
bobododanyone here?22:31
sommersort of22:31
bobododI'd like to ask a couple questions about getting started on helping in the wiki.22:32
bobododgot a min?22:32
bobododI've got a few ODF docs I use to keep track of solutions I've found for Ubuntu problems, projects I'm working on or want to pursue, package settings I like, etc.  Is it cool to migrate those to subpages of wiki.ubuntu.com/bobodod/?22:34
sommerbobodod: I don22:37
sommererr don't  think there'd be anything wrong with that per se22:37
sommerbut if your current stuff applies to existing pages it'd probably be better to add the new content to existing pages22:38
sommeralso it'd be greatly appreciated to improve the community docs on help.ubuntu.com/community22:39
bobododsommer:  that's definitely the plan.  A lot of it is actually from those pages already, but formatted in a way that is useful to me, i.e. condensed & steps laid out w/o descriptions.  One of the things I want to put there is a large (& still growing) CLI cheat-sheet.  I'm definitely going to use these things not only for my own benefit but to help me manage the ways in which I can help the community docs, which is why I thought it might22:40
bobodod be ok.22:40
sommercool, I say go for it... great thing about wikis is they're easy to change :)22:42
bobododdo you have any idea if there's a way for me to backup those pages once I put them there?  What would be ideal would be to be able to cache local copies & keep them sync'd (for backup & offline reference).  I searched MoinMoin's site & a few other places for a way to do this, but all I could find was stuff about using rsync & so on, which I don't think I could do w/o lower-level access.22:45
bobododAlthough, I could use HTTrack...22:45
bobododI think...22:45
sommerya, not sure about that... I'd think the only way'd be some sort of scraper22:50
bobododok, right on.  That's what HTTrack is & it happens to be packaged in the Universe repository already.  Check it out here, if you're curious:  http://www.httrack.com/22:53
bobododsommer:  thanks a lot for your help!  I recognize your name, so I must have seen your work in the docs.22:54
sommerbobodod: np22:56

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