
jelmerlifeless: Thanks00:00
jelmerlifeless, hopefully I'll be able to find some time next month to transform bzr-rebase into bzr-rewrite00:00
verterokjelmer: I'm trying to build a universal (ppc & i386) static svn in order to ship it with bzr-svn00:06
verterokjelmer: I'm failing to build it as universal, but I think it's a matter of configure it with the right flags, atm I'm trying to build apr as universal, as it seems the svn iself works ok00:08
lifelessspiv: success:00:13
lifeless        raw_record_map = self.vf._get_record_map_unparsed(keys, allow_missing=True)00:14
lifeless        record_map = self.vf._raw_map_to_record_map(raw_record_map)00:14
lifelessspiv: if we serialise raw_record_map, a dict of simple types, we can resume this function on the other side .00:14
lifelessspiv: 'yay'00:14
lifeless-> appointment00:15
spivlifeless: :)00:15
eferraiuoloI'm wondering what the best way is to do SVN style keyword substitution is in bzr?00:46
eferraiuoloI would like to replace $Date$ and $Rev$ in my files in a certain project (repo/branch)00:47
spiveferraiuolo: there was a thread about that on the mailing list recently00:48
spivI think igc is looking at writing code to do that?00:48
spivigc: ^00:48
eferraiuolooh alright; so I shouldn't expect it to be baked into bzr right now then?00:49
RAOFYou can get the same sort of effect semi-automatically, ish.00:51
RAOFeferraiuolo: 'bzr help version-info' will give you something a (very) little bit like what you want.00:55
eferraiuoloSo do you put things like {date} in your source code then run the command?00:57
igceferraiuolo: see https://launchpad.net/bzr-keywords00:58
igceferraiuolo: the main sticking point is that bzr.dev doesn't supporting content filtering yet - a patch is up for review for that00:59
eferraiuolonot sure I totally get the workflow with bzr version-info01:00
RAOFeferraiuolo: What you'd have to do is stick {date} in your source code, and then filter it through sed with the output of version-info (urgh).01:01
RAOFgnome-do uses version-info in the buildsystem, to define a nice, complete version string with revno and branch nick and such.  It works well for that.01:02
spiveferraiuolo: a cleaner way to use version-info tends to be to have a command to use it to generate a single, small source code file with the values in it.  e.g. a header file for C with a #define.01:04
spiveferraiuolo: and then have the rest of your project reference that file, and have your makefile regenerate it when appropriate.01:05
eferraiuoloyeah, although I'm looking at doing this in a JavaScript file01:05
spivAh.  That does sound awkward :)01:06
eferraiuolo:-) It's mainly to help people keep track of what revision my small JS file is in so they know if the one they are using is old or not01:07
eferraiuoloso I just wanted it in the comment block at the top of the file01:07
* spiv nods01:07
* igc lunch01:57
jmlwhat's the default merge algorithm these days?02:07
pooliejml, i think it's lca02:10
jmlI just had an interesting conflict experience where I removed a large chunk of code in one branch, and the branch I merged in had removed adjacent but independent large chunks of code.02:12
jmlreading the herringbones was a little tricky at first. the solution (under a weave merge) was just to delete everything inside conflict markers02:12
mwhudsoni think the default is still merge3 actually02:17
mwhudsonas i've done bzr remerge --show-base and not had it complain at me02:17
baxissimohow do you sever the connection between bzr-svn checkout brach from svn?  I want to switch to "mirroring" setupd.02:42
RAOFbaxissimo: I'd guess that you'd do that with 'bzr unbind', assuming bzr-svn works as I'd expect.02:48
=== arjenAU2 is now known as arjenAU
baxissimoRAOF: "convert the current checkout into a regular branch"  -- That sounds like that should do it!03:03
baxissimoWhat kind of non-regular branches are there?03:03
baxissimoJust checkouts and branches?  Is that the distinction?03:04
RAOFPretty much, yes.03:04
baxissimoAnd big difference with a checkout is that bzr ci actually pushes to the remote repo automatically?03:05
baxissimo(Looking into bzr after a while using hg...)03:06
lifelessbaxissimo: yes, checkouts behave like svn checkouts, branches behave like, well, branches03:07
baxissimoHmm, "bzr bind" on the bzr-svn tree says "No location supplied and no previous location known"03:17
lifelessbaxissimo: you can supply a url03:17
lifelessbaxissimo: this is the one oddity - you can turn a brnach into a checkout by doing 'bzr bind URL'03:17
baxissimoWhat I mean is that RAOF said bzr-svn was like a checkout, but unlike a checkout "bzr bind" doesn't report the currently bound location (the SVN tree).03:19
RAOFbzr-svn, in my experience, basically makes bzr treat svn URLs the equivalent of bzr branches.  So you can 'bzr checkout svn://wherever', and get a checkout, or you can 'bzr branch svn://wherever' to get a branch.03:21
baxissimoAnyway, what I really wanted to know was how to determine if a given source tree is a branch or checkout.03:21
RAOF'bzr info' will probably get you that.03:22
baxissimoI thought "bzr bind" with no arg would give that, but maybe not.03:22
baxissimoBeautiful.  Thanks.  Ok, and "bzr bind" apparently will rebind to the previously bound location.  "bzr unbind && bzr bind" seems to get me back where I started.03:23
igclifeless: see line 145 in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-usertest/trunk/annotate/head%3A/scripts/script_common.py03:28
igclifeless: also log -v takes days/hours for large repos so I don't include a benchmark for it yet. I will soon03:29
lifelessigc: is that a 'tree only' answer?03:37
baxissimoI had one more newbie question -- hg folks recommend NOT setting up repos SVN style with lots of separate projects all together under one common top directory. How about bzr?03:40
baxissimoI think with Hg the problem is that there's no way to check out just a single directory of a repository, so you end up having to pull everything in just to get that one dir.03:41
baxissimoIs Bzr the same in that respect?03:41
bob2bzr doesn't conflate branches and repositories03:41
bob2also repositories are just storage optimisations for bzr03:42
bob2so "no"03:43
baxissimoSo can "bzr branch" make a branch of just a particular directory of a remote repository?03:43
bob2with bzr, repository = box of branches sharing a common revision store03:43
baxissimoOk, but I want the offline check-in goodness, too.03:43
bob2the only downside is that operations modifying revision data will lock the whole repository (I think)03:44
bob2that is unrelated03:44
baxissimoSo what would be the command to get a branch of just the bar directory of the foo repository?03:46
igclifeless: yes03:46
bob2bzr branch bar/foo03:48
bob2foo foo/bar, obviously03:49
bob2holy crap03:49
bob2bzr branch foo/bar03:49
baxissimobob2: that tells me ERROR: Not a branch: "........foo/bar"03:49
bob2are you sure you're clear on what a branch is?03:51
baxissimobob2: but just   "bzr branch foo" works.03:51
bob2you can't "branch" a subdirectory of a branch03:51
baxissimobob2: not entirely sure what it means in bzr-o world, no.03:51
bob2then foo is a branch, not a repository03:51
baxissimobob2: Ah, ok.  So they're different with bzr.  I sort of see what you mean about bzr not conflating the two concepts.03:52
bob2bar is just a subdirectory in a branch, and you can't checkout (or branch) just that bit (no dvcs I've heard of can)03:52
baxissimoYou can do it with SVN, so SVN repos tend to have lots of only loosely related stuff in them.  Like 'baxissimo-repo".03:54
bob2if hg works differently, it is pretty unique among version control systems03:54
bob2svn is just a versioned filesystem03:54
bob2it doesn't really have branches03:54
rexbronjames_w: So, profiles did not make the cut outstanding merges on bzr-bd? Do you still see it as nessicary and/or useful?03:54
bob2except by convention03:54
baxissimoNo hg can't do it, svn can.03:54
baxissimoThose are the two vcs's I know best.  So I wanted to know what about bzr.03:55
bob2I was refering to hg's idea of a "repository"03:55
baxissimoI'm about to convert a big svn repo to bzr, and I want to know if I should try to split it up into separate bzr repos ... er "branches" I guess I mean.03:56
lifelessbob2: hg doesn't work differently03:56
lifelessbaxissimo: 'bzr-svn' can split it up into different branches for you03:56
lifelessbaxissimo: in fact,it tries quite hard to guess correctly. The easiest way to find out is 'bzr branch svn://foo/bar'03:56
bob2lifeless: ah03:57
baxissimolifeless: easiest way to find out what?  What it actually did?   I used TortoiseBzr to make the svn->bzr checkout.  It looks like it put everything in one big branch.03:59
baxissimoBy that I mean there's only one .bzr file at the top.03:59
lifelessbaxissimo: if you did a checkout, then yes. As a special case though, bzr-svn considers a checkout of a whole svn repo different to checking out one branch within a svn repo04:00
lifelessbaxissimo: so did you checkout the root of your svn repo, or a subdir?04:00
baxissimoI checked out the root.04:00
baxissimoSo I should do dir-by-dir checkouts instead?04:01
lifelessbaxissimo: yes04:01
lifelessbaxissimo: also, there is a command 'bzr svn-import' that will convert the entire repo for you in one hit04:01
lifelessI doubt that tortoise exposes that, but you might like to give it a go04:01
lifelessjelmer: that special case ^ seems to confuse people regularly, can we make it more inaccessible or something, so it only works when its really the right thing to do?04:02
jelmerlifeless, it's not a special case04:02
jelmerlifeless, at the moment bzr-svn will warn if it thinks you should not be checking out the root04:03
baxissimolifeless: Looks like it does not expose it.  So svn-import will split things up automatically?04:03
jelmerbaxissimo, did you see such a warning?04:04
baxissimolifeless: or do I need --standalone?04:05
jelmerbaxissimo, yeah, it will split up automatically, no need for --standalone04:05
baxissimojelmer: ugh, ok here goes another 3 hr checkout/conversion process04:06
jelmerbaxissimo, what bzr-svn are you running? Newer versions should be significantly faster04:07
jelmerbaxissimo, also, did you see a warning about checking out the repository root when you ran "bzr checkout" originally?04:07
baxissimo1.11 seems to be the newest installer version for windows04:07
baxissimoNo saw no warnings, but maybe tbzr just didn't pass them along?04:07
jelmerbaxissimo, ah, that could indeed be what's happening04:08
baxissimoI have to pull 1116 revs from france to tokyo, so it may not be bzr's fault here :-)04:08
jelmerI think the 1.11 installer still has an older bzr-svn, but still one that does have the warning04:09
baxissimoAnyway, it is time for lunch over here, so I'll just let svn-import chew, while I go do some chewing of my own.04:11
baxissimoThanks for the help jelmer, bob2, lifeless and RAOF.04:12
lifelessjelmer: will you see a warning from the gui?04:29
jelmerlifeless, I don't know what tortoisebzr/qbzr do, bzr-svn just calls trace.warning04:29
lifelessjelmer: I suspect nothing :)04:30
jelmerI suspect you suspect right04:30
lifelessjelmer: if its not on bzrlib.ui.ui_factory, I'd expect everything to disappear04:30
jelmerlifeless, so, the alternative is to just flat out refuse checkouts from the root if that doesn't match the layout (as set by the user or guessed)04:33
jelmerlifeless, I'm divided as to what is the right thing to do here04:34
jelmersome users seem to actually *want* to check out the root, but the current behaviour also allows others to shoot themselves in the foot04:34
lifelessjelmer: I agree its difficult04:44
lifelesspoolie: I have made a minor edit, I'm not sure i'm finished, but there is plenty there04:58
poolieis it just me or does 1.12rc1 not give progress bars on windows?06:28
ronnyjelmer: sup?06:30
ronnyjelmer: after my exams i'll tackle compiling python down to c a bit using annotations + inference, i hope i'll be able to apply that to dulwich06:32
lifelesspoolie: I have made a minor edit, I'm not sure i'm finished, but there is plenty there06:39
poolielifeless: i hope you haven't been doing that since lunchtime?06:57
lifelesspoolie: oh no,07:01
lifelesspoolie: you d/c'd when I went to tell you before07:01
lifeless15:55 < lifeless> poolie: I have made a minor edit, I'm not sure i'm finished, but there is plenty there07:01
lifeless15:56 -!- poolie [n=mbp@ppp112-44.static.internode.on.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]07:01
lifelesspoolie: I have just sent in a [MERGE] for byte-encoding for record streams07:02
lifelesspoolie: which means that tomorrow spiv and I will be glueing the various bits together, we should have a wart-free push working to stacked branches, without the ucky upcast to full texts used previously07:02
ronnylifeless: why are tags bencoded?07:03
lifelesspoolie: however, I'm well past 'done time' :) so sayonara, and chat to you tomorrow07:03
lifelessronny: I don't know07:04
ronnylifeless: also, are there things like signed tags? (git has those as objects)07:04
lifelessronny: sorry, I need to head off, hopefully someoneelse can chat :)07:05
vilahi all07:17
CBro2007hi guys I am just checking out bzr and I am a newbie...07:48
CBro2007I have gone ahead and done the steps to reach my "initial import" and now I am wondering how I can proceed by keeping a good working copy and working on another copy that I will add features to?07:49
CBro2007Any suggestions as to how I should be doing this?07:49
Peng_You should read the documentation.07:52
CBro2007Peng: I am07:55
CBro2007its a bit convoluted07:55
CBro2007I am used to CVS and then SVN's trunk/branch model07:56
CBro2007just wondering how I can achieve the same using bzr07:56
keithcuI have a basic BZR question. Can I ask it here?07:56
CBro2007after the initial import do I just start working on the "working copy"?07:56
CBro2007or should I create a different "dev" branch and work on that ... then merge the branch to the main branch?07:56
CBro2007Peng: any suggestions?07:57
keithcuI peng: it seems like you are trying to do something similar to me. You should have two branches07:57
keithcuOne that is the main one, and then your personal one where you do your work.07:58
keithcu(Or maybe two branches, if they are totally different areas that you are working)07:58
keithcuThen, when you are satisfied with something, you push it to the main one.07:58
keithcuI guess that is for CBro2007, sorry.07:58
CBro2007keithcu: yes07:59
keithcuThat is what I am trying to setup. Unfortunately, the docs I see don't give such clear help in the context of launchpad08:00
CBro2007keithcu: my understanding is that maybe I don't need to start a NEW branch and I can just use the working dir08:00
Peng_Some people like to use the main branch for simple things, and separate branches for mroe complicated stuff.08:00
CBro2007that is the concept08:00
keithcuYes, if it is just you, you can party in one branch08:00
CBro2007so when I reach a major milestone I commit my changes to the MAIN branch (or trunk)08:00
CBro2007and then I should in theory be able to start up a new branch yeah?08:01
CBro2007I have done the initial import... now how do I create a new branch from this?08:01
Peng_CBro2007: "bzr branch"08:02
CBro2007bzr: ERROR: command 'branch' requires argument FROM_LOCATION08:03
CBro2007how do I view a list of my branches?08:04
Peng_CBro2007: "bzr branch path/to/your/branch some_new_path"08:04
CBro2007it tells me how I can branch from a PUBLISHED branch08:04
* Peng_ points to the documentation08:04
Peng_CBro2007: You can branch from any branch.08:04
CBro2007so how do I branch a copy from my Original Import?08:05
CBro2007and when do I "publish" a branch? Is this done so other people on the project can COPY this branch and work on it?08:05
Peng_CBro2007: Yes.08:06
keithcuI have a question: I have setup two branches: https://code.launchpad.net/openracing08:07
keithcuMy keithcu work branch is fine, but now I'm trying to push these changes to trunk.08:08
CBro2007ok managed to create a new branch from my existing initial import08:08
keithcuI don't know how to do that.08:09
keithcuI tried bzr init, bzr merge ../work, bzr push lp:openracing, but that didn't work08:09
CBro2007you want to know how to branch from the initial import?08:10
Peng_keithcu: 1.) What's the point of merging into an empty branch? Heck, you can use pull then, 2.) You need commit after merging08:10
Peng_keithcu: Did you want "bzr branch"?08:10
CBro2007keithcu: is that what you wanted?08:11
keithcuI just wanted to push my changes to trunk. I have my work directory branch and that is it!08:11
Peng_keithcu: "bzr push", then?08:11
CBro2007Peng_: How do I look at a list of branches ?08:12
keithcuOkay, so I go to my work directory, and when I type: bzr push lp:openracing08:12
CBro2007keithcu: if you have done the initial import and want to create a branch off that initial import --> "bzr branch . something.dev"08:12
keithcuit tells me that the target directory already exists, but does not have a valid .bzr file08:12
Peng_CBro2007: Unlike git, there's only one branch per directory, so you can just use ls...08:13
Peng_CBro2007: The bzrtools plugin adds a "bzr branches" command if you really want it.08:13
CBro2007so u saying that I cannot have more than one branch in this directory?08:14
Peng_CBro2007: You cannot. Fortunately, most file systems support having multiple directories. :P08:14
keithcuI haven't done any import. I just have my work branch and I'm trying to setup a connection to setup a connection to trunk and pull to it, but I don't know how to do that.08:15
keithcuand push to it08:15
CBro2007so if I navigate to my .dev branch... that would be the files that I should be working on?08:15
Peng_CBro2007: Sure? You might want to use multiple branches, or you might not.08:16
CBro2007Peng_: At the moment I just want to test out the simple case where I can branch a new dev copy ... work on it.. be able to revert changes if I screw up, commit to a branch and then finally merge it to my main branch08:17
CBro2007so let me get this right08:18
CBro2007I just created a branch called "something.dev"08:18
CBro2007I navigate to that directory and work on the copy there08:18
Peng_You can do that.08:18
CBro2007and then I should be able to issue commands like "bzr status" etc in that dir08:18
CBro2007Peng_: what other way is there?08:19
keithcuThere are 1 million ways to work with bzr08:19
CBro2007how do I start to work on the branch I just created and only be constrained to this branch?08:19
CBro2007thats the problem! :)08:19
CBro2007I just need one... not a million..08:19
CBro2007maybe the solo case for now08:19
keithcuHow many people are you working wiht?08:19
CBro2007two more08:20
CBro2007so the trunk branch model would suffice08:20
keithcuOkay, so you create your work branch (and they create their work branch)08:20
CBro2007Once I am comfy with this whole branching stuff I will publish the branch on launchpad for the rest (atleast that is the plan)08:20
keithcuAnd then when any of you are satisfied, you push your changes to the trunk branch08:20
CBro2007or they send their changes to me first and I commit it to the main trunk08:21
keithcuYes, that is doable too.08:21
keithcuMy problem is that I don't know how to setup the trunk branch08:21
keithcuI have one:08:21
Peng_CBro2007: Send how? Patch files?08:21
CBro2007isn't there a way they can do a "bzr send" or something08:22
CBro2007or maybe they can send me their branch08:22
CBro2007and I can merge it from my end08:22
Peng_CBro2007: "bzr help send" :D08:23
CBro2007you love pointing out the documentation don't ya?08:23
CBro2007you might as well give us some pointers mate! :)08:23
Peng_The people who wrote the documentation are better writers than me. :P08:24
keithcuWell, how do you setup the trunk branch?08:24
keithcuI set one up: https://code.launchpad.net/~openracing/openracing/main08:24
keithcubut I can't push to it.08:24
Peng_keithcu: Honestly, I'm not sure. Try "bzr push --use-existing-dir"08:24
Peng_CBro2007: You can use "bzr send -o foo.patch" to create a patch-like file that also preserves the history, then "bzr merge path/to/foo.patch" in another branch.08:25
Peng_CBro2007: "bzr send" can also help you send an email with the file attached; see the edocs.08:25
Peng_Err, docs*08:25
keithcuOkay, I'm trying that and overriding the warning.08:26
keithcuIt seemed to work...08:27
keithcuthat seemed to kill my work branch! grr08:27
keithcuoh well, I'll figure it out another time.08:28
CBro2007I am sure they could have made it easier :)08:28
CBro2007wish someone wrote a cool GUI tool that fronted all this backend stuff08:28
keithcuI just wish there were docs specifically walking through the basic launchpad setup.08:29
pooliekeithcu: you want something like08:29
keithcuI've read all I can find, but it wasn't enough. Some of it was clearly written before it was integrated into launchpad08:29
pooliebzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openracing/openracing/main08:29
keithcuI was doing bzr push lp:openracing08:31
CBro2007poolie: so i just created a new branch.... does this mean I can navigate to this branch and start modifying the contents?08:31
keithcuCBro2007: yes08:31
CBro2007poolie: would this mean that I am contraining the changes to this branch only?08:32
CBro2007keithcu: ok08:32
CBro2007keithcu: do you have to publish your changes?08:32
keithcuCBro2007, it works better when you have a basic question to ask rather than a long series of them08:32
CBro2007yeah thanks :)08:33
Peng_keithcu: Oh, did you ever run "bzr launchpad-login your_username"?08:33
CBro2007bazaar does raise a LOT OF QUESTIONS08:33
pooliewe have lots of answers too08:33
keithcuI think I've hosed my stuff. It shows 2 branches, but only makes one visible, etc.08:34
Peng_Though not all of the answers match up to the questions. ;D08:34
keithcuI'll start over and try that longer syntax for bzr push08:34
Peng_keithcu: What? Two branches where? Launchpad?08:34
poolieslow down08:34
keithcuyes, launchpad.08:35
poolieon which page?08:35
keithcuI'll come back another time. I'll fiddle around more. I just want to understand a very simple question:08:35
keithcuI've got my work branch all setup, and I'm trying to setup / push to the trunk branch08:36
keithcuI used bzr push lp:openracing, but maybe I should try bzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openracing/openracing/main08:36
keithcuIt sort of seems like they are the same but maybe not08:36
keithcuI deleted my trunk branch which was in launchpad and I'll try it again.08:38
Peng_keithcu: lp:openracing is just a shortcut. If bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openracing/openracing/main is the openracing project's default branch, it'llpoint to it.08:38
keithcuYes, that is what I thought.08:38
pooliewhat i suggest you do is08:38
pooliedelete that branch on launchpad08:38
pooliepush to the ssh url08:38
pooliethen link it as the main branch for the product through the web ui08:38
CBro2007guys I am testing by committing changes to a branch.. basic stuff. Now how do I revert to previous revisions in the branch?08:39
CBro2007bzr revert?08:39
keithcuOkay, poolie, I wil try that.08:40
keithcujeez, cBro2007, sit down with the documentation and experiment.08:41
keithcuPoolie, that worked. I think I created the branch in launchpad first and that messed things up or something08:42
poolieCBro2007: check out http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html08:43
keithcuPoolie: my mistake was that I registered a hosted branch before I created it.08:44
keithcuAnd when I do that, I can't push to it, or something.08:44
pooliethumper, jml ^^08:44
poolieit should work08:44
poolieit is kind of a confusing situation08:44
jmlpoolie: we are aware of it and have decided on a course of action :)08:44
poolieoh yeah08:44
jmlpoolie: but neither of us will do anything about it tonight.08:44
poolieyou're going to remove the option to create them?08:45
jmlbasically, yeah.08:45
jmlthere's an open bug.-08:45
keithcuokay, so that was my problem?08:45
pooliethought so08:45
jmlkeithcu: in the meantime, bzr push --use-existing-dir, IIRC08:45
keithcuOkay, I tried that but thought something went wrong. But I think that might have worked.08:46
* igc dinner08:46
keithcuBut now it works and everything looks good: https://code.launchpad.net/openracing?field.lifecycle=ALL08:46
keithcuI spent an hour on that simple thing...08:47
Peng_Well, congrats on getting it working. :)08:47
keithcuyep, feels good.08:47
keithcuokay, thanks again, I understand the "suggested" workflow. Bye08:48
pooliesorry for the confusion08:48
keithcuno problem. But I do suggest to focus your documentation on the launchpad workflow as many bzr people will be using launchpad08:48
keithcuWell, I'm off to code. Thanks for your help...08:49
=== serg_ is now known as serg
CBro2007whats the difference between doing a "revert" and an "uncommit"?09:46
CBro2007Just want to know the consequences of doing that09:46
Peng_CBro2007: Revert is about the working tree, Uncommit is about the branch history.09:47
CBro2007so revert will not get rid of any of the committed branches yeah?09:48
Peng_CBro2007: Right.09:48
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
Kamping_Kaiseri've rm'ed a few files. how can i remove them from my bzr repo? bzr is refusing to ci/rm the files because they dont exist.10:07
Lo-lan-doJust commit?10:07
Peng_Kamping_Kaiser: For better or for worse, "bzr commit" automatically removes missing files.10:08
Kamping_KaiserPeng, ah, ok. i'll ignore a few things then commit the missing files. cheers.10:08
Lo-lan-doIf you have other changes, you could also shelve them, then commit the removals, then unshelve.10:10
Kamping_Kaiseri have a dozen files i want ignored (which bzr isnt ignoring), and these 5 pngs. I could ... i wonder . brb.10:18
* rockstar loves the new progress bar.10:18
Kamping_Kaiserstill doesnt ignore if the files are added. oh well.10:19
fullermdWell, that's because ignore is a filter on nadd  :p10:19
Kamping_Kaiseron what?10:19
fullermdnadd.  It's sorta like add.  The 'n' is silent.10:20
Kamping_Kaiserit must be bzrs fault, i can't *possibly* be at fault :P10:20
* Kamping_Kaiser wishes ;s10:20
Kamping_Kaisercommitng the dir the images were in seems to be doing the trick. probably what Lo-lan-do was trying to tell me 15 min ago *heh*10:21
Lo-lan-doNot really, I was suggesting a full commit; but you're right, I should remember about the possibility of committing a single dir, I often forget about it.10:22
Kamping_Kaiserthanks for the pointers - think i'm getting ignore sussed too. (remove --keep is handy too)10:26
* fullermd has rm aliased to --keep, and dark memories of the day when it was changed :p10:28
james_wrexbron: they just weren't merged yesterday, I still plan to review them10:30
gioeleis there a way to run a command when bzr commit is run but *before* the actual commit? I'd like to modify a file on every commit, before and save the modified file with in the same commit10:45
Lo-lan-dogioele: There's probably a hook for that.10:53
=== UdontKnow is now known as root
SteveAlifeless: ping11:03
jelmergioele, look for the start-commit hook11:08
gioeleLo-lan-do, jelmer: thank you. I'll use those. Actually my hope was to just write a line in a conf file and have my script run on every commit, but those python hooks are nice enough11:14
CBro2007guys if I have setup the shared repository structure as shown in the user guide, I was wondering whether I have to copy my files to the "trunk" dir and then do a bzr add?11:55
CBro2007do I have to do a "bzr init" in the project dir?11:55
CBro2007can someone help?12:00
CBro2007project1/          # A repository for project112:01
CBro2007 +- trunk/         # The mainline of development of project112:01
CBro2007 +- branches/      # A container directory12:01
CBro2007     +- foo/       # Branch for developing feature foo of project112:01
CBro2007       ...12:01
CBro2007I use this model12:01
CBro2007should I then have to get into the "trunk" directory and do a "bzr init"?12:01
CBro2007before I can add files to this dir?12:01
asabilCBro2007: how did you create the trunk/ directory ?12:01
CBro2007I created the repository with init-repo12:02
asabilthen yes, you will need to cd trunk && bzr init .12:02
CBro2007and then went into that dir to add in the structure I wanted12:02
CBro2007then copy my files into trunk and bzr add , then initial import -commit yeah?12:02
asabilyep exactly12:04
CBro2007And then I need to fork out like a seperate branch from this trunk12:04
CBro2007like a fresh copy to start adding features on12:04
CBro2007Can I just go :  bzr branch /proj1/trunk /proj1/branches/foo12:05
CBro2007asabil: would that work? or do I have to PUBLISH my branch first?12:06
asabilCBro2007: that works perfectly12:06
asabil(that's the workflow I use myself)12:06
CBro2007which one? the first one?12:06
CBro2007so I can branch out first and then publish my branch later so others can collaborate?12:07
CBro2007it says the target directory already exists12:08
CBro2007maybe I should get rid of the branch12:08
asabilCBro2007: yes, you don't need to create the directories yourself12:23
asabilbzr branch will do it12:23
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
CBro2007yep done all that12:49
CBro2007worked out real good... also managed to PUBLISH my branches12:50
=== AfC1 is now known as AfC
AfCIs there a reason you keep saying "publish" in all capitals?12:50
crisbhiya, i'm getting a MemoryError when I try to commit a move of some directories  (containing arround 700 files) into another directory - http://paste.pocoo.org/show/104281/12:55
crisbthis is on AIX...12:55
fullermdAfC: It's an acronym for Putative Unsubstantiated Brilliant Lunch In Some House.13:03
crisbseems to be in patiencediff13:05
msmitscould some please help me out with some bzr-svn issues?13:15
jelmermsmits, hi13:15
msmitsjelmer> hi, is it supposed to work with Python 2.4?13:16
jelmermsmits: 0.5.0 doesn't work with python2.4 at the moment13:16
msmitsjelmer: what version would you recommend for Python 2.4?13:17
jelmermsmits, I would recommend upgrading to Python2.5..13:17
msmits(I've run into the defaultdict requirement)13:17
msmitsthat's not an option, work environment dictates python 2.4 (I guess I could install 2 versions but would rather avoid that)13:18
jelmerthe 0.4.x series work with python2.413:18
jelmerhowever, a lot of bugs (>40) in the 0.4.x series of bzr-svn are fixed in 0.5.0, and the 0.4.x, and performance is also worse in 0.4.x than in 0.5.x13:19
msmitsjelmer: I've also tried 0.4.17 and have run into a fairly serious problem13:20
msmitshang on while i get the logs13:20
msmitsjelmer: http://pastebin.com/m48b4b35813:22
jelmermsmits, that's a known bug, fixed in 0.513:22
msmitsjelmer: no easy way to backport the fix to the 0.4 series?13:23
jelmermsmits: That particular bug might be fairly easy to backport13:24
msmitshmmm, maybe i should just install python 2.5 next to python 2.4...13:25
jelmerno guarantee you won't run into more older bugs13:25
msmitscan you point me at the fix, in case i decide to backport it?13:26
jelmerbug 32928413:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329284 in bzr-svn "dpush can't handle merges" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32928413:29
msmitsjelmer: thanks very much for your help, that's awesome13:30
jelmermsmits, alternatively, it should be possible to provide replacement implementations of defaultdict and deque in bzr-svn 0.5.013:31
msmitsjelmer: yep, i've got substitute versions lying around13:31
msmitsjelmer: I can think of other reasons to have Python 2.5 installed so I might try that approach first13:32
vilacrisb: worth filing a bug13:32
jelmermsmits, I would be more than happy to accept patches that make bzr-svn use substitutes when running under python < 2.513:32
vilacrisb: did you get less traumatic response times since last week-end ?13:32
jelmermsmits, ok13:32
msmitsjelmer: ok, if that's the case you might get some patches from me soon13:33
crisbvila: I have fixed it now, its an AIX malloc funny - returns NULL if malloc(0)... :)13:38
crisbi will file it though with patch13:39
vilawow, that kind of bug makes me think about the worst I encountered: memcpy copying 655[56] bytes when asked to copy 0 or 1 bytes... did wonders for C variables in the stack...13:41
crisbits running slightly faster now, but selftest is still incredibly slow13:42
ronnyits ok of malloc(0) returns NULL13:44
crisbronny: not according to the patiencediff extension ;)13:44
ronnymanpages say it may return 0 or a unique value that works with free13:45
crisbone patiencediff test is still failing unique_lcs - error return without exception set when doing unique_lcs('', '')13:49
fullermdEr?  malloc(0) is painting outside the lines.  Demons are allowed to fly out of your nose.13:59
fullermdThe only requirement is that the return value work with free(), which NULL does everywhere but freakin' dmalloc.14:00
fullermd(well, maybe that's fixed by now, it's been a couple years since last I fired it up)14:00
Odd_Bloke"If  size is 0, then malloc() returns either NULL, or a unique pointer value that can later be successfully passed to free()." suggests that it's not painting outside the lines.14:01
fullermdIt's painting outside the lines in that it's implementation-defined.14:01
fullermd"If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is implementation-defined: either a null pointer is returned, or the behavior is as if the size were some nonzero value, except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object."14:02
Odd_BlokeOh, yeah, there's a spec. :p14:02
fullermd(C99 7.20.3)14:02
crisbmy fix is just to fail if we return NULL from malloc and the size is not 014:06
crisbrather than just when we return NULL14:06
luksthe proper fix would be to not even try to allocate 0 bytes, because diff of empty documents can be easily special-cased :)14:07
vilafullermd: ha ! At least the spec matches my mental model (which includes never calling free with NULL, but that's just healthy paranoia :-)14:08
vilaluks: nag the patiencediff C extension author ;-)14:08
ronnywhats the name of that new repo format again?14:08
luksvila: he is too lazy :)14:08
vilaluks: :)14:09
vilaronny: split-inventories nick-name brisbane-code or bbc for short14:09
vilaronny: split-inventories nick-name brisbane-coRe or bbc for short14:09
crisbluks - is that you? ;)14:09
crisbany idea about test_unique_lcs failing with "error return without exception set" on 2 empty sets?14:11
crisbTraceback (most recent call last):14:11
crisb  File "/opt/freeware/lib/python2.6/site-packages/bzrlib/tests/test_diff.py", line 782, in test_unique_lcs14:11
crisb    self.assertEquals(unique_lcs('', ''), [])14:11
crisbSystemError: error return without exception set14:11
lukscrisb: it's the memory error problem, but masked14:12
lukscrisb: I think that was fixed in recent versions of bzr, what version are you using?14:12
crisball new stuff ;)14:13
luksis this your changed version?14:13
luksyeah, the testing function don't set exceptions as well14:16
crisbyes, my changed version.  works fine on my linux14:17
lukswell, the code currently expects malloc(0) to return a valid pointer14:18
luksyou could fix the SystemError by setting MemoryError14:18
luksbut to fix the functionality it needs to avoid allocating 0 bytes14:18
crisbgot it - all tests passed now :)14:21
crisbcheers luks14:21
=== root is now known as UdontKnow
vilacrisb: all tests for the whole test suite or just patiencediff ?14:29
igcjam: any eta on the development5 formats?14:38
igcjam: also, I'd like to pick just one initially and focus my testing & tuning on it14:38
igcjam: do you have a leaning wrt hash16 vs hash255?14:39
fullermdWhy's one a power of 2, and the other isn't?14:39
crisbvila: patiencediff :) theres a hang on one of the tests (around 98)14:40
vilafullermd: the other *is* a power of 2, but minus one :) The reason being that one char can't be used in the hash key  and is replaced by another (already used, hence 256 -1)14:42
vilacrisb: ghaa 98 means nothing to me :-) try 'bzr selftest -v'14:43
igcjam: also, I'm getting a DeprecationWarning when trying to upgrade to development4-hash255: chk_map.py line 78: "i" format expects a number within a given range14:43
igcjam: is that serious?14:43
vilaigc: are you using a 64bits host ?14:43
igcvila: yes14:43
igcanyhow, it's past my bedtime14:44
igcnight all14:44
vilaigc: if your branches are used on a 64bits host only you should be safe, I noticed the problem yesterday and is talking about it with jam14:44
vilaigc: cu14:44
igcthanks vila. If you could ask jam for me about the Qs above when he's offline, that would be great14:45
vilaHe's connected, so I think he will read them, I'll remind them if not14:46
jamigc, vila: hey14:47
vilajam: hi :-)14:47
jamigc: --dev5 will probably be sent for review today14:47
jamas for -16 versus -255...14:48
jammy earlier work suggested 1614:48
jamhowever the groupcompress work (so far) is favoring 25514:48
jamigc, vila: as for the deprecation warning, I'm pretty sure we could safely do "crc = zlib.crc32()&0x7FFFFFFF" if we want to avoid it14:48
jamwe don't need *all* the bits14:49
jamhave a good night igc, if I haven't missed you yet14:49
crisbvila: blackbox.test_check.ChrootedCheckTests.test_check_missing_branch14:49
vilacrisb: doesn't ring a belll. Make sure you didn't left some breakpoint somewhere since that's a blackbox test, outputs are redirected14:52
Odd_BlokeWhere can I see the bzr PQM?14:57
beunoOdd_Bloke, pqm.bazaar-vcs.org14:57
Odd_BlokeI'm getting a 503 from there.14:58
vilajam: that sounds perfectly right for 32bits, bu will truncate the value on 64bits which sounds wrong15:02
jamvila: there are only 32 bits either way15:02
jamI'm just chopping off the 32nd one15:02
jamso you are left with 3115:03
jamwhich is always the same signed or unsigned15:03
vilawhich is wrong for unsigned values15:03
jamtry it15:03
vila0xFFFFFFFF is valid15:04
jamvila: I'm *intentionally* chopping off the 32nd bit, by using 0x7FF...15:04
vilaThat's the wrong part, I have dirstate files with values > 2^3115:05
jamdo you have any with values > 2^32 ?15:05
jamthe *point* is that we universally sacrifice one bit15:05
jamfor platform uniformity15:05
jam(it won't work for dirstate being compatible with dirstate)15:06
jambut we don't have to worry about chk_map compatibility *yet*15:06
vilaBut going with struct.pack('>L' instead of struct.pack('>i', just works everywhere without sacrifying anything including having a valid crc15:07
vilaand regarding dirstate, we don't use (anymore ?) the crc anyway so that may not be such a big deal15:08
jamvila: "l == i" for all platforms (IIRC)15:09
jamyou could use "Q" but we don't have 64 bits of actual data15:09
vilaOh my, I sure hope not !15:09
jamlong == int15:09
jamlong long != int15:09
vilalong == 32bits15:10
vilaint == 32bits or 64bits15:10
jamexcept for maybe 16-bit platforms15:10
jamvila: I haven't seen a platform yet where "int == 64 bits"15:10
jamI could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure long should always be >= int15:10
luksisn't it the other way around, long == 64, int == 32?15:10
jamluks: "long long == 64 bits"15:10
jamI think there were 16-bit platforms15:11
luksyeah, I know15:11
jamwhere long == 32 bits ,and int == 16 bits15:11
jelmervila, any idea why every apache process start by bzr-lts would disappear?15:11
jamjelmer: the subvertpy 0.6.2 release is just win32 changes, right? (I noticed you didn't upload 0.6.2 to the ppa)15:11
jelmerjam, yeah15:12
jelmervila, I don't get much more than: [Tue Feb 17 16:09:24 2009] [alert] Child 27932 returned a Fatal error... Apache is exiting!15:12
vilajelmer: not from the top of my head, but there is a log file15:13
jelmervila, that comes from the log file, it's basically the only thing in there15:13
* fullermd blinks.15:14
fullermdLong is required to be >= int...15:14
vilajelmer: have you checked the conf with apache2 -t ?15:14
fullermdAnd there are/were plenty of 16 bit platforms.  I'm perfectly willing to say "who cares" in 2009 though.  Heck, I was willing in 1999...15:15
jelmervila, yep, that's fine15:15
vilajelmer: hmm, did you load all the required modules ? Did you try running as root ?15:16
vilajelmer: running as root is bad and may create files you won't be able to modify afterward caveat testor15:16
vilajelmer: did you set LogLevel debug ?15:17
jelmervila, I'm running as root since /usr/sbin is not in my standard PATH15:17
jelmervila, even "bzr lts-start apache2" doesn't work15:18
vilajelmer: ha, progress :)15:18
vilaYou *have* apache2 aren't you ? :-)15:18
jelmeryes :-)15:19
jelmervila, the system one starts fine15:20
viladid the local_test_server/work/apache2 directory got created ?15:21
vilawith data, etc, var inside ?15:21
jelmerthe pid file also gets created but the process dies15:23
vilajelmer: and the pid file is deleted ?15:24
jelmervila, yeah, I've deleted the pid file (otherwise it won't start)15:24
vilahmm, so something is wrong inside apache regarding workers spawns, what OS are you using ? I think the Ubuntu apache2 may come linked with some modules that you may miss and need to load explicitly15:26
jelmerI'm running Debian15:26
jelmerit does actually start, it just aborts right after15:26
vilawhat does 'apache2 -l' say15:26
jelmerIf I add syntax errors, it neatly aborts on the commandline15:26
vilaIt's  core.c, mod_log_config.c, mod_logio.c, worker.c, http_core.c and mod_so.c here15:27
jelmersame here15:29
vilaGhaa, what machine were you using when you contributed apache2-svn ?15:31
jelmervila, much older installation15:33
vilajelmer: can't you spot an obvious mistake between local-test-server/apache2.conf and /etc/apache2.conf ?15:35
vilajelmer: or add /sbin in your path (I can't remember if apache2 can be run as root or need a dedicated user)15:38
vilajam: I just realized you meant to apply the work-around to _search_key_255, not dirstate, I'm fine with the former, the later still needs discussion I think or should I just file a bug ?15:42
jelmervila, it seems to silently exit if there's no group set15:44
jelmerand no user15:44
jamvila: we can file a bug, and yes it was mostly just about _search_key_25515:44
jamThough there may be tests that need updating15:44
jamthe other possibility is to do:15:44
jamif platform == 64bit && val > 2^31: val = val - 2^3215:44
jamor something to that efffect15:44
vilajam: we need something that works if the disk format is used from both 32bits and 64bits so the &0x7FFFFFFF sounds better for that15:46
ronnylifeless: are there any plans to store things like tags in the history store instead of unversioned files?16:14
ronny(not as normal revs/commits tho)16:15
vilajelmer: sorry, I missed your last comment, where are you at ?16:17
jelmervila, apache silently exits if there's no user set16:17
vilajelmer: apache2 can't be run as root ?16:17
jelmerat least not the Debian sid package16:17
vilajelmer: so you tried adding /sbin to your path a running as normal user ?16:17
vilajelmer: so you tried adding /sbin to your path and running as normal user ?16:18
jelmervila, yeah, and that's working16:19
vilajelmer: haaa, real progress now :) Good.16:19
Kobazbzr: ERROR: This tree contains left-over files from a failed operation.16:20
Kobazhow do i fix that16:20
Kobaz    Please examine /usr/local/library/.bzr/checkout/limbo to see if it contains any files you wish to16:20
Kobazi have no files in there16:20
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
jelmervila: lp:~jelmer/+junk/bzr-lts-krb516:27
vilaKobaz: I think you cut the part where it says: "and delete it when you are done"16:28
fullermdbzr: It's krb5!16:28
vilajelmer: errors.NotBranch, still pushing ?16:29
jelmervila, whoops, sorry, yeah16:29
vilajelmer: ok, got ot no16:29
jelmervila, it's done now16:29
Kobazi delete it16:29
Kobazand then it complains about another dir16:29
vilaerr got it now :)16:30
Kobazand then i delete the other dir, and then it complains about a lock16:30
Kobazand then i remove the lock, and then it complains about limbo16:30
Kobazendless loop16:30
* jelmer hands fullermd a ticket granting ticket16:30
Kobazi did bzr shelve -all16:31
fullermdSorry, I can't use that.  My branch isn't rich-ticket.16:31
Kobazand that did it16:31
Kobazi couldn't shelve an individual file, otherwise i would get into the limbo loop16:31
vilajelmer: great, you're nearly there, you need to update test_server.get_permutations though16:31
Odd_BlokeKobaz: What version of bzr are you using?16:32
vilaAnd a final 'bzr selftest -s bt.test_http krb5' passing will be the reward :)16:33
Kobazi'll try and reproduce the problem16:35
vilajelmer: and some bzr-add krb5.keytab may be missing too ? Or it is private ?16:35
jelmervila: it's pointless without a KDC16:35
vilajelmer: ok, just say so in comments in the apache2.conf file then with any hints you feel relevant (a copy/paste from your mail for example)16:36
vilajelmer: and thanks for the instant feedback :-)16:37
jelmervila: Hmm, I'm not getting the tests to show up16:37
vilatry --list for a start16:38
vilaif they don't show up with --list, the feature may have say the server is not available, check that's it's started16:38
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
Odd_BlokeKobaz: There have been a few fixes to shelve recently, you might want to update to .12.16:46
jelmervila, ok, that passes now16:47
jelmervila, pushing new bzr-lts16:47
vilajelmer: yeah !16:47
jelmervila, it's pushed (lp:~jelmer/+junk/bzr-lts-krb5 again)16:49
vilajelmer: if you needed to declare a new user and/or run some additional commands there will make a nice addition to the comments :-)16:49
jelmerRan 12 tests in 4.178s16:49
jelmerI've added a note about the keytab file16:49
vilajelmer: yeah, that's generally slow16:49
jelmernow I need to teach Subversion about Kerberos, and that'll be trickier :-/16:50
jelmervila: thanks for the help getting bzr-lts updated16:52
vilajelmer: thanks for updating it :-) Now you just have to add a new one that does svn *and* kerberos and you'll have a nice test server for implementing the svn part :-)16:55
jelmervila, how do you plan on implementing bug 256612 ? It seems somewhat related to the mandatory username thing I came across16:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256612 in bzr "should handle 401 (unauthorized) response" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25661216:57
* jelmer updates bug 25661216:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256612 in bzr "should prompt for usernames during HTTP Basic/Digest auth" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25661216:58
vilaI think there are several steps, 1) raise ConnectionError instead of 401, 2) Prompt for users or something like that, 3) delegate to auth handlers the decision about requiring user17:00
vilajelmer: I have to run, I'll be back later17:01
jelmervila, ok17:01
senderhi all. please advice, what to do after a "bzr merge -r0..-1" from branch without common ancestry. Remove all the '.moved' items and add the new items, or rename?17:24
olliei guess this question must of been asked many times but i am having the parmiko error: Unable to import paramiko (required for sftp support): No module named paramiko. System is Ubuntu 8.04.1 Bazaar (bzr) 1.3. Any ideas?17:31
olliewas trying to do a bzr co sftp://blah17:31
olliezr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url17:31
santagadaollie: install paramiko... it is probably a package in ubuntu17:33
santagadamaybe it is from the MOTU repositories17:34
olliesantagada: i did apt-get source python-paramiko17:34
olliedpkg-source: applying ./paramiko_1.6.4-1.1.diff.gz17:35
santagadaollie: why get the source?17:35
ollieit is just what apt-get did17:35
Takis there a way to directly get a branch from a workingtree?17:36
Takerr, the workingtree's branch instance17:36
santagadaollie: try apt-get install python-paramiko next time :D17:36
ollieah yeah odd17:36
olliei see what you mean not sure why i would of done that17:37
santagadaapt-get source installs the source code17:37
santagadaapt-get install install a package17:37
ollieyep not sure why i typed it17:38
=== bac is now known as bac_lunch
evarlastcan anyone point me to how I can help get the windows installer onto the http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download page?18:41
crisbseems like on AIX a fair few tests involving http server hang - how can I find out more about where the tests are hanging?18:45
crisbusing the debugger it seems like one thread is stuck in sock_dealloc and one in fd_select (i guess this is the server?)18:49
fullermdSome sorta *lock in close() sounds like?18:53
crisbyeah, im pretty sure i've had this before porting to AIX ;-)18:56
crisbits bringing back memories18:56
fullermdI find that alcohol helps with that.18:56
* fullermd fails to clarify whether the alcohol is introduced into one's self or the machine...18:57
=== bac_lunch is now known as bac
hugheswquestion to the room. Say I wanted to wipe out all revprops set by bzr-svn on a repository, how would I go about doing so? My repository has a bunch of ghosts in it and it's still causing bzr-svn to crash on branch.19:04
hugheswwould svn pd with all of the bzr: props I see with a pl do it?19:04
jelmerhughesw, uhm, how did you get into that situation in the first place?19:04
hugheswjelmer: I'm not sure honestly.19:04
jelmerhughesw, and what doesn't work exactly?19:05
hugheswstarting around bzr 0.4.10 and the version of bzr-svn that shipped with it, it seems to have stopped pushing up revisions from local branches, so now when I do a checkout, a pull, etc fresh from the svn repo19:06
hugheswI can't branch the checkout or anything as it just dies19:06
jelmerhughesw, how does it die?19:06
jelmerwhat error?19:06
hugheswhold, writing it out so I can upload it19:07
Lo-lan-doToo late...19:52
Lo-lan-dojelmer: Any news on git-serve, by the way?19:53
jelmerLo-lan-do, hi19:53
jelmerLo-lan-do, bzr dpush works (but that wasn't what you were asking..)19:53
jelmerLo-lan-do, John mainly works on bzr git-serve, I'm focusing on performance at the moment19:54
* Lo-lan-do would really like to get rid of that SVN we keep as a pivot between bzr and git19:57
jelmerLo-lan-do, roundtripping bzr revisions in git is still quite some time away though19:58
Lo-lan-doI thought the bzr-receive-pack and bzr-upload-pack was supposed to work for that... did I misunderstand something?19:59
jelmerLo-lan-do, that's roundtripping git into bzr20:02
jelmerwhich is much simpler, since bzr has transitive history and things like revision properties20:02
Lo-lan-doIf that works and we can use bzr as the pivot, then I'm *quite* happy :-)20:03
Lo-lan-doThe one git user can access the bzr repo through that "gateway", the rest of us can do bzr, and everyone wins.20:04
Jc2kLo-lan-do: i havent had time to poke git-serve lately, so i dont know if its got bit rot20:05
Jc2k(so need to figure out a sane way to test it..)20:05
jammorning igc, you're up early20:30
jamigc: dev5 has been submitted to the list20:30
igcjam: saw that - thanks20:31
jamit should actually cause a slight amount of 'bloat' to the repos20:32
jammaybe 1-2%20:32
jamas we don't actually have delta compression enabled20:32
jamand it adds about 2bytes per record20:32
jamby the way, igc, I was really happy to see usertest runs on the different formats20:33
jamI was benchmarking size20:34
jambut speed is also an important factor20:34
jamand certainly I didn't expect "bzr branch" to be 2x faster with -255 versus -1620:34
jamwhich is why I have both formats in there20:34
jamI'm pretty positive we don't want plain "--development5", though I think lifeless is less sure20:34
igcjam: the revno for the mysql branch I used was 267720:38
igcI'm pulling mysql now and I'll build and use an updated archive20:38
jamwhich branch?20:38
jam(they have a lot :)20:38
igc(I think that's it)20:39
jamwell, it is "lp:mysql-server" which is the 5.1 branch20:39
jamgood enough20:39
jamit is just nice to know which20:39
jamas I mentioned, you may want to hack in the little change for "bzr upgrade"20:39
igcjam: shall do20:41
jamI'm not sure if it safe for the other commands, but I've used it here for "bzr branch" quite a bit20:41
jam(using branch to convert, rather than 'upgrade')20:41
igcjam: any thoughts on the time required to upgrade from dev5 to dev5h16?20:42
igcwill it be just as slow as btree->dev5?20:42
jamit should be faster20:42
jambecause the delta logic from the source is faster20:42
igclikewise, will upgrading from dev5h16 -> dev5h255 be slow or quikc?20:42
jamdev5 => dev5h16 should be ~the same as dev5h16 => dev5h25520:43
jamI have some other updates in my 'hack' branch which I should put together for review20:43
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko-afk
igcjam: what do those hacks do?20:44
jamit changes the copy logic to use a 'more-optimal' ordering20:44
jamigc: http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/branches/bzr/brisbane/hack20:44
jamif you want to check it out20:44
jamit was where I was exploring the various hashes, etc20:44
igcjam: would it be better for me to benchmakr that than brisbane-core?20:44
jamigc: I would be curious to see what results you get from that, but I don't think it is strictly better than brisbane-core20:45
jamIt does stuff like knit-delta compression20:45
jam'get_record_stream' ordering, etc20:45
jamIt was just my "play with this and get ideas" branch20:45
jamso I'm slowly getting things out of it, and properly tested into brisbane-core20:45
igcjam: ok, I'll probably stick with brisbane-core then20:46
jamwell, I *would* like to see how much my knit-delta helps these repos (at least for size) and how much it hurts (for copying/extracting performance)20:47
fullermdDoes anybody else find it irritating how the wiki no longer gives you a handy link to your userpage?20:52
jamfullermd: that was actually intentional, because people were creating non-useful userpages20:53
jamyou are one of the *few* exceptions20:53
mwhudsonbeuno: bzr upload bzr+ssh:/// seems not to work20:55
mwhudsonis that expected?20:55
fullermdWell, shucks.  Can't we just lay on a few LART's instead of making me type it in?20:56
beunomwhudson, well, there's not upload smart server, so yes20:56
mwhudsonis just a transport though?20:57
mwhudsonah well, i guess i'll fight with it some other day20:57
mwhudson(fwiw, the error is bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "diff.html")20:57
beunoyeah, but vila discriminates it for some reason20:57
beunoand I have not had any incentive to understand why yet20:58
mwhudsonfair enough :)20:59
vilamwhudson: If you have ssh access you'd better run 'bzr update' locally...21:03
jamfullermd: after about the 10th LART we decided to make it harder for people to do it by default21:03
jamyou can always bookmark your own page :)21:03
mwhudsonvila: i guess i could use push-and-update indeed21:03
beunomwhudson, you have ssh and not sftp?21:04
chxi did google but can only find sporadic remakrs that 'it wont be hard to do' from years ago -- so is it possible to somehow check out from a bzr branch with an svn client?21:04
vilabeuno: it's not that I discriminate, if the transport support the required operations it should just work, if it doesn't it may be a bug or that bzr doesn't implement some needed VFS command21:04
mwhudsonbeuno: nah, i have sftp21:04
beunovila, I know, I know  :)21:04
mwhudsoni just tried bzr+ssh first21:04
vilamwhudson: if you want to update a working tree with a colocated branch, push-and-update is better suited21:05
vilabzr-upload is not meant to replace bzr update, it's meant to allow building a remote working tree when the remote branch doesn't exist21:05
jamchx: I thought Jelmer implemented something along those lines, but I don't know that he completed it21:05
lifelessSteveA: pong21:06
chxjelmer: that would be VERY interesting to me.21:07
jamchx: are you talking something like bug 127768 ?21:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 127768 in bzr-svn "bzr svnserve" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12776821:07
jamI'll note that jelmer at least implemented it a bit here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar-commits/2008-October/010639.html21:08
chxjam: yes , i even found that issue but as you can see the last comment is from 2007.21:09
jamand with 'bzr-svn' installed, there *is* a "bzr svn-serve" command available21:09
chxdavidstrauss: ping21:10
jelmerchx, So, bzr svn-serve does some things properly at the moment; checkout and log are among them21:11
jelmerthe main missing things are update and commit21:11
davidstrausschx: pong21:13
infinit_does anyone know how to setup Bazaar plugin on eclipse? I get the error that it needs the xmlrpc plugin. I've downloaded the plugin and add it in eclipse but it gives more errors when I do that. Any solution?21:24
jelmerinfinit_, you need to add it in bzr21:25
jelmercopy it in ~/.bazaar/plugins/xmloutput21:26
jelmerI think it's documented on the xmloutput wiki page21:26
ronnyhmm, wouldnt it make more sense if they used dbus?21:26
infinit_I did that but still there are errors21:26
infinit_usage: bzr [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]21:27
infinit_   or: bzr --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]21:27
infinit_   or: bzr --help-commands21:27
infinit_   or: bzr cmd --help21:27
infinit_error: invalid command 'xmlversion'21:27
infinit_this is the error21:27
jamjelmer: well, 'bzr svn-serve' is currently broken in a few ways, mostly just forgetting to import functions that it calls21:27
jelmerronny, for communication between IDE's and the VCS?21:27
lifelessronny: its eclipse; xmlrpc is more portable for it than dbus; think win3221:27
jelmerjam, ah21:27
jamand using "port" without converting it to an integer21:27
jelmerjam, untested code is broken code :-)21:27
jamI'm trying it here21:27
jamand "svn co svn://localhost/ test" does seem to try to do something21:28
jambut doesn't get very far21:28
jamit seems to be hung21:28
ronnylifeless: last time i took a look at xmlrpc it was a damn ugly mess tho21:28
ronnydbus is a lot more nice21:28
ronnyand it actually works on win3221:28
ronnyat least deluge uses it21:28
lifelessronny: also dbus isn't particularly good at 'call a command', its better at 'get a service'21:29
ronnylifeless: objects + methods, sound perfectly fine to me21:29
lifelessronny: xmlrpc is dead trivial, if you close your eyes and ignore the xml :)21:29
ronnythe only thing thats nasty with dbus is generators, as they would need a callback21:29
lifelessanyhow, I'm not the author of bzr-eclipse, so don't really hold an opinion :)21:30
ronnylifeless: dbus more featurefull, efficient and not a fscking ugly mess ^^21:30
ronnywell, i generaly prefer background threads tho21:30
* ronny writes the vcs integration of pida21:31
lifelessronny: cool21:31
ronnylifeless: 0.6 will have native support for bzr workingtrees - and somewhere in betwen 0.6 and 0.7 i will add branch management21:32
ronnythe fun part in that is that _every_ vcs play its own little __fscked__ up game about branch management21:33
lifelessoh yeah, we're all different21:34
lifelesssometimes usefully, sometimes less so21:34
lifelessbzr's not ideal21:34
ronnybascially everyone does it wrong21:34
ronnyby default21:34
fullermdHey, where would Edison be if he didn't try all the wrong filaments?   :p21:35
ronnyfullermd: branch management has a much larger social component that light bulbs21:36
ronnyso by default one can do it only wrong21:36
ronnylifeless: btw, what would you change about bzr's branch management?21:37
fullermdA Gandhian answer may be appropriate...21:38
ronnyi kinda belive that for every vcs the correct answer should be *everything*21:39
CardinalFangUgh.  How do I track down what causes IllegalUseOfScopeReplacer exceptions?21:39
CardinalFangdev guide says, """It also is incorrect to assign ImportReplacer objects to other variables. Because the replacer only knows about the original name, it is unable to replace other variables. The ImportReplacer class will raise an IllegalUseOfScopeReplacer exception if it can figure out that this happened. But it requires accessing a member more than once from the new variable, so some bugs are not detected right away."""21:40
CardinalFangI don't even see anything lazily imported around my code.21:40
jamlifeless: I think I worked out why "pack" is failing for GC repos21:43
jamat least one item21:43
jamis that packer assumes it knows the format of the "value" index21:43
jamsorry "value in an index"21:43
jam            for key, value in items:21:43
jam                # ---- KnitGraphIndex.get_position21:43
jam                bits = value[1:].split(' ')21:43
jamunfortunately, that is only true for non gc values21:44
jamwhich start with a "EOL" marker21:44
lifelessronny: It's very nice that we have url's per branch, and that we don't particularly couple branch to repo, so you can have several projects and just organise the branches like you do directories21:45
lifelessronny: I *love* that21:46
jamlifeless: anyway, from what I can tell, we need a custom Packer to handle it properly.21:47
ronnylifeless: i only like it if i want it, else i dont21:48
ronnylifeless: however collated branches might fix that for me21:48
lifelessronny: however, we have some scaling issues related to that (expensive to query 'branches') and it would be nice to allow 'getting started' to give more than one branch21:48
jamCardinalFang: doing "from bzrlib.XXX import foo" where 'foo' is a lazy import in *that* module will cause the problem21:49
jamI would double check your imports21:49
lifelessjam: I am sure it used to work, or something21:49
jamlifeless: well if you left a space for EOL (which was always empty) it might work21:49
lifelessjam: anyow yes thats one of the root causes, repo assuming it knows the format21:49
ronnybbl, gota sleep early today21:49
lifelessjam: no, we want to recompress in gc pack, at least some fo the time21:50
jamah, and it seems packer writes out the index based on its assumptions as well21:50
jamso it would be broken anyway21:50
jam(Packer assumes it understands index_memo, which it obviously doesn't )21:50
jamanyway, it is non-trivial to fix Packer21:52
jamso perhaps we should just change GCRepository to do record_streams and live with that21:53
lifelessas a first cut setting up a VF with just a writable index and selecting into it would at least let full conversions work21:53
jelmerlifeless, pqm is down :-(21:56
jelmerlifeless: (well, the web page gives a 50321:57
CardinalFangjam, found it.  Thanks.21:57
lifelessspm: ^21:57
CardinalFangStrange that it suddenly stopped working.  Schroedinbugs are cool.21:59
jfroy|workjelmer: holy **** 0.5.1 is fast, good job!22:01
jfroy|workI am, quite honestly, shocked at the snappy :)22:02
jelmerjfroy|work, thanks :-)22:02
jelmerit should be significantly faster yet after some of my patches for bzr.dev land22:02
CardinalFangSorry to butt in, but what is that, jfroy|work?22:04
jfroy|workCardinalFang: hum?22:06
CardinalFang"0.5.1 is fast"22:06
CardinalFangSvn plugin?22:07
Jc2kCardinalFang: Yes22:08
jfroy|workjelmer: pulling a 216070 rev repository right now22:08
jfroy|work(which was migrated from CVS, actually)322:08
jfroy|workit's building the cache right now, and unfortunately it doesn't report revisions/sec22:09
jfroy|work(which would be interesting as a benchmark)22:09
lifelessabentley: is bb dead?22:25
lifelessspiv: you're popping over here yeah?22:26
abentleylifeless: restarted.22:26
lifelessabentley: thanks22:27
lifelessabentley: It would be nice to allow the same tree to be nested multiple times; I know thats not trivial but perhaps worth thinking about, if you're hoping to get the format out in advance of the support22:28
spivlifeless: yeah.22:28
lifelessspiv: I sent in my branch, so I'm all set to pair22:28
abentleylifeless: To me, the cost/benefit ratio isn't nearly good enough.22:29
lifelessspiv: until you get here I think I'm going to setup a effort test on new-branch-push and start ratcheting22:29
lifelessabentley: I'm specifically thinking of the gnome pattern of a common reused library nested at multiple points22:29
lifelessabentley: projA/common, projB/common, and projA and projB are nested conceptually in 'release/projA' and 'release/projB'22:30
lifelessabentley: but as you say there is a significant cost22:30
abentleylifeless: It would basically mean redesigning all our tree operations so they don't use file-ids.22:31
lifelessabentley: I'm pretty convinced we need something beyond fileids, have been for a long time; but our plates are all pretty full.22:31
lifelessabentley: so I'm entirely happy with this staying in dreamland, I was just noting a 'would be nice' :)22:32
abentleylifeless: Well, I do recall that you wanted that.22:32
spmlifeless: jelmer: pqm web front end is restored22:42
jelmerspm: Thanks!22:43
lifelessbbs, fooding22:51
mtaylorhey all... bzr on windows breaks for me22:52
mtaylorpretty substantially...22:53
mtaylorinstall bzr 1.11 ... do bzr branch lp:libdrizzle22:53
lifelessspiv: could you pastebin the blackbox stacked new acceptance test please22:53
mtaylorget an error about no such file or directory about some file in .bzr/checkout/limbo/new-1222:53
lifelessspiv: I want to use that for ratchetting till we meet up22:53
lifelessmtaylor: I'm just popping out for a minute, but that rings some bug bells - do a lp bubg search for bugs with 'limbo', you may find something helpful22:54
spivlifeless: ok23:03
spivlifeless: http://rafb.net/p/CydF0b17.html23:04
=== jfroy|work_ is now known as jfroy|work
lifelessmtaylor: any luck?23:26
mtaylorlifeless: yup. it's not a bzr bug23:26
mtaylorlifeless: it's that you can't create a file called "con.h" on windows23:26
lifelessmtaylor: ah yes, that will be difficult23:26
lifelessit would be nice to give a better error23:28
chxomg even after all these years, windows still can't name a file con.foo?23:28
lifelessmtaylor: if you care to file a bug with the error you got, and why[con.h] + the actual backtrace, we can look at improving the reporting23:30
mtaylorlifeless: hrm... that'll require more touching of the windows computer...23:30
lifelessmtaylor: just think of it as payment for the lovely linux box you use mostly23:31
* chx chuckles23:32
lifelessspiv: a *little* more context please :)23:34
lifelessspiv: setup_smart_call_log etc - just the whole hunk or something :)23:34
enigma42apt keeps complaining about not the debs from the PPA not being signed.23:37
enigma42Is there a key for the PPA that I somehow missed?23:37
enigma42Or are the packages just unsigned by design?23:37
lifelessenigma42: I don't think the ppa keys are fully live yet23:37
lifelessenigma42: they are currently unsigned, that is a ppa bug and its getting fixed23:37
enigma42I'll just keep ignoring the messages then.23:37
enigma42Thanks for the help. :-)23:38
Peng_I thought they were live for bzr's PPA though.23:45
Peng_Maybe not the beta PPA?23:45
enigma42specifically, I'm using: https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa23:46
enigma42And: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ppa/ubuntu hardy main23:46
Peng_Eh. https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa lists the key.23:47
Peng_Anyway, lifeless is probably right. It's a new feature, so maybe it's not fully live yet.23:47
spivlifeless: that was the whole hunk :P23:48
lifelessspiv: can you do from the thread below?23:48
lifelesslike both acceptance threads23:48
lifelessor something23:48
lifeless+        self._setup_smart_call_log() is definitely new23:48
lifelessand knowing the line number I can put it in the same spot :)23:48
spivYeah, just a sec23:48
nevansPeng_, enigma42: try out "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com   37B19B80"23:49
spivlifeless: ^23:49
chxnever knew apt-key adv before23:50
lifelessspiv: thanks23:50
chxthat's a useful trick23:50
nevansor 8C6C1EFD for the non-beta PPA23:50
nevanschx: it doesn't seem to be documented on the manpage.  odd.  I wonder where I learned it?  :)23:51
jfroy|workjelmer: checkout that large svn repository is painful23:51
enigma42nevans: Even the 37B19B80 part?23:51
enigma42What's that?23:51
jfroy|work216071, Python's at 1.26 GB of real memory while doing "determining revisions to fetch"23:52
nevansenigma42: 37B19B80 for bzr-beta23:52
jfroy|work*216071 revisions23:52
enigma42Hm...looks like "apt-key adv" is a secret command for those in the know....23:52
nevansenigma42: 8C6C1EFD for the non-beta PPA23:52
enigma42OK...let me get both.23:53
enigma42nevans: Thanks!23:53
chxjust the other day i googled for this and it's certainly gpg import-export and piping everywhere in google23:54
chxnevans: by lurking in the darkest channels on irc where such things are passed along in secrecy? ;) ?23:55
nevanschx: I think it must have been on some launchpad help page or something webby like that.  :)23:55
enigma42I almost feel like I need to put on a brown cloak before typing in that "apt-key adv" command...23:55
nevansbut ever since then, I just use "^Rapt-key" to recall the last time I did it, then edit the command line for the new key  (^R in bash, another cool tip to send around in dark IRC channels)23:56
nevansI wonder what "adv" stands for, anyway?  "advanced-dark-magic"?  :)23:57
enigma42I know...I'm addicted to "^R", but it seems that almost no one I run into has used it before...23:58
lifelessthanks spiv23:58
enigma42nevans: LOL!23:58
LeoNerdI prefer the non-default stuff I have bound to my pageup23:59
LeoNerd"\e[5~": history-search-backward23:59

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