kronicKoH | hey everyone | 00:06 |
darkmoon | hi | 00:06 |
kronicKoH | need help with the command for upgrading to 4.2 | 00:06 |
darkmoon | my monitor get black sometimes ... im using kde 4 theres some problem ? | 00:07 |
=== kronicKoH is now known as RussellAlan-bbs | ||
projektdotnet | kronicKoH: I just made that upgrade recently, what part did you need help with? | 00:07 |
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projektdotnet | RussellAlan-bbs: do you still need help with the command to upgrade to kde 4.2? | 00:13 |
lee__ | I'm having problems with youtube playback, anyone care to help? | 00:21 |
bernhard | hi, im atm updating to the 4.2 packages | 00:24 |
bernhard | it says ive got broken deps: liblasma3 | 00:24 |
U236Willy | !knownissues | 00:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about knownissues | 00:24 |
bernhard | should i really use -f? | 00:24 |
U236Willy | !known issues | 00:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about known issues | 00:25 |
BluesKaj | !issues | 00:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about issues | 00:25 |
U236Willy | hmm | 00:25 |
bernhard | apt-get -f install | 00:25 |
U236Willy | i guess i'll just give it a whirl... | 00:26 |
=== BluesKaj is now known as Munster | ||
Munster | hi | 00:28 |
=== Munster is now known as BluesKaj | ||
draik_ | I'm currently using a 500GB HDD for XP and Kubuntu partitions. I got a 1TB HDD to put Kubuntu on it and give 500GB to XP. I am being told by Norton Ghost that it cannot be done because the 1TB passes the 1024 cylindrical point. | 00:32 |
draik_ | Presently, I am copying the partition onto the hard drive as I intended. | 00:33 |
draik_ | But I also told Ghost to "Resize drive to fill unallocated space" | 00:33 |
draik_ | I also set the drive active and am copying the MBR | 00:33 |
vbgunz | what is the fastest, most reliable, stable filesystem you can put on a brand new kubuntu install? | 00:34 |
draik_ | vbgunz: Ext3 | 00:34 |
vbgunz | draik_: really? | 00:34 |
draik_ | I don't think you can do Ext2 | 00:34 |
vbgunz | Ext4: is supposed to be better and is stable. Reiser4 kicks both in the ass I believe and XFS comes out on top from what I've gathered. the thing is, I am mostly reading old articles in search of the fastest and most reliable file system :/ | 00:35 |
vbgunz | e.g., not sure which, reiser or xfs, one of those can hose the system if shut down by surprise. I would rather sacrifice the speed for the next best thing, reliability | 00:36 |
yaroslav | Hi! | 00:39 |
yaroslav | Did anybody have the problem with keyboard in 8.10? | 00:39 |
yaroslav | For some reason the whole keyboard didn't respond. Only Ctr+Alt+F keys and Ctrl+Alt+Del worked. | 00:40 |
yaroslav | At the same time the mouse was working and the desktop was fully functional (I could use mouse to interact with desktop). | 00:40 |
dutler | yaroslav: using dual displays? | 00:48 |
dutler | witht he ait or nvidia driver? | 00:49 |
yaroslav | not using dual display | 00:49 |
yaroslav | ati driver | 00:49 |
dutler | ok... my problesm were realate to an bug. the work around was to switch to twinview | 00:50 |
dutler | but is sounds like some thing is funny wiht your x ... do you have a standard config? what are the logs tilling you? | 00:50 |
yaroslav | i see, but I don't need twinview :( | 00:51 |
alx_ | hello | 00:51 |
Dr_Willis | ati dosent use twniview.. thats a nvidia 'feature' | 00:51 |
dutler | right, your question was "Did anybody have the problem with keyboard in 8.10?" well i have... but for differnt reasoins | 00:51 |
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dutler | you have a standard config with the ati drivers.... i think its all guess work (for me) till you get out the logs.... im helping my neibor move and the truck just came back. be back in 15 min | 00:53 |
draik_ | Info 60BB0031: Partitions ending past cylinder 1024 may not be bootable. | 01:05 |
draik_ | That is the error/info I got from Norton Ghost | 01:06 |
draik_ | How can I check if my partition is going past that point? | 01:06 |
dutler | yaroslav: did you get squared away? | 01:08 |
Dr_Willis | Thats not much if an 'error' draik_ | 01:09 |
yaroslav | I'm here | 01:09 |
Dr_Willis | 1024 boot cylinder limit - was common on OLD hardware a few years back.. but not muich iof a issue these days | 01:09 |
dutler | yaroslav: did you find out about the x related logs> | 01:09 |
Dr_Willis | thats one of the reasons having a /boot partition at the start of the Hard drive was common practice | 01:09 |
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor | ||
draik_ | I'm SOL then, huh? | 01:11 |
draik_ | I don't suppose I can re-write the contents of the original partition so that I can have /boot in the beginning and maintain the rest right where it is. | 01:12 |
Dr_Willis | draik_, i dont see why its a problem at all. | 01:12 |
draik_ | Really? | 01:12 |
draik_ | How do I do that? | 01:12 |
Dr_Willis | Ive not had any system with the 1024 limit in years | 01:12 |
david_ | I cannot get my wireless card working, I am using an Atheros integrated card, model number AR2413, can anybody help me ge4t this working? | 01:13 |
draik_ | I'm being told that it won't boot if past 1024 | 01:13 |
Dr_Willis | You never actually mentioned a prooblem.. just some 'warning' from ghost. | 01:13 |
Dr_Willis | 'Partitions ending past cylinder 1024 may not be bootable.' | 01:13 |
draik_ | Right | 01:13 |
draik_ | Does that mean it won't actually boot? | 01:13 |
Dr_Willis | that MIGHT of been true 5+ years ago on some hardware | 01:13 |
Dr_Willis | 'MAY NOT' - how old is the system? | 01:13 |
draik_ | I built it back in 2004 | 01:14 |
draik_ | End of '04 | 01:14 |
Dr_Willis | Try it and see. | 01:15 |
compilerwriter | Anyone here manage to get a Blackberry Curve and Ibex to play together? | 01:15 |
Dr_Willis | or make a /boot parittion, thats smaller in size. then a main / partitiion | 01:15 |
draik_ | I'm back to the original drive and partition. | 01:16 |
draik_ | I'm not seeing my 1TB in /media | 01:16 |
draik_ | How can I make a /boot partition and then the rest of the / partition from what I already have since it is all on one partition? | 01:17 |
Dr_Willis | is it mounted. try the 'mount' command. | 01:17 |
Dr_Willis | Is there any data on the drive now? | 01:17 |
draik_ | Yes, I just cloned the drive from the 500GB to the 1TB | 01:18 |
Dr_Willis | a 1TB hard drive in a machine thats 4 yr old.. Hmm... that might be an issue also.. buit it depends on the controllers i guess. | 01:18 |
Dr_Willis | you could use gparted to resize.. or just try booting the thing and see if it works. | 01:18 |
draik_ | I see the drive with qtparted | 01:21 |
Dr_Willis | so far you have not proben that it 'is' a problem. You are just worrying about a warning from NortonsGhost. | 01:21 |
draik_ | It is under /dev/sda | 01:22 |
Dr_Willis | I wonder if norton ghost also copied over the GRUB boot loader. | 01:22 |
draik_ | It should | 01:23 |
Dr_Willis | I also wonder if the UUID's of the drives are the same now that they got cloned... and resized.. | 01:23 |
draik_ | I wouldn't think they'd be the same, would they? | 01:24 |
draik_ | I always figured UUIDs were unique, like a MAC address. | 01:24 |
=== gnuton is now known as Gnut[OFF] | ||
Dr_Willis | No they are not. | 01:24 |
Dr_Willis | you can change the uuid's :) you can change macs also.. but thats harder.. | 01:25 |
draik_ | You can also clone and spoof MAC, but that's another topic. | 01:25 |
draik_ | I can't seem to mount /dev/sda | 01:26 |
Dr_Willis | thats because you mount /dev/sda1 not /dev/sda | 01:26 |
draik_ | Ah | 01:26 |
Dr_Willis | 'sudo fdisk -l' and see whats there | 01:26 |
draik_ | I'm in | 01:27 |
draik_ | Do that where, /mnt or on /? | 01:27 |
Dr_Willis | do what? fdisk -l is a command that dosent matter. :) | 01:28 |
draik_ | Ah | 01:28 |
draik_ | Ok | 01:28 |
Dr_Willis | Linux Basics 101 :) | 01:28 |
draik_ | I'm going to use Konversation on my desktop... just a sec | 01:28 |
Dr_Willis | be sure to use 'sudo' also | 01:28 |
draik | I used sudo | 01:29 |
draik | Dr_Willis: | 01:29 |
Dr_Willis | and that shows... me that you have a lot of hard drives. | 01:30 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 01:30 |
draik | :) | 01:30 |
draik | 4 of them | 01:30 |
draik | Well, 4 int, 1 ext | 01:30 |
Dr_Willis | I got one box that had 8 at one time. | 01:30 |
draik | I recall. That will be my eventual project | 01:30 |
Dr_Willis | You could replace 3 of the hd's with a single new 1 tb drive.. :) and then some.. :) | 01:31 |
draik | This desktop will eventually be the main desktop while I run other systems via KVM as personal servers | 01:32 |
Dr_Willis | i got a 1.5 tb hd the other day for stuff. :) | 01:32 |
draik | I'm almost at 100% with all drives. | 01:32 |
Dr_Willis | be sure to have backups. :) | 01:33 |
Dr_Willis | i had a 500gb go click-clack-dead. the other day | 01:33 |
draik | Spring cleaning will commense next week if I can get the 1TB to be my Linux boot | 01:33 |
Dr_Willis | i was backing iot up.. then discoverred.. i was backing up the WRONG drive... | 01:33 |
draik | Ouch | 01:33 |
Dr_Willis | so i lost a 500gb.. but went and bouight a external 1.5tb. | 01:33 |
Dr_Willis | that let me unplug 3 other hd's | 01:34 |
Dr_Willis | after taking a week to copy them to the new 1.5tb | 01:34 |
draik | I'll eventualy go that route with an eSATAA | 01:35 |
draik | *eSATA | 01:35 |
Dr_Willis | Making sure my new external HD's ahve eSATA also.. | 01:35 |
Dr_Willis | but this one dident. :( i was going to get the one that did.. but it was not on sale.. and for $50 - i can wait. :P | 01:35 |
draik | From what you see, everything should be good for me to disconnect all of the drives (except 1TB) and boot from it? | 01:36 |
Dr_Willis | Try it and see. thats about all ya can do. | 01:36 |
draik | Ok | 01:36 |
draik_ | Here goes nothing... | 01:37 |
Dr_Willis | I tend to use my bios menis to puck what HD to boot . :) but older machines are often not as flexiable | 01:37 |
arshad | Hi | 01:38 |
arshad | how d i use wiwne in KDE over GNOME | 01:38 |
arshad | ? | 01:38 |
arshad | wine | 01:39 |
arshad | ? | 01:39 |
arshad | anyone can help | 01:39 |
arshad | Plzz | 01:39 |
Dr_Willis | wine /path/to/whatever/wiundowsprogram.exe | 01:39 |
Dr_Willis | !enter | arshad | 01:39 |
ubottu | arshad: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:39 |
draik_ | Here we go, Dr_Willis | 01:39 |
arshad | ok | 01:39 |
Dr_Willis | now what 'in kde over gnome' part of that vague. | 01:39 |
draik_ | GRUB error 22 | 01:40 |
Dr_Willis | check the grub homepage/docs - i dont have the error codes memoruized | 01:40 |
Dr_Willis | | 01:41 |
draik_ | Dr_Willis: I'm surprised that you don't | 01:41 |
draik_ | 22 - Deleted Partitions | 01:41 |
Dr_Willis | I know enough grub that i rarely have to mess with it | 01:41 |
arshad | the default desktop in Ubuntu8.04 is GNome, Have installed dual Kde as option | 01:41 |
=== arshad is now known as arshad_ | ||
Dr_Willis | arshad_, If you installed kubuntu-desktop on a ubuntu system,. ya should have a kde entry in the gdm/kdm sessions login screen | 01:43 |
arshad_ | ya | 01:44 |
wallace | hi | 01:44 |
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=== giuseppe is now known as Guest95952 | ||
Guest95952 | salve | 01:47 |
wallace | como faz pra ir pra portugues | 01:48 |
Guest95952 | qualcuno può aiutarmi? | 01:48 |
Guest95952 | qualcuno può aiutarmi? | 01:48 |
draik_ | Dr_Willis: How can I write to the file on /mnt? I'm using the LiveCD and have it mounted there. | 01:51 |
Dr_Willis | write to what file? | 01:51 |
draik_ | To /boot/grub/menu.lst ............... never mind. Got it with sudo | 01:52 |
Dr_Willis | logical eh? :) | 01:53 |
draik_ | Takes a while, but yes. | 01:53 |
Dr_Willis | it sounds like - from that error message. the uuid= entry may be wrong | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | !uuid | 01:54 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 01:54 |
draik_ | Dr_Willis: Seriously, thanks for putting up with my noobiness | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | I was thinking that UUID's DID change if you resized the filesystems | 01:54 |
draik_ | I just want to make sure it boots first | 01:55 |
UnixOne_ | did I miss something? ATI SUPPORTS 3D on JAUNTY?? | 01:56 |
UnixOne_ | ... shocked.. and can't believe | 01:56 |
Dr_Willis | UnixOne_, i heard there was some issues.... | 01:57 |
UnixOne_ | I've got jaunty and kwin's compositing effects work, altough I haven't installed ANY drivers | 01:57 |
UnixOne_ | Dr_Willis: ^^ | 01:57 |
UnixOne_ | Dr_Willis I've got no issues, except that it's slow and I've got one of the most problematic gfx cards, ATI RV350 | 01:58 |
UnixOne_ | Dr_Willis: it feels as if the full capacity of the gfx card isn't used.. | 01:59 |
Dr_Willis | but ati is supposed to be 'supported' now! or so i hear ati-lovers say. :) | 01:59 |
Dr_Willis | I will stick with nvidia for the foreseable future | 01:59 |
UnixOne_ | Dr_Willis: indeed, me too but where did you hear that? | 01:59 |
Dr_Willis | in here. :) | 02:02 |
UnixOne_ | hmm | 02:02 |
Dr_Willis | every time ya get people goimng abouit ati vs nvidia someone says somthing like ' well now ati is supporting linux!' :) | 02:02 |
Dr_Willis | then there always the 'on some cards......' footnote | 02:02 |
UnixOne_ | Dr_Willis: I'll wait till april when jaunty is final and ati releases a driver that works. | 02:03 |
Dr_Willis | which mauy not happen till July. :) | 02:03 |
UnixOne_ | Dr_Willis: hahah :D yea maybe^ | 02:03 |
spych3r | i have KDE 4.1, how do i downgrade to 3.5?... | 02:04 |
UnixOne_ | Dr_Willis: ati sux really hard, not due to the hardware.. it's due to those idiots not sharing their drivers | 02:04 |
spych3r | using aptitude. | 02:04 |
UnixOne_ | spych3r: why not upgrade to 4.2 ? 4.1 was shit | 02:04 |
spych3r | how do i do that? ;p | 02:05 |
spych3r | 4.2 i mean | 02:05 |
Dr_Willis | theres no way to 'downgrade' to 3.5 that i know of | 02:05 |
dutler | soych3r: | 02:06 |
Dr_Willis | there was supposed to bne work on new 3.5 repos.. - but ive not heard much about that lately | 02:06 |
UnixOne_ | spych3r: if you're serious going to 3.5 I would install purge kde 4.1 kompletely (remove kubuntu if you have ubuntu) and then use the sources of 3.5 in the sources.lst | 02:07 |
UnixOne_ | spych3r: but try this before this explains howto switch to 4.2 | 02:07 |
UnixOne_ | spych3r: don't forget to take backups as usual, before any change on the system | 02:07 |
spych3r | thanks :) | 02:08 |
UnixOne_ | yo, np | 02:08 |
draik_ | How do I fix GRUB on a drive that is currently on /mnt? | 02:11 |
draik_ | Dr_Willis: Yes, the UUIDs are the same | 02:12 |
draik_ | I forgot I had SGD | 02:18 |
draik_ | I hope GRUB was fixed | 02:18 |
draik_ | WOOHOO | 02:18 |
draik_ | I think I'm in business now. Dr_Willis, thank you so much for your help and guidance. It is very much appreciated. | 02:19 |
david_ | Anyone try to update kde4.1 to 4.2 and get an error? | 02:19 |
dutler | i didnt get an error, but an incomplete upgrade | 02:20 |
david_ | me too | 02:20 |
david_ | crashed with error | 02:20 |
dutler | | 02:21 |
david_ | geuss I will stick with4.1 love kubuntu! | 02:21 |
Dr_Willis | i had to remove some package for kde 4.1 then upgrade. | 02:22 |
dutler | 4.2 is awsome... i lvoe it... it just took a few extra steps for me to get it to wok | 02:22 |
Dr_Willis | tjhere was a conflict some how with some file | 02:22 |
dustin | am I the only person on earth that thinks the present windows feature is more of a pain then a help? and can I dissable it | 02:23 |
Dr_Willis | i dont even klnwo what that feature is.. :) | 02:24 |
Dr_Willis | gues si never used it | 02:24 |
dustin | when u get you mouse to the top left corner it bullies you out of whatever you are doing and presents all of your windows | 02:24 |
dustin | and I cant seem to get rid of it | 02:25 |
dutler | like kompose? | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | i saw that one... - and yes. its disableable | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | I just dont rember where. :) | 02:25 |
dutler | kwin effect? | 02:25 |
dustin | it is most anoying when I am gaiming in full screen | 02:25 |
dustin | something like that | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | not in kde at the moment so i cant look :) | 02:26 |
dustin | its a kwin effect I think | 02:28 |
dustin | is there a config for kwin? | 02:28 |
dutler | system settings -> desktop | 02:29 |
dutler | chekc out all effects and screen edges??? | 02:29 |
dutler | yep. scree edges | 02:30 |
dutler | any one help with custom kernel compile? need help with make menuconfig options | 02:31 |
dustin | than you so much dutler spot on | 02:31 |
dutler | u bet. | 02:31 |
dustin | now to do that to my other 3 computers | 02:32 |
draik_ | File system check failed. I'm on the command line with 'root'. What should I do to fix the issue? | 02:36 |
skogs | how do i get kde 4.2 packages installed with kubuntu | 02:45 |
astromme | | 02:46 |
skogs | any specific download? | 02:46 |
eddy | is it possible to copy the / partition to other using dd and then make the partition changes in menu.list? | 02:50 |
badpc | anyone know how to install a wintv Haupauge HDTV CARD? | 02:55 |
PSiL0 | who here thinks that the fglrx 8.55 is better than 8.57 (9.1 catalyst)? | 02:59 |
esdaniel | hi, wondering if anyone's about who might have tweaked their xorg.conf for kde4.2 & nvidia 8800gt and wouldn't mind sharing it in the paste bin for me to study | 03:24 |
esdaniel | it's a long shot but thought i'd give it a go ;-) | 03:24 |
badpc | WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU ASKING? | 03:26 |
badpc | sry caps | 03:26 |
esdaniel | np, i'd like to check out a xorg.conf from someone here who has already tweaked it for kde4.2 and using a similar graphic card to the nvidia 8800gt | 03:27 |
badpc | esdaniel: you using the 177 driver? | 03:27 |
esdaniel | one from current repo, yep - you saying i really should go get the nvidia one then? | 03:27 |
BluesKaj | esdaniel, the 8.10 xorg.conf file won't be much help , since it depends so much more on HAL than any other version so far. If you take a look at xorg.conf you'll see it's bare bones and practically devoid of editable settings. | 03:28 |
badpc | esdaniel: no im using the repo driver yoo | 03:28 |
esdaniel | i learnt the last time i messed around with the one direct from nividia - not keen to screw up again | 03:28 |
BluesKaj | esdaniel ,is the 177 driver doing what you want ? | 03:29 |
badpc | es BluesKajwell said | 03:29 |
esdaniel | wow, sorry kubs, got you confused - am using the nvidia-restricted from repo, not latest driver from nvidia, have used my old xorg.conf from 3.5.10 install and wondered what needed to be removed/added... hence wanted to check out one that had been tweaked already | 03:30 |
badpc | es i have the same card with 1gig of ddr2 ram and using the 177 kernal and driver plays anything you can throw at it | 03:30 |
astromme | I'm using the 6600 card with 180.29 driver... pretty much no changes to the standard xorg.conf | 03:30 |
esdaniel | ok, badpc, can you pop your xorg.conf in pastebin for me toc heck out then, please | 03:31 |
badpc | esdaniel: how would i do that? | 03:31 |
=== armando_ is now known as hshgs | ||
esdaniel | thanks astromme | 03:32 |
BluesKaj | esdaniel, maybe you could post yours too , it it's working i'd like to see your settings , since i use the same driver :) | 03:33 |
badpc | esdaniel: really havent changed much in the xorg works great out of the box no need to change | 03:33 |
badpc | es what are you trying to do with your card? | 03:33 |
esdaniel | was googling and saw this one to add to options: Option"AccelMethod""XAA" | 03:33 |
BluesKaj | !pastebin | 03:34 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 03:34 |
esdaniel | thanks blues | 03:35 |
esdaniel | was hunting for that just now | 03:35 |
badpc | esdaniel: you try the nv-clock? | 03:35 |
esdaniel | not yet | 03:35 |
twodogs | I have Jaunty and when I set the konsole to transparent it tells me my deskktop doesn't support it... what am I missing? I'm using the right video drivers (radeonhd) | 03:36 |
maco | twodogs: is compositing enabled? | 03:36 |
* twodogs checks. | 03:36 | |
badpc | could someone help me with my hauppauge wintv 1600 card install? | 03:37 |
esdaniel | | 03:37 |
esdaniel | so far been pretty good experience with kde4.2, wallet lack of memory doing my head in though | 03:38 |
esdaniel | lack of memory = when i restart kmail's asking for my passwords again | 03:38 |
esdaniel | other thing that bugs is the keyboard repeat rate shenanigan but not a total drag | 03:39 |
badpc | esdaniel: is your card not working properly? | 03:39 |
esdaniel | its pretty sweet, just want to get the best out of it so popped in here to see what everyone else was doing with the config | 03:40 |
esdaniel | so badpc, i've messed a bit with the hauppage ting, wazzup | 03:41 |
spych3r | where does "amule" p2p store the completed files at? | 03:41 |
esdaniel | ~/.aMule i think | 03:41 |
esdaniel | ~/.aMule/incoming or somethign like that | 03:42 |
spych3r | thanks :) | 03:42 |
esdaniel | np | 03:42 |
badpc | esdaniel: just got the wintv-hdtv-1600 and have no clue how to install it? | 03:42 |
esdaniel | blues, post yours then ;-) | 03:42 |
esdaniel | it's a pain in the butt | 03:42 |
BluesKaj | esdaniel, your xorg.conf is a carry over from kubuntu 8.04 and kde 3.5 ..seems to have a lot more detail about your hardware than mine does , including the samsung syncmaster monitor which I also have and is just listed as "unknown" | 03:42 |
esdaniel | i put the sam thing in myself, kinda anal really - makes no diff | 03:43 |
BluesKaj | ok, esdaniel , don't think it'll help you tho | 03:43 |
esdaniel | badpc - gimme a sec to find a link | 03:43 |
BluesKaj | mine > | 03:44 |
badpc | esdaniel: think xorg doesnt do much of anything but want to try NV-CLOCK | 03:46 |
david__ | I can't get my wireless card to work, Atheros ar2413, can anybody help me | 03:47 |
esdaniel | blues, get the tripple buffer thing going ;-) | 03:47 |
badpc | Linux-power to the people! | 03:50 |
BluesKaj | esdaniel , your nvidia is more capable than my 7600GT ...dunno if a triple buffer (whatever that is ) would work on mine | 03:50 |
BluesKaj | :) | 03:51 |
esdaniel | badpc - take a peek at this link, it's got the bones of what i found in guies when i did this ages ago: | 03:51 |
carutsu | is anybody able to play youtube videos on konqueror? if so, how on earth you did it?! | 03:51 |
esdaniel | carutsu: have you got flash installed as part of restricted-drivers | 03:51 |
badpc | esdaniel: thnx | 03:52 |
carutsu | yes IIRC | 03:52 |
carutsu | esdaniel: ^^ | 03:52 |
BluesKaj | actaully I'm quite happy with my card . It does everything i need , since I'm not a gamer . I do some videeo conversion and editing , but that's not too demanding | 03:52 |
carutsu | esdaniel: is that right or should I install Adobe's? | 03:52 |
esdaniel | yeah, i'm giving it a spin here now, usuually use FF for YT, so far not looking good in konq | 03:53 |
BluesKaj | youtube is hit and miss with konqueror ...that's why i finally gave in to FF :) | 03:53 |
carutsu | exactly my problem youtube is too popular to miss it | 03:53 |
esdaniel | nope, no joy on mine with konq, best to default to FF for now mate | 03:54 |
carutsu | that's why i have to have FF installed :/ | 03:54 |
badpc | nothing wrong with ff | 03:54 |
carutsu | damn | 03:54 |
carutsu | badpc: i just preffer konqueror | 03:54 |
badpc | had the same problem with konq | 03:54 |
esdaniel | nice to do lost in one window - i see benefit | 03:54 |
esdaniel | lost = lots | 03:54 |
carutsu | badpc: so jumped to FF | 03:55 |
BluesKaj | yeah, FF does the job nicely ...konq is being left behind in a lot of ways. I've even switched to Dolphin for file mangement now | 03:55 |
esdaniel | brb | 03:55 |
carutsu | BluesKaj: the fact that I can have multiple apps in konqueror is what I'm sold to | 03:55 |
carutsu | FF opens and opens and opens other windows and I just hate that | 03:56 |
badpc | firefox only opens one window and can easily be closed | 03:58 |
daniel928413 | hi | 03:58 |
badpc | good download management | 03:58 |
badpc | you can also change the location to were ff downoads your files | 03:59 |
BluesKaj | firefox easier to configure than konq for surfing , it's fallen behing dolphin in terms of file management flexability | 04:00 |
BluesKaj | behind | 04:00 |
BluesKaj | for me it has anyway | 04:00 |
=== luis__ is now known as tigremx | ||
maco | BluesKaj: its not meant to be a file manager.... | 04:01 |
BluesKaj | not any more i guess | 04:02 |
BluesKaj | anyway , sacktime here ..nite all | 04:02 |
esdaniel | for anyone who cares, this is pretty nippy now on my setup (AMD64x2-4200, DDR400-4GB, nVidia 8800GT) | 04:05 |
esdaniel | so badpc - how far you got with the hauppage? from my experience if you've not get a decent signal you'll be going round in circles trying to get it to work | 04:07 |
esdaniel | badpc - this is an old link i remember studying: | 04:09 |
esdaniel | lol, he's gone, doh! | 04:09 |
=== Gnut[OFF] is now known as gnuton | ||
=== gnuton is now known as Gnut[OFF] | ||
=== martin__ is now known as martin99 | ||
martin99 | a | 04:29 |
chuckf | I have a monitor that does 1600x1050. Up until about three days ago it worked just fine with my kubuntu + KDE 4.2 install. Now it only goes up to 1024x768. When booted to Windows I still get the 1600x1050 res. Where might the issue lie? I've tried three different restricted nvidia drivers and the generic. | 04:37 |
adred | helo.. how to install KDE 4.2 on ubuntu 8.10 server edition? help pls.. | 04:45 |
martin99 | Hi, anyone having problems installing compiz fusion, seems simple, am following a step by step installation it seems that the url to the public key is not longer valid, anyone have any ideas | 04:52 |
=== cthompson_ is now known as tyler_d | ||
martin99 | ten | 04:57 |
martin99 | ok great | 04:58 |
david_ | can anybody help me get my wireless card to work, im using an Atheros 5005G card | 05:11 |
david_ | anyone? | 05:14 |
david_ | most forums online are unable to help me with this issue | 05:16 |
salamandra | buy another card xD | 05:18 |
david_ | i had it working 2 days ago, but then i updated my kernel and it won't work | 05:20 |
david_ | the reason for my updating the kernel was due to ACPI errors with 2.6.27 kernel, once I updated that issue was fixed with the lack of a working wireless card | 05:21 |
salamandra | you installed some wrong then | 05:21 |
salamandra | something* | 05:21 |
salamandra | err...idont know about that | 05:21 |
hettar | Anyone testing jaunty alpha 4, having problems with some apps and OpenGL after yesterdays updates ? | 05:21 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
Spinshank | i still cant get flash working on 64bit | 05:37 |
matt2154 | How do I run firefox with gtk widgets instead of Qt widgets? | 05:49 |
ubuntu_ | allo | 05:59 |
ubuntu_ | il a quelqun svp | 05:59 |
=== _luis_lopez_ is now known as luis_lopez | ||
ubuntu_ | quelqun peut maider svp | 06:00 |
matt2154 | hey bud, what's the problem. Qu'est-ce que le problem? | 06:02 |
=== cds is now known as thechris | ||
ubuntu_ | jessaye dinstaller kubuntu matt | 06:02 |
thechris | i've bricked apt | 06:02 |
thechris | I can't remove packages or install packages due to dependencies | 06:03 |
matt2154 | thechris: might have better luck joining the #ubuntu channel and asking for help about apt | 06:03 |
thechris | and i can't fix the dependencies because i can't install or remove apps | 06:03 |
matt2154 | thechris: more active helpers there... | 06:03 |
thechris | Anyone install KDE4.2 on Kubuntu 8.10? | 06:03 |
thechris | as it seems to not work, or have poor instructions | 06:04 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: ok. qu'est-ce cest le problem? | 06:04 |
thechris | so far, it seem the only way to get it to work is to install from Ubuntu 8.10, then remove all of the gnome stuff | 06:04 |
ubuntu_ | une fois que jai fini de linstaller et que je redemarre | 06:04 |
ubuntu_ | il me dit qui a pas dos installer | 06:05 |
ubuntu_ | je viens de installer kubuntu par quatres fois en formatant en ext2 ou 3 et pareil | 06:05 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: je pense que tu as le dit de n'installer pas en MBR. Pardon ma francais... | 06:06 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: as-tu une autre OS sure le hard drive? | 06:07 |
ubuntu_ | il me la pas demander ca matt | 06:07 |
ubuntu_ | non mon disque est vide | 06:07 |
ubuntu_ | et puis a la fin de linstallation au paquets de langues ca je fait ignorer car c trop long et la il me marque une genre derreur | 06:08 |
ubuntu_ | lerreur cest sorry the program ubiquity closed unexpectedly | 06:08 |
xp-killer | can someone help me wit samba to conect to vista and shear files | 06:10 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: combien de hard drives as tu dedant ce ordinateur | 06:10 |
ubuntu_ | 2 | 06:10 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: join #ubuntu-fr . Il peut t'aider la. | 06:12 |
xp-killer | on peu lol | 06:12 |
matt2154 | yeah, sorry, very out of practice with my written french.... | 06:13 |
ubuntu_ | tu cest pas ou le pb 6 | 06:13 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: 'pb 6'? | 06:15 |
ubuntu_ | dsl mon clavier est mal configurer | 06:15 |
ubuntu_ | je suis en live cd.. ca lag et ca va mal | 06:16 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: heh | 06:16 |
xp-killer | regle la config pour ton clavier | 06:16 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: type: '/join #ubuntu-fr' | 06:17 |
ubuntu_ | vous pouvez pas maider pour mon pb ? | 06:17 |
ubuntu_ | je suis sur le salon ubuntu matt mais personne repond.. | 06:17 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: 'pb' == probleme? | 06:17 |
xp-killer | cest quoi ton pb? | 06:18 |
ubuntu_ | matt oui | 06:18 |
ubuntu_ | xp-killer: jarrive pas a installer kubuntu | 06:18 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: je pense que son installation n'a pas modifier le MBR. Apres installation il dit 'pas DOS installer' | 06:19 |
xp-killer | ubuntu_: tu ésaiye de linstaler ou kubuntu? | 06:20 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: je pense que son installation n'a pas modifier le MBR. Apres installation il dit 'pas DOS installer' | 06:20 |
ubuntu_ | sur mon disque principal xp-killer | 06:20 |
xp-killer | matt2154: im a beginer so i dont know mutch | 06:20 |
xp-killer | ubuntu_: faut demandé ds la salle #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 06:22 |
ubuntu_ | ok je veras plus tard | 06:22 |
ubuntu_ | je dois partir la | 06:22 |
ubuntu_ | merci a + | 06:22 |
xp-killer | k | 06:22 |
matt2154 | ubuntu: desole | 06:23 |
xp-killer | matt2154: u know anything about samba? | 06:23 |
matt2154 | xp: not really, haven't used it in years. what do you want to know? | 06:23 |
matt2154 | any idea how to make firefox use GTK (gnome) elements instead of QT (KDE) elements? | 06:25 |
xp-killer | matt2154: i cant get to conet to my vista laptop,when i type the adress ip with the port it says conected then conection close | 06:25 |
matt2154 | xp: can you connect to your vista laptop from another windows box? | 06:26 |
matt2154 | xp: I assume you are trying to map a drive? | 06:26 |
xp-killer | matt2154: what?no im trying to shear multimedia files and also to watch them from my pc linux | 06:28 |
matt2154 | xp: so how are you connecting? With a web browser, or dolphin, or what? | 06:29 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: tell me what steps you are taking, and I'll tell you where things are going wrong... | 06:30 |
xp-killer | matt2154: im using samba i want to surf on my vista laptop to see my do run dos on vista?:s i havent seen excute on it | 06:31 |
jessie | xp-killer: cmd | 06:31 |
jessie | xp-killer: type that in on the little search bar deal on the start menu | 06:31 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: so you have files on your Linux box, and want to see them on Vista, or the other way around? | 06:32 |
arshad | Hi | 06:32 |
xp-killer | tanks | 06:32 |
xp-killer | matt2154: both ways | 06:32 |
xp-killer | mostly im on linux and want to see my vista files | 06:33 |
arshad | came over a kill command which does not need to know the process ID or so ................................ just need to type in Term. kill n some alpha bfore or after n click d mouse over that screen n that screen is terminated | 06:33 |
arshad | anyone knows that kill command | 06:33 |
thechis | so, i've lost my kde window borders | 06:34 |
thechis | anyone know of a working guide to isntalling kde4.2? | 06:34 |
arshad | anyone knows that KILL command | 06:34 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: ok, so I assume you have set up a share on Vista correctly, now what are you doing to map the drive on Linux? | 06:34 |
thechis | arshad: xkill | 06:35 |
xp-killer | matt2154: what u mean by map? | 06:35 |
arshad | thanks thanks thanks thanks | 06:35 |
Dr_Willis | xkill is 'a' kill command. :) | 06:35 |
Dr_Willis | not the only one. :() | 06:35 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: windows speak -> "map a remote drive", linux speak -> "mount a remote share" | 06:36 |
thechis | hmm, akill | 06:36 |
thechis | so, anyone here aware of kde4.2? | 06:36 |
Dr_Willis | kde4.2 exists.. yes.. :) | 06:36 |
thechis | it seems to be uninstallable from kubuntu... | 06:37 |
arshad | one more small query masters............... | 06:37 |
Dr_Willis | Ive installed it on 2 Kubuntu systems here. | 06:37 |
thechis | Dr_Willis: what magic process do you use? | 06:37 |
xp-killer | matt2154: :s | 06:37 |
Dr_Willis | had some conflicting packages last i tried.. i had to remove one.. then redo the installation/upgrade | 06:37 |
jessie | arshad: ctrl+alt+esc? | 06:37 |
thechis | Dr_Willis: that's where I get. and now i don't have window borders in kde | 06:38 |
xp-killer | matt2154: i must mount a drive to shear? | 06:38 |
arshad | wow wow | 06:38 |
wrinkliez | thechris i had the same problem | 06:38 |
wrinkliez | :( | 06:38 |
thechis | so, its down to kde-window-manager failing | 06:38 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: Yes. | 06:38 |
Dr_Willis | The update/upgrade process proberly dident finish.. try a 'sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade ' again' look for errors | 06:38 |
thechis | i think it has to do with the horrible instructions on | 06:39 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: what were you doing to try to connect? | 06:39 |
thechis | "uninstall any plasmoids" | 06:39 |
jessie | Dr_Willis: I had the same problem as thechis.I did just what you siad | 06:39 |
thechis | i've got no clue what plasmoids were installed for me, and they're not named "plasmoid" | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | I think they m ean uninstall unofficial ones.. ive not tried the upgrade lately | 06:40 |
Dr_Willis | then again.. what do i know. :) im not even IN kde right now | 06:40 |
thechis | Dr_Willis: I'm not either.... | 06:40 |
jessie | thechis: run the "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade" | 06:40 |
thechis | jessie: no, that fails. kde-window-manager still fails | 06:40 |
jessie | hmm..... i'm trying to remember what i had to do to get it to work.... | 06:41 |
wrinkliez | hold on thechris, try the solution someone gave me | 06:41 |
thechis | plasma-add-shortcut-to-menu is in two pacakages | 06:41 |
xp-killer | matt2154: typing the adress ipwith the port | 06:42 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: in what program? Firefox? Konqueror? Dolphin? Konsole? | 06:43 |
wrinkliez | thechris: try this, sudo apt-get clean, then sudo apt-get purge kde-window-manager, then sudo apt-get install kdebase-workspace | 06:43 |
wrinkliez | i installed (or tried to install :D) kde 4.2 a bunch of times, and each time kwin kept messing up | 06:44 |
wrinkliez | you might have to log out or restart x | 06:45 |
xp-killer | matt2154: konq | 06:45 |
Dr_Willis | I recall kwin confluicting with some package.. i removed that package with 'sudo apt-get remove WHateveritwascalled' then reran sudo apt-get upgrade, and it worked | 06:45 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: ok, so you need to open konsole, and try mounting the share instead... | 06:45 |
Dr_Willis | brb | 06:46 |
thechis | hmm, that might work | 06:47 |
xp-killer | matt2154: it will be mutch easyer it u told me how to do that | 06:47 |
thechis | though i'm still a bit skeptical of *buntu due to the large number of bugs i find | 06:47 |
wrinkliez | i wasnt a fan of 8.10 myself | 06:47 |
wrinkliez | things went backwards for me D: hopefully they will fix things, if not ill be forced to become a fedora user | 06:48 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: ok, try: | 06:49 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: sudo mkdir /mnt/vista | 06:49 |
jessie | wrinkliez: I agree. 8.10 was HORRIBLE | 06:49 |
jessie | 9.04 is wayyyyy better, even right now | 06:49 |
jessie | I'm using it right now as my stable laptop OS | 06:49 |
wrinkliez | wow | 06:49 |
xp-killer | matt2154: cool i get tru lol it works i have a little planet down in the corner | 06:49 |
arshad | hav KDE 3.5 over Ubu 8.04........... a small prob occoured...................... copied a file(audio file) from USB to desktop in KDE than played it after copying but it was not fully copied is it a bug or shud i recopy n recheck it | 06:49 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: sudo mount -t smb // /mnt/vista -o "username=your_username,password=your_password" | 06:50 |
wrinkliez | hopefully your using a different build of 9.04 than i used. i tried one of the alphas and my mouse didnt move / sound didn't work | 06:50 |
xp-killer | matt2154: no need i got tru | 06:50 |
thechis | so, i've got 4.2 installed now. thanks all | 06:50 |
jessie | wrinkliez: I don't know. I started with alpha 3. I think It's up to alpha 5... | 06:50 |
jessie | wrinkliez: the only problem i had was nvidia drivers. | 06:51 |
xp-killer | matt2154: tanks from vista im seing my files on linux | 06:51 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: ok, what your doing isn't samba. vista must come with some kind of web-based sharing now | 06:51 |
matt2154 | xp-killer: wonderful, talk to you later then | 06:51 |
xp-killer | k | 06:51 |
wrinkliez | jessie: are you using it now? | 06:51 |
wrinkliez | jessie: gnome in 9.04, i mean | 06:51 |
thechis | so, why doesn't adept use the system font? | 06:52 |
thechis | its nice to have a 9pt font on a 1920x1080 screen | 06:52 |
jessie | wrinkliez: oh. lol. nah, i use kde. | 06:52 |
wrinkliez | jessie: ah | 06:53 |
jessie | wrinkliez: Yeah. I CAN'T use Gnome any more. It's like..... yuck. lol | 06:53 |
wrinkliez | thechris: i dont know, but adept will no longer be used after 8.10. 9.04 brings kpackigekit, i believe | 06:54 |
jessie | yes, this is correct | 06:54 |
wrinkliez | jessie: yeah. unfortunately i had been a gnome user, and decided to try kde when 4.0 came out, which pretty much disallusioned me :( | 06:54 |
wrinkliez | disillusioned* | 06:54 |
Dr_Willis | I always use synaptic... :() | 06:55 |
jessie | try it again in a month or two, wrinkliez | 06:55 |
wrinkliez | jessie: well i am using it now, and i love it. 4.2 is beautifully done; thats for sur | 06:55 |
jessie | wrinkliez: I couldn't agree more. It's stable, fast, customizable, and just... :D | 06:56 |
Dr_Willis | either it works.. or it keeps crashing on ya. :) | 06:56 |
Dr_Willis | I dident find it that fast.. but then again.. i only messed with it for a few hrs.. then went back to JWM+Rox-filer. | 06:56 |
wrinkliez | wow a rox user? | 06:57 |
wrinkliez | :D | 06:57 |
jessie | lol | 06:57 |
Dr_Willis | PuppyLinux addict. :) | 06:57 |
jessie | haha | 06:57 |
Dr_Willis | jwm+rox = works great on my machines.. and over vnc.. | 06:57 |
Dr_Willis | I cant stand some of the other 'light' desktops that are out there. | 06:58 |
Dr_Willis | testing out other disrtos at the moment. Some of these 'others' have some neat tools. | 06:58 |
wrinkliez | why doesnt xfce have a supported power manager by now | 06:58 |
wrinkliez | or does it, and i just done know about it | 06:58 |
wrinkliez | dont* | 06:58 |
Dr_Willis | cant say taht i noticed one way or the other. | 06:58 |
Dr_Willis | It could proberly use the gnome one. | 06:59 |
thechis | Dr_Willis: ratpoison | 06:59 |
thechis | is like screen for x | 06:59 |
Dr_Willis | I just use 'terminator' - its gnometerminal+screen for X :) | 06:59 |
Dr_Willis | but its gnomeish :P | 07:00 |
Dr_Willis | !find terminator | 07:00 |
ubottu | Found: terminator, terminatorx | 07:00 |
Dr_Willis | !info terminator | 07:00 |
ubottu | terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 105 kB, installed size 988 kB | 07:00 |
Dr_Willis | !info terminatorx | 07:00 |
ubottu | terminatorx (source: terminatorx): realtime audio synthesizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.82-7.1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 332 kB, installed size 1300 kB | 07:00 |
Dr_Willis | talk about CLOSELY named apps. :) | 07:00 |
thechis | not like xfs vs xfs | 07:01 |
thechis | though i guess the packages are named clearly | 07:01 |
Dr_Willis | divx vs DivX :) | 07:01 |
arshad | Help Plzzz how d i make a backup disk of Ubuntu 8.04...................... | 07:02 |
Dr_Willis | deoends on what you mean arshad | 07:02 |
Dr_Willis | !backup | 07:02 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 07:02 |
arshad | like a recovery disk of vista | 07:02 |
Dr_Willis | I like Momdo/Mindi myself. | 07:03 |
Dr_Willis | but i rarely backup the whole system. | 07:03 |
thechis | there's a recovery disk for vista | 07:03 |
thechis | so, does that make it not a failure? | 07:03 |
arshad | actually iam running ubuntu on XP | 07:03 |
arshad | so will the recovery disk b created | 07:04 |
Dr_Willis | thechis, last few machines ive bouight.. required me to spend a few hrs burning 'rescue' dvd media.. or pay $20 to order the disks... | 07:04 |
Dr_Willis | 'ubuntu on xp' -> clarify that also | 07:04 |
arshad | dual boot | 07:04 |
fuzzy | guys help, i cannot install THC-Hydra... it gives some errors | 07:04 |
arshad | installed in a partition on XP | 07:05 |
xp-killer | someone call me? | 07:05 |
arshad | the g: drive | 07:05 |
fuzzy | someone will help?.. | 07:05 |
arshad | its installed on Windows | 07:05 |
Dr_Willis | arshad, you did a WUBI install you mean? or a normal booted-the-cd and installed Install? | 07:06 |
arshad | thru CD n i can c the Ubuntu folder in XP n last time i had a restart problem in Ubu , had formatted the whole drive in Win XP n rtemoved Ubu . I dono what WUBI stands 4. so prob its theu cd n ubu installed on already running XP | 07:08 |
wrinkliez | hmm, is there a 4.2 compatible "open terminal here" for dolphin? | 07:08 |
Dr_Willis | If you booted the cd.. and installed.. and have grub with a windows and linux entry.. then you did a 'normal' install.. | 07:08 |
thechis | Dr_Willis: i think the CD will autorun in xp, not sure if that starts the wubi install | 07:09 |
Dr_Willis | if you were in windows.. and inserted the cd.. it asks you to do a 'wubi' install. installs linux as a program in windows. | 07:09 |
* Dr_Willis hates wubi. :) | 07:09 | |
arshad | exactly | 07:09 |
Dr_Willis | id rather use virtualbox. | 07:09 |
arshad | is virtualbox option ava in CD | 07:10 |
arshad | so even i can opt 4 that | 07:10 |
Dr_Willis | Virtualbox is not on cd. | 07:10 |
arshad | ok | 07:10 |
Dr_Willis | either do a normal install. or use virutalbox.. is what i do | 07:10 |
arshad | ok Virtualbox | 07:10 |
arshad | how d i use that option | 07:11 |
arshad | if ava | 07:11 |
Dr_Willis | there is no 'option' for virtualbox. :) | 07:11 |
Dr_Willis | install virtualbox for whatever os you are using.. run it.. install the OS inside it.. | 07:12 |
xp-killer | matt2154: im transfer files from linux to vista then i get and error on vista memory parity error | 07:13 |
xp-killer | Dr_Willis: | 07:13 |
xp-killer | whats is that? | 07:13 |
Dr_Willis | that sounds nasty. | 07:13 |
arshad | come over Virtualbox 2.1.2, can i download it n use it 4 the next installation | 07:13 |
Dr_Willis | If i rember right xp-killer ram chips ahve a 'parity' but that sort of checks the rest of the ram.. if parity errors are happening.. ram is going bad. | 07:13 |
Dr_Willis | I woudl google that a bit more. | 07:14 |
Dr_Willis | arshad, clarify that last statement a bit more please? and cut down on the leet-lingo/shortcuts. | 07:14 |
thechis | well, ECC ram is pretty rare | 07:14 |
thechis | i'd probably check to see if I had ECC ram, or if there was a similar issue that vista reports | 07:15 |
Dr_Willis | ive not had to mess with ram in ages. | 07:15 |
thechis | i certainly have | 07:16 |
arshad | ok. now ubu 8.04 is already installed on my xp. so if i want to install ubu thru Virtualbox in any other sys i can do it by downloading Virtualbox ver 2.1.2 what is avaliable on google search | 07:16 |
xp-killer | Dr_Willis: but this problem only happens when i try to take a file bigger than 400mb from linux to vista | 07:17 |
xp-killer | going to sleep bye | 07:18 |
thechis | xp-killer: how do you do the copy? | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis | too late | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 07:18 |
arshad | how do i install wine over gnome n kde | 07:25 |
Dr_Willis | 'over gnome n kde' makes little sence | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | You install wine with 'sudo apt-get install wine' | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | or install the latest wine from the winehq repos. | 07:26 |
arshad | thanks | 07:27 |
arshad | hope it wont effect windows files | 07:28 |
arshad | for a first time user | 07:28 |
Dr_Willis | wine has nothing to do with 'windows' at all | 07:28 |
Dr_Willis | It dosent use or need any windows files | 07:28 |
Dr_Willis | it makes its own 'windows' setup in .wine | 07:29 |
arshad | bye Dr_Willis | 07:30 |
arshad | a good mentor | 07:31 |
smeg0l | hey | 07:31 |
Dr_Willis | hmmm? | 07:31 |
smeg0l | ii run kubuntu 9.04 alpha 4 and in firefox there is no sound when i run flash | 07:32 |
=== miguel is now known as Guest78065 | ||
Guest78065 | hi everyone | 07:35 |
smeg0l | hi Guest78065 | 07:35 |
Guest78065 | lol | 07:36 |
Guest78065 | how can i change that name | 07:36 |
Maxexcloo | Hey | 07:38 |
Maxexcloo | Where do I thank the team? | 07:38 |
Maxexcloo | :D | 07:38 |
Spinshank | ello | 07:39 |
Spinshank | Maxexcloo: nice ip lol | 07:39 |
Spinshank | dynamic masked ip | 07:39 |
Maxexcloo | What about my IP? | 07:42 |
Kaushal | hi room | 07:42 |
Kaushal | I have a promlem | 07:42 |
Spinshank | its a dynamic masked ip | 07:43 |
Kaushal | I want to partion my ubuntu drive can any buddy help me to how can i partion it | 07:43 |
Kaushal | Means I want to shrink my ubuntu partion | 07:44 |
Spinshank | hmm | 07:45 |
Spinshank | 07:45 | |
Spinshank | lol | 07:45 |
Spinshank | u just used the guiled install? | 07:45 |
Kaushal | Spinshank: but there is not a proper solution? | 07:46 |
Spinshank | i dont know lol | 07:46 |
* Dr_Willis missed the problem. | 07:46 | |
Dr_Willis | and alpha discissuin is in #ubuntu+1 | 07:46 |
Kaushal | my system is dual boot and there is vista and ubuntu both I have given 25 gb to vista and rest for ubuntu but now i want to shrink the drive where the ununtu has installed | 07:47 |
=== rob is now known as Guest24454 | ||
Spinshank | hmm | 07:48 |
Spinshank | i think your stuffed your self up | 07:48 |
Dr_Willis | a live cd + gparted can resize . but that MIGHT mess the fstab/grub entries IF the UUID of the parittion changes | 07:48 |
Kaushal | Spinshank: I have installed the gparted but it is not working. | 07:48 |
Dr_Willis | but thats not too hard to fix | 07:48 |
Dr_Willis | You can Not resize the aprittion if you are booting from it | 07:48 |
Dr_Willis | well not easially at least. :) | 07:48 |
Spinshank | u need 2 boot with the live cd | 07:49 |
Spinshank | and fix it | 07:49 |
Spinshank | or get dsl and do it | 07:49 |
Spinshank | it only 80mb lol | 07:50 |
Dr_Willis | The kubuntu desktop cd can do it. you may need to 'apt-get install gparted' first | 07:50 |
Spinshank | so you can run it off a usb device | 07:50 |
Spinshank | is it me or the sound drivers a better on linux than windows? | 07:51 |
Kaushal | Dr_Willis: I have installed it but the resize option is not highlighted there | 07:51 |
Spinshank | are* | 07:51 |
Dr_Willis | Kaushal, you are booting from a LIVE CD? | 07:51 |
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Kaushal | Dr_Willis: No i am using the system->administration->partition editor | 07:54 |
Dr_Willis | Kaushal, and as we mentioned earlier you can NOT NOT NOT resize a parittion thats in use. (Mounted). you MUST use a live cd. or some how unmount the parittion | 07:54 |
Kaushal | can u please send the me the link where i could download it | 07:55 |
quassel70 | \name | 07:56 |
Kaushal | Dr_Willis: Please provide me the link | 07:58 |
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Dr_Willis | Boot a live cd that has it.. any of them can do it. kubuntu live cd can - but you sill need to insdtall 'gparted' first on it. | 07:59 |
Dr_Willis | The kubuntu desktop cd can do it. you may need to 'apt-get install gparted' first | 08:00 |
Dr_Willis | or google/get the 'gparted live cd' that exists. its handy. and includes it | 08:00 |
Dr_Willis | theres also a 'system rescue live cd' that has it and more tools | 08:00 |
chow | anyone teach me how to install flash plugin? | 08:06 |
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chow1942 | anyone teach me how to install flash plugin? | 08:08 |
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Dr_Willis | !flash | 08:14 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 08:14 |
Dr_Willis | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras 'SHOULD' grab flash and some other stuff you may want | 08:14 |
olskolirc | can someone tell me why I can't drag and drop programs into any of my panels anymore? I'm on Kubuntu with kde 4.2 final | 08:15 |
olskolirc | can anyone tell me why I can't use my menu editor? I can't save changes. | 08:29 |
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olskolirc | Could not write to /home/debzbox/.config/menus/ How do I fix this? | 08:36 |
slhk | olskolirc: try: ls -la /home/debzbox/.config/menus/ | 08:39 |
olskolirc | ls: cannot access /home/debzbox/.config/menus/ Permission denied slhk | 08:41 |
slhk | olskolirc: that means you don't have rights to read one of the directories in that path | 08:42 |
olskolirc | ok | 08:42 |
olskolirc | I found the block right here slhk ls: cannot open directory /home/debzbox/.config/menus: Permission denied | 08:43 |
slhk | you can use chmod to change permissions or chown to change the owning user if it is wrong | 08:46 |
slhk | you can also use a file manager like dolphin if you're more confortable | 08:46 |
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=== eric is now known as Guest42242 | ||
jim_p | how can i make konqueror to auto-add www. and .com when i hit ctrl and enter? | 08:53 |
jim_p | and hi | 08:53 |
ugur | hi everybody i have a problem with my firefox 3.05 after using for some period it stops loading new pages | 08:54 |
ugur | especially after opening big and long to load pages | 08:54 |
jim_p | ugur, dns problem maybe? | 08:55 |
ugur | hi may be but when i restart it works properly again | 08:55 |
ugur | it looks like the loading of a big page blocks other tabs | 08:56 |
HollowPoint | ugur, have you tried to load the same pages in another browser like Konqueror or Opera? | 08:56 |
HollowPoint | jim I'm not sure you can, Konqueror is far from my browser of choice, even for file systems to be honest | 08:56 |
ugur | yes it works in opera for example while firefox cannot open the same page | 08:56 |
HollowPoint | ugur do you have any special plugins enabled? | 08:57 |
ugur | i have many plugins | 08:57 |
jim_p | ugur, i get it to happen sometimes. its because my router (or is it ff) does not do multiple connections to server. one connection draws all the bandwidth and... | 08:57 |
ugur | yes i think you are right jim_p | 08:57 |
ugur | i dont have fasterfox enabled | 08:58 |
HollowPoint | If you have lots of plugins ugur you'll probably find the recent update (Last few days) may have screwed with your plugins and may be causing this issue, that's assuming of course it didn't happen before the update | 08:58 |
ugur | i have this problem for a long time | 08:59 |
ugur | not so frequent though | 09:00 |
ugur | as i said it works properly after restarting ff so it looks like a bug to me | 09:00 |
ugur | or some misconfiguration | 09:00 |
HollowPoint | not a bug I've heard of though, so far more likely to be a conflict you have on your machine, either pluginwise or other software | 09:01 |
HollowPoint | you say you have a lot of plugins and that is very commonly known to cause issues with FF's performance | 09:01 |
ugur | yes but it is ff's pros to support many plugins i think | 09:02 |
ugur | otherwise it would be like ie | 09:02 |
HollowPoint | pros? | 09:02 |
jim_p | ugur, do something simple. open a large page with ff and then open opera or another browser and open a small page. will it be slow? | 09:02 |
HollowPoint | jim_p: He's already confirmed that Opera will open the same page properly | 09:03 |
jim_p | oh sorry | 09:03 |
HollowPoint | np | 09:03 |
jim_p | then set ff some limits | 09:03 |
ugur | yes | 09:03 |
HollowPoint | I'd say disable some plugins, one at a time and then in combinations, see if you have the same problems while certain plugins are disabled. I know it sounds tedious but that's the best way to find out whats wrong. I'd start with network based plugins of course | 09:04 |
ugur | but it is not a frequent problem i don't know when will it happen | 09:05 |
HollowPoint | so it happens on a web page but then if you try that web page again on another occassion it doesn't happen? | 09:05 |
ugur | yes it looks like when i am loading a big page ff cannot finish loading the whole page | 09:06 |
ugur | stuck on the process | 09:07 |
ugur | and after that when i stop loading i cannot load another page | 09:07 |
HollowPoint | but does it do it on the same web page if you restart firefox and try again? Or does that same web page just load fine? | 09:07 |
ugur | no after restarting ff everthing turn back to normal | 09:07 |
HollowPoint | even on that same website? | 09:07 |
jim_p | how can i make konqueror to auto-add www. and .com when i hit ctrl and enter? | 09:08 |
HollowPoint | jim_p: not sure you can mate, I don't use Konqueror very much because I don't really rate it as a browser in comparison to Opera, FF3 and even Chrome on Windows | 09:08 |
ugur | yes same page loads correctly after restart | 09:09 |
jim_p | HollowPoint, thanks. damn stupid konq. EVEN IE ON WINDOWS HAS THAT FEATURE | 09:09 |
HollowPoint | that's very strange ugur, I would suggest it MUST be a conflict, either with a plugin or with some other software you may have running at the time. | 09:09 |
ugur | ok guys thanks for your help | 09:10 |
HollowPoint | If you like Konqueror jim_p then I wouldn't give up on it, it's very configurable from what I'm told so you may have some luck with asking another Konqueror user | 09:10 |
HollowPoint | np ugur, sorry I couldn't offer more help on the matter | 09:10 |
Claw6 | anybody can help me ? | 09:22 |
Claw6 | seems like my network isnt working (wired and wireless too) | 09:22 |
klaus | wer | 09:27 |
=== klaus is now known as klaus_ | ||
ugur | have you tried restarting knetworkmanager claw6? | 09:28 |
Claw6 | ya | 09:28 |
Claw6 | its a fresh install | 09:28 |
ugur | or may be disabling and enabling it again | 09:28 |
Claw6 | using a IBM T41 | 09:28 |
ugur | is it 8.10? | 09:29 |
HollowPoint | intrepid? | 09:29 |
Claw6 | 8.10 | 09:29 |
HollowPoint | fresh install, no updates etc? | 09:29 |
Claw6 | fresh | 09:29 |
HollowPoint | ok, is the machine receiving it's networking details by dhcp? | 09:30 |
Claw6 | ya | 09:30 |
Claw6 | seems like its not setting up any connection | 09:30 |
ugur | do you see the cable connection in knetworkmanager? | 09:30 |
HollowPoint | ok if you open konsole/console/terminal (whatever) and type ping, what happens? | 09:30 |
ugur | also try "ifconfig eth0" in a console and tell the result | 09:31 |
Claw6 | unknown host | 09:31 |
HollowPoint | ok try ping | 09:31 |
michal__ | hi | 09:35 |
michal__ | i have problem with amarok... | 09:35 |
ugur | what is your problem? | 09:36 |
Claw6 | "network is unreachable" | 09:36 |
michal__ | im trying to listen any internet radio, but amarok says that some dekoder is missing | 09:36 |
HollowPoint | ok Claw6 if you type ifconfig, can you pastebin the result please? | 09:36 |
alarm_ | hello. my kubuntu boots up really slow. it takes something like 5 minutes to finish with booting and log in | 09:38 |
HollowPoint | alarm_: is it a fresh install? Or one that you've modified? | 09:38 |
alarm_ | what could i check to see whats wrong and why does it take so long. i dont find it a normal time (compared to debian) | 09:38 |
michal__ | so, any ideas what can be the reason? | 09:38 |
alarm_ | HollowPoint, installed it like 2-3 weeks and the only thing added is kde 4.2 | 09:38 |
Tm_T | michal__: install kubuntu-restricted-extras package? | 09:39 |
michal__ | Tm nope, its a fresh installed OS | 09:39 |
alarm_ | i tried some tips that i found online to reduce boot up time, but did not make much difference | 09:39 |
HollowPoint | alarm_: what's your hardware configuration? | 09:39 |
michal__ | what should i type in in terminal ? | 09:39 |
alarm_ | HollowPoint, if you can be more specific | 09:39 |
Tm_T | michal__: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 09:40 |
HollowPoint | alarm_: I mean your processor, RAM, Motherboard etc | 09:40 |
alarm_ | i am using a laptop. 2.5 dual core. 4gb ram . nvidia8600 | 09:40 |
alarm_ | ok, hdd on laptops are not the fastest, but this doesnt explain the low boot up time | 09:41 |
michal__ | its installing it now, gonna take few mins i guess | 09:41 |
alarm_ | not at those levels at least. i disabled all unneeded daemons and servers that i did not need allready, like ppp, or bluetooth, printers etc | 09:42 |
HollowPoint | by the sound of that laptop it's a faster machine than mine, and mine runs Intrepid with KDE4.2 fine | 09:43 |
alarm_ | i honestly dont know. but it was slow also right after the fresh install | 09:43 |
michal__ | Tm it finished installation | 09:44 |
michal__ | should i reboot now? | 09:44 |
alarm_ | i am reading on the web boot times like 20-30seconds. i am not excepting something like that. but not 5 minutes. thats way too much | 09:44 |
michal__ | brb, got to reboot | 09:46 |
michal__ | Tm its working fine now | 09:49 |
michal__ | thanks a lot for your help guys | 09:50 |
KlavKalashj | Hi guys | 09:54 |
KlavKalashj | Can anyone help me with a small thing regarding kopete in 9.04a4? | 09:54 |
KlavKalashj | oh nevermind btw | 09:54 |
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chay | hello | 09:58 |
chay | hello | 09:59 |
chay | bonjour | 10:01 |
KlavKalashj | hello chay :P | 10:01 |
chay | qui ce que tu fais | 10:02 |
=== rob is now known as Guest18610 | ||
slow-motion | hi | 10:28 |
shakedown | hi | 10:28 |
slow-motion | hi shakedown | 10:30 |
shakedown | hi was gibts | 10:31 |
shakedown | geht bei euch der abjects server? | 10:31 |
Tm_T | !de | shakedown | 10:32 |
ubottu | shakedown: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 10:32 |
michal__ | can any1 help me with java installation? | 10:35 |
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ahox | Hi, how do I set the monitor refresh rate manually? | 10:35 |
ahox | The display settings tell me my max refreh rate is 60Hz (on a CRT) :-( | 10:36 |
Peeps | For those that use Klient, is there any way to vertically stack the tabs, rather than horizontilly? | 10:42 |
Peeps | ha. nevermind | 10:44 |
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thomas__ | salut tout le monde | 10:54 |
Tm_T | tntnet: päivää | 10:55 |
tntnet | päivää | 10:56 |
Tm_T | thomas__: guten dagen | 10:57 |
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=== Guest19464 is now known as firestorm | ||
tntnet | on ilmeisesti muitakin suomalaisia täällä | 10:58 |
firestorm | ehm | 10:58 |
Tm_T | !fi | tntnet | 10:58 |
ubottu | tntnet: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi | 10:58 |
Tm_T | tntnet: plenty everywhere | 10:58 |
tntnet | sorry - I know this was OT or better OL (off-language) ;-) | 10:59 |
firestorm | ? | 10:59 |
Tm_T | firestorm: ciao a tutti for you too (: | 10:59 |
firestorm | ciao :-) | 11:00 |
Tm_T | !it | firestorm just so you know too | 11:01 |
ubottu | firestorm just so you know too: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 11:01 |
firestorm | no problem | 11:01 |
firestorm | i can speak english | 11:01 |
Tm_T | splendid | 11:02 |
tntnet | me too | 11:03 |
firestorm | question: is my ip hidden? | 11:04 |
Tm_T | firestorm: is not | 11:04 |
kronicKoH | Anyone around? | 11:07 |
firestorm | ah i really should work that out | 11:07 |
KlavKalashj | anyone know how to setup the bookmark icon in konqueror? or is it a bug in 9.04, that nothing happends when clicking it? | 11:07 |
kronicKoH | Well I know some are around, but I question the best method to setup kubuntu on a hp tc4400 (tablet pc) without using flash drive or external ROM drivers. | 11:08 |
kronicKoH | I have many copies of kubuntu, kubuntu studio and 64 studio as well as others.. YDL for Ps3 | 11:09 |
kronicKoH | although I wouldlike to learn a new method for a solid reinstall of linux without external sources, eg, VMWARE | 11:09 |
=== firestorm is now known as firestorm_ | ||
thomas__ | salve a tutti con chi posso parlare per aiuto? | 11:20 |
Tm_T | !it | thomas__ | 11:20 |
ubottu | thomas__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 11:20 |
thomas__ | sorry | 11:21 |
gambas | hi everyone | 11:27 |
monika_ | Hallo jemand hier für Hilfe? | 11:33 |
firestorm | italian channel? | 11:35 |
failers | astromme: are you here? :) | 11:45 |
zaapiel-mobile | hey whats the default key to do the expose style thing with kde 4.2? | 12:09 |
dutler | mouse to upper left corner | 12:09 |
Dr_Willis | and yes - thats disabableable. :) | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis | dis-able-able? :) | 12:10 |
dutler | im not sure on the keybinding | 12:10 |
zaapiel-mobile | ty dutler | 12:10 |
kronicKoH | haha | 12:11 |
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kronicKoH | any alive? | 12:15 |
zaapiel-mobile | yeah but im worthless at anything with kde | 12:16 |
zaapiel-mobile | i just switched | 12:16 |
Tm_T | !any | kronicKoH | 12:16 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about any | 12:16 |
Tm_T | !anyone | kronicKoH | 12:16 |
ubottu | kronicKoH: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:16 |
zaapiel-mobile | o snap | 12:16 |
Dr_Willis | !anything | 12:17 |
ubottu | So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone. | 12:17 |
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Malic | is there a repository which contains acroread? | 12:19 |
Malic | for kde 4.2 | 12:19 |
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__andrea__ | prova_test | 12:23 |
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Brujah | hy everybody | 12:31 |
JP-sNL3 | o/ | 12:32 |
kronicKoH1 | Hey Brujah | 12:34 |
Brujah | I am just trying to get jaunty running with my laptop. First thing I noticed is that my synaptics pad is not working :-( | 12:35 |
jussi01 | Brujah: Jaunty in #ubuntu+1 please ;) | 12:37 |
kronicKoH1 | Am having trouble doing VNC behind my netgear router on local area IP *.3 | 12:38 |
kronicKoH1 | port 5800 | 12:38 |
Brujah | okay. -> out to #kubuntu+1 :-) | 12:38 |
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RussellAlan | Hola mi amigos | 12:39 |
RussellAlan | Deutch | 12:39 |
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=== julio is now known as Bugs_BunnyBR | ||
Bugs_BunnyBR | hello peoplo | 12:45 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | pele* | 12:45 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | pople** | 12:45 |
jussi01 | !de | RussellAlan | 12:45 |
ubottu | RussellAlan: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 12:45 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | people*** | 12:45 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | can I get support in portuguese?? | 12:45 |
jussi01 | !pt | 12:45 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 12:45 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | !pt | 12:45 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | how I can enter in this channel..I am not a irc user.. | 12:46 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | I got | 12:46 |
jussi01 | Bugs_BunnyBR: type: /join #ubuntu-pt | 12:46 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | Thanks | 12:46 |
jussi01 | :) | 12:46 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | Thanks a lot | 12:47 |
drostie | KDE 4.2 is slick. ^_^ I'm glad I installed the jaunty alpha. | 12:47 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | what improve the kde4.2 is better to you? | 12:48 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | The Nvidia driver problem is solved?? | 12:48 |
jussi01 | drostie: please use #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support | 12:48 |
drostie | Bugs_BunnyBR: I don't know whether an nVidia driver problem is solved. | 12:49 |
drostie | (I have a laptop, so I'm stuck with integrated graphics anyway.) | 12:49 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | it's your graphics of ati or nvidia? | 12:49 |
jussi01 | Again, Jaunty discussion and support in in #ubuntu+1 please. | 12:50 |
gopher_ | Hello | 12:51 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | I need to go..thanks anyway | 12:52 |
drostie | jussi01: I don't really have any support questions specific to jaunty. | 12:53 |
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kronicKoH | HELP | 12:56 |
* drostie helps. | 12:56 | |
kronicKoH | no mas caps | 12:57 |
drostie | erm. what? you want to get a ps3 to run kubuntu? | 12:57 |
kronicKoH | not really | 12:57 |
kronicKoH | but it would be fun | 12:57 |
drostie | well, not as fun as playing games on the PS3 :-P | 12:58 |
kronicKoH | i see.. | 12:58 |
kronicKoH | so stay with Yellow Dog Linux | 12:59 |
kronicKoH | they are upgrading their's to 6.1 | 12:59 |
kronicKoH | therefore free games, less drivers to find weeee | 12:59 |
drostie | But we're coming up on 9.04. That's literally 48% more. | 13:00 |
drostie | ^_^ | 13:00 |
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_ | ||
kronicKoH | 9>04? | 13:03 |
drostie | 9 is indeed greater than 04. | 13:04 |
tomc | I'm trying to launch my first bash script, on Kubuntu 8.10. It's a no go, and I cannot see why. Code - in file - | 13:07 |
tomc | #!/bin/bash | 13:07 |
tomc | echo "Hello, World" | 13:07 |
tomc | Dirt simple. It's marked executable. I'm the owner. My question: what obvious (to others) thing might I have forgotten? I click on the file and nothing happens. At the command line I get this: | 13:07 |
tomc | $ | 13:07 |
tomc | bash: command not found | 13:07 |
tomc | Would appreciate any help!! | 13:07 |
tomc | Sorry for the multi-line salad. Not IRC-experienced. Don't know what happened. | 13:07 |
drostie | You have to call an executable command out of the current directory. | 13:07 |
slygent | tried ./ ? | 13:08 |
drostie | as in, ./ | 13:08 |
tomc | Well @#$%@#$% | 13:08 |
tomc | That's it. Who'd a thunk it? | 13:08 |
drostie | ^_^ | 13:08 |
tomc | I NEVER use that way of referring to a file. I just name it. E.g., to launch a ruby program, I just enter ruby {prog.-name} and it runs. | 13:09 |
tomc | So, why does not clicking on it do it? | 13:09 |
tomc | I mean, it's "executable". I've clicked on other *.sh scripts, as part of an application program installation, and they just flew. | 13:10 |
drostie | Well, the reason you have to specify the folder explicitly *somehow* is because that directory isn't in your system path. | 13:10 |
drostie | You should be able to run it also by clicking or double clicking it in Dolphin etc. | 13:11 |
tomc | ohhhhhh. ya know...that just about makes sense! | 13:11 |
tomc | I'm in Dolphin. Double click get me NOTHING. Strange. I'm OK with CLI, for sure, but still... | 13:12 |
drostie | Hrm. Maybe the echo command is occurring, but just isn't sending output anywhere. What if you pipe it to a prespecified file and see whether running the script in Dolphin does that? | 13:13 |
drostie | echo "Hello World" > ~/myfile | 13:13 |
tomc | will try. | 13:13 |
gopher__ | argh. | 13:16 |
tomc | nope. With the CLI window open below, I can see that NOTHING happens on a double click. Normally, that window will track anything I do in the GUI above, but when I do a double click nothing at all happens. I wonder it Konqueror would do the same. Will go test. May be a Dolphin thing. | 13:17 |
drostie | So the file isn't created? | 13:17 |
drostie | tomc: I see something similar in my version. Dolphin does indeed run the script, but this fact does not appear in the F4 Terminal panel. | 13:22 |
gopher__ | um, halp | 13:22 |
* drostie helps. :-P | 13:22 | |
soe | i h | 13:22 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
soe | hi | 13:22 |
drostie | .o l l e h | 13:23 |
gopher__ | Okay, I just got an SL300 Thunkpad and stuck kubuntu 8.10 on it, and... my brightness varies between 20 and 25. | 13:23 |
hulu_ | hi! after a reboot because of a hang up, i cant log in. after the password input a black screen appears and a short time after that im back at kdm. Can somebody help me? | 13:23 |
hulu_ | i use kde 4.2 | 13:23 |
soe | i have multi-desktop problems in kubuntu 8.04 | 13:23 |
drostie | three people at once. right. | 13:24 |
soe | if i change number of desktop it does not greate or after reboot is again oli 2 | 13:24 |
soe | olny* | 13:24 |
soe | create* | 13:24 |
drostie | gopher__: what do you mean by brightness varying between 20 and 25? | 13:24 |
drostie | like, the screen is brightening or darkening randomly, or...? | 13:25 |
soe | sorry i have a bad hangover, so my english is bad too | 13:25 |
drostie | hulu_: did you install kde 4.2 from the experimental repository onto kubuntu 8.10? or what? | 13:25 |
gopher__ | The Fn+Home/End works fine to control the brightness up or down, but instead of having the full range of brightness controls, it essentially has two settings | 13:25 |
gopher__ | fyi, KDE 4.1, kernel 2.6.27-11 | 13:26 |
tomc | re: file created: No, it isn't, not on a click-launch. I assume it is with ./ Also cannot get a response in konqueror. Don't understand this. Is "executable" but not really???? | 13:26 |
tomc | Well, not a critical issue for me. You solved my core problem - I can now launch bash scripts. Onward with the task at hand. Many thanks. | 13:27 |
drostie | soe: sorry, kubuntu 8.04 isn't really my thing, since I just joined Kubuntu a little while back, and wasn't around for KDEs < 4. | 13:27 |
hulu_ | drostie: i installed it with some repository i added to my sources.list. i think this is the normal way. why? | 13:27 |
drostie | soe: Maybe google has some relevant help? | 13:28 |
drostie | hulu_: but you're running intrepid? | 13:28 |
hulu_ | yes | 13:28 |
drostie | tomc: no prob. | 13:29 |
drostie | hulu_: that's bad stuff. You're the third person, including myself, who I've met that's run into problems installing diretly. | 13:30 |
drostie | hulu_: that is, installing kde 4.2 directly onto intrepid. | 13:30 |
czarny | poland | 13:30 |
czarny | polska | 13:30 |
czarny | hej | 13:31 |
Tm_T | !pl | czarny | 13:31 |
ubottu | czarny: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 13:31 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 13:31 |
hulu_ | drostie: i had the same problem one time before. (dolphin always hangs up my kde). but after i did a reboot once again the problem has gone. | 13:31 |
hulu_ | now i have rebooted a few times and nothing helps | 13:32 |
drostie | I really wish that someone who got KDE4.2 installed right on intrepid would post a detailed walkthrough for the rest of us. | 13:32 |
drostie | hulu_: you can access a text console from KDM (or anywhere) by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 (and Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return to the graphical interface). | 13:34 |
BluesKaj | drostie , i just got here , would you mind repeating your problem/issue ? | 13:34 |
hulu_ | drostie: you also cant login? | 13:35 |
drostie | hulu_: maybe your logs say something about why KDE is crashing? | 13:35 |
gopher__ | heya BluesKaj | 13:35 |
hulu_ | i have no plan how to do that.. | 13:35 |
BluesKaj | hi gopher__ | 13:35 |
drostie | I could login on KDE 4.2, but just about everything worthwhile was broken. Like those toolbars at the top of windows that let you close them. And internet. And keyboard input. Useful stuff like that. | 13:35 |
drostie | So I installed the jaunty alpha and that gave me a working KDE 4.2. | 13:36 |
hulu_ | BluesKaj: Can you help me? I cant login to kde 4.2 (intrepid) how can i find the problem? | 13:37 |
BluesKaj | hulu_ do you have a login screen ? | 13:38 |
drostie | just copying and pasting from before: [14:23:29] <hulu_> hi! after a reboot because of a hang up, i cant log in. after the password input a black screen appears and a short time after that im back at kdm. Can somebody help me? | 13:39 |
hulu_ | Blueskaj: yes, that works. after i put in my password and press enter a black screen comes and after that im back to the log in screen | 13:39 |
gopher_ | I hate being in this country. | 13:39 |
drostie | could be worse. You could be in another country. :-P | 13:40 |
hulu_ | drostie: did you have some dependency problems when you upgraded to the "final kde 4.2". Because i had problems and therefore kwin and other things were not installed by apt-get | 13:40 |
gopher_ | I'd prefer another country, one with a fatter pipe that doesn't randomly drop packets every 5 minutes! | 13:40 |
hulu_ | *gad | 13:40 |
hulu_ | h | 13:40 |
Tm_T | !ot | gopher_ | 13:40 |
ubottu | gopher_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 13:40 |
gopher_ | :> | 13:41 |
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gopher_ | So, uh, yeah, brightness. I can't cat/echo over the entry in /proc/acpi etc because it's implemented more properly. | 13:41 |
BluesKaj | hulu_ ,ctrl+alt +F1 , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then aftergo thru the choices and settings and you're back to the prompt type strartx | 13:41 |
BluesKaj | err startx. hulu_ | 13:42 |
hulu_ | i will try | 13:42 |
czarny | fuck the polish duck :) | 13:43 |
czarny | jest tu jakiś polak? | 13:43 |
BluesKaj | !language | czarny | 13:43 |
ubottu | czarny: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 13:43 |
hulu_ | bluesKaj: startx gives back that i the server is already active for display 0# | 13:46 |
czarny | ubottou , what do you mean? | 13:48 |
BluesKaj | hulu_ relogin | 13:48 |
Jonty | How can I make NetworkManager automatically connect me to a wireless network before KNetworkManager starts up. It's annoying having to wait when it could be doing it during boot. | 13:48 |
Walzmyn | czarny ubottou is a bot, and he means watch your language | 13:48 |
hulu_ | Blueskay: i presst strg alt f7 and now im back to kdm. but the problem is still there | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | !wireless | Jonty | 13:49 |
ubottu | Jonty: Wireless documentation can be found at | 13:49 |
czarny | walmazym, I can't speak in my language? I MUST use a english"? | 13:49 |
BluesKaj | !pl | czarny | 13:50 |
ubottu | czarny: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 13:50 |
czarny | kurde to o co hałas? | 13:50 |
Walzmyn | czarny, actually, yes, this is an english channel, but we were refering to the profanity | 13:50 |
BluesKaj | !english | czarny | 13:50 |
hulu_ | Blueskaj: i presst strg alt f7 and now im back to kdm. but the problem is still there | 13:50 |
ubottu | czarny: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 13:50 |
BluesKaj | hulu , what graphics card are you using ? | 13:51 |
hulu_ | ati mobility radeon 9700 | 13:53 |
BluesKaj | hulu_ , are you on irssi ? | 13:53 |
hulu_ | what is irssi? | 13:53 |
BluesKaj | it's a command line irc client | 13:54 |
hulu_ | its konversation on my desktopß pc | 13:54 |
hulu_ | my notebook has the problem :) | 13:55 |
hulu_ | why? Blueskaj? | 13:57 |
BluesKaj | ok, I didn't realize you had 2 machines, i should have checked | 13:58 |
hulu_ | okay | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | do you have the ati-fglrx driver installed for the radeon 9700 | 14:00 |
hulu_ | hm i dont know.. but i dont think so, i have no extra drivers installed. | 14:00 |
hulu_ | isnt there a log file.. where i can see the error? | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | hulu_ , try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , just to make sure there's nothing missing | 14:02 |
=== czarny is now known as Lordi | ||
Lordi | polska | 14:03 |
Lordi | ubottu daj linka na polski irc | 14:04 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:04 |
hulu_ | BluesKaj: how can i do that without internat connection? | 14:04 |
hulu_ | e | 14:04 |
Lordi | nie ma żadnego polaka? | 14:04 |
Lordi | puk puk | 14:05 |
Lordi | polish irc | 14:06 |
hulu_ | BluesKaj: apt-get wants to install that package. (but it can not because there is no connection to the internet). Do i need that package? | 14:07 |
bazhang | !pl | Lordi | 14:07 |
ubottu | Lordi: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 14:07 |
hulu_ | kde 4.2 worked fine before.. | 14:07 |
BluesKaj | hulu_ , it's kde desktop | 14:09 |
ubuntistas | is the new kubuntu available in synaptic manager? | 14:09 |
ubuntistas | kubuntu 8.10? | 14:09 |
DarkSmoke | hey guys, fresh install of kubuntu upgraded to kde4.2 and now i don't have a window manager and the keyboard is not working once in kde but in kdm it works | 14:10 |
DarkSmoke | any help ? | 14:10 |
hulu_ | Blueskaj: yes but i dont think that it is missing, although he wants to install that( maybe because he has no connection to the internet) i get a error message when i type in startx: | 14:10 |
BluesKaj | hulu_ , you really should try to connect the laptop to the internet if possible will be much easier to upgrade the packages required | 14:10 |
Jonty | How can I make NetworkManager automatically connect me to a wireless network at boot? I've checked the wireless networking information but it doesn't seem to say how to do it before the relevent applet loads. | 14:10 |
hulu_ | BluesKaj: but how can i do that with the command line? | 14:11 |
BluesKaj | Jonty, dunno but i think you need patience rather than worrying about being online instantly ...wireless takes more time than hardwired connections | 14:12 |
DarkSmoke | somebody help me quickly guys im on irssi without a GUI | 14:12 |
jmasucci | hello everybody | 14:13 |
Jonty | BluesKaj: yes, I know it takes time, but there seems to be no documentation whatsoever for people who want it to start at boot rather than when KDE starts. | 14:13 |
jmasucci | may I ask if jaunty is planning to ship with qt 4.5? | 14:13 |
Jonty | BluesKaj: it's precisely because it takes time that I want it to start as early as possible | 14:13 |
BluesKaj | hulu_, does the laptop have a wired connection to an internet device like a modem or router ? | 14:14 |
bazhang | jmasucci, jaunty discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 14:15 |
jmasucci | ok sorry | 14:15 |
jmasucci | :) | 14:15 |
hulu_ | yes to a router | 14:16 |
hulu_ | Blueskaj | 14:16 |
BluesKaj | hulu, can you connect to the internet ? | 14:18 |
hulu_ | Blueskaj in kde 4.2 , but i dont know how i can do that with the command line. knetwormanager is no console program | 14:19 |
BluesKaj | hulu_, on the laptop go to the command line by ctrl+alt+f1, then you will be at a prompt , then sudo apt-get update | 14:22 |
ubuntistas | is kubuntu 8.10 fast? | 14:23 |
BluesKaj | ubuntistas , fgaster than what ? | 14:23 |
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hulu_1 | blueskaj: im back.. it worked. i have installed the kubuntu-desktop package. (20kb) but nothing changed.. reboot= | 14:27 |
hulu_1 | ? | 14:27 |
BluesKaj | yes hulu_1 | 14:27 |
hulu_1 | malakhi? | 14:29 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: the problem is still there | 14:29 |
hulu_1 | sorry.. malakhi, i want to >>Mamarok :) | 14:30 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: when i type into the command line startkde there comes the message $Display is not set.. how can i solve that | 14:32 |
hulu_1 | hwo can i set the right display | 14:33 |
BluesKaj | hmm, hulu_ maybe your fglrx driver radeon driver isn't up to date | 14:34 |
BluesKaj | hulu_ , were you running kde 4.1 on the laptop previously ? | 14:35 |
hulu_1 | yes before kde 4.2 | 14:35 |
hulu_1 | kde 4.1 then 4.1 beta2 then kde 4.2 | 14:36 |
BluesKaj | hulu_1, try installing the fglrx-kernel-source from the command line , sudo apt-get install fglrx-kernel-source xserver-xorg-video-radeon radeontool xserver-xorg-video-ati | 14:45 |
hulu_1 | when i type in the command line touch --help.. i cant see the whole content(only the lower part) how can i change this | 14:45 |
hulu_1 | BluesKaj: first i will try to rename .kde | 14:45 |
BluesKaj | use the tab kety to navigate | 14:45 |
hulu_1 | how can i do that.. i think with touch .kde .kde-backup | 14:46 |
hulu_1 | right? | 14:46 |
BluesKaj | don't rename anything | 14:46 |
hulu_1 | why not? i think at the login .kde is created when kdm cant find it , | 14:47 |
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=== Spinus is now known as Spinus1_ | ||
BluesKaj | hulu_1 try : sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 14:52 |
hulu_1 | thank you that you spend your time with me :). i will try that.. but first i have to reboot once again | 14:53 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: after that i get a black screen | 14:55 |
BluesKaj | hulu_1, try installing the fglrx-kernel-source from the command line , sudo apt-get install fglrx-kernel-source xserver-xorg-video-radeon radeontool xserver-xorg-video-ati | 14:56 |
crashit_ | question: anybody else problems with installing KDE 4.2 on a fresh Kubuntu 8.10 installation? | 14:56 |
hulu_1 | yes: crashit: i had a lot of dependency problems. | 14:57 |
BluesKaj | uhmm, the latest 8.10 comes with 4.2 , does it not ? | 14:57 |
bazhang | nope | 14:57 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: do you think i really need that? | 14:57 |
crashit_ | Nope, with 4.1 | 14:57 |
bazhang | need a ppa | 14:57 |
BluesKaj | hulu_1, I reall do think you have a video driver issue , that should cover it if the fglrx driver isn't updated | 14:58 |
hulu_1 | okay | 14:58 |
crashit_ | Is it possible to fix those dependency problems? I've got them too... :( | 14:58 |
BluesKaj | bazhang | 14:59 |
ubuntistas | gdm or kdm? | 14:59 |
BluesKaj | kdm, prolly , this kubuntu | 15:00 |
BluesKaj | is | 15:00 |
bazhang | BluesKaj, right, and you need to add that repo to get it | 15:00 |
ubuntistas | gdm is the old one? | 15:00 |
bazhang | BluesKaj, ie not standard with kubuntu 8.10 | 15:00 |
BluesKaj | I have it bazhang , I thought you were asking :) | 15:00 |
bazhang | <BluesKaj> uhmm, the latest 8.10 comes with 4.2 , does it not ? | 15:01 |
bazhang | heh | 15:01 |
ubuntistas | which is the new one? | 15:01 |
bazhang | ubuntistas, new kubuntu kde? | 15:02 |
bazhang | ubuntistas, the higher number | 15:02 |
ubuntistas | yes | 15:02 |
bazhang | 4.2 | 15:02 |
hulu_1 | back again.. Blueskaj:nothing changed | 15:02 |
BluesKaj | well bazhang, I installed 8.10 before kde4.2 was out , now that it's officially released I assumed it would be the default in the latest 8.10 releases | 15:02 |
bazhang | BluesKaj, I wish it were so | 15:03 |
crashit_ | it is only possible to install KDE 4.2 after you installed 8.10 with KDE 4.1 | 15:03 |
bazhang | ubuntistas, see the topic for a link to how to install the latest | 15:03 |
bazhang | ubuntistas, you already have kde4 right? | 15:04 |
BluesKaj | well hulu_1 , sorry I have to admit I'm stumped ...maybe others can help | 15:04 |
ubuntistas | bazhang i downloaded it via terminal and it's asking me kdm or gdm? | 15:04 |
bazhang | ubuntistas, then choose one | 15:04 |
crashit_ | But that is for the moment also impossible, because of the dependency error... | 15:04 |
ubuntistas | what? | 15:05 |
bazhang | kdm/gdm <---choose 1 | 15:05 |
ubuntistas | what's the difference? | 15:05 |
=== julio is now known as Bugs_BunnyBR | ||
Bugs_BunnyBR | hey people | 15:06 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | I updated my kde 4.1 on kubuntu 8.10 to kde4.2 | 15:07 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | And I got a lot of problems | 15:07 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | the windows has no buttons to close and minimize | 15:08 |
francesco | hello | 15:08 |
hulu_1 | you have dependency problems: install kwin | 15:08 |
hulu_1 | Bugs_BunnyBR | 15:08 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | ok | 15:08 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | I will try | 15:08 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | just one sec | 15:08 |
bazhang | !info kwin | 15:08 |
ubottu | kwin (source: kdebase-workspace): the KDE 4 window manager (KWin). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 38 kB, installed size 304 kB | 15:08 |
hulu_1 | can someone help me.. i cant login to my kde 4.2 | 15:09 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | I instaled here..I will check if it works..and if don't..I will come back | 15:09 |
Bugs_BunnyBR | thanks | 15:09 |
hulu_1 | thank you Bluesjaj | 15:10 |
ubuntistas | what's the difference between kdm and gdm? | 15:10 |
bazhang | ubuntistas, not a great deal | 15:11 |
bazhang | they are the display managers for X11 for kde and gnome respectively | 15:12 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: maybe gdm solves the problem? | 15:12 |
ubuntistas | i selected kdm | 15:13 |
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
ubuntistas | how can i change it? | 15:13 |
hulu_1 | gdm is for gnome | 15:13 |
hulu_1 | kdm is standard for kde | 15:13 |
arshad | Hi | 15:15 |
ubuntistas | aha ok | 15:15 |
Blues-Man | hi all | 15:16 |
Blues-Man | how can I restore default kde 4.2 user settings?I can't access anymore from kdm, it gives me back the kde screen | 15:16 |
Blues-Man | but from another user i can access | 15:17 |
hulu_1 | Blues-Man? whats your problem.. you cant login? | 15:17 |
BluesKaj | hulu_1, I installed pure gnome after my kde 4.2 failed , made sure that everything worked graphics-wise , then I installed pure kde , which is 4.1 then i upgraded to 4.2's the long way around but if you're serious , it'll work | 15:17 |
Blues-Man | hulu_1 yes, I do the login then instead of having the kde loading i got a black screen and then the kdm again | 15:18 |
Blues-Man | like something gets wrong in loading | 15:18 |
hulu_1 | BluesKaj: | 15:18 |
Blues-Man | i remember i closed it as poweroff and not from menu | 15:19 |
hulu_1 | I have installed gdm.. now the login works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 15:19 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: seems to be a bug in kdm!! | 15:19 |
BluesKaj | ok cool hulu_1 , glad to hear it | 15:19 |
jussi01 | Blues-Man: try renaming your .kde to .kde-old | 15:19 |
Blues-Man | mm and do you know how to restore old settings | 15:19 |
jussi01 | thatll reset all settings in kde | 15:19 |
Blues-Man | ok i'll try tnx | 15:20 |
arshad | Help Plzz..... my KDE 3.2 on GNOME was idle for 4-5 hours and to surprise slipped into a black screen with showed BusyBox with the version details and Exit command did not work. Had to manually restart | 15:20 |
bazhang | hulu_1, yay! | 15:20 |
arshad | is it a bug | 15:20 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: hm.. next problem.. the login stops after the world appears | 15:20 |
arshad | KDE was not logged off nor the screen was locked | 15:20 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: maybe because of these fglrx packages.. can i remove them? | 15:21 |
BluesKaj | hulu_1, yeah | 15:22 |
BluesKaj | the fglrx driver is required for your graphics card , hulu_1 | 15:23 |
hulu_1 | udo apt-get remove fglrx-kernel-source xserver-xorg-video-radeon radeontool xserver-xorg-video-ati | 15:23 |
Cruster | anyone using network manager plasmoid can tell me if in "manage connections" there is available option "system connection" ? | 15:23 |
hulu_1 | yes Blueskaj, but it worked fine without it.. so it seems kde 4.2 doesnt need these extra packages | 15:23 |
BluesKaj | I repeat : hulu_1, I installed pure gnome after my kde 4.2 failed , made sure that everything worked graphics-wise , then I installed pure kde , which is 4.1 then i upgraded to 4.2's the long way around but if you're serious , it'll work | 15:26 |
BluesKaj | | 15:26 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: i dont want to reinstall my kde | 15:28 |
arshad | can anyone help PLzz | 15:29 |
BluesKaj | well., sorry hulu_1 , I'm out of ideas | 15:31 |
zedxter | hello!! | 15:32 |
bazhang | arshad, kde3.2 on gnome? | 15:32 |
Cruster | anyone using network manager plasmoid? | 15:32 |
arshad | yes | 15:32 |
bazhang | arshad, what does that mean | 15:32 |
arshad | installed KDE desktop in GNOME | 15:33 |
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bazhang | arshad, I think you mean either 4.2 or 3.5.9 | 15:33 |
arshad | sorry its 3.5.9 | 15:34 |
ayar | hi | 15:34 |
bazhang | arshad, what version of ubuntu/kubuntu | 15:34 |
ayar | me? | 15:34 |
arshad | Ubuntu 8.04 | 15:34 |
ayar | oh | 15:34 |
bazhang | arshad, and this is fully uptodate? ie 8.04.2? | 15:35 |
arshad | no, still updates avaliable to go with | 15:36 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: please hold on tight!! I had no more disk space in my home partition. therefore gdm stops the login process. but anyway. i think kdm is buggy | 15:36 |
utdmr | Where can i change the system sound theme in Kubuntu Intrepid. I downloaded a system sound package from kdelook, extracted to /usr/share/sounds. How can I activate this? | 15:36 |
bazhang | arshad, and can you get a recovery console, or login again to update? | 15:36 |
hulu_1 | Blueskaj: is there a way to switch between kdm and gdm? | 15:36 |
tuetensuppe | I have problems with my nvidia graphics driver | 15:37 |
tuetensuppe | under kubuntu 8.10 | 15:37 |
arshad | in KDE ?? | 15:38 |
tuetensuppe | binary driver from repository was working | 15:38 |
arshad | in GNOME yes, had manually restarted the system and it was back to normal login and working well | 15:38 |
tuetensuppe | tried to install manually | 15:38 |
tuetensuppe | i am always getting a low-graphics dialog... | 15:39 |
tuetensuppe | even if i try to install the "old" driver | 15:39 |
hulu_1 | arshad: do you know how i can make kdm to my standard log in manager | 15:39 |
=== Thoben is now known as Thoben^away | ||
tuetensuppe | anyone can help? | 15:40 |
arshad | as soon as u select either KDE or GNOME from options u hav popup asking wether to make default your selection and other tick not to ask again well that might work | 15:43 |
arief | a | 15:46 |
hulu_1 | thx.. sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm works | 15:46 |
hulu_1 | another question: is there a backup file for .kde? | 15:47 |
hulu_1 | because all my settings have gone :(. | 15:48 |
hulu_1 | ..after the login worked with gdm. | 15:48 |
hulu_1 | thats really strange.. the theme settings of plasma is still there but, my plasmoid, kontact, desktop wallpaper configurations have gone.. | 15:53 |
Blues-Man | hi guys i ve tried to remove .kde and .kde4 but i still can't access my kde 4.2 home on kubuntu jaunty | 15:54 |
Blues-Man | I can only access from root with startx | 15:54 |
Blues-Man | i ve created another user and there is also the same problem | 15:55 |
Blues-Man | the problem is that from kdm , after the login i come back in kdm after a black screen | 15:55 |
Blues-Man | :( | 15:55 |
Blues-Man | any suggestions? | 15:57 |
Blues-Man | until yesterday it was all ok | 15:57 |
hulu_1 | have you tried gdm? | 15:57 |
hulu_1 | Blues-Man? | 15:57 |
Blues-Man | no | 15:57 |
Blues-Man | only kdm | 15:57 |
hulu_1 | go to command line and type sudo apt-get install gdm. | 15:57 |
Blues-Man | hulu_1, but if from tty1 | 15:57 |
Blues-Man | i type startx | 15:58 |
Blues-Man | from my user I can't access anyway | 15:58 |
Blues-Man | so maybe is not kdm problem | 15:58 |
Blues-Man | if i do startx from root it starts...mah! | 15:58 |
hulu_1 | how much disk space you have for your ~/ | 15:58 |
hulu_1 | dp | 15:58 |
hulu_1 | o | 15:58 |
hulu_1 | c | 15:58 |
Blues-Man | mm now 4G | 15:59 |
Blues-Man | but before about 500 mb | 15:59 |
hulu_1 | i had the same problem.. and i installed gdm. | 15:59 |
Blues-Man | ah ok so I try with gdm | 15:59 |
hulu_1 | with gdm it worked | 15:59 |
Blues-Man | when I install gdm it ask me about what login manager use | 16:00 |
Blues-Man | or i have to modify some file? | 16:00 |
BluesKaj | gdm is gnome , so any kde settings will be gone of course | 16:00 |
hulu_1 | bit gdm says that there is no more disk space in my home partition, so im not shure if it is a kdm or a gdm problem. because after that i chaged once again to kdm and now everything works | 16:00 |
hulu_1 | maybe it was the disc space maybe it was kdm.. but now i know how to solve the problem := | 16:01 |
hulu_1 | = | 16:01 |
hulu_1 | ) | 16:01 |
utdmr | Repeat: Where can i change the system sound theme in Kubuntu Intrepid. I downloaded a system sound package from kdelook, extracted to /usr/share/sounds. How can I activate this? | 16:01 |
Blues-Man | hulu_1, maybe is the disk space then, anyway i ll try | 16:01 |
hulu_1 | Blues_Man: see the massage of BluesKaj | 16:01 |
hulu_1 | all my plasmoid settings have gone!! so its a stupid solution, but better than nothing.. | 16:02 |
hulu_1 | im out now,. it takes me 4 hours to solve this problem.. so i hope it works for you! Blueskaj: Thank you very much for your help and time!!!! | 16:04 |
hulu_1 | Bye | 16:04 |
BluesKaj | hulu_1 , maybe this might work | 16:05 |
BluesKaj | Blues-Man , | 16:06 |
progmanos3 | has anyone successfully compiled amarok svn on kubuntu? | 16:06 |
progmanos3 | i have the -fPIC error | 16:06 |
progmanos3 | i followed the instructions on the amarok wiki | 16:06 |
BluesKaj | progmanos3 , why bother ...package managers work too ...compliling isn't always the best way to go . | 16:07 |
ayar | yes... i do it that way too | 16:07 |
derjens | hello everyone | 16:08 |
ayar | hi derjens | 16:08 |
derjens | i did some research on google and found that some try to avoid kubuntu from locking screen during suspend2ram | 16:09 |
derjens | others provide scripts for doing so | 16:09 |
ayar | hey, does anybody when there will be a linux version of google chrome? | 16:09 |
derjens | i want to lock my desktop when clicking on suspend in the K menu | 16:09 |
derjens | isnt that kubuntu's default behaviour? | 16:09 |
marios | whats the undernet server guys?? | 16:11 |
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progmanos3 | BluesKaj: I'm trying to develop for amarok | 16:16 |
progmanos3 | so, i need to recompile it after adding my code | 16:16 |
BluesKaj | progmanos3 well, if you're developing , this not the place to ask | 16:18 |
Blues-Man | hi | 16:18 |
Blues-Man | i ve installed gdm and now it works... | 16:20 |
Blues-Man | this is a kdm bug so? | 16:20 |
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thomas__ | i need help with philips webcam | 16:32 |
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WindBack | I have my ubuntu without xserver installed yet. I want to install kde4 minimal | 16:38 |
WindBack | How i can do that? | 16:38 |
WindBack | I want it in a minimal way | 16:38 |
Dr_willis | Iknow of no kde4-minimal package.. could try installing 'kde' and see what it gets | 16:39 |
WindBack | without useful packages | 16:39 |
WindBack | ok, I have my ubuntu under virtual box, How i can deactivate the opengl neednes before the installation since virtualbox doesnt provide grafic aceleration needed for kde4? | 16:40 |
draik | Hello all. | 16:42 |
Dr_willis | It shouldnt matter. if its not seen it should disalbe from what ive seen. | 16:42 |
=== cadaverpimp is now known as draik_ | ||
WindBack | does kde4 need graphic aceleration? | 16:44 |
WindBack | by default | 16:44 |
WindBack | ? | 16:44 |
Dr_willis | not that i am aware of. | 16:45 |
draik | Dr_willis: I went to boot from the new 1TB HDD and it was going well until I reached the actual login. I entered my password. The splash screen with the 5 items only loaded the 1st image; image 2 and 3 were blurred and froze at that point. | 16:46 |
Dr_willis | You mean the KDE login splash? | 16:46 |
alkisg_ | My laptop touchpad doesn't work with kubuntu 9.04 alpha 4. Could someone point me to a how-to or workaround? | 16:49 |
BluesKaj | alkisg_, suggest you ask in #kubuntu+1 | 16:49 |
Tm_T | ubuntu+1 you mean? | 16:50 |
alkisg_ | BluesKaj: thanks, will try that. | 16:50 |
draik | Dr_willis: Yup | 16:50 |
Dr_willis | draik, try a new user.. with no kde settings... as a test? | 16:50 |
draik | Ok. Also, how can I change the boot from GRUB? | 16:51 |
draik | I can't boot into the 1TB. I can't find it no matter how many times I change the (hd#,#) | 16:51 |
BluesKaj | Tm_T, if #kubuntu+1 is clicked on , guess what happens :) | 16:51 |
Tm_T | BluesKaj: it redirects to #ubuntu+1 | 16:51 |
Dr_willis | does 'fdisk -l' show it? | 16:51 |
BluesKaj | Tm_T, exactly | 16:52 |
draik | Yes, but they are all listed as Cannot open /dev/sd_ | 16:52 |
draik | sda, sdb, sdc, sdd nor sde | 16:52 |
Dr_willis | you did use 'sudo' ? | 16:52 |
draik | :( Sorry. | 16:52 |
draik | Yes, it is found as /dev/sda1 | 16:53 |
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Dr_willis | 'running fdisk as a user - bad idea from a secutity point of view' | 16:53 |
Dr_willis | sda1 = hd(0,0) - however check the /boot/grub/SOMEFILEIFORGET | 16:53 |
Dr_willis | it has the names/locations of the hds grub uses | 16:53 |
draik | menu.lst? | 16:53 |
draik | map? | 16:53 |
draik | is that it? | 16:54 |
Dr_willis | yea look in there. | 16:54 |
draik | (hd0) /dev/hda | 16:54 |
draik | (hd1) /dev/hdb | 16:54 |
draik | (hd2) /dev/sda | 16:54 |
draik | That's it | 16:55 |
draik | So then add (hd2,0)? | 16:55 |
Dr_willis | You actually HAVE a /dev/hda ? | 16:55 |
draik | Yup | 16:55 |
draik | 2 SATA, 2 PATA | 16:56 |
Dr_willis | My pata disks show up as sata | 16:56 |
Dr_willis | odd that yours are not. | 16:56 |
Dr_willis | !libata | 16:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libata | 16:56 |
Dr_willis | !libsata | 16:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libsata | 16:56 |
draik | !info libsata | 16:56 |
ubottu | Package libsata does not exist in intrepid | 16:56 |
draik | !info libata | 16:56 |
Dr_willis | theres some wiki/factoid on it. | 16:56 |
ubottu | Package libata does not exist in intrepid | 16:56 |
draik | There is only that one partition on the 1TB. Should it be hd2,0 or hd2,1? | 16:57 |
Dr_willis | from that file.. it looks like the drive is hd(2,0) | 16:57 |
draik | Ok | 16:57 |
Dr_willis | grub starts counting at ZER) | 16:57 |
Dr_willis | zer0 | 16:57 |
Dr_willis | :) | 16:57 |
Walex | draik: depends which partition it is. | 16:57 |
draik | There is only one partition on the drive, Walex | 16:57 |
Walex | draik: depends on which partition it is. | 16:57 |
Walex | draik: it could be partition 1, 2 3 or 4. | 16:58 |
Dr_willis | You could make a partition in such a way thats its #4+ :) | 16:58 |
Dr_willis | but thats not a good idea | 16:58 |
draik | It should be the first partition because I mount it as /dev/sda1 | 16:58 |
Dr_willis | the 'first/only' parittion is not always guarenteed to be #1 :) | 16:59 |
Dr_willis | but in most cases it is. 'fdisk -l' shows you | 16:59 |
draik | Good to know | 16:59 |
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draik | Show it as /dev/sda1 | 16:59 |
oks_ | hi all | 16:59 |
draik | That is the device. Boot shows an asterisk. | 17:00 |
Dr_willis | thats what it is then. :) | 17:00 |
draik | awesome. | 17:00 |
draik | I'll be on my laptop while this reboots. draik_ | 17:00 |
Dr_willis | grub has a 'find/locate' feature in the grub shell i normally use to find where the boot files are at | 17:00 |
draik_ | Dr_willis: GRUB Error 15: File not found | 17:02 |
draik_ | Do you have the GRUB error link handy? | 17:02 |
Dr_willis | Not really. Im on a differnt disrto right now | 17:02 |
Dr_willis | !google grub | 17:02 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about google grub | 17:02 |
draik_ | Ah | 17:02 |
Dr_willis | silly bot | 17:02 |
draik_ | LOL | 17:02 |
draik_ | I got it | 17:03 |
draik_ | Error 15: This error is returned if the specified file name cannot be found, but everything else | 17:03 |
draik_ | (like the disk/partition info) is OK. | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | whikle you are on the grub page.. read up on the grub command line. | 17:04 |
draik_ | I thought I copied it all. Sorry for the break. | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | it has some 'find' command it can use | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | !grub | 17:04 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | find /boot/grub/stage1 | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | and see wher it says they are at. | 17:05 |
draik_ | I'm not in any shell | 17:05 |
draik_ | I'm still on the GRUB menu for booting an OS | 17:05 |
Dr_willis | If you get "Error 15: File not found", try the following: find /grub/stage1 | 17:05 |
Dr_willis | GRUB can get to a 'grub shell' from there.. some how | 17:05 |
Dr_willis | C - key perhaps? | 17:05 |
draik_ | c | 17:05 |
draik_ | Hmm | 17:06 |
draik_ | Seems to be (hd1,0) | 17:06 |
Dr_willis | the root (hdx,y) stuff is whre /boot/ is at. :) ntio the root of the system | 17:06 |
draik_ | GOT IT | 17:06 |
Dr_willis | root (hd1,0) | 17:06 |
draik_ | I'm now on the 1TB | 17:06 |
draik_ | If this works, then I'm going to remove the GRUB menu from the hda and put it all on the sda, then remove the Kubuntu from the 500GB | 17:07 |
draik_ | BRB | 17:07 |
evit | I have Kubuntu 8.10 and I can't seem to see items saved to the desktop... | 17:11 |
evit | Is this a bug? | 17:11 |
evit | im on kde 4.x | 17:12 |
evit | anyone know if you can save items to the desktop anymore ... because they don't show up anymore | 17:13 |
evit | anyone? | 17:15 |
jussi01 | evit: there is a folderview thing on the desktop, that is now your "desktop" | 17:18 |
jussi01 | in later versions you can put it back to the old way if you prefer | 17:18 |
evit | jussi01 ? I don't understand | 17:19 |
jussi01 | evit: what do you see on your desktop? | 17:19 |
evit | jussi01 I see nothing, its empty | 17:20 |
draik_ | I think I'm on my 1TB now, but how can I be sure? | 17:20 |
jussi01 | evit: ok, right click the desktop, click add widgets, find folderview and drag it to the desktop. then use the spanner on it to set it to your desktop folder. | 17:21 |
evit | jussi01 - i wish it were in a logical place to set this | 17:21 |
draik | I think that while it seems like I'm on my 1TB, I might be back on my 500GB | 17:21 |
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evit | jussi01 Thanks man | 17:24 |
evit | jussi01 is there a way to make that less incredibly ugle | 17:24 |
evit | jussi01 - just kiddin' but it isnt very configurable | 17:25 |
yavor | Hi everybody | 17:25 |
evit | or intuitive | 17:26 |
yavor | I am new to linux | 17:26 |
yavor | I installed ubuntu | 17:26 |
lum_sais | welcome yavor | 17:26 |
evit | kde 4 needs a LOT of work... dont get me wrong I LOVE it but it is very incomplete | 17:26 |
yavor | but do not have any sound | 17:27 |
yavor | thanks | 17:27 |
yavor | I am very happy with linux | 17:27 |
yavor | I think the problem is that I have new notebook | 17:28 |
lum_sais | btw evit i m just reading... files do get saved to the "Desktop" folder, it s just the they dont show up visually (i dont know kde 4 well so i not sure whether this is intended or not) | 17:28 |
lum_sais | yavor do you lack any kind of sound ? | 17:29 |
yavor | no sound at all | 17:29 |
lum_sais | tryed the obvious stuff, like volume and such ? :-) | 17:29 |
yavor | when not helping | 17:29 |
evit | lum_sais: for an average user this is NOT helpful and very confusing | 17:30 |
evit | lum_sais: I know kde 4 just isn't as polished as 3.x | 17:30 |
yavor | when I try to test the sound it is beeping untill restart | 17:31 |
lum_sais | evit I agree with you, I still use kde 3.5 for my laptop (the comp I use for work and such) | 17:31 |
evit | lum_sais: I hope it improves because it is very very nice | 17:32 |
yavor | I belive linux does not recognize my sound card | 17:32 |
yavor | it is high definition audio | 17:32 |
lum_sais | yes it is nice I also think it s going to improve. do you use 4.1 or 4.2 ? | 17:33 |
evit | we have to make it so intuitive that users just "know" how to do things... | 17:33 |
evit | I dont use 4.2 yet. I thought it was still testing phase | 17:34 |
saifin | hello | 17:34 |
lum_sais | yavor I m a bit lost with your problem but it does seem that something wrong happens with linux and your soundcard (which is strange) | 17:34 |
saifin | im new to ubuntu | 17:34 |
jussi01 | evit: Im suprised, the folderview should be there by default, and so, you just "know" ;) | 17:34 |
evit | jussi01 xD | 17:35 |
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yavor | I bought my notebook 4 months ago it was brand new architecture | 17:36 |
evit | jussi01 It's getting there but its far from what I could give my grandmother. 3.x is much more close to that | 17:36 |
yavor | i think thats the problem | 17:36 |
yavor | it was vista 64-bit | 17:36 |
lum_sais | yavor have you googled about your notebook spec and linux ? | 17:36 |
lum_sais | seems like a very specific issue | 17:36 |
evit | Is KDE 4.2 an official release for 8.10 or only for testing in Jaunty? | 17:37 |
yavor | yes I did | 17:37 |
yavor | I found many subjects about the same issue | 17:37 |
lum_sais | only for testing, I just installed 8.10 and it comes with 4.1 | 17:37 |
jussi01 | evit: jaunty is looking good. However, lets keep this channel strictly for support issues, if you want to chat about how good/bad kde 4.1 is lets go to #kubuntu-offtopic | 17:38 |
evit | jussi01 tx. I got to get back to work. Maybe I will put in some bugs | 17:39 |
yavor | what I personally found is that Alta codecs does not support my audio card | 17:39 |
yavor | but not shure | 17:39 |
evit | jussi01, thanks! | 17:39 |
michal__ | hello | 17:40 |
michal__ | i have problem, and dont know how to solve it...JAVA | 17:40 |
yavor | there was people giving advice how to manage with that problem but did not help to me | 17:40 |
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michal__ | i cant enter my banks service because of java... | 17:41 |
michal__ | it seems like i dont have it, coz it says that the web site is not fullu uploaded.. | 17:41 |
michal__ | can anuone help me pls with java installation ? | 17:42 |
^Luce^ | ciaoo | 17:43 |
^Luce^ | buona sera | 17:43 |
barbar__conan | ^Luce^: gule gule | 17:43 |
barbar__conan | :) | 17:44 |
Tm_T | ^Luce^: päivää | 17:44 |
Tm_T | !jre | 17:44 |
ubottu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper | 17:44 |
Tm_T | hmh | 17:44 |
michal__ | i tried to install sun-java6-jre, but no luck.. | 17:46 |
michal__ | installation just stopped and nothing happend | 17:46 |
michal__ | im gonna tryout that site you gave | 17:46 |
barbar__conan | did u ever tried before? | 17:46 |
michal__ | nope, im fresh user of linuks, just got tired of vista and all that crap | 17:47 |
barbar__conan | no u misunderstand.Did u ever tried to install jre on this O.S. that u use now? | 17:48 |
michal__ | yes, and it didint work | 17:49 |
michal__ | thats why i asked you guys | 17:50 |
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ubuntistas | how can i completely remove kde-desktop and its programs? | 17:51 |
ubuntistas | also switch user doesn't appear in panel when i i just installed kubuntu | 17:52 |
ubuntistas | any clue? | 17:52 |
michal__ | java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun - i got this after typing a command : sudo update-java-alternatives -l | 17:54 |
michal__ | and i still cannot open that bank service... | 17:54 |
draik | I'm on my 1TB. This is certain because I removed the partition on the 500GB. When I do "df -h", it does not appear in the list. | 17:58 |
draik | I take that back, it appears on the list, but not as the full size. | 17:59 |
draik | It appears as "/dev/sdc1 347G 287G 42G 88% /" | 18:01 |
DasEi | draik:fdisk -l ? | 18:07 |
draik_ | It shows it as /dev/sdc1 | 18:08 |
draik_ | DasEi: GRUB is right, but now it won't load. How can I get it to be replaced on the 1TB instead of the 500GB where it was originally? | 18:12 |
DasEi | draik:is your fstab right/ does it use devices or uuids ? | 18:14 |
draik_ | UUIDs | 18:15 |
draik_ | When I boot, it wants to find the GRUB menu on the 500GB instead of the 1TB where I want it to be resident with Kubuntu. | 18:16 |
DasEi | draik:sudo apt-get install pastebin | 18:16 |
DasEi | draik:pastebin /boot/grub/mneu.lst | 18:17 |
DasEi | paste* | 18:17 |
draik_ | I'm currently on my laptop. My desktop is using Super Grub Disk. | 18:17 |
draik_ | I'm trying to find the method for removing GRUB from the MBR | 18:17 |
DasEi | !grub | 18:18 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 18:18 |
DasEi | dtraik-: in the first link you find a way to install grub to a certain partition | 18:18 |
DasEi | dtraik-: you then need another btmgr to point to grub | 18:19 |
draik_ | DasEi: I'm having SGD boot me into Kubuntu. Just a sec. | 18:20 |
draik | DasEi: Ok. I'm on my desktop now. | 18:23 |
DasEi | draik:sudo apt-get install pastebin | 18:23 |
draik | pastebin isn't an app | 18:23 |
DasEi | draik:can you give a summary of waht you want to achive on that ? | 18:23 |
DasEi | draik:sudo apt-get install pastebinit ,sry | 18:24 |
draik | !pastebin | 18:24 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 18:24 |
draik | DasEi: | 18:24 |
draik_ | My desktop just froze. :( | 18:25 |
draik_ | Here is what I had..... | 18:26 |
draik_ | 500GB was |-------WinXP-----|----------------------------------KUBUNTU--------------------------------------| | 18:26 |
draik_ | Now... | 18:26 |
draik_ | 500GB |-----------------------------------------------------XP-----------------------------------------------| | 18:27 |
draik_ | 1TB |--------------------------------------------KUBUNTU----------------------------------------| | 18:27 |
draik_ | GRUB was on 500GB | 18:27 |
draik_ | I want it to be on 1TB. | 18:27 |
Tm_T | draik_: please don't paste on channell | 18:27 |
draik_ | Tm_T: It's not a paste. | 18:27 |
Tm_T | draik_: whatever it was, your lines made channel quite messy | 18:28 |
draik_ | I'm sorry. Didn't realize it on my end (konversation, if that matters) | 18:28 |
DasEi | draik-: so both drives are attached, you have xxp bootloader on 500 gb and now want to be able to boot kubu from 1 TB, now using sgd, I see right ? | 18:30 |
draik_ | Yes, that is correct. | 18:31 |
draik_ | I'm at the main menu for SGD | 18:32 |
DasEi | draik:you have a xp-cd handy in case you run in trouble ? then I'd suggest you just install grub on the 500 , first hd and it should include xp, too | 18:32 |
kai_ | can somebody help me to configure my UMTS Connection on 8.10? (sry for this bad english) | 18:33 |
draik_ | Ok. I can do that. I just want to be sure that I can boot my 1TB | 18:34 |
draik_ | I'm going to boot MBR | 18:35 |
draik_ | Do I want to boot the MBR from the 500GB or 1TB? | 18:35 |
DasEi | draik:when installing it, did you make grub install on 1 TB's mbr ? | 18:35 |
draik_ | I went through Automatic, so I think it may have gone to 500GB | 18:36 |
DasEi | draik-: if you sett the pc to boot from 500, which bootloader comes up ? | 18:36 |
draik_ | XP just started | 18:37 |
draik_ | Let me reboot back into SGD | 18:37 |
DasEi | draik-: so you installed xp after kubu then | 18:37 |
draik_ | Yes, but that was a long time ago | 18:37 |
DasEi | draik-: way to go is to boot inti kubu via sgd an follow first link, realize the sda1/hd0 thing | 18:38 |
draik_ | I'm going to reboot without SGD. I'm going to see what happens. | 18:38 |
DasEi | !grub | 18:38 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 18:38 |
DasEi | k, check bios, too | 18:38 |
draik_ | No GRUB found, boots straight into XP | 18:38 |
draik_ | Ok | 18:38 |
draik_ | DasEi: Which option should I use? GRUB exists on the 1TB, but it's not being located during boot | 18:40 |
DasEi | draik-: if restore grub according the howto, there is a little risk to loose windows, though it's most times seen, so again, make sure you have a cd for (emergency) recovery | 18:41 |
draik_ | root (hd2,0) then setup (hd2) is that right? | 18:41 |
DasEi | draik_:must check fdisk -l of 1 tb and figure out /boot | 18:42 |
DasEi | for grub root = boot and (hd1,1) is sdb2 | 18:42 |
DasEi | the hd(x,x) counts from zero, the sXX thing from one | 18:43 |
draik_ | It was located earlier | 18:44 |
DasEi | draik_:so rather hd1 | 18:44 |
DasEi | draik_:500 gig = hd0 , 1TB = hd1 | 18:45 |
DasEi | draik_:a mount without parameters will show you correct parti-number of /boot | 18:46 |
DasEi | (on the 1 TB) | 18:46 |
gribouille | hi | 19:01 |
gribouille | I've just installed intrepid, and I've tried to install kde 4.2 as indicated in, but it doesn't wotk | 19:02 |
Unksi | how it doesnt work? | 19:02 |
gribouille | Unksi, I'm still with kde 4.1 | 19:02 |
Unksi | does it install? | 19:03 |
gribouille | what is the command I have to type to upgrade to kde 4.2 ? | 19:03 |
Unksi | gribouille: have you added the repository? | 19:03 |
gribouille | Unksi, yes | 19:03 |
Unksi | then do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 19:03 |
gribouille | why dist-upgrade ? | 19:04 |
Unksi | or open adept and update from there | 19:04 |
gribouille | I did apt-get upgrade | 19:04 |
gribouille | what's the difference ? | 19:04 |
Unksi | you have to do dist-upgrade so it may install new packages/remove conflicting ones | 19:04 |
gribouille | ok | 19:04 |
Unksi | upgrade doesnt do that, it just updates all packages it can without installing new ones or removing other packages | 19:05 |
gribouille | what's the use of upgrade ? | 19:05 |
gribouille | and what is the command to upgrade to the next distro, for example from hardy to intrepid ? | 19:07 |
Unksi | gribouille: i guess it could be seen as a safer form of update or if you do not want to make any changes to current installed packages.. never really got the point for that myself | 19:07 |
Unksi | !upgrade | 19:07 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 19:07 |
Unksi | there you can find information about upgrading from different versions, and how long they are supported | 19:08 |
Unksi | it has changed between versions so it is a bit different depending on version, i think update-manager -d or something like that is the current way | 19:09 |
=== r2d2_ is now known as Guest11276 | ||
draik_ | DasEi: 1TB is on hd2 | 19:12 |
draik_ | 500GB is on hd0 | 19:12 |
tahir | !kdm | 19:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kdm | 19:13 |
tahir | !theme | 19:13 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 19:13 |
tahir | !splashscreen | 19:16 |
ubottu | To change your KDE splash screen go to KMenu -> System Settings -> Splash Screen | 19:16 |
tahir | i dont see splash screen | 19:16 |
tahir | in my system settings. am i missing any package or something/ | 19:16 |
Unksi | tahir: try checking under appearance | 19:17 |
ivo | in KDE, .desktop files are issues. Because KDE does not check for MIME types/extenssions conflicts, so a user may run a file with a .mp3 (for example) extenssion, that can execute a command (it can be a .desktop file) | 19:20 |
tahir | its not there either. i recall last time i had to install a special package. imma go look that up | 19:21 |
ivo | this idea shows the problem | 19:21 |
thorns | Hello | 19:22 |
thorns | Anyone aware of any problems with the keyboard in Kubuntu? | 19:22 |
thorns | Or KDE4 | 19:22 |
thorns | No repeat rate | 19:23 |
thorns | Capslock acts as ShiftLock (?) | 19:23 |
thorns | Enter sends newline | 19:23 |
thorns | Sometimes Capslock led functions in reverse of its actual state | 19:24 |
thorns | And I haven't done any keyboard/Xinput related configurations | 19:24 |
=== cds is now known as thechris | ||
thorns | I'm thinking this could be a problem with Hal | 19:25 |
thechris | do you use xmodmap | 19:25 |
thorns | No | 19:26 |
thechris | or have the wrong keyboard layout selected | 19:26 |
thorns | No, not that | 19:26 |
=== root is now known as Guest90753 | ||
thechris | so, my box won't reboot | 19:26 |
thorns | I don't think a keyboard layout could do this | 19:26 |
thechris | instead of rebooting, it just displays garbled text | 19:26 |
thechris | have you checked the keyboard settings? they may be in the "reigonal" section, instead of the input devices | 19:27 |
gribouille | ok, I've upgraded to kde 4.2, and, of course, the new kde fails miserably | 19:29 |
gribouille | the problems are : | 19:29 |
gribouille | - no keyboard input | 19:29 |
gribouille | - the windows don't have any borders | 19:29 |
thorns | thechris: Thanks, but it's really not that. Since I have installed Kubuntu, I have changed NOTHING. | 19:30 |
thorns | thechris: Which can only mean that an update screwed something | 19:30 |
thorns | gribouille: Hmm... didn't experience the window borders thing | 19:30 |
thechris | gribouille: thats possible. you might need to switch to a different vc and reload kde-window-manager and kde-workspace-bin | 19:31 |
geoffrey_ | salut | 19:31 |
thechris | I had dependcy issues with a fresh install and kde4.2 | 19:31 |
gribouille | thechris, I even rebooted and deleted ~/.kde, but the result is the same | 19:31 |
thechris | and if the install breaks halfway though you'll lose kdb/borders | 19:31 |
thorns | gribouille: I WAS ABOUT TO DO THAT | 19:32 |
thorns | darn it! CAPSLOCK SWITCHED AGAIN RANDOMLY | 19:32 |
thorns | AND AGAIN | 19:32 |
gribouille | it's really unbelievable | 19:32 |
thorns | IT DOES IT BY ITSELF | 19:32 |
gribouille | for years, I used redhat/fedora, and I didn't experience such problems | 19:32 |
thorns | :( | 19:32 |
thechris | gribouille: i think kde4.2 just isn't ready in the packages yet | 19:33 |
thorns | that might not be it | 19:33 |
gribouille | thechris, what do you mean ? | 19:33 |
thechris | there are tonsof system configs, the package is new, and clearly hasn't been well tested | 19:33 |
gribouille | thechris, so, why is it available ? | 19:34 |
thechris | I've had the exact same issues as you, but it was becasue the install failed half way | 19:34 |
gribouille | thechris, so, what did you do ? | 19:34 |
thechris | gribouille: its not really -- you have to enable a testing archive to get access to it | 19:34 |
thorns | thechris: I don't believe packages enter the repository without being well tested | 19:35 |
gribouille | thorns, so, why does it fail ? | 19:35 |
thechris | gribouille: so, i had to remove ksyslog, something else, and kde-window-manager, then install kde-workspace | 19:36 |
hyper_ch | how do I properly run strigi daemon in kde 4.2? | 19:36 |
gribouille | thechris, what is kde-workspace ? | 19:37 |
thechris | thorns: its in the pre-release / testing repository. In this case, i'm guessing it wasn't tested on amd64 kubuntu 8.10 installs, as it certainly doesn't work. | 19:37 |
thechris | gribouille: its a pacakge that contains the same file as another package, and this conflict breaks the install | 19:38 |
thechris | like if you were to try to apt-get anything, it would probably not work... | 19:38 |
thorns | gribouille: I do not know. But I think I can rule out thechris' idea. | 19:38 |
gribouille | so, I think I'll stock with hardy and kde 3 for a long time | 19:39 |
gribouille | s/stock/stick | 19:39 |
thechris | well, to happen, i would suspect that the kde install failed. so if you got or still get errors with apt get, my suggestions are more likely | 19:40 |
thechris | as I'm saying I don't think you actually finished the KDE4.2 install | 19:40 |
=== Darkrift2 is now known as DarkriftX | ||
gribouille | thechris, yes it failed at some point | 19:40 |
=== anthony is now known as Guest53914 | ||
thechris | gribouille: and did you fix it before restarting kde? | 19:40 |
gribouille | thechris, it told me to type "apt-get -f install", which I did and it resumed normally | 19:40 |
failers^ | is it a known bug that when using compiz you get some minor graphical bugs? | 19:41 |
thechris | gribouille: really? you were lucky | 19:41 |
gribouille | thechris, nit really, because my system is broken now | 19:41 |
thechris | gribouille: in anycase, you might want to remove and reinstall kde-workspace | 19:42 |
gribouille | thechris, do you think it will solve the problem ? | 19:42 |
thechris | reallistically, i think it won't let you reinstall, and from there it will allow you to solve the problem | 19:43 |
thechris | but in the end, yes. | 19:43 |
ivan_ | que ondas aqui | 19:43 |
ivan_ | que onditas | 19:44 |
ivan_ | esto parece un chat:S | 19:44 |
=== Guest53914 is now known as anthony | ||
gribouille | there is no kde-workspace on my system | 19:44 |
anthony | bobcat | 19:45 |
=== anthony is now known as Guest34461 | ||
ivan_ | simon | 19:45 |
Guest34461 | bobcat | 19:45 |
ivan_ | no entiendo ni papa | 19:45 |
thechris | gribouille: ah, that might be an issue as well | 19:45 |
gribouille | I tried apt-get install kde-workspace, but apt-get didn't find it | 19:45 |
thechris | oh, it must be something similarly named | 19:46 |
thechris | kdebase-workspace | 19:47 |
gribouille | ok, it seems ok. the problem was just that the package kde-window-manager wasn't installed | 19:48 |
thechris | ah, and it allowed you to install it? | 19:48 |
gribouille | thechris, yes | 19:48 |
thechris | man, it put up much less fight for you! | 19:48 |
gribouille | thechris, but it was just by chance | 19:49 |
renzo | hola | 19:49 |
thechris | though i don't think i'm going to solve my reboot issues | 19:49 |
gribouille | I just don't understand how apt could install kde 4.2 without a window manager | 19:49 |
renzo | alguna persona habla españaol | 19:49 |
Led_Zeppelin | Trying to install kde4 for Ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy). When I login to Kde4 session, I get a blank screen. Any ideas how I can fix this? | 19:49 |
thechris | gribouille: you issued the -f, maybe thats what it decided to force | 19:50 |
renzo | que me pueda ayudar | 19:50 |
gribouille | Led_Zeppelin, you're not going to have mutch fun with kde 4 under gutsy | 19:50 |
Led_Zeppelin | why is that? | 19:51 |
Led_Zeppelin | I don't like the new ubuntu because of its inittab | 19:51 |
gribouille | Led_Zeppelin, even under hardy it sux | 19:51 |
Led_Zeppelin | its has too many wierd kind. I like old school stuff | 19:51 |
Led_Zeppelin | why does it suck? | 19:51 |
Led_Zeppelin | Its the same OS with different kernel version | 19:51 |
Led_Zeppelin | whats is thissue? | 19:51 |
gribouille | Led_Zeppelin, so stick with old school software, like kde 3 | 19:51 |
failers^ | why cant i add kubuntu experimental ppa to software sources or well i can add it but when i update my package manager i dont think i get the "experimental" packages | 19:52 |
Led_Zeppelin | I have used KDe4 and its really nice. Just that I don't want to upgrade my entire OS for it. | 19:52 |
gribouille | Led_Zeppelin, you'll have to, sooner or later | 19:53 |
Led_Zeppelin | gribouille, not really. | 19:53 |
thechris | failers^: so, if you did if from adept, it might not have worked | 19:54 |
thechris | i know adept messed up for me | 19:54 |
gribouille | Led_Zeppelin, kde 4 is broken under gutsy & hardy | 19:54 |
Led_Zeppelin | oh... | 19:54 |
Led_Zeppelin | didn't know that. | 19:54 |
gribouille | Led_Zeppelin, I tried it | 19:54 |
failers^ | thechris hm ok can you help me with giving me the konosle command to add it then since i dont quite get it after reading the guides on the ppa homepage | 19:55 |
failers^ | *konsole | 19:55 |
thechris | failers^: i guess: sudo $EDITOR /etc/apt/sources.list | 19:57 |
thechris | i use vim, but its got a very steep learning curve just to modify one file | 19:57 |
thechris | and i've got no idea what the non-vim editors installed by default would be | 19:57 |
failers^ | thechris ok | 19:59 |
senorpedro | nano is pretty easy to use | 20:01 |
failers^ | btw what should i chmod my home/user/.gnupg/gpg.conf to since it warns about wrong permission | 20:02 |
failers^ | and im always logged in on root user so :P | 20:02 |
tahir | !ping | 20:04 |
ubottu | ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore | 20:04 |
=== n is now known as Guest19364 | ||
cuznt | !botsnack | 20:13 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 20:13 |
failers^ | !fail | 20:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fail | 20:13 |
=== antonio_ is now known as antonio__ | ||
slow-motion | hi | 20:18 |
ockonal | Hello | 20:20 |
ockonal | Please, tell me how to update kde 4.1 to 4.2? | 20:20 |
athlon1 | Hallo. I use vmware for virutalization. But I'd like to know if any has tested a good opensource virtual machine software which support, at least, windows and linux and have a good interface to manage it. | 20:20 |
ockonal | athlon: VirtualBox? | 20:21 |
ockonal | athlon1: VirtualBox? | 20:21 |
athlon1 | Doest it support windows and linux and have a good interface to manage it? | 20:21 |
thechris | ockonal: there is a guide on that has mixed results | 20:21 |
ockonal | athlon1: yeah | 20:21 |
ockonal | athlon1: user-friendly interface and many supported os | 20:22 |
athlon1 | OK, I'm going to try it... | 20:22 |
athlon1 | Thanks | 20:22 |
ockonal | thechris: at least, i know hot to do it. But i had some trouble | 20:22 |
ockonal | athlon1: ;) | 20:22 |
thechris | ockonal: so, you might have to juggle some of the dependencies | 20:23 |
thechris | but it seems to be different for some people | 20:23 |
ockonal | thechris: after package downloading i had some error. Something about Api | 20:23 |
thechris | the apt-get -f install will work for some people | 20:24 |
ockonal | thechirs: ok, thanks. I'll try it now. | 20:24 |
ockonal | thechirs: i wasn't at Linux much time :). | 20:24 |
ockonal | thechirs: ok, after re-updating i have that error again. Can i post it for u? | 20:26 |
thechris | ockonal: i've been using gentoo for years, and was hoping that *buntu would be good. | 20:26 |
paolo_ | hi, does wxwidgets use the standard c++ library ? | 20:26 |
thechris | ockonal: so, you might want to find a pastebin service to post the error | 20:26 |
thechris | ockonal: see /topic | 20:26 |
ockonal | thechris: The requested operation could not be completed | 20:27 |
ockonal | thechirs: i can't come to site | 20:27 |
paolo_ | I know this question could seem absurd but I need to know if it optimizes that for embedded stuff | 20:28 |
ockonal | paolo_: wikipedia knows it ;)) | 20:28 |
paolo_ | ockonal: I don't believe that | 20:28 |
ockonal | thechirs: it something with my browser. I'll be back :) Wait, please | 20:29 |
bigjocker | is there a way to make the KDE 4.2 kickoff look like the main menu of KDE 3.5? | 20:31 |
bigjocker | i dont like the tabs | 20:31 |
BluesKaj | bigjocker , right click on the kmenu , choose classic menu style | 20:33 |
bigjocker | BluesKaj, oh | 20:34 |
bigjocker | lol | 20:34 |
bigjocker | thanks | 20:34 |
BluesKaj | np :0 | 20:34 |
BluesKaj | I prefer it too | 20:34 |
thechris | "configure file sharing" in dolphin does nothing | 20:35 |
thechris | is there something that needs to be done to make it do something? | 20:35 |
thechris | any idea how to restart samba? | 20:43 |
ockonal | thechirs: Thanks. Allest ist gut :) | 20:44 |
thechris | thats good | 20:46 |
ockonal | thechris: but after rebooting a had no kwin | 20:47 |
ockonal | thechris: and input-devices didn't work :) | 20:47 |
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183 | ||
ockonal | thechris: do u programming? I have one question about kde4 | 20:53 |
senorpedro | thechris: /etc/init/samba restart | 21:00 |
thechris | ockonal: i don't program for kde | 21:00 |
ockonal | thechris: Ok. Thanks a lot. | 21:00 |
bigjocker | i'm liking kde4 so muh after i changed the kicker look and feel to the classic one | 21:03 |
asobi | my ipod doesn't unmount | 21:03 |
ockonal | asobi: how did u try? | 21:12 |
ockonal | bigjocker: after kde 4.2 releasing there are many thinks to like it ;) | 21:13 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
asobi | the disconnect button in amarok | 21:20 |
ockonal | asobi: kde4? | 21:20 |
asobi | no 3 | 21:20 |
asobi | hardy | 21:21 |
ockonal | asobi: mm.. I can't remember, are there any function in Dolphin int kde3 | 21:21 |
asobi | i use konqueror | 21:21 |
asobi | when i connect ipod, it will mount | 21:21 |
asobi | but then amarok won't unmount | 21:22 |
asobi | i tried deleting settings and redoing it but failed | 21:22 |
asobi | maybe i should put in fstab? | 21:22 |
ockonal | asoby: wait, please | 21:23 |
ockonal | asoby: lsusb in console | 21:25 |
ockonal | asoby: what the text | 21:25 |
asobi | | 21:26 |
asobi | not sure it says 40G, it's 20... | 21:27 |
triph | yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo | 21:30 |
ockonal | asobi: ok | 21:30 |
ockonal | asoby: you may use #umount | 21:30 |
ockonal | asoby: dir /dev/ | 21:31 |
asobi | whoa | 21:31 |
ockonal | asobi: ? | 21:31 |
asobi | | 21:31 |
ockonal | asobi: wow :) | 21:32 |
ockonal | asobi: by what thing your iPod connected to the comp? | 21:33 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as DoGuKaN | ||
asobi | usb | 21:33 |
ockonal | asobi: try this: umount /dev/usb_drive | 21:33 |
ockonal | asobi: but i'm not shure, that it'll help u | 21:34 |
asobi | O.o | 21:34 |
asobi | let me try amarok again | 21:34 |
asobi | nope | 21:34 |
asobi | hmm | 21:34 |
asobi | i don't think i want to do that | 21:35 |
ockonal | asobi: :) | 21:35 |
asobi | i have more than 1 usb connected | 21:35 |
asobi | what's cmd for list of mounted devices? | 21:37 |
kaiser | hi | 21:39 |
ockonal | asobi: man umount | 21:39 |
=== kaiser is now known as Guest36584 | ||
ockonal | kaiser: hi | 21:39 |
=== Guest36584 is now known as El | ||
El | hola | 21:40 |
asobi | nope | 21:41 |
asobi | it unmounts...but ipod screen still shows "do not disconnect" | 21:41 |
senorpedro | asobi: mount | 21:42 |
senorpedro | just type 'mount' in the shell | 21:43 |
senorpedro | then you'll see all mounted devices | 21:43 |
asobi | yea, i got that | 21:43 |
asobi | i can't unmount | 21:43 |
asobi | or at least my ipod doesn't think it's unmounted... | 21:43 |
senorpedro | what message? | 21:44 |
asobi | it unmounts...but ipod screen still shows "do not disconnect" | 21:44 |
senorpedro | so? | 21:44 |
asobi | my ipod has trouble turning on | 21:44 |
senorpedro | is it bad to unplug the ipod if it shows this message? | 21:45 |
asobi | i am guessing yes | 21:45 |
senorpedro | try remounting/unmounting the ipod | 21:45 |
senorpedro | maybe then | 21:45 |
slhk | asobi: it happens to me also with my mobile phone and with the psp, I just make sure I actually unmounted it and ignore the messsage on the device | 21:45 |
asobi | done that multiple times | 21:45 |
asobi | hmm | 21:45 |
senorpedro | yeah, just pull the plug | 21:46 |
asobi | i have | 21:46 |
asobi | but lately my ipod has trouble turning on... | 21:46 |
senorpedro | still the message? | 21:46 |
senorpedro | well its on right now, is it? | 21:46 |
asobi | yea | 21:46 |
asobi | well, i don't want to wait until it fails to turn on -_- | 21:46 |
slhk | you may try with a fsck | 21:47 |
senorpedro | you mean when you now turn it off you cant turn it back on? | 21:47 |
asobi | fsck? | 21:47 |
asobi | i think maybe i should put it in fstab? | 21:47 |
slhk | fsck checks the filesystem | 21:47 |
asobi | fsck /dev/ipod? | 21:48 |
senorpedro | does fsck work with the ipod filesystem? | 21:48 |
slhk | yes, take a look at man fsck eventually | 21:48 |
slhk | it should be a vfat filesystem | 21:49 |
slhk | you can get more info with sudo vol_id /dev/ipod | 21:50 |
=== cadaverpimp is now known as draik_ | ||
draik_ | Can someone help me restore GRUB? I have XP on 500GB and Kubuntu on 1TB. | 21:54 |
=== kaiser is now known as Guest95828 | ||
asobi | i think i need to add it to fstab | 21:54 |
=== Guest95828 is now known as Milusos | ||
Milusos | hola | 21:54 |
slhk | asobi: you need only if you want to have it mounted automatically at boot time or you want to (u)mount it from the command line as a user (without sudo) | 21:57 |
slhk | if you access it through konqueror or dolphin you don't need to | 21:57 |
asobi | it works fine in konqueror, just not amarok | 22:00 |
asobi | i think it's confused between the dev and the mount point | 22:00 |
=== g_steinert is now known as gsteinert | ||
senorpedro | yeah, amarok sucks with mounted devices | 22:01 |
asobi | they need to fix it -_- | 22:01 |
maco | is there a way to have a folder load in a tab in the *background* in kmail instead of taking over that whole part of the screen with a splash screen? | 22:03 |
asobi | thank you all, as long as my ipod works, it's fine | 22:04 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as dogukan | ||
=== quassel102 is now known as halfsane | ||
halfsane | hey gents, can you configure desktop cube in KDE 4.2 to allow dragging windows or text to another workspace? | 22:07 |
=== Palaskin is now known as Pliskin | ||
thorns | halfsane: sure | 22:08 |
thorns | halfsane: It should be a setting under the window manager settings dialog | 22:08 |
thorns | Ie. allowing of dragging of windows between workspaces | 22:09 |
halfsane | thorns: I'm new to KDE, I cannot find that setting | 22:16 |
=== noelle is now known as Hugs | ||
ghostcube | halfsane, afaik not have u checked the cube settings | 22:17 |
halfsane | ghostcube: yes, there isn't much there seems much more configurable using compiz in gnome unless im missing something | 22:20 |
maco | halfsane: you could still use compiz... | 22:21 |
maco | halfsane: kwin doesnt have all of compiz's insane # of plugins | 22:22 |
twisterz | :) | 22:22 |
twisterz | yaaa | 22:23 |
halfsane | maco: gotcha, I am digging kwins integration into KDE a lot, but it sounds like I may be overall happier with compiz from what I gather | 22:23 |
thorns | halfsane: Opem System Settings from the KDE Menu, click Window Behaviour Icon, move to the Advanced tab, enable Active Desktop Borders only when moving windows | 22:23 |
twisterz | L) | 22:23 |
halfsane | throns: thats it , thanks a ton! | 22:23 |
thorns | halfsane: no problem | 22:24 |
thorns | halfsane: please consider using tab completion on nick names, ie. type "tho" then press TAB once or twice or more | 22:24 |
halfsane | thorns: good call ill do that | 22:25 |
thorns | :-) | 22:26 |
=== jonathan0593 is now known as zeus | ||
ockonal | which of u use Python for programming? | 22:36 |
ockonal | In Eclipse+PyDev i've created some module: module_name | 22:37 |
ockonal | there is 1 class: | 22:37 |
ockonal | when i tried to import it: from module_name import MainClass | 22:38 |
ockonal | ImportError: No module named module_name.MainClass | 22:38 |
gleyve | I have some problemas with synaptic | 22:44 |
gleyve | anyone could help me? | 22:44 |
=== ashwin is now known as adesikan | ||
ockonal | gleyve: ? | 22:46 |
gleyve | E: acpi-support: problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado | 22:47 |
gleyve | some dependecy problem | 22:47 |
gleyve | dependencies porblems | 22:47 |
gleyve | now my firefox doesn't work anymore | 22:47 |
gleyve | I've installed the ubutu update, after my synaptic broke | 22:48 |
carpii | can anyone recommend a good color picker for web developers on kde ? | 22:48 |
ockonal | carpil: there is a plasmoid | 22:49 |
ockonal | carpil: just find it :) | 22:50 |
=== carlo is now known as Guest78275 | ||
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir | ||
wildbat | hello ^^ | 23:08 |
nate_ | where should i extract/install tar files | 23:10 |
nate_ | home? | 23:11 |
wildbat | no body home xD | 23:11 |
wildbat | what you are trying to do ? | 23:12 |
nate_ | palpc | 23:12 |
wildbat | you can extract tart file whereever you have access right | 23:12 |
nate_ | is there a best place to, i have read it is not good to install in /home | 23:13 |
maco | nate_: extracting and installing are different things | 23:15 |
nate_ | where would you install such a prog | 23:15 |
wildbat | idk what palpc are but extracting don't have anything to do with install ( normally you do extract the make, make install , etc) ) | 23:16 |
wildbat | then* | 23:17 |
nate_ | after the make can i remove the extracted folder | 23:17 |
wildbat | after you install , yes | 23:17 |
nate_ | thanks, also i have a hella time with youtube and firefox, sometimes it plays fine other times the time comes up Nan:NaN and is glitchy. | 23:18 |
wildbat | NaN? you have screenshot> | 23:20 |
wildbat | ? | 23:20 |
nate_ | nan:nan in the time into the video spot, googled it might meant Not A Number. | 23:23 |
maco | that's the usual meaning for NaN in Java and Javascript | 23:24 |
maco | not sure about other langs | 23:24 |
carpii | yeah it usually means unassigned, or infinity | 23:24 |
carpii | either way, its not valid :p | 23:24 |
carpii | i dont have any youtube problems, but im on kde 3.5 | 23:25 |
nate_ | thought maybe there was an algarythem problem | 23:25 |
wildbat | may be connection problem like bad signal in wifi ? | 23:26 |
nate_ | what hardwired, hope not | 23:26 |
nate_ | not what , is | 23:26 |
wildbat | or may be the server problem ~ you have and problem other then youtube? | 23:27 |
nate_ | how do i know which dke im running | 23:28 |
nate_ | *kfr | 23:28 |
nate_ | *kde | 23:28 |
nate_ | blah | 23:28 |
PhilRod | help -> about kde in any kde app | 23:28 |
wildbat | btw, ppl i am having funny problem on my laptop, the lid switch isn't working until i suspend RAM or the timer turn the screen off any clue? | 23:29 |
=== quassel243 is now known as HighHo | ||
nate_ | 3.5.1, its only some videos, is that probly a server thing | 23:30 |
maco | how do i make KDE stop opening everything in ~/Documents? KRunner opens there, and i want it to stop | 23:31 |
wildbat | stop KRunner ? ^^b | 23:32 |
maco | wildbat: no, i want KRunner to start in ~, not ~/Documents | 23:32 |
maco | Terminator keep starting in Documents too. i cant find any setting thats telling KDE to treat $HOME as meaning ~/Documents instead of ~ | 23:33 |
=== diego is now known as Guest71818 | ||
Guest71818 | ai pessoal, alguem sabe pq o flash player nao funciona no firefox3 no kurumin NG? | 23:36 |
Raylz | hi, how can i set the folderview widget fullscreen in kde 4.2 | 23:37 |
Raylz | did you integrate that option yet? | 23:37 |
wildbat | maco: no idea ~ i don't have Documents @ home | 23:43 |
failers^ | Raylz | 23:56 |
Raylz | aye? | 23:56 |
failers^ | right click on desktop got to appearence settings change desktop activity to folder view | 23:57 |
failers^ | and you get desktop "full screen" on the desktop | 23:57 |
failers^ | if you get what i mean :) | 23:57 |
Raylz | failers^: oh, well hidden :) | 23:58 |
Raylz | ty | 23:58 |
failers^ | np | 23:58 |
wildbat | is KDE4.2 good to use ? what's news? | 23:59 |
Raylz | wildbat: it feels a bit slow | 23:59 |
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