththanks oCean_18:42
diginuxJussel: dotn worry that it says lenovo18:42
^hashbang^hi jussel18:42
Jusseldiginux: thanks, I'll try it18:42
oCean_mib: make sure what filesystem is on /dev/sda2 "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda"18:42
Jusseldiginux: bash: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base: Permission denied18:42
oCean_Mba7eth: sure, np18:42
diginuxJussel: sudo nano -w /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base18:42
miboCean: it shows Linux system18:44
LeoWeiis it possible if installation done by copying the files in ubuntu?18:44
LeoWeiam using ubuntu 8.0418:44
Jusseldiginux: done, Reboot now, I guess?18:45
oCean_mib: you know it's ext3?18:45
fosco__LeoWei, not sure to understand, but you can not install ubuntu by just copying the installation files18:45
diginuxJussel: yeah, there might be a way to have it take effect without reboot, but i dont know how18:45
Crusterhi all, I have a problem with  ac adapter not being recognized as plugged in (ac adapter folder empty in /proc/acpi)18:45
mibOcean_ : so what should i do next18:45
Jusseldiginux: No problem, I'll reboot it, and brb in the channel, thanks ;)18:45
^hashbang^what config file in ubuntu manages the init runlevels?18:46
oCean_mib: what does "sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /media/storage" say? What is the exact error?18:46
whutPlease, can someone help me?18:46
ramontayagcan you update an attribute and skip filters?18:46
fabio/etc/inittab i think18:46
^hashbang^fabio: nope, I thought that tooo.18:46
ramontayaggah sorry wrong room18:46
mibOcean: no error seen when i did sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /media/storage18:47
^hashbang^oh fedora/redhat it its /etc/inittab but I don't find that on ubuntu18:47
fabiothere is boot-up manager18:47
oCean_mib: oke, so it's mounted atm? Then there might be a typo in fstab?18:47
LeoWeifosco__ : what i mean is installing programs such as ip detects18:47
_2mib "ls /media/storage -ld18:47
mibnow its mounted atm..18:47
fabioit's named bum18:47
mibdrwxr-xr-x 5 mib mib 4096 2009-02-06 00:31 /media/storage/18:48
Pici^hashbang^: Thats because we use upstart, see http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:48
_2mib ok looks like you own it.18:48
fabioi know: /etc/event.d18:48
^hashbang^Pici: cool, thank you. Fabio: awasome thanks18:48
abhinay^hashbang^, hello hashbang :)18:48
abhinaywhat's up?18:48
mibso how should i ensure its mounted all the time?18:48
diginuxjussel: any luck?18:49
jusseldiginux: It didn't work. I Rebooted my PC, And the headphone is still not working.18:49
oCean_mib: I checked your fstab entry again. Weird... that really seems ok18:49
^hashbang^hi there abhinay18:49
diginuxjussel: ok, replace that line i had you put in with tehse two lines: options snd-hda-intel enable=1 index=0 model=lenovo18:49
diginuxalias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel18:49
fosco__LeoWei, still don't understand, to install programas in ubuntu just use the package manager (apt-get, aptitude, synaptic or adept)18:49
mibOcean_ : what goes wrong actually18:49
dremitshey how can i configure grub to load windows xp by default instead of ubuntu18:49
jusseldiginux: thanks, I'll try it.18:49
_2mib add a line in fstab "/dev/sda2 /media/storage ext3 defaults 0 0"18:49
oCean_mib: That's what we've to find out18:49
diginuxjussel: you using 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu?18:49
LeoWeivery hard..18:49
=== ianto is now known as Chris`
oCean_mib: unmount the drive "sudo umount /media/storage"18:50
mibOcean: should i remove the last line previously before replacing the new one?18:50
LeoWeithe programs is in tar.bz archive18:50
oCean_mib: than modify your line in /etc/fstab18:50
jusseldiginux: 32-bit // 8.04 Desktop edition // Completely updated, i386 Version thing :)18:50
oCean_mib: what do you mean? removing line?18:50
fosco__LeoWei, so, read the README and or INSTALL files18:50
_2oCean_ where is his fstab posted?18:50
diginuxjussel: ok, so try those two lines, reboot, and lets se what happens18:50
fabioCompletely updated -> outdated18:50
oCean__2: scroll back18:51
jusseldiginux: Two lines? Copy/pasted your line, and it does appear as one line.18:51
_2oCean_ just got here.  you scroll back18:51
mibOceah: i mean do i add this extra line or removing the previouly last line with /dev/sda2    /media/storage    ext3    users,exec,rw,umask=000 0 0?18:51
jusseldiginux: options snd-hda-intel enable=1 index=0 model=lenovo   only?18:51
oCean_mib: you cannot have duplicate entries in /etc/fstab.18:51
oCean_mib: change your options in that line. change 'users ... 000' in 'defaults'18:51
diginuxjussel: remove the line i had you put before, then add this line: options snd-hda-intel enable=1 index=0 model=lenovo18:52
oCean__2: well, I did not mean to offend. The fstab line was pasted a couple of lines back18:52
diginuxjussel: right after that, put this 2nd line: alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel18:52
LeoWeifosco__ dont have too...this one so complicated.. download the files from freedns.afraid.org18:52
mibocean.i removed the /dev/sda2    /media/storage    ext3    users,exec,rw,umask=000 0 0 anf replace with /dev/sda2 /media/storage ext3 defaults 0 018:52
jusseldiginux: on a new line?18:52
mibthe probvlem still persist18:52
diginuxjussel: yes18:52
diginuxjussel: 2 lines total18:52
dremitshey how can i configure grub to load windows xp by default instead of ubuntu18:52
oCean_mib: have you unmounted the /media/storage atm?18:52
fosco__LeoWei, no README file? then just delete that file18:52
jusseldiginux:  [ Wrote 2 lines ]18:52
jusseldiginux: reboot now?18:52
burkmatdremits, Edit the default option in /boot/grub/menu.lst18:52
DoYouKnowhow do I use vinagre (remote desktop) through NAT? I only see an ipv6 address on both sides, and I can't connect18:53
ZummiG777Question: I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Precision M6300.  This morning my nvidia driver went all funky (green and black checkerboard in the background).  Is this a known issue or am I just a regular idiot?18:53
intmeddoes wine support games for windows like GTA San Andreas18:53
mibi have unmounted them18:53
Crusterwhy isn't my ac adapter recognized when plugged-in or unlugged in ubuntu, but in mandriva i.e. works fine?18:53
oCean_mib: ok, clear. And mount -a failed again. Same error?18:53
OriWBabsyth: hey, could you help me finish with the internet connection?18:53
jusseldiginux: thanks again, I'll be right back ^^ Rebooting again18:53
mibOcean.mount -a doesnt give me any error18:53
OriWBabsynth: hey, could you help me finish with the internet connection?18:53
oCean_mib: oke :)18:54
oCean_mib: than it's mounted, right18:54
_2mib   no error, means 'no error'18:54
mibi still cant access to the mounted18:54
absynthOriWB: yea, but wait 10-15 min...telephone18:54
OriWBabsynth: no prob. thanx18:54
oCean_mib: does the mounted drive show up in "mount" command?18:54
mp3guyhi, what's the easiest way to display a simple gnome message box at a specified time?18:54
mibit only works when i close the explorer and reopen again the drive18:55
lechonmp3guy, look into crontab18:55
oCean_mib: aha.18:55
mibocean: so you mean previous entry in fstab has problem18:55
DoYouKnowso any ideas on how I can connect to a host attached via nat through vinagre?18:55
mibinstead of having users,exec... we use defaults18:55
lechonintmed, just google for "wine + game title", you'll have better luck18:55
burkmatDoYouKnow, You're probably going to need port forwarding (vinagre is a VNC Client, right?)18:56
_2mib your line in fstab should look like this "/dev/sda2 /media/storage ext3 defaults 0 0"18:56
whutapt-get would install a package that is corrupt (aborted download) no matter what I do. I tried so far apt-get clean, apt-get --purge remove <packagename>, apt-get autoclean. Nothing works. What should I do?18:56
jusseldiginux: Guess it isn't working.18:56
mibwhat is the difference of defaults and users,exec,rw,umask=000 ?18:56
LeoWeifosco_ haha.. okok..18:56
oCean_mib: yep. the 'umask' thing is for vfat etc18:56
mikeyyyhi guys, i got a problem here. need ur help. i installed cedega and launch the program. Cedega try to connect to internet to find the update but it failed because im behind proxy. how can i configure my ubuntu so that all the applications will connect through a proxy? Need help. Plzzzzzzz18:56
DoYouKnowburkmat, yes18:57
oCean_mib: so you're rockin' now right? :-)18:57
DoYouKnowburkmat, I'll try that18:57
diginuxjussel: what is the model of your computer again?18:57
mibi just cant u/s why users and defaults make difference18:57
tharis20people, I'm trying to install mono here, but when I type apt-get mono it says: "install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables"18:57
oCean_mib:  it's the umask thing18:57
jusseldiginux: Asus X53S18:57
_2mib first of all "?mask"  is M# specific.  it will not work with other file system,  namely those that actually have permissions bits.18:57
tharis20I've installed a bunch of mono-something packs and used synaptic for others and nothing...18:57
jusseldiginux: or a Asus X53   (same model, but another name for it :P )18:57
oCean_mib: that's for ntfs/vfat18:57
mibso umask doesnt work with ext3 in this case18:58
oCean_mib: indeed18:58
_2mib not in any case18:58
naxahi... can someone help me what locale -a writes as output for me?18:58
mibi see..dint aware of.18:58
diginuxjussel: im not sure what else to try at this point, have the headphones ever worked in linux?18:58
DoYouKnowburkmat, know of any good links?18:58
AwaDoVhi there18:58
mikeyyyhi guys, i got a problem here. need ur help. i installed cedega and launch the program. Cedega try to connect to internet to find the update but it failed because im behind proxy. how can i configure my ubuntu so that all the applications will connect through a proxy? Need help. Plzzzzzz18:58
tazhello how i will know what Wine version  ?? where i can find it ??18:59
Gneanaxa: only you can determine that18:59
DoYouKnowburkmat, I tried uncommenting out the line in sysctl for NAT, that says something like ip forward18:59
jusseldixinux: Actually I never tried that. I knew that my sound wasn't working, so I thought lets try my headphones, but no luck.18:59
mikeyyytaz: type wine --version18:59
jusseldiginux: The strange thing is that my normal boxes on my laptop are working, just the headphone isn't.18:59
tharis20hey, can somebody help me?18:59
jusseldiginux: and the sound of my normal boxes are crap, so that why I want to use a headphone18:59
burkmatDoYouKnow, Uhm... Am I understanding you correctly that you're trying to connect to a host which is located behind a NATed router?18:59
DoYouKnowburkmat, the link I was reading said it was for nat, anyway. that's what spawned this weird issue where I can access http internet sites but not the local vnc18:59
tazwhere i will tpye wine -- version ??18:59
DoYouKnowburkmat, yes18:59
DoYouKnowa router running ubuntu19:00
tharis20taz, in the console19:00
mibthanks anyway Ocean and 2_19:00
mikeyyytaz: press alt+F2, type xterm. In xterm, type wine --version19:00
erUSUL!ask | tharis2019:00
ubottutharis20: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:00
_2mib welcome19:00
taz ok stand by  and will try19:00
Mba7ethhow can i extract default gateway showed by I have issue route -n command on ubuntu .... but i want to extract default gateway using awk ? how to do that ?19:00
naxaGnea: i mean i want to know how would locale -a know what to answer. to me it seems that these are some files on my hard disk or some text in config files. i would like to know how it gets the answer for me, not what is the answer, what i know of course19:00
tharis20erUSUL, I asked the question19:00
DoYouKnowburkmat, I just want my lan routed to my ethernet, so I can plug both my ethernet and a pc into a hub19:00
tharis20nobody replied me19:00
erUSULtharis20: i see it know ;P19:01
diginuxjussel: one more idea19:01
jusseldiginux: Yeh? :)19:01
absynthOriWB: ok, im ready :)19:01
=== _AshTray- is now known as AshTray-
diginuxjussel: you know how to use synaptic?19:01
Gneanaxa: aah, the best way to do that is to examine the source19:01
jusseldiginux: I'm pretty new to Ubuntu. so not really19:02
tazmikeyyy  it appear with run application.. then what i will do type in ???19:02
burkmatDoYouKnow, Using IPTables?19:02
diginuxjussel: ok, hold on then19:02
erUSULtharis20: mono should be installed banshee and tomboy need it to run19:02
jusseldiginux: thanks =}19:02
OriWBabsynth: ok, so we were getting me connected manually19:02
naxaGnea: thanks for the idaea, but i am sure that someon will know this :)19:02
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:02
mikeyyyin run application, type xterm.19:02
DoYouKnowburkmat, so far I have just uncommented net.ipv4.ip_forward=119:02
Gneanaxa: if you have deb-src identified in your sources.list, just:  sudo apt-get source belocs-locales-bin19:02
Gneanaxa: perhaps I misunderstood your question again :)19:02
DoYouKnowburkmat, will that not work?19:03
naxawill try it19:03
burkmatDoYouKnow, That's a bad idea... Means you won't be forwarding any traffic through the router. ^^19:03
OriWBabsynth: but i made a discovery.My internet only really gets wierdly disconnected when I'm downloading movies19:03
tharis20erUSUL, so, I'm trying to run a Win app with wine, but it replies what I said...19:03
absynthOriWB: hmm19:03
erUSULtharis20: well if its under wine... you will have to install the windows version of mono in wine19:03
absynthOriWB: is your signal strength good ?19:03
naxaGnea: i would like to understand the basics of the "locale" system: what files does locale use and what config files it has and what's it's main 3 export LC_ALL and so for?19:03
tharis20erUSUL, oh, stupid, of course19:04
erUSULtharis20: dunno if it works or not19:04
burkmatDoYouKnow, Take a look here: http://tinyurl.com/3jc2sp  Shows you how to forward a connection through the NAT box.19:04
OriWBabsynth: eah19:04
tazmikeyyy .. seem  not work19:04
OriWBabsynth: yeah19:04
erUSUL!appdb | tharis2019:04
ubottutharis20: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:04
burkmatDoYouKnow, Gotta run now, sorry. Will be back in a while though. Good luck.19:04
diginuxjussel: try this, sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-16-38619:04
absynthOriWB: just put mouseicon above wlan-networkmanager icon and wait19:04
mikeyyytaz: Have you installed wine?19:04
Gneanaxa: ah okay, then yes, the source will explain and show you how all of it works19:04
tazin applications19:04
OriWBabsynth: i dont understand19:04
jusseldiginux: Doing that right now, thanks =)19:04
absynthOriWB: it should give you the name and behind it in brackets, the signal strength in percent19:04
diginuxjussel: after its done installing, reboot again, and let me know19:04
naxaGnea: well, if i can understand the source :)19:05
jusseldiginux: Thanks, I will =)19:05
tazmiketyyy yes it from add and remove19:05
OriWBabsynth: ok19:05
absynthOriWB: move your mouse on the internet icon19:05
OriWBabsynth: ok19:05
Gneanaxa: look for readme's and .c and .h files :) they usually have comments in them that explain, more or less, what they do19:05
absynthOriWB: and wait19:05
OriWBabsynth: ok19:05
DoYouKnowburkmat, ok, I found a site. thanks19:05
naxaGnea: I see thanks :)19:05
mikeyyytaz: You want to know what version of wine you currently used right?19:05
absynthOriWB: it should report you your connection and the signal strength19:06
tazmikeyyy  yes19:06
Gneanaxa: for instance:  less belocs-locales-bin-2.4/locale/programs/locale.c19:06
OriWBabsynth: yeah it is19:06
jusseldiginux: Rebooting now ;) brb.19:06
absynthOriWB: the problem is, under 60% , it could be possible that u loose the connection sometimes19:06
OriWBabsynth: no its 9219:06
absynthOriWB: hmm good, better then mine ^^19:06
OriWBabsynth: lol we were getting me manually connected19:07
_2any way to connect the keyboard and mouse of one box to the xserver of another box ?19:07
Gneanaxa: it might not make a whole lot of sense right away, but if you can follow and understand the comments, you should be able to figure it out :)19:07
naxai hope so :)19:07
mikeyyytaz: go to applications --> terminal --> and type wine --version in terminal. Tell me what it says19:07
absynthOriWB:yep, but i think this doesnt make it better19:07
Gnea_2: physically, in the same room, or remotely?19:07
OriWBabsynth: ok19:07
OriWBabsynth: so heres another question19:07
tazok stand by19:07
naxanow i have to go couse it is late here and i am tired19:07
naxathanks for help!19:07
OriWBabsynth: how do i download without risking losing my connection?19:08
_2Gnea dmz lan    and i can see the display of the other box from where i am19:08
absynthOriWB: when i understand you right, you have a connection with your AP and you have internet19:08
OriWBabsynth: whats ap?19:08
Gnea_2: i would suggest either a KVM or freenx19:08
absynthOriWB: hmm i try to think, wich problem could cause this problem19:08
mibhi, if i wrre to use/install Wine, can it be installable on my ext3 drive?19:08
SunnyDPwi-fi router !19:09
tazi found  it said 1.0.119:09
_2Gnea i'm not wanting to put the display of the other box on this one, just control that one from here19:09
absynthOriWB: Access Point19:09
absynthOriWB: your wlan router19:09
OriWBabsynth: yeah i have both19:09
mikeyyytaz: yup.  that's the version you currently use19:09
Gnea!freenx | _219:09
ubottu_2: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX19:09
mikeyyytaz: it's the latest stable version of wine19:09
_2Gnea ;/19:09
jusseldiginux: I think that it isn't working.19:09
Gnea_2: it can be a bit tricky to setup, but it works19:09
Gnea_2: what?19:09
intmedwhat is ubuntu repository19:10
tazthat mean old verson or new ??19:10
OriWBabsynth: someone told me that i get disconnected if there are too many connections, and mentioned bittorent19:10
jusseldiginux: But I got a application named 'PulseAudio Device Chooser' now.19:10
absynthOriWB: so, you have internet, and when you want to download large files, your connection brakes19:10
jusseldiginux: Maybe I can something with that?19:10
OriWBabsynth: exactly19:10
mikeyyytaz: The newest version. Currently 1.1.4 is in development19:10
diginuxjussel: hmm, could be, see what it does :)19:10
Gnea_2: you said you want to control the remote display19:10
tazhow i can upgrade ??19:10
diginuxjussel: my next suggestion is to upgrade to ububtu 8.1019:10
absynthOriWB: what do you mean with too many connections?19:10
jusseldiginux: how? :P19:11
_2Gnea without piping it to this display19:11
OriWBabsynth: i can sheck exactly what he wrote me, just a sec19:11
mikeyyytaz: it's the latest version. You can't update it unless 1.1.4 (stable) came up19:11
absynthOriWB: ok19:11
Gnea_2: then use a KVM.19:11
tazok it will itself upgrade ??19:11
diginuxjussel: hold on19:12
jusseldiginux: thanks again :)19:12
mikeyyytaz: No19:12
Gnea_2: next time, please be more specific when you ask :)19:12
OriWBabzynth: "and it only happens when I have too many connections at one time (hint: bittorrent)"19:12
diginuxjussel: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-to-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibix.html19:13
jusseldiginux: Thanks19:13
OriWBabsynth: "and it only happens when I have too many connections at one time (hint: bittorrent)"19:13
mikeyyyhi guys, i got a problem here. need ur help. i installed cedega and launch the program. Cedega try to connect to internet to find the update but it failed because im behind proxy. how can i configure my ubuntu so that all the applications will connect through a proxy? Need help. Plzzzzzzz19:14
_2"any way to connect the keyboard and mouse of one box to the xserver of another box ?"  <<< i should have added "without exporting the vidio of the remote box"  i susssssposes19:14
OriWBabsynth: does that help at all?19:14
tazmikeyyy  i read in website http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=613119:15
tazlook at verison19:15
absynthOriWB: I dont see, why bittorent and other stuff like that could effect your wlan connection, it makes no sense (to me)19:15
MonsieurYwant to test ekiga ? sip:*201393514@ekiga.net19:15
jusseldiginux: It's updating now :-)19:15
Absortohello! how do I upgrade a server installation of feisty to the latest release?19:15
gwennnHi! I have a problem with compiz ... I must run it manually when I login  "sudo compiz" and then everything runs fine.How can I enable compiz?19:15
OriWBabsynth: too many connections doesnt make sense?19:15
_2absynth unless the host is setup to drop connections that use torrents19:16
OriWBabsynth: oh, he also said "you on bittorrent? I think you're router has a built-in setting that disconnects you when you have too many connection"19:16
intmedgwennn: i have also that problem19:16
diginuxjussel: very good, hopefully in the newer version it works!19:16
gwennnintmed : jaunty?19:16
jusselWould be great :)19:16
absynthOriWB: You have only 1 connection with your AP, when you load files from different places, then the datapackges are queued19:17
absynthOriWB: Ok , that could be possible19:17
OriWBabsynth: do you know how i can check?19:17
absynthOriWB: that your router disables your connection19:17
mikeyyytaz: yes.. it is list of cross loop version. Why?19:17
MonsieurYnobody want to to test ekiga ?19:18
absynthOriWB: do you know your gateway address?19:18
MonsieurYis there any directory of this ?19:18
OriWBabsynth: yeah19:18
tazmine is 1.0.119:18
_2MonsieurY i don't test anything i can't pronounce19:18
absynthok, just type the gateway address in your browser19:18
OriWBabsynth: im in19:18
mikeyyytaz: it 'cross loop' version. not 'wine'..19:18
MonsieurY_2: why it's integrate in your os ubuntu ?19:19
OriWBabsynth: its a siemens, if that helps19:19
absynthOriWB: ok, then , just look, after an option, that looks like our problem :D19:19
absynthOriWB: never had one :( , only fritzbox and orangef things19:19
TaureHiya, I'm looking for help with playing DVDs. I've got the restricted extras, and have used sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh to allow for encrypted DVDs, but when they play they flicker. I've tried this in both totem and VLC. I've also used the dmesg | grep ata command to check my DMA - it's enabled. Any tips?19:20
Taure(I'm a noob - only installed on tuesday)19:20
absynthOriWB: maybe goolge after it19:20
absynthOriWB: google*19:20
OriWBabsynth: ok19:20
OriWBabsynth: thanx alot, i'll let you know if it works. Or you'll know it didnt if i sign off ;)19:21
absynthOriWB: but, if this is really your problem, then you should be connected to your AP all the time, you just have no internet connection sometimes19:21
=== zehzinho is now known as zehzinho_
mzzTaure: do only dvds flicker or does other stuff you play in totem do the same thing?19:21
TaureI'll test19:21
absynthOriWB: ok19:21
absynthOriWB: :)19:21
mzzTaure: also, what video card do you have and are desktop effects enabled?19:21
OriWBabsynth: i think thats what happens, its beginning to make sense now19:21
=== spych3r is now known as ryanCH
OriWBabsynth: talk to you later ;)19:22
absynthOriWB: good :) the solution is near, i can feel it :D19:22
absynthOriWB: ok19:22
TaureOnly DVDs, yeah19:23
TaureI have ATI HD 240019:23
TaureAnd I've got compiz running19:23
mzzTaure: which drivers is that using, the binary (fglrx) ones or the open (radeon) ones? There are some known problems with fglrx and xv video19:23
derjoergHi everybody, can somebody explain me what "kernel: Cannot read proc file system: 9 - Bad file descriptor" in kern.log means?19:24
SlartHello everyone.. I have some text files edited on a windows computer and I need to make them work nicely on my ubuntu machine.. some of the international characters isn't the same but linefeeds and newlines are still working.. there has to be some kind of converter I can use.. any hints?19:24
thrasholdIs there any image viewer for Ubuntu supporting jpeg2k?19:24
mzzTaure: if that's your problem I'd expect it to happen for pretty much everything you play with vlc or mplayer unless you either switch to the radeon driver, disable compiz or switch from xv to x11/xshm for video playback (slow)19:24
TaureI'll disable compiz and see if that helps19:24
mzzSlart: many of them, and do you know the encoding they're currently using?19:25
mzzSlart: gedit actually has a "Character Coding" option in its load and save dialogs. Or you can use something like iconv if you prefer the command line.19:25
Slartmzz: what windows xp create by default =).. I can see if enca has anything wise to say about it19:26
thrasholdHow do you disable compiz in Ubuntu?19:26
TaureHaha I was just thinking that19:26
intmedme too19:26
mzzdisable desktop effects in the "appearance" preferences applet19:26
fosco__thrashold, go to desktop effects and select none19:26
voed22cjHi everyone. One question: I have ubuntu installed on my laptop and I have a problem regarding the SOUND. When I plug the headphones in, still, the sound comes out through the laptop speakers as well. This didn't happen in Windows. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks19:26
thrasholdfosco_: Where is this? Could find it19:26
fosco__system - preferences - appearance19:27
TaureDisabling effects makes it work19:27
Slartmzz: enca didn't recognize it.. file says it's a "Non-ISO extended-ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators"19:27
SiDiHello voed22cj, what audio card do you have ? if you have an HDA intel you'll just have to add a line in a conf and it shall be fixed ;)19:27
Slartmzz: I'll give gedit a try, thanks19:27
gautadaHelp a weird key combination just made gnome go from gray to a black.  This is just the gnome panel my background is still the same.  It looks like film negative.  The keys were some combination of <Ctrl>, <Super>, <Alt>, <Space>, <V>, and/or <B>.  How do I get gnome back to normal?19:27
KaptenRodSkaggvoed22cj, if you mute system sound the music player should sound in the headphones only...19:28
SiDivoed22cj: may you type '      lspci | grep -i "audio"       ' in a terminal and paste the output ?19:28
mzzSlart: what windows (notepad?) saved it as may depend on what locale windows thinks you're in19:28
Slartmzz: it's actually matlab .. but I guess that editor is as smart as notepad19:28
Cpudan80Hello all19:28
Cpudan80Is there some way to download the deb out of apt-get?19:28
hattenhow do you make so that you hear sounds from both the speakers and the headphones plugged in into the front?19:28
mzzSlart: and it's pretty much impossible for tools (like file) to reliably detect the encoding if it's one of the one-byte-per-codepoint ones19:28
zupbhi, gusy. i try to mount my MMC flash card to my ubuntu... what device in /dev i must use for it?19:28
SiDiCpudan80: on packages.ubuntu.com there are every packages of the repo19:29
gwennnI must run compiz manually ...sudo compiz   at login How can I enable it automatically?19:29
SiDiCpudan80: there also are a lot of packages on launchpad.net's PPA, and some websites provide deb packages for their soft (such as winehq)19:29
Slartmzz: yup.. I know19:29
hattensystem>preferences>sessions, gwenn19:29
fosco__gwennn, install fusion-icon and add it to the session manager19:30
voed22cjthis is it :  00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)19:30
yoophglupHey,  I am trying to reconfigure my audio ports so the mic and the line in are used as line outs.  I can do this in windows but having trouble getting it to work with ubuntu??? any ideas?19:30
gwennnhatten; I have jaunty19:30
SiDigwennn: go to System -> Administration -> Sessions and add "compiz --replace &" but it should actually start up on its own if you enable it once19:30
gwennnit did't work19:30
KaptenRodSkagghatten,  just plug in the headphones... and you have sound in both...  or shuld have19:30
hattenoh, nvm then19:30
hattenthe sound stops in my speakers when i plug in my headphones19:30
SiDiok voed22cj give me a second to find the tutorial again. By the way, type my name when you type a message so i can spot it more easily19:30
gwennnI'll try19:30
mzzgwennn: "sudo compiz" does not make much sense. Is it not working as "you" even when you run it manually? If yes the problem may be with your user's compiz configuration, not with how it is started.19:30
voed22cjSisi: Sure19:31
voed22cjSidi: Sure19:31
burkmathatten, You want sound from both?19:31
SiDivoed22cj: may you also tell me the exact model of your laptop ?19:31
Slartmzz: thanks for your help19:31
gautadasolved my problem by changing the visual effects...19:31
mzzSlart: hope you can figure out what encoding it is actually in...19:31
ubuntanGreetings all. My ubuntu desktop got corrupted and I wanted to recover that. Now it is not starting the X server. Is there any way to reset the X server?19:31
burkmathatten, Well... I know that in my Ubuntu 8.04 double clicking the volume control in GNOME and selecting the "Switches" tab lets me toggle it.19:31
voed22cjsony vaio19:32
voed22cjsidi: sony vio19:32
voed22cjsidi: sony vaio19:32
SiDivoed22cj: be as accurate as you can. there are a lot of sony and all of them don't have the same version of the audio chipset you're using ;)19:32
yoophglupso no one knows how to reconfigure an audio port??19:33
voed22cjsidi: found it: vaio VGN-Nr11M/S19:33
zertyuiohi there19:33
SiDiok voed22cj give me a second :)19:33
zertyuiohow to delete a folder and a sub folder in one command line ?19:33
ubuntanNow when I give startx, it gives me the error "The GNOME session manager cannot start properly. cannot establish any listening sockets. Try using failsafe session.19:33
zertyuioi forgot the command line19:33
voed22cjSiDi: sure, thanks19:33
burkmatzertyuio, You can recursively delete using -r.19:34
zertyuiousing -r ?19:34
maxime_hi everyone19:34
burkmatzertyuio, Well, rm -r /tacos would delete /tacos and everything in it.19:34
zertyuiomkdir -Rf ?19:34
hattenburkmat ; thanks19:34
burkmathatten, No problems. :)19:34
hattenjust gotta check how to change the volume a bit now19:34
yelworChi.. i installed x-chat in ubuntu and want to have tabs for the channels and a userlist.. this is how i expect xchat to look like.. i can not find these settings in the preferences19:35
zertyuiowait i check19:35
yoophglupcan anyone read what i am typing?19:35
fosco__yoonkn, yes19:35
zrakwhere is rc.conf located?19:35
fosco__zrak, /etc19:35
zrakwell i try gedit /etc/rc.conf19:36
zraki get empty file19:36
zertyuioit display this ftp> rm -r ok19:36
maxime_hmmm too few options in x-chat19:36
zertyuiousage: rmdir directory-name19:36
maxime_i use nexgen mIrc script through wine19:36
maxime_well nto right now, im trying x-chat19:36
vigoyelworC: The tabs are listed in the left panel..I think19:36
zertyuioftp> rm -r /ok19:36
zertyuiousage: rmdir directory-name19:36
burkmatzertyuio, Ah, you didn't mention it was over FTP.19:36
zertyuiowhy ?19:36
yelworCyeah i see but i want tabs ;) i dont like the look of this list19:36
^hashbang^irssi rules =)19:36
maxime_what the19:36
zertyuioit's like linux19:37
burkmatzertyuio, I actually don't know if you can recursively delete over FTP...19:37
hattenhey guys, the sound volume in my earplugs are way too loud compared to my speakers19:37
zertyuiono u can't19:37
hatteni have the speakers at max19:37
zertyuioi confirm u19:37
zertyuioit's not working for me19:37
zertyuioon ftp19:37
hattenand no volume control at the plugs19:37
yoophglupno one in heres knows how to reconfigure an audio port from output to input!!!!!????? or at least what file I can study to figure it out myself???19:37
hatteni have both enabled at the same time19:38
zertyuiois there any here knows ?19:38
maxime_yoophglup: what the hell man, google it, god damn it19:38
^hashbang^maxime_: please watch your language..19:38
burkmatyoophglup, If we knew we'd tell you, I promise. Also, people might be more willing to help if you dropped a couple of ?'s and !'s... 1 is enough.19:38
SiDivoed22cj: a last command, sorry  : cat /proc/asound/card0/codec\#* | grep Codec19:38
yoophglupdamn to u a response from anyone would be polite i am out of here19:38
rakudaveKino_: syntax is "/join #something"19:39
voed22cjSiDi: to type it in terminal?19:39
Brad777if i'm using kubuntu atm can i just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop then sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop to switch to gnome?19:39
maxime_yoophglup: be polite yourself, in the first place, imbecile, you dont deserve any help, according to myself , of course :)19:39
^hashbang^!pat | yoophglup19:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pat19:39
^hashbang^!patience | yoophglup19:39
ubottuyoophglup: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:39
gwennncompiz works fine now ...Thanks everybody!19:39
SiDivoed22cj: yes. it's to know the exact version of the audio chipset. all the vaio's don't use the same19:39
vigoyoohglup: nope/\19:40
jimdbhow many ppl in here have looked at kde 4.2?19:40
maxime_im out guys, ill come back from my other irc client19:40
voed22cjSiDi: here it is Codec: Realtek ALC26219:40
voed22cjCodec: Conexant ID 2c0619:40
Brad777jimdb: i have19:40
SiDivoed22cj: okies19:40
^hashbang^jimdb: I have... for about 5 mins... then switched back =)19:40
int256where can i find applictaion for linux (ubuntu 8.10)19:40
jimdbbrad, what did you think of it?19:41
^hashbang^int256: what application?19:41
SiDivoed22cj: type the command "gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base" in order to edit the alsa config file19:41
mitch_uxhi there, do anyone plays wolfenstein enemy territory? I have some problem19:41
maxime_int256 go to terminal and type fpkg --configure -a  (is it kpfg ? )19:42
SiDivoed22cj: at the end of the line, add :       options snd-hda-intel model=sony-assamd19:42
^hashbang^mitch_ux: this is a ubuntu support channel, not a wolfenstein support channel.19:42
int256^hashbang^: like download manager, a fast one.19:42
Brad777jimdb: well I think it looks great but it can be pretty unstable19:42
SiDivoed22cj: then you can reboot and enjoy :) if it doesn't work (or if the whole sound disappears :P) we'll try another model19:42
Brad777if i'm using kubuntu atm can i just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop then sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop to switch to gnome?19:42
SiDimitch_ux: what kind of problem ?19:42
voed22cjSiDi: done, thanks. rebooting19:42
^hashbang^int256: there are tons.... open: System-Administration->Synaptic Package Manager and search for download manager19:43
int256^hashbang^: any sugessions19:43
jimdbsudo -i19:44
jimdbecho "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss19:44
^hashbang^int256: naw, I don't use themmm19:44
jimdbmitch_ux:  does that address your issue?19:44
^hashbang^int256: s/themmm/them/19:44
=== Circle-fusion is now known as Circlefusion
gwennnmaxime : dpkg --configure -a19:45
int256^hashbang^: will applications for KDE will on ubuntu19:45
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:45
^hashbang^int256: use the package manager for ubuntu, there are tons of software packages out there19:45
hattenmost kde apps work on ubuntu19:45
jimdbbrad777:  i have been using it and have resolved many issues and it seems to be much more stable now.  i'm actually quite impressed.19:46
int256hatten: ok19:46
hattenbrb, change nick19:46
jimdbmitch_ux:  are you there?19:46
zertyuioover ftp how to delete a folder and his sub folder ?19:46
int256^hashbang^: will all the application showing in Synaptic Package Manager is compatible with ubuntu that i am using19:47
Brad777jimdb: how did u fix it? I am all the way up to date atm and I have this weird glitch when i login where if i don't click while it loadsthen the screen turns white and just sits like that19:47
^hashbang^zertyuio: usually you need to cd to the sub foler and remove it... then cd .. and remove the top level folder19:47
^hashbang^int356: yes19:48
burkmatzertyuio, You're either going to need a FTP client that supports recursive deletion or a customized FTP server... Suggest you Google for: "ftp recursive delete"19:48
^hashbang^int256: yes19:48
jimdbbrad777:  which kde 4.2 did you install?  neon kde nightly?19:48
zertyuioi got thousand of folder19:48
voed22cjSiDi: Wow, thanks. it works19:48
zertyuiothat's not pratical for me19:48
burkmatzertyuio, Then I suggest you try one of the clients that support it.19:48
^hashbang^zertyuio: ok try using fireftp (firefox plugin) or gftp (gnome ftp client)19:48
burkmatzertyuio, You don't really seem to be listening what I'm saying, so I'm just going to back off...19:48
SiDivoed22cj: you're welcome :) may you remind me your model so that i add it to the french doc's database, please ?19:48
zertyuiook thx to all19:49
voed22cjSiDi: Sony Vaio: VGN-NR11M/S19:49
SiDivoed22cj: nevermind found it back :)19:49
SiDivoed22cj: well thanks :D19:49
SiDivoed22cj: by the way when you buy a laptop, always try to get one with an HDA intel :) it works just well with the good model19:51
Travis-42is there a good, cheap way to backup files online with linux?  I have previously used mozy (unlimited $5/month) but they don't have a linux client.  Amazon S3 sounds like a nice option, but it'll cost more like $30-40/month.19:51
jimdbbrad777:  you there?19:51
dayo2does anyone know how i can get the dock in this screenshot to show? http://francois.vogelweith.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=30:theme-gnome-qstep-into-freedomq&catid=18:themes&Itemid=2319:51
LaUd? installing nautilus scipts --> do i just extract files to this folder ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts and i'm good to go?19:51
pronehello gais19:51
SiDiTravis-42: did you try through Wine by chance ?19:51
Brad777jimdb: i'm not sure whatever came on my kubuntu livecd19:51
pronecan anyone of you tell a girl how to install glibc 2.3.2?19:51
voed22cjSiDi: thanks for the tip. I was planning to change this one anyway in the near future19:51
proneseem like I need it19:51
^hashbang^day02: try installing avant19:52
SiDidayo2: probably avant-window-navigator19:52
pronefor this blender 3d software19:52
int256^hashbang^: hot to monitor internet usage.19:52
burkmatprone, If only you had been a boy I would've known, but girls? Sorry, don't know how to help you install glibc.19:52
dayo2prone: sudo aptitude install glibc-2.3.219:52
Travis-42SiDi: yea.  I can't get it to work.  It's also reported "garbage" in wine app db.19:52
dayo2prone: what ubuntu version?19:52
jimdbbrad777:  look up "how to install kde 4.2 on ubuntu" in google and find the one that gives you the link to install the kde nightly.19:52
dayo2SiDi: av-who?19:53
jimdbthat dock app is avant window navigator.19:53
jimdbthere's a version you can install from synaptic.19:53
SiDidayo2: the name of the dock is "awn" "avant-window-navigator" (well, i think it is :p)19:53
Brad777jimdb: okay19:53
int256^hashbang^: not'hot' its How19:53
^hashbang^int256: you want an app to montior internet usage? hmm, there are a ton! try installing iftop19:53
SiDidayo2: there also are other docks such as cairo-dock19:53
pronedayo2: "Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "glibc-2.3.2""19:53
dayo2SiDi, jimdb: ok19:53
jimdbbrad777:  seriously, this is a better installation than the experimental one they have for kubuntu users.19:53
pronedayo2: 8.1019:54
int256^hashbang^: ok, how to install. i am new to ubuntu. (new to linux)19:54
^hashbang^int256: or if you want a little widget, you can install "screenlets" and then go and search for "netmonscreelet" and install it19:54
dayo2prone: try sudo aptitude install glibc-  and then press Tab twice19:54
=== yelworC1 is now known as yelworC
^hashbang^int256: almost all the software you will ever need to install can and should be done from "Synaptic"19:54
SiDiTravis-42: don't know then :( the appdb entries are not really looking like there's a chance to make it run :(19:54
int256^hashbang^: ok19:55
jimdbbrad777: once you install it, you should change your session to the neon kde 4.2 rather than the kubuntu version which will also be listed.19:55
pronedayo2: glibc-doc glibc-doc-reference  glibc-pic glibc-source19:55
jimdbbrad777:  and it takes only a few minutes to install via broadband.19:55
int256^hashbang^: where is it19:55
^hashbang^int256: where is what?19:55
dayo2prone: hmm. that's weird. i think. i've got 8.04, and it offers me glibc-2.7.119:55
pronedayo2: hmmm really strange. I miss some repository sources??19:56
dayo2prone: hang on19:56
burkmatprone, `sudo apt-get update` perhaps? I get offered glibc-2.7.1 too.19:56
int256^hashbang^: i got it. but i cannot find iftop in Synaptic19:56
dayo2prone: yes i think so. try what burkmat said19:56
int256^hashbang^: i searched but not found19:56
^hashbang^int256: try hitting "reload"19:57
dayo2prone: after the update, try the double-Tab thing again, and see if it doesn't show glibc-2.7.119:58
int256^hashbang^: reloaded, still cannot find19:58
eike_hi, i have a ShareCentral from Kensington (http://de.kensington.com/html/15960.html), but it won't work with ubuntu intrepid. does anybody know a way to use it with intrepid?19:59
pronedayo2: yep. now it shows 2.7.119:59
gwennndayo; Try also cairo dock and gnome-docky19:59
^hashbang^int256: hmm19:59
Likehi and19:59
^hashbang^!apt > ^hashbang^20:00
ubottu^hashbang^, please see my private message20:00
pronedayo2: "0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded."20:00
=== yelworC_ is now known as yelworC
^hashbang^!apt | int25620:00
ubottuint256: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)20:00
^hashbang^int256: check that out..20:01
ImprovWhere can I get more information about how Ubuntu's init works?20:01
dayo2prone: did u do `sudo aptitude update` or was it `sudo aptitude upgrade`   ?20:01
int256^hashbang^: i got screenlets, from Applications > Add/Remove...20:02
SiDiImprov: what do you need to know? the question is vague20:02
^hashbang^Improv: check out http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:02
uldtotHello, Anyone who can help me setup on ubuntu server (mail, http, sql and ftp) i recently lost my windows server and ubuntu or any other free i cannot work with...20:02
pronedayo2: no i did install glibc2-7 or whatever it was called20:02
Improvhashbang: Thanks!20:02
^hashbang^Improv: np, had that same question about 20 mins ago20:03
dayo2prone: first do this: `sudo aptitude update`20:03
pronedayo2: :)20:03
pronedayo2: I'm on it!20:03
pronedayo2: done20:03
^hashbang^int256: cool..20:03
dayo2prone: after that: `sudo aptitude install glibc-2.7.1`20:03
SiDiuldtot : with the server install cd you can install lamp ftp ssh and such stuff with only a few clicks20:04
uldtotdid install them. but i cant find any softrware so i can manage users or sertup accounts..20:04
pronedayo2: no change,. maybe it's allready installed?20:04
SiDiuldtot useradd and usermod commands i think :)20:04
SiDiuldtot you were not using your windows server in command line, i suppose ? :P20:05
dayo2prone: ok, maybe. do: `sudo aptitude show glibc-2.7.1`20:05
uldtotno. GUI :D20:05
a555I am trying to watch a you tube video and it says i need java, i tried sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree and it installed flash, but cant find the sudo for java..20:05
^hashbang^a555: are you running amd64?20:05
burkmatWould be an interesting video seeing someone actually try to set up AD in CLI... :P20:05
uldtoti try adduser :) brb :D20:06
pronedayo2: hmm... says it's unable to locate it20:06
a555^hashbang^: yes20:06
invisibleNinjaI wonder why on earth Synaptic decided to download and install Eclipse version 3.2, when the latest is 3.4!20:06
dayo2prone: it actually says glibc-2.7.1 is not a real package, it's provided by libc620:06
^hashbang^a555: try this http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-10.0.d21.1.linux-x86_64.so.tar.gz20:06
pronedayo2: yes20:06
dayo2prone: try this: `sudo aptitude install libc6`20:06
^hashbang^a555: it's the only thing that worked for me20:07
gwennnuldtot: man adduser20:07
a555^hashbang^: do you have a good link on how to unpack .tar.gz and install everything from the command line? I am a linux noob20:07
a555^hashbang^: or even from the GUI would be better20:07
LePHiSTOa555: tar xfzv <archivename>20:07
^hashbang^a555: tar xvfz "filename"20:07
dayo2prone: if i'm not mistaken, then you can in fact just do: `sudo aptitude install build-essential`. but try the first option20:08
^hashbang^a555: cd "new dir from package"20:08
pronedayo2: ah, it runs the isntallation process saying 0 stuff installed20:08
pronedayo2: ah20:08
burkmata555, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-tarballs/20:08
^hashbang^burkmat: nice 120:08
cphillipsim trying to get a game (turning point: fall of liberty) to install on wine. it keeps getting stuck at "publishing product information". help?20:08
uldtotadded new user now.20:09
a555nice... thanks guys! :-)20:09
dayo2prone: have u ever edit your source list? maybe u deleted something in there by accident?20:09
^hashbang^cphillips: try #winehq20:09
SiDiuldtot :)20:09
uldtotSiDa > how to setup email account for a user?20:09
cphillips^hashbang^, thanks, im not familiar with all the irc channels yet20:09
pronedayo2: I did edit it, but I'm pretty sure everything is there.... welll, it's installing a lot of stuff now20:09
^hashbang^cphillips: you bet...20:09
dayo2prone: ok, let see if it covers glibc-2.7.120:10
pronedayo2: apt says libc6 is installed20:12
SiDiuldtot i never used command line mailing, sorry :P20:12
dayo2prone: ok, cool. so u should now have glibc-2.7.120:12
dayo2prone: what did u need it for, anyway?20:12
uldtotsida > okay. thanks for the user help. now i just need everything else lol :D20:12
sara_hi i need to make a video of my desktop20:12
sara_hi i need to make a video of my desktop what software do i need?20:13
SiDiuldtot : in my language sida means AIDS :(20:13
nanotubesara_: recordmydesktop20:13
Baattiwtf, I swear I'm doing everything right...20:13
uldtotups sorry. SiDi > typo.20:13
nanotubesara_: or use a video camera and point it an the display :)20:13
ShadoweaverHey IcyPolecat20:13
BaattiI need help getting Java installed on my computer for web browser use20:13
uldtotSiDi > the yellow text is hard to read on this old monitor :)20:13
sara_nanotube, yuk soooooo improfessional20:13
dayo2nanotube: i was waiting for someone to say something like that lol20:13
nanotubesara_: then recordmydesktop it is :)20:14
BaattiI've downloaded java-6u12-linux-x64.bin....20:14
pronedayo2: blender 3d20:14
nanotubedayo2: well, it /is/ a viable alternative, so i figured i'd mention it for completeness. or something  like that :)20:14
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FreshPrince__where can i select new GDM themes?20:14
BaattiI've moved it to my java folder, chmoded it...extracted it, but it WON'T WORK on my browser!20:14
dayo2prone: well, did blender install now?20:14
pronedayo2: ./blender: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:14
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:14
serfersHey everyone. Im having a bit of trouble. im trying to make an app listen on a certain port for connections. However, when i open the app, it says that tht port is already in use. Is there any way i can see whats using it and kill it or delete an iptabl rule or somthing? thanks20:15
nanotubeprone: then install the libstdc++5 package from the repos.20:15
adaptrserfers: first you'd need to know what is using it: netstat -plnt |grep portnumber20:16
nanotubeserfers: "sudo netstat -plantu" will show you all processes listening on ports20:16
dayo2prone: are u installing blender from source?20:16
burkmatHello fedormorozov.20:17
serfersadaptr and nanotube thanks a lot. the process is vmnet-natd20:17
serferscan i just kill it with the system monitor?20:17
alex87hey guys, i just installed the virtualbox version from their website, but now i don't seem to have it installed at all, any ideas?20:17
fedormorozovplease, if someone could help me, I installed Ubuntu 7.10 and my wireless does not connect to any wifi. It detects it, but does not connects.20:17
serfersadaptr and nanotube, i cant see vmnet-natd in the system monitor...20:18
nanotubeserfers: it seems to be a vmware process that is uses for nat networking... sure you can kill it, assuming you don't need network in vmware at the time...20:18
adaptrserfers: you would kill vmware networking on any runnin gvmware guests20:18
pronedayo2: hmm... from a CD that came with a book about the program.20:18
invisibleNinjaalex87, type sudo VirtualBox20:18
dayo2prone: try this instead: `sudo aptitude install blender`20:18
serfersadaptr, thats ok for now, i just dont know how to kill it if i dont see it in the system monitor20:18
pronedayo2: I just unpacked it and started  from terminal20:18
mustangguck - sorry I need to ask again... but: where does the installer grab the hostname for the network configuration stage of install.20:18
invisibleNinjado may have to do a restart to see it in the application list20:18
nanotubeserfers: in system monitor, make sure to select "show all processes"20:18
nanotubeserfers: or kill it from the terminal using pkill or kill20:19
adaptrserfers: killall vmnet-natd20:19
sara_lmao i love the facebook addon for pidgin you can collect really personal infomation on people20:19
fedormorozovanybody knows why could happen that? It worked perfectly in the previous version of ubuntu20:19
dayo2prone: it's always better to use apt and avoid installing from source. apt takes care of the dependencies for u20:19
pronedayo2: cool, thanks20:19
alex87invisibleNinja: thanks! your a lifesaver20:20
nanotubefedormorozov: well, first an easy question - try the latest release of ubuntu (8.10) ?20:20
fedormorozovyes, sorry, it is 8.10 not 7.1020:20
dayo2prone: you're welcome. it worked?20:20
jusseldiginux: Hey Diginux, 're you there?20:21
decembreanyone knows really advantages of LTS ?20:21
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fedormorozovit worked with 8.04 lts20:21
soreau! lts | decembre20:21
ubottudecembre: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.20:21
decembreubottu : yes I know, I would like to know more !20:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:22
invisibleNinjaanytime alex8720:22
int256^hashbang^: thanks for helping me to solve my problems.20:22
decembreI have a small server for me only20:22
serfersadaptr and nanotube thanks a million, its all good now20:22
decembreshould I keep it in LTS or upgrade ?20:22
decembrewhereas I have bugs in 8.04 !20:23
mzzif you're hitting bugs in 8.04 that you know are fixed in 8.10 you could upgrade20:23
decembremzz : in fact lts doesn't give much more stability for simple use ?20:24
int256i found 8 bugs that is not mentioned any where else20:24
decembrelike family server ?20:24
mustanggsorry I need to ask again... but: where does the installer grab the hostname for the network configuration stage of install.20:24
dayo2int256: u should report them20:24
int256yes i will.20:24
dayo2mustangg: /etc/hostname  ?20:24
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mzzdecembre: it has new versions of lots of stuff. So you may want to upgrade for the features in those new versions. I wouldn't upgrade in an attempt to get rid of problems in 8.04 without first checking those problems are known to be fixed in 8.1020:25
dayo2mustangg: or /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf20:25
mzzdecembre: that's just me though.20:25
soreaumzz: Still at it? :)20:25
mustanggdayo2:  during a fresh install?20:25
int256i will make a video showing the bug. so that deelopers can understand well.20:25
mzzsoreau: eh, answering basics like this doesn't take much attention20:25
dayo2mustangg: install from CD?20:25
Aladinund jetzt20:26
mustanggdayo2: yeah, the alt iso.20:26
dayo2mustangg: wouldn't there be a moment during the install, where it prompts you for the hostname?20:26
decembremzz : thanks20:26
mustanggdayo2: right. where does that name come from, when it self populates?20:26
decembrenobody give me reasons to keep lts20:27
decembreI think I will upgrade20:27
dayo2mustangg: i'm guessing from the CD. never checked, but it probably has a default hostname file on CD, where the hostname defaults to "ubuntu:20:27
mustanggdecembre: if I've learned anything about linux, it is that the less upgrading needed means more stability. Upgrades are as needed only.20:28
Aladinhabe sowas noch nie cht20:28
fedormorozovI would like to specify: when I turn my wireless card on, the light flishes 1 time and then nothing else... It detects wifi and asks for password in protected networks, tries to connect but doesn't (neither to unprotected networks)20:28
fedormorozovsorry, flashes20:28
mustanggdayo2: that was my expectation but I asked because I've tried a few fresh installs and each time the installer finds my previous hostname. Even after I dd'd my hard drives from sec 0 to sec max.20:29
csaba198Hi! I' m running now ubuntu liveCD edition, and i' ve a hard drive containing 21 partitions, but in the /dev/ directory it' s counted only till sda15, but i' d like to mount sda16. What can i do? I tried mknod /dev/sda16 b 8 16, but then mount says "/dev/sda16 is not a valid block device".20:29
joshjtlhi, I'm about to upgrade from 2gb to 4gb ram... do I need to have ubuntu x86-64 installed to be able take advantage of all 4gb?20:30
jim_pjoshjtl, yes20:30
dayo2mustangg: are u connected to a dhcp server?20:30
joshjtljim_p: definitely?20:31
MadsRHDoes anyone know if Compiz 0.8 will make it into Jaunty?20:31
mustanggdayo2:  yeah, and that nic does have a reserved ip. Could it be grabbing the info because that's the name associated with the mac on the dhcp server?20:31
jadohi, i'm trying to launch a file.jar with java -jar file.jar but i've got this : "No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it."20:31
jim_pjoshjtl, yea as in all 32bit oses, the os will "see" less ram that the one that it runs on20:32
claygwhenever i try to shutdown or access any of the parts there, even lock screen or logout, it takes 30 seconds or so and freezes the computer while it waits.  I can still shutdown through command line with no delay but I want ot be able to lock screen if i need to walk out of the room without waiting 30 seconds and basically telling my coworker i dont trust him20:32
dayo2mustangg: yes. check /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf and find your hostname in there, along with the mac addr and reserved IP20:32
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joshjtlokay thanks jim_p20:32
ramiro(sorry for cross-asking for whoever is in #vbox as well, but I think it's good to ask it here)20:33
ramiroI need to run a vbox as another user when ubuntu starts up. no problem placing it in /etc/rc.d and such, but what command must I run? I usually "su - username", type in password, then "VBoxHeadless <...> & exit". how do I automate this? (including the password)20:33
mustanggdayo2: well I don't have such an animal during the fresh install, but at least you've helped my peace-of-mind. I'd spent a good amount of time fighting problems with fakeraid+ LVM and that seemed like yet another problem to fix...20:33
jim_pdoes anyone know how to use quassel?20:34
dayo2mustangg: something like: host mustanggsbox { hardware ethernet 00:d3:24:f7:82 ; fixed-address ; }20:34
jim_pi want to get the !@#$%^ timestamp away20:34
burkmatWhat would dhcpd do if it received a request with the entire range already leased?20:35
dayo2mustangg: you could try deleting that entry from your dhcpd.conf, then restart dhcp3-server before installing again20:35
mustanggdayo2:  my dhcp box is a linux router.20:35
chmacAnyone using Rhythmbox with the last.fm plugin? I can't seem to play music, not sure where to start...20:36
claygwhenever i try to shutdown or access any of the parts there, even lock screen or logout, it takes 30 seconds or so and freezes the computer while it waits.  I can still shutdown through command line with no delay but I want ot be able to lock screen if i need to walk out of the room without waiting 30 seconds and basically telling my coworker i dont trust him20:36
mustanggdayo2: so I guess I'd mistaken assumed (!) that I would be able to find info on this in faq/docs or whereever. :)20:36
jadohi, i'm trying to launch a file.jar with java -jar file.jar but i've got this : "No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it."20:37
dayo2mustangg: i see20:37
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khuntis network manager the only prog for 3g?20:37
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jim_pkhunt, i hope not! any app that can do dialing and wireless will do20:37
chmacOk, so it seems that I need to have a last.fm client installed...20:38
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mike12hey anyone here kno how to remotly open a disc drive on a a computer....its my dads and i want to play a trick  on him since he grounded me20:38
dayo2mustangg: u could also check #ubuntu-server for more info on this subject20:38
mzzmike12: if you can ssh in the "eject" commandline utility will probably do the trick20:38
jim_pmike12, do you have ssh access on that pc?20:38
mzzmike12: ("man eject")20:39
dayo2mike12: u're courting more ground-time20:39
khuntjim_p, you know of one that is lightweight and easy to configure preferably with a data counter. google is not my friend today20:39
mzzmike12: if you don't have ssh access it's unlikely you can do anything20:39
mike12o ok20:39
jim_pmike12, then he is fortified in there20:39
mike12thaanks anyway20:39
mzzmike12: (think about it, being able to do that without ssh or equivalent access would be a bug)20:39
jim_pkhunt, network-config maybe?20:39
jim_pkhunt, its been some time since i last used it20:39
jim_pkhunt, and wicd may do it too20:40
khuntor maybe i should install network-manager20:40
Pilot_51Is there any way to reinstall Ubuntu without formatting?20:40
khuntand just launch it on demand20:40
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jim_pkhunt, dunno. i am against nm use. the counter that you ask for makes things a bit more complex20:41
Pilot_51I ran into some trouble during upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid (system crash) and even though I can run it it's pretty screwed up20:41
jim_pPilot_51, what exactrly is screwed up? xorg?20:41
timposeyon ubuntu install 8.10 I am getting message crc error system halted20:42
khunti am using wcid20:42
mustanggdayo2: thank you for the info. I  think I will do just that when I have a chance.20:42
khuntbut that only does wireless20:42
burkmatPilot_51, Well... I guess you could either just install on top of your current installation (would probably be bad), or run `sudo rm -rf /` to delete everything you have and then install on the "clean" partition? oO20:42
dayo2mustangg: u're welcome :-)20:42
Pilot_51well for one the quick search in synaptic is grayed20:42
Pilot_51bunch of errors in log20:42
jim_pkhunt, i am out of ideas then20:42
khuntthing is i know network-manager works with no config20:43
khuntjust plug it in20:43
khuntet voila20:43
chumboAny one here knows how host a site with Xampp?20:44
kristoferhello. Does anyone know anything regarding adobe flash 10 and hardware acceleration issues? I'm getting really crappy performance when I go fullscreen. There isnt any difference if I use the "use hardware accell" option or not in the player applet.20:44
Pilot_51I don't think the update manager is finding updates either20:44
burkmatchumbo, Just start it up and it's ready to run? It's very plug'n play. :)20:44
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chumboburkmat, yes its runnig good the problem is any one cant access it.. just me and ppl in my lan20:45
dayo2see u guys later20:45
Pilot_51When I boot from the install CD and try to repair packages, it says the system is up-to-date and then asks if I want to proceed with the update20:45
burkmatchumbo, I'd suspect your problem is NAT. You're behind a router, right?20:45
Pilot_51When I proceed, it downloads a bunch of packages and then says nothing was updated20:46
mikkelgjIm curious about the minimal CD. Does that only install a very very limited basic install (which i want), or does it just download the whole default ubuntu installation?20:46
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=== Z1pp3R is now known as z1pp3r
stringchopperI got a linux kernel from kernel.org.  I imported their key.  They say to do: "gpg --verify linux-2.3.9.tar.gz.sign linux-2.3.9.tar.gz"... but they don't give a "sign" file.  Do I create the sign. file myself with their key?20:47
claygwhenever i try to shutdown or access any of the parts there, even lock screen or logout, it takes 30 seconds or so and freezes the computer while it waits.  I can still shutdown through command line with no delay but I want ot be able to lock screen if i need to walk out of the room without waiting 30 seconds and basically telling my coworker i dont trust him20:47
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zand3rHi all... I've performed a CLI install using the Alternative CD and subsequently installed xorg and openbox however there's no xorg.conf being generated. The following URL implies that people suspect this is an error but I'm wondering if there is some way to automatically generate this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104327720:48
Pilot_51So... Any way to reinstall over an existing installation as with Windows or is a format absolutely necessary?20:48
z1pp3rIm curious about the minimal CD. Does it only install a very very limited basic install (which i want), or does it just download the whole default ubuntu installation? The minimalCD page isnt very clear20:49
shinagalatedanyone know what's going on with the new notification system in Jaunty?  Is that still going to be in Jaunty20:49
bmorrisI have a network drive mounted using samba but I'm running into problems.. I get a permission denied error  every time I try and save a file.  I can open them fine though.  When I do an ls -l in the directory it says that I have all the correct permissions.. Does anybody know what could be going on?20:49
kristoferhmm... From googling it seems everyone seems to have bad performance in flash full screen unless they are equipped with a really fast computer. :(20:50
z1pp3rbmorris, maybe the samba server doesn't allow anyone write access to the share?20:50
r00tintheb0xAnyone have any experience w/Oracle ODBC?20:51
bmorrisz1pp3r, how would I check that?  I have ssh access to the server20:51
diginuxbmorris: is the share mounted as read only?20:52
rakudave!ot | r00tintheb0x20:53
ubottur00tintheb0x: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:53
z1pp3rbmorris, i haven't played around with samba for quite some time, but i believe its specified in the config file where you specified the share in the first place.20:53
OsamaKHello, how can I build an up-to-date language for Ubuntu? I googled for that, and found nothing.20:53
diginuxJussel: whats up?20:53
bmorrisdiginux, I don't believe so20:53
diginuxbmorris: can you creat a new file on the share?20:53
Jusseldiginux: hey :)20:53
Jusseldiginux: Updated Ubuntu to 8.1020:54
adaptrbmorris: read only  = yes/true/120:54
kristoferOk.. the solution for good fullscreen flash performance is... virtualbox.. that is insane. :)20:54
Jusseldiginux: But still no sound through my Headphone20:54
bmorrisdiginux, no20:54
z1pp3rlol kristofer =)20:54
diginuxJussel: ugghhh, I am out of ideas then :( try posting to the forums, make sure to include the output of lspci20:55
Jusseldiginux: ok thanks for your time / help :)20:55
kristoferMaybe it would work to do a WINE container for a windows firefox plugin ...20:55
diginuxbmorris: did you mount from the command line or use somethign like thunar?20:55
Xintruderwhich command shows me how much ram is consumed?20:55
z1pp3rkristofer, worth a try, now you know what to spend your weekend on =)20:56
diginuxkristofer: i remember the einstein@home windows binary under wine ran faster than the native linux binary20:56
bmorrisdiginux, I have it in my fstab20:56
diginuxXintruder: sudo apt-get install htop20:56
z1pp3rXintruder, you can use htop20:56
kristoferdiginux: which gcc version did you use?20:56
bmorrisI'm looking at the share in my smb.conf file and it says that it's public and writeable20:56
diginuxbmorris: copy and paste the line20:56
dmphotographyDoes anyone know of a program that does a more detailed report of Network History like System Monitor?20:56
Xintruderisn't there a default installed program to do so?20:56
diginuxkristofer: it was a non opensource binary20:57
anisfarhanai have ispconfig installed with ubuntu , anyone can tell me where is server stored the incoming/outgoing mail from the server ?20:57
bmorrisdiginux, //  /home/bmorris/workspace  cifs users,gid=1000,uid=1000,username=bmorris,password=password20:57
z1pp3rXintruder, think "top" is installed by default, but it doesnt have pretty fancy colors like htop =P20:57
dmphotographyMainly that keeps track of daily bandwidth ussage for a web server.20:57
diginuxbmorris: and those gid and uids are those of bmorris?20:57
rakudaveXintruder: "free -m"20:57
Xintruderdoes top show me how much ram is free, and how much is used?20:57
kristoferdiginux: I suppose gcc doesn't optimize as well as visual c++ does out of the box. a poor built might suck.20:57
dkgIs there a difference in installing Intrepid from cd or upgrading from hardy?20:57
dayo2dmphotography: munin20:58
z1pp3rXintruder, as rakudave said, "free -m" is probably better for just seeing ram usage20:58
kristoferdiginux: Suns (non gcc-compatible) compiler is said to do great code though (even for linux).20:58
diginuxbmorris: what are the perms on /home/bmorris/workspace?20:58
dmphotographydayo2: Thanks!20:58
nomasteryoda|wdkg, speed of installing is much faster20:58
nomasteryoda|win my experience20:58
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dayo2dmphotography: u're welcome. :-)20:58
bmorrisdiginux, full read/write/execute20:59
Xintruderhtop, does it give me results once like top, or keep monitoring untill i stop it?20:59
Guest18209salve a tutti20:59
thehookgot network issues anyone? http://www.snotr.com/video/108420:59
diginuxbmorris: so its 777 ?20:59
z1pp3rIm curious about the minimal CD. Does it only install a very very limited basic install (which i want), or does it just download the whole default ubuntu installation? The minimalCD page isnt very clear20:59
diginuxbmorris: have you tried chmod -R 777 /home/bmorris/workspace just to make sure?20:59
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:59
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dkgnomasteryoda: other than that, is it just as safe to install hardy then upgrade? I've tried to burn intrepid 3 times, with no joy...  I'd prefer a "clean" install but is an upgrade prety much the same? (any disadvantages?)21:00
diginuxdkg: i do upgrade all the time, never have a problem21:00
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bmorrisdiginux, hmm I can create a file from the command line21:01
dkgdiginux: thanks. That's what I'll do :)21:01
bmorrisWhen I try and save one in eclipse I get permission denied though21:01
r00tintheb0xrakudave I mean installing ODBC on Ubuntu to connect to an Oracle Database.21:01
diginuxbmorris: are you running eclipse as a normal user? can you edit a newly created file from the command line using a text editor liek nano?21:01
r00tintheb0xThat does have to do with Ubuntu21:01
thehookz1pp3r: i have no idea my self, but can i please have the link for the page?21:01
diginuxdkg: enjoy21:01
rakudaver00tintheb0x: sorry ^^21:02
z1pp3rthehook, sure, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:02
bmorrisdiginux, I can edit/save a file using nano/vim/whatever but if I open up the file in gedit or eclipse I can't save21:02
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diginuxbmorris: so you can edit *already existing* files using nano ?21:02
z1pp3rthehook, maybe it's more clear to you than me...21:03
bmorrisdiginux, I can create them using nano as well21:03
thehookz1pp3r: no its not :s but i'm afraid it looks like it just downloads everything..21:03
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rakudave!oracle | r00tintheb0x, ok then21:03
ubottur00tintheb0x, ok then: If you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html21:03
thehookbut someone here shuld now21:03
z1pp3rhehe yeah, thats what i figured21:03
z1pp3rnot much luck yet though =/21:03
diginuxbmorris: but you can edit already existing files from the command line, right?21:04
thehookz1pp3r: you know, if noone knows I just gonna test it :P21:04
bmorrisumm let me check21:04
r00tintheb0xrakudave, its okay.21:04
thehookgive me a couple of minutes ok z1pp3r ?21:05
bmorrisdiginux, actually no that gives me an error as well21:05
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z1pp3rthehook, that would be pretty cool =). I probably could do that as well, but then i'd have to backup stuff and i'm too lazy to do all that for nothing =)21:05
z1pp3rthehook, sure thing21:05
diginuxbmorris: ok, sounds like you have uid/guid mismatch21:05
Jerusalem420!seen hashbang21:05
ubottuI have no seen command21:05
Jerusalem420^hashbang you around?21:05
diginuxbmorris: id do an ls -l and look at the perms and ownership diff between already existing files and files you just crated21:05
bmorrisdiginux, here are the two lines from my ls -l  test33.txt I just created and web was already there -rwxrw-rw- 1 bmorris bmorris   5 2009-02-12 16:00 test33.txt21:06
bmorrisdrwxrwxrwx 7 bmorris bmorris   0 2009-02-02 09:53 web21:06
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meshuggahanybody know an easy and great way to add a 3rd harddisk in a computer case that only have 2 slots for them?21:07
diginuxbmorris: web is a dir not a file21:07
bmorriswoops one moment21:07
diginuxbmorris: is this samba server running on linux or windows?21:08
guntbertmeshuggah: please ask in #hardware21:08
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bmorrisdiginux, ubuntu 8.1021:08
duryhi there all :) how is it going?21:08
bantu_hey peeps, Ok. I need help with the mknod command21:08
diginuxbmorris: why not just use nfs?21:08
durytomorrow I'm going to buy a new box which motherboard you suggest guys 32 or 64 bit21:08
thehookz1pp3r: its installing now, obviously its a lot more to download so i dont know anything yet :P but what are you gonna use it for if i may ask21:09
meshuggahguntbert : thank21:09
guntbert!#ubuntu | dury21:09
ubottudury: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:09
morfdorHi everyone. Ive been happily using ubuntu for a year now but decided its time to format and reinstall.. I have my home and / root in different partitions. How can i install ubuntu on the same root partition and keep on using my same home partition without deleting its files? Thanks21:09
bantu_My live c.d. doesn't create the eth0 device node21:09
guntbertmeshuggah: good luck :)21:09
bmorrisdiginux, the little I know about samba is more than I know about nfs :P21:09
bmorrisohh I think I got it21:09
bantu_I can't get the major minor part21:10
BlatzHello, when I try to get some updates with the update manager, I get "Could not download all repository indexes" here is more specific error:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/117441/21:10
bmorrisstupid of me.. the actual files were only readable and I didn't see that because everything in the top level directory that I was looking at were directories21:10
bantu_Here's the command I write21:10
thehookmorfdor: Hi, that would be no problem at all.. In the installer you just choose to format the /root partition and make sure it does not format the /home21:10
diginuxbmorris: samba can be a pain, nfs is super easy21:10
bmorristhanks a lot for all of your help!21:10
bantu_mknod -c /dev/eth021:10
bmorrisworks perfectly now21:10
bantu_Help please?21:11
thehookmorfdor: should be pretty straight forward, just download the desktop iso and burn it, then boot from it, then choose manual partitioning21:11
morfdorthehook so i can keep on using my same home parition or will another one have to be created and ill have to transfer over the files from the old home parition? thanks21:11
thehookyou can keep the same partition yes :)21:12
thehookmorfdor: yes, but i would recommend to use a different username on the second install just to make sure none of the setting are kept from the last install21:13
guntbertBlatz: are you on 8.04 or on 8.10?21:13
linux_guycan i 'restart' the panel?  only bits and pieces are showing up correctly21:13
cambazzhello. how do I set which modules to load at boot - or which modules not to?21:13
cambazzI dont want to load the pci_hotplug module21:13
cambazzbut /lib/modules file has no reference to it21:14
claygwhenever i try to shutdown or access any of the parts there, even lock screen or logout, it takes 30 seconds or so and freezes the computer while it waits.  I can still shutdown through command line with no delay but I want ot be able to lock screen if i need to walk out of the room without waiting 30 seconds and basically telling my coworker i dont trust him21:14
Blatzguntbert: 8.0421:14
mcstinkyhey all, how do I install a package with a dependency error; the installed version I have is too new, it requires an older one21:15
smultroncan you only have 1 extended partition? can you setup all 4 to be 'extended'?21:15
z1pp3rthehook, okay. Well, my laptop is kindda old and the default installation is too beefy to run smoothly. I love the dpkg package system, but i'm not very fond of debian anymore. So i was hoping i could customize my ubuntu install to only include the bare minimum21:15
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thehookz1pp3r: i understand! i love it too :) hope it is just installing the bare minimum now, cause i've been considering to install a "customized" version my self :)21:16
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guntbertBlatz: it seems, you tried to add a "wrong" CD to your sources.lst. Do you need the CD?21:16
meshuggahwhy when I install packages, i dont get a beautiful icon in the menu? i dont even know where they install21:16
z1pp3rthehook, yeah, that would be great if that was possible21:17
Blatzguntbert: I don't really know what "wrong" CD addtion would be.  No I guess I don't need the CD21:18
thehookz1pp3r: what I did on the very early versions of ubuntu was using the server iso, but now its pretty different kernels and stuff..21:18
guntbertmeshuggah: for the simple cases you can use Applications/Add-Remove..., that tells you what and where...21:18
thehookz1pp3r: 96% of installing the base system it says21:18
z1pp3rmust be pretty minimal, or you have an awesome internet connection =P21:19
meshuggahlike : i installed angband, zangband, cpuid, any many many others, but they arent on the menu21:19
meshuggahi know they locate i think in /usr21:19
nsadmincan I do things with upstart like say "sometimes I have no network on boot, when that happens don't start things that need it"21:19
Blatzguntbert: what should I do to resolve the issue?21:19
duryI know >[#ubuntu] dury: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:19
Blatzguntbert: edit souces.list?21:19
DigitalhighwayI can't edit my sources.list file21:19
thehookz1pp3r: just a regular 4mbps21:20
guntbertBlatz: if you don't need it you can disable it in System/Adminstration/SoftwareSources (If I remember correctly)21:20
duryjust want an opinion that's all21:20
dmphotographyI formated an external harddrive to ext3, which is showing to be /dev/sdc1 . . how do I access it to add files?21:20
nsadmindonuts are good! want another opinion?21:20
guntbertdury: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please21:20
Blatzguntbert: Is this error keeping me from online updates?21:21
Digitalhighwayhow do you chance the permission of a source.list file???21:21
guntbertBlatz: I don't know, sorry21:21
DigitalhighwayI am using pico in ubuntu 8.0421:21
nsadminin what way? you use chmod (info coreutils, look at file permissions)21:21
z1pp3rthehook, you were never asked which packages you wanted? What do you think would happen if it did not have internet connection, would it even complete?21:22
guntbert!who | nsadmin ;-)21:22
ubottunsadmin ;-): As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:22
thehookz1pp3r: yep, seems to be what we want ;) i got a list of things i want to install now debian style, but unfortunately i cant use the arrow keys in the vm, but i can see different server stuff and edubuntu desktop :P21:22
thehookz1pp3r: and kde desktop21:22
z1pp3rthat sounds very nice21:22
thehookz1pp3r: i agree!21:23
dmphotographyN E one?21:23
nsadminanyone who knows:can I do things with upstart like say "sometimes I have no network on boot, when that happens don't start things that need it"21:23
DigitalhighwayNsadmin:I want to add some commands to the source.list file and save. ...but I can't save it because of an permission error21:23
BlatzDigitalhighway: "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:23
ExAstrisHi all. I'm having some issues with Madwifi drivers. I built madwifi-hal (10.5.6), latest build, and set it up. It was working yestarday. I have a Macbook Pro, with a built in Altheros wireless card. The wireless device shows up in dmesg | grep ath and lsmod | grep ath.21:23
meshuggahguntbert : do you know a program for ubuntu that is like cpu-z?21:23
ExAstrisHowever, the wireless card does not appear in iwconfig, and I cannot use it.21:23
ExAstrisAny ideas on why?21:23
Digitalhighwaysudo do exactly?21:24
nsadminDigitalhighway what user are you logged in as?21:24
nsadminperhaps the user cannot edit the file because it doesn't own it21:24
yommI replaced my 4 300gig SATA driver with four 1TB drives , and ubuntu only recognizes 2 out of four drives , fdisk gives strange 'sd' output and gparted doesn't see the drives either , I have multiple '/dev/sd*'s but i cannot access those 2 drives ...21:24
Digitalhighwayi am assuming root21:24
z1pp3rDigitalhighway, 'sudo' = do something as super user (root)21:24
guntbertmeshuggah: sorry, what does cpu-z do?21:24
ExAstrisAdditionally, there's a wlan module active, which I cannot remove - it says it is in use when I do a modprobe -r21:24
Digitalhighwayi will try the sudo command thanks21:25
thehookDigitalhighway: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:25
meshuggahguntbert : it say everything you have in your computer : cpu, motherboard, ram21:25
nsadminDigitalhighway what editor do you like to use?21:26
pisecxUUID=a9c5ac1f-ec9a-4371-b67f-161acc8d4c42 /home/z/Work   ntfs   user,rw,auto,umask=007,gid=1000,uid=1000,exec 0       121:26
meshuggahguntbert : bios, every material things21:26
pisecxHow can I make this folder 774, for example?21:26
ExAstrisCan anyone help me?21:26
nsadminperhaps you can sudo (that editor) /etc/apt/sources.list21:26
pisecxeven chmod don't work21:26
guntbertmeshuggah: you want sysinfo21:26
nsadminpisecx why doesn't it work?21:26
pisecxseems like I have to edit fstab, but has no idea what option should I add/change21:26
guntbert!info sysinfo | meshuggah21:26
ubottusysinfo (source: sysinfo): Simple GTK program that shows some UNIX/Linux system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 107 kB, installed size 400 kB21:26
djhashyomm: does bios see all four drives?21:27
pisecxnsadmin: it works, but apache has no access to it21:27
meshuggahguntbert : ok, thank you :)21:27
lyhana8hi, why when i try to do `kate ./myfile` as root i got this error :21:27
lyhana8kate: cannot connect to X server :021:27
guntbertmeshuggah: np :)21:27
pisecxnsadmin: apache manual says it need access for All21:27
pisecxnsadmin: in terms of file system permissions21:27
Digitalhighwayit worked21:27
pisecxnsadmin: but folder has access 77021:27
nsadminlyhana8: try ssh root@localhost21:27
nsadmininstead of su21:27
guntbertmeshuggah: you will find it in applications/system tools :)21:28
meshuggahguntbert : because i want to know which kind of rambus I have, rdram800 but i am not sure.....i need more than 256mb!! :)21:28
z1pp3r256mb should be enough for everybody21:28
lyhana8nsadmin: do a ssh on my own laptop o_O ?21:28
meshuggahit is not enough here21:28
pisecxnsadmin: maybe umask? it is not 00721:28
mcstinkycan anybody here tell me if wine will run under the UNR?21:29
thehookmcstinky: UNR?21:29
mcstinkyubuntu netbook remix21:30
thehooknetbook remix?21:30
mcstinkyyarr =D21:30
thehookyes it will :)21:30
mcstinkygreat, thanks21:30
nsadminlyhana8 yes, the ssh connection forwards x (at least it does under debian) then you can use gui thingys21:30
ExAstrisI would appreciate some help...21:30
OniDoes BSD work on Ubuntu yet?21:30
nsadminthe important part is that the process that runs the x server is wrapped in a ssh-agent21:31
z1pp3rOni, ehhh?21:31
meshuggahguntbert : i am installing it now....so i have another question again21:31
HieronymusI just entered a different room. I tried to type there.21:31
HieronymusAnd it appeared here.21:31
OniFreeBSD, does it work on Ubuntu yet?21:31
lyhana8Oni: BSD as FreeBSD ?21:31
meshuggahguntbert : do you know a program like acid music, but for ubuntu?21:31
HieronymusHow's that.21:31
lyhana8Oni: it's an OS by himself21:31
z1pp3rOni, Ubuntu is an OS. FreeBSD is an OS. None of them work on one another21:31
OniYeah but does it work on Unbuntu21:31
^hashbang^Oni: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/comparing_linux_and_freebsd?page=0%2C021:31
z1pp3rexcept for maybe through a VM like virtualbox21:32
z1pp3rOni, you're not making any sense21:32
OniCan i use WINE to install BSD on Ubuntu21:32
OniOr do I have to use WUBI?21:32
meshuggahoni : ??21:32
lyhana8Oni: try virtualbox21:32
ExAstrisOni, freeBSD is an operating system. It runs your computer for you. Ubuntu is an operating system as well. You can't have both at the same time.21:32
thehookhehehe, have you tried running windows in linux? natively of course :p21:32
^hashbang^Oni. Dude, your joking right? wine = windows, BSD = unix, and ubuntu = linux21:32
ExAstris(at least, not booted at the same time, except via VM)21:32
NecrogamemasterI've already registered why am I still here?21:32
Oniyeah I'm joking :(21:32
guntbertmeshuggah: have you synaptic installed? it has a comprehensive search, several categories...21:33
^hashbang^Oni: google is your friend21:33
djhashi'm watching southpark.. this chat here is much funnier21:33
^hashbang^djhash: lol21:33
djhashthats going in my signature21:33
PinkopfHey! Would someone like to help an idiot out with some sound issues? Only OSS seems to work, nothing else; and from what little experience I have, OSS sucks. I've looks at forums and usually that helps, but I can't seem to get this ALSA or PulseAudio thing to work21:33
meshuggahguntbert : lol...yeah...but i prefer direct comment/opinion/suggestion directly from the keyboard  of a living animal21:33
eeyorehi all21:34
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^hashbang^djhash: =)~21:34
thehookOni: can you please explain what youre meaning?21:34
OniI was joking lol21:34
z1pp3rthehook, i think he was kidding =)21:34
ZummiG777Question: I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and I'm using the distributed nvidia drivers - however, I'm getting a greenish checkerboard effect across the screen almost as a secondary layer - does anybody know what could be causing this?21:34
thehookOni: thats good i was starting to be worried there for a while :P21:34
z1pp3rthehook, btw thx for testing out the minimal cd, i'll give it a go during the weekend21:34
guntbertmeshuggah: understandable, but this is a *very* busy support channel, try it in #ubuntu-offtopic   :)21:34
OniUbuntu is Lunix in my opinion anyway21:34
ExAstrisI would appreciate someone helping me with my wifi issue. I have a Macbook Pro, bout a year and a half old, and have switched to madwifi as the ath9k drivers were incredibly slow. It was working yestarday, after I built and configured the madwifi modules, but today it is not. THe devices appear under lsmod and dmesg, but not under iwconfig. Any ideas?21:34
claygwhenever i try to shutdown or access any of the parts there, even lock screen or logout, it takes 30 seconds or so and freezes the computer while it waits.  I can still shutdown through command line with no delay but I want ot be able to lock screen if i need to walk out of the room without waiting 30 seconds and basically telling my coworker i dont trust him21:34
thehookz1pp3r: no problem ;)21:35
^hashbang^Oni: I said that already =)21:35
^hashbang^Oni. Dude, your joking right? wine = windows, BSD = unix, and ubuntu = linux21:35
Onihashbang chill out21:35
lyhana8nsadmin: i do a `xhost +` to enable access21:35
OniI said that I was joking like 5 times now21:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:35
^hashbang^Oni: go to #ubuntu-offtopic21:35
Onino u ^hashbang^21:35
ExAstrisOni: Yes, but this isn't the place to joke x.x21:36
meshuggahguntbert : sorry, i will shut the fuck up, and only ask things, when i searched google or synaptic...sorry, i do not want to disturb this great channel :))21:36
^hashbang^welcome to my /ignore list Oni21:36
Onino u ^hashbang^21:36
OniI got apt-get working on OpenSolaris21:36
guntbert!language | meshuggah :)21:36
joveHello All, does anyone know how to read the .XML file or convert it to readable ?21:36
ubottumeshuggah :): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:36
Onicurrently porting all the Ubuntu repositories21:36
OniIt's an OS called Nexenta21:37
meshuggahguntbert : sorry for my offensive language agaisnt myself21:37
OniLook it up it's over 9000 times better than ubuntu21:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xml21:37
nickrud!ot | Oni21:37
ubottuOni: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:37
Onino u nickrud21:37
meshuggahguntbert : i am french-speaking...gimme a chance! :)21:37
nickrudOni, don't start this up again, with someone new. Just stay on topic, please21:37
ExAstrisAh, it appears to be working nao. No clue what I did, though x.x I hope I don't have this issue when I reboot again21:38
jovedoes anyone know how to read the .XML file or convert it to readable ?21:38
guntbertmeshuggah: its not for me, but we have children here :)21:38
Onino u guntbert21:38
guntbertOni: ??21:38
OniWhat are the benefits of Ubuntu over Vista21:38
PinkopfI'm sure you get this "omgnosoundaieeee" all the time, but still, is there anyone who would like to school a lesser being?21:38
Oniseriously, tell me21:38
nickrudOni, again, not a support question. Meta questions go on #ubuntu-offtopic . Last warning21:39
lyhana8Oni: you own your PC21:39
burkmatPinkopf, What sound device?21:39
jovedoes anyone know how to read the .XML file or convert it to readable ?21:39
Greenstuffless viruses21:39
Oniyou own it anyway, just not the software21:39
meshuggahguntbert : children ear this kind of language every days, by their parents/friends, this kind of language exist...:)....we are off-topic here.....21:39
^hashbang^!ot | meshuggah21:39
ubottumeshuggah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:39
Greenstuffworks faster21:39
meshuggahchildren children...21:40
thehookjove: search synaptic for xml reader21:40
* burkmat palms his face.21:40
meshuggahstop fighting...21:40
lyhana8Oni: you control waht it do21:40
ExAstrisToo bad you couldn've done that while he was here.21:40
^hashbang^nice nickrud, ty21:40
PinkopfI have both a SB Audigy 4 PCI card and an onboard thing on this new Asus mobo. Err... one moment21:40
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ExAstriswoulda been funnier, that way.21:40
nickrudExAstris, I have high hopes that most return to rationality21:41
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nsadminis there no one familiar with upstart?21:41
lyhana8Oni: Linux is way of life21:41
jovethehook, is it in ubuntu or search in the internet ?21:41
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Greenstuffjoin #ubuntu-offtopic21:41
thehookjove: system -> administration -> synaptic package manager21:41
meshuggahgreenstuff : /join21:41
* nsadmin slasses Greenstuff 21:41
Greenstuffyea i know21:42
Greenstuffmised the /21:42
* nsadmin forgot the h21:42
mib_1u1l0dz6hello, I know its not offically Ubuntu, but I installed gOS to my usb drive. When I load it, everytime it asks me what language and if i want to launch the persistent version or live. Is there a way to tell it english and persistent with out a prompt?21:42
serge48876hi, how much video ram is recommened running ubuntu?21:42
mib_1u1l0dz6i have found a syslinux.cfg file that looks like what i want to edit i'm just unsure how21:42
yoyit2how do i get spellcheck to work on OO writer?21:43
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guntbertyoyit2: ask in #openoffice.org21:43
yoyit2guntbert: thx21:44
unopserge48876, depends on what you want to do.. 128MB at the very minimum is what i would guess21:44
serge48876how much videoram is required for running ubuntu?21:44
PinkopfI have an Asus P5Q-Deluxe. Asus support says Realtek ALC120021:44
PinkopfSo... I have that. :P21:44
nsadminif you just do 2d, enough to store one frame at your max chosen res21:45
korogiannosWhat can I use to resize my ntfs partition from within a hardy live cd boot? (Tried gparted, and despite having the option to do so, doesn't)21:45
nsadminkorogiannos perhaps it would be easier to resize it from windows?21:45
korogiannosit's XP, not vista :(21:45
yoyit2guntbert: theres like no one on that channel21:45
nsadminstill you should be able to resize it21:46
korogiannosnsadmin: or are there other, free, tools to do that in XP?21:46
stefgserge48876: it's not the OS needing videoram, but the screen and a given resolution. i tun xubuntu ona n old laptop with an 8MB ati video adapter21:46
jovethehook, after upgrade xml from synaptic, where should I launch it ?21:46
PinkopfUbuntu has detected a bunch of devices though, so I guess it has the drivers down21:46
nsadminbut you could go for the gusto and back up the whole partition, delete, make new (smaller), restore21:46
PinkopfIt's just that I'm limited to using OSS21:47
ImprovIf I accidentally remove something in /etc/init.d/ how do I get it back?21:47
korogiannosnsadmin: any other options (from within linux)?21:47
diginuxImprov: reinstall the program you deleted21:47
Improvdiginux: I already tried removing and reinstalling openvpn, and the init script did not come back.21:48
titan_arkhey :)21:48
nsadminkorogiannos I dunno what can do it21:48
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serge48876yoyo clickme21:48
diginuxImprov: apt-get reconfigure openvpn maybe?21:48
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thehookjove: wich one did you install? you should find it in the menu21:48
stefgImprov: by restoring the backup you didn't make :-)21:48
jovethehook xml and xml221:48
korogiannosnsadmin: tanks all the same.  I'll go google for a while :)21:48
Improvapt-get doesn't have a reconfigure option21:49
titan_arkhey am facing trouble with the 8.10 installation. can any1 gimme  suggestions?21:49
diginuxImprov: dpkg-reconfigure openvpn, sorry :)21:49
the_real_funzodoes this guide work on 8.10? http://www.howtoforge.com/compile-rtorrent-from-svn-ubuntu-8.04-hardy-heron21:49
DVA5912I'm running Apache2 is their anyway to make its properties specificaly php to run in my local folder? so i can develop before puting on the site?21:49
Improvdiginux: That didn't do it either21:49
hatter243titan_ark, I didn't see a question there, what's your question?21:49
jove thehook:  xml and xml221:49
thehookjove: try install "liferea" :)21:49
PinkopfI tried following some guides on the forums for reinstalling ALSA and stuff like that, but nothing seems to work21:49
diginuxImprov: command failed or it didnt bring back the init.d script?21:50
Improvdiginux: It didn't bring back the init.d script21:50
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anisfarhanaanyone have experience using ispconfig here ?21:50
thehookanisfarhana: yep21:50
diginuxImprov: you sure openvpn is the right pacakge? maybe thast the client and there is an openvpn-server ?21:50
=== serge48876 is now known as clickme
stefg!info rtorrent | the_real_funzo21:50
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 325 kB, installed size 884 kB21:50
titan_arkhatter hey! i am a n00b just tryin out linux. am on an xp sp3 system with 256MB RAM. during installation i get stuck at a black screen21:51
jovethehook: after install liferea, where does it reside and how launch21:51
diginuxImprov: hrmmm, i have no idea why it wouldnt come back21:51
Improvdiginux: Well, dpkg-query knows about /etc/init.d/openvpn ... hmm21:51
jken146Hello.  I am customising a live CD and I want to change the default bookmarks in Firefox.  I can't find the file I need to edit.  Does anyone know?21:51
diginuxImprov: thats really weird21:51
refdefHey guys im trying to reinstall ubuntu 8.10 and continue using my same home partition. Im on the install cd right now and manually se the partitions bu now that it asked me to choose a username i dont know if i should choose the same user/pass or different ones because i am afraid of that users docs being overwrittrn.  Can anyone who has done this before help me out? Thanks21:51
diginuxImprov: is it in /etc/rc2.d?21:51
hatter243titan_ark, are you live booting or running it within XP?21:51
thehookjove: im not 100% sure but i think it resides under applications -> accesiories or office21:52
the_real_funzostefg, im installing from source, or i tried because i had problems with the one in synaptics. #rtorrent tipped me about installing from source21:52
the_real_funzobut that guide didn't work :S21:52
Improvdiginux: The symlink is there, yes21:52
Digitalhighwaydeb http://hydr0g3n.free.fr/ubuntu/ hardy main21:52
thehookjove: but just check all to be sure, it might be named feed reader or something :)21:52
DVA5912I'm running Apache2 is their anyway to make its properties specificaly php to run in my local folder? so i can develop before puting on the site?21:52
Improvdiginux: But the /etc/init.d it points to does not exist.21:52
titan_arkhatter243, i 1st tried installing using the "in windows" installation but that gave me an error saying i am 3 MB short on RAM so i tried a complete installation21:52
Improvwell, the /etc/init.d/openvpn I mean21:52
diginuxImprov: well damn21:52
nickrudrefdef, you can use whatever user name/password you like. The first user created in your original install is user 1000; the new user will also be user 1000. You will need to change the home folder name if you use a different user name21:53
unopDVA5912, sure, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_userdir.html is one way21:53
jovethehook, llI am still lookin gor liferea to insta21:53
hatter243titan_ark, so it was able to boot from the CD and then after the install it gives you a black screen?21:53
diginuxImprov: do you have another box you can install it on then steal teh script?21:53
Improvdiginux: I think it's confused when it offers to stop openvpn before reconfiguring.21:53
jken146refdef: It will be really easy if you pick the same user name.  password doesn't matter.  Choose manual partitioning and make sure you get the right partition for /home21:53
nickrudrefdef, to be clear, if you use the same username there's very little chance for problems21:53
Improvdiginux: Not handy - this is my only ubuntu box21:53
stefgrefdef: you can choose the same username. internally the users are reperesented by numbers (the uid), which willa laways be 1000 for the first user installed... don't worry, if you don't format the drive, your files are safe and can be chowned if necessary21:53
diginuxImprov: whats you email addy, ill install it and send the script to you21:54
diginuxImprov: or i can pastebin it too, nm21:54
Improvdiginux: I mainly use a mix of Fedora and OpenBSD, but Ubuntu is more appropriate for this project...21:54
titan_arkhatter243, yes it boots and starts copyin the files i guess, and then it reaches a black screen and i can move the mouse pointer thats it21:54
Improvdiginux: That'd be great21:54
titan_arki dont even reach the screen to enter the log in etc21:54
thehookjove: press Alt+F2 and write liferea21:54
stefgthe_real_funzo: i see... so the guide should work on intrepid, too.. if not, file a bug :-)21:54
refdefNickrud im sorry but i didnt completely understand you. I want to keep all my documents and use my same homefolder wnd preferably keep on using my same username without creatin a new one or losing its files. What should i do? Thanks21:54
Improvdiginux: Overall I'm quite impressed with Ubuntu - it's pretty well put-together.21:55
nickrudrefdef, use the same username, and use the same partition for /home. Just don't reformat it :)21:55
JessicaParkerhi anyone know how to play a .mts file ?21:55
diginuxImprov: http://pastebin.com/m328b126321:55
titan_arkprobably, its cos am short on RAM? I am DLing the Alternate installation iso now21:55
diginuxImprov: that is from ibex, but im sure it will work on whatever version you have21:55
JessicaParkeron ubuntu copied from my camera21:55
ImprovJessica: I'd bet mplayer can play it21:55
Improvdiginux: Thanks, I'll give it a shot21:55
nickrudrefdef, I do that often, reinstall rather than upgrade and use that exact technique with no problems21:55
refdefNickrud ok. Will using the same pass be necessary?21:56
JessicaParkermplayer movie player ?21:56
hobanhey all - how do I upgrade 8.04.1 --> 8.04.2 _without_ using the GUI?21:56
nickrudrefdef, no'21:56
brujo_quizzsudo aptitude update21:56
nickrudhoban, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:56
ImprovJessica: Media player :)21:56
stefgrefdef: give your existing username to the installer21:56
ImprovJessica: mplayer is pretty amazing - it can play just about anything.21:56
hobannickrud, yeah, ok. I always do that, but /etc/issue still says 8.04.1...21:56
kyledrwhat's the best bittorrent client available on linux?21:57
the_real_funzostefg, I installed a lot of shit i think, is there a way to remove that now. I dont know exactly where :P Is there a way to reverse the commands in the guide?21:57
refdefNickrud thanks so even if when reinstalling i choose the same user as before that users docs won be overwritten by a blank new user doc folder?21:57
nickrudhoban, hm, that's strange.21:57
nickrudrefdef, no, it will use the existing user dir.21:57
^hashbang^kyledr: console based or gui?21:58
anisfarhanathehook: can u help me with something ?21:58
kyledr^hashbang^: either, if console based is good then that's better21:58
nickrudhoban, are you sure base-files is up to date?21:58
refdefnickrud: Thanks a million will install now21:58
hobannickrud, by base-files you mean what?21:58
thehookanisfarhana: what?21:58
stefgthe_real_funzo: that's the problemif you don't use packages... sometime a 'make uninstall' works, but you still might have to remove files manually21:58
^hashbang^kyledr: I really like rtorrent... very easy to setup21:58
nickrudhoban, the package; /etc/issue is owned by that package21:58
the_real_funzoshaddup ^hashbang^ :P21:59
JessicaParkerit cant even see it21:59
anisfarhanathehook: i just send an email to yahoo..but my yahoo mail still didn't receive my email...do u know why ?21:59
^hashbang^the_real_funzo: eh!?21:59
hobannickrud, what's the current version?21:59
kyledr^hashbang^: thanks21:59
nickrudhoban, I'm on 8.10; you can check for latest on packages.ubuntu.com21:59
hobannickrud, thanks22:00
^hashbang^kyledr: np. btw, if that doesnt' work for you, try azureus (gui)22:00
the_real_funzo^hashbang^, at your: "rtorrent is easy to config". i'm having problems with that now:P22:00
PinkopfIs there a terminal command to slap things?22:00
the_real_funzothat's why:P22:00
jken146kyledr: deluge isn't bad22:00
^hashbang^the_real_funzo: oh, what's the problem?22:00
JessicaParkerfps not specified in the header22:00
Improvdiginux: Actually, no, that "openvpn" script is too new22:00
JessicaParkeris the error22:00
Xintruderis there a way i can search for something in linux and include in the result the time needed to complete the search?22:00
Xintruderi need tha time needed22:00
b^jiptables and I aren't getting along, can someone give me a hand.  I am trying to redirect port 3389 from my ubuntu host system to a vm that is nated.  I see the SYNs sent from the system that is trying to connect, but never get a response.  When I listen with wireshark on the vmnet i see the syn come through, the SYNACK sent and a RST come back.  This never makes it out to the wire though.22:00
thehookwhat email, and from where ispconfig web interface?22:00
Improvdiginux: I get "status_of_proc: not found"22:00
the_real_funzoi followed a guide to install from source and it didn't work but the files are installed somewhere :(22:00
fwaokdai created a usb ubuntu stick thats 4gb BUT it's using 128mb of space for storage instead of the full 4gb how can i expand it without recreating the installation on the stick - perhaps somehow with gparted?22:00
anisfarhanathehook: err..u dont understand what im saying ?22:00
refdefNickrud one more thing im on the last step and it says 2 partitions will be formatted for swap. Is that normal? I just wanted to use mynold swap partition which is on the same hdd as my hime and root. I have another swap partition but its from anoher ubuntu install onanother disk22:01
gaviccan't figure out how to set up 4 workscreens to utilize the desktop cube in compiz any tips22:01
^hashbang^b^j: join #iptables22:01
nickrudrefdef, no problem with actually formatting both, unless you've hibernated the other install22:01
thehookanisfarhana: not quite..22:01
DigitalhighwayIs this a zero or an capital O after r -> deb http://hydr0g3n.free.fr/ubuntu/ hardy main22:01
b^j^hashbang^, thanks22:02
^hashbang^b^j: np22:02
korogiannosgavic: it's "virtual desktop size" afair22:02
refdefNickrud thnms yeah, nothing will be lost i juwt dont wqnt my ubuntu install to now have 2 swap partitions. Will that happen?22:02
^hashbang^it's a Zero22:02
nickrudrefdef, you can deal with swap (keeping both, keeping them separate, removing one and only using the one swap with both installs) later on22:02
JessicaParkerany ideas anyone22:02
JessicaParker.mts it has some hd clips on it22:02
the_real_funzostefg, it worked to make uninstall both libtorrent and rtorrent :) i "made clean" too22:03
the_real_funzois everything gone now?22:03
nickrudrefdef, you can simply remove the swap definition in /etc/fstab that you don't want to use after install is complete22:03
the_real_funzoor is there a lot of more shit :P22:03
gavicthanks i will try that22:03
nickrud!language | the_real_funzo22:03
ubottuthe_real_funzo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:03
^hashbang^JessicaParker: what are you trying to do? I'm sorry I missed your question22:03
ImprovDoes anyone know how to tell apt-get to install a package and pretend it never has been configured before so give me all the default configuration?22:04
stefgthe_real_funzo: that should do it for now...22:04
the_real_funzofor now stefg, for now?!?! :P22:04
titan_arkhey, i need some help with 8.10 installation! pls!!!22:04
anisfarhanathehook: i send the email from my server (ispconfig+ubuntu) to yahoo mail , but until now yahoo mail didn't receive anything22:04
|ns|nR8Improv, you can totally remove a package and its settings using apt-get purge package22:05
nickrudthe_real_funzo, you could look around under /usr/local for any stray stuff; assuming you just did a ./configure && make && sudo make install that's where it all went22:05
the_real_funzothanks nickrud :)22:05
gregspenceCan anyone help with my PPTP VPN - I can VPN into my ubuntu box and access ping it, however whenever I try to send "all traffic" over the VPN i get a conneciton error in the browser.   Any ideas?  And yes I know pptp isn't that secure however if anyone else could give me help with setting up a VPN that would be easy to use on my iphone would be much appreciated22:05
linduxedwhats the command that checks the HDDs integrity?22:05
ramirohow do I get to the output from the init scripts?22:05
thehookanisfarhana: have you checked the server log? /var/log/mail22:06
Improv|ns|nR8" Thanks! That let me get my /etc/init.d/openvpn back! :)22:06
stefgthe_real_funzo: all the sh* splattered over the system is removed, all that might be left is logs and configs that get overwritten when you reinstall22:06
titan_arkcome on! someone! please :(22:06
PinkopfMight I resolve my sound issues if I removed PulseAudio which everyone seems to think is so problematic?22:06
ikoniariaal: what ?22:06
ikoniatitan_ark: what ?22:07
the_real_funzonice :) thanks stefg :D22:07
ikoniariaal: sorry - not you22:07
linduxedkorogiannos: thx22:07
nectarhey guys i am having issues intalling java6 could anyone help me?22:07
the_real_funzo<3 stefg, you have helped me many times now i think ^^ at least 322:07
anisfarhanathehook: im checking22:07
JessicaParker^hashbang^ jv hd camcorder some .mts recording on it want to view it on ubuntu22:07
titan_arkikonia, hey am facing trouble while tryin to install v8.10 as dual boot on my system with xp sp322:07
ikoniatitan_ark: ok ?22:08
JessicaParkerand store them as well22:08
ikoniatitan_ark: do you want to expand on that22:08
^hashbang^JessicaParker: JV might encode the movies with a codec not avaible under linux/ubuntu... I know I can't play my Sony HD stuff22:08
titan_arkikonia hatter hey! i am a n00b just tryin out linux. am on an xp sp3 system with 256MB RAM. during installation i get stuck at a black screen22:08
linduxedhow do i run a fsck on a partition thats running?22:09
titan_arkoops sorry22:09
blizzletitan_ark, Have you tried booting off CD?22:09
titan_arki tried installing it thro the windows installation22:09
cedrichurst_awayso does anyone where i would retrieve the en_US version of coreutils.mo22:09
^hashbang^linduxed: you don't. You need to go into "signle user mode" and then run it22:09
stefgtitan_ark: 256MB isn't a lot... you should rather try xubuntu22:09
JessicaParkerthats terrible22:09
blizzletitan_ark,  Ah, you mean Wubi?22:09
titan_arkbut then i got an error that said i am 3 mb short22:09
^hashbang^JessicaParker: Google?22:09
cedrichurst_awayi'm trying to install a program that's looking for /usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo22:09
linduxed^hashbang^: init 3?22:09
korogiannoslinduxed: if it's not the root partition, unmount and run, if it is... personaly I'd boot from a live CD, but I'm no expert ;P22:10
blizzletitan_ark,  Then you need to clear some space it sounds like. try http://ccleaner.com22:10
titan_arkso then i tried installing it on a fresh partition22:10
^hashbang^linduxed: you never want to run fsck on a mounted rw partition.22:10
cedrichurst_awaysorry /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo22:10
linduxedkorogiannos: i think i will do the live cd22:10
^hashbang^linduxed: and init 3 won't give you that.22:10
blizzletitan_ark, It's generally worth booting off the LiveCD first to ensure Ubuntu likes your hardware.22:10
linduxed^hashbang^: i think ill do a live cd22:10
stefgtitan_ark: and don't use the 'desktop install' but either the alternate installer or the 'install ubuntu' boot option' which doesn't load the whole desktop, but just the installer22:10
titan_arkblizzle, k thx il try tht22:10
=== cedrichurst_away is now known as cedrichurst
korogiannoslinduxed: I saw a mention of "single user mode" did I miss something? are you talking about a mac?22:10
SlashLifeMorning. :)22:10
blizzlestefg, He was using Wubi..22:11
^hashbang^linduxed: yea that's a good idea =)22:11
PinkopfHeyo, only OSS working here. Any help?22:11
titan_arki tried installing it from a direct boot. i mean i booted from the disk also22:11
bakinboxthis works?22:11
blizzletitan_ark, For the LiveCD, you probably want to go with Xubuntu 8.10 desktop, given your pc's specs.22:11
stefgblizzle: i see... wubi with 256 MB is asking for trouble22:11
SlashLifeSome quick help here, please ... we can't seem to find the package containing the sockets extension for PHP522:11
blizzlestefg, Indeed.22:11
titan_arkbut then i reached a black screen and only the mouse pointer moving22:11
SlashLifeDoes anyone know the actual packet name or can point me to an online ports list?22:11
titan_arkbizzle k22:11
titan_arkstefg, oh!22:12
Apokalipzhttp://swagbucks.com/?cmd=sb-register&rb=337288 Click on that link and sign up. All you have to do is search and you can get free stuff. Yes, you heard right. Just by searching like you would in google. You earn swagbucks that you can redeem for prizes. Its that easy! So what are you waiting for? Click on that link and sign up.22:12
titan_arkeven when i tried the live disc it just whines and comes till the desktop and then nothing beyond that!22:12
stefgtitan_ark: forget wubi with 256 MB... take a backup of your system and do a proper xubuntu install on the machine.. or go buy some ram22:13
blizzletitan_ark, What version of Ubuntu did you try?22:13
Jufiswhat's an good alternative for dreamweaver? handles html, css, javascript, php etc.22:13
gregspencecan onyone help me configure my ubuntu box...have it set up as a pptp server, can make connections to the box however when i enable the option to send all traffic over the vpn on the client i get connection failures.  think it is to do with my pptpd.conf but don't know where to start22:13
blizzleJufis, Bluefish I hear is ok.22:13
titan_arkstfg oh okay :( even the alternate version wont work?22:13
^hashbang^SlashLife: are you talking about php-net-socket?22:13
titan_arkblizzle, 8.1022:13
SlashLifeNope, we checked that out already, that's not it22:13
Jufisblizzle:  bluefish? gotta check it out, thanks man22:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:14
mfc_coderThere a good web creation program available?22:14
^hashbang^SlashLife: ok then what are you looking for?22:14
titan_ark*stefg sorry okay :( even the alternate version wont work?22:14
anisfarhanathehook: wheee..until now /var/log/mail still running22:14
SlashLife^hashbang^: That's as specific as I can get: "The sockets extension for PHP5" :/22:14
PinkopfI guess the ALSA/ PulseAudio experts are all at lunch?22:14
SlashLifeHe's installing some pecl extension packet atm, tho ... With a bit of luck that's it.22:15
thehookanisfarhana: /var/log/mail is a logfile, how can it run?22:15
stefgtitan_ark: it'S not only a question if the installer works... the systemn has to run too. gnome (ubuntu) will be rather slow on 256 MB, xfce (xubuntu) is a better choice for that machine, and don't waste memeory on clutches like wubi, use a real install on a real partition22:15
blizzleJufis, Dreamweaver will also work in Wine, at least older versions.22:15
Jufisblizzle: how's the performance that way?22:16
carpiiis it possible to install ubuntu to a usb drive, rather than just putting a live cd on it?22:16
titan_arkstefg oh okay il try that then :) thx22:16
^hashbang^SlashLife: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1024529 maybe this will help?22:16
blizzleJufis, Dreamweaver isn't particularly cpu-intensive, so it's fine.22:16
carpiizleap, was that to me?22:16
korogiannosmfc_coder: similar to front page and the like? or something more hands on?  Bluefish is great, but you need to know a little html etc, not a "What you see is what you get" there22:16
Jufismfc_coder: I heard bluefish is good, haven't checked it out myself, yet22:16
hattengoodnight everybody22:16
zleapsystem - admin - usb start up disk22:16
zleapCarpii yes22:17
gumpish=/ anyone know of an IM client that lets you send inline images?22:17
blizzlecarpii, If your system can boot off usb, you can boot into Ubuntu off USB, yes.22:17
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:17
carpiizleap, i think thats for gnome? where would it be in kde22:17
ballen0311Hey does anyone know how I switch between screens? Like in Windows with alt-tab, but in Ubuntu it flips the whole screen like it's a box. Anyone know how to do that?22:17
brettley how do i fix the permissions on /dev/nvidiactl22:17
blizzleballen0311, You need compiz.22:17
zleapare you using erm ubuntu 8.1022:17
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:17
zleapor kde being kubuntu 8.1022:17
foolzI have a question - how do I know if compiz-fusion is enabled on 8.04? I recently upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10, then from 7.10 to 8.04, and I'm not sure if compiz-fusion is enabled because I see no "desktop effects" under preferences... I also have an older version of Beryl installed - do I just uninstall that with sudo aptitude uninstall beryl ?22:18
carpiii think im back on 8..04 now22:18
blizzleballen0311, You also need a compatible 3d accelerated graphics adapter.22:18
nectaris there anyone who can help me about fixing my broken java package?22:18
anisfarhanathehook: cat /var/log/mail22:18
carpiizleap, yep 8.04, and kde 3.522:18
ballen0311I have that....I have the ati propietary drivers22:18
zleapnot sure about 8.0422:18
^hashbang^gumpish: pidgion?22:18
titan_arkstefg wat abt ubuntu 7.04? would that work on a P4 1.9, 256 MB RAM?22:19
blizzleballen0311, Then have a look at compiz.. fire up synaptic and look for compiz packages.. compiz-icon useful, also.22:19
brettleyhow do i fix the permissions on /dev/nvidiactl ???22:19
gumpish^hashbang^: that's what i've been using and although it has an "insert image" menu item it's always grayed out22:19
gumpishat least with my google talk account22:19
zleapcarpii, http://on-disk.com/product_info.php/manufacturers_id/55/products_id/51722:19
ballen0311ok thank you very much :)22:19
^hashbang^gumpish: hmm, that might be why. it's not the client, but the service22:19
zleapyou can get something that does the job, so i assume it is possible22:19
SlashLifeIt's compiled into PHP by default on Ubuntu22:19
thehookanisfarhana: so what does it say?22:20
^hashbang^SlashLife: hehe cool!22:20
carpiizleap thanks, this is awesome :)22:20
gumpish^hashbang^: but the other person I'm communicating with is also using google talk and IS able to send inline images (using Adium on a Mac)22:20
SlashLifeUnexpected tho, neither Windows nor FreeBSD have it. :)22:20
^hashbang^gumpish: mmm22:20
kane77is there a command that would get text input and output that input to console and highlight given string?22:20
gregspencecan onyone help me configure my ubuntu box...have it set up as a pptp server, can make connections to the box however when i enable the option to send all traffic over the vpn on the client i get connection failures.  think it is to do with my pptpd.conf but don't know where to start22:20
gregspencei should say it authenticates sucessfully just cant get traffic over the tunnel now?22:21
Templar_XionHow do you clear the postfix mailq?22:21
blizzlekane77, man grep22:21
anisfarhanathehook: delivery temporarily suspended: host f.mx.mail.yahoo.com[] refused to talk to me : 421 4.7.022:23
anisfarhanathehook: seem like not just yahoo give the same error22:23
titan_arkstefg would 7.04 work?22:23
anisfarhanathehook: i cannot send email to all 'external' email address , eg : yahoo , hotmail22:24
titan_arkblizzle wat do u say?22:24
^hashbang^gumpish: I'm not finding anything22:24
foolzhow do I know if compiz-fusion is installed with 8.04?  I upgraded to 8.04, and had an old version of Beryl installed, so it's a little confusing22:24
gumpish^hashbang^: thanks anyway. the search continues =)22:24
fwaokdaI created a Ubuntu USB disk through 8.10 and I cannot get it to run again it keeps saying the disk is full and it cannot load whenever its at the loading screen then I have to shut down22:24
thehookanisfarhana: check it out with #postfix they have the expertise22:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:24
=== sean is now known as Guest56130
stefgtitan_ark: 7.04 is end-of-life ... use  at least 8.0422:24
fwaokdahow can i free up space or fix the real error?22:25
stefg!feisty | titan_ark22:25
ubottutitan_ark: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.22:25
anisfarhanathehook: thanks sir22:25
BJ_I formatted my drive to Linux swap and now the OS will not load at all22:25
thehookanisfarhana: no problem22:25
titan_arkstefg oh okay i had an old disc lying arnd so thot i could use it22:25
DexterFanyone know a dvd ripper? just copy to hard disk, no shrinking or such22:25
titan_arkubottu thx :)22:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thx :)22:25
BJ_the disk is giving me a squashfs error as well22:26
smokinjoeDexter devede22:26
stefgtitan_ark: no, the repos are down, don't use it22:26
ballen0311Ok, so it looks like I have all the compiz stuff installed already....I guess what I really need to know is what do you push to make it change screens?22:26
titan_arkstefg okay :) il DL xubuntu and try.22:26
smokinjoeDexterF vobcopy works good also22:26
titan_arkiv been wanting to try linux esp ubuntu for days and am still stuck :(22:27
DexterFthx, smokinjoe22:27
cousteauis it a really bad idea to install packages from another Ubuntu version?22:27
DexterFcousteau: hell yes.22:27
cousteaueven if all dependencies work?22:28
smokinjoeDexterF you could also try sudo apt-cache search dvd ripper ...or even try synaptic.22:28
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cousteauI was tired of Java 6.07 so I installed Jaunty's 6.1222:28
Sonjahow to make my computer display out to tv (via my graphic card's svideo) by default instead of vga?22:28
DexterFcousteau: even if all dependecies are met chances are the resulting binaries are linked against different libraries, most likely glibc.22:29
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging22:29
ballen0311Can someone tell me how you changes screens in ubuntu, when it looks like it is changing like a box? I have all the necessary programs to make it able to do so, just don't know what to push on keyboard. Any help would be greatly appreciated.22:29
^hashbang^Sonja: I've just unplugged my vga cable during a reboot, and that's worked for me in the past22:29
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android6011what kind of copyright is on the ubuntu logo22:30
DexterFsee there. or sneak over to #debian, ask the dpkg bot about backports and adapt that to ubuntu. works usually. just don't bug the deb people about ubuntu stuff unless you pack a fine pair of asbestos pants :)22:30
^hashbang^DxterF: lol22:30
blizzlecousteau, I use intrepid repos where none exist for Jaunty, but you're better sticking to official version repos.22:30
kane77blizzle, hmm.. am I possible to specify to only colour the lines (and not filter out the non matching lines)?22:31
kane77blizzle, *with grep22:31
blizzlekane77, Did you man grep? Should tell you what's possible..22:31
kane77blizzle, yep, no word of it22:31
blizzlekane77, Then you have your answer :)22:32
cousteauno, there isn't any sun-java6-* on hardy-backports... there's a 6.07 version (instead of 6.06) on hardy-updates22:32
shaft0I'm trying to mount a share on an Ubuntu computer from another Ubuntu computer.  The line in my fstab is: // /media/Data smbfs defaults 0 022:32
DexterFsmokinjoe: isnt devede rather a dvd *creator*?22:32
nx9005after I upgrade my system my keyboard and touchpad are not working. I found the same problem in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=967790&page=2 . it says problem is xorg.conf and tells about solving it. but my xorg.conf file is empty. what should I do?22:32
Jufisdoes bluefish have autocomple feature?22:32
^hashbang^kane77: try something line xport GREP_COLOR='00;38;5;226'22:32
shaft0and I'm getting the error wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock22:32
smokinjoeYeah but it really helps to have it if you want to burn to a dvd22:32
cousteaulooks like 6.12 works better... but I'll follow your advice and try to avoid these things22:32
^hashbang^kane77: export GREP_COLOR='00;38;5;226'22:32
blizzleJufis, Suck it and see! It's first and foremost an html editor.22:33
^hashbang^kane77: more info can be found here - > http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/46022:33
cousteau(another option would be to manually install it with Sun's installer, but I prefer a .deb)22:33
joshjtlhi, just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu (x86-64) on a new machine, can't find ubuntu-restricted-extras in synaptic... is something wrong here?22:34
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DexterFsmokinjoe: nah, just archiving. raid5, y'know. tired of disc juggling.22:34
stefg!medibuntu | joshjtl22:34
ubottujoshjtl: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:34
smokinjoeAhh.. alright.22:35
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joshjtlstefg: that shouldn't be needed now that ubuntu-restricted-extras metapackage is in the repos22:35
^hashbang^kane77: or you can just do: grep --color (default color is red)22:35
stefg!info ubuntu-restricted-extras22:35
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB22:35
cousteaujoshjtl: ubuntu-restricted-extras is in repositories; make sure you have restricted, universe, multiverse, etc... activated22:35
joshjtlcousteau: I do22:36
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Huufartedquestion about passwords:  I changed my login pass and pam_keyring won't accept the new pass.  How can I update pam_keyring to use the same password as the one I just updated?22:36
cousteauthen it should be there22:36
joshjtlwell i'm going to reboot after updating, maybe it will appear... brb22:36
stefgjoshjtl: just yestaerday i set up alaptop with intrepid 64bit and happily apt-get'd that package.. you might be missing some sources22:36
RencxHello i have problem with firefox and index.php Can somone help me?22:37
HuufartedRencx, just ask the question, don't ask if you can ask the question.22:37
shockwavecan any one help me?22:37
HuufartedShockwave, what I just said to Rencx22:37
shockwavehow do i set up ventrilo in ubuntu?22:37
^hashbang^Rencx: join #firefox22:37
Huufartedif there is no native client, use Wine22:37
shockwavecan you give me wine please?22:38
HuufartedSure.  $1 per jug.22:38
linduxedis there a way to schedule a boottime fsck?22:38
^hashbang^!ine | shockwave22:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ine22:38
^hashbang^!wine | shockwave22:38
ubottushockwave: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help22:38
cedeelhow do i edit flac tags in a cli env?22:39
fermuch¿alguien tiene algun problema?22:39
^hashbang^!welcome | fermuch22:39
ubottufermuch: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.22:39
HuufartedVentrilo website currently says a Linux application is 'in development'22:39
fermuchanybody have a problem?22:39
cedeelI do22:39
jken146Hello.  I am customising a live CD and I want to change the default bookmarks in Firefox.  I can't find the file I need to edit.  Does anyone know?22:39
^hashbang^!ask | fermuch22:39
ubottufermuch: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:39
Huufarted!es | fermuch22:39
ubottufermuch: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:39
Huufartedhaha, hashbang22:39
RencxI use ubuntu and i have problem that firefox not load page but want save index.php... Can somone help me with that?22:39
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cedeelhow do i edit flac tags in a cli env?22:40
shockwavehey can you help me with this guide?22:40
HuufartedRencx, please /join #firefox22:40
fermuchubottu: Revisa que estoy hablando en los dos idiomas.22:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:40
blizzleRencx, The server's not handling php files correctly.22:40
stefglinduxed: put a file named forcefsck in  the root of a partition you want to force fsck  .. e.g. sudo touch /forcefsck22:40
blizzleHuufarted, Nothing to do with Firefox, essentially.22:40
shockwavehey can any one help me with this guide?22:40
HuufartedOh, gotcha.  My bad.22:40
^hashbang^!patience |shockwave22:41
ubottushockwave: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:41
RencxHuufarted i did it22:41
MoLootshockwave, help u with a guide?22:41
Jufisah, found Kompozer. Seems like it will do as a Dreamweaver alternative22:41
=== Kernel is now known as KERNEL
blizzleRencx, Are *you* running the webserver?22:41
JennieBhi, could anyone tell me why sound on my ubuntu only works with one app at a time?22:41
jost86@shockwave: As far as i know, there is no linux version of Ventrilo... you could try to run it using WINE, but it's not officially supported22:41
blizzleJennieB, Because you're using OSS drivers?22:42
shockwavei know can you help me please can you take a look at this guide?22:42
Rencxblizzle: no it is in game ogame.org22:42
blizzleshockwave, Please stop repeating yourself, you'll get less help that way.22:42
shockwavei didnt understand which wine to download22:42
^hashbang^shockwave: stop repeating yourself22:42
blizzleRencx, Then their server is misconfigured. Go tell the admin!22:42
DexterFsmokinjoe: vobcopy good. me like.22:42
JennieBwell, how do I get this thing working properly? functionality is kinda limited at the moment..22:43
blizzleshockwave, Add the wine repository and download from there, if you want up to date Wine.22:43
Rencxblizzle: but on Windows firefox all is ok22:43
^hashbang^Rencx: what is the website22:43
Rencx^hashbang^: ogame.org22:43
blizzleRencx, Definitely a server-side issue, not a Firefox one. "Content disposition".22:43
=== KERNEL is now known as kernel
^hashbang^Rencx: works fine for me22:44
^hashbang^Rencx: you have any strange plugins installed?22:44
Rencxblizzle: but it is not always only like one time per 2 minutes22:44
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^hashbang^Rencx: do you have flash installeD?22:44
Rencx^hashbang^: but it is not always only like one time per 2 minutes22:44
Rencx^hashbang^: and in game22:45
^hashbang^Rencx: email the game admin22:45
HuufartedRencx, try Ctrl-F5 on the page22:45
cedeelHi.. Does someone know how to edit flac tags in a cli environment?22:45
HuufartedCtrl-F5 will force a refresh regardless of whether the cache is expired or not.22:45
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DexterFcan I affect how "nervous" the AMD cpu throttling is? it's usually at 1GHz, when I go to 4xfwd in kaffeine video player it takes too long to up the clock, kaffeine starts stuttering then22:46
gorhola, hay alguien que hable español? quiero hacer una consulta22:46
Huufarted!es | gor22:46
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:46
ubottugor: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:46
redvamp128!es | gor22:46
HuufartedBeat you to it, Redvamp22:46
^hashbang^cedeel: try http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t20316.html22:46
cedeelHi.. Does someone know how to edit flac tags in a cli environment?22:47
^hashbang^cedeel: try http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t20316.html22:47
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^hashbang^cedeel: don't ask again22:47
carpiiand dont be lazy, just learn to google like youre asking everyone else to do22:48
HuufartedSo, I updated my Linux login password.  Now my wireless refuses to remember my passwords.  I assume this is pam_keyring.  It won't even accept my old password.  Anybody know what I need to do if I want to change my Linux login and have pam_keyring follow it?22:48
cedeelI've been googling.. only answer I could come up with was vorbiscomment, which logically refuses to work on my flac files22:49
^hashbang^Huufarted: hmm, try a new profile?22:49
cedeelBut now I see that it is metaflac that I should use.22:49
^hashbang^cedeel: ok22:50
Huufartedhashbang: Profile in what?22:50
Huufartedseems like I need to do some more homework.22:50
shockwavecan anyone help me with command?22:52
baschtshockwave: just ask. :-)22:52
shockwavei installed a game at usr/local/games22:52
adaptrshockwave: telinit, telinit is a nice command22:52
shockwavei want22:53
shockwaveto move it to home22:53
Huufartedshockwave, what's the name of the directory the game is stored in?22:53
Huufarted/usr/local/games/ ?????22:53
=== Niamor7 is now known as Niamor
^hashbang^shockwave: mv /usr/local/games/"name of game" ~/22:53
Huufartedmv /usr/local/games/enemy-territory ~22:53
ImprovHey all - just to be certain I'm getting this correct - ubuntu is normally running in initlevel 2 even when doing X, correct?22:54
Huufartedhashbang types faster22:54
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Huufartedshockwave, just remember that will NOT update any icons you've got set up in gnome or KDE22:54
SnakeArtHello! I need some help with lirc. I have a homebrew serial IR receiver and Apple Remote. Is there any how-to about configuration of such combo?22:54
joshjtldoes anyone use the "Gnome Colors" icon theme? for some reason I can't get the menu icon to use the one I choose... I pasted the icon I want to use over the used in the theme but the menu icon peskily remains...22:54
Huufartedyou'll have to handle those yourself individually22:54
Improvso if I want something to automatically start as an init script, it belongs in /etc/rc2.d/ not /etc/rc5.d ?22:54
joveHi all I want to convert XML file to the flat file with the following example --> usage: [xml2|html2] < [xml|html] > out   ---But I dont know how to us this syntax ....Does anyone know how to us it ?22:55
^hashbang^Huufarted: so back to your password thing. What I would do just to test pam_keyring and passwords period. I would create a new logon account, login with that new account and try re-setting up your keyring... and see if things stay updated. worse case, move all your date from the non-working profile to the new one22:55
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joveHi all I want to convert XML file to the flat file with the following example --> usage: [xml2|html2] < [xml|html] > out   ---But I dont know how to us this syntax ....Does anyone know how to us it ?22:56
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^hashbang^jove: join #xml22:56
amathishello, i am having trouble.. I am trying to install ubuntu, and it comes up with the screen asking if you wanna try ubuntu or install, or boot to first hard disk22:56
amathisbut I can only hit enter on the boot to first hard disk option22:56
jovehashbang, I don't understand your explanation.... can you specific show the syntax ?22:57
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^hashbang^jove: join the IRC channel #xml22:57
vigoamathis: ISO?22:57
Huufartedhashbang, I did some searching yesterday and the one or 2 articles I saw seemed to indicate pam_keyring needed a recompile and that just seems asinine of that's the case.22:57
amathisvigo, yes from an iso file I burnt as an image22:57
jovehashbang, is it in this ubuntu server ? where can i find xml channel22:58
vigoamathis: Is CD set as first boot device in BIOS?22:58
amathisyes, it is booting to cd....22:58
blizzlejove: /join #xml22:58
Huufartedjove, this network is the freenode network.22:58
amathisI see the ubuntu screen and everything22:58
^hashbang^Huufarted: om, that's nuts. hmm, yea I think i'd backup data, make new account and start over =)22:58
Huufartedit's multiple servers all linked together22:58
SnakeArtHow to setup the lirc to work with homebrew serial receiver and Apple Remote?22:58
Huufartedjove, like this:  /join #xml22:59
^hashbang^SnakeArt: this is a ubuntu support channel.22:59
amathisI just cannot hit enter on the 'install ubuntu' thing22:59
Huufartedamathis, is it greyed out or does it just not respond?22:59
dmsupermanhttp://dmsuperman.pastebin.com/f2711b281 My X randomly decided to stop starting up (I had it running, didn't make any changes or upgrade any packages, and now it doesn't start)22:59
jovehuufarted, thx.22:59
Dr_Willisamathis,  you mean the GRUB boot menu?  where it first boots up?22:59
amathisHuufarted, it isn't greyed out.. the text is brownish orange22:59
vigoamathis: I had a similar error once, but I forgot what I did , let me look at my log books.23:00
HuufartedDr_Willis, they're trying to boot from the live CD, not an install23:00
SnakeArthashbang: I AM using the Ubuntu, to be more precise: on an ordinary pc, but I would like to get any help with lirc configuration of mentioned devices.23:00
jovewell, there is no one in #xml channel23:00
amathisI mean, I stuck the ubuntu install cd in.. it brings up the screen that says ubuntu, 'try ubuntu without any change to your computer, ' install ubuntu', check cd for defects', test memory', and boot from hard disk23:00
Dr_WillisIve had issue with the live cd menus on some machines where the menus dident work with a USB keyboard.. but did with a ps2 keyboard.. (older machine had this problem)23:00
Huufartedjove, sending you a tell23:00
tazhi... i need any of u help me. and have promblmes with update manager it said W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B523:00
tazW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B523:00
tazW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B523:00
amathisand the only one I can select is the boot from first hard disk23:00
FloodBot1taz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
jasonRHey Gang. Issues with sound on an HP Pavilion 061. the snd_intel_hda driver is loaded, but the mixer (don't matter which) does not have a volume slider. It only shows... IEC95823:01
^hashbang^SnakeArt: ok lirc and a apple remote have nothing to do with ubuntu support23:01
Dr_Willissounds like the cd grub (Or is it syslinux?) menu to me.23:01
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SnakeArthasbang: then sorry. Where I can find some help with my problem?23:01
amathiseverything else works so far, I select english..23:02
amathisI just cannot install or do anything but boot to hard disk23:02
^hashbang^dmsuperman: I see this in the output "failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)"23:02
kyledrwin 323:02
wolterhow can i check two big text files for their differences?23:02
^hashbang^SnakeArt: not sure, you could try browsing freenode channel lists23:02
Dr_Williswolter,  the 'diff' command. is often used for that. there even color-varints of diff to make it more clear23:03
^hashbang^dmsuperman: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf please23:03
dmsuperman^hashbang^: What would cause it to suddenly not be found? I tried reinstalling my video driver and that didn't work (using the binaries from nvidia.com, version 180.25 and 180.11 and 180.22 don't work anymore)23:03
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Sure thing23:03
wolterthanks Dr_Willis, always so helpful =D23:03
Dr_Williswolter,  now understanding the diff output.. thats a harder task. :)23:03
^hashbang^dmsuperman: have you tried running nvidia-xconfig?23:03
^hashbang^dmsuperman: I usually will do that first thing, then I'll reboot, and then start up nvidia-settings-manager23:04
joshjtldoes anyone know where the Gnome Control Center shortcut is located in the gnome panel menu? (or if it is even there?)23:04
tazany one can help me with W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B523:04
tazW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B523:04
tazW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B523:04
FloodBot1taz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:04
=== mustangg is now known as mus
=== mus is now known as mustangg
^hashbang^taz: use paste.ubuntu.com and stop flooding the channel23:04
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dmsuperman^hashbang^: http://dmsuperman.pastebin.com/f4542a41223:05
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=== ed_x is now known as ed_thix
dmsuperman^hashbang^: And yeah, I've tried using my old config and trying a fresh start using nvidia-xconfig23:05
dmsuperman^hashbang^: A reboot didn't fix it23:05
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spritlei have a problem with claris works23:06
meho_r@taz try with this: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv23:06
^hashbang^dmsuperman: what does ` lsmod | grep nv` give you?23:06
meho_r@taz after --recv enter the key that's missing23:06
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Odd, only "sata_nv" and "libata"23:06
tazmeho_r: how ?23:06
^hashbang^dmsuperman: ah, there be the problem... no nvidia kernel driver23:07
dmsuperman^hashbang^: The installer didn't give me any error though :(23:07
meho_r@ taz: open the terminal and enter this:23:07
meho_rgpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 40976EAF437D05B523:07
^hashbang^dmsuperman: start from scratch. uninstall all nvidia drivers, reboot, then reinstall the 180 drivers23:07
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tazmeho_r: ok termial  here now what will i do ??23:08
dmsuperman^hashbang^: How do you "uninstall" the nvidia drivers?23:08
amathishas anyone else encountered a problem selecting 'install ubuntu' after loading the install cd?23:08
^hashbang^dmsuperman: use synpatic..23:08
joshjtlwhere is RAM size displayed?23:08
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Synaptic only works for packages, which I'm not using, and also is an X app ;)23:08
meho_r@taz: enter this: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 40976EAF437D05B523:08
HuufartedAmathis, have you tried the CD multiple times?23:08
^hashbang^joshjtl: from a termminal type: free23:08
dmsuperman^hashbang^: I have the binaries from nvidia.com because those are the only ones that work for my setup23:08
[NB]ubuntu shutdown splashscreen is bugged with the 180 nv drivers23:09
tcpsynI'm having a hard time blacklisting usb_storage. I've added it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist23:09
tcpsynbut it still autoloads when I plug in a device23:09
^hashbang^dmsuperman: hmm, then I23:09
tcpsynIs there a setting that ignores the blacklist somewhere?23:09
^hashbang^dmsuperman: hmm, then I'm not sure...23:09
dmsuperman^hashbang^: :(23:09
meho_r@taz: now enter this: gpg --export --armor 40976EAF437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -23:09
joshjtl^hashbang^: great thanks23:09
siropiohello i would like to ask how to make some modifications in the emesene code.what kind of knowledge i sould seek?23:10
wolterDr_Willis, nah, its not that hard. The first file's lines are identified with a '<', while the second file's lines are identified with a '>'. The numbers above are just the line numbers, i think.23:10
foolzI love it when how-to guides on the internet skip multiple necessary steps in terms of getting through some menu to find something... or when they have options on their menu that you don't even have on yours... ugughg23:10
^hashbang^dmsuperman: I've compiled my nvidia drivers when I used fedora for my quadro fx570 dual head monitors, but on ubuntu, I just use the repos 180 package and everything works23:10
^hashbang^dmsuperman: your using a GX7900 right?23:11
dmsuperman^hashbang^: I'm on hardy, I don't get those in the repos :(23:11
dmsuperman^hashbang^: 7900GS KO23:11
^hashbang^dmsuperman: doh! yea ... that one.. =)23:11
meho_r@taz: if all went well, now the error you mentioned should be gone23:11
^hashbang^dmsuperman: try commenting out the "Load glx" option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:12
^hashbang^dmsuperman: or, what about modprobe nvidia23:12
gospodHello guys can i ask you some question ?23:12
^hashbang^!ask gospod23:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask gospod23:12
^hashbang^!ask  | gospod23:12
ubottugospod: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:12
gospodi try to update my ubuntu with apt-get23:12
gospodand this is a result http://paste.lisp.org/display/7537623:12
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Doesn't help :(23:12
^hashbang^dmsuperman: did you try the modprobe too?23:13
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Yeah, modprobe nvidia says FATAL: Error running isntall command for nvidia23:14
^hashbang^dmsuperman:  hmm, in type uname -r and paste that in here23:14
tazhey i cant copy this to paste to termite23:14
^hashbang^dmsuperman:  wow, old kernel23:14
^hashbang^taz: use paste.ubuntu.com23:14
=== Vekser is now known as Vexer
^hashbang^dmsuperman: do: cd /lib/modules/2.4.24-19; find . -name \*nvidia*23:15
dmsuperman^hashbang^: I'm kind of stuck, this is where the problem is. I have 2 video cards, and I use 4GB of RAM on a 32bit OS. I use PAE, which works fine and dandy, except at work when I recompiled a later kernel with PAE my video driver entirely stopped working, so I'm afraid to upgrade at home and effectively screw myself over23:15
dmsuperman^hashbang^: And in Intrepid, there's a bug with X with certain dual card setups where it just says "fatal error: no screens found"23:16
^hashbang^dmsuperman: hmm, 32bit doesn't support 4G of ram23:16
tazhow ?23:16
dmsuperman^hashbang^: That's why I use PAE, but that requires me to recompile my kernel with the flag enabled23:17
^hashbang^dmsuperman: doh! ok23:17
dmsuperman^hashbang^: And at work, when I did that, I couldn't install my video drivers anymore :P23:17
amathisI cannot find anything on the internet about not being able to select anything except booting to first hard drive on the ubuntu install screen.. could someone please help23:17
^hashbang^dmsuperman: hmm, I'm not sure23:17
dmsuperman^hashbang^: http://dmsuperman.pastebinit.com/fa3956f23:17
^hashbang^dmsuperman: I've never tried using 2 video cards (tho I wanted to)... =)23:17
pipemanhow do I get a directory to continue a share after a restart?23:17
Titan8990dmsuperman, when you compile your kernel custom, you often need to compile your modules yourself....23:17
Titan8990dmsuperman, that is why it is highly not recommended in ubuntu23:18
kingsleyCan one switch ubuntu's configuration back and forth between English and Korean? If so, how?23:18
meho_rSEND taz [/home/shared/code]23:18
dmsupermanTitan8990: I did that, and I'm doing that now, but I havae no other option23:18
Titan8990dmsuperman, 64bit? server kernel?23:18
Titan8990dmsuperman, other distros that support custom kernel compilation?23:18
tazfinallly i did copy and paste so23:18
Titan8990dmsuperman, you always have options with linux23:18
ImprovIs there a nice way to tell upstart to log everything init scripts say to a file?23:19
tazmeho_r  ..done copy and paste....23:19
puppiesRcutehello i was wondering a friend put a new cd drive in my pc and it was brand new but now sense we put in the new drive both of my cd drives are not workin23:19
taz what next23:19
dmsupermanTitan8990: I want to stick with ubuntu, 64bit has many issues (most notably the development package I need for my work for eclipse has no 64bit version, flash rarely works, etc. etc.)23:19
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:19
ScunizipuppiesRcute: don't forget to plug in the power connector23:19
^hashbang^!upstart | Improv23:19
ubottuImprov: please see above23:19
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com23:19
puppiesRcutethey did23:19
puppiesRcuteits all connected will open up23:19
Titan8990dmsuperman, and the need for more than 3.2gb of ram?23:19
meho_r@taz just refresh repos. Type: sudo apt-get update23:19
dmsupermanTitan8990: Virtual machines23:20
puppiesRcutethe drive will open and shut both will it just doesnt mount them or show them on the system23:20
Titan8990dmsuperman, understandable23:20
tazMeho_r: no show up error..it gone23:20
Titan8990dmsuperman, get the nvidia drivers from the website, you may have make the changes to xorg.conf yourself23:20
dmsupermanTitan8990: So, when I say "I have no other options" I don't mean there's no possible way, but in order to meed my requirements I'm basically forced to use PAE and install from nvidia.com23:20
meho_r@taz: so working, ha? :) Glad to hear. This is procedure for all missing keys. Remember it ;)23:21
Titan8990dmsuperman, but it should be as easy as:   sh nvida_driver_package    then:   nvidia-config23:21
dmsupermanTitan8990: That's what I'm using, and the installer runs without error but then sudo modprobe nvidia gives me error running install command23:21
dmsupermanTitan8990: and lsmod | grep nv shows that it's not in use23:21
Titan8990dmsuperman, this is because you have to have your currently running kerenl source (not headers) symlinked to /usr/src/linux23:21
ScunizipuppiesRcute: you should also check the little jumper on the back of the drives.. there are usually 3 positions you can put the jumper, Master, Slave and Cable Select.. If you're not sure put both in the cable select position23:21
sara_ok ubottu doesn't know where i can get training for ubuntu... does anyone here know ubuntu training like there is for microsoft (mcdst)?23:21
Titan8990dmsuperman, nv are the open source drivers.....23:21
dmsupermanTitan8990: nv would match nvidia ;)23:21
Titan8990dmsuperman, the close source drivers are "nvidia"23:22
puppiesRcuteits a sony dvd double layer drive the other is a samsung dvd double layer drive23:22
carpiiwhy do you want ubuntu certification ?23:22
Titan8990dmsuperman, ah, yes23:22
ScunizipuppiesRcute: that's assuming they are ide drives and not SATA drives23:22
carpiithe microsoft ones arent worth the paper theyre written on23:22
dmsupermanTitan8990: Also, I have the headers patched as well I believe23:22
sara_carpii, for my cv23:22
dmsupermanTitan8990: I have the entire thing rebuilt. I had to rebuild the modules, image, and headers23:22
sara_carpii, for my cv/resume23:22
puppiesRcuteim a girl think we all are confused with ubuntu but still like it just dont know how to use it23:22
Titan8990dmsuperman, I am saying that headers are a mysterious ubuntu thing23:22
carpiiyoud be better outting it down in the experience section23:22
Titan8990dmsuperman, you need to full kernel source in /usr/src/linux23:22
carpiior take general linux certifcations23:23
Titan8990dmsuperman, to do things the generic linux way23:23
carpiiim not sure how many companies would think too much of ubuntu certs anyway tbh23:23
ScunizipuppiesRcute: well.. the drives not working typically doesn't have anything to do with ubuntu or you being a girl.. hopefully :)23:23
dmsupermanTitan8990: I have them :)23:23
silentContenderHow do you rip music off a CD as m4a using Sound Juicer, and still have it play on an Ipod23:23
Titan8990dmsuperman, symlinked to the correct place?23:23
dmsupermanTitan8990: They aren't symlinked, they have the actual data23:23
sara_puppiesRcute, shhhh no. see i too am a girl. the fact i lack a penus doesnt mean i get all light headed and confused.... im a technition mcdst with microsoft.... it takes time to know this stuff23:24
silentContenderAll of the m4a file ripped by Sound Juicer are skipped over by my Ipod23:24
ScunizisilentContender: mp3 is supported in ipod and many other places.. why would you want to keep it in m4a?23:24
Titan8990dmsuperman, you should always use symlink so when you update your kernel, you do not have to move the entire source tree23:24
puppiesRcutek il check both know for sure both drives work because before i took the other drive out the other worked fine and the other is brand new23:24
brettleyhow do i change a files permissions in the console?23:24
dmsupermanTitan8990: Yeah, which is why I haven't upgraded my kernel :P23:24
silentContenderScunizi, I read the quality is better and its a newer format23:24
sara_puppiesRcute, it ANGERS me to hear you say that, your just as valid as anyone else here.23:24
Titan8990dmsuperman, what does:   modprobe -l | grep nvidia   return?23:24
^hashbang^dmsuperman: in /lib/modules/$kernelversion/build build should be symlinked to the version of kernel and it's source tree in /usr/src/linux or whatever name you used23:24
Scunizibrettley: sudo chmod <number> filename23:24
dmsupermanTitan8990: Nothing23:24
Huufartedbrettley:  chmod *** <filename>23:24
=== Andry_2 is now known as Andry_Sleeps
HuufartedBrettley:  permission values are 421 for rwx23:25
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Ah, yes, they are properly linked23:25
klasikahlit seems that ssh ssh-agent is broken in jaunty.23:25
Huufartedbrettley for all rwx all the way across it would be:  chmod 777 <filename>23:25
ScunizisilentContender: also propriatory like mp3 but locked to ipod.. nothing else will really use it.23:25
puppiesRcutei do honestly suck with computers am confused but learning girl power we are the smarter of the race so learning full heartedly23:25
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brettleyi just need to change my nvidia drivers so that steam can access them23:25
brettley(i think its 777_23:25
Titan8990dmsuperman, are you actually using a vanilla kernel?23:25
puppiesRcutethats the only issue i have had with ubuntu though23:26
Scunizibrettley: so you've installed the drivers and steam can't access them?23:26
dmsupermanTitan8990: I got the kernel source from the repos, went into a single config file, uncommented the HIGH_MEM64G flag, and rebuilt23:26
^hashbang^dmsuperman: did you try running find /lib/modules/yourkernel -name \*nv*23:26
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Yeah I pastebinned it before23:26
dmsuperman^hashbang^: http://dmsuperman.pastebinit.com/fa3956f23:26
silentContenderOh, didn't not know it was limited to ipod. I thought ACC was limited.  I know that ACC is essentially m4a, but iTunes differentiates between ACC and m4a23:26
Titan8990dmsuperman, it is recommended that you don't directly edit the kernel .config23:26
dmsuperman^hashbang^: I think that's the pastebin23:26
^hashbang^dmsuperman: doh! yea that link didn't seem to work..23:26
gregspencecan anyone help me with ipforwarding - i have a vpn connection (pptp) into my ubuntu box, successfully authenticates however cannot get any traffic out "on to the net".  I have enabled ip forwarding in /etc/sysctl.conf however whenver I connect I still can't access any webpages over my vpn.  Any ideas?23:26
Titan8990dmsuperman, you should always use make menuconfig23:27
puppiesRcutebut later all might try to fix or solve my problem23:27
ScunizisilentContender: I think m4a is acc just by a different name23:27
brettleyScunizi: well, i installed steam, and cant install any games (steam crashes) and the last things i see are something about not being able to access some nvidia things23:27
tazmeho_r  all done..many thanks23:27
^hashbang^dmsuperman:  try paste.ubuntu.com for me23:27
dmsupermanTitan8990: I already did it, according to the guide that was on ubuntuforums.org which showed me how, and it's been working for about 6 months now23:27
HuufartedDoes Steam have a Linux client or are you guys running it through Wine or something else?23:27
dmsuperman^hashbang^: http://dmsuperman.pastebin.com/fa3956f23:27
Titan8990dmsuperman, its because ubuntu doesn't really support modified kernels23:27
dmsuperman^hashbang^: I typed teh link wrong :P23:27
silentContenderScunizi,  I really don't know, but somehow iTunes can tell the difference between ACC and m4a.23:28
Titan8990dmsuperman, there are plenty of distros that do and will likely suite your needs better....23:28
Scunizibrettley: if the drivers are installed and functional then it must have something to do with steam.. I don't know anything about steam but if it installes in wine then you might check www.winehq.com for advice.23:28
^hashbang^dmsuperman:  lol np23:28
^hashbang^dmsuperman:  so what happens when you run.. insmod /kernel/drivers/video/nvidia23:28
Improvhmm. upstart.ubuntu.com is not correct for my install (refers to some nonexistent directories), but /etc/event.d seems to get what I want.23:28
lithixiumAAC is the compression format, m4a is a container for that format (or others potentially)23:28
dmsupermanTitan8990: I _want_ to use ubuntu, and with my requirements my only option is to rebuild the kernel, which has already been done and now I'm trying to figure out why my nvidia drivers have suddenly stopped working out of no where23:28
brettleyi already went there and they said that it was the drivers and id have to use the prepackaged ones, witch will crap my performance, and i am trying to figure another way out23:29
ScunizisilentContender: check this out .. http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=626677223:29
^hashbang^dmsuperman:  /kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko I mean or /volatile/nvidia.ko23:29
Titan8990dmsuperman, nvidia drivers are built on a per-kernel basis23:29
Titan8990dmsuperman, that is why they quit working23:29
roy_hobbswhen i install linux-source where does it go?23:29
dmsuperman^hashbang^: video/nvidia is a directory23:29
Scunizibrettley: prepackaged meaning the ones directly off the nvidia site?23:30
DexterFroy_hobbs: dpkg -L linux-source23:30
brettleyalready have those23:30
^hashbang^dmsuperman: you need to use the full path insmod /lib/modules/kernelversion/bla/bla/bla23:30
brettleyand i tried the ones from the ubuntu repo23:30
Scunizibrettley: which version #?23:30
brettley173 i belive23:30
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Odd, now the nvidia module is loaded23:30
R0b0t1What is the package for openoffice.org's Draw?23:30
^hashbang^dmsuperman: ok what does dmesg stay?23:30
spasticteapotDoes anyone here know why my M-Audio Audiophile USB won't work?23:30
Titan8990dmsuperman, do you have the nvidia driver defined in xorg.conf?23:30
dmsuperman^hashbang^: And X works again :D23:30
spasticteapotWhen I plug it in, lsusb lists the M-Audio USB as a "Texas Instruments" device.23:31
^hashbang^dmsuperman: hmm23:31
spasticteapotI tried the fix on the Ubuntu forums - no dice.23:31
^hashbang^dmsuperman: that's not right23:31
Huufarted!xorg > huufarted23:31
ubottuHuufarted, please see my private message23:31
lithixiumr0bby, openoffice.org-draw23:31
^hashbang^dmsuperman: question now is, why didn't it load on reboot23:31
dmsupermanTitan8990: I know this. I rebuilt my kernel over _six_ months ago. I last installed my driver about a month ago. I rebooted my machine yesterday, and it came back up fine. I rebooted it this morning, and all of a sudden it wasn't working. I didn't make any system changes. I didn't rebuild my kernel, nor my modules.23:31
Scunizibrettley: 173 was / is available in ubuntu so is 177 and now I believe 180.11.. so if you installed the drivers from nvidia incorrectly you'd end up with mixed results.. I just installed the 180.29 drivers today and they rock way better then  180.11 or .2223:31
lukehi there, how do i enable mod_rewrite in my apache settings23:31
dmsuperman^hashbang^: That is the question :)23:31
silentContenderScunizi, I didn't understand much of the link, other than checking the specs (which I don't quite understand how to).23:31
^hashbang^dmsuperman: try rebooting again23:31
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Alright. Luckily this is in irssi + screen so I don't have to leave ;)23:32
luke i have manually created the symlink as well in the mod_enabled etc23:32
^hashbang^dmsuperman: woot!23:32
brettleywell when i tried the 180 or the 177 my screen went all funky23:32
lukeany idea what i might be missing23:32
Furuguys what program should i use for burning dvd's etc?23:32
^hashbang^luke: type /join #apache23:32
silentContenderScunizi, Also I noticed that the m4a files do not play in iTunes either. Don't know it that's significant.23:32
Titan8990!burn | Furu23:32
ubottuFuru: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto23:32
amathisI cannot find anything on the internet about not being able to select anything except booting to first hard drive on the ubuntu install screen.. could someone please help23:33
ScunizisilentContender: the link says that there is no difference between m4a and acc .. they are the same.. lithixium said one is the codec and the other is the container for the codec.. so rip in mp3 or put rockbox on your ipod and use mp3 or ogg23:33
^hashbang^amathis: have you tried a different keyboard? different usb port?23:33
Furuubottu what program would u recomend me to start out with? burning a iso:p23:33
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:33
Scunizi!rockbox | silentContender23:34
ubottusilentContender: rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!23:34
Furumy bad23:34
Titan8990Furu, are you using gnome?23:34
amathis^hashbang^ yes, different keyboards, and they are not usb23:34
bashirwhere are cookies in firefox stored in linux23:34
FuruTitan8990 im using mint..23:34
lithixiumsilentContender, Scunizi I would agree, use Rockbox and rip in Vorbis if your iPod supports Rockbox, otherwise decent quality MP3 is probably best23:34
^hashbang^amathis: hmm, very odd. do you have a usb keyboard?23:34
silentContenderScunizi, I would gladly put rockbox on my IPod, but it's a Gen 2 nano, so it doesn't work.  I really don't want to convert ~100-150 songs from m4a to mp323:34
Scunizibashir: somewhere in /home/<user name>/.mozilla23:34
Titan8990Furu, which uses what desktop/window manager?23:35
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Yup, doesn't work upon reboot23:35
lithixiumsilentContender, These m4a songs, were they purchased from iTunes?23:35
amathis^hashbang^ no.. the thing is, the arrow keys work, and so does the enter key because it asks me to select language23:35
silentContenderScunizi, and Lithixium, Though if I have to I will convert to mp323:35
^hashbang^dmsuperman: dude that's messed up. Only think I can think of now is to add that insmod command to /etc/rc.local23:35
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Hehe, hackish but meh it works :P23:35
silentContenderlithixium, the m4a songs were ripped off of CDs using sound juicer23:35
amathis^hashbang^ and the option 'boot to first hard drive' works23:36
^hashbang^dmsuperman: yea, I hack junk all the time =)23:36
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
^hashbang^amathis: you said your arrow keys work, so why can't you choose the install option?23:36
silentContenderlithixium, I have not found any on net about this problem yet, so I don't know what I need to do.23:36
ScunizisilentContender: but if they are not recognized by the ipod or playable, converting them won't do much good either.23:36
alpha4Hi question about flash player23:36
^hashbang^!ask | alpha423:37
ubottualpha4: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:37
amathis^hashbang^, excuse me.. I can select it, but when I hit enter nothing happens.23:37
alpha4should i download from adobe flash player?23:37
silentContenderScunizi, the Ipod recognizes the song.  It just decides to display the name and skip it.23:37
^hashbang^amathis: bad ISO image?23:37
ScunizisilentContender: so it doesn't play23:37
silentContenderScunizi, Yes23:37
^hashbang^amathis: I've seen something like that before with fedora, and it was a bad cd23:37
lithixiumsilentContender, I assume they play fine on your computer23:37
Huufartedalpha4, I use the Adobe one and it works very well for me23:37
roy_hobbsI need help setting up the network cards on an Ubuntu installation.  lshq has them as UNCLAIMED.23:38
Huufartedbut it *IS* closed source23:38
^hashbang^Huufarted: only one that I know of that will work with 64bit ubuntu23:38
silentContenderlithixium, they play fine on Amarok, but will not at all on iTunes. (I dual-boot)23:38
alpha4Does it make any difference using a x64 or x86 ubuntu?23:38
alpha4How i ccheck if my installation is a x6423:38
bashiri dont see anything in .mozilla that pertains to cookies23:39
bashironly has stuff about cache there23:39
Scunizialpha4: if you're new to linux / ubuntu et.al.  then stick with x86.. x64 can be a headache23:39
amathisis there a small iso that installs from the net"?23:39
silentContenderI guess I'll just put a thread up in the forums.  Have to go. Thanks anyways.23:39
^hashbang^alpha4: open a terminal and type uname -a if you see x86_64, you are running a 64bit verison23:39
HuufartedHashbang, good info on the 64 bit.  My desktop is 64 bit and I'll be going that way if I decide to go Ubuntu on it.23:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netinsall23:39
alpha4^hashbang^ it say i686 gnu / linux23:40
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate23:40
CokeNCodehey, guys, I'm looking for some virus protection software for linux23:40
CokeNCodeany suggestions23:40
CokeNCodepreferably something that i can apt-get install23:40
^hashbang^Huufarted: yea, I had a heck of a time getting it to work.. then I found the labs.adobe.com site =)23:40
HuufartedAmathis, the iso for Ubuntu should have an MD5 hash on the website23:40
spritleyou're an iiot?23:40
randali was wondering if it is posible to put the live cd on a external harddrive like a usb start up disk but on a harddrive23:40
^hashbang^alpha4: ok cool your running 32bit23:40
RolcolCokeNCode: ClamTK23:40
CokeNCodethanks Rolanditu\Afk23:40
HuufartedGet an MD5 hash program  and just check that MD5 hash against the website23:40
RolcolCokeNCode: It's only for Windows Viruses.  No Linux viruses out in the wild.  Although... You could still get a trojan.23:40
Dr_WillisCokeNCode,  linux AV sof3ware scans windows files for windos viruses normally  :)23:41
Huufartedthat will tell you if your download was complete or not23:41
Scunizilithixium: looks like silentContender left 'cause the conversation wasn't going fast enough... I suspect he had issues on the windows/mac side reading the file system on the linux side or something to that effect..23:41
alpha4^hashbang^ i have a 4gb of ram would there be any use if i'm using a x8623:41
CokeNCodehmmm, I actually want to scan some files on my website23:41
klasikahlo noes.  a windows virus.23:41
Huufartedrandal, yes it is possible, but would you mind me asking why you want to put it on a hard drive?23:41
CokeNCodeit's infected :(23:41
klasikahlwipe, reinstall.23:41
lithixiumScunizi, yeah, it's an odd one - I'm in a chat on another channel as well, so my responses are quite slow :P23:41
^hashbang^alpah4: 32bit only sees up to 3.2g (sometimes less, sometimes more). 64bit is the way to go for full 4G+ support23:42
randalHuufarted: more room i only got a 2 gb usbstick how do you do this23:42
RolcolCokeNCode: Linux server hosting the website?23:42
klasikahlCokeNCode: call me paranoid, but there is no un-rooting of a compromised machine.  same goes for viruses.23:42
HuufartedRandal, I'm just wondering why you wouldn't just install from a burned CD?23:42
CokeNCodeRolcol, yup.23:42
brettleyrandal: why do you want a LiveCD on a external harddrive?23:42
CokeNCodeThe thing is, what can I do. It's not my machine23:42
randalHuufarted: im useing it as a portable comuter type of thing where i can go to computer to computer23:42
Scunizilithixium: naw.. you were doing fine.. he was just a little impatient.. that can happen on irc.. it's not like a phone call where dead air means you've lost the other parties attention. :)23:42
^hashbang^"unrooting" there's a new word for the day =)23:42
Rolcolsomeone must have bruteforced themselves in and done it manually23:42
klasikahlCokeNCode: dude... you can't get a virus on linux.  if you suspect you hvave an infected file, delete it.23:43
CokeNCodeklasikahl, I'm talking about a server23:43
Huufartedah...  gotcha.  Yes it is possible to do, and there are guides out there for it.23:43
klasikahlCokeNCode: so what?23:43
CokeNCodeand you can get a virus on linux23:43
klasikahlCokeNCode: you don't have `rm` on your server?23:43
Rolcolklasikahl: yes you can.  No system is unprotected.  You can't get one from just browsing the internet but you can if you download a file and give it root privileges23:43
klasikahlCokeNCode: rootkits != viruses23:43
HuufartedRandal, google this:  "install Ubuntu from USB hard drive" and you should find results23:43
ScuniziCokeNCode: you can get hacked.. but a virus.. chances are VERY unlikely23:43
CokeNCodeklasikahl, do you do any hosting? you never get full access to the server23:43
kane77klasikahl, nothing is impossible, but on linux viruses are highly unprobable23:43
alpha4^hashbang^ let say i have all my settings orsetting backup and can i reinstall ubntu to 64 and use the settings for x64 ubnut?23:43
randalHuufarted: ok thank you23:44
klasikahlkane77: thanks i know, i'm a pen tester.23:44
^hashbang^CokeNCode: if you think you have a virus under linux, install ClamAV and let it run... if your system has been hacked, I would backup your data and reload... ASAP!23:44
klasikahlCokeNCode: you pay for a server that you can't delete files from?23:44
klasikahlCokeNCode: ftp?23:44
CokeNCodeklasikahl, listen carefully23:44
CokeNCodeWhen you pay for hosting23:44
CokeNCodeyou don't get full access to the server23:44
^hashbang^alpha4: are you referring to desktop settings? sure23:44
CokeNCodeyou only get access to your stuff23:44
HuufartedKlasikahl, CokeNCode is right.  You very very very rarely get even ROOT access to a hosted server.23:44
klasikahlsince when do you need root access to delete a file?!23:45
^hashbang^CokeNCode: get a new hosting provider that takes care of there servers =)23:45
Huufartedif it's part of the hosted OS, you can't delete it if you're not root23:45
CokeNCode^hashbang^, that's the plan23:45
klasikahlso you maanged to get your server rooted?23:45
^hashbang^CokeNCode: I use siteground.... they are good and the pricing is nice23:45
alpha4^hashbang^ yeap23:45
musikgoat|mainthis seems to be way off topic23:46
CokeNCodeklasikahl, don't blame me :/23:46
HuufartedCokeNCode, at the same time if you got the server infected through your actions, then it's not possible the virus can do anything that you wouldn't be able to do and therefore you WILL be able to delete it.23:46
klasikahlthe only way you could possibly get an infected file in your "os" is if you have been rooted (rootkit).  in which case, give up.  you can't ensure integrity of anything on the system.23:46
ScuniziCokeNCode: I use aplus.net.. same .. although siteground caters to joomla which you might be running.23:46
^hashbang^!ot | musikgoat|main23:46
ubottumusikgoat|main: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:46
adacWhat is a good backup program with a webinterface?23:46
CokeNCodeHuufarted, great, now you're blaming me too :(23:46
HuufartedCokeNCode, if the provider is the one that infected the server, then they deserve to get dropped23:46
HuufartedCokeNCode, I said *IF*23:46
HuufartedIF.  Big letters IF23:47
klasikahlCokeNCode: wait, let's start with your premise.  what makes you think this linux box is compromised?23:47
Huufartedthere are only 2 options.  EIther you did it or they did it.  If you did it, you CAN Delete it.  If they did it, it's their fault.23:47
CokeNCodeanyone familiar with this 8speed virus ?23:47
ItaciousHey all, I have xfce set up with a 48px panel, iconbox, etc. (a la Windows 7). I have just discovered (or rediscovered) that the xfce tray supports multiple columns, so now the icons aren't huge (YES!). But, if I put the standard xfce volume applet down there, it blows up to 48x48px. So, in short, does anybody know of a package that is a volume manger(?) for the system tray? Thanks in advance.23:47
klasikahlHuufarted: not true.  if he did it and the code managed to exploit a service that was running with too much privlege, it is easily conceivable the code is beyond his permissions now23:47
^hashbang^adac: try http://www.tufat.com/s_mybackup_web_database_exporter.htm23:48
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amathisIt says the md5 sum of the iso I burned, and the one on the ubuntu site for 8.10 Desktop amd64 match23:48
^hashbang^!ot | klasikahl | Huufarted23:48
ubottuklasikahl | Huufarted: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:48
^hashbang^amathis: hmm, ok maybe a bad burn on the cd... try re-buring23:48
^hashbang^amathis: hmm, ok maybe a bad burn on the cd... try re-burning23:49
^hashbang^amathis: this a laptop or a desktop?23:49
bernz_amathis, did you mean they DON'T match?23:49
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^hashbang^Itacious: try /join #xubuntu23:49
JamesGDoes anyone know if I take 4 drives which are currently in a RAID5 array (software) and connect them to a completely new motherboard, will the array continue to work as before? I know ubuntu mounts stuff by UUID, which I assume is going to change when I switch motherboards?23:49
Titan8990Itacious, not sure about the ubuntu package but im my distro the package that contains toolbar volume control is:   xfce4-icons23:50
ceeshey all, i have been googling for a while to get some kind of fan control to ubuntu i just installed, i have abit ab9 quadgt motherboard bit it seems that i cannot find any utility to get control of fans, any hints how to proceed :)?23:50
Itacioushashbang, it's not really a xubuntu question.23:50
Titan8990Itacious, the program is: xfce-mixer23:50
CokeNCodehmmm, what's a good program on linux for doing some database administration. I'm looking for something like sqlyog23:50
^hashbang^Itacious: xubuntu = xfce ubuntu23:51
spaceBARbarianhow can i avoid having to type ./ every time i execute a program ?23:51
steve-oi am new to ubuntu it says network manager is installed but i cannot figure out where it is or how to run it - PLEASE HELP23:51
bernz(ah, i would have guessed the X stood for just X[11])23:51
^hashbang^spaceBARbarian: using ./ is like double clicking in windows =)23:51
CokeNCodespaceBARbarian, I think you need to do chmod or something like that23:51
dmsuperman^hashbang^: Where did you suggest I put that again?23:52
bjb1959any ideas how to get a tv card and a usb webcam to play nice on intrepid?23:52
CokeNCodesorry, that answer sucked, but no one else answered23:52
CokeNCodeit's something along those lines23:52
^hashbang^dmsuperman: /etc/rc2.d/rc.local23:52
bernzspaceBARbarian, instead of circumventing, learn about why you need it, and then you'll *want* to do it ;-)23:52
Itacioushashbang, what i mean is that this "tray volume manager" could work in the gnome, kde, xfce, etc. tray. It is not specifically for xubuntu/xfce.23:52
Itaciousbut i'll try #xubuntu23:52
spaceBARbarianbernz: i just hate having to do the ./ in bash and in csh it just works so i dunno :P23:52
dmsuperman^hashbang^: There is no rc.local in there, should I create it?23:53
bernzspaceBARbarian, but if you really hate it, you might be able to do a trick with 'alias' ('man alias' to learn more)23:53
spaceBARbarianokay thks23:53
Rustyt0ncan any1 help me plz?23:53
Rustyt0nI have a question23:53
^hashbang^Itacious: xfce is part of xubuntu, so the best place to have those questions regarding xfce would be xubuntu.. imho thats where I'd start being ubuntu is gnome native =)23:53
musikgoat|main!ask | Rustyt0n23:53
ubottuRustyt0n: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:53
Dr_Willisask the question  then? :)23:54
bernzspaceBARbarian, failing that, read the docs/manual for the shell you're using (probably 'bash', maybe 'ash', maybe 'csh', maybe 'ksh') and it might tell you a nick option you can use by setting an env variable23:54
Rustyt0nOh sorry lol, im new.23:54
^hashbang^dmsuperman: /etc/rc.local23:54
^hashbang^dmsuperman: sorry23:54
bjb1959webcam and tv card together, any ideas how to get that to work?23:54
steve-ohelp anyone network manager23:54
Rustyt0nthing is, im usin troppinx on live-cd but it doesnt show my MSI wirelless adaptar, even thou is plugged23:54
jtajispaceBARbarian: the normal way would be to put it or a link to it in a place in your path, ~/bin might be a good choice23:54
spaceBARbarianbernz: maybe something in the .bashrc file ?23:55
Rustyt0ni tryied usin a wget command and tar command to the driver files23:55
^hashbang^Itacious: you could also try #xfce23:55
RolcolI like wget combined with tar23:55
Rustyt0nbut it gives me an error about not enough space left on divice or something like that23:55
HuufartedIn response to spaceBARbarian's question, why is ./ required anyway?  Can someone explain that?23:55
ScuniziI have a server on my lan that I access with ssh by doing ssh <server>@<ip_address> .. typical.. but I'd like to just do ssh <server>@<server_name> .. is that possible and how?23:55
^hashbang^Itacious: i'm just saying that cause I think you would have better luck getting your question answered23:55
^hashbang^Scunizi: use /etc/hosts23:56
steve-ois anyone listening23:56
jtajiHuufarted: it's required when the program is not in your $PATH, for example it would prevent say a trojan 'ls' in a directory being executed over the one in your path23:56
^hashbang^!ask | steve-o23:56
ubottusteve-o: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:56
Dr_Willissteve-o,  you may want to clrify the question a bit more.23:56
Scunizi^hashbang^: that's kinda what I figured.. but how do I reference it in there to make it work?23:56
Rustyt0nIs there a way to install the MSI wireless adapters on the live-cd troppix to use the airodump23:56
HuufartedOh, I gotcha Jtaji.  Thanks23:56
SchmittyDoesItoff topic question. Is mac OSX based on debian os or bsd. I have heard both.23:56
^hashbang^Scunizi: sudo vi /etc/hosts and the format is ipaddess  space  hostname23:56
musikgoat|mainRustyt0n: troppix is not supported here23:57
evilGUISchmittyDoesIt: FreeBSD.23:57
Scunizi^hashbang^: that's it?  too easy :)23:57
Rustyt0nwhere can i refer to get some advise on troppix?23:57
SchmittyDoesItthankyou, thankyou, and thankyou23:57
steve-oi used sudo apt-get install networkmanager & it says it is already installed but i cant find it23:57
bernzspaceBARbarian, yes, in an .rc, you could set that option, so you shell would by default have it set23:57
^hashbang^Scunizi: yea that's it =)23:57
bjb1959can't get usb webcam to work with tv card, any ideas23:57
jtajiRustyt0n: try ##linux23:57
Rustyt0nplz help me, i thougth it would be the same coomands to get the drivers and install em23:57
musikgoat|mainRustyt0n: have you tried #troppix ?23:57
Rustyt0nno, thx alot23:57
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bernzspaceBARbarian, so it might be something like MAKE_MY_LIFE_EASIER which you set to 'yes' or something23:57
ItaciousI mean, in this instance I am using xfce. But, this volume manager I'm looking for (if such a thing exists) is supposed to be in the system tray, not a panel applet. So it could be used not only in xfce's tray, but also gnome's tray and kde's tray. So it's not necessarily xfce related, i'm just looking for a volume control for the tray, which in this case I would be using in xfce.23:57
bernzspaceBARbarian, only, obviously, called something more clever and pertinent ;-)23:58
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Titan8990Rustyt0n, if I am not mistaken there is only aircrack injection patches for broadcom and madwifi drivers23:58
dmsuperman^hashbang^: It kind of worked, but I rarely reboot so I'm not going to question it haha23:58
^hashbang^Itacious: Google?23:58
^hashbang^dmsuperman: sorry man...23:58
dmsuperman^hashbang^: It's cool, I'm in X now23:59
steve-oDr_Willis do you have any suggestions23:59
dmsuperman^hashbang^: I'm hoping I'll not have these X issues with Jaunty23:59
Rustyt0nMSI us54se II its not broadcom its RL i think23:59
Scunizi^hashbang^: ok.. that's done.. worked.. I guess I can't have 2 ssh sessions to the same machine from one different machine.23:59

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