
=== fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp
asacfta: do you have the mozillateam photo (without [reed]) from SF?11:19
asacwould be cool if you could look that up at some point ;)11:19
armin76poor [reed]11:36
gnomefreaksince whne is get-orig needed for extensions? and if it is we need to change XPI_TEMPLATE alwith adding a debian/README11:53
gnomefreakasac: bug 305738 i attached some files for copyright info. also added some concerns i had about why it was rejected please let me know either on bug or email since im not sure how long i am going to be here.12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305738 in ubuntu "Please review and sponser flashgot " [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30573812:15
gnomefreakasac: can you look at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admindb/ubuntu-mozillateam-bugs  it looks like its from debian but im not sure i dont even see what the message is.12:53
asacgnomefreak: please moderate the debian things13:20
asacgnomefreak: we have to fix that somehow13:20
asaci am not sure how13:20
gnomefreakthe debian thing?13:20
asaci will try to figure out13:20
asacgnomefreak: if its debian icedove bugmail yes13:21
asacif its something else, then probably no13:21
gnomefreakah that13:21
gnomefreakasac: hard to say but looks like debian not so much icedoce, since there is not message text that threw me off.13:22
asaclet me check13:23
gnomefreakgoing for a smoke while tb sends my pile of emails :)13:24
asacgnomefreak: i forgot the pass again13:25
asacnot sure why its not remembered here in ffox13:25
asaclet me check my laptop13:25
asacbug 32742713:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327427 in network-manager-applet "network manager applet should pop up wizard when 3g device is plugged in and no configuration exists" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32742713:29
gnomefreakmaybe it was due to the failure to send to mozilla seamonkey ML13:31
gnomefreak[reed]: if you are around is there a way to find out what email i am subscribed as, im assuming mozilla-extensions-dev@gmial email but if so i shouldnt have gotten a failure to send.13:32
gnomefreakmaybe its the users email only that failed but i still dont see the post since i sent to ML as well as user13:34
gnomefreakhmmmm it seems reply all only replys to user lets see if i can fix this :)13:38
gnomefreakok sent to list lets see what happens13:42
gnomefreakwhy do i get this feeling that firefox uses an app helper for downloads?13:44
ftaasac, which one?14:07
ftaasac, the last day?14:07
asacfta: i think so, yes.14:13
ftai remember i had issues with my flash14:14
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/IMG_1262.JPG14:14
ftaasac, this one is nice http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/IMG_1259.JPG14:15
asacfta: is there only one for us three?14:19
asacthought we did a few shots14:19
ftano, two14:19
BUGabundoguud afternuun14:20
asacfta: opening the second picture you posted locked up my sys14:20
ftait's just bigger, nothing unusual14:21
asachmm ... minefield ;)14:21
asacbut most likely X and UXA ;)14:21
asaca steaming setup ;)14:21
asachmm ... can you open in ffox?14:25
asaci wont try again until i know how to capture info i need for a bug14:25
BUGabundoasac: link please14:25
* BUGabundo is not afraid of crashs14:25
asacthats ok ;)14:26
asacbut its not really a serious issue ;)14:26
ftado you have enough memory?14:26
asacits just a huge picture14:26
asac2 gig14:26
asacnot sure if thats enough14:26
asacon this laptop14:26
ftai mean, in your video card14:26
asaci dont think it has any mem14:27
BUGabundo256MiBs on card + sysmem14:27
asacit shared memory14:27
ftacan you wget it and open it in eog or gimp?14:27
asacfta: sure14:27
asaci will try to repro when i have set X to debug mode or whatever bryce wnats me to do14:27
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/IMG_1263.JPG (it's a big one too)14:28
ftai prefer the 1st one14:28
asacfta: let me check ;)14:28
* BUGabundo tests minefield14:28
BUGabundo12371    689      1         84K 466.9M 105.3M  5120K  1100K   3% firefox-3.214:29
asacfta: heh. where did i look ;)14:29
BUGabundono crash here14:29
asacwas there girl or something ;)14:29
asacor ogra ;)14:29
BUGabundo12371      0      0         84K 455.9M 68584K     0K     0K   2% firefox-3.214:29
ftafta       5718 21.0 22.2 708080 459304 ?       Sl   Feb12 236:58 /usr/lib/firefox-3.2a1pre/firefox-3.214:30
fta136 tabs14:30
BUGabundosingle window on 3.214:36
BUGabundoim using 3.1 mainly until a few addons I use come out for 3.214:36
ftaBUGabundo, use the nightly tester tools addon and try to force the one you really need14:37
asacif you do that please dont complain about crashes14:37
asacwithout disabling them first ;)14:37
asac(just a side note)14:37
ftayes, that's also why i said to try 1 by 1, not all at once14:38
BUGabundofta: I use it14:38
BUGabundothat doesn't fix probs14:38
BUGabundoit just forces them to work... not to work OK14:38
ftaok, so you're doomed ;)14:38
BUGabundofirst it was Bette GReader14:39
ftaall the ones i need are fine14:39
BUGabundonow its fixed14:39
BUGabundonow NoSquint isn't saving the zoom values14:39
BUGabundosomething might have changed on FF with the way stuff is saved14:40
BUGabundoso everytime I change a tab, the previous tab resets its zoom14:40
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakbug 32849115:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328491 in firefox-3.0 "Can't access certain https websites" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32849115:02
BUGabundoI guess it's the usual cert Social Bug!15:03
BUGabundoppl don't know how to add exceptions !15:03
* BUGabundo checks the bug15:04
BUGabundoscratch that15:04
BUGabundothe cert is valid... no need for exception15:05
BUGabundo"it doesn't work with any browser (firefox, epiphany, konqueror, opera). I've tested it in Jaunty as well, and it doesn't work"15:06
BUGabundothis is not Firefox related15:06
BUGabundoor at least no isolated15:06
BUGabundoasac: ping15:12
BUGabundohow is the work with ubufox and tabmix plus going?15:12
BUGabundodoes it work already to have both ?15:12
asacBUGabundo: try the latest ubufox from trunk plesae15:21
asaci think i fixed that15:21
asacand forgot to push that as a relesae15:21
asacjust branch lp:ubufox and run sh build.sh to get an .xpi15:21
BUGabundolink please15:21
* BUGabundo ears fta complaining about installing stuff from shell ehehe15:22
asacyou build it on command line and install it throuh firefox ;)15:22
BUGabundoError reading response length from authentication socket.15:22
BUGabundonot good15:22
asaclet me check15:23
asacbzr branch lp:ubufox   doesnt work?15:23
BUGabundoits still working15:23
BUGabundobut getting an ERROR to cli15:23
BUGabundois not nice15:23
BUGabundo[##############\     ] Copying content texts:Copied record 565/56615:24
asacits probably ignorable and only means: "you dont have write access"15:24
BUGabundoubufox.xpi done15:25
BUGabundoinstalling now15:25
BUGabundoto current and new profile15:25
BUGabundonever got that before15:26
BUGabundoTab Mix Plus Dev-Build installed15:27
BUGabundoasac: LOLOLOL ubufox trunk not compatible with minefield15:28
BUGabundochanged toolbar15:29
asacBUGabundo: try 3.0 please15:29
BUGabundorestarting FF3.215:29
BUGabundobugabundo@blubug:/tmp/ubufox$ firefox-3.215:29
BUGabundoGdk-ERROR **: The program 'firefox-3.2' received an X Window System error.15:29
BUGabundoThis probably reflects a bug in the program.15:29
BUGabundoThe error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'.15:29
BUGabundo  (Details: serial 1219 error_code 3 request_code 20 minor_code 0)15:29
BUGabundo  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;15:29
BUGabundo   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.15:29
BUGabundo   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line15:29
BUGabundo   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful15:29
BUGabundo   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)15:29
BUGabundoTrace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)15:29
BUGabundonot nice!15:30
asacthats jemalloc fallout from what i understand15:30
BUGabundonow I can't start 3.215:30
BUGabundoand you want me to test a stable version?15:30
asaci will work after a while again15:30
BUGabundolet me disable it on my 3.115:30
asace.g. when X about the freed window15:30
asacthat ffox left behind when crashing on exit15:30
BUGabundobefore it mess that too15:30
asacthis x eerror hsa nothing to do with extensions from what i know15:30
asacits caused because ffox 3.1 and above crash onevery exit15:31
BUGabundotestinc clean profile of 3.215:31
asacas i said ... just wait 30 seconds or so15:31
asacthen it starts again15:31
asac(dont open anything in between)15:31
asacfta: btw, i think the crash on exit is in the end a bug deep down in the dynamic linker15:32
asacit seems to not use the overloadde memalign at some places where i think it should15:32
asaci saw that in linker code, but i have to get input from doko to see if i am not messing aronud15:32
asace.g. the memalign we see in the crash is in libc but should be in jemalloc ... but if you look at the liner code it explicitly calls the glibc symbol for whatever reason15:33
ftawould be nice to get that fixed asap15:33
asaci thiunk its ab ug15:33
BUGabundo3.0 instaled15:33
asacyes. it would also show if the X11 error from above is really a fallout from those crashes15:33
BUGabundoasac: I'm opening from cli15:34
BUGabundoif I see it free I expect to be able to launch again15:34
asacfta: would be nice ... its really in the guts of libc ... if i just upload it might be that on next start no box will run anymore ;)15:34
asacso i am a bit scared15:34
asaci have to test in chroot i guess15:34
ftaput it in a private ppa15:34
BUGabundo$ firefox-3.0 -ProfileManager15:34
BUGabundonsHeaderInfo: registerSelf called!15:34
BUGabundonsHeaderInfo: registerSelf called!15:34
BUGabundosh: acroread: not found15:34
BUGabundonsHeaderInfo: registerSelf called!15:34
BUGabundonsHeaderInfo: registerSelf called!15:34
BUGabundonsHeaderInfo: registerSelf called!15:34
BUGabundonsHeaderInfo: registerSelf called!15:34
BUGabundosh: acroread: not found15:34
BUGabundoasac: toolbar is okay15:35
ftaasac, and prepare a rescue CD15:35
asacfta: to be exact the shared library unloading code does that. so its normal that we dont see it in firefox only builds15:35
asacjust in xul stub things that try to cleanly shutdown the dlopened libs on shutdown15:35
asacBUGabundo: ok good. so bug is fixed in lp:ubufox for you?15:35
BUGabundoseems so15:36
BUGabundoon a clean profile15:36
BUGabundowill have to restart (and backup 1st) my 3.115:36
asacBUGabundo: could you also check ffox 3?15:36
BUGabundothat is all fool of crap and my tabmix conf15:36
BUGabundoI'll copy an existing profile15:37
asacyou can use a fresh profile too ;)15:37
BUGabundobut from a clean profiles 3.0 seem to work15:37
BUGabundojust tested it15:37
asacafter FF i should roll out SRU to intrepid i guess15:38
BUGabundoasac: nag me latter15:39
BUGabundohave work to do now15:39
BUGabundo5 pages price updates15:40
ftaasac, http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/report.php?login=fta%40ubuntu.com  ?? why am i in there?15:46
asacfta: we added you to uploaders for icedove at some point15:47
asacwant to be removed?15:47
ftai don't mind15:47
asac(with being uploaders you just need to get your key signed and can upload that package directly)15:47
[reed]armin76: indeed15:49
[reed]asac: :(15:49
asac[reed]: what did i say ;)15:49
[reed][05:19:23AM] <asac> fta: do you have the mozillateam photo (without [reed]) from SF?15:50
asac[reed]: yes. that was _really_ unfortunate15:50
asacand information flow could have been better15:50
asaclike michael thought to know that you are unavailable15:50
asacwhile you wasn't15:50
asac[reed]: we can cut your pic in there ;)15:50
armin76asac: but he's from the team! :P15:51
[reed]yeah, I was totally in the room15:51
asacarmin76: thats why i want to add him post-mortem15:51
[reed]all Ventron's fault!15:51
asacas usual15:51
ftahm, the bot is broken16:16
ftadid someone update dput?16:17
asacyou never know ;)16:23
asacmaybe someone wanted a dput feature in before FF :-P16:23
asacfta: maybe ... did you prefix your stuff with /ppa yet?16:25
asacmaybe they just enforce that now?16:25
asaci had to do that for new archives at least16:25
asaclike -security ... i couldnt upload without /ppa16:26
asacnow i added that everywhere16:26
ftai mean, i don't use "dput ppa:foo/ppa" yet16:28
asacno i ment if you use the /ppa folder for your incoming lines16:28
ftano, nowhere16:29
BUGabundodid I miss something?16:59
asacprobably 10000 birth's that took place all over the world in the last 10 minutes17:00
asacor the slaughter of 10k cattle ;)17:00
[reed]asac: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/browser-benchmarks-2-even-wine-beats-linux-firefox17:44
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asac[reed]: yes. i think its understood that cairo + X11 + sqlite on ext3 are the worst performance killers on linux17:48
asac[reed]: that said, the performance can be considerably different depending on the driver / chipset you use17:49
asac[reed]: would be interesting to see a fedora ubuntu comparison17:49
asacthough since its about the same as upstream builds we probably wont really win ;)17:49
asacbut good that opera is worse ;)17:51
asacbut thanks for the article17:52
fta[reed], does ff 3.0 use pgo on windows?18:01
ftaasac, what did you need the photos for?18:02
asacfta: sending them to slashdot18:03
ftalol, kidding right?18:03
asacfta: private interest and wondering whether we want t publish one of them with reed ;)18:03
asaccut in18:03
ftadtchen, plain jaunty, no ppa: Feb 13 18:17:01 cube pulseaudio[6900]: module-console-kit.c: GetUnixUser() call failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetUnixUser" with signature "" on interface "org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session" doesn't exist18:04
ftaTitle: gwibber crashed with SIGSEGV in pango_layout_check_lines()18:14
[reed]asac: yes19:01
[reed]fta: yes19:01
ftaso that could be the reason19:02
asacpulseaudio tries the hat trick throwing various new things together, stirring and then hoping for the best ;)19:03
[reed][11:48:25AM] <sdwilsh> reed: also, results make sense to me since we PGO windows19:04
asac[reed]: oh true19:13
asac[reed]: do you know if linux is just not done or if there are blockers on a technical side for PGO?19:14
[reed]let me find the bug19:14
* asac out ... hunting food in snow19:15
BUGabundo_asac: ping20:36
BUGabundo_are you here?20:36
BUGabundo_i'm having trouble with a 3G usb modem20:36
BUGabundo_huawei E22020:36
BUGabundo_both on xubuntu 8.1020:36
BUGabundo_and my laptop (ubutnu 9.04 NM PPA)20:37
BUGabundo_i have the logs, i can upload them to you once I have net on it20:37
BUGabundo_modem was detected, PPA version asked for pin, 8.10 didnt20:37
BUGabundo_but both failed to establish connection20:37
BUGabundo_on win 32 SP2 works out of the box20:38
BUGabundo_i'm using it right now20:38
BUGabundo_what do u need for extra debug?20:38
asacBUGabundo_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager#Serial%20Log%20%28Mobile%20Broadband%2920:39
BUGabundo_will plug it there after dinner and try again20:40
BUGabundo_anything else?20:40
asacBUGabundo_: enable debug option in /etc/ppp/options20:41
asacBUGabundo_: also tail the syslog too20:41
asaccapturing connect attempt/failure20:41
BUGabundo_will try to do it all20:41
asacBUGabundo_: are you using ppp from ppa?20:41
BUGabundo_how many retries?20:41
asacor from jaunty20:41
BUGabundo_not sure! what ever has the higer version20:42
BUGabundo_gotta go... dinner is served20:42
asacBUGabundo_: check please20:42
asacppp version ;)20:42
BUGabundo_will do.. i always apt-cache policy stuff20:42
asacBUGabundo_: yeah let me know when finished dinner20:42
ftai should debug mine too20:42
BUGabundo_just one more thing20:42
BUGabundo_every time i connct the donle20:42
BUGabundo_i get one more connection on NM20:43
BUGabundo_already have 420:43
BUGabundo_screnshot too20:43
asacBUGabundo_: no screenshot ... check the output of lshal ... maybe the modems duplicate there20:43
asacfor devices != mobile broadband the issue should be mostly fixed by dbus20:44
ftagrrr, my bot turned crazy...20:44
asacNafallo: you still get the "enable networking" disabled on resume?20:44
asacNafallo: i have attached a pm-utils script that might fix that to the bug20:44
Nafalloasac: doesn't look like it20:44
asacNafallo: hmm. ok then you are probably lucky20:44
Nafalloasac: or wait. what computer was that? :-D20:44
asacNafallo: probably the one you resume and suspend ... aka laptop ;)20:45
Nafalloasac: which of them? :-)20:45
asacfta: do you commit the ~umd version and then append another layer next time?20:45
Nafalloasac: intrepid?20:45
asacNafallo: intrepid and jaunty ... though jaunty seems to be less frequently20:45
ftaasac, it's a tricky bug, i'm trying to track it down, tough as it's a corner case20:46
fta0.9.1+svn20090205r22048-0ubuntu1~umd1~umd2  hmmm, better, but still not what i want20:47
asacfta: well ... isnt it just that you dont get asked for bin?20:47
Nafalloasac: hmm. haven't seen it for a good while on jaunty :-)20:47
NafalloYour current bandwidth reading is:20:47
asaci dont have a problem with long verions ;)20:47
Nafallo6000.00 Mbps20:47
Nafallowhich means you can download at 750 MB/sec. from our servers.20:47
Nafallo^-- I'm on 3.5G ;-)20:47
asacthats ok20:47
asacalmost as good as my 3g experience ;)20:48
ftaNafallo, i want one :)20:48
asac(while dreaming ;))20:48
asache is probably sitting in the datacenter next to a mega fan to get that ;)20:48
asacNafallo: start bittorrent ;)20:49
asacgive something ... not sure what, but something surely needed to get spreaded20:49
Nafalloasac: ha. no. I'm sitting at that same old cafe using 3.5G through my Nokia N95-2 :-)20:51
asacbtw, i really think i am a bad net-citizen. ist just remembered that the last time i got annoyed by all my mailing lists i didnt unsubscribe (too lazy), but just /dev/null'ed them in procmail20:51
asachmmm ... a bit scared to turn that off now20:51
asacto see what i am getting20:51
asacNafallo: damn. and the girls are still with you?20:52
Nafalloasac: and I get ~330kbps down and up with a better test :-)20:52
asacplugging into your bandwidth distributor ;)20:52
Nafallothe prettier one have come and left already :-PO20:52
asacbandwidth distribution device ;)20:52
asacyou could move around offering wired cables like the sausage vendors that run in the cold with a gas tank on their back ;)20:53
asacwith huge antenna on your back ;)20:53
asacthats a good model ;)20:53
asaclet humans serve as moving access points20:53
asaclike in SF where humans hold driving direction advertisments next to a traffic light ;)20:54
asacgood business model i ment ;)20:54
NafalloOMG. asac is on crack20:57
asacNafallo: not more than those that employ living advertisment plates in US ;)20:59
Nafalloasac: advertising crack?21:00
asacNafallo: hah :) ... not the advertise like "gran mas restaurant -  turn left"21:00
* Nafallo ponders heading home.21:01
asacNafallo: probably better21:01
Nafalloyea. the cafe just closed21:01
Nafallono more coffee :-(21:01
asacgo to a pub that closes at 10 ;)21:01
Nafallotss. they don't have wifi.21:02
asacyou can probably put 3g on expenses ;)21:02
Nafalloconsidering I'm sitting on 3.5G because those people's wifi never works etc... ;-)21:02
Nafalloasac: I have unlimited web'n'walk this month. paid £7.50 for that :-)21:02
asacfor a whole month?21:03
asacwas that a promotion?21:03
Nafalloasac: yea. :-)21:03
Nafalloasac: ehrm. not a promotion.21:03
Nafalloasac: just a good deal ;-)21:03
* Nafallo streams music via 3G instead of using what he have on the device this month ;-)21:04
asacmy theory: the more expensive the 3G auctions were the cheaper its now21:04
ftaasac, did you figure out what is wrong with tb3?21:07
ftaasac, you said before lunch 2 days ago ;)21:07
BUGabundoasac: ping21:24
BUGabundoasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117843/21:26
BUGabundoasac: are you here?21:26
asacbusy atm21:27
BUGabundoshould I file a new bug to keep track of this?21:28
ftaDIR=`get_conf $PKGCONF "pkgs/$SPKG/upstream"`21:29
ftastupid buffer21:29
ftaBUGabundo, is there an irc channel for gwibber?21:31
BUGabundoon arstecnica irc netwrork21:32
BUGabundo#gwibber fta21:32
BUGabundonot many "monkeys" there21:32
BUGabundobut you can try your luck21:32
ftapff, another network, no thanks then21:33
BUGabundoI know the feeling21:33
BUGabundoI alread yhave 421:33
BUGabundoCould not upload report data to crash database:21:33
BUGabundo<urlopen error The write operation timed out>21:33
BUGabundostupid apport/LP/3G21:33
BUGabundoasac: fta bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/32922821:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 329228 in network-manager "3G network time out" [Undecided,New]21:48
BUGabundoasac: you can mark it as dupe of any you feel is the same thing21:48
BUGabundobut since this is jaunty and used apport I choose to open a new one21:48
ftabug 32723922:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327239 in dput "dput crashes with incorrect arguments" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32723922:54
ftafixed a buch of regressions in my bot. sigh :P23:03
BUGabundo_asac: are u interessed on NM -> FON WPA fail connections  debug too?23:03
ftalet's see how it is now23:03
ftaasac, could you please hand over https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily to me?23:14
BUGabundoasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/281348/comments/3523:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 281348 in ubufox "Firefox only shows default icons in toolbars with tabmixplus and ubufox installed" [High,In progress]23:15
BUGabundobzr ubufox fix one bug, makes 2 new ones23:15
BUGabundofta do you have that bug that gnome-freak pasted this afternoon?23:16
BUGabundoabout some sites fail to open with SSL?23:16
BUGabundoI think I found something related to it, when I installed the new ubufox23:16
ftabug 32849123:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328491 in firefox-3.0 "Can't access certain https websites" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32849123:17
BUGabundoFeb 13 22:48:07 blubug kernel: [  341.031667] WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.28/drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c:326 serial_write_room+0x81/0x90()23:19
BUGabundoFeb 13 22:48:07 blubug kernel: [  341.031670] Modules linked in: binfmt_misc acpi_cpufreq input_polldev xfs coretemp sbp2 ppdev parport_pc lp parport joydev snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss snd_pcm snd_seq_dummy arc4 snd_seq_oss ecb snd_seq_midi snd_rawmidi snd_seq_midi_event gl860 psmouse serio_raw sdhci_pci sdhci compat_ioctl32 videodev v4l1_compat snd_seq btusb iwlagn iwlcore lbm_cw_mac80211 snd_timer snd_seq_device snd pcspkr lbm23:19
BUGabundoFeb 13 22:48:07 blubug kernel: [  341.031727] Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted: P        W  2.6.28-7-generic #20-Ubuntu23:19
BUGabundoFeb 13 22:48:07 blubug kernel: [  341.031729] Call Trace:23:19
BUGabundoFeb 13 22:48:07 blubug kernel: [  341.031731]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff8024d8ef>] warn_on_slowpath+0x5f/0x9023:19
BUGabundofta does this mean anything to you ?23:19
ftanot much, ask the kernel guys23:22
BUGabundofiling bug now23:22
asacsorry ... somehow ended up having three hours continuous phone calls :/23:38
BUGabundo_i've done some bug mail to you23:39
BUGabundo_just grep your archive for my nick23:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 329254 in network-manager "kernel: [ 341.030356] Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted: P W 2.6.28-7-generic #20-Ubuntu" [Undecided,New]23:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 329228 in network-manager "3G network time out" [Undecided,New]23:40
BUGabundo1and the infamouse https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/26065623:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 260656 in network-manager "Network Manager 0.7 timeout (dup-of: 263963)" [Undecided,Incomplete]23:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 263963 in linux "[iwl*] NetworkManager/wicd fail to authenticate to WPA Enterprise networks" [High,Confirmed]23:41
BUGabundo_humm bad firefox awesome bar23:41
BUGabundo_thats not it23:41
BUGabundo_ah bug 32922823:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329228 in network-manager "3G network time out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32922823:42
BUGabundo_asac: and i have yet to file a new NM bug on FON AP23:44
BUGabundo_there are already at least 2 ones opened23:44
BUGabundo_but this is new on jaunty23:44
BUGabundo_will reporte it later or during the weekend23:44
asacBUGabundo_: "GSM pin secret required" ... do you get a dialog at that point?23:47
BUGabundo1at least ONCE23:47
BUGabundo1not sure if it asks any more times23:47
BUGabundo1I have NOW removed the PIN, so the new attemps should not see that...23:48
asacBUGabundo_: anyway ... where is the SERIAL log i asked for23:48
BUGabundo1the new bug I filed agains the kernel should have logs of connection attempts without PIN23:48
asacalso you didnt set the ppp/options to debug23:48
BUGabundo1was the serial log needed to?23:48
* BUGabundo1 is dumb23:48
BUGabundo1I did not! I have lousy memory23:49
asacBUGabundo_: well. you asked me how to debug. i gave link to serial bug23:49
asacnow you opened bugs without serial log23:49
BUGabundo_doing it now23:49
asacBUGabundo_: also enable debug in /etc/ppp/options23:49
BUGabundo_debug option done23:50
BUGabundo_trying new capture for serial23:51
BUGabundo_asac: one question23:51
BUGabundo_how do i find the driver its asks to unload?23:52
dtchenfta: the volume (mis)behaviour you describe is known as "flat volume" (think MS Vista)23:54
dtchenfta: i can't reproduce your m-c-k error, though23:55
ftahow can i disable the thing taking control of the volume?23:55
dtchen(it's worth noting that Ubuntu will likely be the only distro not shipping 0.9.15; Fedora and Mandriva at least are)23:55
dtchenfta: don't know offhand; i'm wasting^Hspending my time trying to wrap up 0.9.14 for jaunty ;)23:56
ftahm, ok23:57
dtchenoh wait, you don't have the spatial/effects module loaded, do you?23:57
fta0.9.15 seems a bit better for my main desktop, but openarena is crappy now, and the volume changes randomly from one app to the other23:58
ftahow do i check that?23:58
dtchensorry, module-position-event-sounds23:59
dtchencheck /etc/pulse/default.pa; if it's uncommented, it's loaded by default23:59

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