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JediMaster | hey guys, I've got a silly issue, apport, when submitting crash reports, doesn't put the full domain name into the browser when firefox opens | 00:45 |
JediMaster | e.g. it has http://ubuntu/.... | 00:45 |
JediMaster | is this a known issue with a fix? | 00:45 |
JediMaster | hmm, interesting, the last 10+ crashes it's done it, just had another and it's not done it this time | 00:46 |
JediMaster | it seems to be missing the bugs.launchpad.net domain completely when it fires up | 00:47 |
fujimitsu | default audio (as installed from alpha3) is working nicely on internet streamed music | 01:05 |
fujimitsu | specially because it is high def audio thru mt3422 laptop speackers | 01:07 |
fujimitsu | ! | 01:07 |
fujimitsu | and, as oppose to somebody, i do like the horizontal volume control bar | 01:08 |
kanuha | Installed nvidia driver 180 on jaunty, but after login the screen just goes blank. jaunty continues to load in the dark, because I hear the music. | 01:11 |
danbhfive_jaunty | kanuha: have you read the release notes? | 01:14 |
kanuha | danbhfive_jaunty, yes, doesn't say anything about nvidia | 01:15 |
kanuha | danbhfive_jaunty, I looked in the xorg.conf, and noticed there isn't any resolutions for my monitor | 01:17 |
fujimitsu | just run recovery mode. upgrade. | 01:18 |
fujimitsu | aka, reboot, choose recovery mode, fix xserver option, then upgrade | 01:19 |
kanuha | ran recovery, and did a fix x, it just took the nvidia driver out of xorg | 01:20 |
kanuha | resumed boot, so should I install 180 again? | 01:20 |
fujimitsu | the sequence should allow you to ultimately activate 180 | 01:20 |
fujimitsu | with no issues | 01:21 |
kanuha | upgrade or update? | 01:21 |
fujimitsu | update | 01:22 |
chu_ | When it says break my system in bad ways, what are the odds of it affecting other partitions? | 02:11 |
chu_ | I don't mind re-installing if something goes bad, but if I lose my /home partition... | 02:11 |
chu_ | If I was to upgrade, would you recommend via terminal or iso? | 02:17 |
charlie-tca | There is no guarantee with jaunty | 02:17 |
charlie-tca | You should back your /home up | 02:18 |
charlie-tca | Also, if you can not have the system go down, do not put jaunty on yet | 02:19 |
chu_ | No, it's just a personal laptop. | 02:19 |
chu_ | Single install. | 02:19 |
charlie-tca | You can upgrade with a fresh install or via terminal. both are working today | 02:20 |
chu_ | If I update via terminal, can I still install it as ext4? | 02:21 |
chu_ | And actually, if possible, resize my / partition? | 02:22 |
charlie-tca | I see 24 bug reports in launchpad when I enter ext4. | 02:28 |
chu_ | Mmm, perhaps I'll stay ext3 for now. | 02:32 |
chu_ | I guess I'll update through terminal, thanks. | 02:33 |
chu_ | I'm going to do some research on my hardware now, thanks. | 02:33 |
histo | Uggh gl errors now with new drivers trying to run any games | 03:30 |
histo | Can't load libGL.so.1 from /etc/ld.so.conf or current dir No dynamic GL support in video driver | 03:31 |
histo | anyone else having similiar issues? | 03:31 |
maco | great. evince won't open pdf's, and okular won't print them. would be nice if only one broke at a time. | 03:45 |
histo | Also is alt+f2 working for anyone? | 03:47 |
danbhfive_jaunty | histo: pops up a run dialog for me | 03:47 |
histo | hrm.. doesn't here | 03:48 |
histo | Can't figure out why its stopped working | 03:48 |
danbhfive_jaunty | which alpha did you install? | 03:48 |
histo | 4 | 03:49 |
histo | oh originally I have no idea | 03:49 |
danbhfive_jaunty | yeah, I started with 3 | 03:49 |
maco | histo: gnome or kde? | 03:49 |
histo | gnome | 03:49 |
maco | is the panel running? | 03:49 |
histo | Other shortcuts are working just not that one. | 03:49 |
maco | the runbox is part of the panel | 03:49 |
histo | I have panels at thte top and the bototm | 03:50 |
maco | oh | 03:50 |
histo | default set up. It just stopped working a while back and hasn't been since. | 03:50 |
histo | I just checked the shortcut its still there. | 03:50 |
Pici | histo: alt-f2 is failing for me as well. | 03:51 |
histo | k just making sure its not me. | 03:51 |
maco | (i'm in kde so *shrug*) | 03:51 |
histo | The other issue is something with GL is borked right now. | 03:51 |
histo | Can't play my game. | 03:51 |
danbhfive_jaunty | yeah, I cant start compiz | 03:52 |
histo | I have compiz running just fine now | 03:52 |
danbhfive_jaunty | which driver? | 03:52 |
histo | 180.29 | 03:52 |
histo | ahh SDL was compiled without openGL suport nice | 03:54 |
danbhfive_jaunty | !schedule | 03:55 |
ubottu | A schedule of Jaunty Jackelope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule | 03:55 |
histo | wonder when that will be fixed. | 03:59 |
histo | Pici: ahh load ccsm and check gnome compatibility plugin | 04:01 |
histo | That fixes the issue with alt+F2 for anyone wondering | 04:08 |
histo | compiling sdl from source now to try and fix the issues with GL support not working in 3d games now. | 04:10 |
histo | ughh I give up I can't get it working | 04:27 |
histo | Do you think that the bug from adding Conky to start with the session will ever be fixed? | 04:28 |
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histo | i'm going to reinstall this business | 04:53 |
histo | Have to load 8.10 I'll run jaunty on virtual mahcine I started jonesin' about not fraggin | 05:00 |
cowbud | hrmm | 05:19 |
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nsp_cli | hey all — I'm trying to install the most recent jaunty daily (jaunty-alternative-amd64.iso) from feb. 13 | 06:09 |
nsp_cli | but it dies at "Select and install software" | 06:09 |
nsp_cli | with the errors: | 06:09 |
nsp_cli | "Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible ………" | 06:09 |
nsp_cli | the following packages have unmet deps: | 06:10 |
nsp_cli | libart2.24-cli: Conflicts: libart… | 06:10 |
nsp_cli | libgconf2.24-cli… | 06:10 |
nsp_cli | libgnome-vfs2.24-cli… | 06:10 |
nsp_cli | and libgnome2.24-cli | 06:10 |
nsp_cli | any thoughts? | 06:10 |
nsp_cli | i have all the install logs, if anyone would like them | 06:12 |
maco | nsp_cli: wait a couple hours and try again | 06:17 |
maco | probably some packages finished building and hit the archive before others did | 06:17 |
nsp_cli | kk, thanks | 06:17 |
maco | er wait... | 06:17 |
maco | OH not net-install | 06:18 |
maco | ok in that case, dont use teh daily | 06:18 |
nsp_cli | right | 06:18 |
maco | try the alpha4 cd | 06:18 |
nsp_cli | i did … but it locks up my machine | 06:18 |
maco | sometimes dailies are snapshots of times where some stuff hit the archive before others did | 06:18 |
maco | locks when/ | 06:18 |
maco | how far does it boot? | 06:18 |
nsp_cli | the alternative alpha4, that is (it's a 3rd gen macbook pro) | 06:18 |
nsp_cli | until the main screen like "install … check media …" etc. | 06:18 |
nsp_cli | then i can usually select an option and press enter | 06:19 |
nsp_cli | but then it halts | 06:19 |
nsp_cli | i'm 99% sure the media is good | 06:19 |
nsp_cli | and it isn't a problem with the daily | 06:19 |
nsp_cli | perhaps i'll try the net-inst | 06:22 |
maco | hmm | 06:24 |
maco | we've had a kernel update in the last week | 06:24 |
maco | so maybe thats why | 06:24 |
nsp_cli | that's possible | 06:24 |
nsp_cli | as an aside, | 06:24 |
nsp_cli | the install also fails if i choose the non-full kernel modules | 06:25 |
nsp_cli | i'm blanking on the proper terminology here | 06:25 |
maco | er... | 06:26 |
nsp_cli | the one after choosing linux-generic, linux-image-generic, etc. | 06:26 |
* nsp_cli runs installer again | 06:27 | |
nsp_cli | the initrd drivers selection page | 06:27 |
nsp_cli | "generic: include all available" works | 06:28 |
nsp_cli | "targeted: …" fails | 06:28 |
nsp_cli | though this is a macbook pro … so … it's sketch to begin with | 06:28 |
maco | oh. i havent seen this. | 06:28 |
maco | i didnt do a clean install of jaunty yet though | 06:28 |
nsp_cli | i'll throw the logs in a pastebin | 06:29 |
nsp_cli | the targeted drivers error: | 06:30 |
nsp_cli | http://paste.ubuntu.com/117930/ | 06:30 |
* maco looking | 06:30 | |
maco | i think it's this part: | 06:31 |
maco | MKINITRAMFS: MISSING DISK/BY-UUID/414CE448-5370-46D2-AC33-680D3632 ROOT /DEV/DISK/BY-UUID/414CE448-5370-46D2-AC33-680D36322BEB /SYS ENTRY^M | 06:31 |
nsp_cli | hm … [here's the package error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117932/] | 06:31 |
maco | nsp_cli: ah, yeah, there was new mono stuff yesterday that hasnt been straightened out | 06:32 |
nsp_cli | ok | 06:32 |
nsp_cli | should i try the net-inst, or wait a day? | 06:33 |
maco | net-inst will have the same trouble today | 06:33 |
maco | wait a day then try net-inst | 06:33 |
nsp_cli | kk | 06:33 |
nsp_cli | great | 06:33 |
nsp_cli | thanks a bunch! | 06:33 |
maco | its the mini.iso one | 06:33 |
nsp_cli | excellent | 06:33 |
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CosmiChaos | can anoe check logic of my function??? its basically plain PHP but it should be in C++ :X | 07:06 |
CosmiChaos | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/me-tv/+spec/native-video-resolution-stretch | 07:06 |
CosmiChaos | just say it: crap :D | 07:06 |
CosmiChaos | Anyone using me-tv? 0.7.14 compiles and runs perfectly on jaunty. I wrote a programmcode for, me-tv (tough not in the correct language) but may anyone with knowledge of arrays,variables and functions please look over it? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/me-tv/+spec/native-video-resolution-stretch Thank You very much. | 07:29 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: nice idea there | 07:30 |
CosmiChaos | mjc1: but the array O.o i tried them without 0 => blabla | 07:31 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: to make that work in C however you are missing quite a bit; variable definitions, maybe some memory allocation if you don't know the size of your array at compile time | 07:32 |
CosmiChaos | most int, few float | 07:32 |
CosmiChaos | mjc1: i have really no idea of c++ or c, i just coded again after 3 years and only had html, delphi and php ;) | 07:33 |
CosmiChaos | hopefully some of the me-tv developers give my blueprint a try | 07:34 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: declare the array as eg, int size_map[] = {1,2,3,4}; and you will have size_map[0] == 1, size_map[1] == 2 | 07:35 |
CosmiChaos | do you think what is there is right? | 07:35 |
CosmiChaos | ? | 07:35 |
CosmiChaos | <---php noob, if you can translate that to c++ in a even more efficient way, please do it, mine arrys are junkfull crap i know :) | 07:36 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/c-language/c-arrays.html details on array syntax | 07:36 |
Alexia_Death | CosmiChaos: I cant say for funtionality but jump fron delphi to C is pretty harsh. | 07:37 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: trying to teach you rather than do it for you :) | 07:37 |
CosmiChaos | then i still need the functions and the declaration | 07:37 |
CosmiChaos | ive not sleeped a minute this night because of that idea | 07:37 |
Alexia_Death | :) | 07:37 |
CosmiChaos | i want to learn c++ but not today :D | 07:37 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: I like the idea for sure, not really familiar with the implementation details; I think mplayer uses an algorithm similar to that but not the same | 07:38 |
CosmiChaos | i guess there is not so much difference to delphi because both are object oriented | 07:38 |
CosmiChaos | im familiar with declraration of objects a bit | 07:38 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: it is very different | 07:38 |
CosmiChaos | more more equal than php :D | 07:39 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: in C/C++ you have to handle memory allocation and freeing, as well as reference counting | 07:39 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: among other things | 07:39 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: basically every time you make a variable or object you have to free it when you're done or you will leak memory, also have to free every instance of an object you create | 07:40 |
CosmiChaos | hmm need for a click and play c++ ide i guess :D | 07:41 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: no, I would actually suggest learning C, it will teach you a lot about how to write better apps :) | 07:41 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: C++ is really ugly though, if you want an object-oriented C for learning, objc is much better | 07:42 |
CosmiChaos | in fact i just want to have me hole screen (16:10) when alarm für cobra 11 on rtl is broadcasted (1:1) | 07:42 |
crdlb | objc may be a lot of things, but it certainly isn't pretty :) | 07:42 |
CosmiChaos | :D | 07:43 |
CosmiChaos | :X | 07:43 |
mjc1 | crdlb: it's a hell of a lot easier to learn than C++ and doesn't cause brain damage to those who are not great at C the way STL/Boost do | 07:43 |
CosmiChaos | ever watched a slive of a movie :D | 07:43 |
CosmiChaos | slice | 07:43 |
crdlb | I just meant cosmetically :) | 07:44 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: I understand what the code is trying to do, seems like a neat idea :) | 07:44 |
mjc1 | crdlb: I agree | 07:44 |
mjc1 | crdlb: ruby is probably the prettiest of all the truly open languages | 07:44 |
mjc1 | CosmiChaos: you might want to show that to the people who make Boxee and mplayer, they could help you learn if that is what you are after, also they might want the algorithm | 07:45 |
crdlb | I like everything about ruby except for the parts inspired by perl | 07:45 |
mjc1 | crdlb: like? they got rid of most of what makes it possible to make really obfuscated code :P | 07:46 |
CosmiChaos | mfc i try mplayer | 07:46 |
smeg0l | hey | 07:48 |
smeg0l | i run kubuntu 9.04 alpha 4 aand when i run firefox with flash i get no sound | 07:48 |
custombrush | File name: libflashplayer.so | 07:50 |
custombrush | Shockwave Flash 10.0 r15 | 07:50 |
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smeg0l | sry i just read the topic and i'ts noot that long since i woke up | 07:52 |
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Konstigt | how should I properly submit a kerneloops without apport? I have a problem doing it automatically, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kerneloops/+bug/329315 | 08:58 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 329315 in kerneloops "kerneloops File Not Found" [Undecided,New] | 08:58 |
Tupac_Shakur | helloo | 12:37 |
Brujah | hy everybody | 12:38 |
Brujah | I have problems getting my wireless connection to work. I filled out all the fiels but it always seems to switch back to passphrase (but I need Hex Key). I have a WEP network here. | 12:41 |
Brujah | I also wonder what I have to insert into BSSID and MAC Adress | 12:41 |
Brujah | Is it okay if I leave it blank? | 12:43 |
Brujah | Is wireless working for u? Or is this not working yet? | 12:45 |
danbhfive | works for me...., but I don't use a hex key for WEP. I use a passphrase, i think | 12:47 |
Brujah | It seems the configuration dialog forgets everything I change. When I do iwconfig nothing seems to be configured at all | 12:50 |
tretle | when is gnome on jaunty being updated? | 14:06 |
jmasucci | hello everybody | 14:16 |
jmasucci | may I ask if jaunty is planning to go with qt 4.5 or 4.4? | 14:16 |
siegie | jmasucci: i think qt 4.5 | 14:18 |
siegie | jmasucci: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuJauntyKDEPackaging | 14:19 |
jmasucci | thanks siegie, nice to hear since we are pretty dependent on qt where I work, and the new 4.5 license is something very important to us :) | 14:19 |
siegie | It's een old planning but i think they're not going to change there mind. | 14:20 |
jmasucci | i hope so. I asked because there has been a lot of buzz about problems between kde 4.2 and qt 4.5 | 14:21 |
Cruster | Is it normal that in network management "system connection" is disabled and greyed out? | 15:13 |
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Cruster | anyone using the network manager plasmoid? | 15:39 |
ronny | yo | 16:19 |
azath | so I don't have sound, but I think pulseaudio is working fine, but I messed the kernel up somehow. or 2.6.28-7-generic doesn't do working sound for me. Are there good steps to install for removing and reinstalling the kernel correctly? | 16:19 |
ronny | anyone got an idea when janauty gets ext4 support for parted | 16:19 |
ronny | argh | 16:19 |
scizzo- | ronny: the support for ext4 is the only thing that they have said so far AFAIK | 16:20 |
scizzo- | ronny: if parted or gparted will have it is hard to know since most fs tools does not have the support just yet | 16:20 |
ronny | that would be saddening | 16:20 |
scizzo- | fsck and so on if I am not wrong does not have that support yet | 16:21 |
scizzo- | so its hard to support ext4 fully right now | 16:21 |
scizzo- | ronny: not much to do really....if the fsck and so on tools are not supporting the filesystem its hard to say that ubuntu will support it in jaunty fully | 16:21 |
ronny | guess i'll have to wait then :( | 16:23 |
scizzo- | it will be there eventually | 16:23 |
scizzo- | just hope I am wrong about the tools support and so on... ;) | 16:23 |
IntuitiveNipple | /sbin/fsck.ext4 exists | 16:24 |
scizzo- | IntuitiveNipple: yes yes......but I mean other tools also | 16:25 |
scizzo- | like I said I hope I am wrong | 16:25 |
IntuitiveNipple | I'm running ext4 on several volumes without any issues so far | 16:26 |
scizzo- | nvm | 16:26 |
scizzo- | I am not gonna go into this discussion | 16:26 |
Cruster | anyone using network manager plasmoid can tell me if in "manage connections" there is available option "system connection" ? | 16:31 |
marcos_ | how to install ubuntu 9.04 on usb 4 gb for a mini-itx via c3 800 mhz 512 mb ram? thanks | 16:51 |
alkisg_ | My laptop touchpad doesn't work with kubuntu 9.04 alpha 4. Could someone point me to a how-to or workaround? | 16:51 |
ikonia | marcos_: same way as any other PC | 16:54 |
marcos_ | ok thanks | 17:02 |
scizzo- | alkisg_: why not tell us what exactly you mean with not working? | 17:03 |
scizzo- | alkisg_: or ask in #kubuntu+1 ? | 17:03 |
BUGabundo | alkisg_: see release notes!!!!! | 17:04 |
BUGabundo | its mention there that you need to install x-input-synaptic | 17:04 |
alkisg_ | scizzo-: well, it's not functioning at all - mouse not moving etc. BUGabundo - thanks, looking... (sorry)! | 17:04 |
BUGabundo | alkisg_: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha4 | 17:05 |
BUGabundo | Known Issues | 17:05 |
BUGabundo | The X.Org synaptics driver is absent from the liveCD, which may prevent touchpad devices from working on laptops. As a workaround, use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to console, log in, run sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-all to download the drivers from the network, and then return to your session with Alt+F7. | 17:05 |
BUGabundo | scizzo-: know prob with alpha4 | 17:06 |
alkisg_ | BUGabundo: yup, saw it. Sorry guys! :( | 17:06 |
BUGabundo | I just don't get why ppl don't use daily images!!! | 17:06 |
BUGabundo | !daily | 17:06 |
ubottu | Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 17:06 |
scizzo- | BUGabundo: ooo...ok...sorry | 17:07 |
BUGabundo | no need to be sorry | 17:07 |
BUGabundo | just letting ppl know | 17:07 |
BUGabundo | and its on /topic too | 17:07 |
BUGabundo | users should RTFM or release notes before upgrading! | 17:07 |
BUGabundo | saves them a lot of trouble! | 17:07 |
BUGabundo | nice. now synaptic is segfaulting | 17:10 |
BUGabundo | any body else experiencing this ? | 17:10 |
ikonia | BUGabundo: someone was yesterday | 17:11 |
BUGabundo | I'm right now | 17:11 |
BUGabundo | apport fired | 17:11 |
BUGabundo | trying to upload to LP | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | but apport is crashing too | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | LOL | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | how do I report a bug on the bug reporter tool | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | eheheheheeheheh | 17:12 |
BUGabundo | let me try the cli version to upload the existing crash | 17:12 |
charlie-tca | BUGabundo: just don't let it go to the mailing list, please | 17:13 |
BUGabundo | eeheheheeheh | 17:13 |
BUGabundo | I won't ! wasn't that bugbuddy? | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | not apport | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | apport ALWAYS filed them on LP, for me at least charlie-tca | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | The collected information can be sent to the developers to improve the | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | application. This might take a few minutes. | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | ...Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | ok I can't! big FAIL | 17:14 |
charlie-tca | I think so. They say it is fixed, again, but I saw another report today | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | can I just upload the crash log to LP? | 17:14 |
BUGabundo | charlie-tca: maybe old bugbuddy version | 17:15 |
BUGabundo | it was only fixed on ibex or jaunty | 17:15 |
charlie-tca | yes, if it is in /var/log/crash | 17:15 |
BUGabundo | so any older versions may not be fixed | 17:15 |
BUGabundo | yes they are in there | 17:15 |
charlie-tca | BUGabundo: I watched the bug report, supposed to be fixed in hardy and gutsy too | 17:15 |
BUGabundo | charlie-tca: ikonia: one bug per each or synaptic + apport into one? | 17:15 |
BUGabundo | haven't touched an hardy machine in a while! | 17:16 |
scizzo- | I really have bad memories from upgrading libc6 since the Debian days | 17:16 |
charlie-tca | I run all of them | 17:16 |
charlie-tca | I think two reports, synaptic and apport | 17:16 |
BUGabundo | really? | 17:18 |
BUGabundo | I think the reason is the sub system | 17:18 |
BUGabundo | dpkg | 17:18 |
BUGabundo | but if you say so.... | 17:18 |
BUGabundo | anyone else wanna to pitch in? | 17:18 |
ryanpg | hi - is GEM included (and functional for intel owners) in the current kernel? | 17:20 |
BUGabundo | ok this is much more serious charlie-tca | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | can't even run apt-cache | 17:21 |
charlie-tca | What you mean | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | AFAIK my system is now BROKEN | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | $ apt-cache show synaptic | 17:21 |
charlie-tca | Bad... | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | EVERYONE! check your update queue and DON'T install anything | 17:22 |
charlie-tca | I lost synaptic this week, had to use apt-get install to get it back | 17:22 |
* BUGabundo checks apt-logs | 17:22 | |
BUGabundo | charlie-tca: I can't even run apt-cache | 17:22 |
BUGabundo | don't see how to fix this now | 17:22 |
* scizzo- has the latest from the source.....he believes | 17:22 | |
BUGabundo | I got an update on etckeeper | 17:23 |
BUGabundo | might be related | 17:23 |
BUGabundo | can't see anything else in there that would affect apt sub system | 17:23 |
charlie-tca | I don't see anything except libc6 and libc6-dev that might do it | 17:23 |
charlie-tca | I ran the updates in a virtualbox machine, and it worked for me | 17:24 |
BUGabundo | :\\\ | 17:24 |
* BUGabundo is afraid of a reboot | 17:24 | |
charlie-tca | can't say I blame BUGabundo, either | 17:25 |
charlie-tca | guess I will wait to run updates | 17:25 |
BUGabundo | havent reboot it since yesterday | 17:25 |
BUGabundo | using hibernate | 17:25 |
BUGabundo | its working like a charm now | 17:25 |
BUGabundo | charlie-tca: but I can't EVEN run updates now | 17:25 |
BUGabundo | :( | 17:25 |
ryanpg | or does anyone know what the GEM module is called? | 17:26 |
charlie-tca | might need that reboot? | 17:26 |
BUGabundo | strange | 17:26 |
BUGabundo | apt-get update is now running | 17:26 |
charlie-tca | but it might make it worse, too | 17:26 |
BUGabundo | WTF | 17:26 |
charlie-tca | patience, maybe? | 17:26 |
BUGabundo | or worse | 17:29 |
BUGabundo | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/329471 | 17:31 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/329471/+text) | 17:31 |
BUGabundo | wasn't Friday 13 YESTERDAY? | 17:32 |
Q-FUNK | is anyone here in team network-manager? | 17:39 |
Q-FUNK | I'm trying to track down the cause of bug #326571 | 17:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 326571 in network-manager "default route missing since Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/326571 | 17:40 |
BUGabundo | Q-FUNK: ask on #ubuntu-mozillateam. ping asac | 17:40 |
=== elpargo is now known as elpargo|away | ||
Q-FUNK | BUGabundo: ok. thanks! | 17:40 |
Cruster | anyone using network manager plasmoid can tell me if in "manage connections" there is available option "system connection" ? | 17:40 |
BUGabundo | Cruster: ask on #kubuntu | 17:41 |
BUGabundo | os #plasma | 17:41 |
Cruster | i'm using jaunty | 17:41 |
BUGabundo | #plasma then | 17:41 |
BUGabundo | eehe | 17:41 |
Cruster | it's more a problem of networkmanager i think... | 17:42 |
BUGabundo | Cruster: follow my advice to Q-FUNK then. ping asac | 17:43 |
Cruster | BUGabundo: ok ty (what's ping asac? | 17:44 |
Q-FUNK | Cruster: /whois asac | 17:44 |
BUGabundo | eeheh | 17:45 |
BUGabundo | asac is a canonical dev | 17:45 |
BUGabundo | who manages part of ubuntu mozilla team work and NM | 17:46 |
Turl | hi | 17:52 |
Turl | do you know whether the intel low performance will be fixed soon? | 17:52 |
BUGabundo | charlie-tca: everything seem to be working now | 17:59 |
BUGabundo | quirck?? | 17:59 |
charlie-tca | Did you reboot | 17:59 |
BUGabundo | nope | 18:00 |
charlie-tca | Or was something just being slow to update? | 18:00 |
BUGabundo | not sure | 18:00 |
charlie-tca | So, do I update? | 18:01 |
BUGabundo | maybe a "too many open files!" barrier | 18:01 |
BUGabundo | getting many of those with jaunty kernels | 18:01 |
BUGabundo | when ever I have transmition running | 18:01 |
charlie-tca | could be... | 18:01 |
BUGabundo | charlie-tca: I'm running a few pending updates | 18:01 |
BUGabundo | and then I'll try synaptic again | 18:02 |
charlie-tca | even after that? glutton for punishment, huh | 18:02 |
skyjumper | anyone else seeing a few seconds of lag when apps start playing audio via pulseaudio? | 18:38 |
BUGabundo | FYI it seems that kmail delete bug is now fixed. haven't had a crash in 2 days. | 18:38 |
BUGabundo | skyjumper: it fails to use PA and fallsback to ALSA | 18:39 |
BUGabundo | I thinks that is what you are experiencing | 18:40 |
BUGabundo | you may want to try PA 9.15 from luke's PPA | 18:40 |
skyjumper | ah ok | 18:41 |
BUGabundo | and them report back on LP | 18:41 |
BUGabundo | have you filed that bug yet? | 18:41 |
BUGabundo | brb... kiling PA, so pidgin will crash | 18:44 |
charlie-tca | BUGabundo: did the updates, did not reproduce the crash you had | 18:44 |
BUGabundo | nice.. now that I was expecting pidgin to crash, it did not! LOL just my luck | 18:45 |
BUGabundo | tanks charlie-tca | 18:45 |
BUGabundo | AIS: quirck | 18:45 |
BUGabundo | if I get sleepless I'll take a look at logs | 18:46 |
=== matt64- is now known as erle- | ||
napsy_ | Hello. If I install jaunty and select ext4 for my / partition, will the system boot? | 19:03 |
Turl | I'm using ext4 in my /, no problems so far | 19:05 |
BUGabundo | napsy_: YES | 19:06 |
napsy_ | ok I though there could be problems with grub | 19:06 |
BUGabundo | there WERE | 19:06 |
BUGabundo | but patchs from GRUB2 were backported | 19:07 |
napsy_ | ok | 19:07 |
Turl | btw, why doesn't jaunty bring grub2? | 19:07 |
Turl | feature freeze will come soon :S | 19:07 |
Q-FUNK | what's the recommended way to dist-upgrade to jaunty for a test? | 19:09 |
charlie-tca | Q-FUNK: see the release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha4 | 19:11 |
Q-FUNK | ok, thanks | 19:11 |
Q-FUNK | ah yes, -d | 19:16 |
Q-FUNK | here I was using --dist-upgrade | 19:17 |
Q-FUNK | heh | 19:17 |
Klanticus | hi ppl... may anyone tell me what packages are required in order to create a basic kde4 application? | 19:17 |
CosmiChaos | i activate 180.29 but cannot get direct rendering enabled, can someone please help me out? | 20:10 |
hggdh | Klanticus_, an easy way is to select a KDE4 package similar to what you want to do and run 'sudo apt-get build-dep <package>' | 20:12 |
ronny|laptop | hi | 21:41 |
ronny|laptop | my ssh just broke after an update | 21:42 |
ronny|laptop | "buffer_get_ret: trying to get more bytes 4 than in buffer 0" "buffer_get_int: buffer error" is what i get from ssh :( | 21:43 |
ronny|laptop | any idea how to solve? | 21:43 |
IntuitiveNipple | someone else reported that a few days ago, I seem to recall | 21:45 |
IntuitiveNipple | Try adding the "-v -v" to ssh to see what is going on | 21:46 |
ronny|laptop | hmm - i cant make sense out of it - http://paste.pocoo.org/show/104034/ | 21:48 |
dtchen | ronny|laptop: a distribution upgrade from intrepid? have you rebooted? | 21:53 |
ronny|laptop | dtchen: yeah | 21:53 |
ronny|laptop | to both | 21:53 |
ronny|laptop | dtchen: any idea? | 21:59 |
ronny|laptop | dtchen: appearantly it works when not being my user | 22:01 |
ronny|laptop | dtchen: may it be rellated to trying seahorse? | 22:02 |
ronny|laptop | (i installed it and created a pgp key) | 22:02 |
ronny | it seems it doesnt like to work with some kinds of keys correctly | 22:08 |
ronny | after cleaning up all leftover keys it worked | 22:08 |
hype_ | hi there | 22:18 |
hype_ | anyone still has compiz broken using nvidia driver? | 22:18 |
andersk | Works for me. What problem are you seeing? | 22:21 |
hype_ | andersk , compiz segfault | 22:23 |
hype_ | here is what i get, the seg fault appears after a few seconds, what ever i do http://rafb.net/p/XhqOPc86.html | 22:25 |
BUGabundo | guys how do I share my 3G card, from this laptop, with another PC via LAN? | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | I set ips on both and gateways | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | but this laptop uses the wrong card as default route | 22:29 |
hggdh | ? | 22:29 |
BUGabundo | hggdh: didn't you get it? | 22:30 |
hggdh | BUGabundo, not sure. I guess you mean you have two interfaces actives, and the default one is the wired | 22:30 |
BUGabundo | yep | 22:31 |
BUGabundo | that's it | 22:31 |
hggdh | if this is correct... this is an issue I have had for quite a while, caused by network-manager | 22:31 |
BUGabundo | the other is 3G usb card | 22:31 |
BUGabundo | but I can't even see it with ifconfig | 22:31 |
BUGabundo | tried to use network-config | 22:32 |
hggdh | it probably (I do not know, I do not have a 3G) comes into play as a PPP connection | 22:32 |
BUGabundo | but it doesn't seem to manage NM | 22:32 |
BUGabundo | yep... I just saw it | 22:32 |
BUGabundo | as PPP | 22:32 |
BUGabundo | I think it went down the 1st time I unpluged eth0 | 22:33 |
hggdh | and n-m has a limitation... it cannot deal with different routes nicely | 22:33 |
BUGabundo | bah | 22:33 |
BUGabundo | bug for it? | 22:33 |
hggdh | there was one -- let me see if I can find it | 22:34 |
hggdh | this is not unique to PPP and wired, but to any two active connections. n-m will set a default route for one (usually wired), and no routes for the other | 22:35 |
BUGabundo | sure | 22:35 |
BUGabundo | yep that's what is happening | 22:35 |
hggdh | I personally am not sure how to automagically deal with it; we would have to add a bit of knowledge to n-m interface setup, so that we can specify which subnets are reachable on each active connection | 22:36 |
BUGabundo | can I do it manually | 22:37 |
BUGabundo | ? | 22:37 |
BUGabundo | via cli? | 22:37 |
BUGabundo | I still need to NM to connect me to 3G | 22:37 |
hggdh | well, you do not really need it, but it makes life easier on a roaming laptop | 22:37 |
hggdh | so | 22:38 |
BUGabundo | I just need to set a default route | 22:38 |
hggdh | manually, you have to set a route to your LAN via wired, and reset the default ( to the 3G | 22:38 |
BUGabundo | and a default card | 22:38 |
BUGabundo | okay | 22:38 |
BUGabundo | I can do that | 22:38 |
hggdh | :-) I do not doubt it | 22:39 |
BUGabundo | and DNS? | 22:39 |
BUGabundo | blank too? | 22:39 |
hggdh | now things get a bit more interesting | 22:39 |
BUGabundo | shoot | 22:39 |
hggdh | you need the external DNS for external access; if your LAN is more than a few machines, you might also need a DNS for internal access | 22:40 |
hggdh | if the LAN is small, with fixed IPs, just add the entries to /etc/hosts | 22:40 |
BUGabundo | I was using OpenDNS | 22:40 |
BUGabundo | it works on windows | 22:40 |
hggdh | yes, good for external | 22:40 |
hggdh | but it will not resolve restricted IPs (10/8, etc, etc) | 22:41 |
* hggdh also uses OpenDNS | 22:41 | |
BUGabundo | no need | 22:41 |
BUGabundo | I just want the other laptop with xubuntu to reach PPA to upgrade NM | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | so it can use 3G | 22:42 |
hggdh | let's say your LAN is at -- set an explicit route to it on the wired | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | one this laptop? | 22:42 |
hggdh | and set a new default on the 3G | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | or the second? | 22:42 |
hggdh | on the laptop that has the 3G | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | ok | 22:42 |
hggdh | and you will have to configure it for forwarding. | 22:43 |
hggdh | probably shorewall will help you on setting that | 22:43 |
hggdh | (or something in the same vein( | 22:43 |
BUGabundo | don't have it her | 22:44 |
hggdh | the point is your 3G laptop will now act as a router to your internal LAN | 22:44 |
BUGabundo | *here | 22:44 |
BUGabundo | yes | 22:45 |
BUGabundo | already did that yesterday | 22:45 |
hggdh | I did it for my firewall system, but I never worried about the laptop | 22:45 |
ryanpg | hi all... anyone know if the jaunty kernel has GEM available? | 22:45 |
BUGabundo | but for a winXP machine | 22:45 |
hggdh | the idea is the same, BUGabundo, I am just not sure on Windows XP | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | eeheh | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | too many years using and proving help on prop systems | 22:46 |
hggdh | LOL | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | this is the first time doing it with NM | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | but it failed | 22:46 |
* hggdh is a MCSE, but is ashamed of that | 22:46 | |
BUGabundo | guess due to the bug you mentioned | 22:47 |
hggdh | NM will *not* deal with it | 22:47 |
hggdh | not right now | 22:47 |
BUGabundo | syre | 22:47 |
BUGabundo | okat | 22:48 |
BUGabundo | routes set on eth0 | 22:48 |
BUGabundo | and DNS | 22:48 |
BUGabundo | did not change 3G | 22:48 |
BUGabundo | now to set the other laptop | 22:48 |
BUGabundo | shall it use this pc IP as gateway? | 22:48 |
BUGabundo | or ISP gateway? | 22:48 |
maco | BUGabundo: your lappy, i believe | 22:49 |
maco | though i only ever set up routing manually once, a year ago, for a class | 22:50 |
BUGabundo | humm okay.. yesterday I set the second to IPSs and it worked | 22:50 |
BUGabundo | so testing | 22:50 |
hggdh | maco, this is only an issue when you are using two different interfaces at the same time | 22:50 |
hggdh | and then it breaks horribly | 22:50 |
maco | hggdh: i took a sysadmin class where we had to set up 3 VMs such that 2 of them talked to each other through the 3rd (which acted as the router) | 22:51 |
maco | hggdh: i think thats the setup he's looking for, so im using what i remmeber of that as a refrence | 22:51 |
hggdh | yes, that's the scenario. Quite unusual for laptop users, but still there | 22:52 |
hggdh | his is simpler -- just two interfaces. Look at it as an "external" and an "internal" subnets | 22:53 |
BUGabundo | yeah | 22:53 |
BUGabundo | took me 30 sec to get it up | 22:53 |
BUGabundo | winxp share and manual IPs and gateways/DNS | 22:53 |
dtchen | i've already described the procedure on identi.ca anyhow. | 22:54 |
BUGabundo | the same setup failed using ubu->xub | 22:54 |
BUGabundo | I guess I failed to enable NAT or something | 22:54 |
dtchen | you _must_ enable IPv4 forwarding, and you _should_ use iptables to configure NAT | 22:54 |
BUGabundo | gonna plug the eth cable | 22:54 |
BUGabundo | lets see if I loose 3g connection | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | brb | 22:55 |
dtchen | seriously, this is the precise procedure we use to tether on the T-Mobile G1 | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | still here???! | 22:55 |
dtchen | yes | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | great | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | Kernel IP routing table | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | UH 0 0 0 ppp0 | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | U 1 0 0 eth0 | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | UG 0 0 0 ppp0 | 22:55 |
BUGabundo | ok the other laptop can ping this | 22:56 |
hggdh | the eth0 route should route only connections to | 22:56 |
BUGabundo | but not google | 22:56 |
BUGabundo | humm | 22:57 |
hggdh | and your system must act as a gateway | 22:57 |
BUGabundo | ok | 22:57 |
BUGabundo | changing that | 22:57 |
BUGabundo | how do I set it to be a gw? | 22:57 |
hggdh | heh. trying to remember... I usually leave it to shorewall | 22:59 |
dtchen | use eth0's ip as the gateway on the LAN-side PCs | 22:59 |
dtchen | echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward | 23:00 |
dtchen | then configure your iptables rules | 23:00 |
hggdh | yes | 23:00 |
bobesponja | hey | 23:00 |
hggdh | thanks dtchen | 23:01 |
bobesponja | is there a workaround to slow xorg with an intel card in jaunty? | 23:01 |
RAOF | You can try AccelMethod UXA; some people have found it much faster. | 23:02 |
bobesponja | thanks | 23:03 |
RAOF | On the other hand, some people find that it makes X not work at all, breaks suspend, or causes rendering glitches. | 23:03 |
RAOF | YMMV. | 23:03 |
maco | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting | 23:03 |
maco | see that page for a list of what UXA does on different hardware | 23:04 |
maco | the X-crashes-on-resume thing occurs if you use Compiz | 23:04 |
maco | or if you use compositing in KWin | 23:04 |
maco | if you disable compositing before suspend, it's fine | 23:04 |
BUGabundo | back | 23:06 |
BUGabundo | pidgin crash with all this networks gambling | 23:07 |
BUGabundo | it doesn't like lossing connections | 23:07 |
bobesponja | I rm my xorg.conf a while back, is there a way to regenerate it again to add UXA in it? (I kept a copy but I guess it's a bit old now) | 23:07 |
maco | bobesponja: sudo dexconf -o /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 23:08 |
bobesponja | thanks maco | 23:08 |
bobesponja | ok, coming back, wish me luck | 23:09 |
bobesponja | =) | 23:09 |
hggdh | BUGabundo, cá está: bug 277063 | 23:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 277063 in network-manager "Wired and wireless connection to the same router cause confusion" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277063 | 23:12 |
BUGabundo | obrigado hggdh | 23:14 |
BUGabundo | most of the online tutorials recommend to instal firestarter | 23:15 |
BUGabundo | I think that is a bit overkill | 23:15 |
BUGabundo | but I must be doing something wrong | 23:15 |
BUGabundo | or NM bug is blocking me from doing it | 23:15 |
hggdh | note that your issue has not been resolved (and I really do not see it being fixed for n-m): you machine would now be a gateway, and this is simply not a desktop type-of-use | 23:16 |
BUGabundo | hggdh: that's a diff bug | 23:16 |
BUGabundo | nasty bug,,, I get it by it a few times... but not what I'm describing here | 23:16 |
hggdh | yes, but the root cause was the same: two interfaces, routing | 23:16 |
BUGabundo | yes | 23:17 |
hggdh | if n-m manages it, then you get one single default route, no routes to subnets | 23:18 |
BUGabundo | and no way to select what interface should be default either | 23:18 |
hggdh | and... you also have to setup your IP tables... so installing a firewall would probably simplify your setup | 23:19 |
hggdh | AFAIK, n-m will always prefer the wired | 23:19 |
BUGabundo | bad NM | 23:19 |
BUGabundo | and asac is way... | 23:19 |
bobesponja | yay, kwin composite works again, thanks | 23:20 |
hggdh | heh. No, n-m is not bad, it is just something way out of the normal "desktop" usage | 23:20 |
BUGabundo | why can't it prefer wifi? | 23:20 |
BUGabundo | or 3G? | 23:20 |
BUGabundo | why no (easy) option? | 23:20 |
hggdh | let's say it could. You would still be unable to route to the wired | 23:21 |
hggdh | unless you hack your routing tables *after* n-m set them up | 23:21 |
hggdh | this would be a nice brainstorm idea for n-m | 23:21 |
* BUGabundo dislikes brainstorm | 23:22 | |
BUGabundo | to much anarchy | 23:23 |
hggdh | notice that we could ask for n-m to allow subnet marking; then your laptop would be able to send out (and receive) correctly. BUT... no forwarding, no IP tables yet | 23:23 |
BUGabundo | maybe for nm .8 ? | 23:23 |
BUGabundo | ok instaling fire starter | 23:24 |
hggdh | wait... | 23:24 |
BUGabundo | fastest way | 23:24 |
hggdh | n-m now *does* allow for address entries in the configuration | 23:24 |
hggdh | and routing :-) | 23:24 |
BUGabundo | yes | 23:25 |
BUGabundo | and I set them | 23:25 |
BUGabundo | FAIL | 23:25 |
BUGabundo | humm I need to find network-config upstream | 23:25 |
hggdh | after you set them up, can you (from the 3G laptop) contact the other laptop? | 23:25 |
BUGabundo | and see if there is a beter version | 23:25 |
BUGabundo | and rush it in before feacture freeze | 23:25 |
BUGabundo | yes | 23:25 |
BUGabundo | I can ping both ways | 23:26 |
BUGabundo | but will lose 3G connection | 23:26 |
BUGabundo | that's why I said I may have a bad setup | 23:26 |
BUGabundo | hggdh: can you conect to my vino server? | 23:27 |
BUGabundo | and see the setup with me? | 23:27 |
Q-FUNK | is the issue with oversized gtk2 fonts known? any workaround? | 23:32 |
maco | Q-FUNK: eh? i think you just have to change your DPI... | 23:33 |
Q-FUNK | maco: haven't touched anything since dist-upgrading to jaunty. | 23:34 |
RAOF | Q-FUNK: Check xdpyinfo. If this gives your correct DPI, then set your font sizes to what you want. | 23:34 |
RAOF | Q-FUNK: If it doesn't give your correct DPI, you'll want to file a bug, probably against your video driver. There's a bunch of stuff you'll want to attach. | 23:34 |
Q-FUNK | seems to be 125x125dpi, for some reason | 23:35 |
RAOF | Q-FUNK: GNOME now uses your actual DPI by default, rather than forcing 96DPI everywhere. If your screen has a DPI higher than 96, this will result in your fonts getting bigger (to the size they should always have been). | 23:35 |
Q-FUNK | used to utilize 96x96dpi, IIRC | 23:35 |
Q-FUNK | ah! | 23:35 |
Q-FUNK | so the font size used to be incorrect until now? | 23:36 |
RAOF | Yes. 9pt fonts should be the same size on your screen as on a print-out. Setting the DPI correctly makes this happen. | 23:36 |
Q-FUNK | interesting change. where is the dpi configured? | 23:37 |
Q-FUNK | ah. nvm. found it | 23:38 |
Q-FUNK | under extra prefs | 23:38 |
Q-FUNK | that was just such a weird effect | 23:39 |
Q-FUNK | thanks for the help :) | 23:39 |
BUGabundo | back | 23:41 |
BUGabundo | still no luck | 23:41 |
maxb | Hmm, nice, Alt+SysRq+K on vt1 panics the kernel | 23:44 |
hggdh | cool | 23:46 |
hggdh | will not try, if you do not mind | 23:46 |
maxb | :-) | 23:46 |
BUGabundo1 | :(((((( not even firestarter helped | 23:51 |
BUGabundo1 | hggdh: humm and if I just share over wifi? | 23:58 |
BUGabundo1 | that way NM will not prefer wired | 23:58 |
hggdh | it might work | 23:58 |
BUGabundo1 | let me see | 23:59 |
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