Myrtti | | 00:10 |
bazhang | psufan | 01:06 |
bazhang | wahnfrieden is now known as psufan | 01:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | genii Package finally sent.. air mail... | 01:34 |
redvamp128 | hello can I get some help-- I have been unjustly banned from winehq | 03:28 |
Pici | redvamp128: We do not control the winehq channel, sorry. | 03:28 |
redvamp128 | how would I go about that one | 03:29 |
Pici | redvamp128: Either speak to the op that banned you, or for a list of channel ops, do /msg chanserv access #winehq list | 03:29 |
redvamp128 | i am a little new to that | 03:30 |
redvamp128 | how would I do that one | 03:30 |
nickrud | redvamp128, that's the command, just copy & paste | 03:31 |
redvamp128 | /msg chanserv access #winehq list | 03:31 |
redvamp128 | I am in pidgin | 03:31 |
nickrud | get a client ;) | 03:31 |
nickrud | redvamp128, anyway, since it's not and #u issue, please don't idle here | 03:32 |
redvamp128 | That and the last words to me were -- | 03:32 |
redvamp128 | get a fng life | 03:32 |
redvamp128 | they should ban him for obscenety -- he sent that in a private message before I got kicked and banned | 03:33 |
jdong | we don't have any access or involvement in #winehq; each channel sets its own guidelines on who may or may not be in their channels | 03:33 |
redvamp128 | thanks for your time | 03:35 |
jdong | sorry to hear about your situation though. | 03:35 |
jdong | how do people find this channel from #winehq? | 03:36 |
nickrud | I've been tempted to pm someone with a similar message. | 03:36 |
Pici | They probably think that they're on and that this is the proper ops channel to go to | 03:37 |
nickrud | jdong, he's a regular in #ubuntu. | 03:37 |
jdong | nickrud: ah. | 03:37 |
jdong | well I didn't dare (or want to ask) what he did in #winehq... | 03:37 |
Pici | Agreed | 03:37 |
nickrud | redvamp's always been courteous in my experience. odd that | 03:38 |
redvamp128 | i know you just answered me-- but what was that command again -- i just installed xchat | 03:45 |
redvamp128 | pici | 03:45 |
jdong | 22:29 <+Pici> redvamp128: Either speak to the op that banned you, or for a list of channel ops, do /msg chanserv access #winehq list | 03:46 |
redvamp128 | thanks jdong | 03:52 |
redvamp128 | though the guy is still being a pain | 03:52 |
jdong | I'm sorry to hear that and with you luck in a happy resolution. | 03:53 |
jdong | Sometimes though, from my experience, things turn out better if you give a bit of rest time and let both sides simmer down | 03:53 |
redvamp128 | yes well he didn't have to use the F$ at me | 03:53 |
redvamp128 | no calls for that I don't curse | 03:54 |
redvamp128 | goodnight and thanks for the info -- I would never have been able to find it-- though I had to install xchat | 03:54 |
daniel928413 | helllo | 04:01 |
daniel928413 | i was banned from #ubuntu axedently saying hi and bye please please help | 04:01 |
elky | that seems mighty unlikely. what did you really say? | 04:04 |
daniel928413 | i said hello (hi) then again bye | 04:05 |
daniel928413 | but like this | 04:05 |
daniel928413 | hi | 04:05 |
daniel928413 | bye | 04:05 |
daniel928413 | this person on ubuntu-offtopic just said: <__mikem> I will admit tonyyarusso did seem to jump the gun a bit, but he might have seen how daniel928413 was acting in here. I scrolled up and he tried the same "is ubuntu really better than xp" BS there to | 04:07 |
tonyyarusso | after similarly useless banter for the last how long? | 04:07 |
daniel928413 | what: | 04:08 |
elky | daniel928413, basically, you sound like someone trying to stir up trouble | 04:10 |
daniel928413 | well im not | 04:12 |
daniel928413 | seriossly im not | 04:12 |
elky | daniel928413, why do you actually want to be in #ubuntu? you're only cross-posting to there the same stuff you've already asked and gotten answers for | 04:12 |
daniel928413 | would there be any change i could be unblocked so that if i need help i can access it | 04:13 |
daniel928413 | !help | 04:14 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 04:14 |
elky | the bot also accepts questions in PM | 04:14 |
daniel928413 | oh ok | 04:15 |
daniel928413 | im new to irc | 04:15 |
elky | !guidelines | 04:16 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 04:16 |
elky | please read those | 04:16 |
daniel928413 | ok | 04:16 |
tonyyarusso | @btlogin | 04:16 |
tonyyarusso | stupid bot | 04:17 |
tritium | Good evening. | 04:18 |
daniel928413 | i have read the irc guidelines | 04:19 |
daniel928413 | sorry i have to go be | 04:19 |
elky | tonyyarusso, lift the ban. we have him claiming to have read the guidelines, and he can be re-banned just as easily | 04:20 |
elky | kids, it's time to apply housekeeping to the ban list | 04:23 |
tonyyarusso | indeed | 04:26 |
* tonyyarusso only has like four | 04:26 | |
elky | anything over a fortnight that is clearly dynamic, can begone. | 04:26 |
elky | i'm going through the ballard ones now | 04:26 |
nickrud | got 3, all current and should stay for a bit yet | 04:27 |
nickrud | elky, you should compare notes with pici, he went through them recently and had a few requests for bans to keep | 04:28 |
nickrud | or was it ikonia? | 04:28 |
elky | i'm only checking for dynamics. ip addresses could probably be wiped though | 04:28 |
nickrud | yeah, sometimes those seem pointless. even the more clueless trolls know how to get around those | 04:29 |
elky | we currently have 75% of bans under ballard | 04:30 |
elky | i should probably eat first though. is 3:30pm | 04:31 |
elky | let me guess too. pici and ikonia are both snoring | 04:35 |
nickrud | isn't it wonderful, living on a ball ;) | 04:36 |
elky | there's 3+ @syru216* bans that can be collated into a ban for that | 04:37 |
tritium | elky: that guy is particularly foul | 04:38 |
elky | tritium, yeah, so make sure he stays out. banning by the second number just allows him to go to a diff computer | 04:39 |
tritium | yes | 04:39 |
nickrud | as devil's advocate, should we be banning nearly an entire educational institution for one guy? | 04:41 |
tritium | nickrud: doesn't seem right, does it? | 04:43 |
elky | yes, i usually check to see if there's others actually on from said edu first | 04:44 |
nickrud | as I understand it, if they have a cloak they'd get around that ban. So, forward here so others can be told how to? | 04:44 |
elky | cloaks do not get around bans | 04:44 |
elky | or so i understand it | 04:44 |
nickrud | wasn't sure, maybe we can use me as an experiment ;) | 04:44 |
elky | ugh | 04:46 |
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth | ||
elky | also, these samosas are waaaaaaaaaay hot, and explain why the potato dumplings from the same place were also ridiculously hot | 04:46 |
elky | at *extra* mild | 04:47 |
tritium | There is no such thing as too hot ;) | 04:49 |
elky | there is when one's salivary glands do not function properly, and one has no natural flushing | 04:50 |
elky | i was expecting the samosas to be potato and peas in a gravy. they're potatoes and peas in leftover daal it seems | 04:50 |
tritium | Sounds yummy. | 04:50 |
elky | while this is not a bad thing, it's hotter than i predicted | 04:51 |
tritium | My office mate in grad school was from Banaglore. He was shocked at how hot we New Mexicans like our food. | 04:53 |
tritium | Bangalore, even | 04:53 |
elky | hehe | 04:53 |
tritium | That same guy is now one of Flannel's professors. | 04:53 |
elky | heh | 04:54 |
tritium | Small world, isn't it? | 04:54 |
elky | yeah | 04:54 |
tritium | @btlogin | 04:55 |
elky | also shows how old you are | 04:55 |
* elky runs | 04:55 | |
tritium | elky: hey now! | 04:55 |
tritium | He's a very *young* professor, in only his second year or so. Mid-thirties, tops. | 04:56 |
elky | my mouth and throat is very much hating me now | 05:12 |
elky | but my tongue and tummy are loving me | 05:12 |
* nickrud could comment about the end result of eating spicy food ... | 05:13 | |
elky | nickrud, my parents once had a super spicy pizza that they felt with their butts the next day. | 05:14 |
nickrud | that's how you know it's good | 05:15 |
elky | my parents are wusses, and it remained at only once ;) | 05:15 |
elky | methinks me need to get some laksa curry paste if this not-hot weather persists. | 05:17 |
elky | i have so much leftover in the fridge, so i probably should use that up first | 05:18 |
elky | and clean out the yuckified vegies from the crisper | 05:19 |
nickrud | I think I just eat too white bread types of food (although no actual white bread) | 05:19 |
elky | you mean low-GI | 05:20 |
nickrud | if you mean low gastro-irritant, yes | 05:20 |
elky | or high-GI i mean | 05:20 |
tritium | Gah, the news is infuriating. I'm going to go for a run. | 05:21 |
nickrud | we win! :) | 05:21 |
elky | no, GI is Glycemic Index, in terms of carbs | 05:21 |
elky | nickrud, you gluten intolerent? | 05:21 |
nickrud | yes, very. Love bread and pasta | 05:21 |
tritium | nickrud: nobody won today, trust me. | 05:21 |
nickrud | tritium, lets take a wait and see, that's the only way we'll know for sure | 05:21 |
elky | ? | 05:22 |
tritium | nickrud: would have been nice if they kept their promise, and had the bill up for people to actually *READ* for 48 hours before they voted on it. | 05:22 |
elky | stimulus package? | 05:22 |
tritium | _NOBODY_ had time to even read all the crap they snuck into that legislation. | 05:22 |
tritium | elky: yes | 05:22 |
nickrud | tritium, heh. 5 days would be nice, but it wouldn't make any difference. | 05:23 |
tritium | So much for this administration's "transparency" | 05:23 |
elky | tritium, go for your run before you say something you regret. | 05:23 |
tritium | elky: I don't regret anything I've said. | 05:23 |
elky | tritium, so far. | 05:23 |
tritium | I won't regret anything. | 05:24 |
nickrud | elky, nah, we understand each other well. I wouldn't be offended, and I don't think I could offend tritium either | 05:24 |
tritium | You won't, nickrud. | 05:24 |
elky | nickrud, i'm referring to which channel we're in, and which topic it is | 05:24 |
tritium | nickrud: we need to start a new channel for our discussions :) | 05:24 |
nickrud | yeah, I broadcast a general apology yesterday. How easy the slope is | 05:24 |
elky | it's called PM | 05:24 |
* elky tickles both of you | 05:25 | |
tritium | hehe | 05:25 |
* nickrud is very ticklish, tends to lash out. | 05:25 | |
elky | i should do some cleaning up. this flat is an absolute pigsty | 05:25 |
tritium | nickrud, elky: I'm taking off, then going to bed. Good night. | 05:26 |
nickrud | tritium, talk to you later | 05:26 |
elky | night | 05:26 |
elky | how do i check a channel-specific factoid call? | 07:05 |
jussi01 | !vanilla-#ubuntustudio | elky | 07:14 |
ubottu | elky: To install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read | 07:14 |
elky | yeah, i read up through scrollback and finally found an example | 07:15 |
jussi01 | heh | 07:15 |
elky | Flannel, if you want to know what offtopic thinks of |_ocke, read the past 10 minutes of that channel | 07:39 |
topyli | i'm trying hard to remember good things about him, but somehow it all goes back to his High Times covergirl girlfriend and how hot she is, and what they do / will do in |_ocke's dreams | 07:55 |
mneptok | i hope my neighbors like Mediaeval Baebes :/ | 07:56 |
topyli | whis of course is all good and nice for him but hardly -ot material | 07:56 |
ubottu | lstarnes called the ops in #ubuntu (Harl0t) | 08:02 |
ubottu | Harl0t called the ops in #ubuntu (die) | 08:02 |
ubottu | Harl0t called the ops in #ubuntu (are scum) | 08:02 |
ubottu | Harl0t called the ops in #ubuntu (die) | 08:03 |
ubottu | Harl0t called the ops in #ubuntu (lol) | 08:03 |
jdong | smart... | 08:03 |
topyli | now that's a pretty good way to get your much-needed attention | 08:04 |
mneptok | try stepping in front of a bus next time. | 08:05 |
mneptok | sorry, that was meant for the wife. | 08:05 |
ubottu | ziroday called the ops in #ubuntu (Harl0t) | 08:06 |
ubottu | Harl0t called the ops in #ubuntu (ziroday) | 08:06 |
mneptok | Myrtti: think he'll figure out i banned the nick after you kicked him? | 08:08 |
Myrtti | *sigh* | 08:09 |
Myrtti | he did | 08:10 |
topyli | heh i wonder what ziroday thought he was doing | 08:10 |
Myrtti | I should get dressed and have some breakfast | 08:11 |
SportChick | wii ubun | 08:15 |
SportChick | oops, sorry | 08:15 |
Myrtti | ok, can I whack someone senseless now? | 08:25 |
Myrtti | FOR GODS SAKE | 08:25 |
* mneptok backs away slowly | 08:26 | |
mneptok | SportChick: ns inf | 08:27 |
Myrtti | if he pastes that once more, I'll scream | 08:27 |
jdong | pirate day? | 08:40 |
mneptok | Myrtti: maybe he's using gtk-recordmydesktop to record himself being a retard on IRC | 08:42 |
Myrtti | mneptok: tsktsk ;-) | 08:42 |
mneptok | Myrtti: you know you love it. | 08:43 |
elky | jdong, maco was saying something earlier about fixing up the #uf ops call, or something about a staff call? | 08:49 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, snuxoll said: !aptcache is <reply> Yes, I know I'm able to give you package information, but consider using apt-cache as well. It doesn't flood the channel that way. | 08:50 |
elky | ... | 08:51 |
jdong | elky: yeah, I think she wanted a factoid that listed forum staff members for getting our attention | 08:51 |
jdong | which is different from the #uf IRC op list for various reasons | 08:51 |
topyli | now there's a factoid worth adding | 08:51 |
elky | jdong, the last time i remember someone 'touching' #uf factoids from here, we got screamed at for abuse... | 08:51 |
elky | so if you could organise it, and supervise it, we can do it | 08:52 |
jdong | elky: awesome, that sounds great | 08:52 |
jdong | I am too tired at 4:00AM to enumerate our list of staff commonly on IRC so umm I'll get back to you tomorrow-ish :) | 08:53 |
mneptok | jdong: are you coming to bed soon? | 08:53 |
* Myrtti needs to clean up a bit, expects a delivery man | 08:53 | |
* mneptok has a warm spot ready | 08:53 | |
jdong | mneptok: hope it's not the same kind of warm spot as last night. I really wish you'd clean that stuff up after you're done. | 08:55 |
elky | typeliviu is PMing me. why? | 08:55 |
mneptok | jdong: well stop feeding me Mini-Wheats and horse laxatives! | 08:56 |
elky | eww | 08:56 |
elky | ewewewewewwwwwwww | 08:56 |
mneptok | OK, elky is disgusted. i can sleep soundly. | 08:56 |
mneptok | *muah* | 08:56 |
jdong | :D | 08:56 |
elky | how the heck does woo cope with you? | 08:57 |
mneptok | Mini-Wheats and horse laxatives. | 08:58 |
Myrtti | elky: with great difficulty, I suspect | 08:58 |
elky | oh look. the annual #ubuntu-emo valentines day cryfest is kicking off | 08:59 |
Myrtti | *snork* | 09:00 |
mneptok | for most of these you can s/long\ distance\ relationship/person\ i\ stalk\ online/ | 09:01 |
elky | likely | 09:02 |
Myrtti | HEEEYYY | 09:02 |
Myrtti | I'm waiting for the flower delivery guy :-P | 09:02 |
elky | some of them are 'we went seperate ways for college and i havent let go yet' too | 09:02 |
Myrtti | it's not all that bad | 09:02 |
mneptok | "dude, 'long distance relationship' does not mean 'parallel universe where she knows you exist'." | 09:02 |
Myrtti | ♥ cynics | 09:03 |
mneptok | we changed the name of the club to "Realists" when puberty ended. | 09:05 |
* Tm_T dies | 09:05 | |
Myrtti | | 09:06 |
topyli | hmm kidults. i like that | 09:09 |
elky | topyli, did i tell you about the kid in my loco who is adamant that 'an OS written in python rather than C'? | 10:22 |
elky | would be better * | 10:22 |
* elky pokes uncle topyli | 10:24 | |
Tm_T | elky: what was his arguments? | 10:25 |
elky | Tm_T, 'it has more functions' | 10:35 |
elky | Tm_T, i'm not sure he realises that python is written in C | 10:35 |
elky | and even a kernel in Python would be running on C | 10:36 |
Myrtti | if you give with a spoon, you cannot demand with a scoop | 10:37 |
Myrtti | natural restrictions of human intelligence | 10:38 |
Myrtti | "you cannot demand earthworm to do particle physics!" | 10:38 |
topyli | elky: i noticed you and someone else chat about that here the other day | 10:38 |
ikonia | 10:37 <+Myrtti> if you give with a spoon, you cannot demand with a scoop | 10:38 |
ikonia | quote of the week | 10:38 |
Myrtti | ikonia: finnish proverb | 10:39 |
Myrtti | ikonia: I think the original speaks of a ladle or similar | 10:39 |
topyli | ku on lusikalla annettu ni ei voi ämpärillä ottaa | 10:39 |
Myrtti | jos on lusikalla annettu ei voi kauhalla vaatia | 10:40 |
topyli | dialect war! | 10:40 |
Myrtti | kekekeke | 10:40 |
elky | haha | 10:41 |
Tm_T | kids... | 10:41 |
Myrtti | moar coffee? | 10:42 |
elky | i'd give you some coffee chocolate, but it really is not 'coffee intense' like it claims | 10:43 |
Tm_T | I really begin to wonder once again why I spend so much time for hu-mans | 10:44 |
elky | ha | 10:44 |
elky | stoned kid alert for Ximal | 11:07 |
* Myrtti got a bouquet ♥ | 11:07 | |
elky | Myrtti, aww | 11:07 |
elky | Myrtti, does he have an equally cute and caring brother by any chance? | 11:08 |
Chipmonk | Myrtti: meh, I got nothing :'( | 11:08 |
Myrtti | elky: 7 years his senior, grayish etc | 11:08 |
* elky /whois's | 11:09 | |
elky | Myrtti, hrm, probably a little old for me then | 11:09 |
Myrtti | Gary you old sentimental sap | 11:09 |
Chipmonk | yeah | 11:09 |
Myrtti | elky: yup :-( | 11:09 |
Chipmonk | flowers would make me go awwwwww | 11:09 |
Myrtti | ah. wonderful. | 11:40 |
Tm_T | hi Chipmonk | 11:43 |
Tm_T | Chipmonk: didn't notice you here before, son | 11:43 |
Mez | @schedule | 11:45 |
jpds | Mez: 'tis broken. | 11:46 |
Myrtti | Chipmonk: alas, they're not pink | 11:47 |
Myrtti | | 11:47 |
Myrtti | not that I particularly care | 11:47 |
Mez | wow, I've never really used a calendar app before, but am glad I'm using one now - lol - my calendar is rammed :D | 11:53 |
elky | Myrtti, i dont think he realises that 'the flat muddy moor' was once a forest. | 12:05 |
Myrtti | yup | 12:06 |
elky | Myrtti, please stop me if i look like i'm going to kill them | 12:15 |
Myrtti | ok | 12:16 |
Tm_T | elky: s/if/when/ | 12:16 |
elky | Myrtti, thing is, i did actually do ecological science at University, and environmental management at College before i became a geek. | 12:34 |
elky | i know the full lifecycle of plantation farming of softwoods, and their primary uses | 12:35 |
Myrtti | elky: yeah - though I can see that there are certainly cases of unsustainable forest usage, in Finland that happened only for about 50 years or so and there's never been need to actually farm trees. | 12:36 |
elky | selective thinning of a planted forest is sustainable. wiping away entire chunks of forest every 20 years is not. | 12:37 |
elky | especially when wiping away is followed by burning | 12:37 |
elky | and that is the current practice globally, not just here. | 12:37 |
jussi01 | slash and burn... | 12:38 |
elky | most wood usage is pure wastefulness | 12:38 |
Myrtti | I think there has been studies in Finland about controlled forest fires as a method to get the forests to the so-called natural stage after cutting... | 12:39 |
elky | this cardboard box i have my pizza in, is 100% recycled... but i can go to the nearest landfill and i'll be able to spot tonnes of disposed wooden pallets | 12:39 |
* Myrtti shrugs | 12:40 | |
elky | Myrtti, yes, controlled. not 'to get rid of everything else that lives here, and in five years time we'll come and doze and raze everything again, then turn the ash into the soil with heavy machinery, then plant seedlings. | 12:40 |
Myrtti | yup | 12:41 |
elky | that's the current 'sustainable' process, and i completely disagree with it. | 12:41 |
Myrtti | I really can't relate to the problems of forests and sustainability abroad since we seem to have everything handled in most cases with a sensible and truely sustainable way | 12:42 |
Myrtti | and of course, I've been infused with propaganda since child | 12:42 |
Myrtti | Valkeakoski being dependant on wood, pulp, sellulose and paper since 19th century | 12:43 |
Tm_T | elky: big chunk of electricity in my home region is done using wood, waste and water | 12:44 |
Tm_T | clean cuts are rarely seen | 12:44 |
Tm_T | but still too often | 12:44 |
elky | Myrtti, as an example of a more sustainable process: we need sugar. we grow sugar cane to obtain it. once the sugar is out of the cane, the farmers used to burn the cane and the stubble. this was bad as it messed up the soil chem and ecology. so, now they turn the stubble into the soil, and turn the refuse into paper. | 12:45 |
Myrtti | yup | 12:46 |
elky | an cane paper is brilliant paper. better than wood paper. | 12:46 |
Tm_T | elky: oooh, I would like to get that kind of paper | 12:47 |
elky | Myrtti, i think topyli was right. it's not about his point, it's about making sure i'm wrong | 12:49 |
Tm_T | elky: what where? | 12:49 |
elky | Tm_T, gordon | 12:50 |
Tm_T | which channel? | 12:50 |
Myrtti | -ot | 12:50 |
Tm_T | ah, I see, will search logs from web | 12:50 |
* Tm_T is not there | 12:50 | |
elky | Tm_T, the discussion above, with 'well where else can i get wood if i cant do it that way' | 12:52 |
elky | Tm_T, and he's now turned to saying he cant eat grass, so vegetarianism sucks and he'll eat meat instead. | 12:52 |
Tm_T | :-P | 12:52 |
Tm_T | kids... | 12:52 |
elky | basically he forms opinions of stuff based on half-truths, and refuses to accept the other half when it's given to him. | 12:56 |
* Myrtti yawns | 14:03 | |
Myrtti | !-search vietnam | 14:07 |
ubottu | Found: | 14:07 |
Mez | !-vietnam | 14:07 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vietnam | 14:07 |
Mez | !search vietnam | 14:07 |
ubottu | Found: | 14:07 |
Mez | meh :P | 14:07 |
Myrtti | indeedy | 14:08 |
Myrtti | great | 14:09 |
Myrtti | !english | 14:09 |
ubottu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 14:09 |
Myrtti | *sigh* | 14:11 |
* Myrtti queries khanh_coltech | 14:11 | |
Myrtti | there | 14:14 |
Myrtti | memo sent | 14:14 |
bazhang | Để được trợ giúp với Ubuntu tiếng Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn Cảm ơn bạn:) | 14:23 |
bazhang | how about that for a temporary !vn factoid | 14:23 |
elky | why only temporary? | 14:24 |
bazhang | well it is google translated | 14:25 |
elky | ah | 14:25 |
elky | !vn is <reply>Để được trợ giúp với Ubuntu tiếng Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn Cảm ơn bạn | 14:25 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, elky | 14:25 |
elky | !vn | 14:25 |
ubottu | Để được trợ giúp với Ubuntu tiếng Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn Cảm ơn bạn | 14:25 |
bazhang | kept it simple | 14:25 |
Myrtti | that looks bad with my fonts :-( | 14:27 |
elky | it's not us that it matters for | 14:29 |
bazhang | hmm; no one in #ubuntu-vn will confirm or deny how it is | 14:31 |
Myrtti | bazhang: I sent khanh_coltech a memo message, when he gets it I hope he will be able to confirm | 14:33 |
bazhang | Myrtti, okay; I will ask a couple more times in that channel as well | 14:33 |
elky | gah. i forgot to clear stuff from the ban list | 14:43 |
bazhang | Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ <-- from admin from | 14:44 |
Myrtti | !no vn is <reply> Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ | 14:45 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Myrtti | 14:45 |
Myrtti | !vn ~= / / / | 14:46 |
Myrtti | !vn | 14:46 |
ubottu | Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ | 14:46 |
bazhang | checked with google first of course | 14:46 |
elky | i've cleared half a dozen bans that were dupes. can someone go through the ballard list with bantracker and remove anything minor or un-findable. | 15:09 |
bazhang | * [TOXICTOXICTOXICF] (n=TOXICTOX@ TOXIC E TIME FAIL ALL CAPZ YO FAIL TROLL jdong just a FYI; he has been trolling #u, #u-ot and others | 15:10 |
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
elky | bazhang, how similar are the IPs? | 15:17 |
elky | (to other times) | 15:17 |
elky | anyway, sleeps time | 15:17 |
bazhang | Match: *!*@ by tonyyarusso in #ubuntu-offtopic on Feb 09 2009 11:59:54 (ID: 9866) | 15:18 |
bazhang | for nickchangertroll ; aka failtroll and several others elky | 15:19 |
Myrtti | how come I feel like I'm being ignored | 16:09 |
* mneptok pours a bucket of hot, frothy attention over Myrtti's head | 16:13 | |
Grant-A | *sigh* | 17:34 |
Grant-A | | 17:34 |
ikonia | Grant-A: don't start this again | 17:34 |
Grant-A | That just doesn't seem very professional of him | 17:34 |
Grant-A | He was purposely trying to belittle my questioning | 17:35 |
ikonia | Grant-A: did jdong give you a warning in this channel a day or two ago about making random statments | 17:35 |
Grant-A | I told him to stop, and he bans me | 17:35 |
ikonia | Grant-A: did jdong give you a warning in this channel a day or two ago about making random statments | 17:35 |
Grant-A | I wasn't making random statements | 17:35 |
ikonia | Grant-A: did jdong give you a warning in this channel a day or two ago about making random statments | 17:35 |
Grant-A | that has nothing to do with this | 17:35 |
ikonia | yes or no | 17:35 |
ikonia | yes or no | 17:35 |
Grant-A | I was not trying to make random statements | 17:35 |
ikonia | yes or no | 17:35 |
Grant-A | # | 17:35 |
Grant-A | 11:29 < Grant-A> p_quarles: I have no interest in argueing, I am simply | 17:35 |
Grant-A | # interested in finding out why this case is still valid. So if | 17:35 |
Grant-A | # you don't mind, this is an a b conversation so c yourself out | 17:35 |
ikonia | Grant-A: if you cannot answer the question - don't bother disputing anything | 17:36 |
Grant-A | yes, he did, but I was not making random statements | 17:36 |
Grant-A | I was trying to get to the bottom of why this case is still valid | 17:36 |
* Myrtti reads the log and thinks: "How random" | 17:36 | |
ikonia | Grant-A: right - so coming in and saying "you can't extend patents unless your in the pharamesectiucls industry" is not random and wrong ? | 17:36 |
Grant-A | no | 17:36 |
ikonia | ooh | 17:37 |
Grant-A | looky here: | 17:37 |
Grant-A | | 17:37 |
Grant-A | that page is nothing but pharmaceuticals | 17:37 |
Grant-A | leading me to believe, due to no conflicting evidence, that it only applied to pharmaceuticals | 17:37 |
ikonia | so ? | 17:37 |
ikonia | that does not make what you said fact | 17:37 |
Grant-A | 11:37 < Grant-A> leading me to believe, due to no conflicting evidence, that it only applied to pharmaceuticals | 17:38 |
Grant-A | It's not my fault if my evidence lead me to believe something that may have been wrong | 17:38 |
Grant-A | all I did was tell p_quarels to stop, he gets angry, and bans me | 17:39 |
ikonia | Grant-A: that's not what happened | 17:39 |
Grant-A | yes | 17:39 |
ikonia | Grant-A: you make a one sided argument every time | 17:39 |
Grant-A | I told him that this was an a b conversation, and for him to c himself out | 17:39 |
Tm_T | Grant-A: that is not nicely said, son | 17:39 |
ikonia | no you didn't | 17:39 |
Grant-A | ikonia: | 17:39 |
ikonia | Grant-A: and this is what you did last time, twisted words | 17:40 |
Grant-A | ikonia: It's in the pastebin | 17:40 |
Grant-A | Dude! | 17:40 |
Grant-A | I did not twist words! | 17:40 |
Grant-A | that is IN the pastebin for God's sake! | 17:40 |
ikonia | # | 17:40 |
ikonia | 11:31 < Grant-A> p_quarles: You're only purpose in this conversation was to disclaim my questions and understandings | 17:40 |
ikonia | # | 17:40 |
ikonia | you missed those lines out | 17:40 |
ikonia | 11:31 < Grant-A> p_quarles: The exact definition of troll | 17:40 |
Grant-A | yes, he was trolling | 17:40 |
Grant-A | # | 17:40 |
Grant-A | 11:28 < p_quarles> ikonia: generally speaking, claims made by Grant-A aren't | 17:40 |
Grant-A | # actually "true" | 17:40 |
ikonia | Grant-A: and you missed out the fact that you've got a long history in the channel of doing this | 17:40 |
ikonia | Grant-A: yes - that has been proven fact | 17:41 |
Grant-A | of what? trying to find the truth? | 17:41 |
ikonia | Grant-A: hence why jdong gave you a warning | 17:41 |
jdong | multiple. | 17:41 |
Grant-A | to not make arguements and constantly refute what other people said | 17:41 |
Grant-A | I was trying to figure out why this was still going on and I was trying to deeply understand your side | 17:42 |
Grant-A | I wanted nothing else but to figure this out | 17:42 |
Grant-A | if I didn't this wouldn't have happened: | 17:42 |
Grant-A | # | 17:42 |
Grant-A | 11:30 < ikonia> Grant-A: contact the US patent office | 17:42 |
Grant-A | # | 17:42 |
Grant-A | 11:30 < Grant-A> ok | 17:42 |
Grant-A | # | 17:42 |
Grant-A | 11:30 < ikonia> Grant-A: they will know for fact | 17:42 |
Grant-A | I wouldn't have simply said "ok" if I wanted to troll | 17:42 |
ikonia | I said that because you where referencing documents then saying the opposite | 17:42 |
* Myrtti sees a cat chasing his tail | 17:43 | |
Tm_T | indeed | 17:43 |
Grant-A | It's not my fault that big blocks of text like that tend to run together in my head | 17:43 |
Grant-A | I saw this line: | 17:43 |
Tm_T | Myrtti: hugses? | 17:43 |
ikonia | you quoted a wiki pedia page that said the terms of patents - then made the statment about it only being valid for drugs company - which disagreed with the link you just said | 17:43 |
ikonia | enough now | 17:43 |
Grant-A | | 17:43 |
Grant-A | "However, a terminal disclaimer does not negate Patent Term Extension that has been granted under 35 U.S.C. 156.[11] In a pharmaceutical patent dispute" | 17:43 |
ikonia | Grant-A: stop - please | 17:43 |
Grant-A | I read that, it ran together, and I thought it said the extention could be granted only for pharmaceuticals | 17:44 |
Myrtti | which channel is this on again? | 17:44 |
ikonia | ubuntuforums | 17:44 |
Myrtti | oh, right | 17:44 |
Myrtti | #ubuntuforums | 17:44 |
Grant-A | #ubuntuforums, but ubottu doesn't log it | 17:44 |
Grant-A | I have two screenshots | 17:44 |
Grant-A | I will upload them to imageshack if required | 17:44 |
ikonia | we don't need screen shots | 17:44 |
ikonia | jdong: I suggest you deal with this - it's getting really old now | 17:44 |
Tm_T | I believe that channel is logged too | 17:44 |
ikonia | this is the 4th time this has happened this month alone | 17:45 |
Grant-A | Tm_T: We tried it once, ubottu said he didn't log it :/ | 17:45 |
Grant-A | Well then obviously there is a problem! | 17:45 |
Tm_T | Grant-A: who said it must be logged by ubottu, meh | 17:45 |
jussi01 | Grant-A: ubottu logs it, just not publically ;) | 17:45 |
Grant-A | P Quarels did nothing in that conversation but try to belittle my statements | 17:45 |
jussi01 | ubuntulog doesnt log it | 17:45 |
jdong | IMO we've been down this path too many times.. | 17:45 |
Tm_T | jussi01: roger | 17:45 |
ikonia | Grant-A: have you thought about looking at other channels that may suit your dicussion better ? | 17:45 |
Grant-A | I was simply asking why this patent was still valid | 17:45 |
jdong | I've tried my best to solve this problem without any kicking or banning. | 17:46 |
Grant-A | I wanted no part in an arguement, and I even told you guys that in the channel! | 17:46 |
jdong | but I don't see such a solution any more. | 17:46 |
jdong | I suggest that Grant-A at least take a short leave from the channel. | 17:46 |
Grant-A | I just think it's wrong that I tell p quarels to quit and I get kicked for it! | 17:46 |
Grant-A | ?!?! | 17:46 |
jdong | that is not why you were kicked. | 17:47 |
Grant-A | it was a conversation between just me and ikonia, and p quarels kicks me when I tell him to stop | 17:47 |
Grant-A | # | 17:47 |
Grant-A | 11:29 < Grant-A> p_quarles: I have no interest in argueing, I am simply | 17:47 |
Grant-A | # interested in finding out why this case is still valid. So if | 17:47 |
Grant-A | # you don't mind, this is an a b conversation so c yourself out | 17:47 |
Grant-A | # | 17:47 |
Grant-A | 11:30 < ikonia> Grant-A: contact the US patent office | 17:47 |
jdong | you were ultimately kicked because this is about the 6th time we've had one of these factual-inaccuracy confrontations in 1.5 months. | 17:47 |
Grant-A | # | 17:47 |
ikonia | Grant-A: STOP | 17:47 |
Grant-A | 11:30 < Grant-A> ok | 17:47 |
Grant-A | # | 17:47 |
Grant-A | 11:30 < ikonia> Grant-A: they will know for fact | 17:47 |
ikonia | Grant-A: I've asked you to STOP doing that | 17:47 |
Grant-A | # | 17:47 |
jdong | PLEASE STOP POSTING LOGS. | 17:47 |
ikonia | Grant-A: STOP | 17:47 |
Grant-A | 11:30 < p_quarles> Grant-A: excuse me? | 17:47 |
ikonia | enough | 17:47 |
Myrtti | thank you dear | 17:48 |
jussi01 | now then, Grant-A, you should know much better than to paste in channel | 17:48 |
* Myrtti can hear that in Aussie accent, damnit | 17:48 | |
Grant-A | ? | 17:49 |
Grant-A | that was odd | 17:49 |
Grant-A | I didn't know +b didn't kick | 17:49 |
jussi01 | Grant-A: that was a mute ;) | 17:49 |
Myrtti | it can be used to mute | 17:49 |
Grant-A | oh | 17:49 |
Myrtti | atleast in this netwoerk | 17:49 |
Myrtti | -e | 17:49 |
* Grant-A thinks freenode needs a man page | 17:49 | |
jdong | it does. | 17:49 |
jussi01 | !modes | Grant-A | 17:50 |
ubottu | Grant-A: There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: | 17:50 |
Tm_T | Grant-A: you have lot to learn, my young padawan | 17:50 |
jussi01 | anyway, back to the matter at hand | 17:50 |
Grant-A | this is probably why everyone being anonymous in this channel would probably be a better idea | 17:51 |
ikonia | ? | 17:51 |
Grant-A | it seems that the irc council is too tightly knit to possibly accuse one of its own of wrong doing | 17:51 |
Myrtti | Grant-A: I think anonymity in IRC is in general a bad idea | 17:51 |
Grant-A | I will see myself out | 17:51 |
jussi01 | Grant-A: bye | 17:52 |
Myrtti | that was... random | 17:52 |
jussi01 | no, expected | 17:52 |
ikonia | this is getting really old with him | 17:52 |
nickrud | the only thing limiting my sarcasm is non-anonymity | 17:52 |
ikonia | nickrud: nie | 17:52 |
jdong | Myrtti: not to someone who's seen it happen twice in here already :) | 17:52 |
Grant-A | btw, I almost forgot to say | 17:52 |
Grant-A | notice that everyone of my problems is directly related to p quarels | 17:52 |
Grant-A | every one I ever bring in here | 17:52 |
Grant-A | so, with that in mind | 17:53 |
ikonia | you where moaning about jdong | 17:53 |
ikonia | so it's not | 17:53 |
Grant-A | When? | 17:53 |
jdong | notice that he was saying on behalf of all the operators in this channel. | 17:53 |
Grant-A | When was I moaning about jdong? | 17:53 |
jdong | the IRC protocol doesn't support a everybody-holds-hands-kick | 17:53 |
jdong | Grant-A: the last time you were in here. | 17:53 |
jdong | that was entirely brought forth against me. | 17:53 |
Grant-A | ah, right, that one | 17:53 |
Grant-A | p quarels was still a catalyst though | 17:53 |
jdong | your inability to factually acccurately recount your own recent history concerns me. | 17:54 |
ikonia | Grant-A: again - please don't make one sided agruments missing out key details to make your point | 17:54 |
jdong | Grant-A: You have some self-improving to do; being open-sided to arguments and thinking/researching *critically* before you say | 17:55 |
Grant-A | I can suspect that none of these problems would have escalated to their current point had he not been in there, such as this latest incident where I was just disucssing with ikonia, and he jumps in to try and kill my statements, I ask him to leave, he takes offense by saying "Excuse Me?" and I get kicked | 17:55 |
jdong | again, I really think you can benefit from time off. | 17:55 |
ikonia | Grant-A: that is not what happened | 17:55 |
ikonia | Grant-A: you called him a troll | 17:55 |
ikonia | Grant-A: you "forgot" to mention tht | 17:55 |
ikonia | that | 17:55 |
ikonia | you didn't get kicked for "excuses me" | 17:55 |
Grant-A | you don't call jumping into a conversation to dispute someone's statements trollish? | 17:55 |
ikonia | I am tried of you twisting the facts to make your agument right | 17:56 |
Grant-A | especially when I tried to ask him to stop? | 17:56 |
ikonia | Grant-A: so the statment you want to make to be acureate was | 17:56 |
ikonia | "I was asking him to stop, I called him a troll and he kicked me" | 17:56 |
ikonia | doesn't quite look as good as "excuse me" and he kicked me does it | 17:56 |
Grant-A | yes, because isn't jumping into an a b conversation to directly attack another's factual basis a troll? | 17:57 |
ikonia | Grant-A: that's not what I'm telling you | 17:57 |
Grant-A | especially when I did not ask for his opinion? | 17:57 |
ikonia | Grant-A: you don't have the ability to listen | 17:57 |
jussi01 | Grant-A: ok, Having seen how things are, I think its best you have some time off. you are banned in #ubuntuforums and it will stay that way for the next 2 weeks, after that, please come back here and ask about your ban. | 17:57 |
Grant-A | ok then | 17:57 |
Grant-A | please talk to p quarels, though | 17:57 |
Grant-A | bye~ | 17:58 |
jussi01 | Grant-A: bye | 17:58 |
jussi01 | *deep breath* | 17:58 |
* Chipmonk popcorns | 17:58 | |
jdong | was just going to tell you guys he comes 99% in after leaving. | 17:58 |
* ikonia takes another sip of wine to numb the pain | 17:58 | |
ikonia | Chipmonk: gary ??? really | 17:59 |
jpds | What are p quarels? | 17:59 |
nickrud | lol | 17:59 |
ikonia | jdong: forums op | 17:59 |
ikonia | jpds: sorry | 17:59 |
jussi01 | hehe | 17:59 |
ikonia | jdong: I've seen him do it 4 times now - I think it's well know | 17:59 |
Chipmonk | hey ikonia | 17:59 |
ikonia | pasting 2 lines say "look look I got kicked for sneezing" | 17:59 |
ikonia | missing out the 40 lines above where he is kicking off | 17:59 |
ikonia | Chipmonk: errrrr what's with the nick | 17:59 |
Chipmonk | ikonia: you have the patience of a saint \o/ | 18:00 |
ikonia | Chipmonk: ??? I doubt that | 18:00 |
ikonia | the wine is numbing me | 18:00 |
Chipmonk | ikonia: oh it was a dare/fun | 18:00 |
jdong | lol yes. | 18:00 |
ikonia | Chipmonk: I hope you won | 18:00 |
* jussi01 prods ikonia | 18:00 | |
jdong | he loves picking out one-liners that make someone look bad | 18:00 |
jdong | and then completely refuses that there's another side. | 18:00 |
jdong | I am still pretty surprised he forgot the last time he came in here it was pure 20 minutes of why I am a bad person. | 18:01 |
jussi01 | jdong: he just got worked up | 18:01 |
jussi01 | I got sick of it, was going no where, and I felt he needed someone to be "decisive" about it. | 18:02 |
jdong | indeed. | 18:02 |
jdong | mneptok stepped in last time to find middle ground | 18:02 |
mneptok | and i hate doing that kinda crap. it reeks of emotional maturity. | 18:08 |
* nickrud runs, shrieking and covering his ears | 18:08 | |
mneptok | see? no one likes it. there's a certain weltschraum we need to preserve. | 18:09 |
nickspoon | If I knew what 'weltschraum' meant I would certainly agree. | 18:14 |
Myrtti | @bansearch nbeebo | 18:39 |
ubottu | Match: nbeebo! by LjL in #ubuntu on Dec 10 2008 22:08:15 (ID: 7821) | 18:39 |
ubottu | Match: nbeebo! by LjL in #ubuntu-offtopic on Dec 18 2008 21:07:15 (ID: 8102) | 18:39 |
ubottu | Match: nbeebo! by bazhang in #ubuntu-offtopic on Dec 31 2008 03:19:42 (ID: 8479) | 18:39 |
ubottu | Match: nbeebo! by bazhang in #ubuntu-ops on Jan 07 2009 04:32:41 (ID: 8775) | 18:39 |
Myrtti | intresting | 18:39 |
topyli | he is a regular annoyance | 18:40 |
Myrtti | hejssan tralala ;-) | 18:40 |
nickrud | sometimes amusing, but usually not | 18:40 |
Myrtti | ohmygawd. | 18:41 |
Myrtti | someone has found a harmonica | 18:41 |
topyli | i've given my godson countless harmonicas and steel drums as christmas/birthday presents, and they always seem to be "missing" after a day or two | 18:42 |
nickspoon | Maybe he just doesn't like harmonicas? | 18:42 |
nickrud | someone in his family has some sense | 18:42 |
* Myrtti wants to shove the harmonica down their throat | 18:42 | |
nickspoon | I love harmonicas <3 | 18:43 |
topyli | nickspoon: oh he loves them, i guess nickrud is on the right track here | 18:43 |
topyli | moreover, they want to stay somewhat sane. i would never give him such a present if i lived with them. but this way, i'm out in a few hours | 18:44 |
topyli | evil grin smiley yet to be invented | 18:44 |
nickrud | I love harmonica as well; but there's few things more annoying than someone playing who doesn't know how | 18:44 |
topyli | i can assure you my grandson does not | 18:45 |
topyli | grandson? godson | 18:45 |
nickspoon | Try >:), topyli. | 19:04 |
topyli | i've seen that used, but it's a poor evil grin :-( | 19:05 |
nickspoon | There aren't any particularly evil-looking characters. | 19:05 |
nickspoon | >:] perhaps. | 19:05 |
nickrud | >-) maybe | 19:07 |
nickrud | cribbed | 19:07 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, LostChain said: ubottu: sound is working fine | 20:00 |
nickrud | can someone explain to me the gain of having two nicks and using one to insult the other? | 20:26 |
Myrtti | baiting others to participate | 20:28 |
nickrud | ah. | 20:29 |
nickrud | that is a terrible nick | 20:29 |
Picipod | Bag | 20:29 |
Picipod | Bag? | 20:29 |
Pici | fine. you ruined my example with props | 20:30 |
* nickrud understands very little | 20:30 | |
Myrtti | wheeeee | 20:32 |
Myrtti | I'm learning Python | 20:32 |
Myrtti | exiting | 20:32 |
Pici | exit() ? | 20:32 |
Myrtti | exciting, even | 20:33 |
Pici | I know ;) | 20:33 |
jdong | ok, let's see how this FreeBSD-on-a-stick thing works. | 20:40 |
Myrtti | syockit: how may we help you | 20:52 |
dayo2 | yes, i was asked by nickrud to come here | 20:52 |
syockit | umm? I just want to know what usually happens around here | 20:53 |
dayo2 | nickrud: are u here? | 20:53 |
syockit | ok read topic | 20:53 |
nickrud | dayo2, yes, one sec | 20:53 |
dayo2 | nickrud: ol | 20:53 |
dayo2 | ok* | 20:53 |
nickrud | dayo2, I've found the address on the net | 20:53 |
nickrud | so, why was a colleague at the same ip insulting you so well? | 20:54 |
dayo2 | nickrud: we're both IT admins at AUST: | 20:54 |
dayo2 | nickrud: i'm Dayo (obviously), and he's Bobby | 20:54 |
dayo2 | nickrud: at first i tried to get in touch with a mod on ubuntuforums: | 20:55 |
dayo2 | nickrud: because he's a childish little sh*t. | 20:55 |
nickrud | ah, one of those. | 20:55 |
dayo2 | we're behind the same IP, but we're two different people. | 20:56 |
nickrud | dayo2, ok, I'll pull the ban for now; your ip does lead to that edu and your name matches ;) | 20:56 |
nickrud | dayo2, but the basic rules apply: if we get continuous grief from that ip, the ban will go back up | 20:56 |
nickrud | !coc | dayo2 you might want to give this link to bobby | 20:56 |
ubottu | dayo2 you might want to give this link to bobby: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at | 20:56 |
dayo2 | nickrud: thank you. i appreciate that. and the IP is going to change soon, because we're migrating to a new ISP, once the suits get the paperwork in order | 20:57 |
dayo2 | ok i will make sure he gets the link. thank you for your understanding | 20:57 |
nickrud | a rarity: someone who can actually document his case | 20:58 |
wgrant | Mez: Hm? | 21:46 |
Mez | wgrant: lol - it was in a middle of a netsplit and only you and I were there | 22:03 |
Myrtti | wheee | 22:03 |
Myrtti | I hate lag | 22:03 |
Mez | as do we all :D | 22:04 |
Mez | well, I think all of us anyway :D | 22:04 |
Myrtti | hrm | 22:06 |
Myrtti | I'm starting to think I actually might like some things in Java more than in Python | 22:06 |
Myrtti | I guess there's nothing like Javadoc in Python... | 22:07 |
Myrtti | I liked that in Java | 22:07 |
* Myrtti feels old | 22:09 | |
nickrud | Myrtti | 22:09 |
Myrtti | my gawd that looks awful :-( | 22:10 |
Myrtti | ohhhhkay | 22:16 |
Myrtti | whee. | 22:27 |
Myrtti | I can code. | 22:27 |
Pici | ya | 22:28 |
Pici | y | 22:28 |
jussi01 | apple beer FTW! :D (oh, sorry for the interuption, do continue :) ) | 22:35 |
* Myrtti snaps a silicon wristband on jussi01's back | 22:37 | |
jussi01 | Myrtti: facebook! | 22:39 |
Myrtti | jussi01: why do you always ask difficult questions | 22:44 |
Myrtti | jussi01: do you honestly think I used a recipe for those rolls :-D | 22:44 |
Myrtti | "mmmmm needs more flour" | 22:44 |
Myrtti | jussi01: there you go, anyway | 22:45 |
jussi01 | :D | 22:45 |
Myrtti | I never use recipies, unless I'm baking a cake or something | 22:45 |
Myrtti | bread is just... bread | 22:45 |
Myrtti | I should go put my flowers to a cooler place | 22:46 |
jrib | you got flowers? | 23:05 |
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