
carpiisome people like it, some people dont.  Most agree its not finished00:00
Raylzsome stuff crashes00:00
Raylznot rly stable yet00:00
Raylzat least the kubuntu packages00:00
wildbati see guess i will wait till is stablized00:00
Raylzi guess it'll be finished with the 4.5 release :)00:01
Raylzi heard it worked quite fine in opensuse00:02
Raylzam i the only one who dislikes the update manager?00:07
Raylzit somehow doesnt work well with apt-get00:07
Raylztoo complicated and too slow00:07
Raylzthe graphical frontend00:07
wildbatthe most stupid thing is the downloading .... don't ppl use pipelining ... download 1 by 1 ..... grrrrr00:10
failers^and sometimes i dont find certain packages thru adepts search function while i find them in synaptic00:12
deepfriedsquirreI find that with aptitude00:12
deepfriedsquirreOh, and I can usually find virtually nothing with adept; maybe I was using it wrongly.00:13
bazhangapt-cache search package/related works well00:13
deepfriedsquirreForgot about that :P00:13
bigsnakkec'è nessuno?00:56
bigsnakkesomebody listen?00:57
Macerwas wondering if anybody here runs kubuntu on a picoitx based system00:58
Macerlike an artigo00:58
Macerwas just wondering if the vx700 chipset had any support for any 3D effects in kwin00:59
bigsnakkehave a suggestion for use a lan printer windows istalled?00:59
Maceri ordered an artigo a couple days ago and was planning on putting kubuntu on it when it shows00:59
Maceruse a lan printer windows installed?00:59
Maceri don't understand the question00:59
bigsnakkei use kubuntu but the printer is istalled on windows xp in other machine01:00
Maceruse CUPS01:00
Maceractually.. in kubuntu.. you should just be able to go to the printer settings and it will do most of it for you01:01
Maceri'm pretty sure CUPS comes installed by default.. but if it doesn't you should be able to get it going pretty easily01:01
Maceralso ... just go to google and look for "setting up printer kubuntu"01:01
Maceri'm sure you'll find a thousand web sites telling you how to do it01:01
bigsnakkeok...thanks... i searching for...01:02
afeijomy processor is at 100% caused my kded [kdeinit], I try to kill it without success :( what can I do?01:09
giarcaafeijo: but you killed or not?01:10
afeijogood, I manage to kill the 2 PID with sudo kill -901:10
afeijoI just did01:10
afeijobut why that happened?01:11
giarcaok :)01:11
afeijoI noticed it yesterday, my CPU FAN high noise01:11
giarcaafeijo: kde stable?01:11
afeijonow it is colling down :)01:11
afeijoyeah, all OK so far01:11
afeijojust some minor Fusion problems ocasionally01:11
Castawayzshould i download the 64 bit kubuntu if i have a 64 bit intel operating system? im confused because it says "AMD"01:15
Castawayzprocessor *01:15
DragnslcrI think all of Intel's 64-processors are amd6401:17
DragnslcrAt least any that you're likely to have01:18
giarcait's not called amd64 but x86_64, or i'm wrong?01:18
Castawayzit's a brand new laptop yeah01:18
Castawayzi thought amd was a brand my bad01:18
DragnslcrIt is01:18
DragnslcrIf I remember correctly, Intel's first 64-bit architectures weren't very good, so they started using AMD's01:19
DragnslcrWikipedia claims that amd64 and x86-64 are the same thing01:20
giarcain download page of kubuntu.com = 64bit AMD and Intel computers01:20
giarcaDragnslcr: yes01:20
x_linkI need some help with kubuntu.01:31
x_linkKtorrent i mean.01:31
x_linkI just pressed  something wrong and something dissapeared in ktorrent. I don't know what it's called in english.01:32
x_linkBut it's where "File, Edit, Settings" etc. are.01:32
x_linkDoes anybody know what/where I mean?01:32
jessiex_link: the menu bar...01:32
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ncfi1013my ipod was working fine this morning. now i can't get it to mount. ive tried everything i can think of to get it to mount again. please help. can anybody tell me what this means and how to fix it? i have to go to work tonight and i will go crazy if i dont have any music to listen to so i dont have to listen to those all those morons that i work with. here is the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/118226/01:34
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x_linkjessie: yes, exacly.01:37
jessiex_link: let me look01:37
x_linkI disabled it or something like that by misstake =/01:37
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ncfi1013my ipod was working fine this morning. now i can't get it to mount. ive tried everything i can think of to get it to mount again. please help. can anybody tell me what this means and how to fix it? i have to go to work tonight and i will go crazy if i dont have any music to listen to so i dont have to listen to those all those morons that i work with. here is the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/118226/01:41
Guest31200I am lost oÒ01:42
ncfi1013my ipod was working fine this morning. now i can't get it to mount. ive tried everything i can think of to get it to mount again. please help. can anybody tell me what this means and how to fix it? here is the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/118226/01:46
darkenergycan someone please give me a definite answer, will bluetooth "pand" work in intrepid now? i'm trying to avoid going through the trouble of a fresh install to find out it doesn't again and downgrading01:47
zaapiel-mobilewhat is pand?01:48
darkenergybluetooth networking01:48
zaapiel-mobilekbluetooth4 is what im using01:48
zaapiel-mobileit works fine on 8.1001:48
darkenergyit didn't before but that's not what i'm worried about01:49
darkenergykbluetooth handles obex and hid01:49
darkenergynot pan01:49
darkenergyits the workaround i use for nonfunctional adhoc networking01:50
darkenergythis is really frustrating, i'm considering going back to fedora01:52
failersanyone got a .deb for wine 1.1.15 ?01:52
Guest31200does anyone knows about an icq where u can send and get some pics or music?01:53
darkenergyzaapiel-mobile: can you run pand at the shell?01:54
giarcadarkenergy: my repo have bluez-compat package that provides pand01:59
giarcano installed - no tried01:59
giarcaonly an info :)01:59
darkenergylast time i tried it was a dummy package01:59
darkenergydummy program01:59
darkenergydid nothing01:59
darkenergythat was soon after the intrepid release02:00
giarcaah... ok02:00
darkenergyapparently bluetooth functionality has been improved now but there's no mention of PAN anywhere i've looked02:01
giarcadarkenergy: something there is on www but so far from official guide...02:06
darkenergywhat's that?02:07
ncfi1013my ipod was working fine this morning. now i cant get it to mount. ive trien everything i can think of to get it to mount again. please help. can anybody tell me what this means and how to fix it? here are two pastebins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/118226/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/118227/02:12
darkenergyncfi1013: tried a manual mount?02:17
ncfi1013how do i do that darkenergy?02:19
darkenergysudo mkdir /mnt/ipod02:20
darkenergysudo mount /dev/sdh1 /mnt/ipod02:20
ncfi1013in terminal darkenergy?02:20
ncfi1013darkenergy mount: mount point /mnt/ipod does not exist02:22
darkenergy"sudo mount /dev/sdh1 /mnt/ipod" first to create the folder02:22
darkenergysudo mkdir /mnt/ipod02:22
wrinkliezhey guys, what do you use to extract rars in kde?02:23
khalidhola sala de español porafa02:23
wrinkliezjust ark?02:23
ncfi1013thats ok. darkenergy mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/ipod': File exists02:24
darkenergyncfi1013: you've run the command already then02:24
darkenergynow run the mount command02:24
wrinklieznm, im dumb.  didnt install unrar XD02:24
ncfi1013darkenergy which is...?02:25
darkenergysudo mount /dev/sdh1 /mnt/ipod02:25
ncfi1013darkenergy http://paste.ubuntu.com/118238/02:26
darkenergyncfi1013: good, now open the folder02:27
darkenergyin dolphin or konqueror or whatever02:27
ncfi1013ok did that darkenergy02:28
ncfi1013in dolphin02:28
darkenergyand the ipod is mounted?02:28
ncfi1013darkenergy in dolphin it is but still not in amarok02:30
darkenergyncfi1013: did you reboot?02:30
ncfi1013darkenergy full reboot or just the xserver02:30
darkenergyif it mounted then there's nothing wrong with the ipod filesystem02:31
darkenergytry a full reboot next time02:31
ncfi1013darkenergy i did that about an hour or so ago also and still no mount is amarok02:32
darkenergyncfi1013: did you unplug before rebooting?02:34
ncfi1013darkenergy yes if i dont when i reboot the computer will want to reboot from the ipod02:35
WatThef00kis everyone able to compile kdevelop from svn HEAD?02:36
WatThef00kcompile from today or very recently?02:36
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wildbatdo anyknow how to fix lid button on nc6320? my laptop's lid button won't work until i suspend or powersaving timer turn off the screen once.....02:45
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WatThef00kdo u guys know how to set the cpu frequency03:24
WatThef00kmy cpu is set at 1GHz by the kernel03:24
WatThef00ki want to set it back up to its stock speed of 2.4GHz for testing an app03:25
wildbatit should set on demand03:35
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badpcanyone have any idea how to install a Hauppauge 1600 wuntv card?04:28
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glade88in what way can I make konsole make use of my internet proxy settings?05:17
wildbatanyone know how do i play rmvb othere then realplayer ?05:17
glade88systemsettings -> network settings changes it for konqui but not for konsole05:18
Dr_williswhat does konsole have to do with internet settings?05:18
Dr_williswildbat,  gmplayer + the w32codecs pack works here for rmvb05:18
glade88Dr_willis: svn, bzr ?05:19
Dr_willisthose programs would need the proxy settings..  not konsole. -  from my 'logic'05:19
Dr_willismost proberly read some enviromental variable05:19
glade88how will they not need konsole? they are CLI tools05:20
glade88plus apt-get should be another one I need05:20
Dr_williskonsole is just a terminal-emulator05:20
glade88(I definitely prefer it over adept)05:20
Dr_willisyou could use xterm, gnome-terminal, or any of 14+ others05:20
glade88yes, and my terminal is not detecting my nwork settings05:20
glade88I know that05:20
glade88shouldnt network settings in systemsettings be global?05:21
glade88if it works for konqui and quassel, why not konsole?05:21
kannandolphin is very slow..how can i improve its performance05:21
glade88or why not any other terminal emulator05:21
Dr_williskonsole dosent have any network settings.. since its not really using the proxy. the apps  are using them. and  if they are not kde specific apps - then they proberly dont read the kde's proxy settings.05:21
glade88ok, well. I'll put it this way :) I have a Gnome box. Now if I use System -> Preferences -> Network proxy, it changes globally for every single application.05:22
glade88for svn and bzr too. but not here05:22
Dr_willisive never seen that happen glade8805:22
Dr_williscould be its setting some enviroment variable. check the output of 'set' perhaps05:23
glade88never seen what happen?05:23
glade88a min05:23
Dr_willisthat woudl be my guess as to how its getting set.05:23
wildbatDr_willes: gmplayer ?  let me try ~05:24
glade88Dr_willis: I have "core.gitProxy" in the file, nothing more05:24
glade88file -> settings05:24
Dr_willistry logging in at a console (alt-ctrl-f1) and try svn and see if it some how sess the proxy that way05:24
glade88a min05:24
glade88does not connect at all05:25
Dr_willisso it appears that 'gnome-terminal' is setting some proxy setting the priograms that get ran under it - read.05:25
Dr_willisrun a gnome-terminal under kde and see if it works?05:25
glade88no, xterm works under gnome as well05:25
glade88not here05:26
glade88and gtk apps x/ (110mb of libs .. sigh)05:26
Dr_willisyou mean to say that 'cvs' in xterm, under gnome. reads the proper proxy setting.05:27
wildbatDr_willis: it is for windows don't in GMPlayer05:28
Dr_williswildbat,  i play rmbv under ubuntu with gmplayer, and in geexbox also. (which uses mplayer)05:28
Dr_willisYou did install the w32codec package?05:29
glade88Dr_willis: probably.05:29
wildbati got vlc, kmplayer w32codec and realplayer but for some reason  the rmvb isn't playing05:30
Dr_willisrun the player from a terminal.. look for error messages/info05:30
wildbatwhile it work fine on my windows05:30
Dr_willistry gmplayer not kmplayer perhaps?05:30
Dr_willisgmplayer whatever.rmvb05:30
wildbati don't have gmplayer is kmplayer the same?05:31
Dr_willisshould be.. but thats no guarentee05:31
Dr_willistry normal 'mplayer' L:)05:31
Dr_willismplayer whatever.rmvb05:31
Dr_willisthe only rmvb i have are some cartoons..  and they all played for me. except  in windows-media-plauyer.. go figure.. :P05:32
wildbatlol ~05:39
wildbatgot it work now XD05:39
wildbatwas missing mplayer XD somehow05:43
Dr_williswow.. and the magic trick was? :) lol05:43
Dr_willisi wonder how kmplayer got installed without mplayer05:43
wildbatinstall almost everyhing but the mplayer XD05:43
wildbati have no idea05:44
Dr_willisi dident care much for kmplayer last i used it.. I just use gmplayer05:44
wildbatgmplayer not got kde right ~ i can't find in in apt05:48
Dr_willis!info gmplayer05:48
ubottuPackage gmplayer does not exist in intrepid05:48
Dr_willisit may be called gnome-mplayer05:48
Dr_willis!find mplayer05:48
ubottuFound: kmplayer, kmplayer-base, kmplayer-doc, kmplayer-konq-plugins, python-templayer (and 14 others)05:48
Dr_willis!info gnome-mplayer05:48
ubottugnome-mplayer (source: gnome-mplayer): A simple GUI for MPlayer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7.0-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 238 kB, installed size 840 kB05:48
Dr_willismpklayer has like 4+ front ends.05:49
Dr_willis!find gmplayer05:49
ubottuFile gmplayer found in fvwm-crystal, gnome-icon-theme-gperfection2, mplayer05:49
Dr_willismplayer package aprantly includes gmplayer, then theres gnome-mplayer  also?05:49
wildbatso it is for gnome then05:51
Dr_willisgnome-mplayer is specifically for gnome.. but it will run under kde fine05:51
Dr_willisthere really no 'just for gnome, or just for kde' stuff. :) but some apps work best under one or the other05:51
wildbati see05:52
Dr_willisim not in ubuntu at the moment to test.. but if you installed mplayer.. it may of uincluuded gmplayer05:52
Dr_willistry 'gmplayer' at a terminal05:52
sparrKDE turns on the screensaver if i dont move the mouse for X minutes.  How do I make it watch keyboard and mouse button events too?05:52
wildbatgmplayer @ terminal = mplayer XD05:55
Dr_willistechnically thats not true wildbat05:55
Dr_willismplayer - has no 'gui/controlls' its all keyboard.. you can even run mplayer on the console with the right optuiions and watch videos in the framebuffer05:56
Dr_willisgmplayer is mplayer wrapped in a simple themeable interface05:56
Dr_willissmplayer also wraps mplayer (i think)05:56
Dr_willisnow KMPLAYER may be the oddball.. it may actually do things a little differently05:56
wildbati see05:58
wildbatdo you know how to fix lid button on my liptop? my laptop's lid button won't work until i suspend or powersaving timer turn off the screen once.....05:59
Dr_willisI rarely mess wih my laptops lid.05:59
Dr_willisSo no idea.06:00
OxDeadC0deAnyone know why I can't compile programs anymore? I had qt installed to /opt, then I erased that version and installed it to /usr, not I get stupid errors like "cstdlib.h" not found when it's in /usr/include - I've set INCLUDE, INCLUDE_PATH, QTDIR, CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH all to /usr/include, and it still gives me that error06:02
OxDeadC0deI do have build-essentials and all the others installed it's not that06:03
OxDeadC0de(I'm getting the errors when trying to compile qt itself, and qt applications like kdelibs)06:05
OxDeadC0debah, it works when I do: echo "#include <stdlib.h>" > a.cpp && g++ a.cpp, just not with qt >< ffs06:07
wildbatsorry  no idea  i am new to linux06:07
wildbattry in channel C++ they may know06:07
OxDeadC0dethey won't, this is qt/kde issue, hence why I'm asking in a kde based room where maybe a dev is (I also ask in other rooms)06:08
wildbat oh06:09
PSiL0A few days after upgrading to ATI's catalyst 9.1 drivers (fglrx 8.573), it seems like the system hangs whenever I shutdown.. Methinks it is xorg server's inability to finish its process.. is there any way aroudn this problem?06:12
PSiL0What led to me to believe it is an x issue is the fact when I logoff and try to restart x, the system hangs..06:13
PSiL0x86_64, 8.10 kubuntu, kde 4.2.006:14
balrog__where does ktorrent store the .torrent files?06:16
Dr_willisI would guess in .kde* somewhere :)06:20
macoso, konqueror has an option to open a terminal emulator. great! but it doesn't have any prompt and just hangs when i try to run a process in it...06:33
wrinkliezdoes anyone actually use konqueror as a browser?06:37
Dr_willisI dont. others do06:38
wrinkliezlol I think that the kde developers are just reluctant to throw in the towel after theyve worked so hard on it06:38
wrinkliezit doesnt render things correctly, firefox does, and it has support for plugins06:39
wildbatbrowser is the hardest project ~ look at netscape, ie, and not firefox ~ all is broken down06:40
asobianyway for amarok to calculate total length of collection without having to insert collection into playlist?06:40
wrinkliezyeah but why are they bothering with a browser?  use the resources for other things06:41
wrinkliezthat people use...06:41
Dr_willisone would think that since theres so such a browser standards defined.. it would be easy to make one. :)06:48
Dr_willisof course the browser stuff is ised in other parts of KDE also.06:49
Dr_willisLinux is all about 'Legos and Layers'  little bits forming togeher to do bigger jobs06:49
macowrinkliez: well seeing as firefox on jaunty doesnt start...06:53
macoand seeing as konqueror has neat features...06:53
wrinkliezwell it is jaunty were talking about06:53
macoand by the way, it uses KHTML.  as in the rendering engine that webkit uses.  as in safari.06:53
wrinkliezwell then it is some other problem. facebook chat = works in safari, not in konqueror06:54
macofacebook chat = ew, why?06:54
wrinkliezlol cause im in college06:54
wrinkliezand i want to be cool :D06:54
macoim college too06:55
wrinkliezyou dont use facebook?06:55
macoyes, but nobody i know uses the chat feature in it06:55
macoits like "ok, great. so now we have to keep a firefox tab open, aside from the IM client we've already got open. um, why bother?"06:56
wrinkliezi dont know, some of my friends dont bother with im client06:56
macotheres a fb plugin for pidgin, so ya know ;)06:56
wrinkliezyeah but then i seem creepy, because im online 24/7 lol06:57
macoaway message?06:57
wrinkliezi guess i could do that06:58
macoi'm online practically that much anyway though...if i'm walking with my lappy in my bag, thats about the only time i'm offline06:58
wrinkliezsame here.06:58
wrinkliezcan you change the pidgin sound?06:59
wrinkliezwell a better question would be06:59
wrinkliezare there any fitting sounds that can be downloaded somewhere06:59
PSiL0hmm, seems like kdm cannot stop when the system is shutting down, thus preventing my computer to shutdown...07:02
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:11
macowrinkliez: there are sound themes out there. i usually turn off pidgin sounds07:11
wrinkliezfor some reason i cant get the pidgin window to blink when i have a new im, so im resorting to sound07:13
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CYREXanyone knows how is the performance of kde 4.2 right now07:24
macoCYREX: i like it07:26
macoseems faster than gnome to me, actually...07:27
CYREXcan you tell me how do you feel the windows07:27
CYREXwhen resizing / moving07:27
macoresizing is pretty instantaneous, a moment of scrambled widgets as they reorganize themselves from the resize, but no longer of a moment than it takes for the eyes to adjust to the fact that "Omg things just moved"07:29
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kronicKoH15 mo fuckin mins08:04
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ockonal_Pete_: hello08:14
_Pete_how do I specify which browser is opened when you point a URL in konsole and select "open link" from mouse menu?08:14
ockonal_Pete_: it seems your browser08:15
_Pete_currently it opens konqueror and I like to change that to opera08:15
ockonal_Pete_: kde4?08:15
_Pete_it's kde4 konsole running on xfce4 desktop08:16
ockonal_Pete_: ok, wait pls08:17
_Pete_ok thanks08:17
ockonal_Pete_: in console: $ls -al /etc/alternatives/08:18
_Pete_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  14 2009-02-11 11:22 x-www-browser -> /usr/bin/opera08:20
_Pete_I guess need to restart desktop to that take effect08:20
rohani'm using kaffeine 0.8.6 on kubuntu 8.04 and the colors are all messed up in it. i pressed "v" and changed clicked "Defaults", whcih is even uglier. how do i get it all back to "normal"?08:26
ockonalrohan: I don't understand :)08:27
rohanockonal: err why?08:27
ockonalrohan: i'm bad in English :)08:27
ockonalrohan: but i try to help u08:27
rohanockonal: please!08:28
rohanif i can get the colors to look how they are in mplayer, it's ok08:28
ockonalrohan: can u give screenshot?08:28
rohanockonal: when i save a screenshot from kaffeine by pressing ctrl-s, the colors are perfect08:30
ockonalrohan: ok, wait pls. I'll install faffeine.08:30
rohanoh i just deleted kaffeinerc and it's fine now! thanks anyway ockonal :)08:31
ockonalrohan: :)08:31
_Pete_ockonal: konsole still launches konquerer when doing open link08:34
ockonal_Pete_: hm08:35
jussi01_Pete_: system settings, default applications, web browser ;)08:35
ockonaljussi01: in xfce?08:36
jussi01ockonal: oh, /me scratches head, why is he asking here then?08:36
jussi01_Pete_: ask in #xubuntu08:36
_Pete_because it's kde4 application08:36
_Pete_jussi01: now it's working when I changed the settings08:37
_Pete_another one, is there a way to change konsole copy/paste shortcut's ?08:38
_Pete_in kde3 those were configurable08:38
_Pete_but havent found how to change in kde4 konsole :(08:38
jussi01_Pete_: konsole, settings, configure shortcuts ;)08:38
_Pete_oh cool now they are08:39
_Pete_some progress then :)08:39
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ockonaljussi01: on which channel i can ask about programming for kde?08:45
jussi01ockonal: in what respect?08:45
jussi01contributing to kubuntu?08:45
jussi01or just programming?08:45
ockonaljussi01: mm.. Just programming on PyKde and PyQt08:46
jussi01ockonal: not sure, Id try #kde for starters, they will likely be able to point you in the right direction08:46
ockonaljussi01: ok, thanks!08:47
hunthey folks. do someone know a good sheel account?09:03
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ockonalhunt: what account?09:07
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dutlerhey there, konqueror wants to open all dir in a new window. quite frustrating... any ideas?09:10
jussi01dutler: konqueror, settings, configure konqueror, file management, misc options09:13
huntshell account09:14
hunt <ockonal>  shell account..09:15
Assurbanipalguys i have been trying to install restricted drivers for nvdia 7800 gtx for a while, but it fails. can someone plz help me out?09:24
ockonalAssurbanipal: what trouble?09:29
Assurbanipali have tried to install them several ways... with envy, manuallu, or by enabling the restricted drivers through system settings. but when i restart x, it starts in low grafics mode, saying it need to reconfigure x. i say "yes" and then the x freezes... if i reboot the same happens09:31
Assurbanipali can only reconfigure x through the boot menu option, but then it starts without the restricted drivers09:31
Assurbanipalockonal: what do u think?09:36
ockonalAssurbanipal: wait09:41
ockonalAssurbanipal: Try to download drivers from nvidia-site09:41
ockonalAssurbanipal: Than compile tham for kernel.09:41
ockonalAssurbanipal: if u don't know how - tell me09:42
ockonalkp: hi09:42
Assurbanipali already tried that... i installed them, and nothing happened09:42
ockonalAssurbanipal: it's impossible09:42
ockonalAssurbanipal: what did u do09:42
kpi get error in system settings / keyboard & mouse / keyboard shortcuts09:42
Assurbanipalwhen i tried to install the driver, i asked me to compile the driver for the kernel, i said yes, it did install the driver, but the same happened..09:42
ockonalAssurbanipal: have u compiled them for yours kernel?>09:43
kpFailed to contact the KDE global shortcuts daemon09:43
kpMessage: No such object path '/KdedGlobalAccel'09:43
kpError: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject09:43
kpany ideas how to fix it?09:43
Assurbanipalockonal: i think there must be something wrong with my xorg.conf... i don't know... do u need to have a look at it?09:43
ockonalkp: there are many ways in google09:43
kphappened because i tried to upgrade to kde 4.2 yesterday09:44
ockonalAssurbanipal: Ok, pastebin it09:44
ockonalAssurbanipal: but after installing drivers it asks to configure xorf.conf09:44
Assurbanipali did what it asked,,, but didn't work09:45
ockonalAssurbanipal: Ok, let's do it from start?09:45
Assurbanipalok, what should i do?09:46
ockonalAssurbanipal: did u do backup for xorg.conf?09:46
Assurbanipali previously had an ati gpu, i had problems with it, so i installed this nvidia 7800 gtx09:46
Assurbanipalbut still doesn't work... i am getting mad... what sould i do?09:47
ockonalAssurbanipal: ok, try to build driver again, than use nvidia-settings09:48
ockonalAssurbanipal: but when it asks to configure xorg,conf press yes09:49
Assurbanipalok step by step... i downloiad the driver right and run it right?09:49
ockonalThe first, stop kdm. Than run drivers-package, when it asks for building - yes. After that yous should choose configure xorg.conf09:49
Assurbanipalso i should logout?09:50
ockonalCtrl + Alt + F1 -you'll get the console09:50
ockonalthere u must to type: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm sto09:50
ockonalto stop the X09:50
ockonaldid u do this?09:51
ockonalwait, i'll write for u some manual09:51
ockonalAssurbanipal: ok?09:51
Assurbanipalok i wait09:51
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ockonalAssurbanipal: http://pastebin.com/m1d6e117309:58
ockonalAssurbanipal: Print it and try09:59
ockonalAssurbanipal:  http://pastebin.com/m27c966fe10:00
Assurbanipalok... i will openit on my lap and follow it... have no printer10:00
ockonalAssurbanipal: there are some changes10:00
ockonalAssurbanipal: see the last ling10:00
Assurbanipalockonal: i get errors10:15
wolfe_hi all... can anyone point me to the right irc channel to follow the piratebay press conference?10:16
ockonalAssurbanipal: what errors?10:16
Assurbanipalockonal: it said there are some other installed drivers that need to be removed and then it tried to remove them... got some errors there, and then i continued but when x started, got another error window saying ubuntu is running in low grapfics mode10:16
ockonalAssurbanipal: give me the text of /var/log/nvidia-installer.log10:17
Assurbanipali now get again the same options i was getting before..10:17
Assurbanipalwait, i am not in x10:17
Assurbanipali am waiting for x to restart, but takes long..10:18
Assurbanipalshould i try to reboot? i dont think it responds...10:18
Assurbanipalockonal: ?10:18
ockonalAssurbanipal: yes, reboot10:18
Assurbanipaland then reconfigure x from the boot menu? i think this is the only way to get into x10:19
ockonalAssurbanipal: u did your x-file backup10:19
ockonalAssurbanipal: u can just replace file by backup10:19
Assurbanipalocko i did what u said..10:19
ockonalAssurbanipal: u can restore X in console10:20
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Assurbanipalhow i do that?10:20
ockonalAssurbanipal: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:20
ockonalAssurbanipal: and all will back10:21
Assurbanipalok... login in10:21
wolfe_hi all... can anyone point me to the right irc channel to follow the piratebay press conference?10:21
drostieanybody got any idea how to check disk usage under kde 4.2? It used to be in Dolphin but now I'm seeing a "zoom icon" slider bar there instead. Where did it get moved to?10:22
Assurbanipalit says... kde detected sound devices... :S10:22
ockonaldrostie: come to your home-directory, right click - properties10:22
Assurbanipalockonal: that they have been removed!10:23
ockonalAssurbanipal: mm..10:23
wolfe_drostie: check /usr/bin/baobab, genrally under accessories.10:23
drostieockonal: thanks10:23
ockonalAssurbanipal: ok.. wait10:23
ockonalAssurbanipal: really strange10:24
Assurbanipalwhat should i do/10:25
ockonalAssurbanipal: after what step did u see the error?10:25
ockonalAssurbanipal: During kernel-building?10:25
Assurbanipalno, after that...10:25
ockonalAssurbanipal: Tell me again, pls, what were there10:26
Assurbanipalwhen installing it said that some other drivers are installed from my OS-trying to remove them... and then it said it could not reach some files...10:26
Assurbanipalit continued.... it asked me to reconfigure x-i said yes... and finished10:26
Assurbanipaland then... the same again10:26
ockonalAssurbanipal: oh.. Really. U didn't remove old-drivers10:26
Assurbanipalwhat should i do?10:27
ockonalAssurbanipal: which u tried to install before10:27
Assurbanipalhow i do it??10:27
ockonalsudo apt-get –purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common linux-restricted-modules*10:27
ockonaland try all again10:27
nikolas_ockonal: sudo apt-get –purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common linux-restricted-modules*10:28
ockonalnikolas_: ?10:28
Assurbanipalnikolas_ is the nick i am connected from my desktop pc... so i can paste u things...10:29
nikolas_ockonal: E: Couldn't find package remove10:29
ockonalAssurbanipal: have u install drivers before?10:29
ockonalAssurbanipal: oops, not for u. Just type command10:30
ockonalAssurbanipal: ockonal: sudo apt-get –purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common linux-restricted-modules*10:30
ockonalnikolas_: did u install any drivers before?10:30
nikolas_i tried... but as i said didn't work10:31
ockonalnikolas_: come to Adept and remove all things which connected with nvidia10:31
nikolas_the command should be sudo apt-get purge.... now working10:32
nikolas_is that ok?10:32
nikolas_ockonal: should i go to synaptic too?10:32
ockonalnikolas_: no10:33
ForeverSmurfis it possiblel to use kde 4.2 with qt4.5rc1 under kubuntu? qt4.4 and qt4.5 are binary compatible right?10:33
nikolas_ok, it removes configuration files and restricted modules... when it fineshes, what's next?10:33
nikolas_the same as before? tha man u pastebin me?10:33
ockonalnikolas_: now try to install driver again. I wrote some manual before10:33
giarcaockonal: can I ask you why nikolas_ can't go through synaptic instead of Adept?10:34
giarcaI'm using synaptic instead of Adept... :P10:34
ockonalgiarca: adept is very bad in kde4 :)10:35
ockonalgiarca: i use synaptic too)10:35
giarcaI think I have misunderstand :P10:36
giarcaall ok! I understand Adept was the way... I don't think so... ;)10:36
ockonalgiarca: sorry, i'm bad in English. Sometimes i can't understand :)10:37
giarcaockonal: np I'm bad too :)10:38
Assurbanipalockonal: i am in the instalation and it sais it appears another driver is installed on the system. should i remove it? -i will press yes10:38
ockonalAssurbanipal: yers10:39
ockonalgiarca: :)10:40
Assurbanipalsearching for conglicting files to remove... unable to open /usr/lib/nvidia/libglx.so.xserver-xorg-core10:41
Assurbanipalwhat to do now???10:41
Assurbanipalsays no such file or directory10:41
Assurbanipali can only press ok10:41
Assurbanipalockonal: i press ok10:41
ockonalAssurbanipal: there aren't another way10:42
manjulaHi all10:43
Assurbanipalstarting x.... -fatal error, no screen found!10:43
Assurbanipalockonal: ?????10:43
ockonalAssurbanipal: i can't understand. It tried to del drivers before.. If u've done it. And it configures xorg.conf not correct10:44
Assurbanipalwhy is that????10:44
ockonalAssurbanipal: sudo apt-get –purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common linux-restricted-modules*10:44
ockonalAssurbanipal: did u do that?10:44
manjulai am new to kubuntu. i have installed ubuntu then KDE on this. my problem is i want to use compiz fusion. i used synaptic to installed compiz fusion but it seems i cant get Compiz fusion effects on this. instead i am getting compiz features that can be access by kde--> system settings --> desktop10:44
Assurbanipali did all u said10:44
Assurbanipalnow i have toreconf x from boot menu10:45
Assurbanipalto get in...10:45
Assurbanipaldamn... again...10:45
ockonalmanjula: in console: compiz --replace10:45
manjulaockonal: i will try it thank you10:45
Assurbanipalockonal: what i do next mate??10:46
ockonalAssurbanipal: it's very intresting.10:46
ockonalAssurbanipal: I have no any idea... But, u can remove all, and install Linux again. Than u'll have clean-os. And try to install as i wrote10:46
ockonalAssurbanipal: sorry. It's all i know10:46
Assurbanipali tried damn.... i wish i can avoid that...10:47
ockonalAssurbanipal: if u'll reinstall os installer willn't try to delete files10:47
ockonalAssurbanipal: and all must be good10:47
Assurbanipalinstall without formating the drive u mean?10:48
ockonalAssurbanipal: Clean installation.10:49
Assurbanipalwhat u mean? clean??10:49
ockonalAssurbanipal: Format :)10:49
ockonalAssurbanipal: than there aren't any nvidia-packages10:49
Assurbanipali am in synaptic and searched for "nvidia"10:50
Assurbanipali am purging averyhting related and trying again10:50
ockonalAssurbanipal: ok. wait pls again. I'll try something10:50
Assurbanipalockonal: i should not remove?10:51
ockonalAssurbanipal: remove what?10:51
Assurbanipalall nvidia related packages10:52
ockonalAssurbanipal: u must delete all them10:52
ockonalAssurbanipal: and... i see, that there are some problems with nvidia-driver packages. What version did u get?10:52
ockonaldecembre: hi10:52
decembrehas somebody do a apt-get upgrade today ?10:53
ockonalAssurbanipal: sudo rm /etc/init.d/nvidia-*10:53
ockonalAssurbanipal: try this at least10:53
ockonaldecembre: i did it yesterday :)10:53
decembreock : ok10:53
manjulaockonal: i tried compiz --replace but still it has comiz effects not effects of compiz fusion.... i dont have desktop cube and cube rotate feautered10:54
decembreand have you any problem with konqueror ?10:54
Assurbanipalno such file or directory it sais10:54
decembreI can't use it as file browser !10:54
manjulado i have to uninstall all  the compiz  from this before i install compiz fusion |?10:54
ockonalmanjula: u must to install compiz-configuration tool. There u'll enable this effects10:54
decembrethis is not good !10:54
ockonaldecembre: am... I dont use it10:55
Assurbanipalinstalling again...10:55
manjulaockonal:  i dont seee a compiz-configuration tool in synaptic10:55
ockonalmanjula: wait, please10:55
manjulaockonal: ok sorry no prob10:55
Assurbanipalockonal: getting the same errors during install10:56
Assurbanipalockonal: it logged in!10:57
ockonalmanjula: http://pastebin.com/m3f46dafc10:57
Assurbanipalhow do i check if the driver is in use?10:57
ockonalAssurbanipal: wait10:57
decembreit's ugly ! konqueror is a good thing for designing web site10:58
Assurbanipalit sais that my sound card is removed again....10:58
ockonalglxinfo | grep “direct rendering”10:58
decembreviewing website as a directory and a site...10:58
ockonaldecembre: wait, please.10:58
ockonalAssurbanipal: sound card doesn't connected with graphic card10:58
ockonalAssurbanipal; it's another problem10:59
ockonalAssurbanipal: glxinfo | grep “direct rendering”10:59
ockonalmakibao: ?11:00
Assurbanipalit says yes11:00
ockonalAssurbanipal: what u see11:00
ockonalAssurbanipal: good11:00
ockonalAssurbanipal: it seems, that drivers work11:00
Assurbanipali enabled desktop effects11:01
Assurbanipalit works... are the restricted drivers in use now???11:01
ockonalAssurbanipal: yes11:01
Assurbanipalbecause i had 3d effects before, with software acceleration...11:01
ockonalAssurbanipal: :) Ok, good luck with them ^_^11:02
Assurbanipalockonal: i opened hardware drivers... they don't seem to be enablled... is this normal?11:02
ockonalAssurbanipal: yes11:02
ockonalAssurbanipal: i have the same11:03
ockonalAssurbanipal: now just try to reboot. Soundcard must work after that11:04
ockonalAssurbanipal: and..11:04
ockonalAssurbanipal: if u want: nvidia-settings11:04
ockonalAssurbanipal: to configure your screen11:04
Assurbanipali don't get a shut down or restart option....11:05
ockonalAssurbanipal: yeah ^_^11:05
ockonalAssurbanipal: just reboot11:05
ockonalAssurbanipal: by console11:05
Assurbanipali don't get that either!11:05
ockonalAssurbanipal: sudo reboot. It's a bug of kde11:05
ockonalAssurbanipal: after rebooting it must works11:05
Assurbanipalwait... iam booting again11:05
ockonalAssurbanipal: and.. i haven't it  too in my menu. But i use plasmoid on the desktop11:06
Assurbanipaltnx man...seems to be working ok!11:09
ockonalAssurbanipal: ;)11:10
ockonalAssurbanipal: nice to hear it11:10
blackflaghello all :) which command should I use, seeing files growing?11:11
ockonalblackflag: hello11:13
dr_Williswatch ls -l /path/to/file11:13
dr_Willisworks very well :)11:13
blackflagahh. :cool, thx!!11:13
ockonaldr_Willis: can u tell me something about that? Very intresting :)11:13
dr_Williswhats to tell?11:14
dr_Willisman watch :)11:14
ockonaldr_Willis: :)11:14
dr_Williswatch free  In a xterm.. :) instant memory monitor11:14
ockonaldr_Willis: wow)) it's very intresting :)))11:15
ockonaldr_Willis: thanks, man)11:15
weedarUpgraded to KDE 4.2 on my gf's Intrepid laptop - now the keyboard doesn't work in any KDE-apps, they start placed top-left on the screen without a status-bar11:16
weedarEver heard of this problem before? Google isn't returning anything relevant11:16
ockonalweedar: yeah. just try:11:16
ockonalweedar: rm -r ~/.kde11:16
ockonalweedar: sudo aptitude purge kwin && sudo aptitude install kwin11:16
decembreweedar : backup personnal datas before !11:16
ockonalweedar: i had the same :) Hope, it'll help u11:17
weedarockonal: Thanks! I hope it works :)11:17
ockonaldecembre: yeah))11:17
ockonalweedar: ;)11:17
decembreweedar : I think you just need to rm kwinrc !11:17
ockonaldecembre: no11:17
decembrelocate kwinrc11:17
decembreand rm...11:17
weedardecembre: What do you  mean by personal data? That won't delete the files in the /home folder ..?11:17
ockonalweedar: no :)11:17
ockonalweedar: just do that ;)11:17
decembreI means mail, adress11:18
ockonalweedar: your personal-data11:18
decembrealso konqueror cache, bookmarks11:18
weedarOh, ok...I'll just make a tarball out of ~/.kde and go through it later if something important seems to be missing :)11:18
ockonalweedar: :) Ok, good luck ;)11:18
decembrethat's a good idea !11:18
decembreso anyone has tried konqueror as filebrowser after today upgrade ?11:19
decembrethat seems weird to me !11:19
ockonaldecembre: wait i'll try it11:20
decembreock : thanks !11:20
ockonaldecembre: hmm. I think, that all is good. What problem have u11:20
decembreock : it's possible I need to restart session11:21
ockonaldecembre: ok11:21
decembreheuuuuu :11:22
decembreit's not cool, I tried an other time, and it runs good !11:22
decembreI look stupid now...11:22
pavan_Hello. I can't connect Wirelessly on KDE 4.2 for some reason. My network shows up, so all is fine with that, but it just doesn't connect. Wireless works fine on Gnome though. Any takers?11:23
decembresometime ago, it said that's a wrong library...11:23
decembresometing like this11:23
ockonaldecembre: :)11:25
decembrepavan : do you use a plasmoid to view strength of your wifi signal ?11:25
decembreocktonal : it's okay ... :-)11:26
decembrethanks !11:26
weedarpavan_: I had the same problem when first upgrading to Intrepid, does trying to connect result in any activity at all or does stay like that grayed out globe?11:26
decembreI think I will stay here, it improve my english !11:26
pavan_decembre: No I don't. Just the KDE network manager icon in the tray.11:26
ockonaldecembre: i'm so happy, that i use Linux! :)11:27
pavan_weedar: The result is that the KNetworkManager icon does  *work* (The rotating wheel thingy). But that goes on for ever, and it never connects.11:28
decembrepavan_:  when you right click on network manager tray icon, does it shows you the network you want ?11:28
pavan_decembre: Yes it does.11:28
weedarockonal: reinstalling kwin worked great. Thank you again :-)11:29
decembrepavan_: the wheel means it is trying to acquire ip, dns option with dhcp...11:29
ockonalweedar: :) I'm happy :)11:29
pavan_decembre: Yep. But why doesn't it connect?11:30
decembrepavan_ : I don't know that !11:30
decembreyou can try to rm your network kde conf11:31
pavan_decembre: How do I connect from the terminal? sudo iwlist scan throws up my network okay... Trying to sudo dhclient eth1 or wmaster0 doesn't work..11:31
weedarpavan_: your network is encrypted somehow, right? With WEP or WPA?11:31
pavan_weedar: WEP11:31
decembrepavan_: I have never done this with terminal...11:31
decembreI am not enouth geek !11:32
weedarpavan_: I connected a ralink-card to a WPA-network before, used the method here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VidNor#Ralink%20Wireless%20Card%20w/WPA11:33
weedarpavan_: I bet you could alter that setup to fit your WEP-network11:33
pavan_weedar: Me look. Thanks11:33
pavan_1Dumb Q: How do I use Gnome's network manager, nm applet on KDE (err..what's it called?). Sorry for being lazy.11:59
Ben_helsinkiHi, I need help to install my roadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n in ubuntu 8.1012:07
Ben_helsinkiany help ?12:07
Ben_helsinkihello any help ?12:08
arnismay i know you?12:09
arniswhat?now is night12:09
Ben_helsinkiI have a problem with my broadcome wireless card12:09
lebowskiGet outta town12:09
arnisi am indonesian12:09
lebowskiI suppose it is indeed night for you then12:09
arniswhere are you  from?12:10
arniswhat city?12:10
ockonalIt's a flud12:11
ockonalle's speak a theme)12:11
arnisabout what12:12
ockonalAbout problems with kde)12:12
Ben_helsinkican someone help me to install wireless card ?12:12
ockonalBen_helsinki: what problem?12:12
Ben_helsinkiI can t get it work12:13
Ben_helsinkior I just installed Ubuntu12:13
lebowskiDefine "Can't get it to work"12:13
Paddy_EIRElebowski: its on strike12:14
Ben_helsinkiis not installed12:14
lebowskiDoes it not show up, not get an IP, not connect, vomit all over you when you try to bring it up?12:14
Ben_helsinkilebwski, it seems to be not installed12:14
Ben_helsinkiI have to define :D that I do not know anything about Ubuntu or linux :D12:15
pavan_1Ben_helsinki: Broadcom cards are hasslesome. You need to do some Ndiswrapper (google for it) magic.12:15
Ben_helsinkiI installed wifi-radar, when I lunch it, it says wirless card not installed12:15
Ben_helsinkipavan_1 Ndiswrapper does it help to fix the problem ?12:16
Paddy_EIREBen_helsinki: there is no problem to fix.. you just need to install your card12:17
ockonalarnis: from what city u r? :)12:18
Ben_helsinkiPaddy_EIRE I do not know where to finx the steps how to do that12:19
Paddy_EIREBen_helsinki: what?12:19
Ben_helsinkiI have Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n and ubuntu 8.1012:19
ockonalBen_helsinki: there is a google... It'll help u12:19
Paddy_EIREjust what I was about to say12:20
lebowskiThe Googles?!?12:20
Ben_helsinkiI need to find the guide how to install it, I did try google, I lost,12:20
Paddy_EIREif only there was a way to _Search_ the internet :(12:20
ockonalwait :) i'll find12:20
ockonalBen_helsinki: there are many ways on that page12:21
lebowskiOckonal, what in the world should I do with that address? Click on it? Print it?12:21
ockonaljust open in your browser :) Click it12:22
lebowskiWhat's a browser?12:22
ockonalm... Programm to surf the internet :)12:22
ockonalFirefox, opera, konqueror12:22
Paddy_EIREBen_helsinki: hey have a read through this... if you have any questions or reach any hitches give me a shout http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95945112:23
Ben_helsinkiokay, what about installing loadboot ? to get back to my windows ?12:23
Paddy_EIRE!grub | Ben_helsinki12:23
ubottuBen_helsinki: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:23
Malichi! where can i get this weather plasmoid: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3811 ?12:24
Ben_helsinkisudo modprobe -r b43 ssb ndiswrapper wl bcm432812:24
Ben_helsinkiFATAL: Module bcm4328 not found.12:24
Ben_helsinkiWell, I better go and eat something :) otherwise I will die of hunger before finding the solution12:26
Ben_helsinkithanks for everyone here12:26
Paddy_EIREI like stilts12:27
ockonalAre there any girls of us :-D12:33
HardheadHi.  I recently tried out KDE by installing it on my Ubuntu distro.  However, I can't get my dual monitor settings to work.  It worked straight out of the box with the gnome screen settings, but KDE just won't do anything other than mirror them.  Anyone got any suggestions?12:34
Malicdoes anyone know where i can find this plasmoid ?12:35
ockonalMalic: a've not founded it ;(12:37
carpiihardhead, what version of kde ?12:37
arnis_hai asobi12:37
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Paddy_EIREheh.. so I guess this is aimed at you ockonal http://xkcd.com/322/12:39
ockonalPaddy_EIRE: :-D12:41
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Paddy_EIREbrb... gotta flash the neighbours12:42
ockonalOk, guys, help me :) I've never configured my printer on Kubuntu. Help)12:55
ockonalcanon ip150012:55
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:59
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enryhelp me please i jus installed kubuntu 8.10 over my desktop and the screen give a black flash every 10 seconds13:20
ockonalenry: have u installed drivers for graphic card?13:21
ockonaldo it)13:21
enryok i'm upgrading the sistem right now13:22
enryockonal: how can i intall propietary driver?13:24
ockonalenry: try to get them from device drivers13:25
enrywere is it?13:25
ockonalkde-menu, tools13:25
ockonalthere u must to activate13:26
jp_Hi All. :) Just installed kubuntu from fresh and installed kde 4.2 aswell. But i cannot hear mp3's? I have login music but thts it? Any ideas?13:26
Tm_T!mp3 | jp_13:26
ubottujp_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:26
ockonaljp_: please write again without reductions :)13:27
jp_i have installed all mp3 codecs etc13:27
Tm_Tjp_: recheck that first url in that factoid, please13:27
ockonaludo aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras13:28
jp_done tht13:28
jp_no difference13:28
ockonalwhat problem/13:28
jp_can't hear audio apart from login music13:29
ockonalsee kmix13:29
jp_nothing loads13:29
jp_tried in konsole13:29
jp_and run but nothing loads13:30
Tm_Tjp_: what music player you did use?13:30
jp_tried amarok and vlc player13:30
Tm_Tjp_: what amarok version?13:30
Tm_Tjp_: see 2.x if it works13:30
Tm_Tjp_: or, try with dragon player13:31
jp_ahh but even if tht be the case then why won't it play audio through vlc player13:31
tibudoes anybody speaks estonian ?13:31
ockonaltibu: u can't in En?13:32
jp_here's more info... Testing PulseAudio in multimedia fails13:32
Tm_Tockonal: what's this "u" ?13:33
Tm_Tjp_: hmm, try without pulseaudio13:33
ockonalTm_T: u = you13:33
Tm_Tockonal: ah then, you should say "you" (:13:33
ockonalTm_T: Ok ;)13:34
jp_no joy here :(13:35
jp_test sound with HDA NVIdia (AD198x Analog) seems fine but when selecting PulseAudio it reverts back13:36
ockonaljp_: change in amarok sound-engine13:36
enryockonal: i need more help i read thet in kubuntu 8.10 konqueror cannot use flashplugin13:37
enryanyone know how to fix this13:38
enrythe screen is now ok13:38
ockonalenry: use another browser13:39
enryfirefox is not installed by default????13:39
enryi cannot find it!13:39
jp_Nope, no joy here... in Amarok i have tried: pulseaudio, alsa, oss etc but no audio. Its looks like it's playing but still no audio?13:40
ockonalenry: you must install it13:41
ockonaljp_: :(13:41
ockonalenry: sudo apt-get install firefox13:41
ockonaljp_: i have problem with sound too. But not always :)13:41
jp_same environment?13:42
enryim sad that i cannot use konqueror13:42
ockonalenry: u needn't in it13:43
ockonalenry: type it in console13:43
enrybut compinz is installed?13:43
enrybut compiz is installed?13:43
ockonalenry: not compiz13:43
ockonalenry: analog :)13:44
enryhow to change desktop?13:44
ockonalenry: there isn't desktop-changing at start13:44
ockonalanry: u must enble it13:44
enryi intend how to change pannel13:45
ockonalenry: what panel? Can u speak more fully)13:48
enrypannel one and two13:48
enrywe have more desktop in linux the one in the bar13:49
ockonalenry: damn it :) I can't understand, what u want :)13:50
enrythe pager13:51
enryin the dock bar13:51
ockonalenry: yes13:52
enryhow to change pannel using keyboard?13:53
ockonalenry: sty, i've no any idea13:55
napterkHi im missing components for plasma miniprogramms!13:56
napterkHow can i fix that?13:56
ockonalnapterk: install them again :)13:57
jp_My PulsaeAudio Does not work in KDE 4.2?13:57
ockonaljp_: i don't know :))13:57
napterkwhat do i have to tell adept?13:58
sorsethi, which package should i install to enable plugins in Gwenview ?13:59
jp_aha got it!13:59
ockonalnapterk: do you understand russian?14:00
jp_FYI it was alsamixer -Dhw14:00
jp_increased PCM and its fine14:00
napterkno sorry14:01
ockonalnapterk: ok, wait, please14:01
ockonalnapterk: http://pastebin.com/d25fb1a1f14:01
napterkwhich pake do I have to install for the components from plasma like Comic?14:01
napterkokay thx Im just chicking that!14:02
ockonalnapterk: wait14:02
ockonalnapterk: kde 4.2?14:03
napterkjep Kde 4.214:05
ockonalnapterk: than u need libplasma314:05
ockonalnapterk: in that page, wich i gave u there is libplasma214:05
napterkyes I found it but it is already installed14:06
ockonalnapterk: kdebase-plasma  and kdeplasma-addons   the main part14:07
sorsetwhen i want to install kipi-plugins adept removes libkipi0,libkipi6 and gwenview , so how can i add plugins to gwenview14:08
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napterkokay just installing the mainparts14:09
zmayhello, i need help with driver installation for printer samsung clp-315, printer works but no colour, just black.. using interpid14:10
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:10
zmayockonal: if u dont know how to help stfu14:11
ockonalzmay: stfu?14:11
Tm_Tzmay: please behave14:12
bazhangzmay, lose the attitude14:12
enrykubuntu bye bye it's full of bug14:15
ockonalenry: :)14:15
enryi'm reinstalling ubuntu14:15
ockonalenry: ubuntu is a good too ;)14:16
ockonalWhat does it mean: stfu?14:19
karDoes shipit send amd64 CDs?14:19
bazhangsomething not nice14:19
ockonalkar: yeah14:20
karAnd how do i have to do it? I cannot find an option in the site..14:20
ockonalkar: wait, please14:21
ockonalkar: hm.. it seams, that u can't14:23
ockonalkar: but i remember, that i saw it14:23
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olimpicohas anyone experience with compiz on intrepid?14:32
ockonalolimpico: i've used it14:32
olimpicoI installed emerald with "emerald --replace" and can't get it removed14:32
ockonalkwin --replace14:32
ockonal? :)14:32
ockonalolimpico: you want to remove emerald?14:33
ockonalolimpico: and use standart?14:34
olimpicoockonal: exactly!14:34
olimpicokwin --replace gets me back to no compiz, I want to get out of emerald14:35
olimpicobut still use compiz14:35
ockonalolimpico: just remove it :)14:35
ockonalin Adept14:35
ockonalOr.. in compiz-settings manager disable function: extra titles14:35
ockonalor smth like this14:35
carpiiwhere does kdevelop keep its config settings ?14:35
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anil_kumarneed help on desktop settings14:37
ockonalcarpii: http://docs.kde.org/kde3/en/kdevelop/kdevelop/app-files.html14:37
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ockonalanil_kumar: what help14:37
elmarhello emil14:37
carpiithanks ockonal14:38
anil_kumarockonal: i enabled some effects and now for some reason the desktop seems to be wrapped around vertically...14:38
anil_kumari tried to change it back but not succesfull14:39
anil_kumardont know if its bug or some effect itself...14:39
ockonalanil_kumar: wait, please14:39
blue_nickhello, I have installed the kde 4.2 packages on intrepid, but my desktop becomes less and less responsive after a while14:41
blue_nickis this some known issue ?14:41
ockonalblue_nick: :) And what trouble?14:42
ockonalblue_nick: write it kde-programmers :)14:42
blue_nickockonal: not sure I follow :)14:43
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ockonalblue_nick: use gnome14:44
olimpico_ockonal: o14:45
blue_nickockonal: I don't cut my arm if it hurts :D14:45
ockonalolimpico: ?14:45
ockonalblue_nick: :-D14:45
olimpico_ockonal: thanks a lot14:45
olimpico_ockonal: but I still have the problem of the theme14:45
ockonalolimpico_: what problem?14:46
olimpico_ockonal: How can I reset the theme, because the emerald theme is still there when I run compiz14:46
ockonalBlueKaj: good evening :)14:46
BluesKajockonal :)14:46
ockonalhi-hi :)14:46
ockonalolimpico_: let me think)14:47
ockonalolimpico_: ok, please write more fully, what u want14:48
olimpico_ockonal: I first installed compiz and it was working fine14:48
olimpico_but then I installed emerald and it's unstable14:49
ockonalolimpico_: sudo apt-get remove emerald14:49
olimpico_so, i removed emerald, with apt-get remove emerald but compiz still has the emerald theme, colors, etc and is very unstable14:49
olimpico_ockonal: I think emerald modified the themes in compiz14:50
ockonalolimpico_: try to delete all, and insall again14:50
olimpico_ockonal: and i'll like to reset them back to the default, I tried on the CompizCOnfig Settings, without success14:50
anil_kumarhello...some help would be nice14:50
ockonalanil_kumar: what u need?14:51
anil_kumarockonal: i enabled some effects and now for some reason the desktop seems to be wrapped around vertically...14:51
ockonalolimpico_: remove all14:51
ockonalanil_kumar: try to disalbe desktop-effects14:51
anil_kumardid that14:51
ockonalanil_kumar: step by step14:52
anil_kumarhow???one effect a once??14:52
ockonalanil_kumar: u've used compiz or default effects?14:53
anil_kumarthe default ones14:53
ockonalanil_kumar: u reset them and screen is vertical?14:53
ockonalanil_kumar: try to disable effects and restart X14:53
ockonalanil_kumar: Ctrl + Alt + Backspace14:54
olimpico_I just tried to install compiz-kde and get an error14:55
olimpico_compiz-kde: Depends: libplasma2 but it is not going to be installed14:56
olimpico_E: Broken packages14:56
ockonalolimpico_: kde 4.2?14:56
olimpico_ockonal: Yes14:56
ockonalolimpico_: try to install libplasma2. Because kde 4.2 use libplasma314:56
olimpico_libplasma2: Depends: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 but it is not going to be installed14:57
olimpico_              Depends: kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid3) but 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7 is to be installed14:57
ockonalolimpico_: i've removed all compiz-packages?14:58
olimpico_ockonal: What do you mean?14:59
olimpico_ockonal: I removed all and installed again14:59
olimpico_ockonal: as you said14:59
olimpico_ockonal: But before I didn't install compiz-kde, only compiz15:00
ockonalolimpico_: do u know russian?15:00
olimpico_ockonal: But I though maybe that's why is not so stable15:00
olimpico_ockonal: No, only german, spanish and english15:00
ockonalolimpico_: http://pastebin.com/d4e23e62215:01
robin_e det svenska här?15:01
robin_hello everyone15:02
ockonalrobin_: hi15:02
olimpico_ockonal: that doesn't work, I'm on intrepid running KDE 4.2, I get the following:15:02
olimpico_compiz-kde: Depends: libplasma2 but it is not going to be installed15:02
robin_i have problem can anyone help?15:02
ockonalrobin_: what problem..?15:03
ockonalolimpico_: wait, please15:03
olimpico_ockonal: THank you very much for your help, I'll wait15:03
olimpico_ockonal: I appreciate it a lot!15:03
robin_my mouse freezes sometime15:03
ockonalolimpico_: thanks15:04
robin_anyone have an idea on how to make the mouse to stop freezing15:06
robin_could it be a graphic problem?15:06
fishaby polish here?15:07
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ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:08
ockonalolimpico_: ok, now i'm finding the answer. While i do it why you don't use kde-effects?15:08
=== Guest31510 is now known as fish__
ockonalolimpico_: ok, i've just installed compiz on my kde 4.215:13
ockonalolimpico_: try this: http://pastebin.com/d2994e42415:14
olimpico_ockonal: I already installed all those15:15
ockonalolimpico_: does it work?15:15
olimpico_Yes, but still has some unstability issues15:15
olimpico_I mean, sometime I can¿t focus on a window, and so on15:16
olimpico_ockonal: What sis you mean by kde-effects?15:16
ockonalolimpico_: there is standart effects in kde 4.215:16
ockonalolimpico_: which are similar to the compiz15:17
ockonalolimpico_: if u want, i'll tell u how to enable it15:19
yoritomohello all15:21
ockonalyoritomo: hi15:21
yoritomoi would need help to resolve my problem with firefox15:21
ockonalyoritomo: what problem15:21
yoritomoit is always hanging up when browsing, i think especially when using de scrolling bar15:22
yoritomowhere may i find the system log of firefox?15:22
ockonalyoritomo: try to run it from console15:23
ockonalyoritomo: than u'll see need errors15:24
ockonalyoritomo: during firefox working15:24
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olimpico_ockonal: please tell me15:26
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ockonalolimpico_: System settings -> Desktop -> Enable effects15:27
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olimpico_Well, I had those enabled already15:28
olimpico_ockonal: Well, I had those enabled already, but they are nothing to compare with compiz15:28
ockonalolimpico_: yeah.. maybe.15:29
ockonalolimpico_: sorry, i have no any idea.15:29
ockonalolimpico: just try to disable that effects and try to run compiz15:29
olimpico_ockonal: No problem, thanks a lot for your help, I assume they have still some problems with dependencies on Intrepid with kde 4.215:30
ockonalolimpico_: ;) I wanna help people15:31
olimpico_Actually, as you said, kde 4.2 uses libplasma3, and compiz-kde depends on libplasma2. Apparently there is no way to install botth at the same time15:32
ockonalolimpico_: maybe15:33
RurouniJonesIs there any tutorial out there that shows you how to setup secure sharing between two linux machines? (Sharer - Kubuntu, Sharee - Xubuntu).15:34
RurouniJonesPreferably a guide specific to kubuntu and up to date15:34
ockonalRurouniljones: just connect 2 machines15:35
jussi01RurouniJones: do you want to share the whole machine or just a small part?15:35
RurouniJonesEither is fine, whichever is simpler.15:35
RurouniJonesAs long as it is SSL'd15:35
giarcain Desktop Effect setting regarding OpenGL mode is best "texture from Pixmap" - "Shared Memory" or "Fallback"?15:35
jussi01RurouniJones: sftpFTW15:35
giarcadid anyone know ehat does that 3 options means?15:36
jussi01RurouniJones: both are on the same network?15:36
ockonalgiiarca: texture from Pixmap15:36
RurouniJonesBoth on the same network, I don't just want a secure FTP. I am after file access on one machine from the other.15:36
jussi01RurouniJones: install the package ssh15:36
RurouniJonesvia a GUI ;)15:37
giarcaockonal: thanks! it's the default set :)15:37
RurouniJonesssh already installed.15:37
ockonalgiarca: ;)15:37
jussi01RurouniJones: then open konq, dolphin or whatever the secure ftp client is, then simply do: sftp://ip.add.re.ss15:37
jussi01or even: sftp:/machine-name15:38
jussi01or even: sftp://machine-name15:38
RurouniJonesThat sends everything via FTP though, not streaming doesn't it15:39
jussi01ScorpKing: fish:// is a horruble hack15:39
ScorpKingjussi01: why may i ask?15:39
* jussi01 goes to hunt up a good link...15:39
* ScorpKing waits..15:40
RurouniJonesRight, let me rephrase the question, any kubuntu specific NFS guides out there :p15:41
RurouniJonesnm, got it.15:41
=== Gnut[OFF] is now known as gnuton
jussi01ScorpKing: on the phone, back in a  few mins...15:42
yoritomothanks oktonal, i am trying it15:44
ockonalyoritomo: ;) Tell me please results15:46
yoritomoyes i am waiting to have the problem15:49
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jussi01ScorpKing: argh, need to run out, for a few mins, if you see stdin ask him ;) (/me is grumpy he cant remember why, but got told about it some time ago)15:51
ScorpKingjussi01: ok np15:51
lucas-lxi need install a program for read dvd15:52
lucas-lxi need help15:52
lucas-lxhelp me15:52
ScorpKing!ask | lucas-lx15:53
ubottulucas-lx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:53
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:53
ubuntu_hi everyone15:55
ockonalubuntu_: hi15:55
ubuntu_I'm just discovering kubuntu using live cd .....15:55
ockonalubuntu_: nice to hear it :)15:56
toumagra1j ss un debutant ds le ubuntu inpeu d'aude les amis15:56
ubuntu_I'mlooking for a stable powerfullanduser friendly  kinux distro ...15:56
toumagra1inpeut d'aide les amis15:56
ubuntu_it's kubuntu what I need ?15:56
ockonalubuntu_: *ubuntu is that, what you need15:57
jussi01!fr | toumagra115:57
ubottutoumagra1: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:57
yoritomotoumougra je parle francais15:57
ockonalububntu_: if u like KDE - Kubuntu, if Gnome - Ubuntu15:57
ockonalyoritomo: ?15:57
ockonalyoritomo: in English, please15:57
yoritomook sorry, it was just to help him15:58
ubuntu_I need to use it to work ....,so mysql, apache, unfortunately virtualbox to use win and so on....15:58
ubuntu_but I'm a newbie....15:58
ockonalubuntu_: If u like effects your choose must be Kubuntu15:58
ubuntu_yeah , I really like KDE15:59
ScorpKing!lamb | ubuntu_15:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lamb15:59
ockonalubuntu_: if u like simplicity - Ubuntu15:59
=== AlanasAnikonis is now known as Guest44262
ubuntu_but I need a system which is easy to use and configure ....15:59
ScorpKing!lamp | ubuntu_15:59
ubottuubuntu_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:59
ockonalubuntu_:  Kubuntu! :)15:59
ubuntu_otherwise I'll spend a lot of time just to make it works propely ...15:59
ubuntu_likehappendfor mandriva... :(16:00
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shadeslayerhey how do i get the original panel and all of the widgets in it back16:00
shadeslayeri deleted the panel16:00
=== AlanasAnikoniss is now known as AlanasAnikonis
ockonalshadeslayer: by your hands :)16:00
ockonalubuntu_: Kubuntu is the best choose16:00
shadeslayeran easier way???16:00
ockonalshadeslayer: no16:01
ubuntu_I'm trying kubuntu on a desktop , but I already got some problem ....16:01
shadeslayerso ill just have to look for all the widgets16:01
ubuntu_so I was unsure ... :)16:01
ockonalubuntu_: what problem?16:01
ScorpKingshadeslayer: i'm not on kde4 but i think there is a file called panelrc in ~/.kde/share/config/16:01
ubuntu_with the resolution display for example ....16:01
ockonalubuntu_: you must install graphic-drivers16:02
ubuntu_I change it , and when I restart ,I alwaysget thewrongresolution...16:02
ubuntu_I did ...16:02
ScorpKingshadeslayer: move it somewhere else. it might be called plasma<something>16:02
ockonalubuntu_: nvidia?16:02
ubuntu_yep ...16:02
ockonalubuntu_: in console: sudo nvidia-settings16:02
shadeslayerScorpKing: im trying to get the original panel back,how will moving the file help16:03
ubuntu_he want to work with 1280 x 1024 resolution , but my old monitor don't ....16:03
ockonalubuntu_: there i may to set your resolution and save it16:03
ubuntu_so I get a quite strange view ....16:03
ubuntu_I tried it ....16:03
shadeslayerScorpKing: BTW no panel rc16:03
ubuntu_should I edit by hand some config file ?16:04
ScorpKingshadeslayer: the settings that tells the panel to go away is in there somewhere16:04
RurouniJonesTo answer my earlier question: sshfs provides encrypted remote mounting of drives16:04
ScorpKingshadeslayer: if you remove the config file it will see that it can come back16:04
shadeslayerScorpKing: haha, you didnt understand my problem16:04
ockonalubuntu_: unfortunetly yes16:04
ockonalubuntu_: some old monitores doesn't want to configure correctly16:05
shadeslayerScorpKing: im trying to get the original panel back,with all the widgets,etc16:05
ScorpKingshadeslayer: you can also run mv ~/.kde/ ~/.kde.old and reset configs to default16:05
shadeslayeri can do it manually16:05
ubuntu_that's why I'm afraid to install it on the laptop which I use to work ....16:05
shadeslayerScorpKing:  naa,ill just add the widgets one by one16:06
ockonalubutnu_: i16:06
ockonalubuntu_: i'm shure, that it'll work fine16:06
ubuntu_because if I get some problem ......,it means which I can't work ... :D16:06
ockonalubuntu_: just try to do it ;) And we will help u :)16:07
ScorpKingshadeslayer: if you remove a config file then the original config file will be copied into it's place wich means original settings will be resored.16:07
shadeslayerubuntu_: well with a *bit* of tweaking it runs flawlessly,kubuntu that is16:07
ubuntu_ok, but probably is better if I try on my experimental desktop .....16:08
shadeslayerScorpKing: ah16:08
ockonalubuntu_: try it :)16:08
shadeslayeralready restored half of it from memory,giving my brain a good workout16:08
ubuntu_yeah , I've already installed ...., it's updating roght now...16:08
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Guest69651ola a todos16:09
shadeslayerubuntu_: BTW why would anybody be having problems with kubuntu??16:09
=== Guest69651 is now known as Andrea_Rubia
ockonalubuntu_: good ;) If there are any questions - tell us)16:09
yoritomoockonal, so strange, since i launched firefox from terminal that looks working fine :o16:09
shadeslayerits based on the same kernel as ubuntu16:09
Andrea_Rubiaalguien habla español?16:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:09
ubuntu_yo un pochito , pero creo que aqui es mejor hablar ingles ....16:10
ockonalyoritomo: :-D16:10
badpcHow do I get drivers for my Wintv Hauppauge  1600 tuner card?16:10
ockonalubuntu_: in english, please16:10
ockonalbadpc: from support-site16:10
ockonalyoritomo:  now just run it from console))16:11
badpcockonal: what support site?16:11
ockonalbadpc: visit card-site16:11
badpcockonal: dont you think i allready did that16:12
ockonalbadpc: there are different people...16:13
yoritomoockonal, how comes ? that would crash launching from kde GUI ?16:13
ockonalyorimoto: it looks strange )16:13
badpcyes you are different16:13
markus_hi, habe ein kleines problem. habe bis jetzt immer windows benutzt und nun kubuntu installiert. habe eine atheros 5007eg netzwerkkarte, diese funktioniert jedoch nicht unter kubuntu. habe versucht madwifi zu instalieren, bekomme aber nur fehlermeldungen beim ausführen von "make". habe nun ndiswrapper installiert und den mitgelieferten xp treiber geladen. dort steht dass dertreiber erkannt wurde. jedoch finde ich keine netzwerke16:13
ockonalyoritomo: try to create comand-link for console to run firefox16:14
ubuntu_there is as well a channel in Italian language ?16:14
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:14
markus_(join #ubuntu-de16:14
ockonalubuntu_: don't know about it)16:14
BluesKaj!de | markus_16:14
ubottumarkus_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:14
dnanyone know where i can download the kde 4.2 wallpaper? i think it's called Air?16:14
dnhttp://news.softpedia.com/newsImage/Ubuntu-9-04-Alpha-3-Screenshot-Tour-29.jpg < the one in there16:15
badpcHow do I get drivers for my Wintv Hauppauge  1600 tuner card?16:15
shadeslayerdn: i think it would be standard16:16
ockonaldn: i can give u16:16
shadeslayerdn: just look in the desktop settings16:16
shadeslayer*apperance settings16:17
scratch_hello to all16:17
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:17
dni want it for my gnome desktop, sorry16:17
scratch_Can anybody help me with Avira installation?16:17
dn1280x1024 or similar if possible?16:17
yoritomoockonal i got the error now http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-1051416:17
ockonaldn: wait16:18
shadeslayerhey BTW if anyone wants the transperent taskbar back,just use a customized theme,without any customizations16:19
ockonaldn: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Desktop+Freedom?content=9879916:20
ockonalyoritomo: wait, please16:20
shadeslayerhey whats the basic difference between KDE and KDE nigtly16:21
dnyou're a hero!16:21
dnhrm, they are mofidied with a big nasty logo in the middle, and low resolution :/16:22
scratch_Does anybody knows how to compile the kernel with "Linux Capabilities" (security) as module?16:22
shadeslayerhehe,get a Kubuntu CD itll have the wallpaper16:22
ockonalyoritomo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-qt-engine/+bug/27924016:22
ockonaldn: wait again, please :)16:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nightly16:24
Dragnslcrshadeslayer- the nightly builds are from whatever is checked in to the code repositories every night. I don't think they're ever guaranteed to be stable or even really usable16:24
yoritomoockonal looks like that will still pending a while :( as they don't know the problem16:24
shadeslayerna,dont need stable16:25
mathousalixhow to make khelpcenter autostart in kubuntu but with no gui you now as a service..16:25
shadeslayerhardly use kubuntu,just use it to show off to friends16:26
shadeslayerso where can i find KDE nightly??16:28
ockonalyoritomo: sorry, i have no any idea16:28
shadeslayeris it with project neon16:28
mathousalixwhenever i click help a message box claims khelpcenter is not running so i went to system setting and i selected from autostart khelpcenter location but now whenever i log in to kubuntu i get  the khelpcenter window pop up   And is very annoying16:28
mathousalixhow to make khelpcenter run as a service ??????????16:29
yoritomothanks ockonal, at least i know it has been already reported ;)16:29
mathousalixI mean not as a program each time i log in but as a service  (no Gui)16:29
mathousalixso anybody?16:29
ockonalyorimoto: :)16:30
ockonalmathousalix: what u want?16:30
mathousalixockonal, : i need khelpcenter to run each time log in so i don't want to get khelpcenter as a pop up16:31
ockonalmathousalix: You need to autostart it?16:31
orcristhi all16:31
mathousalixockonal, : yes16:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:31
ockonalorcrist: hi16:31
ockonalmathousalix: wait, please16:31
mathousalixockonal, ok :-)16:31
ockonalmathousalix: ok, run system settings16:32
mathousalixockonal, : ok16:32
ockonalmathousalixЖ Additionally16:32
ockonalmathousalix: Additionally16:32
mathousalixockonal, : i did that already but when i log in khelpcenter pops up16:33
orcristjoin #kubuntu-gr16:33
ockonalmathousalix: can't understand u :) Pops up?16:33
mathousalixockonal, : is that a way to change that "Type : application" to service ?16:33
orcrist#join #kubuntu-gr16:33
mathousalixockonal, : i means it opens the window of khelpcenter16:33
ockonalmathousalix: and what u need16:34
ockonalorcrist: what problem?16:34
=== firestorm is now known as Firestorm_
=== Firestorm_ is now known as Firestorm__
mathousalixockonal, : i need only to be able to click wheneveri want tohelp buttons16:34
orcristhow can I join the #kubuntu-gr??16:34
ockonalorcrist: type: /join #...16:34
mathousalixockonal, : and not get in my face the error khelpcenter is not running16:34
orcristow yes! thnxxxxx :))16:34
mathousalixockonal, : did i maked clear ?16:35
mathousalixockonal, : english is not my first language so i do my best :-)16:35
orcristockonal: thnx!16:36
ockonalorcrist: ;) Good luck16:36
mathousalixockonal, : i think you understand what is the problem16:36
ockonalmathousalix: not sure :)16:36
mathousalixockonal, : each time i log in16:36
dnockonal: did you find it?16:36
mathousalixockonal, : khelpcenter opens a khelpcenter window16:36
ockonaldn: i do it16:36
ockonalmathousalix: yes16:37
mathousalixockonal, : i don't want that16:37
ockonalmathousalix: and what u want16:37
mathousalixockonal, : i just want khelpcenter to be availaible16:37
mathousalixockonal, : whenever i click a help button or menu in kde16:37
mathousalixockonal, : whenever i log in16:38
ockonalmathousalix: hm16:38
mathousalixockonal, : i remember with kde 3** i didn't had this problem16:38
mathousalixockonal, : so what do you suggest ?16:39
ockonalmathousalix: i',m thinking16:40
mathousalixockonal, : in http://www.captain.at/howto-autostart-program-in-kde-gnome.php16:41
ockonaldn: sry, i can't find it :(16:42
mathousalixockonal, : i  will try to put & parameter after kdehelpcenter and i will tell you if it worked :-)16:42
dnisn't it in /usr/share somewhere? kde4/ maybe?16:43
ockonalmathousalix: ok, good luck! ;)16:43
mathousalixockonal, : thanks :-)16:43
ockonaldn: i have to go to find it)16:44
ubuntu_I'm back .....16:48
ubuntu_I restart Kubuntu afetr install and update it ....16:48
ockonalubuntu_: :)16:48
ubuntu_when I restart I get an error ....16:49
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ubuntu_well , something like that ---ALERT ! /dev/disk/by-uuid/..........does not exist. Droppingto a shell!--16:49
ubuntu_is an alert, but I can't understand what I should do ..16:49
dnone of your hard drives has moved its position16:50
dnor isn't there16:50
ubuntu_well actually there is just 1 drive and is the one where run kubuntu ....16:50
dndo 'cat /etc/fstab'16:51
ockonaldn: sry, i can't find it16:51
dnockonal: thanks for looking mate!16:51
ockonaldn: ;)16:51
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ubuntu_answer "not found"16:52
avihaybI was runing around looking for a way to change the desktop background in kde4.1 on a kubuntu install, now, I'm guessing that it can be done by editing some text file, but I won't bother with it16:52
avihaybI couldn't find it, and decided to wait for the next update16:53
ockonalavihayb: u want to know how to change background-image?16:53
ockonal*hot to change16:53
avihaybin kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.116:53
ockonalright click -> Appearance Settings16:53
ockonalAnd choose image from list16:54
avihaybwell, it didn't exsist in kde 4.116:54
avihaybnot that I noticed16:54
avihayband I looked hard16:54
ockonalavihayb: hm, what didn't exists16:54
avihaybdid you upgread to kde4.2?16:55
ockonalavihayb: yeah16:55
avihaybwell, in kde4.1, i belive that there isn't an apperence settings option in the desktop rightclick menu.16:56
ockonalavihayb: yes, and in next menu can choose the image16:56
ubuntu_digiting exit ..... "no resume image, running normal boot " or something like that ....16:56
avihaybwell, I could be wrong, but I didn't see it, not then, oh, well16:56
ubuntu_I just install it now in a empty disk , so which redume image he is looking for ?16:57
ockonalavihayb: I know, that i changed bg-image, when i have kde 4.116:57
avihaybok, well, my bad then...16:57
ockonalavihayb: ;)16:57
avihaybI'm guessing I'm not the only one whos machin has trouble with hibernation...16:58
ubuntu_noonecan help me with fstab please ?17:02
avihaybubuntu_: what's the matter? something not mounting on startup?17:03
ubuntu_I get an Alert when I boot the system17:03
avihayb"no resume image, running normal boot "17:04
shadeslayerhehe look at me up there,,joined through irssi17:04
ubuntu_digiting exit , I got a normal boot , but I don't want do the same any time a switch on my computer17:04
ubuntu_si I'm checing now fstab17:05
avihaybwhat is "digiting exit"17:05
ubuntu_ok ....., when the system stop with alert ...show me a kind of shell ....17:06
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=== jujinio_ is now known as jujinio
ubuntu_but i can't see for example , file from my disk ....17:07
avihaybwhen you shutdown or when you turn it up?17:07
ubuntu_so using help trying to figure out , I got a list of command .....17:07
ubuntu_I just tried with exit and is gone ....17:07
ubuntu_now I have my desktop17:08
ubuntu_when I turn it up ...17:08
arkygeekhi everyone17:08
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:08
arkygeekwhere do i go for specifically ubuntu on imacs?17:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apple17:09
ubuntu_it was looking for a resume image , but I have jing Kubuntu ...ust one disk connected and is the one where is runn17:09
ubuntu_ops ...17:09
ubuntu_sorry ..17:09
ubuntu_it was looking for a resume image , but I have just one disk connected and is the one where is running Kubuntu17:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about macs17:10
* arkygeek sighs17:10
arkygeekanyway, does anyone know if i can get my sleep light on my white 24" imac to blink on demand?  I want to use it as an email notification17:11
avihaybwell, it's wird, when it looks for a resume image on my kubuntu, it sometimes finds it, sometimes it dosent. when it dosent, it simply loads up as if nothing happend17:11
arkygeeki gave up on blinkd making my keyboard blink - that just donesn't seem to be going to ever work17:11
ubuntu_not in mine unfortunately ....17:12
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ubuntu_surely isn't the best way to start with Kubuntu for me .. :D17:12
avihaybwell, my hibernate used to fail to load one out of two times. I looked around in synaptic, and found a package called hibernate, and now it fails once every 4 times17:15
ockonalavihayb: what does this package do17:16
avihaybI havn't checked by hand, but the description says it changes some of the deafult scripts17:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate17:17
avihayb!ubotto hibernate packgae17:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:17
ockonalGoogle will help me ;)17:17
ubuntu_ok I understood ,if I get the problem just installing,  probably isn't the right distro for me .......17:18
ockonalubuntu_: i'm sorry )17:18
ockonalubuntu_: i think, that ubuntu will help u17:18
ubuntu_someone can suggest me a distrò really user friendly please .....?17:18
ockonalubuntu_: ubuntu :) It's gnome17:19
ockonalubuntu_: u also can use non-debian distro, like OpenSuse17:19
MooqballI don't know what the deal is but I cannot for the life of me get connected to my wireless network on my freshly installed kubuntu partition17:19
ubuntu_I know , but I don't rally like gnome....17:19
ubuntu_sorry ...17:19
ockonalubuntu_: i'm too :)17:19
Mooqballim typing in the passphrase, the network manager cranks.. and goes back to grey17:20
ockonalubuntu_: can u work with non-debian distros17:20
ockonalubuntu_: if yes, try OpenSuse17:20
ockonalMooqball: what kde17:20
avihaybanother one for the gnome "don't likers"17:20
ubuntu_I tried nad is even worst ....17:20
Mooqballwhatever one comes with a freshly installed kubuntu ? =P dunno17:20
ubuntu_I tried to install it and doesn't work very well....17:20
ockonalMooqball: it's silly17:20
ubuntu_I didn't get connection , audio , video driver and so on....17:21
ockonalMooqball: sorry, but how can i know, what kubuntu did you install?17:21
ubuntu_should I spend few year probably to make it works ....17:21
Mooqball8.10 intepid ibex 32 bit17:21
avihaybas I recall, the network manager is broken in a fresh install, and an upgrade fixes it, only problem is you need that network working17:21
Mooqballi did plug directly into my cable modem but even then i still cant connect17:21
Mooqballdoes that require manual config17:22
avihaybyou can't connect via the cable?17:22
avihaybwell, i had some dhcp problems, so I manualy configured it, the official release notes say that dhcp works fine but manual config was broken17:23
Mooqballall right, ill try manually configuring17:23
ubuntu_Ill' keep going with mandriva , even if I'm not very happy with that .....17:23
ubuntu_thanks a lot to everyone .....17:24
avihaybI think I actualy cryed out of fustration after the upgrade where I was stuck with a computer that couldn't connect17:24
Mooqballdo you think it's possible that it is a conflict that both partitions have the same username? I just realized that17:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about san17:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iscsi17:25
arrrghhhhowdy.  i broke my kubuntu.  the screen is set to 1440x900 (which is the proper res, works fine in xfce and gnome) but in kde it goes off the screen on the bottom and right side.  but it's not related to my profile (i renamed .kde and .kde4 folders in my $HOME) plus i completely reinstalled kde from scratch using the psychocats method to get back to "pure gnome".  i don't know what else could be wrong...17:25
avihaybluckily, one of the linux support personal helped me with the manual config17:26
arrrghhhi have kde4.2 with the "experimental" repo in my sources.list as instructed on kubuntu.org.17:26
avihaybI had to figure out what the gateway ip was because noone knew17:27
avihaybarrrghhh: if it were an older version on xorg, I'd say mess around with xorg.cfg, but I be that iy's mostly empty17:28
arrrghhhyea the newer the xorg version the less it uses xorg.conf it seems.17:28
arrrghhhlike i said, setup wonderfully in xfce/gnome using nvidia-settings.  same xorg settings in kde...17:29
napterkhello! how do I start systemsettings as a root under kde 4.217:30
arrrghhhnapterk, sudo systemsettings?17:31
arrrghhhw/o the "?" obviously...17:31
mathousalixockonal, :17:31
mathousalixockonal, : i found the problem :-)17:31
shadeslayerhehe agree with arrrghhh17:32
mathousalixockonal, : it was khelpcenter  problem17:32
ockonalmathousalix: :)17:33
mathousalixockonal, : if you dont have some help file or just did'nt build the index of help files17:33
napterkarrrghhh: yeah, right. grrr. But why isnt it possible to change the theme of Desktop Designs17:34
mathousalixockonal, : then a message box claims khelpcenter is not running17:34
arrrghhhnapterk, not sure what you mean by that.17:34
mathousalixockonal, : but it just can't find the help files because they did not exist :-)17:34
mathousalixockonal, : so the message box is simply confusing17:35
arrrghhhso why would my kde session have a screwed up screen but gnome/xfce don't?  they're all set to 1440x900.17:35
mathousalixockonal, : can you tell me how move the panel in kde desktop from top to bottom?17:35
ockonalmathousalix: kde 4.2?17:36
mathousalixockonal, : no i the 4.117:36
ockonalmathousalix: ok. Unlock widgets17:37
mathousalixockonal, : ok next ?17:37
squid0hi folks. I'm having issues with knetworkmanager. when I connect first to a wifi network, and then plug in an ethernet cable, I get no internet connectivity: firefox says I'm not connected to the internet, for example. is this a known issue with knetworkmanager?17:37
ockonalmathousalix: the first i advise you to update kde :)17:37
mathousalixockonal, : how can i  put it to the bottom of the screen ?17:37
snikkernew news about bluetooth for kde?17:38
ockonalmathousalix: ok, there is an icon on the right part of the panel17:38
mathousalixockonal, : yes there is17:38
ockonalmathousalix: click iut17:38
mathousalixockonal, : yes i clicked it17:38
ockonalmathousalix: Screen Edge17:38
ockonalmathousalix: and move panel to the bottom17:38
mathousalixockonal, : oooooooooo THanksssssssssss17:39
ockonalmathousalix: :)))))))))17:39
napterk arrrghhh: sorry, have to translate the applications from german into english, not sure what the exact description is. however, kubuntu-de isnt much going on.  I want to change the design themen from Oxygen to Glassified, but i cant apply it:(17:39
mathousalixockonal, : it was so easy!!!!!!!!!!17:39
ghostdogneed some, probably really simple. I just got a new HDTV and need to change the dpi for my kdm17:39
michael__Can anyone offer advice about the 8.04 -> 8.10 upgrade via adept_manager?17:39
mathousalixockonal, : i had it there sice the summer !!!!!:-)17:39
arrrghhhnapterk, hrm.  works fine for me, sorry.17:39
ockonalmathousalix: :-D17:39
mathousalixockonal, : ooo my god17:39
ghostdogquestion is, how do I change the dpi on kdm17:40
mathousalixockonal, : great17:40
ockonalmathousalix: for me it's impossible to make that panel at top :)17:40
arrrghhhthere's a switch you can pass to adept to do a dist-upgrade michael__ ... i forget, -d for update-manager.17:40
mathousalixockonal, : :-)17:40
ockonalmathousalix: *to live with that panel at top17:40
mathousalixockonal, : me to and now i reborn ... :-)17:41
michael__Hi arrrghhh, thanks. I've already upgraded, but while installing the packages, my root directory filled up and it aborted. It had already uninstalled adept_manager, however, so I couldn't restart it to finish the installation. :)17:41
ockonalmathousalix: :-D17:41
shadeslayerhow do i force mount a locked drive??17:41
arrrghhhmichael__, then use aptitude?  or apt-get?17:41
michael__I've restarted and used aptitude to upgrade to 4.2 with the ppa libraries...17:42
mathousalixockonal,  :   you suggested me to update kde4.2 , but it is not yet in the repositories doyou mean that i should install it by hand because it is great ?17:42
michael__But it seems like I've got 3.5 mixed in here in some ways, and some plasmoids aren't working...I wonder if there's any way to complete the upgrade or know what was undone so I can do it myself.17:42
ockonalmathousalix: u mustn't install it by hand :)17:42
ockonalmathousalix: just add extra-repository17:42
mathousalixockonal, : can i find a deb package of kde 4.2 or i have to compile it ?17:43
mathousalixockonal, : what extra ?17:43
ockonalmathousalix: just add repository. And update system :)17:43
arrrghhhmathousalix, kubuntu.org has directions.  just add a repo and update.17:43
ockonaldeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main17:43
mathousalixarrrghhh, : hmmmm17:43
mathousalixockonal, : thanks17:43
ockonalmathousalix: :)17:43
ockonalmathousalix: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add -17:44
arrrghhhthat's the one.  then you have to authenticate the gpg.17:44
ockonalmathousalix: to add the key17:44
arrrghhhyea that one.17:44
ockonalarrrghhh: :)17:44
arrrghhhkubuntu.org has that info :P17:44
ockonalarrrghhh: yeah)17:44
wrinkliezwhens kubuntu 9.04 released again?17:44
wrinkliezlike 2 months?17:44
arrrghhhi heard it's not going to incorporate ext4 :(17:45
arrrghhhit should support it if they use the new kernel.17:46
wrinkliezwhats ext4?17:46
arrrghhhnew filesystem17:46
wrinkliezoh i see17:46
ockonalwrinkliez: filesystem17:46
arrrghhhfaster than ext317:46
arrrghhhbetter, stronger!17:46
wrinkliezi suppose we are using ext 3 right now17:46
arrrghhhyessir.  well by default17:46
arrrghhhmy mythbox uses xfs.17:46
arrrghhhand ext317:47
ockonalwrinkliez: did u try ext4?17:47
arrrghhhi heard you can mount your existing ext3 drives as ext417:48
michael__ockonal: Do you know, if I just add the ppa repository and upgrade, will that complete an interrupted upgrade from 8.04 -> 8.10?17:48
arrrghhhand you'll get a few benefits17:48
arrrghhhmichael__, you'll probably have to do a dkpg-configure -a17:49
michael__arrrghhh: I've done that...everything looks like it's in a stable state, just not necessarily a desirable one, i.e. kde might not have been fully upgraded.17:50
wrinkliezext4 9.0417:50
ockonalmichael__: sry, don't know. I think, it must17:50
arrrghhhyou could try adding the repo and updating17:50
wrinkliezor is it just kubuntu that won't get ext4 support17:50
arrrghhhdo a aptitude update/safe-upgrade (both)17:50
michael__arrrghhh: Some plasmoids are missing and I'm getting 3.5 and 4.2 information for things like networks appearing and disappearing.17:50
arrrghhhor apt-get update/dist-upgrade (both)17:50
michael__Okay...will look...17:51
arrrghhhmichael__, you might want to follow the "pure gnome" instructions on psychocats and reinstall kde completely.17:51
mathousalixockonal, : upgrating :-) upgrating :-) upgrating :-)17:51
mathousalixockonal, : bye17:52
ockonalmathousalix: bye17:52
mathousalixockonal,  : thanks17:52
ockonalmathousalix: :)17:52
arrrghhhi just want to know why kde can't handle my screen all of the sudden!17:52
arrrghhhthis didn't happen after i updated to 4.2...17:52
michael__arrrghhh: That's an interesting idea...I'll try to adapt that to clear things out and get things clean again.17:55
arrrghhhyea if you google pure gnome you'll find it.17:55
michael__arrrghhh: Well, my root drive filled up and the installation aborted. It had also uninstalled adept_manager by then. :( lol17:55
michael__The things I'm mostly wondering about are along the lines of having to change any system configurations or identifying the system as 8.10 instead of 8.04, that kind of thing, the things apt wouldn't take care of.17:57
arrrghhhyour root drive filled up?  i wouldn't recommend that.18:13
xainHello everyone.18:13
rebel_Kubuntu + jaunty + ext4 + amd64 = leetness18:14
wrinkliezim afraid of 9.0418:14
wrinkliezlast time i tried it i didnt get sound or a mouse D:18:15
arrrghhhlol yea i'm not sure if i should go to 9.04 yet18:15
Andry_Afkhi, could anybody help me to update the repository?  I cant find anything under adept, only stuff already installed18:15
arrrghhhmy screen is hosed, but in kde only... doesn't make sense.18:15
rebel_it's working great here18:15
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, are you adding a repo?18:15
rebel_i love how my sysreq keys actually work now.18:16
Malichi! I have still problems with kde 4.2. It often freezes my workspace . Do you have the same problems? Working with kde 4.2 is impossible for me, because the only thing i can do after a freeze is to press the off button18:16
Andry_Afkarrrghhh: how do I check if I already got some?18:16
Andry_AfkI have the submenu "view" of adept which is disabled18:16
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, it's in your /etc/apt/sources.list file18:16
xainMalic: Do what i did, downgrade back to 8.04.18:17
Andry_Afkarrrghhh: seems to be some links in there, but I fail while trying to do "sudo apt-get install"18:18
kalibWhat should I install to run rmvb files in my kaffeine???18:18
Andry_AfkI tryied with firefox, putty, wireshark  but I got an error18:18
Malic:) xain. i will become eye cancer when i do that18:19
xainMalic: Haha.18:19
rebel_VT switching works again :)18:19
xainMalic i had no choice myself but to downgrade. : /18:19
xainRunning an intel 945GMA...18:19
xainAnyone know how i can change the Modifier keys for Xmapping?18:21
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, pastebin it.18:21
arrrghhhpastebin the output of "sudo aptitude install firefox"18:22
arrrghhhor apt-get whatever18:22
rebel_i'm new to KDE418:22
rebel_how do i get my plasmoids to appear in the dashboard layer only?18:22
arrrghhhkalib, if you already have kubuntu-restricted-extras i'm not sure.  google?  i think real media files are baaaaaaaaaaad juju.18:23
Andry_Afkarrrghhh: cant pastebin cause i'm not typing from that PC, besides it's not english.  however it says that it cant find that packet18:24
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, that doesn't help me.  there's a german channel18:24
arrrghhh!de | Andry_Afk18:24
ubottuAndry_Afk: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:24
Andry_Afkarrrghhh: is there a command to make it update the repository?18:25
Andry_Afkcause I think it doesnt18:25
Andry_AfkI feel more confortable with command line18:25
hellsingapt-get update?18:25
Andry_Afkhellsing: ok, it's a dns issue18:26
Andry_AfkI forgot to add a dns server to my nic18:26
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, yea apt-get update would update your repos.18:26
Andry_Afkcan i do with "sudo ifconfig eth0 ----"  ?18:27
White_Pelicanis Kubuntu for Intrepid going to be LTS?18:27
UnksiWhite_Pelican: no, hardy was lts and next lts will be 10.418:28
xainAnyone know how to change Xmodifier mapping for the keyboard?18:28
arrrghhhseems kubuntu didn't get an lts18:28
arrrghhh8.04 ubuntu was lts.18:29
White_PelicanUnksi, Hardy was not LTS18:29
UnksiWhite_Pelican: it was, but not for kubuntu18:29
White_Pelicanwhich is what I asked originally18:30
White_PelicanI'm trying to decide whether or not to switch to Intrepid or Jaunty18:30
White_Pelicanor wait even longer18:31
White_PelicanI am on Hardy fro kubuntu right now18:31
arrrghhhWhite_Pelican, i don't think kubuntu will do lts releases really.18:31
Andry_Afklast time i configured a NIC was with Kubuntu 6.10...  now I cant remember how to do that18:31
xainWhite_Pelican : You might have problem's running KDE4.18:31
Andry_Afkits not very intuitive18:31
arrrghhhi don't see them doing any in the future either.  it's a branched project, i wouldn't expect it to go lts like ubuntu.18:32
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, you could just edit your /etc/networking/interfaces i think it is18:32
arrrghhher /etc/network/interfaces?18:32
White_Pelicanxain, please elaborate18:32
arrrghhhbut there's also a way with ifconfig.  google is your friend.18:32
xainWhite_Pelican : Alot of people are experiencing a bug with KDE4. I was one of them.18:32
rickagood evening18:33
xainWhite_Pelican : Graphical glitches, system freezing, and a couple of other good thing's.18:33
White_Pelicanwhich version of kde 4 did you use?18:33
Andry_Afkarrrghhh: is there a GUI way to do that?18:33
xainWhite_Pelican : I guess it all depend's on your VGA chipset really.18:33
Andry_Afklike I did with 6.1018:33
xainWhite_Pelican : I used KDE 4.118:34
White_Pelicannot sure what mine is18:34
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, i hear there's some issues with knetworking and static configs.  you don't use dhcp?18:34
White_PelicanI like 4.2 over 4.118:34
xainWhite_Pelican : Just the default KDE that it came with upn installation of Ibex.18:34
White_Pelicanbut for my needs, it isn't ready18:34
Andry_Afkarrrghhh: no dhcp18:34
White_PelicanI ran it through an emulator - vbox18:35
xainHey Pelican.18:35
xainYou wouldn't happen to know how to change keyboard modifier keys would you?18:35
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, unless you're in kde3.5, you're stuck with the interfaces file or ifconfig for static configurations.  it's a clearly stated bug with kde4.18:35
White_Pelicanno sorry18:35
xain: /18:35
arrrghhhunless they've fixed it, i'm not sure.18:35
xainI wanna change the mod key from the left-alt over to right-alt.18:36
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xainCan't figure it out though.18:36
White_Pelicankde 4 wil not be ready for prime time until at least 4.3 IMHO18:36
HappySmileManI would say 4.2 is ready for primetime18:36
HappySmileManCan't see any problems or instabilities since I upgraded it18:37
arrrghhh4.2 is pretty stable.  until whatever the heck xorg just did to me.18:37
bob__Help on setting up printer??18:37
HappySmileManBut I guess it depends what you need it for18:37
Andry_Afkarrrghhh: I'm using kde 4,218:37
rickahow can I change the entries in the K->favorites menu?18:38
arrrghhhso am i.  what's your point Andry_Afk18:38
White_Pelicansome of the apps need to be improved - gwenview for one which I use every day18:38
arrrghhhricka, kde4.1?18:38
HappySmileManricka: Right click on menu icon and select Menu Editor18:38
arrrghhhi gave up on gwen.  picasa is soooo much better.18:38
HappySmileManWait, no misread ricka, just go to the application in applications menu, right click and "Add to favourites"18:39
Andry_Afkarrrghhh: you mean that with 4.2 you got issues with static networking configurations?18:39
arrrghhhAndry_Afk, i remember reading it was a bug with the knetworkingmanager.18:40
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White_Pelicanarrrghhh, does picasa have a PC version?18:41
overlordMy kopete chat window is in fulscreen mode. Can anybody help me fix this ?18:41
rickacan I also add a program onto the panel at the bottom, similar to quick-start in windows?18:41
Andry_Afkneed to reload18:42
arrrghhhWhite_Pelican, pc mac linux maybe bsd i don't know.18:42
White_PelicanI don't use bsd, I use linux18:43
White_PelicanI use the web site, but I have a lot of pics18:43
arrrghhhWhite_Pelican, i said it works in linux.  it's a google product, sheesh!18:43
arrrghhhtry it.  google it.  it's awesome.18:43
overlordMy Kopete chat window is in fullscreen mode. Can anybody help me get this back to normal ?18:44
QwertyiNo niin. Vähän kun tarkemmin tutkaili asiaa niin saihan tämän suomeksi.18:48
QwertyiKiitoksia avuista ja lisää kysymyksiä on varmaankin tulossa ;)18:48
White_Pelicanarrrghhh, I just found it. I asked because at one time it was only available for winblows :) is it in the repository?18:48
QwertyiSorry. Wrong channel.18:49
arrrghhhWhite_Pelican, i don't believe it is in the repo's, or there's an old version.  get version 3.x whatever you do.18:50
White_Pelicanlooks like there is a deb on the web site18:50
White_PelicanI just downloaded it18:50
arrrghhhi don't know what, if any, version is in the rpo.18:50
White_Pelicanty for letting me know about it18:50
=== deadc0de is now known as OxDeadC0de
arrrghhhof course.  i love the software.18:51
arrrghhhmakes touching up photos stupid easy18:51
Malici cant delete 2 messages in my kmail inbox... can someone help me?18:51
arrrghhhmakes instant slideshows, movies from pictures, collages.... it's endless.18:51
White_PelicanI figured if it was google, it was going to be good. they do it right18:52
Malici deleted files in .kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/inbox/cur/ but the messages are still there18:52
White_PelicanI love google earth18:52
Malicwhere does kmail save the mails?18:53
arrrghhhthey bought the software in '03 i think.18:53
ockonalSomeone helps me to crack Vista? :-D18:54
arrrghhhMalic, really depends on how you connect to your mail service, pop3 is different from imap.18:54
Malicthese are from a pop3 server.. so they are on my hard disc18:54
toumagra1de l'aide sur l'apprentissage de ubuntu18:57
arrrghhh!fr | toumagra118:57
ubottutoumagra1: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:57
Malicarrrghhh; you know a way out?18:58
arrrghhhnever used kmail.  sorry.  thunderbird :D18:58
White_PelicanI switched from thunderbird to kmail :)18:59
arrrghhhi usually stick to the web interfaces any ways haha19:00
Malicthey have gone after a kmail crash :)19:00
JackWinteri'm trying to compile some code on kubuntu 8.04 and run into this: http://rafb.net/p/Qmbm6t99.html  any ideas ?19:03
arrrghhhi was hoping someone would give me insight into my screen issue. if it was xorg related i figured it would effect all window managers, not just one.19:03
BluesKajmali_ ,if you use your ISP provided mailserver , then you should be able to access the server in the event of losses from kamil or any email client.19:05
BluesKajer kmail19:05
BluesKajoops Malic left19:06
xainI hold down "Alt_L" to drag windows. Is there anyway i can disable that?19:07
xainAhh, found my problem.19:12
xainNevermind guy's i fixed it.19:12
kaddihello :D19:21
s0undt3chhello ppl19:25
s0undt3chlast night's update screwed my system, anyone got the same?19:26
s0undt3chheh, guess I'm the only one?19:29
fearfulanyone know how I can get the feature on KDE 4.2 where if you go to the top left corner the windows hide?19:29
arrrghhhsome update screwed up my system, but it wasn't last nights19:33
s0undt3charrrghhh: it downloaded about 100 megs?19:34
s0undt3chkde 4.1.3 to kde 4.1.4?19:34
arrrghhhoh no19:35
arrrghhhi've been on 4.2 for a while19:35
arrrghhha while being relative, like a month.19:35
* kaddi now considers not updating 4.219:35
s0undt3chhmm, how the hell don't I have 4.2 then :\19:35
s0undt3charrrghhh: intrepid has 4.2?19:36
arrrghhhif you install it :P19:36
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s0undt3chit asks to install mysql!?!?!?19:39
s0undt3chthat's a showstopper19:40
s0undt3chI never use mysql19:40
arrrghhhwhat are you, gay?  :P  jk.  seriously tho, what's wrong with mysql.19:40
s0undt3chpgsql, and a db server runnint on a desktop computer?!19:41
arrrghhhsqllite is easier to setup maybe19:41
s0undt3charrrghhh: it's a matter of preference, I code too19:41
arrrghhhi don't know what akonadi does...19:41
s0undt3chpim storage19:41
arrrghhhi like mysql for big dbs tho.19:41
s0undt3chand I don't even use KDE's pim19:41
arrrghhhi don't either19:42
s0undt3chwhy do they force this stuff on ppl19:42
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carpiiwho's forcing anything on you?19:42
arrrghhhthey're not forcing you to use it.19:42
s0undt3chI'm getting thoughts about moving to gentoo again19:42
s0undt3chtheir forcing me to install it19:42
arrrghhhthen do it.  that's not what kubuntu is about.19:43
carpiiif youre complaining about 100 meg of packages, then yeah, you should go find some 4 meg distro19:43
s0undt3chyeah, I just hate the long compiles, that's why I moved to kubuntu19:43
carpii100 meg is nothing really.19:43
s0undt3chcarpii: it's not about the 100megs, it's about me wanting to use kde's desktop, and having to install kde's pim, which install x, which installs y.....etc19:44
carpiitheres probably a good reason why it wants to install pim19:45
carpiibut yeah, the dependency management could be a little more flexible19:46
s0undt3chcarpii: exaclty my point! Don't get me wrong, I love kubuntu, but when I hit this kind of stuff, bah...19:46
carpiiwhhat package are you complaining about exactly ?19:47
Andry_SleepsI always get device disconnected on eth0.... is this a bug or something?19:47
s0undt3chAndry_Sleeps: you upgraded recently?19:47
arrrghhhAndry_Sleeps, i TOLD you it was... sheesh.19:47
s0undt3chsame happening here19:47
s0undt3chwlan0 though19:47
carpiimysql server?19:48
arrrghhhit is a WELL documented bug.19:48
s0undt3charrrghhh: mysql, the whole pim19:48
Andry_Sleepsarrrghhh: but i mean, there is no way to connect to any network?  how is this possible19:48
s0undt3charrrghhh: it didn't happen before my upgrade today19:48
s0undt3chI can connect though, it just keeps dropping19:48
arrrghhhAndry_Sleeps, i didn't say that.19:48
arrrghhhs0undt3ch, haven't heard of that one19:48
Andry_Sleepsarrrghhh: are they planning to fix it?19:48
arrrghhhAndry_Sleeps, no i'm sure they're just twiddling their thumbs on it.19:49
s0undt3charrrghhh: well, it started happening when I upgraded from 4.1.3 to 4.1.419:49
arrrghhhi thought it only effected static cxns via knetworkmanager.  use /etc/network/interfaces19:49
s0undt3chI also lost window frames if I continue to use compiz19:49
arrrghhhs0undt3ch, use 4.2  4.1 is crap.19:49
Andry_Sleepsarrrghhh: you told me it was since 3.519:49
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s0undt3charrrghhh: yeah, I'm upgrading it19:50
arrrghhhi know that sounds harsh, but there's a lot of benefits to 4.219:50
arrrghhhAndry, 3.5 is fine.19:50
arrrghhh3.5.10 is "rock solid" - and it was.19:50
arrrghhhbut this was a complete rewrite.  those always need EXTENSIVE testing.19:50
Andryarrrghhh: so i should downgrade, right?19:50
s0undt3chhope this upgrade goes fine19:50
s0undt3charrrghhh: can I keep my .kde? or do I have to delete it?19:51
arrrghhhi'm sure your computer will spontaneously burst into flames19:51
arrrghhhs0undt3ch, i kept it.  no issues there.19:51
s0undt3charrrghhh: I can make flames on my comp with compiz ;)19:52
s0undt3chnot that usefull though ;)19:52
arrrghhhno not really19:52
arrrghhhand i think it would be cool if a computer burst into flames during an upgrade.  very simpsons-esque.19:52
arrrghhhjust so long as it wasn't one of mine19:53
s0undt3chI wonder if system will still work if I don't run the mysql server19:54
s0undt3charrrghhh: kde pim storage could also allow you to choose the db backend to use19:54
quassel53anyone has problems with java and jaunty? (only with kde 4.2. No problem with gnome for this alpha version). For example, this url does not work with firefox from kde but works ok with firefox from gnome: http://www.catedu.es/gestor_recursos/repositorio/clic/579/jclic/579.htm Any idea about?19:54
StR|Sangrealplease what do i need to upgrade to k 42 and to kernel ..28?19:54
dotkomIs it recommended or not to install compiz? Only say because I'm getting really bad performance from kwin.... :(19:55
dotkomon KDE 4.2 sorry19:55
ockonaldotkom: hi19:56
Paddy_EIREdotkom: if you are getting bad performance on kwin then compiz will kill your pc19:56
ockonaldotkom: if u want, u can install it19:56
dotkomany issues known?19:56
StR|Sangrealplease i have installed intrepid from install dvd and run updates19:56
Paddy_EIREkwin is actually much faster in my opinion19:56
dotkomit aint on my setup19:56
StR|Sangrealand i dont know how do i get new kernel and new kde19:57
Paddy_EIREgfx card?19:57
dotkomreally bad actually19:57
s0undt3chPaddy_EIRE: not so neat though as compiz, though I'm just upgrading to 4.2, maybe there's a diference there19:57
ockonalStR|Sangreal: new kernel u can get during system-updating19:57
Paddy_EIREs0undt3ch: yeah it much improved.. its really nice19:57
dotkommaybe, but my experience isn't to great19:57
ockonalStR|Sangreal: just type in console: sudo aptitude update19:57
s0undt3chPaddy_EIRE: does about the same as compiz?19:58
Paddy_EIREs0undt3ch: more or less.. minus the useless fluff :)19:58
Paddy_EIREand there is snow damn it19:58
s0undt3chPaddy_EIRE: rotating cube?19:58
* cuznt puts on his virtual ski's19:58
StR|Sangrealok and how do i update kde to 4.219:59
s0undt3chtrying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde4/HTML/en/kcontrol/windowbehaviour/index.cache.bz2', which is also in package kde-window-manager19:59
dotkomi would prefer to use the kwin but can't when ive seen the effects run so much better19:59
s0undt3chthen it fails19:59
cuzntKDE 4.2 out http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.219:59
ockonalStR|Sangreal: u must to add need repository and key19:59
cuzntto upgrade19:59
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Paddy_EIREdotkom: I know what you mean... give compiz a try.. it might give you some troubles though20:00
ockonalStR|Sangreal: see the link at the top20:00
Paddy_EIREwith kde that is20:00
dotkomwhen i installed it on kde 4.1 i couldn't rid of the emerald theme20:00
dotkomhave you come accross this?20:00
Paddy_EIREno that would be odd20:01
dotkom4.1 was buggy for me20:01
Paddy_EIRE4.2 is ready for daily use in my opinion20:01
dotkomim working with tth idea20:01
ockonalbut there are still a lot of bugs :)20:01
dotkombut still20:01
dotkomits had it moments20:02
Paddy_EIREockonal: of course.. its still an infant20:02
kaddino more than in kde 4.1 imho20:02
dotkomany know of 4.3 release?20:02
ockonalsee kde site20:03
dotkomhas anyone had the BIOS warning at the boot of Kununtu 8.10?20:05
dotkomdo you know where i can find the logs?20:06
quassel53anyone has problems with java and jaunty? (only with kde 4.2. No problem with gnome for this alpha version). For example, this url does not work with firefox from kde but works ok with firefox from gnome: http://www.catedu.es/gestor_recursos/repositorio/clic/579/jclic/579.htm Any idea about?20:06
ockonaldotkom: /var/logs20:07
dotkomlol, cheers :)20:08
ockonaldamn, does anyone know how to crack vista? :-D20:09
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quassel53what is Vista?      ;-)20:09
s0undt3chhow do I get past -> http://pastebin.com/m571e9dac20:09
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows20:10
ockonalThere isn't way to crack it)20:10
ubottu<Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!20:10
s0undt3charrrghhh: got any hint?20:12
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:13
ockonalCan u telp me some need repositrories, where i can find a lot of soft?20:14
ockonalIn standart there arent nothing :)20:14
ockonalAnd i was at Linux a long time ago20:14
Paddy_EIREumm.. was that english20:14
fdan4824anyone familiar with the problem where adding a newtwork printer hangs (8.10). I found a solution once before about changing a CUPS security setting, but can't find it again.20:15
arrrghhhdpkg-reconfigure -a s0undt3ch ?20:17
arrrghhhi g2g20:17
kaddianyone got compiz to work on kde4.2?20:18
dotkomNope, was thinkin about attempting it tho20:19
dotkomwhats your performance like on kwin?20:19
kaddidotkom: it's not the performance that's bothering me. it's those ugly greyish window decoration.. they're driving me mad :p20:20
ockonalAnd what about repositories?20:20
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dotkomHas anyone installed NVIDIA 180 drivers on KDE 4.2 yet? Any known issues?20:22
Archoniancan I use KDE 4.2 with Kubuntu 8.10 ?20:24
Archonianok, thanks20:26
s0undt3chkaddi, dotkom: I have compiz running on 4.2 it kept as the window manager when I upgraded from 4.1.4  to 4.2, now I can't seem to be able to disable it20:26
ockonaldotkom: i'm)20:26
dotkommetacity --replace20:27
ockonaldotkom: the same as it was before)20:27
kaddis0undt3ch: could you check which compiz-packages are installed?20:27
kaddiI'm only getting an error message when trying to start compiz20:27
StR|Sangrealpls an urgent question20:28
s0undt3chkaddi: ok, I disabled it, sure, give me a command to run ;)20:28
StR|Sangreali am gonna reinstall windoze mce from recovery partition20:29
StR|Sangrealhow can i then restore grub?20:29
kaddimy battery is dying20:31
kaddii'll be back though ; *menace*20:32
ockonal_damn it...20:34
s0undt3charrrg, kwin's effect don't seem to get triggered by mouse!? only key shortcuts!?20:35
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malganis85this is my first time on irc20:50
malganis85anyone here?20:51
SuspectZerohey. my kdm wont allow me to log in as root. can someone help me figure this out please?20:51
DasEImalagais85:anyone not, but some others20:51
malganis85what you need help with?20:52
malganis85whats KDM?20:52
SuspectZerologin manager20:52
malganis85is the root user enabled?20:52
DasEISuspectZero: it's for security reasons, login as normal user, then sudo20:52
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:52
SuspectZerowell yea i know all that but i want to log in as root. i know all the consequences and all that stuff but i still want to do it.20:53
DasEISuspectZero: if you know what you're doing, can do : sudo -s20:53
DasEISuspectZero: you can configure it via the loginmanager20:53
malganis85what does it say when you sudo -s20:54
SuspectZerologin doesnt have an option to allow me to login as root20:55
malganis85open terminal and type sudo -s and you should be in root20:55
SuspectZerohmm i dont think you understand my problem. ok when i turn my computer on it comes to the login screen and i try logging in as root but it doesnt allow me. when i do a console login it works fine but not thorough the login manager.20:56
s0undt3chkaddi: be warned, window frames get lost with compiz20:56
malganis85if that does not work then enable root then log out and type root in username then press enter in thepassword box20:56
s0undt3chand kwin effects are not that fast20:57
DasEISuspectZero: you can configure it via the loginmanager20:57
s0undt3chone can even use mouse in juntion with keyboard for triggering effects20:57
DasEISuspectZero: 8.10 ?20:57
kaddis0undt3ch sorry, i don't understand what you mean by that: "frames get lost" are there no more frames around windows?20:57
SuspectZeroDasEI, how do i check?20:57
s0undt3chkaddi: window frame, border?20:57
s0undt3chmaximize, minimize buttons, etc20:57
DasEI!version SuspectZero20:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
DasEI!version | SuspectZero20:58
ubottuSuspectZero: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:58
SuspectZeroyep 8.120:58
kaddis0undt3ch: i think that is exactly what i want. :D no more borders20:58
kaddii just can't get compiz to run :p20:58
DasEISuspectZero: progs>system>preferenences>extended>loginmanager>ex/included users20:58
malganis85suspect please try to log in a root in login manager the password is the ENTER button20:59
s0undt3chkaddi: though 4.2 is neater, but kwin ain't that fast, resising a window is slugish :\20:59
DasEImalaganis85:disabled by default20:59
SuspectZeroyea its disabled20:59
s0undt3chkaddi: and it was blasing fast with compiz20:59
DasEImalaganis85:which ubuntu do you run ?21:00
malganis85are you guys using kubuntu?21:00
SuspectZeroi'll brb im trying the login manager method21:00
s0undt3chkaddi: .kde/share/config/ksmserverrc -> windowManager=compiz21:00
malganis85becuase im using ubuntu 8.1021:00
s0undt3chkaddi: that will get you going I think21:00
s0undt3chkaddi: about the compiz packages I have intalled, how can I know that?21:01
DasEImalaganis85:right now kubu, but have few environments, / #ubuntu is there, too21:01
kaddis0undt3ch i've been trying to find that out, haven't found an easy way though21:01
DasEImalaganis85:to go there, in messenger type: /j #ubuntu21:02
kaddis0undt3ch windowManager=compiz is working out just fine, as well as starting compiz. but when i try to configure it i get the error message "running the configuration tool failed"21:02
kaddiand all i get with google are translations of same message in some newsgroups21:03
s0undt3chkaddi: compiz-plugins, compiz-core, python-compizconfig, compiz-fusion-plugins-{main,extra}, libdecoration0, compizconfig-settings-manager21:03
kaddis0undt3ch: you rock :D how did you do that?21:04
s0undt3chkaddi: typing it by seeing on adept :)21:04
s0undt3chog I also have compiz-wrapper but I'm not using it21:04
s0undt3chdam, on my ATI kwin is dam sloooooowwwwwww21:05
kaddiok, lets go :)21:05
corradoparlate italiano?21:05
ubottucorrado: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:06
SiVA_anything special I have to do to get video capture, through firewire, working in 8.10?21:06
kaddis0undt3ch: thanks, i had the whole compiz-gnome packages installed as well.. but uninstalling them didn't really help... i'll just keep looking around. if i find a solution i'll let you know :) :)21:08
s0undt3chkaddi: but I want window frames ;)21:08
malganis85enyone want to talk im bored21:09
s0undt3chmalganis85: get a wife :)21:10
malganis85im 1121:11
kaddis0undt3ch: if i find a solution restauring windowframes i'll let you know, then ;)21:11
Tm_T!ot | malganis8521:11
ubottumalganis85: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:11
s0undt3chkaddi: thanks21:11
AS|Sangrealplease a verz urgent problem21:13
AS|Sangreali have run recovery of windoze and now i cant run grub21:13
AS|Sangrealbetter said, its damaged, boots and halts21:13
AS|Sangrealhow can i repair it please?21:14
AS|Sangreali dont have anz access to the filesystem, i only have the install dvd21:14
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel21:14
cpk1no thats not it21:14
cpk1AS|Sangreal, you need to boot from the install cd and there should be a recover option, there is also a wiki on it but I forget the factoid for it21:15
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:15
cpk1there you go AS|Sangreal21:15
SiVA_I wish things would just work sometimes21:17
XAVIERkool been21:17
XAVIERkool beans*21:17
ubottuTo change your KDE splash screen go to KMenu -> System Settings -> Splash Screen21:19
XAVIEReqisow ?21:19
XAVIERjustin newman ftm ?21:22
XAVIERok nevermind.21:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hello!!21:22
XAVIERi don't suppose you are him ciber ?21:22
Tm_TXAVIER: he/she/it is not here atm (:21:23
XAVIERit ; lol21:23
kaddis0undt3ch: i get my frames back, when i do a "compiz --replace &". If i kill compiz afterwards my frames are missing. but i'm not sure how easily this is undone afterwards :D *experimenting* :D21:23
XAVIERWell i would have hoped IT wouldn't respond :P21:24
XAVIERomg that was a good one21:24
kaddi(the window frames are dark red btw... and i still can't change them. :D so not the final solution :p )21:24
ciberverry good ubuntu21:24
Tm_Tciber: mind to stop random posting?21:26
SiVA_I give up... wish I left space on my drive for windows so I can capture video. Going home to cry now21:28
sledgehi everyone, due to a crash in an app, my soundcard is looping a particular sample over and over again. is there a way to reinit ALSA without rebooting the box?21:29
ubuntu_HELO WORLD21:30
wrinkliezhey guys, i installed deluge and used it as my default torrent program. i later uninstalled it and installed transmission. is there anyway that i can get .torrent files to not have the deluge icon?21:32
ockonal_All people sleep :)21:33
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automotive-enginhallo - I need help after updating to kde 4.2 - I cant log in21:35
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automotive-engincan I get help here?21:36
Tm_T!patience | automotive-engin21:37
ubottuautomotive-engin: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:37
automotive-enginthank you - sorry21:38
Tm_Talso, most of europeans etc are going to sleep or are already by now, so you might have to wait (:21:38
Tm_Tautomotive-engin: np, it just might take time and patience to get a help21:38
jnallihow do scan and download articles from usenet in linux21:39
jnallilike what newsrover does21:39
dusko82I have installed KDE device manager for Windows Mobile devices and some other packeges, how do I run them?21:39
kaddiis it possible to install different windows decoration themes for kwin?21:40
dusko82<jnalli> use forte agent 5, it works for me... run it with wine21:42
jnalliis it free?21:43
dusko82no, but you can download it on easynews or giganews21:44
dusko82I have installed KDE device manager for Windows Mobile devices and some other packeges, how do I run them?21:46
r3db0xhas anyone seen the error message "your bios doesn't leave a aperture memory hole"?21:48
kaddiif i try to activate desktop effects, it tells me to install kde-compiz, if i try to install kde-compiz it tries to install libplasma2 which afaik isn't comptaible with kde 4.2. how can i solve this problem?21:50
zerothis1hos do i add a user from the command-line? i used useradd name and passwd name but can't log into the account21:56
automotive-engi1after I updatet to kde 4.2 I cannot pass the kde login. Also it is not possible to do startx . XServer crashes, but witout error message. in xsession.errors I find: konsole:...Fatal IO error: client killed  -- any suggestions?21:57
wildbatdo you know how to fix lid button on my liptop? my laptop's lid button won't work until i suspend or powersaving timer turn off the screen once.....21:57
=== deadc0de is now known as OxDeadC0de
OxDeadC0deanyone know offhand what file tells kde to launch "plasma" when a kde session is started so I can change it to plasma-desktop ??22:14
OxDeadC0debet it's /usr/share/autostart/plasma.desktop22:15
eliramwhos there22:18
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!22:19
gaterhow to upgrade kubuntu 7.04 to 7.1022:19
eliramthis is my first tiem here is chat room or what is22:19
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:20
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:20
ciberiḿ from roma22:34
thiago_boa noite22:36
gumpert345hi is there some kind of configuration file for the kde 4 screensaver?22:52
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about volume23:07
SuspectZerodamn, whts a good package to install for volume control?23:08
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slhkor alsactl23:13
=== Narra is now known as narra
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
ubottukmix is KDE's soundcard mixer program. Though small, it is full-featured. The program should give controls for each of your soundcards. KMix supports several platforms and sound drivers. Go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kmix for complete information.23:19
wildbatdo you know how to fix lid button on my liptop? my laptop's lid button won't work until i suspend or powersaving timer turn off the screen once.....Compaq nc632023:19
s0undt3chkaddi: well, passing --replace could probably be achieved with the wrapper script23:31
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kaddis0undt3ch i still can't configure compiz (and am in the process of giving up) really... red window decoration really aren't any better than grey ones23:31
kaddii think you only have to run the replace once, and then just need to ensure, that compiz is loaded at startup23:32
ghostcubekaddi, the theme isnt conmtrolled by ccsm23:32
ghostcubethis is emerald-themes23:32
ghostcubethis is emerald-theme-manager23:32
s0undt3chkaddi: for window decoration you also have to get emerald23:36
kaddialready got emerald ;)23:36
s0undt3chkaddi: then you should be able to choose an almost frameless layout23:37
s0undt3chkaddi: or download one23:37
Castawayzis kubuntu alpha 4 available to dl by torrent that direct download is giving me an awful time23:37
Castawayznm got it started up again23:38
Castawayzwill it be able to update all the way to the full version of Jaunty Jackalope when it's released?23:39
kaddijeah, i'm getting better results now... :) still can't configure anything in compiz though... but what the heck... :p23:39
s0undt3chkaddi: what config backend did you define for compiz?23:40
ghostcubekaddi, on coomand line ccsm is telling what?23:40
ghostcubekaddi, u need flatfile backend in compiz settings not the kde backend this wont work23:41
kaddi_ccsm works fine23:44
kaddi_man, that makes about a week i've been wondering how to get this to work -.-23:45
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
Level15hi: i have an eps file and want to convert it to pdf. i tried ps2pdf and convert, but the dimensions are changed (it creates a large page, with the image on the bottom and an ungly empty half on top). Any suggestions on how to achieve conversion?23:49
ubuntu__NECESITO AYUDA23:52
kaddi!es |ubuntu__23:52
ubottuubuntu__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:52
kaddipara ayuda en espanol, debes preguntar en #ubuntu-es , aqui solo hay ayuda en ingles23:53
earleyuda betta be kiddin23:54
Level15hi: i have an eps file and want to convert it to pdf. i tried ps2pdf and convert, but the dimensions are changed (it creates a large page, with the image on the bottom and an ungly empty half on top). Any suggestions on how to achieve conversion?23:55
slack_hello is somebody on?23:59
slack_someone knows if there is a Qt4 bindings for C ( pure C )???23:59

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