
=== barry is now known as barry-away
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MTecknologybeuno: ping01:13
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mrooneyWill upgrading my bzr in Intrepid fix this: "Selected-file commit of merges is not supported yet"03:26
mrooneyor, is there a way to merge just one file03:26
jmlmrooney: #bzr is probably a better place to ask that question.03:31
jmlmrooney: but you can 'bzr revert --forget-merges' iirc, which will leave all the content changes from the merge, but forget the other stuff.03:32
mrooneyjml: oh yeah, I meant to ask there, sorry :)03:35
mrooneybut I have to merge again later, so I fear forgetting that history could be problematic03:36
jmlmrooney: well, you can do an experiment easily enough03:37
jmlmrooney: 'bzr branch target-branch experiment; cd experiment; bzr merge ../source-branch; ...'03:37
jmlmrooney: but my experience with bzr is that conflicts are nothing to be afraid of.03:38
mrooneyyou haven't used translations enough :)03:38
nhandlerWhen were the PPAs updated to show the contents of the .deb files and the .changes file in the build log?03:40
ausimageI think there might be an error in the ppa help to add keys on the terminal :/03:48
ausimagethough I am still stuck with wierd errors03:48
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pooliejml: that's the second time today i've seen "no address associated with hostname" when the plugin is trying to talk to the lp xmlrpc server05:07
poolienetworking seems ok for me in other regards05:08
pooliei wonder if there's a problem in dns somewhere05:08
spmpoolie: resolver timeout perhaps?05:09
MTecknologyI didn't realize just how massive karma is given from blueprints - I gained 15k from it....07:21
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mtaylorlaunchpad people - love the email code review thing. kudos!08:19
mtaylornow, just get me a bzr merge-request plugin (or something like it) so I can submit merge requests via command line and I'll be set!08:19
spivI think bzr send can already do that?08:19
spivPossibly not with the default options, though.08:20
BjornTmtaylor: what spiv said. we do something like 'bzr send --no-bundle --mail-to=merge@code.launchpad.net'. not sure whether the --no-bundle is required, perhaps it's just there to make the merge request prettier.08:28
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MTecknologykiko: ping09:39
kikoMTecknology, hey09:39
MTecknologyreally, fast09:39
MTecknologykiko: did you see that release we made with the LoCo Drupal thing?09:39
kikonope! where is it?09:40
mtaylorBjornT: fascinating. I'll have to try that09:40
MTecknologybrb - while you check it out09:40
MTecknologykiko: what do you think?09:43
kikowow, this is very neat!09:44
kikolet me show this off today09:45
MTecknologywould you support my application for membership?09:45
MTecknologyok :)09:45
kikoI would, definitely09:45
MTecknologykiko: so I can count on you being around in there?09:47
kikodamn, friday09:48
kikomaybe. I need to go to brasilia that day09:48
MTecknologyis that going to be hard to make?09:49
MTecknologythat's thursday for me :P09:49
kikoit might, I'll try, but you can ask joey too, who can probably make it if I can't09:50
MTecknologyI was going to ask him too :PO09:51
MTecknologyCould you toss something on my wiki in case you don't?09:51
MTecknologyWell, I'm looking at less than 3hr sleep tonight09:53
MTecknologyI'll talk to ya'll later09:53
MTecknologykiko: thanks for your support :)09:53
MTecknologykiko: I know you can shoot an email into the list too if you can't make it.09:54
MTecknologygood night :D09:54
kikowill do09:57
zigo-----jamesh are you online?10:09
zigo-----I was wondering if you had a .deb read for pygpgme as it's blocking to boostrap a CentOS with yum on a Lenny, ATM.10:11
zigo-----Lenny will be out next saturday, and it WONT be in ... :(10:11
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: bigjools | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
persiaWhen a package is copied from a P3A into the Ubuntu archive, is there any way to retrieve the build log?10:24
bigjoolspersia: yes, it should become public10:28
persiabigjools, How should I navigate to it?10:28
bigjoolsthere's a bug that prevents display of the normal portlet but there's another way - which package?10:29
persialinux : 2.6.24-23.4810:29
bigjoolsokay let me check10:31
jtvHappy 1234567890 day, everyone!  http://www.1234567890day.com/10:31
bigjoolsjtv: http://www.coolepochcountdown.com/10:33
jtvbigjools: ah, had to allow some scripts before it started working… wonder what they use Google APIs for?10:34
bigjoolswho knows these days, I get so many damn cookies from google10:34
jtvbigjools: funny how you worry about these things when you get warnings, despite the fact that you've survived thus far without any protection10:36
bigjoolsnoscript + cookie filtering makes my web pages load quicker.  Nuff said.10:37
kikoit also makes launchpad bonk :)10:38
bigjoolspersia: go here https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.24-23.4810:39
bigjoolspersia: click on a binary package link, then one of the arch-specific packages on the right10:40
bigjoolsand there's a link to the build on that page10:40
persiaWhat's the title of the link?10:40
bigjoolson the bright side, we're fixing all this, honest10:40
bigjoolsan example would be "amd64 build of linux 2.6.24-23.48 in ubuntu hardy RELEASE "10:41
persiaI know :)  I just want it today, so am looking for the dirty hack, as my own experimentation with URL hacking didn't get me where I wanted.10:41
bigjoolslook here https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/amd64/linux-libc-dev/2.6.24-23.4810:41
persiaGot it.  Thanks.10:43
bigjoolsgreat, let me know if you need anything else10:43
persiabigjools, Not in any immediate timeframe.  That's enough that I can dig for arbitrary package and arch next time this arises until the portlet is available again.10:44
bigjoolspersia: if you need another, start from the /ubuntu/+source/<name>/<version> page10:44
bigjoolswe're also going to work on exposing these builds in the API soon10:45
persiaNot from /ubuntu/release/arch/binary-package/version?10:45
bigjoolsor there if you want10:45
persiaWhen it's not P3A, I usually start from /ubuntu/+source/package and click the handy link for whichever release I want.  It's just the embargoed stuff that's tricky (or even potentially embargoed).10:46
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bigjoolsyes, there's a bug :(10:50
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zigo-----jamesh: found http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/pygpgme/pygpgme_0.1-1.dsc, so it's ok, forget it.11:19
jefferaiHey there...can someone help me with managing my PPA?  I made a build of some packages, although since they told me to use debuild and not debuild -S -sa, it was a binary build11:42
jefferaiwhich I then uploaded to my PPA by doing a dput on the changes file11:43
jefferaiit's not showing up in my PPA, but it also seems to be sitting there wasting space11:43
bigjoolsjefferai: how do you know it's using space if it's not showing in your PPA?11:43
jefferaiI did rebuild the package with debuild -S -sa and am in the middle of doing a dput on the _source.changes file (as opposed to the _i386.changes file)11:43
jefferaibigjools: well, it spent the time uploading all the packages, and when I ran dput on the i386.changes file again (mistakenly) it said it was already uploaded11:44
bigjoolsjefferai: use dpuf -f to force it, it's a local check11:45
jefferaiyeah, but I don't want to upload it again11:45
jefferaiI want to clear those contents from the PPA11:45
bigjoolsyou original upload will have been rejected11:45
bigjoolswe don't allow binary uploads11:45
jefferaiso it uploaded all of it, and then it was rejected?11:45
bigjoolsyes, you should have received an email11:45
* jefferai checks11:46
bigjoolsif you didn't, then you didn't sign the upload correctly11:46
jefferaiah yep11:46
jefferaigot it11:46
jefferaisorry, new to packaging things11:46
bigjoolsnp, we all had to start somewhere!11:46
jefferaiso once the _source.changes completes, then it should enter the build process at some point11:46
jefferaionce that's successfully done, the package will become available?11:47
bigjoolsyes, you can follow the progress on your PPA page11:47
bigjoolsthanks for using PPAs!  I'd like to hear your feedback11:48
jefferaibigjools: a bit hard to get started, is all11:53
jefferaiother than that, the scripts took care of pretty much everything11:54
jefferaiof course, my packages were easy since they're slight mods to some packages already built for jaunty, but for intrepid11:54
oubiwannrockstar: ping11:59
oubiwannjml: ping11:59
=== bac_afk is now known as bac
radixany code hosting guys around?12:01
radixhaving a problem pushing branches to launchpad ("can't install revision" errors)12:01
spivradix: I'm sad to say that's more likely to be a bzr bug :(12:05
radixspiv: okie doke12:05
radixoubiwann: can you tell spiv the location of a branch with this problem?12:06
LaneyI cannot figure out how to make an upstream link for a package. Can someone help?12:06
LaneyWhat is an upstream series?12:06
oubiwannspiv: getting the link...12:08
LaneyThe error "<structured-string 'Invalid series given.'>" is most unhelpful12:08
spivoubiwann: the traceback from ~/.bzr.log is more likely to be useful12:08
oubiwannspiv: cool, I'll take a look12:09
radixlaunchpad (when you view the branch page) is also showing the error12:09
spivOh, error in the mirrorer.12:09
radixbut you also get it when you just "brancH"12:09
spivOk, *that* might well be a codehosting bug :)12:09
oubiwannspiv: I get the same error locally, too12:09
spivBut it might also be an error in the repo.12:10
radixthough maybe it's being corrupted during the upload, yeah12:10
spivI'd guess that it'll fail a 'bzr check'.12:10
spivIt's late here, but definitely open a bug on both launchpad-bazaar and bzr with the details.  A way to reproduce locally with bzr would be great.12:11
jefferaibigjools: actually, got another question for you12:11
bigjoolsfire away12:12
oubiwannspiv: https://pastebin.canonical.com/13832/12:12
jefferaiis there a way to control the number of make jobs that a  debuild uses when compiling something locally, without it killing the build server on launchpad?12:12
bigjoolsLaney: let me get someone to help you with that12:12
Laneybigjools: I think I have to register a new project, right?12:13
bachi laney12:14
LaneyI'm not sure that launchpad supports this bug tracker actually12:14
bacLaney: what is it you're trying to do?12:14
bigjoolsjefferai: I'm not sure, you could ask in #ubuntu-motu.12:14
Laneybac: I am trying to link bug #329018 to http://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8886/tickets/216-improve-initial-loading-speed12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329018 in prototypejs "libjs-prototype should be compressed with Yahoo YUI compressor" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32901812:15
Laneybut there's no upstream project registered for this package12:15
Laneydholbach has given me some links though12:15
jefferaibigjools: ok, thanks12:15
spivoubiwann: hmm, nothing obvious jumps out at me.  My best guess is some issue in the repository itself.12:16
oubiwannspiv: thanks for taking a look!12:16
oubiwannspiv: and have a good rest-of-your-night ;-)12:17
baclaney, i'm looking. give me a sec.12:19
bacintellectronica: do you know anything about our support for the bug tracker laney referenced ^^ ?12:21
* intellectronica looking12:23
intellectronicaLaney: what kind of bug tracker is this? i don't think i've seen it before12:24
LaneyI don't know12:24
intellectronicaah, looks like it's some kind of new hosted service - lighthouse12:25
LaneyI guess it's custom for this lighthouse issue tracking service12:25
Laneybut I see that there is an API12:25
intellectronicaLaney: we don't support it, but file a bug about it. we may try to tackle that in the future12:25
intellectronicaLaney: thanks12:26
bacthanks intellectronica12:26
bigjoolsthanks for helping, intellectronica and bac12:26
Laneyintellectronica: There's already bug #236541 for this actually12:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236541 in malone "Integration with Lighthouse issue tracker" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23654112:26
Laneythanks for your help guys12:27
intellectronicaah cool12:27
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apwhow long after a package appears Published in a PPA should i expect to wait befroe it appears in apt-get update/upgrade ?13:01
bigjoolsapw: once published, it should be instant13:04
apwcirtainly wasn't that, and indeed it went published, then i waited a while (retrying frequently) and i got a main publisher update, then the next update it got the ppa13:06
apwwonder if it gets held off for the main publisher runs13:06
c_kornhello, I have a large orig.tar.gz in my PPA and I just edited the diff.gz. Is there a way to upload without uploading the orig.tar.gz again? I tried with debuild -S -sd but the upload was rejected because of missing orig.tar.gz13:09
bigjoolsapw: ah that's the source status, you need to wait for it to build13:10
bigjoolsapw: once it's built wait up to 20 minutes for the binaries to be published13:10
apwoh hmmm, it had built by then.13:10
apwahh ok13:10
bigjoolswe're going to make this status more obvious in a page redesign soon13:11
apwbinary status would be handy for sure13:11
bigjoolsc_korn: yes, just upload w/o the orig but reference it in your dsc13:11
c_kornso I have to build with debuild -S -sa`13:11
bigjoolsI don't know the debuild options13:12
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bigjoolssomeone in #ubuntu-motu can help13:12
c_kornok, thanks. I will try13:12
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jblountIs there a simple way to confirm that I have my ssh key setup correctly? I seem to be having some trouble (Permission denied (publickey).)13:48
beunojblount, ssh bazaar.launchpad.net?14:02
jblountbeuno: Same failure. My key must have gotten fouled up somehow.14:04
jblountThanks though!14:04
beunojblount, maybe it's an issue with the username14:04
beunojblount, try setting in ~/.ssh/config:14:05
beunoHost bazaar.launchpad.net14:05
beuno    User whateveryourusernameonlaunchpais14:05
jblountbeuno: Yeah, that's all there. My ssh key seems to be the same as the one associated with my launchpad account also.14:06
jblountbeuno: It was all working wednesday, not sure what might have changed.14:06
sorenjblount: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?14:06
soren(assuming you're indeed running Ubuntu)14:07
jblountsoren: ^^14:07
sorenjblount: Then it might be a known problem.14:07
sorenHang on14:07
* beuno is running 9.04 without any problems14:07
sorenbeuno: As am I.14:08
jblountbeuno: I also can't login to various top secret work servers, so I'm guessing the problem is with me and not LP14:08
sorenjblount: Hm... I can't find the bug report anymore. Maybe it was fixed...14:09
jblountsoren: Thanks for the assist. I'll try to track it down elsewhere :)14:10
sorenjblount: I saw two bug reports on this very subject yesterday. Hang on.14:10
sorenjblount: Do you get an agent error at all?14:10
sorenjblount: Or just the simple failure?14:11
jblountNo, just the "Permission denied (publickey). from bzr14:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 328445 in openssh "[Jaunty/amd64] Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. (dup-of: 328127)" [High,Confirmed]14:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 328127 in gnome-keyring "gnome-keyring-daemon returns Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." [Low,Triaged]14:12
sorenjblount: What if you don't use bzr, but ssh directly?14:12
jblountsoren: The same error sadly.14:12
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sorenjblount: Ok. Might be a different problem, then.14:14
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domasstatik: are you ever here? :)14:21
statikdomas: of course, of course14:22
domashah! that was surprising! :)14:22
domassaw you always idle for weeks14:22
statikbut i'm always causing trouble in the other rooms14:22
domasstatik: hello! :)14:22
domasI recently was playing with lots of lp features for my pet project hosting (lp:mydumper :)14:22
statikdomas: hello yourself! ooh, what does it do?14:23
domasstatik: 10x faster mysqldump :)14:23
domasparallelizes consistent snapshot reads14:23
statikvery nice. so is launchpad doing what you want it to?14:24
domasstill lacking few features14:24
domasproject wiki hosting, one-click publishing from BZR to .tar.gz ;-)14:25
domasmaybe better integration between series/release marking with branch tagging14:25
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domasargh, disconnected14:30
domasright now major lacking feature seems to be no documentation hosting14:30
domasanswers are a bit limited for that, and didn't find easy way to export them :)14:31
domasproject wikis could help, I guess14:31
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jblountsoren: Thanks for the troubleshooting earlier, I was able to work with Launchpad from a VT so it seems to be some regression in Jaunty with Seahorse.15:48
MTecknologywhat's matt revells irc name?15:55
jpdsMTecknology: mrevell.15:57
mrevellhey there MTecknology15:57
MTecknologymrevell: I'm up for doing that15:58
MTecknologyI don't have a whole lot of time right now since I had a crap load of projects piled on my for school though. So I might not make it right away into the next podcast15:59
MTecknologyTest time: I'll bbiab16:00
kirklandso I'm the owner of a team in launchpad, ~ecryptfs-devel, which has a mailing list16:04
kirklandi'm subscribed to the mailing list16:04
kirklandbut I do not receive any of the mail sent to that list16:04
kirklandcan an admin tell what's wrong?16:04
kirklandi receive moderation messages16:04
beunokirkland, have you checked that you're subscribed?16:04
kirklandwhen a non-subscriber sends a message16:04
kirklandbeuno: ack16:04
kirklandbeuno: " You are subscribed to the team mailing list.  "16:05
beunokirkland, in https://edge.launchpad.net/~LPUSERNAME/+editemails16:05
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kirklandbeuno: true, i'm subscribed there too16:06
* beuno is out of ideas and calls for barry-away or sinzui 16:06
=== barry-away is now known as barry
kirklandbeuno: i'm subscribed to several lists there, and i receive mails to those other lists16:06
* barry reads scrollback16:06
kirklandbeuno: i'm wondering if there's something kooky going on, with me owning the list?16:06
kirklandbeuno: b/c i don't administer any of the other lists i'm subscribed to16:07
beunokirkland, not AFAIK, pero barry's married to mailman, so he should know16:08
sinzuikirkland: which team is the problem for you?16:08
kirklandbeuno: barry's married to a mailman?  wow, what a life :-)16:08
kirklandsinzui: ecryptfs-devel16:08
barrykirkland: sometimes, it sure feels that way!16:09
barrykirkland: and divorce lawyers are expensive!16:09
kirklandbarry: :-)16:09
* kirkland will understand when barry goes postal one day, then16:10
barrykirkland: reading the scrollback.  are you using gmail?16:10
kirklandbarry: for my mailing list subscriptions, yes16:10
kirklandbarry: is that a problem?16:10
barrykirkland: it's a faq.  let me find it for you16:10
kirklandbarry: whoops, okay16:11
barrykirkland: http://wiki.list.org/display/DOC/I+use+Gmail-Googlemail%2C+but+I+can%27t+tell+if+any+of+my+messages+have+been+posted+to+the+list16:12
mrevellMTecknology: Great stuff, let me know when is a good time for you16:12
barrykirkland: there's a link to this faq from the help wiki i'm pretty sure, let me see if i can find it16:12
kirklandbarry: hmm, this isn't about the mail that i send16:13
barrykirkland: https://help.launchpad.net/Teams/MailingLists#troubleshooting16:13
kirklandbarry: this is about mail sent by others to the list16:13
kirklandbarry: i can see them in the archive16:13
kirklandbarry: but they never end up in my inbox16:13
barrykirkland: hmm.  are these replies, or every message?16:13
sinzuikirkland: Are you listed on this page (you can only see it if you are a tram admin though): https://launchpad.net/~ecryptfs-devel/+mailing-list-subscribers16:14
sinzuiWe should really make that page public like the membership page16:14
kirklandsinzui: yes, i'm on that list16:14
kirklandbarry: for instance, the archive is here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ecryptfs-devel/16:15
kirklandbarry: that last message "Don't duplicate provided mount options"16:15
kirklandbarry: from Tyler to the list16:15
kirklandbarry: did not make it to my inbox (or spam folder)16:15
barrysinzui: or at least available to MLE's :)16:15
barrykirkland: do you see any messages on this list in your inbox?16:16
kirklandbarry: only the ones that required moderation16:16
kirklandbarry: in which case i get the moderation notice16:16
kirklandbarry: but not the message text16:17
kirklandbarry: "Maybe a bug" required moderation16:17
barrykirkland: so you never see any messages that are posted through the mailing list?16:17
kirklandbarry: it was at that point i decided "WTF" ... I'm not getting any of these messages :-)16:17
kirklandbarry: nope :-)16:17
barry;)  okay, more dumb questions...16:17
barrykirkland: are you on any other lp mailing lists and do you see any of those postings?16:18
kirklandbarry: yes, i think so, let me verify ....16:18
* barry almost typed "malign lists", which seems oddly appropriate16:18
kirklandbarry: yes, i'm definitely getting messages posted to the ubuntu-bugcontrol list16:21
barrykirkland: okay, that only makes things more confusing! :)16:21
kirklandbarry: no kidding ...16:22
barrykirkland: because i can't think of anything fundamentally different between the two mailing lists that would cause one to fall in your inbox but not the other16:22
barrykirkland: my standard answer would be "check your junk" folder, but you've done that already16:22
kirklandbarry: ownership is the only thing i can think of16:22
kirklandbarry: i "own" ~ecryptfs-devel16:22
kirklandbarry: but not bugcontrol16:22
kirklandbarry: i was thinking there might be some error in the delivery logic16:23
kirklandbarry: whatever prunes mail that would be sent to someone for multiple reasons16:23
barrykirkland: that's a difference, but it shouldn't matter.  i own ~haibunku and i get messages from it16:23
barrykirkland: when you visit launchpad.net/~encryptfs-devel you definitely see that you are the owner of the team and you are subscribed to the team mailing list, right?16:24
kirklandbarry: okay, i just unsubscribed, and subscribed again16:24
kirklandbarry: absolutely16:24
kirklandbarry: could you push a test message to that list?16:24
kirklandnow that i unsubscribed, and resubscribed16:25
barrykirkland: when you go to ~kirkland/+editemails, you see the subscription with the address you expect, right?16:25
barrykirkland: will do16:25
kirklandbarry: right.  i just now changed *all* of my maliing list subscriptions to use my "Preferred" address, as opposed to defining each one independently16:25
kirklandbarry: i'm hoping that change in my settings will trigger a rewrite of whatever config file is handling this16:26
barrykirkland: ok.  let me post a message.  you may have to approve it16:26
kirklandbarry: right16:26
barrykirkland: it will.  actually let me give it a few minutes.  it can take a little while to get the changes pushed out to mailman16:26
kirklandbarry: understood16:26
barry(there's a lag in subscription updates, should be no more than 5 minutes)16:26
* kirkland finds it odd that he's actively trying to receive MORE mail :-)16:27
kirklandalas, this is mail i need to receive though :-P16:27
barrykirkland: that is indeed a personality disorder, of which i am the poster child16:28
barrykirkland: all emails need to be needed!16:28
kirklandbarry: then you don't read debian-devel :-)16:29
* kirkland sighs about the wolfman perfume thread16:29
barrykirkland: message sent16:32
kirklandbarry: moderation approved16:33
barrykirkland: let me know if you see it16:33
kirklandbarry: bingo!16:34
kirklandbarry: sweet, thanks16:34
kirklandbarry: i'm going to assume it was the unsubscribe/resubscribed that fixed this for me16:34
kirklandbarry: i'll let you know if i see anything like this again16:34
barrykirkland: great!  i don't really know what happened, but i'm just happy that the gremlins will go bother someone else for a while :)16:34
barrykirkland: sounds good16:35
jankoHello. Any admins willing to help with my lanuchpad problems?16:35
jankoI cannot see my bugs (reported bym, or subscribed to; or comment ...)16:35
kirklandbarry: cheers, have a good friday ;-)16:35
jankobym=by me16:35
barrythanks, you too!16:35
MTecknologymrevell: I will need to give some special credit to the guy that did most of it, but he wants me to do the thing16:37
sladenestimated build time starts may go up aswell as down16:37
MTecknologymrevell: what do I need to do to be able to do it?16:37
sladen...how are they estimated?16:37
MTecknologymrevell: oh, I'16:37
mrevellcprov: can you help sladen?16:37
mrevellhello sladen, btw16:38
mrevellMTecknology: Skype's probably the easiest way to do it, for me. I can get a very nice recording from a Skype call16:38
sladenhullo Mr. Revell16:38
cprovsladen: hi, build ETA is based on the build order16:38
MTecknologymrevell: oh, I'm applying for membership on Fri 0300 ; would you be willing to stop in and support me?16:39
sladenmrevell: oh more to the point, is there anything that could be done to make the esimate closer to reality (eg. you are in a queue of X, your call is important to us)16:39
cprovsladen: a sum of how long each build with higher priority will take to be processed16:39
cprovsladen: the build duration is based on how long the previous source version took to build.16:40
sladencprov: so it goes up (gets repeatedly pushed back) by higher-priority stuff arrivig whilst its queued?16:40
* oojah_ waves at sladen 16:40
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cprovsladen: yes16:40
cprovsladen: it also goes up when builds take longer than expected to build.16:40
sladenoojah: still in Nottingham?16:41
mrevellMTecknology: I'd love to but I'm likely to be in bed at that time16:41
oojahAlthough not at the lug much.16:41
MTecknologywhat tz are you?16:41
mrevellMTecknology: utc16:42
oojahsladen: How about you?16:42
MTecknologyI'm -6 so that' only 21:00 for me16:42
sladenoojah: currently moored at Markey Drayton on the Shropshire Union16:42
oojahsladen: Oooh, nice.16:42
MTecknologymrevell: would you be willing to put something on my wiki and post to the list?16:42
oojahThat sounds much better than being at work :)16:42
sladencprov: ta.  I'll ponder if I come up with any better suggestions for presenting it (eg. there are X packages at this level and Y more important ones queued)16:43
sladenoojah: I am at work16:44
cprovsladen: sure, thanks, it's indeed far from perfection.16:44
oojahsladen: In that case :P16:46
mrevellMTecknology: Sure. Drop me an email to remind  me :)16:54
bigjoolshmmm, I've corrected three questions filed on "apa" today that are really for Ubuntu, how are they making that mistake?16:56
MTecknologymrevell: Do you prerecord all conversations for the podcast?17:01
mrevellMTecknology: Yeah17:01
MTecknologyjoey: you around?17:14
joeyMTecknology, yes. On a conf call17:14
* Odd_Bloke imagines mrevell talking to cardboard cutouts of various Launchpad people.17:14
joeyMTecknology, I just got a weird xchat dbus msg from you17:14
mrevellOdd_Bloke: heh17:15
joeyMTecknology, no dialog, just a dbus msg that said "invited"17:15
joeyMTecknology, no that was cool! I want to know how to do that17:15
MTecknologyjoey: I invited you to ##mteck17:15
MTecknology /invite nick17:15
jankoHello again.    https://help.launchpad.net/HelpRotation    says I can find launchpad help here == Each week day, a member of the Launchpad team is available to help you with any Launchpad-related requests ==17:44
jankoI cannot see bugs I have commented/subscribed to ...17:44
jankoI can browse them of course, I can login to LP17:44
jankoBut I can see only few of them (older ones), not newer ones,  ty for any help17:45
Odd_Blokebigjools: ^17:45
bigjoolsjanko: can you give some examples?17:46
bigjoolsok let me check it out17:47
jankobigjools:  ask more if u need more clear ...17:47
jankotake your time, brb17:47
bigjoolsjanko: I replied on your question17:54
bigjoolssummary: it's only showing open bugs17:54
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: - | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
bigjoolsEOD for me, bye all17:54
Odd_Blokebigjools: o/17:55
bigjoolsciao :)17:55
jankoYep i see it many thanks.17:56
jankobigjools: Thank you ;) and sry for your time waste :|17:57
bigjoolsjanko: no problem!17:57
thekornhi, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1?comments=all is giving me reproducible timeouts18:01
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)18:01
beunothekorn, yeah, it18:01
beunoit's a known performance bug18:01
beunopeople just keep on commenting, so it18:01
beunoit's a moving target18:02
beuno(I suck typing)18:02
thekornok, what about adding paging to comments :)18:02
beunoBjornT has all kinds of crazy ideas he's playing with18:03
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thekornok, good to hear about this,18:03
thekornI discussed it here some days ago, but this "only show first 80 comments" is not a solution, IMHO18:05
Odd_BlokeI dunno, I'd be surprised if there are any comments worth reading on bug #1. :p18:06
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)18:06
kikoI think if the bug has more than 80 comments comments should be disabled on it 8)18:39
postalchrisDoes Launchpad have Bazaar branches for each package? I.e., not the upstream branch, but the branch from which the package was created (with debian/control, etc)?18:40
beunopostalchris, not yes, but very soon. It's being worked on18:41
postalchrisSo say I want to create a branch of a package (in this case, a version of Amarok that uses libgpod4), what would be the best way to do that so I can easily share it with the community?18:44
seiflotfy1hi guys i need help19:26
seiflotfy1i cant login into launchpad using bzr19:26
seiflotfy1seif@Schroeder:~/Projects/gnome-doc-centric-playground$ bzr launchpad-login "Seif Lotfy"19:26
seiflotfy1bzr: ERROR: https://launchpad.net/%7ESeif%20Lotfy/%2Bsshkeys is permanently redirected to https://launchpad.net/~seif lotfy/+sshkeys19:26
dsas_seiflotfy1: iirs you need to use your nickname19:36
dsas_seiflotfy1: so seiflotfy19:36
dsas_or seif actually looking at it19:37
beunomuffinresearch, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr/+bug/8639219:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 86392 in bzr "empty push performance slower than needed" [High,Confirmed]19:38
beunoIMHO, it's the most common example19:39
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MTecknologyjoey: you there?19:53
joeyyes MTecknology but running a voice call19:54
MTecknologyI just got a blackberry today, I flushed my other phone down the toilet last night and a buddy was selling his19:55
MTecknologyjoey: I was hoping we could discuss what you were talking about though19:56
joeyMTecknology, sure. Let Stu send you his email first though so you can read it19:56
joeyMTecknology, ping me Monday afternoon if you don't have it19:56
MTecknologyjoey: ok - is there any general stuff I should change about how I'm doing things?19:57
joeyMTecknology, it's a bunch of recommendations for structuring to make it easier to maintain... nothing that you are doing "wrong" but rather ideas on how to do it better19:57
MTecknologyyou want me to wait for that then, or any of it now?19:58
MTecknologyI'm more than open to making things work better19:58
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