
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
shtylmanRiddell: I have changed over to KIcon00:18
vorianneversfelde: uploaded, thanks for your contribution to Kubuntu00:30
neversfeldevorian: thanks and I love kubuntu :)00:30
Riddellshtylman: lovely00:34
neversfeldenhandler: so you consider to do a build in ppa for new upstream releases and mention it in the bug report?00:44
ryanakcaDoes anybody know who the sysadmins in charge of the wiki are?00:44
Riddellryanakca: Ng?  I'm not sure00:44
vorianisn't it newz2000?00:44
Riddellhe's not a sysadmin00:45
ryanakcavorian: Don't think so, he had to bug the sysadmins for a... period of time... to get a small HTML fix (get rid of the obsolete tabs in the current wiki theme) in...00:45
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks, I'll try poking him00:46
nhandlerneversfelde: I asked for the PPA build simply because I don't have a pbuilder chroot available right now. But it never hurts to mention in the bug report that it builds in a PPA and provide a link00:46
_neversfeldemy isp, re00:54
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
shtylmanwhats the best way to test a new plasma widget without a system wide install of the widget? can I run the plasmoid viewer locally or specify a search path?00:56
neversfeldenhandler: thanks, I will incroporate your info in the future, thanks a lot00:58
shtylmanRiddell: GTK fronend parity? would that be the next best step?00:59
Riddellshtylman: possibly plugins can be installed to any directory in  kde4-config --path lib00:59
Riddellshtylman: load up the gtk frontend and see what's different00:59
shtylmanRiddell: are we trying to look the same or just provide the same features?01:01
Riddellshtylman: same features01:02
Riddellwell, look much the same too, within the normal gnome/kde style differences01:03
Riddellshtylman: I believe the timezone map has changed in the gnome one, that's probably quite hard to do though01:03
Riddellshtylman: the language selection page might have changed too01:03
shtylmanRiddell: ok, I will take a look at the differences and compare/contrast then we can look at what we wanna and can realistically pull I suppose01:05
Riddellshtylman: excellent :)01:06
Riddellshtylman: self.userinterface.setWindowIcon(KIcon("ubiquity.png"))  no final .png needed?01:07
Riddellshtylman: you kept the  #os.setegid(1000)  commented out?01:07
txwikingerGood morning Riddell... still up?01:10
Riddelltxwikinger: briefly01:13
shtylmanRiddell: thanks for the .png catch and I took out the os.setegid and changed it to drop_privileges from the ubiquity library, hopefully that fix won't mess with the rest of the installer01:23
shtylmanwho do I talk to about the default keyboard shortcuts for kwin? is that a kubuntu thing or a kde thing?01:38
seelewe dont change the defaults01:38
shtylmank, thanks01:38
vorianScottK: art thou about?02:15
ScottKJust returned.02:15
voriancare to look at a small rebuild? (of a large package)02:16
ScottKvorian: Which and why?02:16
vorianwe have a new soprano, kdebase-runtime should be rebuilt02:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 317271 in redland "nepomukservicestub causes crash in Soprano::Redland backend" [High,Triaged]02:18
ScottKDid the ABI change?02:18
ScottKIs the rebuilding the bug fix or was the soprano upload the bug fix?02:18
voriannevermind, the soprano did02:18
voriansorry for the ping02:18
ScottKNo problem.02:19
ScottKAnyone fixing the kdeedu FTBFS?02:22
voriani can looks at it02:22
ScottKOK.  Looks easy enough to deal with.02:22
* ScottK is feeling poorly tonight.02:23
vorianScottK: yeah, should be easy enough02:24
vorianPython: KDE Python support <http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Languages/Python>03:48
vorianNeeded for Python bindings to the marble widget.03:48
vorianwould this be anything other thank python-kde-dev?03:48
ScottKThat's the KDE3 one, isn't it?04:36
a|wenRiddell: FYI, kdeedu failed to build with the marble changes you introduced, dh_install can't find debian/tmp//usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyKDE4/marble.so05:50
ScottKa|wen: vorian was looking at a fix.05:50
a|wenperfect :)05:50
ScottKI didn't hear from him if he got done.05:50
a|wena man on the job, is a good start though05:51
ScottKa|wen: So it looks like we'll have a complete KDE stack on Power PC soon too.05:55
a|wenit starts looking really good with the ports05:55
ScottKThe sparc and ia64 kernels got fixed today, so they're next.05:56
a|wenmaybe I should considers installing jaunty/lpia on my eee (intel atom) soon05:56
ScottKa|wen: What do you have on there now?05:57
ScottKrgreening was saying the same about his acer.  Perhaps you two could collaborate on some how-to.05:58
a|wenit's my stock-intrepid, with 4.1.4 though ... so i'll at least wait till 4.1.4 is out of proposed05:58
ScottKDid we already discuss do you have a USB printer?05:58
ScottKAny idea what mips64 is in?  I saw a reference to bootstrapping mips64 on #ubuntu-devel earlier today.06:01
ScottKRiddell: It looks like plasma-widget-quickaccess ended up in Universe on amd64, but not on i386 ....06:02
a|wenScottK: no printer closer than 3,5K miles :/ ... but yeah, we need to find a tester06:06
ScottKI just remembered I have a broken usb printer.  It won't print, but I wonder if it would still get reconized ....06:07
ScottKAnd I could even find it ....06:09
* ScottK tests.06:09
ScottKI think it's a no test.  It found the printer, but didn't pop-up, which is bad, but it appears to be a obscure model we don't have a ppd for, so I suspect the lack of pop-up is appropriate.06:27
a|wenit needs some kind of ppd to auto-detect afaik06:31
ScottKI deleted it and tried to add it manually and there was no ppd for the model in question when I looked.06:35
ScottKvorian: The build-dep you were looking for was python-kde4-dev.  You might want to look into indi too.  It didn't seem to find that.06:44
jussi01Hrm, getting an Error on boot in jaunty, still loads, but is this a bug? "ata6: SRST failed: err no 16"06:48
ScottKDoes Mr. Google have anything to say about it?06:50
jussi01a little, trying to make sense of it, so asking also ;) - most of the stuff here is ancient though06:51
ScottKI suspect it is a bug, but I've no idea if it's enough of one to care.06:52
jussi01looks like it might be just a module blacklist needed06:53
jussi01yeah, this seems to be the same issue: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/printthread.php?t=16928306:54
shtylmanRiddell: I did some more work on the ubiquity installer (took screencaps of the gtk one and the kde one to compare...will post those at some point) I pushed to launchpad although it is still a work in progress I changed the timezone map to the one the gtk guys use and you can click timezone, also changed the advance dialog field for the grub location to a combo box again as the gnome guys have it07:14
ScottKjussi01: Yeah, if you've got that controller it sounds like.07:16
ScottKPersonally I think if you have to manually blacklist something there is a bug, but I'm not sure on exactly what.07:16
SputRiddell: ever tried the latest quassel package witih qt 4.5?08:21
jussi01speaking of which, do we have a qt 4.5 package somewhere?08:24
* jussi01 waves at Sput08:24
Lurejussi01: rgreening had some in his PPA, but not sure about the quality08:38
jussi01Lure: ahh, thanks, Ill ask him about it when he is around :)08:39
Lurejussi01: I tried it the same day he created it, but there was this kdm regression, so I switched back and did not try afterwards08:40
jussi01Lure: if  you put your nickserv pass as the server password in quassel, itll identify before you hit the channels ;)08:46
Lurejussi01: under ServerInfo? will try that...08:48
jussi01Lure: yep08:48
Lurejussi01: seems to work! so then I do not need Auto Identify at all?08:52
Lurejussi01: thanks08:53
* Lure does another try w/o auto identify...08:53
* Sput waves at jussi0109:23
jussi01heya Sput09:24
RiddellSput: no I've not tried qt 4.5 recently09:35
SputRiddell: ah ok... if you have a chance, please let me know. we have changed something that we believe could make it work, but I have no way to test currently09:37
Riddelldo we have a recent quassel?09:59
Riddell0.4.0~git090211 seems recent10:02
Sputyeah, that should have the 4.5 fix10:02
Sputthe *supposed* fix10:03
Riddellkdeedu is getting far too big10:08
NightroseRiddell: MoDaX was already complaining to tackat about that10:08
Nightroseafair he promised to split some stuff10:09
Nightrosebut no idea if and when he'll do that10:09
=== quassel19 is now known as Riddell-quassel
Riddell-quasselSput: seems to be working10:17
Sputthat's very good news10:17
Sputthank god EgS remembered that TTlabs blog entry10:17
Riddell-quasselooh, it's got a toolbar10:18
Sputthanks for testing that out :)10:18
* EgS feels highlighted10:53
EgSoh that's great news!10:54
jussi01Riddell-quassel: is that rgreening 4.5 package ok?  reasonably usable?10:54
Riddelljussi01: seems to be11:03
jussi01might give it a go then :)11:04
Sputjussi01: and tell me if that quassel package works for you too then!11:34
Tonio_hi there :)12:06
seeleSput: ping13:22
seeleScottK-desktop: is 0211 the latest quassel in your ppa?13:24
Sputseele: pong13:34
seeleSput: i'm wondering if i have an older quassel so it might not matter13:37
Sputseele: well, what's the issue?13:37
seeleSput: were you guys still working on getting a channel selected in the list by default?13:38
Sput(2/11 should be the latest PPA build afaik)13:38
Sputseele: yes13:38
Sputthat is still on the list13:38
seelealso, i saw people talking about grabbing the username too instead of just quassel13:38
Sputthat is already done13:38
Sputbut does not work on some kubuntu systems, bugfix pending :)13:38
seelealso, what about opening the network dialog on first start so the user can configure/connect immediately?13:38
seelehah figures13:38
Sputwell, I am thinking about this - there already is a network configured by default, so I don't see that making sense too much13:39
Sputand for connecting there now is a shiny toolbar button saying "Connect"13:39
Sputor would it make sense to pop up the dialog in any case, so users have an urge to double-check the defaults work for them?13:40
seeleSput: i'm just thinking about the first time connecting ever, not subsequent use..13:41
Sputseele: so you'd think even with a default network and channel pre-defined, it'd make sense to open the network dialog on first run?13:41
* Sput is not opposed, just undecided :)13:42
seeleSput: it will only make connecting easier i think13:42
Sputtrue that13:42
seeleafter the user has connected once, it might not be necessary13:42
Sputif something pops into the user's face13:42
Sputafter that, quassel will auto-reconnect anyway :)13:42
seeleespecially since the user might not be a keen on irc, remember we use irc as a support mechanism13:42
Sputactually we could make quassel automatically connect on first run too, but I think that would be too drastic13:43
Sputusers might not like going online without clicking, especially if they don't know the program13:43
seeleyes, i think regular irc users wouldnt appreciate that13:43
seeleso maybe still use the Configure Networks dialog, but instead of Ok and Cancel, we have Connect and Close13:44
seele(or Close and Connect.. hmm)13:44
Sputhmm, I think OK and Cancel are important for HIG though13:45
Sputbut we can add a nice shiny extra button somewhere13:45
Sputwe used to have that "Connect Now" button, the code is still there even13:45
seeleOK Cancel are for the configuration dialog, but if you use it as a connect now dialog, the buttons will be different13:47
seeleit doesnt make sense that OK would connect. you would want a button that says Connect. at the same time, you wouldnt need an OK button in that case, because what does OK do?13:48
seeleso it's almost the same dialog, but not. specifically it is a connection dialog instead of a config dialol13:48
seelethat is, if you want to do it that way13:48
Sputhmmmm... within the settings dialog, a connect now button would keep the dialog open and connect in the background13:48
seelewhy would it keep it open? maybe i dont understand how the dialog works13:49
Sput(which leads to another host of problems, such as that the settings first need to be applied before connecting, so we disabled that functionality for now)13:49
seelei just thought you could use the same dialog design so you dont have to replicate too much code13:49
Sputif used stand-alone, it could be quite elegant to do it like this13:49
SputI like that idea13:49
Sputtake the UI, put it in a standalone container, use a Connect button rather than OK, apply + connect automatically13:49
Sputplus a neat little checkbox "[ ] Don't show again"13:50
seelesounds like you got it :)13:50
* Sput updates tracking bug13:50
Sputseele: thx for that inspiration, I kept thinking about how to do that elegantly for a while now :)13:52
seelei'm here to help :)13:52
LureRiddell: one MIR looks ok (bug 325858), not sure what In progress means (and who does something now)14:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325858 in lensfun "Main inclusion request for lensfun" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32585814:39
Lureopencv one need more work (I need to backport some warning fixes from SVN)14:39
a|wenRiddell: our arts-removal is almost done: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/RemoveArts ... but we have some binary package removals left; is that something you can handle14:45
Riddella|wen: can do if there's a list14:47
RiddellLure: I can promote to main if you need me to14:47
LureRiddell: not sure if this is what "In progress status14:48
RiddellLure: I think asac is just waiting for a final ack from kees14:49
a|wenRiddell: all the packages on that wiki-page marked with "needs binary package removal" ... or in short all on that page ending in -arts14:49
LureRiddell: ok14:49
* Lure has added digikam to Todo list to make status transparent14:50
Lureis there any progress on k3b front? do we have it in some ppa to play with?14:51
* Lure notices that k3b is not on the Todo list14:51
Riddelltonio has a version in his PPA, it didn't burn DVDs for me14:52
* Lure checks if something new was committed in SVN14:53
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ScottKIt's in rgreening's PPA.15:04
* ScottK no notices that was 6 hours ago.15:04
shtylman_Riddell: I am working on the timezone map of the installer. Besides looking at the JauntyUbiquityUsabiliy page, are there other things I should think about?15:20
Riddellshtylman_: ask evand, he's the guy doing the gtk side15:24
shtylman_Riddell: k, thanks15:25
seeleNightrose: i'm using neon but i dont know how to start amarok2, the menu item is linked to 1. any ideas?17:59
Nightroseseele: it should have its own menu entry18:00
Nightroseit should be called amarok nightly18:01
seeleah hah i see now18:01
Riddellhttp://www.osattack.com/windows-7/kubuntu-could-make-it-big-if-they-spin-it-right/  "KDE is simple and just needs that media attention to bring it into customers hands."  goodness18:34
RiddellNightrose: how come amarok doesn't use nepomuk for its rankings?18:35
NightroseRiddell: iirc nepomuk wasn't ready yet to be used as a collection18:36
* Riddell fixes plasma-widget-quickaccess override to main18:39
rgreeningTonio_: ping18:50
SimeRiddell: you got the python bindings in kde-edu compiled?19:03
ScottKRiddell: I got sbeatie assigned an action to try and verify the 4.1.4 printer fix at the release team meeting.19:10
seelecolomar: rgreening has been working on kpackage kit. i believe he added an extra tab to search by applications instead of packages19:18
seelenot sure what he's working on next though19:18
seelehopefully the search ui :)19:18
rgreeningseele: that patch is still in dev19:19
rgreeningI have the basics worked out. the part I am stuck on is how to use the app-install-data desktop files to generate the list instead of listing all packages.19:19
rgreeningthat's my current priority seele19:20
colomarrgreening: Thanks for working on that. Do you think it may be possible to get kpackagekit ready for users in time for jaunty?19:20
ScottKWe kind of have to.19:20
rgreeningIf someone can assist me I can provide the current patch to look at19:21
rgreeningwhat I need is help in the app-install-data bit19:21
rgreeningDoes gnome have this bit working in their packagekit yet?19:22
JontheEchidnaI believe that Adept scans the app-install-data directory for the .desktop files, and sorts them by the categories inside them19:24
ScottKI haven't looked at the code, but based on having tried Adept, I'm sure however it's done there is the slowest way possible.19:25
JontheEchidnaYeah, the UI does hang for a bit in Adept19:26
JontheEchidnamm, but Adept uses xapian extensively to do its thing...19:28
JontheEchidnaoh, it uses it for updating the model while searching19:28
RiddellSime: yes, they're in jaunty19:44
RiddellSime: I can put an intrepid package in my PPA if that's useful19:44
SimeRiddell: cool, no ppa for intrepid?19:44
Simeoh, I mean, yes please.19:45
a|wendo we want a new upstream release of kde4-style-qtcurve packed for jaunty?19:49
JontheEchidnaI think somebody has a package prepared, but we want the soure package to be changed to kde-style19:50
a|wenand the old kde-style-qtcurve shuffled out, i suppose... that makes sense19:51
JontheEchidnabug 32384819:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323848 in kde4-style-qtcurve "Please update kde4-style-qtcurve to the latest version 0.60.0" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32384819:52
JontheEchidnaAnyway, it definitely should be kde-style19:53
JontheEchidnavorian: have you pinged the qtcurve updater back yet?19:53
vorianJontheEchidna: i can19:53
ScottKThere's a draft Debian document on naming we ought to follow.19:54
ScottKI don't remember exactly what it says on these.19:54
SimeRiddell: packages for intrepid will be useful when I blog sometime about marble/python.19:55
RiddellSime: I uploaded to my ~jr PPA (which also needs people to use ~kubuntu-experimental), should appear in an hour or so all being well20:07
JontheEchidnargreening: were you going to push the flash prompt patch to kdelibs or should I?20:27
JontheEchidnaI'm thinking the full-blown wizard will have to wait for jaunty+120:28
ScottKRiddell: So looks like 4.1.4 is fully verified now.  Now we just need someone to copy it over ....21:01
LureScottK: I think we both know one guy that could do that, right? ;-)21:05
ScottKWell he has the power.  Dunno if he has the authority.21:06
ScottKIt can wait until Monday for pitti to do it.21:06
ghostcubecan packages only be pushed if ubuntu people confirm this ?21:07
ghostcubeonly for info :)21:07
ScottKFor released versions like Intrepid there is a strict verification process.21:08
ghostcubeah ok :)21:08
ScottKThe process and the people who do it are the same regardless of which *buntu we are discussing.21:08
ghostcubeaha so only a QA team21:09
ghostcubeok :) thx21:09
rgreeningJontheEchidna: if you have time, push it21:17
LureRiddell: kees approved bug 32585821:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325858 in lensfun "Main inclusion request for lensfun" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32585821:18
rgreeningJontheEchidna: do you have the latest?21:18
ScottKLure: So it just needs to be seeded?21:18
JontheEchidnargreening: I think so, but it'd probably be best for you to send me the latest just in case21:19
LureScottK: yep - digikam rc2 (due on Sunday) will depend on it21:19
LureScottK: I will prepare the package on Sunday21:19
ScottKOK.  Let me look....21:19
rgreeningJontheEchidna: you got the one I emailed with the .kdesu extransion correct?21:20
* JontheEchidna checks for kdesu21:20
LureScottK:  if you want, you can add liblensfun-dev Build-Depends now and it will get built in21:20
JontheEchidnargreening: my copy doesn't have kdesu21:20
ScottKLure: Currently we have digikam seeded on the DVD, but not the CD.21:20
rgreeningOk, I have to send oyu the latest21:21
ScottKLure: I'll add liblensfun-dev to supported then.21:21
rgreeningactually, let me file a bug and submit the stuff to the bug21:21
LureScottK: yep, space issue (as it pulls in 25MB of marble)21:21
ScottKAhhh, all that is depends or some is build-dep?21:21
LureScottK: will not just adding it to digikam's build-dep pull it in?21:22
ScottKBecause if it's depends it'll have to fit on the dvd.21:22
ScottKLure: It would.21:22
ScottKActually we can just wait.21:22
ScottKGood point.21:22
LureScottK: yep, no urgency - I just wanted to get lensfun/opencv pass MIR before FF21:22
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
LureScottK: so if I add build-dep, will this auto-pull it in or does somebody (archive-admin?) need to still approve it?21:24
* Lure does not recall anymore how seeds work...21:24
ScottKIt still needs to get moved.  Riddell can do that.21:24
LureScottK: ok, I will need Riddell (or core-dev) for upload anyhow ;-)21:24
JontheEchidnargreening: oh btw, the patch probably can't close that one bug21:25
rgreeningJontheEchidna: this was bug 20396721:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203967 in kde4libs "[hardy] not prompted to install flash plugin" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20396721:25
JontheEchidnabecause it mentioned youtube and cnn21:25
* Lure goes back to hacking kipi-plugins i18n strings before tommorows rc2/i18n freeze ;-)21:25
rgreeningbut is that a problem with cnn and youtube and how they detect or an issue with kdelibs?21:25
rgreeningJontheEchidna: I can open a new bug21:26
JontheEchidnargreening: you should probably just commit to bzr yourself :P21:26
rgreeningdo I haz rites d00d21:27
JontheEchidnaas long as you are a member of kubuntu-members21:27
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ok, I'll have a look at that too then21:27
rgreeningJontheEchidna: but I should still open a bug rite21:28
JontheEchidnaas long as you commit it to bzr you won't need to put up a debdiff in a bug21:28
JontheEchidnaa core-dev will check out bzr and upload it from there21:28
rgreeningso, how do I get someone to pop out a new rev then21:28
JontheEchidnaping a core-dev such as Riddell or ScottK21:29
rgreeningok. I'll make sure the patch applies/builds here and commit and ping.21:29
ScottKWe can haz dvcs because we're all modern and stuff.21:29
JontheEchidnait also lowers the permissions barrier somewhat for contributing to the core kde packages. A core-dev will still have to approve your changes and upload them, but bzr makes it a lot easier to work with the packages without having to throw around diffs at doods21:31
rgreeningtru dat, w3rd21:32
ScottKAnd now that bzr doesn't compete with the total time until the heat death of the Universe for slowness, it's not too bad.21:32
ScottKWe tried similar in Gutsy and it was just undoable.21:33
* ScottK notes it's less than two hours to 1234567890. See ##1234567890 for details.21:34
JontheEchidnaunix must be ebil since it has reached 1234567890 on Friday the 13th21:34
JontheEchidnaMS should totally use that21:34
JontheEchidnalinux is illegal and immoral!21:38
JontheEchidnalinux has 5 letters, so does the devil21:38
JontheEchidnamy son made a tetragram out of linux CD's!1!!21:39
ghostcubehehe yeah the party is going on21:41
ghostcubelol 1234554321 time was lol21:41
* NCommander is quite amazed that KDE on ARM has remained unbroken ;-)21:41
ghostcubeboah anyone knows if th eintel hdadriver will get better21:42
NCommander!ARM/x86 not quite so happy21:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:42
ghostcubei cant capture what i hear21:42
RiddellLure: I moved lensfun to main21:44
LureRiddell: you just had to do it, right?21:45
Lurejust to prevent me to do last upload in universe... ;-)21:45
LureRiddell: just kidding, there are some patches pending for it, but have no time until we get digikam/kipi rc2 out21:46
Lureand I need to address opencv MIR feedback first21:46
RiddellScottK: so, I guess I could move 4.1.4 to -updates21:50
ScottKI certainly think so.21:50
Riddellif I don't  we'll have to wait for pitti on monday, and monday is ages away21:51
Riddelldo we have a list of packages that need moved?21:51
* JontheEchidna has 2 or so SRU-able fixes for kdesdk for after its moved21:51
ScottKRiddell: Bugs tagged kde4.1.4 with an open intrepid task.21:51
Riddellhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=kde4.1.4 only three21:58
Riddellhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+bugs?field.tag=kde4.1.4  ah better21:59
RiddellScottK: so xine-lib and the langs too?21:59
ScottKThey need to go.  I don't know the state of their verification.22:00
* ScottK looks22:00
ScottKRiddell: That one actually has a call for lool to retest.22:01
ScottKlool: You around?  Any chance you could repeate your xinelibs test?22:01
ghostcube5010 people22:05
ghostcubewe nee dmore guys22:05
ScottKRiddell: I forgot about the xinelib thing, I think we need to reverify that first.  Urgh.22:06
ScottKsorry for the false alarm.22:06
Quintasannight guys22:26
* Lure -> bed, good nite all!22:37
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ping22:41
rgreeningRiddell: How do I use the bzr for ~kubuntu-members now. I keep getting an error22:47
Riddellrgreening: what's the error?22:47
rgreeningRiddell: bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)22:47
rgreeningRiddell: ^22:48
Riddellthat it?22:48
Riddellprobably launchpad is broken22:48
rgreeningafter I identify with lanchpad-login I get that and nothing checks out22:48
rgreeningif I don't Identify I get a warning about identifying but I can branch22:48
rgreeningso, dont I need to identify?22:48
Riddellbranching may be using http22:49
Riddellwhere are you trying to push?22:50
rgreeninghavn't got that far yet22:50
rgreeningdo I need to install some https module?22:51
Riddellwhere are you trying to check out?22:52
rgreeningbzr branch lp:~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu22:53
Riddelldo you have your ssh key in your account?22:53
rgreeningI assume that's the correct branch for me to update22:53
rgreeningI had to build a new system. I may not have my local key anymore.22:54
rgreeningRiddell: Is it as simple as generating a new set of keys for the new computer and attaching to LP?22:56
Riddellrgreening: yes22:57
rgreeningRiddell: ty. now.. to get a new key cut22:57
ScottKAnd does your new machine have the same ssh key?23:00
rgreeninganyone else have issues with "highlight"/"paste" from konsole to konqueror? seems like konqueror doesn't like the middle-click paste buffer23:04
rgreeningRiddell: can you test ?23:04
neversfeldergreening: can't open links in a new tab with middle-click here23:05
rgreeningso, konqueror isn't recognizing middle mouse button events?23:06
Riddellrgreening: works for me23:06
rgreeningRiddell: did you highlight but not copy?23:06
rgreeninghighlight it only and then use middle button to paste23:07
Riddellhighlight in konsole, middle click pasts in konqueror's location bar23:07
rgreeningRiddell: are you running latest updates?23:08
rgreeningin Jaunty23:08
Riddellkonqueror 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu223:08
neversfeldenot working for me23:09
rgreeningme to. but Im not running my PPA on this new system... are you still running my rebuilds from my PPA23:10
JontheEchidnawouldn't the rebuilds have a ~ppa number?23:10
rgreeningJontheEchidna: Im more concerned the reason Riddell is working is qt 4.5 (potentially)23:11
rgreeningJontheEchidna: you on jaunty?23:11
rgreeningcan you test?23:11
JontheEchidnaso, highlight in konsole, middle click in konq?23:12
JontheEchidnaany particular area in konq?23:12
rgreeningin the address bar or in the tab area seem broken23:12
rgreeningaddress bar if not a real url you are pasting23:13
rgreeningjust so you have text goingto a text box23:13
rgreeningneversfelde: you 32 bit or 64?23:13
ScottKrgreening: Did you get a chance to try quassel on 4.5 yet?23:13
JontheEchidnapure jaunty kde and qt23:14
rgreeningScottK: nope. I got bogged down with my broken system23:14
neversfeldergreening: 32 bit23:14
rgreeningwell, JontheEchidna, neversfelde, Riddell: there's defiantely an issue. I did a stock install from latest alpha and upgraded before doing anything on it.23:15
rgreeningI have additional languages and keyboard layouts enabled. how about the rest of you.23:15
JontheEchidnastandard english, though out of coincidence I am running a spanish konq23:16
JontheEchidnabut I do have the default keyboard layout23:16
neversfeldergreening: default keyboard layout and german language23:16
Riddell~twitter update 1234567231.48 nearly there23:20
kubotustatus updated23:20
neversfelde:) left and middle button opens a link in current tab and in a new one23:21
rgreeningneversfelde: not for me23:23
neversfeldergreening: disabling gestures fixes it for me. I can paste and open links in new tabs with the middle button.23:28
rgreeningneversfelde: where did you disable thatÉ23:28
neversfeldemom, must switch to english23:29
neversfeldergreening: Systemsettings >> General >> Input Settings23:30
rgreeningRiddell: do you have gestures enabled?23:31
rgreeningRiddell: and is this something we want enabled?23:31
Riddellnot that I know of23:32
ScottKI'd imagine not.23:32
ScottKThat seems like something you'd want people to opt in to.23:32
rgreeningI've never had or used gestures and middle click seems like so much more important23:33
Riddellshtylman_: yay!23:33
ghostcubehappy 123456789023:34
ghostcubethe ## channel was too freaky23:34
ScottKDoesn't seem much different than #ubuntu-release party on release day (except for the bad language)23:35
ScottKOK, it's a little more over the top.23:35
rgreeningI feel like an episode of sesame street... 1-2-3-4..5..6-7-8-9..10..11.12!23:36
rgreeningI old23:36
ScottKI remember before there WAS Sesame Street.23:37
ghostcubehmm iam old too guys :P23:37
ScottKHow old are you?23:37
ghostcubeits not how old you are its about how old you feel23:39
rgreeningghostcube < rgreening < ScottK where name = age23:40
ScottKJFTR, I am not the oldest Ubuntu dev.  I know of one a decade older than me.23:41
ghostcubeoh no u all seen google icon today ?23:41
rgreeningRiddell: when I am ready to push my changes to bzr, do I do bzr push or bzr merge?23:44
Riddellrgreening: if you did a checkout then   bzr commit23:44
Riddellif you did a branch then  bzr commit; bzr push23:45
Riddellif you did a branch  bzr merge  will bring in changes from the branch23:45
rgreeningRiddell: ah. yeah, I had forgotten. I did a branch rather than checkout23:45
rgreeningRiddell: updated kde4libs with flash installer patch23:47
rgreeningwe'll need a new deb popped from tree :)23:47
neversfeldeare there infos about that bzr thing somewhere?23:48
neversfeldethe choqok branch should be updated, but I do not know how23:48
ghostcubeScottK, nice story23:52
Riddellneversfelde: bzr co https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/choqok/ubuntu23:53
Riddelledit files23:53
Riddellbzr diff23:53
Riddellbzr commit23:53
Riddellhmm, that's not the right URL23:53
Riddellbzr co lp:~kubuntu-members/choqok/ubuntu23:53
neversfeldethanks, will have a look at it23:53

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