
uvirtbotNew bug: #329900 in php5 (main) "Please remove language bias from php5-cli package description" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32990000:21
steelcityjimok when I launch the html file that is contained within the var/www file my web page comes up00:21
steelcityjimbut when I use the browser and access the site it get a different "text" view00:21
steelcityjimwhen I load this file under the WWW should it be named the domain name?00:29
Davedanwhere a packages usually saves files it needs for saving data and processing on ubuntu?00:30
twbDavedan: what do you mean by `saving data and processing'?00:36
Davedan twb: I want to create a simple package00:37
Davedanthe package will need to create a file and after several minutes to delete it00:37
DavedanI don't want to create files in a place that is not suitable for it00:37
twbDavedan: I recommend you read the Debian Policy manual, then, and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 2.3.00:37
Davedan twb: thanks I will00:37
twbDavedan: you can also ask #debian-mentors on OFTC; I don't know if there is an Ubuntu equivalent (possibly #ubuntu-devel?)00:38
twbI would guess that you want to use ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}00:38
steelcityjimok what happens after you edit a html file, does it back itself up?00:40
ScottKtwb: For packaging help here the best channel is #ubuntu-motu.00:40
ScottKDavedan: ^^00:40
steelcityjimor how do you make sure the most recent edit is being useed00:40
twbScottK: thanks00:42
Kamping_KaiserVK7HSE, hello :)00:42
Kamping_KaiserDavedan, twb probably #ubuntu-motu for mentorish things00:43
Kamping_Kaiserah, ScottK beat me00:43
VK7HSEKamping_Kaiser: Hi !!! :-/00:43
* Kamping_Kaiser should finish reading up first :|00:43
Kamping_KaiserVK7HSE, you traveling? vics a funny place to find vk7s :)00:44
VK7HSEKamping_Kaiser: Huh? & no not on the move!00:45
Kamping_KaiserVK7HSE, ah right. your hostmask says your in vic. perhaps its sloppy dns00:45
VK7HSEKamping_Kaiser: Ahh that's bloody Telstra for ya! tassie head office is down town Melbourne!00:46
Davedan Kamping_Kaiser: thanks00:48
VK7HSEKamping_Kaiser: Hey remember, "ALL" roads lead to Melbourne :P00:48
Kamping_KaiserVK7HSE, oh, nice touch.00:48
Kamping_KaiserVK7HSE, haha. enjoy your power outages ;p00:48
* Kamping_Kaiser mutters about crazy victorians00:49
Davedancan I pass a value between two bash scripts?00:52
steelcityjimok once i make edits on my web page how do i get it uploaded to my site?01:28
steelcityjimim starting to think this has to be edited before placing into the var/www file01:41
tsrksteelcityjim, just put your web page in /var/www01:49
steelcityjimhow so tsrk?01:59
steelcityjimim noticing when the html file is in the var/www and its edited it creates multiple copies and never takes the edit correctly02:00
steelcityjimhowever if I edit in another directory it appears to work correctly02:00
hadsCheck your permissions02:09
alienseer23I have one machine serving my website to the internet with apache, the router points all ":80" traffic to this machine. It is machine "A". I want to be able to serve a subdomain (and other services) from another machine, "B", on my network. How do I map the location on B to A using virtual hosts?02:15
alienseer23I would like to be able to have service "X.php" running on machine "B" appear as a virtual host on "A" at location "http://serverA.com/X"02:18
steelcityjimhow do I call out differnt jpeg photos in a html text editor, is it keyed by name?02:34
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[Drake]ivok around?02:41
[Drake]on a software raid setup, is it adviseable to have swap partition on all or just 1 drive? (i have 4 drives)02:50
[Drake]i can't remember how to do this correctly03:04
[Drake]I know i need /boot on each drive as raid 1 or 0 and ahve it set bootable03:04
[Drake]but not sure how big to make the /boot partition or how big to make the /swap03:04
JazzplayerL9I have a server running ubuntu and I can ssh in just fine...but can't use sshfs at all.  I have fuse loaded and users added to the necessary groups.  I get Connection Reset by Peer every time.  What needs to get changed so it works?05:17
lukehasnonameIs there a PDF version of the Ubuntu Server Guide, or a way to export it to PDF?05:51
rdw200169lukehasnoname, i'm pretty sure there iss05:57
Alysumhello - I was wondering if you could recommend me an FTP server where I could add users in a separate file and not in /etc/passwd05:59
AlysumIve been struggling with wftp and proftp06:00
rdw200169lukehasnoname, well, maybe not.  it used to be.  must be the problems associated w/xml + pdf...06:06
rdw200169lukehasnoname, (maybe they should have used LaTeX, heh heh)06:06
VK7HSElukehasnoname: try  http://dl2.foss-id.web.id/dokumen/ubuntu/serverguide.pdf  However it's for 6.06LTS06:19
rdw200169VK7HSE, yeah, i was trying not to point him to something that was 2+ years old ;)06:20
VK7HSErdw200169: True !!!06:20
rdw200169VK7HSE, i was working with the documentation team for a little while, but i got too lost in the XML; that and i was irritated i couldn't figure out how to get FOP working so i could get a PDF version.06:21
VK7HSErdw200169: He it's out of my league !!! :-D06:22
rdw200169VK7HSE, yeah, me too.  that's why i still use LaTeX...06:22
VK7HSErdw200169: Well I've only been messing with Linux for about 12 months now! and so far so good! but I still have soooo much more to learn...06:23
rdw200169VK7HSE, well, LaTeX and XML are not really related to Linux, even though that is where they seem to have the strongest presence06:24
VK7HSErdw200169: Hmm.. well I'm messing with a backup program called Cedar Backup2 and you guessed it all the config is in XML !!! Gahh...06:25
rdw200169VK7HSE, yeah, gconf is the same way06:26
VK7HSErdw200169: But one step at a time! I may make it! :-/06:26
rdw200169VK7HSE, there are a lot of fights in the linux world over XML... it's great for programmers, but awful for users06:27
VK7HSErdw200169: I'm hearing ya !!06:27
rdw200169VK7HSE, many people swear that XML is easy to read; just as many people swear its impossible to understand06:27
VK7HSErdw200169: my wife can be like that sometimes !!!06:28
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owhMogguh - more like aaavnd.09:17
Fruzenhelp me10:27
FruzenI dont have C Compiler10:27
FruzenI cant ./configure10:27
Fruzenwhat I have to do !:S10:27
Kamping_Kaiserinstall one10:27
ivoksapt-get install build-essential10:27
FruzenE: Couldn't find package build-essential10:28
ivoksthen you have bigger problems10:28
ivokstry running apt-get update first10:28
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, hey mate10:31
ikoniaFruzen: you where told what do to in #ubuntu in detail10:44
ikoniaFruzen: yes11:17
Fruzen but I need to download the C Compiler11:17
ikoniaFruzen: you don't11:17
ikoniaFruzen: what part is not being made clear to you11:17
Fruzenis that If i downloaded a new software11:17
FruzenI will not use the ./configure11:17
ikoniaAs you have been informed in all the other channels you've asked11:18
ikonia1.) open your package manager (synapic/aptitude/apt-get) what ever one you like11:18
ikonia2.) search for the phrase "ircd"11:18
ikonia3.) this gives you a list of irc daemons that can be used11:18
ikonia4.) using the package manager selet one and install it11:18
ikonia5.) set it up and use it11:19
ikonia6. enjoy11:19
ikoniaFruzen: is there something in that list / process I'm not making clear to you ?11:19
Fruzenhow to open the package manager11:19
FruzenI use SSH11:19
ikoniaFruzen: so use the "apt-get" and "apt-cache" commands to install and search11:20
ikoniaeg: apt-cache search ircd11:20
ikoniaFruzen: please show me the output of "uname -a" from your ssh terminal session11:20
ikoniaFruzen: do you know how to do that ?11:21
ikoniayou seem to stop talking and join another channel every time you get asked for that information11:21
ikoniaFruzen: hello ?11:23
ikoniaok so same behaviour again as other channels11:23
ivoksikonia: you are dirty hacker that will steal his private data11:24
ikoniaivoks: obviously11:24
ikoniaFruzen: ubuntu 6.10 is not supported and End of life, as you are using a modified version of ubuntu that is provided by your hosting provider in a VPS - I suggest you contact them for support11:27
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lukehasnonameikonia: but Edgy was the best there ever was14:13
dmacnuttany able to explain to me why one would add "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,ro 0 0" to /etc/fstab?14:20
Jeeves__dmacnutt: To create /dev/shm?14:22
soren/etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh should do that.14:22
sorendmacnutt: No. For several reasons.14:23
dmacnuttI'm finding it on a machine i'm looking to duplicate , and I don't see it in the defaults on my new 8.04 server. And I don't want to add it just "Well golly gee it's in the old one why not the new?"14:23
dmacnuttI want to know it's purpose14:23
sorendmacnutt: a) /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh does it for you already.14:24
sorendmacnutt: b) "defaults,ro" is very odd:14:24
sorenFor one, it's the same as "ro".14:24
sorenAnd b) what's the point of mounting a tmpfs read-only? that's rather useless.14:24
sorendmacnutt: I like your thinking, though. Most people would just have copied it.14:25
sorendmacnutt: I can't think of a single reason why you'd put that there. Is it a very old system?14:26
dmacnuttit's likely a previous lts upgrade14:26
dmacnuttbut I inherited it so my information is sketchy14:27
sorendmacnutt: I would leave it out and not worry about it anymore.14:27
dmacnuttleaning that way as well14:27
dmacnuttsee who complains :)14:28
sorenIt might be the way it was done before mountdevsbfs did it. I'm not sure when that started.14:29
dmacnuttsoren: thank you, for your time14:37
sorendmacnutt: Sure thing.14:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #330099 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.2.6-2ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33009915:06
Sylphid|workis anyone aware of any network asset tracking database / diagramming FOSS?15:24
markwe are working on some15:30
markas a mediawiki extension15:30
markbut it's not anywhere near production ready15:30
Sylphid|workmark, whats it called?15:32
markit's asset tracking and datacenter management, not diagramming15:32
markit's a bit like racktables, if you know it15:33
Sylphid|workyea im familiar with racktables15:34
Sylphid|workdoes DataCenter support vlan tracking?15:34
marknot yet15:34
markwhat would you like to see?15:34
Sylphid|worka vlan membership table would be sufficient however it would be cool to have image maps with ports that light up when vlans that they are a member of are light up15:36
markmight be nice at a later stage15:36
Sylphid|workalso vlan trunking would be important15:37
markbut the network side of things is not the main focus for us now... except for physical connections like (fiber patches) / cables15:38
Sylphid|workso its primarily an asset tracker then15:39
markprimarily for physical data center management15:39
markwhat device goes where etc15:40
markwhich ties in with asset tracking, yes15:40
Sylphid|workthanks for the info mark ill have to keep my eye on it15:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #290078 in tomcat-native (universe) "bump tomcat-native to 1.1.15" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29007815:56
incorrectis there a video conferencing server for linux?15:57
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ivoksyay for HP16:05
_16aR_is it normal that I can't remove/purge mysql-server-5.0 ?16:27
_16aR_I got the debconf wndow to create a new password for administrator16:27
_16aR_on a 8.04 ubuntu16:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #287645 in tomcat-native "Protocol handler initialization failed: java.lang.Exception: Socket bind failed: [22] Invalid argument" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28764516:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #330192 in squid (main) "Please supply us with Squid 3.0 Stable 13" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33019218:40
VoltronI want to turn my ubuntu desktop edition into server edition. how can I quickly remove all the GUI dependent applications (firefox, etc)19:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pureserver19:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nodesktop19:17
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ivoks172 people in #ubuntu-server?19:51
ivoksdid we had a release i didn't know about? :)19:52
sommerivoks: not that I know of, but sometimes things get past me, heh19:56
ivoksanyone interested in uploading something for me in main? :)19:57
ivoksanyone? it's a 70 lines long diff, bugfixes for dovecot-postfix?20:09
sommeri would but...20:09
ivoksbut you don't have rw on main? :)20:10
sommeryep, that would be the issue :)20:10
ivoksScottK has rw on main :)20:10
ajmitchivoks: 172 people, ~150 or so are lurking :)20:23
ivoksajmitch: probably yes - still, 3 years ago 7 people, ~5 lurking :)20:24
ivokswow... ubuntu 9.10 will be 5 years of ubuntu20:25
ivokstime really goes fast20:25
ajmitchyeah, it does20:25
ivoksit's time to apply for core-dev :)20:33
ajmitchivoks: got stuff to upload? :)20:36
ivokssmall patch for dovecot :)20:36
ivoksinterested? :)20:36
ivoksreally a minor stuff, just typos (~70 lines)20:37
ajmitchif you want20:37
* ajmitch just needs to update the jaunty pbuilder first20:37
ajmitchat least dovecot is something I use at work, just not with postfix :)20:37
jmedinaivoks: i'd like to test dovecot, but need to runint in hardy20:37
ivoksajmitch: exim?20:38
jmedinaivoks: especifically the sieve management20:38
ajmitchbut on lenny for work, dovecot+exim on intrepid for home20:38
ivoksi gave up on exim... um... 5-6 years ago20:39
ajmitchI don't find it too bad for what I need20:39
ivoksjmedina: well, you can20:39
ajmitchpartly because it'd take a bit of time to learn something else20:39
ivoksjmedina: take a look at what we have done in intrepid20:39
ivoksajmitch: postfix is really a no-brainer20:39
ivoksand lamont does a great job with packaging20:40
jmedinaivoks: could you plase give me a rapid summary about dovecot integration in intrepid?20:40
ajmitchyeah, I may take a look at it in the future if I have time20:40
ivoksajmitch: patch is http://www.init.hr/dev/dovecot-postfix.2.patch20:40
ivoksjmedina: we've added postfix/dovecot sasl integration, cmusieve scripting, dovecot-lda as delivery agent20:41
ivoksjmedina: um... TLS bu default and maildir by default20:41
ajmitchivoks: ok, won't take long20:42
ivoksjmedina: and sievemanage service in dovecot for customizing scripts on server from your client20:42
jmedinaivoks: cmusieve is for manual scripts?20:42
ivoksajmitch: great, thank you!20:42
ivoksjmedina: cmusieve is sieve general sieve support in dovecot20:42
ivoksjmedina: sievemanage is just a imap service that enables editing of sieve scripts from client20:42
ivokss/sieve general sieve/general sieve/ :D20:43
jmedinaivoks: I like sievemanage, because it validates the sieve script (afaik)20:43
ivoksthat's true20:43
jmedinawith cmusieve, you need to be sure that the script is valid, it not, then your ruls wont work20:43
ivoksthat's manual editing of scripts20:44
ivokssievemanage doesn't deny or forbbid that...20:44
ivoksit's just additional interface to writing sieve scripts20:44
jmedinaso, I want to test managesieve with the squirrelmail plugin and also with Horde's ingo20:44
ivoksvery powerful, true, but it doesn't replace cmusieve (it's based on top of it)20:45
ivoksjmedina: i'm attracted to roundcube's sieve support20:45
ivoksi've tested it only with thunderbird20:45
jmedinaivoks: thunderbird sieve support?20:45
jmedinaI didnt know20:45
ivoksthere's a plugin20:46
jmedinaivoks: dont you have a demo/testing server ?20:46
ivokscreate a virtualized jaunty server20:47
ivoksand install dovecot-postfix package20:47
ivoksand... that's it :D20:47
ivoksit has couple of minor errors the moment, but once ajmitch uploads new version, those errors will vanish20:48
jmedinais there any change to work in a hardy backport?20:49
jmedinaI can help20:49
* ajmitch is currently waiting for a test build to finish20:49
ivoksjmedina: there's no need to backport20:50
ivoksjmedina: dovecot-postfix only manages configuration20:50
ivoksjmedina: there's no binary in it20:50
jmedinabut hardy's dovecot doesnt include managesieve20:50
ivoksjmedina: psssst... there's a bug in managesieve in hardy... kees is looking for volonters to test it :)20:50
ivoksit doesn't?20:51
ivokshm... you are right20:51
jmedinathat is what I was 'backporting' from intrepid20:51
jmedinawell, I just changed something in control and rule files20:52
jmedinaand rebuild with dpkg-package20:52
ivokssommer: watching arsenal? :)20:57
sommerivoks: hee, yeppers21:01
sommergood to have eduardo back :)21:01
ivokssommer: dudu has returned :)21:01
sommerivoks: absolutely21:01
ivokssommer: he was missed in our nation team as well21:02
sommerivoks: he's got crazy skillz, heh21:02
sommerivoks: they need another goal and I'll be happy21:04
sommer\o/ yay!21:07
ivoks_eduardo:world 2:0 :)21:07
sommerthat's so awesome!21:08
ivoks_if anyone deserves it, it's eduardo; he's just a great guy21:08
sommerdefinitely... hopefully he can help rescue what's left of the season :)21:09
ajmitchivoks_: can you check debian/rules on dovecot, arch: all packages aren't getting built21:11
ivoks_i tested it...21:11
ajmitchbinary-indep: build install # nothing to do here21:11
ivoks_well it runs build and then install21:12
ivoks_and then nothing else21:12
ivoks_that should be ok21:12
ajmitchand the only calls to dh_builddeb, etc have -a21:13
ivoks_you are right21:17
ajmitchyeah, I thought I was a bit rusty but I got a little suspicious when there was 1 less package built with -0ubuntu221:17
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ivoksajmitch: i'll create a new patch then21:24
ajmitchgreat :)21:24
ivoks-i ivoks -i :)21:27
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jmedinagood, I just read about canonical and HP parnership21:35
jmedinaI guess HP will only support LTS21:35
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ivoksajmitch: www.init.hr/dev/dovecot-postfix.debdiff21:40
ajmitchnot the cleanest way of doing it :)21:41
ajmitchbinary-indep rule is there for a reason, most packages have similar stuff to binary-arch, but with -i21:42
ajmitchsimilar, but the minimum required to build the arch:all package in that rule21:43
ajmitchit's mostly due to how arch: all packages are built on the buildds, only i386 does the binary-indep rule iirc21:43
ivokswell, dovecot-postfix is binary indep package21:45
ivoksi should grab a source with arch: all package and look at it21:46
ivoksah... i see21:48
ivoksi'll do that tomorrow, it's 11PM :/21:48
ivoksajmitch: thanks for help21:48
ajmitchno problem21:49
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ScottKleonel: I got the php-clamavlib figured out for Dapper, so I think we're about ready.22:56
SpaceBasshey folks23:21
SpaceBassI understand webmin is considered to be insecure to the point of being dangerious... is there a simple web admin console that people like these days?23:21
jmedinaSpaceBass: it depends what you want to manage23:22
ScottK!ebox > SpaceBass23:23
ubottuSpaceBass, please see my private message23:23
SpaceBassjust looking for a place to see simple stats... drive space, uptime, etc... maybe manage some things....23:23
SpaceBassScottK any security concerns with ebox? ... box is not publicly accessible23:26
* ScottK doesn't use it, so no idea.23:26
ScottKThat's just the one that's generally recommended here.23:26
SpaceBassno stranger to bash... but there are times when I'd love to just check disk space, etc from an iphone23:27
leonelscottK  how ?23:28
ScottKIt turned out not to be very hard.  It just needed some postinst fiddling to backport the change we already had from Hardy.23:29
ScottKSpaceBass: Get an ssh app for your iPhone.23:29
SpaceBassScottK got one :D23:29
SpaceBassand it works fine... just a though today about webmin and thought I'd ask23:30
leonelscottK so no  diff or php code searching ..23:32
jmedinaivoks, are you there?23:32
leonelso any tests you need  ??23:32
jmedina@ping ivoks23:32
leonelscottK ?23:32
ScottKleonel: I think we're in pretty good shape right now.  I need to do something with the sylpheed-claws packages and that's about it.23:33
MianoSMSpaceBass: webmin is still working in 8.10 isn't it? (unsupported as it is)?23:34
SpaceBassMianoSM, I did some research this morning, and yeah i think it is23:35
SpaceBassbut I understand there are some serious flaws23:36
MianoSMI have it up and running perfectly fine on an 8.10 32bit.23:36
MianoSMIf you are running a LAMP, it works just fine. I would be wary of some of the oddities though (like you need to work a little more with ssh to configure your apache install instead of just apache2.conf or httpd.conf).23:36
kansanis there a way to debug why cron seems to not be working?  or executing my commands?23:46
MianoSMDo you have it sending standard out and standard error to /dev/null ?23:46
MianoSMfor instance: /home/username/script.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 ?23:47
MianoSMOr you could grep your syslog for cron/script/etc?23:50

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