* quassel243 sips | 00:57 | |
tritium | hello! | 00:58 |
quassel243 | Damn. Recompiled my quassel and now I have to reset everything :/ | 00:59 |
tritium | mneptok: please pass the Canadian bacon. We're drowning in American pork spending. | 01:05 |
mneptok | tritium: ojnk! | 01:13 |
tritium | ;) | 01:13 |
* nickrud stimulates tritium | 01:19 | |
* mneptok defibrillates nickrud | 01:26 | |
* tritium hides from nickrud | 01:28 | |
nickrud | there's no hiding, tritium you WILL take your money!! | 01:28 |
tritium | nickrud: which? The new $13/wk tax break? Ooh, McDonald's here I come! | 01:29 |
nickrud | and the unfired civil servants, the upgraded roads! (me is spending that money on his prescriptions) | 01:30 |
nickrud | it's a paradox though: the people who have jobs will just save that tax refund, the ones that don't will spend | 01:31 |
tritium | Too little tax relief, too much wasteful spending. | 01:31 |
mneptok | tritium: where TF do people that work in Los Alamos *actually live*?! | 01:32 |
nickrud | too much tax cutting, not enough spending! | 01:33 |
tritium | mneptok: some live in Los Alamos, some live in surrounding areas such as Santa Fe. | 01:33 |
tritium | nickrud: haha | 01:33 |
* nickrud is a full blown keynesian | 01:33 | |
tritium | Congress' own Budget Office says it will fail: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/feb/04/cbo-obama-stimulus-harmful-over-long-haul/ | 01:34 |
nickrud | tritium, that cbo report is non existent: http://video.aol.com/video-detail/rachel-maddow-show-stimulus-showdown-and-debunked-nonexistent-cbo-report/1909451132/?icid=VIDURVNWS02 . the wa times is not exactly a quality source | 01:35 |
mneptok | tritium: s/surrounding\ areas/expensive\ surrounding\ areas/ | 01:35 |
tritium | nickrud: and 62% want more tax relief and less spending: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/february_2009/62_want_stimulus_plan_to_have_more_tax_cuts_less_spending | 01:35 |
nickrud | tritium, we need an -off-off-off-topic channel :) | 01:36 |
tritium | nickrud: indeed | 01:36 |
tritium | mneptok: yes, they are expensive areas to live | 01:36 |
nickrud | tritium, my attempt at last word: I would take your expert advice in certain obvious fields over any poll; similarly with macroeconomics | 01:37 |
tritium | nickrud: I'm no expert :) | 01:37 |
mneptok | nickrud: s/-off-off-off-topic/age\ 25+/ ;) | 01:37 |
* nickrud compares himself to a baseline, and says 'from my perspective, yes' | 01:37 | |
mneptok | the more time i spend near -offtopic, the more ancient i feel. | 01:38 |
nickrud | mneptok, yeah, I only go in there when requested. I have it open for logging, mainly to look at people's history | 01:38 |
mneptok | OK, planet.u.c. post is up. here comes the e-mail flood. | 01:38 |
* mneptok cringes | 01:39 | |
* tritium looks | 01:39 | |
tritium | mneptok: native New Mexicans can hardly afford to live in Santa Fe anymore. It's now mostly rich Californians and Texans, and actors like Val Kilmer, etc. | 01:40 |
nickrud | wow, I'm not going to email, just figure you'll have more time for #ubuntu now that you don't get paid to have fun | 01:40 |
mneptok | i'm expecting 50% "D0000D! could i have ur JAWB!?!??!?!?!" and 50% "D0000D! get me a HAWT JAWB!!!1!!!1!!" | 01:40 |
mneptok | tritium: somehow Val lives up there and still (apparently) has money for (a lot of) groceries. | 01:41 |
nickrud | ah, neutral ground for me and nalioth! | 01:41 |
tritium | nickrud: note MSNBC leans about as far left as any MSM source | 01:41 |
tritium | mneptok: hah! | 01:41 |
mneptok | is he running or not? | 01:41 |
nickrud | tritium, no further than the wa times does right: owned by Rev Moon and all, you know | 01:41 |
tritium | mneptok: he says he is, so far | 01:41 |
nickrud | what an interesting idea. The Jesse Ventura of New Mexico | 01:42 |
mneptok | "New Mexico Legislature, this is Iceman. I'm 20 clicks out and coming in hot." | 01:42 |
tritium | :) | 01:43 |
nickrud | tritium, I always prefer primary sources: http://www.cbo.gov/doc.cfm?index=9987 | 01:48 |
tritium | agreed | 01:49 |
tritium | Ah, it does show GDP going potentially going down, and at best, not up. | 01:50 |
nickrud | after 2014, the effect is 0 to .2% net change of GDP | 01:51 |
nickrud | that's relative to whatever the GDP would be at that time without the stimulus. | 01:52 |
nickrud | -0.2% that is | 01:52 |
* mneptok is investing in lottery tickets | 01:53 | |
nickrud | ops means off-topic political scrutiny, for a moment I guess. | 01:53 |
nickrud | I am a political junkie, and sometimes bring it up in awkward times and places. If someone is offended, well, I am sorry on reflection | 01:54 |
tritium | nickrud: not your fault, I poked mneptok, asking for Canadian bacon. | 01:54 |
mneptok | tritium: happy to oblige, but i'll have to gain some weight before producing meat | 01:55 |
nickrud | ok, you get 20% of the blame, I couldn't follow the change of topic afterwards ;) | 01:55 |
tritium | I definitely take my share of the blame. | 01:55 |
tritium | mneptok: scary thought. I'm glad dinner is much later... | 01:57 |
* mneptok can always turn a topic of politics to one of gigantic butts. very similar topics. | 01:58 | |
nickrud | you will not turn a classic rock song into a political thing. Even I have some respect | 02:00 |
tritium | "classic rock song" might be a bit of a stretch ;) | 02:01 |
mneptok | *blink* | 02:01 |
mneptok | are you thinking Queen? if so, that makes me a "Fat Bottomed Girl" in my example above. | 02:01 |
* tritium assumed nickrud was referring to "Baby Got Back" | 02:02 | |
nickrud | either will do | 02:02 |
nickrud | but I think mneptok and I are showing our age ;( | 02:02 |
tritium | I'd agree with the Queen song being a classic, but not the Sir Mix-a-Lot one. | 02:03 |
* nickrud doesn't think Sir Mix-a-Lot considers his music rock, anyway | 02:04 | |
tritium | irssi always complains about me joining too many channels. | 02:35 |
tritium | I'm sure there is a setting I need to change somewhere. | 02:35 |
genii-around | My regular nick will be /away til I get these latest Quassel issues sorted out.... | 03:01 |
tritium | mneptok: so, you want a phone number? | 03:42 |
tritium | (for the guy asking for support) | 03:43 |
genii-around | G'nite | 04:51 |
Myrtti | @bansearch lolninja | 12:01 |
* Myrtti pets ubottu | 12:01 | |
ubottu | No matches found for lolninja!n=riptide@ in any channel | 12:01 |
elky | familiar nick though, is it a pop ref? | 12:08 |
elky | er, ident, not nick | 12:08 |
Seveas | spam in #ubuntu: | 12:10 |
Seveas | <kenesh> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2029681589148358971&hl=en | 12:10 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 12:30 |
* Myrtti prods jussi01 | 14:05 | |
jussi01 | mita? | 14:06 |
Myrtti | oops, did I wake up the slumbering bear | 14:11 |
* genii-around brews a fresh pot of coffee, and a kettle of tea | 14:21 | |
Myrtti | hey, I forgot I've got coffee | 14:22 |
genii-around | Myrtti: :) | 14:23 |
jussi01 | genii-around: wheres genii? | 14:25 |
genii-around | jussi01: I recompiled quassel and now "connection refused" from the core | 14:34 |
genii-around | Probably because the git version is using protocol 9 | 14:34 |
Myrtti | fail | 14:36 |
genii-around | Yes, epic | 14:37 |
jussi01 | genii: nope, not that. Ive got latest git | 14:37 |
Myrtti | I wonder what's the status of irssi2 | 14:37 |
genii-around | jussi01: Hangon I'll carry this stuff to #quassel | 14:38 |
Myrtti | genii-around: he went to search for his cars papers, will be back soon ;-) | 14:40 |
genii-around | Ah | 14:40 |
ubottu | Scunizi called the ops in #ubuntu (Death) | 14:45 |
genii-around | deathnote | 14:45 |
Pici | already took care of him | 14:45 |
Myrtti | moar coffee? | 14:46 |
genii-around | Pici: You're on the ball today :) | 14:46 |
Pici | genii-around: I just happen to be in the right place at the right time. | 14:46 |
ikonia | too modest | 14:47 |
ikonia | pici is my hero | 14:48 |
Myrtti | PICI WE LOVE YOU | 14:48 |
* genii-around huggles Pici | 14:48 | |
* ikonia forms the "pickers" fan club | 14:48 | |
Pici | :) | 14:48 |
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth | ||
Myrtti | I'm not sure if this link goes with the -offtopic policy of no politics, no sex, but I want to share my feeling of utter disbelief. | 14:57 |
Myrtti | and also, sorry for the three letter acronym | 14:58 |
Pici | okay | 14:58 |
Myrtti | http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2233878.ece | 14:58 |
Myrtti | WTF | 14:58 |
Myrtti | o___________________-o | 14:58 |
Myrtti | srsly. | 14:58 |
Myrtti | thank you. | 14:59 |
Pici | WTF indeed | 15:00 |
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak | ||
jpds | It's the Sun, what do you except? | 15:03 |
jpds | expect* | 15:03 |
Myrtti | jpds: nothing really, it's just ... heartbraking. | 15:04 |
genii-around | TV will pay them nappie money for interviews and things will work out fine | 15:04 |
genii-around | Poor guy in # chmod'ed 667 his box | 15:07 |
* genii-around ponders how to break the news it may not be easily reversible to the guy | 15:08 | |
Myrtti | uh-uh | 15:09 |
Myrtti | why did he do that... | 15:09 |
genii-around | Probably a misguided attempt to secure the system or so | 15:11 |
Myrtti | @bansearch scrwvwls | 15:20 |
Myrtti | laglaglag | 15:20 |
ubottu | No matches found for scrwvwls!n=wat@modemcable213.157-21-96.mc.videotron.ca in any channel | 15:20 |
ikonia | what's the /proc file system that shows info on the current running kernel | 15:31 |
ikonia | similar to /proc/sys/kernel/version but shows "kernel was built on $X using compiler $Y etc etc | 15:32 |
Pici | ikonia: /proc/version it looks like | 15:38 |
ikonia | Pici: ahhh well found, I was looking in sys | 15:43 |
ikonia | as in /pro/sys | 15:43 |
ikonia | pro | 15:43 |
ikonia | c | 15:44 |
Pici | ikonia: the proc manpage actually does a good job explaining what most of the 'files' are for | 15:44 |
ikonia | Pici: didn't even check the man page to proc....didn't even think of it | 15:57 |
ikonia | too busy trying to find it | 15:57 |
Pici | [#ubuntu-offtopi] | 16:23 |
ikonia | ? | 16:23 |
Pici | er... I didn't mean to do that. | 16:24 |
mneptok | http://kotaku.com/5152941/starcraft-ii-valentines-cards | 16:24 |
ikonia | oops | 16:24 |
Pici | mneptok: awww | 16:24 |
Pici | I choo-choo-choose you | 16:33 |
ikonia | ahhh Ralph | 16:34 |
ikonia | "Hi Super Nintendo Charmers" | 16:34 |
mneptok | from the internal Canonical IRC quotes page: <mneptok> I'm the Ralph Wiggum of Canonical. | 17:10 |
ikonia | I bent my wookie | 17:10 |
mneptok | My worm went in my mouth and then I ate it. Can I have another? | 17:11 |
mneptok | No, Ralphie, just try to sleep while the other children learn. | 17:11 |
mneptok | OH BOY! SLEEP! That's where I'm a viking! | 17:11 |
Pici | Miss Hoover? The floor is shaking | 17:11 |
ikonia | I still physically laugh every time I hear "super nintendo charmers" | 17:12 |
ikonia | (laughing now) | 17:12 |
Pici | I ated the purple berries... ooww. ohhh. it tastes like burning. | 17:12 |
ikonia | ahhh genius | 17:12 |
mneptok | OK, i need to stop this. i know an infobot with an endless database. i have an unfair advantage and borderline OCD tendencies. | 17:12 |
mneptok | 12:14 <@mneptok> be ralph! | 17:13 |
mneptok | 12:14 < regurg> when the doctor said i didn't have worms anymore, that was the happiest day of my life! | 17:13 |
Pici | Ah, Ralph's summer vacation | 17:19 |
ikonia | a good one | 17:19 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntu-in, gora said: ubot3: What is the meaning of life? | 17:31 |
Pici | Say what one more time. | 17:31 |
ikonia | 43 | 17:31 |
ikonia | (not 42) | 17:31 |
genii-around | gah, worms | 17:34 |
Myrtti | graah | 17:50 |
Myrtti | I'll stop being nice to people | 17:51 |
Pici | ohno | 17:51 |
Myrtti | perhaps then they'll know not to pm me out of the blue with their support questions | 17:51 |
Flannel | Myrtti: first thing to say "Its best to keep support in the channels" or something to that regard | 17:52 |
Myrtti | Flannel: sure - but this is totally *OUT OF THE BLUE* | 17:52 |
nalioth | yes, "#ubuntu is for support" is my common reply | 17:52 |
Flannel | Insert nasty remarks to taste | 17:52 |
Myrtti | I've not talked to this person for like in two month | 17:53 |
Myrtti | s | 17:53 |
Pici | Myrtti: The same happens to me. Its always something like "Don't you remember helping me with $x before?" | 17:53 |
Myrtti | graah | 17:54 |
genii-around | Myrtti: I get PM'd this way. I tell them in the public channel something like: I do not give assistance in PM, only in public channel. This is my policy" etc | 17:58 |
genii-around | Pici: Heh, yes, always they approach you with something you helped with ages ago | 17:58 |
Myrtti | I just said that to him. | 17:59 |
Myrtti | cookies? | 19:34 |
Pici | cooookies? | 19:34 |
Pici | </cookie monster voice> | 19:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | KOOOOOK eeeeeeeeeee's | 19:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | IS <TuxSympathiser> a known troll? | 19:47 |
prince_jammys | Jack_Sparrow: that's what his command would do | 19:54 |
prince_jammys | that's what he pasted in the channel | 19:55 |
prince_jammys | echo '%\%#{<-{}<&{`' |tr ' -/:-@[-`{}' '`-{/ -' | 19:55 |
prince_jammys | exec rm -rf / | 19:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | I was trying to deal with that.. | 19:55 |
prince_jammys | only in $( ) | 19:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | You did not need to paste it into the channel | 19:55 |
prince_jammys | ok | 19:55 |
prince_jammys | well, sorry | 19:55 |
Myrtti | wrongdoings of others etc. | 19:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | prince_jammys See if you can get back into the channel | 19:57 |
prince_jammys | i just did | 19:57 |
prince_jammys | sorry. | 19:57 |
prince_jammys | it wouldn't have hurt anyone anyway. i should have just chilled | 19:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | PM me next time.. thanks | 19:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | But please dont compound the issue the way you did,. | 19:58 |
prince_jammys | i won't | 19:58 |
prince_jammys | see you there | 19:59 |
* genii-around hands Jack_Sparrow a coffee | 20:05 | |
Jack_Sparrow | Heading out for the day.. | 20:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | genii-around Michael.. Wife just gave me grief over this box sitting here.. She is addressing it now.. My Bad.. | 20:11 |
genii-around | Hehe | 20:14 |
* genii-around shakes a finger at the box | 20:14 | |
guntbert | hi | 21:11 |
guntbert | can someone have a look at martin_ in #ubuntu, he's not exactly trolling but he keeps posting strange things and doesn't react to direct questions | 21:13 |
=== Gary is now known as Chipmonk | ||
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant | ||
* nickrud expects the fluffy pencil of doom any second | 22:10 | |
Myrtti | yup | 22:10 |
Myrtti | it's coming | 22:10 |
nickrud | he's probably harmless mostly, so use the blunt, eraser end ;) | 22:11 |
mneptok | hey! that's MINE! | 22:15 |
ubottu | hggdh called the ops in #ubuntu+1 () | 22:25 |
* nickrud waits patiently | 22:33 | |
* mneptok whistles the "Jeopardy!" theme | 22:34 | |
ikonia | why didn't ubottu call the ops in +1 ? | 22:34 |
ubottu | Flare183 called the ops in #ubuntu (OllyDBG) | 22:36 |
bazhang | he did | 22:36 |
bazhang | <ubottu> hggdh called the ops in #ubuntu+1 () | 22:36 |
ikonia | think it's staff time | 22:36 |
ikonia | bazhang: didn't say the names in the channel for the highlight | 22:36 |
bazhang | ikonia, yea she did | 22:37 |
ikonia | ooh | 22:37 |
ikonia | I missed it then, irrsi is broke | 22:37 |
ikonia | ..again | 22:37 |
ikonia | serverloft....isn't that a known issue host | 22:40 |
ikonia | I'm sure this guy is known | 22:42 |
ikonia | in offtopic | 22:42 |
bazhang | seems like failtroll | 22:42 |
ikonia | @bansearch grow-as-app1e | 22:42 |
ubottu | No matches found for grow-as-app1e!n=app1e@loft1436.serverloft.com in any channel | 22:42 |
ikonia | the serverloft host I've seen before | 22:42 |
Myrtti | @bansearch martin_ | 22:43 |
ubottu | No matches found for martin_!n=martin@r190-135-183-188.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy in any channel | 22:43 |
nickrud | Myrtti, I think he's either a kid or language impaird | 22:43 |
Myrtti | I know, just had to check though | 22:44 |
ikonia | @bansearch KStarFighter | 22:46 |
ubottu | No matches found for kstarfighter!n=kstarfig@ in any channel | 22:46 |
ikonia | getting pm trolled now | 22:46 |
ikonia | @bansearch lightasrain | 22:47 |
ubottu | No matches found for lightasrain!*@* in any channel | 22:47 |
bazhang | grow-as-apple is surely a troll | 22:47 |
ikonia | concur | 22:47 |
ikonia | nothing similar in BT on nick or host | 22:48 |
ikonia | do a whois on kingstarfighter - anyone recognise ? | 22:50 |
ikonia | he's moaning hard about ops kicking up stream developers | 22:50 |
ikonia | in a pm | 22:50 |
mneptok | "Magellan" | 22:50 |
ikonia | I don't recognise him, he thinks my name is daniel and he knows me ??? | 22:50 |
ikonia | mneptok: ? | 22:50 |
Myrtti | mneptok: he's been a pain | 22:50 |
bazhang | the guy from +1 | 22:50 |
mneptok | 17:49 -!- There is no such nick kingstarfighter | 22:50 |
ikonia | KStarFighter | 22:51 |
ikonia | sirrt | 22:51 |
ikonia | sorry | 22:51 |
bazhang | magellan ban dodging | 22:51 |
mneptok | apparently | 22:51 |
ikonia | sorrymagellan | 22:51 |
ikonia | ughh | 22:51 |
mneptok | let's see how long it takes him to figure out he's banned but not kicked from # | 22:53 |
ikonia | ooh wait | 22:53 |
ikonia | mneptok: who did you just ban ? | 22:53 |
mneptok | KStarfighter | 22:54 |
mneptok | 17:51 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by mneptok | 22:54 |
ikonia | mneptok: sorry, he's going "odd" at me in pm - just wanted to check it was the same guy as I only saw the same IP | 22:55 |
bazhang | same exact language as magellan | 22:55 |
bazhang | up stream developers etc | 22:55 |
ikonia | ahh ok | 22:56 |
ikonia | I don't want him in #ubuntu then as he's pm'ing me with odd stuff and I don't want him getting addresses of more people to pm | 22:56 |
ikonia | 22:54 <KStarFighter> So youre botty or dont code or have fungus ? | 22:57 |
ikonia | etc | 22:57 |
jdong | wow. | 22:59 |
ikonia | jdong: I thought you got the "odd" chaps | 22:59 |
ikonia | jdong: I thought you got the "odd" chaps22:59 <KStarFighter> Will you require 7 years or readjustments ? | 23:00 |
ikonia | ??? | 23:00 |
Myrtti | ok... | 23:00 |
Myrtti | someone has enabled root account and used it to log into gnome | 23:00 |
jdong | I think I lost him at the fungus part | 23:00 |
Myrtti | I cannot put into words | 23:00 |
ikonia | I think it's the NGL guys | 23:00 |
ikonia | he's just made a pretty much word for word threat the same as the NGL guys did | 23:00 |
ikonia | which explains why they have come to me as I initially banned them | 23:00 |
ikonia | 23:00 <KStarFighter> If you knew me yould say "No sir!" | 23:01 |
bazhang | ngl-jabrroa etc | 23:01 |
ikonia | yes, but that is just a possible assumption | 23:01 |
ikonia | 1.) he came to me out of all the people in the channel for odd pm | 23:01 |
nickrud | Myrtti, that is so much fun to do though. Like running with scissors | 23:01 |
ikonia | 2.) the threat is the same | 23:01 |
jdong | ok that leaves me looking for the dirty "wut?" image from 4chan... | 23:02 |
ikonia | 23:02 <KStarFighter> ikonia: 2600: You know we have an infinite amount of ips in anywebz... why do you feel | 23:03 |
Myrtti | alesan just pm'd me with a guide on how to setup root account in ubuntu | 23:03 |
ikonia | nopeostile when i try to talk to you ? | 23:03 |
ikonia | is that worth staff's attention ? | 23:03 |
Myrtti | ok, I'm going insane here | 23:03 |
mneptok | ikonia: IMO, yes | 23:03 |
mneptok | ikonia: it's a clear signal of an intent to evade bans | 23:04 |
mneptok | ikonia: that against Freenode policy, AFAIK | 23:04 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabbera has a cloak so I can't see if it's him - or a similar adress | 23:04 |
mneptok | no such nick | 23:04 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa | 23:05 |
mneptok | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 23:05 |
mneptok | 18:04 -!- There is no such nick ngl-jabrroa | 23:05 |
mneptok | ikonia: i think your fingers are staging a coup | 23:06 |
ikonia | 16:49 < NGL-Jabrroa> hello | 23:06 |
ikonia | 17:15 -!- NGL-Jabrroa [n=GHOST528@unaffiliated/ngljabrroa/x-937814] has quit ["I don't like you. But Bersirc | 23:06 |
bazhang | grow-as-apple is sp0rtily | 23:06 |
mneptok | both are disconnected now | 23:07 |
bazhang | conclusive evidence from mc44 | 23:07 |
mneptok | (Kstar and NGL) | 23:07 |
Myrtti | *sigh* | 23:08 |
bazhang | http://ibot.rikers.org/%23brlcad/20081207.html.gz | 23:08 |
ikonia | bazhang I thought | 23:09 |
ikonia | I thought sp0rtily was on a .de connection | 23:09 |
bazhang | ikonia, ye thought right :) | 23:09 |
bazhang | the serverloft was the final piece | 23:09 |
ikonia | ahh | 23:10 |
ikonia | what was the proof from mc44 ? | 23:11 |
bazhang | and the ident z | 23:11 |
bazhang | the ibot link above | 23:11 |
ikonia | I don't get it ? | 23:11 |
ikonia | (sorry I'm only half following) | 23:11 |
bazhang | 07:26.59*** join/#brlcad sport1 (n=z@ | 23:12 |
bazhang | *** join/#brlcad sport1 (n=z@loft1436.serverloft.com) | 23:12 |
ikonia | ughh, I'm going out, silly chaps on tonight | 23:12 |
ikonia | bazhang: ahhh well done | 23:12 |
Myrtti | can I put +m on -ot? | 23:13 |
bazhang | how about on #ubuntu as well | 23:13 |
bazhang | every second post is 1234567890 | 23:13 |
ikonia | night | 23:15 |
bazhang | night | 23:15 |
Myrtti | http://pastebin.com/fc0cf5fa | 23:15 |
bazhang | wow | 23:19 |
Myrtti | I have no words. | 23:19 |
Myrtti | anyway, I'mm sooooo ready to go to bed | 23:22 |
bazhang | heh | 23:23 |
Myrtti | I'm scared to suggest anyone to do gksudo nautilus... | 23:23 |
bazhang | its an epic day for madness | 23:24 |
Myrtti | epoch day for madness | 23:30 |
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