
* cwillu can't remember whether he promised to huggle, or to stop huggling, so he huggles dtchen for a few moments and then stops 00:31
dtchenyou promised both depending on my preference00:32
* cwillu awaits dtchen's preference00:32
dtchenof course by the time you were moaning about it, i had already committed the fix to bzr, as i had typed here00:32
cwillusorry, I got the impression you were talking about the race condition exclusively00:33
frantaHi every one! I don't know if this is the right place, but I'll ask anyway... I've found that Jaunty doesn't recognize my mp3 player, but I don't know where to report that...00:40
macofranta: what do you mean doesnt recognize? and what kind is it?00:42
_VIM_Hi, what file(S) do I need for guest Addtions in Virtualbox? I know it's some header dev package or something...I have the KDE jaunty.00:44
frantamaco: it's sansa e270 and lsusb shows it , but it doesn't get an entry in /dev .. like /dev/sdx1 or something... wonder if it's because I'm running Jaunty on an external disk...00:44
dtchenfranta: Sansas normally have a hardware toggle between MTP and UMS00:46
frantamaco: I have kubuntu, but I don't think that matters...00:46
dtchens/UMS/MSC/ depending on the context00:46
frantadtchen: yes, I know... there's MTP and MCU or something like that... I have it set so it acts as mass storage...00:47
frantaI'm on Hardy now and it works..00:47
dtchenfranta: that's odd; hal-info has a specific quirk for your Sansa e27000:49
dtchen(obviously, it *should* work000:49
frantadtchen: I think it's because I'm booting from usb hdd...00:49
frantabut flash drive works...00:49
_VIM_Hi, what file(S) do I need for guest Addtions in Virtualbox? I know it's some header dev package or something...I have the KDE jaunty.00:57
franta_VIM_: isn't it included?01:05
_VIM_I guess not :(01:05
_VIM_cant get it to install01:05
cwillu_VIM_, you can use the download from virtualbox's site (afaict, virtualbox-ose-guest-utils doesn't include the windows guest utils).  It's just a matter of dumping the file in the location it's expecting, which is documented in the man pages01:06
_VIM_somthing bout "kernel config is invalid..."01:06
_VIM_no i'ts a not a windows guest01:06
_VIM_it's a KDE Jaunty guest01:07
cwillu!info linux-headers01:08
ubottuPackage linux-headers does not exist in jaunty01:08
cwillu!info linux-headers-generic01:08
ubottulinux-headers-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel headers. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB01:08
_VIM_i installed that01:08
cwilluno idea then, sorry01:09
_VIM_np thanks anyways :)01:09
FFForeverdtchen, you around?01:34
FFForever2sorry my wifi died are u around?01:36
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
cwillumaco, sorry, just saw your pm now01:41
FFForever2can someone anyone help me get my mic working, i was talking with dtchen about a week and a half ago and he said something about alsa that ships with ubuntu 9.04 does not have the patch i need for my mic =\01:42
=== FFForever2 is now known as FFForever
FFForeveri have a hp 6810us01:43
FFForeverplease someone...01:46
nblracerwhat is cca?02:04
FFForeverAnyone wanna help me fix meh mic?02:47
charlie-tcaProbably many want to, but do not know how, FFForever02:49
FFForeveri have searched but no one seems 2 know how =(02:49
macoFFForever: has it ever worked in ubuntu?02:50
FFForevermaco, nope =(02:50
macoalsa-info.sh link?02:50
macoand have you filed a bug?02:51
FFForevermaco, that url is invalid for me =(02:51
FFForeverand i didn't file a bug because no one ever responds 2 them =(02:52
blizzleHello. I'm trying to get a TNT2 working in Jaunty with Nvidia's drivers. Jockey doesn't appear to see anything available, I've epically failed at downloading nvidia's .run package.. any pointers?02:56
RAOFblizzle: Whee! Old-skool.02:56
blizzleRAOF: Yeah, it's a tad ancient!02:56
RAOFblizzle: You'll need to be using the nvidia-glx-96 series drivers.  I'm not sure if they actually work with Jaunty's Xserver yet, though.02:56
blizzleRAOF: From what I've read, I need the glx-71 series.02:57
RAOFThat's entirely possible.  It's been some time since I had a TNT2 :)02:57
macoFFForever: haha sure we respond. dtchen goes through a *lot* of sound bugs02:57
macoFFForever: and i was asking you for the link supplied by downloading and running http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh02:58
blizzleRAOF: So I should give up, then, and forget accelerated 3d for now? :/02:58
FFForevermaco, ahhh whoops .sh is also a tld...02:59
macofor what country? O_o02:59
RAOFblizzle: It looks like the nvidia-glx-71 package should be installable, at least.02:59
blizzleRAOF: It is, and I have. Doesn't seem to help things much, though.. what am I missing?03:00
blizzleRAOF: I mean, Jockey should pick up the driver and offer to enable it, no?03:00
RAOFblizzle: Do you have it specified in xorg.conf?03:00
macoFFForever: looking03:01
RAOFblizzle: I would think so, yes.  Do you have the nvidia-71-modaliases package installed?  That's how jockey works out whether your card is supported.03:01
FFForevermaco thanks03:01
blizzleRAOF: Nothing at all in xorg.conf, and yes, all -71 related packages are installed, including source.03:02
RAOFblizzle: running 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' should set your driver to the nvidia binary.  I'm not sure why jockey isn't seeing the driver (and suspect it means that the driver doesn't officially support our Xserver)03:03
macoFFForever: is the mic recognized as a capture device?03:04
FFForevermaco how do i check?, i went though audacity (launched as root) and tried each "device" and none of them was picking up sound03:05
blizzleRAOF: Command not found on nvidia-xconfig03:05
RAOFWell, that's rather stupid.  That command was introduced in 96, it seems.03:06
RAOFblizzle: Basically you want to have Driver "nvidia" in you Device section.03:06
blizzleRAOF: I heard that support for legacy hardware was removed in Intrepid.. would that have any bearing on the issue.. and do I need to install -96?03:06
crdlbI believe there's a separate nvidia-xconfig package for -7103:07
macoFFForever: padsp audacity03:07
blizzlecrdlb, Oh? Where would I find it.. it's not coming up.03:07
RAOFblizzle: Nvidia has been progressively stripping legacy support out of its new drivers, yes (to the point where we now have *four* nvidia drivers in the archive).  But the -71 driver will still drive your TNT203:08
macoFFForever: that should route audacity through pulse. see what happens.03:08
crdlbI guess somebody removed it in jaunty03:08
FFForevermaco uhhh =(03:09
macoFFForever: dtchen's got the same sound as you in his laptop and he says the mic is detected, but it's not getting recorded, so try that way03:09
blizzleRAOF: I'm pessimistically optimistic :)03:09
crdlbthe intrepid package looks a bit broken (it conflicts against nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new instead of the new numbered pkgs)03:09
macoFFForever: what?03:09
FFForevermaco now i have no devices listed03:09
macoFFForever: do you have pulseaudio running?03:09
FFForeveri think?03:09
FFForeveri hear sound?03:09
macops -ef | grep pulse03:09
FFForeveryeah =)03:10
macopasuspender -- audacity03:10
macowhat then?03:10
FFForevermaco should i relaunch audacity first?03:11
macokill all running audacities03:11
macothen do that03:11
FFForevermaco nope =(03:12
macoFFForever: test this: arecord -Dplughw:003:12
FFForeverthat is what it keeps outputting03:13
FFForever(into my terminal)03:13
macowait are we talking about a mic jack or one that's on the screen?03:13
FFForeverthe one right above the screen =)03:14
macosince you have internal and external mic listed along with doc mic03:14
FFForeveri want to use the one that is right above the screen (internal)03:14
macoif you tap the screen or speak loudly into the mic does the output change?03:14
FFForeverwell i think its listed as internal but i don't know =(03:14
macoyes, internal means the screen mic03:15
FFForevermaco just lots of ?...03:15
FFForeveri cant record from audacity =(03:15
macothe ?'s never change when you make loud noises?03:15
FFForevernope but they do come in blocks =\03:15
FFForeverwell yeah like sets of 5-1003:16
macodo they pause or come faster when you make noises?03:16
FFForeverbtw the mic works (i tested it in xp)03:17
FFForeveri hate having 2 go into windows to talk on skype =(03:18
macoFFForever: have you updated in the last 2 hours or so?03:19
FFForeveri think...03:20
macocan you please check for new updates?03:20
macodtchen just put out a bunch of new sound stuff this afternoon03:20
macos/put out/uploaded/03:20
FFForever(i am not using the main mirror but a closer one 2 me should i switch?)03:21
macoyou've got him very confused by the way, since he's got a slightly newer version of the same sound card as you03:21
FFForevermaco i talked 2 him about a week and a half ago and he said something about alsa not having a patch or something like that03:22
macohaha and now he's grumbling that it stopped working on his when it used to work, so there's a regression for him03:22
FFForevershould i stop the upgrade?03:23
macono install the updates anyway03:23
FFForeverkk done03:23
FFForeverdo i need 2 reboot?03:24
macotesting against current usually is most reliable testing03:24
macoat least log out and back in for the new pulseaudio03:24
macoif there was a new kernel for you, then yes, reboot03:24
macoFFForever: he just grabbed my 1/8" plug mic and tested, and he knows what's wrong. external mic works fine. internal is broken because 1 of the pins is reversed in the kernel.03:29
macohe said he'll fix it in a bit03:29
macoin the meantime he says if you have a plugin mic, that should work03:29
FFForevermaco no external mic for me =(03:30
FFForevercan you please ask him when i should be expecting a patch in the repo (tmw, a week, etc)03:30
dtchen(i'm right here, so you don't need to relay)03:30
macooh youre online now03:31
FFForeverahhh cool03:31
dtchenFFForever: with the next kernel upload, hopefully, but no guarantees - really depends on free time03:31
FFForeverdtchen, so in about a week?03:32
dtchenFFForever: perhaps, probably more likely to be a couple weeks03:32
FFForevercool ive waited since 8.04 so a little longer won't hurt03:33
FFForeverdtchen, thanks for all of your help and time03:34
JesperHansenwth is wrong with the terminal in jaunty? I am having a hard time selecting any text and if I do it gets pasted automatically to the command line. What is this for a kind of behavior :O03:39
macoJesperHansen: only in the terminal?03:40
* JesperHansen suspects this mousepad left click is bogus03:42
macoJesperHansen: right. what version of xserver-xorg-input-synaptics are you using?03:42
macothis sounds like 0.99.3-1ubuntu103:42
maco2ubuntu2 is out03:44
JesperHansenhmm, still doing it. cat /dev/input/mice makes only one backspace when I press the left click as only one click is detected, but gnome detects multiple03:48
JesperHansenumm.. ctrl+alt+backspace gone in jauntry?03:50
macoby default, disabled, jsut like in upstream Xorg03:51
maco1) some people accidentally hit it when they switch workspaces03:51
maco2) devs would rather people report bugs in graphics than hit c-a-b and ignore them03:51
macoyou can re-enable it like this http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/?p=33503:52
JesperHansenIs there btw. some way to make the apport application suck less?03:53
JesperHansenie. not requiring people to create an account03:53
JesperHansenon launchpad03:53
macoer...if you dont have an lp account, how do you intend to respond to developers' requests for more information?03:54
JesperHansenConsider comparing it with mozilla firefox's talkback when firefox crashes. The user provides an email if more information should be needed.03:55
FFForevermaco any idea why i have 2 hold a key 2 boot my system when my power cable is not plugged in?03:55
JesperHansenAll of my bug reporting for ubuntu stops when I see I need to login and create an account. Like "pfffft, don't have time to create an account.. Do it later or actually, never"03:56
macoFFForever: acpi03:56
FFForeverany idea on fixing it?03:57
macoJesperHansen: or create 1 accout once and never again...03:57
macoJesperHansen: where does the boot stop?03:57
JesperHansenmaco: did I mention a boot?03:58
macoJesperHansen: er...that was at FFForever03:58
macoremembering which person to answer is almost as hard as remembering what language to speak03:58
FFForeveri am lost?03:59
maco(try studying 2 foreign languages at once. you'll answer people speaking $lang1 in $lang2 and those speaking $lang2 in $lang1, i guarantee it)03:59
FFForevermaco u do it?03:59
macoFFForever: at what point does booting stop working if you dont hold those keys?03:59
FFForeveri don't even see the loading bar =\04:00
macoFFForever: turn off usplash and tell me where it stops04:00
macoit gets past grub, right?04:00
FFForevermaco i see the grub selection menu but after that i get a blank screen, then i hold a key till it finished loading and its all gold04:02
scottywzcan someone help me with a problem opening terminal sessions?04:02
FFForeverand everything is gold if my power is plugged in04:02
macoFFForever: in grub, edit the boot line to not say "quiet splash"04:03
macothen watch where it stops when you dont hold a key04:03
macoor see if maybe it works when you turn off usplash that way04:04
FFForevermaco like this?, quiet           splash04:04
macothe boot line already says "quiet splash"04:06
macodelete that and then boot04:06
FFForeverohhh i added it i was just making sure it was right....04:06
macoif you dont know, you have to highlight the boot line in grub, hit "e" to edit, go down to the kernel line on that screen, hit "e" to edit that line, then delete those, hit enter, and then "b" to boot04:06
FFForeveri was adding it 2 menu.lst....04:06
macono no those 2 options are auto-added in menu.lst04:07
macoyou dont need to touch that file to do a one-time option-edit04:07
macogrub's interactive04:07
FFForeverill do it later i need 2 finish this project04:10
scottywzcan somebody please help me with a problem opening terminal sessions?04:15
scottywzim getting "PTY allocation request failed on channel 0" when I try to ssh into my jaunty box04:16
westyvwproblems with touchpad on asus n20a in jaunty. works with latest sidux. copy xorg.conf for synaptics pad?04:22
westyvwproblem is an understatement, doesnt work at all04:22
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pwnguinRAOF: is it possible that nouveau is confusing the font engine somehow?06:18
RAOFWhat do you mean?06:18
pwnguinlemme bring up a screenshot06:19
RAOFCorruption, or large fonts?06:19
pwnguinsee the av in the playlist (and elsewhere)?06:21
pwnguinlast time i had bad font problems, it was a dpi thing06:22
pwnguinbut nobody seems to be having this problem but me so perhaps im doing something wrong =/06:23
mjcpwnguin: xdpyinfo06:23
pwnguinmjc: http://pastebin.com/f6641b62e06:24
mjcpwnguin: 381x238 millimeters the actual size of your display?06:24
pwnguinmillimeters sound small06:25
pwnguinlemme translate that first =/06:25
pwnguinits 14.1 inch widescreen06:25
pwnguinthose dimensions sound about right06:26
pwnguinactually no06:27
pwnguin381 is 15 inches06:27
pwnguinwell, bumping up the dpi does fix it, but kinda tweaks the fonts all over06:34
pwnguinwith the exception of a few kernings, 96 dpi seemed fine06:35
mjcpwnguin: well your monitor might be misreporting size06:36
mjcor the ratio is wrong06:36
mjccan you measure it exactly and find out? use a milimeter ruler from inside edge to inside edge06:36
macoor do inches * 25.406:37
mjcmaco: milimeter ruler for accuracy06:37
mjcnot for conversion06:37
mjcwell sorry, s/accuracy/precision/06:37
macomjc: might not own a millimeter ruler06:37
mjcmaco: most rules have both on them06:37
macothen again there are pdf rulers out there06:38
RAOFpwnguin: It is possible that nouveau is corrupting that.06:38
mjcpwnguin: it's most likely the monitor misreporting size06:38
mjcbut if not that, then nouveau06:38
pwnguinsadly, my rulers only go to 1 ft06:43
pwnguinif you want mm precision, i should just dig up the specs06:43
yossarian'lo peeps06:44
yossarianso i shouldn't endeavour to install jaunty jackalope on ext4?06:45
pwnguinwhy not?06:45
macomight lose data06:47
* pwnguin has been using ext4 for a few weeks now06:47
yossarianhow safe is it?06:48
yossarianand how long 'til it's 'usable'?06:48
crdlba filesystem is just not something you experiment with06:54
pwnguinsure it is06:54
crdlbI like to be in at least the bottom 90% on things like that06:54
pwnguinthere's a tradeoff in filesystems06:54
pwnguinnew features versus testing and bugs06:55
macopwnguin: er...thats the tradeoff in everything06:55
crdlband ext3 is "good enough"06:56
yossariani have an unrelated question, though. i'm on 64bit intrepid and i'm having certain problems, like viewing flash videos in full screen. is there any point in using 64bit or should i revert to 32 for the time being?06:56
pwnguinmaco: with the exception that filesystems generally make their way to bug free06:56
yossariani'm not a complete n00b, though, just very close to one :)06:56
pwnguinand the worst they can deal out is bigger than a bluescreen06:57
pwnguinfedora 11's shipping ext4 by default i think06:57
crdlbfedora is fedora06:57
pwnguinwhich is probably a bit premature06:57
crdlbfedora is a permanent alpha ;P06:58
pwnguinkernel.org removed the EXPERIMENTAL tag back in december or so06:58
pwnguinif you don't make regular backups, its probably a good idea to stay away from ext4 just in case06:59
pwnguinits also a good idea to start making backups06:59
crdlbimho, if you have something on ext4 and on a backup, you only have one copy of it :)06:59
pwnguinmy backups are on raid 007:00
SwedeMikeone should wait a couple of years before a filesystem goes out of experimental, unless there is a real good reason to start using it immediately.07:02
SwedeMikeI would never do it just because it's fun (on a box where the information is important)07:02
pwnguinthis is #ubuntu+107:03
pwnguinanyone running jaunty has to deal with breaking in bad ways07:04
pwnguinyou're probably not running your webserver or mysql DB on jaunty07:04
pwnguinanyways, online defrag's pretty nice if you care about boot speed07:05
SwedeMikepwnguin: well, I wouldn't run ext4 even when jaunty is properly released.07:06
SwedeMikeat least not on a box which is important07:07
pwnguinagain, it depends on your definition of important and tolerance for risk07:07
ronnypwnguin: major issues with sound here07:07
pwnguinit should come as no surprise that ted tso is using ext4 on his desktop now07:10
dtchenronny: "major"?07:15
ronnydtchen: suddenly the pc-speaker beek works, and the rest is silent07:16
ronnythe only sound config that seems to work is oss07:17
ronnybut only for the tests from the sound preferences07:17
dtchenronny: alsa-info.sh output?07:18
ronnydtchen: where do i get that one?07:19
ronnynm, should have googled (TM)07:22
ronnydtchen: http://dpaste.com/121136/07:30
ronnywhat i dont et is why the heck pulse is not actually running07:31
dtchenit probably is; what does pgrep -f pulseaudio return?07:32
ronnyoh yikes07:32
dtchensorry, you probably don't want -f07:32
dtchenanyhow, please unmute 'Surround', 'Center', and 'LFE'07:33
ronnyi just figured one of the reason - it pumped all of my sound into a rtp thing07:33
ronnybut why the heck?!07:33
dtchendid you configure it to do so using paman?07:33
ronnyi wonder how that happended07:34
ronnyi think i did set up in intrepid, but it worked there07:34
=== dns is now known as dns53
=== dns is now known as dns53
yossarianhum this is weird09:48
yossarianjust updated to jaunty09:48
yossarianand it seems to work nicely09:48
macoexcept its alpha software?09:48
yossarianwhen i try to enable compiz it says 'desktop effects could not be enabled'09:48
TheInfinityno 3d drivers? ;)09:48
yossariani have nvidia 18009:49
fosco_this is a common and well known jaunty problem09:49
yossarianany way to bypass it?09:49
yossariani tried deleting /dev/nvidiactl09:49
TheInfinitywait until its fixed ;)09:49
fosco_http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6378516&postcount=25 <- the bug and how to solve it09:50
yossarianhmm i don't get it :-s09:51
BUGabundoguud morning!09:51
yossariani can't find the solution there :\09:56
BUGabundois gnome-do dependency broken?09:59
macoBUGabundo: probably since it's written in mono and mono is broken (i cant update f-spot because itll break tomboy)10:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 314516 in drapes "gnome-sharp2 transition" [Medium,Confirmed]10:04
BUGabundomaco: I got it finally updated yesterday10:04
BUGabundoit was one queue for weeks10:04
BUGabundobut some how it got broken any way10:04
BUGabundobad APT10:04
BUGabundoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:05
BUGabundo  gnome-sharp2: Depends: libart2.0-cil but it is not going to be installed10:05
BUGabundo                Depends: libgconf2.0-cil but it is not going to be installed10:05
BUGabundo                Depends: libgnome2.0-cil but it is not going to be installed10:05
BUGabundo                Depends: libgnome-vfs2.0-cil but it is not going to be installed10:05
BUGabundoE: Broken packages10:05
macoBUGabundo: here's a hint: aptitude why-not libgconf2.0-cil10:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 330025 in gnome-do "Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'gconf-sharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35e10195dab3c99f' or one of its dependencies." [Undecided,New]10:12
BUGabundoin case anyone wants so sub to it10:12
BUGabundomaco: then the package should have that depency10:13
BUGabundomaco: that lib requires me to remove gnome-do, and not fix it10:15
macoBUGabundo: ugh you dont get it10:16
macognome-do NEEDS a different -cil package10:16
macoone of your other mono apps needs that -cil package10:17
macothose two -cil packages *cannot* peacefully coexist10:17
macodecide which app you want more, or don't update til whichever one wants the older package is updated to work with the newer one10:17
BUGabundomaco that's clear: I want DO10:18
macook so install whatever do needs and itll uninstall whatever needed that10:18
macoit's libgnome2.24-cil that you have to remove10:19
BUGabundobut that's the prob: with ALL installed it still fails to launch10:19
BUGabundobut DO 0.8 requites 2.2410:19
macooh i thought that output above was for do10:20
BUGabundoand then it seems to need gnome-sharpe10:20
BUGabundothat also depends some other stuff that is not instalable10:20
macognome-sharp2 and gnome-do conflict with each other10:20
BUGabundonot here10:21
macognome-sharp2 needs 2.0-cil. gnome-do needs 2.24-cil. 2.0-cil and 2.4-cil cannot co-exist. gnome-do and gnome-sharp2 thus conflict as well10:21
BUGabundoas I said, yesterday it seemed to be fixed10:21
macowhat do you mean "not here"?10:21
BUGabundosomething is wrong with my PPA version then10:21
BUGabundonot here = not on my system10:21
BUGabundoI don't get any conflit10:22
BUGabundoit will install... but not start10:22
macojust because gnome-do doesnt say "no gnome-sharp2" allowed doesnt mean they dont conflict farther along the dependency chain, which is what's happening10:22
macoprobably theyre *supposed* to work together10:22
macosince do is complaining that it cant find sharp10:22
macosince sharp isn installed10:22
macobecause its dependencies conflict with do's dependencies10:22
macoso do conflicts with its own dependency, in effect. as weird as that sounds10:23
BUGabundoits bug on depencies then10:23
macowhen sharp is updated to work with 2.24, they can coexist10:23
BUGabundoI guess10:23
macobasically, gnome-do is not installable until sharp is updated to work with 2.2410:23
BUGabundobut then apt shouldn't have allowed the update to go in10:23
BUGabundoI never force, just in case10:24
zirodayBUGabundo: there is a PPA for do, it works for me on jaunty10:24
macowho says that's apt's fault?10:24
macoapt only knows what the package tells it. maybe the package is wrong.10:24
BUGabundoI know10:24
BUGabundothat's what I said10:24
macodo might not say "i need sharp"10:24
BUGabundoziroday: I have both PPAs (do-core and testers) but it doesn't build for 64 bits10:24
zirodayBUGabundo: ah, can't help you on 64bit sorry10:25
BUGabundomaco that's why I filed that bug! cause it NEEDs it10:25
macohow about a title like "gnome-do's dependencies conflict with each other"10:26
BUGabundofeel free to improve the bug description10:26
macoand if that's from a ppa...whyd you file it in "gnome-do (ubuntu)"10:26
BUGabundoapport did it! (I have a bug on that too... apport should really link to other LP projects)10:27
macoBUGabundo: by the way, is kmail doing stupid stupid things for you?10:27
BUGabundoI also marked it to GO project10:27
BUGabundolike what?10:27
macolike saying that there are new mails but then not actually showing them in the inbox?10:27
BUGabundokmail is working! that's all I need it to do10:27
macoi know i had 260 unread before10:27
BUGabundonot that!10:28
macoit says "263 unread" but there are no new ones highlighted anywhere10:28
BUGabundobut I have some cache prob: some folders have emails, it shows it as bold, but doesn't show the unread count10:28
macorestarting kmail sometimes fixes it10:28
BUGabundoonly all emails number10:28
BUGabundomaco: that's the count of SUBfolders10:28
BUGabundonot that folder10:28
macoit also seems if kmail is running before i get online (such as after resuming from suspend) itll refuse to check for new mail til after i close it and reopen it. which is stupid.10:28
macoBUGabundo: im looking in the inbox folder.10:29
BUGabundothey seem to change the behaviour during 4.x10:29
macothere are no subfolders on my inbox10:29
BUGabundomaco: KIO probs... not kmail by it self10:29
BUGabundothose get jamed...10:29
BUGabundoI always close kmail before hibernate just in case10:29
macothat shouldnt be necessary10:29
BUGabundoyeah, the connections it starts and then are managed by the system libs10:30
BUGabundonot kmail it self10:30
BUGabundojust pkill kio10:30
BUGabundoand you will be fine10:30
maconot that evolution always resumes properly either. but at least 3/4 of the time it resumes properly. kmail never does.10:30
BUGabundokmail works IF it is not looking for mail10:30
macobut theyre not local files, so what's kio for?10:30
BUGabundobut if it is, KIOs will get locked10:30
BUGabundono idea110:30
BUGabundoI have a bunch10:30
macoi dont get it10:30
BUGabundoone for each smtp, imap, pop connection10:31
macoalso, it keeps re-collapsing my threads after i close and open it. i dont want my threads collapsed!10:31
BUGabundothat's a setting!10:32
macoBUGabundo: but i set it to not-collapse. then i restart it and it re-collapses. i want it to store the setting across sessions10:32
macoalso, the threading mode names are completely unintuitive. thank you.10:32
BUGabundomine don't clopass10:33
* BUGabundo needs checking10:33
BUGabundoehhe Works For ME (TM)10:33
macotrying "current activity, threaded" ...maybe that means "there's new stuff so move the thread to the top like gmail"10:34
macobut without putting the messages inside the thread in stack-order like evolution does10:35
BUGabundomaco: I can't find the collapse setting. where is it?10:35
BUGabundoI use mailinglist10:35
macoView menu10:35
BUGabundofor most of my folders10:35
BUGabundosome date asc, some desc10:36
BUGabundoactivity SUCKs10:36
BUGabundomaco: the View menu is not a setting10:36
macoO_o....no option to select thread?10:36
BUGabundoits a state.... it won't be saved!10:36
macoBUGabundo: silly10:36
BUGabundothere's an option somewhere10:36
macoif you configure the threading mode its in there10:37
BUGabundoI have to track it down (or was it "accidently" removed ?)10:37
macobut if you toggle it in the View menu, i think that ought to be saved.10:37
BUGabundosaw it10:37
macoobviously if i toggled it, it means i liked it. keep it.10:37
BUGabundofile a bug.... eheh10:37
BUGabundosetting to ALWAYS EXPAND and testing10:37
BUGabundoworks here!10:38
maco"you like to use this mode eh?  oh well. i'll just forget next restart"10:38
BUGabundoread threads are getting expanded10:38
macoright if you edit the view mode10:38
macothat seems like a silly way to do it10:38
BUGabundowhen they were copplase10:38
BUGabundoat least using mailinglist view10:38
macoif you tell it "i want to work this way" by setting it to "this why" by using the View menu, it ought to just remember that10:38
BUGabundofile a bug!10:39
BUGabundoKDE has lots of them10:39
BUGabundoKontact plenty more!10:39
BUGabundonot enough devs10:39
maco*this* is what i dont like about kde apps. they dont pay any attention to how the user is working. they require that you find and navigate some over-complicated settings dialog, hunting for the checkbox that makes the checkbox in the menu permanent10:39
BUGabundonever bother me10:40
macoi hate their settings dialogs10:40
macoi avoid them10:40
BUGabundoI set it ONCE on the view, and it works as expected10:40
macoi avoid changing settings in kde specifically to avoid ever having to look at those dialogs10:40
BUGabundoif a folder has a diff way of working I just make a new view for it!10:40
macokde 4.2 is pretty, but its apps are still annoying10:40
macoand WHY does kmail not have a "select the thread" keyboard shortcut or menu option or anything?10:41
macohold down shift and click around a bunch is not efficient10:41
BUGabundomaco: collapse the thread and you can do what you want10:44
BUGabundojust hit '.' (dot)10:44
BUGabundoit should expand or collapse and then you can move/copy10:44
macoi should map a delete-thread shortcut10:46
macooh ther's one already. will have to learn that..10:46
BUGabundomaco maco : "CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEE" eheheeheheh10:47
macoyes i saw10:47
BUGabundoI have it as ctrl+d10:47
macolike in evolution?10:47
BUGabundocause its closer to use left hand10:48
macoi mentioned the existence of the driver we use to pete graner, so he added it to jaunty and intrepid10:48
BUGabundoand 'd' for single mail delete10:48
BUGabundoyou go girl!10:48
BUGabundopushing it! hehe10:48
BUGabundobut FOR ME its not even close to 100% good10:48
BUGabundosucks on 64 bits10:48
macowell its doesnt cause regressions10:48
BUGabundoI appreciate all GREAT work Nol has been doing10:48
macowhich would be the *big* blocke10:48
BUGabundovideo is gettting slower each version10:49
macoit adds *some* functionality at least10:49
BUGabundoif you get and older one from SF you will see what I mean10:49
BUGabundosince nol started to try to get v4l to work at the same time, it got way worse...10:49
macoi told him it works for photo, which is more than without the driver, but video is slow. orientation detection was being worked on and *installs new version* and oh hey it works now10:49
BUGabundomany apps fail to use it, unless I use PRELOAD10:50
BUGabundopics are good10:50
BUGabundobut my cam aint have all that good quality I see on some webcams10:50
macopics are the only thing i used my usb webcam for10:50
BUGabundothose 1.3 MPx are fake10:50
BUGabundoI want to use video broadcast10:50
BUGabundomost of it via flash (bambuser and ustream.tv10:51
macobut im having an issue. i cant compare cheese w/ each cam on here because cheese goes "oh, which cam do you want to use?" and only lists /dev/video0 (builtin) and ignores my /dev/video1 (usb)10:51
BUGabundoand currenclty (and on 64 bits) that's a bit touch and go10:51
BUGabundo30% of the time it works10:51
BUGabundocan't you provide it via conf or cli operand?10:51
macocamorama doesnt even offer to let you choose your input10:51
* BUGabundo reads man10:52
BUGabundoseems not10:52
macocheese has a gui way to pick which cam to use10:52
macoit just isnt iterating the list properly, i guess10:52
BUGabundobug for that?10:52
macoand like i said, camorama doesnt even have the option10:52
BUGabundoyou can always unload the driver10:52
macowell im not sure yet if thats the exact problem10:52
BUGabundoand let the 2nd be the only cam10:53
macoit could be that something's wrong with my usb cam's detection10:53
macothough hal seems to do fine10:53
BUGabundolet me re-test the lattest version10:53
BUGabundoand start cam-server10:53
macoah camorama takes an arg10:54
macocamorama says could not connect to video device /dev/video110:55
BUGabundo  -d, --device=STRING                        v4l device to use10:55
BUGabundoit uses v4l so you need PRELOAD10:55
macoim trying a different camera10:55
macoi have 2 webcams10:56
BUGabundoI know10:56
macoi would like to compare performance10:56
BUGabundoyou mentioned it10:56
macook so...do you mean my external might not be v4l?10:56
BUGabundo$ ./install10:56
BUGabundorun caminfo on it10:57
macogotta install that...10:57
BUGabundo$ v4l-info10:58
BUGabundonot caminfo10:58
BUGabundobtw I'm posting the resulst of that to the forum10:59
BUGabundojust in case some one needs to compare11:00
BUGabundoI see a really low video step11:00
BUGabundomaybe that's what's making it slow11:00
macov4l-info doesnt show /dev/video111:01
macooh wait11:02
BUGabundoI only have one so I can't say11:02
macopgraner had me unload the module my external uses during debugging11:03
macohuh. it seems hal knows my webcam is a webcam but doesnt know that that makes it a video device.11:05
BUGabundomaco: mind testing http://blubug.bugabundo.net:65006/11:06
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
macoBUGabundo: your site crashed X11:11
BUGabundoits just a PIC!11:13
BUGabundoworks here fine11:13
macowell i opened it and it was like "Loading..." and taking a while11:13
BUGabundoI don't even see your connection attenpt on my log11:13
macoso i went to switch back to here11:13
macoand then my cpu started spinning up all insane11:13
BUGabundolet me test from another computer11:13
macomy mouse still moved but nothing else worked. and allthough i have ctrl+alt+bksp re-enabled, it didnt work11:14
macoalt+sysrq+REI worked, but the SUB never went through11:14
BUGabundoworks now11:15
BUGabundowrong IP on port fw11:15
BUGabundosome how the router changed my IP11:16
BUGabundodidn't you try alt sysreq K11:16
macowell i no longer trust your networking11:16
macoyou killed my laptop11:16
BUGabundodon't all those ppl ever heard about dontzap tool?11:16
macoor at least froze it11:16
BUGabundoused it the second it hit the repos11:16
macotheyre upset that they have to teach their tech-support-receivers to use the *command line* dontzap tool11:17
BUGabundohow can a simple adsl router with a block port KILL your laptop?11:17
macokde has a gui way. kde is smart.11:17
BUGabundodoesn't make sense11:17
macoi dont know but the timing was impeccable11:17
macoi try to open your site, and BAM my computer freezes11:17
macomaybe firefox or my wireless driver reacted poorly?11:18
BUGabundoSERIOUS BUG then11:19
BUGabundoshould file a SECURITY bug if you can reproduce11:19
BUGabundowould you mind accessing that page again? the port fw should be fixed11:19
BUGabundoahh some users already using it11:20
macoi dont have the link11:20
macoi rebooted, remember?11:20
* BUGabundo must not make stupid faces while on webcam11:20
macoyou're not a bot!11:21
BUGabundoapperently not!11:21
joaopintoBUGabundo, a lot of archives there :P11:32
BUGabundoppl are pervets11:35
Hiratoany comments on Jaunty's current stability?11:48
Hiratojust curious if there's currently any issues that might hinder early adoption11:51
BUGabundoHirato: every day we get new bugs/probs11:51
BUGabundoand every new day some get fixed11:51
BUGabundoif you need a stable system don't upgrade11:52
BUGabundobut feel free to get a daily and run it from a livepen setup11:52
HiratoI don't might instabilities, I'm just asking if it's unstable to the extent of critical components not working with proprietary drivers (nvidia specifically)11:53
Hiratoat present :)11:53
BUGabundonope. its working for me with Nvidia11:55
BUGabundodon't know the current state o ATI11:55
Hiratothanks mate, just what I wanted to hear11:55
=== Konstigt_ is now known as Konstigt
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackelope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule14:56
maxbSomeone with power over the bot should fix its spelling of "Jackalope" :-)15:01
Pici!schedule-#ubuntu+1 =~ s/Jackelope/Jackalope/15:03
ubottuI'll remember that Pici15:03
Picimaxb: fixed15:03
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule15:04
=== unixdawg_ is now known as unixdawg
MarcoPauhello, can jaunty work on a pendrive?15:28
MarcoPauBUGabundo: same procedure with casper-rw directory?15:29
HiratoI thought there was a utility that doing the majority of the grunt work for you15:31
MarcoPauI actually check pendrivelinux.com for the initrd.gz file, but I can't see anything related to jaunty at the moment15:32
MarcoPauI just downloaded the iso file and created the two partitions as I've been doing with the previous releases15:32
MarcoPauBUGabundo: thanks, I'm checking that out15:33
blizzleManaged to finally get 3d acceleration and Nvidia's drivers installed on jaunty (for TNT2).. wanted to say thanks to those who helped yesterday.. RAOF not here it seems.15:34
BUGabundono need for two partitios15:34
BUGabundosince ibex that the installer is able to DELETE everthing that its not userspace15:34
MarcoPauBUGabundo: great. fat or ext3?15:35
BUGabundofor what?15:36
MarcoPauBUGabundo: for usb-creator. I usually made two partitions, one as fat and casper-rw as ext3. set the boot flag on the fat and install-mbr on the pendrive15:38
MarcoPauno need for that anymore at all?15:38
BUGabundoMarcoPau: start usbcreator and let it did do everything!15:39
BUGabundoit will format the pen as needed!15:39
BUGabundono need to mess around15:39
MarcoPauawesome. thanks BUGabundo15:39
BUGabundode nada15:40
nblracany reports on that intel bug?15:58
BUGabundoa bunch of them15:59
BUGabundojust have to find the one that suits you15:59
nblraci though i had this bug 30487116:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487116:01
nblracbut after looking though my logs, i see that i dont16:01
nblracbut the symptoms are the same16:02
nblracthe odd thing is, when i boot from the 8.04 (to edit xorg.conf and view logs) graphics are great compiz works at the higher level.16:09
nblracin 8.10 compiz would not even work. and now in jaunty graphic acceleration has to be turned of for it to boot correctly.16:10
nblracis there a way i can roll back the drivers?16:13
nblracwith out breaking any thing else16:14
BUGabundonblrac: yes16:17
BUGabundosynaptic and FORCE older version16:17
BUGabundoif available on your local cache16:17
nblraci just downloaded the old deb16:20
nblracbut im un sure how i can force it to be installed16:20
BUGabundoput it in the cache and choose it from synapic16:23
BUGabundoor use dpgk -I YOURDEB.deb16:23
BUGabundotypo: or use dpgk -i YOURDEB.deb16:24
TuTUXGis it just me or pulseaudio server in jaunty 64 bit is actually very unstable?16:56
BUGabundono no!!! its just you /sarcasm16:56
TuTUXGBUGabundo, so u mean the opposite? lol16:57
PiciTuTUXG: There was just an update released for it, see16:57
TuTUXGPici, cool, thanks for the info16:58
BUGabundoTuTUXG: its higly experimental17:00
BUGabundowill not make into final release17:00
BUGabundoreport EVERY bug you find17:00
* SiDi hopes Xubuntu 9.04 will stay on alsa...17:04
TuTUXGSiDi, pulse is the future and is much nicer when works17:06
BUGabundoeheh "when it works"17:06
SiDiwhen it works  indeed :D17:08
SiDiwine and games still sux with pulse17:08
SiDii cant leave exaile and etqw with pulse, while i can with alsa17:08
SiDisame for wine games17:08
SiDiand i play a lot.. :D17:08
TuTUXGi know this is bs, but if u can actually see the whole picture, u will understand y ubuntu chose pulse over alsa17:11
TuTUXGor u can stick with debian17:13
BUGabundoI just found out that wubi automagicly installs Ubuntu 64 bits if it can!17:16
TuTUXGthe new wallpaper transition is sexy17:21
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quassel116__Does anyone else always get the "Partial upgrade" message when running update-manager?17:23
quassel116__Mine wont upgrade f-spot17:23
TuTUXGmono problem17:23
quassel116__is there a fix?17:24
TuTUXGwait till they fully upgrade mono217:24
quassel116__oh ok17:24
=== quassel116__ is now known as Voltron
TuTUXGVoltron, picasa is much better imo17:25
Voltronyeah, i dont even use f-spot, i use picasa but it was still weird to me that it wouldnt update f-spot17:26
TuTUXGjust remove it, upgrade everything else, reinstall it again17:27
Voltroni guess i should go through and clean out all the stuff i dont use because i have a replacement for it so that i don't have these problems again17:27
Voltronwell, not problems, but annoyances17:27
TuTUXGwell, that's what alpha means17:28
Commie_Carydose ATI support juanty yet17:29
Voltroni thought it was alpha because it was the leader, like alpha male you know?17:30
Commie_Carydose ATI support juanty yet17:39
BUGabundo !ati17:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment17:39
Voltron !ati17:39
Voltronwhat does it respond to?17:40
Commie_Carythats for 8.1017:40
BUGabundoits outdated17:40
PiciVoltron: It already responded, look up,.17:40
Commie_Caryim asking if they support 9.0417:40
Voltronbut, it didnt respond to me17:41
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment17:41
Voltronah, i see17:41
PiciVoltron: Because someone had just requested it. It has built-in flood protection17:41
Voltroni see that now...17:41
BUGabundoVoltron: I know nvidia is working17:41
BUGabundonot sure about ati17:41
BUGabundoyou have to wait for a user that owns one17:42
Commie_Carydamn it17:42
Commie_CaryI want to use ext4 already17:42
BUGabundoPici: do you have any tips on how to debug17:42
BUGabundoa wired card?17:42
Voltronwhat is so good about ext4?17:42
BUGabundoguys at #ubuntu kernel are a sleep or on holiday17:42
BUGabundo !ext417:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext417:43
PiciBUGabundo: check lspci/lshw?17:43
BUGabundolet me get that on a paste bin17:44
scizzo-Voltron: google for ext417:44
Voltronvery difficult17:44
BUGabundotoo many hits17:44
BUGabundoVoltron: http://kernelnewbies.org/Ext417:45
Voltronthanks guys17:45
Voltronhow much performace gain will i get though?17:46
BUGabundoVoltron: each case is diferent17:47
BUGabundoyou have to test it your self17:47
Voltronhmmm, i think i will wait until jaunty get released to go ahead and go through all the trouble17:48
Voltronis anyone here using it though?17:48
BUGabundoI'm waiting to find a 200GiBs disk to backup my laptop data so I can format17:49
Voltronget a USB drive, theyre cheap now days17:49
Voltron200 gig would be like 45$17:49
VoltronUSB hard drive*17:50
BUGabundo1TiBs for 90€, 45 for 500GiBs17:50
TuTUXGfrom ext3 to ext4 and 5400rpm to 7200rpm, my system's boot time is cut from 55s to 25s17:52
VoltronI just run NTFS?17:55
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:03
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems18:03
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages18:04
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntpd18:05
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:05
Voltrongo to #timmy18:06
unixdawgso did koffice get update dfor jaunty yet ?18:06
Voltronsorry, wrong channel18:07
IenorandI sanyone else running jaunty in vmwarte here?18:11
Ienorand*Is; *Jaunty; *VMWare.18:12
tawmasHi! I'm in the middle of my daily upgrades, and synaptic seems to be stuck while upgrading dovecot-common (the terminal says "Installing new version of config file /etc/init.d/dovecot").18:38
tawmasCPU activity is low (synaptic fluctuates between 0 and 2%).18:38
tawmasI don't know what's going on, and what I can do about that...18:38
tawmasNevermind, it spawned a "Modified configuration file" window, on a different desktop and below a Firefox window :-(18:41
IenorandIs f-spot being kept back in upgrades the norm for all at the moment?18:48
BUGabundo1@Ienorand yes! dependy18:48
`MatirIenorand, yeah, it is for me18:48
`MatirHas anyone seen their touchpad switch from edge-scrolling to multitouch?  I'm trying to figure out how to revert to edge scrolling18:49
BUGabundo1`Matir: humm only kernel could do that18:50
BUGabundo1and only if your touchpad supports multitouth18:50
BUGabundo1file a bug....18:50
BUGabundo1it would seem that if MT is availble it will be used instead of ES18:51
`MatirBUGabundo1, there's a bug open on it (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/320632), but no workaround for ES18:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 320632 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "tap-to-click and edge-scrolling broken in Jaunty" [Medium,Confirmed]18:53
FFForeveranyone know how i can watch netflix ondemand in linux?18:53
BUGabundo1FFForever: ask on #ubuntu or ubuntu-users ML18:54
=== quassel116 is now known as Voltron
maxbmailing list18:55
FFForeverwhere is the ml?18:55
BUGabundo1or on answers18:57
FFForevermaco, u around?19:01
macoFFForever: yes19:03
FFForevermaco do u know how i can compile my own kernel with a temp fix to get my mic working?19:04
macoFFForever: you don't know how to compile a kernel?19:04
macoand you're running an alpha release?19:04
macothis sounds like a bad idea19:04
FFForeveri am on 9.04 because it has newer packages =)19:05
macothat's not a good reason19:05
macoyou *really* ought to only run stable releases if you don't know how to mess with all the underlying stuff in case of breakage19:06
nightrid3rwill jaunty support the SIS671/771 vga chip in 3D19:08
=== quassel116 is now known as Voltron
nblracmm i just broke X even more by forcing old drivers at it :(19:27
=== quassel116 is now known as Voltron
nblracbut when i boot in recovery mode to root19:28
nblracit ask for a root password for maintenance, is this new for jaunty?19:29
SiDinblrac, it should be the password of your default user19:29
nblraci have 2 users, and i tried both19:30
BUGabundo1maco: that DO bug, it was related to a bad behaving plugin19:30
nblracthey both did not work19:30
=== maco is now known as _010100
BUGabundo1nblrac: it only asks your pass if you set one for ROOT19:30
BUGabundo1its the root pass, not your users19:31
PiciOr its a bug.19:31
_010100BUGabundo1: so did the plugin want the package that couldnt be installed?19:31
nblraci dont think i never set a root password, i always just used sudo and my password19:32
SiDitry to put nothing then ? :P19:33
=== _010100 is now known as maco
BUGabundo1it would seem so maco19:36
BUGabundo1Pici: I remember a bug like that on feisty19:36
macoBUGabundo1: was the plugin included or 3rd party / part of another package?19:37
BUGabundo1not sure19:38
BUGabundo1I just removed all19:38
BUGabundo1and it worked19:38
macodisabled or uninstalled?19:38
macofigure out which plugin19:38
macoif it's one that's included, then gnome-do's package needs to depend on gnome-sharp219:39
BUGabundo1I'm now re-instiling everything #DO19:39
BUGabundo1just finish reinstaling19:39
BUGabundo1its starting and all my plugins are still active19:40
BUGabundo1go figure!19:40
nblracSIDi i dont think that can be the password; i thought that ubuntu install auto generated the password and kept it for it self19:41
Picinblrac: no, it locks the root account. There is no password set, but its not blank either.19:44
nblracso how to i boot in revovery mode with network so i can install the correct driv ers19:45
BUGabundo1guys trying to debug that sis laptop, and I'm testing a few acpi options19:48
BUGabundo1hpet=disable, acpi=noirq, pci=routeirq19:48
BUGabundo1one of them looked like it froze, but actually took more then 30 sec to show any output19:49
BUGabundo1does any one ever experience that?19:49
IenorandIs sanyone else running jaunty in vmware here?19:51
Oli```anybody know about the clash between python2.6 and python-gdbm that's happened in the latest updates?21:30
Ienorandbernard__: same problem, you running vmware?21:45
bernard__I found this:21:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 325973 in ubuntu ""Starting File Manager" Windows open uncontrollably" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:46
bernard__But it doesn't seem to match my situation exactly either.21:46
bernard__I don't think any of the instances are starting, so the system is usable.21:46
bernard__bernard@stickers:~$ nautilus21:46
bernard__(nautilus:7559): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)21:46
Ienorandah, unexpected logout...21:47
Ienorandbernard__: I've reported bug #329146 myself, does that match yours?21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329146 in nautilus "nautilus unable to start on login" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32914621:48
bernard__Yes, it does.21:49
bernard__I'll try and remember my launchpad login. :p21:49
IenorandOkay, good I'm not alone at least, it's completely possible to use ubuntu with this issue but it is somewhat annoying :/21:49
biouserI'm sure that someday pulseaudio will be really good but for right now I think I would like to have sound21:50
biouserany ideas of a good way to remove21:50
bernard__pulseaudio -k; sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio?21:50
bernard__Works for me, for what it's worth.21:51
biouserremoving ubuntu-desktop is not the problem it once was?21:52
bernard__Uhhhhhhhh... pass. Sorry. :p21:53
bernard__Okay, I added a comment and subscribed to your bug, Ienorand.21:54
biouserokay, I can listen to democracy now now21:56
biouserwill there be a memo when pulseaudio works?21:57
biouserI kind of like the idea of it21:57
Ienorandbiouser: You said you had flash issues? In that case https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio has info...22:01
SiDibiouser, there should be a window popping up on system startup once it works properly and even linux software uses it ! \o/22:03
bernard__Ienorand: from dmesg: [   42.636631] nautilus[3660]: segfault at 98a0008 ip b5d9755d sp b5d85fc0 error 4 in libbrasero-media.so.0.1.1[b5d87000+1e000]22:03
bernard__Spammed a million times.22:04
biouserIenorand I think I did most/all of that and have been using flash-10...22:04
Ienorandbiouser: ah, ok22:05
biouserI am happy without pulse for now but eventually... I don't know, I really wish that everyone would just get on the JACK train....22:06
Ienorandbernard__: okay, that's at least something, add to bug?22:06
bernard__Removing libbrasero-media0 stopped it.22:06
bernard__And nautilus works.22:07
bernard__Will do.22:07
Ienorandbernard__: have you tried restarting after that as well, since I've had times when it stopped only to return after reset...22:08
bernard__Okay, I'll restart and report.22:08
IenorandGoing for a reboot myself...22:10
bernard__Ienorand: Yay! Still working!22:12
Ienorandbernard__: how did it go?22:16
bernard__Still working. Woo!22:16
bernard__Updated your bug's description.22:16
Ienorandso, what was that package name again?22:17
bernard__libbrasero-media0 I think.22:17
bernard__I removed brasero first, that didn't fix it, but it may be pulled in by the other.22:18
Ienorandbernard__: Works for me as well. I'll add brasero to the bug22:24
bernard__I'm just glad to get my window list back. :322:24
DanaGgrr, stupid nvidia 96... hangs on login.22:25
=== quassel116 is now known as Voltron
DanaGGotta' love closed-source hardware.22:29
DanaGANd nouveau devours 40% of the CPU.22:29
DanaGwhen I use it, that is.22:29
DanaGAnd even gnome-panel is devouring CPU on nvidia 96.22:29
DanaG... and when I kill gnome-panel, Xorg crashes.22:30
DanaGbacktrace is in /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libxaa.so22:31
DanaGxaa?  Doesn't nvidia use its own thing instead of XAA?22:31
DanaGI wonder why it's loading libxaa for nvidia.22:32
DanaGALso backtraces in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libextmod.so22:33
DanaGAnd nouveau DOES still devour CPU on that system.22:34
DanaGThen again, nvidia does now, too... when it's not crashing.22:34
DanaGI don't regret getting ATI on my new laptop, actually.\22:39
* DanaG makes note to self: when talking to people, take note of the address -- it can indicate time zone.22:40
DanaGI don't happen to know what time zone Australia is in, though.22:40
* DanaG is in GMT+8, if you ignore that hassle that is DST.22:41
bernard__DanaG: I'm in New Zealand, and it's 11:46 AM here, so it'll be a little earlier than that in Oz.22:47
macobernard__: is it tomorrow there?22:48
bernard__It's Tuesday.22:48
macoso yes, tomorrow22:48
bernard__No, you're all in yesterday. :p22:48
bernard__It's okay, the world is still fine.22:49
macoor you're a time-traveler22:49
DanaGwrong tab22:52
DanaGstill cool though.22:52
DanaGfrankly, /me prefers firewire or eSATA.22:53
thehookwhats the status of jaunty and nvidia drivers? :)23:10
maxbafaics, they work23:11
maxbexcept for occasional hilarious weirdness when windows spontaneously become transparent23:12
thehookhehe, so still not working 100% with the new xorg?23:13
maxbwell, I got weirdness more often in intrepid, so I'd classify them as working23:14
thehookmaxb: ok, thank you i will upgrade to jaunty then :)23:20
Commie_Carywhen is ATI going to support 9.0423:28
burneranyone know how to configure dual screen in KDE with nouveau?23:34
burnerI tried system settings -> display, but i can't turn off the mirroring23:35
pwnguintry the xrandr command line23:38
burnerinteresting... man page here i come23:39
burnerdoesn't seem to work, but it works in gnome.  I tried 'xrandr --output vGA 1440x900' and 'xrandr --output VGA --right-of DVI' to no avail23:45
RAOFburner: What's the output?23:46
RAOF(KDE's system settings does seem broken.  In fact, KDE seems broken with dual-head)23:46
burnerRAOF: no output... just goes to the next line23:48
burnerxrandr --output VGA --off doesn't do anything either23:48
RAOFYour VGA is still running after that?23:48
RAOFOh.  Is VGA actually the right identifier?  I guess not.23:48
RAOFNot if this is nouveau23:48
rippsCan install a fresh ubuntu and use my seperate /home partition?23:49
RAOFripps: Yes.23:49
burneroh, VGA-0 maybe?23:49
burnerah ha!23:49
RAOFburner: 'xrandr' will tell you.23:49
RAOFXRandR1.2 output naming is horribly inconsistent.  It sucks.23:49
rippsLast time I tried it with intrepid, I had to wipe it because it would fail with associating the user directory with my user.23:49
burnerhuzzah, i'm dual screening kde with nouveau!  too bad the gui doesn't work though23:50
pwnguinripps: you just need to make sure that the user id numbers match up23:59
pwnguini have a seperate /home and two ubuntu install23:59
pwnguini have a seperate /home and two ubuntu install23:59

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