
terminalhi all. i am having a strange issue. i am attempting to install xubuntu 8.10 on my macbook pro (penryn), but when I launch either the livecd or installer the text on everything is HUGE, which means i can't see anything to do the install.00:10
terminalany ideas? :/00:10
charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts might help00:11
zoredacheUse the alternate installer?00:11
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent00:11
terminali was hoping to avoid burning another disk, but yeah i guess i'll have to do an alternate install00:13
terminalcharlie-tca: interesting doc, can't really mess with the quirks or anything since it is a live cd :/00:14
j1mcterminal: i think you can copy the iso to a usb stick, and install from there.00:14
j1mcyou have to take some extra steps to do it, but i could save you the cd if you really wanted.00:15
terminalnah it's easier to just burn the cd lol00:15
terminali was hoping to just fix whatever the problem is and use the normal installer00:15
zoredacheif your network works, you really only need the contents of the mini.iso00:15
zoredachedid you check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro_Penryn ?00:17
terminali am following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro4-1/Intrepid00:19
craigbass1976Is there a way to jsut boot into a command line from the xubuntu hardy livecd?  I need to grab some files and X is borking out on me00:42
cody-somervilleI believe so, yes.00:45
knomewow, cody-somerville o/00:45
cody-somervillehi :]00:45
craigbass1976I just saw a safe graphics mode that I swear wasn't tyhere an hour ago00:46
j1mchi knome and craigbass197600:47
j1mcand cody-somerville00:47
craigbass1976j1mc, hey00:47
knomehello j1mc00:47
thiebaude1hi everyone01:05
thiebaude1how do i intstall downloadable themes on xubuntu01:06
Moodthiebaude1: install? or download? or both?01:07
thiebaude1i downloaded but i need to install it01:07
thiebaude1im new to xubuntu01:07
Moodyou should be able to use Xfce Settings Manager->User Interface01:08
thiebaude1ok thanks i'll try that01:08
thiebaude1mood:when i downloaded the theme i saved it in my temp file, when i get into user interface there is no way to get it from the temp folder01:10
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:12
ubottuThemes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/  To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites01:12
zoredachehrm... xfce-themes works in a pm to ubottu01:13
ubottuThemes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/  To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites01:18
zoredacheeh?  whats that about?01:19
knomedunno. maybe you're banned or something? ;)01:19
knomeanyway, good night.01:19
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!01:19
* zoredache shrugs01:19
steeljimgood evening01:24
steeljimcan anyone assit with a server setup01:24
zoredachethe best way to find out is by asking your question01:25
steeljimhaving a problem mounting a drive01:26
steeljimtrying to do a windows share01:26
zoredacheso does your windows box see the linux box in the network neighborhood?01:29
steeljimyes it does01:29
zoredacheand you see the share?01:30
steeljimbut I don't see any drives01:30
steeljimjust the server what I named01:30
zoredachedid you just set this up?  Did you restart samba after adjusting the configuration?01:33
zoredacheI have to go, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server01:34
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:34
txDEFhello all01:41
txDEFhow do I get to the command prompt of the alternate install?01:41
zoredachepress alt-f201:42
charlie-tcarescue a broken system01:42
txDEFthe system is not broken though, doing a fresh install and the hdd is not recognized01:42
* charlie-tca is too slow; must be getting late01:43
=== Guest48953 is now known as danielm
txDEFwhat is the sudo command to try and recognize the hdd?01:44
zoredacheit usually should just be there unless you a drive controller that isn't supported01:45
txDEFthe hdd is connected via IDE to a MSI MS-6131 PII mb01:45
txDEFsystem boots fine currently into xp and the hdd is recognized in the bios01:46
txDEFthough the bios only revision is 1.6 from 199801:46
txDEFi've disabled PNP in the bios, disabled hdd blocks,01:47
txDEFdisabled UDMA and UDMA2 in the bios01:47
txDEFI keep thinking I am missing something simple01:48
txDEFlooking through the forums others have installed xubuntu on this type of machine, so I would believe that the drivers are there01:49
=== j1mc is now known as _j1mc
steeljimcan anyone assits with a drive share setup01:54
steeljimI have /dev/sda5 that i would like to set up as a windows share01:55
burnersteeljim: first mount it somewhere... /dev/sda5 is the device, where is it mounted?  /media/extradrive?01:59
steeljimi dont know02:00
steeljimfresh install02:00
burnertype "mount"02:00
steeljimbunch of stuff came up02:00
burnerand /dev/sda6 was in the list?02:01
steeljimbut only listed /dev/sda702:01
burnerso it's not mounted02:01
burneris it formatted?02:01
burneris there data on it?02:01
steeljimonly the os02:01
burnerso /dev/sda6 is where your / is?02:01
burneri wouldn't share the whole drive, pick a folder to share02:02
steeljimwhole drive is ok02:02
burnerit's not02:02
steeljimits only 80 gig02:02
burnerbut you can't share your root02:02
steeljimjust learning this is my first server02:02
steeljimhow about just partion sda502:02
diginuxare there any xubuntu devs in here?02:02
burnersteeljim: if you have another partition you want to share, that's fine02:02
steeljimwhat is an xubuntu devs?02:02
burnersomeone who develops xubuntu02:03
diginuxscratch that02:03
diginuxi meant an xfce dev02:03
steeljimyea just want to share sda502:03
burnersteeljim: is it mounted? where?  if not, mount it via command line or via gparted02:03
diginuxi would just like to know if the menu editor is going to be coming back soon in jaunty :)02:03
diginuxcody-somerville: just commented on your blog post btw02:03
steeljimjust did sudo fdisk -l02:04
steeljimgot 6 partitions02:04
steeljimno xfce dev02:04
steeljimall dev/sda1 ,2,5,6,7,802:04
cody-somervillediginux, :)02:05
steeljimhow do I mount?02:05
steeljimsudo mount dev/sda5?02:05
diginuxsteeljim: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/somefolder02:05
steeljimmount point does not exist02:06
steeljimdo i need to create the "somefolder"" first02:07
diginuxsteeljim: yes02:07
txDEFany reason why I get sudo not found at the command prompt?02:07
steeljimhow do i do that/02:07
steeljimsudo create "somefolder"02:07
diginuxsteeljim: mkdir /mnt/disk102:07
burnersteeljim: sudo mkdir /mnt/sda502:07
diginuxsteeljim: sudo mkdir /mnt/disk102:07
diginuxor that02:07
* burner notes that this can all be done through a sudo thunar as well if you prefer gui02:08
burnerer... gksudo thunar rather02:08
steeljimthe mount can be?02:08
steeljimapt-get gksudo?02:09
burnergksudo is just like sudo, but better for apps that run in X02:09
burnerer.. gtk even.. kdesudo for qt apps02:10
burnersudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda502:10
burneris it ext2/3/4?02:10
steeljimdon't see an ext?02:11
steeljimI got device boot start end blocks id system02:11
steeljimshould i get some confirmation on the folder creation  or the mount02:11
steeljimits just going to the next line after i enter it02:12
burnerit just goes02:12
burnermount with no args shows what is mounted02:12
steeljimok so i did the sudo mount ./dev/sda5/ /mt/sda502:13
steeljimok cool02:13
burneri see a few typos in your mount line02:13
steeljimI got .dev.sda5 on /mnt/sda5 type ext3 (rw)02:13
steeljimdoes that mean im mounted?02:14
steeljimok so create the folder now?02:14
burnersure... or just share teh whole drive02:14
burnersudo mkdir /mnt/sda5/sharedfolder02:14
burnerthen install samba... "sudo apt-get install samba"02:15
* burner wonders if there's a gui app for Xfce that is advised or if editing /etc/samba/smb.conf02:15
steeljimok is says according to mtab, /dev/sda5 is already mounted on /mnt/sda502:16
steeljimif I want the whold drive is it sudo mdkir /mnt/sda502:20
steeljimsudo mkdir /mnt/sda502:21
steeljimok installed samba02:23
steeljimnow what?02:23
steeljimnow do i have to edit the smb.conf file?02:25
steeljimburner you still there?02:26
steeljimuh oh i think im writing an smb.conf file02:33
steeljimhow do i get out of here without saving this?02:36
diginuxsteeljim: what are you using to edit it?02:37
steeljimI typed edit /etc/smb.conf02:38
steeljimbunch of blue dashes on the side02:38
steeljimlooks like free form text02:38
steeljimhow do I get out?02:38
steeljimIm fallen and can't get up02:38
burneruse nano02:39
burner"sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf"02:39
diginuxi didnt even know edit was a command02:39
burneri dont think it is02:39
steeljimoh man02:40
steeljimits not taking the command02:40
steeljimits not a command line02:40
burnerctrl+c help?02:40
steeljimbottom says 1 change; #12 25 seconds ago02:40
burneri'm unfamiliar with an "edit" program02:40
steeljimok type :quit(enter) to exit vim02:40
steeljimoh it says recording02:41
burneryou're in the text editor vim02:41
steeljimwhat is that?02:41
burnerit's a bit odd to those new to it... i'd recommend nano instead02:42
steeljimand how do i get out02:42
steeljimits not taking quit02:42
burnertry that02:42
steeljimno says recording again02:43
burneris this gnome-terminal?02:43
burnerer, I meant xfce4-terminal just close it and open a new one ;)02:44
steeljimno its my first attemt at creating a file server02:44
burnerso wtf terminal are you at?02:44
steeljimnow im recording something...lol02:44
burneryou're in #xubuntu02:44
steeljimim on the server02:44
burnerno gui?02:45
burneroh, lame ;)02:45
burnerok, you need to close vim somehow02:45
steeljimsomeone told me the guis dont do much02:45
burnerhit escape02:45
steeljimnot to bother with them02:45
steeljimjust go "command line"02:45
* burner likes a gui... even a simple xfce02:45
burnerbleh, i wouldn't02:45
steeljimesc not working02:45
burnerespecially on your first one02:45
steeljimbut im recording02:45
burnerhit esc once, it toggles modes02:45
steeljimnot toggling02:46
steeljimstuck on recording02:46
steeljimshould I control alt delete02:46
burnerjust type :q!02:46
steeljimoh ok im back at command line02:47
steeljimshould I try a gui?02:47
burnersure, but that can be later02:47
burnerjust use nano for now02:47
burnerit's easy02:47
burner"sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf"02:47
burnercreate a share02:47
burneradd a samba user "sudo smbpasswd -a username"02:47
burnerthen restart samba..  "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart"02:48
steeljimok got a bunch of stuff02:48
steeljimsample config02:48
steeljimI don't see a create share option?02:50
steeljimoh do I just change  this stuff02:51
steeljimshare modes= no change to yes?02:51
steeljimdude this is a lot of stuff02:54
steeljimok so what am i supposed to be editing here?02:55
steeljimI thought this was easy?03:01
steeljimwth am i editing here?03:02
burneryou should start with ubuntu03:02
burnerthen you just right click a folder and click share in nautius03:02
burneryou can do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" to get a gui :)03:02
steeljimon the server?03:02
steeljimok but wait03:03
steeljimI changed the share to yes03:03
steeljimshould I not do that?03:03
steeljimor just not save this and exit03:03
burnerdon't save03:03
burneri think by default the home directory is shared03:03
steeljimhtf do I exit03:04
steeljimwhat is that03:04
burner^ = ctrl03:04
steeljimso i can configure the server from the desktop03:04
burneryou'll just be able to right click the folder and click "share"03:05
steeljimok im installing03:05
steeljimf this command line....roflmao03:05
burnerfor sure03:05
burnerespecially your first one03:05
steeljimkinda intersting03:05
* burner rocks terminal and loves it though ;)03:05
steeljimbut I don't know wtf im doing03:05
steeljimi got another question03:06
steeljimi know samba makes the windows pc see the linux folder03:06
steeljimwhat if i have another linux machine?03:07
steeljimwill it see the folder also?03:07
steeljimdude is this gonna take and hour and half to install?03:09
burnerat nautilus... hit ctrl+l03:09
burnerthen type "smb://192.168.x.x" to whatever your ip is03:09
burnerprobably... it's all of gnome03:09
steeljimholy shi*03:09
steeljimwhere is this downloading from?03:19
zoredachethe internet03:19
steeljimok so after this installs03:24
steeljimis it going to reboot and come up with the desktop?03:24
steeljimand I know you will probably giggle at this one but I eventually want to create a web page03:25
steeljimwill i be able to do that through the desktop also?03:25
zoredacheTo make a web page, all you need is a text editor03:32
steeljimok but wait03:42
steeljimif I load this desktop will it over ride the server install and technically make this a client machine03:42
burneryou're not removing anything03:44
burnerbtw, what exactly are you serving?  just samba?03:44
steeljimnothing yet03:44
burnera desktop can easily be a server and a server can have a gui desktop03:44
steeljimbut i want to create a media server03:44
burnereasy enough03:44
steeljimand file server03:44
burneryeah man, rock out with a gui and add your server packages as needed03:45
steeljimwhat are the server packages?03:45
burneryou might want it to run rhythmbox with your music library to be a daap audio server03:45
steeljimwill that accomodate itunes?03:46
steeljimor play the itunes files03:46
burnerapache is a good web server, samba is a windows file server, ssh is good remote command line03:46
steeljimyea I want remote access also03:46
steeljimto share my music03:46
burnerit will let itunes connect to it, and it can connect to itunes < version 7.003:46
steeljimwith buds03:46
steeljimi also have a captive works 3000 hd03:47
steeljimwhich is linux based03:47
steeljimI also want to load all my dvd's into the server03:47
* burner likes handbrake for dvd ripping03:48
steeljimi already have some good stuff for that windows based03:48
burnerso far, you need samba.. that's the only kind of serving it sounds like you're after03:48
burnerhandbrake works well on windows, mac, and linux03:49
steeljimdoes it decrypt actual movies?03:49
burnerand makes mpeg-403:49
steeljimis it freeware03:50
burnerand open source03:50
steeljimI have just started researching his open source stuff03:51
steeljimI use a lot of satellite stuff that i don't believe can be run on linux03:52
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
* burner shrugs and digs linux03:54
steeljimthe captive works box is pretty cool thats why i started looking into this03:55
steeljim10 mins left on that download04:04
steeljimwait mpeg 4 is hd right?04:08
burnercan be04:14
burnerit can encode a wide range of sizes and quality04:15
burnerthoggen can rip dvds to ogg theora!  .ogv files04:17
=== _j1mc is now known as j1mc
steeljimok its done04:26
steeljimhow do i run it?04:27
steeljimburner its done back at command line?04:28
steeljimhow do i start the desktop gui?04:30
steeljimrun ubuntu-desktop?04:32
steeljimsudo ubuntu-desktop?04:32
steeljimburner you there?04:34
forcessteeljim, start x04:37
steeljimneed to be root?04:37
steeljimhow do i get to root?04:38
forcesroot is desactivated04:41
forcesfor security04:41
forcesuse sudo04:41
steeljimsudo start x?04:42
steeljimtrying to start the desktop04:43
steeljimfrom command line04:43
steeljimwhen i type in start x says has to be root04:43
steeljimsudo start x not working either04:43
steeljimdid sudo su04:46
steeljimnow at root but start x ain't woring04:46
steeljimforces you there?04:50
steeljimsomeone talk to me04:50
steeljimanyone here?04:56
IznougoudGood morning. Or good evening, whatever it - wherever you are..05:49
IznougoudNot sure if this is the place to look, but I could really use some help concerning xUbuntu..05:50
zoredacheThis may be the place05:53
G-Bleezywhere do i find the MAC address of my wireless card?05:53
zoredacheG-Bleezy: type ifconfig or iwconfig in a terminal05:53
IznougoudWell, I suppose that's to be considered a somewhat good start, zoredache.. ;)05:54
G-Bleezyits not really showin up there tho05:54
G-Bleezythats where i been lookin05:54
G-Bleezyi swear it was there when i looked like an hour ago...can't find it now tho05:54
zoredachewhen you run ifconfig do you see your card?05:57
[biabia]you may need to sudo06:19
[biabia]?   i think you need root privelege06:20
[biabia]sorry for the untimeliness of that contribution06:21
XenocideopenGL runs quite slow, anyone know why that might be?06:44
G-BleezyHow can i find out what driver and version my wireless card is using?07:02
Xenocideu dont need to know, as long as it connects its all good07:03
geniiYou don't need sudo to see ifconfig results. Only to issue something like sudo ifconfig eth0 <some-option>07:21
IznougoudI'm trying to configure Firestarter here, activating ICS, but for some reason it does only detect eth0 (which would be my NIC) and an "unknown unit" given the designation pan0 - could that by any chance be the serial port?07:29
IznougoudSorry for asking. It's obviously something completely different..07:31
IznougoudQuestion is, why can't I find my serial ports in Firestarter? They are activated in BIOS, so that wouldn't be the problem..07:31
rockofor real07:37
rockoyou be haten' ah brotha Xenocide07:37
rockome hears you be racist is this true ?07:38
G-BleezyHow can i find out what driver and version my wireless card is using? I need to figure out if my drivers allow my wlan0 to properly inject packets...07:44
G-Bleezy..cause i don't think they are?07:45
* Panarchy says Hi07:48
PanarchyI'm currently 'ordering' discs off of ShipIt. I've currently ordered Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server & Ubuntu Server 64-bit. Have I missed any of the "Ubuntu" discs that I can get off of shipit?07:50
PanarchyI'm currently 'ordering' discs off of ShipIt. I've currently ordered Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server & Ubuntu Server 64-bit. Have I missed any of the "Ubuntu" discs that I can get off of shipit?07:52
G-Bleezy!repeat | Panarchy07:54
ubottuPanarchy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pie07:54
Panarchyaww... this bot doesn't know Pie!07:55
ubottuIf you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname07:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese07:55
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.07:55
=== Panarchy is now known as Vexer
=== Vexer is now known as Panarchy
=== Panarchy is now known as Vexer2
=== Vexer2 is now known as Vekser
=== Vekser is now known as Panarchy
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about food08:14
vbfghtUh, How do I install a program that came in the .tar gz format?08:16
vbfghtAm i in the wrong place to ask questions?08:18
fkriegyou can extract the archive with tar -xzf archive.tar.gz and then there could be a file like INSTALL which tells you how to install08:19
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java08:20
* genii decides to have some08:20
geniivbfght: When needing to install something: 1: Search for it in package manager system. If found install it from there 2: If not found there, look online for a .deb package which is for your *buntu version, and install that. 3: If 1 and 2 fail, and only then download a tar.gz file, extract it, then go into the directory and build the thing from source.08:22
vbfghtwhat about a .deb file?08:23
vbfghthow do i install from .deb08:23
geniivbfght:  .deb is the packing type for programs that is what *buntu systems use08:23
geniivbfght: To install a deb file, use: sudo dpkg -i <filename-of-.deb-package-you-downloaded-which-is-in-directory-you-are-running-this-command-in>08:24
vbfghtwow thank you very much08:25
geniivbfght: You're welcome08:25
vbfghtSee you later. Thanks again.08:34
* Panarchy says Hi09:00
PanarchyI'm currently 'ordering' discs off of ShipIt. I've currently ordered Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server & Ubuntu Server 64-bit. Have I missed any of the "Ubuntu" discs that I can get off of shipit?09:00
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Intrepid (8.10) CDs09:02
ikoniaPanarchy: how many times do you need to be told about spamming multiple channels with the same question09:40
Panarchyknome: Thanks09:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-ops09:46
iz_Anyone active in here?10:19
iz_Guess that would answer my question..10:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:23
ablomeniz_, there are people here :)10:24
* genii sips10:24
iz_Oh, thank you God. Thank you, thank you.. ;)10:24
genii35 seconds is hardly long enough to wait before decidinng no one is around....10:25
iz_I was more referring to a number of users logging off in immediate response to my question :P10:25
iz_Anyway, I'm going through hell trying to access the serial port from Xubuntu, and could really use som guidance on the matter..10:26
PanarchyJust got badck10:27
PanarchyBe quick, as I can probably fix your problem, but I have to go soon10:27
iz_Referring to me?10:27
iz_It's simple, or maybe not. I need to access ttyS0, and according to Xubuntu it simply isn't there. It's active in BIOS though, so I really don't know what the problem might be..10:29
iz_(I can't access ttyS1 either for that matter)10:29
iz_The only devices I can list are eth0 and - for some bizarre reason - pan010:32
PanarchyHave you mounted it?10:37
PanarchyCan you give me your computer specifications?10:37
iz_I haven't manually mounted it, no.10:37
ikoniamount a serial device ?10:38
iz_Comp: 800Mhz PIII, 512Mb RAM (old Compaq)10:38
iz_When trying to manually mount it, I get the message "can't find  /dev/ttyS0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"10:39
ikoniaiz_: what is attatched to this device ? ttyS0 is normally a serial port10:40
iz_A nullmodem-cable10:40
ikoniaiz_: so you wouldn't mount that10:40
ikoniaiz_: what exactly are you trying to do ?10:40
PanarchyAh, NullModem.10:41
PanarchyShould've asked what serial device it was first... lol10:41
PanarchyWhat router or hub are you trying to connect it to?10:41
iz_The Compaq (which I am sitting at right now) is connected to a bridget wireless router. I'm looking to use the Compaq as a DNS-server and gateway for antoher machine to which it is connected via the nullmodem-cable..10:42
iz_For that purpose, I planned to use Firestarter, but I need to get the serial port up and running..10:43
iz_Yes. Better not get into that, and focus on the serial port instead.. ;)10:43
PanarchyCan I have the model number?10:43
iz_Of what, the Compaq?10:44
PanarchyAlso your motherboard10:45
iz_Compaq EN/P733/10E/6/128C10:45
iz_Not much info on the motherboard, just reads Compaq Despro10:45
PanarchyGoogled it, got nothing: Your search - Compaq EN/P733/10E/6/128C - did not match any documents.10:45
iz_Give me a sec10:46
iz_Google Compaq Despro EN instead..10:46
Panarchysay it again?10:47
iz_This one originally shipped with a 733Mhz PIII10:48
PanarchyI'm more interested in the modem, don't know much on the PC end10:48
iz_Three PCI-slots and two SD133-slots10:48
PanarchyDoesn't the modem have a 'new' console port, that isn't real? (like virtual, so you just connect an RJ-45)10:49
PanarchyI know on Windows you use HyperTerminal10:49
Panarchyand there was a free one as well... forget what it's called10:49
PanarchySorry I can't be of more assistance, my knowledge seems to be lacking10:49
* Panarchy leaves to have Linux dreams10:51
knomehello Myrtti10:51
Myrttihello knome10:52
ikoniaiz_: sorry - I'll pick this up with you now10:54
ikoniaiz_: what is it your trying to do10:54
ikoniaiz_: lets start off properly10:54
iz_Ikonia; are you sure you want to know? ;)10:54
iz_I'll try to keep it brief..10:55
ikoniaiz_: quick summary10:55
iz_The Compaq has a fully working connection to the LAN. I would like to use some kind of ICS via the serial port though, for the purpose of getting another machine with no NIC access to the LAN.10:56
ikoniaiz_: whoaaaaa10:56
iz_For that purpose, I intended to use Firestarter.10:56
ikoniaiz_: you'll need to "dial" ther other machine (check out tip) to make a connection10:57
iz_Which may, or may not work. But since I can't access ttyS0 in any way, I'm kind of stuck at square one.10:57
ikoniaiz_: do you have /dev/ttyS010:57
ikoniaiz_: ok - so that's a great start, so you do have the device, and xubuntu can see it10:57
ikoniaiz_: so now you need to "connect" to the other machine, what is the other machine running ?10:58
iz_Well, yes and no.10:58
ikoniayes and no ?10:58
iz_The file ttyS0 is in devs.10:58
ikoniaiz_: that means the device was seen a boot time and a device file created - so that's great, it's there and #xubuntu knows about it10:58
iz_Ok. I'll take your word for it..10:59
iz_But, Firestarter can't see it.10:59
ikoniaiz_: because firestart wants a network device10:59
ikonianot a serial device10:59
iz_Right. By that you mean an active network device.. Not a potential one..11:00
ikoniaa serial device is not a network device11:00
ikoniaiz_: you need to look at "slip"11:00
iz_Now it's getting ugly.. ;)11:00
ikoniait's been ages since I did anything like this, slip is "serial line i p "11:00
iz_Ok. And how do I setup that in Xubuntu?11:01
ikoniathere must be something on the web, hang on11:01
ikoniaI've not done this for many years11:01
iz_But, you have done it... Which is more than I could say for most.. :P11:01
ikoniaquick over view - looks solid11:01
ikonianot for many many years11:02
iz_So much for the simple solution using Firestarter.. :\11:03
ikoniaHmmm nothing obvious on any of the normal guide sites11:03
Myrttijust a thought - perhaps the guys at #ubuntu-server know more?11:03
iz_Still. I should have known.. ;)11:03
ikoniaMyrtti: nice on e11:04
iz_Ah well. Anyway, it's settled that me trying to "activate" ttyS0 in any fashion other than setting up SLIP is a dead end..11:07
sophiaanyone can help? i have a problem in compiling my code11:08
knome!ask | sophia11:08
ubottusophia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:08
sophiaanyone can help? i have a problem in compiling my code11:08
sophiamine is 32bit ubuntu when i compile my code i get following error:11:09
iz_Thank you for helping, ikonia.11:10
sophiaf_wrap.c:(.text+0x119): undefined reference to `PL_strlen'11:10
sophiaff_wrap.c:(.text+0x124): undefined reference to `NPN_MemAlloc'11:10
sophiaff_wrap.c:(.text+0x13f): undefined reference to `PL_strcpy'11:10
sophia/tmp/ccz1PevI.o: In function `addToList':11:10
sophiaff_wrap.c:(.text+0x17f): undefined reference to `NPN_MemAlloc'11:10
sophia/tmp/ccz1PevI.o: In function `delFromList':11:10
sophiaff_wrap.c:(.text+0x220): undefined reference to `NPN_MemFree'11:10
sophiacollect2: ld returned 1 exit status11:10
sophiamake: *** [ff_wrap.o] Error 111:10
knome!pastebin | sophia11:11
ubottusophia: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:11
Myrttisophia: why are you trying to compile mplayer yourself?11:11
knomemaybe you should ask some programming channel?11:11
sophiagcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` ff_wrap.c -o ff_wrap.o11:11
sophia/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../lib/crt1.o: In function `_start':11:11
sophia(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `main'11:11
sophia/tmp/ccz1PevI.o: In function `dupMimeType':11:11
sophiaff_wrap.c:(.text+0x119): undefined reference to `PL_strlen'11:11
knomeand mabye this isn't a (x)ubuntu issue after all.11:11
sophiaMyrtti: its my project and i have to do it...11:12
ikoniasound an unusual project11:12
ikoniasophia: is this for school ?11:13
knomesophia, i think #ubuntu-devel might be the best place to ask this.11:13
knomeor then not.11:14
sophiano y?11:14
knomei'm not quite sure where this kind of things belong.11:14
sophiaits not an mplayer11:14
ikoniasophia: just trying to understand the scope of the project to see if there is an alternative11:14
ikoniasophia: the code looks like mplayer and your in the #mplayer channel too11:15
ikoniasophia: what code is this ?11:15
sophiafirefox wrapper11:16
ikoniasophia: for what ?11:16
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:16
sophiato play a video in firefox browser using SDL library11:16
ikoniasophia: if you give us details of what you're trying to do we can offer an end to end solution hopefully11:16
ikoniasophia: and your currently on xubuntu ?11:16
Myrttidoesn't mozilla-mplayer do that...?11:17
* Myrtti doesn't know11:17
ikoniaMyrtti: yes, I think it does11:17
sophiamine is gcc compiler problem so i m in xubuntu channel11:17
ikoniasophia: are you using xubuntu  ?11:18
Myrttisophia: if mplayer can do it, and you want mplayer to be embedded in firefox, doesn't mozilla-mplayer already work?11:18
sophiai am using 32bit but why it is checking for (/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../lib/crt1.o: In function `_start':11:19
sophia(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `main')11:19
ikoniasophia: are you using #xubuntu ?11:19
sophiaya i am using xububtu11:20
ikoniasophia: can you show me the output of "uname -a" in a terminal please - then we can see what platform your on11:20
ikoniasophia: there looks to be an out of the box solution for this11:20
sophiaLinux kavitha-laptop 2.6.27-10-generic #1 SMP Fri Nov 21 12:00:22 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux11:21
ikoniasophia: ok - so if you open up the package manager of choice and search for mozilla-mplayer as Myrtti suggested, do you see it ?11:21
sophialet me check11:22
ikoniasophia: if you can see it - install it, someone in the channel can explain how if you can't see how as I've got to pop off for 15 minute11:23
sophiabut i dont want mplayer now... i have mplayer mozilla browser and i am doing performace test of mplayer and ffwrapper11:25
sophiai have problem in compiling ffwrapper11:26
lesshastehi all11:39
sophiaikonia:any idea?11:48
sophiaanyone knows??11:49
ikoniasorry I thought you'd left11:49
sophiaor you know any player which uses SDL library?11:52
lesshasteanyone know how to use kexec to get kernel debugging info?11:53
lesshastehow do I change the set up to log me in automatically at boot time?12:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autologin12:11
knomelesshaste, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22130212:12
mandragora22hi everyone do u know if there's a spanish speaking xubuntu channel13:01
Odd-rationalemandragora22: not for for xubuntu... but there is #ubuntu-es , they probably can help with most issues...13:03
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:03
mandragora22yeah but they told me to come here and ask13:03
mandragora22or to go to Kubuntu chat room13:03
mandragora22which should have been a sort of joke13:04
Odd-rationaleoh, i see... :(13:04
Odd-rationalewell, there really isn't an xubuntu es channel...13:04
mandragora22did i say that i hate that bloody ubottu?13:04
mandragora22i know... that's why i'm here to complicate my life out trying to fix my OS... lol13:05
Myrttiso, what problems do you have with xubuntu?13:06
mandragora22the point is that something happened to the menu panel13:06
mandragora22and it dissappear13:07
Odd-rationale!panel | mandragora2213:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panel13:07
mandragora22(sorry for my english i know it sucks)13:07
Myrttidid it explode in flames? start bugging out its eyes and sing Italian opera? just disappeared? ok.13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfce-panel13:07
Myrttiyou can restart it13:07
Odd-rationalewhat happened!13:07
Myrttihit alt-f2 and type xfce4-panel13:07
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/13:07
MyrttiOdd-rationale: someone set us up the bomb13:08
Odd-rationalethere we go... :)13:08
mandragora22yeah, i've done it.13:08
cody-somervilleoh cool!13:08
cody-somervillePeople are writing Xubuntu wiki help pages13:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:08
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.13:08
mandragora22now it's back totally different it has the default icons and theme13:08
cody-somerville: (13:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfce4-panel13:08
cody-somerville!info xfce4-panel13:08
ubottuxfce4-panel (source: xfce4-panel): The Xfce4 desktop environment panel. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.4.2-6ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 474 kB, installed size 1928 kB13:08
mandragora22wait guys wait13:09
cody-somervillemandragora22, That shouldn't happen unless you configuration didn't save13:09
mandragora22that's not my problem13:09
Odd-rationalecody-somerville: yeah, charlie-tca made the wiki page... i put it in the factiod...13:09
cody-somervillemandragora22, (they're just playing around with the bot)13:09
mandragora22don't know why it dissappeared... it jus did13:09
* Myrtti moves to another channel to play13:09
mandragora22before it dissappear i was playing spore13:09
mandragora22could it make the menu panel unstable?13:10
mandragora22but which is worse now i can't logout13:10
cody-somervillemandragora22, You were playing spore?13:11
cody-somervilleIs it a cool game?13:11
mandragora22not it takes quite too long13:11
mandragora22i suddenly got bored of it, just in time to find that i had no menu bar13:11
mandragora22my PC became too slow, so i decide to reboot...13:12
mandragora22after it the menu was gone, then (and with some help) i could replace my beloved old bar for the default old bar13:13
cody-somervilleI'm sorry :(13:13
mandragora22no no!13:13
mandragora22i can't log out13:13
mandragora22that the problem13:13
mandragora22the menu bar is not13:13
cody-somervillePress alt+f213:13
cody-somervillethen execute xfce4-panel13:14
mandragora22but it's running13:14
mandragora22now i do have a menu panel13:14
Odd-rationalemandragora22: hmm... one way you might force a logout is by pressing ctrl+alt+bkspc13:14
mandragora22i can't log out from my computer13:14
mandragora22yeah but i don't want a forced log out13:15
mandragora22i wnt to normally shut my PC down or restart or log out or what so ever i need....13:15
mandragora22i could even hold the power button for 5 sec and it will turn off13:15
mandragora22but i need my exit button13:16
Odd-rationalemandragora22: you can execute "sudo poweroff" in a terminal13:17
charlie-tcaDoes the button in Applications -> Log Out not work?13:17
mandragora22where can i paste what says when i try to leave xubuntu13:17
Odd-rationale!pastebin | mandragora2213:17
ubottumandragora22: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:17
mandragora22i think it might be a compiz problem13:18
mandragora22couse everything is unthemed13:19
mandragora22but wait13:19
cody-somervilleThat sounds like a probable cause13:20
mandragora22now im running terminal ill send another link13:22
cody-somervillemandragora22, it sounds like you need to start xfce4-session13:22
mandragora22now see that13:23
mandragora22yeah in fact, now there's no emerald theme installed13:27
mandragora22and everytime i open a thunar window says that i'm acceding in a root account13:29
mandragora22(i may hurt my system)13:29
mandragora22ok no one will help me right?13:33
alienkidwhat do you need?13:35
Odd-rationalemandragora22: does "whoami" in a terminal return your username?13:36
mandragora22let me check13:36
mandragora22says root13:37
Odd-rationalenot good....13:37
mandragora22but im not root13:37
mandragora22what had happened?13:37
Odd-rationaleyou should logout immediately... :)13:37
mandragora22yeah tell me so13:37
Odd-rationaleor reboot...13:38
alienkidwhat if you type exit at a terminal13:38
Odd-rationalesudo reboot13:38
mandragora22im trying to log since i join this chatroom13:38
mandragora22the what?13:38
mandragora22then what?13:38
mandragora22what i should i do next?13:38
Odd-rationalemandragora22: then try to log back as your normal user...13:38
alienkidif you typed exit then type whoami13:38
mandragora22ok... ill b back to tell what happen13:39
=== whaletales is now known as aptanet
alienkidHello, Alenkid's brother speaking. I booted into Xubuntu, then opened firefox, then I was watching an os x tour video on youtuve and then when I un full-screened it and switched to "mozzila add-ons" to search for a darker ifox theme right when I was about to hit "i" on my keyboard it logged me out and restarted my computer, than I booted again, opened firefox, it crashed firefox, then I clicked the icon on my dock it was ab14:03
alienkidout to bounce(How I have it set for open animation.) and it logged me out and restarted, so then I booted again, at this point Alienkid came down and booted his, so I logged in etc. and it was fine besides the fact that it redid all my firefoz add-ons to default except fast dial and it changed my theme, so I carried on, un-installed iFox original and smooth, and looked for a new theme, then, I wanted to google to find one,14:03
alienkidand I couldn't search, so I clicked the search button, couldn't do that either, so I typed in the address bar "Google.com" and hit enter, didn't work, hit the button, didn't work, so I Xed it and tried to open again and it brought up the restore session thing, and it had artifacts all over it(Thing with my video card or some piece of hardware and Linux, happens when I switch workspaces too.) but it never went away. So I log14:03
alienkidged out and it said my GDM couldn't be loaded and so we di a ctrl+alt+F1 on it and then learned it wanted an fsck, so now we're reinstalling. Any idea why it did the logout restart?14:03
alienkidI am back in control of this account now14:07
alienkidbut I think he still wants help14:07
alienkidone thing he left out was it tried to fsck when we were go into recovery mode to xfix14:08
alienkidoh yeah we're using wubi14:11
Myrttiwubi - uh-oh14:11
TheSheepalienkid: do you have free disk space in you home partition?14:12
TheSheepopen a terminal and type 'df -h'14:12
alienkidMyrtti: why uh-oh?14:14
alienkid(it's all out parents trust us doing)14:14
alienkidcan't anymore as he siad above "we're reinstalling"14:14
alienkidpersonal I think Linux hates him/his computer14:14
Myrttiuh-oh, because wubi installations don't actually use the disk itself but use a loopback file that resides within the NTFS partition14:15
Myrtti"Any gotchas?" "Hibernation is not supported under Wubi, moreover Wubi filesystem is more vulnerable to hard-reboots (turning off the power) and power outages than a normal filesystem, so try to avoid unplugging the power. An Ubuntu installation to a dedicated partition provides a filesystem that is more robust and can better tolerate such events."14:16
alienkidyes I have read that before14:17
alienkidso we're reinstalling but I think he wants to know what could have cuased the logout and reboot14:19
TheSheepa crash of the X server, likely caused by some bug in the graphics drivers being used by compiz and/or AWN14:24
alienkidhes computer doesn't work with compiz(he tired last night, I didn't want him to)14:26
TheSheepyou said something about jumping icons...14:26
* TheSheep has to run14:27
alienkidso most likely becuase of using the compositor and AWN?14:28
alienkidyes he siad he has AWN set up so when an app is opening it's icon bounces up and down untill it opens14:31
alienkidhow do you make it do that?(the "* TheSheep has to run")14:33
Myrtti/me does something14:33
* Myrtti does something14:33
alienkidok thanks for the help(I can't wait until we get him a new computer)14:37
Joe-CNKwhats a good photo import app?15:21
Joe-CNKfor my camera15:21
ablomenJoe-CNK, i use gthumb myself, works pretty good15:22
Joe-CNKbtw i really love xubuntu15:23
Joe-CNKmuch nicer15:23
mandragora22hi everyone15:29
mandragora22can anyone help me saving my computer?15:29
Joe-CNKwhat you mean?15:30
Joe-CNKsaving how like doing a backup?15:31
mandragora22since this mornig my menu bar dissappear15:31
mandragora22the menu bar does not start with the system15:33
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/15:33
mandragora22not just panel, but session15:34
mandragora22when i run xfce-panel it comes again, but then when i close the terminal window it goes again...15:35
mandragora22and what it's strager i can't log out or shut the computer down15:36
Myrttithat factoid mentions "press alt-f2 and type in xfce4-panel"15:36
Myrttiand it seems your session handling is somehow broken as well15:36
charlie-tcaand if "press alt-f2 and type in xfce4-panel" does not work, it gives a wiki page to explain further15:37
mandragora22now i got a panel, but i also have a terminal window open with the command "xfce4-panel"15:38
mandragora22now i close that window, and figure this, the panel is gone15:38
Myrttimandragora22: why do you have a terminal window open with the command xfce4-panel?15:38
charlie-tcadid alt-f2 open a full terminal?15:38
Myrttiit shouldn't15:38
mandragora22no it didn't15:39
Joe-CNKprobably just opened a terminal for that program so you can command it to stay put and such15:39
mandragora22now it's back in its place15:39
mandragora22but if i try to log out by clicking on the exit button it says that15:40
mandragora22wait where can i paste something?15:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:40
mandragora22you know som,ething strange firefox does not show the url address15:42
mandragora22ok here it is15:43
mandragora22that's what says when i try to log out15:44
Joe-CNKdude you might need to do a clean install you got issues lol15:44
Joe-CNKor use synaptic to remove firefox and reinstall it15:44
Myrtticlean install is about the last option15:44
Myrttimandragora22: you could try the following15:45
Myrttinext time you reboot, don't login to the graphical environment, but move to the commandline TTY with alt-f1, and login there.15:46
mandragora22and then?15:47
Myrttiwhile logged in, make a backup copy of your xfce4-session information with moving it from /home/yourusername/.config/xfce4-session to, say /home/yourusername/.config/xfce4-session-backup15:47
mandragora22shall i do that in text mode?15:48
Myrttiif you then return to the graphical login with alt-f7, you should be able to login and get a "clean" session - that is, all the session information you might have saved earlier has been cleared15:49
mandragora22mv /home/myusername/.config/xfce4-session /home/myusername/.config/xfce4-session-backup15:49
Myrttireplace the myusername with whatever it is15:50
mandragora22i mean that's the command move right :MV?15:51
mandragora22and shall i make the folder backup first? or when i type it it'll automatically create it?15:52
mandragora22(sorry 'bout this i'm too new in linux...)15:52
Myrttiwell basically you moving it to a different name *is* the backup15:52
mandragora22wow so i can send it to my pictures folder and it'll b OK?15:53
Myrttixfce4-session can't find directory with the original name anymore, so it creates one anew15:53
mandragora22thanx a lot Myrtti15:54
mandragora22I'll b back to tell u15:54
Myrttithe beauty of linux systems - most of the configuration is saved in more or less plaintext files, which you can backup to normal media at will15:54
ShadoweaverMy copy of xubuntu runs really slow and the input response time is a force to be reckoned with.  Can anyone help?16:09
ubottuFor alternative Xubuntu support options, please see http://xubuntu.org/help16:12
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:12
charlie-tcaShadoweaver: how much memory and what is your cpu?16:12
* charlie-tca asked the wrong thing?16:16
likemindead(1) Bought a new wireless router, (2) configured it, (3) my iPhone has no problems with it, (4) this computer has no problems via wired connection, but (5) my Xubuntu laptop isn't online even though I (6) restarted it and (7) triple checked the SSID & password.16:30
Myrttiwhich wireless NIC do you have?16:33
likemindeadNot sure. How do I check?16:33
Myrtti"sudo lshw -C network"16:34
likemindeadI should also note that the laptop connects to the WiFi network, but there's just no juice.16:34
likemindeadOkay, I've got that info on the laptop, what do I need to look at specifically? (Thank you!)16:35
Myrttiproduct and vendor information is always nice for a start :-)16:36
likemindeadAh. The wireless card is golden. I bought it off eBay and use it all the time. It's an Intel PRO/Wireless 2915ABG and it worked at home this morning.16:37
Myrttilikemindead: I assume you're running intrepid?16:38
likemindeadBelow the info for my wireless card there's a section that says "*-network DISABLED"16:38
likemindeadYes, I am.16:38
Myrttitry installing linux-backports-modules-intrepid16:40
Myrttiit should have a driver for that card of yours16:40
likemindeadHrm... the card has never had issues before. I use it all the time at home and on the previous router I had here at work. It's only now that I've setup this new router this morning that I can't connect, but I know the WiFi IS working b/c my iPhone is browsing. Grr...16:41
MyrttiNetworkManager has probably stored the MAC of your previous router16:51
Myrttitry removing that connection with right-clicking nm-applet, choosing Edit connections...16:51
Myrttiand then reconnecting16:57
likemindeadI tried install Wicd to no avail... re-installing network-manager now...17:07
* likemindead is away: Actually working...18:05
tinglehow do i make a print screen in xubuntu? alt+print screen doesnt seem to work..18:05
charlie-tcaAdd the screenshooter to the panel and then click on it18:06
charlie-tcaalternate idea: install Jaunty; it works in it, but don't install Jaunty if you can't have the system go down18:07
Myrttior install scrot and bind printscr to using it18:15
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scrot18:24
Myrtti!info scrot18:25
ubottuscrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-7 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB18:25
lilkuz85hey guys...i have a question about xubuntu on my xbox...is that supported here ?? i need to know how to config the ip address and dns settings and such19:39
ablomenlilkuz85, assuming the ethernet card is supported, you can set the ip address etc in /etc/network/interfaces19:41
cody-somervilleThere is also the network settings19:42
cody-somervilleJust run gnome-network-properties19:42
lilkuz85were is that located on the xbox ???19:42
lilkuz85can i run from shell ??19:42
Myrttiare you, or are you not running xubuntu?19:43
ablomencody-somerville, ah yeah i was looking for that, isnt in the system menu anymore19:43
cody-somervilleablomen, I noticed that too19:43
lilkuz85i am running xubuntu i just installed it on my xbox...i had xdsl on here but i like ubuntu and this is really as close as it gets19:43
ablomencody-somerville, where would that bug report go, xubuntu default settings?19:45
cody-somervilleablomen, no, I'm filing a bug again gnome-control-center19:46
ablomenah ok :)19:46
ablomencody-somerville, by the way, dunno if your only in jaunty now, it is the case in 8.10 too19:47
* cody-somerville has filed a bug.19:47
lilkuz85man this is weird...the keyboard is a lil off from regular ubuntu....the - keydosent work and the / key makes the -, whats up with that ???19:52
rhavennwhat would cause synaptic to not show all packages in a search, but apt-cache search finds them? specifically, libdvdcss and opera were the latest 2..i added the repositories in sourses.list.d directory19:55
lilkuz85can anyone tell me if their is a guide for xubuntu on the xbox ??19:56
SiDililkuz85: probably not. about your keyboard you need to get the good keyboard layout19:56
SiDiand if you find none that is good for your keyboard you may have to edit it manually19:56
zoredachelilkuz85: google seems to think this looks good http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/XUbuntu19:56
lilkuz85zoredache, ive been there...not much on how to set this up...it really didnt give much of an install guide...i had to figure it out on my own19:57
lilkuz85this is really messed up...i cant figure out how to change the keyboard layout because i cant type in terminal with the way its set right now...20:18
G-Bluntedhow can i save my current xfce session as the default, without logging out?20:24
ablomenwooh im on jaunty \o/20:55
charlie-tcaI like jaunty! Please make sure any bugs you find get reported.21:02
ablomenyeah i will :)21:02
ablomenfirst impressions are good :) *knocks on wood)21:03
charlie-tcaI have been running it for over 1 month already21:04
ablomenoh, no major problems?21:06
ablomencharlie-tca, btw, are bugs like21:09
charlie-tcaWelllll, it hasn't been down more than a day21:10
ablomenthe nvidia driver not updating from 17* to 180 and the updating process changing resolv.conf, bugs worth mentioning21:10
charlie-tcaSound disappeared for a week, and I don't run compiz21:11
charlie-tcaThey are filed already.21:11
ablomenah ok :)21:11
charlie-tcaI think I saw something about the nvidia177 driver being discontinued?21:12
ablomenyeah i think 180 is the replacement21:12
ablomenit works for my card anyway21:12
knomesounds logical :P21:12
ablomeneven dual-head, which is nice :)21:12
charlie-tcagreat :-)21:12
ablomenknome, lol21:13
ablomenhmm, nice new tasty features :) like the new configuration stuff21:14
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
ablomenhmm ok first "problem" does anybody know how to switch from vdesktops when scrolling on the desktop in jaunty?21:32
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:43
ablomenG-Blunted, ah thanks21:43
G-Bluntedlol i was just wondering what Jaunty was....you're welcome though :)21:44
Myrttiatleast the ubuntu naming scheme has some sense in it21:59
Myrttialphabetical order rocks22:00
zoredacheI wonder what 'q' will be22:01
knomemy fav for jaunty+1 is 'kinky kitten', but i doubt that will go through.22:20
TheSheepkittens are not herd animals...22:22
knomedo they have to be? :P22:24
titan_arkhey :)22:35
titan_arkhey knome22:35
titan_arkwas at the ubuntu channel and ws suggested to try xubuntu cos i am unable to install ubuntu 8.10 on my dinosaur of a PC22:36
knometitan_ark, how much ram do you have?22:37
titan_arkknome 256MB22:37
titan_arki tried the wubi installer and it dint work22:37
knomeok... what went wrong?22:37
titan_arkthen i tried booting from the live disc tht reached a black screen22:37
titan_arkusing wubi? well after trying to copy the files it said i am 3 MB short than 256 and the installation was cancelled22:38
zoredache3mb short of what?  disk space or?22:40
titan_ark3mb short on RAM, sorry :P22:40
zoredachedid you actually get the boot screen when you tried to boot off the cd?22:41
titan_arkyes i got the boot screen after selecting the language, i selected to "install ubuntu" and then it went to a screen where it was showing a status with the orange bar probably trying to load the files22:42
titan_arkthen it hit a black screen22:42
titan_arkwith the mouse pointer only!22:42
zoredacheyou might want to give the alternate install cd a shot...22:43
titan_arkhmm okay. i am presently downloading it22:43
titan_arkhope it works22:43
charlie-tcaWas that the xubuntu or ubuntu cd?22:43
titan_arkon the ubuntu channel i was suggested to try xubuntu22:43
titan_arkit was an ubuntu 8.10 live disc22:43
charlie-tcaYes, but if you ubuntu alternate cd instead of xubuntu cd, it still may not install22:44
zoredacheare you sure you have 256mb of RAM available for the OS?  Some onboard-video devices like to steal some of your RAM22:44
charlie-tcaif you download the22:44
titan_arkcharlie oh :( i thought il give it a try since it said its for systems with less than 256MB RAM22:44
charlie-tcaYou need to use the Xubuntu cd instead22:45
ubottuFor installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.22:45
charlie-tcaXubuntu cd will install in 192MB22:45
titan_arkzoredache yes i do. atleast windows says i do. been using this dino for 6 yrs now :P22:45
titan_arkubottu yes i saw the 1st link sometime back22:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:46
titan_arkwell since i have started the alternate cd download i might rather complete it and give it a try22:47
titan_arkshall try xubuntu if it doesnt work22:47
titan_arkhad another query,22:48
titan_arkdoes xubuntu also provide the same ease of creating a dual boot as ubuntu?22:48
charlie-tcayes, but uses less resources for the installation and while running it22:49
zoredachexubuntu|ubuntu use pretty much an identical installer...  The alternate installer is a bit tricker to get the dual-boot going22:49
titan_arkcharlie oh okay :) thats nice to hear22:50
titan_arkzoredache, oh! for a n00b id rather not try that now!22:50
titan_arkbeen itching to try out linux for quite a while and its just not happening :P22:51
SirEelum, this may sound like a useless thing to want to do, but my laptop has three pointing devices, and i want to set just one of them to left-handed, how can i do this?22:51
knomeSirEel, looks like a place for xorg.conf editing. don't ask how, though.22:52
SirEelhumm... that could be a problem. my xorg.conf has everything set to default i believe... i don't think it even acknowledges that i have more than one pointing device...22:52
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charlie-tcaSirEel: I don't have a laptop, but can that be done through gsynaptics?23:00
SirEeli have no idea23:01
charlie-tcaYou can install gsynaptics and use it to change the touchpad, I think.23:01
SirEeli'll take a look23:01
charlie-tcaIn 8.10, the touchpad is controlled by HAL, instead of xorg, I believe23:01
titan_arkanother query, any precautions i must take to ensure i dont lose my windows boot load menu?23:02
zoredachewindows boot menu?23:03
titan_arki think we call it grub, am not sure23:03
SirEelrunning gsynaptics gives me an error23:03
SirEelit reads: "GSynaptics couldn't initialise. You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics"23:04
zoredachetitan_ark: are you already doing multi-booting?23:05
titan_arkzoredache, when i bought this PC it had an xp and 98 dual boot but i faced some trouble while cleaning up my system and reistalling xp after a virus attack, so i stil get 2 options to select on booting23:06
titan_arkbut i actually run only 1 os now :P23:07
titan_arkthere is this way of editing it out bout i dint want to risk it as i am not sure to go abt it23:07
zoredachetitan_ark: if it is using the winxp bootload, then the configuration won't be changed.  But you'll have another boot loader in front of that.  If you decide to get rid of linux you'll need to run fixmbr to undo the change23:09
titan_arkzoredache: okay. so for now if i install xubuntu i wont face any trouble?23:11
titan_arki had tried installing redhat a long time ago and then ended up with  my whole HDD turning into a non dos partition23:11
titan_arkdont want to risk that now23:11
charlie-tcaSirEel: here is some help on it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad23:11
zoredacheyou shouln't face any trouble, but that doesn't mean you won't.  I personally think you should make a backup of any important data if you haven't already23:18
titan_arkzoredache, okay :)23:20
titan_arkis this from where i can DL xubuntu?23:20
titan_arki had started the DL but it got cancelled just now :(23:20
charlie-tcaI´d get it here: http://xubuntu.org/get or there, either one23:22
titan_arkokay thx :)23:22
titan_ark2 hrs to complete the DL :(23:23
zoredacheyou might have better luck with bittorrent.  Plus, a download can't really fail part way through23:24
titan_arki am facing some trouble with utorrent. it says i aint getting incomming connections!23:25
titan_arksome port forwarding problem23:25
titan_arkand in the guide to forward the port my modem isnt listed :P23:26
titan_arkthey havent listed torrents for xubuntu 8.1023:28
titan_arkon the site?23:28
zoredachethey are their somewhere, it is just tricker to find23:29
titan_arkoh okay on the sites i guess :P23:29
titan_arkalso another n00b question: what is the diff between 8.10 and .04 besides a long term support?23:29
zoredacheif you click the link for one of the mirrors, you'll get a list of files, a couple will be the .torrent files23:29
titan_arkoh okay il try tht23:30
zoredacheone is 6 months newer23:30
zoredachea few newer packages, and features23:30
titan_arkokay :)23:32
titan_arkhope am not asking for toomuch, but would u be able to suggest where i can get some help on opening the port23:33
SirEelcharlie-tca, i got the same error again, after following that page23:34
charlie-tcaI have no other ideas. As I said, I do not have a portable system, and never used gsynaptics. What about setting 'SHMConfig' 'true'?23:40
fortunevwhat is the command to start a command terminal23:41
charlie-tcaSirEel: you could also ask in #ubuntu23:41
SirEelcharlie-tca, the problem with setting SHMConfig to true is that there isn't a section for the pointer in the xorg.conf23:42
charlie-tcafortunev: alt+f223:42
SirEelwhich is something i should probably fix...23:42
charlie-tcayou can add it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input23:43
charlie-tcamight be a better reference23:43
fortunevcharlie-tca: that is brining up a run dialog. what is the command for a terminal23:43
charlie-tca"xfce4-terminal" in Xubuntu23:44
charlie-tcano quotes23:45
fortunevahhh... thanks!23:45
charlie-tcaYou are welcome23:45
knomecharlie-tca, do you have any idea why my mail filters are not working on thunderbird?23:45
charlie-tcaI don't, knome. I use claws-mail23:46
charlie-tcaI haven't seen anything on that, either23:46
knomeseems it is the custom header filters.23:47
knomethe filters seem to work also on *new* messages.23:48
knomebut i can't get existing messages filtered, even if i run the filters manually.23:48
* charlie-tca don't like that word - it looks wrong23:51
knomei remember having exact same behaviour earlier.23:51
charlie-tcafilters should act on both new and existing messages. Maybe you have to select all the messages in the folder first23:52
charlie-tcathen filter on selected messages?23:52
knomei know.23:52
knomeno luck.23:52
ItaciousHey all, I have xfce set up with a 48px panel, iconbox, etc. (a la Windows 7). I have just discovered (or rediscovered) that the xfce tray supports multiple columns, so now the icons aren't huge (YES!). But, if I put the standard xfce volume applet down there, it blows up to 48x48px. So, in short, does anybody know of a package that is a volume manger(?) for the system tray? Thanks in advance.23:53
charlie-tcaThis new keyboard I bought doesn't seem to spell any better than my old one...23:53
knomecharlie-tca, apparently this is the solution: http://turbulentsky.com/thunderbird-run-now-filters-fail-on.html23:54
Lucifer_Cathey guys, quick Q: do Ubuntu and Xubuntu differ in any way other than the Gnome/XFCE thing?23:54
knomeLucifer_Cat, a bit different default set of applications.23:55
zoredacheLucifer_Cat: a few apps here and there,23:55
Lucifer_Catas in, are there any other packages there in ubuntu presinstalled that arent in xubuntu?23:55
charlie-tcaknome: one more reason to stay with claws-mail, maybe23:55
Lucifer_Catoh ok23:55
knomeLucifer_Cat, but the core system is the same23:55
zoredacheLucifer_Cat: every package in either can be installed in the other23:55
knomecharlie-tca, thunderbird is the only client that has reasonable support for features i need23:55
Lucifer_Catknome: yes. i was just writing a script that would install certain packages into a fresh install23:56
Lucifer_Cati am working according to the xubuntu config, but i guess theres prolly a way to check if those are installed already23:56
charlie-tcaI see. I need to find a good calendar program yet. Seems evolution has the one that worked the best for me.23:57
zoredachehave you tried using the 'run filters on folder'?23:57
knomezoredache, yes. it doesn't work23:57
knomezoredache, but it works now as i followed the workaround described in the link i posted.23:57
charlie-tcaLucifer_Cat: If we installed all the gnome packages, we would be the same as them23:58
charlie-tcaThat is what makes Xubuntu work on older hardware23:58
zoredacheah, I didn't see your link23:58
Lucifer_Catcharlie-tca: hmmm.23:58
Lucifer_Catcharlie-tca: i agree. but i still need to install things like sshd and openvlc and flash etc to make my system accessible/usable. to cut down the time next time, im writing a script that should do all that stuff for me.23:59

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