
ian_brasiljust ran build-arm-rootfs and it worked but gave a couple of error messages04:05
ian_brasilarm_script build-arm-rootfs build.sh Setting kernel variables (/etc/sysctl.d/10-network-security.conf)... [80G error: "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies" is an unknown key04:05
ian_brasilarm_script build-arm-rootfs build.sh Setting kernel variables (/etc/sysctl.d/10-process-security.conf)... [80G error: "vm.mmap_min_addr" is an unknown key04:05
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== Omegamoon is now known as Omegamoon|away
suihkulokkino hwcap-optimized libs in ubunut-arm yet?15:33
Stskeepsdebian moving anywhere in that area yet?16:21
suihkulokkiStskeeps: now that lenny is out, it a good time to look at it. I was looking if I were lucky and ubuntu had already done it, but no such luck today ;)16:28
Stskeepsi'm eagerly awaiting any work :P16:28
=== Omegamoon|away is now known as Omegamoon
ograwell, lets take that here :)22:52
ograrunning KDE or GNOME on less than 256M is really adventurous :) and there isnt much arm HW yet with more ram out there22:53
ScottKTscheesy_: ^^^22:53
ograthough the 256M beagleboard is due soon22:53
ScottKDunno what he has excatly...22:53
ogra(on the 128M version even xubuntu is painful)22:54
ScottKTscheesy_: What are you running?22:54
ScottKAlso we haven't made any armel specific changes to our desktop, so there may be stuff we're flat out missing.22:55
Tscheesy_actually i'm trying to build kubuntu-desktop on Jaunty22:56
ograNCommander cared most of the time for KDE on armel22:56
ograi dont know much about it nor did i test it yet22:56
ograTscheesy_, why ? isnt the version in the archive not working that you try to build it yourself ?22:57
ograthe only think i see on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ is kpackagekit22:58
Tscheesy_ogra: i need the Root-Fs because i can't get it on my Openmoko otherwise22:58
ograsee the topic ;)22:58
ogralast link22:58
Tscheesy_yes - there i got following fatal22:58
Tscheesy_FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-6-versatile/modules.dep: No such file or directory22:59
ograthats fine22:59
ograall stuff you need for the versatile kernel is builtin22:59
ograso modules arent needed22:59
Tscheesy_hmm.. computer ist szcuk for a while23:00
ogra(you can indeed install linux-versatile in the rootfs if you feel like, but that wont run on any real HW anyway, its a qemu kernel)23:00
ograthe script calls qemu to exec the stuff inside the chroot, so its very slow23:00
Tscheesy_k.. sounds good23:01
Tscheesy_btw is there a jaunty uImage for gta-02 ?23:01
ograif it really fails it will tell you23:01
ograand if it does, please keep the log and tell me ;)23:01
ograthe only HW we support in jaunty are versatile (qemu and if you still find such an old board the actual versatile HW) and the nslu223:02
ografor all others you need to build your own kernel atm23:03
ograjaunty+1 will be better in that regard23:03
Tscheesy_k.. even debian proposes a way to build in the Device-Supplier uImage23:03
Tscheesy_do you have a link HowTo build a Boot Image for uBoot?23:04
Tscheesy_do i need my HW-Settup in a VM for this?23:06
ograyou should have a qemu build env23:09
Tscheesy_ogra: i have for /fs-from-scratch - so i get a uImage.bin out of the Build? ;) would be nice :D23:13
ograright, just log in to it and you can build anything you like ;)23:14
ograinstall openssh-server on the host, then you can scp files back and forth (look at the default route inside qemu to find the ip for teh host from qemu)23:15
Tscheesy_ok.. sounds for reading.. first i will try the community uBoot with some root-fs changes..23:16
ScottKTscheesy_: If it turns out there are packages you need that aren't in the default install for arm, let me know and I can get it changed.23:18
ograScottK, kpackagekit seems to need some attention23:19
ograbut i'm sure NCommander will take a look23:19
Tscheesy_ScottK: thounds cool but i'm not that far :|23:19
ScottKogra: It does, but currently packagekit ftbsf on arm.23:19
NCommandera look on what?23:19
ScottKNCommander: The packagekit ftbfs we talked about yesterday.23:20
* NCommander is currently hooking up his babbage board, but still feeling like death23:20
NCommanderOh yes23:20
NCommanderIts still on my todo list23:20
ograScottK, heh, i didnt scroll down balow K :P23:20
ScottKNCommander: Also there's a different one on ia64 you may as well fix at the same time ....23:20
Stskeepsbabbage board? :P23:22
Tscheesy_ogra: btw - HW Memory-Support.. i hope for /dev/ttyACM023:26
Tscheesy_on the host i hope it enlarges the device environment23:28
Tscheesy_workaround for Android by the community23:28
ograit doesnt, host and client are distinct23:28
* ogra has to go afk again ... 23:28

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