
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
=== m4v- is now known as m4v
Flare183I would like to suggest a bot factoid.14:49
jpdsHit it.14:50
Flare183jpds: Do you know how we have a pastebin factoid correct?14:51
jpdsFlare183: Yes.14:51
Flare183Well, why can't we have a imagebin factoid.14:51
jpdsubottu: search image14:51
ubottuFound: torrents, slow, torrents-#kubuntu, f5, sysresccd, koffice, xfce4-panel, dvdiso, xfce-panels, daily14:51
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/14:52
Flare183!search imagebin14:52
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:57
jpdsubottu: !imagebin is <reply>Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.14:58
ubottuI'll remember that, jpds14:58
jpdsFlare183: Done.14:58
Flare183jpds: Great thanks14:58
Flare183I know that I have to ask people to upload there screenshot to that site almost everyday. So, thanks again.14:59
jpdsNo problem.14:59
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
alefterisIs it possible for a loco team channel getting logged from the ubuntu bot, to disable search engine indexing?15:55
Myrttii suppose it's possible to ask the hosting people to put a robots.txt15:55
Myrttidon't really know though, can't see where's the point of logging if the logs aren't searchable15:55
jpdsalefteris: Which bot?15:59
alefterisjpds, its not being logged at all right now, but if we where to use logging, we would like to not having logs indexed by google. Just have it for our channel members use..16:01
jpdsAlthought I agree with Myrtti.16:01
alefterisso who is the person doing the hosting, so that I can ask if a robots file is possible?16:03
jpdsalefteris: If you wish to have a locobot, please sent the request to admins-AT-ubuntu-eu.org, and ask if it's possible to have a robots.txt file.16:03
alefterisjpds, thanks16:04
jpdsIt's worth just asking and see what they say.16:04
Myrttiin my experience, even the channelusers themselves tend to use google to search the logs16:04
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
alefterisjpds, the email address you gave me seems invalid16:29
jpdsalefteris: Whoops, it's admin@u-eu.org: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots - sorry.16:30
alefterisjpds, thanks16:32
dolanor_Hello, is it possible to get an ubuntu cloak ? :)20:40
Myrtticould you give your launchpad userpage url?20:42
Myrttidolanor_: ^20:47
dolanor_sorry, i was cooking :)20:50
naliothdolanor_: /msg ubottu member21:31
dolanor_nalioth: Ok, so I need to participate 2 month actively, right ?21:42
naliothdolanor_: there are many ways to contribute21:42
dolanor_I thought it was nearly automatic ^^'21:42
dolanor_yes I know21:43
dolanor_I'm packaging 5 utility/libs right now21:43
dolanor_1 already in jaunty21:43
dolanor_and it takes nearly my whole freetime right now :p21:43
dolanor_So I think I'll be occupied on this for quite a long time21:46

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