
=== maco_ is now known as maco
andresmujica1bugabundo: http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/10/16/video-fedora-10-connection-sharing/00:45
BUGabundoandresmujica "Biggest flaw: no built-in support for sharing across Ethernet instead of WiFi."00:47
BUGabundo(12:44:25 AM) asac: BUGabundo: cant you set metric manually in connection editor?00:47
andresmujica1read a bit more.00:48
andresmujica1a colleague here done what you want.00:48
andresmujica1you must disable automatic connection, then create a new wired interface and share it00:48
BUGabundoa new wired interface or profile?00:49
andresmujica1profile i think00:50
BUGabundobut that's what I did00:50
BUGabundoI don't run dhcpserver00:50
BUGabundoso I used a new profile with manual IPs00:50
andresmujica1no need.00:52
andresmujica1nop, create a new profile with shared connection in the dropdown menu at the wired tab00:53
andresmujica1disable the automatic connection for auto eth000:53
andresmujica1and then plug the other pc.00:53
andresmujica1and you're done00:53
andresmujica1no need for dhcpserver00:53
BUGabundoandresmujica thanks for the tips, but that was similar to what I did00:54
BUGabundoand everytime I connected the cable or wifi, NM would default route to it, instead of 3G00:54
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andresmujica1bugabundo: check this, it's a wifi connection, with a wired shared connection for a different laptop.  I don't have the nokia e71 here to test it with 3g (is from a colleague) but supposedly is exactly the same...01:13
macoandresmujica1: he's gone01:13
andresmujica1ahh ohh. next time then.. :)01:15
dtchenthe problem is that it's all very smooth using iptables + interfaces(5)01:22
dtchen(i described in multiple times above)01:22
dtchenif you want a gui, it's not straightforward01:22
macodtchen: that was in #ubuntu+1 not above in here01:23
dtchenmaco: "above" doesn't mean in this channel; it means across whatever media01:23
macothats not clear01:23
dtchene-mail, identi.ca, IRC - everything short of physically speaking with him01:24
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BUGabundoapw: ping14:48
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dupondje2.6.27-3-generic gave me no errors but 2.6.27-12-generic gives me again: [   40.486403] attempt to access beyond end of device ... (dmraid)18:54
dupondjeany id how to solve ? :s18:55
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XDS2010eqisow ?20:42
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anderskBug 34376 has been fixed in jaunty, but the patch introduced a minor regression in the download size calculation.22:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 34376 in debmirror "missing main/debian-installer in repo causes debmirror to fail" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3437622:09
anderskShould I close it and open a new bug for the fix, or should the priority for this bug just be reduced?22:09
thomasdelbekeI am experiencing trouble with jaunty22:10
anderskthomasdelbeke: #ubuntu+122:10
thomasdelbekeon an acer aspire22:10
iahello. i have a problem with eeepc (901): it doesn't work with external lcd display - hotkey for switching external display unactive and in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution "detect displays" doesn't show external display. I use jaunty with latest updates. Someone have deal with this?22:19
dupondjeWhy doesn't apt-get --reinstall install doesn't place the config files back from the package ?22:36
dupondjeif u removed/broke a config file22:36
dupondjeu can't get it back by reinstalling ...22:36
dupondjefix :(23:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 329053 in php5 "Cannot use both zlib.output_compression and output_handler together!!" [Undecided,New]23:05
geserdupondje: dpkg assumes that if a configuration file is missing it was done on purpose by the admin and respect it23:17
geserthere is a option to force dpkg to reinstall missing configuration files23:17
dupondjewhat is it ?23:17
dupondje(the option)23:18
geser--force-confmiss (for dpkg)23:18
geserbut like any other --force-* options you should know what you are doing (at least the description in the manpage)23:19
dupondjethx !23:19
dupondjeanother bug23:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 329880 in udev "dmraid & attempt to access beyond end of device" [Undecided,New]23:21
IntuitiveNippledupondje: I've repled to the bug23:24
dupondjewell seems it worked some time23:24
dupondjeupdated to newest kernel23:24
dupondjeand broken again23:24
dupondjeu know what patch it was ?23:25
IntuitiveNippleThe original bug which actually tried to drive the heads to an invalid cylinder has been mitigated, but the system still reports the attempt23:28
IntuitiveNippleI've added a link to the original bug report now23:28
IntuitiveNippleMy patch was in the partition table reading functions, but that was rejected. Hence you still see those problems where raid devices are scanned before the raid array is constructed23:29
dupondjelets see if somebody responds23:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 329053 in php5 "Cannot use both zlib.output_compression and output_handler together!!" [Undecided,New]23:38
dupondjeis also a big bug imo :(23:38
dupondjehalf of PHP sites broken ...23:39

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