
ActionParsniphey gang00:10
ActionParsnipis it possible to have 2 keyboards attatched to the sme x server00:10
ActionParsnipI'm thinking 2 player frets on fire00:11
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:12
DragnslcrI believe so, but I'm not sure if the X server will distinguish between them00:12
ActionParsnipDragnslcr: thats something I can live with, the users can use different keys :)00:13
mika_helllo world00:13
mika_hey, anybody know what can it be, i have tryed to install OSS, while i'm already have alsa.... and now i don't have any sound...00:14
mika_can anybody help me?00:14
mika_heya?! anybody alive?00:14
DragnslcrActionParsnip- I have an extra USB keyboard kicking around if you want me to test it. I'm pretty sure I've done it before, though, when I had a Bluetooth keyboard that didn't always work right00:16
ActionParsnipDragnslcr: usb wired is fine, if HAL can handle it fine then thats cool00:17
ActionParsnipDragnslcr: sounds like you are up for the challenge :)00:17
DragnslcrMy extra USB keyboard is plugged in to my Wii right now00:18
DanuHi. i have pgp files, so,a question, could i burn them into a cd?00:19
DragnslcrSure, you can burn any files you want to a CD00:19
Dr_WillisIve had several usb keybpard/mice plugged in at same time.. and hey worked.00:19
ActionParsnipDragnslcr: http://cambuca.ldhs.cetuc.puc-rio.br/multiuser/00:20
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: does it just fly on its own? is hal THAT good00:20
DanuMr. Dragnslcr thanks00:20
Dr_WillisActionParsnip,  this has worked for me - for AGES..  used to be you just set xorg.conf to  read from /dev/input/mice and it worked for all the mice..  I forget about keyboards.. but they  have worked the same way for me - for the last 3+ yeras thi way00:22
ActionParsnipi will try, dual frets on fire would be badass00:24
Dr_WillisNow having 2 seperate X sessions each with theor on keyboard.. is tougher. :)00:45
Dr_Willisbut  what you ar trying to do.. should work00:45
Dr_Willisive got 2 keyboards on this pc.. no prpoble,ms00:45
Dr_WillisOther then THIS one being 'goofy' due to soda-pop spill00:45
cuzntyou got two keyboards and a microphone?00:45
cuznti take my key boards apart and clean the keys00:46
cuzntworks swell00:46
cuznt like00:46
Dr_WillisMy Media-server box has 2 keybards.. a tv and monitor. :)00:46
Dr_Willisand 2 mice..00:46
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quassel210kde 4.2 is way faster00:51
quassel210using jaunty alpha 400:51
LusidI love Kubuntu. :) I just wanted to let everyone know that. Thank you.00:56
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kaddiglad to hear that Lusid :) I'm a big fan myself ;)00:56
LusidKDE4.1 and Compiz run like a champ on my laptop with Radeon Mobility X1400. Only problem I've had thus far is with the battery module.00:57
LusidSeems a rmmod battery; modprobe battery; fixes that problem for now.00:58
LusidAnd it even runs VMware with Vista and Mac OS X fairly smoothly. I'm so damn impressed.00:58
kaddiCompiz does not want to work with me. :p but I've been spending too much time at the pub lately to be able to claim I've trierd everything :D00:59
kaddiso there probably is a solution somwhere :D00:59
gopher_I hate wifi00:59
LusidI had to upgrade my video driver, install about 10 packages or so, then set Compiz as the window manager instead of kwin... worked right off the bat.01:00
kaddiI've never tried VMWare, I'm a fan of virtualbox, which also runs pretty smoothely. Though I haven't tried OSX jet01:00
LusidThat wasn't the case when I was trying to do it with Debian... I have a new fav distro for desktop. :)01:00
LusidI have heard of Virtualbox, but never looked into it... may have to do that... right... now. :)01:01
kaddiI'm running kde 4.2 which is much more reliable  than kde 4.1 for me :)01:02
ElecNinjaVirtualbox is a pretty good virtual machine software01:02
kaddii probably screwed the compiz thing up myself, when I installed compiz packages that weren't needed ;)01:02
ElecNinjaDon't know about VMWare now, but Virtualbox has quite an easy way to set up USBs and such01:02
Walzmyn_I've just upgraded to 8.10 and i'm having trouble getting the proprietary nVidia drivers installed01:03
LusidVMware worked out of the box pretty well... only thing I had to do was turn off the memory trimming feature. It was popping my CPU up to 100% for everything.01:03
LusidMight have to try Virtualbox now just to compare.01:03
LusidThanks guys. :P01:03
kaddiand girls ;)01:03
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LusidThem too. :)01:04
Walzmyn_we let girls in here?  ;)01:04
gorgonizerElecNinja: do you run the ose or the non-ose version of Virtualbox?  I am assuming the non-ose version..01:04
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kaddiah sorry... i'll be leaving.. didn't want to offend ;)01:04
* Walzmyn_ laughs01:04
LusidI knew this channel smelled good for some reason.01:04
Walzmyn_The spelling seems to be somewhat better too.01:05
kaddiare girls using *nix really that rare?01:05
ElecNinjaSorry, I don't know how to "whisper" gorgonizer, but I runned the non-ose01:05
Walzmyn_Whenever I try to install the proprietary nVidia driver it all goes heywire - is anybody else having this problem?01:06
LusidWell... I remember that in 5 years of college, I never saw a single girl in any computer science class that I had... so, yeah, to be honest. And its a damn shame.01:06
tyronehello how can i disable compiz i am using kde4.2 on ubuntu 8.1001:07
Walzmyn_kaddi, well, you take the share of girls using computers at all, shrink it by the number of people using *nix in general and then pick out the number of folks that use the chat rooms for tech support of *nix and yeah, the female population is going to be small01:07
Walzmyn_tyrone,  how did you enable it?01:07
LusidWhere are you from kaddi? It must be something in the water.01:07
LusidI must find this water...01:07
kaddiLusid: XD I'm from germany.01:08
Lusidkaddi: Very cool. One place I hope to visit some day. :)01:09
Walzmyn_I believe Linux is somewhat more accepted in Germany than the US01:09
Walzmyn_I'd like to visit as well01:09
kaddiLusid: but I'm probably biased... almost 95% of my friends use some sort of linux. ;) (which probably isn't the average in germany, even if it is more accepted than US.. can't tell)01:09
tyroneWalzmyn_: I started enabling plugins in the desktop system settings but i just wanna disable compiz for a while not co01:09
LusidYeah, I think times have changed. I've been hearing a lot about EU and Linux lately.01:09
Walzmyn_tyrone i'm not sure, sorry01:11
kaddiLusid: where are you from?01:11
Walzmyn_I was basing the linux greater in Germany bit on the fact that the US has a much larger population but it seems like every FOSS project has some german tie in, if it is not based there01:11
Lusidkaddi: Ohio, USA originally... South Florida now.01:12
cuzntglens falls ny ... represent!                         ;)01:13
Lusidkaddi: A friend of mine called me the other day to ask if her laptop has to be plugged in to work if she takes the battery out... no Linux for her. It might make her brain melt.01:13
kaddiLusid: nice :) Never really been to the US.. but I hope to change that one day. :)01:13
* Walzmyn_ is from Georgia, USA (now)01:14
kaddiLusid: just tell her its the new windows 8.5 she'll never know the difference ;)01:14
Lusidkaddi: Eh, it has its good and its bad, just like everywhere.01:14
LusidWalzmyn_: Nice, was thinking of moving to Marietta this year.01:14
kaddiLusid: Though in europe many people have been focussing on the bad lately. ;)01:14
Lusidkaddi: Focusing on the bad in the USA or in Europe?01:15
Walzmyn_Lusid,  that's where the in laws live - too crowded for me. i'm out in the country east/north of atlanta01:15
Lusidkaddi: Because if you are talking about the bad in the USA, yeah, trust me... I've been whining for about... 8 years now.01:16
Walzmyn_easy - there is a no politics rule here01:16
LusidWalzmyn_: Very nice. I think I get along in the city better. I need road rage to survive.01:16
Walzmyn_more power to you01:16
kaddiLusid: both I'd say.... though I was refering to the image of the US in Europe :)01:17
Walzmyn_i'ma reboot. ya'll be good01:17
Lusidkaddi: Nod nod. :)01:17
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kaddialways am ;)01:17
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LusidBut yeah, I need to get back to work. Nice meeting you kaddi and Walzmyn_. :)01:18
kaddiLusid have a good time :)01:18
gorgonizerGood night all!!01:19
kaddigood night gorgonizer :)01:19
LusidBTW, if anyone knows why I have to remove and add the battery module on my laptop after starting up, please do let me know. :) Just knowing that it is there bugs me.01:19
mefisto__I want to dip my toe into learning programming. I'm just getting used to basic regexpr stuff now. what would be the most comfortable path for me to take from here? the regexpr syntax I'm learning are used in perl, I believe. should I try learning that first? or something like C++ ? can someone advise?01:27
kalibHow can I fix this???01:29
kalibThis DVD Video is encrypted.  To be able to watch it you will need to install libdvdcss by running from a console: sudo /usr/share/doc/kaffeine/install-css.sh.  In some countries it is illegal to install the decryption software without permission from the video copyright01:29
kalibI had run the command... sudo /usr/share/doc/kaffeine/install-css.sh01:30
kalibbut.. still not reproducing my dvd01:30
kaddimefisto_: i learned some programming at school: first classes I had were java, really hated it and never learned anything. Later on I had some C++ tutorials, which were really great and after that I had to work with fortran, o and python. From my experience the principal structures are quite similar (bear in mind that i don't know perl ;) ) and, if you're interested in the different languages it doesn't really depend with which language01:31
kaddiyou begin.01:31
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kaddithis is just me talking though, and I'm really not a guru.. just using what I learned here and there ;)01:32
RussellAlanCould someone direct me how to UPGRADE from 4.1 to 4.2 KDE01:32
mefisto__kalib: you can add the medibuntu repo to your sources and then install libcss2. anyway, instructions to do just that (watch encrypted DVDs) are at http://www.medibuntu.org/01:33
kaddiRussellAlan: check out this page: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.201:33
mefisto__kaddi: thanks, that's just the advice I was looking for. do you know if the regexpr stuff is applicable to C++ for example?01:33
kaddimefisto__ i never used it, because i didn't even know of them. ;) but i recall using stuff like \n for breakline and similar... so i'd expect that it'll work :)01:34
kalibmefisto__, thanks.. I'll try it..01:34
kalibIt worked for you?01:35
mefisto__kalib: yes, definitely01:35
mefisto__kalib: click the repository howto link on that page01:35
kalibcan you give me the direct repo??01:36
impsHey guys, I'm running into a bit of a problem.  I have ubuntu remix running on my eee PC 1000HA01:36
kalibso i can put it on my /etc/apt/sources.list01:36
impsSome option windows are too big, I can't see the bottom of the menus01:36
impsAny work around?01:36
mefisto__kalib: it doesn't go directly in sources.list   it's explained at the website01:36
kalibok.. I'll take a look01:37
ostermeiwhen upgrading from kde 4.1 to 4.2 (intrepid), the instructions on the site say "Old Plasma packages are not compatible with KDE 4.2, you should uninstall any plasmoids."... i haven't been able to find anything that says how to uninstall them01:37
mefisto__kalib: if you have trouble doing it, just come back and ask01:37
ostermeii've followed the steps on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 and ended up with an unusable system and ended up having to completely reinstall twice today01:38
mefisto__imps: you mean because the screen is just too small?01:38
kaddimefisto__ google disagrees with my earlier statement. :p  there seems to be something called  boost:regex which can be included... (really don't know though ;) )01:38
impsYes, is there a way to force the resize of the menus?01:39
kaddito use regex with C++01:39
impsIt won't let me drag the windows smaller01:39
Dr_Willisive not had to uninstall anything ostermei  -  I read that as meaning remove any  'non-kubuntu' plasmoids that you may have installed..01:39
mefisto__imps: most windows can be resized in kde/kubuntu (don't know about gnome/ubuntu) and you can also hold the alt button down and grab windows from anywhere on the window (not just the titlebar) if that helps01:41
ostermeihrm... thanks, willis.  i've been holding off on trying the upgrade again for fear of that instruction causing problems (since i've followed all the others just like they say)01:41
ostermeiguess i'll give it another shot and see what happens01:41
impsOh, I didn't know of the 'alt' button did that01:41
mefisto__imps: not sure if that applies to gnome as well, but it does in kde01:42
kalibmefisto__, ok01:42
Dr_Willisostermei,  you could try installing ubuntu, or xubuntu, then installing 4.2 without having 4.1 installed..01:42
impsIt works for this01:42
Dr_Willisostermei,  then again - you could come back if the problem happens again.. and try tio tropubhwe shoot the problems01:42
impsThanks for the help dude.  I was going crazy having to hook up my desktop moniter to change one setting.01:42
mefisto__imps: you can also use alt+right mouse button to resize windows (so you don't have to precisely grab the edges)01:43
jarcoHello, can anyone explain to me how to download/show lyrics using amarok?01:44
kalibmefisto__, it's done.. thanks ;]01:44
impsOh, thank you, I will be back later.  Havin' trouble turning off installing an app.01:44
mefisto__kalib: so dvd is working now?01:45
kaddii'm thinking about installing kdesvn to make some backups of my paperwork. Is it really worse the hassle or would a tarball with a date be suficiant? is there a tutorial somewhere?01:45
kalibmefisto__, yeah01:46
mefisto__jarco: when a song is playing, go to the context tab on the left, then the lyrics tab. it will search the song title, so if the title isn't the real name of the song, you should change the track title in amarok first01:47
jarcothx mefisto__ helped a lot01:48
mefisto__jarco: and here's a tip: tools, script manager shows the scripts you have in amarok. add wiki-lyrics and use that instead of the default one. it finds more song lyrics01:49
jarcothx mefisto__ i installed it01:50
jarcoitys in fact a huge fun thing for my sister who loves to sing along01:51
Dr_WillisMy wife sings along also.. only she just sort of makes up the words.....01:51
mefisto__kaddi: just curious, were the C++ classes at school done on windows systems?01:52
kaddiplease replace school with university.. don't know what tool me. :D And no, they were done on linux machines (though i can't tell which anymore)...01:53
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Lusidmefisto__: We used Solaris when I was in school for programming classes.01:55
kaddi!hi |hector01:57
ubottuhector: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:57
wildbatanyone know about autofs or is there a debugger for script? i am having problem with the auto.smb for some reason the output is blan T^T01:59
hector__anyone have firewall script for beginner?02:03
hector__Alguien me puede ayudar con un scritp basico para un firewall ?02:05
Dr_Willistheres dozens of firewall examples.tutorals out on line..   what does 'for a beginner' have to do with it?02:07
mefisto__hector__: have you looked at ufw ?02:07
mefisto__hector__: there's gui programs to help too02:08
Dr_Willisgui for ufw also..02:08
Dr_Willisbut  it pays to actually read a few firewalling guides02:09
WalzmynI've just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and it does not seem that my grub menu was updated (still loading old kernel) - how can I find what the menu should look like?02:10
Dr_Willistry  'sudo update-grub' perhaps?02:10
Dr_WillisI noitced  that happen befor where it never updated grub properly.. but not seen it happen lately02:11
wildbatanyone know about autofs or is there a debugger for script? i am having problem with the auto.smb for some reason the output is blank T^T02:12
tonkajaunty alpha4 is pretty good02:13
tonkaexcept for the parts where it sucks02:13
mefisto__Walzmyn: maybe update-initramfs  too, in case something stopped the new kernel install completing properly02:14
kadditonka: which parts suck? i'm thinking about updating, would you advise against it?02:14
Walzmynthe update-grub seemed to work, but the menu didn't change02:15
Walzmynmefisto__, for my info, what is initramfs?02:15
Dr_WillisWalzmyn,  if you are brave.. you could move the menu.lst to menu.lst.BACKUP and try rerunning update-grub or there may be siome iother command we are forgetting about02:16
mefisto__Walzmyn: it's the filesystem that loads initially (into ram) during bootup, before loading your actual filesystems from disk02:17
mefisto__Walzmyn: man update-initramfs could explain it better than me, probably02:18
juliebunHello... Anyone patient to deal with a rookie?02:19
mefisto__Walzmyn: if the initramfs was not created on kernel install, that may be why update-grub is not adding the new kernel to the grub menu02:20
Dr_WillisIts better to asj the actual questiion first.. :) juliebun  and see who knows the info needed02:20
mefisto__Walzmyn: might be easier to just reinstall that last kernel02:21
juliebunOkay, I am completely new to Linux and need very specific directions on how to make my wifi and sound work.02:21
Dr_WillisThere proberly are no 'specific' directions.. it will depend on your specific hardware a great deal. :)02:22
Dr_Willisfor wireless - i would start with the fiollowing..02:22
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:22
mefisto__juliebun: for the sound, first make sure nothing is muted in kmix (the speaker icon near the clock) and all the levels are up02:23
juliebunThat's another issue, mefisto. For some reason, all I have on my desktop is the blue K in the left corner... even though I set it up to show a clock, etc. There must be something up with the display, and whenever I try to adjust the display settings, the screen goes all pixely and blurry02:25
juliebun...so can't see any clocks, little icons, etc02:25
EtFbI'm back in Hardy now (Intrepid was too flakey) and I know I saw some dialog box that lets you automatically install Compiz, but it's gone now.  Anyone know where it is?02:27
Walzmynhmm, so upon further inspection, I seem to have the latest kernel and the proper grub entry, it was just titled 8.0402:27
mefisto__juliebun: try alt+F2, then type kmix to start it. see if the icon appears02:27
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mefisto__EtFb: not sure because I installed compiz manually, but do you have desktop effects, in system submenu?02:30
EtFbmefisto__: Bingo!  That was it!02:30
EtFbmefisto__: Thanks!02:31
juliebunmefisto, it brought up kmix and then my cursor started bouncing but nothing came of it02:31
juliebun(sorry- extreme newbie talk)02:32
mefisto__juliebun: this is no fun for a beginner02:32
WalzmynIf I enable the proprietary nVidia driver, I get no graphics when I reboot - what do I need to do?02:33
juliebuntrue dat02:34
mefisto__juliebun: find konsole in the K menu (or alt-F2 and type konsole)02:35
juliebunok got it02:35
mefisto__juliebun: copy this and paste in that window: cat /proc/asound/modules02:36
EtFbDuh! I told it to install Compiz, then I logged out.  Now my laptop has blanked out.  It's just flashing the Caps Lock light forlornly and won't respond to keypresses.  What do I do now???02:36
mefisto__juliebun: does it show anything, or nothing at all?02:37
juliebunjust the blue K02:37
mefisto__juliebun: no, I mean in the konsole window (press enter key after pasting that command)02:38
juliebunok. It says no such file or directory02:39
juliebunI pasted: at /proc/asound/modules02:40
EtFbHmmm, now it's working.  Cool.  I suppose I should figure out how to operate it now...02:40
EtFbRight; back to work.02:40
mefisto__juliebun: you left out the "c" at the beginning. the "up" arrow will bring back that command, so do that and add the "c" at the start so it starts with "cat"02:41
juliebunok (yay)  :) It says "0 snd_via82xx02:43
juliebun1 snd_via82xx_modem02:43
mefisto__juliebun: are you going to use the modem?02:46
juliebunmefisto, (forgive my ignorance)... I *think* so.... I just use wifi (it's a laptop)- no ethernet connection.  Is that what you mean?02:47
mefisto__juliebun: no, I think that's a dialup modem02:48
david_how can I upgrade my kernel from 2.6.27 to 2.6.28?02:48
david_I'm using Kubuntu 8.10, using apt-get did not work for me02:49
juliebunok.  All I know is that when it had windowsxp on it, I used a wireless connection, but since I installed kubuntu in place of windows (which was destroyed- wouldn't boot), the wifi isn't working02:49
jimdbi have a few (about 4) kde 4.2 installs.  on two of those there is a nice home icon and a trash icon on the desktop.  They aren't shortcuts.  does anyone know how to add them to the other computer desktops that don't have them?02:49
mefisto__juliebun: for now, can you type kmix (and enter) to start kmix02:49
juliebunmefisto, I type it in and the icon starts to bounce as if kmix is going to start, but then it doesn't appear to do anything02:50
mefisto__juliebun: does it say anything in the konsole window about errors? (don't paste it in here unless it's 1 or 2 lines)02:52
juliebunNo. When I type kmix into the konsole window, then press enter, it just comes back with the name of my laptop again... as if I hadn't typed anything02:53
mefisto__does anyone know if kde4 kmix has a different name? I'm running hardy right now02:55
kaddimefisto__ : running kde 4.2 and kmix is still there :9)02:58
impsHey guys, I'm running into an error when I load a touchpad app02:59
mefisto__kaddi: but it's not kmix4 or kmix-kde4 or something?02:59
impsHeres the message: GSnaptics couldn't initialze.  You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86config to use GSynaptics02:59
impsAnyone got a link on how to fix that? I think I had one awhile back.02:59
kaddino, it's plain old kmix03:00
ubuntu__hi, i was hoping someone could help me with step 4 of the install03:01
mefisto__juliebun: copy/paste this in konsole: modprobe -r snd_via82xx_modem03:01
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kaddijimdb: i know there is a widget for the trash, i suppose there will be one for home as well. click on the symbol in the top right, select "add widget" adn scroll through the propsed widgets till you find03:01
kadditrash :)03:01
genii-aroundmefisto__: Needs sudo03:02
mefisto__thanks genii-around03:02
genii-aroundmefisto__: np :)03:02
mefisto__juliebun: copy/paste this in konsole: sudo modprobe -r snd_via82xx_modem03:02
juliebunmefisto, I did that and it asked for my [sudo] password03:04
mefisto__juliebun: use the password you use to log in with03:04
juliebunso I entered my password and it said FATAL: Module snd_via82xx_modem is in use03:04
leoplease does anyone knows how to get the sound to work in ubuntu running as guest with sun virtual box on windows xp?03:05
genii-aroundleo: Maybe ask in #vbox03:05
mefisto__juliebun: ok, try this one: sudo alsa force-reload03:05
mefisto__juliebun: then try starting kmix again03:06
juliebunmefisto- it started!  :)03:07
mefisto__juliebun: so you see the icon now?03:07
juliebunYep, I opened the program right up03:07
juliebun(Sorry I'm a newbie dork)  :p03:08
jimdbdoes anyone know how to get screensavers for kde 4.2?  i'm using project neon.03:08
mefisto__juliebun: ok, do my first suggestion, check that nothing is muted, and levels are up03:08
juliebunmefisto, nothing is muted under the VIA 8237 tab but VIA 82xx modem was muted03:09
leoHow can i upgrade to kde 4-203:10
mefisto__juliebun: that's ok. are the levels up all the way? especially master channel (if you have that) and PCM03:10
jimdbleo:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-install-kde-42/03:11
juliebunmefisto, the levels are up, but still no sound03:12
mefisto__juliebun: what are you testing the sound with?03:13
juliebunThere's a welcome file in Amarok03:13
mefisto__juliebun: try this in konsole: aplay /usr/share/sounds/k3b_success1.wav03:14
juliebunmefisto, it said it was playing the WAVE but I heard nothing03:16
mefisto__juliebun: and the physical volume on your computer is turned up? I guess that's the first thing you tried03:17
juliebunyes 100%03:18
mefisto__juliebun: in konsole, type alsamixer03:18
mefisto__that mixer shows the levels as numbers at the bottom of each channel. if it's muted, there will be a MM just above that03:20
mefisto__juliebun: you might need to scroll to the right to see all the channels if they don't all fit in the window03:20
mefisto__juliebun: scroll with the left-right keys03:21
juliebunOk, mefisto there's an MM above 3D Contr and Line03:21
juliebunand nothing above PCM Out03:21
mefisto__juliebun: shouldn't matter, but let's try. scroll to the muted one, and press M key to mute/unmute03:23
mefisto__juliebun: 3D contr03:23
mefisto__juliebun: unmute all of them, for that matter03:24
impsHeres the message: GSnaptics couldn't initialze.  You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86config to use GSynaptics03:24
impsI'm getting that message when I use a touchpad app03:25
mefisto__juliebun: once that's done, esc key to quit the mixer, then up arrow key until you get the aplay command to test sound again03:25
impsAnyone got a link to fix it?03:25
juliebunmefisto, it is still claiming to play the file, but I hear nothing03:26
mefisto__juliebun: I'm running out of ideas03:28
mefisto__juliebun: we can try blacklisting the modem sound so it doesn't load when you start up, but you'll need to reboot to test it03:28
juliebunI can reboot; I'm chatting on my mac whilst I mess with the linux next to me...03:29
mefisto__juliebun: kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:29
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mefisto__juliebun: and at the end of that file, on a line on its own, add this: blacklist snd_via82xx_modem03:30
aloneawhats with kde4 and checkboxes? they all end up getting cut off03:31
juliebunok. Then click save?03:31
mefisto__juliebun: then "enter" to make sure there is at least 1 blank line after that (otherwise it won't work)03:32
mefisto__juliebun: ok, save that, then try rebooting03:32
whatevernameall the nicknames are taken03:32
whatevernameso damn annoying03:32
impsMefisto, how do I set SHMconfig to true?03:34
mefisto__imps: I don't know what that is03:34
impsOh. Okey03:35
mefisto__imps: in xorg.conf see if you have an entry for the touchpad03:36
impsI am brand new to linux, do you have a tutorial on how to work with the xorg.conf?03:37
wrinkliezhey guys, any suggestions for a good plasmoid for amarok that works in 4.2?03:39
juliebunmefisto, I rebooted. Unfortunately still no sound. But thank you so much for your help. Now that I have rebooted, interstingly, there is a little globe icon visible on my desktop.03:39
mefisto__juliebun: I think that's network controls. I've never used wifi myself, but I think that's where you control that stuff03:41
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mefisto__wrinkliez: there's one called plasmoid-am4rok but I've never used it. don't even know if it's in repos03:43
Kkoalacan anyone help me with and install03:49
Kkoalaprogram type03:49
salamandraanyone know the irc for ubuntu in spanish?03:51
genii-aroundYes, #ubuntu-es03:51
mefisto__juliebun: there's a thread on ubuntuforums about your sound hardware. says they solved their sound problem by setting jumpers on the motherboard. don't know how adventurous you are about trying something like that http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53054103:53
juliebunha ha okay thank you mefisto!03:54
juliebunMeanwhile, I'm googling wireless issues03:54
salamandrathanks genii-around03:54
genii-aroundsalamandra: You're welcome03:54
mefisto__juliebun: and you said graphics don't look too good? if so, look in k menu > system > hardware drivers   if there is a tickbox to enable a restricted driver, that will probably give you better results (but also might give you a blank screen on login until you fine-tune some things manually)03:56
juliebunthank you mefisto03:58
mefisto__juliebun: and ask in here about the wifi every hour or so. there's got to be someone who can help with that03:59
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failersmy kubuntu froze , in wich log file should i look for the reason04:03
mefisto__failers: ksystemlog will show you all the important ones, so you could look at them all. probably look for errors in Xorg.0.log first04:07
failershm ok04:10
mefisto__juliebun: you still around?04:11
juliebunyes hi mefisto04:12
failersFailed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)04:12
mefisto__juliebun: just read someone got their sound working by muting the IEC958 Capture Monitor channel04:12
failersis that bad :o ?04:12
mefisto__juliebun: so if you have that, worth a try04:13
juliebunok how do I know if I have it?  :)04:13
mefisto__juliebun: look in kmix, or do the asamixer command and use the M key to mute it04:13
juliebunok tried it and did the aplay command but still no sound... I wonder if I should just try to find an even more user-friendly version of Linux?04:18
failersa more user friendly linux then kubuntu? good luck04:19
failerskubuntu or ubuntu is as user friendly as it gets04:20
genii-aroundjuliebun: What says result of:   lspci -nn | grep Audio04:20
whatevernamehave u guys tried the new kdevelop4 beta 1?04:20
failersbtw mefisto__ dont find any errors about my computer freezing :/ not that it happends many times but sometimes about ever second day it does04:21
mefisto__failers: anything in particular that might be triggering it?04:22
failerswell firefox updated for a few days ago and now when i think of it every time it hangs i got it open04:22
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mefisto__failers: and it never happened before the firefox update?04:24
juliebunmefisto, 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller [0401] :  VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller [1106:3059] (rev 60)04:24
failersmefisto__:  dont think so04:24
mefisto__failers: might be worth googling to see if anyone else is getting that04:25
mefisto__juliebun: genii-around asked for that, not me :)04:26
juliebunOh sorry!  ;)04:26
failersand wich kdevelop should i get for kubuntu 8.10 kde 4.104:27
juliebungenii-around, 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller [0401] :  VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller [1106:3059] (rev 60)04:27
genii-aroundToo bad they left before I got done researching that card :/04:30
whatevernamei would assume u should get kdevelop 3.5.404:31
whatevernamesince kdevelop4 is in beta1 and requires kde 4.204:31
SuspectZerowhats a good virtual machine software for kubuntu?04:43
SuspectZerois it compatible with files from vmware?04:44
mefisto__SuspectZero: you can get help for it in #vbox04:44
SuspectZeroawesome. thanks04:44
mefisto__there is a repo to get a newer version than the one in ubuntu official repos too04:44
SuspectZerooic. k i will check it out04:45
jimdbdoes anyone know how/where to get screen savers for kde 4.2?04:46
SuspectZeroim fairly sure thts the site04:46
jimdbsuspectzero:  nope04:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-look04:46
SuspectZeromy mistake then04:46
jimdbi know what kde-look, etc is.  i'm looking for *"THE"* screen savers that are supposed to come with kde 4.2 that aren't there.04:47
arshadHi IRC04:48
failershm where does the kmenu icon lay :P what if i wanna change its appearance05:16
mefisto__failers: locate kmenu.png   will probably tell you05:17
mefisto__failers: or use lancelot menu instead. that is configureable05:17
failersok thanks for the tip will check what lancelot menu is05:19
mefisto__always wondered why kubuntu doesn't use the kubuntu logo for the kmenu05:19
mefisto__or kickoff, as it's called now05:20
failersmefisto__:  plasmaoid-lancelot needs me to uninstall kdeplasma-addons and kdeplasma-addons-data :/05:21
mefisto__failers: ok. I found it in 4.2 and it was already there05:22
failersah yea05:23
mefisto__you could rename the kmenu.png icon and replace it with the one you want, using the path/filename of the kmenu.png one being used05:24
mefisto__just got to figure out which one it is. or replace them all05:25
macohow do i tell the weather plasmoid where i live? it keeps rejecting it when i enter the city05:48
zaapiel-mobileit probally doesnt have your town maco05:51
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zaapiel-mobiledidnt have mine, i had to use the closes big city05:52
mefisto__maco: does it find your city?05:53
macomefisto__: nno05:54
macoi type "washington" and hit search and it says it could not be found05:54
macoi have it set to NOAA's National Weather Service05:54
mefisto__which weather plasmoid is it?05:54
macoor "washington, dc" ...the one in kde 4.205:54
macoLCD Weather Station05:55
mefisto__did you try the BBC one? that's the only one that worked for me05:56
macomefisto__: will that work for non-UK areas?05:56
zaapiel-mobilelol 4 is kinda buggy05:58
mefisto__did for me05:58
macoit says "the place 'washington, dc' is not valid.  the data source is not able to find this place."05:59
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mefisto__try without the dc on the end05:59
macoah that works. thank you06:00
mefisto__is that 4.2 ?06:00
jammons_I'm getting an error trying to update to KDE 4.206:00
jammons_is it cool if I past a few lines of printout?06:00
macomefisto__: yes. but...i think it's in celcius...06:00
mefisto__I think that's configureable06:00
mefisto__hmm, maybe not06:01
macomefisto__: any idea where? not in Regional settings like the rest of that sort is06:01
mefisto__I'm actually using a different weather plasmoid from someone's ppa06:02
mefisto__risky I suppose, since I don't really know what's in there or who is creating it06:02
mefisto__but it works well. has 5 day forecast too06:03
mefisto__and lots of other 4.2 plasmoids06:03
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mefisto__found it here: https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa06:03
mefisto__!paste | jammons_06:04
ubottujammons_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:04
snarksteri thought kde4.2 was out of ppa by now06:05
macosnarkster: it is. it's in jaunty.06:05
mefisto__snarkster: on intrepid?06:05
macoit wont be in the regular intrepid repos. version bumps dont do that.06:06
jammons_alright, I'll post all of the feedout then. I got an error during the install which I probably should have written down, but now I'm getting dependency errors when trying to fix it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117543/06:07
snarksterhas latest amarok been released to main repos yet?06:07
macomefisto__: the simpleweatherforecast one?06:07
macosnarkster: version bumps on software do not go to main repos06:08
macojust bug fixes06:08
macounless there's a very good reason....like it being the only way to get a whole lot of bugfixes in06:08
mefisto__maco: the one I'm using is just called "weather forecast" in my widgets list06:08
jammons_for some reason it's trying to roll back and install libplasma306:08
jammons_oops, i'm still here06:09
macomefisto__: 0.8?06:09
aldodoes anybody knows why cant i start a session?06:11
mefisto__maco: yes. and by the way, the intrepid ppa wouldn't work, but the jaunty one did06:12
mefisto__maco: I suppose the intrepid one he made is for kde 4.106:12
jammons_can you be more specific aldo?06:16
mefisto__jammons_: try apt-get dist-upgrade, or apt-get -f install06:17
mefisto__jammons_: or aptitude upgrade06:17
jammons_mefisto__: I did try aptitude -f install, oh ok, I'll try that06:17
mefisto__jammons_: aptitude tends to be better at resolving problems than apt-get06:18
jammons_mefisto__: alright, I'm still getting dependency issues from packages saying that libplasma3 is required06:20
aldo_when in the part where i have to write my password i wrote ir correctly but i don't know why then the same thing get back to appear like if i haven't wrotten my password like ir it where recursive06:20
jammons_mefisto__: it looks like kdebase-plasma, kdebase-workspace-libs4+5, ksysguard, kdebase-workspace-bin06:21
aldo_now i'm on the live cd but i don't know what can i do06:21
mefisto__jammons_: I had a similar problem, but just with gwenview. I removed it, upgraded, then installed it06:21
jammons_aldo_: try going to a different tty by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 then logging in there, that will clear up any username/password issues and make sure you can log in06:22
jammons_aldo_: then you can try running the x-environment from there I think, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I think the command is like startx06:23
mefisto__jammons_: or you could dpkg -i --force-overwrite <path-to-the-deb-file.deb>06:23
jammons_aldo_: see if that gives you any error feedback that might be helpful06:23
jammons_mefisto__: what deb would I run that on though?06:24
jammons_mefisto__: I'm a little nervous about removing ksysguard or kdebase-workspace, any idea what that might do?06:25
mefisto__jammons_: I suppose the ones that aren't installing06:25
mefisto__jammons_: you can always reinstall them06:25
jammons_yeah, I was just hoping to avoid possibly breaking my GUI06:26
jammons_mefisto__: I'll give it a shot though06:26
mefisto__jammons_: even if you can't for some reason, you could take out the ppa repo and just reinstall the official 4.1 ones you have now06:26
jammons_mefisto__: alright06:27
mefisto__jammons_: just keep track of which ones you're removing06:27
macomefisto__: just read through the code real quick.  no obvious malware, but i didnt check for vulnerabilities (like potential for buffer overflows and such)06:27
mefisto__maco: I'm just running 4.2 in a vm, so I wasn't too worried06:28
mefisto__maybe that's a false sense of security. I'm not too sure :)06:29
jammons_mefisto__: I think I fixed it. I just manually told it to install kdeplasmoids-libs4, which for some reason it wanted to remove and it looks like it was able to configure stuff after that06:33
mefisto__jammons_: ok cool. it's like that for most people I think, juggling different packages until it all works06:34
jammons_mefisto__: I'm going to try running the aptitude upgrade now06:34
mefisto__oh, I thought you'd done it06:34
jammons_mefisto__: yeah me too06:34
jammons_mefisto__: through the GUI, but it looks like there's a bunch of stuff not updated06:35
jammons_iit must have bailed after the failure06:35
jammons_looks like it completed06:35
jammons_alright, going for the x-server restart, thanks for the help06:36
macomefisto__: er, when i put it on the panel it gets all squished06:36
mefisto__maco: oh. I don't use it on the panel06:37
macomefisto__: oh its a desktop one? :-/06:37
mefisto__maco: suppose it's desktop only. or maybe add another BIG panel somewhere and make it autohide06:38
macoso um, my desktop just turned grey. what's that mean?06:51
macotheres a narrow strip of wallpaper background at the top. i get context menu if i right click there. nothing if i right click on the grey06:52
failersanyone got kdevelop4 newest version in a .deb and can upload it?06:52
macoi think plasma did something that falls into the "wrong" category, but i dont know what. plasma's still running according to ps06:53
mefisto__maco: btw, I managed to get that weather plasmoid to fit in the panel not sure how exactly. I think I put it on desktop, configured, then dragged to panel. but it just shows an icon, no temps. if you click it, it pops up a window with details06:59
will_Couls someone help me out with a problem i am having with my intel driver.07:02
will_It is currently sending me back to teh login screen when i change screen resolutions.07:03
macomefisto__: ok, thanks07:05
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lenovoomerhaba arkadaşlar kubuntu kde 8.10 kde 4.1 yüklü ben kde 4.2 ye nasıl geçerim updateler var onları suan yüklüyorum bittiğinde hiçbirşey yapmadan kde 4.2 geçmiş olurmuyum ?07:07
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.07:08
lenovoohello my computer, I installed kubuntu kde 4.2 to 4.1 kde 8:10 with updates to install or upgrade a console command Can Do07:17
lenovoogoogle translate :)07:17
macolenovoo: google translates bad07:19
lenovookde 4.1 kde 4.2 will be short, how07:19
lenovoomaco oke .)07:20
macodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main07:20
macogpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add -07:21
macosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:22
mefisto__sudo apt-get remove koffice-data-kde407:22
lenovoo251 software updates install07:23
mefisto__lenovoo: first:  sudo apt-get remove koffice-data-kde407:24
anr78Hey. I'm trying to setup a dual system on my Intrepid install. Do I have to do xorg.conf-fiddling to make this work? I want to adjust the resolution of my secondary monitor, and the placement of it in the virtual framebuffer.07:24
anr78dual screen system, that is07:25
tuxпривет всем07:26
mefisto__ !ru07:26
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:26
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dutlerwhats up aldo?08:14
aldo_does somebody can help me?08:14
CuriosTigerHi all.08:15
dutlerrather thank as for help. discribe your problem in a few lines and see if anyone takes the bait :)08:15
aldo_i have the next problem i can't loggin, i have a recursive error or i don't know when i write mi password and then i have to do it again and agin08:16
CuriosTigerKDE seems to forget what resolution I've set it to. It uses the wrong resolution for the login screem (kdm) and once logged in. As soon as I open the Display control panel, however, it magically switches to the correct resolution.08:16
dutleraldo_ i havent seen that before. what os ru running? hwat recent changes have you made? can you ssh with your creditials?08:17
aldo_the problem is the next, when i try to loggin with ctrl alt f1: fatal server error: server is already active for display 0, if this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.XO-LOCK and start again, no protocol specified givin up. xinit: interrupted system call (errno4) unable to connect to x server08:18
aldo_i change the interface that at the beggining appears08:19
dutlersounds beyond me. since im no genius, i would dpkg-reconfigure kdm xserver-xorg ...08:20
dutlercuriostiger: are u suing open graphics drivers?08:21
saifinI'm new to kubuntu08:22
aldo_the next questions is the next " use de interface of dispositives "framebuffer" of the nucleo? yes or not?08:22
dutlerya... sorry aldo... maybe you will need to del the config files and restall as well....08:23
saifincan someone guide me08:23
dutleron fb, id try with out first... if doenst work you can try with08:23
saifinhow to install plugin08:23
dutlerya safin: what plugin?08:23
saifinflash player 1008:23
saifini have downloaded the file08:24
dutlerkonqueror or firefox or what?08:24
saifinnow im downloading firefox08:24
aldo_dutler: any another idea?08:25
dutleri just chekced, flash works for me... i dont remember installin a plug in :D08:25
aldo_can i do somethin from the live cd?08:25
dutleri have flashplugin-nonfree installed08:25
dutlertry that08:25
dutleraldo, what was the resault?08:26
aldo_nothing i couldnt configure all the things asked08:26
aldo_i didn't know how to configure the kayboard and other things08:27
saifinif we have downloaded the file how to install ? sorry i'm noob08:27
aldo_some suggestion?08:28
dutlersaifin: sudo aptitude install adobe-flashplugin flashplugin-nonfree08:28
dutleraldo_ jsuta a sec08:28
dutleraldo_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:30
dutler-phigh flag should auto the questions08:30
dutlerdo you have flatpannels?08:30
dutlerwhat is your driver?08:30
aldo_xserver-xorg posting warning: overwiting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in etc/x11/xorg.conf.2009021302312808:32
aldo_i have the compiaz manager the icon emerald installed08:33
dutlerjust means that is save a back of the file before changing08:33
dutlerso your using ati or nvidia drivers?08:33
aldo_i don't remind it08:34
dutlerok ... can you log in now?08:34
aldo_yes i can log in but i can't enter with startx08:35
dutlerwhy startx?08:36
aldo_mmm i don't know that's how i get in with wifislax08:36
aldo_another suggestion?08:37
dutlerbeaats me man, i thought you were using kubuntu. ive never been on slax08:38
jussi01Hi all! is there some way to auto move items older than a certain age in kmail?08:39
aldo_no, i mean i used startx on wifislax but i'm already on kubuntu 4.108:39
dutleron debian/ubuntu u can start kdm via > sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:39
dutleron 8.10 or 8.4?08:39
aldo_mmm i don't know i just know that it is 4.1 is the last one08:40
aldo_i download it like a week a go08:40
dutleron 8.10 you can use >sudo service kdm restart08:40
will_I have a question that i am sure everyone can answer for me.08:41
will_I am currently new to KDE.08:41
will_What video player could i use for all around video's?08:41
will_I used Totem on Gnome.08:41
aldo_dutler: i do that and  then i get back when i have to write my pass but the problem continuos is like cilcic i have to write again and again08:42
will_Worked very well for what i did, but Dragon player isnt that great.08:42
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dutlerwill: i use kafiene for my video08:42
bindaastry mplayer08:42
spectralwill, smplayer or vlc perhaps08:42
whyhankeewill_: for general formats i use smplayer, other 'strange' formats go to vlc08:42
CuriosTigerdutler: Running vmware's drivers.08:42
dutleraldo_ your are using 8.10?08:42
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will_Is there a video player that will automatically fetch the proper codec's for me?08:43
dutlerim not sure what to tell ya aldo_ you can try upgrading to kde4.2 ... im not sure whats going on08:44
aldo_in the part where i have to write my password i wrote ir correctly but i don't know why then the asked me the same thing get back to appear like if i haven't wrotten my password like ir it where recursive08:44
dutlerwill_ kaffien does08:44
aldo_maybe is because i changed the image of arranque08:44
will_What about KMplayer?08:45
will_Is it worth while?08:45
dutlerwill_ mplayer is great. i havient used the kmplayer frontend08:45
aldo_dutler :you don't know if i can get in a time before form the live cd or something like that08:46
will_I will try kaffeine and kmplayer.08:46
whyhankeewill_: well, you can try for yourself, there's nothing wrong with some investigions to you your personal preferences :)08:46
dutleraldo_ mayber id ont udnerstand what the deal is.... you long in to kdm... kde loads than then your propted again?08:46
will_Haha, yeah true.08:46
dutleraldo_ all that dpkg-reconfigure stuff was ment for curioustiger :)08:47
will_I sure do wish winamp would come to linux.08:48
aldo_it doesn't load08:48
dutleraldo_ what is the name of the second password dialog that pops up?08:48
dutlerwait, what doesnt load?08:48
aldo_the kde, the screen get black and then the welcome interface appears again08:49
aldo_you know the pass and the logg is not the problem, the problem is that the sistem doesn't load08:49
dutlerok, the welcome screen is kdm.... all right, xorg and kdm works fine, but kdm cant log you into anything08:50
whyhankeealdo_: can you check 2 things? a) do you have a command in ~/.xession? b) check ~/.xsession-errors?08:51
aldo_let me check08:51
whyhankeeyou can try this by loggging in form the console08:51
dutleraldo_ there is "session" and "type" options.... what are useing?08:51
whyhankeedutler: ah, yes, good one, third option :)08:51
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aldo_session in kde also in gnome or others the start welcome appears and appears08:52
dutlerok so you can log into gnome from kdm either?08:53
will_Mplayer is the winner on my test's.08:53
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doktoreasdutler: you can select your session08:53
will_Thank you guy's, i really appreciate it.08:53
aldo_yes, but the problem is that the welcome intarface appears recursivly08:54
dutlercheck the type.... can you log in via console? make sure you your not tring to do a remote session08:54
aldo_no, i'm not tring ina remote session08:55
aldo_i can't log in the console08:55
aldo_but i can't not enter08:55
dutlerim pretty sure its not a recursive issue.... but the destop enviroment isnt loading08:55
will_aldo_: What kind of VGA adapter do you have?08:55
aldo_that's right the desktop enviroment isn't loading08:55
aldo_it is not a hardware problem08:55
aldo_the only thing that laod anda load is the welcome interface where you have to wirte your pass08:56
will_I kind of figured that, i'm just curious for the fact i keep getting booted back to my login screen.08:56
dutleraldo_ with you not beingable to log in console ... i thnk something is messed up with kdm08:57
will_My problem has to do with resolution changes in the Intel based VGA chipset.08:57
whyhankeedutler: i had this once (logging in, black screen, and then back to kdm login page), in my case it was a problem with something that started from .xsession (but could be another program started from somewhere), not the problem is finding out which one, did the last lines of .xsession-errors gave you any clue?08:57
dutleri had simular sysmtoms wiht doing remote sessions.....08:58
dutleraldo_ checking our the .xsession-erros is a good idea08:59
dutlerif you cant fig anying out, you can reinstall kdm ?08:59
aldo_i write that ".xsessions" in the console and it didn't find the order09:00
dutleraldo_ its a file... you open it with an editor09:02
aldo_i'm beginner i don't know how to do it09:03
=== AlanasAnikoniss is now known as AlanasAnikonis
dim3dro1I've upgraded KDE to 4.1.209:06
dim3dro1and now when I try to log in, I see only image from login screen09:07
dim3dro1grey with bubbles09:07
dim3dro1kde doesn't start09:07
dutleraldo_ use your webbrowaser as well as the irc -  > nano ~/.xsession-errors09:08
whyhankeealdo_: try less .xsession-errors09:08
dutlerdim3dro1: have you checked out the forums? what method did you use to iupgrade?09:09
whyhankeedim3dro1: what are the symptoms?09:09
dim3dro1dutler: 1. yes 2. add ppa.launchpad.net to repos and `sudo aptitude upgrade`09:11
dutlerdid you have koffice or plasmoids installed?09:12
dim3dro1default kubuntu 8.1009:12
dim3dro1I haven't configured my desktop yet09:12
dim3dro1removing ~/.kde didn't help09:13
syockitdim3dro1: bubble --> mouse pointer (loading)?09:13
dutleri think there has been all of incomplete 4.2 upgrades.09:14
syockitdim3dro1: wait, did you actually mean 4.2?09:14
dutlerhere is my expeience and solutions http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105632309:14
dutlerbut im off to bed, so the only help ill be is wishin ya good luck09:15
=== will_ is now known as xain
ActionParsnip2yo yo yo09:24
aldo_tu tu tu09:25
aldo_que que que09:25
aldo_i finallly could start thanksss09:25
dim3dro1oh, I've just nstalled kubuntu-desktop and it works09:25
dim3dro1dutler: thanks a lot09:25
xainCould someone help me out on a problem ihave with my video playback.09:26
aldo_xain: what do you have?09:30
xainI'm not sure really.09:30
aldo_what's the problem09:30
xainDon't know if it is my VGA driver's or what.09:30
xainI try to play back video, DVD, or VLC, even in video games.09:30
aldo_ok, and then?09:31
xainI get some kind of lag every once in awhile and my sound and resolution bug's out on me.09:31
xainSometime's i get kicked out to my login screen.09:31
xainNot sure if my laptop os just a piece of crap or what.09:32
xainI didn't have this problem at all in 8.0409:32
aldo_so the problem is not the codecs or the program that you use09:35
xainSomething new.09:36
xainI was using regular Ubuntu 8.04 before, now i'm on Kubuntu 8.1009:37
xainRegular audio is not effected.09:39
xainSo say....09:39
xainAmarok music player.09:39
xainYoutube is not effected.09:39
xainOnly thing's on my laptop itself like dvd's, DMG file's.09:39
xainAll that good junk.09:40
xainI think it's my visual driver.09:40
xainIntel 945GMA chipset.09:40
ActionParsnip2xain: i think that uses the intel driver, or try the i81009:42
xainHello again ActionParsnip.09:43
xainI have tried to get the test version of the i810 -intel driver's, i was hit with a warning that i am not able to open the package.09:43
xainIf you cold manually walk me through on what to do i would greatly appreciate it.09:44
syockitI thought the i810 driver is going to be phased out? anyways, since it's 945gm, try intel driver09:44
xainHow would i go about doing it?09:45
xainI am a new user to linux.09:46
=== karina is now known as Guest84577
syockitI think you already have intel driver enabled by default, if you're using 8.1009:46
ct529hi everybody .... hi syockit09:46
xainSo i'm screwed pretty much, haha.09:47
syockithi ct52909:47
ct529xain: what is the problem?09:47
xainI had an intel driver in 8.04 that worked correctly.09:47
syockitxain: the symptom didn't look like intel driver problem to me09:47
syockitxain: no, explain the symptom. it might not be intel driver09:47
xainLet's say.09:47
xainI change resolution.09:47
xainI get booted back to login screen.09:48
xainThat's the main one.09:48
xainThe second.09:48
xainDuring playback of visual, DVD, FLV, and MP4. Every once in awhile about every 4 second's, it skip's like a scratched CD.09:49
xainEven when the files are stored directly on my HDD.09:49
ActionParsnip2xain: have you tested your ram?09:50
syockitalright, now it really starts to sound like a certain intel problem, #30301109:51
syockitbug #30301109:51
xainYes i have tested my RAM.09:51
xainAnd i know my intel is a piece of crap, haha.09:51
xainIt's not the intel that is doing it though.09:51
syockitand many people reported performance drop after moving to intrepid09:51
xainI did not have this problem until i upgraded to 8.1009:51
xainI was on Gnome Ubuntu before hand.09:52
xainI am on KDE Intrepid now.09:52
syockitthere was a change in intel driver in the kernel as well09:52
xainI think Intrepid hates me :(09:52
ct529xain: have you tried looking on the intel site for drivers?09:52
xainMeh, only one driver i trust from Intel for this VGA chipset is extremely old.09:53
xainAnd it's XP only...09:54
ActionParsnip2xain: which kde are you running and how much ram do you have?09:54
xainKDE 4.1, 2gig's ram.09:55
syockitnaah, intel drivers get pushed to the repo in the end09:56
ct529I have a sata disk .... in the BIOS, would you choose ATA or AHCI for maximum performance?09:56
ct529I am using ata but I am not terribly happy09:56
syockitnow lets see if your drm is running....09:56
syockitxain: okay, do you have libdrm installed? do this: aptitude search ~ilibdrm09:57
ActionParsnip2xain: hmm should be ok then09:58
xaini   libdrm2                         - Userspace interface to kernel DRM services10:00
xainThat came back to me.10:00
=== aflesch is now known as Snouffy
ct529xain: what driver are you using?10:01
xainThe one that came as Default with 8.1010:01
xainI am new to linux i try not to goof around with it much.10:01
xainLast time i messed with it was with Pulse Audio.10:02
syockitxain: there should be a libdrm-intel1 if I'm not mistaken, see if the package is available10:02
xainDidn't come out of the hole that well.10:02
syockitxain: aptitude search libdrm10:02
xainI do that in Console correct?10:02
syockitpulseaudio did have an issue, but it only caused audio to stutter, not video as well10:03
xainYeha that was my problem.10:03
xainBut that was before i re-formatted.10:03
xainSo that's out of the way.10:03
ct529xain: are you using synaptic?10:03
xainI am usind Adept.10:04
xainYes i have that too.10:04
ct529syockit: cannot find it .... there are 2 drivers for i810 though .... you should try both10:04
xainHow do i tell which libdrm i am using?10:05
ct529xain: you should have only one drm :)10:05
syockitlibdrm is the base, libdrm-intel1 depends on it10:05
xainOh i see.10:06
syockitxain: so there is libdrm-intel1?10:06
xainI am using the libdrm210:06
syockitthat gets installed by default I suppose10:06
xainAll i know is this new Intel driver is a little gidgity.10:07
syockitnever heard of that10:07
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toni_sorry to bother you all, but how can i install firefox (i'm very new to kubuntu)10:07
syockitxain: oh, that libdrmaa has nothing to do with this drm10:07
syockitxain: basically, you need to have these installed: xserver-xorg-video-intel10:08
xainI have absolutely no clue how to check out if they are installed or not.10:09
syockitxain: libgl1-mesa-dri10:09
syockitxain: there are many methods. one is to use dpkg. another is aptitude, adept is also possible....10:09
syockitxain: let me show you dpkg way. dpkg -l <package name>10:10
syockitxain: so in this case; dpkg -l libdrm-intel110:10
xainHow do i get dpkg?10:10
syockitxain: dpkg is available by default. try it on the commandline10:11
ActionParsnip2thatd be a pain to reinstall dpkg10:12
syockitnaaah, it won't disappear by itself, will it?10:12
xainI see.10:12
ActionParsnip2syockit: no not on its own10:13
xainI got into dkpg, but the command  dpkg -l libdrm-intel110:13
syockitxain: if it's installed, it will have 'ii' on the left side of the package name10:13
xainThat doesn't work for me.10:13
xainNo packages matching that name.10:13
xainWhere would i find that package at?10:14
syockitxain: "No packages found matching libdrm-intel1" or something?10:14
syockitxain: hmm, that thing was still not introduced in intrepid i suppose10:14
syockitxain: also check package libgl1-mesa-dri10:15
xainI'm better off going back to 8.04 aern't i...10:15
syockitxain: then you're going to lose all the new packages, but if that doesn't hurt...10:16
xainbash: libgl1-mesa-dri: command not found10:16
xainNothing extremely special about 8.04.10:16
xainThis is a fresh install.10:16
xainI formatted my 8.04 then upgraded to 8.1010:16
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syockitxain: no, I only gave the package name. do dpkg -l libgl1-mesa-dri10:17
syockitxain: also, the problem might be on the kernel, so even updating drivers won't help10:18
xainOne sec.10:18
syockitxain: did you upgrade through adept or anything?10:18
xainI did the wrong thing.10:18
xainibgl1-mesa-dr 7.2-1ubuntu210:19
xainThat's what i just got back from the line you gave me.10:19
syockitxain: what's the two letters on the left?10:19
xainii  libgl1-mesa-dr 7.2-1ubuntu2   A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- D10:19
syockitokay, that means it's installed10:19
syockitii --> package is installed10:19
syockitxain: do you know how to pastebin? I'm gonna ask you to pastebin your xorg.conf10:20
xainoh boy.10:21
xainThis is gonna be fun figuring out, haha.10:21
xainTell me how i do it.10:21
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:21
bob_someone has an nvidia there?10:22
xainHow do i get my xorg.conf now?10:22
ActionParsnip2bob_: me10:22
ct529bob_: me10:23
xainWish i had an nvidia....10:23
xainOr an ATI.10:23
syockitxain: and you'll see more trouble, I assure you ;)10:23
syockitxain: let's install pastebinit. do this: sudo aptitude install pastebinit10:23
ct529xain: /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:24
zer0oActionParnsip: u gotta help me :D mounting an external hd on xandros, im sure u can :D i can't10:24
ct529hey guys .... I have a sata disk .... in the BIOS, would you choose ATA or AHCI for maximum performance?10:24
bob_do you know for the cards that are not standard and which overheat?10:24
ct529bob_: define non standard :)10:25
bob_like the geforce 6800 and 6600?10:25
bob_they used bad materials or forgive somes10:25
bob_so the cards overheat10:25
xainRemoving linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic  O.O10:26
xainIs that bad?10:26
syockitxain: why?10:26
xainI typed in what you told me to.10:27
syockitxain: ah, it's aptitude doing that autoremove thing10:27
ActionParsnip2bob_: its offtopic here as its not ubuntu related10:27
ActionParsnip2!ot | bob10:27
ubottubob: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!10:27
syockitxain: well, you have another linux-headers, so don't mind10:27
xainWell where is that paste binit thingy at?10:28
syockitxain: next we are going to use pastebinit to send your xorg.conf. do this: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit -10:28
ActionParsnip2syockit: or: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:29
syockitActionParsnip2: oh, I thought you needed -i for that...10:29
xainI don't see what's so special abotu that info.10:30
ActionParsnip2syockit: nar10:30
xainLook's the same as everyone elses.10:30
ActionParsnip2syockit: you're on the scent now :)10:30
ActionParsnip2xain: it doesnt10:30
syockitwow, that looks like a typical empty xorg.conf from a fresh intrepid's dexconf10:30
syockitbut you said you came from hardy, so I expected something there10:31
* ActionParsnip2 yells 'finish him' to syockit10:31
xainI don't know how to mess with my stuff yet, haha.10:31
ct529xain: it is empty10:31
xainIt has info on the page i'm on.10:31
ct529xain: not physically empty .... but there is no useful information for the xserver.10:32
ct529xain: in other words, has not been configrued10:32
xainWell yeah.10:32
syockitxain: the current configuration relies solely on autoconfiguration10:32
xainI'm new, haha.10:32
syockitct529: did they have autoconfig on hardy?10:32
xainAtleast i didn't have to do anything and mine worked correctly on Hardy.10:33
xainMy OpenGL sucked, but still... It worked correctly.10:33
syockitxain: no, what I was trying to say was about xorg.conf10:33
xainOh, no clue.10:34
syockitxain: usually the installer gets it done for you after it detects your hardware10:34
syockitxain: that's not how it works nowadays though10:34
xainAll i know is that.10:36
xainWhen i play game's.10:37
ct529syockit: I do not know, I install the drivers manually ....10:37
xainMy vga turn's out correct, then i get some kind of a graphical skip, then graphic's are jacked up.10:37
ct529syockit: I think dpkg-reconfigure xorg could do the trick10:37
syockitct529: but that'll bring in lots of unnecessary entries10:38
ct529syockit: alternatively you can configure it manually ....10:40
syockitct529: actually I think hal/x is doing a good job configuring it already10:41
syockitjust some tidbits missing10:41
syockitxain: do this: ls -l /dev/dri/card010:41
ct529syockit: hal/x?10:41
syockitct529: don't know who's responsible for which. hal detects all those input devices and tells tells x which driver to load, i don't know about video/audio though10:42
xaincrw-rw-rw- 1 root video 226, 0 2009-02-13 04:14 /dev/dri/card010:42
ct529syockit: I did not know .... does it do some kind of autoconfiguration of X?10:43
syockitct529: starting intrepid, yes. as you can see, xorg.conf is optional10:43
syockitct529: you can try renaming xorg.conf to something else and see if it works correctly10:44
syockit(I cant though, I need special drivers for my touchscreen)10:44
syockitheyyy, the dri's also on mode 666! what else could be the problem?10:45
syockitxain: I'm running out of cards to play here10:45
xainI think it's just a bug.10:46
ct529syockit: I do not know .... I use manually installed drivers to run CUDA10:46
xain*COUGH* vista crap *COUGH*10:46
xainVista does the same bug to tell you the truth.10:46
syockitxain: hehe. I had everything running fine on vista, but it's slow like h.......10:47
xainMy 945GMA ran really buggy on vista.10:47
xainBut believe it or not...10:47
xainIt's better on se7en10:47
xainBut this is pretty much the same bug i had with vista.10:48
xainJust some upgraded driver that add's new junk that actually screw's it up.10:48
syockitxain: maybe the newer driver caused it?10:48
xainI'll probably get 8.04 KDE and try that out.10:48
xain1 of 2 thing's may have caused it.10:49
syockitxain: but how did you get it better on se7en? it must have even newer driver10:49
xainI used 8.04 Hardy Gnome before. I formatted my HDD and installed 8.10 Intrepid KDE.10:49
xainOh, you meant on windows.10:50
xainIt's a customized driver by Intel.10:50
xainThey have been expecting it for abotu 2 year's now.10:50
xainIt's the WDDM version of the10:50
xainIntel driver.10:50
xainSorry abotu that.10:50
syockitI'm also sorry that you have to move back10:51
xainI need a GUI frontend for configuration of my VGA driver.10:51
xainIf i had one i would have it made.10:51
xainI see one's for ATI and Nvidia...10:52
xainBut i'm a poor boy, i have to deal with the all around crappy Intel. xD10:52
syockitxain: there's only driconf as far as I can remember10:52
syockitxain: and it's not intel-specific10:52
ActionParsnip2+1 crappy intel10:53
xainI got that already.10:53
xainIt recognized my Intel GPU believe it or not, haha.10:53
ct529xain: try to do dpkg--reconfigure xorg before reinstalling10:53
syockitActionParsnip2: aww cmon, at least they're working with them kernel/xorg dudes much more closely than other lads10:54
ActionParsnip2Nvidia all the way here10:54
xaindpkg-reconfigure xorg?10:55
ActionParsnip2xain: that'll need sudo10:55
ct529I am very happy with the nvidia drivers .... the only problem is they are closed source10:55
xainFrom the bootup command box?10:55
ct529xain: sudo10:55
ct529xain: from the konsole10:55
syockitxain: do this at command line: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg10:55
ct529xain: sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xorg10:55
ct529syockit: :)10:55
syockitor was it xorg-xserver?10:55
ct529syockit: maybe ....10:56
ct529xain: try both of them ....10:56
_lumm<__lumm> how can i changeback the efault ugly green from my control bar10:56
_lumm<__lumm> it was black like the application launcher still is10:56
_lumm<__lumm> it just changed with kde 4.210:56
ActionParsnip2ct529: if they work....who cares is my theory10:56
_lummanyone got a clue?10:56
gorgonizerI think it is xserver-xorg ;)10:56
xainDo i restart now?10:56
ActionParsnip2_lumm: can you give us a screenshot?10:57
ct529ActionParsnip2: I am really unfomfortable with that10:57
ct529xain: have you tried both sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xorg and suod10:57
ct529xain: and sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:57
ct529xain: ?10:57
ActionParsnip2ct529: they make the hardware so they should provide the software too, makes sense as they will know the hardware better than anyone else10:58
syockit_lumm: if you disable desktop-effects, you'll get the black one ;)10:58
xaindpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg..... Just got me a completely different interface.10:58
xainOne sec, imma read this.10:58
syockit_lumm: actually, if you looked at kde4's doc on themeing, you'll know where to find the svgs10:59
ct529ActionParsnip2: well, if they gave us an os driver we could maybe help as well10:59
ActionParsnip2ct529: true but its how they roll. Im happy for them to do their job which I'm paying my cash for the cards for them to do11:00
syockitct529: well, they're confident in their abilities to maintain the drivers for each os11:01
ct529syockit: I imagine .... still do not like it11:03
ActionParsnip2ct529: theyve rocked it so far, why change it11:03
xainConfiguring xserver-xorg11:04
xainI'm gonna jack up my laptop, haha.11:04
ct529xain: is it configuring?11:05
xainXKB rul to set is XORG correct?11:05
xainThis is for keyboard setup....11:06
xainI just reconfigured my keyboard.11:08
ct529xain: what is you keyboard?11:08
xainThat command line i was given.11:08
ct529xain: ok .... now it should ask the mouse and then the graphic card11:08
xainIt was for re-configuring the keyboard.11:08
xainJust keyboard.11:08
xainI'm back to the terminal now.11:08
ct529xain: I think I have finished my options ....11:09
xainI used   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:09
xainAny other's?11:09
xainOr is that the main one?11:09
ct529xain: yes .... it should be the main one11:10
xainMight just be 8.10 doing it to me then.11:10
xainWould i still have my IRC and everything else if i downgraded to 8.04?11:11
bazhangxain, but would require a full reinstall11:11
xainYes i know.11:12
xainI had to do a full reinstall for 8.1011:12
xainI never do upgrades.11:12
xainI learned that from microsoft....11:12
xainUpdates are never good from that company.11:12
bazhangxain, intel card?11:12
xainSo i do format and full reinstall.11:13
xainYes i run an Intel 945GMA.11:13
xainOr you could say Intel 950.11:13
bazhangand you have the correct drivers installed for 3d? xain11:13
xainHell if i know.11:13
xainI'm not sure how to.11:13
xainI know they run correctly on 3d.11:14
xainI just have a skipping thing going on during playback of video, and get kicked back to logon from resolution changes.11:14
bazhangxserver-xorg-video-intel that one?11:14
xainI guess so.11:15
xainI'm new to this Linux era.11:15
bazhangxain, using compiz or not11:15
xainI have no clue what i am doing.11:15
xainNo compiz.11:15
xainJust basic Kubuntu installation.11:15
xainAll i changed was my background.11:15
xainBut i had no problem at all with Compiz in 8.04.11:16
bazhangkde4 is a big change11:16
xainExcept for that paint fire of the screen thing.11:16
xainI didn't use KDE before though.11:16
xainI used Gnome.11:16
xainI was wondering if KDE could be my problem.11:17
xainI'm running KDE 4.111:17
ct529I have a sata disk .... in the BIOS, would you choose ATA or AHCI for maximum performance?Hey guys,11:17
xainShould i upgrade to 4.2?11:17
bazhangxain, you can give it a shot11:17
dimitrishello. i ve upgraded to kde 4.2 and now i can only see  a black screen and the mouse. im a newby can someone help?11:17
ForeverSmurfxain, are you getting graphical problems?11:17
ForeverSmurfit could be a driver issue?11:17
bazhangxain, though with jaunty in just two months time you could wait11:18
xainKind of a corruption effect every once in awhile i guess you would say.11:18
xainLook's like funky color's when i open my menu's.11:18
bazhang4.2 will be standard in jaunty11:18
bazhangie no need for ppa11:18
xainI just ordered this Intrepid and got it in the mail 3 day's ago.....11:18
xainDamm bastard's upgrade too fast for me to keep up.11:19
ForeverSmurfwhy is ubuntu taking so long to get the packages for the stable nvidia 180.22+ drivers in intrepid11:19
bazhangwell you should go with what suits you best, and 8.04.2 is LTS11:19
ForeverSmurfit's causing users so many problems!!!!!!!!11:19
xainForeverSmurf: I am really not sure.11:19
xainBut yes i am an Intel 945GMA user.11:19
xainWell I like LTS.11:20
xainWtf is LTS anyway?11:20
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.11:20
alexkИнтересно. :-)11:20
bazhangand please keep the channel family friendly xain11:20
xainOh ok.11:20
arne__Hi, does anybody know, why my cdrom play everything but dvd's? I'm running kubuntu 8.04, I have browsed everywhere trying to find a solution, but no cure...11:20
xainOh, sorry bazhang.11:20
bazhangalexk, english here11:20
syockitit's basically like an officially supported version, that lasts long time11:20
bazhangalexk, #ubuntu-ru for russian11:21
xainI might stick to 8.04 until there is a higher grade LTS version.11:21
xainMight be my best bet.11:21
bazhangno need to chase the upgrade path if you dont want to11:21
xainYes, true.11:22
=== mika_ is now known as keks222
zer0ohi guys how do i find my username on a terminal?11:22
xainBut is the old 8.04 Upgradeable with KDE to look like default installation 8.10?11:22
bazhangzer0o, whoami11:22
syockitxain: there's a kde4 package for hardy, but it's got more breakage than the 8.10 one11:23
ActionParsnip1xain: yeah sure if there are hardy repos11:23
keks222please help, installed OSS sound from site scripts, after reload lost all sound, don't know what to do where to search info11:23
ActionParsnip1xain: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.211:23
zer0obazhang: and how do i find what after the dots? like user:?????11:24
syockitzer0o: what does that mean?11:24
bazhangzer0o, not sure what you mean11:24
ActionParsnip1xain: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/tag/ubuntu-hardy-install-kde-42/11:24
syockitzer0o: are you trying to mean group?11:24
bazhangzer0o, whoami should return simply zer0o11:25
zer0oim trying to give me permission to open an external harddrive ive no permissions to11:25
bazhangzer0o, ntfs?11:25
ActionParsnip1zer0o: you need better mount options so users can access it11:25
syockitzer0o: for group name, id -gn11:25
zer0oso im giving a chown user:user /dev/removable/name11:25
xainWhat do you mean by breakage?11:25
zer0oActionParnsip: could u help me mounting an external hd?11:26
bazhangxain, unusable11:26
syockitxain: lots of stuff not working the way they're expected to11:26
xain: /11:26
ActionParsnip1zer0o: http://www.hafenscher.net/wiki/index.php?page=Mount_USB_stick_read_and_writable_for_users11:26
xainI just want the desktop and the taskbar effect's.11:26
syockitxain: people on 8.04 usually stick to KDE 3.5.911:26
ActionParsnip1zer0o: good ol www.ask.com eh ;)11:26
xainThe transparency.11:26
xainIs there transarency in KDE 3.5?11:27
zer0oActionParnsip: im able to do it on kubuntu but this friend's of mine pc runs XANDROS which is a debian based anyway but im going nuts!11:27
zer0oi'll give it ANOTHER try, uff11:27
ActionParsnip1zer0o: mount is mount on any linux system11:29
ActionParsnip1zer0o: its no different on gentoo, xandros, redhat, puppy, or dsl to name a few11:29
syockitxain: you might want to bookmark this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6360716 it has a howto for installing kde4.1 (the one you use in 8.10)11:30
ActionParsnip1zer0o: make sure you have ntfs3g installed if you need write access11:30
ActionParsnip1syockit: nice11:30
syockitxain: you can try that after installing 8.04.2 later11:31
xainAll sorts of hell broke lose because there is a bug with the intel driver and the 945GMA and this card and installing kde4 brought it out. There was a workaround for me. On my laptop, I never had an issue because it uses a different graphics card11:32
xainAH HA!11:32
xainRight on the page you linked me, haha.11:32
xainSo it's KDE4 and my VGA chip.11:33
xainSo downgrading to the 3.4 version should be good for me.11:33
jefferaianyone around that can help me a bit with a PPA?11:38
jefferaias in, managing mine?11:38
syockitjefferai, #launchpad?11:39
jefferaiah, ok11:41
dimitrishello,how do i get out of console login?11:45
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dimitrisghello,how do i get out of console login?11:51
SlimeyPetedimitrisg: press alt-f711:52
dimitrisgit doesnt work11:52
dimitrisgi ve logged to console from the menu u get before logging in to kde11:53
CornholioTRis there any way i can restore grub w/o downloading an ubuntu live cd_11:54
ActionParsnip1CornholioTR: if you have a bootable linux system then youo dont need the cd11:55
CornholioTRi have kubuntu 8.10 cd11:55
CornholioTRso that works, then11:55
ActionParsnip1if you have any linux cd it will be fine11:55
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:55
CornholioTRok ActionParsnip111:58
Machtinhowdy guys.12:07
pascalhey leute :) kennt jmd ein programm womit ich mein desktop mit sound aufnehmen kann ?12:08
MachtinI was just wondering, if Creative X-Fis are supported by now? couldn't really find something via google.12:08
Machtinpascal: fällt mir spontan nichts ein, aber kannst deinen desktop aufnehmen, ne tonspur aufnehmen und das dann zusammenfügen..12:09
Machtinaber als direktes tool wär natürlich besser.. dauert sonst ewig12:09
pascalhö bin ich hier auf den deutschen channel o.o12:10
ActionParsnip1!de | pascal12:11
ubottupascal: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:11
pascalsry , aber ich hatte /join ubuntu-de eingegeben ... dan dachte ich , ich wäre bereits auf den deutschen :)12:11
etfbWow - blast from the past.  Remember how in the old days there used to be all sorts of problems with sound not working after hibernate?  Well the bad old days are back for me.  There's a lot of rubbish on the interwebs; anyone know of an actual solution to this problem?12:12
ActionParsnip1etfb: hibernate is a huge pain to get nice12:12
ActionParsnip1etfb: tried restarting hal/alsa/pulse after wakeup12:13
etfbActionParsnip1: How do I do that?12:13
ActionParsnip1etfb: sudo /etc/init.d/<something> restart12:13
etfbActionParsnip1: /sbin/alsa force-reload doesn't work.  Kaffeine refused to run after I did that, which was weird.12:13
etfbWill try that...12:13
ActionParsnip1etfb: you may need to rmmod / modprobe your sound driver module12:14
etfbActionParsnip1: How do I find the appropriate module name?12:15
ActionParsnip1etfb: lsmod will list all loaded modules12:16
ActionParsnip1etfb: lshw will show the hardware and maybe the driver12:16
ActionParsnip1etfb: try lshw -C audio12:17
ActionParsnip1etfb: it might be sound or multimedia, not sure12:17
ActionParsnip1yeah its sound12:18
ActionParsnip1look for the module name on the last line and sudo rmmod <that thing>; sudo modprobe <that thing>12:18
etfbOdd, I seem to have two: a 32bit Radeon HD 3600 Series, and a 64 bit Intel 82801I HDA12:19
etfbOh, and modprobe: does nothing12:19
ActionParsnip1etfb: it wont say anything12:20
ActionParsnip1etfb: but stuff happened under the hood12:20
ActionParsnip1etfb: heres mine: http://pastebin.com/d2161c0f212:22
ActionParsnip1etfb: so i would use: sudo rmmod snd_hda_intel; sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel12:22
=== gnuton is now known as Gnut[OFF]
ActionParsnip1etfb: if that doesnt work, read dmesg | tail12:24
etfbOdd; says snd_hda_intel is in use.12:25
ActionParsnip1etfb: you may need to stop the sound system first12:26
ActionParsnip1etfb: this is why hibernate is SOOOOO not worth it12:26
etfbActionParsnip1: Unfortunately, suspend doesn't work at all, so hibernate is all I've got.12:27
etfbHow do I stop the sound system?12:27
ActionParsnip1etfb: which do you use?12:27
etfbNothing relevant in dmesg, btw, other than this: [   43.298663] hda_codec: Unknown model for ALC268, trying auto-probe from BIOS...12:27
etfbActionParsnip1: What do you mean?12:27
ActionParsnip1etfb: alsa/pulse/oss  whats your poison?12:28
lokaiI removed the sound controller thing from my system bar. How do I put it back? KDE 3.512:28
etfbActionParsnip1: Oh.  ALSA, I'm fairly sure.12:30
etfbNo sign of Pulse in anything I can see, anyhow.12:30
ActionParsnip1etfb: the look in /etc/init.d for something alsa shaped12:30
etfbActionParsnip1: I did.  Restarted alsa-utils, and no luck there either.12:31
etfbOnly solution seems to be restarting, which is a pain in the arse.12:31
ActionParsnip1etfb: you may have to STOP it then rmmod the module12:31
ActionParsnip1etfb: short of that i am unsure, if its a laptop, maybe theres a guide on how to get it working for your make / model12:33
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etfbHey wow!  Something worked!12:38
ActionParsnip1etfb: whats shaking?12:39
etfbI think it was the sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop followed by rmmod'ing and modprobe'ing snd-hda-intel.  I shall write a script to do that, and test it next time I hibernate.12:39
etfbThanks, ActionParsnip1!12:39
ActionParsnip1etfb: cool12:40
ActionParsnip1etfb: you should put whatever you did in a script so you can easily do the same thing next time you wake the thing up12:41
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etfbHey, is there a command-line interface for the volume control?12:43
etfbSomething to set volume to 100% or mute or whatever?12:43
ct529hi everybody12:45
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ct529I have kubuntu 810 64bit installed on a SATA disk .... is it better to set the disk up as ATA or as AHCI in the BIOS (performance - wise)? It is presently ATA ....12:46
ActionParsnip1etfb: there is let me check12:46
ActionParsnip1etfb: amixer12:46
ActionParsnip1etfb: i think if you pass it params it will set stuff too12:46
ActionParsnip1etfb: man amixer12:47
Machtinyo guys.. what soundcard would i want, if i wanted a creative x-fi but fully supported by alsa?12:48
etfbCool - so amixer set Master 100% unmute and amixer set Master 0% mute will do what I want in a script.  Excellent!12:50
ActionParsnip1etfb: indeed12:50
ActionParsnip1etfb: you may want to add that to your wakeup script too ;)12:50
downhill_so um, anybody else running 8.10/PPA packages getting those file conflicts?12:51
ActionParsnip1downhill_: yeah i did12:51
downhill_do you know how to fix it?12:51
ActionParsnip1downhill_: sudo dpkg --force-all -i /path/to/debthatwontinstall ;)12:52
downhill_O_o no.12:52
downhill_I was hoping you knew of a secret package somewhere someone made to fix it or something :p12:53
ActionParsnip1downhill_: nope, just tell it to overwrite the file with the identical one in the package and you'll be fine12:53
downhill_hey ActionParsnip1, are you the one who helped me out with my ALSA problem?12:53
ActionParsnip1i have no idea12:54
downhill_it was like 4-5 days ago now12:54
downhill_I think12:54
downhill_I came in here 'cuz my sound stopped working after a reboot. then another reboot fixed it...12:54
ActionParsnip1downhill_: ive drank and slept since then12:54
etfbActionParsnip1: Thanks for you help, anyhow.  It's midnight here, so I'm off.  I'll fiddle with wakeup scripts some other day.12:55
ActionParsnip1etfb: its a good laugh if you fancy a challenge, personally i just shutdown12:55
etfbOh, and don't forget, everyone: time=1234567890 is coming soon!12:56
etfbperl -e 'print scalar localtime(1234567890),"\n";'12:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sata12:58
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voicuHi, I've upgraded to KDE 4.2 and some things like kwin and the multiple desktop manager don't work anymore13:02
voicuI can't use any program now since I don't have focus on the text fields13:02
voicuI checked in aptitude and no dependencies are broken13:03
ActionParsnip1ct529: its hugely geeky, the nuber of seconds since 1st jan 1970 is nearly at 123456789013:03
ActionParsnip1voicu: reinstall the kwin package, ive seen this a lot13:03
voicuthere is a kwin package?13:03
ActionParsnip1voicu: sure, you didnt expect one?13:04
voicuNo, I thought it would be part of some larger package13:04
voicuthat's all13:04
ActionParsnip1voicu: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kde-window-manager13:04
voicuyeah, done13:04
ActionParsnip1voicu: its a program like any other, thats why you can run compiz --replace to kill it and run compiz instead13:05
ActionParsnip1voicu: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kwin13:05
voicuyeah, it works now13:05
ActionParsnip1voicu: cool13:05
voicuWell, I thought it would be part of kde-base or something13:05
ct529ActionParsnip1: :)13:05
ActionParsnip1voicu: kdebase gives you the desktop environment, K-DE13:06
ActionParsnip1voicu: you can run any WM you like with it13:06
voicuaha, so only the desktop part, ok13:06
voicuso, how long till 1234567890? :D13:08
ActionParsnip1voicu: unfortunately for somereason the kwin conflicts with something or a dep isnt met and it gets left behind13:09
ActionParsnip1voicu: its 18:31:30 on 13th Feb 200913:09
voicuactionparsnip1: yeah, at first it didn't want to upgrade because aptitude couldn't fix the dependencies13:09
GeckoHey, might be a trivial question, but I've upgraded to 4.2, and now alt-f1 doesn't open the launcher. Any ideas?13:10
voicugecko, isn't it alt+F2?13:10
ActionParsnip1voicu: not sure on that one13:10
Geckovoicu: nope, that's "run"13:10
ActionParsnip1Gecko: right click desktop -> run program13:11
GeckoI mean the open the start menu equivalence13:11
voicugecko: well alt+f1 doesn't do anything for me either :P13:11
Geckoright. It used to do, and it's configured as such in the systems settings13:11
voicuactionparsnip1: wait, the timezone doesn't matter, does it? :D13:12
Geckohmm, found a bug report that tells me to delete .kde... Luckily I installed today, so no biggie13:13
ActionParsnip1voicu: not looked into it duder, have a websearch13:13
voicuwell, it's a measure for the clock after all so each place should have different times for it13:13
ActionParsnip1voicu: im not sure how the clocks are set, if they are all gmt or not13:15
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voicuwell whatever it is set, if it shows 13 feb 2009, 18:31:30 you have the time 1234567890 seconds13:16
voicuso 3h 15min for my timezone13:16
voicuwhich is gmt+213:16
=== Lenovoo is now known as NeOne
sorsethi, how can i compile kdebluetooth 4?13:21
voicudoes anyone know a rough ratio of kubuntu/ubuntu users?13:22
El_Presidentei installed the alpha of kubuntu, will i automatically get the stable packages when 9.04 is out?13:22
El_Presidenteor do i have to install it again?13:22
Dr_Willisvoicu,  what if i have both installed? :)13:22
Dr_WillisEl_Presidente,  tahts how  the system works.. yes...13:22
Dr_Willisupdates -> newest packages -> same as install clean. (In theory)13:23
voicuDr_willis: are you talking about having both gnome and kde or actually dual booting? :P13:23
El_Presidentei did it that way because kde 4.2 crashed my 8.10 system13:23
Dr_Willisvoicu,  why bother with dual booting  :) just install both  desktops and puck the one ya want o usze from gdm/kdm13:23
jussi01El_Presidente: 9.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 ;)13:24
voicuwell ok, but i'm interested in the average user preferences13:24
El_Presidentehehe ok jussi0113:24
Dr_Willisand 'if i upgrade.. will that get me to the latest' is like a top 10 FAQ item13:24
voicuBTW, why doesn't KDE keep the gnome network applet in the session?13:25
Dr_Williskde has its own network-applet i belive13:25
voicuyeah, but it doesn't work, at least not for me13:25
Dr_Willisit works here.13:25
voicuwith wifi?13:25
Dr_Willisi had some goof up where both were running13:25
Dr_Willisas far as i can rember.. bioth gnome and kde both worked with the wirless on my laptops13:26
voicuwhat KDE version?13:26
Dr_WillisNot that i use kde much.13:26
voicuok, just upgraded, lemme try13:26
Dr_Willisbut i do seem to recall it working13:26
voicuanother problem since I upgraded: kmixer doesn't show a slider when I click on it13:31
voicuthe window with many sliders does work though13:31
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Dr_Willistry a differnt mixer perhaps?13:38
voicuwell i could but i like kmixer :P13:40
Dr_WillisI set my voume to 75% or so.. and just leave it...  I got a knob on my speakers.13:41
Dr_Willisit goes to 1113:41
voicumine is not really using a monotone scale :P13:42
voicudunno why13:42
GeckoHmm, another problem. I seem to be lacking kcm_style and kcm_color after the upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 in 8.10... What can I do?13:44
voicugecko: where do you come across those?13:46
voicuso i can check mine too13:46
GeckoSystem Settings->Appearance13:46
voicugecko: dunno, mine work but you should try to reinstall the appropiate package13:47
voicukde-admin or something?13:48
quassel65Hi, how can I add a plasmoid to the desktop that if clicked, displays the kickoff menu (like the left button on the panel)? I tried application launcher, but it always displays the menu.13:49
Dr_Willisdont ya drag/drop them onto the desktop?  I think ive seen some that you can add them to the panel or the desktop13:50
Dr_Willisdrag to one.. they look one way.. drag to other.. they look a different way13:51
quassel65I can't drag the kickoff launcher to the desktop.13:51
Dr_Willisperhaps it cant be used on the desttop then. Im not in kde to try it out13:52
quassel65ok, other question13:52
syockitquassel65: do you have the desktop unlocked?13:52
quassel65syockit: yes13:52
quassel65but, isn't the option called "lock/unlcok *widgets*, not *desktop*? If no, then its maybe locked.13:53
syockitquassel65: yes, widgets. sorry13:54
syockitquassel65: and this is kde4.0 or 4.1?13:54
quassel65neither: kde 4.2 ( jaunty)13:54
syockitoh wait, neither 4.0 nor 4.1 allows dragging of panel items to desktop :(13:55
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syockitquassel65: I tried, and it works. don't like the way it looks though13:56
syockitquassel65: enable panel editing mode.13:56
syockitquassel65: that is, click on panel's cashew. during this mode you can move panel widgets13:56
quassel65oh, but it pulls the whole menu out. Not only the launcher.13:57
syockitquassel65: ah, I see, you also didn't like that13:57
quassel65ok, I also have two other questions, maybe they're easier :)13:59
syockitquassel65: ah, but lancelot stays as icon13:59
syockitquassel65: if you don't mind lancelot, you can check that out14:00
quassel65syockit: can that also be configured for kickoff14:00
syockitquassel65: lancelot is a different menu system. although you can use the kickoff icon, lancelot will still be lancelot14:01
syockitquassel65: and maybe kickoff was written to not become an icon on desktop14:01
quassel65well, ok. Now, my other question14:02
quassel65is there a kind of "custom launcher" plasmoid? So, an costum icon that runs a custom command when clicked?14:02
syockitquassel65: strange, I can't find one? when trying kde4.0 back then, I remember creating custom shortcuts....14:06
quassel65and something else: When I add bBalL plasmoid, it doesn't appear anywhere...14:07
mazachi guys, i'm trying to upgrade 7.10's kde 4.1 to 4.2 .. i've been following official upgrade quide (on fresh install of 7.10) but can't figure out which packages are 'plasmoid packages' which are supposed to be uninstalled before upgrade ? thoughts ?14:08
syockitquassel65: I never had that working14:09
syockitmazac: even 8.04 was troublesome. and you're doing it on 7.10?14:10
mazacsyockit; oh sorry, 8.1014:10
mazacthe latest from kubuntu site14:10
syockitmazac: find any packages that has either plasmoid or plasma applet in the name14:11
syockitmazac: don't forget kdeplasma-addons14:12
syockitmazac: do a ' aptitude search ~iplasma ' and look at the descriptions14:13
mazacsyockit; i managed to upgrade it so far but im not sure if it is 'clean way' .. i've run upgrade right after installation , went ok appart from some packages which apt-get told me they have been kept back .. i removed these (kdm off from console) and then installed again, removing some packages which havent met dependencies14:13
mazacsyockit; cool i'll have a look14:13
quassel65Isn't the "Leave me a note" applet supposed to also appear when the screen is locked?14:13
mazacsyockit; jsut got fresh intrepid install on vmware so i'm gonna give it a try14:13
quassel65sorry, I meant widget, not applet (I'm too used to gnome...)14:13
syockitmazac: when upgrading, apt-get dist-upgrade can solve cyclic dependencies. but since that has passed, doesn't matter now. just to let you know..14:15
mazacanayway, is intrepid with kde 4.2 reliable ? stable ? can one use it for day to day work ?14:15
EagleScreenmazac yes14:16
mazacEagleScreen; because after fresh installation and first kde run, some application crashed :)) the one that require mysql.. can't remember14:17
yunusMErhabalar .14:17
yunusKubuntu ekran çözunurlulugunu aklında tutamıyor .14:17
Pici!tr | yunus14:18
ubottuyunus: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:18
yunus1024*768 yapıyorum restar yaptıgımda eskı halıne geliyor .14:18
yunusubottu:  sağoL .14:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sağoL .14:18
quassel65I have a question about the  default kickoff menu: I heard that kde 4 used "soft spots" - screen edges that are easy to click. But: when the menu is open, and I selected an application group in Applications, I can't click the "back" button on the left if I move my mouse all the way to the left. I saw this feature sometime in a KDE visual guide, why isn't it working in jaunty kde 4.2?14:19
EagleScreenmazac you have KDE 4.1.3 in inprepid updates, it will crash less than 4.1.2, or you can install 4.2.0 (I recomend it)14:19
genii-aroundPici: Nice catch. Was just trying to whois the ip for country code :)14:20
mazacEagleScreen; i added launchpad repisotory so it should be 4.214:20
EagleScreenwell done mazac14:21
syockitquassel65: I'm amazed by the number of defects you found on this run. I've only realized that kickoff now floats a bit to the center, instead of being glued to screen edge14:21
quassel65syockit: I'm sorry, I also noticed loads of positive great stuff in kde (which I think is amazing, I only used kde 3 quite a while ago), I think I'm going to swith to kde full-time when jaunty comes out. Its just: I only ask about the stuff that doesn't seem to work,14:23
syockitquassel65: nothing to apologize about :) it's just that I've only realized how user experience can greatly vary depending on how they want to use the desktop14:25
syockitquassel65: especially, I'm on tabletpc, so I'll never discover that soft-edge thing14:25
quassel65tabletpc: cool!14:26
syockitquassel65: and I mostly alt-f2 or use yakuake to launch apps. but I figured that most users would want an icon to launch custom command14:26
syockitthe ball is something I gave up trying since 4.0, and I never imagined having a K icon on desktop to launch things14:27
syockitif that was possible, maybe people can remove panel completely14:27
quassel65I just figured out about the launchers: You can right click on the app in kickoff and select "Add to Desktop" and then, minimize all the windows to find where it apperas.14:28
syockitquassel65: but if you edit that...14:28
syockithmm, i need to confirm14:28
quassel65Or you can drag and drop an app from the kickoff menu to the desktop. Great, launchers are possible!14:28
syockitmy hypothesis is that if you edit the created launcher, the entry in the menu would also be changed14:29
syockitbut I'm gonna have to prove that first14:29
MeizirkkiKDE 4.2 on Nokia n810: http://picasaweb.google.com/meizirkki/MerOnN810#530084148859399443414:29
Meizirkkiit runs "ok", but is there any tricks to make it faster?14:29
tackatMeizirkki: does it use Qt 4.5?14:30
Meizirkkino idea, it's jaunty btw14:30
tackatMeizirkki: then it most likely doesn't14:30
tackatMeizirkki: usage of Qt 4.5 is likely to improve the speed14:31
Meizirkkiokay, why Qt 4.5 isn't used in Jaunty14:31
vbgunzanybody ever use "suspend to ram" in intrepid? does it work flawlessly (reliably) for you? Did you get a chance to test it in Jaunty? does it work at all?14:32
JontheEchidnaThey're still deciding whether or not Qt 4.5 should be inlcuded in Jaunty14:32
syockitquassel65: hmm great! it seems the launcher is duplicated, and doesn't share properties with the one in the menu14:33
quassel65ok, thanks, so I can use that then.14:33
vbgunzQt 4.5 I head was better tested I believe by Aaron Siego and was faster out the box? also, its even faster if you turn painting to raster or something? (beyond me atm)14:33
syockitquassel65: the only drawback is (for me) extra things appearing in kickoff's search (but for custom commands, this is a good thing)14:34
drostiehi, guys. Is there a way to uninstall KDE 4.2 after you install it and it ruins just about everything?14:35
quassel65I just noticed: I tried Help->KMailHandbook in KMail to get some Help, but it just said "documentation not found". Do I have to install a extra package via pt?14:35
JontheEchidnaquassel65: kdepim-doc14:35
Meizirkkidrostie: remove kdelibs5 ?14:35
syockitvbgunz: but no stable release yet, right?14:36
vbgunzsyockit: no stable for what?14:36
vbgunzQt 4.5?14:36
drostieMeizirkki: won't that kill kde as a whole?14:37
quassel65syockit: will this thing with "Kickoff back button not at the screen edge" thingy be fixed?14:37
syockitvbgunz: http://linux-wizard.net/blog-testing_kde_42_with_qt_45-256.html14:37
vbgunzI am not sure what is happening about it. I do hope it ships in jaunty. I heard it is supposed to be better and magnitudes faster than 4.4.*14:37
EagleScreenQt 4.5 is not stable14:37
EagleScreenPlasma may often crash with Qt 4.514:38
syockitquassel65: not sure, it might have to be reported. but I'm not keen on going to bugs.kde.org ....14:38
Meizirkkidrostie: it's the best way i know to uninstall kde14:38
vbgunzAaron said its more stable and referred to that post I believe14:38
drostieI should be more specific, then. I want to reinstall kde 4.1 over kde 4.2.14:38
drostieIs there some other .deb I should retrieve beforehand so that I can reinstall kde 4.1?14:39
vbgunzsorry, it was Thiago, I get the two mixed up14:39
Meizirkkidrostie: why??14:39
claudio__hie all14:39
EagleScreendrostie use synaptic or aptitude package managers and downgrade packages to its 4.1 version14:39
quassel65syockit: this bug is already reported, right? Add widgets14:40
drostieEagleScreen: Can't. KDE 4.2 broke KNetworkManager, and now I don't have an internet connection.14:40
maziahola, im just installed kubuntu 8.10.  knetwork manager wont let me use static ip when i tell it to.14:40
quassel65I meant: Add widgets14:40
quassel65Add widgets14:40
maziahis there a fix for this ?14:40
claudio__can anyone tell me why my shortcuts doesn't work (in linux ubuntu 8.04 ) when i try to make ctrl+c to cpy doesn't work????14:40
maziahi got rid of openSuSE 11.1 thinking kubuntu 8.10 was better14:40
EagleScreendrostie my knetworkmanager works well in 4.2 i dont see reason for breakage14:40
Meizirkkidrostie: KDE 4.2 shouldn't ruin things.. for me it runs a lot better than 4.114:41
a|wenis there anyone here, which uses intrepid with kde 4.1.4 from the -proposed archive?14:41
drostieWell, KDE 4.2, for me, *did* ruin things. Useful things, like internet access and keyboard input.14:41
maziahdrostie: i found lots of settings are missing ? lots of admin tools and such14:42
vbgunzKDE 4.2 is turning out to be the DE I can recommend again14:42
maziahbefore i could go into admin settings and configure everything... but i cant see anything in system settings now for configuring my network adaptors.14:42
vbgunz4.1 made me so sad, I wouldn't recommend it. 4.2 is so cool, I cannot wait for 4.3 heh14:42
Meizirkkivbgunz: same here14:42
drostieI mean, maybe there was some serious screwup in upgrading, and I'd love to try to re-upgrade, but first I have to de-upgrade. Without an internet connection. Or a keyboard.14:43
drostieHence, uninstalling KDE 4.2 in favor of KDE 4.1, with only pre-downloaded .deb packages.14:43
drostie(I should point out that I *do* still have keyboard access through a TTY console, so it's not as bad as it sounds.)14:44
drostieDo you guys know what packages I'd need to do that?14:45
maziahfuck this im going back to opensuse 11.0 ;>14:45
maziah11.1 memory leaks14:45
genii-aroundWell, can't please everyone ALL the time, unfortunately.14:45
syockitquassel65: that report is very new o_O expect it to be fixed even later14:46
quassel65ah, to bad, they should let me do the importance rating ;)14:46
EagleScreenmaziah you also could test Debian with KDE 4.214:48
drostieblech. Is Jaunty Jackalope reasonably usable at this time? It looks like my best option is to reinstall fresh.14:53
BluesKajdrostie , still a bit unstable , but tried it for just 2 hrs or so14:54
BluesKajdrostie, the live-cd site comes with warnings of instability14:55
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syockithow difficult is it to compile qt4.5 with kde4.2?14:56
drostiewell, I'd still like to see KDE 4.2 functioning correctly. ^_^;;15:00
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BluesKajit seems ok on my set up with 8.10...even compiz hasn't crashed so far :)15:05
mazachi .. trying to upgrade kde 4.1 to 4.2 on fresh intrepid installation, but after entering username and password i just getkde wallpapaer and that't it :) am i missing something ? i suppose i followed all the instructions on kubuntu site .. see http://pastebin.com/d7179b9f .. tx15:05
shadeslayermazac did you restart X??15:06
mazacevery time i upgrade it different way, i get different result but still not good supposely :))15:07
mazacshadeslayer; well i rebooted machine, so .. yes :)15:07
shadeslayermazac i had to upgrade via a command line,dont remember the command now15:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hdparm15:09
mazacshadeslayer; i did everything on command line with X down15:09
mazacthis is such a pain .. :)))15:09
shadeslayermazac i think it was sudo apt-get install <kde package name>15:09
shadeslayerjust find the package name15:10
quassel65I'm already looking forward to kde 515:10
mazacshadeslayer; its not the nightbuild .. i addedd launchpad repository and did upgrade afterwards .. this should be enough .. and it's corresponding with howto on kubuntu site .. weird15:11
shadeslayerhaha, KDE 5,thatll be mid 201015:11
drostiemazac: I did most of the same steps and KDE 4.2 at least starts up for me, although several things are still broken even then. So I don't think you did anything wrong.15:11
shadeslayermazac i did the exact same thing15:11
shadeslayerbut it did not upgrade,so i had to do command line15:12
mazacuhm ..15:12
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde415:12
mazaci thought this thingy is supposed to be stable release.. but its not really integrated well with kubuntu so far :)15:12
ubottukde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 | 4.2 packages http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 | Support in #kubuntu15:13
shadeslayermazac try asking in #kde15:13
mazacdrostie; yeah .. i managed to get it working different way but straight after start akonadi(?) server died15:13
shadeslayermaybe they can give you the command line15:13
mazachmm okie15:13
drostieThe news page should add a warning saying, "By the way, if you install KDE 4.2, everything may or may not be ruined. Just saying."15:15
mazacyeah :D15:15
mazaci think i'll stick with 4.1 on intrepid till 4.2 is really ok15:15
shadeslayermazac seriously??15:16
shadeslayer4.1 is junk15:16
mazacwell it is ..15:16
drostiefunctional junk, though. mazac and I both have KDE 4.2 installs that are totally useless. ^_^15:16
shadeslayer4.2 is much much much much much better15:17
drostieI agree. It is apparently much slicker, when it works.15:17
mazacthat;s the thing15:17
mazacto get it working properly15:17
mazaci've seen the difference is huge on kde site ..15:18
mazacthey could really do a nice step by step working howto for upgrading :) I'm sure a lot of ppl would appreciate it15:19
mazaci also tried jaunty, upgrade went well .. but after it keyboard stopped working :D nice init ?15:20
shadeslayermazac i was contemplating on a jaunty upgrade,any advice??15:21
senahi guys are there here good bash scripters I have a few questions15:21
mazacshadeslayer; well i just installed it, ran upgrade, everything went well appart from the keyboard didn't work15:22
mazacsena; i know a bit :)15:23
senahi mazac i just wrote this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/117676/15:23
ct529anyone using a netbook with solid state, like the eeepc?15:23
kaddihello :)15:24
senait isa bit automation for monitoring my kubuntu15:24
shadeslayer!hi| kaddi15:24
ubottukaddi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:24
ct529I wanted to know if you could change the SSD like you would change a normal disk15:24
senai tried to do it with inputting the root password only once with prompt15:25
senai can show you if you want15:25
genii-aroundct529: To the os they should just seem like regular discs.15:26
senabut then when i pass like echo "password" | sudo -S "programm" it writes it to the new session in plaintext15:26
mazacsena; ok15:26
senaso do you have any idea15:26
senanow will just prompt everywhere for password and i just paste it everywhere but it is at least secure that way15:27
ct529genii-around: but would you be able to change them, as you do with normal disks15:28
mazacsena; you can write it to temp file and the cat it and send to pipe .. but storing it in file is not too secure as well :)15:28
genii-aroundct529: Unless they're soldered into the motherboard I don't see why not15:29
senamazac: well if that works I can delete the file at the end or?15:29
mazacsena; yeah sure. it should work15:30
mazacsena; just use echo `cat temp.pwd` | sudo -S15:30
senaok thanks mazac15:31
mazacsena; np ;)15:31
shadeslayermazac that problem solved??15:32
shadeslayeroh and one more thing,hows quassle??15:33
mazacshadeslayer; just installing fresh intrepid (again), gonna make snapshot and try different methods15:33
mazacstill no luck15:33
shadeslayermazac hows quassle for IRC'ing??15:34
mazacshadeslayer; q what ?15:34
shadeslayermazac in the release notes,it mentions quassle as the new IRC client,they dropped konversation15:35
mazacshadeslayer; i dont know i use irssi15:35
mazaci preffer command line to be honest15:35
syockittried quassel, but it crunches on my pc15:36
shadeslayereverybody has prefrences15:36
syockitsome random things its doing in the background15:36
shadeslayeranother reason not to upgrade15:36
syockitso irssi all the way15:37
mazacyou can run nice terminal in kde and irssi on it :))15:37
syockiti yakuake15:37
shadeslayermazac so we can use the IRC through a terminal,how??15:38
mazacshadeslayer; just run irssi command in terminal .. that's it. you should better read some introduction to irssi if you dont know it15:39
shadeslayermazac i use konversation for all my IRC needs,mIRC in windows15:40
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mazacshadeslayer; irssi is command line, very different to mIRC15:40
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shadeslayerill check irssi out15:40
shadeslayerin about 3 hours15:41
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mazacshadeslayer; they've got nice howto on their homepage, also some screenshots15:43
shadeslayerwell im downloading a torrent right now,dont wanna disturb that15:43
syockitthe howto is a must15:44
mazacshadeslayer; why you should have to disturb the download ? hmmm15:44
shadeslayermazac 128 kbps connection :(15:45
shadeslayersmall b not 'B"15:45
mazacshadeslayer; well that sucks yeah .. i'm on 2mbit and not happy too :-/15:46
mazacshadeslayer; what is it isdn ?15:46
mazackind of slow dsl15:46
shadeslayerultra slow DSL,its a unlimited connection thats why15:47
mazacjust reading kubuntu forum and seems like everyone has problems upgrading kde :)15:47
shadeslayerhere you pay either for speed or time,not both15:47
mazacshadeslayer; where ru from ?15:47
webaskahow to login as root in kde 4.1?15:48
mazacshadeslayer; oh i c15:48
shadeslayerwebaska its locked15:48
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:48
webaskai mean in kde 3.5 u just press alt+f2 in konqueror and u do what you want...15:49
webaskahow to do same stuff in kde 4.1 ?15:49
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shadeslayerwebaska maybe the recovery console can help you15:49
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shadeslayerit has a terminal and which logs in as root,AFAIK15:50
webaskawhy recovery console? why do i need that.. :|15:50
shadeslayerwebaska dont know any other method15:50
shadeslayerwebaska why do you need it anyway15:50
webaskai need it because i need it. and i really hate to use terminal to do all this stuff ( copy paste, create folders)15:51
syockitshadeslayer: to easily edit root files from konqueror15:51
syockitwebaska: start konqueror as root15:52
syockiti mean, as super-user15:52
webaskasyockit if im on 3.5 kde i need no help.. but in 4.1 i cant find how15:52
linuxlinux rockt15:53
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syockitwebaska: start konsole15:54
syockitwebaska: btw the default file manager is dolphin. so let's use dolphin instead15:54
webaskacan i login in it as in kde 3.5 ? :\15:54
lum_saiswhat s alt+f2 for in konqueror ?  to launch commands ?15:56
webaskayes + with other options at least in older kde...15:56
syockitwebaska: no alt-f2 in newer konqueror15:56
syockitwebaska: click on K icon on the panel, start konsole15:57
syockitwebaska: run: sudo dolphin15:57
xp-killerhow to find out what type of dvd writer i have on my pc?15:57
xp-killerSH-D162C, TS-H352C, SH-D163A ou TS-H353A ?15:58
syockitxp-killer: if it's connected, maybe you can lspci | grep DVD15:58
shadeslayerxp-killer theres a hardware info plasmoid15:58
lum_saisit s funny, I didnt know about alt+f2  (btw I am currently using debian with kde 3.5 in this laptop)15:59
xp-killersyockit: lspci | grep DVD give me no feedbaack16:00
lum_saiswebaska: why do you miss that feature (sorry maybe it s my fault but I can t see your problem)16:00
syockitxp-killer: how about dmesg? do dmesg | less16:04
syockitxp-killer: and search for each of those that you mentioned. (search is activated by /)16:04
syockitxp-killer: (and search next is n, search prev is shift-n)16:05
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syockitwebaska: I hope you're okay with dolphin there16:06
webaskaye im okay.. a bit busy16:06
webaskaits easy to get angry then something is not okay :)16:07
chuckh1958how to I get kopete to start automatically when I log on?16:07
syockitchuckh1958: I think kopete has it as an option somewhere. if not, you can use System Settings>Advanced>Autostart16:08
voicuaren't there hotkeys for applications like in kde 3?16:11
voicuthe tool in system settings doesn16:11
voicu*doesn't show any options for that16:11
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ForzaPalermohey guys anyone able to get sound in x64 kubuntu in firefox with x64 adob e flash plugin>16:14
syockitvoicu: see keyboard&mouse>global shortcuts16:14
syockitvoicu: or did you mean setting custom keys to launch certain apps?16:15
voicuyeah, like ctrl+alt+w for kate16:17
voicuor whatever16:17
voicukde3 had that tool that assigned for each kde menu entry a global shortcut16:17
voicureally useful16:18
webaskawhat is another annoying feat in new kde is that you cant unrar like in old kde16:19
webaskaor at least i havent fixed everything :>16:20
dutlerif you doint have to have desktop effects, you can use openbox with kde to get powerfull keybinding16:21
voicuwhat's openbox?16:22
dutlera windows manager that works well with kde16:23
voicuoh, a hm, i'll try buti like kwin16:23
voicunot for the effects16:23
voicui can do without them16:23
dutleri use to use openbox when i had a smaller system.... i like kwin too, just miss the keybinding and the service menues as well16:24
voicudo i just kill kwin and start openbox?16:25
dutleryou can start the xsession with openbox/kde ... or you can use a window managers switcher and go back and forth in the same session .... could but compiz on your list of options as well16:26
guraltsevhey guys, I am having some graphics problems with my kubuntu 8.10 toshiba satellite notebook with intel 945GM. Is there any giude on internet ore something relevant to installing more up to date video drivers and stuff. I cannot seem to find anything. In general what do I need to do to install the latest drivers under linux?16:26
voicudutler: well for now i'll just bring it up a little for testing16:27
dutlerread this guys blog... its the best reffernce i have found: http://urukrama.wordpress.com/openbox-guide/16:28
dutlerguraltsev: i what driver are you useing? i810 or intel?16:30
guraltsevhow do I find out?16:30
guraltsevI just installed linux about a week ago16:30
dutleri believe the intel drivers are open, so dont need to do anyting specail for hardware acceeration like some of us ati and nvidea guys.16:31
dutlercan you get to the system settings app?16:31
dutler8.10 has kde 4.1 ... its kind of a test realease, rather than a production. you may have a better (less buggy, more complete, more stable) experiance wuing 8.04 with kde 3.516:32
dutleri didnt upgrade until kde 4.2 was out ... kde 4.1 is not complete... only a .1 of the 4 tech base16:33
guraltsevwell actually I have already kde 4.216:33
guraltsevsorry, didn't read16:34
guraltsevI also waited for kde 4.216:34
syockithmm, my experience was different. kde 4.0 broke, but 4.1 worked nice. and 4.2 gets a little better16:34
dutlerahhh good. ... so your new, but youv still managed the "un supported upgrade"16:35
guraltsevdutler: If I understand correctly  what you mean by system settings, I have started it. Now where should I go? I have tried digging around but no success so far.16:35
dutleranyway... id doest apear that the display "control panel" lets u set the drive like with kde 3. you will need to use cli16:36
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dutlerhave you ever messed with nano?16:36
guraltsevdutler: well, I had some very limited linux experience with linuxes in my dad's university. But that was always with rather old pc's and that was 4-5 years ago... So I never encountered problems with video devices etc.16:37
syockit8.10 will load "intel" driver by default with 945GM16:37
dutlersyockit: does "intel" support opengl or does he need to load a differnt driver?16:38
syockityes it does, and xorg handles everything automatically16:38
guraltsevI can explain the problem16:38
chakiei have a lenovo t60 laptop and i can't get wlan/bluetooth enabled. they are [de]activated through fn-f5 and i at some point disabled them to save power (both were working fine)16:39
chakienow i can't enable them anymore16:40
chakieis that something that the OS controls or the hw?16:40
JohnFluxchakie: reboot?16:40
syockitchakie: you must reenable them manually16:40
chakieJohnFlux: i'm not that much of a noob :)16:40
chakiewell, i can't enable them16:40
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syockitchakie: there's a commandline for that, i forgot16:40
chakiehow much i keep pressing fn-f5 it never does anything16:41
syockitchakie: it involves using ifconfig <interface name> up16:41
syockitchakie: no, it doesn't work that way16:41
syockitchakie: your fn-f5 disables it at hardware level (I assume)16:41
chakieso you can disable that way but not enable?16:41
guraltsevNormally everything works fine, but I tried running a video intensive program: a game made for linux and it gave me lots of trash.. I tried looking around and it said that it was actually a problem with the intel drivers, and it actually said that it could be fixed by updating to more up to date and maybe experimental drivers. But I do not know how to approach this problem and it didn't say anything about how to do it16:41
chakiesyockit: looking in the bios they are both enabled, and fn-f5 has no effect even before linux "takes over"16:42
syockitchakie: and when it's disabled at hardware level, the software detects that your wifi is gone, so it reacts accordingly16:42
syockitchakie: but it doesn't react to the wifi being activated again16:42
chakiesyockit: sounds like what i have16:43
dutlerguraltsev xserver-xorg-video-intel  is the new driver... and by defult you should have it.  onpen konsole and type >nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:43
chakiesyockit: something like this? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkPad_Bluetooth_with_Enhanced_Data_Rate_(BDC-2)16:43
dutlerin the device section, look for the driver and make sure it says "intel"16:43
adeusis anyone else using kubuntu-experimental and amd64, package libpcrecpp0 seems to be broken16:44
adeussays size mismatch16:44
dutleraptitude says size mismatch?16:44
syockitdutler: i think he doesn't have xorg.conf16:44
steven_somebody know's where i find redwine the exe  program??16:44
adeusFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pcre3/libpcrecpp0_7.8-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1_amd64.deb  Size mismatch16:44
guraltsevI actually have xorg.conf16:45
guraltsevwait a sec16:45
dutlersyockit :??? i do.. why wouldnt he?16:45
syockitdutler: umm, because he's on 8.10?16:45
steven_anyway i found it thx anyway16:46
dutlerright... i forgot... use "lspci | grep VGA" instead16:46
afeijocan I install kubuntu 8.10 in a apple macbook air?16:46
dutlerim on 8.10 but have customized it.16:46
steven_why you do that ,16:46
guraltsevbut it is rather useless: it only has 3 sections called device, monitor, and screen, with respective identifiers: saying "configured monitor" etc. Wait now I will do lspci16:47
syockitchakie: i still don't comprehend the situation here.... so is your bluetooth/wifi totally unusable now, or does it reset on reboot?16:47
syockitafeijo: yes. you. can!! or did you mean that as "will the hardware be fully supported?"16:49
whutWhy fonts in Firefox are so small?16:49
dutlerguralsev: thats what syockit was leading up too... sorry i forgot abot those changes with 8.10 . type "lspci | grep VGA" instead16:49
afeijosyockit: lol, yeah, thats implicit. I will have 0 problems or there is some incompatibilities?16:50
guraltsevok I have 2 entries relevant to our case in lspci output: one begins with Display controller (and does not contain the string VGA) and the other one is:    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller(rev 03)16:50
dutlerguralsev: that will eve you the excate video adapter you have... then do lsmod | grep intel so see ifyour using the right one16:51
syockitafeijo: I haven't see anyone doing review of using kubuntu 8.10 on macbook air. so no guarantee there16:51
dutleri have to run out, but to get newer drivers than the ones in the repo, you will have to find a reopw with a newer one, or build from source....16:53
dutlerapt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel   will tell you what version you currently have16:53
dutlergood luck, adios16:53
afeijosyockit: I see, I dont plan to buy anytime soon, so I will wait.  With the ubuntu 8.04 its the same thing? no reviews yet?16:55
_gunni_jefferai: Can you explain the difference between the Qt4.5 with raster and without? Which one should be better (If i will have crashes i want them to be fast at least :) )16:57
chakiesyockit: it was totally unusable16:57
chakiesyockit: but i found the cause, there's a small switch on the side of the laptop that disables the wifi/bt entirely16:58
syockitafeijo: ah there is actually a wiki page for mba https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir1-1/Intrepid?action=show&redirect=Macbook_Air16:58
chakiesyockit: it was turned off. now it works16:58
syockitchakie: no need to restart?16:59
chakiesyockit: i had it powered down when i noticed it, so i don't know16:59
chakiesyockit: i blame my wife who was looking for a way to open it the other day, must've tried that switch :)16:59
chakieopen the laptop, that is16:59
syockitohoo :D17:00
chakiesyockit: thanks for the help. pebkac as usual :D17:00
snikkerthere is a way to type a "ALT+0160" chars (or any other combinations) in linux?17:03
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guraltsevsyockit: sorry it is still me, Ok  I found out the version of my xorg-video-intel driver using apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel: it is 2:2.4.1-1ubuntu10.317:04
afeijosyockit: nice!! bookmarked, thanks17:04
syockitguraltsev: oh that looks kind of old17:04
afeijosyockit: a mba here in brazil is very expensive, about U$ 400017:04
guraltsevbut what should I do now to get the newer versions?17:05
whutPlease, help, interface fonts in Firefox in Kubuntu 8.10 are too smaaalll17:05
shadeslayerwhut did you try the forums17:05
syockitguraltsev: hmmm that's the latest you can get on intrepid anyway17:06
whutYes, I did. People there usually have problems with Web-page fonts and most of the hits in Google are about that issue.17:06
shadeslayerthey had a theme there,which made FF3 fonts really good17:06
xp-killerin konqueror there this google space where to type stuff in it how do i stop it from bring up history or thing i never type its very anoying to type my things without it bringin up all types of stuff17:06
syockitwhut: check gtk apps settings in System Settings>Appearance17:06
afeijoanother question, how can I monitor my home pc CPU temp thru ssh?17:06
blahjakeafeijo: sensors17:07
guraltsevwhut: how small? What I did was this: installed gtk-qt-engine, msttcorefonts (this one contains windows fonts), and gtk2-engines-qtcurve, then I looked up the font settings of firefox in windows and set them in linux accordingly17:07
andrerwhich one is better, kubuntu-experimental (for using kde 4.2) or project neon (kde-nightly)?  nightly has been working almost fine, but msn support is trash17:07
xp-killerin konqueror there this google space where to type stuff in it how do i stop it from bring up history or thing i never type its very anoying to type my things without it bringin up all types of stuff17:08
whutguraltsev: Thanks!17:08
guraltsevwhut: If you do not want to restart I can tell ou my font settings or you can play with them17:09
afeijoblahjake: thanks! I ran sensors-detect, it updated my /etc/modules17:09
afeijodo I need to reboot?17:09
syockitguraltsev: try enabling this repository https://launchpad.net/~intel-gfx-testing/+archive/ppa17:09
whutguraltsev: I do it on my second machine, so please tell me what settings do you have. =)17:09
syockitguraltsev: well I suppose you don't know how to, wait I'll get a howto17:10
guraltsevsyockit: I do know17:10
guraltsevno problem17:10
blahjakeafeijo: no, just sudo modprobe the listed drivers17:10
guraltsevwait a sec17:10
syockitguraltsev: good. try that repo17:10
syockitonly 2 packages to install17:10
afeijoblahjake: wow, nice!! :)17:11
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=== Guest29179 is now known as brendan__
afeijomy CPU temp is core 0: 50, core 1: 51.  Nice, I was worried as its summer here, pretty hot weather17:13
syockitxp-killer: I don't know how to disable, but that thing is called "search suggestions" fyi17:13
afeijoboard temp: 44 ºC17:13
brendan__Head temp 100ºC17:14
imps100 C for your cpu temp?!17:14
afeijoyou can cook there17:15
brendan__lol, cooking eggs on my head17:15
impsI get unstable over 68 c..17:15
brendan__my gfx card 68 and comp is 4617:15
xp-killersyockit: but anoying when i forgot to add something im adding it and its going back to the end: ex:  house (i forgot to put my) i going put my it does house my :s17:15
xp-killerits ver haracing17:15
whutI cannot upgrade to KDE 4.2 as per press release.17:22
whutapt-get somehow preserves old packages.17:22
whutThe following packages have been kept back:17:22
whutAnd lists all the KDE4 packages.17:23
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oobei found a small thing on a thing and then i lost it17:25
guraltsevwhut: in Firefox preferences in the content section I have the following font settings: fonts and colors: default font: times new roman size:1617:26
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guraltsevin the advanced section17:26
guraltsevwhut: fonts for: western: proportional: Serif size 16,   and Monospace: Courier New size 1317:27
JuJuBeeI need to get a new laptop.   I need to be able to use dual head config and have decent graphics/processor .  Can someone make suggestion?  There is sooooo much out there, hard to pick.17:30
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:30
draikI added a new hard drive, but it does not appear to show up in /media17:30
draikIt is a new 1TB hdd.17:30
anthraxMalika Ayane17:30
draikCan Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex read the 1TB HDD?17:31
JuJuBeeWhat graphics adapter should I get? I assume nVidia?17:31
shadeslayerJuJuBee youre discussing hardware here??17:32
JuJuBeeDoes't everyone here us kubuntu?17:32
guraltsevsyockit: Hey, ok I enabled it17:32
JuJuBeeor at least most...17:32
shadeslayeram i missing something??17:32
JuJuBeeWhy not ask those that use it what they use?17:32
shadeslayerwell i use a XPS with kubuntu17:33
PiciBecause hardware is offtopic for here. Try #kubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-offtopic or ##hardware.17:33
syockitguraltsev: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libdrm xserver-xorg-video-intel17:33
draikIf anyone has an answer to my 1TB HDD, you can PM me, I have to step away for about 10-15 minutes.17:33
JuJuBeePici : is ##hardware kubuntu/ubuntu specific?17:33
PiciJuJuBee: nope.17:33
shadeslayerits general hardware17:33
shadeslayerbut no problems in asking there,Hardware is not OS specific17:34
JuJuBeeI am just sick to death of my ATI problems I need to change.17:34
JuJuBeeThought here would be a good place.  Sry.17:34
genii-aroundWell, some hardware is OS specific, like winmodems. But generaly not.17:35
BluesKajJuJuBee , I finally gave up on ATI and installed nvidia 7600GT that I bought from a friend...it works well17:36
lum_saisare ATI drivers so hard to install/configure ?17:36
* genii-around mails BluesKaj the missing cable17:36
BluesKajgenii-around, no rush :)17:37
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: looking for laptop  Heard some of the new(er) nVidia's had problems?17:37
BluesKajoh , din't know that17:37
guraltsevsyockit: Ok, I managed to install some things. Now I will restart and see what comes ofit17:38
BluesKajJuJuBee , I bought a new laptop for travelling , with nvidia onboard . Works fine with kubuntu live-cd  . I don't dare dump vista due to wifey's addiction to windows.17:39
syockitguraltsev: good luck!17:39
lum_saisJuJuBee :  I am debian and kubuntu user, currently on a vaio laptop with nvidia GT... and I ve always been able to install nvidia drivers (plus kubuntu makes it really easy)17:39
altrortlahello to everybody17:39
White_Pelicangreetings human hehe17:40
genii-aroundJuJuBee: Whatever video card you get, make sure to steer away from UniChromes17:42
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draikCan Ibex see a 1TB hard drive? I have it connected via sata on an expansion card. Doesn't see it.17:46
genii-arounddraik: Yup.17:47
guraltsevsyockit: Well, thanks! It started working much better. Still some minor problems but now I will try doing some research into this. Thanks a lot17:48
genii-arounddraik: Sounds more like a driver/module issue for whatever the expansion card uses17:48
White_Pelicandraik, we have an external 1 TB on hardy and it works fine17:48
draikgenii-around: How can I check it?17:48
draikWhite_Pelican: Mine is internal, if it matters.17:49
genii-arounddraik: If you do: lspci -nn                 and then note the line containing the description of the sata expansion card, will be easier to google for what driver it uses, etc. The 0000:0000   part is vendor:device   which can be extremely useful.17:49
draikThe previous HDD (currently in use) has XP and Ibex, partitioned. I used Norton Ghost to copy the Ibex to the new 1TB. 500GB partitioned HDD will be all XP and 1TB to Kubuntu (end result).17:50
draikI don't really have anything listed for the card, just what is already onboard the MoBo.17:52
draik00:0b.0 RAID bus controller [0104]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6421 IDE RAID Controller [1106:3249] (rev 50)17:52
draik00:0f.0 RAID bus controller [0104]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID Controller [1106:3149] (rev 80)17:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:52
genii-arounddraik: Is it a pci card?17:53
draikYes, it is a PCI card17:54
White_Pelicandoes anyone know if there is an audio program that has all the features and then some of audacity?17:54
genii-arounddraik: Hmm. Nothing too enlightening there. Could be it can't find an interrupt or something similar. Can you pastebin dmesg ?17:55
whutWhat's OpenOffice repository's address for Kubuntu?17:59
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draik_genii-around: Desktop just froze on me.18:00
draik_I have nothing after I posted my pastebin18:00
genii-arounddraik_: Weird. Maybe that unseen addon controller is causing some grief18:01
draik_genii-around: There is a message during the boot about using RAID18:01
draik_I don't want RAID18:01
draik_I'm going to work on GRUB right now, see if I can't set it differently18:02
genii-arounddraik_: You may need the ahci driver, this happened to me on a board with ICH10 chipset18:03
genii-aroundWork requires me, AFK 3-5 minutes18:03
_gunni_whut: Do you mean OOo2 or Ooo3 ?18:04
_gunni_Whut: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main18:05
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draik_Please do not use DPROM to use RAID in Linux18:07
blackflag!ntp server18:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntp server18:07
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)18:07
whut_gunni_: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu/dists/interpid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found18:08
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draikgenii-around: I have done the dmesg (pulled the log and saw your request.18:18
draikHere you go, genii-around:   http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m44a6cddd18:18
Xeina /nick Xeina23318:18
Xeina /nick Sacha18:18
genii-arounddraik: Back. Reading your paste ... about the DPROM error I have no idea18:20
BluesKajinteresting , I get the same message : "Phoenix BIOS detected: BIOS may corrupt low RAM, working it around."18:24
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* kenami is away: Ausente por ahora.18:27
genii-arounddraik: 378. [    4.130689] ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 310)                  seems to indicate some error possibly related to this.18:27
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draikgenii-around: What would be the cause?18:28
genii-arounddraik: Still looking at dmesg18:30
saifinim new hear18:30
draik!welcome | saifin18:30
ubottusaifin: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:30
saifinhow to start learning KDE command line18:30
draiksaifin: This is a good start... http://www.google.com/search?hl=xx-hacker&q=common+linux+commands&btnG=Google+s3a|2ch18:32
draikDisregard, link got cut off at the end.18:33
draikLet me cut it18:33
draikHere you go18:33
saifinthans draik18:33
draikNo problem.18:33
draikgenii-around: Sorry to cut this short, but I have to go to the DMV, plates are due by tomorrow (sadistic irony, if you ask me).18:34
genii-arounddraik: As far as I can tell, your adapter card is not being seen on a hardware level.18:34
draikIt's weird. I guess I'll have to look into alternatives or a new SATA card :(18:35
draikI just bought the card yesterday, too.18:35
draikOh well.18:35
draikI'll be back and troubleshoot some more. At least now I know more about the issue.18:35
whutHaving updated to KDE 4.2 I cannot input in KDE applications and don't see any window "frames" or controls within them. How can I fix this?18:36
evandervHi guys have a problem just can't figure out.  My printer applet loads up as a menu bar at the top of my screen and I can't get it to go to the system tray18:39
evandervany ideas18:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nis18:45
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altrortlaoh buddy my lan make crazy19:05
altrortlaok i have a LAN in whitch a XP pro PC have the internet connection... this is given to the other PC trought a switch ... to several Kubuntu, Xp Pro, and XP Home PC .... I have also a Kubuntu Notebook that is attached to the XP Home PC by a cross Cable... This notebook sometimes is on LAN ... sometimes is OFF LAN ... I'm very annoyed Somebody can help ME??19:10
altrortlasorry for my english19:10
jeison_hey i have a new wifi moddem19:10
jeison_why some web pages doesnt wor in my new wifi conwection?19:11
Adolaaltrortla: You might want to try #windows19:12
AdolaThey would prolly be able to hlep more.19:12
altrortlabut is a kubuntu19:12
altrortlaAdola: Ok I'll try19:12
jeison_try to conect trough IP adress19:12
altrortlastrange things is that i give to notebook dhpc setting... with arrow on connection manager it have gateway broadcast ... but if i click on connection manager it have dhpc setted and so no interface no ip no address19:17
altrortlaif i try to set it manually sometimes it give me connection ... but more times it won't give19:18
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JackWinter_how do i see what the libpath is ?19:26
JackWinter_or maybe a better phrased question.  does kubuntu search /usr/local/lib by default ?19:27
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compilerwriterLadies and Gents I thought I had gound a way to sync my Blackberry 8310 with Kontact until I went about trying to install opensync and some packages were broken or had no install cantidates.  Has anyone successfully done this with Intrepid?19:39
saifinsorry for the noob question19:42
saifinhow to install flash player for konqueror19:42
saifini have installed it before19:42
saifinbut when open youtube no sound and the movie is not loaded19:43
MonsieurYhello i want to intall kde 4.2 to my ubuntu 8.04 any repositories for me ? thanks19:48
syockitMonsieurY: sorry no working repos anymore19:49
MonsieurYserious ?19:49
syockitMonsieurY: they seem to have deleted every last of them19:49
MonsieurYwhy any idea?19:50
MonsieurYits astonishing :O19:50
syockitMonsieurY: I've checked project neon, and it's not there. it used to be there for hardy19:50
syockitnow it's only intrepid19:50
syockitand of course, the kubuntu-experimental is also intrepid-only19:50
MonsieurYvery ungry, I want to test it...19:50
syockitbut you can install 4.1, iirc19:51
MonsieurYyeah I have kde 4.119:51
MonsieurYbut 4.2 is improved19:51
syockitbecause kde4.2 depends on many new things, which aren't available on hardy19:52
MonsieurYok thanks a lot for your response, try to install 8.10 or other os white kde 4.219:52
inzihelooo everyone19:57
inzii have a question.. isit better to install the nvidia driver from the official website or the restricted driver19:58
giarcainzi: when you talk about official website you mean nvidia.com or so?19:59
mossgixi've encountered some problems when i've installed drivers from nvidia.com20:00
Piciinzi: The restricted driver is the driver from nvidia.com, but it may not be the latest version.20:01
mossgixspecially when upgraded the kernel20:01
mossgixinstead with drivers from kubuntu it's simply perfect20:01
giarcaI had no problem with the driver in kubuntu's repositories. Works like a charm.20:01
giarcaexactly the same for me mossgix20:02
douglhow do I make applications start on specific desktops from the command line? ie xchat on desktop 2 I would do what at bash promt on desktop 1?20:02
mossgixi think restricted drivers are radicated in the installed kernel20:03
mossgixif you get an upgrade they crash20:03
inziyah i mean nvidia.com20:04
giarcainzi: both me and mossgix had no problem with kubuntu's choice20:04
giarcai have nvidia-180 now and zero issue since now ;)20:05
mossgixinzi: kubuntu version?20:05
inzii have some video glitches20:05
inzithats why i was wondering.20:05
inzikubuntu 4.120:05
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mossgixhum ok20:05
inzigiarca.. nvidia-180 from official website20:06
mossgixi'm on jaunty, using nvidia 180 from repos20:06
giarcainzi: no, from repo20:06
inziahh.. from the repo..20:06
giarcai'm on intrepid - geforce 6150 - nvidia-180 from repo and no problem20:06
inzihha i guess i could just give it a shot and then. see if things get messed up20:07
giarcai guess too20:07
inzido anyone of u. have small video glitches..for eg: when u click on "K" the menu come up.but just befor that there is a small black distorted piece20:07
inziand sumtimes.. kubuntu doesn't shutdown for me..20:08
mossgixi'm not... i've some graphics problems but they are probably because i'm on jaunty20:09
inziany idea why mossgix20:09
giarcainzi: you are using the best resolution of your monitor?20:09
giarca*are you20:09
evandervHi guys have a problem just can't figure out.  My printer applet loads up as a menu bar at the top of my screen and I can't get it to go to the system tray20:10
giarcasorry for my bad english :P20:10
saifinwhy no sound on youtube?20:10
giarcainzi: but you have now some nvidia driver loaded?20:11
giarcabecause the glitch just before the raise of menu could be a cpu spike to compile the graphic... ?20:12
inzii have the nvidia driver loaded now..20:12
inzicpu spike eh20:12
giarcait's loaded by the modules?20:12
inzioh.. does the knetworkmanager work for u with manually assigned Ip?20:13
giarcaafter the installation do you reboot?20:13
inziit didn't work for me.. i had to remove it and then edit the network/interfaces20:14
giarcammm I guess so if you have the modules loaded...20:14
inziwell it is working fine for me at the moment..20:14
inzioccasionaly a small. distortion..20:14
giarcainzi: don't know... my 2cents is to try the latest from repo20:14
inzihm ok.20:16
inziwell i did some updates and then the glitches reduced..20:16
inzithanks again for ur help20:16
giarcainzi: no problem! :)20:16
inziare you using kde 4.2 giarca?20:16
giarcafrom launchpad experimental repository20:17
failersanyone got a tutorial on how to install kdevelop 4 alpha 1 on kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.2 ?20:17
inzii'm sorry failers.. i am new to linux myself.. i don't know how to do it20:18
inzigiarca..how is 4.2 so far..20:18
giarcaI don't know if it's real but it seems fast20:19
giarcamore than 4.1.420:19
astrommefailers: You should use Beta120:19
astrommeI'm a big fan of 4.220:19
inzi4.2 is that good eh20:19
astrommeAnd I've been with the 4 series since before 4.0 was released20:19
giarcaand it's good about stability20:19
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:19
giarcano crash20:19
giarcatwo-three application crash total20:20
giarcainzi: yes, it's good.20:20
failersastromme: thats the one i meant sorru20:20
failers*sorry :P20:20
inzii shall wait a bit longer for a stable release.. then intsall it.20:20
astrommefailers: one moment20:20
inzi*install it20:20
inzii switched to linux a few months ago.. was using ubuntu for sometime.. then stepped on to kubuntu.. haha. love the eye Candy20:21
giarcame too20:21
astrommeCheck out this page: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa20:21
astrommewhoops, failers, the above was for you20:21
giarcaI agree to wait little longer20:21
astrommefailers: Add the repository as it shows, apt-get update, install kdevelop-kde4 then remove the repository20:22
inzithe kubuntu developers sure put alot of work in to wat they are doing20:22
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:22
inzioh btw.. giarca.. do u know why Amarok keeps trying to unmount my drives evertime i quit it20:23
failersastromme: oki thx20:23
whutHow do I install fglrx driver?20:23
whutThis page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI has nothing to say about 8.1020:23
astrommefailers: If you need help actually using it, ask me again, I've used it for the past 4 months and have some experience20:24
Piciwhut: from KDE, use jockey-kde20:24
inziwhut... go applications > system > package manager20:24
inzisearch for it there..20:24
giarcainzi: sorry i dont' understand... who quit the driver? you? and amarok try to unmount but it's just unmounted?20:24
whutPici: Yes?20:25
whutPici: I'm in.20:25
inzigiarca, amarok trys to unmount the driver.. it asks for confirmation to unmount it20:25
Piciwhut: That should list whatever restricted drivers are available for your system. Such as fglrx20:25
giarcainzi: could be an option set in amarok preferences?20:26
whutAnd it would install it automatically?20:26
inzii looked for it. but nothing there20:26
inzihmmm.. i'll have to investigate it a bit..20:26
giarcainzi: I think so because I don't know :P20:27
inzithanks giarca..20:28
inzimuch appreciated for ur help20:28
inzitake care20:28
Piciwhut: Yes.20:28
inzic u around..20:28
giarcaplease to help you :)20:28
compilerwriteranyone having any luck getting a Blackberry Curve to sync with Ibex?20:29
whutPici: It cannot download the driver, stuck at 0 %20:44
ScorpKingi want to make a usplash theme with animations in it but i can't think of something that will look nice. any ideas?20:45
whutPici: Ow, sorry, it just has a weird % calculation.20:46
oobeScorpKing, isnt that a matter of taste20:47
ScorpKingoobe: indeed but i'm bored and feel like making a usplash theme. would you like one? ;)20:47
oobeyeah let me think of somthing20:48
oobeScorpKing, what about dwight shrute from the office20:49
i3ooi3ooI have a LPR printer on the network How can I add it20:49
ScorpKingoobe: hehe..20:50
oobeyou like that idea20:51
ScorpKinglets go to #kubuntu-offtopic20:52
ScorpKingoobe: you going to ot?20:53
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
HydraIRChello, would need some help, upgraded to kde 4.2 and now after the login screen the keyboard no longer works, it works in the console ctlr+alt+f1 but not otherwise21:03
sourcemakeris there a DJ software for linux? So that I can create my own live mix from different mp3 files... editing ... etc...?21:09
whutGoogle Earth won't start - it begins initializing and then nothing happens.21:09
genii-aroundsourcemaker: dbmix, djplay21:10
sourcemakergenii-around: Damm small... install in progress.... :-) THX21:12
powergoalI want to reinstall knetworkmanager but im afraid that if i uninstall with adept and then try to install iw ont have an internet connection.  does adept have a "reinstall" option?21:12
genii-aroundsourcemaker: np. You may also find other stuff if you search the packages with apt-cache search21:13
sourcemakergenii-around: it's the linux most problem... there are to many apps doing more or less the same... instead of one powerful app :-)21:14
xainCould someone tell me how to get taskbar transparency in KDE 3?21:16
phyrrussomebody tell me how to use bash21:16
powergoalphyrrus: hah.  what do you want to do with it?21:17
phyrrusum... like the same as batch, what extention do u save it as?21:17
powergoalphyrrus: sh21:17
phyrrusthats it?21:17
powergoalyeah... file.sh21:17
phyrrusoh, thanks now can i have the ipconfig command?21:18
powergoalphyrrus: ipconfig?  like, how do you assign an ip? or is that a program?  I don't have it if it is21:18
phyrruslol, in windows you type ipconfig and it tells you your current IP address and DNS21:19
powergoalphyrrus: ifconfig :)21:20
powergoalis that what you wanted?21:20
phyrrus1 min21:20
phyrrusphyrrus@ubuntu:~$ ipconfig21:21
genii-aroundsourcemaker: Maybe check http://www.ultramixer.com/index.php?cn=products&c2=ultramixer  they have Linux versions, and a free one to use as well.21:21
phyrrusbash: ipconfig: command not found21:21
powergoalphyrrus: ifconfig21:21
powergoalphyrrus: not ipconfig21:21
genii-aroundphyrrus: Please don't paste everything into this channel.21:21
phyrrusok, thanks21:22
=== Gary is now known as Chipmonk
genii-aroundphyrrus: Please don't paste everything into this channel.21:25
phyrrusu from the ubuntu chan?21:26
genii-aroundphyrrus: I'm in a lot of channels21:26
phyrrusoh, click it21:26
genii-aroundphyrrus: This channel is for support of kubuntu.21:26
=== phyrrus is now known as http
* genii-around sips21:27
sofitim having trouble with KNetworkManager under Kubuntu 8.10, it always seems to mark my interface as 'disconnected', even though I've configured it with a static IP address21:31
sofit(not to say I'm currently using my interface.... as you can see)21:32
sofitany ideas ?21:34
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sourcemakerhow can I remove a broken package from apt? I tried to install koffice... but now i receive the error message: missing dependencies...22:03
sourcemakerapt-get remove does not work... it always tries to install the fuc.... package... damm22:03
macowhere do i find out what gesture is set for slow keys in kubuntu in jaunty?22:04
bindaasapt-get purge package_name22:04
bindaasafter purging you can do apt-get autoremove22:06
sourcemakerbindaas: solved...22:06
bindaassourcemaker: good good22:07
wildbatha ~ nice name bindass ~ but where it bind to? XD22:12
hubarerr why should the stalking of one nautilus window, forbid me to operate(or even open a new)nautilus window...22:12
macohubar: stalking?22:14
hubarmaco, I meant stalling.22:15
macowhere do i find out what gesture is set for slow keys in kubuntu in jaunty?22:18
steven_hey guys...have a weird question...just upgraded to 8.10 and for some reason every now and again, the computer logs out of its session says something about chanding the power settings then logs back in with all programs closed22:23
steven_oh and the question is....any1 have an idea?22:23
bindaassteven_: looks like power manager setting needs to be configured22:27
steven_ooh..ok how do i do that?22:28
steven_ive used ubuntu gnome for ages..dont really know wats going on in this new kde setup yet22:28
steven_well i know wats going on...just dont know where anything is22:29
macosteven_: in system settings, go to advanced22:30
macosteven_: its in there22:30
steven_thanks maco22:30
steven_maco..not much there...under solid settings there is something bout power management..but cant change anything22:32
ahow i change my nick name please?22:33
macosteven_: cant change anything22:33
maco /nick newnick22:33
macoa ^22:33
=== a is now known as Obituary
Obituaryi am quite new in kubuntu22:34
Obituaryand my games doesnt seem to work22:34
macosteven_: in power management you see "edit profiles"?22:34
Obituaryyes i have, thanks22:34
Obituarywhere are you all from22:35
steven_maca: cant see that no22:35
steven_all i have under advanced/solid settings/ power manangement is HAL Power with no edit profile anywhere22:37
Obituarysteve how are you22:37
macosteven_: oh. this must be one of those things that changed for jaunty22:40
macosteven_: i dont know how to do it in intrepid22:40
=== mike is now known as Guest1077
steven_maco: jaunty is the next release?22:40
wildbat_anyone know about autofs? i can't seem to get autosmb working22:43
=== wildbat_ is now known as wildbat
xainHow do i change the X modifier mapping for the left alt key?22:45
macosteven_: yes22:48
steven_maco: is it stable enough for an upgrade yet? and how do i do the updgrade?22:49
xainCan someone tell me how to change the Xmodifier for the left Alt-key to the right-Alt key?22:52
=== jmclemencon is now known as samuncle
=== Lusid_ is now known as Lusid
=== roconnor_ is now known as roconnor
wildbatanyone one know where do i change locale setting ?23:20
=== darkmoon is now known as Fernandooo
* kenami is back.23:28
xainIs there any way i can change teh key binding from left-alt to the right-alt key?23:32
fritzIsOnlinehi all23:38
fritzIsOnlinemy primary disc is full so i tried to give another path from another partition to use as a download folder, so the permission stuff comes up.23:38
fritzIsOnline i don't wanna start ktorrent with sudo initial, it's not convinient nor safe, is it23:38
fritzIsOnlinehow can i use another folder from another partition in Ktorrent, with my user password?23:39

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