
lifelesswow I love this plugin shit man00:15
lifelesssomeone just added a plugin to do regex based mass renaming00:16
chxso if i created a repository without rich roots (--1.9 ) then i cant change it now?00:17
lifelesschx: you can upgrade to a rich roots flavour if you need to, but unless you have a specific need to don't.00:17
lifelesswe'll make a big noise and give instructions etc to everyone when we're ready to make rich roots the default00:18
chxlifeless: ok.00:18
lifelessspiv: ping00:19
edcrypt_lifeless: this someone is me (the multi-renaming plugin) :)00:20
lifelessedcrypt_: cool!00:20
mwhudsongetting BzrCheckError: Internal check failed: Newly created pack file <bzrlib.repofmt.pack_repo.NewPack object at 0x21bb410> has delta references to items not in its repository: ... pusing to launchpad00:21
mwhudsondo i need to reconcile the branch?00:21
chxlifeless: if you would take time to read http://drupal.org/node/289117 and offer your view on some of the relevant points, i'd be delighted. I wanted Drupal on bzr for long and now David Strauss is partner in crime :) and also bzr got a tortoise -like Windows interface and also it became a lot faster so we are getting there00:21
edcrypt_lifeless: its my first plugin, I hope its not the code is not too horrible00:22
lifelesschx: I have a hectic day today, so I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do00:23
chxI could find no documetnation of that Windows integration since it became integrated into bzr -- or the http://bazaar-vcs.org/TortoiseBzr page is still relevant despite it's shipped with bzr  since 1.6?00:23
=== davidstrauss_ is now known as davidstrauss
mwhudsonoh god that "Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen" thread is so long00:39
lifelessmwhudson: short story long analysis00:40
* mwhudson hits r and moves on00:40
rysiek|plah, well00:40
* rysiek|pl 'll finish removing cruft tomorrow00:41
rysiek|plthanks a lot for your help, guys00:41
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
lambyjelmer: I was wondering whether you could remove me from the Uploaders in bzr-gtk? Alas I haven't run bzr since I last played with that package in May '08.01:49
jelmerlamby, sure, np01:49
lambyI would do it myself but my non-DD alioth account (with the right perms) is gone.01:50
lambyWas pleasure working with you, hopefully we'll cross paths (both technically and personally) soon.01:50
lambyTake care and good night.01:50
jfroymwhudson: where is that thread you spoke of? Sounds interesting02:09
* igc back from doctors02:12
lifelessjfroy: last week, about 40% of the traffic on bazaar@02:12
jfroylifeless: thanks!02:14
jfroyJust read the PDF, and although it's very slim on experimental procedures, the data is a little bit harsh on bzr >.>02:25
jfroy(now reading the mailing list thread)02:25
jmlI'm starting to get a *lot* of email about ~launchpad-pqm/bzr/dev02:38
lifelessI shall return shortly, getting bottled caffeine and other essentials02:38
jmloh wait, that's *our* branch of bzr.02:38
jfroy*phew* that was a long thread.03:16
=== UdontKnow is now known as ObiWanQueNoob
* igc picks up kids04:49
gotgenesI tried to do a Daggy Fix per http://monotone.ca/wiki/DaggyFixes/, which is linked off of http://bazaar-vcs.org/CherryPick, but it did not work at all like I expected. I must be missing something.04:53
=== ObiWanQueNoob is now known as UdontKnow
gotgenesI introduced a bug at revision 77 of the trunk, which is now at 90-something.04:54
gotgenesI made a branch from revision 77, fixed the bug, and committed to the branch.04:54
gotgenesThen I attempted a merge from the bugfix branch to the trunk. It resulted in a conflict because of all the revisions in the trunk since revision 77.04:56
lifelessgotgenes: this is one of the big flaws with daggyfixes05:02
gotgeneslifeless: shoot05:02
gotgenesSo I didn't necessarily do it wrong, right?05:02
gotgenesWas I supposed to select a revision range from the bugfix branch instead? Does that still cause the cherry-picking problem?05:03
lifelessgotgenes: you haven't cherry picked at all05:03
gotgeneslifeless: right, I was trying to avoid cherry-picking05:03
lifelessgotgenes: daggy fixes doesn't rely on cherry picks, but it leads to conflicts where the code has been changed since the bug was introduced05:04
gotgenessince it says "it creates intransitive branches"05:04
gotgeneser, ancestors05:04
lifelessI don't do daggy fixes, I think they rarely work well in code that is being looked after, so I'm not really well positioned to tell you how to make it work05:04
gotgeneslifeless: How do you merge in bugfixes to multiple releases, then?05:05
lifelessI cherrypick05:06
lifelessif we introduce a bug in say 1.605:06
lifelessand fix it during the 1.11 cycle05:06
lifelesswe generally don't merge it to multiple releases at all05:06
lifelessbut if we need to, we'd cherry picked it from the 1.11 branch05:06
lifelesswith one release a month, there is a massive cost to cherrypicking every bugfix across multiple releases05:07
lifelessbecause there are lots of releases :)05:07
gotgenesI can see that.05:08
gotgenesWhat about "cherry picking" the other way, as a forward port?05:09
lifelessif we released every six months it would be different05:09
lifelessso, cherry picking forward is daggy fixes05:10
gotgenesIs it?05:10
lifelessjust starting sometime after the bug rather than 'right on'05:10
gotgenesso technically branches after it should have all necessary ancestors, correct?05:10
lifelessyeah, you would not need to cherry pick to go from 1.10 to 1.11, its a simple merge05:10
lifelessbut the issues are the same: code that has been maintained will have skewed, as you experienced05:11
gotgenesyeah, I made a lot of edits on this file between revision 77 and now05:11
gotgenesbut the lines I patched--they've been the same since05:12
lifelessgotgenes: well, you could try --weave-merge and see if that behaves better for you05:12
gotgenesso the revision 77-78 patch in the bugfix branch is what I need to put in my release branches05:12
gotgeneslifeless: that's a good idea05:12
lifelessI'm starting to think we need to revisit using patience diff05:12
gotgeneswhat's a patience diff?05:13
* gotgenes should google it05:13
lifelessits a clever diff algorithim thought up by the codeville authors05:13
lifelessbut it depends very heavily on ordering of unique lines05:13
lifelessand I'm starting to think its too easy to break it badly05:13
gotgenesso in my case, at commit 91, a lot of lines are unique to that commit compared to 77, so that throws off the algorithm?05:15
lifelessgotgenes: uhm, I don't know it well enough to boil it down to a straight forward yes or no05:16
lifelessbut I can point you at the code :)05:16
gotgenesSo I did --weave and it didn't complain, says the file friendfeed.py was modified, but bzr diff friendfeed.py doesn't actually reveal what changed, and bzr status doesn't list the file as modified, but lists it in "pending merges"05:16
lifelessgotgenes: *blink* if this is open source please file a bug05:17
lifelessthats clearly bogus05:17
gotgeneslifeless: My project is definitely open source05:17
gotgenesThat's what I'm trying to do at the moment.05:18
gotgenesblarg, how do you back out of a merge?05:29
* igc back05:31
gotgenesah, mark conflicts as resolved first, then revert05:32
stubIs there a plugin somewhere that implements upgrade-repo ? Or is standard practice to throw together a shell script to upgrade the repo and all its branches?05:36
lifelessgotgenes: 'bzr revert' should just work05:40
lifelessgotgenes: don't do 'bzr revert .' because that doesn't back out the merge05:40
gotgeneslifeless: ah, that's the trick05:41
gotgenesI was using '.'05:41
lifelessyeah, but from where?05:42
gotgenessvn maybe?05:42
lifelessno bzr commands need '.' :P05:42
gotgenessilly me05:42
lifeless'bzr revert .' says 'revert only the subtree, no metadata'05:42
gotgenesso explicit, too05:43
gotgeneslesson learned05:43
gotgenesThanks for your patience.05:43
lifelessmy pleasure05:43
gotgenesI do really enjoy bzr05:43
gotgenesthe Launchpad integration's a thing of delight for me, too.05:44
gotgenesA couple of us in the BioPython project are trying to push it to bzr.05:44
gotgenesThere's the classic batting-around of the big 3 at the moment.05:44
lifelessoh, I'm sure there is :)05:50
ronnylifeless: is there any way to merge only a subtree of the full trr within a repo, it would be helpfull for stuff like wiki's where the granularity tends to be page-based, not tree based06:29
lifelessronny: bzr merge branch/subtree && bzr commit06:41
lifelessok, I'm done for the day; ciao06:41
ronnynow i have to figure an api for that06:42
vilahi all07:41
thumperhi vila08:04
thumpervila: what are you up to today?08:04
vilahi thumper08:04
vilacleaning my plate of minor issues and fixing tests in brisbane-core, need any help on something ?08:05
ronnyare there any docs on the structure of brisbane-core?08:06
vilaronny: that's a pretty vague question :-/ I don't think there are any high-level easy to grasp doc by itself... There have been many discussions on the mailing list, many  intermediate result reports but I'm not sure you will call that doc08:08
thumperbzr: ERROR: The dirstate file (DirState(u'/home/tim/src/lp/rocketfuel-devel/.bzr/checkout/dirstate')) appears to be corrupt:08:10
thumperjust from a measly Ctrl-C08:10
thumpercan I fix it?08:10
thumperor shall I just blow the checkout away and get another one?08:10
* thumper re-checkingout08:12
vilathumper: better blow the checkout away I'm afraid :-/ We should really have some command to re-create a dirstate from scratch though08:12
vilathumper: if it's not too late may be filing a bug and attach the dirstate file, there may be some simple fix to avoid most common causes (no matter how rare they are, and they appear to be very rare to the best of my knowledge)08:14
thumpervila: I kept a copy of the checkout08:15
thumpervila: so I could file something later08:15
thumpervila: but I'm chasing an issue right now08:15
vilathumper: fair enough, I make no promises either but we have to start somewhere (and I fully understand 'chasing an issue right now' :-)08:16
vilathumper: just for curiosity, was the ctrl-C misplaced or caused by a fear about not being able to reverse the command effect ?08:17
lifelessthumper: ctrl-C is odd, because we write to a different file, then rename08:18
lifeless*I thought*08:18
* thumper shrugs08:21
* igc1 dinner08:43
=== weigon__ is now known as weigon
ronnyhow does bzr store tags?09:20
Peng_What do you mean?09:28
ronnyPeng_: how does it store tags for a revision09:30
ronnyoh, i just found the store09:31
ronnyjelmer: any reason why tags are storend like [<len>:<name><len>:<rev>]*09:33
Peng_Are they bencoded?09:34
ronnythe numbers are ascii text09:35
Peng_Yeah, it looks like .bzr/branch/tags is bencoded. I never noticed that before.09:40
ronnylifeless: if i merge a subdir of a branch it stops being able to merge the rest later09:42
YoussefHello all09:43
Youssefor good morning for belgian people09:43
Youssefi have a question!09:43
Youssefwho can help me?09:44
ronnylifeless: odd, now it works again09:44
Lo-lan-doYoussef: Nobody until you've asked.09:44
Youssefi would like to lock a file woth bazaar like we do in subversion09:45
Youssefis it possible first?09:45
Youssef"with" bazaar sorry09:46
Youssefnot woth09:46
Peng_Youssef: No.09:46
mvohm, I have a update-manager branch (not-automatic) that bzr 1.6.1 merges happily into the "main"  branch. but 1.9 (and 1.11) from jaunty say "Nothing to do". did something n the (default) merge algo change?09:50
mvo("not-automatic" is the name of the branch)10:01
ronnylifeless: how does bzr manage metadata about subdir merges? im taking a look at bzr vis, but there it looks like a normal revision10:03
Youssefwhat it's not possible to lock in bazaar?10:05
ronnyYoussef: hu?10:05
Lo-lan-doHow could you lock in a DVCS?10:06
alex_morellihi all10:10
alex_morellihow do I move a branch from a shared repo to another?10:11
Lo-lan-doalex_morelli: Branch from one to the other, then remove it from the original one?10:11
alex_morelliLo-lan-do: What makes me hesitate is that I have two shared repos without trees and I would like to move (or copy) a branch from the first to the second10:12
Peng_alex_morelli: So?10:13
Lo-lan-do"bzr branch", also known as "bzr clone", is exactly a branch copy, whether for shared repos or not.10:13
alex_morelliI tried to do this:10:13
alex_morellibzr init-repo --no-trees /opt/new-repo10:14
alex_morellicd /opt/new-repo10:14
alex_morellibzr branch /<other-repo>/project10:14
alex_morellinow, do I feel like the complete idiot.... I was checking out, not branching10:16
alex_morellithanks everybody...10:16
Peng_At least it was easy to solve. :)10:17
Peng_Explaining problems often helps you figure them out.10:17
beunowe should enforce lag10:18
Lo-lan-dobzr status enforces a 1-second lag on me already.10:19
* awilkins wonders where the win32 builds of 1.12 are10:26
* Lo-lan-do wonders where the lenny backports of 1.12 are10:27
awilkinsBah, at least you can build it easily enough on Lenny10:28
awilkinsBuilding it on win32 is a female dog10:29
=== mark1 is now known as markh
Youssefguys please10:47
Youssefnoone respond me10:47
Youssefis it possible to do a lock to a fille with bazaar?10:47
Lo-lan-doYes we did.10:48
stubHe wants to lock a file in his branch or repository, not every branch or repository.10:55
stubI don't think it is possible to do that in bzr like in svn (not that I've ever done it in svn). There are better ways of working with a DVCS.10:56
ronnyYoussef: why do you need that lock10:57
Youssefbecoz my want it10:58
Youssefheheh dunno why10:58
Youssefmayber sick!? dunno.10:58
stubLocks are useful for files that can't be merged sanely. You want to flag that you are the person messing with it, and nobody should touch it until you have committed.11:01
stubI don't think this can be done sanely with bzr or any DVCS.11:02
ronnyjelmer: ping?11:31
markhawilkins: things like that are always subjective - I find building bzr on Windows quite simple these days :)11:39
ronnyis there any reason why bzr branch in a repo wont create a workdir, even if the branch thats getting branched has one?11:41
Odd_Blokeronny: If the repository was created with --no-trees.11:42
ronnyah, i see11:42
ronnycna that be reconfigured?11:43
Odd_Blokeronny: Yes, but not using a bzr command AFAIK.11:43
ronnyrm .bzr/repository/no-working-trees ?11:44
Odd_BlokeI think the code looks for a .bzr/repository/no-working-trees in the... yes.11:44
ronnyanyone awae how bzr tracks partial merges?11:45
ronnyunforutnately there isnt a tool to view the history of specific trees so its tricky to figure11:45
ronnyoh dammit11:46
ronnyactually partial merges can produce merge conflicts later11:46
ronnylifeless: its kinda useless if it doesnt fix conflicts11:46
ronnyits just no fun having to fix conflicts twice11:47
fullermdIt doesn't.11:52
fullermdCherrypicks aren't tracked, whether they're of disconnected sections of history, or of partial bits of the tree.11:53
ronnythen its useless for me11:54
fullermdNo different from any other major tree-oriented system.11:55
fullermdYou can't record "I've merged this revision", since you haven't; you've only taken some changes from it.11:56
fullermdIt probably works in svn, since it's not tree-oriented.11:56
fullermdYou could do a full merge, and then revert everything but that subdir.  That would record it.11:56
fullermdBut of course, since you recorded that you've merged those revs, you'll never get changes to the other files in the future.  And probably set up some ugly conflicts there later.11:57
ronnycant it be recorded at least for the tree11:58
ronnyelse its just generating merge conflicts and pretty useless11:59
fullermdBut what could you record?11:59
ronnyno idea, doesnt each tree have a parent?12:00
fullermdMerges are recorded by tieing revisions into the ancestry.12:00
fullermdThey're not recorded by saying "Oh, I got change X to file Y from over here".12:00
fullermdThe tracking happens by merge later saying "Oh, I've already got this revision, so I don't need to look at it again".12:01
ronnycant it do that with trees, too?12:01
fullermdBy having a non-tree-oriented system, like svn.  Or by inventing a whole new layer of metadata, which would be a rich field for bugs, and probably very touchy.12:02
fullermdI mean, anything _can_ be done.12:03
fullermdBut it's far more likely that some solution will be created for tracking the cherrypicking of revisions, long before cherrypicking of PARTS of revisions.12:03
fullermdAnd that's an ugly enough problem in itself.12:03
fullermd(actually, I'm not even sure it svn can record merges of parts of revisions and DTRT.)12:09
fullermdBut I would guess it does, or at least can relatively easily.12:10
fullermdAs well as it DTRT with anything, of course  ;)12:10
awilkinsmarkh: Yes, it's getting the environment up that's the nasty bit :-) it's very easy after that12:30
verterokvila: I'm back home, dmg for 10.4 is comming ;)12:49
vilaverterok: great !12:49
verterokvila: oh, Hi :)12:49
LeoNerdAnyone have a nice bash trick on how to ignore .bzr directory for tab complete?12:50
* fullermd points at the manpage and the first match for /dot12:52
fullermdAnd then smack yourself (or whoever you stole your rc file from) for setting the option in the first place   :p12:53
CBro2007_hi I am new to BZR14:14
CBro2007_any users here?14:14
CBro2007_just had a few questions about it14:14
CBro2007_I have just created some files under revision control14:14
CBro2007_now I was wondering how I can "checkout" revisions from the past?14:15
CBro2007_like an undo feature?14:15
Odd_BlokeCBro2007_: Look at 'bzr revert'.14:16
weigonrevert, uncommit or just branch to a older revision14:17
Odd_BlokeCBro2007_: Or possibly uncommit, depending on whether you want to revert content or commits.14:17
CBro2007_I am super new... just looked at it 5 mins ago14:17
CBro2007_and just trying to see if it will work for me14:17
CBro2007_so now that I have created a repository.... this will keep the history of the project?14:18
=== serg is now known as serg|away
CBro2007_is that what I should have in my .bzr directory?14:18
LeoNerdfullermd: I already have dotglob off14:18
LeoNerdfullermd: this means that .bzr isn't listed if I do   echo *14:18
LeoNerdThat doesn't affect the tab complete;  complete 0-f14:19
asabilCBro2007_: bzr init hello && cd hello && touch hello-world && bzr add hello-world && bzr commit -m "Initial import"14:19
asabilthat's the complete sequence for a really quick start14:19
CBro2007_I have done all that14:20
CBro2007_but one step at a time14:20
asabilyep, then that's all what you really need to start hacking14:21
CBro2007_I am just trying to understand what my WORKING copy is and if I screw something up how I can revert back to a good copy?14:21
asabilbzr revert -r -114:21
asabilto return to the previous commit14:21
asabil(sort of)14:21
ronnystill no support for update -r ?14:22
asabilI also suggest installing bzr-gtk or qbzr to view the history14:22
=== UdontKnow is now known as ObiWanQueNoob
asabilronny: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/4571914:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 45719 in bzr "update command cannot take a revision number" [Medium,In progress]14:24
ronnyah, nice14:24
asabilCBro2007_: another better solution imho is to use bzr branch14:26
asabilbzr branch -r 1234 trunk old-trunk14:26
ronnyoh, not so nice, seems kinda dead14:27
ronnyasabil: branch sucks in various cases when going back in history14:28
asabilpersonally I prefer this approach, since I tend to maintain multiple "builds"14:28
asabilbut different people have different workflows14:28
stefanlsdAnyone seen this before - bzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'verbose'  (doing an bzr status)14:42
jelmerstefanlsd, out of date bzr-loom I think14:43
fullermdLeoNerd: Well, I dunno.  I don't use bash (actually, had to think for a second to figure out which boxes even had it installed)14:44
fullermdLeoNerd: A little more /-ery finds match-hidden-files though.14:45
fullermd(though the description doesn't make a damn bit of sense.)14:45
stefanlsdjelmer: thanks. thats prob it. will update it from the ppa14:45
jelmerstefanlsd, afaik bzr-loom isn't in the ppa14:45
LeoNerdExcellent. That has it14:45
* fullermd just assumes the option name makes more sense than the alleged explanation ;p14:46
LeoNerdNow all I have to do is work out how to have it ignore 'CVS' :)14:47
fullermdOh, that's what "rm" is for  ;)14:47
quicksilverI can never find loggerhead's "real" home page14:51
quicksilver^^ is that the right one?14:51
* fullermd didn't know our patches were tracked by Brigitte Bardot.14:59
fullermdNo wonder bzr is so awesome...15:00
vilafullermd: :)15:04
vilaquicksilver: 'bzr lp-open lp:loggerhead' goes straight to the trunk branch, from there you can click the Overview tab :)15:05
quicksilvervila: google search for 'loggerhead bzr' fails15:07
quicksilverwhich is a bit odd.15:08
vilaquicksilver: file a bug against google :)15:08
Odd_BlokeSounds more like a Launchpad SEO problem. :)15:09
vilaspeaking of google and bzr, does anyone know hw to add search engines python, I added some (for modules, documentation, mailing list and bugs) but I can't remember where I found them :-/15:12
vilagee, s/garbage/how to add search engines for python/15:12
vilaadd search engines to *Firefox*, looks like I really don't want to help people who can answer :)15:14
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
CBro2007_guys I just created the "initial import"15:30
CBro2007_I want to be able to create a fresh copy of my project so I can start adding new features to it15:30
CBro2007_how do I do this in Bazaar?15:30
CBro2007_should I be making the changes to my working copy now?15:30
CBro2007_or do I create a new branch from my initial import?15:31
CBro2007_just trying to understand how I can structure this15:31
CBro2007_anyone got any suggestions?15:33
Lo-lan-doYou can work in the same place, or create another branch.15:33
awilkinsbzr init-repo /home/me/my-new-repo --no-trees ; bzr push ~/my-new-repo/my-project/trunk --create-prefix ; bzr push ~/my-new-repo/my-project/feature-1 ; bzr bind ~/my-new-repo/my-project/feature-115:42
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
evarlasti think I may have had a file once in the history of my bzr branch. I would like to find the said file. does bzr have a find command?  bzr find -r 1.. FileName*.c ?15:57
fullermdlog -v | grep?15:58
evarlastah, duh.  thanksyou.15:58
Youssefthanks all16:18
Youssefi have to go bye16:18
jelmerverterok, ping16:26
=== ObiWanQueNoob is now known as WHATEVER
vilaspiv_: go back to sleep :)16:45
vilajam: ping16:47
vilajam: in bbc, do we intend to keep development3 or can I delete it ?16:49
jamvila: I'm deleting it as part of my --development5 patch16:49
jamso I wouldn't delete it *just* yet16:49
jamfurther, I'm technically on holiday today...16:49
vilajam: oh sorry16:49
jamits fine16:49
jamI'm  building the 1.12 installers16:49
jamand doing other work16:50
jamand certainly, lurking on IRC :)16:50
vilaTrue holiday :)16:50
* vila notes to never go in vacations with jam :-P16:50
jamwell, I do take real vacations16:50
jambut only when my wife is *also* on vacation16:51
jamtoday is a federal holiday16:51
jamso it is a Canonical holiday16:51
jambut it isn't a holiday all businesses recognize16:51
vilahaaa, that kind of holiday :)16:51
jamso I'm mostly using it as a day to play with stuff16:52
jamlike finally setting up the new Ubuntu based server w/ 1TB RAID1 drives16:52
vilaSSD ?16:53
jam(as opposed to my old FC3/4 server)16:53
jamwell, new as in 3+ years old16:53
jambut better than my 10-year old server I have now16:53
jamthe hard-drives are new16:53
vilagood enough :)16:53
jamIt seems that Ubuntu install disks don't like to do software raid by default16:53
jamit seems that the "server" version might be a bit better16:54
jambut instead you can use the live cd16:54
jamto configure everything manually16:54
jamand then install16:54
jambut it took 2 different guids16:54
jambecause one didn't explain the simple "you should have used -server" fact16:54
jamand the other assumed you didn't, but was setting up raid 10 rather than just raid 116:54
Mezwhat does16:54
MezValue "bzr+ssh://io/home/bzr/mf/lib/branches/foo/" is masked by "bzr+ssh://io/home/bzr/mf/lib/branches/foo" from locations.conf16:54
jamMez: you have a value in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf16:55
jamand a value in .bzr/branch/branch.conf16:55
jamthe value in locations.conf "wins"16:55
jambut may not be what you actually want16:55
jammost likely you did "XXX --remember"16:55
Mezthis is a new branch though16:55
jamMez: then I would guess you have a recursive policy set in locations.conf16:56
jelmerMez, perhaps an older branch existed on the same location?16:56
Meznew repo.16:56
MezMaybe it's being bound automatically on first push ?16:56
verterokjelmer: pong16:57
jelmerverterok, does the main bzr dmg include bzr-svn these days?16:57
Mezhwo cna I check if a branch is bound?16:58
jamMez: bzr info16:58
santagadawho does the macosx installer?16:59
Mezthat doesnt metnion anything to do with bound branches16:59
verterokjelmer: no, the main issue to solve is how to include two builds of bzr-svn in the same dmg and check which one to use (for svn 1.4 and 1.5)16:59
Mezbasically, I want to be able to automatically set a bind location, like I can with a push location17:00
verterokjelmer: as OSX 10.4 don't have any subversion, so any version could be installed :/17:00
santagadathe one for 10.5 was not updated, maybe I could generate it if it not contrived17:00
Mezbut it doesnt seem that it wants to work17:00
verteroksantagada: I build the OS X 10.4 dmg17:00
verteroksantagada: phanatic builds the 10.5 one17:00
santagadabut I use svn 1.5... so this could be a problem17:01
jamMez: you should see something like: "checkout of branch: bzr+ssh://..." if it is a bound branch17:01
santagadaverterok: there isn't a way to support both svn versions automatically at runtime?17:01
jamvila: I have to say, setting up much of anything on a 1TB disk takes a while.17:02
jamEven at a nice 70MB/s, it still takes 4Hours for software raid to sync the partitions17:03
vilajam: ? You mean formatting it ? Or any install ?17:03
jamwell, raid syncing17:03
jamEven if I did the hardware-raid option17:03
verteroksantagada: that is a question to jelmer, but I think the problem is compiling/linking of the bindings17:03
jamit wants to sync the drives17:03
jamwhich is a bitwise copy of everything17:03
verteroksantagada: I think the 10.5 installer already provides bzr-svn17:03
vilaohhh, that I have no experience with :-) I'm going the SSD and full-backups-when-it-s-time route :)17:03
jelmerverterok, it's not possible to ship the required svn libs?17:03
jamvila: yeah, this is a server with some hard-to-get-back data17:04
jamso I like to have a bit of RAID17:04
jamI'd like to do full backups17:04
jambut w/ 300GB it gets difficult17:04
verteroksantagada: as I don't have the sources, I'm starting to work on a 10.5 installer based on the 10.4 one17:04
verterokjelmer: don't really know, what libs should be shipped?17:04
santagadaverterok: I have svn 1.5 from fink, and I have the bindings only for python-2.4 on fink also...17:05
jelmerverterok, the ones installed by svn, or rather, the ones that subvertpy links against17:05
vilajam: I can understand the hard-to-get-back data... not :-) I have 1,5TB available for compressed backups ran at night, some crossed fingers and most of the important bits under bzr and as such mirrored here and there :)17:05
verteroksantagada: as far I know subvertpy can't be linked against the fink svn and used with other svn17:07
verteroksantagada: other users might have the macports one or the Collabnet17:07
verterokjelmer: sadly I didn't looked subvertpy yet, the last time I worked on this subject, the binding was bundled with bzr-svn. I might take a look to it again :)17:09
jelmerverterok, ah, ok17:10
santagadaverterok: so bundling the svn client is the only answer right?17:11
verterokjelmer: now that you mentioned this, if there is a way to compile the deps as static libs and link subretpy to that I think it should be fairly easy to bundle bzr-svn17:12
verteroksantagada: yes, or build an installer for each possible svn installation :/17:12
verterokjelmer, santagada: or compile  subvertpy during the install (but that might be even more difficult)17:15
jelmerverterok, building against a static libsvn should be doable17:16
santagadaverterok: needing to have xcode just to use bazaar is not optimal...17:16
vilaverterok: not to mention requiring a C compiler :)17:16
phinzeso CruiseControl.rb (the CI server we would probably use) only supports Subversion17:17
phinzeit's possible for me to use bzr-svn to publish our trunk and project branches as svn urls for the CI server, no?17:17
jelmerphinze: you'll have to push them into svn manually, but yes17:17
verterokvila, santagada: sure, was just a crazy idea, thinking that most people using a vcs are developer :p17:17
vilapython, perl, java, etc are some languages that doesn't require a *C* compiler :-P17:18
verterokjelmer: ok, I'll try to build it that way17:18
verterokvila: yeap, having a 1GB monster (xcode) to use bzr is overkill17:19
jelmerphinze, bzr svn-serve is not mature enough yet17:19
phinzejelmer: so not really a viable solution currently for automatic continuous integration17:22
vilajam: is your default working PC 64 bits or 32 bits ?17:22
jelmerphinze, well, you can push using a cron-job or something like that17:22
jamvila: 3217:22
vilathat explains the warning I encounter then I presume: /home/vila/src/bzr/experimental/brisbane-core/bzrlib/chk_map.py:78: DeprecationWarning: 'i' format requires -2147483648 <= number <= 214748364717:24
jamcould you get a backtrace for it?17:24
vilaUsing L solve the problem but I still find it strange that zlib.crc32(bit) can return such values... Oh wait it returns an unsigned. That still doesn't explain you never saw that warning...17:25
jamConsidering where I'm seeing it:17:25
jamstruct.pack('>i', zlib.crc32(bit)17:25
vilaThat's the right line17:25
jamif it was returning an unsigned int17:25
jamthen I would have expected to use ">I"17:25
jamit is returning a *signed* int on 32-bit python17:26
jamsince it is just an "int"17:26
jamwhich is a 32-bit signed int on 32-bit platforms17:26
vilacrc32 should returns a 32bits int so to be compatible you should use a long17:26
vilathe question is is it signed or not17:27
jamon 32-bit I'm sure it is signed17:27
jam>>> zlib.crc32('aocehu')17:28
jamvila: what do *you* get ?17:28
vila2211227898 :-)17:29
jam(The issue on Python is that a 32-bit unsigned int has to be held in a PyLong)17:29
jamvila: that is very unfortunate... :(17:29
vilajam: don't worry, better understand that *now* :)17:29
vilaeerk, more hits while grepping crc32 than I hoped :-/17:30
jamvila: what do you get for this: >>> zlib.adler32('\xff'*20)17:30
jamvila: and you aren't doing anything fancy with your python, right?17:31
vilaapart from running it on a 64bits processor, I don't think so17:31
jamIIRC we explicitly switched from adler32 to crc32 at some point in the past17:31
jamI thought because crc32 was supposed to be more stable across platforms, etc17:32
jam(we use it in the dirstate file)17:32
jamvila: see http://bugs.python.org/issue490317:33
vilaI just checked dirstate.py and tune_gzip.py and AKAICS whe use them after some U32 conversions17:33
jam.. Guido prefers to keep Python 2.x always having signed values for the  scattered crc functions.17:33
jamvila: output_lines.append('crc32: %s\n' % (zlib.crc32(inventory_text),))17:34
jamI don't see a U32 conversion there17:34
jamdo you?17:34
vilaargh, missed that oen17:35
vilaSo, accessing a dirstate file from a 32 bits *and* a 64 bits hosts should blow up half of the time ?17:36
verterokjelmer: I'm building svn-1.5 with --enable-all-static atm, I'll let you know how it's going in a while (my oldish G4 needs some time to compile it)17:37
jelmerverterok, cool!17:37
vilaPoor jam, that was too much :)17:40
Takargh, how do I get the status of one file using bzrlib?17:41
vilajam, come back ! It looks like that crc isn't used after all :)17:52
fullermdISO9001 requires we have a CRC.  It doesn't require that it be used   :p17:53
vilaThat how I understand IS9001 too :-)17:53
vilaThe pity is that most of QA guys *think* that way though :-/17:53
vila"I broke the code !!", "No problem, as long as you *document* it !" :-(17:54
fullermdWorks for Microsoft.17:57
ronnylifeless: would there be any reasonable way to take partial merges into account when merging again?18:52
rockyjelmer: hey, is there a bzr-svn release for bzr 1.12 yet or a branch?18:55
jelmerrocky, the 0.5 branch18:55
jelmerrocky, 0.5.0 will also work, but is slower18:56
rockyjelmer: the 0.5 branch is merely lp:bzr-svn right?19:03
jelmerrocky: yeah, lp:bzr-svn is a mirror of the 0.5 branch (between 0 and 8 hours out of date, usually)19:04
rockyoh yeah, you host the 0.5 branch yourself right?19:04
jelmerrocky, yep19:04
ronnyjelmer: sup?19:09
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luke-jrHow do I switch a checkout to another upstream branch?20:12
mwhudsonbzr switch20:13
lifelessronny: well its a specific case of cherrypicking (in the content dimension)20:17
lifelessronny: so the same things apply as for cherrypicking - yes, we need to when merging take it into consideration20:18
lifelessbut we don't yet20:18
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rysiek|plyellow again20:34
rysiek|plany teflon-underwear-wearing, sharks-with-lasers-defying bzr-replay-helping volounteers of yesterday present and willing to help? :)20:35
* Lo-lan-do unleashes the sharks20:37
Lo-lan-doGo kids go!  Get him!20:37
* rysiek|pl kindly points out it was he who unleashed sharks - with lasers! - last time he was here20:38
rysiek|pland it *would* sound better a'la Mr Burns:20:39
rysiek|pl"Swim, my pretties!"20:39
mwhudsonvila: ping20:39
mwhudsonduelling sharks with lasers!!20:39
rysiek|plops, with lasers?20:39
Lo-lan-doMine have laser swords and ninja powers.  Do you surrender now?20:43
rysiek|plninjas can't catch you when you're on fire!20:43
* rysiek|pl takes spills around some gasoline20:43
* rysiek|pl fires a match20:43
* RAOF fires up the petrol-powered, ninja zombie steampunk cyborgs.20:46
rysiek|plwith lasers?20:49
rysiek|plRAOF: ok, so I branched -r REV_BEFORE_FSCKUP my_branch20:49
rysiek|plRAOF: and now I bzr replay -r REV_AFTER_FSCKUP.. my_branch20:50
* RAOF notes that he hasn't done what you're trying to do before, so will only be able to offer general advice.20:50
rysiek|plhopefully this will give me a nice, clean, cruft-free branch20:50
rysiek|plit will be bound to the original, crufted branch20:50
RAOFWhat do you mean by "bound"?20:50
rysiek|ploh, wait20:51
rysiek|plcheckouts are bound20:51
rysiek|plbranches aren't20:51
RAOFYes.  Branches are not :)20:51
rysiek|plso, this will give me my nice, cruft free branch20:51
rysiek|plnow, it's a "secondary" branch, ie it's my dev branch20:51
rysiek|plso, to make the miracle happen in the upstream "trunk" branch - bzr push?20:52
RAOFI believe so.  It might take push --overwrite, because you're doing some history rewriting.20:52
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pooliehello all20:59
pooliehello jam20:59
rysiek|plRAOF: hmmm, ok, I have gotten a conflict, resolved it and need to continue21:01
rysiek|plRAOF: bzr rebase-continue tells me there is no rebase pending21:01
rysiek|plRAOF: bzr replay-continue -> no such command21:01
rysiek|plI am stuck21:01
RAOFrysiek|pl: And you're now out of my sphere of experience :(21:01
rysiek|plah, well21:01
rysiek|plgoogle, then21:01
mwhudsonsounds like a question for jelmer :)21:03
lifelessrysiek|pl: now you replay from the point it stopped21:10
jelmerronny: hi21:10
lifelessrysiek|pl: a newer bzr-rebase plugin may help, I fixed some bugs recently21:10
rysiek|pllifeless: great, but the revision of the no_cruft branch when started replaying was 231521:11
rysiek|pllifeless: and the revision I started replaying from was 232021:11
rysiek|pllifeless: now, as I watched the output I have noticed, that the "Comitted revision <REVNO>" messages tell me about the <REVNO> of the no_cruft branhc at the given moment21:12
rysiek|pllifeless: so orig:2320 becomes no_cruft:2316, etc21:12
jelmerrysiek|pl: hi21:13
jelmerrysiek|pl: replay doesn't handle conflicts at the moment21:13
rysiek|pllifeless: as I understand, I should take the REVNO that was given in the last "Committed revno..." message, add 4 and start again from <LAST_REVNO+4>?21:13
lifelessjelmer: it spuriously conflicts without my patch21:15
lifelessjelmer: I dunno if you merged it or not21:15
jelmerlifeless: which patch?21:15
* rysiek|pl brb21:15
jelmerthe one that had the --rewrite-nick ?21:16
lifelessyes amongst other fixes21:16
jelmerI didn't merge that one, but I think all your other branches are in21:16
lifelessrysiek|pl: rebase may not actually be the right tool on consideration, because we have to flatten all your other branches, so that they don't drag the bad history back in21:17
* jelmer wonders what happened to Asabil's filter-branch plugiun21:17
phinzehmm anybody have a way of appending the a diff to the bottom of $EDITOR when writing the commit message as well as the list of files modified?21:36
lifelesspoolie: ping21:36
lifelessphinze: 'commit --show-diff'21:36
pooliephinze: commit --show-diff21:36
poolielifeless: hi!21:36
phinzejust found it21:36
pooliephinze: where did you look for it?21:36
phinzethx lifeless, poolie21:36
phinzei was just glazing over it in bzr help ci21:37
phinzemy bad21:37
rysiek|pllifeless: huh? I don't think I understand the problem21:37
lifelesspoolie: I have my allergy specialise appointment today @ 11:30; I'm pondering popping by your place beforehand, in the gap between transport and appointment. Does that fit for you?21:37
lifelessrysiek|pl: say you have revisions 1,2,3,4,5, where 2 is bad21:37
lifelessrysiek|pl: if 4 is a merge of a branch, made from 3, (so that branch went 3,4,5 of its own and got merges as '4' to the trunk21:38
lifelessrysiek|pl: then, if we recreate the merge, and *still reference* the branch, we can follow history back down to 2, which is what we're trying to redact21:38
lifelessrysiek|pl: so in theory we need to replay the items of that branch seperately as well, and then its fine, but more simply is to just cherrypick merge '4'21:39
rysiek|plsomething tells me now will be the conclusion21:39
rysiek|plah, there we are ;)21:39
lifeless'replay' doesn't quite handle this case IIRC, I'd need to check the code again21:39
rysiek|plok, so what I understand from what you're saying is:21:40
rysiek|plwhen doing a replay, use the first rev ABOVE the last merge into the original branch?21:41
lifelessno, I'm saying that replay may not be quite the tool you need, but bear with me a sec21:41
lifelessjelmer: at least cherrypick http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr-rebase/dev/revision/116 if you won't take the rest21:42
lifelessjelmer: it makes the code match the documentation21:43
phinzeokay so trying to get --show-diff to be default behavior... i need to use aliases, no?  but aliases don't allow spaces in alias name.  so i'm just stuck defining something like alias bzrci="bzr ci --show-diff" ?21:44
phinzeor is there a better way?21:44
lifelessrysiek|pl: ok, try replay - just keep upping the revision to start from in step with any manual fixes you need to make, you can use 'bzr log' to see whether you have the right revno21:44
lifelessphinze: bzr can do command aliases, you can alias commit to commit --show-diff21:45
phinzeahh aliases *within* bzr... i always thought the reference was to bash aliases21:45
rysiek|pllifeless: so, bzr replay (...), when conflicted fix manually and bzr replay again from where the conflict occured?21:45
phinzeonce again, misreading the docs [/shame]21:45
lifelessrysiek|pl: yes21:45
lifelessrysiek|pl: once you're done, test by:21:46
lifeless'bzr diff -r branch:../source' - that should show no changes21:46
lifeless'bzr branch /tmp/testsize' - then du -sh .bzr/repository21:46
lifelessif it has worked, you won't have that 400MB any more21:47
jelmerlifeless: any chance you can provide a patch ? :-)21:50
ronnyjelmer: im wondering, can you guys manage to track partial merges better?21:51
lifelessjelmer: I did :P21:51
lifelessjelmer: I proposed the branch for merging21:51
jelmerlifeless: yeah, but that's got different things bundled together, cherrypicking just some causes conflicts..21:51
lifelessjelmer: what does it conflict in ?21:52
ronnyi hate that merging a subdir of a repo will cause conflicts later :/21:52
jelmerlifeless: can't recall, it's been a while since I've tried21:52
jelmerronny: I'm not really familiar with merge algorithms, but from what I hear from those who do cherrypicking is tricky21:53
lifelessjelmer: that commit is independent of the other two, I can't see it conflicting on anything other than NEWS, and its trivial21:53
lifelessjelmer: much faster really for you to merge and adjust than me to merge you, fix, push, and have you cherrypick the result (which won't apply anyway, because its still my full feature branch)21:53
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spivlifeless: I figured out why I feel slightly hesistant about putting get_missing_compression_parents on VersionedFiles.22:32
rysiek|plturns out quite a lot of cruft (about 1/2) was there from the beginning22:32
rysiek|plis there a way to make a "lightweight" branch or something like that?22:33
rysiek|pli.e. branch with the history of the last, say, 20-500 revisions?22:33
jelmerlifeless: Well, you could push a separate branch that provided just the bugfix, no need for me to cherrypick in that case.22:36
jelmerlifeless, Anyway, I don't object to doing the cherrypick + conflict resolution, I'll merge next time I work on rebase.22:37
jelmerlifeless: Looks like test_blackbox.py conflicts, and some of the tests in test_rebase.py fail22:43
verterokjelmer: this static svn build is getting difficult :/. until now I only succesfully builded a ppc-only version :-(22:56
mwhudsonbeuno: hello?23:17
rysiek|pllifeless, RAOF, jelmer: I've got a fourth conflict in the same file, an the size of the no_cruft branch is 3x what was the size of the crufted branch23:20
rysiek|plthis does not bode well, I think I'll live it be23:21
jelmerverterok, :-( What are the other builds failing on?23:21
jelmervila, ping23:26
rysiek|planywhoo, thanks for your help23:33
rysiek|plcu all23:33
lifelessjelmer: ok, I'll look at that then23:53
lifelessjelmer: and get you a specific branch for it23:53
lifelessrysiek|pl: :( sorry23:53
lifelessI wish we had a polished-better-answer23:53
rysiek|pllifeless: nothing to be sorry about, really23:54
lifelessspiv: so, I'm so close I can taste it23:54
rysiek|plthanks a lot for your help, anyway23:54
rysiek|pllearned a lot about bzr during this23:54

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