
ScottKNCommander: Please see the packagekit armel FTBFS: /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qlist.h:352: error: cast from 'QList<QVariant>::Node*' to 'QVariant*' increases required alignment of target type00:23
ScottKYour favorite stuff again.00:23
* NCommander runs00:23
ScottKExcellent.  Spotted.00:24
ScottKNCommander: Let me know when you need that sponsored.00:24
NCommanderScottK, I assume you mean kpackagekit vs packagekit00:24
ScottKNCommander: No.  I mean packagekit.00:25
quassel208hi guys what happend with xserver ? i cant select 1400 x 900 anymore00:37
quassel208it looks kind of familiar00:39
quassel208of the problem i had when i bought my tft screen and runned 7.10 or 7.0400:40
ScottKquassel208: You might ask in #ubuntu-x00:44
ScottKtxwikinger: ichthuxh-default-settings uploaded.  The ichthux-meta diff did not apply, please check that one and attach a new debdiff.01:26
txwikingerScottK: Ok.. I will check it out01:27
seelewow, maco is a hard core convert01:50
seelethinking about learning qt and everything01:50
ScottKvorian: So what's your plan for kio-ftps?02:15
vorianthere were licensing issues that I never heard back from upstream about02:17
vorianScottK: although it is in sid02:18
* vorian looks02:18
ScottKSomehow it's in Jaunty with your name on it FTBFS on all archs.02:18
ScottKYep.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kio-ftps02:19
vorianthat is very very strange02:21
voriankio-ftps (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low02:21
vorian  * Initial release (Closes: #501342)02:21
vorian -- Laurent Léonard <laurent@open-minds.org>  Sun, 12 Oct 2008 17:18:39 +020002:21
ScottKYou're name is there due to getting tagged with the sync request.02:21
ScottKJust one more way Launchpad is insane.02:21
voriani'll go on and fix it02:22
vorianseele: your new shiny cloak works best when you are identified02:23
txwikingersomething is wrong with the balancing of the repos02:24
txwikingerThe whole day already I only connect 50%  of the time02:24
ScottKYou aren't the only one to report it.02:25
seelevorian: i should be identified02:33
seeleah, there we go02:33
seelei guess i had to reidentify since getting the cloak02:33
* nhandler admires seele's kde cloak02:34
vorianexcellent :)02:34
seeleonly took 5 years to get one lol02:34
vorianonly took me 2 seconds to do02:35
vorianmaybe 302:35
ScottKThis is the database that will be holding my email: http://www.davidpashley.com/blog/2009/02/15#silently-truncated02:35
seelevorian: thanks :)02:36
vorianseele: thank njaard - I am only a drone02:36
txwikingerScottK: uplaoded a better debdiff.. sorry for that..02:51
vorianbug 22000403:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220004 in ubuntu "Please sync kio-ftps from Debian Unstable Main (New package)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22000403:02
vorianScottK: ^ lookie03:03
vorianit won't build on 4.203:03
vorianScottK: I emailed upstream about compatability with 4.2, but they have not been active in a year03:11
vorianI may need to ask for it to be removed03:11
nhandlerOne of the packages I'm working on FTBFS with "CMake Error: The source directory "/build/buildd/posterazor-1.9.5/src" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.". I remember seeing some patches in the plasma-widgets that mentioned CMakeLists.txt. What exactly do they do?03:16
voriannhandler: those were plasma fixes03:19
rgreeningshtylman: I haven't had time ot look at the installer at all (partitioner). If you want to try and tackle it, go ahead. I have to get the packagekit changes done.03:27
rgreeningjussi01: cool. glad it works now03:27
ScottKvorian: You might check and see if it builds against Debian Experimental and if it doesn't file a bug there.04:20
ScottKThe Debian maintainer might port it.04:20
ScottKNCommander: I've got an ICE for you too.  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22638414/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-powerpc.kde-style-skulpture_0.2.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz04:22
NCommanderugh ....04:22
ScottKAren't I full of fun tonight.04:31
ScottKtxwikinger: What was the bug number again for that (I closed the window)?04:31
txwikingerScottK: Bug #32091504:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320915 in ichthux-meta "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32091504:32
ScottKtxwikinger: Thanks.04:36
ScottKtxwikinger: Please don't have multiple revisions in the same upload with some unreleased, combine them into a single revision.  I just did that here and I did it on the last one too.04:56
txwikingerScottK ok05:02
ScottKtxwikinger: Uploaded.  Thanks for taking care of it.05:03
txwikingerThanks ScottK05:03
ScottKNCommander: I got another porting issue, but I think I got a solution.  Can I run it by you?05:40
NCommanderScottK, sure05:40
* NCommander is not feeling so well, so I probably won't have those issues resolved tonight05:41
ScottKNo problem.05:41
ScottKNCommander: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22638110/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-sparc.akonadi_1.1.1-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is the failure log.05:41
NCommanderWhat's your fix?05:42
ScottKNCommander: Reading http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=485434 - I think the solution is to extend debian/patches/sp_counted_base.patch in boost1.35 to also apply to sparc.05:42
ubottuDebian bug 485434 in libboost1.35-dev "undefined reference to __sync_fetch_and_add_4" [Unknown,Closed]05:42
ScottKWe just recently switched a bunch of stuff from boost (1.34) to boost1.35, so it's not suprise this just comes up now.05:43
NCommanderSounds right. I can probably test build a package for you (I have access to a few SPARC boxes now)05:44
ScottKNCommander: If you could rebuild boost with that change and then build akonadi against it, that would be grand.05:46
NCommanderI'll put it on my todo list, but this is a bad week (six days to feature freeze)05:46
NCommanderIf you can make source packages for me, it would be greatly helpful.05:47
ScottKNCommander: I can toss a boost package in my PPA.  Akonadi would be the one from the archive.05:48
NCommanderPerfect, the SPARC box I use should still have its chroots setup, so once that's done, we'll be in business05:49
ScottKNCommander: How do I specify sparc in there?  I see ( defined( __sparcv8 ) || defined( __sparcv9 ) ) elsewhere in the file.05:54
ScottKIs that what I want?05:54
NCommanderLet me think05:54
NCommanderA quick googling says so (I can't find a general sparc CPP flag so ...)05:57
ScottKOK.  We'll try that.05:58
ScottKIf this works, it goes in the "With Google, anyone can look like a genius" catagory.06:06
NCommanderGoogle: Making people seem smarter than they actually are since 199506:09
ScottKI uploaded to my ppa.  Waiting to see if it esplodes there or not.06:14
nellerywith the new naming scheme for plasmoids, should binary packages also be plasma-widget-*?06:26
ScottKYes.  Particularly the binary packages as that's what users look for to install.06:30
ScottKNCommander: If you get bored kdebindings failed on ia64.06:30
nelleryScottK: so am I right in saying that http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jaunty/plasma-widget-tvprogramme was incorrectly renamed?06:31
ScottKnellery: What's wrong with it (it's late here and I'm tired)06:32
nelleryScottK: The source package is called plasma-widget-tvprogramme and the binary package is plasmoid-tvprogramme06:32
ScottKnellery: You are correct.  It needs to be changed.06:33
nelleryScottK: Thanks.  Is it worth checking the rest to be sure there were no others?06:34
ScottKnellery: If you're up for doing another one, kepas has a plasmoid package in it that needs changing too.06:34
nelleryScottK: I'll change that too06:34
ScottKnellery: http://paste.ubuntu.com/118323/ is the list that need checking.  Some of those may just be transitional packages.06:36
nelleryScottK: Thanks, I'll check them all06:37
ScottKnellery: : Thanks.06:37
ScottKNCommander: boost1.35 built in my ppa.  over to you ...  https://launchpad.net/%7Ekitterman/+archive/ppa/+files/boost1.35_1.35.0-8ubuntu3~ppa1.dsc06:52
nelleryScottK: bug 329627 has debdiffs fixing three which still need to be changed, if you feel like sponsoring07:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329627 in kdeedu "Some unchanged plasmoid source/binary package names" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32962707:29
jussi01ANyone know which ppa the koffice2 beta packages are in?09:11
jussi01or are they the -kde4 packages included in jaunty?09:21
alleeJauntyjussi01: -kde4 is droped in jaunty.   The koffice pkgs are the 2.0 beta in jaunty09:36
jussi01alleeJaunty: really?09:37
jussi01!info koffice-kde4 jaunty09:37
ubottukoffice-kde4 (source: koffice2): KDE Office Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB09:37
alleeJauntyjussi01: sorry right, it still has -kde4 postfix09:38
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a|wenand lenny is released! :)10:22
a|wenScottK: did we get a "congratulations debian" ready for kubuntu.org ?10:59
Riddella|wen: has Debian released?12:57
Riddellwhy so it has13:02
seaLneRiddell: the posters last weekend were a bit of a give away...13:07
ScottKa|wen: I didn't and don't have time for at least several hours.  I think it would be really great if someone would do this.13:39
Lurecan somebody explain why we use kde4.mk in cdbs which is not used in debian?13:51
Lurethis makes merging/syncing a pain...13:51
ScottKLure: They use kde4.mk too, just put it in a different place.  Now that KDE4 is going into unstable, we need to get some agreement on how we deal with that and probably some other KDE4 packaging issues.13:56
LureScottK: they use pkg-kde-tools13:57
ScottKWhen we put ours in CDBS, they didn't.13:57
LureScottK: they do no like extending cdbs (as they do not own it), but rather use own package to shipping their rules13:58
LureScottK: I think it may be related to how debian has ownership over packages (and ubuntu does not)13:59
ScottKYes.  I agree.13:59
LureScottK: they have it in /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/cdbs/kde.mk13:59
LureScottK: but it is more basic than our kde4.mk13:59
LureScottK: and it may not be bad (as I for example have assumption that patches dir means quilt)14:00
ScottKAs long as we get to a common path to it, we have have different content.14:00
ScottKhave have/can have14:00
LureScottK: sure, but we should not get different just to be different (or build in hidden assumptions that do not work on debian)14:01
LureScottK: auto-selection of patchsys is already that (debian leave it to packager)14:01
ScottKTrue.  It would also be useful to look into the differences and see which ones make sense.14:01
ScottKIIRC the quilt thing we got from them.14:01
ScottKNCommander: Interestingly packagekit fails on ia64 too: /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qmap.h:140: error: cast from 'char*' to 'QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node*' increases required alignment of target type14:02
ScottKThat's the first one of those I've seen !armel.14:02
a|wenScottK: what do we want to have in the debian announcement; i could start writing a proposal if it is14:07
ScottKI was just thinking a short "Congratulations to Debian on releasing Lenny with a link to their release announcement and a small Debian swirl.14:07
* a|wen starts looking into some fitting words14:09
ScottKa|wen: Thanks.  Little stuff like this can be important.14:13
loolRiddell, ScottK: I wasn't every able to reproduce the crashes with xine in intrepid14:14
a|wenScottK: exactly :)14:14
ScottKlool: How would you feel about marking that in the bug and suggesting it be copied over?14:14
loolRiddell, ScottK: I can only rely on other submitters to confirm the update fixes the bug for them; I think only the xine-lib fixes were confirmed as fixing the issue, not the langpack changes alone14:14
loolScottK: I suggested that to the TB when I saw other xine crashes flowing in; I thought I had mentionned that I didn't reproduce in an intrepid KVM, but will check14:15
ScottKlool: Thanks.  I'm a little nervous KDE 4.1.4 got copied to intrepid-updates without that one.14:16
a|wenlool: did you downgrade both the xine packages as well as the language-packs?14:18
a|wenlool: it seems that part of the problem should be fixed in the lang-packs; so you might only be able to reproduce with the original lang-packs?14:18
loolScottK: I updated the bug with all I know14:20
loolRiddell: ^14:20
ScottKlool: Thanks.14:21
loola|wen: Yes; I prepared both updates and couldn't ever reproduce the crashers14:21
ScottKRiddell: I'm not sure what the best way to proceed on this is, but I feel we need to get this copied sooner rather than later.14:21
a|wenlool: did you try reproducing it now?14:22
ScottKIf anyone is looking for some 'fun', this is currently blocking progress on building KDE on ia64: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22641086/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-ia64.kdebindings_4%3A4.2.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:23
vorianScottK: I got a fix on kio-ftps - doing final testing before I upload14:25
ScottKvorian: Kewl.14:25
ScottKIt's handy when it FTBFS on a arch you have.14:25
loola|wen: No14:30
a|wenoh, okay14:31
loola|wen: I tried reproducing from a clean intrepid vm with -updates and -security alone installed, couldn't reproduce the issue, both with -it and -de locales and langpacks and running xine-list in debug mode in these locales14:31
loolThat was after preparing the updated langpacks in my ppa14:31
a|wenlool: do you still have an install you can test on by using the old lang-packs?14:32
a|wenScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/118457/ ... do we also want a "what is debian" part?14:32
vorianScottK: kio-ftps fixed14:34
* vorian leaves for a few hours14:35
ScottKa|wen: Perhaps a link to their what is Debian tied in with your comment about us benifiting from Debian's work.14:41
* ScottK needs to head out, so I'd say go for it.14:41
a|wenScottK: this page http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/debian ?14:42
a|wenthat's the best i could find about is14:42
a|wenRiddell: who is our master of the website, ryanakca ? ... and does http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/118465/ look okay? (got a go from ScottK for the previous version)14:46
jpdsa|wen: Ryan is webmaster, yes.14:50
jpds...or at least, the email points at him.14:51
a|wenjpds: then i wasn't completely wrong ... now we just need him to appear :)14:52
jussi01Can anyone point me to books/online resources on business viability of open source? ie. business models, how to market, etc?14:52
JontheEchidnaHmm, the debian ktorrent package has a plasma-applet-ktorrent package15:53
* JontheEchidna is merging15:54
* JontheEchidna will change it to -applet15:54
txwikingerCan you run KDE4.2 with 256MB RAM ?16:46
quassel208may i ask here how i can start learning to program? I understanded that programming is like a language16:49
txwikingerquassel208: Well there are different ways16:50
quassel208I am looking for a way that even I can understand it, I mean i only have a IQ from 8516:51
txwikingerA lot of people buy a book and just start doing it16:51
quassel208But i wanna do it for kde or in Qt16:51
quassel208Or i though about the Iphone16:51
txwikingerWell.. for KDE you need either c++ or python16:52
txwikingerpython is easier for the beginning16:52
quassel208wat a about that program called kdevelop ?16:52
txwikingerthat is a IDE (Integrated Development Environment)16:53
txwikingerIt allows you to do think on a GUI which you usually do at the commandline16:53
quassel208Okay, but with Qt desinger you can make gui´s easy or not ?16:54
txwikingerYes.. Qt designer can help you designing GUIs16:54
txwikingerQt designer uses .ui files that describe the gui that than can be used by the program, or coverted into a program16:55
txwikingerHowever, that is only the GUI part16:55
txwikingeri.e. the event handling of user events (mouse clicking etc.)16:56
quassel208Can i port say Kopete or a other program to iphone ?16:56
txwikingeriphone is AFAIK not free software16:56
quassel208Cydia ?16:56
quassel208It uses apt16:57
txwikingerand qtopia?16:57
txwikingerI have no idea about the iphone.. i don't use closed systems16:57
txwikingerthere are free alternatives for it16:58
quassel208My Iphone is not closed, some debian guy has made cydia16:58
txwikingerah ok16:59
quassel208Mplayer has made it into cydia but doesnt work that easy on iphone16:59
quassel208But i think best would be for kde17:00
txwikingerWell qtopia is a phone devices qt patform17:00
txwikingeropenmoko can run qtopia17:00
quassel208those devices look ugle, but i heard tmobile closed root file system on andriod17:01
quassel208i going look up to python17:05
txwikingerhttp://python.org has a good tutorial17:06
quassel208going look into it, but before i start should i think of what i wanna create ?17:09
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ping17:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: if you get a chance, could you look at bug 296433 please?17:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296433 in ktorrent "[jaunty] ktorrent changes in Debian require merging" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29643317:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: Plasma applet can be right too.17:31
a|wenScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/118465/17:32
ScottKa|wen: I think that's great.17:33
* ScottK looks for ryanakca some more.17:33
* a|wen has been looking for him for some time without luck ... do we have others with website rights?17:33
ScottKI think I have the password somewhere.  The big question is did I remember to rescue that file off my laptop when as the FS was dieing.17:34
ScottKIt'll be several hours before I could look into it.17:35
a|wenoh, i see ... we'll see if someone doesn't come along in the meantime17:36
a|wenScottK: keep an eye out for him though ... i'll be leaving from here shortly17:37
ScottKwill do17:37
JontheEchidnaScottK: Hmm, ok. I guess I'll change it back then17:40
ScottKThere's a draft policy document somewhere in Debian land we should be using.17:40
ScottKNCommander: I don't know if it affects your prioritization of my sparc boost fix, but OOo fails on the same problem, so I am starting to guess it'll affect a significant fraction of the boost rdepends on sparc.17:47
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ScottKvorian: Congratulations on kio-ftps.20:28
ScottKYou might want to send the patch to Debian.20:28
vorianScottK: roger that20:30
ScottKvorian: BTW, it will FTBFS on hppa because kde4libs is just building now.  Once it fails it should build OK once kde4libs has had a chance to get published.20:32
voriandid someone start looking at bindings?20:32
ScottKNot AFAIK.  The ia64 build failure could stand some looking at.20:33
ScottKCurrently powerpc is fully built, sparc is blocked on an akonadi/boost portability problem that NCommander is going to test my patch for (blocks pimlibs) and a kernel issue that affects some packages, ia64 is blocked on the bindings failure, and hppa is slowly making progess with no known issues.20:34
ScottKOnce kde4libs is done, I'll try pimlibs, etc and see how far we get.20:35
voriansounds like a plan20:35
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vorianScottK: when you have a moment, can you look at kdeedu in bug 329627?20:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329627 in plasmoid-memusage "Some unchanged plasmoid source/binary package names" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32962720:43
vorianthanks for all the work nellery :)20:44
ScottKSure.  It'll be a bit though.20:44
voriannellery: ping20:50
txwikingerI lost my mouse events21:11
txwikingerIs there a hotkey for logout?21:11
vorianscolling in konq is slow for me21:11
txwikingeror a command that does a safe logout21:12
txwikingerAh.. I found my mouse events again :D21:13
nelleryvorian: pong21:50
voriannellery: where did you push your bespin changes to?21:52
nelleryvorian: sorry, I worded that pretty badly in the comments21:53
nellerythey were already committed21:53
nellerythat and kdeedu21:53
voriannellery: your proposal is not there21:56
nelleryvorian: what do you mean?22:04
vorianRecent revisions22:05
vorian29. By  Guillaume Martres on 2009-02-1022:05
vorianplasmoid-xbar --> plasma-widget-xbar added dummy plasmoid-xbar for upgrades22:05
vorian28. By  Guillaume Martres on 2009-02-1022:05
vorianfixed lintian warnings/infos22:05
vorian27. By  Guillaume Martres on 2009-02-1022:05
vorianupdated the manpage22:05
vorian26. By  Guillaume Martres on 2009-02-1022:05
ghostcubewohoo alt + F2 is back again22:06
nelleryvorian: revision 29 fixes it for bespin, that's what I meant when I said committed in bzr22:20
ryanakcaScottK: *looks back*, back, sorry, was away skiing for a few days.22:21
ScottKryanakca: No problem.  Please wrangle us up the congratulations Debian thing ...22:21
ScottKI think that's the most time sensitive.22:21
nelleryvorian: woops, looks like I got that wrong.  loggerhead was down yesterday when I tried to look22:21
ryanakcaScottK: sure, the http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/118465/ ?22:22
ScottKryanakca: Yes, and make sure to get the Debian swirl logo in there too....22:22
ScottKFeel free to edit it if you think it needs it.22:22
nellerybut revision 29 keeps plasmoid-xbar, and creates plasma-widget-xbar and has plasmoid-xbar depending on it22:22
ryanakcaScottK: *nod*, will do. iirc, they had more than one swirl logo variant, doesn't matter which I suppose?22:23
ScottKryanakca: I'd look at what's on debian.org and use one like that.22:23
ryanakcaScottK: ok22:23
ScottKryanakca: We should also probably have an update to http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.4 that says it's been moved to intrepid-updates and is now recommended for all Intrepid users.22:25
ryanakcaScottK: published22:30
* ScottK looks22:31
ghostcubehey folks just for info this is cool for relaxing22:31
ryanakcaScottK: so, a small notice type blurb at the top of the page?22:31
ScottKryanakca: Standard news thing.22:31
ryanakcaScottK: New story? Or notice type blurb at the top of /news/kde-4.1.4 ?22:32
ScottKNew story.22:32
ScottKghostcube: You know that the getdeb people freely admit they don't submit packages to Ubuntu because they have lower quality standards, right?22:33
ghostcubeScottK, sure22:33
ghostcubeScottK, but i have never had any probs so far22:33
ScottKOK.  Just saying.22:34
nhandlerscottk: That is why I always laugh when I see people submit getdeb packages to REVU with no changes22:34
ghostcubeScottK, i never would blame any ubuntu guys for using getdeb.net22:34
ScottKWhen I started with Kubuntu there was this thing called Automatix that pulled in a bunch of cool stuff.  Ubuntu devs ranted about it, but people thought it was great.  The problem was not that it broke stuff right away, but that it broke the next upgrade.22:34
ghostcubeScottK, automatix is bad ass22:35
ScottKSo just because it appears to be working, doesn't mean it won't bite you eventually.22:35
ghostcubeScottK, i have tried several packages from getdeb.net never had any probs so far and i only use packages not available in ubuntu for any reason22:35
nhandlerscottk: Isn't there a new tool like automatix that came out a few months ago?22:36
ScottKIt's by the same guy.22:36
nhandlerYeah, that might be it22:36
Tscheesy_ScottK: tried to build the Kubuntu-Arm Root-FS-from-Scratch.. the packets hit port.ubuntu Today ;) but i got : FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-6-versatile/modules.dep: No such file or directory22:41
ghostcubeScottK, i mostly use the audio and gaming tools and packages from getdeb.net22:42
ghostcubeand the QA has been improved afaik some packages havent been released for quality issues22:43
ghostcubebut i dont really know all stuff there22:43
ScottKTscheesy_: Weird.  That only appears to exist in the server kernels atm: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=modules.dep&mode=exactfilename&suite=jaunty&arch=any22:44
Tscheesy_is there a chance for a uBoot Image for Arm btw?22:45
ScottKI'm trying to figure out where the best place to ask is.22:46
Tscheesy_there are some Device-Specific uBoot Images on Debian..22:47
ScottKTscheesy_: #ubuntu-arm is where best to discuss this.22:50
Tscheesy_k.. thanks22:50
ryanakcaScottK: do you have the sources.list lines for intrepid-updates, or should I assume they already have it enabled?23:24
ScottKryanakca: It's enabled by default, so I'd assume it's already enabled.23:25
ryanakcaScottK: please check23:26
ScottKryanakca: Check what?23:27
ryanakcaScottK: http://www.kubuntu.org/news23:27
ScottKryanakca: Looks good to me.23:30
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.23:30

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