
iahello. I try to compile custom kernel for jaunty(2.6.28-8.21) with ralink wireless driver as module and i get message ".../linux-2.6.28/scripts/Makefile.build:231: target `ubuntu/../drivers/staging/rt2860' doesn't match the target pattern"; module doesn't compile, but compilation of kernel go on. could you tell me, please, how to fix it?01:16
TheMusoia: You should only need the linux headers packages to build a new driver against the kernel.01:17
TheMusoia: So linux-headers-2.6.28-generic01:17
iaTheMuso: eeem, i don't compile driver for existing kernel; i compile the whole kernel with necessary modules. afaik headers necessary only if you develop/compile modules for already existed and compiled kernel.01:21
TheMusoia: So do the current jaunty kernels not have the necessary modules? If so, you should contact the kernel team about that01:22
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
pwnguindoes ubuntu-kernel handle linux-firmware?04:30
pwnguinthere's a capitalization bug in the bcm bluetooth firmware =/04:33
pwnguinbug #15613304:34
ubot3Malone bug 156133 in linux-firmware "bluez suite lacks bluez-firmware package" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15613304:34
pwnguinok, redid the title on that04:40
pwnguinbug #15613304:40
ubot3Malone bug 156133 in linux-firmware "bcm203x firmware improperly capitalized" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15613304:40
pgranerpwnguin: yep it does, what release are you having the prob? Intrepid?05:00
dtchenpgraner: from last i looked at the bug, both intrepid and jaunty05:08
pgranerdtchen: ok, I'll flag it for both releases. Thanks.05:08
dtchenpgraner: / apw: thanks for the vanilla kernel builds, which made it possible to easily fix an upstream ndiswrapper bug (diff sent to tracker).06:04
pgranerdtchen: cool glad its helping you. Would be great if you could drop a note to kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com letting the team know06:05
dtchenpgraner: sure thing. vanilla builds also made it easy to verify existence of another upstream ALSA bug - working on fixing that now.06:06
pgranerdtchen: awesome!06:07
nataraj hi 07:29
nataraj<nataraj> git branch07:29
nataraj<nataraj>   master07:29
nataraj<nataraj>   origin07:29
nataraj<nataraj> * tmp07:29
nataraj tmp is v2.6.18 tag07:30
nataraj<nataraj> but on compile i get 2.6.29-rc07:30
nataraj<nataraj> what to do to get 2.6.18 kernel?07:30
Ngsmb_tp: I poked bug #311716 off Fix Released for Intrepid since there seem to be a bunch of people who've had brightness control break as a result09:29
ubot3Malone bug 311716 in linux "The slider brightness Applet has value inverted after the last update (2.6.27-11)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31171609:29
Ng(myself included, Thinkpad x300)09:29
smb_tpNg, is the result currently no brightness control or the still inverted control?09:29
Ngsmb_tp: no brightness control. The on screen display shows it changing, but it doesn't actually change (via keyboard hotkeys and the panel applet)09:31
smb_tpHave you tried the acpi_backlight= options?09:31
Ngsmb_tp: the only thing I tried was to quickly rmmod thinkpad_acpi and modprobe it with backlight_control=1 (without rebooting), which didn't seem to do anything, but I'm not sure how useful a test that was09:32
NgI certainly can test that option though09:33
smb_tpHm, if i do not confuse this the x300 was different as it could/should not work with thinkpad-acpi. Or was that a different model. I think I saw some comments like that somewhere09:34
Ngthere are newer laptops sold as thinkpads which have a totally different internal setup to "normal" thinkpads, but the X300 is a "normal" thinkpad. Interally it's actually quite similar to the X6109:35
Ngand the various thinkpad kernel modules do definitely work with it09:35
Ng(and e.g. Nafallo's T61? sees the same thing, and I added a bunch of similar reports as duplicates of 311716 yesterday)09:36
smb_tpOk, so all the "real" thinkpads should be happy with "options backlight_enable=1" in the modprobe.d. This should generate a message in dmesg saying that thinkpad_acpi is controlling the backlight, not that it backs of. The problem here is that all those Thinkpads seem to have acpi information that claims to support the generic driver while in fact it does not work. and the thinpad_acpi driver backs off in that case.09:39
Ngthat being the case, the question would be how to get that option on the right machines - it seems a little harsh to regress the brightness control for a popular range of laptops and require people to set a modprobe option themselves (which may cause problems later)09:41
NgI'll test that and the acpi_backlight option later09:41
smb_tpThe crazy thing there is that the dsdt does not directly show any _BCL method (which is taken as an indicator that the acpi driver can handle this). It seems like hidden somewhere with indirect pointers which I still do not really grasp. We could make acpi_backlight=1 the default but it is quite hard to say how many models this would regress09:43
NgI'd be tempted to suggest contacting Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@hmh.eng.br> who is the maintainer of thinkpad_acpi and would probably know the models well09:46
Ngthere's an ibm-acpi-devel list that he's quite active on09:46
smb_tpNg, for the thinkpads the acpi_backlight option does likely not help. The driver directly queries the capabilities by testing some acpi methods and those will report acpi support even when it is not enabled. Right, this probably is the best approach there09:47
smb_tpBut in that case we should check whether the problems remain in Jaunty or in the generic upstream kernels09:48
mjg59It'd be far easier to just fix the acpi backlight module than to try to figure out how to hack around it with vendor-specific drivers11:10
philsfcan someone who understands kernel backtraces please take a look at the following dmesg and give me a hint of what's goiing on? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21975410/dmesg.log it's from Bug #325238, where there are other debugging information and attachments11:22
ubot3Malone bug 325238 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32523811:22
Kanohi rtg , how about merging this today: http://kanotix.com/files/kernel/unused-patches/2.6.28-ubuntu-qc-usb-compile-fix.patch13:33
rtgKano: how about following normal procedures and sending patch requests on the mailing list?13:56
smb_tpmjg59, To figure out that is actually the real goal. The problem that I currently face is that it is quite mysterious to me how those machines involved do their generic support. The vendor driver does the right thing by backing of but that is bad if the generic implementation in the acpi bios seems just to do nothing at all14:31
mjg59smb_tp: If _BCL returns a set of values where the first two are not included in the rest of the values, the entire list should be treated as the set of probable values. Otherwise the first two values should be ignored. The list should then be sorted.15:00
smb_tpmjg59, The sorting and dropping came in through stable and I picked that up for future updates. What I am wondering is, that I always believed _BCL should be a method defined in the dsdt. Which isn't the case for those TPs I saw. At least not directly.15:02
mjg59smb_tp: I was under the impression that _BCL was always there, but that _BQC sometimes provided an index rather than a value15:13
smb_tpmjg59, That is the absolutely mysterious part. There is no such string as _BCL in the dsdt disassembly. But it must be somewhere. At least acpi finds it somewhere...15:15
mjg59smb_tp: It's in an SSDT, not the DSDT15:18
smb_tpmjg59, Hm, I feared I had some misunderstanding there. Strange enough I found a _BCL method in some DSDTs. 15:20
mjg59smb_tp: It depends on the implementation15:21
mjg59smb_tp: Generally you'll find it in an SSDT if the system has different graphics options - that way they can ship a single BIOS and load an appropriate SSDT at boot15:22
smb_tpmjg59, Ah ok. Hm, this might be the stupid question of the month. How can I access and disassemble an SSDT?15:25
mjg59smb_tp: acpidump will dump them as well15:26
mjg59You just need to iasl -d the ssdt.dat files15:26
smb_tpOk, so the problem is that I asked for /proc/acpi/dsdt which doesn't dump everything15:27
smb_tpmjg59, Oh dear... Well, thanks a lot for that15:29
DnaXsomeone can look this bug? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/32662117:13
ubot3Malone bug 326621 in linux "Ubuntu lacks support for Ralink rt2870 based 802.11n chipsets" [Undecided,New] 17:13
BUGabundoanybody else here can help me debug a friends laptop?17:40
BUGabundowired card buggy17:40
BUGabundoprob Linux support17:40
BUGabundoit's a SYS based laptop17:40
BUGabundohumm anybody active here with some pointers?17:41
smb_tpBUGabundo, What release? kernel-version, and maybe what wired card? :)17:43
BUGabundoI had to use the apci off to install17:44
BUGabundousing wubi17:44
* BUGabundo in the middle I found out that wubi install 64 bits when able too!17:44
smb_tpOk, requireing acpi off is probably more than just a network card17:45
BUGabundocard can get IP and DNS but will not ping anything17:45
BUGabundoand NM takes about 5 sec just to notice un/pluging the card17:46
smb_tpDo you see the any associated irq going up when doing pings17:46
BUGabundosmb_tp: yes... after grub we can see a message warning about using a DUMMY acpi17:46
BUGabundosmb_tp: irqs where? syslog?17:46
smb_tpcat /proc/interrupts17:46
BUGabundojust a sec17:47
smb_tpGenerally wondering why acpi=off was required. What happened otherwise? A hang somewhere or panic?17:47
BUGabundohang while installer started17:48
BUGabundobut I can boot the laptop without it17:48
BUGabundosmb_tp: what should I be looking for on interrupts?17:49
smb_tpSince I don't know the card by heart I am not sure it is using interrupts or not. Is there a line which has the sis190 driver to it17:50
BUGabundolet me get a lspci17:51
BUGabundoSiS 191 Gigabit Eternet Adapter rev 0217:52
smb_tpor pipe "ifconfig eth0" here17:52
BUGabundointerrupt pin A routerd to IRQ 317:52
BUGabundokernel module sis19017:52
BUGabundono network on that machine, any thing needed will be either "visual"17:53
BUGabundoor by usb key17:53
d3xterhey guys17:54
smb_tpRight, pipe was rather overstated. Ok, but IRQ 3, so there should be one line in /proc/interrupts with that17:54
BUGabundosmb_tp: looking at diff cat results it did change17:55
d3xterI've got a little problem with 2.6.27. Sometimes my fan starts working at max speed and cpu is throttled to half of its speed and nothing happens, if i change it with cpu-freq applet. here is my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/f3fa05d9117:56
smb_tpIn the last column, is there a list of drivers or just one entry17:56
BUGabundosmb_tp: it just states eth017:57
BUGabundowrong escape key17:57
smb_tpOk, that means at least there are interrupts and the have to be from the card and no other driver should be listening17:58
BUGabundosure. ifconfig also show tx and rx traffic17:58
BUGabundoand sometimes you can get network for about  2-3 mins17:58
BUGabundobut then if falls to 10mb/s and stop working17:59
BUGabundoeven though it as an IP17:59
BUGabundoI also tried to reboot into recovery, but no deal17:59
BUGabundocould get IP with dhclient but would not ping17:59
smb_tpHm, is tcpdump installed? 18:02
smb_tpd3xter, This sounds a bit like the system sees high cpu temperatures.Have you/can you check the cpu temperature at that point?18:06
d3xtersmb_tp well that happends randomly, today it was at 62° C18:07
d3xterand normally it can handle temps of about 82 or so18:07
d3xterbut the strange this is, that the fan works at max speed until i reboot, not matter how high the temperature is18:08
d3xterthe strange thing is*18:08
smb_tpat least I would not expect throtteling to happen at that point. What says cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM0/trip_points ?18:08
d3xternow the temperature is about 50° C :-/18:09
d3xterand its still working at max speed18:09
d3xtercritical (S5): 126 C18:10
d3xtersmb_tp what does "CE: hpet increasing min_delta_ns to xx nsec" means?18:10
philsfcan someone who understands kernel backtraces please take a look at the following dmesg and give me a hint of what's going on? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21975410/dmesg.log it's from Bug #325238, where there are other debugging information and attachments18:11
smb_tpThis happens if you have a fast hpet and the default interval is too small. 18:11
ubot3Malone bug 325238 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32523818:11
smb_tpd3xter, Though yours is running at 15MHz which isn't exceptionally fast. Still the system had problems to set a new minimal delay three times and for that increased this minimum time18:13
BUGabundo_smb_tp: any more tips?18:13
BUGabundo_i'm downloading jaunty daily and testing 18:14
d3xtersmb_tp, ah ok, hopefully it will work with jaunty :)18:15
BUGabundo_but i dont want to place a new user on a devel branch18:16
smb_tpBUGabundo_, Hard to tell over a distance. the sis190 has a debug option which maybe could reveal more. Not sure you would be able to vary network infrastructure with different cabling or hub... 18:19
BUGabundo1smb_tp: ha??18:20
smb_tpBUGabundo1, The difference between Jaunty and Intrepid for the driver itsels is minimal18:22
BUGabundo1smb_tp: ahh.. I just tried running a kernel with no ACPI restritions and it failed to boot18:23
BUGabundo1smb_tp: does any log of those failed boot get stored?18:26
smb_tpNatively that would require the system to be up to a point it has a file system. I don't think wubi has a chance to do something there, but I don't know that environment...18:29
smb_tpNormally the acpi problems happen before that point18:30
BUGabundo1I'll check logs once it boots again18:30
smb_tpDepending on the system hw there is a variation of options to try: hpet=disable, acpi=noirq, pci=routeirq. But generally boot without splash and quiet to get the most output so it is more visible where a hang occurs.18:36
BUGabundo1yeah i saw ir jamming after CPU cores detections18:38
BUGabundo1FYI that SIS laptop just booted from Live USB with daily jaunty19:40
BUGabundo1it jammed at 2.5177 Write protecting the kernel read-only data : 6568k19:41
BUGabundo1trying hpet=disable it stops on bluetooth rf comm ver 1.1019:44
BUGabundo1acpi=noirq fails at 0.37 ..timer: vector=0x30 acic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=0 pin2=019:47
BUGabundo1humm ok that now moves.... just took 30 sec of no info, but its rolling19:47
BUGabundo1but that was just to slow, and seeing a bunch of IO errors.19:57
BUGabundo1I tested my usb pendrive md5sum files just to be sure, and every file was OK19:58
BUGabundo1pci=routeirq acted like hpet=disable20:02
BUGabundo1choosing ALL option on the installer seems to at least take the install a bit further20:03
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
domasis there some secret dance, that would make 'make-kpkg' to produce package for vmlinux too?21:45

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