
mib_qg4fl9ttneed help setting up vnc on edubuntu00:04
mib_qg4fl9ttcan someone help?00:04
nothingmanhey, mib00:54
nothingmanoh, nm00:54
MeshezabeelHeya Ahmuck01:09
nothingmanhi, Mesezabeel01:24
nothingmanif I could type01:24
Meshezabeelhaha, hi nothingman :)01:36
Meshezabeelever heard of TAB completion? :p01:36
nothingmanMeshezabeel: got it now02:21
nothingmandidn't realize chatzilla had it02:21
Meshezabeelhow's your day going?02:21
nothingmanvery well02:21
nothingmanhad a good sales day at my store02:21
Meshezabeelawesome :)02:21
nothingmanactually, a kickass weekend02:21
Meshezabeelwow, what do you sell if you don't mind me asking02:22
nothingmancomputers, TVs, scanners, cameras02:22
nothingmanI work at a RadioShack02:22
Meshezabeelah, I see. Here in Canada all the Radioshack's were closed down/maybe bought out by The Source02:23
nothingmanso I heard04:17
nothingmanmine's nice, and I know some people in RS's in the area who I like04:18
=== Meshezabeel is now known as Meshezabeel-away
gypsymaurothere is a DVD version of edubuntu? or a localized version in italian?13:40
morehpperliterIs there a way to reset the network config on an edubuntu LTSP server?16:33
morehpperliterI had a bad network card and now none of the PXE's can see it16:33
alkisgYou changed the network card on the server and now the clients won't boot?16:35
alkisgWhat does `sudo invoke-rc.d dhcp3-server status` say?16:35
alkisgmorehpperliter: ^^^16:36
morehpperliterI am rebooting.16:36
morehpperliterWill advise in just a moment.16:36
morehpperliterAlso is there a reason VNC has trouble connecting?16:37
morehpperliterDhcp3 is running.16:38
morehpperliterI suppose it could be another bad NIC16:39
alkisgdhcp is running, and the client's don't get an IP address? Maybe you have another dhcp server running in your network?16:39
morehpperliterI have them isolated.16:39
alkisgWell, try to connect to the server from a normal PC to see if the NIC works ok...16:40
alkisgE.g. ssh to the server16:40
redtoadxhave you tried either tcpdump or ethereal to watch dhcp conversation ?16:41
morehpperliterI can only see one NIC btw.16:42
alkisgWhy, how many do you have?16:42
morehpperliterI thought that was mandatory.16:43
alkisgNot really16:43
morehpperliteri.e. one to the WAN and one to lan.16:44
alkisgIf you only see one nic, and the other one's not working, and your clients are connected to the non-working NIC, then... :)16:44
alkisgWhat does ifconfig -a give you?16:44
morehpperliterI just installed a new. hold on.16:44
morehpperlitereth0 is
morehpperliterand eth2 is
alkisgAnd where does dhcp listen on? eth2?16:45
alkisgsudo dpkg-reconfigure dhcp3-server16:45
morehpperliternon-authoritative version of DHCP server16:47
ograalkisg, UGH !16:48
ogranever do that16:48
alkisgWhat? :)16:48
ogradpkg-reconfigure dhcp3-server16:48
alkisgogra, why not? it works fine...16:48
ograit disables al self test features16:48
ograby forcing an interface16:48
alkisgErm... not really, you may put an empty interface there16:49
ograso your config wont be checked anymore16:49
ogralook at the code16:49
ograreally, dont put an interface in there16:49
alkisgAh, the ltsp code? OK, I'm hearing you :)16:49
ograno, the dhcpd code16:49
ograsimply leave it with the defaults16:50
ograthey were selected for a reason :)16:50
alkisgogra: "The interfaces will be automatically detected if this field is left blank."16:50
ograalkisg, right16:50
alkisgThat's what I was saying, to check if there was already an interface there (the wrong one, e.g. the non-existent eth1)16:50
morehpperliterTop right hand corner next to the sound is a network connections16:50
morehpperliterIt says.16:51
morehpperliterWired networks (Dell Xtreme ) the onboard16:51
morehpperliter-Wired connection 216:51
morehpperliter-Wired connection 116:51
morehpperliter-Auto Eth016:51
ograalkisg, ah, well, i wouldnt use debconf for that ;) grep IFACE /etc/default/dhcp3-server16:51
morehpperliterAuto ethe zero is checked.16:52
morehpperliterNExt is16:52
alkisgogra, well, I tried to find this file, but I looked at /etc/dhcpd so I couldn't find it :P :D16:52
morehpperliterWired network (Kingston)16:52
morehpperliterWired connection 2 is checked.16:52
morehpperliterIs that right?16:52
alkisgmorehpperliter: Well, the names of the connections do not mean something (at least to me).16:53
morehpperliterI was trying to find out if the defaults were still right.16:54
alkisgDo this: cat /etc/default/dhcp3-server16:54
alkisgAnd paste here the INTERFACES line16:54
ograby default it should be INTERFACES=""16:55
ograif not, make it look like that16:55
ograis eth2 physically the device your thin client network is connected to ?16:55
morehpperliterYes. I have it connected to  a swtich.16:56
morehpperliterI have also tried direct.16:56
ograand you are sure the devices are the right way round, the cable isnt in the wrong one16:56
morehpperliterpretty sure.16:58
morehpperliterThough I cannot connect to IRC on it ...16:59
morehpperliterSo maybe something else is up.16:59
ograyou might have mixed up the two interfaces ... try changing the cables around16:59
alkisgogra, btw, why /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf is used instead of /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf ?17:00
ograalkisg, so that installing ltsp-server-standalone doesnt break your dhcp setup17:00
ograthat way admins can just delete /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf which is a conffile, and dpkg will respect that ... you can easily go on using /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf and we dont need to mangle existing configs17:01
morehpperliterI am changing cables completely.17:02
ograand if you dont use /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf yet, it will provide you a default config that works out of the box (at least from CD installs)17:02
alkisgAh! I didn't know that if /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf was deleted, then /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf would be used... Thanks, ogra17:02
ograthe trick is that we use the dpkg conffile mechanism which means it will never be restored17:03
alkisgmorehpperliter: why don't you try pinging the server from another PC? It's a lot more easier to test connectivity with ping than messing with dhcp server...17:04
morehpperliterI deleted the wired connection 1 and 2.17:04
morehpperliterI am online now.17:04
ograok, at least one cable is right and at least one connection is configure crorrectly then17:05
ogracan you put the output of ifconfig -a and the content of /etc/network/interfaces on paste.ubuntu.com for us ?17:05
morehpperliterIts called head...17:08
morehpperliterFor some reason.17:08
ograyou still didnt fox your /etc/default/dhcp3-server17:08
ograremove eth2 there17:09
ograand show the content of your /etc/network/interfaces as well17:09
headIm confused17:13
headHow do you want me to remove it?17:13
ograedit the file, so it looks like: INTERFACES=""17:13
alkisgsudo vi /etc/default/dhcp3-server17:13
ograor sudo nano /etc/default/dhcp3-server if you dont get along with vi17:14
morehpperliterHow do I write out?17:17
ograwith vi ?17:17
morehpperliterand ctrl-x17:18
morehpperliterNot enough coffee bit of a linux-newb17:18
headOkay so I blacked it out.17:18
ograthats fine, we all started somewhere :)17:18
headOkay so I blanked it out.17:18
headI'm more into hardware hacking.17:18
ogranow paste the content of your /etc/network/interfaces file17:19
ogracat /etc/network/interfaces17:19
ograand drop that inot paste.ubuntu.com17:19
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/118886/ shows that you dont have an eth117:21
alkisgogra, I think it'd be easier if he modified  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to change eth2 to eth117:21
alkisgHe changed NICs17:21
ograbut http://paste.ubuntu.com/118889/ hows that you tried to configure it17:21
ograsudo nano /etc/network/interfaces17:21
ograreplace eth1 with eth217:21
ograin line 13 and 14 of http://paste.ubuntu.com/118889/17:22
headgot it.17:22
ograsave the file and reboot ... all should work then17:22
morehpperliterThanks so much.17:22
ograalkisg, well, easier is relative :)17:22
ograalkisg, but yes, that would be an option as well17:23
morehpperliterthis has been an enjoyable Irc visit.17:23
alkisgYeah, but he may get into trouble later on with eth0 and eth2 with no eth1... he'll mix them up :)17:23
ogracome back if you have more questions :)17:23
ograalkisg, given that there will never be an eth1 i doubt that will be an issue17:24
Lnsgooooooood morning vietnaaaam! =p17:24
alkisgHeeeey Lns :)17:24
ograeth0 is always the outbound facing interface ... and *the other* is the TC interface :)17:24
ogranot to hard to keep in mind17:25
Lnshey alkisg, ogra =)17:25
ograhey Lns17:25
morehpperlitercool its getting farther than before!17:27
morehpperliterAm I limited to on query a day?17:27
morehpperliterAm I limited to one query a day?17:27
ograyu have to send more virtual beer for more queries :)17:27
morehpperliterI have  a keg.17:28
morehpperliterIS remote connection disabled in edubuntu?17:28
morehpperliterI am getting the error no matchin security types.17:28
alkisgLns, about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/277069/comments/13 - did you try `chattr`? Gadi proposed it to me for a similar problem, and it was OK as a workaround...17:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 277069 in libxcb "Java slow on remote X" [Low,Incomplete]17:29
Lnsalkisg: that is a good idea. Just hope it wouldn't cause any package upgrades/ldconfig to fail and leave anything in limbo by not being able to replace that symlink17:32
LnsWas thinking of implementing chattr attributes for .desktop files that i customize too so they don't get overwritten upon program upgrade17:32
Lnsits just hard to keep note of all the "little things" I do to a server, to keep track =) I need to implement a wiki for all the servers i care for17:32
alkisgLns, I've no idea, I tried it for pxelinux.cfg/default (not in a package) and for some other file in /etc (don't remember which), and had no problem so far...17:33
Lnsalkisg: yeah.. im sure it would probably work fine17:33
* Lns wants to implement a gui for automated thin-client shutdown/startup that can be used by "normal" techs (i.e. don't like the commandline) - to alter times for shutdown/startup...and possibly package it with some help17:34
alkisgLns, you already have the scripts, don't you? It should be easy to use pygtk or something...17:35
Lnsalkisg: well they're not really scripts as much as howtos17:36
Lnsnot sure how much i can put into an automated script thing..they use cron - so i think i could probably just use root user-based cron jobs instead of altering /etc/crontab, etc.17:36
morehpperliterOn setting up LTSP cient...17:39
morehpperliterDisconnecting: que, disconnect, sock, done17:39
morehpperliter[  18.719276] nbd0: Recieve control failed (result -32)17:40
morehpperliterAny thoughts?17:40
ograhow did you install ltsp on the server ?17:40
morehpperliterAlternative install disk. [F4 ]17:41
morehpperliterIntstall LTSP server.17:41
ograhmm, that should be fine then17:46
ogradid you change other setup options like the  dpkg-reconfigure dhcp3-server you did ?17:47
ograoh, and does it actually stop booting at that point ?17:47
morehpperliterI dont think I changed anything else.17:51
morehpperliterAnd yes it stops.17:52
morehpperliterI'm using rom-o-matic's ehterboot.17:58
ograthat should be fine17:58
morehpperliterTrying it with a EEE's I get a vsync error. Which I expected due to screen size.17:59
ograbut it finishes booting ?18:00
morehpperliterKernel panic.18:01
morehpperliterI have an MSI wind sitting here.18:01
morehpperliterLet me grab another machine...18:01
ograhow do you get to a vsync error if you have a kernel panic ?18:01
ograX starts way after the kernel has booted18:01
morehpperliterIt's a sync error.18:02
morehpperliterusb  problems.18:03
ograwhat did you say you use ? 8.10 ?18:03
ogralsb_release -r18:05
ograwhat does that tell you ?18:05
ograif you use modern HW like an eee or wind you should use PXE rather18:09
ograinstead of etherboot18:09
morehpperliterright I am.18:09
ogranewer HW ususally has PXE capable network cards18:09
morehpperliterI get the USB error.18:09
ograyou said you use rom-o-matic18:09
ograthats etherboot or gpxe18:10
ogranot PXE18:10
morehpperliterOn a way old gates computer.18:10
morehpperliterI also have a eee that is going straight into PXE.18:10
* ogra must admit he's a bit out of ideas, probably the guys in #ltsp have more ...18:15
morehpperliterOk thanks.18:16
Lnsmorehpperliter: both machines can't boot?18:16
Lnsmorehpperliter: did you customize your chroot at all?18:16
Lnsmorehpperliter: have you upgraded your chroot to latest packages?18:17
morehpperliterI ran all updates. Can I manually force this?18:17
ograLns, he'S running 8.10, that should be fine with the default set18:17
Lnsogra: k..just going through the motions :)18:17
ograright, dont let me stop you :)18:18
Lnsmorehpperliter: you ran all updates INSIDE the chroot?18:18
Lnsor just on the server?18:18
morehpperliterIs there a way I can check this?18:18
morehpperliterJust the server I suppose.18:18
Lnsmorehpperliter: this howto is for hardy, so change it for ibex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/UpdatingChroot18:18
Lnsogra: real quick, it's a good idea to mount --bind /dev in chroot when upgrading right? I always get a "cannot open /dev/pty blah blah" when upgrading.. if so, can you give me the best mount cmd to put into the howto?18:19
ograno, no good idea18:22
Lnsogra: umm... not a good idea, or yes a good idea? :)18:24
ogranot a good idea18:24
Lnsok, sounds like a plan to me hehe18:24
ograblindly giving the chroot access to all servers HW is never a good idea ....18:24
ograif anything goes wrong you trash the complete server18:25
ograsudo chroot $ROOT mkdir -p /dev/pts18:25
ograsudo chroot $ROOT mount -t devpts devpts -o noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620 /dev/pts18:25
ograand dont forget to unmount it at the end18:25
Lnsogra: does ltsp-update-image look for mounted /dev/pts as it does /proc?18:26
ogra /dev/pts isnt needed for anything18:27
Lnsogra: maybe just easier to disregard those msgs then18:27
ograits just cosmetic18:27
Lnsok...i'll just put a note in there to disregard it18:27
ograltsp-update-image could grow a mount command indeed18:27
ogralike the above18:27
ografile a whishlist bug and add my two lines to it :)18:28
Lnsok =)18:28
morehpperliterwas that for me?18:31
Lnsogra: bug for ltsp upstream or ltsp ubuntu (both?)18:31
morehpperliterCause I'm done now...18:31
ograits apt thats complaining about pts18:31
Lnsoh yeah..duhy18:32
morehpperliterStill the same problem.18:33
Lnsogra: just fyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/33019418:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 330194 in ltsp "ltsp-update-image should grow a 'mount' command for /dev/pts" [Undecided,New]18:34
morehpperliterwind booted fine18:39
Lnssbalneav: 'morning! Can you give me any updated info on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/281498 ? I noticed while on-site at a school last Friday that all the clients still hang for a good amount of time (up to 30sec) and also causes other booting clients to not receive a DHCP lease (guessing due to heavy server i/o?)18:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 281498 in ltsp "/etc/init.d/ltsp-client-setup has bashisms" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:40
morehpperliterCool thanks folks.18:41
Lnsmorehpperliter:  ? you got it going?18:42
morehpperliterSome what.18:45
morehpperliterNot nearly as bulletproof as I was told..18:46
Lnsmorehpperliter: it's strange that you'd be having these issues right off the bat18:46
morehpperliterNot one of my king Midas days.18:47
morehpperliterSo do I setup individual User accounts now?18:49
morehpperliterI think I may have been premature in my thought that the original machine wasnt working...18:50
morehpperliterThe cursor is still blinking.18:51
=== Meshezabeel is now known as Meshezabeel-away
=== ogra is now known as waldorf
=== waldorf is now known as ogra
=== Meshezabeel-away is now known as Meshezabeel
stgraberLns: around ?23:33
Lnsstgraber: howdy!23:33
Lnshappy 3:33. ;)23:33
stgraberLns: hi, just got a bunch of mail from LP about your nbd bug, when exactly are they crashing ?23:33
Lnsstgraber: they *hang* at "Negotiation: "23:34
stgraberso when they're reconnecting the NBD ?23:34
stgraberor right after the initramfs ?23:34
Lnsstgraber: during swapfile creation i believe.23:35
Lnslemme dig up the code23:35
stgraberis that with stock Intrepid ?23:35
stgraberbecause I fixed that race condition in Jaunty and in my PPA for Intrepid23:35
stgraberat least I used to have that bug with some powerful thin clients and now it continues booting just fine (the kernel message is the expect behavior, nothing weird there)23:36
Lnsstgraber: http://pastebot.ltsp.org/253 - no, it's hardy.23:36
Lnsi know, hardy is ancient... :)23:36
Lnsthe quote issue has been fixed, and that might *help* the issue, i need to test. I hadn't done that fix at all my sites23:37
Lnsin:   if [ -n "$(ps ax|grep nbd$i)" ]; then23:38
stgraberoh, Hardy :) I have no idea what we have in Hardy's init scripts :)23:38
stgraberI fixed a few NBD issues in Intrepid and tried to clean up most of the init scripts23:38
Lnsstgraber: any possibility of an SRU for hardy? pretty please? :)23:39
stgraberif someone does it yes :)23:39
LnsI can test it!23:39
stgraberI don't have the time required to cherry-pick the fixes and prepare a SRU23:39
LnsI'm not good enough to cherry pick them23:39
stgraberdoing a SRU for Hardy will fix a lot of bugs for sure but will also take a lot of time as most things have been rewritten upstream since then :)23:39
stgraberwell, I already gave up doing the SRUs for Intrepid so for Hardy ...23:40
Lnswhen's the next lts out?23:40
Lnsthat's my determining factor for upgrading.23:40
Lns(as many others)23:40
stgraberfor now my LTSP work is: Make it rocks in the current devel release and backport everything to the previous one23:40
stgraberI unfortunately don't have the time to do the updates :(23:40
stgraberlikely 10.0423:41
Lnsstgraber: Yeah, that's what I get from most devs unfortunately :) the testing releases are always priority over stable23:41
Lnsugh..that's a long time23:41
LnsI sure wish there was an easier mechanism for getting things into Hardy..like an LTS update team or something23:41
Lnsthere's no way production environments can run a non-stable release23:41
Lnsi tried...it was too much for me. way too much23:42
stgraberwhat I do for my customers with LTSP cluster is: Application server running the latest stable (currently Intrepid), nbd root on the latest stable (currently Intrepid) and all the infrastructure (dns, dhcp, web servers, ldap, ltsp-cluster services) on LTS23:42
stgraberwith LTSP being a backport from the devel version23:43
stgraberI usually test the new devel version on my own network (at home), then at the office, then pushed to my customers23:43
LnsI dunno about running the ibex on all my servers23:43
Lnsi know its considered stable, but its definitely not as worked through as hardy23:44
stgraberfor application servers its fine and if you want working localapps, you don't have the choice as hardy's ssh is too old23:44
Lnsfor one simple thing to go wrong with any aspect of the system, i have 7 techs screaming at me23:44
Lnsright...localapps is one thing that lures me23:45
Lnsmy situation is that i'm the only one that administrates (in this fashion) my 9 LTSP networks23:45
stgraberwell, I manage >3k thin clients network and >30k users each :)23:45
Lnsso any changes need to be absolutely bulletproof23:46
Lnsstgraber: yeah but you're not the only one! =)23:46
Lnsyou have backup, i don't ;)23:46
stgrabercurrently, we're 2 or 3 to manage 5 school districts or something like that :)23:46
stgraberI'm mainly doing the devel and debug part of the work though23:47
Lnsstgraber: you work for canonical right? or no?23:47
Lnsoh! thought you did.23:47
stgraberRevolution Linux23:47
Lnsoh wow, didn't realize23:47
Lnsthe pulse flash guys! ;)23:48
LaserJockLns: -updates does need to be fairly bulletproof23:49
LnsLaserJock: for ibex or hardy?23:49
Lnswhich one is *more* bulletproof ;)23:49
stgraberrules are the same23:49
LaserJockthat's why we need people testing -proposed23:49
Lnsand which one, overall, has less issues?23:49
LaserJockI'm not sure23:50
stgrabernot sure actually :)23:50
LaserJockdepends on the packages23:50
stgraberI tend to report bugs in Intrepid and make sure they're fixed there23:50
stgrabernot in Hardy23:50
LnsOOo, firefox..23:50
stgraberso desktop is probably better in Intrepid I'd say23:50
stgraberHardy is probably better for the server part though23:50
Lnsbut things move so much faster with non-lts...new bugs are introduced with new packages that are just waiting to be reported23:51
Lnsthe timed release thing is a positive thing for lts23:51
LaserJockI don't think there's any difference with LTSes23:51
LaserJocksubstantial differences anyway23:51
Lnswell what the hell makes it LTS worthy then?! =p23:51
LaserJockit has longer term support23:52
LaserJockhence L T S ;-)23:52
Lnssupport != bugfixes though, obviously23:52
Lnssince they're getting fixed in the newer versions first23:52
LaserJockit can23:52
stgraberI'm usually using OpenVZ (chroot with resource limitations and network emulation) for my systems. The host being hardy, then each service is in its own VZ with its own IP and the best release for it23:52
LaserJockit generally has the same level of support, just for a longer about of time23:52
stgraberso for a DNS server I'd use unbound from Intrepid, for a web server, hardy, for an application server, intrepid, ...23:52
stgraberadvantage of OpenVZ being how fast it's, it's basically improved chroot so no side-effect like real virtualization (xen/kvm)23:53
* Lns wonders why he always gets confused when discussing benefits of LTS vs. non-LTS23:54
stgrabercurrently my rule is that all physical server must run a LTS release (so I don't have to upgrade the host every 1.5 year), then run OpenVZ VMs in whatever release is the best23:56
LnsI would have to assume that being on a LongTermSupport version means that you are supported for a longer amount of time...but it seems the support provided is second-tier to the non-LTS (read: devel) versions, which imho, is a complete oxymoron situation23:56
LaserJockwell, it's more *length* than *amount* of support23:56
LaserJocknah, it's just not always easy23:56
LnsLaserJock: well that's like saying "For the more stable version, we'll support you for longer, but you have to wait longer for fixes, if we even backport/SRU it"23:57
Lnswhich is like a false sense of stability23:57
stgraberwell, developers should be focusing on developing. Though that means a second group of people who take care of the updates, unfortunately there isn't enough of them.23:57
LaserJockit's also harder to backport as you go along23:57
Lnsi understand23:57
LaserJockso Hardy got a heck of a lot updates early on23:58
stgraberLns: who said "more stable" ? We're just speaking about long term support, imho Hardy wasn't a good release23:58
LaserJocknow that Intrepid is out it's hard to do more23:58
stgraberwe had to wait 8.04.1 to get something really stable23:58
Lnsstgraber: well that's the thing. you'd think support == stability, since it's being supported23:58
Lnsit just seems so weird to me.23:59
LaserJockwell, support is support23:59
LaserJockstability ends up being how much you screw around with things23:59
LaserJockcompared to when you started23:59
LnsLaserJock: not if there's issues with the stock binaries/scripts23:59

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