
bdmurraykees: what do you mean by handle?  keep it in one place and use includes is what I'd do00:01
keesbdmurray: okay, in which direction?  should the 'master' be in SecurityTeam/BugTriage or in Bugs/Responses ?00:01
bdmurraykees: whichever you are more likely to edit ;-)00:02
bdmurrayso I'd say SecurityTeam/BugTriage00:02
keesis there a way to do section includes?00:04
bdmurraykees: its just a regex so make the from and to your section00:05
* kees fights with moin00:07
keesbdmurray: \o/ got it00:10
bdmurraywhat's the regex look like?00:10
kees<<Include(SecurityTeam/BugTriage, , from="=== Not Security ===")>>00:11
bdmurrayit looks like you got a bit extra too00:13
bdmurrayand in a to="== Existing Bugs ==" maybe00:13
bdmurrayafter from00:14
bdmurraykees: ^00:16
keesbdmurray: d'oh! thanks00:18
keesInclude: Nothing found for "== Existing Bugs=="!  wtf00:19
bdmurraykees: you are missing a space after Bugs00:20
keesokay!  fixed up.00:23
macodoes ubuntu-qa include doing qa on the wiki?00:25
bdmurrayno, that's just part of being awesome! ;-)00:26
macowell its probably a job for more than one person, but very repetitive: some wiki pages have hundreds of attachments which need to be removed because they are html files of spam. some of them are pornographic in nature.00:27
dholbachgood morning06:23
dholbachhi maco06:29
thekornara, good morning, what do you think about merging changes (new hugday tool) from lp:ubuntu-qa-tools/ubuntu-qa-tools-0.1 into lp:ubuntu-qa-tools?08:11
thekornso the hugday tool is also in trunk08:11
thekornor do you want to keep packaging stuff seperated08:11
thekorn(as this would also pullin all the packaging related changes)08:12
arathekorn: no, it is absolutely worth merging, but I did some changes in those in trunk, that I need also to request the merge. I will see what's worth merging and request a merge today08:13
arabdmurray will review it08:13
thekornok great08:13
thekornI will wait for requesting the merge of the fix for bug 328537 until everything is in trunk08:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328537 in ubuntu-qa-tools "hugday tool: add option to temporary change the user when closing tasks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32853708:15
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SPFwhen I use apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, the wget executed in this script is not using the apt proxy settings so the download will fail08:55
savvasSPF: which distribution?09:22
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savvasSPF: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wget/+bug/23246909:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 232469 in wget "wget does not use network proxy in some cases" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:45
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SPFsavvas: yes, that is my problem :)09:47
SPFI manually downloaded the file and it works now09:48
SPFthe distro is intrepid am I right?09:50
savvasSPF: the problem isn't fixed in neither intrepid nor jaunty, the development release09:55
savvasI've updated the bug with some suggestions09:55
mnemois it necessary to have a GPG key to fix bugs in ubuntu (i.e. to submit a debdiff) ???10:04
savvasmnemo: I don't think so, but it is recommended10:06
seb128mnemo: no10:07
seb128savvas: why would it be recommended to have a gpg key to send a patch to a bug?10:07
mnemoi already wrote the patch and got it merged upstream... but I would like to learn how to update the .deb in ubuntu10:08
mnemoi know I can just attach the .patch file but I want to do it right so that there is minimal work for the guy who does the upload10:08
mnemoso then do I need the GPG key?10:09
mnemothis page mentions "the GPG key" for example? --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff10:10
seb128no, gpg is used to sign uploads10:10
seb128you don't need it for a local build or sending a debdiff10:10
mnemook great, I'll wait with that then10:10
seb128and you signing or not makes no different on the amonth of work for the sponsor10:10
savvasseb128: sorry, I was thinking about packaging while I typed that10:11
mnemohmm, if I want to apply two patches from upstream into the ubuntu package, then must I open two bugs in launchpad and also do two debdiffs ??10:28
seb128mnemo: depends of the changes I would say10:29
seb128mnemo: if they are easy enough you can use one bug10:30
seb128mnemo: what sort of changes do you work on?10:30
mnemoim hoping to submit fixes for http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=564372 and http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56437110:30
ubottuGnome bug 564372 in general "ghex reports the wrong number of bytes selected" [Minor,Resolved: fixed]10:30
mnemothe second one is _really_ minor10:31
seb128you should try to get upstream to roll a new tarball ;-)10:32
mnemojust getting them to merge these two patches int osvn was a looong process, maintainers are very busy/unresponsive it seems10:33
mnemobesides, i sort of really want to learn how to create debdiffs and I thought these were sort of easy beginners bugs10:34
mnemoseb128: hmm..   _if_ they did a new tarball, could I package that directly into ubuntu or would I need to get it into debian first?10:35
seb128ubuntu directly works10:35
mnemook I will ask them at least then10:36
seb128mnemo: otherwise for such changes better to open one bug and do one debdiff listing both changes10:40
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mnemoseb128: to apply those two patches in a single debdiff, should I run "cdbs-edit-patch" twice and then "dch -i" once (describing both changes) ??? or should I run dch -i twice?11:31
seb128mnemo: dch one, dch is to add a changelog entry11:32
seb128you can use your editor then to edit the changelog entry if required11:32
seb128one changelog entry can list several changes11:32
mnemook so I will use the first alternative then11:33
dholbach"How to run a Bug Jam" sesion in #ubuntu-classroom now!12:07
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LaneyCan someone school me in making upstream package links on Launchpad?12:11
LaneyI want to link bug #329018 to http://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8886/tickets/216-improve-initial-loading-speed12:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329018 in prototypejs "libjs-prototype should be compressed with Yahoo YUI compressor" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32901812:11
dholbachyou might need to start with https://launchpad.net/projects/+new12:12
dholbachhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/+newbugtracker too12:13
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dupondje--Cannot use both zlib.output_compression and output_handler together!!14:01
dupondje--this is a new bug in php ?14:01
dupondje--went broken after updating to new php modules14:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 329053 in php5 "Cannot use both zlib.output_compression and output_handler together!!" [Undecided,New]14:08
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mnemowhee I just finished my first debdiff --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghex/+bug/32902015:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 329020 in ghex "fix "deprecation warning printed on startup" and "incorrect selection length in statusbar"" [Undecided,New]15:11
mnemolooking for a sponsor :)15:11
mnemoseb128: still here? ^^15:11
seb128mnemo: yes and no, I'm busy enough on standard desktop I will let universe sponsoring to motu rather15:12
mnemommkay, np15:13
seb128mnemo: the debdiff looks good, don't bother backporting changelog entries though, they often don't apply cleaning are extra work for no win15:13
mnemoaha, ok.. good to know15:14
dholbachmnemo: good work! :-)15:16
seb128mnemo: I've pinged some desktop contributors on #ubuntu-desktop who won motu membership today about your bug15:17
seb128dholbach: do you know if upload rights are already granted?15:18
mnemothanks guys15:18
dholbachseb128: whom?15:19
dholbachseb128: ah yes, I added all of them to the team15:19
seb128dholbach: huats and didrock, can they upload to universe?15:19
dholbachlaney and quadrispro too15:19
seb128ok cool15:19
seb128I was not sure if that was pending is tasks too15:19
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bdmurrayCan anybody recreate bug 283316 on jaunty?17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283316 in udev "CD-ROM tray closes automatically after eject" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28331617:22
charlie-tcaI havenĀ“t seen it in a while; using jaunty daily for over a month17:33
macoer...laptop users cant really answer i guess, since they only open17:35
bdmurrayIt might just be me, it only happens with one drive17:36
thekornhmm, the new feature in LP to only show the first 80 comments is a real pain17:41
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charlie-tcaI need a little help with bug 30749119:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307491 in thunar "The Trash directory failed on Thunar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30749119:45
charlie-tcaWhat does "/usr/bin/yelp" have to do with thunar crashing when trying to open the Trash directory?19:46
charlie-tcaIs this even valid?19:47
bdmurraycharlie-tca: that's a bug reported via 'help - report a problem' in yelp19:48
bdmurraynotice the apport-bug tag19:48
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bdmurraymost bugs with 'sourcepackage: yelp' and apport-bug tag are not really related to yelp19:49
charlie-tcaI saw the apport tag, but never saw a bug referencing yelp as executable before19:49
charlie-tcaThat's the answer then. Thanks.19:49
bdmurrayso I'd just worry about their description and disregard everything else19:50
charlie-tcaThat I can do.19:51
hggdhand adjust the package accordingly ;-)19:51
hyperairwhen a patch has been commited upstream, does it mean that the ubuntu task should be set to "fix commited"?21:20
hyperairi thought the ubuntu task was only set to fix commited when a sponsor has uploaded the patched package to ubuntu21:20
maxbI'd say anything upstream goes in the upstream task21:21
maxband an uploaded package would be "Fix Released"21:21
charlie-tcaUsually fix-committed when upstream goes fix-released, since we will have to wait for the package to get to us to say the bug is fixed21:22
hyperairmaxb: i thought uploaded package means fix committed, and when the binaries hit the archives then it's fix released?21:26
maxbI don't believe that's the case21:26
hyperairhmm isn't there any documentation regarding the policy?21:26
maxbNot least because there's the question: Which architecture's binaries?21:26
hyperairah good point21:27
maxbAFAIK "Fix Committed" means the fix is in the packager's VCS21:27
charlie-tcayes, there is documentation in bugsquad docs21:28
hggdhyeee! The powers-that-be now accept fix-committed on upstream source code control systems!21:32
maxbon upstream tasks... which is unambiguously sane, no?21:33
hggdhdarnit, I again read too fast!21:34
hggdhso nothing really changed. I wonder how you can set fix committed on an upstream bug watch21:35
hggdhsince LP automagically sets it21:35
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andresmujica1watch -n1 date +%s23:25
BUGabundocould some one take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/32925423:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 329254 in network-manager "kernel: [ 341.030356] Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted: P W 2.6.28-7-generic #20-Ubuntu" [Undecided,New]23:27

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