
MTecknologymrevell isn't around?? :(07:37
MTecknologyor jono...07:38
MTecknologywhy do these people log off??07:38
MTecknologykiko-afk: you're not either?07:39
kiko-afkI am always around07:43
kiko-afkwhat's this "either" stuff? :)07:43
kiko-afkmaybe you mean I'm not ether07:43
MTecknologykiko-afk: you don't need to be at the meeting - putting something on the wiki is enough07:48
kiko-afkthat makes things much easier!!07:49
MTecknologysorry, did a /p instead of /pp07:49
kiko-afkwhere on the wiki?07:49
kiko-afkkisses from the podium girls!07:49
kiko-afkguess you're giving away that's not a podium07:50
kiko-afkfucking openid dance07:50
kiko-afktake back where I was!!07:51
MTecknologyI gotta head to sleep soon :(07:51
MTecknologyand my battery is on its way to being dead07:51
MTecknologykiko-afk: thanks for doing that for me :)07:52
MTecknologykiko-afk: thanks :)07:58
* MTecknology hugs kiko-afk firmly07:59
kiko-afkde rien08:00
* MTecknology sleeps08:03
sladenSoyuz; (I might be being thick) is there anything special I have to do to get an Arch: all/any package to show up for amd64 aswell as i386?12:01
wgrantsladen: 'show up'?12:10
sladen"Binaries awaiting acceptance:"  Sorry, was conflating that with the "built on ... i386"12:15
glade88hello. How long does it usually take for reviewing and approving of a ML request at lists.ubuntu.com?12:24
jpdsglade88: Did you send the email to rt@ubuntu.com ?12:34
glade88jpds: yes. few weeks back12:35
jpdsglade88: Which mailing list did you want?12:35
glade88jpds: it is for a Brainstorm moderators ML12:35
glade88*ubuntu brainstorm12:35
jpdsglade88: Which email address did you use in the request?12:36
jpdsglade88: I can see requests for other mailing lists, however nothing about Brainstorm - could you possibly resend?12:38
glade88jpds: sure, a min12:39
jpdsglade88: Please send it to mailman@lists.ubuntu.com - so it gets sorted automatically.12:39
glade88jpds: ok12:40
glade88jpds: sent12:41
jpdsglade88: Prefect, thanks.12:44
* jpds assigns to jcastro for approval.12:44
glade88jpds: welcome and thanks! :)12:44
encbladexpHow can i build one Package (like https://launchpad.net/~encbladexp/+archive/ppa) for 1. Multiple Architectures, 2. Multiple Distribution Versions12:59
geserencbladexp: 1. it's automatically build for all (by PPA supported) architectures if the package is architecture specific (Architecture: any)13:18
geser2. you need a seperate upload to your ppa for each distro version you want packages build13:19
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
AlexC_how can I give a person or  team permission to upload new translations and generally manage the translations part?13:41
encbladexpgeser, how can i set Architecture to "any"?14:02
nhandlerencbladexp: In debian/control14:03
encbladexphmm, "Architecture: all"? Is "any" another thing than "all"?14:04
nhandlerencbladexp: Yes. any is very different than all. For any, it is built separately on each architecture. For all, only one binary is built.14:04
encbladexpok, i will change this to any14:04
nhandlerencbladexp: What type of application is it?14:05
encbladexpa Samba Browsing Tool14:07
encbladexp(a Python Application)14:08
encbladexpgood, "dput -f pyneighborhood pyneighborhood_0.5.0.changes" has uploaded it again14:08
encbladexpthe only Thing i need is that it will be Build for several Distribution Versions14:09
encbladexphow can i upload it for Multiple Versions?14:09
* encbladexp ist absolutly new to PPA's an so on14:09
nhandlerWhat do you mean by "build for several distribution versions"? Do you mean different versions of Ubuntu like jaunty, intrepid, hardy, etc?14:15
domasupload multiple source packages14:17
=== Panattan is now known as panagiac
nhandlerencbladexp: If this is your PPA, just modify debian/changelog to say intrepid instead of jaunty. Then upload. It will build it for intrepid14:18
encbladexphmm, is it not possible to upload one Package only?14:18
encbladexphmm, i will do so14:19
=== panagiac is now known as G_
=== G_ is now known as G`
=== G` is now known as panagiac
geserencbladexp: no, as you need a different version (slightly changing the packaging revision is enough) for each distro version14:27
=== panagiac is now known as Panattan
encbladexpok, i am correct if i say that i cannot upload the Same Packages Version different Times?14:41
glade88hello, I pushed to a new branch lp:~sayakb/ideatorrent/devel. The branch is created but I dont see the revision files14:43
glade88how long does it take to update14:43
glade88(I did about half an hour back)14:43
AlexC_hey, how can I let a team or person upload new translations?14:44
glade88AlexC_: you can set your project to "uses launchpad for translations"14:44
AlexC_glade88: I already have - I'm on about letting other people upload translation files, currently only I can14:46
geserencbladexp: yes, each version (consisting of upstream-version and pkg-revision) can only be uploaded once14:51
encbladexpthx, seems to work14:52
jelmerWhat does " Revision details not available for remote branches. " mean exactly? What are remote branches in this context?15:30
jelmerat least, remote branches seem to be different from mirrorred branches15:31
savvasjelmer: it would help to provide a link to show what you mean :)15:35
grow-as-applei need to remove my account but i has forgot which e-mail address i used to sign it up. Need help. Can not do it myself.15:38
beunojelmer, AIUI, remote branches aren't imported, just tracked. Mirrored are imported.16:21
encbladexpgood, my PPA's working16:40
encbladexpcan i create a PPA for my Project (https://launchpad.net/pyneighborhood)?16:40
RainCTCongrats on all the Ajax stuff you're adding, that's cool :)16:53
RainCTbut.. am I the first to tell you that the red/green thingies look awful? :P16:54
RainCTuhm.. right.. weekend :P17:14
beunoRainCT, accept and cancel buttons?17:26
RainCTbeuno: no, the red/green background which the content gets and which then fades out17:29
beunoRainCT, why does it look awful?17:29
beunolooks pretty damn good here17:30
RainCTbeuno: Uhm well, I guess it's a matter of taste.. But I (and at least someone else I've spoken with) don't really like that red/green box jumping into one's face :P17:31
RainCTbut well, just a random comment, feel free to ignore it :)17:31
beunoRainCT, how would you portray success or failure?17:32
RainCTno idea :)17:34
RainCTah, and another thing.. isn't the timeout for fetching info in the PPA page a bit too high?17:35
beunoyou want it to timeout earlier?17:36
RainCTwhen an item fails to load (happened twice to me so far) it's way faster to reload the page and click on it again than to wait for the "retry" link to come up17:36
RainCTbut perhaps the real problem is, in the first place, that it fails to load17:36
beunoI see what you mean. Yeah, it really shouldn't fail to load as much. That should be fixed in the next release17:37
RainCTThanks for your time. And, even if I don't like the green/red box, keep up the good work! ;)17:38
beunothanks RainCT17:46
AlexC_is there a way I can let a person and/or team upload/manage translations files? Currently only I can upload new ones, which is quite a pain17:59
TurlI think I found a bug in PPAs :p18:12
Turlupload a package and let it build. then, when it's build upload a newer version and delete it when it hasn't still been built for all archs. Both packages are gone18:14
MTecknologykiko-afk: "I am overburdened! Call me in 2009! " may wanna update?18:19
glade88jcastro: thanks for approving! :) should I be receiving a mailman message with the ML password?18:25
MTecknologyHow can I make a sub branch?18:40
alefteriswouldn't be better if people with out set location where prepented bellow the map? if a team has a lot of them, tha page looks ugly18:57
jcastroglade88: yeah someone will send something to you19:08
glade88jcastro: ok. ty19:19
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
rickspencer3anyone online that can help me with the python launchpadlib?22:18
wgrantrickspencer3: It's a weekend, so there are no real Launchpad people around. I might be able to help, though.22:24
rickspencer3wgrant: thanks22:25
rickspencer3i'm doing some weekend hacking, and thought I'd check in22:25
rickspencer3but I22:25
rickspencer3but I'll try back on Tuesday prolly22:26
kiko-afkrickspencer3, what's up?22:30
rickspencer3hey kiko22:32
rickspencer3I'm trying to figure out how to use the api to get all the bugs that are a) assigned to a member of my team b) targeted to a release22:32
rickspencer3I an do "a" easily, but can't figure out how to get "b" through the python api22:32
Ursinharickspencer3, you should check the api docs to see how the searchTasks method work22:38
* Ursinha opens the docs22:39
rickspencer3Ursinha: thanks for the tip. I've been over the api docs again and again, and probed the api within a python shell, but haven't been able to determine how to test if it's targeted for a relase22:39
rickspencer3I can see if it's been *nominated*, I can see if it's milestoned, but not actually targeted for a release22:40
Ursinharickspencer3, hmm, that I don't know either :/22:40
UrsinhaI know it works for milestones22:40
Ursinhaas you said22:40
rickspencer3perhaps this is not a use case :P22:40
rickspencer3I'd rather use the api then screenscrape :)22:41
Ursinharickspencer3, I may be wrong, but maybe a milestone is the target of a release?..22:41
Ursinhaohhh no doubt about that :D22:41
rickspencer3Ursinha: not quute22:41
rickspencer3a developer can milestone a bug ...22:41
rickspencer3meaning they want to fix it in that milestone ...22:41
rickspencer3but if it's targeted for a release, it means that the release manager is mandating it be fixed ...22:41
rickspencer3so milestoned + targeted means that it must be fixed for that milestone to ship (i.e. to press CDs)22:42
wgrantThe release is a separate task.22:42
wgrantOn a separate context.22:42
rickspencer3just milestoned means that it's just a goal the developer set for themselves22:42
wgrantSo do a searchTasks() on that context.22:42
rickspencer3wgrant: so I do distribution.current_series.searchTasks() instead of disribution.searchTask() ?22:45
wgrantrickspencer3: Correct.22:45
* rickspencer3 trying that with anticipation22:46
wgrantrickspencer3: It didn't work?23:00
rickspencer3still working on it23:00
rickspencer3You have to include omit_targeted  = False or you get no results23:00
wgrantYou do, yes.23:00
wgrantForgot to tell you that, sorry.23:01
wgrantI think there's a bug on that.23:01
wgrantBug #30467723:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304677 in malone "Webservice IDistroSeries.searchTasks(omit_targetted) has a bad default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30467723:01
rickspencer3wgrant: thanks for this23:02
rickspencer3I've got to poke at it a little more23:02
rickspencer3but I;m waaaay closer now23:02
thekornlooks like a duplicate of bug 32059623:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320596 in malone "Series.searchTasks() always returns an empty collection" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32059623:04
wgrantOther way around, but yes.23:05
rickspencer3wgrant: why does ...23:15
rickspencer3self.distro.current_series.searchTasks(assignee = m, milestone = None, omit_targeted  = False) ...23:15
rickspencer3return all the bug_tasks for the assignee, and not just the bug_tasks that aren't in a milestone?23:15
wgrantProbably because None == do not care, not none.23:16
wgrantrickspencer3: The documentation for that is just wonderful, so you might try milestone_assignment or similar.23:19
wgrantOr complain to a Launchpad dev that their documentation and API are lacking.23:20
rickspencer3wgrant: I think the api is just a little raw and early, so I'll provide some feedback once I get my use case going23:21
wgrantI'd make the milsetone kwarg take an iterable of milestones or None, I think.23:22
thekornyes a working 'None' as argument would be really nice23:34
thekornoh, the milestone parameter already accepts a list of milestones, did not know that23:40
rickspencer3thekorn: yes, but then what if you want to retrieve the bugtasks that aren't milestoned?23:43
rickspencer3however, I;m just using the milestone_link property on the bug task, so it's not actually a problem for me now23:43
rickspencer3wgrant: thank you, so much. The "context" tip was exactly what I needed!23:51
rickspencer3I've got it all working now23:51

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