
asacBUGabundo: cant you set metric manually in connection editor?00:44
asacBUGabundo: network-config ... if thats the gnome thing then its abandoned00:44
BUGabundohi asac.00:45
BUGabundobig headhacke00:45
BUGabundoand no longer have the 2nd laptop here00:45
BUGabundoI think its this http://network-config.sourceforge.net/site/home.php00:45
BUGabundoso if I set a higher metric on wired, NM will prefer 3G ?00:46
asacyes that should work (if metric is supported)00:47
BUGabundowill try again00:47
asacBUGabundo: if it doesnt its worth thinking about it ;)00:47
BUGabundoso I can upgrade xubuntu to use NM PPA to use the 3G dongle00:48
ftaasac, please hand over to me https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily, i need to drop mt from it00:48
asacfta: huh?00:48
BUGabundo"Biggest flaw: no built-in support for sharing across Ethernet instead of WiFi."00:48
BUGabundoasac: http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/10/16/video-fedora-10-connection-sharing/00:48
ftaas long as i host the bot, i don't want anyone pushing stuff to the daily branches hosts there00:49
asacfta: nobody will00:49
asacfta: at least not with asking ;)00:49
ftawho knows00:49
ftatoo many people in the team that i don't even know00:49
ftai run that on my own hardware00:50
asacfta: we should fix that00:50
ftatoo risky00:50
ftain the meantime, i want to restrict access00:50
asacfta: so who do you want to drop?00:51
BUGabundoasac: metrics will not work...00:51
BUGabundodiferent interfaces and networks00:51
asacyes. could be that default route stuff is hacked00:51
BUGabundoAFAIK I can only set metrics for each00:51
ftaeveryone, expect me, and maybe you if you really need it even if so far, i don't think you do00:52
ftayou did the same for -security btw00:52
asacfta: i think that thats really the cause why you say that actually00:53
asacfta: i explained whyt that was done. its not _my_ decision00:53
ftai never complained00:53
asacthe choice was: "either do that" or "dont stage there"00:53
ftai fully understand the reasons00:53
asacyes. but the reasons are different00:53
asaci would trust anyone to not push there00:54
ftahow could you be sure?00:54
asacfta: i am not sure. but i believe in social behaviour00:55
ftaeven gnomefreak wanted to push there a few days ago00:55
asaci have to check who is in mozillateam00:55
asacbut well. i think he would ask00:55
asaci will dump a bunch of people from mozillateam now00:56
ftait's not him in particular, it's my own security i'm concerned about00:56
asacfta: you even run mozillateam branches on your system00:59
asacok i deactivated anyone who hasnt been active for a few month00:59
ftaideally, ubuntu should provide a box where users could run such things01:02
ftalike debian does01:02
asacfta: as i said, i could work on getting that set up ... somewhere where the ppa-script is pulled and run daily01:03
asacfta: what we can do is setup a EC2 instance01:04
asacthat wakes up once a day for an hour and spins stuff on 8 CPUs01:04
asacactually i wanted to look into using that for a tinderbox too01:04
ftaso far, i do everything in ~20 minutes01:04
asacyes. but EC2 instances can only allocated for 1h time slots01:05
asacso 20 minutes or 40 doesnt matter01:05
asacmeaning we can still stack up ;)01:05
asac!info ec2-ami-tools01:06
ubottuec2-ami-tools (source: ec2-ami-tools): Amazon EC2 AMI tools. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1.3-26357-0ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 61 kB, installed size 520 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)01:06
asacso that would basically fire up such an instance, build stuff and trash it again01:08
ftabut this is not a free service01:11
asacfta:  i have to check that. i think i could claim that as expenses01:13
asacprobably lot cheaper than getting a dedicated system01:13
asacso 0.7.1 will be a good NM release as i t sems02:18
asacthe package i have running is rocking stable ;)02:19
asacwell except a kernel bug that sends carrier on even though no cable is plugged in ;)02:19
asacbut with 2.6.29 its great02:19
[reed]asac: it fix all the VPN issues?02:36
asac[reed]: i am getting the vpn pieces together right now ;)02:38
asac[reed]: currently only 3g which gained a good bunch of robustness02:38
asac[reed]: but it will go to jaunty and PPA maybe tomorrow .. latest monday02:39
asacits a bit of extra work unfortunately, because upstream reorganized the branches02:39
asacwhich is actually why i didnt track constantly02:40
asacparts were moved to freedesktop org from gnome02:40
asacothers were split up in gnome svn ;)02:40
asac[reed]: you use openvpn or what?02:52
[reed]yes, openvpn for Mozilla, vpnc for school02:52
asaci only can test pptp ;)02:52
asacbut i should setup openvpn at home i think02:53
asacbut its debian etch ;) ... not sure how good that is there02:53
asacslow page02:54
asachmmm ... seems i would need to tweak my tight fw rules02:55
asaci better dont do that remotely ;)02:55
asacstill interesting to see how many steps it takes to set that up02:56
asaci wanna wizard02:56
* [reed] is doing his etch->lenny upgrade03:17
[reed]on my server03:17
* gnomefreak thinks setting masster password isnt going to help :(10:09
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreakasac_: you here by chance i have a ? about the license info for flashgot. I'm doing new upstream10:44
gnomefreakalso was tb3 fixed? the blank panes10:46
gnomefreakshould "cd $EXTENSIONNAME.upstream11:12
gnomefreak" be .ubuntu instead in the merging .ubuntu section of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/Packaging11:12
rzr_i am about to push a new release of flashblock12:24
rzr_but i was wondering , would it be a good idea to enable ppa for team members ?12:24
gnomefreakrzr_: are you a member of the team by chance?12:28
gnomefreakeither extension team or mozilla team12:28
rzr_i am12:30
* rzr_ is guilty for flashblock12:30
gnomefreakrzr_: you can upload to the teams PPA or or do as i do and uplod to personal PPA and link to it in bug but if you do that ad ~rzrto the end you can use numbers. if uploaded to mt add ~mt instead of rzr if extensions team use met or something12:33
gnomefreak3.2's addon manager is broken :(12:33
gnomefreakso is 3.1's12:35
rzr_let's do it w/ fb then12:36
gnomefreakonly reason why we add ~bleh to the end is so once it hits ubuntu archives they wont be same version12:37
rzr_no ppa in https://launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev12:38
rzr_gnomefreak: you refering to https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam probally12:38
gnomefreakrzr_: any PPA12:39
rzr_i wanted to ask to open the ~mozillateam one12:39
rzr_i applyed to join  the ~mozilla one12:40
gnomefreakits open to mozillateam memberrs (should be12:40
gnomefreakah did anyone reply to your request?12:40
rzr_just applied now12:40
gnomefreakme or alexander will get to it. hopfully he will show up today and reply i'm kind of busy so far and its only 7:41am12:42
rzr_take your time12:42
rzr_i use my own (full) ppa :)12:42
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
gnomefreakrzr_: what mozilla teams are you member of?13:25
rzr_addons one13:26
rzr_check my profile13:26
gnomefreaki got it13:26
gnomefreakhad problems getting your LP page13:26
asacdebian 5 is out ;)13:28
gnomefreakrzr_: you can ask for more space in your PPA13:28
asacso expect major damage during syncs in next cycle ;)13:28
gnomefreaklenny is stable from what i saw in debian packages site13:28
rzr_it is13:28
asacgnomefreak: yes, but now unstable (wqhere we sync from) is getting refactored ... hence we break13:29
gnomefreakasac: im up for rzr being memeber of MT team13:29
gnomefreakasac: thats not good this late in cycle13:29
gnomefreakyeah i know we can still sync but not sure when cut off is13:30
asaci am talking about jaunty13:30
asacjaunty+1 that is13:30
gnomefreakill be checking main in a bit. asac do you have objection to rzr_ 's application for MT?13:31
gnomefreakwell change that if tb3 is still borked it will be a bit longer13:32
rzr_i just plan to upload to the moz ppa13:33
gnomefreakasac: flashgot seamonkey are both ready for archives13:33
rzr_but it may be too risqued for users13:33
* gnomefreak steps outside for a bit.13:33
asacrzr_: what do you want to upload to moz ppa?13:35
asacand why?13:35
asaci mean we dont upload anything there usually ;)13:36
asacexcept for some quick tests13:36
surfazHi all!13:38
surfazThere any progress with this?13:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 213708 in xulrunner-1.9 "Please compile it with PGO optimizations" [Wishlist,Incomplete]13:38
surfazAlso, there is a report in brainstorm13:38
gnomefreaksurfaz: saw that already you and rzr need to merge the 2 brainstorms i suggest merging to his since it has 3 other requests13:40
gnomefreakdamnit wrong one13:40
gnomefreaknevermind they are same13:41
* gnomefreak hopes you cleaned up enigmail13:42
surfazgnomefreak, sorry I don't understand you. I said if mozillateam will add PGO optimizations to Firefox for Jaunty13:42
gnomefreaksurfaz: i know the bug but i was talking about the brainstorm page but i see its the same. it asks to support 3 total options13:43
gnomefreaknope enigmail is still shitty13:44
gnomefreakasac: i'm thinking we should support pre-release enigmail so we can use it for seamonkey2.0 in our PPA's not in Ubuntu repos yet. but its still running them damn configure.ini's13:45
rzr_asac: ok then no need for me to be in the team so far13:46
gnomefreakallmakefiles.sh is for 0.94 as well13:47
rzr_[14:40] <gnomefreak> surfaz: saw that already you and rzr need to merge the 2 brainstorms i suggest merging to his since it has 3 other requests13:47
gnomefreakrzr_: i was looking at wrong link13:47
gnomefreakasac: do we have upstream bug for the empty panes in latest thunderbird 3.0?13:48
asacrzr_: ok. team membership mostly is essential when you need to commit to our branches13:57
asacsurfaz just disappeared13:57
rzr_i dont plan too yet13:59
rzr_anyway a ppa in addons teams would be nice13:59
gnomefreakshould beablet o push to extensions team14:01
asacrzr_: yeah. is there no ppa setup for extension team?14:02
rzr_not yet14:02
rzr_someone has to create it, i can do that14:03
asacrzr_: ok i created it.14:03
gnomefreakset up14:03
asacshould be ready now14:03
rzr_thx that's what i was looking for :)14:04
gnomefreakhow did you do that14:06
ftaasac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106814314:08
asacgnomefreak: i hit the "activate ppa button"14:08
asaci think mt is admin for extensions-dev14:08
gnomefreakasac: i did that at same time you did but it automaticly went to that blog14:09
asacgnomefreak: hehe ... well i wrote it ;)14:09
asacafter activating it14:09
asacso no magic14:09
gnomefreakfta: that may not be best to advertise just yet14:09
ftagnomefreak, i didn't do it, plun did, and asac before him14:10
asacfta: nice ;)14:10
ftagnomefreak, http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/158-Ubuntu-Mozilla-Daily-Archive-with-firefox-3.1-and-3.2-for-hardy,-intrepid-and-jaunty.html14:11
asacgnomefreak: well. -daily is expected to break from time to time.14:11
gnomefreakwell only a few issues with ff 3.1 and 3.2 but tb3 is not usable. is there an upstream bug on tb3 pane issue?14:12
asaci just need some time to fix tbird. cant be really that hard ... except that even #maildev folks didnt know why they use resource://app/ as prefix (and how they define it)14:12
asacgnomefreak: no. its a packaging issue14:12
asacgnomefreak: running from dist/bin is ok14:12
asacroblem is that next week is feature freeze and there are certain things expected to happen before that from my side14:13
ftamoz packaging issue, not our fault14:13
gnomefreaki would say ff issues are not ours maybe plugin manaer but about is not ours14:14
asacdepends on how you look14:14
gnomefreakmanager even14:14
gnomefreakif upstreams works how can it not be ours?14:14
ftafor tb, make install is broken, it's not our fault, we just use the result of it14:16
ftayet we can fix it, i already created a huge patch, but apparently, there's still something missing, or misplaced.14:17
asacfta: its a bit of a mystery why the resource://app/ things dont resolve for us14:18
asacthats definitly one problem. maybe replacing all resource://app/ with resource:/// would help for a quick cure14:19
asacfta: so resource://app/modules/distribution.js opens in ffox14:22
asacsimilar to resource:///modules/distribution.js14:22
ftaasac, if it works from dist, it has to be something with the packaging. maybe something missing in the main xpt14:22
BUGabundoguud after noon14:22
asacfta: could be but we see all those file not found errors14:22
asacwith resource://app/ ...14:22
asacwhich of course could be a missing component too14:22
asacmaybe not doing this "remove-files" thing might help14:23
ftaor misplaced component maybe, otherwise compare would have spotted it14:23
asacat unless we are sure all those.xpt get wrapped into a big mail.xpt14:23
asacor something14:23
gnomefreakwe have packages for Eudora but we are missing Eudora :(14:23
asacgnomefreak: eudora is non-free i think14:23
asacif its the mail client14:24
gnomefreakoh almost a good reason yes mail client14:24
gnomefreakhave packages that cant be used may be not so good idea without the main package14:24
asacis it really for the mail client?14:25
asaci think qualcomm did other stuff with that brand14:25
gnomefreakpoppassd - password change server for Eudora and NUPOP14:25
asacso thats ok14:25
gnomefreakim looking at main site14:25
gnomefreakthere is opensource version14:26
* gnomefreak sticking with tb another tb based mail client is IMHO not worth it14:27
BUGabundognomefreak: try kmail14:28
BUGabundofollowed by mutt, I considered it the best email client out there14:28
gnomefreakBUGabundo: no thank you i had nothing but problems with it14:28
BUGabundognomefreak: like what?14:28
gnomefreaklike not getting emails14:28
BUGabundoother then a bug with DELETE, most of it is stable and working14:29
gnomefreaknot being able to sign ect..14:29
asacyeah ... i abandoned kmail when it killed a bunch of mails at some point14:29
BUGabundognomefreak: that usually happends do to kio locks14:29
BUGabundoPGP is working great14:29
BUGabundoand as been since 3.x14:29
gnomefreaklast time i played with it as before 4.x releases14:30
asaci think enigmail is currently the best gpg impl for email ;) ... all the others focus on only one type of GPG14:30
asacbut maybe that changed ;)14:30
gnomefreaki hate when people stop right in the middle of a sentence on bug reports :(14:31
gnomefreakkmail used to have built in GPG app14:31
BUGabundohave you guys ran https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting ?14:31
BUGabundoI'm running it on my old laptop14:31
gnomefreakBUGabundo: not me no laptop running anything higher than feisty14:31
BUGabundoand then I'll run it on this one14:31
BUGabundocan't it be run on Desktops?14:32
BUGabundo(sure you can't test battery resume. lol)14:32
BUGabundobut neither can my old laptop... no bat14:32
fta13 years with mutt, no problem ever. i recently switched to evolution, it's a nightmare :(14:32
gnomefreakfta: it is a nightmare and has been for a long time14:33
BUGabundomutt is GREAT14:33
BUGabundoI can't touch either evo or TB14:33
BUGabundofor me its either kmail or gmail14:33
* BUGabundo notes gmail CAN'T handle MLs14:33
ftawhat is kmail?14:34
gnomefreakkde mail client14:34
BUGabundoasac: when the suspend tests finish, ill try to colect debug data from old laptop and 3G14:34
BUGabundo !info kmail14:34
fta!info kmail14:34
ubottukmail (source: kdepim): KDE Email client. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 (intrepid), package size 3266 kB, installed size 9192 kB14:34
BUGabundoubottu: doesn't like me14:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about doesn't like me14:35
ftakde, no thanks14:35
gnomefreakBUGabundo: you had space infornt of !14:35
BUGabundoI use gnome, but I love kmail and few other kde apps14:35
BUGabundognomefreak: pidgin will interpet ! as a command14:35
BUGabundousually I give a space, and most bots will act on it14:35
ftapidgin for irc is crazy14:36
gnomefreak !pidgin14:36
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete14:36
gnomefreak !info pidgin14:36
gnomefreaksee its with info14:36
BUGabundofta: big PIG works great... I just have a bunch of crashs14:36
BUGabundosome due to PA, others with SSL, some with race condicions14:36
asac!info pidgin14:36
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 546 kB, installed size 1952 kB14:36
BUGabundoand some due to bad plugins14:36
asacno whitespace gnomefreak14:37
gnomefreakasac: i know the bot doesnt like it and it wasnt fixed yet14:37
gnomefreaksomeone took a master bug crash and is going to fix it  :)14:37
gnomefreakjust not sure who he is14:37
BUGabundofta: and I haven't found any other IM client that allows me *easilly* to jump to active talks and even understand replies14:38
BUGabundoxchat as no quick jump to last chat window shortcut AFAIK14:38
ftaas i already told you, irc is not an IM protocol14:38
BUGabundoeven some pidgin devs say that14:38
gnomefreakhe asigned himself to an invalid task14:39
ftaBUGabundo, what do you mean by "jump to active talks and even understand replies" ?14:39
BUGabundoit cycles around active chat (either irc, IM, bots, etc) tabs14:42
BUGabundoand jumps immediately to any that was a direct reply to you14:42
ftayou have colors for that14:43
asacgnomefreak: folks sometimes do crazy bug work ;)14:44
BUGabundofta: yes I have colors too14:45
BUGabundobut I need to jump to the tab14:45
BUGabundoand ctrl+tab does that easy14:45
ftawell, donno. maybe there's already scripts for that, xchat is easily scriptable14:47
ftaperl, python, tcl, ..14:47
asacarghhh ... dialog boxes for action-full notifications is really really annoying14:55
asacfta: i got a pre-snapshot of this new notification thing. be happy that you dont need to use that14:57
asaci now have like 100 dialogs open from gwibber notifications14:58
asacall just for "reply" ;)14:58
* asac starts clicking them away14:58
asacthen closes gwibber14:58
asacand looks how to fix it14:58
asaci think the right fix is to test for the "action" capability of notification daemon before using it in notifications14:59
gnomefreakok im done for the day, flashgot and seamonkey im done with. both work fine here. ill be bacck tonigh or tomorrow im heading to a car show in a bit.15:11
ftamozilla Bug 46601918:31
ubottuMozilla bug 466019 in Mail Window Front End "allow switching to tabs in new tabbed interface (via ctrl+tab number)" [Minor,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46601918:31
BUGabundoasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/32979819:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 329798 in network-manager "NM will not connect to FON AP" [Undecided,New]19:10
* Nafallo haven't seen FON having free wireless in the DC ;-)19:11
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftadtchen, how can i prevent the ratelimit to kick in? it's making the sound unbearable :( W: ratelimit.c: 17 events suppressed19:40
TomJaegerHi, what's the status on bug #217908 ?23:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217908 in cairo "Pixellated Images in Firefox/Opera due to incorrect EXTEND_PAD implementation in several video drivers" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21790823:23

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