
zsquarepluschm. i can't commit if a completely different file in an other folder is in conflicted state?00:26
zsquarepluschm. i can't commit a specific file if a completely different file in an other folder is in conflicted state??00:44
Peng_jelmer: ping?00:50
jelmerPeng_, pong00:52
Peng_jelmer: Little subvertpy bug: subvertpy/__init__.py calls warn() but never imports it. I could file a bug (or send a patch), but since it's really trivial and I'm not sure how you'd want to fix it...00:53
Peng_(And I don't have a browser open ATM.)00:53
jelmerPeng_, hmm00:55
jelmerPeng_, There's nowhere to import from unfortunately00:55
jelmerI guess I'll just change it to ImportError00:55
zsquarepluscany hints for my problem?00:57
Peng_jelmer: Just use warnings.warn()?00:57
Peng_zsquareplusc: Well, you could resolve the conflict. ;P00:57
Peng_zsquareplusc: Why are you even trying to commit when another file is conflicted?00:58
zsquarepluscand when i dont want to? its in a different subfolder00:58
Peng_zsquareplusc: Doesn't that mean you have an uncommitted merge or someting?00:58
jelmerPeng_, Ah, wasn't aware of that00:58
jelmerPeng_, fixed00:58
jelmerPeng_, thanks00:58
Peng_jelmer: Thanks for ifxing it. :)00:59
Peng_Augh, more typoes.00:59
zsquarepluscPeng_ well, i pulled the branch from a server. that generated the conflicts. that ok. now i want to commit locally one changed file00:59
zsquarepluscthe file i want to commit is not in conflicted state. it just modified01:01
Peng_Eh, TV to watch. See ya later. :)01:01
Peng_Good luck.01:01
zsquarepluschmm.. major disapointment :(01:03
zsquarepluscand bzr-gtk isn't working neither :(01:07
zsquarepluscok the later was because an older copy of the gtk plugin was found in the .bazaar folder and they were mixed up when running olive-gtk :/01:15
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jfroy|workjelmer: mmmmm, just found out about a repository with 250K revisions. Should be fun to branch from that using bzr-svn.01:53
luke-jrHow do I resolve diverged branches when upstream is svn?02:39
luke-jronly 'bzr dpush' has the problem02:44
bob2isn't that the point of dpush?03:31
luke-jrbob2: the point of dpush is to not use metadata03:51
luke-jrI ended up just using metadata anyway03:51
luke-jrand that worked fine03:51
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Peng_Is BB down?06:16
Peng_"502 Proxy Error" says that it is. :P06:23
Odd_BlokePeng_: That has meant yes in the past.07:15
Odd_Blokeabentley: ^07:15
abentleyPeng_: Fixed07:26
Peng_abentley: What happened?07:36
crisbhello, i have built some packages for bzr for AIX - anywhere I can put them?14:06
vilacrisb: Ideally they should end up here: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download14:10
vilaYou should find more info on the wiki itself14:11
fullermdAIX?  Wow.  That brings back painful memories...14:14
crisbits not exactly speedy for some reason14:18
crisbunfortunately i had to build most of the deps myself too - so they cant really go on the download page can they?14:19
vilacrisb: at least you can list yourself as a contact for any interested user ? Or explain how you proceed to get there (may be at least fun :)?14:27
vilacrisb: did you succeed in running 'bzr selftest' ?14:27
crisbhmmm :)14:27
crisbwell it works, but so slow14:28
crisb30 minutes and it had not yet done 1000 tests14:28
crisbi think something is up with either python or bzr itself on aix.14:28
crisbim probably to blame as i built python too ;)14:28
vilahow about the C compile ? ;)14:29
vilahow about the C compiler ? ;)14:29
* vila wonders when he will able to make a joke without typo...14:29
crisbnot me, but its the IBM one...so should be fine on this platform!14:29
crisbbzr rocks takes 3 seconds...14:32
vilatime -p bzr rocks14:32
vilaIt sure does!14:32
vilareal 0.0814:32
vilauser 0.0614:32
vilasys 0.0214:32
* fullermd is perfectly willing to assign blame to AIX for anything and everything.14:32
crisbindeed fuller, its soooo.........IBM ;)14:33
fullermdThe first system I ever adminned ran aches.14:33
fullermdThat was in another millennium.  It still makes me twitch.14:33
vilacrisb: wait, I thought IBM stopped to public ennemy #1 with AIX, or am I mixing with something else ?14:33
fullermdThat's how you pronounce "AIX"   :p14:33
ronnylegacy systems can be a pain14:34
ronnyluckyly im not going to be an admin later14:35
vilaronny: fullermd never talked about legacy here, I think the system was brand new :)14:35
crisbsadly its got a good reputation in financial systems!14:35
fullermdWell, that system would be pretty legacy now   :p14:35
* vila first one was SunOS (not that Solaris gizmo...) :-)14:36
fullermdIf it weren't smashed into a kadnillion tiny bits, stomped into the ground, pissed on, dug up so they could be buried upside-down, had runes scrawled and incantations spoken over...14:36
fullermdI mean, not that I have any hard feelings toward it or anything.14:37
crisbgotta love that man with the dumbells though ;)14:37
ronnyi grew ~5 files in my repo every 500 commits14:38
ronnyhow does bzr bundle up commits?14:38
fullermdSorta kinda log(10)ly.14:39
fullermdIt'll grow ~1 file every thousand commits.  Then ~5 every 5 thousand commits.  ~1 every 10 thousand commits.  etc.14:39
vilaIt groups packs at 10, 100, 1000 etc14:40
crisbwould anyone be able to point me in the right direction if I showed the output of bzr rocks --profile-imports from my AIX machine?14:40
vilaEach pack comes with a set of index files .rix revisions, .iix, inventories, .tix texts, .six signatures14:41
vilacrisb: better post it to the mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/bazaar14:42
vilabut bzr rocks may not be the most interesting, it does really the minimum and doesn't involve any of the important parts14:43
vilacrisb: for a start did you build celementtree ?14:44
crisbpython 2.5 - so I dont need to right?14:44
vilapyrex ?14:45
crisbno, but I built solaris and bzr rocks is like 0.2 seconds14:45
crisbon roughtly comparable, if not slower hardware14:45
vilayes, not needed for bzr rocks14:45
crisbperhaps if bzr rocks is slow then that points to python14:46
vilacrisb: right, start with that14:46
fullermdWell, something lower in the stack than bzr anyway.14:46
fullermdISTM that AIX has always had rather painful fork()'s.  But certainly not 3-seconds-painful on even remotely up-to-date hardware.14:47
vilatime -p python -c 'print "hello"'14:48
glade88hi. I checkout from lp:ideatorrent. but as the project doesnt give me write access, I did "bzr push lp:~sayakb/ideatorrent/devel" to create a new personal branch. But http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sayakb/ideatorrent/devel/files is giving me error14:50
vilacrisb: same here, are you using some mounted file system ?14:50
crisbnop, all local14:51
glade88btw, commit done about 45 mins back..14:51
vilaglade88: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ideatorrent14:52
vilathe branch is empty14:52
vilatry pushing again14:53
glade88vila: "bzr push lp:~sayakb/ideatorrent/devel" ?14:54
vilaglade88: It should works, yes14:55
glade88vila: thanks. and what about future commits? "bzr commit -m 'blah blah' lp:~sayakb/ideatorrent/devel"14:56
glade88sorry, I am too used to subversion I guess :)14:56
vilaglade88: If you want your commits to appear in the remote branch, you should bind your local branch to the remote one with14:57
vilabzr bind lp:~sayakb/ideatorrent/devel14:57
vilabut push first14:57
glade88vila: when I bind, will the fact that I checked it out from lp:ideatorrent matter?14:59
glade88since I didnt bind it with lp:ideatorrent14:59
vilaglade88: no it doesn't matter15:01
vilathe branch you checked out *from and the branch you commit *to* may be (and are here) different15:01
vilabut until you're more familiar with bzr you may want to avoid 'bind' until you better understand what branches are involved when15:02
glade88vila: cool. push under progress15:02
vilabind transform your branch in a heavy checkout which is generally what users from cvs and svn want, but it can also be a source of misunderstandings when not working in a true centralized workflow15:03
glade88to avoid that, can I always "push" to my personal branch ~sayakb/... ?15:03
vilaAnd here, your're not in a such a workflow because you don't have commit rights in the trunk15:03
vilaglade88: yes, you can push whenever you wnat to publish your changes, which amy not be at each commit15:04
glade88will that show me diffs on the remote location?15:04
vilapush -v will show you what you push15:04
glade88but push increments the revision number, right?15:04
vilabzr missing will show you the revisions you need to pull as well as the revisions you created locally15:05
vilapush with increment the revno of the remote branch, not the local one15:05
glade88so what would be the best deal to pull from one branch and commit to another one (with increment in commit revs on both local and remote?)15:06
vilaexactly what you've done so far15:06
vilabzr branch <upstream>15:07
vilabzr push <my-version>15:07
vilawhen you want to synchronized from <upstream> do15:07
vilabzr merge <upstream> ; bzr commit -m 'Merging from upstream'15:07
glade88cool. (as the original project owner would review and merge my revisions to lp:ideatorrent)15:07
glade88damn, still "pushing" the rev..15:08
vila'bzr version' ?15:08
vilaglade88: 1.12 is out, try upgrading, what os/version are you using ?15:19
glade88vila: kubuntu 8.1015:21
glade88maybe it isnt sybce15:21
vilaYou may try adding one of the ppas : https://launchpad.net/bzr15:22
crisbvila - ctypes not built on my AIX python, would that slow anything?15:22
vilahttps://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive will gives you the official releases15:22
glade88vila: thanks. wil update as soon as the push is complete :)15:23
glade88(still pushing :( :( )15:23
vilayou're certainly pushing the whole project, more recent bzr versions should allow you to use stacked branches which result in pushing only your additional commits15:23
vilaThat will not be always true, but launchpad should be configured for stacked branches15:24
glade88yes. true. that is the longest commit I ever did to a repo :)15:25
vilacrisb: ctypes is not installed here either, I think it's more important for windows though15:25
ronnyhow can i turn a branch + worktree back to just branch?15:33
vilaronny: first check you have to modifications pending (bzr st) then 'bzr reconfigure --branch' should do the trick15:34
gskellyHello, I am just starting to learn bazaar. Is it possible to combine branches from multiple shared repositories into a single branch in a new shared repository?16:03
Lo-lan-dogskelly: If the branches are related, you can merge back and forth to your heart's delight.16:11
Lo-lan-doWhere they are hosted, standalone or in shared repositories, local or remote, has no influence on the functionality, only on performance and disk space.16:13
gskellyLo-lan-do: The repositories were created independently.16:24
gskellyLo-lan-do: I created a different repo with a single branch for different aspects of a project, (docs, data, calcs) that really should be a single directory structure in a single branch.16:25
gskellyHmmm... I'm new to IRC also :)16:25
thropeso I updated my loggerhead - a recent change coflicted with a hack I had to put in to get the links right, so I thought it would be fixed, but it still seems to be completely broken as standar19:25
thropeall the links are broken19:30
* Lo-lan-do eyes beuno 19:30
ronnyis there any statistic on how the performance incrases over the versions?19:32
thropeah take it all back - I had a trailing slash on server.webpath that was the problem19:32
thropesorry for the frustrated tone - its been a long day19:32
nevansjelmer: ping20:56
jelmernevans, pong20:56
nevansbzr-svn NEWS file says that svn-push => push requires patched version of bzr20:56
nevanswill everything else work with plain old bzr 1.12?20:56
jelmernevans, yes20:57
nevansjelmer: thanks.  :)20:57
jelmernevans, (svn-push is also still there, for those who don't have the patch)20:57
nevansjelmer: weird message: "Upgrade to Subversion 1.5 or higher for faster retrieving of revision properties."  but it only says this when I use the implicit (saved) push/pull location.21:01
nevansI'm on Ubuntu 8.10.  as far as I can tell, everything svn is at 1.5.21:02
jelmernevans, it says that when pulling from a < 1.5 svn server21:02
nevanswell then, I suppose the weird thing is that it *doesn't* say that when I use an explicit push/pull location.21:02
jelmernevans, are you sure you're specifying the same location?21:03
jelmernevans, This is all outside of bzr-svn21:03
jelmernevans, so bzr-svn will get the same URL in both cases21:04
nevansjelmer: a noop push now takes 1min (rather than 16 to 20).  not ideal, but MUCH better.  thanks.  :)21:09
jelmernevans, cool :-)21:10
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
chxis there a way to edit the commit message of some older commit (and it's even pushed to launchpad :/ )22:07
Odd_Blokechx: No, revisions are immutable.22:08
chxi did a fix on a latest commit by first uncommitting it :) but sure.22:09
Odd_Blokechx: Uncommitting threw away the old commit, the second commit created a separate commit.22:15
chxyes, i understand that.22:15
Odd_BlokeOK. :)22:15

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