
rgreeningScottK: I get this in pbuilder: bash: x86_64-linux-gnu-as: command not found00:04
rgreeningany ideas what may be missing in my build?00:04
rgreeningscarabeus: ^00:04
rgreeningScottK: ^^00:04
rgreeningI misstypes sc<tab> for scottk lol...00:05
scarabeuswell we gentoo devs know how compiler works but not in kubuntu :P00:05
Sputscarabeus! stop stalking me! :>00:06
scarabeusand of course our lovely herd testers are also smart, and hate their leader obviously :D00:07
RiddellSime: python-marble is in my PPA now https://edge.launchpad.net/~jr/+archive/ppa00:08
scarabeusor fear?00:08
Sputscarabeus: no, I like jmbsvicetto :P00:08
rgreeningomg, say hi to jmbsvicetto for me00:10
JontheEchidnadamn, talk about the attack of the Gentoo doods :P00:10
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
rgreeningJontheEchidna: I once loved the way of the cow :)00:14
rgreeningstill do...00:14
rgreeningJontheEchidna: apt-get moo00:15
rgreeningwe're everywhere00:15
JontheEchidnaaptitude moo00:16
JontheEchidnaaptitude moo -v00:16
JontheEchidnaaptitude moo -vv00:16
JontheEchidnaaptitude moo -vvv00:16
rgreeningI know00:17
rgreeningJontheEchidna: I updated bzr branch for kdelibs. We just need a core-dev (Riddell or similar) to push out a new rev.00:19
rgreeningJontheEchidna: so at least we have some patch for flash :)00:20
rgreeningand there's still some time for the other patch...00:20
shtylman_so...I am stuck00:23
shtylman_I want to find the translation file for the user interface of ubiquity (english version) but have no idea where to look in the source tree00:24
shtylman_where are the translations usually kept?00:24
JontheEchidnaI think it's mainly translated on Launchpad00:26
shtylman_ubiquity doesn't do its translations through that...00:27
rgreeningshtylman_: is there a pot file00:28
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah00:28
JontheEchidnain the top of the source tree there is a po folder00:29
rgreeningor .po00:29
shtylman_well...there are lots of pot files..but I have looked through them and can't find the english one nor the particular template entries I am looking for00:29
rgreeningshtylman_: give me a string you are looking for00:30
rgreeningdebian/ubiquity.templates, gui/qt/liveinstaller.ui, gui/glade/stepLocation.glade: are the files it's contained in.00:31
shtylman_right...those are those are the user interface files...but during runtime certain labels get translated00:32
shtylman_and I want to find the translation files00:33
rgreeningpyqt uic module does that for kde00:33
Riddellshtylman_: translations in ubiquity are strange, they're mostly done through debian-installer00:33
shtylman_actually...I think the ubiquity.template file is what I need to look at00:34
Riddellrgreening: no such file kubuntu_62_flash_installer.diff00:34
Riddellrgreening: remember to bzr add00:34
Riddellthen bzr commit00:34
shtylman_Riddell: yea...the list is pulled from using debconf00:34
rgreeningRiddell: doh!00:35
Riddellshtylman_: but why do you care?00:35
rgreeninglet me update00:35
shtylman_Riddell: to name labels correctly00:35
Riddellshtylman_: just use the same text as in the GTK one?00:36
shtylman_Riddell: so that the proper translations are used during runtime00:36
Riddellshtylman_: I'm pretty sure I've always avoided the issue by just using the same text as in the GTK one00:36
shtylman_Riddell: the text I set it to in the ui doesn't actually matter, the translation happens by looking at the object name00:37
shtylman_Riddell: and I don't have glade installed to look at the names of the gtk interface00:37
shtylman_I guess I could get glade, but I already found the template file now :/00:38
Riddellshtylman_: sudo apt-get install glade-3  :)00:38
rgreeningRiddell: commit done00:38
shtylman_yea yea.... but this way I get to learn more :) ... but will install glade at some point00:39
Riddell"Tree is up to date at revision 28."00:39
Riddellrgreening: what revision are you on?00:39
rgreening1 sec..00:39
rgreeningCommitted revision 29.00:39
rgreeningforgot to push00:40
rgreeningRiddell: ^ done now00:40
Riddellgot it00:40
rgreeningmy brain hurts :)00:40
Riddellrgreening: that patch is pleasingly small00:41
rgreeningYeah, thanks to JontheEchidnafor finding it. and thanks to suse for making it and thanks to me for kubuntu-izing it :)00:42
ghostcubehey guys i know this is not a support channel but i have a strange problem with the kde 4.2 install of a friend of me . i updated from 4.2 beta to 4.2 final and still the network manager inside systemsettings shows network config but claims xml file cant be loaded and it hasent shipped arkonadi  any ideas what i can try except kde reinstall ?00:42
Riddellthe kde 4 version of network manager is entirely unsupported, espcially in intrepid00:43
Riddelluse knetworkmanager00:43
ghostcubeRiddell, nah in my systemsettings network its not there this tab to add or config the interfaces00:43
ghostcubebut in his version its still attached00:44
ghostcubei tried reinstalling systemsettings but this didnt fix it00:44
ghostcubeit just seems anything is not really upgraded00:44
ghostcubeand i dont get what00:44
rgreeningRiddell: I finally got KProcess to work in an app. So, now I think I can use this in my ufw-kde (If I ever get time to get back to it).00:45
ghostcubeits not important only if someone hs an idea00:45
Riddellrgreening: kde4libs uploaded00:45
rgreeningRiddell: awesome. one more thing to tick off the todo list00:46
JontheEchidnargreening: :D00:46
ghostcubehmm is there aynthing new about the taskbar icon garbage happening from time to time on intrepid ? is this qt patch working as it should ?00:46
JontheEchidnaghostcube: the systemsettings network config has been broken since KDE 4.0.0 and even before that00:47
Riddellrgreening: excellent! go tick!00:47
rgreeningRiddell: on the way there now00:47
ghostcubeJontheEchidna, hmm ok network is working fine i configuered it i just wondered about why i havent seen this thin gever for me and it appeared for his settings :) so he must live with it lol00:48
rgreeningRiddell: I need some help with kpackagekit and xapian/app-install data00:49
Riddellrgreening: I'm about to sleep00:50
JontheEchidnaRiddell: we do have another patch for flash. It's a direct port of the KDE3 patch but I don't think we can get the KAssistantDialog logic all worked out in time. But the patch rgreening modified from suse seems to work good too00:50
rgreeningRiddell: I didn't mean you necessarily. but a suggestion on people who would know would help me.00:50
Riddellrgreening: mvo?00:50
rgreeningcause im stuck00:51
Riddelldepends on what the question is really00:51
rgreeningRiddell: ok. I'll try mvo00:51
Riddellglatzor too maybe00:51
rgreeningRiddell: well, I need to use xapian to read the desktop files from app-install-data I believe to generate a simple list of available apps00:51
RiddellI don't think that needs xapian00:52
rgreeningand I know nothing about xapian00:52
Riddellthey're just .desktop files, there's a KDE function somewhere to read them in the form of a menu00:52
rgreeningRiddell: is mvo / glatzor working on any of packagekit?00:52
rgreeningRiddell: oh, never though of that00:53
rgreeningRiddell: would that be a part of kdeui? or kdecore?00:53
rgreeningwow, lots od red still on the todo. we need to get cracking00:55
rgreeningwheres the whip00:55
RiddellI thought adept used it but I can't see it in the sources now00:55
rgreeningRiddell: adept is using xapian (thats why I went with that tought)00:56
Riddellif you ignore ubiquity we're doing better than I expected for non-red, and ubiquity always happens late, plus now we have shtylman_ :)00:56
rgreeningI hate red :)00:57
shtylman_I feel loved :) (on a side note..I think you will like the map progress after tonight...I hope)00:57
rgreeningshtylman_: yo da man00:58
ScottKrgreening: Did you get your pbuilder sorted?01:06
rgreeningScottK: nope01:06
* ScottK considers.01:07
rgreeningsh: x86_64-linux-gnu-as: not found01:07
rgreeningnot sure why01:07
rgreeningthat doesn't exist, so notsure what package it is missing01:07
ScottKExcessive declination.  You're too far north for it to work.01:07
Riddellrgreening: hmm dunno I'm afraid01:08
rgreeningif you could part with YOUR depends, then you'd be able to help me with mine01:08
Riddellrgreening: maybe try asking on kde-devel list or somewhere01:09
rgreeningScottK: ^ :)01:09
* Riddell sleeps01:09
rgreeningRiddell: I found it01:09
Riddellrgreening: oh?01:09
rgreeningKDesktopFile class in kdecore01:09
rgreeningIm starting to love api.kde.org01:09
rgreeningscary stuff01:10
ScottKrgreening: Are you trying to cross compile for ia32?01:16
rgreeningScottK: Im running 64 bit, the app is wine 1.1.15, and I think it is making a 32 version to run on this system01:18
rgreeningdunno though.01:18
rgreeningx86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -m32 -c -I. -I. -I../../include -I../../include  -D__WINESRC__  -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -Wall -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wwrite-strings -Wtype-limits -Wpointer-arith  -Wall -g -O2  -o main.o main.c01:18
rgreening../../tools/winegcc/winegcc -b x86_64-linux-gnu -m32 -B../../tools/winebuild -shared ./acledit.spec    main.o       -o acledit.dll.so  -lkernel32  ../../libs/port/libwine_port.a  -L/tmp/buildd/wine-1.1.15/debian/libtmp01:18
ScottKGot ia-32 libs?01:18
rgreeningscarabeus: does that help?01:18
rgreeningScottK: ^01:18
rgreeningsry scarabeus meant ScottK01:19
rgreeningScottK: in pbuilder... hmm... 1 sec01:19
rgreeningScottK: yep01:20
ScottKOK.  I don't know at all what your exact problem is, but it's related to some gnu linux wrapper fro cross compiling.01:20
rgreeningyeah, cant find the assembler01:20
ScottKThat's what Mr. Google seems to indicate.01:20
rgreeningI got that much01:21
* ScottK knows zip about that.01:21
rgreeningok, Im demoting you from "da man"01:21
ScottKAs a guess, I'd guess looking in /lib instead of /lib3201:21
ScottKMost 64 bit distros put 64 bit stuff in /lib and 32 bit stuff in /lib32.01:22
ScottKWe do /lib64 and /lib IIRC.01:22
rgreeningScottK: I think i'll give up on hat. I just wanted a wine for jaunty... and Scott Richie hasn't made a new one yet :)01:22
rgreeningScottK: Is there a way I can get an accurate history of what packages were installed and when? regardless of using packagekit, adept, or apt?01:40
ScottKGrep your dpkg logs.01:45
rgreeningarby: you broke SDL on nVidia cards with your recent SDL update. I don't know why, I just know it is so.02:34
* ScottK notes a SDL mail to the motu ML with patch.02:48
=== shtylman_ is now known as shtylman
rgreeningshtylman: hey05:36
shtylmanrgreening: hey05:37
rgreeninghow is ubiquity going05:39
shtylmanpretty good...I have been hammering away at the timezone stuff05:39
shtylmanbasically a complete re-write for the map and stuff05:39
shtylmanand improvements on the selection process05:39
ScottKshtylman: Please make it possible for me to pick UTC.  That doesn't have a place on the map ...05:40
shtylmanits similar to the gtk interface except I have found a few errors with how they locate cities05:40
shtylmanScottK: what do you mean? can I get more info about how you would like to select that?05:40
ScottKIt's a minor point for desktops, but servers you often want the system clock in UTC.05:41
ScottKI'm not sure what your new interface will be like, but if it's just click on a map, a TZ like UTC that doesn't have a location would be impossible05:42
rgreeningand St. John's is NOT -4:30 its -3:3005:42
ScottKMaybe a spot on the ocean with UTC and a checkbox to select.05:42
shtylmanwhen you select utc what becomes the region/city?05:43
rgreeningshtylman: in the current installer, the tz for st.john's shows as -4;30 for some reason.05:43
shtylmanwhat region is that?05:44
shtylmansorry for my lack of geo knowledge :(05:44
rgreeningshtylman: America/St_johns I think05:44
shtylmanindeed...and you are right..it shows as -405:45
rgreening-3:30 utc05:45
shtylmanits like right on the border05:45
rgreeningwe are a half tz05:45
shtylmanspecial...arn't yall05:45
rgreeningyup and proud of it :)05:45
shtylmanwell, I can talk to the other installer people..basically a database would have to be updated because all the timezone data is parsed from a file05:46
rgreeningthe tz stuff on the system is right, so why is there a difference then? america/st<-johns works as a tz from tz data package05:47
rgreeningthat file is just lat/long for the map05:48
shtylmanregreening..I am looking at the st. johns thing... right now I am unclear about one thing..and thats the date offset, I get back data on timesones as a delta from 0...and for st johns it is -1 day 20:30 (HH:MM)05:50
shtylmanaccording to my calculations that should be @ -3:30 like you said05:51
shtylmanso...I have good news for you05:52
shtylmanI know what is causing it..and I think I can fix it...05:52
shtylmanit has to do with how I (and the gtk ubiquity guys) did the calculation for the primary hour zone to put cities in...05:53
shtylmanwe go right from seconds to hours and truncate...but that causes problems for stuff like this05:54
rgreeningand this isnt tje only :30 tz05:54
ScottKshtylman: UTC is UTC.  It doesn't have a location or region.05:56
shtylmanI will think about how to add that (but a question...don't server installs normally use the non-gui version?)05:58
a|wenshtylman: when you change the tz calc, be sure that you support :15 and :45 tz (they exist as well) ... check katmandu nepal, to be sure you've got it right06:05
rgreeninga|wen: wow.. didnt know that06:06
a|wenrgreening: they just do that to confuse you, i think :P06:06
ScottKshtylman: Server installs do use the non-gui version, but there may be other reasons why one might want the system clock in UTC.  The DE can still be in a local TZ.06:08
rgreeningI set the bios in utc before i start my install06:09
a|wenScottK: we got the printer applet bug confirmed, yay ... if we know it works in jaunty, then please throw a comment, and then we are good to go06:10
shtylmanScottK: gotcha...ok..added to my todo list06:10
rgreeningso system is utc but desktop clock adjusts06:10
rgreeninganyone play neverwinter nights linux client?06:11
ScottKa|wen: I don't know about Jaunty, but it's assigned to Riddell, so I'm sure he'll get it.06:11
a|wenrgreening: there are three layers... bios, system, DE; bios is (normally always) in UTC, system can be UTC or local TZ, and DE is users choice ;)06:11
ScottKa|wen: The bigger thing is it turns out the xinlib bug needs to be reverified.06:11
ScottKrgreening: yes.06:11
rgreeningScottK: yes to nwn?06:12
ScottKrgreening: No, yes t0 [01:10:41] <rgreening> so system is utc but desktop clock adjusts06:12
rgreeningoh, that was a statement of what I do06:13
a|wenScottK: do we have any reliable way to get xine-lib to crash ... ould i couldn't manage to do it06:13
rgreeningthere's an sdl issue with the last libsdl and nVidia c ards. causes a segfault06:14
ScottKrgreening: Did you see the mail to MOTU ml.06:14
ScottKa|wen: Dunno.06:14
ScottKa|wen: I do know your sytem needs to be in a particular affected locale and I think you need Gnome too.06:15
rgreeningnot sure if I sub to that one06:15
rgreeningScottK: anything in particular you wanted me to see?06:15
ScottKrgreening: I didn't follow the link, but alledgely it was linked to a bug with a patch.06:16
a|wenScottK: oh, great; not something i have around ... i tried in a chroot with all the locales mentioned as problematic in the bug06:16
* ScottK neither.06:16
rgreeningScottK: can you fwd to me?06:17
a|wendid we find out whether we would go with kile for kde3 or kde4?06:18
ScottKrgreening: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2009-February/005460.html06:18
rgreeningty ScottK06:18
rgreeningScottK: it worked until arby rebuilt to remove arts06:19
ScottKyeah.  All I know is what I read in the bug.06:19
rgreeningScottK: so I rolled my friends libsdl back to prev and it cleared things up06:20
rgreeningthat was 4ubuntu106:21
* ScottK is about to fall over from tiredness (3 hours sleep last night) so can't really focus.06:21
rgreeningScottK: whats even more strange is it works fine on my system with the same updates, but I have an intel (non binary) driver :)06:23
rgreeningstrange indeed06:23
shtylmanyay!...I have found the proper way to render city locations06:26
shtylmanaka...calculate the pixel location..06:26
shtylmannow cities are actually where they are in real life06:26
shtylman(also...the st. johns problem is fixed)06:27
shtylmanlocal time there is 2:57... etc?06:27
shtylmanyou should be asleep :p06:27
rgreeningnight owl06:27
shtylmanI know all about that06:28
ScottKSo I don't know if you all have been following the ctrl-alt-backspace on ubuntu-devel-discuss, but when one person wrote, "So the options are ....", I wrote in "... or switch to Kubuntu, we have a gui to renable it", that got one response, "Yeah, I did that."06:28
a|wenlol :D06:29
rgreeninghaha :P06:29
rgreeningalert malone06:29
rgreeningalbert even06:30
rgreeninghe's our godsend for adding that06:30
rgreeningthe gnome guys should have added it (it is quite simple)06:31
ScottKAfter that, _MMA_ PM'ed me to ask about it because they want to add it for Ubuntu Studio.  I sent hom to Alberto.06:31
ScottKrgreening: You clearly don't understand how confusing choice is to the user.06:32
ScottKI happen to know the person that replied and she wasn't kidding.  She did switch.06:33
ScottKShe was bitching about the lack of choice and so I told her she sounded like she should be a KDE user.06:33
ScottKSo she tried it and there you go.06:33
rgreeningour new slogan "Kubuntu - we are pro-choice"06:34
ScottKThat might upset vorian.  He's pretty conservative.06:35
ScottKI hope he knows that's a joke.06:35
shtylmanI commited my changes for anyone interested06:36
shtylmanthe major change is to the timezone panel...(hopefully nothing else broke ... )06:37
rgreeningScottK: I'd like to map CTRL+ALT+BS to logout...06:40
rgreeningthat would be funny06:40
shtylmanScottK: I will look at the utc thing tomorrow (or later) as I think I am gonna turn in for the night06:40
ScottKGet core dev and you can try it.06:41
ScottKshtylman: OK.  Thanks for all your work.06:41
shtylmannight guys06:41
=== m4v- is now known as m4v
Tonio_rgreening: pong (a bit late though...)09:57
Tonio_rgreening: rgreeningsorry for that, I wasn't in front of the computer...09:58
jussi01oh grumblefish... my jaunty has no sound in flash!10:11
Quintasanhmm, How do I compile packages which require libraries that are not in repositories? (TinyXML and Dbus++10:55
Tm_TQuintasan: I guess you have to package those requirements too10:56
QuintasanTm_T: ok I'll try11:01
TscheesyScottK: the KDE4.2 Ports are not here : http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ - is there a Repo available for the Arm-Ports?11:21
Tm_TTscheesy: that's for jaunty?11:21
QuintasanTm_T: Seems too hard for me :)11:21
Quintasanvorian: ping11:21
TscheesyTm_T: for all dists - i' d need jaunty yes11:22
Tm_TTscheesy: hmmm, ppa isn't helpful on this?11:22
Tscheesyyes - if all for "kubuntu-desktop" is in the same11:23
Tm_TTscheesy: dunno if arm builds are made in kubuntu experimental11:23
Tscheesycan give it a try11:24
Tscheesyhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ looks empty on arm.. i'll try http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu.. unfo i have a feedback if it work's after 2h..11:33
TscheesyTm_T : no - for RootFS_from_Scratch the ports seem to have to be in a Repo like ports.ubuntu.com - Arm Only..11:49
Tm_TTscheesy: hrrrr11:51
jussi01erm my sound is a bit weird today... Ive no sound in flash, or in vlc, however dragonplayer and amarok are fine....11:53
Tm_Tjussi01: they use different sound device?11:53
Tonio_hi Kubuntu !12:36
jussi01heya Tonio_12:38
Tonio_if anyone is interested.... there's a frescobaldi package waiting on revu for kde412:38
Tonio__just a stupid question, but I'm packaging a GPLv3 QT4 app...13:01
Tonio__that's still an issue as long as we don't have qt4.5 in the repos right ?13:01
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Tm_TTonio_: mmm, howso?13:02
Tonio_Tm_T: bah afaik qt4.4 is still gplv2 only13:02
Tonio_Tm_T: and we can't link it with a gpl v3 app....13:02
Tm_TTonio_: hmmm, I thought it was v2+ atleast13:02
Tonio_Tm_T: hum... lemme look on that point13:03
Tm_TTonio_: qtsoftware.com should have licence information13:03
Tonio_Tm_T: great, that's fixed ;)13:06
RiddellTonio_: qt is gpl 2 or 313:13
Tonio_Riddell: oki, I thought the change was only starting with 4.413:13
Tonio_Riddell: talking about that, is there a reason we have 4.3 and not 4.4 in the archives ?13:13
RiddellQt has been gpl 2+3 since the KDE 4.0 release. We have qt 4.4.313:14
Tonio_hum, why does it fail to find it then.... talking about an app that claim I have 4.3, not 4.4...13:16
Tonio_Riddell: hum oki, sorry for the stupid question...13:16
Tonio_Riddell: so the recent changes for qt was only the now lgpl v3 thing right ?13:16
* Tonio_ is not very interested in the licence stuff, to be honnest :) bsd rocks13:17
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
Tm_TTonio_: <313:23
Tonio_Tm_T: hehe13:24
smarter_Tonio_: lgplv3 is supposed to come with Qt 4.5, yes13:32
smarter_*lgplv2 actually13:33
Tonio_smarter_: oki13:33
smarter_which apparently will be problematic because lgpl v2 doesn't handle c++ templates or something13:33
* Tonio_ once again sees that BSD licence is way, way, way, way, way easier to handle....13:34
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
ScottKTonio_: mok0 advocated kcometen4, so you can upload it (see his comment on REVU though).14:40
Tonio_ScottK: already uploaded and lintian file added :)14:41
Tonio_ScottK: I was about to archive on revu ;)14:41
ScottKTonio_: OK.  Then I won't.14:41
Tonio_ScottK: but maybe then you can get it out from NEW ? ;)14:43
ScottKProbably not today.  Source New is the trickiest archive task there is.  I'm easing into that one.14:44
a|wenScottK: can you remember if we planned getting kile kde4 version into jaunty?14:46
ScottKa|wen: I don't.14:46
ScottKa|wen: Generally if it's working, I think it's good.14:47
Tonio_ScottK: oki !14:47
a|wenScottK: i'm not sure if it works or not; but thought maybe someone had a test-package at some point14:48
* a|wen just noted that the current version FTBFS in a few ways ... but wouldn't spend time fixing if we were grapping the new version14:48
Tonio_rgreening: fyi, I won't be there toonight, but you can send me all you need by email...14:49
ScottKSounds like a good argument to be moving to the new version.14:49
Tonio_rgreening: I can fix the package and bzr archive for kpackagekit, including your patch and so on14:49
Tonio_rgreening: if hopefully I'm not too much drunk when I get back home :)14:50
a|wenmy thought indeed14:54
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
ScottKRiddell: Did you just copy kdebase-workspace and kdebluetooth to -updates?16:19
rgreeningTonio_: hey16:20
Tonio_rgreening: oy !16:20
rgreeningTonio_: my latest patch for kpackagekit is in the latest version16:21
rgreeningdeb (I mean)16:21
Tonio_rgreening: where ? ;)16:21
rgreeningapt-get source kpackagekit16:21
rgreeningshould get you the latest update (check the changelog)16:22
Tonio_oki ;)16:22
rgreeningTonio_: the patch name is the same as the previous, I just updated it16:22
rgreeningdiff against the prev version should show you what you want16:22
rgreeningto update16:23
Tonio_rgreening: great16:23
Tonio_rgreening: what about the other patch ? not included yet ?16:23
Tonio_the one showing categories ?16:23
rgreeningTonio_: im still working that one16:23
rgreeningTonio_: Im close though. I got some suggestiopns from Riddell last evening16:24
rgreeningTonio_: my laptop died the other day and that put me behind a couple of day as I had to buy a new one and set it all up again.16:25
Tonio_rgreening: bzr updated16:25
rgreeningTonio_: ummm... that was quick16:25
Tonio_rgreening: bah cp, bzr status, bzr add, bzr commit :)16:25
Tonio_rgreening: what else ? :)16:25
Tonio_rgreening: I may go offline for a couple of minutes.... I need to test kdepim networkstatus support16:26
Tonio_rgreening: I just activated it with kopete so that it dynamically connects when network-manager connects16:26
* Tonio_ goes offline16:27
Tonio_nah, that won't work with kmail right now...16:27
* Tonio_ investigates16:28
Tonio_hum, kdepimlibs has some code for networkstatus support..... weird16:38
Tonio_dunno if that's a bug or missing feature...16:38
rgreeningRiddell: Does the restricted extras install work for 64 bit? Or how is it triggerred? I have a clean install here and not getting any opportunity to install these goodies from update-notifier16:42
rgreeningJontheEchidna: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/32920316:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 329203 in kdebase "Changing Power Profiles Causes Plasma to Feeze (dup-of: 312549)" [Undecided,New]16:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 312549 in kdebase-workspace "Powerdevil is incredibly slow switching power modes" [Low,Fix committed]16:50
rgreeningI got that one here as well. quite annoying.16:51
rgreeningTonio_: know if there any updates for power devil?16:51
rgreeninghmm... bug 312549 reports to fix it....16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312549 in kdebase-workspace "Powerdevil is incredibly slow switching power modes" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31254916:52
rgreeninghey rickspencer3.16:53
rgreeningkeeping busy16:53
jussi01rgreening: hows package kit coming along?16:56
rgreeningAre you on jaunty yet :P16:57
rgreeningjussi01: ^16:58
* jussi01 feels like he just reported the stupidest bug ever... but I cant think right now so meh (Im sure someone will tell me all the things I left out and how useless it is) :)16:58
jussi01rgreening: yep16:58
jussi01rgreening: bug 329466 ;)16:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329466 in ubuntu "No support for triple head configurations in Kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32946616:58
rgreeningjussi01: well, I always thought 2 heads are better than one, but 3? :P16:59
jussi01rgreening: its increadably frustrating though17:00
rgreeningI imagine. I dont have a setup with more than one screen. Lappy only for me17:00
jussi01rgreening: you have any idea why half my apps that output sound dont work? (flash, vlc dont work, dragon player, amarok, skype do work) ??17:15
rgreeningjussi01: have you updated recently?17:15
rgreeningjussi01: there was a sound update that broke and then fixed things...17:16
jussi01rgreening: this morning...17:16
jussi01Ill try updating17:16
rgreeningand then do a clean boot17:16
jussi01I just love this :D 1161kB/s 39s17:17
a|wen-jussi01: not fair :P ... I'm jumping with joy when mine says 31kB/s17:19
jussi01brb, doing a clean boot17:21
Sput1116 kB is not that much, is it17:22
Sputthat's only a 10 mbit connection or so17:23
a|wen-Sput: about that, yes ...17:24
Sputmeh, that's so 2005 :)17:25
* a|wen- has 256 kbit right now17:26
a|wen-i didn't remember it being so slow :P17:27
* Sput has 32 mbit and is quite happy with that17:28
a|wen-i think i'm gonna love my shared 8 mbit when i get back to europe (usually gives me 2-4 mbit)17:29
* Sput doesn't need to share17:29
Sputcable ftw :)17:29
Sputwhere are you right now?17:29
a|wen-hehe :)17:31
a|wen-in thailand17:31
a|wen-bit of a downgrade i must admit17:33
Sputwell, it could be worse...17:34
SputI had friends in the US still being on 56k17:34
a|wen-you're right17:34
jussi01rgreening: still no sound :/17:35
a|wen-Sput: i was in bhutan last year ... outside the capital we tried finding 56k; but that was simply not possible17:36
jussi01rgreening: did you see my last comment before you left?17:39
rgreeningI see now. hmm.. strange17:39
ScottKjussi01: Do you have pulse audio running?17:41
jussi01ScottK: hrm, why would I? (goes to check)17:41
jussi01doesnt look like it...17:42
ScottKOK.  Some of what you listed is known not to play well with pulse, so ...17:42
a|wen-ScottK: looks like 4.1.4 is copied :)17:42
ScottKAll of it or some of it?17:43
jussi01ScottK: weel when I open system monitor and search for pulse Ive got nothing17:43
ScottKNo ideas then.17:43
a|wen-ScottK: as far as i can tell, all of it17:43
a|wen-ScottK: do we have anything as part of the batch with a version not containing 4.1.4 (some underlying things)?17:44
ScottKThe xinelibs one and kdebluetooth (I know kdebluetooth got copied)17:45
a|wen-ScottK: the xine-lib isn't copied, but the rest is17:45
ScottKOK.  Thanks for checking.17:45
ScottKRiddell: I'm not sure who copied the 4.1.4 stuff over, but xinelib needs to get verified and copied over too ...17:46
a|wen-do you want to mass-close the SRU-bugs, or should I?17:46
ScottKa|wen-: Go for it.17:46
* a|wen- starts from the top17:47
a|wen-ScottK: done17:55
ScottKa|wen-: Excellent.18:00
a|wen-how is the 8.04.2 going? out?18:01
ScottKTesting - done.  Release announcement - Done.  I think on Monday.18:02
ScottKIt has to be coordinated with Canonical IS.18:02
a|wen-ScottK: okay, cool ... will we have any announcement for 4.1.4?18:02
ScottKThat should go on kubuntu.org.18:03
* ScottK looks at ryanakca.18:03
ScottKryanakca: It'd also be good if we could get https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Kubuntu/ReleaseAnnouncement.2 pre-copied onto kubuntu.org so the release mail can link to it.18:04
ScottKIt might be nice if somone wrote a little announcement congratulating Debian on releasing Lenny that we could also put on kubuntu.org.18:05
a|wen-when is that going to be released?18:06
ScottKIn a few hours.  They are building CD images now.18:13
a|wen-oh, cool18:13
ScottKRiddell: libpackagekit-qt2 looks like it landed in Universe so kpackagekit is currently unbuildable.18:44
Crusterhey there, the "system connection" option in network manager it's grayed out because it's not supported yet, or is there a problem with my computer?18:49
ScottKJontheEchidna or vorian (or any other MOTU): On power pc, all of KDE core is built (one last build still going) and extragear is requeued.  If you know of other stuff (like plasma-widgets) that needs retried, now would be a really good time while nothing else is pending.19:03
ScottKnhandler: ^^^19:03
ScottKWho else is here ...19:03
jussi01ScottK: do you know if we have koffice2 beta packages?19:04
* jussi01 huggles ScottK19:04
JontheEchidnaScottK: the !  ninjas trigger would probably do it19:04
ScottKjussi01: In some PPA.  Don't recall which.19:04
ScottKJontheEchidna: True.19:04
ScottKBut that'd also get a lot of people who aren't MOTU and they don't have the magic retry button.19:04
JontheEchidnaWe should fix that and get them all to become MOTUs :D19:05
ScottKsmarter could do some too.19:06
* ScottK needs to run off, so won't be here to push the button for people.19:06
* ScottK also notes that pimlibs just started on ia64, so we're making progress there too.19:08
jussi01rgreening: around?20:16
jussi01rgreening: when you do come back, lets just say I embarrased myself slightly with the sound ;) (it works now)20:22
LureRiddell, ScottK: could you sponsor digikam/kipi-plugins upload (new rc2)?20:59
Luretested packages are available in digikam-experimental ppa - you just need to remove ~jaunty~ppa1 from version20:59
ScottKLure: possibly in some hours, but not now.21:01
LureScottK: ok, thanks21:02
txwikingerScottK: I have remove arts from ichthux21:37
ScottKtxwikinger: Great.  Thanks.21:37
txwikingerScottK: can you sponsor the two packages?21:37
ScottKBut probably not until later.21:38
ScottKGive me a link and I'll get to it when I can.21:38
txwikingerBug #32951721:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329517 in ichthux-default-settings "Package does not install on jaunty due to broken dependency with missing package kde-style-lipstick" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32951721:38
ScottKGot it.21:38
txwikingerand Bug #32091521:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320915 in ichthux-meta "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32091521:39
txwikingerI tested the build on my ppa and installed it from there on jaunty without problem21:39
* txwikinger will now look at the systemsettings issue again21:41
txwikingerDo we have a plugin into systemsettings in jaunty that is pykde4?21:42
JontheEchidnatxwikinger: system-config-printer-kde is with the latest updates22:02
shtylman_how come quassel was chosen over konversation?22:04
nhandlershtylman_: konversation wasn't ported to kde4 iirc22:04
JontheEchidnaby the looks of things konversation-kde4 should be good-to-go for Jaunty+122:05
* JontheEchidna is out for a bit22:05
shtylman_ahh ok22:05
shtylman_that makes sense...cause I miss konversation :(22:05
txwikingerThanks JontheEchidna22:07
ScottKshtylman: It's still on the dvd, just not installed by default.22:19
shtylman_regreening: have you started to takle the partitioning portions of the installer yet?22:20
RiddellScottK: libpackagekit-qt11 is the current one, libpackagekit-qt2 is obsolete22:20
* ScottK investigates some more then.22:22
RiddellScottK: did you say 4.1.4 has been copied over?22:22
macowhat language is kmail done in?22:22
ScottKRiddell: Yes, but not the xinelibs thing.22:22
ScottKmaco: c++ just like almost everything in KDE.22:22
RiddellScottK: does that mean stuff is broken?22:23
macoScottK: ok.22:23
ScottKRiddell: Only in .it and .de and if you're using xinelib.22:23
ScottKSo yes.22:24
ScottKRiddell: It'd be really handy if someone could reverify xinelib and copy it and the translations sooner rather than later.22:24
Riddellno word from lool I take it?22:25
RiddellI'm not sure I know how to verify that xinelib thing22:26
ScottKI'm sure I don't.22:27
ScottKRiddell: In other news we're fully built on powerpc now.22:27
macoso if i wanted to try to help with fixing bugs n such in kde apps, any of you have a good reference for someone like me that's only worked with C & GNOME and wants to switch to C++ & KDE...or at least something to show how to go from C to C++?22:27
RiddellScottK: go Power!22:28
ScottKRiddell: I think ^^^ is a question for you.22:28
Riddellhi maco22:29
Riddellmaco: depends on your experience, there's various c++ books e.g. the Thinking in C++ ones from this chap http://www.mindviewinc.com/Books/22:30
RiddellI expect there's books in your local book shop teaching c++ to C programmers22:30
dtchenuse your library, too22:30
Riddellif you know object orientated programming, it's probably not hard22:30
Riddellespecially since GTK uses a cludgy version of object orientated anyway22:31
macodtchen: want to take a jab at my OOP skills now like you always do when you see the Java i write?22:31
Riddellso maybe you want a more Qt focused introduction, there's a few of them too, e.g. http://cartan.cas.suffolk.edu/moin/OopDocbookWiki22:31
Riddellthen of course there's the KDE tutorials here http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials22:32
Riddellbut most of all just get stuck in to looking at the code, best thing it to find a wee bug which annoys you and fix it22:33
macoRiddell: ok. thank you for the links. ill look through them.22:34
Riddelland of course you can ask here and #kde-devel and the kde-devel mailing list if you get stuck22:35
Luremaco: you may want to check this online books:22:35
macoi'm planning on using Qt4 for a school project, so fairly soon i'll be in sink-or-swim mode22:35
macoLure: thanks22:35
Luremaco: for general C++ book I suggest "Accelerated C++" for people that move from C22:36

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