
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
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huatsmorning everyone08:34
didrocksmorning huats08:36
huatsmorning seb12808:38
seb128lut huats08:39
seb128need to restart session brb08:39
huatsseb128: do you want that I take care of the gnome-keyring update ?08:39
seb128huats: do you want to do the gnome-keyring update or are you busy?08:43
huatsI just asked you before you left :)08:44
didrocksHi seb128 :)08:44
huatsI am officially not in my previous company :)08:44
seb128lut didrocks08:44
huatsso I think I can deal it :)08:44
seb128huats: oh, congrats08:44
didrocksseb128: bugs #329800, #329832 (and don't forget #327933) :)08:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329800 in gnome-icon-theme "Please, sponsor gnome-icon-theme 2.25.90 to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32980008:45
seb128huats: well, I want this update today so just claim if you have time to do it today08:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329832 in seahorse-plugins "Please, sponsor seahorse-plugins 2.25.90 into jaunty" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32983208:45
huatsI'll take care of it right now08:45
seb128didrocks: thanks08:45
seb128huats: thanks08:45
huatsseb128: I can also take care of gtksourceview208:45
seb128huats: ok08:45
sorenMy wife's gnome-panel has recently begun freezing from time to time on her Hardy laptop..  Any idea what could have caused that?09:11
sorenBy "freezing" I mean she can't click on anything, the clock is frozen, the window list isn't updated... The rest of the desktop works fine.09:12
seb128soren: do you get the issue after clicking on the clock applet?09:12
sorenseb128: Hm... It's possible.09:13
seb128there is some gnome-panel bugs about that09:13
sorenseb128: I would have to ask her when she gets up.09:13
sorenYou know, we recently added a Google calendar feed to her Evolution, so that might very well be it.09:13
seb128you can get an hang stacktrace maybe?09:13
seb128right, that's a known issue (ie we got quite some bugs about google calendar leading to such hangs)09:14
sorenseb128: I'll make sure to grab a dump next time it happens and then remove that feed.09:14
sorenseb128: Thanks for the hint :)09:14
seb128you're welcome09:15
seb128huats: so how are the updates going? ;-)10:30
huatsseb128: :)10:30
huatsseb128: remind me that I would never have you as my boss :)10:32
seb128huats: lol10:32
seb128huats: I'm not asking too much usually but gnome-keyring ssh agent is broken right now and I get pinged by all the people who use svn, ie active contributors who can't get work done in a normal way10:33
huatsI understand10:33
huatsit will be ready by 3pm10:33
seb128huats: that's what you get for claiming updates on basic components rather than let's say calculator ;-)10:33
pittihey huats10:33
seb128huats: ok thanks10:33
pittihuats: congratulations to your MOTU badge!10:33
huatspitti: thanks !10:34
huatsseb128: LOL10:34
huatsseb128: I am creating my pbuilder env on my home computer (since I used to work on my office computer)10:36
huatsand I start to build10:36
seb128huats: you should be running jaunty10:36
huatsseb128: yeah...10:37
huatsI am thinking of that10:37
huatsbut I have heard of problem with gnome-keyring :D10:37
huats(and my gf won't be really happy with jaunty so far I think)10:38
pittihuats: why not? your gf bullying you about breakage is 100% pure dogfooding :)10:38
seb128vuntz: hey11:13
seb128vuntz: gnome-session for you, it restarts automatically things which are in the session and exit which creates and interesting case when running nautilus with no draw_background set11:13
seb128vuntz: gnome-session keeps running nautilus which keeps exiting since there is nothing to do11:14
seb128is that a nautilus or a gnome-session issue?11:14
seb128should nautilus unregister by some way?11:14
mptWould anyone like to attach before-and-after screenshots to bug 328954?11:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328954 in gnome-control-center "gnome-about-me does not fit in 1024x600 screen" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32895411:15
seb128mpt: can you add a comment in the bug requesting for that? I guess whoever is suggesting the change can do that ;-)11:16
mptfine fine11:17
vuntzseb128: why does nautilus exit?11:30
vuntzseb128: shouldn't it still run even if there's no background? (don't know)11:30
seb128vuntz: because there is no dialog open11:30
seb128vuntz: no11:30
seb128vuntz: there is no server mode11:30
seb128vuntz: same if you try to nautilus --quit to debug11:30
vuntzgnome-session assumes that it should always run11:30
seb128wrong assumption11:31
vuntzseb128: that's the meaning of the thing in the .desktop file11:31
vuntzso nautilus bug11:31
seb128the autorestart?11:31
vuntzit should put that in .desktop file and it should directly control if it gets restarted11:31
vuntzthe panel does this11:31
seb128well, it should autorestart when running11:32
seb128not when not running11:32
vuntzseb128: gnome-session starts nautilus. nautilus exits. Then gnome-session restarts it, as indicated by the .desktop file11:32
seb128vuntz: can you join #nautilus?11:33
seb128asac: gnome bug #571423 upstream is responsive but needs testing if you want to subscribe and maybe comment11:46
ubottuGnome bug 571423 in ask dialog "grabbing the keyboard while a menu is open can lock the session" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57142311:46
asacseb128: cool. i will test it asap11:48
asachopefully before lunch11:48
asacok running testcase now11:54
asacseb128: LOCK up ;)12:03
seb128asac: using the testcase?12:03
asaci also posted a more bad lockup to the bug12:03
asacseb128: yes12:03
asacseb128: just try multiple times12:03
asacat some point you will end up in the deadlock grab situation12:03
asacseb128: as i posted i even get worse situations in combination with gtk-pinentry ... even ctrl-alt-F1 doesnt work12:04
seb128you need to stop gdm to fix it?12:04
asacyesterday i had to hit power button for two things12:04
seb128killing the testcase is not enough?12:04
asacseb128: well. i didnt try killing the testcase. i assume that works ... i can try12:04
seb128I will try later12:05
seb128now is lunch time and I don't want to have to restart my session now12:05
pitti. o O { Use the guest session, Luke! }12:06
seb128the box tends to freeze a few minutes after switching between xorg sessions12:07
seb128I didn't try since the sprint though maybe that's fixed now12:07
pittihm, I get that effect after hibernate12:07
seb128but the previous time I used gdmflexiserver to start and another session and closed it the computer locked not too long after that12:07
pittiit gets locked on /dev/input/events012:08
asacseb128: ok. so killling test binardy doesnt help12:09
asacseb128: updated bug with that info12:09
asacseems to be a stale lock in X somewhere i guess12:09
seb128weird bug12:09
asacit sounds a bit like the the grabbing requests are not cancelled in X even though the function returns with FALSE12:15
asacin that case its easy to understand why you end up in a deadlock12:15
asace.g. gtk does a two staged grab for popup: 1st. mouse grab; 2nd keyboard grab12:16
asacso if someone grabs keyboard in between and then tries to grab mouse you will end up in a deadlock12:16
asacbut since the gtk functions are supposed to not block it would be something in X that does that. but lets listen to upstream ideas ;12:17
asacanyone knows the IRC nick of "Marco d'Itri" (debian)?12:20
* asac ponders db.debian.org12:20
asacok seems like "Md"12:21
asacbut isnt online12:21
seb128_vuntz: is "vertical gnome-panel displays only one notification area icon" a known issue?12:47
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
vuntzseb128: no12:49
seb128vuntz: ok, you will get bug then ;-)12:50
vuntzseb128: or rather "there might be a bug, but I didn't read it if it exists"12:50
seb128I've looked on bugzilla and didn't find one12:50
vuntz(too many panel bug mails)12:50
pedro_seb128: hey, looks like bug http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53137112:55
ubottuGnome bug 531371 in notification area "Bad icons arrangement in vertical mode." [Normal,Unconfirmed]12:55
pedro_seb128: it uses one line for all the icons on the notification area12:55
pedro_if you increase the size you'll see the others icons12:55
seb128ah ok12:55
seb128pedro_: bug #32953712:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329537 in gnome-panel "tray show only one icon on vertical panel" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32953712:56
pedro_seb128: yup we have that one as well12:56
pedro_wait bug 32225212:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322252 in gnome-panel "notification area draws incorrectly on vertical panel" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32225212:57
vuntzseb128: btw, can you try...12:58
vuntzthere's a patch12:58
ubottuGnome bug 571041 in notification area "remove obox" [Normal,Unconfirmed]12:58
vuntzit might fix it12:58
seb128vuntz: would testing be useful to you?12:59
seb128ie I'm being lazy and will not test if that's not useful but if you want to know if that fixes it or I can do that13:00
vuntzseb128: well. If it avoids opening an upstream bug... ;-)13:02
seb128vuntz: do you intend to commit this change before rolling new tarballs today? ;-)13:03
vuntzseb128: the patch is good, so I'll likely commit it if chpe doesn't commit it13:03
vuntzseb128: so, deal: don't open the bug and wait for the new tarball?13:03
seb128ok, so I will wait for the new tarball to try13:03
emberpochu do we still need the procs change on tracker?13:17
huatsseb128: I am a little late on my schedule14:01
seb128huats: I noticed!14:01
huatsI am installing again my jaunty vm14:01
huatsand once it is done, I can testrun the update..14:01
seb128is the update technically ready?14:01
seb128I can review and test it if you want14:01
huatsseb128: let me put it somewhere14:02
seb128open a normal sponsoring bug?14:02
TomJaegerseb128, about bug #217908, I've responded to your concerns in the bug tracker.  I thought it might be easier to discuss this on IRC.14:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217908 in cairo "Pixellated Images in Firefox/Opera due to incorrect EXTEND_PAD implementation in several video drivers" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21790814:08
seb128TomJaeger: hi, I was just reading your comment14:08
seb128TomJaeger: the issue is simple we don't want to carry changes when not really required, if that change is good is should go upstream if they have a reason to not want it we should probably not ship it either14:09
seb128TomJaeger: having distro diverting from upstream create distro specific bugs and tension with uostream and is usually not a good thing14:09
TomJaegerAs I said, upstream can't ship the change yet, because they can't be sure the drivers are fixed at this point14:09
seb128how can we be sure if they are not?14:10
TomJaegerthis is what this whole bug is about14:10
seb128no, that bug is about fixing the drivers we have control over14:10
seb128the freedesktop guys could clearly do the same14:11
TomJaegerSome projects are slow to respond to bug reports, but these changes are going to happen upstream eventually14:12
seb128and I would argue that this bug is open for almost a year and has no duplicate so it's not a real issue for our users and probably not worth carrying this delta for cairo14:12
TomJaegerI think it's an important issue.  The browser is one of the first programs any user is likely to use14:12
seb128well nobody seems to notice or care14:13
seb128I for one have no issue with the current rendering14:13
TomJaegerAnd people do notice that scaled images look fine on Windows and look like shit on ubuntu14:13
TomJaegerPeople do care14:13
huatsseb128: bug 33009614:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330096 in gnome-keyring "Please sponsor gnome-keyring 2.25.91 into jaunty" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33009614:14
seb128huats: thanks14:14
huatsno pb (sorry I have been on the phone...)14:14
seb128that's ok14:14
huatsseb128: I don't want you to think that I need 10 minutes to put on LP :=)14:14
TomJaegerseb128, especially with high-resolution screens being more common on laptops these days14:14
huatsI am not as slow than didrocks on mariokart :P14:15
seb128TomJaeger: ok, can we get an upstream bug where upstream state they agree with the changes and will apply those once drivers are fixed then?14:15
seb128huats: ;-)14:15
TomJaegerseb128, this is more or less what Carl stated in that intel driver commit message14:15
seb128TomJaeger: we already had unhappy upstream due to distro changes and I would like to avoid that if not required14:15
TomJaegerI'm sure upstream is going to appreciate the work we are doing here14:16
seb128the commit message has a "(due to various bugs and workarounds in cairo and pixman)" mentions14:17
seb128do you have details on that?14:17
TomJaegerthe bug was in pixman, the workarounds are in cairo14:17
seb128have those issues been addressed in jaunty?14:17
TomJaegerThe pixman issue was fixed here: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/pixman/commit/?id=2d9c7cd84b276ebe2ff72d03c34a2d7f4f98b9f914:18
TomJaegerThis is not in jaunty as I don't think EXTEND_REFLECT is very important14:18
seb128you seem to know what you are doing let's keep things this way for now14:20
seb128sorry for the trouble but I'm trying to avoid adding random changes because somebody stated that was a good idea14:21
seb128we got bitten by such things turning to be not so great idea and make upstream not happy with ubuntu for shipping those changes14:22
seb128so it's always good to have an upstream bug stating that agree with the change when possible ;-)14:22
TomJaegerI'm kind of interested now, what was that change that upstream was unhappy about?14:23
seb128that's not especially on cairo14:24
seb128they were unhappy with the lcdfilter changes we have though14:24
seb128brb trying the new gvfs version14:25
seb128ok, works correctly14:28
TomJaegerseb128, Thanks, I'll take another shot at getting the remaining driver fixes accepted upstream, and as soon as that has happened, I'll bring up the issue on the cairo mailing list again.14:34
seb128TomJaeger: thank you for your work and being responsive to my comments!14:34
TomJaegerYou're welcome14:35
seb128huats: usually users enjoy reading the NEWS entry in the debian changelog if you can copy it there ;-)14:38
huatsseb128: hum...14:38
huatsthat is true14:38
seb128just a detail but I mention it14:39
huatsyou are right14:39
seb128it's handy to close bugs and nice to read14:39
didrockshuats: I prefer doing better packages than playing mario kart :p14:39
* didrocks needs a real revenge on MK :)14:40
huatsseb128: can you imagine, that didrocks has willingly forgotten his nintendo DS at home during the fosdem, to avoid playing MK with me ???14:40
pittioh, is that the current game? I still live in the  frozen bubble world14:40
didrocksseb128: that's false. I had my DS, huats not :)14:40
huatswell he forgot to tell me : bring your, I'll have mine...14:41
didrockshuats: that's pretty different from what you were saying ;)14:42
seb128pitti: maria kart is quite old game though they do new versions for new machines ;-)14:44
seb128I've not played it for 15 years or so14:44
pochuember: do you mean the change from 0.6.6-1ubuntu4 ?14:45
huatsseb128: come to toulouse to do a conference :)14:47
huatsand you'll be able to play :)14:47
emberpochu yes14:48
didrocksseb128: I will be there an next ubuntu party in Toulouse, please come so that I feel not lonely when loosing :)14:48
pochuember: no idea, kees did that change14:48
seb128huats: you need to update the libgcr0 shlibs too15:18
huatsI gave you the wrong stuff15:18
seb128yeah yeah15:18
huats(yeah that sounds weird but I am on 2 computer this afternoon..)15:19
huatsand I did the update on both15:19
rickspencer3pitti: ping15:19
seb128huats: the new gnome-keyring works correctly here15:23
seb128huats: so you can update the changelog to list the change and close bugs and update the shlibs? then I can sponsor the upload ;-)15:25
huatsno pb15:25
pittirickspencer3: pong15:54
emberKeybuk there?16:01
emberi was talking with kees about a inotify change in tracker16:01
emberubuntu as been using fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 52428816:02
emberdebian added the change and increase to fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 6553616:02
Keybukthat's a tenth of our value?16:02
emberso i should keep the ubuntu change or drop it?16:03
Keybukkeep it16:07
emberok, thanks.16:07
jeromeghello guys16:45
jeromegI packaged abiword 2.6.6 which fixes a lot of annoying bugs16:46
jeromegI would like to get it in before feature freeze16:46
jeromegcould someone review my package attached to bug #318444 ?16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318444 in abiword "[need-update] abiword to latest stable version 2.6.6 in Ubuntu 9.04" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31844416:47
pittijeromeg: can you please sub ubuntu-main-sponsorss?16:47
pittijeromeg: btw, that doesn't sound like a FF issue, if it's mostly bug fixes16:47
pittijeromeg: so we can get it in a bit later, but either way, we'll try to look at it ASAP16:47
pittijeromeg: thanks a lot for the update!16:47
jeromegpitti: unfortunately, I won't be available a lot in the next fex days, so I would have liked to have someone look at it today16:48
jeromegso I can fix things if I made some stupid mistakes16:48
pittijeromeg: understandable; I just have to leave in about 15 mins, and still working on something :(16:49
jeromegpitti: ok, no problem16:50
pittijeromeg: judging by the changelog it looks alright16:50
pittijeromeg: btw, please don't attach orig.tar.gz's to bug reports, an URL to the upstream location suffices :)16:51
pitti(and we'll download that one anyway)16:51
jeromegpitti: the tarball is repackaged16:51
pittior did you repack the upstream tarball?16:51
pittiwhat changes, out of interst?16:51
jeromegI'm not the one who started this, debian does it too16:51
jeromegpitti: it's a merge of four tarballs16:51
pittiright, I just don't remember why it's necessary - some nonfree bits?16:51
pittiah, that16:52
jeromegabiword, abiword-help, abiword-plugins, abiword-extras16:52
pittijeromeg: does this have a debian/rules get-orig-source?16:52
jeromegthere is a README.source at the root of the tarball16:52
jeromegpitti: I found 3 or 4 additionnal LP bugs closed by this upgrade, shall I update the changelog, or closing them by hand after the upload is ok ?16:53
pittijeromeg: closing by changelog is always nice, for keeping a permanent cross-ref16:54
jeromegok, I'll attach the updated package then16:54
pittijeromeg: awesome, thank you16:54
seb128huats: hello? ;-)16:58
huatsseb128: I am here..17:06
huatsseb128: I will put that in 5 minutes17:06
huatsI was away17:06
seb128huats: ok, sorry for pinging on this one, I will be cool again on the next ones ;-)17:07
huatsno pb17:07
seb128huats: you signed up for some responsability you get the pressure going with those ;-)17:08
huatsI start to know how you are :)17:08
pittihuats: didn't know seb128's whip before? :-)17:09
huats... i should have been more careful...17:09
* pitti hugs seb128 and huats17:09
seb128pitti: I try to not scare them too early, now that they joined motu though ... ;-)17:10
* seb128 hugs pitti17:10
pittiseb128: ... there's NO way back!!11!17:10
* seb128 hugs huats17:10
* huats hugs both seb128 and pitti17:11
pittihuats: seriously, the Ubuntu user crowd will appreciate your help17:12
huatsfor what ? getting whipped by seb128 :)17:12
seb128better you than them no? ;-)17:13
seb128ahahah ;-)17:13
seb128see what happens when I get bored because contributors claims all upgrades but don't give me something to review ;-)17:13
huatsseb128: I am having trouble to associate the various bug fixes to the elements of the NEWS file17:15
seb128huats: use https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/gnome-bugs/nnnnn ?17:21
emberseb128 if you so bored there's a tomboy update awaiting to be sponsored :o17:21
* ember hides17:21
seb128huats: where nnnn is the gnome bug number, it will give you the ubuntu bug if there is one17:21
seb128ember: I try not touching monon when I don't have to17:22
huatsseb128: the thing is that all bug linked from LP are still not marked as resloved upstream17:22
seb128and I'm not really bored ;-) I might have a look to sponsoring when I'm done looking at some evolution changes though17:22
huatsseb128: let's no close bugs automatically17:23
seb128huats: ok17:23
huatsand I'll close them manually17:23
huats(I'd rather have an opened bug in LP instead than a false close one... well I think it is better)17:23
emberthe only "monon" i touch is tomboy17:23
huats(but I might be wrong)17:23
seb128huats: right, I though they had fixed the fix commited bug before rolling the tarball but apparently not17:24
didrocksyou're crazy guys ;)17:27
didrockshuats: if you want, I think I can whip seb128 for sponsoring too. He owns me 3 :)17:30
didrockshuats: hum no… that's true that you are always putting my leg about mario kart, so I won't :p17:31
seb128didrocks: I'm doing sponsoring next17:31
didrocksseb128: just kidding, no emergency ^^17:31
didrocksas all those packages will have FFe, I think :)17:32
seb128I know there is no hurry, I would have sponsored those already otherwise ;-)17:32
seb128didrocks: right, there is no freeze for GNOME17:32
didrocksseb128: as huat's one, for instance? :p17:32
seb128getting the ssh agent fixed would stop angry people who can't commit to svn due to that17:32
seb128or rather who have to type their password a zillion time a day17:32
didrocksit's understandable ^^17:33
didrocksbtw, I have to ping ubuntu-server team to know why there is no ssh-agent by default on server (it can be sometimes useful)17:34
huatsseb128: it is on LP17:34
seb128huats: thanks17:35
seb128didrocks: btw there is a new gnome-python-extras version for you17:37
seb128didrocks: and gnome-python-desktop too17:37
didrocksseb128: some work to do, so, I'm on it17:37
seb128didrocks: there is also vino and vinagre if you want to do those17:38
didrocksseb128: I put them on my schedule too :)17:38
didrocksseb128: is it normal that gnome-python-desktop is not in bzr for ~desktop-team?17:43
seb128didrocks: it was supposed to be there? is there still a sponsoring request pending for it that I forgot about because it's not on the list?17:43
didrockshum, let me check17:44
seb128huats: the shlibs to update is the libgcr0 one and not the libgnome-keyring one17:45
huatsseb128: there is a shlibs for libgnome-keyring17:45
didrocksseb128: gnome-python-desktop was sponsored and I attached the bzr branch17:45
seb128huats: and now you need one for libgcr017:45
seb128didrocks: ok so I didn't push it probably, where is it?17:46
didrocksseb128: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~didrocks/+junk/gnome-python-desktop but you can push it next time :)17:47
seb128huats: no .shlibs means there is no version specified, which was correct for libgcr since that's a new lib17:47
seb128didrocks: ok, will do that then17:47
didrocksseb128: I used +junk because there is no gnome-python-desktop project in LP17:47
seb128didrocks: https://edge.launchpad.net/gnome-python-desktop ?17:48
didrocksthat's strange, it refused it to me. I will try again to push the branch later17:49
crevettedidrocks: I have the same problem for my packaging17:49
didrockscrevette: even with project that are on LP17:50
crevetteI tried to push my own branch for obex-data-server but I wasn't allowed to, wo Ipushed to +junk17:50
seb128crevette: you need to have a product using the same name on launchpad, if your packaging is nautilus-sendto-universe that's normal17:50
didrocksseb128: it's ok now17:50
crevetteseb128: no obex-data-server17:50
didrocksseb128: Registered17:50
huatsseb128: ok17:51
seb128didrocks: yes, I pinged jcastro recently about it I think17:51
seb128didrocks: but your request is not waiting for 3 weeks is it?17:51
seb128crevette: weird, https://edge.launchpad.net/obex-data-server17:51
didrocksseb128: I think I created the branch in ~didrocks before the creation17:51
didrocksof the project17:51
huatsseb128: (it is corrected)17:52
huatsso if I understood you well17:53
huatsthere was no need for the 2.25.90 since the lib was new in that release, but now we need it, since there was a .shlibs in the package17:54
seb128huats: almost good, the libgnome-keyring shlibs doesn't need an update17:54
seb128just libgcr17:55
seb128the shlibs need to be updated when there is an api addition17:55
seb128libgcr was new so there was no api addition in a specific version so no need to specify one17:55
seb128now there is one17:55
seb128so you need to specify that17:55
seb128didrocks: you should talk to dholbach17:56
seb128didrocks: your bugs fail to be listed, probably because you have no comment17:56
seb128just guessing17:56
seb128I will add a thanks for your work on one to see ;-)17:56
didrocksseb128: oh? yes, try this and we will see :)17:57
huatsseb128: ok17:57
huatsI understand now17:57
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
huatsseb128: better on LP ?18:02
seb128huats: yes ;-)18:04
seb128huats: sponsoring this one18:04
seb128ok, I'm away for dinner, I'll do some sponsoring after that18:06
seb128huats: you still have gtksourceview on your list, no hurry for this one18:06
seb128huats: you can do alacarte and bug-buddy next if you want18:06
seb128or work on the libgda update18:06
huatsseb128: I will tackle gtksourceview (just need to test run it now)18:08
huatsand I might give a chance to put it in bzr18:09
huatsand then tomorrow we'll see what remains :)18:09
vuntzseb128: I'm sure you want to give me 10 minutes of your time18:10
huatshey vuntz18:11
pittibonsoir vuntz18:11
vuntzGuten Abend, Herr Pitt18:11
vuntzseb128: just wondering about /etc/gconf/2/path in ubuntu18:12
pitticomment vas-tu?18:12
vuntzseb128: why did you add gconf.xml.system instead of fixing the PK stuff upstream to use gconf.xml.defaults?18:12
vuntzpitti: es geht gut18:13
* vuntz hopes pitti doesn't want to test the limits of his german ;-)18:13
pittivuntz: don't worry, that's about the limit of my French :)18:14
pittiwell, that, and a few phrases which aren't quite suitable here :)18:14
seb128vuntz: I've to go now but I will be back after dinner18:18
seb128vuntz: we did those changes way before the upstream changes you are speaking about18:19
seb128vuntz: we move the schemas default to var and have a debian tool to write distribution defaults18:19
vuntzseb128: nah, nah, nah. I'm talking about something else :-)18:19
seb128vuntz: the idea is that there is 3 set of settings, upstream, distro, systeadmin18:19
vuntzseb128: you added gconf.xml.system later18:19
seb128vuntz: I didn't do any packaing change when updating today18:20
vuntzdon't know about today18:20
vuntzjust ping me back after dinner18:20
seb128vuntz: ah, mvo did that, ping him18:20
seb128vuntz: I think that's because he was getting an error while trying to set system defaults and assumed that's because the directory was not available or something18:21
vuntzmvo: my friend?18:21
seb128I've to go but I will be back after dinner ;-)18:21
mvovuntz: I need to leave in 2min - what is the matter?18:21
seb128gconf (2.23.2-0ubuntu3) intrepid; urgency=low18:21
seb128  * create /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.system18:21
seb128  * include it in the default gconf path18:21
seb128 -- Michael Vogt <michael.vogt@ubuntu.com>  Thu, 11 Sep 2008 13:33:30 +020018:21
seb128I guess that's this change18:21
vuntzmvo: just ping me back when you'll be back, then. Nothing urgent18:22
mvovuntz: ok18:22
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Spinushi guys!...I'm trying to do a merge between Pidgin (ubuntu version) and the new debian version..could someone help me? :)20:16
chrisccoulsonbryce - do you think it would be useful to have timestamps in Xorg log files?21:31
seb128asomething: there?22:56
emberseb128 mind if i do gnome-themes and gnome-terminal?23:44
seb128you can do those updates23:45
emberok thanks.23:45
asomethingseb128: i'm back23:49
seb128asomething: hello, want to do the e-d-s, evolution, evolution-exchange 2.25.91 updates?23:49
asomethingseb128: sure thing23:50
seb128asomething: let me look at your evolution documentation split again, I looked quickly before and had some comments23:50
asomethingseb128: Bug #27277923:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272779 in evolution "evolution's documentation should be split in locale packages to save space" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27277923:50
seb128thanks for the bug number -;)23:50
seb128asomething: why did you add a documentation-common?23:51
asomethingseb128: it's the C locale, should I just do a documentation-c23:52
seb128asomething: no, don't split this one, we want to keep one documentation always installed I think23:52
seb128just keep it where it's no, evolution-common?23:52
seb128asomething: otherwise I'm not sure the enhances evolution and recommends documentation-en are useful23:53
seb128recommends are installed by default, why installing the german translation should trigger the english one?23:54
seb128also you need to use replaces on evolution-common (<< 2.25.90-0ubuntu3)23:54
seb128since you move files between binaries23:54
asomethingseb128: i assume that English will always be full, so I install it as a back up23:55
seb128isn't C there for that?23:55
seb128you might want to no split -en in this case23:56
asomethingso leave C in evo-common and not recommend -en?23:58
seb128I'm not sure about the recommend23:59

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