
G-BleezyHey what is the best way for me to transfer files to my XP machine through my router?00:20
MoodG-Bleezy: ???00:28
MoodG-Bleezy: from xubuntu -> xp on LAN you mean?00:28
=== Sinister` is now known as Sinister
G-Bleezyover lan :)00:41
joey____Does anyone know how the autostart works?  For some reason X stops loading on my xubuntu system whenever the xfce splash window says 'loading autostart'01:16
joey____I dont need to autostart anything...01:16
MoodG-Bleezy: mount the xp drive on the linux box01:34
G-Bleezyhow do i get Xubutu to see the xp drive?01:34
MoodG-Bleezy: are they both connected to your LAN?01:36
G-Bleezyi can't see either from either yet tho :(01:36
MoodG-Bleezy: know your IP address for both?01:37
G-Bleezyinternal yes01:37
Moodlike 192.168.x.x?01:37
G-Bleezythey show up connected to my router01:37
Moodedit /etc/fstab file01:37
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
G-Bleezyand the computer name too01:37
Moodadd this to the file:01:37
Mood/192.168.x.x/share  /mnt/winxpdrive  smbfs  username=yourname,password=password  0  001:38
Moodthis: //192.168.x.x/share  /mnt/winxpdrive  smbfs  username=yourname,password=password  0  001:38
MoodG-Bleezy: do you have samba?01:38
G-Bleezyim not sure user/pass on the xp if there is one...do you know how i can test?01:39
Moodok, then add that line to /etc/fstab01:39
G-Bleezyok, what after that?01:39
Moodin winxp, i believe it's under 'file sharing', rightclick, properties, etc01:39
Moodafter you added to the file, sudo mount -a01:40
Moodoh yeah, you have to first sudo mkdir /mnt/winxpdrive01:41
G-Bleezythink it'd be chill if i left out the username= and password= fields from that line01:41
Moodor use your winxp admin name whatever that is01:43
Ben--\any 8.10 experts?02:39
rockothey are every where02:40
Ben--\I need help with my sound02:40
* rocko hides 02:40
charlie-tcaBen--\: what it the question?02:41
charlie-tcasound is broken...02:41
Ben--\I cant get my sound to work in xubu 8.1002:41
rockowhy ?'02:41
charlie-tcaall or part of it02:41
Ben--\My board is Abit Fata1ty IN902:41
rockois it with all application that use sound Ben--\ ?02:41
Ben--\no sound at all02:41
rockowell you could try reconfiguring alsa02:42
Ben--\I used the board on my windows system and had to install the sound drivers but I cant find the drivers for linux?02:42
charlie-tcanormally they are part of the kernel. You don't have to install them like windows02:42
Ben--\thats what I was thinking02:43
Ben--\any suggestions???02:43
rockohold on02:43
charlie-tcalast one I helped did not get sound02:43
rockoBen--\ try this sudo alsaconf02:44
* charlie-tca is not too good with that02:44
Ben--\SLI Realtek High Definition Audio is what it used in windows, is there a linux compatible?02:44
rockoBen--\  can you do lspci and paste the out put at pastebin.ca02:45
danopiahi Ben--\02:45
rockofrom your terminal02:45
Ben--\hey danopia02:45
danopiaoh btw my /dev/dsp is always busy02:45
danopiaany tips?02:45
danopia"sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp" returns nothing02:46
rockowhy do you mean danopia02:46
danopiarocko, ?02:46
rockoyou mean like it can not be used when another application is already using it?02:46
Ben--\you want me to paste all the output?02:46
rockoyes Ben--\02:46
danopiarocko, i mean NO application can use it02:47
rockoafter that I will check to see if alsa has your card listed as being supported02:47
rockoI see danopia02:47
danopiarocko, while i was swtiching movies in mplayer, my soudn just completely died02:47
rockowell you guys should all try "sudo alsaconf" out first to see if that will fix the problem02:47
danopiaany and every program either has no audio outputs or says unabel to open sound, echo asdf>/dev/dsp says device busy02:47
Ben--\ok, pasted it in a dialog window for you02:48
danopiacmd not found02:48
danopiarocko, sudo: alsaconf: command not found02:48
rockoit looks like you need to install alsaconf02:48
danopiait isn'ta  package02:49
danopiai'm using hardy btw02:49
rockohmm it looks like ubuntu does not come with  it any more02:49
danopiaand sound was workign, it just died suddenly02:49
rockoand it is not in the repository02:49
danopiareboot dind't help, the device was busy when it came back up02:49
rockoyou could try this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa"02:50
danopiai did02:51
danopiaalso isn't installed02:51
danopiai did alsa-utils02:51
rockodanopia dpkg-reconfigure02:51
rockois not install ?02:52
rockowell I am not sure why it is not02:52
danopia'alsa' isn't02:52
rockoit should be02:52
danopia/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: alsa is not installed02:52
rockoalsa is  not install ?02:52
danopiabut alsa-utils is02:52
danopiaand alsa-base02:52
danopiaand i did both before02:52
rockoyou should try installing alsa02:52
rockosudo apt-get install alsa02:52
danopiaNote, selecting alsa-base instead of alsa02:52
danopiaalsa-base is already the newest version.02:52
danopiai ahve alsa-base02:52
rockowell i question try sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base02:53
danopiai did02:53
rockono wonder your sound is not working Ben--\ you have a nvidia card02:53
* danopia uses nvidia video :P02:54
rockowell in the open source that is not good02:54
rockobut with proprietary software that is ok02:54
rockobecause nvidia maintains good proprietary drivers for linux02:54
danopiai have hte proprietary drivers02:55
danopiaand i have twinview all set up etc.02:55
danopiano one say nvidia hates linux02:55
rockobut if you want to go all open source / free software you will want ati for graphics card02:55
* danopia was acutally trying to watch Antitrust whent eh audio died.02:55
danopiahave you seen Antitrust?02:55
danopiaso you konw how it's related to the conv? :P02:56
* danopia randomly retarts gdm02:56
danopianope, fails02:57
rockoit doesn't look like alsa supports your sound card Ben--\02:59
danopiatotem even has full nvidia TV-Out support.03:00
danopiai mgiht want to try that instead of just using dvi -> hdmi03:00
danopiabut still, no audio03:00
rockowell for use with the proprietary drivers03:00
danopiai'm using integrated audio03:01
rockome too03:01
rockomine is ATI03:01
danopiai've even switched PCs with the same isntall and audio worked03:01
rockoit is supported by alsa03:01
rockoBen--\ you still there ?03:02
rockonvidia refuses to release documentation on the specifications of its hardware so open source developers have to reinvent the wheel when making drivers03:03
rockoati does not do that03:03
rockohowever ati does not release every thing03:03
rockobut it is better than nothing like with  nvidia03:03
danopiaeither way, i just watn audio back :P03:03
rockoif you want a machine that is 100% free/ open source software it is based to go with amd and ati03:04
rockointel does release some of its documentation for its integrated graphics cards on its  motherboards it makes03:05
rocko100% free/ open source software pc http://www.lemote.com/english/fuloong.html03:06
rockobios, firmware, drivers.... is all open03:06
danopiamy audio is intel i think03:07
rockoI see03:07
rockohow did it stop working ?03:07
rockodid you update recently?03:07
danopiai was swithcing movies03:07
danopiafrom one to another03:07
rockosometimes updating can brake things03:07
danopiaand it was wrokign on when, but when i loaded hte second movie mplayer spat an audio error at me03:08
danopialast update was a week ago03:08
danopiai've had some updates but i install when i'm bored03:08
danopiai konw that it worked03:08
danopiatehn an huor later i swtiched movies and it wasn't working03:08
rockoI see03:08
rockoI do  not know sorry03:08
rockoI can not be any more of help03:08
rockohold on03:09
rockodanopia Ben--\ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting03:09
danopiatried it.03:09
rockodanopia Ben--\ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems03:09
rockoprehaps you should file a bug report ?03:10
rockowhoops man I am out of it03:11
rockoI used a question mark03:11
danopiaHeadphone was selected03:12
danopiamy PC done'st have front headphone ports though03:12
danopiaadn my fornt mic port has a LOT of fuzz03:12
danopiabut i don't have a front mic port03:12
danopiaok well03:13
danopiatotem has audio but mplayer doens't03:13
danopianow it looks like an player issue03:14
danopiai am genuinely confused03:15
danopiaall i konw is03:15
danopiaantitrust has audio in totem03:15
danopiai shall watch!03:15
danopianow that i played in the gui alsamixer03:16
danopia(which seems to have more features)03:16
danopiamy volume controls actually work again!03:16
danopiabefore the volume was 0 (off) or anything else (full)03:16
rockohmm maybe I should of suggested that03:18
danopiai already checked mute03:18
danopiabut it was weirder03:18
danopiaFront Headphones was all the way down03:18
rockowell that happens sometimes with applications not being able to play sound and anothere can03:18
danopiaso the output, oncei uncheaked Headphones, was realllly low03:18
danopiaso when i pulled up front headphones, audio output is higher than ever03:18
danopiabut i'm not using front headphones03:19
G-BleezyHey so i'm tryin to setup file sharing and im reading this thing right....and it says this:  1) In XFCE's Applications -> System -> Shared Folders. (This should trigger a Samba install if you don't already have a share, and it should allow you to define the proper workgroup)03:39
G-Bleezyhowcome i can't do that?03:39
G-Bleezyi don't see Shared Folders03:40
G-Bleezyand also this...do you guys see this? 5) In XFCE Applications -> System -> Users and Groups... Properties of your username... User Priveleges Tab... check "Allow use of fuse file systems..."03:44
Ben--\get your sound prob fixed?04:24
danopiayea, a while ago04:24
Ben--\hmm, any tips for me?04:25
danopianot really04:25
Ben--\danopia, go msn04:26
=== G-Bleezy is now known as G-Blunted
durtanybody know why the style switcher in settings/appearances in xfce 4.6 doesn't work?04:44
j1mcdurt: it works ok for me04:52
G-BluntedHey where can i find this:  In XFCE Applications -> System -> Users and Groups... Properties of your username... User Priveleges Tab... check "Allow use of fuse file systems..."04:54
j1mcG-Blunted: you need to "unlock" the Users and Groups application for the fuse file system option to show04:56
j1mcApplications > System > Users and Groups > "Unlock"04:56
j1mcthen highlight your user name, and click properties04:57
j1mci gotta go to bed - 'night, all04:57
G-BluntedI don't have "Users and Groups"05:05
G-Bluntedhow can i get that?05:05
G-Bluntedor how can i change permissions so everyone can use the mount05:05
G-Bluntedbecause i can't get to it unless im root right now and i don't like that05:06
G-BluntedWhy am i missing Application->System->Network...Applications->System->Shared Folders...and App->Sys->Users and Groups....what am  i missing here? I don't have any of those...05:11
R1cochetG-Blunted: Applications>System>User and Groups05:23
R1cochetcheck there05:23
G-Blunted"User and Groups" isn't there05:24
G-Bluntedeither is the other two i mentioned...i'm so confused!05:24
R1cochetweird it should be right under update manager05:25
R1cochetr u on xubuntu?05:25
tzolkinHello, everyone, I want to mount my "usr" to a space paration (now it's mount in "/"), how can i do that?05:32
_Pete_you want to move usr to another disc permanently ?05:33
tzolkinno, in the same disc.05:33
_Pete_well anyway05:33
tzolkincan i use Live_CD to do that?05:34
G-Bluntedya im on Xubuntu 8.105:34
_Pete_I'm just thingking, I think you can do that with running system05:34
G-Bluntedwhat am i missing?05:34
tzolkinnow, i have a empty paration, i want my "usr" mount in it.05:35
_Pete_what I would do05:36
tzolkinwith running system? how?05:36
G-Bluntedi found it05:36
G-BluntedI'm missing hella packs from System folder05:36
G-Bluntedpretty self explanitory i suppose :p05:36
MoodG-Blunted: did you ever have any luck w/ the mounting of the xp drive on linux?05:37
_Pete_just figured out yes maybe it's better do with livecd :)05:37
tzolkinWill my date in usr is gone?05:38
_Pete_do you know how to mount your current / while using livecd ?05:38
tzolkinThat's pretty05:38
tzolkinI think no, I never do that before.05:39
tzolkinI have a Ubuntu 8.04 live_CD, can I use that?05:40
_Pete_just a sec05:40
G-BluntedMood: Still workin on it...i'm real close...05:45
_Pete_tzolkin: http://pastebin.com/m59a611a705:45
G-Bluntedmy goal is drag and drop capability between the two computers05:45
MoodG-Blunted: use thunar'05:46
R1cocheti installed gnomenu but cant seem to get it to display in add to panel. how can i add it to the panel?05:56
G-Bluntedwhat package would this be in? In XFCE Applications -> Settings -> Autostarted Applications.06:20
R1cochetapps>settings>settings manager06:32
G-Bluntedokay so...06:35
MoodG-Blunted: any luck?06:37
G-Bluntedfrom windows i can browse to my Xubuntu computer and drag and drop files to and from all day long and have lots of fun yay!  But in Xubuntu...it seems to be working on and off...i was browsing for one moment and then i got kicked off06:37
MoodG-Blunted: Are you using Thunar?06:38
MoodG-Blunted: so you had success with the mount -a, right?06:38
G-Bluntedno not really...06:40
G-Bluntedhad success once i added shared folders, users and groups, and networking packages that were missing06:40
MoodG-Blunted: did you do all the steps i recommended starting with editing the /etc/fstab file?06:40
G-BluntedSamba package was missing too06:40
G-Bluntedit didn't really work at all06:40
G-BluntedError 13:06:40
R1cochetG-Blunted: what did u install from?06:40
G-Bluntedadd/remove programs06:41
MoodG-Blunted: go to terminal06:41
G-Bluntedand fusesmb06:41
G-Bluntedi did fusesmb /mnt/xpdrv and i think that might of done somethin06:41
MoodG-Blunted: type ls /mnt06:41
R1cocheti meant what did u install xubuntu from? livecd or alt?06:41
G-Bluntedls: cannont access /mnt/xpdrv: Transport endpoint is not connected06:42
MoodG-Blunted: cat /etc/fstab and put it into paste.ubuntu.com06:43
MoodG-Blunted: you commented out the last line? why? also, the C$ looks weird06:48
R1cochetMood: can u help with adding gnomenu?06:48
MoodG-Blunted: also not sure if username=gigabyte/G-Hart will would06:49
Moodwill work*06:49
MoodR1cochet: let me read the log...06:49
G-Bluntedbecause it wasn't working at all and i was tryin somethin else but i didn't wanna forget that line so i just commented it out....and i couldn't change the C$ share name in windows...it wouldn't let me, so i used it...and it does show up like that on the network...06:49
MoodG-Blunted: $ is usually not a valid char. neither is a /06:50
G-Bluntedits just weird that it worked for a moment...but as i was browsing more the connection just sort of courrupted on me until finally i lost it and i couldn't see anything in the /mnt dir06:50
G-Bluntedwhat you mean /06:50
MoodG-Blunted: username=gigabyte/G-Hart06:51
MoodG-Blunted: try changing the name in xp again. it should let you06:52
R1cochetwhat log?06:52
MoodR1cochet: irc chat log06:52
MoodR1cochet: so what're you trying to have show up?06:53
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
G-Bluntedi'm trying to be able to browse /mnt/xpdrv/  where i have C$ and "Muzik" shares...one is My Music one is C:...06:56
G-Bluntedoh and i want to browse them in Thunar and drag drop files/folders to my desktop through there06:57
MoodG-Blunted: ok, one at a time. let's do Muzik. in winxp you need to turn on sharing for that folder06:57
R1cocheti want to get gnomenu to be added to panel06:57
MoodG-Blunted: did you do that?06:57
G-Bluntedit is shared06:58
Moodhow are you editing /etc/fstab?06:58
G-Bluntedi can browse shares from the xp computer...stuff that is on the domain/workgroup06:58
Moodok, so edit /etc/fstab and put this in:06:58
MoodG-Blunted: http://pastebin.com/m670f9fe607:00
MoodG-Blunted: last line #1107:00
MoodR1cochet: gnomenu added to panel? or your desktop theme to be gnomenu?07:01
R1cochetadded to panel07:02
G-Bluntedok so i mkdir /mnt/xpmusik07:02
G-Bluntedwhat is the right permissions to give it?07:02
MoodG-Blunted: yes07:02
MoodG-Blunted: it should default to 77707:02
MoodG-Blunted: don't chmod it07:02
G-Bluntedwhat is 777 again?07:03
MoodG-Blunted: universal access07:03
G-Bluntedok so mount -a worked07:03
G-Bluntedno errors07:03
G-Bluntedoh shit07:03
MoodR1cochet: is your theme gnomenu currently?07:03
G-Bluntedit showed up in Thunar07:03
G-Bluntedi didn't even notice07:03
G-Bluntedit just popped up sweet07:03
MoodG-Blunted: in Thunar, you can add the new mount folder into the side panel on the left07:04
G-Bluntedand it's linked!!07:04
* G-Blunted nods07:04
G-Blunteddone and done07:04
MoodG-Blunted: ok so now it should auto mount upon boot07:04
G-Bluntedhow can i make sure that saves?07:04
G-Bluntedthat link07:04
Moodediting /etc/fstab made it mount upon next reboot07:04
G-Bluntedya i guess id like to try C:07:05
MoodR1cochet: not sure what you're trying to do by "adding gnomenu to panel"... but items can be added to panel by right clicking directly on panel and adding new items07:06
MoodG-Blunted: why are you going to mount the entire C drive? it will have windoz system files that linux doesn't care for07:07
MoodG-Blunted: just mount data directories, like My Documents07:07
R1cochet i have xfce menu but want ot change it to gnomenu07:11
MoodR1cochet: try going to Applications->Settings Manager->User Interface->Themes07:14
MoodR1cochet: how did you install gnomenu?07:16
R1cochetwith a deb package07:17
MoodR1cochet: did you use synaptic?07:17
R1cochetits not a theme its an add-on07:17
R1cochetnope its not in there07:17
R1cochetgot the deb from launchpad07:17
MoodR1cochet: not sure... but i think gnomenu is still in beta for xubuntu07:18
Moodok- i'm off to bed. good night folks07:18
Moodand good luck07:18
R1cochetheres a screenshot of what im trying to get installed07:19
MoodR1cochet: someone said gnomenu got added to panel upon reboot07:19
G-BluntedMood: Thanks man! I was workin on that for so long :p07:20
G-Bluntedworks like a charm! And i did like u said just shared my documents and that is real nice for me :)07:20
MoodG-Blunted: no worries man. good luck w/ xubuntu. i love it07:21
G-Bluntedi got drag and drop file browsing on both sides now07:21
G-BluntedI LOVE XUBUNTU!! :p07:21
_Pete_<flame>drag&drop is for kids,  real man use cmdline</flame> :)07:23
R1cochettried a restart but thanx07:24
R1cochetenjoy g-blunted07:24
G-Blunteddude im using Compiz...gimme a break :p07:24
R1cocheti check forums b4 i ask here but ohhwell07:24
G-BluntedDrag&Drop + Compiz == 3133707:24
R1cocheti use compiz as well07:25
R1cocheti love it07:25
G-Bluntedcompiz rocks07:25
G-Bluntedi love my cube!!!07:25
G-Bluntedit's the coolest thing ever07:25
_Pete_is compiz easy to enable/disable with xubuntu?07:25
R1cochethave u had a look at enlightenment desktop?07:25
G-Bluntedi think compiz is the most productive thing ever07:25
G-Bluntedit literally feels like i am flying through these windows07:25
_Pete_I have noticed when compositething is in use with kde/gnome 3d-games works slower07:25
R1cochet_Pete_: how do u mean enable/disable?07:26
_Pete_especially with kde407:26
G-Bluntedits like i hacked in to a vnc of a windows computer in 202507:26
_Pete_R1cochet: is it in use or not07:26
R1cocheti dont use kde but yea u can enable/disable in terminal if u like07:27
R1cochetonly thing i dont like about compiz is that it wont show menu on right-click07:27
_Pete_R1cochet: how do you do that in terminal?07:27
R1cochetur on kde right?07:28
R1cochetwell for me in xfce07:28
R1cochetto enable in terminal "compiz --replace"07:29
R1cochetone sec lemme find command to revert07:31
R1cochetcant find it07:34
R1cochetbut ask in #compiz-fusion07:34
_Pete_do you use 3D-games ?07:35
R1cocheti havent in linux yet07:35
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
owen1anyone tried lxde and can share the experience?07:49
owen1i understand it's lightweight since using openbox.07:49
chewitowen1, i found it to be slower than xfce07:52
chewitlooks alot like kde07:53
owen1chewit: interesting. xfce is using xfce4 while xlde is using openbox. isn't openbox faster?07:56
chewityeh i think so07:57
owen1chewit: so it's weird that u find xfce to be faster.07:58
_Pete_btw is thre some way to measure it other than your experience?07:58
owen1_Pete_: true07:59
AquinaHy guys! Sort question: is the ntfs-kernel-server qequired for Xubuntu to operate properly in any way?08:23
Myrttintfs or nfs08:24
Myrttithere is no ntfs-kernel-server, but there is nfs-kernel-server package08:25
MyrttiAquina: ^08:28
AquinaAehm.. sorry mistyped NFS of course.08:35
Aquinantfs is a fs ;-)08:35
AquinaI want to remove EVERYTHING NFS-like from my Xubuntu system. Will that break functionality?08:36
Aquina(I mean this also includes the removal of "nfs-common" and all packets that have to do s.th. with NFS. Im also usnure about the "portmap" packet.)08:40
AquinaWhat do you think about what I stated, Myrtti?08:41
Myrtti!info nfs-common08:41
ubottunfs-common (source: nfs-utils): NFS support files common to client and server. In component main, is standard. Version 1:1.1.2-4ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 187 kB, installed size 540 kB08:41
TheSheepAquina: nfs is not needed, port mapper might be needed by some apps like avahi08:42
TheSheepmaybe even cups, at least for some configurations08:43
MyrttiI don't particularly know what to think of apt-cache rdepends nfs-common08:44
TheSheepnfs-common rpelaces mount08:46
TheSheepAquina: looks like you will have to install mount when you uninstall nfs-commmon08:47
MyrttiTheSheep: though, when I tested what aptitude would uninstall with with nfs-common, it didn't list it08:48
Myrttiand would be funny if it would08:48
Myrtti  libevent1{u} libgssglue1{u} libnfsidmap2{u} librpcsecgss3{u}08:48
Myrtti  nfs-common portmap{u}08:48
AquinaOh I'm runing hardy, but should be the same. I resolved the deps too and think it is safe to remove. Simply stoping the srvces would be an alternative too... THX for your input.08:51
durtI've got a completely messed up jaunty from an upgrade from intrepid, any easy way to downgrade?09:18
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.09:35
AquinaOk now I messed around a lot with all that NFS stuff in ubuntu and also had a look in various conf-files.10:36
AquinaI recommend not to package Xubuntu 9.04 with "nfs-kernel-server" by default nor can I recommend to run "idmapd", "portmal" or "nfs-common" by default. The user should be prompted somwhere during install. The same applies to samba and cupsd.10:39
AquinaWhat do you think about that?10:40
homebrewciderhey there, I'm running Xubuntu, I have a Canon MP610 printer/scanner, printer working okay, scanner not being recognized, sane is installed, don't know what to do next11:55
TheSheephomebrewcider: check if it's supported on sane's web page12:06
homebrewciderannoying thing is I've had it working before, but reinstalled, long sory, and now I can't remember what I did last time12:07
lukinforehi again!14:08
lukinforehow can i get mouse scroll working in xfterm when looking man/info pages?14:09
Pres-Gaslukinfore, did you used to have it and then lose it?14:09
Pres-GasThat happened to me14:09
lukinforebut that was in hardy14:10
lukinforethere was no also man autoconplete, as no ~/.bash_autocomplete exist14:11
lukinforerestoring backup solved it14:11
lukinforeor there was other name, forgot it14:12
lukinforemaybe just bashrc though14:13
Pres-Gasgerrrr, I was wanting to figure that out, but was low on my priorities.  I backed up my . files, but it did not come over with that14:19
Pres-GasI wondered if it was an xorg config thing?14:19
Pres-Gasprobably not though14:20
Pres-GasMyrtti, TheSheep, your names were mentioned in the Xubu meeting notes.15:16
Pres-GasI would like to put my hat in for helping in the channel.15:16
Pres-GasMyrtti, do you need anything special or has that even been coordinated?15:17
MyrttiPres-Gas: currently I'm struggling to get my hands a bit more free from work related stuff, and I've not yet gotten an email from Cody about what thoughts he had about the subject, so I'm fine and dandy for the moment15:19
Pres-GasHey, cody-somerville15:20
cody-somervilleHiya :)15:20
Pres-GasWell, I would love to put my hat in if needed, just ping me when you all are ready...otherwise I will continue to lurk.15:20
cody-somervillePres-Gas, Sure! Sounds great.15:25
=== danopia` is now known as danopia
Pres-Gashey, vonHalenbach17:57
vonHalenbachI have Xubuntu 8.10 and flash 10 installed, but i can't hear anything when i see a flash film. no rickroll for me. :(17:58
Pres-Gasother sounds work okay, vonHalenbach?17:58
vonHalenbachI can hear music and films with mplayer.17:59
vonHalenbachdo i have to activate sounds somewhere?18:00
Pres-GasWhere did you get the flash package?18:00
vonHalenbachI think i have it installed with synaptic. nonfree?18:01
Pres-GasvonHalenbach, see if you have libflashsupport installed18:04
Pres-GasTell me if that worked for you when all is said and done18:05
vonHalenbachflashplugin-nonfree-extrasound was not installed. I did install it ,now.18:07
SiDivonHalenbach, using pulse or alsa ?18:09
SiDinormally with alsa it's running ok, unless you get another app screwing it. I'd recommand removing any flash/gnash plugin and only install flashplugin-nonfree, it's enough if you don't use pulse18:10
SiDieither, there's a big tutorial on how to get pulse + flash working somewhere on ubuntuforums.com18:10
vonHalenbachdon't know. But i know now, that i use adobe flash player version 10,0,15,318:10
Pres-GasvonHalenbach, make sure to restart your browser when you install either what SiDi or myself suggested.18:12
SiDiyeh, close it before proceeding, even18:13
lukinforewonder is it normally that pulseaudio get more cpu time, than mplayer using it, when play video?18:32
lukinforethe same with mpd18:33
lukinforepulse get even more, about 10 percents of 2.4 g18:33
Pres-GasSiDi, should we assume the silence means it got fixed?18:36
cody-somervillelukinfore, why are you using pulseaudio? :P18:37
lukinforecody-somerville, never know it installed here :P18:38
cody-somervillelukinfore, What version of Xubuntu are you running?18:38
lukinforempd was configured to use alsa18:38
lukinforebut any way when i start mpd it automatically starts18:39
lukinfore*was started18:39
lukinforetill i had removed it18:39
lukinforeso was just interesting was it normally18:40
cody-somerville9.04 is the development release18:43
cody-somervilleand I think what you're describing is a bug18:43
lukinforehave no idea how to catch it18:44
* lukinfore thinks about slideshow of conky's screen18:44
lukinforesupplied with some "paint it black"18:45
* cody-somerville blinks.18:46
lukinforewell I can just report about abnormal cpu using of pulse18:48
lukinforebut since i'm not plan to use it ...18:48
fbcIs there a LastFM player that does not load kde nor gnome binaries to play?18:51
SiDiPres-Gas, dunno but i went to eat, and it was tasty :)18:51
Myrttifbc: shell-fm :-)18:52
fbcMyrtti, I'll try it out.18:53
Myrttifbc: it's quite... *cough* spartan18:53
fbcMyrtti, spartan? kinda like commando?18:53
Myrttifbc: it's commandline tool :-)18:54
Myrttiwell, player, not tool18:54
fbcMyrtti, the lastfm player only real MEN(linux users) would use?18:54
Myrttifbc: I honestly wouldn't know ;-)18:55
Myrttifbc: I've used it since 2005 or so though :-P18:57
fbcMyrtti, I loaded it and pressed f for fan station and nothign happened...18:57
fbcMyrtti, maybe there is somthing wrong18:58
Myrttifbc: you did put things in the .shell-fm/shell-fm.rc ?18:59
fbcMyrtti, nope.. guess I should do that huh?19:01
Myrttifbc: yup19:01
Myrttiman shell-fm-config19:01
Pres-GasMyrtti, the thing is, I am so addicted to Amarok19:09
Pres-GasThough I like cmus for my netbook, I just fire up sshfs to my music and then cmus for the front end....*sigh*...love19:10
Pres-GasThough no posting to last.fm from that19:10
TheSheepPres-Gas: three letters: mpd19:10
Pres-GasReally? Googleing now19:11
R1cochetis there a music player that has visuals like when u play music through totem or wmp?19:19
charlie-tcaummm, totem?19:19
charlie-tcaR1cochet: have you tried Listen? You have an option for visuals19:21
R1cocheta dedicated music player19:25
charlie-tcaListen Music Player is a dedicated music player, isn´t it?19:26
SiDii think it is19:30
R1cochetok but does it have those nifty visuals?19:31
charlie-tcaThere is a user option to enable them19:31
fbcI just want a music player with the lower utilization posible...19:40
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
fbcI'm on an 1.8ghz amd-6419:40
fbcand Myrtti gave me a good suggestion with the command-line last fm player.. very low utilization.19:41
SiDidoesn't xfmedia play music ?19:41
Odd-rationalefbc: try "shell-fm"19:41
SiDii'm using my laptop with a nerfed cpu, 800 mhz, yet i use exaile19:41
fbcSiDi, It may but I wanted LastFm in this case and shell-fm fit the bill...19:41
Odd-rationale!info shell-fm19:42
ubottushell-fm (source: shell-fm): console based player for last.fm radio streams. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4+svn20071125.r282-1 (intrepid), package size 34 kB, installed size 124 kB19:42
fbcOdd-rationale, yeah Myrtti  already told me about it thanks though.19:42
Pres-GasLOL, Sidi...nerfed cpu19:42
Odd-rationalefbc: for normal music files, try moc19:42
Pres-GasThat is awesome19:42
Odd-rationale!info moc19:42
ubottumoc (source: moc): ncurses based console audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.0~alpha3-3ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 205 kB, installed size 664 kB19:42
Pres-Gas!info cmus19:43
ubottucmus (source: cmus): Lightweight ncurses audio player. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2.0-1build1.1 (intrepid), package size 141 kB, installed size 528 kB19:43
fbcOdd-rationale, is it a lite peice of software that won't force me tu run gnome or kde libs?19:43
owen1SiDi: i love moc19:43
Odd-rationalefbc: only ncurses19:43
SiDiPres-Gas, let me find the actual word.. xD19:43
fbcOdd-rationale, kewl.19:43
Pres-GasNo SiDi, that was a totally choice word.  Keep that19:44
fbcOdd-rationale, yeah cmus is so light that it doesn't have but an ansi gui.19:50
fbcOdd-rationale, I didn't want to got the "light" on a dedicated music player.. i think I'll keep listen until something lighter with a graphical gui comes along.19:51
Odd-rationalei also like gnome-mplayer... it only really requires gtk and mplayer....19:54
Odd-rationalei think...19:54
knomefbc, did you already try gimmix?19:56
fbcknome, nope.. lemme try19:57
fbcknome, apparently it requires some called mpd to be installed as well.20:00
knomefbc, yes.20:00
Myrttimpd is wonderful20:00
knomeMyrtti, you're wonderful.20:01
MyrttiI run it on my home server and connect to it with ario or my Nokia Internet Tablet20:01
MyrttiI still haven't checked if there's a s60 client for mpd20:01
MyrttiI used to have the output to go to icecast2 so it was streamed and I could listen to it with my s60 phone...20:02
Myrttibut my poor old Optiplex starts to moan with the server load20:03
knomemaybe you need a new one20:03
Myrttiwith mpd, apache2, mysql, ssh, icecast2, god knows what running20:03
Myrttioh yeah, nfs, bitlbee20:03
knomewhy bitlbee? security freak?20:04
Myrttihm? bitlbee, the irc-im gateway...20:04
knomeyes. but why in your own server?20:04
Myrttioh yea, security freak. Our company internal communications are over xmpp and I don't want passwords/logs anywhere accessible by others20:05
Myrttithat's why I run two irssis too20:05
knomeepic d'oh20:06
Myrttiother for irc and private im, other for work xmpp20:06
Myrttibut hey, it beats pidgin 100-020:06
Myrttialmost everything beats pidgin20:07
knomelike.. a granny20:07
Myrttimpd is the best thing invented since frozen pizzas20:07
knomei prefer my pizza warm20:07
Myrttiso do I ;-)20:08
SiDii prefer living just next to a cheap pizzeria :O20:10
SiDiso i can even have a social life (if i meet someone on my way there \o/)20:10
knome~cheap, but the quality is ~average20:10
SiDiwell, i've got almost no money :) i'm a studentz ! so it's just perfect for me20:14
Myrttiand yeah, mpd takes ridiculously little of resources20:20
R1cochetis there a program for making an animated .gif file for an avatar?20:21
Myrttigimp can do it20:22
* charlie-tca used gimp for that before20:22
knomelet me think if it can export them to use as avatars... nah, i don't think so ;)20:22
Myrttido several layers and save as gif. it asks when saving do you want to flatten the image or use the layers as frames20:22
Myrttior that's what it did about three or four years ago...20:23
SiDiYou can do it with The GIMP. You can do anything. It'll just take you a few dozen years to find out HOW ! :)20:23
R1cochetbut can it do it from a video file?20:24
SiDiif you save the frames of the video into images and then open them as layers, yes ?20:24
R1cochetLaughing Out Loud20:25
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as worms
=== Sinister` is now known as Sinister
G-Bluntedhey how do i get a list of stuff that's actually mount'ed?21:57
G-Bluntedoh sry, guess i jsut type mount :p21:57
SiDidf -H21:59
SiDiif i remember wellz21:59
G-Bluntedoh that is better output than 'mount', thanks! :)22:00
G-Blunteddoes the default music listener app play .mp3s??22:22
knomeG-Blunted, yes, if you have the codecs installed22:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:24
knomeG-Blunted, see the first link.22:24
RytmenPinneHey, I just tried xfce and I really like it, now, how do I make it default from kde 3.5 ?22:29
knome!purexfce | RytmenPinne22:29
ubottuRytmenPinne: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »22:29
knomeRytmenPinne, do you mean that?22:29
RytmenPinneyes :)22:29
knomeok. have fun.22:30
SiDiRytmenPinne, in kdm, just choose "xfce" as the default session22:30
knomethe solution SiDi provided doesn't remove kde.:)22:30
RytmenPinneok, SiDi will that so to speak, not start up kde at system startup?22:30
RytmenPinnecause that's enough for me22:31
knomeRytmenPinne, correct.22:31
SiDiThis way if you want to use kde for any reason, it's still available ;)22:31
RytmenPinneI think I'll go with that option :)22:31
RytmenPinnebut, what about kde apps? do they requier kde?22:32
knomeRytmenPinne, nope.22:32
RytmenPinnegood :)22:32
knomeRytmenPinne, but of course, you get the most out of xfce if you dont use qt (read: kde) apps.22:32
knomeRytmenPinne, because then you have to load additional libraries.22:33
RytmenPinneits mainly k3b I'm interested in using22:33
knomemaybe you can find an alternative, if you don't mind all of it's tiny details and little features. :)22:33
RytmenPinneyes that's sort of my goal here :P I makin an audio workstation of an old computer with only 512mb ram22:33
RytmenPinneI suppose :)22:34
RytmenPinneI was very positivly surpised with  xfce tho22:34
RytmenPinnefast like mother22:34
RytmenPinnehmm, maby I should just remove it all :P22:36
knomeyou can always install it back, if you're desperate.22:36
SiDitry brasero for burning22:38
SiDiits pretty light22:38
SiDiand gtk (gnome) apps are better integrated with xfce22:38
SiDiwhich also uses gtk22:38
RytmenPinneis there any way I can make the command ignore packages that doesnt exist?22:39
knomeRytmenPinne, not really.22:39
knomeRytmenPinne, the best way is to gopy it to a text editor and edit accordingly22:39
RytmenPinneah k22:40
RytmenPinneor I just sudo install first :D22:40
knomeRytmenPinne, that's the other option.22:40
knomeRytmenPinne, i suppose installing kubuntu-desktop would install any kde packages that you are "missing"22:41
knomeRytmenPinne, and ubuntu-desktop for gnome/ubuntu22:41
RytmenPinnehmm wait, I just noticed one thing, that was for 8.10, and I'm actually on 8.04 I remember22:42
knomeRytmenPinne, a-ha.22:42
knomeRytmenPinne, the idea is basically the same.22:42
RytmenPinne0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 305 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:42
RytmenPinneAfter this operation, 1098MB disk space will be freed.22:42
Dillizarwhat is the xubuntu requirements except 128MB ram22:59
MyrttiDillizar: more than 128MB ram23:01
SiDiit runs on a 800mhz cpu if u wanna know23:02
charlie-tcaDillizar: http://xubuntu.org/get Minimum system requirements23:02
SiDiif the pc is REALLY low, and lags with xfce, try lxde tho23:02
knomeDillizar, from http://xubuntu.org/get : You need 128 MB RAM to run the Live CD or 192 MB RAM to install.23:02
knomeDillizar, 128 is for *live cd*, not installed system23:02
charlie-tcaIt will work in 128MB ram and 450MHz cpu, if you really want to know23:03
Dillizarsd ddr ddr2 the same but must be 12823:03
knomegood night ->23:03
SiDinight knome23:03
charlie-tcanight knome23:03
knomecharlie-tca, yeah, but you'll end up makeing coffee after every command on the cli not even speaking of gui clicks/actions ;)23:03
Dillizarsee ya23:03
charlie-tcaYou only get to drink the cup, do not really have time to make it each time23:04
charlie-tcaDillizar: it runs slow in 128MB; I prefer 384MB here23:06
Dillizarcharlie-tca, i have one problem with xubuntu23:06
Dillizari dont know how its called23:07
Dillizarbut when i hold my left mouse button and drag it23:07
Dillizarnothing happens23:07
charlie-tcaDoes it work to double click?23:08
Dillizaryou dont understand23:09
Dillizaryou know when you hold your button and move the mouse23:09
Dillizarto select more icons for ex.23:09
Dillizarwell doesnt work for me :)23:09
charlie-tcaNo, I don't do that. I can click on an icon and drag it by holding the button down, or hold ctrl and click several items to hilite them23:10
Dillizarcan you do it on xubuntu23:11
charlie-tcahold control and click icons to hilite them?23:11
Dillizaron the desktop23:12
G-BluntedHey where would i set the window manager to use on login?23:12
Dillizarjust hold the button and move your mouse23:12
Dillizarwill it make a square or smt like that23:13
G-Bluntedoh wait not that23:13
G-Bluntedi meant the window decorator23:13
G-Bluntedcause when i boot i start with no title bars or borders on my windows23:13
G-Bluntedid like to decorate them a lil bit! :)23:13
charlie-tcaWell, I'll be. That does hilite several icons23:13
charlie-tcaBut you still have to move the desktop icons one at a time23:14
charlie-tcaXfce doesn't move the icons on the desktop in a batch23:15
Dillizarits a bug??23:15
Dillizaror just the kernel is small as possible :D23:16
charlie-tcaI think it is a feature23:16
charlie-tcaG-Blunted: I never saw them disappear.23:16
Dillizarahh G-Blunted23:17
Dillizari know23:17
Dillizaryou must23:17
Dillizarand type23:17
Dillizaremerald --replace23:17
Dillizarthat will do ;)23:17
Dillizardid it work23:19
Dillizarwill gnome themes work for xubuntu??23:22
TheSheepyes, the gtk themes, not windows decoration though23:24
SiDibye bye23:50

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