
Lnswhich is the case with ltsp-client-setup00:00
LaserJockok, but you still gotta do the work00:00
LaserJockthat's the problem00:00
stgraberLns: well for LTSP, we didn't do it for Intrepid either so ... :)00:00
LaserJockwhen you gotta support 3-4 releases while also trying to get a new release out00:01
LaserJockit can get really hard to prioritize00:01
LnsLaserJock: Yeah, it sounds a bit crazy, doesn't it?00:01
stgraberLns: it's clearly a manpower issue, I did some good job for Jaunty (I believe) but I could still use some people doing the SRU work because I just don't have a minute for that :)00:01
Lnsstgraber: Here's the million dollar question00:02
LnsWhat can a non-programmer do to help LTS releases become more stable?00:02
LaserJockreport and test00:02
Lnsbesides filing SRU requests and twiddling his thumbs?00:02
ograright, teast early00:02
LnsLaserJock: I do both...00:02
ogra*before* release00:02
stgraberreport bugs and test fixes. I can easily find people to do these two but I need someone to actually do the fix :)00:03
LaserJockLns: awesome00:03
stgraberogra: +100:03
LaserJockheck yeah00:03
LaserJockthat's we've *never* gotten people to do much00:03
Lnshow can one test a pre-release without a complete test environment with the same users, etc?00:03
stgraberfor now, I'm mainly focusing on providing a stable LTSP in the next release so hopefully we won't need SRU for Jaunty :)00:03
Lnsstgraber: I fear you are too optimistic for your own good ;)00:04
stgraberLns: I have a backport of current LTSP in my PPA00:04
stgraberLns: so you can run it on Intrepid (sorry, no Hardy :))00:04
Lnsnot downplaying anything you do whatsoever.. it just never works that way (for me anyway) :)00:04
stgraberand have some people using it and reporting bugs00:04
ograwell, i personally think that ltsp5 is nearly in the state of going into maintenance mode ... which means devs can focus on polish and cleanup, all features are there00:04
Lnsogra: but with the underlying software constantly changing...there will always be issues that come up00:05
ograwithin the next one or two releases you should only have to adjust to distro specific changes that show up in a new release00:05
Lnsby underlying i mean OS00:05
ograbut the past of ltsp was always focused on feature development00:05
ograthe rest was held together by duct tape00:06
LaserJockthere's a whole lotta duct tape around here ;-)00:06
ogranobody had the time to look at replacing the interim solutions with better ones00:06
stgraberrunning Jaunty's LTSP in production helped a lot for the bugfix part :)00:06
ogranow ltsp itself is at the feature completeness state00:06
Lnsogra: !!! you can't say that, i have so many ideas! =)00:07
ograso the interim solutions can actually be improved00:07
ograLns, send patches then :)00:07
ogra*before* release :P00:07
Lnsogra: =p~00:07
stgraberhmm, my LTSP todolist is quite small actually but that's the by-Thursday one so ... :) (feature freeze)00:07
ograshellscripts arent *that* hard00:07
LaserJockthat's the thing, we gotta  do stuff *before* release00:08
stgraberLns: by thursday actually if that's a new feature :)00:08
Lnswell i don't see any feasable way to test pre-release releases in the same environment that needs to be stable 24x7...00:08
Lnsand i know, stable != lts00:08
Lnsbut to me, it is because the app software/etc doesn't change00:09
LaserJockLns: that's precisely why we have problems00:09
LaserJockwe need to figure out how to test this stuff00:09
LnsLaserJock: I hate to say it but it seems to me that the release priorities are just ...off.00:09
LaserJockLns: how so?00:10
dtchenLns: why not ask the launchpad developers? they run edge and staging alongside the stable production.00:10
Lnsjust look at my example...i run LTS because I can't handle daily updates, updates breaking apps/functionality, etc00:10
dtchenall three (edgy, staging, stable production) access the same db00:11
LnsI run it because it's been run over with a fine toothed comb by hundreds of people over a longer period of time00:11
LaserJockLns: Hardy was getting much more updates than Intrepid00:11
LnsI've done the non-LTS route before. I can't go that route again because i just trade old bugs for new ones.00:12
Lnsit's a catch 22.00:12
ograwell, it also had the hint o not pgrade production systems before 8.04.100:12
LaserJockthat's why you gotta make sure to test before implementing00:12
Lnsogra: and i don't try to do that either, at least for the next one. Hardy was the first LTS i stood tall on.00:12
stgraberI don't run regular Intrepid (-updates + -security) but running it with -proposed I only get one or two update a week in average and it's probably a lot less if you don't have -proposed00:12
ogra*especially* because theer was the hope to get bugs and testing from people running the actual 8.0400:12
ograsince we dont get neough testing before release00:13
ograit all boils down to comunity participation in QA during the development releases00:13
ograonly if you have that you can do quality releases00:13
ograubuntu turned definately from a participant distro into a consume distro over the releases ... and thats the prob here00:14
ogranot the release policy00:14
Lnsogra: I agree...but the biggest roadblock for people in my situation is that I don't have the resources to have a fully featured test lab for this stuff, and i simply can't run my clients' servers on stuff for testing and reporting purposes. Students need to learn, and they need a system with as few bugs as possible to do this effectively.00:15
Lnsit's not LTSP, or Ubuntu, it's just stability.00:16
LaserJockso the question is, how can we get pre-release testing going better00:17
LnsI wish I could, truly. /me looks at his Ubuntu hoodie he's wearing right now - but I have to run my business so my clients dont dump me.00:17
LnsLaserJock: good q00:17
stgraberIt's probably because I'm both upstream+packager but I tend to prefer my users running a recent version that I know I can fix and publish the fix than running an old "stable" version where the users will just get stuck with that annoying bug for weeks/months before it gets fixed00:17
LnsI have an answer, but canonical doesn't like it for some reason00:18
Lnswhich is strange, because it involves me giving them $$$00:18
Lnsand probably tons of others00:18
LaserJockyou want to pay for a test lab?00:19
LnsI would be MORE than willing to pay for LTS support, if it promised quick SRUs (at least as quick as bugfixes in devel releases) and it wasn't on a per-server basis. More like a per-SRU basis..00:19
LnsLaserJock: yeah, and pay two hundred kids to beat the crap out of it every day ;)00:20
ograwell, then rather pay fifty fultime devs and donate their worktime to the project ;)00:20
ograinstead of 200 kids00:20
ogra(you will run into less legal probs with that as well *g*)00:21
stgraberI guess one fulltime would probably be enough for the SRU part :)00:21
Lnsogra: exactly.00:21
LnsI thought about registering just one site as my "supported" site so i could get affordable lts support, but i don't want to cheat.00:21
LnsI just want to pay canonical to fix bugs in hardy for me and my clients, no matter how many clients I have.00:21
Lnsfor the same price, since it's still just one bug.00:21
LaserJockLns: well, it's not exactly easy00:22
LnsI understand00:22
LaserJockfor instance, there isn't anybody currently to do so00:22
Lnsbut money helps, right? at least for the cherry picking, non-fun things.00:22
Lnsand last time i heard, canonical wanted money. ;)00:23
LaserJockI don't know actually00:23
LaserJockMark's got ~ $1bil.00:23
LaserJockI'm sure Canonical wants money, but I'm not sure that's the blocker00:23
Lnswhat could be then? Lots of coders want paying jobs00:24
Lnsand paying jobs require them to do things that might not be so much fun, but they get a paycheck.00:24
Lnswhat better development cycle would it be to have the people at the top be true OSS programmers, who do things the way they do now, and then employ people to fix their mistakes when they don't have time to?00:26
Lns(payed by people like me, who get paid from companies/schools to deploy and service the networks the OSS runs on)00:26
LaserJockgenerally I think the paid people just keep things kinda going00:27
LaserJockcommunity management, etc.00:27
LnsLaserJock: the currently paid people at canonical you mean?00:28
LaserJockI mean we don't have any paid people00:28
LaserJockso the things that paid people can do are largely management and gap-filling00:29
LnsLaserJock: why? Why can't canonical employ people for SRU work in LTS releases which they get paid big $$ for ?00:30
ograwho is dong the interviews ?00:30
Lnsogra: management?00:30
Lnsam i thinking of canonical wrong?00:30
ograthe only competent people that can judge if soeone is qualified are the persons working 16h/day already00:31
Lnsogra: intriguing, and you're right00:31
Lnshow bout a community-based hiring process00:31
Lnsvoting, karma, etc.00:31
LaserJockbut we don't really have anybody00:32
ograif your applicants come from the community that helps indeed00:32
LaserJockbut if we're building community in the first place00:32
Lnsogra: exactly.00:32
stgraberdo we have anyone doing LTSP work and willing to do it fulltime that's currently unemployed ? :)00:32
LaserJockwe can more or less solve the problem00:32
ograbut we're at a growth rate where the community starts to get drained00:32
Lnsright, and that will always be the case00:33
Lnsas it is with any company00:33
Lnsor project00:33
Lnsor anything in life really...you do what you can do until you can't, then you get others' help00:33
ograwhere are these others ß00:33
Lnsand it gets bigger, and more people start using ubuntu, therefore more work is to be done for the people using it00:33
ograthats what i meant by "consumer distro"00:34
Lnsogra: the "others" are people that want to be paid canonical employees00:34
LaserJockyeah, it really has changed00:34
ograthe amount of users largely outweights the amount of developers00:34
ograand the amount of users still grows00:34
Lnshopefully that will always be the case :)00:34
ograLns, which others00:35
Lnswe do want more users, right?00:35
LaserJockthe amount of users grows but the number of devs isn't00:35
ograsend me some resumes for good ARM people00:35
Lnsogra: i can post a craigslist ad right now that would do the trick00:35
ograand i'll have some extra time for ltsp00:35
Lnsor monster.com, or careerbuilder.com....or whatever else00:36
ograme currently does the work for three planned positions that are not filled00:36
stgraberogra: argh, still haven't found some goods embeded developers ?00:36
ograand yes, we're doing plenty of interviews every week00:36
Lns"WANTED: Experienced open-source developer wanted for ARM architecture work on Ubuntu operating system."00:36
ograstgraber, two more already, but still two to go00:36
LaserJockand Edubuntu still lacks somebody00:37
LaserJockwhich would make SRUs a lot easier, IMO00:37
ograLns, right and you get 100 rplies of which 90 are windows admins that had a 1 week linux training in their last NT4 admin job00:37
Lnsogra: grep the resumes. :)00:38
Lnswow, hail!00:38
stgraberLns: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/ is usually well-known among people with Ubuntu experiences and looking for a job00:38
ograLns, grepping insnt enough ... you have to read them ...00:39
ograany idea how much worktime you burn reading 100 resumes 5 ages each ?00:39
ograits a painfully slow process to find the best guys00:39
Lnsogra: how about this: require very strict guidelines for the resume. Require ODF format. Require them to state which projects they've worked on, with code/patch examples, etc.00:40
LnsLess resumes, better quality.00:40
LaserJockwell, you need to difne clearly the problem we're trying to solve00:40
ograand you miss the one super talented guy who is just bad in writing resumes :P00:41
LaserJockwe can talk Human Resources for a while00:41
Lnsogra: =p there's always a risk!00:41
LaserJockbut I think that's a side issue00:41
ograright, it is00:41
LaserJockthe issue is SRUs and in general growing dev community00:41
ograbut hiring good people is a slow process thats what i wanted to point out :)00:41
LnsLaserJock: isn't it safe to say that SRUs are "less fun" to provide than simply fixing the dev code?00:42
LaserJockmore paperwork00:42
LaserJockbut some people dig it00:42
ografixing the dev code is always easier00:42
Lnsso, the current developers want to fix dev code, which means we have less devs for SRUs00:42
ograthe prob is that the probem isnt known while the code is dev code00:42
LaserJockLns: I don't think it's an interest problem00:43
ograso we're back to "test *before* release"00:43
stgraberI can upload a new release of ltsp/ldm/ltspfs/italc/... in a few seconds but it takes weeks and paperwork for a SRU, which one do I choose ? :)00:43
LnsLaserJock: hrm00:43
Lnsstgraber: hrrrmmm00:43
* Lns churns00:43
LaserJockit's time-consuming work and it involved a fair amount of coordination00:43
LaserJockand we're supposed to fix things in dev releases first00:44
LaserJockwhat we need is more hands00:44
Lnsbut that's bad news for service companies like mine00:44
LaserJockit's bad news for everybody00:44
Lnswe almost need a spin-off company that handles only SRUs for slower moving LTS releases00:46
Lnsbecause it could provide the resources necessary to handle SRUs?00:46
LnsLaserJock what we need is more hands00:46
LaserJockwe need more hands, period00:47
LaserJockyou're not likely to hire people just to do SRUs00:47
Lnsbut we need more hands for SRUs specifically in this conversation00:47
Lnswhy not?00:47
LnsI would00:47
LaserJockbecause it's not exactly exciting work00:47
Lnsneither is janitorial services00:47
Lnsbut people need to survive, and you need money to survive00:47
LaserJockno, but you don't have the janitor teaching your important classes00:48
Lnssure, but they keep the bathrooms clean, so people don't get sick00:48
Lnsjust as important00:48
LaserJockSRUs are one of the most difficult dev tasks00:48
stgraberunfortunately the same people will get an interresting job from someone else then (involving development, not SRU ...)00:48
stgraberyou need developers for SRU and developers don't like doing SRUs because they like to actually develop the software :)00:48
LaserJockbottom line though, we need more people00:49
Lnsyou guys are too pessimistic for me :)00:49
LaserJocknah ;-)00:49
LaserJockI just think we need to think a bit simpler here00:49
LaserJockwe need hands00:49
Lnsstgraber: developers will do what they don't like because they get paid. They won't get paid for fun dev work, because that doesn't pay.00:49
LaserJockthat will fix a lot of things00:49
stgraberLns: well, I'm being paid for fun dev work :)00:50
Lnsstgraber: good for you, you're a lucky one apparently :)00:50
Lnsas long as the community is still the focus, and the community is what decides on important issues (stability of SRUs, fixes, everything), i don't see what would be a downfall of employing SRU specific coders.00:50
Lnsthere's a business model that screams out for this already, i'm just one small company that would make use of it.00:51
LaserJockyou need *people*00:51
LaserJockSRU will take care of itself00:51
LaserJockyou want the people who put the code in the dev release to put it in -updates00:52
LnsLaserJock: why?00:52
Lnswhy not have those people focus on -dev work, and employ people to fix bugs, and simply look over them to make sure they're good?00:52
LaserJockbecause the person who changes the code initially is the best to propogate them00:52
Lnswe're still keeping the power with the people who need it.00:53
LnsLaserJock: that's a mindset that keeps any project from truly evolving.00:53
Lnsno offense at all intended of course.00:53
LaserJocknon taken00:53
LaserJockbut I've been at this a little while00:53
Lnscase in point though: my dad was an appliance repairman.00:53
Lnshe didn't want to trust any of his business to anyone, because he was the mastermind.00:54
Lnsso he never hired anyone.00:54
LaserJockyou have multiple people touching the same code you easily end up with things falling through the cracks and long delays00:54
LnsHe did the books, the labor, the relations.00:54
LnsAnd he was so burnt out that things started slipping through the cracks, and nothing was 'ideal'.00:54
LaserJockbut I think that's a good case for teamwork00:55
LaserJocknot necessarily multiple people touching the same code00:55
Lnswhat's the diff?00:55
LaserJockbecause, for a given change, the same person should drive that change00:55
LaserJockhowever multiple people can be working in parallel00:55
Lnsso what's with "give me a patch and I'll implement it" speak of so many OSS project maintainers?00:56
LaserJockthat's what I'm talking about00:56
LaserJockbut I'm saying "implement" = "implement wherever it needs to go"00:56
LaserJockI'm looking at a bug fix as a discrete object00:57
LaserJockif you fix it somewhere, fix it *everywhere*00:57
Lnssure, of course.00:57
Lnsit's portable, more dynamic and easily modified.00:57
Lnsso how about the devs fixing the bugs in -devel, passing the patches to the SRU people and say "make it work in LTS." After that, review the SRU patches and give it the go ahead.00:58
Lnsthe devs will always know what's going on, but the hard/crappy work is handed to someone else.00:58
LaserJockor ... have the dev people do SRUs where appropriate :-)00:58
LnsLaserJock: as you said, we don't have enough to do that.00:59
Lnsand it's not as fun.00:59
LaserJockok, but that's not gonna change00:59
Lnssure it can00:59
LaserJockas you get people you get SRUs00:59
* Lns has to leave in a couple min00:59
LnsLaserJock: what's the harm in people that specialize in SRUs though?00:59
Lnsthere already are, right?01:00
Lnswouldn't that be a good thing(tm) ?01:00
LaserJocknot in my opinion01:00
Lnsthey'd be experts in backporting/cherry picking.01:00
stgraberbackporting/cherry picking also means knowing the software you're working on01:01
Lnsthey're still managed by the devs..but they do the heavy lifting01:01
stgraberotherwise you'll just break things01:01
Lnsstgraber: ^^^01:01
Lnsits just enlistment of extra help.01:01
LaserJockthen let's enlist help *period*01:01
LaserJockthat will fix more than just the SRU issue01:02
LnsLaserJock: remember, dev work is more fun than SRU work. they'll always go away to do something more fun for free.01:02
LaserJockthat's not right01:02
LaserJockpeople will do what needs to get done01:02
Lnshow so? those are your words :)01:02
LaserJockSRUs aren't fun, but that doesn't mean people don't do them01:03
LnsLaserJock: right, but "needs" is relative to who you're talking to.01:03
LaserJockthat's why you have management01:03
LnsI "need" SRUs for hardy. but you "need" to fix devel bugs first.01:03
LaserJockI'm looking at all needs trying to get things done as best we can with the resources we can01:04
LnsLaserJock: if we don't think our resources will expand, we'll never get anywhere01:05
Lnswe have to focus on getting more people involved01:05
LaserJockI think they will01:05
LaserJockI totally agree we need to get more people involved01:05
LaserJockI just think focusing on SRUs is the wrong way to get more01:05
LaserJockbecause it's sucky work01:05
Lnsi know :)01:05
Lnsbut look at it from my perspective01:06
LnsI need that sucky work to get done01:06
Lnslike...way faster than -devel patches01:06
LaserJockso does Edubuntu01:06
Lnsso we need people involved that will do the SRUs01:06
Lnsand i know what you said01:06
LaserJockyou're representing a particular need01:07
Lnsmaybe it's an issue with what someone considers their "job title" or equiv for this01:07
LaserJockone I'm painfully aware of01:07
Lnswe have to have some people focus on certain tasks, with oversight from the collective01:08
Lnsotherwise everyone is doing everything, and it's not productive01:08
LaserJockthe problem is, we don't even have people on the dev release01:08
Lnstoo many cooks in the kitchen01:08
LaserJockit's stgraber and myself01:08
LaserJockstgraber doesn't have time for SRUs really01:08
Lnsi don't doubt that one bit01:08
LaserJockand I don't have much01:08
LnsI'm astonished at the things you all get done currently, it's amazing01:08
Lnsi could never handle something like that01:09
LaserJockso if we could get more people that would either 1) find some SRU types or 2) free stgraber and myself to do SRUs01:09
LaserJockeither way, more people helps solve the problem01:10
stgrabersbalneav was wanting to give a hand at that but he's likely even more busy than I'm :)01:10
LnsLaserJock: IMHO we need specific focus and direction for us all01:10
Lnsobviously everyone has a preference on what they'd like to work on01:11
Lnsso let the experts do the expert work in their field, whether it's development, security, SRUs, etc.01:11
LaserJockbut we don't *have* any experts :-)01:11
Lnsagain, $$$ helps prime :)01:12
LaserJocknot sure01:12
Lnsmaybe we won't need $$$ later on if the community grows organically01:12
Lnsbut i bet it would help grow the community initially anyway01:12
Lnsmaybe canonical is just an interim company that helps evolve ubuntu01:12
LaserJockit's just gonna take quite a bit to get something like that going01:13
Lnsi dunno, maybe i'll think about subcontracting/hiring some people interested in doing what i need done specifically01:13
Lnswhen i have the resources myself...given i am a 2 man company01:13
LnsLaserJock: you gotta start somewhere01:14
Lnsanyway, i need to go home :)01:14
Lnsthank you all for the input.. my gears are turning, and i hope to contribute more to the big picture soon01:15
Lnsthat will benefit us all01:15
stgraberLaserJock: btw, I remember you poking me last week asking me when I'd have time to talk ? Do you still have something to discuss ? :)01:18
LaserJockstgraber: just seeing what's up with LTSP01:19
stgraberI'm currently doing some testing trying to get rid of ipconfig and using a real dhcp client instead (udhcpc) but that'll need a MIR and may be a bit hard to get before FF ...01:20
stgraberthough the initramfs scripts will run fine even if udhcpc isn't installed, using it only if installed in the chroot. So it'd rock if I can get it in for Jaunty but won't be a big issue if I can't.01:20
stgraberother than that, it's mainly improving ltsp-cluster, bug fixing and preparing a few new upstream to be uploaded before FF01:21
stgraberI actually almost finished the first deployment of Intrepid-based ltsp-cluster using Jaunty's LTSP, so far no problem so Jaunty's LTSP is as far as I'm concerned production ready :)01:21
nothingmanhi, all03:12
LaserJockhi nothingman03:12
nothingmanwhat's new?03:14
LaserJocknothingman: not much03:46
nothingmanI've been trying to set up a vbox pxe client to test with on the fly03:55
nothingmanit hangs on tftp though03:55
billbaltI'm trying to figure out how to change education programs to work in Spanish. Any hints?15:53
LaserJockmorgs: ping16:25
LaserJockanybody around?17:16
LaserJockI need some naming help17:16
jelknerhi all17:27
LaserJockhi jelkner17:27
jelkneri noticed some postings on the mailing list awhile back, and was wondering if this is the place to come to talk about getting scratch working on ubuntu17:28
jelknerLaserJock: hi man!17:28
jelknerscratch is truly one of the coolest pieces of educational software i've ever seen17:29
jelknerthis is the second year i have experimented with it with my students17:29
jelknerit is a constructivists dream tool17:30
jelknerstudents don't want to stop using it17:30
jelkner(even when class is supposed to be over!)17:30
LaserJockwell, basically we need to do 2 things. 1) get Squeak updated/maintained and 2) package scratch up17:30
jelknerthere is already some effort on the scratch side17:31
LaserJockif edubuntu-devel was part of the discussion of that effort then it may help17:32
jelkneri hope so17:33
jelkneri just wanted to lend my voice to the chorus singing about how important this is17:33
LaserJocksure, yeah17:33
LaserJockwe'd love to see scratch get in17:33
LaserJockand we'd love it even more if we could get it in a free component (Universe/Main)17:34
jelknerfrom what i understand there has been progress in that direction17:34
jelkneri'm running scratch now from the debian/ubuntu package on the scratch site17:35
LaserJockthe problem is we don't have a free Squeak17:35
jelknerthe problem is with multimedia things17:36
jelknersounds don't work17:36
jelknernor does image morphing17:36
jelknerLaserJock: do you know any other folks on our end following up on this?17:39
jelkneris there any way i could help?17:40
jelkneri'm not in a position to contribute to the code17:40
jelknerwe have too many other python based projects going on17:40
LaserJockjelkner: well, finding somebody in the squeak/scratch community who would like to at least help maintain it would be awesome17:40
LaserJockI can help guide and sponsor work17:41
LaserJockbut I can't maintain the whole thing myself17:41
jelknerdid you see the link?17:41
jelknerthey seem to be doing that already17:41
jelkneri just wanted to make sure all the right communication is taking place17:41
LaserJockjelkner: but not *in* ubuntu17:41
LaserJockexactly, and it's not17:41
jelknerso what would the process be to help fix that?17:42
LaserJockI need to have people email edubuntu-devel17:42
LaserJockI currently can't be on everybodies mailing list pushing them along :-)17:42
jelknerso i should start with that?17:42
jelknerof course17:42
jelkneri'll email edubuntu-devel and let them know how important i think this is17:43
LaserJockif you could encourage people who are interested in Squeak/Scratch in Ubuntu to start some conversations on edubuntu-devel I'd be glad to do what I can to help that along17:43
LaserJockthe issue is less knowing that it's important17:43
LaserJockbut rather getting people who know what they're doing plugged into the process17:43
jelkneri don't know how to do that17:44
jelkneri could send the email if you think it would help17:44
LaserJockjelkner: if you can find the people in Scratch doing the Debian/Ubuntu installer and see if they'd talk to edubuntu-devel17:44
LaserJockI think that'd be a significant help17:44
jelknerok, i'll approach it from that direction then17:44
LaserJockso far I've gotten quite a few people who want to see it in17:44
LaserJockI just haven't heard from anybody actually wanting to take on the work17:45
jelknertypical story unfortunately :-(17:45
jelknerespecially with things like this17:45
jelknerwe are just educators who know how great a tool it is17:45
LaserJockbut if we can plug in a Squeak/Scratch dev into the Ubuntu dev community then it'd be a big wiin17:45
jelknerbut we don't have the where with all to do the work on it17:45
jelknerso i'll look into that17:46
jelknerthanks again17:46
LaserJockno, thank *you*17:46
LaserJockthis is the sort of thing the educators can help with17:46
jelknergot it17:46
* jelkner goes off to poke around the Scratch community...17:46
LaserJockLns: morning18:35
LnsLaserJock: morning! =)18:35
LnsLaserJock: so what are you exciting projects currently?18:57
LaserJocktrying to stay afloat at the moment :-)18:57
LaserJockok, so I talked with some people about abiword18:57
LaserJockand email got sent to the Debian maintainer about splitting out the lib, etc.18:58
LaserJockjelkner dropped by to ask about getting Scratch in Ubuntu, he's gonna talk with them to try to find some Squeak/Scratch maintainers18:58
LaserJockI really really need to finalize the name for the Universe app bundles though18:59
Lnswhat are the candidates?18:59
LaserJockI liked edubuntu-extras-*19:00
LaserJockbut nubae didn't19:00
LaserJockwe can do just edubuntu-*19:00
Lnsthese are for "extra" packaged apps such as abiword? what's in there?19:01
LaserJockit's going to be relatively high-demand, useful edu apps that are in Universe19:01
LaserJockabiword wouldn't be one since it's in Main19:02
LaserJockchildsplay perhaps19:02
Lnsdid you guys decide against simply edu-?19:02
Lnsdon't wanna open a can of worms at the moment, just curious :)19:02
LaserJockwell, the Main ones are ubuntu-edu-*19:03
Lnsargh phone19:05
Lnscool..i was for ubuntu-edu-*19:16
LnsLaserJock: so what's wrong with ubuntu-edu-extras-*?19:19
LaserJockit's rather long19:19
Lnsbut consistent! =)19:19
LaserJockwell, if I was going for consistency I'd got edubuntu-* ;-)19:19
* Lns has always been a fan of consistency 19:20
LaserJockLns: any suggestions?19:29
LnsLaserJock: personally i don't see anything wrong with ubuntu-edu-extras-*19:31
Lnsthere's plenty of packages with longer names19:31
LaserJockedubuntu-edu-extras-preschool doesn't seem toolong?19:31
Lnsand at least they'd be easy to group together and understand19:31
Lnsi think it's a very good description actually19:32
Lnsand you can apt-cache search it very easily along with the other package names19:32
Lnsoh wait19:32
Lnsyou mean ubuntu-edu-extras-preschool ?19:32
Lnsnot edubuntu-edu19:32
Lns(that's a bit redundant ;) )19:33
LaserJockyes, sorry19:33
LaserJockmuscle habit19:33
Lnsthen yeah19:33
Lns$ apt-cache search ubuntu-edu19:33
Lnswill bring up everything we would want :)19:33
Lnshello alkisg19:51
alkisgHey Lns, what's the good word? :)19:52
alkisg(I learned that from you :P)19:52
Lnsalkisg: =p19:53
Lnsthe good word is ...."ltsp".19:53
LnsAnd also "edu"19:53
alkisgHeh... any java speedups?19:53
Lnsalkisg: nope, but I just triaged the LP bug w/freedesktop bug19:54
Lnslike...2 seconds ago19:54
alkisgErm.. this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxcb/+bug/27706919:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 277069 in libxcb "Java slow on remote X" [Unknown,Confirmed]19:54
* Lns hopes he was supposed to do that19:55
LnsSometimes I get messed up in what tasks to perform on a bug so people can collab better19:56
alkisgHmm... ok, on to the next bug: solving the firefox right-click delay :)19:56
Lnsalkisg: haven't heard of that yet19:57
Lnsurl me ?19:57
alkisgI don't know where I saw it (bug report or mailing list), but it's a known bug, and there was some talking recently about it19:59
alkisgLet me check...19:59
Lnswell there SHOULD be a bug report on it if it's known.... ;)19:59
alkisgHere are some links: http://www.mail-archive.com/ltsp-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net/msg35841.html20:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 305531 in xulrunner-1.9 "Context menu and drop down list are slow to appear" [Medium,Triaged]20:00
Lnsalkisg: interesting, i dont' have that issue at all20:02
LnsI'm on FF3.0.620:03
alkisgLns, ahm, I think it's an intrepid issue?20:03
alkisgI don't remember having it in hardy...20:03
Lnsahh, ok20:03
Lnsii  xulrunner-1.9                     + ii  xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support      
alkisgLns, you're on hardy now? Try ssh -X and then firefox...20:04
Lnsalkisg: yes20:04
alkisgOK, ssh -Y localhost20:04
Lnsfrom a tc?20:04
alkisgThen run firefox, right click and see if it takes more than a second20:04
alkisgNo, from the server / your PC20:04
alkisgIt's not ltsp related20:04
alkisgOr just run firefox from a TC20:05
Lnsi'm on a thin client.. i can't do that :( i'd have to vnc into the server20:05
Lnswell i do that all the time20:05
alkisgAh, so no delay then20:05
Lnsand i odn't have the issue..takes MAYBE 0.25sec to bring up a right-click context menu20:05
Lnsand they say LTS doesn't mean more stable. ha! =p (just kidding just kidding)20:06
alkisgwell, I'd prefer localapps to stability any time :P20:06
Lnsalkisg: how much ram do your tcs have to run localapps (and which apps) ?20:07
Lnsi'm wondering if localapps will even work for me, most of my TCs in the field are like, 128mb or so20:07
alkisgOne lab has 64 Mb, the other 128 Mb... (yup, I was just kidding about the localapps... :D)20:07
alkisgWell, I have htop as a local app :D20:07
Lnswell that's a good localapp!20:09
* alkisg would like to be able to run a video player as a local app... :(20:10
Lnsthat would be nice...and tsclient, as that would reduce roundtrips for display on a windows termserver too (from ubuntu desktop)20:15
alkisgwhy tsclient and not rdesktop?20:18
Lnsalkisg: well either one20:19
Lnsrdesktop is what tsclient uses20:19
alkisgI have the feeling that rdesktop would be lighter20:19
Lnsit is i think20:20
Lnsdamn it, how do you get a thread view on SF lists...20:21
Lnsah got it20:21
nothingmanhi, all20:23
Lnshey nothingman20:24
LaserJockany moodle users around?21:39
Lnsyeah where's nubae been?21:44
LaserJocknot sure21:45
Lns!seen nubae21:56
ubottuI have no seen command21:56
Lns!last nubae21:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about last nubae21:56
ubottuHi! I'm #edubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:57
sa7ahi how can i make a usb boot stick in handy?22:48
yotuxhello, what programs are offered to assit child in learning reading and spelling?22:59
=== sa7a is now known as sara2-away

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