
DBOI cant get to this page here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cszikszoy/do-plugins/fandfignore/revision/54900:42
DBOit says to let you guys know =)00:42
maxbI think the build of ardour on kohnen has become wedged peculiarly (It's been building for 24 hours, previous builds have taken 2h40m)00:55
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vadi2Loggerhead seems to be down02:12
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nathangrubbI've been trying to access http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~grubbot-dev/grubbot/grubbot3-dev/files for the past few minutes and it doesn't seem to be working04:12
nhandlernathangrubb: It isn't just that branch. I just tried to get to the /files page for another bzr branch with the same error. I think it is a loggerhead issue04:23
nathangrubbnhandler: Yeah, I didn't think it was just that branch. Nice to know I'm not the only one experiencing it04:23
ch0d3hi all05:17
ch0d3i am having trouble pushing a branch to my project page - i follow the directions (using user name for registrant, and so on) but get a "no such file or directory error" when executing bzr+ssh05:18
LaibschIs it just me or is something wrong with the PPA pages?  Whenever I click on the arrow to get the details for a package I am taken to the same page all over again.  But no details.05:24
* Laibsch suspects some JavaScript problem probably related to the renaming of PPA05:25
ch0d3login name and registrant name are the same if user a uses his launchpad account to create a project right?05:27
wgrantLaibsch: It now requires AJAX.05:59
LaibschI use FF305:59
LaibschIf that doesn't cover it...05:59
LaibschDoes it work for you?06:00
wgrantIt works for me, but I have LP whitelisted in NoScript.06:00
LaibschI don't use NoScript06:01
LaibschMAybe I need to restart FF06:01
wgrantHowever, I can't stand that green flash.06:01
LaibschThanks for testing06:01
wgrantbeuno: ^^06:01
YokoZarIs it trivial to ask for more space for my PPA?  We've got a game with very large map packages shoved into it07:24
macnohi all, as error message says I let you know that I'm experiencing problems with bazaar.launchpad.net07:29
macois lp down?07:39
macnoI can't open http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~segphault/gwibber/secure-password-storage/revision/23807:43
dtchennoted in the sysadmin channel07:46
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stewarthi! is the summary on the code.launchpad.net page for "X branches owned by Y ppeople, Z commits by ZZ people in last month" archived? i.e. can i see what woudl have appeared at some time in the past?10:36
domasstewart: dude, you can generate that yourself!10:41
domas'bzr log' ;-)10:41
stewartdomas: was hoping to cheat :)10:41
domasdamn database engineers, don't know how to crunch data10:41
stewartwhat's this sequel thing?10:45
domasshould be nice name for a database project: 'prequel'10:45
ploumAre you aware that loggerhead is down since yesterday ?11:10
Peng_Since yesterday? Nice.11:37
Peng_Hah, so far my little Loggerhead instance has never been down that long. :P11:37
spm_Peng_: ploum: codebrowse is back and working again. sorry 'bout that.11:49
Peng_spm_: What had happened to it?11:50
spm_Peng_: the usual, sadly11:52
Peng_What's the usual?11:53
Peng_spm_: Anyway, thank you for fixing it. :)11:53
ploumthanks spm_ :-)11:56
ploumis it possible that I didn't receive any mails from the push I did this night ?11:56
maxbThe build of ardour on kohnen is completely stuck. Is there someone who can abort it?12:01
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qsihi all I'm committing code to my project no problems, but how can I have files end up in the download section?16:40
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webczatAnyone here?18:48
webczatHas project owner/drivers have permissions to edit project branches?18:48
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