
KnivesI'm looking for a Jpdota00:09
JpdotaKnives: found00:10
keesandersk: sure, I'll apply it.00:52
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
fakhrizhi folks02:12
fakhrizI have trouble installing my webcam ubuntu 8.102:13
fakhrizanybody there02:13
nhandlerfakhriz: This channel is not for support. Try #ubuntu02:14
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dholbachgood morning05:46
amason_hey guys is UXA & DRI2 working in jaunty with -intel ? i know there are known issues with alpha4 and EXA. I was hoping to test out some newer packages and can deal with most things not working06:11
amason_but obviously the display portion is important06:12
pwnguinamason_: if you don't get an answer here, ubuntu-x might have your answer06:12
amason_pwnguin: thanks i'll head over and ask there.06:13
pittiGood morning07:22
pittiScottK: I copied 4.1.4 to i-updates yesterday07:22
pittiapw: cool, thanks! will review07:22
pittimaxb: hm, you shouldn't really get a prompt, the file should just go; please file a bug against locales and subscribe me07:23
primes2hCould someone have a look on this and tell if the package affected is correct? BTW, this bug has an high impact on many many users especially newbies. bug #25565108:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255651 in linux "floppy disk drive not detected (module not loaded) in Intrepid and Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25565108:09
primes2hI forgot.. please? :-)08:10
jeromegpitti: you seem to have taken care  of a few abiword uploads in the past. I'm working on packaging 2.6.6. Are you interested in reviewing it once I'm done ?08:14
pittijeromeg: I can look at it, but please just subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors, so that it's not blocking on just me08:15
jeromegpitti: ok, I'll do that08:17
primes2hbryce: Could you have a look on this, please? bug #29143608:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291436 in compiz "Video on Ati Radeon HD 2400 is flickering, I cant watch any video with compiz" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29143608:26
tkamppeterpitti, hi08:27
pittihi tkamppeter08:27
pittitkamppeter: please try to test-build cups before committing a patch :)08:27
tkamppeterpitti, about your upload of CUPS, the pdftopdf filter has to get built in Ghostscript mode. Poppler's pdftopdf has a general bug of not supporting different paper sizes in the output. Can you repackage CUPS with the pdftops filter being Ghostscript-based? Thanks.08:29
tkamppeterpitti, diod the CUPS not build for you in the form how I uploaded it? For me it built.08:33
tjaaltonprimes2h: nothing we can do08:34
primes2htjaalton: about the ATI one?08:34
tjaaltonprimes2h: yes08:35
pittitkamppeter: the test suite failed08:36
pittitkamppeter: because it didn't find gs08:36
pittitkamppeter: so if we should stop using pdftops from poppler-utils, and start using ghostscript, we need to change the patch again and swap the build-depends and depends instead08:36
pittitkamppeter: I just wonder whether switching to gs will give us a different set of bugs?08:42
tkamppeterpitti, I see. Can you do so? Return to my original patch and add "ghostscript" to BuildDepends and Depends.08:42
pittitkamppeter: I can, just wanted to confirm that that's the right thing08:44
pittitkamppeter: it's not possible to fix poppler?08:44
tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks.08:44
tkamppeterpitti, I had reported a bug to them, but they do not fix it.08:44
pittitkamppeter: okay; can you please open a bug and assign it to me?08:45
tkamppeterpitti, this is the link to the Poppler bug report: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1977708:54
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19777 in general "pdftops command line utility does not convert multiple-page-size documents correctly" [Normal,New]08:54
primes2htjaalton: Thanks.08:59
tkamppeterpitti, bug 32999109:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329991 in cups "Poppler's pdftops does not support multiple-page-size output, use Ghostscript for the CUPS filter instead" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32999109:02
pittitkamppeter: thanks09:02
tkamppeterpitti, have you already seen http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1996809:06
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19968 in Driver/intel "clone mode: If projector does not report its default resolution, wrong resolution gets selected" [Major,Resolved: notourbug]09:06
pittimaxb: ah, found the problem; will fix09:07
pittitkamppeter: I saw the reply, yes; but I can't test it here either09:07
tkamppeterThey have closed it because they cannot reproduce it with their projector, probably theirs reports the default.09:07
tkamppeterThey also they use Intrepid and not Jaunty.09:08
pittiseb128: btw, the retracer failures are my fault (conffile question in locales); fixing locales...09:09
loolpitti, tkamppeter: I had this exact same bug, I discussed it at length with seb128 and bryce09:09
seb128pitti: ok09:09
loolxrandr (the command-line binary) has a special --preferred flag which makes it *compute* the preferred mode when one isn't advertized; there's no comparable logic in the XRandr API or in GNOME (either libgnome-desktop or g-s-d)09:10
loolWhich is what seemed to be missing09:10
directhexcompute it based on what?09:10
tkamppeterpitti, lool, bryce, I think, this is a bug in xrandr, as if one starts the X server with the projector plugged, it works correctly. So the X server contains the correct logic. One only needs to use the same logic in xrandr.09:11
looldirecthex: It selects the largest mode you support09:11
looldirecthex: see preferred_mode() in xrandr/xrandr.c09:11
lool(in the x11-xserver-utils package)09:12
looltkamppeter: If you "xrandr --auto" in a Xorg session it works fine, right?09:13
tkamppeterPerhaps projectors which behave as the one on the Sprint are rare and so it is difficult to convince someone to fix this.09:13
tkamppeterlool, no, if I do so, I get exactly the problem described in the bug. If I start X with the projector plugged I get the correct result.09:14
loolMy understanding is that in GNOME sessions, all xrandr updates / hotkeys etc. are handled in GSD; I don't quite know whether it's a Xorg bug too09:14
maxbpitti: thanks! I'll wait for a new glibc to hit the archive before upgrading my remaining jaunty machines, to test09:16
* directhex installs a jaunty VM09:17
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jeromegpitti: ok, I think I'm for abiword, I attached everything and suscribed ubuntu-main-sponsors09:21
jeromegbug #31844409:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318444 in abiword "[need-update] abiword to latest stable version 2.6.6 in Ubuntu 9.04" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31844409:21
mvolool: when I looked into the xrandr util last it had a lot of logic in it that really should be in some sort of library09:21
jeromegI hope there aren't many issues because each test build takes 40 minutes here :(09:21
loolmvo: Yes09:22
loolmvo: That's exactly what we saw in my case09:22
directhexjeromeg, try your hand at OOo packaging, then moan about 40 minute build times ;)09:22
jeromegdirecthex: I tried to build ooo one time, and killed the pbuilder after 2 hours :)09:24
directhexjeromeg, barely 25% in? tsk09:25
tkamppetermvo, and the logic which does it correctly with the projector of the sprint is in the X server and not in xrandr ...09:29
pittimaxb: I uploaded the fix half an hour ago; it's not in glibc, but in "locales" (langpack-locales source), which is fairly small09:42
pittimaxb: thanks09:42
maxb"Add alternative dependency to libc6.1, to unbreak ia64." ?09:43
pittimaxb: no, the next one, in -309:44
cjwatsondoko: python2.6 binaries accepted now09:44
maxbOh. mail being slow, then09:44
geserso we have now four python versions in the archive?09:46
mok0geser: 2.3 is still supported?09:47
cjwatsongeser: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/python-for-jaunty includes dropping 2.4 modules09:47
dokocjwatson: thanks09:47
gesermok0: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 3.009:47
geserdoko: Hi, what are the chances to see python-central 0.6.8 in jaunty? Some packages from universe are in DEPWAIT as they want python-central >= 0.6.8 and jaunty has only 0.6.7ubuntu1.09:48
mok0cjwatson: any idea how many modules are not supported under 2.5?09:48
mok0geser: oh cool09:48
cjwatsonmok0: I thought everything was supported09:49
mok0cjwatson: I'm not sure09:50
mok0cjwatson: perhaps09:50
mok0cjwatson: that's why I asked :-)09:50
cjwatsonmok0: I would be surprised if not; about the only thing that has trouble is zope2.x/plone09:50
cjwatsonmok0: everything else is fine AFAIK09:50
mok0cjwatson: sounds great then09:50
cjwatsondoko: what's up with the i386 build failure on -0ubuntu3 though? is it due to a parallel build?09:51
mok0cjwatson: Usually Python version upgrades have meant that extension modules had to be corrected09:51
mok0cjwatson: especially those relying on swig09:52
dokogeser: no, will upload a new version09:53
dokocjwatson: no, profile based build. will disable this for now. it's a GCC bug09:54
geserdoko: you mean something like python-central 0.6.8ubuntu1 (or even greater)?09:55
cjwatsonmok0: maybe, but we did 2.5 ages ago10:05
mok0cjwatson: k, thx10:05
looldoko: Looks like /etc/ld.so.conf.d/<triplet> should be rm_conffiled in glibc10:20
looldoko: I have /etc/ld.so.conf.d/i486-linux-gnu.conf and /etc/ld.so.conf.d/i486-linux-gnu here10:20
loolI filed this sa #33002910:22
dokolool: yes, but it currently doesn't hurt, because only *.conf files are read10:38
looldoko: Ok10:41
looldoko: Hmm I don't see how the nosegneg dir is included in hardy; if I ldconfig -p with libc6-xen installed on a hardy xen domU, it doesn't show any nosegneg dirs, only the cmov one10:41
looldoko: I suspect we miss the xen.conf file10:41
looldoko: If I create a /etc/ld.so.conf.d/xen.conf with "hwcap 1 nosegneg" and run ldconfig, I see the nosegneg files in the cache now10:44
lool(in ldconfig -p)10:44
loolThat said, it still prefers the i686 version, which is probably another bug10:44
loolHmm TLS is disabled in all cases, so not a big deal10:46
loolubuntu-minimal depends on libc6-i686 though, blah10:47
loolI don't quite see the point of the libc6-xen in Ubuntu since -i686 is built with the same flags10:47
apwpitti, thanks for looking at my apport  (when you get to it)10:48
apwpitti, just to say i finally figured out how to test it propoerly with all three interfaces, and did actually test them all10:48
loolwow three reasons why libc6-xen is uselesss :-/10:50
looldoko: I filed 330039 on libc6-xen being useless, it might be the result of Ubuntu specific changes10:53
looldoko: Right, it's Ubuntu-specific; Debian doesn't set nosegneg by default10:59
looldoko: Perhaps we should drop the xen pass as a result11:00
elmowhy do we nosegneg?11:01
dokoI would have to look, I think I inherited this code11:03
loolelmo: This seems to be a very old change in Ubuntu11:04
lool    * i386.mk:11:04
lool      * readd no-tls-direct-seg-refs to generic libc cflags.11:04
loolglibc (2.5-0ubuntu1) feisty;  -- Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione@ubuntu.com>  Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:49:55 +010011:04
elmoI mean, I'm not complaining, it's a win for Xen ;-)  I just didn't think it was a win in the normal case11:05
loolI can tel it results in slower i386 assembly, but I don't know by how much11:06
* lool returns to arm11:07
ograhmm, new d-i inst built yet ...11:09
cjwatsonit'll need another rebuild today for cdebconf-terminal anyway11:09
cjwatson... once I get that built11:09
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loologra: It the new NSLU2 kernel in?11:10
ogralool, just checking11:10
loolI didn't see the change from jaunty-changes, but I might have missed it11:10
ograyep. looks like we have an 8.2211:11
loologra: In the latest git tip, I see CONFIG_ARCH_SUPPORTS_BIG_ENDIAN=y11:15
ograyes, somehow the changelog parser missed it11:17
loologra: So it's supposed to be the correct flag?11:17
ograi knew it was in there already, was just waiting that it builds11:17
ograamit picked it from the debian config he said11:17
ograso i assume it is11:17
ograwe'll know if d-i is there ...11:17
ogra... i would have poked around with my script, but since d-i was uploaded anyway i'll just wait for the real thing to appear11:18
ogratheoretically it should bot now11:18
Keybukcjwatson: you'll sympathise with this11:24
KeybukI've been trying to listen to the Ubuntu UK Podcast11:24
Keybukand having the "someone is being wrong on the Internet" issue11:24
ograthat cant be ... if its n the internet it has to be true ...11:25
directhexthe internet wouldn't... lie to me!11:26
* soren imagines a world that adapts itself in order to make whatever was on the Internet true11:26
ograno, its like your TV ... one of the few things that tell the absolute truth in the world :)11:26
* soren fails11:26
pittiKeybuk: http://xkcd.com/386/ ?11:26
Keybukpitti: exactly11:27
ogralool, hrm, seems d-i failed badly on all arches anyway11:30
* ogra didnt look before ..11:30
* Keybuk is having the most random issue with jaunty today11:32
Keybukit sometimes resolves IPv6 addresses for things11:32
Keybukand then declares "Network unreachable"11:32
Keybukespecially gb.archive.ubuntu.com11:32
DavieyKeybuk: i wouldn't bother listening to that podcast, full of jerks :)11:34
pittitkamppeter: however, it seems that some filters in debian/local/pdf-filters/ still use poppler; that would mean that we'd get a mix of poppler and ghostscript?12:04
asacdoko: have a clue about http://paste.ubuntu.com/118812/ (from http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22674731/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-sparc.ppp_2.4.5~git20081126t100229-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz)12:34
asacdoko: ?12:35
asacseems that BIG_ENDIAN and LITTLE_ENDIAN is defined there ;)12:35
asacdoko: the error say: # error Fix asm/byteorder.h to define arch endianness ... so maybe there is something missing on sparc ?12:36
asacor are you the wrong to ask ;)?12:36
dokoasac: I didn't touch ppp ... maybe fix the configure test?12:37
asacdoko: well. i dont ask because of pp, just wonder if the sparc header might be wrong12:37
asacdoko: what is the configure test supposed to do?12:38
asacdoko: on i386 asm/byteorder.h includes "little_endian.h"12:38
dokoasac: well, have a look at the linux-libc-dev package12:39
asacdoko: do you have a sparc jaunty thing somewher?12:39
ogra.oO( all the poor sparc dialup users .... )12:39
asacogra: more so about the sparc ppp server providers ;)12:39
ograheh, yeah12:39
asaci hoped i would get feedback on server capabilities from them. but now ...12:40
dokoasac: my sparc machine is currently down, so maybe have a look at faure?12:40
asacdoko: let me check that12:40
asacdoko: hmm ... seems i have no access to that system12:42
asacoh. so kernel is in manualdepwait for sparc12:43
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
cody-somervilleSounds no longer works in Xubuntu. :(12:48
Tm_Tcody-somerville: is it lighter that way?12:48
cody-somervilleala PulseAudio12:48
Tm_Tcody-somerville: interesting, I had always the sense of lightness when I played good old "indy500" without sound12:49
cody-somervilleI predict a day of the utmost suffering without my beautiful music : (12:49
Tm_Tcody-somerville: for that reason I always have backup, lp player12:50
Tm_Tcody-somerville: as I spend too much time fiddling with upstream12:50
davmor2cody-somerville: here borrow mine :)12:52
* davmor2 passes cody-somerville his music to listen to12:52
cody-somervilleI think I hear something... oh wait, no... just the snowplow outside :(12:53
* hyperair wonders what's the state of the intel drivers on jaunty12:53
KeybukI wish grub had copy & paste between reboots12:56
ograimplement it :)12:56
KeybukI have too much real work to do12:57
asacdoko: seems asm/byteorder.h includes linux/byteorder.h while it should inlcude linux/byteorder/big_endian.h12:59
asacdoko: so i guess -kernel?13:00
asac(and drop the #define __BIG_ENDIAN i guess from asm)13:01
tkamppeterpitti, the mix of Ghostscript and Poppler in the CUPS filters should not be a problem. Conversions from PDF to PS and vice versa are done with GS now, Poppler is only used for pdftopdf, as Poppler has a better API for page management. Poppler does not render the PDF files here, it only takes them apart and puts them together in another order.13:09
pittitkamppeter: okay13:09
tkamppeterpitti, also formerly CUPS uses both Poppler and GS, Poppler for pdftops and Ghostscript for the printer drivers.13:10
jeromeganyone available to review abiword 2.6.6 ?13:13
primes2hKeybuk: Could you have a look on bug #255651 please?13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255651 in linux "floppy disk drive not detected (module not loaded) in Intrepid and Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25565113:19
Keybuksomeone filed that one again?13:20
primes2hIn Hardy all worked out of the box, no floppy modules in /etc/modules13:20
primes2hIt has 18 duplicates-13:20
ogracjwatson, can we make sure the ixp4xx microcode udeb ends up in the ixp4xx netboot d-i image ?13:21
cjwatsonogra: sure, what's it called?13:21
ograhmm, no idea, i dont see an explicit package on http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/13:22
ograhttp://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/nic-firmware_1.6_all.udeb ?13:22
ograi guess rtg just includes it in the std. binary13:22
ograi'll ask13:23
primes2hKeybuk: I don't know what changed between Hardy and Intrepid so I don't know where to adress it.13:23
Keybukprimes2h: it's a kernel bug13:23
primes2hKeybuk: even if module it's not present in /etc/modules in Hardy but floppy works out of the box?13:24
Keybukprimes2h: a temporary workaround13:25
Keybukecho alias acpi*:PNP0700:* floppy > /etc/modprobe.d/makemyfloppywork13:25
_MMA_Hi all. Anyone from the release team around? The Ubuntu Studio dailies haven't been built since the 2nd. I need to get that remedied.13:25
primes2hKeybuk: A wordaround is adding floppy in /etc/modules13:26
sorenKeybuk: That doesn't work for me. I had a file called acpi-oh-dear-this-is-not-going-to-work:PNP0700:what-do-I-do in my $PWD, when I did it. Does that matter?13:27
Keybuksoren: in your PWD ?13:27
* soren should sleep more at night, /me thinks13:27
Keybukwhat did that file contain?13:27
cjwatsonogra: done13:27
soren"im in ur $pwd eeting ur modulz"13:28
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think soren is trolling your lack of shell quoting13:28
primes2hKeybuk: It works but I would like to know what is in charge to let floppy works in Hardy, because no module is present in /etc/modules... Is it built directly in the kernel itself?13:28
Keybukprimes2h: hardy has a variant of that line in a file in /etc/modprobe.d13:29
Keybukin fact, intrepid and jaunty have the same file13:29
loolsoren: haha13:29
Keybukit's just that the file doesn't work anymore, because it's wrong ;)13:29
primes2hKeybuk: How can it be fixed so?13:30
Keybukprimes2h: it's a one line patch to the kernel13:30
ogracjwatson, thanks13:30
cjwatson_MMA_: one moment13:30
cjwatson_MMA_: the cron job was apparently commented out; I'm not sure why but can't find a justification for it. I've reenabled it.13:31
Keybukprimes2h: it's somewhere in my TODO list13:31
Keybukassuming the kernel team don't get to it first13:31
primes2hKeybuk: Unfortunately it's a blocking bug for many many users, newbies firstly...13:32
Keybukbut there's 10 of them, and 1 of me, so I outnumber them 1-to-1013:32
Keybukprimes2h: the things above it in my TODO list concern more useful hardware than floppy drives :)13:32
primes2hKeybuk: ok, but it's just one line... ;-)13:33
Keybukyes, but then I have to test it13:33
Keybukand I have to use git13:33
Keybukwhich means I have to stab someone afterwards13:33
Keybukand then I have to have the "why not work around it in userspace?" argument13:34
Keybukat which point, I should probably just commit it upstream13:34
Keybukwhich means it'll turn up in jaunty+113:34
Keybukin summary: one line patches take more effort than entire new features :p13:34
jeromeganyone here has a few spare time to review bug #318444 ?13:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318444 in abiword "[need-update] abiword to latest stable version 2.6.6 in Ubuntu 9.04" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31844413:36
primes2hKeybuk: I don't want to put pressure on you but unfortunately this kind of bug put away a lot of new users in Ubuntu.. :-)13:36
jeromegI won't have much time in the following days, and feature freeze is soon13:36
primes2hKeybuk: users that are not even able to report a bug...13:37
Keybukprimes2h: those users will be even more upset if Ubuntu fails to mount their root filesystem13:38
Keybukwhich is amongst the bugs higher up on my list ;)13:38
_MMA_cjwatson: Oh odd. Thanx for the fix.13:40
primes2hKeybuk: if I find someone providing a patch for this could you review it? (when you have time, of course) :-)13:40
Keybukprimes2h: of course13:41
primes2hKeybuk: Thank you.13:42
azeemoops, sorry13:43
PecisDarbspitti: hi there, I have that patch for sl-modem-daemon init script, can I send it to you, will you take look at it?13:46
ogracjwatson, hmm, i suspect there is more to change for the nslug ... in debian it starts an ssh server after booting13:50
ograoh, it does so for me too now, but first asks the kbd questions ...13:50
* ogra guesses that needs special preseeding13:51
cjwatsonogra: as documented ...13:53
primes2hKeybuk: just one last thing. Do you mean the patch has to be addressed at the kernel package? Or what else package alternatively?13:54
* ogra wonders what kbd to set ... i guess just gb or us is fine ... nobody will use that anyway13:54
ogradirecthex, yeah :)13:54
ograa hommage to the sydney linux user group ;)13:54
cody-somervillehmm... abiword appears to be in main. I thought it was in universe.13:56
primes2hKeybuk: I mean, is the bug in the kernel package itself?13:56
Keybukprimes2h: it's a bug in the kernel source itself13:57
cody-somervilleCan someone do me a big fat favour and review/upload an update prepared by one of the Xubuntu contributors jeromeg for Abiword? https://launchpad.net/bugs/31844413:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 318444 in abiword "[need-update] abiword to latest stable version 2.6.6 in Ubuntu 9.04" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:57
* ogra grins about the nslug loading the PS/2 driver13:59
pittiPecisDarbs: great! Please attach it to the bug report14:07
ograhrm, i dont get where d-i pulls the preseed file from during build14:20
PecisDarbspitti: patch attached to bug report with explanation what it does14:22
pittiPecisDarbs: thanks14:28
cjwatsonogra: build/config/arm/iop32x/netboot.cfg:29: cp boot/arm/glantank.preseed $(SOME_DEST)/$(EXTRANAME)/glantank/preseed.cfg14:39
cjwatsonthat kind of thing presumably14:39
ogracjwatson, yeah, seems the default file is assembled in the oldsys-preseed usdb14:39
cjwatsonthat's a bit different14:40
ograi got a preseed.cfg in the booted d-i but dont see it in the d-i buildlog14:40
ograthere is no such thing like the iop32x code for ixp4xx14:40
cjwatsonoldsys-preseed is for *dynamic* preseeding based on stuff extracted from the device14:40
ograso i assume it comes with a package14:40
cjwatsonogra: it's not generic, you would have to write it14:40
cjwatsonthere is normally no default preseed file14:41
cjwatsonunless you've modified your local tree with a preseed.cfg14:41
ograi was assuming there was one since ixp4xx has so much special setup14:41
ograno, i didnt touch my tree14:41
cjwatsonthere's no preseed.cfg in the ixp4xx images in the archive14:42
cjwatsonso I don't know why your tree would be picking one up14:42
ograbut i have /preseed.cfg in the booted d-i on the device14:42
ograwhich makes me assume oldsys-preseed created it somehow14:42
ograthe values match wahts in oldsys-preseed14:43
cjwatsonah, right, yes oldsys-preseed would do that at run-time14:43
ogracjwatson, btw, dont wait for me with the d-i upload for this ...14:44
cjwatsonI'm waiting for other things at the moment14:44
ograok, just want to make sure ... the team has serial consoles anyway so for internal tests the debconf questions wont get in your way14:45
cjwatsonneed debian-installer-utils to publish14:45
* ogra goes for some late lunch14:46
ogracjwatson, geez, most of the config is hardcoded in the oldsys-preseed script actually15:17
ogra                        sanity_check_static_config15:18
ogra                        if [ "$NET_CONFIG" != "static" ]; then15:18
ogra                                IPADDRESS=
ograand the static file has exactly the same values ...15:18
cjwatsonhah. Please take that up in a Debian bug report, I don't want to have to figure it out myself15:18
ograwill do15:19
=== mbiebl_ is now known as mbiebl
Keybukbryce: why is there an /etc/init.d/xserver-xorg-input-wacom ?15:24
ograKeybuk, i wuld guess it calls hal-set-property to adjust the config15:25
Keybukit does not15:25
ograKeybuk, tablets are tricky since they have multiple input devices15:25
Keybukit makes symlinks15:25
Keybukin fact, it makes one symlink - /dev/input/wacom15:26
ogranow that should be halified ...15:26
ograbut its probably for backwards compatibility with old xorg.conf setups15:27
sladenand IIRC it's wrong anyway, as it's not an *input* (HID) device15:27
Keybukyou misunderstand me15:27
Keybukit makes a symlink, in /dev, to a device node, in /dev15:27
Keybukbased on properties found in /sys15:27
KeybukI may be wrong, but we have a daemon entirely dedicated to that purpose15:27
Keybukand would you know, xserver-xorg-input-wacom installs a config file for that daemon15:28
Keybukand WOULD YOU KNOW it makes a symlink with it ;)15:28
ograright, but we had that hardcoded /dev/input/wacom entry in xorg.conf from mr. garret for years15:28
Keybukyou still miss the point ;)15:28
Keybukthe symlink is already there by the time this init script runs15:28
sladenHAL/udev, yes yes yes15:28
ogragets it15:28
ogra /me even :)15:29
sladenbut the symlink that bryce (?) added is wrong anyway, so don't duplicate it15:29
sorensladen: Wacom tablets aren't input devices?15:29
Keybukwell, yes, having such a symlink is inherently bogus15:29
sladensoren: no, they're serial ports15:29
sorensladen: What would you call the thing at the end of it?15:29
sorenI mean.. At the other end of the port?15:30
sladensoren: an RS-232 transceivever15:30
* soren feels like he's missing half a story here15:30
sladenthe protcol that runs over these serial ports is not HID, or kernel dev/input.  It's a 5-9 byte protocol that must be converted ito HID.  And *that* translated device added to /dev/innput15:31
ograthough it doesnt need to create the same symlink twice :)15:32
sladenthe purpose of the shell script was to search for such "hidden" serial ports, and then tell X to talk magic protocol to those ports15:32
Keybuksladen: no, the shell script doesn't do any of that15:33
sladenKeybuk: indeed.  However, that's what used to happen when it did work out of the box, which IIRC, it no longer the case...15:33
Keybuksuch a shell script would still be wrong15:35
KeybukHAL should do that kind of thing15:35
sladenKeybuk: agreed.  If there's now a in-kernel wacom driver (that translates to HID) it should be possible to make it all work "correctly"15:36
Keybukthere certainly seems to be15:36
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jeromegdholbach: could you please have a look at bug #318444 ?16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318444 in abiword "[need-update] abiword to latest stable version 2.6.6 in Ubuntu 9.04" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31844416:43
jeromegI would like to get this in before feature freeze16:43
dholbachjeromeg: I'd prefer if somebody else could take a look at it - I'm quite busy atm - did you ask in #ubuntu-desktop?16:44
jeromegdholbach: nope, I'll try that16:45
rgreeningmvo: ping16:54
mvorgreening: pong16:54
rgreeningheya. I got a q for you... in the apt backend for kpk, do you know if it supports searching the app-install data (desktop) files for applications?16:55
rgreeningmvo: I am looking at adding a simplified search to kpackagekit, as the default one returns all packages (i.e. libraries, etc) but the end user may only wish to know about applications from the app-install-data package.16:56
rgreeningmvo: but I need some direction on how to set the correct Client Filter (if it exists)16:56
mvorgreening: I thnk it does exist, glatzor was doing some work on the packagekit backend, he probably knows the answer better than me17:02
rgreeningglatzor: I have basically everything complete for a Add/Remove simple view in kpackagekit. I need some assistance on setting a filter for app-install desktop entires only.17:03
rgreeningty mvo17:03
mvocheers, sorry that I was not more helpful17:03
glatzorrgreening, what should the filter return? the application names?17:04
rgreeningglatzor: hey. Well, right now, if you filter on Group, it will return all packages in that group. I'd like to filter out libraries, etc and just return valid Applications from the app-install-data package. I was wondering if that exists?17:06
rgreeningglatzor: like a filter AppOnly option or something17:06
glatzorrgreening, getting an application view requires a lot more things than just to hide libraries.17:09
rgreeningglatzor: well, that's what I am asking...17:09
rgreeningglatzor: is that backend written?17:09
rgreeningglatzor: I have a ready to go front-end, if there is a backend filter available to use17:09
glatzorrgreening, there is already some code to map packages to menu entries (desktop files) which is used in the gnome utils17:10
glatzorbut that is not very mature.17:10
rgreeningglatzor: who is working that piece? if anyone?17:10
glatzorrgreening, e.g. it doesn't not handle multiple applications per package17:10
glatzorrgreening, richard17:11
rgreeningglatzor: nick for richard?17:11
glatzorrgreening, I already gave you the recommendation to look at this code at UDS. :)17:11
glatzorrgreening, hughsie at #packagekit17:12
rgreeningglatzor: ty. UDS was a long while ago. My brain forgot :)17:12
rgreeningglatzor: I'll try richard,17:12
glatzorrgreening, there is already an infrastructure and terminology in the packagekit api: the basename or gui filter17:14
glatzorrgreening, but basenames aren't "yet" implemented in the apt backend17:15
rgreeningglatzor: which part is that contained it?17:16
rgreeningglatzor: oh...17:16
glatzorrgreening, we can take the discussion to #packagekit17:16
rgreeningglatzor: is richard the one working on the basename stuff for the apt backend?17:24
glatzorrgreening, no. I am the apt backend maintainer and richard is the chief of the whole project :)17:27
rgreeningok, can you help me then?17:28
glatzorrgreening, he doesn't work on any other backend than the yum one17:28
glatzorrgreening, I hope so.17:28
rgreeningglatzor: ok. so, what do we need to do?17:28
rgreeningI can help, if you point me to things to test/try.17:29
rgreeningglatzor: right not my front-end looks liek this... http://imagebin.ca/view/8dy8cR1.html17:32
rgreeningglatzor: basically, whats missing is the ability to show only end-user apps, which comes down to a filter into the app-install-data somehow.17:33
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apwpitti, did you get a chance to look at that apport thingy17:37
kirklandRainCT: howdy, just got your messages17:38
kirklandRainCT: regarding your screen-profiles mousewheel issue, can you read https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screen-profiles/+bug/328536 and tell me if that's your issue?17:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 328536 in screen-profiles "confusing scrollbar behavior in gnome-terminal when using screen-profiles" [Low,Confirmed]17:39
RainCThi kirkland :)17:39
kirklandRainCT: please see my explanation in Comment 317:39
kirklandRainCT: i think this is what you're experiencing.  if so, i will create a launchpad question/answer for this issue17:39
RainCTkirkland: I know the workaround, but I think that didn't happen before17:40
RainCT(workaround = that pgup/pgdown works)17:40
kirklandRainCT: hmm, okay, then i misunderstand your question17:41
kirklandRainCT: this is a regression against an earlier screen-profiles?17:41
RainCTI may be wrong though.. Perhaps I did just never try to scroll with the mouse before :P17:41
kirklandRainCT: or a regression against the way normal 'screen' works?17:41
kirklandRainCT: go back to using normal 'screen' for a moment, in a new gnome-terminal window17:41
kirklandRainCT: select-screen-profile, choose "plain"17:42
RainCTkirkland: Against normal. I've just tried uninstalling screen-profiles and it doesn't happen17:42
keesis this about mouse-scrolling?17:42
kirklandkees: yes17:42
keeskirkland: what's the expectation, that it _should_ scroll or not?17:42
kirklandkees: i'm fixing my cryptsetup mess right now too, sorry.17:42
kirklandkees: my explanation is: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screen-profiles/+bug/328536/comments/317:42
keeskirkland: I already uploaded and committed to bzr for cryptsetup17:42
RainCT(normal screen just does nothing on scroll)17:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 328536 in screen-profiles "confusing scrollbar behavior in gnome-terminal when using screen-profiles" [Low,Confirmed]17:42
keesRainCT: under "Profile preferences" in gnome-terminal, under Scrolling, there is a check-box for "Use keystrokes to scroll on alternate screen".17:43
keesis that the setting you're looking for?17:43
RainCTmy problem isn't exactly the same as in the report though, if I understood it correctly. I have no problems unless I move the mouse whell, in which case I get old stuff.. I have scroll bars disabled and am using terminator17:43
keesoh, hm17:44
RainCTkees: that's enabled17:44
s0u][ighthello where can i find ubuntu staff?17:44
kirklandRainCT: you have multiple windows open within screen?17:44
keesRainCT: try turning it off, it may change what you're experiencing17:45
kirklands0u][ight: depends on what you're looking for;  post your question, someone will answer if they have the information17:45
s0u][ightpower is being abused in the turkish help forum17:46
RainCTkirkland: irssi, welcome and shell17:46
RainCTkees: still the same17:46
s0u][ightsomeone posted a question and the forum admins made fun out of him etc., another one supported that guy and he got banned from the forum17:46
kirklandRainCT: okay, and if you use irssi window for a bit, then switch to shell, and mouse-scroll back, you see irssi data?17:46
RainCTkirkland: yes17:47
keesRainCT: hrmpf17:47
kirklandRainCT: right, so gnome-terminal doesn't really understand that screen has multiple windows running beneath it17:48
persias0u][ight, You'd do better to look for a forums admin on #ubuntuforums17:48
RainCTkirkland: but without the profile it works17:49
keeskirkland: it can depend on one's TERM -- I think there is a way to have screen's scrolling go off the top of the scroll-back buffer.  normally it's contained, though.17:49
kirklandRainCT: so with the plain profile, you can open multiple windows?17:49
kirklandRainCT: switch among windows17:49
RainCTkirkland: err, ignore my last sentence :)17:49
kirklandRainCT: roll your mouse wheel and scroll each window's buffer independently?17:50
RainCTnope :)17:50
kirklandkees: interesting, i'd love to solve that one17:50
keeskirkland: yeah, I've never known how to change it.17:50
kirklandas i understand it, it's a matter of which program traps and uses the mouse's scrollwheel keypresses17:51
kirklandsince gnome-terminal is at the top of the stack, i think it captures it first17:51
kirklandunless you disable it, and ask it to pass that through to the shell program17:51
kirklandif we could do that, then we could probably tell screen to prepend an F7 on the beginning of that17:51
kirklandand voila, we'd have per-window scrolling17:52
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pittiapw: doing right now; good work!18:06
apwits a lot better than the last one18:07
cjwatsoncoo, I think I have LVM handling working in kickseed18:13
cjwatsonbut that's enough for the day ...18:13
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_010100can whomever is the mod on ubuntu-devel ML let my explanation of the effect the pulseaudio auto-spawn will have go through?19:34
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macoer...right, joke nick --> real nick19:34
BrujahIs creative commons licence free enough to be in ubuntu? (for games resources)19:37
maco2.5 or 3.0?19:37
macoi think 3.0 is DFSG-free, but 2.5 isn't19:37
Brujahf.e. the freesounds project?19:38
macowhich CC license is it?19:38
BrujahCreative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.19:40
macowow that one hasnt been around on creativecommons.org in a while...lemme find the text19:41
macoactually...there's a list of DFSG-free licenses19:43
macoand yeah, it's on there19:43
macooh wait19:43
macoin the "incompatible" category19:43
macoBrujah: http://wiki.debian.org/DFSGLicenses19:44
persiaThere's some variance between Ubuntu-free and DFSG-free, for example GFDL and CC-SA 2.5 are Ubuntu-free (if I remember correctly).  One would need to check the ubuntu-devel and sounders mailing list archives to find an actual opinion.19:50
Brujahso it could be that this licence is ubuntu-free? :-) the debian guys told me they cannot accept it. I use kubuntu so it would work for me :-)19:52
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james_wBrujah: it does seem too restrictive, it would be a candidate for multiverse at the very least though19:54
BrujahI would rather like to replace everything that causes problems with really free stuff19:58
Brujahbut for the sounds I cannot find nothing19:58
BrujahIts a dungeon crawling game20:00
Brujahwe use 48 sounds20:00
Brujahare there any free sounds for dungeon games?20:01
Brujahthere are tiles on sf which we use :-)20:02
macoBrujah: got a creaky door and a faucet you can make drip?20:02
macoyou can always record some free sounds20:02
Brujahi lack the equipment I fear. I am a programmer :-)20:03
persiaYou don't have a sound card?  You can get a cheap mic (low-quality recordings are best for compression anyway) and attach it.20:03
persiaPost the raw sounds, and ask someone to reformat, etc.20:03
sistpotyasac: would you volunteer as motu-release delegate for the mozilla team again?20:07
RiddellBrujah: CC is fine in Ubuntu (except for no-derivs of course)20:08
persiaRiddell, All CC?  I thought we preferred 2.0+, and didn't like 1.0.20:09
persia(but the sampling license has a different numbering scheme)20:09
RiddellI don't think I've come across 1.0 licenced stuff, but 2+ is ok for us.  3.0 or up preferred of course since that's better for Debian20:10
macothe sampling license was retired after 1.0, i think20:10
macothey got rid of it in june '0720:10
persiaI thought 1.0 was widely panned as being non-free.20:10
persiaAnyway, if there's precedent for the license, it's free to upload.  If not, best to ask the TB.  TB response usually seems to be that anything redistributable can go in multiverse, which makes it easy to get included.20:11
asacsistpoty: i guess so ;)20:12
sistpotyasac: excellent, thanks :)20:12
sistpotysuperm1: would you be willing to act as mythbuntu delegate for motu-release for this cycle again?20:13
superm1sistpoty, yeah should be able to.  i've already been hounding my guys to hit FF, so hopefully there won't need to be too much delegating necessary :)20:13
sistpotysuperm1: cool, thanks!20:14
sistpotyogra: and would you like to act as motu-release delegate for netbook remix (or whatever mobile is called nowadays) again?20:15
Brujahwould you accept laby into multiverse? when I remove all the pictures from unknown sources and replace all sounds with cc licenced ones?20:15
ograsistpoty, i hve not much to do with image building this release, i'm mostly doing arm ... StevenK does the ubuntu-netbook-remix and ubuntu-mid images, but it might be a bad time for him20:17
sistpotyogra: ah, thanks...20:18
ograyour meeting times are not really aussie friendly20:18
sistpotyI'll ask at a better time then :)20:18
ograsiretart, if he cant do it, i can be the fallback though20:19
sistpotyogra: cool, thanks :)20:19
geserslangasek: Hi, could you please give bug #323863 another try and move now also the other binary deb and the source to universe too? thanks.20:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323863 in libjdic-java "Please move package to universe" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32386320:27
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lamontKeybuk: around still?22:09
lamontKeybuk: git clone git://git.debian.org/~lamont/util-linux.git; cd util-linux; git checkout -b foo origin/ubuntu/stable/v2.1422:09
lamontgets you the current tree22:09
lamontKeybuk: util-linux doesn't use debian/patches, if that's what you mean22:12
lamontsince that way lies madness22:12
Keybuklamont: what's the difference between master and the other branch?22:31
lamontmaster is "current devel" - basically all of my branches track karel's branches of the same name22:32
lamontand then ubuntu/* is a branch from *22:32
Keybukbut master has a debian directory?22:32
lamontwhich reminds me, I need to test 2.14.2-1ubuntu1 and upload it22:32
Keybukpretent that I'm confused by this whole git multiple branches in a branch thing22:33
lamontmaster is a debian-ish branch based off of karel's master22:33
Keybukso I've done a checkout of your git tree22:33
Keybukis that the util-linux package you upload?22:33
lamontI upload from stable/v2.14 or so - since I don't upload until it releases (or will release before our release, such as 2.14.2~rc2 ish)22:33
superm1Keybuk, am I to understand this correctly; we're not using upstart to spawn gdm?  I was talking to someone about the priority it starts in Fedora, and they *are* starting it from upstart.  Why not in Ubuntu?22:34
lamontand within stable/v2.14, I say "debuild -I.git -S" or so22:34
Keybukso how do you keep all these changelogs straight?!22:34
lamontI don't bother with changelog until I'm uploading, and then I grab the 1-liner from each commit, along with it's author, to generate a debian changelog22:34
lamontthat, mixed with never committing debain/ and !debian in the same commit -> love22:35
Keybukso how does a changelog end up in master?22:35
Keybukis that when 2.14 itself was released?22:35
lamontsee also the commits with a log of 'changelog: release'22:35
Keybukso your stable/v2.14 branch is what you actually upload as util-linux right now22:35
lamontmaster got a merge of the stable stuff at some point, it's probably seriously diverged22:36
Keybukand that is based off Karel's stable/v2.14 branch22:36
Keybukwhere does the ubuntu one come from?22:36
Keybukdo you just track other people's uploads with it?22:36
lamontthe tag v2.1322:36
lamontthe head of stable/v2.14 is what I will have uploaded as 2.14.2-1 to debian, and head of ubuntu/stable/v2.14 will be 2.14.2-1ubuntu1 once I reboot my laptoo22:37
lamontat that point, I'll tag both trees, and push again22:37
Keybukand when karel releases 2.15 off master, you'll merge the debian stable/v2.14 back into your master branch?22:38
lamontpossibly even before that, but yes.  2.15 release from karel means: merge my stable/v2.14 and his v2.15 branch to a new stable/v2.15 branch22:39
lamontand yeah, smack it onto master as well at the same time22:39
Keybukand people wonder why I laugh when they say revision control makes packaging easier22:39
lamontOTOH, having a debian repo and a !debian repo makes me cry22:39
lamontso I quit trying22:39
lamontand directory-per-branch is one of the reasons I went with git instead of bzr when I did my mass exodus from CVS/TLA/arch in 05ish22:40
lamontthat is, bzr's then-insistence on one-directory-one-branch was a major factor in not going there22:40
Keybukdebian repo and !debian repo?22:41
lamontI understand that's been fixed since then...:-)22:41
lamontsome people like to have foo-1.1/.bzr and foo-1.1/debian/bzr and then magically do wonders to smash them together into a package to upload22:41
lamontmaybe my failure to understand what they were doing is a factor in the screaming fit I had running from them22:41
lamontanyway - rebooting, brb (or screaming, pretty sure it'll be the "brb" option)22:43
Keybukwell, in theory, the Ubuntu diff should go away anyway22:44
Keybukthe vol_id/blkid thing is fixed upstream22:44
Keybukyou should just merge the udev hooks into Debian22:44
Keybukand the fallback clause stuff should be sent upstream, and merged into Debian too22:44
Keybukthe udev rules directory change should go into Debian as well22:45
calcjcastro: how long did it take your lenovo to clear customs?22:45
calcmy laptop has been sitting in US customs for 3 days it appears22:46
directhexSetting up monodevelop (1.9.2+dfsg-1~pre1~jaunty3) ...22:47
jcastrocalc: 3/4 days22:50
directhexjcastro, ^^22:51
dtchencody-somerville: RE: your e-mail to -devel, please note that *only* ubuntu-desktop seeds PulseAudio. None of {[kx],myth}ubuntu{,studio}-desktop do.22:53
dtchencody-somerville: your inaudible audio issue cannot possibly have anything to do with those PulseAudio changes unless you installed pulseaudio explicitly.22:54
ogradtchen, wow, do you have a shotcut key for that regex ? :)22:56
jcastrodirecthex: ! awesome22:56
calcjcastro: ok22:56
directhexjcastro, needs a bugfixed mono-addins, which is in debian incoming22:57
superm1dtchen, i think that he was referring to breakage that happens when you install xubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu-desktop and switch between the two22:57
dtchensuperm1: which is by no means default, but yes, that's one specific test case i'm running locally22:58
superm1dtchen, yeah.22:59
lamontKeybuk: though the debian/control diff will not go away until udev has a similar version between the two distros...23:00
dtcheni've already identified a regression, but its probability of striking that particular use case and the one of only default *-desktop needs more feedback.23:00
lamontBTW, uploaded, and pushed23:00
dtchen(referring specifically to autospawn in this instance)23:01
Keybuklamont: that's never going to happen :-(23:02
Keybuklamont: did you deliberately miss out two ubuntu revisions?23:02
calcjcastro: i ended up buying a seagate 7200.4 500gb drive for mine, hopefully it won't be hard to swap out23:03
cody-somervilledtchen, I have ubuntu-desktop installed23:03
cody-somervillein addition to xubuntu-desktop23:03
lamontKeybuk: probably not deliberately, no.23:06
lamontbut then, if it's a random upload to ubuntu, i don't always get it back into my tree, esp if it gets superseded before I get to it23:07
persialamont, Can you not get it by revision from patches.ubuntu.com or LP?23:08
Keybuklamont: gnargh!23:08
Keybuklamont: it's ok to miss them when you're doing Debian uploads, but uploading to Ubuntu without checking is just not cool23:08
Keybuklamont: need some git help here23:13
KeybukI cannot seem to push my branch anywhere with my changes23:13
TheMusodtchen: Have you noticed that if an alsa-info URL is broken into two lines in an email, it doesn't work?23:13
RAOFWhat would be an appropriate way to debug "Evolution spends the first 30 minutes thrashing the disk after startup"?  strace?23:14
* calc has to remember how to determine how to properly handle the ooo human icons set23:15
lamontKeybuk: as in I dropped changes?23:16
lamontwhich would not be the intention23:16
Keybuklamont: so, I've made a git branch with the missing changes23:16
Keybukand I've added a changelog23:16
Keybuknow, how the hell do I push this somewhere?23:16
Keybukbecause every time I do, git explodes in a violent array of puke or nothingless23:17
lamontgit push ssh://git.debian.org/public_git/util-linux.git I expect23:17
lamontgit push ssh://git.debian.org/public_git/util-linux.git ubuntu/stable/v2.1423:17
lamontor so.23:17
* lamont needs to run for an hour or so, unfortunately23:17
Keybukwhy ubuntu/stable/v2.14?23:17
RAOFThat would be the branch you want to push to, I think.23:18
Keybukthen I just get:23:19
Keybukerror: src refspec ubuntu/stable/v2.14 does not match any.23:19
RAOFKeybuk: What does 'git branch -a' say?23:22
KeybukRAOF: lots, what are you looking for specifically?23:22
RAOFKeybuk: I was hoping that the one with at * next to it was ubuntu/stable/v2.1423:23
KeybukI couldn't do that23:23
Keybukas soon as I tried to do anything on that branch, git threw me into a nameless branch23:23
Keybukso I had to give it a name23:23
Keybukthus "ubuntu"23:23
* RAOF hates on git.23:23
Keybukall I want to do is push _this_ branch somewhere that lamont can get it23:23
RAOFMaybe just 'git push origin' will work, then.23:24
KeybukI can't push to an http url, can I? :)23:24
RAOFMess with .git/config until it's no longer http? :).  I don't really know; I was just trying to help with my fairly minimal git knowledge.23:24
directhexsilly git23:25
Keybukhow will that help?23:25
KeybukI can make it ssh, but I don't have access to that machine23:25
RAOFI'm out of my depth then, sorry.23:26
dtchencody-somerville: file a bug, then.23:55
dtchenTheMuso: no. do you mean MUA parsing?23:56
TheMusodtchen: No, never mind, I am working around it by going to the web page for the bug.23:57

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