
joeyMTecknology, due to limitations in LP, I'd recommend you include a link to a demo (or actual) implementation of the drupal code01:02
MTecknologyjoey: thanks01:10
MTecknologyjoey: I forgot to toss out some links :P01:10
MTecknologyjoey: err - both of our teams are using that theme01:10
joeyMTecknology, great. Maybe just show off your team page :-)01:11
joeyas for making announcements and downloads actually useful (like...finding them)... you can bother beuno because I'm sure it's already a pet peeve of his01:11
MTecknologyjoey: huh? did I do something wrong?01:12
joeyMTecknology, no you didn't. I don't like the way LP hides announcements and file downloads01:26
joeyI think they should all be present on the main page.01:27
MTecknologydoesn't it?01:32
MTecknologyit shows announcements01:32
MTecknologyand the releases - it could do it better though01:32
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* joey just noticed MTecknology's credit at the end of the Fridge article.23:36
johnc4510joey: hey back23:40
joeyHow's UWN going johnc4510?23:40
johnc4510good good thx23:40
johnc4510always looking for imput23:41
johnc4510setting up a new team website on a new team server:
johnc4510bare bones so far but a start23:42
joeyooh pretty23:43
johnc4510drupal is soooo nice  hee hee23:43
MTecknologyjoey: is that bad?23:47
joeyMTecknology, no just unexpected :-)23:48
MTecknologyjoey: you're in there :)23:49
MTecknologyjoey: I think I'm going to create a README about where each module came from, where the theme came from, how to use it all, etc.23:50
joeyMTecknology, thanks.  ...and sure.  Stu came back with a more difficult reply so ... I'm plowing through that at the moment.23:51
MTecknologydoes he dissapprove of anything we're doing?23:52
MTecknologyI didn't mean to send him on any rant or anything - I was only trying to help with things :(23:54
MTecknologywe both were23:54
MTecknologyI'm sorry23:54
MTecknologyjoey: how upset is he?23:57
joeyno no... it's all good23:57
joeyHe's just pointing out holes in my understanding. :-D23:57
joeyYou're fine MTecknology and I certainly want to thank you for working on this.23:57
MTecknology:P - yw23:58
joeyIt's great to see interest. The problem is that nobody was ready for the interest so our approach on how to handle this wasn't set.23:58
MTecknologyand it was swe3tdave that did a good strong hunk of the work - just fyi23:58
joey...and the approach doesn't lay with me.23:58
joeyI originally had all 3 of those branches commissioned.23:58
joeySo I keep getting consulted23:58
joeyCurrently they are in a limbo sort of state and I'd like to figure out our exact gameplan on them (but again, I'm not responsible for them)23:59
joeyYeah, I paid to have them created.23:59
joeyFor a few projects...23:59

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