=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox === Nicke_ is now known as Nicke [16:08] Koon: yeah I want to package, sesame [16:09] I have it building ok on my machine, but in a chroot it insists on downloading files (which won't work for a buildd of course) [16:09] http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/117702/ [16:09] hm. [16:10] so something seems to be different about my own system that it doesn't need to download stuff [16:10] but I've no idea what [16:10] For simple things that happen to use maven, there is the possibility to use maven-ant-helper that basically wraps the buid into a simple ant build.xml [16:10] but Sesame looks large [16:11] (looking at that reactor build order) [16:11] it's a beast [16:11] For medium-sized thing we expect to have support for Maven packaging at the start of jaunty+1 [16:11] (synced from twerver work in debian) [16:11] twerner, I mean [16:12] but it works, I just don't know how [16:12] however very large things would probably still fail, since we would provide a unique version of each artifact when the very large thing usually will ask for several versions of the same artifact and fail if you cheat it [16:13] I fear Sesame falls into the last category [16:13] Koon: want to see if it builds for you? http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/sesame/ [16:13] i'm pretty sure it builds. The problem is working around the online download of deps [16:13] but it doesn't do the download on my laptop [16:13] only in a chroot [16:14] is the download cached somewhere? [16:14] yes. ~/.m2 [16:15] the method we use is to provide to the build something that looks like the repository maven would have ended up downloading [16:15] but that in reality would link to the system-installed JAR artifacts [16:15] bah fooey [16:16] There wrer two implementations of those, the one we speced i nUbuntu and the one Debian-java finally started [16:16] We discussed that last week with twerner and decided that we should use Debian model since it's better for us to sync it from them [16:17] rather than go our own slightly-different route. Furthermore their design was done by someone that kinda knows maven. While our design was done by me ;) [16:17] what an insane build system [16:18] so we expect to be able to build a helloworld maven project at the start of the Jaunty+1 cycle [16:18] but something like Sesame or geronimo is still a very long way [16:18] You /could/ rewrite the Sesame build system completely so that it does not use Maven, but that's a hell of a work. [16:19] so doko summarized our current advice very well :) [16:21] Riddell: yes, that's a quite insane build system. Makes (some) sense if you only build binaries once. Which is kinda the idea behind Java. [16:21] But from a distro pov it's simply a walking nightmare [16:21] and people wonder why java has a bad reputation in the free software world [16:23] Koon: and there's no way to just include the files it would cache? [16:24] i.e. fake the cache [16:24] Riddell: well, you could tar up the repository it caches, include it as part of the sources, and run mvn in offline mode to make sure it does no freshness check [16:24] but that would be including binaries as part of the source [16:25] which is no-no for most repositories, if not all. [16:26] most of the files are there .pom XML files [16:26] there are quite a few JAR files normally. [16:26] there's a bunch of .jar files but they ought to be packagable I'd have thought [16:27] you'll also miss "maven plugins" [16:27] yes, it's basically a packaging effort and some tools to help in the process [16:28] but since we provide a single version of each artifact, slightly different from the one Maven requests, it /may/fail [16:29] ok, time to give up I think [16:29] since JARs usually break API without warning [16:29] thanks for the information Koon [16:29] Riddell: if that's an option, I'd recommend it. [16:30] Riddell: you're welcome. I always like to rant about it. [16:49] Koon: is there an easy way to override where maven looks for that .m2 cache? I guess I could package it for multiverse [16:49] you have to provide a settings.xml file... hmm just a sec [16:51] mvn --settings debian/prepare-settings.xml --offline [16:51] with something like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/117731/ in the .xml feil [16:52] file, even [16:53] Riddell: got to go. Good luck :) [16:54] thanks [23:30] http://rzr.online.fr/q/now 1234567890day countdown started